ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting Held in Room 2125, Temporary M Building 26th and Constitution Avenue, N.W. 23 September 1954

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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00283R000100140008-4 TAB Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00283R000100140008-4 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00283R000100140008-4 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00283R000100140008-4 Sanitized - Ap%oved For Release : CIA-RDP82*283R000100140008-4 Ccutrol 4513T5 EIC..M-38 ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE CO?4ITTEE Minutes of Meeting Held in Room 2 September 1954 PRESENT Col. William C, Bairdo- Air Form Col. Lyman Bothwell: Mr? Bennett Davis!. Navy Mr. John Easton: JCS Mr. Kingsley Hmilton, Air Force Ni'. Duncan Aolmesj, Army Mr, Philip Tretise, state Miss Marion Worthing, State EIC# Executive Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Action: The minutes of the Economic Intelligence CaTnittee meetings of 5 ugaat 1951 (EIC-M-36) and 2 September 3,954 (EIC?M-37) were approved, POSSIBLE REQUEST FOR STUDY OF ECONa4IC DEVELOR4ENTS IN INDONESIA 2. Discussion: The Chairman advised the members that CIA is increasing concerned about the future Implications of emerging developments in Indonesia. The EIC may soon be requested by CIA to coordinate a study of current and potential economic developments in Indonesia: with special consideration of the probable economic effects of the possible loss of Indonesia to the Western World. DESIGNATION OF WORMG GROUP FOR SYSTEMATIC EVALUATION OF THE EFFORT OF ME I G 3. Discussion: As recommended in the Third Annual Progress Report (Sec on VA), the Chairman asked that a Working Group be established to anal r e and evaluate present efforts of the economic Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00283R000100140008-4 Sanitized - Apbved Fora ,I IA-RDP82W283R000100140008-4 intelligence c==ity in the light of the over-e11 needs of the U.S. Government for economic intelligence related to the national securi*,e 1.. Actions It was agreed that such a working group should be establishes consisting of Mr..* Philt RSreaiee,, State; Col. William Baird, Air Force; and CIA. The EIC Secretariat 25X1A9a idli provide staff supp . CONSIDERATION OF 116:1 M TATION OF SURVEYS OF PRIORITY COLLECTION DEPICIMCIES 5. Action: In view of current conversations by EIC officers with the uWeanmittee on Requirements and Facilities for Collation, the Chairman asked that consideration of this item be postponed. ESTABLISHMENT OF AN EIC CONTINUING WORKING GROUP ON GUIDED MISSILES 6. Discussion: The Chairman outlined the background relating to his recamnen a Hon for the establishment of an EIC Working Group on Guided Missiles which would focus specifically on production aspects. The discussion which followed indicated a consensus of thinking that dome special arrangement would soon be needed, but several members had not made up their minds as to the precise type of group which would be appropriate. As to timing, several members stressed the need for extensive advance preparation before conclusive evidence of actual production calls for a definite study. 7. action: It was agreed that an early 'decision as to the forma.. tion. of anforking Group on Guided Missiles should be taker!, and that this item should again be placed on . the 2SX1 X7possible ACOFPTABIMUTY OF THE fl AFT SUBCCWITTEE.REPORT FOR WSEG. EIC-P-8 8. Action, The Chairman asked to have this hewn t d e pos p^ - explagnt ham both WSEG and the EIC Secretariat had expressed reservations about certain sections of the present draft,. that WSE(k (as consumer)'had asked for additional explanations of the methodology and factors used by Transportation Corps in their sections, and that the latter's answers had not yet been evaluated by interested WSJ personnel.,, who had been out of town. The State Department representative expressed State's general sharing of the concerns about the present draft paper, and welcomed further examination thereof by the Secretariat prior to "formal, consideration by EIC. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00283R000100140008-4 Sanitized - Apjy ved For Release : CIA-RDP82k j283R00010014000.8-4 MAINI.'EIANCE BY SUBCCI4MITTEES O1' AGREED BASIC STATISTICS 9. Discussion: The members asked that the EIC Secretariat work closely w eac subcommittee to provide guidance in their development of agreed statistics. The particular figures to be agreed on a current basis should be a highly selective list, and should be considered very carefully. ONE guidance should be sought as to when such figures are likely to be needed for the next over-all "capabilities" estimates. 10. Action: The EIC Secretariat was instructed to request each subcommittee to develop measures for implementing the recamnendation in the Third Annual.. Progress Report (Section V, B, 3). After meeting with representatives of the various subco maittees, the Secretariat hould report back to the EIC, which may wish to give additional guidance to the subcommittees after the practical problems Involved in the individual fields have been explored. TRANSMITTAL OF EIC-S-1b/12(b)(AW roved) "?RIORITY DEFICIMCIES OF O E W AI OA TRAMPORTATIMI IN THE. USE'" To TEE. I EQU Et' E'\1TS A ll FACIETTIES O ii., Action: The Executive Secretary was instructed to transmit the "Survey of Priority Deficiencies of Collection on Railroad Trans- portation in the USSR" to the Subcommittee on Requirements and Facilities for Collation - for consideration and action similar to that already requested for the "Survey of Priority Deficiencies of Collection on USSR Electronics and Telecommunications Equipment Production"(EIC-M-35, 20 April 1954, item 10). CLARIFICATION OF TEEMS 0" REFERENCE FOR EIC SURVEY' OF PROFESSIORIAL ,R , UM M_ 12. Action: It was agreed to defer action on this items, since 17r. Doherty`State Department member on the special working group for this surveys, had requested postponement. It was suggested that the working group be invited to meet with the Chairman of EIC to discuss detailed problems arising in developing this survey. CQMM ITS ON ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE VARIOUS ETC SUBCa1MITTEES 13. Discussion: The Executive Secretary briefly summarized the extent to which the subcanmittee reports indicated that priority gaps in research were being covered by current programming. In general , the gaps are being filled, except in several cases where the deficiencies may now appear less urgent. The rate of completion of these studies, however, is some source of concern. It was pointed out that a number of the reports stressed the need for the separate agencies to authorize more time of .their staff for devotion to subcommittee matters.{ he -__. . -3- Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00283R000100140008-4 Sanitized - Apved For RDP82QP283R000100140008-4 Vice Chairman suggested that the EIC might well look further into the operations of the Subcommittee on Armaments to consider what this group might most usefully do next. It was asked that this item be placed on the agenda for the next EIC meeting. 34. Action: The subcommittee reports were noted by the EIC (except for the report of the Subcommittee on Requirements and Facilities for Collation - which has not yet been received). The Secretariat was instructed to see that copies of individual subccmtl- mittee reports be distributed (through the executive secretaries of each subccmanittee) to the total membership of each particular group concerned. ANTOTTNCEM NT OF NEW MOMS ]S Discussion: The committee noted the new members of several subcontittees, a st of when had been distributed prior to the meeting. 25X1A9a Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00283R000100140008-4