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DECEMBER 9 1960 For Rel ~y (~ 'y k' ~) ` , ~~/~:~C~0~1 FR~2Q1480~ON ~ 0 R ~ Il T I V N~ iJ 1~1 ~ 0 Y I E T, BLOC INTERNAT I ONAL ; GEOPHY'S I CAL/ ',O,OOPERAT I ON ti PS 131632-1, TTCM ,OV~'1' BLOC IMTI~.R11ATiOUL GIOP 1YSICAL COCPE AT! - 6960 ase 1999/09/08 CIA-RDP82-00141 R0002014$0001-9r Dew*ber 9, 1960 U. S. Department of commerce Business and Defense Services Administration Office of Teohnieal Services Wuhingtan 25, D. C. Published Weekly Subscription Pries $12.00 for tM 1960 Series Oos of funds for printing.this pablioation has been appro. by the Director of the Bureau of the Dudpty October 2S# 1959 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 I`MUTTION ON INT U1ATIONAL GEOPHYSICAL COMTION -:. DIET-BLOC ACTIVITIES Table of Content? I. ROCKETS AND ARTIFICIAL EARTH SATELLITES II. UPPER ATMOSPHIRE M. SEISMOLOGY IV. OCEANOGRAPHY V. GLACIOLOGY VI. ARCTIC AND ANTARCTIC Approved For Release 1999/09/08 CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480.001-9 ROCKETS AND ARTIFICIAL EARTH SATELLITES n, llten Promise to Expand Astronomical Knowledge Profeooor D. Martynov, Director of the State Astronomical Inati. tuts im. Shternberg, foresees a tremendous advance in astronomical knowledge following the introduction of telescopes on satellites - especially manned catelliteu. Astronomical observations made without the interforr_nao of the Earth's atmosphere will bo far more revealing than those made in the pant. ("Now Prospects Facing Autronomy,".by Prof. D. Martynov, Nauka i Zhizn', No. 9, 1960, p. the Snneenhin Carried its Marv ' Paosaanperes' aukh i ,hizn' in its '"Anowors to Readers" Section, had recently explained why the cpacenhip carried its wide range of living 'pnosen gore.' The article liuta a good number of the forrnu of living mattor carried aboard and specifically states the research purpose for the in- clussion of each. ("Zoological Garden in by N. Alokoandrov, Nauka i Zhizn', No. 9, 1960, pp. 77-78) Soviet_Sc ientiat_Comments on E0. S. Danilin has written an informative article of the techni- cal problems of space flight, although part of hie data in from non Soviet sources. Danilin is one Soviet spokesmen who often has more than a raw unkind words for the American apace effort. He conveys to his Soviet audience the information that new American satellites are aubatitutas for the "U-2" and that this is acknowledged with "cynical frankness" in the American preen. He drawn unfavorable comparisons between the "Discoverer XIII" and the latest soviet spaceship. ("The Spaceship Has Returned to Earth," by B. S. Danilin, Nauka i Zhizn', No. 9, 1960, pp. 2-4) The Una or Space Vehiolon for Torrostrial Oeolopicnl Prediction It in only recently that aircraft have been used in the execu- tion of geological exploration; it in now suggested that artificial earth satellites be used for this name purpose. The "heQviar" la the maus or the Earth in the area over which a satellites is flying, the greater the attraction will be on the satel- lite; an a result, its velocity will increase somewhat. Where the Earth's mass in loan denne, the satellite will travel a little more slowly. Thug, satellites can be used to study gravitational anomalies. Thin in especially important for the inaccessible areas of the Earth, for example, the world ocean. ("Comic Explorern of the Earth's Interior," by N. Varvarov, Ekonomioheckaya Gazota, 29 October 1960, P. 4) Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 CIA-RDP82-00141 8000201480001-9 II. UPPER ATMOSPHERE Meeting or the Commission on the Phyn ion of Stars and Nebulae An expanded plenary session of the Commiouion on the Phyaios of Stara and Nebulae of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR has now ended. The meeting was held at the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, The plenary session devoted special attention to the luminescence of gene oun and duct nebulae which fill the space between the stare. Doctor of Physical-Mathematical Sciences G. A. Ourzadyan has developed a new theory of the luminescence of cometary nebulae. The plenary session displayed great interest in reports ooncern ing the discovery of nonstationary processes in nebulae and the results of their obuervat1on by now equipment and methcdu. The plenary aoacion discusned plans for the operation of the astronomical observatories of the Soviet Union for investigation of problems relating to the investigation of problems of physics of the stars and the dynamics of gaseous and duet nebulae. ("Revealing the Secrets or the Universe," Ekonomicheskaya aazeta, 7 October 1960, p. 4) Another Article on the Yardymlinskiy Iron Meteorite A now report has appeared in a Soviet journal relative to the falling of an iron meteorite near the Azerbaydzhan village of Yardymly on 24 November 1959. This article confirms previously published data, ("The Yardymlinakiy Iron Meteorite," by M. A. Kashkay, G. F. Sultanov, T. A. Eninzade and V. I. Aliyev, Priroda, No. 9, 1960, pp. 109-110) The Problem of Water on Mars The Soviet Journal "Priroda" has recently carried a 5-page arti- cle on the problem of how much water there is on Mars and what form this water assumes. It is known that there is no water vapor in the Martian atmosphere, but how much surface and ground water is there? The author has a striking hypothesis to offer: he suggests that thane may be great layers of subsurface ice on Mars, underlain (perhaps) by vast oceans of water in liquid form. The existence of a great sub- surface hydrosphere covering almost the entire surface of the planet could explain why the surface of Mars is so surprisingly level. He suggests that linear cracks in this subsurface layer of ice are reflected on the surface by the famed Martian canals. Water reaches the surface, and the area immediately along the cracks is the most fa- vorable environment on Mars for the growth of vegetation. His theory also explains the peculiar ice caps in the polar areas of Mars. ("Is There Water on Mars?" by V. D. Davydov, Priroda, No. 9, 1960, pp. 73- 77) -2 - Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 8000201480001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 Cosmic Ray Research in Progrens on Mount Aragats Mount Aragats, rising to 3,260 m above sea level, is now the site for cosmic ray research by scientists from Moscow State Univer- sity. The three man team is headed by N. Grigorov, Doctor of Physical Mathematical Sciences. They have developed an "ionization calorimeter" which measures the energy of every particle coming from outer apace. Also successfully used at this Armenian station is another powerful apparatus which "fixes" cosmic particles which possess thousands of billions of oldetron-volts. The article then continues with a discussion of cosmic rays in general and the work at the station in particular. The report con- cludes with the description of the physical plant and research program of a cosmic ray laboratory in Moscow; the director is S. Vernov, Cor- responding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. This labo- ratory is situated at Moscow State University. The Aragats station and the university laboratory are both shown in large photographs. ("Guests from Space," by A. Presnyakov, Ekono- micheskaya Gazeta, 6 October 1960, p. 4) -3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 Brief Notes on the Moscow Seismic Station The central' seismic station "Moskva,"" situated on one of the quieter streets o1. the capital, can listen to the "pulse" of the on- tire continent, and even the remotest parts of the planet. The waves from the Chilean quake arrived at the Moscow station in 16 minutes. There were only 20 seismic stations in the USSR in 1936; there are now about 100. The Moscow station is connected to outlying sta- tions by teletape and telephone. The station is directed by Ye,, F. Savarenskiy, Doctor of Physical-Mathematical Sciences. ("Listening to the Earth Ia Pulse...," by A. Presnyakov, Lkoncmicheskaya Gazeta, 21 October 1960, p. 4) -4 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/08: CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 IV. OCEANOGRAPHY 0eoraphic Distribution of Mierolife in the World Ocean This article is largely based on microbiological research in the world ocean in the period 1954-1959. Water samples for microbiological research were taken by bathymeter from 19 standard horizons, ranging from 0 to 3,000 m, and each 1,000 m thereafter. The article only briefly describes the methods used. There is a map showing the world distribution of microbiological stations. The bulk of the article deals with the results of this research. These to a large extent are reflected in the five tables which accompany the text. Tabled -- Quantitative ratios of heterotrophio microorganisms in various geographical zones of the Pacific Ocean. Table 2 -- Quantitative distribution of heterotrophic microorgan- isms for various latitudes of the Pacific Ocean along 172? E. and 174? W. Table 3 -_ Quantitative ratios of heterotrophic microorganisms in various geographic zones of the Indian Ocean. Table 4 -- Quantitative distribution of heterotrophic microorgan- isms for different latitudes in the eastern and western halves of the Indian Ocean. Table 5 -- Quantitative ratio of heterotrophic microorganisms for various geographic zones oftYe Atlantic Ocean, the Norwegian and Green- land Seas, and the Central Arctic. This tabular material is interpreted in the text. ("Geographic Distribution Patterns of the Distribution of the Microbe Population (Heterotrophs) in the World Ocean," by A. Ye. Kriee, S. S. Abyzov, M. N. Lebedeva, I. Ye. Mishustina and I. N. Mitskevich, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geograficheskaya, No. 5, 1960) pp. 34-41) Soviets Study the Sounds Emitted by Fish An article recently appearing in Priroda describes Soviet re- search in the study of the sounds emitted by fish. The purpose of such study is to develop rational methods for the exploitation of the food resources of the sea. Research has shown that each species can be asso- ciated with a characteristic set of sounds. Apparatus has already been developed to pick up and record these sounds. A majority of these ? sounds are associated with feeding, breathing and movement, but research is continuing to discover whether the fish in any way communicate with one another. ('#Voices' of Fishes," by V. R. Protasov, Priroda, No. 9, 1960, pp. 97-98) Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 Review of Marine Microbiological Renenroh The award of the Lenin Prize in 1960 to A. Ye, Krios for hie book "Marine Microbiology (Deep water)" hao evoked a number of articles on marine microbiology, of which the one cited below io one of the more re- cent and better written, ('"Miorobee in the Depths of the Sea," by M. I. Ge1'din,,Nauka i Zhizn', No. 9, 1960, pp. 37-40. 6- Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 Review of olacioloaical Research During the I0Y A newly received article in a Soviet journal covers the riubjeet of glaciological ronouroh during the I0Y. As is pointed out, however, it is premature to write about the scientific results of this research, much loan about any generalized conclusions or new theories. But thin 11-page article contains a wide array of preliminary data. The article deals exclusively with the work of Soviet researchers; much of this data deals with Eastern Antarctica. It would appear that most of this data has boon published provi ously; this article has the advantage of collecting the moat significant information from a large number of sources and incorporating it under a single title. ('Glaciological Research in the Period of the International Geophysical YeiNr 1957-1958-1959," by G. A. Aveyuk, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Oeografiohookaya, No. 5, 1960, pp. 11-21) Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 VI. ARCTIC AND ANTARCTIC Rndio Roportu from Antarctic for February 1960 The Chiof of the Fifth Continental Expedition, Ye. S. Korotko- vich, reports the following ahnut work in Antarctica in February 1960: Beginning o the Fifth Continental Expedition, on I r 1960 the Fourth Continental Expedition dopnrted from the shores of Antarctica and the Fifth Continental Expedition arrived to begin sai ontific observations. Field work in Queen Maud Land was terminated in February. Dur- ing this came month Vostok station was supplied by air and a sledge tractor train was organized and not out for Komsomol'okaya. Intensive preparations for winter continued at these stations. Mirnyy Observatory. Aerological research. In February the mean values at the Earth's surface wore: atmospheric pressure -- 985.2 mb; air temperature -- -5.10; wind velocity -- 9.4 m/oec;,relative humidity 676. Total cloud cover was 5.5. The mean height reached by radio- sondes was 23,569 in. During the month air temperature varied from -16.40 to 5.2v (the highest reading in five years), atmospheric pres- sure -- from 973.7 to 995.7 mb, wind velocity did not exceed 24 m/sec. The work of the expedition's weather service got underway. The Czechoslovakian me-., rologist 0. Kostka is serving as forecaster. Atmospheric -harts for Antarctica have been drawn up and ana- lyzed, as well as tentative vertical cross sections of the atmosphere, based on radiosonde data for Mirnyy. Also compiled were near-surface synoptic charts of the Southern Hemisphere, primarily for regions of the temperate and high latitudes. A group of meteorologists from the German Democratic Republic, under the direction of Doctor 0. Skayb, have made measurements of the near-surface atmospheric content of ozone. These measurements have been made 4 or 5 times daily. Measurements of carbon dioxide in the near-surface layer have shown fluctuations from 0.297 to 0.303 ml per 1 liter of air. This does not exceed the limits of the natural com- ponent of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere. Experimental measure- ments of the radioactivity of the air have shown that its value is insignificant. Actinametric and gradient observations have been made. Atmospheric processes over Eastern Antarctica in general have corresponded to the pattern of summer circulation established by pre- ceding Soviet expeditions. The prevailing typical location of cyclonic regions was in the maritime zone of Queen Maud Land, Mackenzie Gulf and the Knox Coast. At the came time ridges of high pressure were more ft-e-. quently observed in Enderby Land and over the Davis Sea. Geophysical research. The condition of the magnetic field in February was characterized by intensive !aytime disturbances; there were none at night. A magnetic atom was observed in the period 17-20 February. CPYRGHT Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 The condition of the ionosphere during the month was relatively calm, At thq beginning of the month an unstable condition was observed with rapid changes in the characteristics of the regular layers and briui' abuorption. At night a sporadic layer often appeared with a fre - quency ranging up to 12 me. During the daytime the characteristics of the ionosphere followed the daily march of electron density. Sixteen earthquakes were recorded. The coordinates of the epi centair were determined for four of them. Beginning in February regular comparator observations were ini- tiated of an artificial earth satellite on a frequency of 20 me for four revolutions each day.. Signals were monitored from 94 revolutions. Glaciological research. Observations were made of the forma- tion of the upper horizons of the snow-firn layer. Snow measurement observations were made along the profile Mirnyy - Kilometer 23. Simul- taneously with thormophysieal measurements at Mirnyy on 9 February, the temperature was measured on Drigalskiy Island in a drilled hole 44 m deep. A group of glaciologists flew to the Western Shelf Ice in the middle of the month to investigate the thickness of the glacier at 10 points. A repeated aerial survey in the vicinity of Mirnyy at a scale of 1:5,000 was made for the purpose of studying the movement of the ice cover, Vostok Station In February the mean values at the Earth's surface were: atmos- pheric pressure -- 627.5 mb; air temperature -- -43.7?; wind velocity -- 5.2 m/sec; relative humidity -- 78%. The mean height reached by radiosondes was 20,600 m. The maximum height reached by radiosondes was 33,250 in. During the month atmospheric pressure varied from 609.5 to 61,2 .5 mb; air temperature -- from -64? to -25.10; relative humidity -- from 71% to 86%. A WSW wind predomina-;ed. The condition of the magnetic field was relatively calm during the month. No magnetic storms were observed. Short-pei-iod fluctua- tions were observed whose amplitudes (for the horizontal component) attained 30Y. The February characteristics of the ionosphere were those typi- cal of summer. A disturbed condition was observed daily, as was true in January. There were cases when reflections not only disappeared from the F2 layer, but from the Fl layer as well. Komsomol'skaya Station In February the mean values at the Earth's surface were: atmospheric pressure -- 626.5 mb; air temperature -- 41.80;; wind velocity -- 3.1 m/sec; relative humidity =- 77%. The cloud cover of the central layer was 3.9. Atmospheric pressure varied from 610.1 to 641.8 nib; temperature fell to 60.6?. At the end of the month preparations were begun to put the sta- tion on a stand-by basis. CPYRGHT Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 Lazarev Station In February the mean values at the Earth's surface were: atmos- pheric, pressure _- 984.6 mb; air temperature -- 9.80; wind velocity -- 6.8 m/sec; relative humidity -- 84%. The height of the tropopause was 8,590 m with a temperature of -54.0?. The mean height reached by radio- sondes was 20,410 m. During the month atmospheric pressure varied from 971.1 to 998.0 mb; air temperature -- from 20.4? to +2b1?; maximum wind velocity did not exceed 18 m,/sec. The geological-geographical detachment in the vicinity of Lazarev Station explored 10 points. The explorers encountered the rocks of an ancient metamorphic complex with numerous intrusions. Four astronomi- cal stations were determined in the mountains and two near the station: on the Universitetskiy ice dome 40 kin to the east of the station. An aeromagnetic survey was made in the vicinity of the station. A recon- naissance exploration was made of the entire region. A large-scale map of the Lazarev Station was compiled at a scale of 1:5,000. Progress of the Sledge-Tractor By 7 February the western train had covered 113 km and was stopped by crevasses at 70?240 S and 12?44' E. At that point progress :topped for the winter. The scientific group made seismic soundings and magnetic observations. On 26 February a sledge-tractor train departed from Mirnyy for Kamsomol'skaya. It consisted of three tractors and sledges. The pur- pose of the trek was the delivery of fuel for the spring trek into the interior of the continent. By the end of February the train had covered 260 km. Flight from Lazarev to Mirnyy During the period 11-13 February the pilot A. T. Barabanov, with 17 men aboard his LI-2 aircraft, made a flight from Lazarev to Mirnyy; baggage was also carried. Landings were made at the Japanese station Shows and the Australian station RMawsun. Soviet polar specialists were received warmly at both stations. Oceanographic Work of the Fifth Antarctic Expedition The objective of the marine detachment of the Fifth Antarctic Expedition was the accomplishment of oceanographic work enroute during the voyage aboard the dieagl-electric vessel Ob' in Antarctic waters. As reported by I. V. Maksimov, Chief of the Marine Detachment, the scientific group has accomplished a great amount of hydrological work in a relatively short period of time. The principal observations were made during the period 1 February-15 March during the voyage of the vessel around the Antarctic Continent. CPYRGHT 10 - Approved For Release .1999/09/08 CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 CPYRGHT The unusual thing about the route of the diesel-electric Ob' dur ing i9>')/196O was that most of the route was south of the 60th parallel. Thin cruise ranks first in length among the voyages made in the low labitudoc by all Soviet Antarctic Expeditions. During the period of the voyage there were 23 hydrological sta- t.ionc; at those stations considerable attention was devoted to biologi- cal work. The transparency of' the sea was determined on 26 occasions. For a distance of 5,000 miles the temperature of the surface layer of the con was continually recorded. Echo sounding measurements were made along the entire route of 7,000 miles. A great number of observations were made with the electromagnetic current measurer; 250 determinations were made over a distance of 2,000 miles. As on all preceding voyages, the vessel made observations of the ice along the entire route, .A radar survey of icebergs was made. One of the important results of the work of the marine detach- mont was a description of Peter I Island, situated at 66150' S., 90?35' W. The island was discovered on 10 January 1821 by the first Rucsian Antarctic expedition of F. F. Bellibgs~auson and M. P. Lazarev. On 10 March 1960 the Ob' circumnavigated Peter I Island. Visi- bility was excellent. A marine description was made of the shores and depths were measured. The contours of the island were mapped by means of radar and photographic surveys. As a result of these observations a new and more precise map of the island has been compiled. The island is a three-peaked volcano with a height.of 1,200 m completely covered by ice. The shores of the island drop off very steeply to the sea or constitute the high faces of glaciers which are crieping seaward. It has been established that the configuration of the island on Norwegian maps has a number of inadequacies. Its area on those maps is shown as 1/3 less than it is in reality. In the vicinity of the island there are strong tidal currents and a great number of icebergs. On passing through the Bellingshausen Sea and Drake Strait, the Ob' sailed northward, completing a circumnavigation of Antarctica. ("By Radio from Antarctica," Ye. S. Korotkevich, Informatsionnyy Byulleten' Sovetskoy Antarkticheskoy Ekspeditsii, No. 19, 1960, pp. 47- 50) Radio Reports from Antarctica for March 1960 The Chief of the Fifth Continental Expedition, Ye. S. Korotke- vich, reports the following about work in the Antarctic in March 1960: Mirnyy Observatory Aerometeorological research. In March the mean values at the Earth's surface were: atmospheric pressure -- 977.8 mb; air tempera- ture -- -13.1?; wind velocity -- 11.5 m/sec; relative humidity -- 62%. Total cloud cover was 5.9. The mean height reached by radio- sondes was 21,857 m. The maximum air temperature was -5,4?, mini- mum -- 29.00. Atmospheric pressure varied from 957.0 to 988.8 mb. CPYRGHT Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 The number of clear days wan J,; there were 9 overeant daya. Atmad- phsrlu prouunnen wore ditstinguitshod by low activity of circulation. Thla led to a weakening or meridional tranifern of air manners. Guophyriicul retieareh. In March the magnetic field warn charac- torized by intenuivu diuturbancun during the day. The number of canes of diaturbanoon increased during the night houuru in a parinon with February. Thu condition or the ionosphere wan unatablu. Brief abnorp- tion recurred repeatedly, an did rapid fiuctuationn of critical fre- quunoiou. Between 0700 and 1200 hours world time there wan complete absorption; a magnetic atorm began at 0300 hours, continuing until 18 March. Obaervatioan were made on a more frequent basin for two days before the solar oclipne and for two days afterwardu. In pros@nning the ionogramn no apoeial phenomena were obnorved for the period of the eclipse. On 20 March a disturbed condition of the ionouph@r@ wag noted with absorption up to 4 mo. A magnetic-ionospheric utorm began on 31 March with a full aboenoc of refloetiona. The moat active period of the magnetic atom continued from 0300 to 1100 houra on 1 April. Grp changes in the intensity of coomie rays ware noted during the time .of the ionospheric-magnetic t:torm. Eleven earthquakes were recorded in *rah against a staong back- ground of microseiums. Tremblingt; wore noted which were caused by the destruction of the ice barrier in the vicinity of Mirnyy. The brightness or auroras, observed visually, did not exceed 1 on the scale. Ray-like auroras were the type moat commonly obaurvud. Observations were made of the radio signals of a ,satellite for 128 revolutions on a frequency of 20 me; 101 cocoa of comparison were made and there were 1,512 measurements of the field intensity by ter- reotrial radio stations. Hydrological research. Aerial ice reconnaissance ectablichodd that at the beginning of the month the Davis Sea wan almost completely free of ice. Total break-up of the shore ice ended in the period 5-10 March, Intensive ice formation began on 10 March. By 20 March the nos to 60? S. on the went and 640304 S. on the east was already covered with young ice with a eompaetnoee of 8 to 10 on the scale. Near Mirnyy the thickness of the chore ice had attained 30 to 50 cm. However, scattered oponinga remained in the ice until the end of the month. Geographical research. An aeromagnotic survey was made in the vicinity of Mirnyy, between 660 and 70? S. An aerial photographic survey at a scale of 1:60,000 was also made from Farr Day to Mount Gauaborg and from Cape Maknimov to Karelin Bay (a zone with a width of 16 to 19 km). The ice dome of Drigal'ckl Inland wen -Igo included A repeated triangulation of the glaciological. polygon wee initiated to determine the velocity of movement of the glacial cover. Biological research. Periodic observation were made of birds and fish. CPYRGHT - 12 - Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 1 Kooperataiya arrived in Riga on 27 March 1960 with the mm. bera of the Fourth Antarctic Kipp .ition aboard. ("Voyage on the Olen@ls Powered Koaperataiye,"a by U. D. Leont yev,i:nf tai Lrulleten" , ovetekoy Antarktioheakoy K'kepediteii, No. 20, 1960, p. 48 and The following brief abatraoto are i.nt@rA@d to give only a very ,ienerel idea of the oontenta, 1) Change in the Level of the World 0aean in Connection with Chang@ in ThiokMee of Continental Ice in Anttratiaa," by 1. V. Makaisov, Doc- tor of 0eographicel Se mesa, pp. 1-7. A oarefbl study has shown that in the period 19M.190 the aean level or the world ocean increased by 6.10 am. This is only explainable by a oeaulnr decrease in the sires a thieknesa of the continental lab an the Korth. Eighty percent of the water added to the world acean ie of Antarctic origin; thin would equal a layer of ta@ 126 as thick cover- In# the entire Anta.rotio continent. But moat of this decrease in the thic ao of the Antarctic ice sentle has occurred in the periphh@rel (2) *Abaolut@ Age of Roeko in the Vicinity of Meeson Station," by M. 0. Ravish and A. Ya. Krylov, pp. 8.9. Thrr@@ det@rstinatlons wore made of the absolute age of certain roaka war Matson. T argon method no ua@d. Their age to on the order of 490 to $$$ million ye*ro. Comparlsond are wde with several other Antarctic areas. (J) '+New Data on the Thiakneeo of the ice Mantle in the Central Parts of Antarctica," by A. P. Kapitoe, pp. 10-14. This art!* !@ describes the latest data calleoted in Antarctic for the thlces of the ice overlying the land surface. The ssrimic and gravla trla procedures used are d@acribed. (4) "Approxiaeto Calculation of the Rate of Mova nt of Claaisel f'lowo from the Width of Resultant Icebergs," by S. A. Yevteyev, pp. 1'$17. The author contends that the a@an width of newly forced icebergs has a direct correlation with the rate of mo nt of the glacial cur- rents from which they wore calved. "Sliding on the mow at Lev T rat-iarco," by S. N. Karteshov, pp. 1N-0. or@ very iportent at low t ratures in determining to what extent it la poceible to elide over a given snow surface. Significant conclu- .alona are drawn in respect to the types of aircraft skin and sledge run- sera that chains be use to sinialse friction. .16. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 (6) "Air >a$aea Over the C@titral Regions of Eftatern Aht ratiaa," by Y@. 1. Tolatikov, pp. ;J-29. This urtieie lo brier, but the map, ttblo and graphs provide `nluti,b1@ data on the circulation of the titmoaphera, mcatly for Kaatorn At~ta~rctit~a. ('/) "Comparative Charadteritttictj or the Wind Regime at Mirtyy and an the Drift Station 8v@rnyy Po1yue-8," by 1. M. Dolgin and O. 1. :'kolov, pp. 26-30. 'next, table and graphs in thin artioie provide a c?mpuririon of the wind reg1m a over the Arctic, and Antarctic. (8) "A Caa@ of Regeneration or a Cyclone on the Antarctic Front," by V. M.iapayev, pp. 31-U. Obn@rvationn were made a1nultaneourtly at Pionerakayti and aboard the Ob'. Conaidernblo detail id cited. () "The influence or the H@at Reserve in Water on the Time or Fraow- in,g or Davin Sea and the Adjoining Part of the Indian Oaenn,'l by N. P. Sheet@rikov, pp? Cvmputtitions indicate that therm in a alone dependence between thri time or freeing of the sea and the thermal r+atterve in the water. Thia is important in /'orecnating. By making on?tervationi of the condi- tion or the ice in the aon during the owt r period it in posnibl+o to compute the heat content of the water and thereby judge the time and intensity of freezing or the a@a during the fall and winter period. (10) "On Oravimetria Work in Antarctica in 157," by 1. B. Zommer and A. O. Gaynanov, pp. 39-42? Thin article describes the OAK-3M gravimeter -- a four pendulum i.natruwnt -- and Ito uao under Antarctic field conditions. The grnvim- eter cati be used for the study or uubglicial relict. (11) "On the Principles for a Phytogeographic Division of the Ant- arcti?a Pologic Region," by K. V. Baklemishev, pp. 43-46. Thi author reviews the phytogeoj,raphic literature and makes reeommendationa for a phytogeographic regionalization in which the d atribution or species will be the determinant, not environmental coed itionn. (1.2) "Obntaele Clouds," by Yu. S. Chernov and P. D. Astapenko, pp. 51- 4. The highly diunect?d coast line or the Antarctic ice barrier, In combination with the broken terrain in the ao tnl zone and the sharply rising slope or the lee continent, give rice to interesting and rare rorma or cloud. A number or these are described and illuu tratted and an analyain In made or the causative factor. -.17 Approved for Release 1999/09/08 CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 Gagoa," by V. I. Shlyakhov, pp. 26-28. This article describes and illustrates a gage for the measurement or drifting snow. (6) "Technique of Observations in Antarctica with Drifting Snow aonuon. Poorest conditions prevail in the autumn and the end of winter. (5) "weather Phenomena Reducing Visibility In the Antarctic and Sc omPonnibilities of Forecasting Them," by P. D. Astapenko, pp. 22-25. Thin article discusses marine fogs, blizzards, blowing snow, "trout" fogs, light haze and white fog. The author discusses the methods for foreabsting each phen !non. the currant one has boon experienced earlier in its geological history, before the subsequent penetration of glaciers over its surface. The prevent "oasis stage" probably sot in at the beginning or the no-called poet-glacial climatic optimum, several thousand years ago. (3) "On the Abaoluto Ago of the Rocks or the Lantern Part or the Mountains of Q~Aeon Maud Land," by M. 0. Ravich and A. Ya. Krylov, pp. 15- 17. Table 1 lists a number of rook specimens by name, original site and opproxlmato age in millions or years. The argon method wan used. (4) "The Hardness and Density of Surface Layers of Snow in the Coastal Region or Antarctica," by V. M. Kotlyakov, pp. 18-21. Thin brief papor In important for a trafficability study. Figure 1, with the additional a ntary in the text, in a highly inf tivo picture of conditions along the profile Mirnyy - Kilometer 50. The move- ment of nledge-tractor trains in this part of the continent in moot favorable in spring and the beginning of summer. In summer it in better to travel by night. In winter the best conditions prevail at mid torminin.g the physical-geographic boundary of Central Antarctica to due to the clearly expressed tonality of natural condition? on that conti nont. Unfortunately the author suppli@b no map. (2) "On the Dating of the Bang@r Hills Oanin," by S. Z. Rozyeki, pp. 10-14. The author proposes that the danger Hills ouain has been freod from its ice mantle on more than one occasion. An episode resembling or it depending on local conditions. The relative simplicity in d@. inau@ 20: (1) 'The Boundary of Central Antarctica," by V. 0. Av@r'yanov, pp. 5-9. The arcs dincusned conniota of the highly mountainous interior regions of tstern Antarctica. . Th@ article drawn definite conaluniona na to the boundary at nov@ral points where the orogra.phic and climatic boundaries coincide. Thiu boundary is a %on@ about 100 ion wido, roughly pnooing along the ),OOO m #uohyp?h, deviating to the north and south Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9 (7) "Now Expeditionary-Type Low-Preosuro Hydrogen Ooherator,'l by M. N. Mn.i'toov and I. N. Shpakovkiy, pp. 29-32. The nuthora describe a new type or hvdrogen generator developed at the Arctic and Antarctic Institute. Figu a i is a fully inbtructive drawing of this apparatus. Eight have been shipped to the Antarctic. Tho apparhtua is oare to use, water heed not be heated to induce r?aa- tion, It is highly pioduativo (the hydrogen fora radiosonde can be produced in 29 to 30 minuton), a wide variety of ahemicala can be uaea, and it is small and eapily tranoported (weighs about 70 to 80 kg). (9) "Measurements of the Swerae, Temperature of Water by an Metro. thermometer in the Southern Part of the Pacific Oman," by M. A. Uordanov, pp. 33-37. Figure 1 chows the distribution or the surface water temperature botwcon southern South America and the area ,south of New Zealand for Mgrah-June 19M. The iaothorms have a nearly latitudinal orientation; anomalieri explained textually. (9) ""New Viewpoint on the Nature or the Ninnis Glacier Tongue," by V. I. ffard in, pp. 38-42. The Soviets have rnmapped the area between 1470 E., and 670-68? S. The Ninnis Ice Tongue, shown on all former maps, no longer appears an such. Figure 1 show the now map ouperimpoaed on the old. The explana- tion for this disaropancy is debated in soma detail. The character or the Ninnit, and Mortz Glaciers are discusnod. (10) ""Disappearing" Glaciers," by Yd. P. Koblentz, pp. 43.46. This significant article, with its throe sketch maps, reports considerable discrepancies between American maps compiled during Opera- tion.Highjump and Operation windmill with the actual contours of the area mapped, some features shown do not exist in reality. (Abstracts of articles from "InformataionrV Drulloton' Sovetskoy Ant arktieheskoy Ekspeditaii," Numbers 19 and 20, 1960) lAteat Oaeanorrnphic Research in the Antic Bnoln This article begins with a definition of "Arctic Basin."" It is by no means synonymous with "Arctic Ocean," but with what has earlier been called the "Central Polar 8aoin.," Most of the material in this article has been reviewed :.n previ- oua issues of International Geophysical Cc oerntion. No. 144, 11 Novem- ber 1960. inasmuch as Gordiyenko, the author of this article, published most or the same information in zvent n acs zno Gmrrnr1chenk=o Obi;hchoatva. No. 4, 1960, pp. 293-307. "Main Results or the Latest Oceanographic Research in the Arctic haulm," by P. A. Gordiyenko and A. F. Laktionov, Ixvostiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Scriyu Geografiehoskaya, No. 5, 1960, pp. 22-33.) US COW-CSC - 19 - Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000201480001-9