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23 December 1960
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Use of funds for printing this publication approved
by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget July 31, 1958.
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The Scientific Information Report will be discontinued with
this issue owing to the fact that similar information is being
provided by numerous other publications.
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This report presents unevaluated information extracted
from recently received publications of the USSR and Eastern
Europe. The information selected is intended 'to indicate
current scientific developments and activities and is dis-
seminated as an aid to research in the United States.
Table of Contents
I. Dio10
Microbiology 1
Radiobiology 1
Seed Technology 4
II. Chemistry 5
Fuels and .Propellants
Inorganic Chemistry
Nuclear Fuels and Reactor Construction Materials
Organic Chemistry
Radiation Chemistry
III. Electronics
Instruments and Equipment 35
Materials 39
Ultrasonics 47
Wave Propagation 48
IV. Engineering 49
Atomic Power 49
Automatic Control Egnineering 49
Electrical Engineering 52
High-Speed Photography 54
Miscellaneous 55
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V. MathemaLico
VI. Medicine 60
Aerospace Medicine 60
Cardiovascular Diseases 65
Contagious Diseases 66
Geriatrics 69
Hematology 70
Immunology and Therapy 72
Oncology 82
Phannacology and Toxicology 89
Physiology 99
Public Health, Hygiene, and Sanitation 103
Radiology 105
Surgery 108
Veterinary Medicine 109
Miscellaneous 113
VII. Metallurgy 116
Patents 116
Physical Metallurgy 117
Production Metallurgy 121
VIII. Physics 122
Astrophysics 122
Cryogenics 122
Mechanics 123
Nuclear Physics 126
Spectroscopy and Optics 130
IX. Miscellaneous 133
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1. New Medium for2421121d-Paratyphoid Culture
"A New Selective Medium for Isolating Typhoid-Paratyphoid
Bacteria," by K. G. Yemel'yanchik, Material 16-y. Itogovey
Nouchn. Konferentsiij Sev.-Ocetinsk. Med Int (Data From the
16th Summary Scientific Conference, North Osetian Medical
Institute), Ordzhonikidze, 1959) pp 122-124 (from Refer-
ativw Zhurnal Biologiya, No 20) 25 Oct 60 Abstract
ITO-54067Tby M. Boyarskaya)
"Seedings of 3,152 samples of water, feces, and food proaucts vere
done on a solid bismuth-sulfite medium with tripaflavin and beilliant
green (VSTB) and, at the same time) on other selective media. Solitary
microorganisms of the typhoid-paratyphoid group were observed in 45 out
of 54 samples of chlorinated water and in 50 out of 51 samples of non-
chlorinated water infected naturally with these organisms and examined by
the membrane filter method. Upon examinetton of feces from 2,792 persons
on VSTB medium, carriers of typhoid-paratyphoid pathogens were detected
11 times more often than on 'Zh bacteroagar,' twice as often as on Levin
medium, and five times as often as on Endo medium. Similar results were
obtained in investigations of food products. Bismuth-sulfite agar from
TsIEM [dentral Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiolomq and Shustova
medium were not found to be very effective."
2. Treatment of Tuberculosis Combined With Radiation Sickness
"The Effect of Antibacterial Preparations on the Course of
Experimental Tuberculosis Following Radiation Action," by
V. A. Solov'yeva and T. A. Khudushina, Institute of
Tuberculosis, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR; Moscow,
Problemy Tuberkuleza, No 61 Nov/Dec 60, pp 98-104
Since research on the effect of ionizing radiations on the course of
tuberculosis is scanty, the authors attempted to further clarify this
? Experiments were conducted on 40 irradiated rabbits infected with
tuberculosis and treated by various means.
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The authors present the following conclusions:
1. The tuberculous process in rabbits subjected to fractional X-
irradiation by doses amounting to a total of 800 r assumes a more severe
r:ourse and has an exudative-necrotic nature.
2. Treabment of experimental tuberculosis by ftivazid and streptomycin,
especially ftivazid, against a background of radiation proved effective.
Histological research indicates that the hemorrhagic syndrome
remains more marked under treatment by ftivazid than by streptomycin.
3. Changes in the blood picture of the treated animals were dis-
tinguished by smaller shifts as compared with the changes in the group of
infected and trradiated animals.
4. Sensitivity to tuberculin after X-ray action decreased more
markedly (sometimes to complete anergy) in the group of untreated rabbits,
while in the treated animals, sensitivity to tuberculin was restored,
although it had decreasedAuring the process of irradiation.
3. Treatment of Syphilis by Radiation Sickness Contraindicated
"Concerning the Curability of Experimental Syphilis in Rabbits
Suffering From Radiation Sicknea ," by V. I. Samtsov, Chair of
Dermatological and Venereal Diseases, Military-Medical Order of
Lenin Academy imeni S. M. Kirov; Moscow, Vestnik Dermatologii
Venerologii, No 9, Sep 60, pp 41-43
With the understanding that penetrating radiation significantly changes
the reactivity of organisms, the author studied the efficacy of certain
drugs used in treating rabbits afflicted with syphilis and radiation sick-
ness resulting from whole-body X-irradiationty 750 r.
The author concludes that acute radiation sickness of average severity
does not affect the therapeutic effect of antisyphilis drugs (penicillin,
novarsenol, mercuric cyanide, and biioxinol 5liochino1um -- an 8%
suspension of iodobismuthate of quinine in neutral vegetable oi2.7
Radiation sickness is an absolute contraindication for treating syphilis
with salvarsan, mercury preparations, and bismuth oil suspensions.
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Cortisone Treatment of Beta-Irradiated Skin
"The Effect of Cortisone on the Course of Experimental Injury
of the Skin by Beta-Irradiation," by Prof M. V. Svyatukhin
and N. I. Mudretsov; Moscow, Probleniy Endokrinologii I Gor-
monoterall, Vol 6, No 4, Jul Aug 60, pp 3-7
Tests were conducted on rats in an effort to study the effect of
cortisone on the course of radiation dermatitis.
The authors present the following conclusions:
1. Intramuscular injections of cortisone in doses of 1.25-3.75 mg
daily per animal over a period of 10-15 days retard the development of
the patholoGical process in the skin of rats subjected to the local action
of beta-irradiation by a dose of 150,000 ergs/cm2.
2. Superficial injuries were more frequent, and ulcers healed more
rapidly in the cortisone-treated animals.
5. Combined Use of Vitamin P and Vinilene Against Ionizing
Radiation Sequelae
"The Protective Action of Vitamin P and Vinilene Against
Radiation Effects," by V. A. Sondak and Ye. P. Gracheva,
Vitamin. Resursy ? ikh Ispol'zovaniye (Vitamin Resources
and Their Use), No 4, M., Academy of Sciences USSR) 1959,
pp 148-157 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal Khimiya-- Biologi-
cheskaya Khimiyap No 15, 10 Aug 60, Abstract No 21031,
by I. El'man)
"The combined administration of vitamin P and vinilene ZOchostakowsky
Balsag in experiments on rats had a decided protective effect against
ionizing radiation."
6. X-Irradiabion Effect on Coenzyme A Activity
"The Activity of Coenzyme A in Rat Endocrine Glands and
Liver Following X-Irradiation," by Yu. A. Serebrovskaya,
Radiation Laboratory of the All-Union Institute of Experi-
mental Endocrinology; Moscow, Problemy Endokrinologii
Gonmonoterapii, Vol 6, No 4, Jul/Aug 60, pp 28-36
In the research described, the author attempted to determine coenzyme
A activity (CoA) in rat endocrine glands and liver airing the post-
irradiation period and also to study the capacity of the liver and the
testes for in vitro sulfanilamide acetylation.
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On the basis of the data obtained, the author presents the following
1. The activity of CoA in the testes, thymus gland, and liver of
rats is decreased under the effect of x-irradiation, and the greatest
decrease occurs on the 3d-5th postirradiation day.
2. During the first and second postirradiation days, CoA activity
was increased in the adrenals, which showed a weight gain both per gram
of adrenal tissue and in the organ as e whole. During the next few days
of the first postirradiation week, the CoA activity of the adrenals re-
mained above normal, although in the majority of experiments, the CoA
activity per gram of tissue was decreased.
3. Individual variations in the reaction of the adrenals and of the
testes to irradiation both with regard to CoA and in relation to the
weight of the adrenal glands were evideht.
4. The capacity of the liver and the testes for sulfanilamide
acetylation was decreased under the effect of irradiation (600-900 r).
5. Hypophysectomy leads to a decrease of total CoA activity and
CoA activity per gram of adrenal tissue. ACTH administration boosts total
CoA activity in the adrenals.
Seed Technology
7. Improvement of Maize Seed Resistance to Cold
"Effect of Trace Elements on the Cold Resistance of Maize,"
by M. Ya. Shkolnik, S. A. Abduradhitov, and V. P. Bozhenko,
Botanical Institute im V. L. Komarov of the Academy of
Sciences USSR (Leningrad); Moscow, Fiziologiya Rasteniy,
Vol 7, No 5, 1960, pp 571-577
The germination rate and germinating ability of maize seeds are
much higher in cold soils if the seeds are subjected to presowing treat-
ment with zinc, molybdenum, aluminum, manganese, and especially copper
salt solutions. Trace elements employed for presowing treatment of maize
seeds enhanced the hydrolytic disintegration of the proteins of germinat-
ing maize seed embyoes at low temperatures. The frost and cold resistance
of maize shoots is increased after presowing treatment with zinc, moly-
bdenum, copper, manganese, and especially aluminum salt solutions.
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Fuels and Propellants
8. Kinetics of Heat Evolution During the. Thermal Decomposition of Tetryl
"The Kinetics of Heat Evolution During the Thermal Decomposition
of Tetryl," by F. I. Dubovitskiy, Yu. I. Rubtoov, and G. B.
Monello, Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences USSR;
Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nank SSR - Otdeleniye Khimicheskikh
Nauk) No 10, Oct 601 pp 1763-1766
Knowledge of the rate of heat evolution by eAplosives, in combination
with data on the kinetics of decomposition based on measurements of as
evelution and losses of weight, makes it possible to establish what type
of decomposition takes place, to decide what stages are involved in the
process of decomposition, to determine the thermal stability of the ex-
plosive and the effects which different admixtures have on this stability,
and to measure quantitatively the effects that substances added to the
explosive have on its decomposition. Furthermore, it is of importance to
have information on the heat evolution taking place in the course of thermal
decomposition in order to be able to calculate the critical Conditions of
a heat explosion because evolution of heat during the slowly proceeding.
thermal decomposition finally leads to the increase of temperature which
results in an explosion.
No experimental data on the heat evolved during the thermal .de-
composition of explosives were available hitherto. For this reason, an
investigation of the heat of decomposition of explosives and of the kinetics
of heat evolution by explosives during their decomposition was begun.
Tetryl /6H2(NO2)3N (CH3) N9i7 was chosen as the first object for this in-
vestigation. The kinetics of heat evolution by tetryl were determined by
direct calorimetric measurement in the range of 130-1550. The mean heat
effect due to the decomposition of tetrylinthis temperature range was
found to be equal to 341 calories per gram. It was established that the
kinetics of the decomposition of tetryl can be described by an equation
which corresponds to an autocatalytic reaction of the first order when
changes of the volume during the course of the reaction are considered.
The kinetic constants, the exponential factor, and the energy of activation
of the reaction of tetryl decomposition in the temperature range investi-
gated were determined. It was found that the values of kinetic constants
determined on the basi.J of heat evolution correspond to values the deter-
mination of which was based on losses of weight.
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9. Effect of Denait7 on the Rate of Combustion of Pisplonives
"The Combustion Capacity of Safety Explosives," by K. K.
Andreyev and P. P. Popova, Inntitute of Chemical Phypics,
Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow, DokladzAdademii Nauk
SSSR, Vol 134, No 5, 11 Oct 60, pp 1f42-1145
The critical diameter at which combustion of ammonites (ammonium
nitrate explosiven) takes place was determined. Pressures of 100-120 at
were employed in order to reduce the diameter of the charge (it was brought
below 20 mm by this means). The changes of the critical diameter with the
density of the explosive and the effect of the density on the rate of
combustion were investigated. The behavior of the ammonites investigated
which did not contain nitric acid esters was compared with that of "pobedit"
explosives (ammonium nitrate explosives containing up to 9% of nitroglycerin
? diglycolnitrate). It was found that the critical diameter of combustion
of "pobedit" explosives i3% smaller than that of ammonites and their rate
of combustion greater.
Contrary to expectaticm, it was found that an increase in the density
of packing reduces the rate of combustion of all the ammonite and. "pobedit"
explosives tested. The critical diameter is also reduced. This is con-
trasted with the behavior of hexogen: according to the results of experi-
ments carried out by the authors, the volocity of combustion of hexogen
at atmospheric pressure does not change when the density is increased from
0.5 g/cm3 to 0.9 g/cm3, while the critical diameter increases from 5.5 lam
to 8.5 mm.
It was established that the differences with respect to combustion
between ammonium nitrate explosives without nitric acid esters and
ammonium nitrate explosives with nitric acid esters are 'more, pronounced
at low pressures; at high pressures, the differences in the kinetics of
combustion tend to disappear. The authors recommend that in'the investi-
gation of explosives, both the critical diameter of combustion and that
of explosion be determined.
To reduce the probability of the burning out of charges, which is
? undesirable in blasting in coal mines, a maximum detonation capacity and
minimum combustion capacity of the explosive must be achieved. The deton-
ation capacity of explosives of the ammonite type decreases with the den-
sity of the charge, while the combustion capacity increases. Dense packing
of safety explosives of this type used in mines is undesirable for two
reasons: on the one hand, it inhibits the propagation of the detonation,
and, on the other hand, it facilitates burning.
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10. Comparative Geochemical Characteristics of Granitoids With Accessory
"Comparative Geochemical Characteristics of Granitoids With
Accessory Tantalum-Niobates," by A. S. Pavlenko, Hsiao Chung-
yang, and L. N. Morozov, Institute of Geochemistry and AUDe,
lytical Chemistry imeni V. I. Vernadskiy of the Academy of
Sciences USSR; Moscow, Geokhimiya, No 2, 1960, pp 104-120
On the basis of the peculiarities of the petrographic composition and
typomorphic characteristics of granitoid accessories found in the Soviet
Umfon and Nigeria, the authors have shown that columbite and thorite,
zircon-II, and xenotime, bearing syngenetic deposits with it, are connected
with the process of autometasamatic albitization.
Euxenite, fergusonite, and columbite are formed in plumasite over-
saturated with alumina, pyrochlorel and agpaitic rocks.
In normal granites of the sphenoid-orthite-type accessory, tantalum-
niobates are lacking.
The mineral forms of the tantalum-niobates are determined by elements
being "excessive" for the given petrochemical type: Ti, Fe, or Ca.
The article cites some features of the geochemistry of TR-Y, Zr-Hf,
Nb-Ta in granitoids with accessory tantalum-nlobates and the causes for
the formation of accessory tantalum-niobates.
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Inorganic Chemiatry
11. Now Methods for Recovery of Selenium and Tellurium
"A Ghost in Geology, a Magician in Electronics," by
N. Greyverp Doctor of Technical Scienceal Chief of Metallurgy
Groupa'c, the Leningrad Mining Institute, Laureate of a Stalin
Prize; and V. L. Melkonyan, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Chief of the Sector of Metallurgy, Scientific Research Mining
and Metallurgical Institute of the Armenian SSR Sovnarkhoz;
Moscow, Ekonomicheskaya Gazeta, No 91, 14 Sep 60, p 3
Because aelenium and tellurium are typical disperaed elements, only
very small quantities of which are present in copper, nickel, and lead ,
uree, they are rather elusive and difficult to isolate or detect. A
part of the selenium and tellurium contained in copper ores is concentrated
eludges that form during the electrolytic refining of copper anodes
and also in the sludges of sulfuric acid production.
The presently used methods for recovering selenium and tellurium
from those sludges are, cumbersome and time-consuming and require excessive
volumes of solutions and quantities of reagents. Furthermore, this type
of production iG rather dangerous from the standpoint of industrial
The shortcomings characteristic for many methods of extracting
selenium have been eliminated in a new procedure developed at the Lenin-
grad Mining Institute. By applying this procedure, selenium can be
separated directly in the form of a highly purified, precipitate consist-
ing of large crystals. These crystals can be easily and
It is very important to produce selenium that contains only amall
quantities of impurities and is practically free of tellurium. By using
selenium of this quality, one can reduce by a factor of three the cost
of the conversion of this product into selenium of very high purity.
Furthermore, the harmful aspects of this type of production are eliminated
Tellurium is produced principally from alkaline slag, and the degree
of recovery of this element is very low. If the production of tellurium
were to be increased by applying the present technological processes,
many cumbersome operations would have to be carrted out repeatedly. A
new production method proposed by a scientist working at the Leningrad
Mining Institute made it possible to produce a concentrate containing
40-500 of tellurium. The relatively small mass of this concentrate will
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simplify the further production by any method that is selected. The
moot promising method is one similar to that applied for the production
of selenium which was referred to above. The purified technical tel-
lurium produced by this method can be employed directly for the synthesis
of semiconductor materials used in refrigeration. Application of complex
processes for the conversion of technical tellurium into products of
high purity will thus be avoided.
The Scientific Research Mining and Metallurgical Institute of the
Armenian SSR Sovnarkhoz is already testing the newly developed methods on
the copper electrolysis sludges of the Alaverdi Copper and Chemical Combine.
It was established that application of the newly developed methods is
entirely feasible. The plants of the Alaverdi Combine will be expanded
and reconstructed in such a manner that the methods developed at the
Leningrad Mining Institute can be applied.
At present) the Alaverdi Affiliate of the Scientific Research
Mining and Metallurgical Institute is also conducting intensive work on
the extraction of selenium and tellurium from sulfuric acid and copper
sulfate sludges.
12. Physical and Chemical Properties of Alloys in the Ternary System
"Tnvestigation of Physicochemical Properties of Alloys in the
Ternary System Titanium-Vanadium-Niobium," by I. I. Kornilov
and V. S. Vlasov; Moscow, Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Khimii,
Vol 5, No 9, Sep 60, pp 2017-2024
In earlier work done by the authors, the constitutional diagram
of the system Ti-V-Nb and phase equilibria in this system were investigated.
The authors also investigated the heat resistance of alloys in the systems
titanium-vanadium, titanium-nlobium? and titanium-vanadium-niobium. In
the work reported in this instance, the following properties of the system
Ti-V-Nb were investigated: electrical conductivity and its thermal
coefficient, thermal expansion, and harness.
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13. Hungarians Determine Fluorine in Kola Phosphate
"Fluorometric Determination of'FluOrine. Use of the. System"
in the Investigation of Substance? Containing Phosphates,"
by Gyula Almaasy, Candidate of Chemical Sciencea; Endre
Kotaia; and Emoke Bordas, Research Laboratory Of Budapest
Sulfuric Acid Factory; Budapeat, A Magyar Tudomanos Akademia
Kemiai3Osztalyanak Kozlemenyei, Vol 13, No 1, 1960, pp 45-49
The authors evolved a rapid process for investigating the quantity
and quality of fluorine. The fluorine compound is fluxed with uranyl-
nitrate and soda. Then the fluorescence of the mixture is compared under
ultraviolet light with the fluorescence of standard samples having a known
fluorine content. The method was used in determining the fluorine content
of trisodiumphosphate and of Kola phosphate.
14. Hungarians Reduce Ammonium Tungstate and Tungsten Trioxide With
Ammonia Gas
"Data on the Tungsten-Nitrogen System," by Jeno Neugebauer;
Tivadar Millner, Corresponding Academician; and Andras Hegedus,
Telecommunication Industry Research Institute, Budapest and
United Incandescent Electrical Enterprise, Budapest; Budapest,
A Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Kemiai Tudomanyok Ostalyanak
Kozlemenyei, Vol 12, No 1, 1959) pp 37-44
The authors investigated the thermal decomposition of ammonium tung-
state in air, using thermoanalytical and X-ray methods. They investigated
its reduction in a stream of hydrogen, in a mixture of hydrogen with nitrogen,
and in both dry ammonia and ammonia containing water vapor. The authors
also investigated the reduction of tungsten trioxide in a stream of dry
ammonia and in ammonia containing water vapor, as well as the nitriding
of beta- and alpha-W with various nitrogen-containing gases.
They established that the reduction of ammonium tungstate with ammonium
results first in tungsten oxide nitride, then, after complete elimination
of oxygen, in beta-tungsten nitride, and finally, at a temperature of about
900 degrees, in alpha-W. The authors called the above-listed intermediate
products, which had never previously been subjected to X-ray analysis,
"ammonium tungsten bronzes." These "ammonium tungsten bronzes" are also
formed, although to a lesser extent, when ammonium tungstate is thermally
decomposed in air or reduced with other hydrogen-containing gas mixtures.
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. A new tungsten nitride phase MOB discovered during the nitridation
of beta-W with ammonia. This phase had the composition WN) but relatively
bromildtice constants. The authors named this tungsten nitride, which
represents a transitional phase between beta- and delta-tungsten nitride,
epsilon nitride.
15. Organophosphorus Compounds Containing Myrtenyl Radicals as Possible
"The Synthesis of Some Esters of Phosphinic, Mbnothio- and
Dithiophosphoric Acids Containing the Myrbenyl Radical,"
by A. R. Vil'chinskaya and V. A. Frinovskaya, Kazan State
University and the Kazan State Medical Institute; Moscow,
Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii) No 8, Aug 60, pp 2581-2585
Terpene derivatives of phosphinic, monothio-, and dithiophosphoric
acid have not been studied to any great extent; however, they are of
considerable interest since the products of the reaction of diesters of
dithiophosphoric acids and terpenes possess insecticidal and other valuable
Since there is no information on compounds of the acids mentioned
above which contain the myrtenyl radical, the present work was dedicated
to the study of the reaction of the interaction of myrtenyl chloride with
trialkylphosphites which proceeds according to the Arhuzov reaction and
leads to the formation of diaikyl esters of myrtenylphosphinic acids.
Similar diaikyl esters of myrtenylphosphinic acid were Obtained by re-
acting myrtenylchloride with diaIkyl sodium phosphide.
H e.
R = CH3, C2H51 H.-C3H7;
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The eaters obtained were colorless, almost ordorleas, and easily
distillable oily liquids, aoluable in organic solvents and insoluable in
By reacting myrtenyl chloride with diethylmonothiosodiumphoaphide
myrtenyldiethyl esters of monothiophosphoric acid were obtained in the
form of an oily, orange-colored liquid with a characteristic odor of
fried onions. The reaction mixture decomposed during distillationl,which
explains the small yield. The pure product, however, can be burned
without decomposition.
Better yields of myrtenyldiethyl esters of dithiophosphoric acid
were obtained in the form of a light-yellow, oily liquid having an un-
pleasant odor...
Nuclear Fuels and Reactor Construction Materials
16. Formation of a Third Phase in the System Uranyl Nitrate-Nitric Acid-
Water-Tri-n-butylphosphate -Kerosene_
"Formation of a Third Phase in the System 1.102 (NO3 )2
- HNO3 - H2 0- Tri-n-butylphosphate- Kerosene," by A. S.
Solovkin, N. S. Povitskiy, and K. P. Lunichkina; Moscow,
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Khimii, Vol 5, NO 9, Sep 60,
pp 2115-2118
The conditions under which a third phase forms in the system,
UO2 (NO3) 2- HNO3 - 112 0-TBP- kerosene were investigated. It was estab-
lished that the composition of the complex compound that separates
forming the third phase corresponds to the formula H D02 (NO3)31.
2 TBP. Formation of three phases in the system described has not been
reported previously in the literature.
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17. Basic Principles of Classification of Industrially Applicable
Uranium Ores
"Basic Principles of the Classification of Industrial Uranium
Ores," by P. V. Pribytkov; Moscow, Atomnoys Energiya, Vol 9,
No 3, Sep 60, pp 201-207
? Principles are proposed that are to be used in the classification
of industrially applicable uranium ores. A classifidation system is out-
lined which is based on characteristics of importance from the standpoint
of technological procedures applied in the conversion of the ore, namely,
the type of uranium mineralization, the composition of the rock, the uranium
content, the presence of accompanying substances that are of value, texture,
and structure and structural characteristics. It is assumed that practical
use of the classification methods proposed will facilitate considerably
the evaluation of uranium ores from the standpoint of their conversion and
industrial application.
18. Effect of Salting-out Agents on Distribution of Uranyl Nitrate
Between Aqueous Solutions and the Diisoamyl Ester of Methylphosphonic
"The Effect of Salting-out Agents on the Distribution of Uranyl
Nitrate Between Aqueous Solutions and the Diisoamyl Ester of
Metbylphosphonic Acid (DAMPA)," by A. S. Solovkin; Moscow,
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Ehimii, Vol 5, No 9, Sep 60, pp 2119-
The effects of a great number of inorganic nitrates that have been
used as salting-out agents on the distribution of uranyl nitrate between
aqueous solutions and DAMPA diluted with carton tetrachloride in different
proportions were investigated. The salting-out action of inorganic
nitrates is correlated with the surface density of molecules of water of
hydration i..i the first coordination layer of ions. The results obtained
. are reported in detail.
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19. Relief of Elastic Stresses As a Result of Action of Neutron
"The Relief of Elastic Stresses As a Result of the Action
of Neutron Irradiation," by S. T. Konobeyevskiy; Moscow,
Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 9, No 3, Sep 60, pp 194-200
Thia article discusses the results of an investigation of the effect
which irradiation with neutrons has on the relief of elastic stresses in
flat springs consisting of alloys of uranium with molybdenum and also on
the relief of microstresses which bring about a widening of lines in the
X-ray diffraction pictare of rolled uranium. Theoretical concepts are
developed further which were advanced by the author in wreport presented
at the Second International Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
(Geneva, 1958). Results of calculations that have been carried out are
compared with experimental data.
20. Instruments for Measuring Pressure, Use, and Level of Liquid Alkali
"Instruments for Measuring the Pressure, Use, and Level of
Liquid Alkali Metals," by P. L. Kirillov, V. D. Kolesnikov:
V. A. Kuznetsov, and N. M. Turchin; Moscow, Atomnaya Ener-
giya, Vol 9, No 3, Sep 60, pp 173-181
This article describes the design: principles applied in calculations,
and experience acquired in the operation of devices for measuring the
pressure: rate and extent of use, and level of liquid metals. Instruments
for the purposes mentioned are used in the operation of reaotors with
liquid metal heat-transfer agents. As a result of investigations which
have been carried out by the authors of the article, it was established
that the most reliable and simplest instruments for practical application
which have an adequate degree of precision are a two-bellows pressure
gauge with an intermediate liquid (oil) transmitting the pressure from
the bellows, a magnetic recorder (equipped with a permanent magnet) for
measuring the rate of use of the liquid metal, and ultrashort wave and
potentiometric level indicators.
Thermal Stability of Potassium Fluorozirconate
"The Thermal Stability of Potassium Fluorozirconate," by
G. A. Yagodin and V. I. Tarasov; Moscow, Zhurnal Neorgani-
cheskoy KhiTnf 1, Vol 5, No 9, Sep 60, pp 1987-1999
Because potassium fluorozirconate is produced by high temperature
proc.?Isses and use in technological processes conducted at high tempera-
-tures: the thermal stability of this salt is of importance. The
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transformations of this salt during heating to a temperature of 100000
were investigated. It was found that five endothermic effects occur
during this heating. The nature of these effects is described. It was
found that calcining of potassium fluorozirconate in air that has not
been dried results in the formation of zirconium dioxide in the samples
when heating has been carried out for 4 hours at temperatures above
6000. Melting of potassium fluorozirconate and heating of this melt at
8000 in dried argon or hydrogen does not result in any changes of the
chemical or physical properties of this salt. ,
22. De2osition of Thin Layers of Yttrium Oxide by Electrophoresis
"Preparation of Thin Layers of Yttrium Oxide by the Electro-
phoresis Method," by Ya. S. Savitskaya and L. D. Orlovskaya;
Leningrad, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Khimii, Vol 33, NO 10, Oct 60,
pp 2222-2225
On the basis of experimental research carrie. out, conditions to be
observed in the electrophoretic deposition of thin layers (up to 80-100 ?):
of yttriumcaide (Y203 ) from a suspension of this oxide in alcohol are
recommended. NO prior information the the electrophoresis of rare-earth
metal oxides h1 been published either in the USSR or non-USSR literature.
.23. Book on the Theory of the Separation of Isotopes
Teoriya Razdeleniya Izotopov vliblonnakh (Theory of the
Separation. of Isotopes in Columns) by A. M. Rozen (unsigned'
review); Moscow, Atomnaya EnergiyaL Vol 91 No 4, Oct 60,
p 349
"Chapter 1-6 comprising the first part of this book (published by
Atomizdat, Moscow, in 1960; 438 pp, price 16 r 50 k) are concerned with
characteristics of individual methods of counter-current separation:
distillation, isotope exchange, thermal diffusion,, mass diffusion, and
centrifuging. In the second part of the book (chapter 7-10), general
methods for calculating columns and cascades are described. The theory
of columns and of methods pertaining to columns is expounded. The general
theory of separation is applied for determining the optimum values of
the principal column parameters. Particular attention is paid to the
determination of optimum conditions for separation by two-phase methods,
when a part of the expenditure is not proportional to the work eequired
for the separation, bu1. to the flow in the streams being employed.
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"In Chapter 110 relatively simple formulas are derived for calculating
the rate at which equilibrium is reached in columns of different types.
"Chapter 12 gives examples of the calculation of separation equipment
and to some extent compares different methods for the production of heavy
water and of isotopes other than deuterium.
"The book will be of use to scientific workers, chemical engineers,
and students who are occupied with problems pertaining to the separation
of mixtures. It will also be of value in designing separation installations.
24. Separation of Boron Isotopes
"Separation of Boron Isotopes,". by O. V. Uvarov, N. M. Sev,,
ryugova, and N. M. Zhavoronkov, Scientific Research Physical
Chemistry Institute imeni Karpov; Berlin, Kerneneraie, Vol 3,
No 9, Sep 60, pp 866-868
Different methods for the separation of boron isotopes are compared.
It is stated that when the separatpn of B10 . from B11 is carried out to
completion or when a part of the Bi? is separated and the rest of the .
material (BF3 or BC1q) can be returned go the supplier] at the original
cost, the most advantageous method of separation will be one that requires
equipment of a minimum volume. *Under the circumstances, it will be of
the greatest advantage from the economic standpoint to distill'BF3 or to
to employ the exchange reaction between BF3 and C6H50CK3.BI3 .
In cases in which the cost of the raw material is the most important
factor, procedures employing BC13 (which is the cheapest raw material) are
indicated. Chemical exchange reactions between BC13 and addition compounds
formed by boron trichloride with organic substances have not been investi-
gated to any great extent, and the results that have been obtained in the
investigations which have been carried out do not appear very promising.
Work on the subject has been conducted at the Laboratory for the Separation
of Mixtures, Scientific Research Physical Chemistry Institute imeni L.
Karpov (Moscow). On the basis of work which has been conducted there,
recommendations are made on the types of equipment (distillation columns)
to be used in the technical production of B10 by the distillation of BC11.
It was found that a cascade consisting of 2-3 columns is capable of yield-
ing a product containing 85-95% of B.
LPIR Note: This paper was presented at the First Conference on the
Application of Stable Isotopes, which was held on 10-12 December 1959 at
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25. Photometric Determination of Thorium in Rocks With Arsenazo II
"Photometric Determination of Thorium in Rocks With Arsenazo
II," by S. B. Savvin, M. P. Volynets, Yu. A. Balashov, and
V. V. Bagreyev, Institute 'of:
Chemistty',.'imentIVnryernadskiy Academy of Sciences USSR;
Moscow, Zhurnal Analiticheskol Khimii, Vol 15, No 4, Jul-
Aug 60, pp46-k51
A photometric method for the determination of thorium (10-2 to
10-4%) in rocks with arzenazo II has been developed.
Two methods recommended for the isolation of thorium are twofold
fluoride and fluoride-oxalate precipitation.
The determination by the first method takes 6-8 hr; by the second
24 hr. In both cases, the total losses of thorium do not exceed 12-14%.
26. Determination of Thorium in Monazite Concentrates by Titration With
a Chelating .4ent Alter Isolation of This Element on KU-2 Cation-
Exchange Resin
"Analytical Chemistry of Thorium; Part 2 - Complexometric:
Determination of Thorium in Monazite Concentrates After Its
Isolation on the K1J-2 Cationite," by Yu. A. Chernikhov,
V. F. LUk'yenov, and A. B. Kozlova; Moscow, Zburnal Ansli-
ticheskoy Khimii, Vol 15, NO 4, jul/Ang 60, pp 452-454
Amethod is proposed for the determination of thorium in monazite
concentrates by titration with Complexon III in the presence of xylenol
orange after separation of .this element on the KU-2 cation-ekehange resin.
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Organic Chemistry
27. New Group of Organophosphorus Compounds Synthesized
"The Interaction of Trivalent Phosphorus Compounds with
Halogenated Acid Halides, No I, Reaction of Trialkyl-
phosphites With Trichloroacetylchloride," by L. Z.
Zoborovakiy, Yu. G.Gololobolr, and V. V. Fedotova; Moscow,
Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, No 8, Aug 60, pp 2586-2590
The authors undertook a more detailed study of the transformation
which occurs in the interaction of phosphites with trichloroacethl-
chlorides which results in the formation of previously unkwnown tri
chlorovinyl esters.
(R0)3P CC1 C --4 (R0)2POCC1=CC12 4. RC1
3 NC1
As a result of the investigation, it was shown that:
1. A new group of compounds -- trichlorovinyidialkylphosphates
were sobtained as a result of reacting trialklphosphites with trichloro-
2. Corresponding pentachloroethyldialkylphosph.ates were obtained
by chlorinating trichlorovinyldialkylphosphates.
3. Trichlorovinyldialkylphosphates react with tria1ktlphosphites,
amalogour to the Arbuzov Rearrangment, with the formation a beta,
4. Esters of trichloroacetylphosphinic acid were obtained by
reacting dialkylphosphites with trichloroacetylchlorides.
5. Esters of trichloroacetylphosphinic acid react with tri-
alkylphosphites to form beta, beta-dichloro-alpha-dialkylphosphonovinyl-
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28. SO= New Inhibitors of Monoamine Oxidase Synthesized
"The Synthesis of 3-Isopropyl- and 3-Phenylisopropylsydnones
and Corresponding Substituted Hydrazines," by V. G. Yashun-
skiy and V. F. Vasil'yeva, All-Union Scientific Research
Chemico-Pharmaceutical Institute imeni S. Ordzhonikidze;
Moscow, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, NO 8, Aug 60, pp 2745-2756
As was recently discovered, hydrazine derivatives, in particular
phenylisopropylhydrazine and the isopropylhydrazide of isonicotinic
acid, have an inhibitory effect on monoamine oxidase.
In connection with the investigations being carried out by the
authors with regard to the synthesis and stUdy of new unique hetsro..
cyclics syndones, which contain hydrazine elements in the molecule
and are, therefore, easily broken down with the formation:of the cor-
responding mono-substituted hydrazines, the authors became interested
in syhthesizing some representatives of this class of compounds.
The present report describes the synthesis of previously un- :
described 3-i8opropyl- and 3-phenylisopropylsydnones, as well as the
chlorohydrates of isopropyl- and phenylisopropylhydrazines, which were
obtained by the decomposition of these sydnones:
'CH - N - CH\C CH3N,
I _=0 CHT.
RCH( N- -0 RCH2 // NH2 .HC1
R = HY C6H5
Since hydrazines with aliphatic and aliphatic-aromatic substi-
tuents are not easily obtainable, ,heir synthesis through sydnones can
have some preparative significance.
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29. Interaction Between Sulfonates and Pho
horde Acid Investigated
"Concerning the Interaction of Beta-chloroethylchlorosulfonates
With Esters of Phosphoric Acid," by M. S. Malinivskiy, Z. F.
Solomko, and Ye. I. Yevtushenko, Dnepropetrovsk State Ifni--
versity; Moscow, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, No 8, Aug 6o,
pp 2591-2593
It is well known that the esters of chlorosulfonic acid possess power-
ful bactericidal properties. The reaction of these compounds with phos-
phoric adid has never been described in the literature. ,Therefore, it
was of interest, according to the authors, to study the interaction of
beta-chloroethylchlorsulfonate with the sodium salts of phosphoric and
thio- and dithiophosphoric acids. With the salts of these acids, for
example, diethylsodiumphosphite, the reaction can proceed in two di-
r-4 (c250)2P 4
?CH2CH20S02C1 (I)
'?SO2OCH2CH2C.1 (II)
As a result of the study of the reaction of beta-Chloroethyl-
chlorosulfonate with diethyl-, dipropyl, ana diisopropylphophites,
diethyl- and dipropylthiophosphates and diethyldithiophosphoric acids,
it was determined that in these reactions beta-chloroethylchlorosulfoi.late
reacts with the C1CH2CH2 -- group and not with the -- SO2C1.
30. Production of Trialkylphosphites in High Yields
"Concerning the Production of Trialkylphosphites," by P. M.
Zavlin and B. I. Ionin; Moscow, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Khimii,
Vol 33, No 10, Oct 60, pp 2376-2378
Trialkylphosphites (general formula (R0)3P) are being widely used
both in the laboratory and on an industrial scale for the production of
various products via the Arbuzov Rearrangement.
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Previously described methods for obtaining thesu compounds utiltzed
pir:sphorus trichloride and the corresponding sodium alcoholates, phosphorus
trichloride and the corresponding alcohols in the presence of tertiary
amines, pyridine, dimethylaniline, and others. The use of primary amines
to produce trialkylphosphites from phosphorus triehloride and alcohols has
not been described.
The research performed by the authors on the interaction of aliphatic
hydroxamines with phosphorus trichloride and other acid chlorides of
phosphorus acids indicates that when the primary amino and the hydroxy
groups are simultaneously present in one molecule, the esters of the
corresponding phosphorus acids are formed with nearly quantitative yields.
Thus it was expected, and demonstrated, that by reacting phosphorus tri-
chloride with alcohols in the presence of primary amines, the trialkyl-
phosphites would be formed according to the following general equation:
PCI -1-3ROH 3R NH -* P(OR) + 3R NH ? HC1.
3 1 2 3 1 2
In actual experiments, aniline, one of the easily obtainable primary
amines, was used. The range of the percentage yields ranged from 58%
for trimethylphosphite to 79.5% for triisopropylphosphites. Other yields
were" 75% for triethylphosphites, 78% for tripropylphosphite, and 77% for
31. Synthesis of Fluoroolefins
"Flourine-Containing 13-Sulfones. Report 1. Addition of
Sulfur Trioxide to Fluoroolefins," by M. A. Dmitriyev,
G. A. Sokol'skiy and I. L Knunyants; Moscow, Izvestiva
ARademii Nauk SSR - Otdeleniye Khimicheskikh Nauk, No 5,
1960, pp
The authors examined the reactions between sulfur trioxide and
tetrafluoroethylene, trifluorochloroethylene, trifluoroethylene, and
hexafluoropropylene. Fluoroolefins react with sulfur trioxide (alpha..
modification)in equimolecular ratios to form fluorine-containing
&sulfones. The addition of sulfur trioxide to fluoroolefins is made
in accordance with the polarity of the interacting substances.
32. Research at Kazan State University on Esters of Ketophosphinic Acids
"Esters of AILKetophosphinic Acids. Report 5. Concerning the
Structure of the Reaction Products of Certain -Haloketones of
the Carbocyclic Series With Sodium Triethylphosphite and Sodium
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Diuthylphoophide," by B. A. Arbuzov, V. S. Vinogradov, and
N. A. Poleshayeva, Chemical Institute imeni A. M. Butlerov
of Kazan State University; Moscow, Izvestiya Akadomii Nauk
803R - Otduleniye Khimicheukikh Nauk, No 5, 1960, pp 332-841
On the basis of the chemical and spectroscopic data, the authors have
ollen that the reaction product between sodium diethyl phosphide and
a-chlorocyclopentanone is the ester of the epoxycyclopontanephosphinic .
acid. The product resulting from the reaction between sodium diethyl-
phosphide and a-bromocyclohexanone appears to be a mixture of the cyclo-
hexenyldiethyl ester of phosphoric acid with the ester of epoxcyclohexane-
phosphinic acid.
The products of the reaction or sodium diethyl phosphide and triethyl
phosphite with a-ch1oro.4u-methycyclohexanone have the structure of 2-
methylcyclohexane-1-y1-1 of the diethyl ester of phosphoric acid; iso-
propenyldiethyl eater of phosphoric acid is the reaction product from
triethyl phosphite and -bromoisopropylmethylketone.
The reaction product of sodium diethylphosphide and.a-bromocamphor
possesses the structure of the corresponding mixed ester of phosphoric
33. Ultrasonic Polymerization Investigated
"Research in the Field of the Mechanochemistry of Polymers. X.
The Initiation of Polymerization by Radicals Formed by the
Ultrasonic Degradation of Macromolecules," by A. A. Berlin and
A. M. Dubinskaya, Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of
Sciences USSR; Moscow, Vyaokomolekulyarnyye Soyedinyeniya',
No 9, Sep 60, pp 1426-1431
It was shown that polymerization of monomers is observed due to the
action of ultrasonic radiation with an intensity of 7-48 Wt/cm3 and a
frequency of 1,500 kilocycles on moisture-free solutions of polymethyl-
methacrylate in styrene, methylmethacrylate, and acrylonitrile. The
macromolecules form as the result of the ultrasonic degradation of
It was also determined that ultrasonic polymerization does not occur
in the absence of carefully dried monomers. A block-grafter copolymer was
obtained and isolated by the irradiation of solutions of polymethylmetha-
crylate in acrylonitrile and its properties investigated.
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34. Effect of Monomers on Pol erization of Eth lone
"Tho Polymerization of Ethylene by a Combined Catalyst alpha-
T1C13 -A1113Lin the presence of Various Monomers. I. The
Effect of the Presence of Monomers on the Polymerization of
Ethylene," by L. M. Lanovskaya, A. R. Gantmazher, and S. S.
Medvedev, Physicochemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov;
Moscow, Vysokomolekulyarnyye Soyedinyeniya, No 9, Sep 60,
pp 1391-1397
The polymerization of ethylene in the presence of a catalyst,
T1C13--(iso-009)3 Al, and additions of alpha-methylstyrene, isobutylene,
styrene, isoprene, and butadiene were investigated.
It was shown that the addition of these monomers lowers the polymeri-
zation rate of ethylene without affecting the weight of the polyethylene
The ability of the monomers to decrease the ethylene polymerization
rate occurs in the following order:
Butadiene, isoprene >styrene>isobutylene>alpha-methylstyrene
The sharpest decrease in the ethylene polymerization rate was observed
in the presence of butadiene bydrocarbons.
35. Siloxane Structures Investigated
"The Synthesis and Investigation of the Structure of Polymers
Containing Siloxane and Hydrocarbon Units in the Basic Chaines
of the Macromolecule. IV." by A. M. Polyakova, V. V. Korshak,
M. M. Suchkova, V. M. Vdovin, and N. A. Shumayevskiy, Institute
of Elemento-Organic Compounds, Academy.Of Sciences USSR and the
Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zeliniski, Academy
of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Vysokomolekulyarnyye Soyedinyeniya,
No 9, Sep 6o, pp 1360-1369
An investigation of the interaction of acetylene and its derivatives
with dihydrodisiloxanes was conducted. Polymer products were obtained
and their structures determined.
It was determined that these products have a linear structure,
depending on the ration of the initial reagents, and contain various
end groups in the molecules: -Si-H or -CH=101127
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Products with vinyl end groups in the chains were capable of further
polymerization in the presence of a peroxide initiator with the formation
of solid, insoluble products.
36. Effect of Incorporating Various Substances on Low Temperature
Stability of Rubber
"Concerning the Effect of Ingredients on the Low Temperature
Stability of Rubber Subjected to Repeated Deformations," by
V. D. Zaytaeva and G. M. Dartenev, Scientific Research Insti-
tute of the Rubber Industry; Vyaokomolekulio.rnyye Soyedinyeniya,
No 9, Sep 60, pp 1301-1308
The effect of various low-molecular plasticizers on the low tempera-
ture stability of SKN-40, SKS-30, and methylpyridine rubbers during re-
peated deformation (with a range frequency of 0.1-1,000 oscillations/min)
was investigated. The investigations were conducted in a temperature
interval of from -100? to +20?,.
It was shown that the action of plasticizers is more effective with
polar rubbers than with nonpolar rubbers because of the difference in the
mechanism of the action of the plasticizers in polar and nonpolar rubbers.
The difference between the polar and nonpolar rubbers is also apparent in
the difference in the action of the plasticizers during high and low
deformation frequencies on the intermolecular structure and low; temperature
stability of the rubbers.
The addition of carbon black and chalk has practically no effect on
the low temperature stability of the rubber; however, it expands the
vitrification region in the higher temperature ranges. The simultaneous
addition of a plasticizer and carbon black to the rubber mixture leads to
a corresponding decrease in the low temperature stability of the rubber,
the more so the greater the amount of carbon black added. With the
addition of a filler, hardness (dynamic modulus) increases significantly.
This is an additional factor which lowers the low temperature stability
of the rubber.
37. Tautomerism of Nitrocampounds
"Tautomerism of Nitrocompounds; Part 1 - Investigation of the
Tautomeric Transformations af Phenylnitromethane," by V. M.
Belikov, S. G. Mayranovskiy, Ts. B. Karchemnaya, S. S. Novikov,
and V. A. Klimoval Institute df Organic Chemistry, Academy of
Sciences USSR; Moscow, Izvestiqa Akademii Nauk SSR Otdeleniye
Khimicheskikh Nauk, No 9, Sep 60, pp 1675-1680.
The tautomeric transformations of phenylnitromethane have been sub.:
jected to kinetic analysis. The results obtained confirm the simultaneous
existence of two forms of anions, the aci-anion and the nitro-anion. It
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was established on the example of phenylnitromethane that the stage which
determines the velocity of Lsomerizatton of the aci-form into the nitro.
form in an acidic medium is that of the dissociation of the aci-form.
(This paper was submitted on 24 March 1959 and supplemented as follows
on 8 Juno 1960)
"Tautomerism of Nitrocompounds; Part 2 - Polarographic Investi-
gation of the Kinetics of Tautomeric Transformations of Phenyl-
nitromethanc," by S. G. Mayranovskiy, V. M. Belikov, To.. D.
Kordhamnaya, V. A. Klimoval and S. S. Novikov, Institute of
Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Izvestiya
Akademii Nauk SSR - Otdeleniye Khimicheskikh Nauk, No 10,
Oct 60, pp 1787-1795
The polarographic behavior of the aci-form of phenylnitromethane was
found to be different from tnat of the nitro-form. The fact that the
aCi-form of phenylnitromethane exhibits polarographic activity was es-
tablished for the first time. The kinetics of the dissociation of the
nitro- and ad-forms of phenylnitromethane uhder the action of different
bases and also the recombination of the phenylnitromethane anion with
hydroxonium ions were investigated polarographically. The dissociation
constants of the ad- and nitro-forms of phenylnitromethane were determined.
D. G. Knorre's participation in discussions in connection with this
work and advice given by him are acknowledged..
38. Determination by Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry of the Number of
Nitrogroups in Polynitroalkanes
"Determination of the Number of Nitrogroups in Polynitroalkanes,"
by V. I. Slovetskiy, V. A. Shlyapochnikov, K. K. Babiyevskiy,
and S. S. Novikov, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy of
Sciences USSR; Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR - Otdeleniye
Khimicheskikh Nauk, No 9, Sep 60, pp 1709-1710
It was reported in an earlier coMmunication (V. I. Slovetskiy, V. A.
Shlyapochnikov, A. A. Faynzirberg, S. A. Shevelev, and S. S. Novikov,
Nauk - Otdeleniye Khimicheskikh Nauk in print) that
the extinction coefficient of the maximum of absorption of the nitro
group ("?0280 1134 ) in the ultraviolet absorption spectrum depends linearly
on the number of nitrogroups in molecules of compounds containing a
mononitro gem-dinitro-, or trinitromethyl group (literally, a "mononitro-
gem-dinitro- and trinitromethyl group"). leithewnrk damibedln this insbance, a
wider range of polynitroalkanes was investigated, including compounds with
nitrogroups at several carbon atoms in the molecule. The ultraviolet
abaorption spectra of 14 polynitroalkanes containing 2, 3, or 4 nitrogroups
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in different positions were investigated. It was found that it is pos-
sible to determine on the basis of ultraviolet spectra the number of nitro-
groups in compounds in which these groups are located at more than one
carbon atom of the molecule.
39. Interactions of N204With Organic Compounds
"Interactions of N04With Organic Compounds; Part 4 - Trans-
formation of the Nitromethyl Group Into the Trinitromethyl
Group," by S. S. Novikov, L. I. Khmelinitskiy, and O. V.
Lebedev, Institute of Organic Chemicstry, Academy of Sciences
USSR; Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR - Otdeleniye
Khimicheskikh Nauk, No 10, Oct ZO, pp 1763-1786
It was established in experiments carried out with m-mitrophenyl-
nitromethane and p-nitrophenylnitromethane that interaction of N204
with salts of arylnitromethanes at elevated temperatures (50-700) results
in the formation of aryltrinitromethanes. The introduction of two nitro-
groups into the side chain of arylnitromethanes, which was observed for
the first time, proceeds over the intermediate formation of arylnitrolic
4o. Synthesis of Triallylboron
"A Simple Synthesis of Triallylboron and Some Transformations
of This Compound, "by L. I. Zakharkin and V. I. Stank?, Insti-
tute of Organoelemental Compounds, Academy of Sciences USSR;
Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR - Otdeleniye Khimicheskikh
Nauk, No 10, Oct 60, pp 1696-1897
A simple method has been developed for the synthesis of triallylboron
from allylaluminumsesquibromide and tributyl borate or allylaluminumsesqpi-
bromide and the ether addition compound of boron trifilloride. Some
reactions of triallylboron were investigated.
41. New Polymers in the USSR
"Soviet Scientists Develop New Polymers" (unsigned article);
Budapest, Technika, Vol 4, No 9, Sep 60, p 10
New polymers have been developed under the direction of A. Topchiyev,
Academician, in one of the petrochemical research institutes of the Soviet
Academy of Sciences. In physical, Chemical, and mechanical properties,
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these substances surpass those previously produced in many respects. Poly-
butylene, for instance, retains its flexibility and hardness in extreme
cold. Synthetic fiber made from polyisoamylene is exceptionally strong
and has a melting point of 150-iyo degrees. Polyvilvicyclohexane retains
its flexibility at temperatures up to 325 degrees.
The Soviet scientists have evolved the production technology far
these new synthetic substances which will soon be mass-produced.
42. Huilgarians Determine Stability Constants of Complexes of
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid
"The Amphoteric Quality of Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid and
Its Effect on the Stability of Metal Cxmplexes Formed by This
Acid," by Mihaly Beck, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, and '
Sandor Gorog, Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry,
Szeged University of Sciences; Budapest, L_M_Ludsom.n
Akademia Kemiai Tudomanyok Osztalyanak Kozlemenyei, Vol 12,
No 3,
The solubility of EECE decreases with a .decrease in pH. It is at a
minimum at pH 1.8 and increases when the hydrogen ion concentration is
increased. The solubility reaches a maximum in a solution containing
2.5 mols of perchloric acid per liter, after which it decreases rapidly
with increasing concentrations of perchloric acid. The minimum solubility
of EECE at pH 1.8 is the result of the isoelectric state of the Era2 at
this pH. From the value of the isoelectric point, the authors calculated
the acid dissociation constants of the H6Y2+ and H5Y- ions. The maximum,
occuring at 205 mole of perchloric acid per liter, is cause by the
formation of EDTE. 2HC104.
All six of the acid dissociation constants of EDTE must be taken into
consideration when determining the complex stability constants in a
strongly acidic medium. The authors demonstrated that the great difference
in the values of the complex stability constants as reported in the liter-
ature resulted from failure to take into account the existencevof the
H6Y2+and. the H5Y- ions.
Using a new syatem of calculation, the authors determined the complex
stability constants of FeY-, Far, and FeH2 on the basis of? the measure-
ment of the partial decOmposition resulting from the acid corresponding
to the FeY- anion.
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43. Radiation-Chemical Stability of KU-2 Ion-Exchange Resin
"The Radiation-Chemical Stability of KU-2 Resin in Different
Ionic Forms," by A. M. Semushin and I. A. Kuzin, Leningrad
Technological Institute imeni Lensovet; Leningrad, Zhurnal
Prikladnoy Khimii, Vol 33, No 10, Oct 60, pp 2323-2329
Investigation of the action of gamma-radiation emitted by Co60
KU-2 resin saturated with ions of different metals (Li+, Nat, NH) ,
Rb+1.Cs+4 Mga, Caa, Sra, 13a2+, Ag, Coa, Cua, Fe3+, and T13+) es-
tablished that within the range of total radiation doses amounting to
0.76 X 108- 8.5 X10 roentgens, the action of radiation brings about
changes in the physicochemical properties of the resin. The nature of
these changes depends on the ion which has been adsorbed. When KU-2
cation-exchange resins are irradiated in the hydrogen form, there is
reduction of the exchange capacity, formation of new ionogenic groups,
an increase in the degree of hydration, and an increase in the reducing
capacity of the resin. This indicates that under these conditions, pro-
cesses of decomposition of the polymer predominate. It was found that
the radiation-chemical behavior of KU-2 resin which has been saturated
with ions of alkali and alkaline earth metals does not differ signifi-
cantly from the behavior of this resin in its hydrogen form.
It was found that ions with a changeable valency (Co2+, Cua, and
Fe3+), when adsorbed on KU-2-8 resin, exert a stabilizing effect on this
The multiplicity of phenomena taking place in connection with the
irradiation of KU-2 resin in the presence of different cations indicates
that the conditions of ion exchange involving adsorption and desorption
of radioactive isotopes may differ radically from the conditions en- .
countered in the exchange of ions of stable isotopes. This circumstance
must be considered when work on radioactive isotopes is being done.
In earlier pape.,s, the authors reported results obtained in the
investigation of the radiation stability of swollen cation-exchange
resins in their hydrogen form. It was established that the radiation
stability of ion-exchange materials depends on their constitution. It
was found that sulfonated resins containing benzene rings are the most
stable to the action of radiation.
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44. Oxidation of Ethylene With Oxygen Under Effect of Irradiation With
Fast Electrons
"Radiation-Chemical Transformations of Organic Substances;
Part 4 Oxidation of Ethylene Under the Effect of Irradiation
Witt: Fast Electrons," by B. N. Mikhaylov, and V. G. Kiselev,
Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences USSR;
Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Otdeleniye Khimiches-
kikh Nauk, No 9, Sep 60, pp 1619-1628
The oxidation of ethylene with oxygen under the effect of irradiation
with fast electrons was investigated. The effects on the oxidation pro-
of the total radiation dose, the temperature, the material of the reaction
vessel, and the initial proportion of ethylene to oxygen were studied.
It was found that as a result of radiolytic oxidation, ethylene is con-
verted mainly to glycol aldehyde, formic acid, organic peroxides, carbon
monoxide, and acetylene. It was established that the reaction does not
depend greatly on the temperature. The oxidation proceeds in approxi-
mately the same manner when the gas mixture is in contact with a glass,
aluminum, or steel wall surface. The nature of the reaction changes
radically in a brass chamber: there is a sharp lowering of the yield of
peroxides and glycol aldehyde and an increase in the yield of higher
acids, carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, and butylene. It is assumed that
brass has a catalytic effect on the conversion of primary r:laction pro-
ducts, thus changing the course of secondary reactions.
It was established that the reaction chamber walls exert a catalytic
effect on the oxidation of ethylene in the initial stage of the reaction.
The lack of dependence of the reaction on the temperature and the re-
action's low energy yield led to the conclusion that the radiolytic
oxidation of ethylene does not proceed by a chain process. A reaction
mechanism is proposed which is based on the formation and further trans-
formations of ethylene peroxide.
A rather high yield of acetylene resulted under the conditions
studied; this yield was nearly equal to that obtained in the radiolysis
of ethylene in the absence of oxygen.
Investigation of the radiation-chemical oxidation of unsaturated
hydrocarbons with oxygen is of interest because the reactions in question
can be carried out at low temperatures (room temperature and temperatures
which are still lower; the work described in this instance was carried
out in the range from minus 400 to plus 800). Under these conditions, it
is possible to isolate unstable intermediate products which decompose at
the high temperatures of thermal oxidation reactions. While there is a
considerable difference between the conditions under which radiation-
chemical oxidations and thermal oxidations take place, results obtained
in the investigation of radiation-chemical oxidation reactions may be
expected to help in clarifying the mechanism of thermal oxidation.
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45. Irreversible and Reversible Diffusion Characteristics of Polymers
Subjected to Irradiation
"The Investigation of Diffusion Processes in Some Polymers. III.
Irreversible Changes in Diffusion Characteristics as a Result
of the Action of Co60 Gamma Irradiation on the Polymer," by
N. S. Tikhomirova, Yu. M. Malinskiy, and V. L. Karpov, Scien-
tific Research Institute of Plastics and the Physico-chemical
Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov; Moscow, Vysokomolekulyarnyye
Soyodinyeniya, No 9, Sep 60, pp 1335-1348
The action of gamma-radiation on the diffusion of helium and argon
theough irradiated polymers -- polyethylene, polyamide 54/10, methanolpoly-
amide 2/10, polytetrafluoroethylene, polyvinyl chloride, and SKS 30 --
was investigated.
With an increase in the absorbed energy (dose): (a) there is a
decrease in the diffusion rate of gases through polyethylene, polyamides,
and SKS-30 which is apparently connected with the formation of cross
links between the molecules; (b) a sharp increase in the rate of the
diffusion of the gases is observed in polytetrafluoroethylene and poly-
vinylchloride; (c) a decrease in the dissolution of the gases in poly-
ethylene and an increase in polyvinyl chloride and especially polytetra-
fluoroethylene was observed; (d) the activation energy of diffusion,
enthalpy, and entropy of gas dissolution increases with the polyamides
and decreases with the polyethylene; (e) an increase in the magnitude of
the activation energy of permeability depends on a decrease in the lower-
ing of the enthalpy of dissolution with the dosed
The most sensitive index of structural changes arising in a polymer
as a result of irradiation is Do.
Investigation of the conditions for the appearance and existence of
free radicals was not considered in this work. However, the solution of
these problems is of both theoretical and practical importance.
"The Investigation of the Diffusion Processes in Some Polymers.
IV. Reversible Changes in Diffusion Characteristics During
Irradiation," by N. S. Tikhomirova, Yu, M. Malinskiy, and V. L.
Karpov, Scientific Research Institute of Plastics and the
Physicochemical Institute; Moscow, Vysokomolekularnyye Soyedin-
yeniya, No 9, Sep 60, pp 1349-1359
The diffusion of monoatomic gases, helium and xenon, through poly-
ethylene and polytetrafluoroethylene during Co60 irradiation was investi-
gated. The reversible effect of irradiation of the diffusion rate of
gases in polymers has been established. During irradiation, the gaseous
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permeability of the polymers increases sharply; after the irradiation
source is removed, the permeability almost returns to its original value
if the dose has not produced any irreversible changes in the polymer?
The reversible effect of the diffusion of gases was observed both in
structured (polyethylene) and destructurized (polytetrafluoroethylene)
polymers. Observed increases in film temperature during irradiation do
not explain the sharp increase in diffusion since these were responsible
for only 1/6 of the measured effect.
The reversible radiation-diffusion effect, within the limits of the
doses investigates, is linearly dependent on the internsity of the
The magnitude of the increase in diffusion rate during irradiation
differs with various polymers. For instance, the permeability of poly-
ethylene increases 10-15 times, and polytetrafluoroethylene, 2 times.
The increase in the permeability of the polymers during irradiation
is connected with an increase in the diffusion of the gases in the poly-
mers and not with an increase in the solubility of the gases in the poly-
An increase in gaseous diffusion in polyethylene during irradiation
is greater for gases with large atomic diameters?
46. All-Union Conference on Introduction of Use of Radioactive Isotopes
and Nuclear Radiation in USSR National Economy
"An All-Union Conference on the Introduction of the Use
of Radioactive Isotopes and Nuclear Radiation into the
USSR National Economy," by F. D. Alekseyev, P. L. Gruzino
Yuo F. Babikova, M. L. Gol/din, A. I. Yakovlev? A. N.
Slatinskiy, S. Vo Rumyantsev? V. M. Zezyulinskiy, V. I.
Rogachev, F. M. Lyass, and Ye. Ye. Kulish; Moscow,
Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 9, No 3, Sep 60, pp 221-242
A detailed account is given of the All-Union Conference on the Intro-
duction of the Use of Radioactive Isotopes and Nuclear Radiahion Into
the National Economy of the USSR. This conference was held on 12-16 April
1960 at Riga. A detailed account is given of the conference under the
sublect headings: Use of Radioactive Isotopes and Nuclear Radiation in
Prospecting for and Production of Useful Minerals (pp 222-223); Radio-
active Isotopes and Nuclear Radiation in Metallurgy (pp 223-225); Appli-
cation of Radioactive Isotopes in the Mineral Enrichment and Ore Indus-
tries (pp 225-226); Application of Radioactive Isotopes and Nuclear
Radiation in Building (pp 227-229); Application of Radioactive Isotopes
in Light Industry (pp 229-231); Application of Radioactive Isotopes and
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Nuclear Radiation in Machine Building (pp 231-233); Application of Radio-
active Isotopes and Nuclear Radiation in Agriculture (pp 234-235); Appli-
cation of Radioactive Isotopes and Nuclear Radiation in the Food Industry
(pp 235-239); Application of Radioactive Isotopes and Nuclear Radiation
in Medicine (pp 239-241); and Application of Sources of Alpha, Beta, and
Gamma Radiation in the Control and Automation of Technical Processes
(pp 241-242). The transactions of the conference will be published in
47. New Chemical Research Institutions in Hungary
"New Research Institutions of the Department of Chemical
Sciences;" Budapest, A Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Kemiai
Tudcmanyok Osztalyanak Kozlemenyei, Vol 14, Nc 2, 1960, p 249
In accordance with the resolution of the Presidium of the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences, the following research institutions have been es-
tablished within the Department of Chemical Sciences:
Technical Chemical
Research Institute
Director Place of Operation
Mor Korach, Academician, Pudapest, 4 Gellert
U. Prof; P1
Karo1y Polinszky, Veszprem Chemical
Deputy Director, U Industry Univ-
Prof, Candidate ersity
Academy Alkaloid Denes Beke, U Dept of Organic
Chemistry Research Prof, Candidate of Chemistry, Budapest
Group Chemical Sciences Technical U
Academy Antibiotics Rezo Bognar, Dept of Organic
Chemistry Research Academician, U Chemistry, L.
Group Prof Kossuth U of
Science Debrecen
Academy Electrochemical
Research Group
Sandor Lengyel, U
Prof, Candidate of
Chemical Sciences
Dept of Physical
Chemistry, Lorand
Eotvos U of Science,
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Academy Colloid
Chemistry Research
Group (as of
Academy Quantitative
Analytical Chemistry
Research Group
Academy Technical
Analytical Chemistry
Research Group
Academy Polypeptide
Chemistry Research
Academy Reaction
Kinetics Research
Academy Organic
Chemical Technology.
Research Group
Academy Inorganic
Chemistry Research
Aladar Buzagh,
Academician, U Prof
Elemer Schulek,
Academician, U Prof
Laszlo Erdey,
Academician, U Prof
Gyozo Bruckner,
Academician, U Prof
Zoltan Szabo, Corr
Academician, U Prof
Zoltan Csuros,
Academician, U Prof
Bela Lengyel, U Prof,
Doctor of Chemistry
480 Hungau. Stresses Research on Catalysts
Place of Operation
Dept of Colloid (
Chemistry, Lorand
Eotvos U of Science
Dept of Inorganic and
Analytical Chemistry,
Lorand Eotvos U of
Dept of General Chemis-
try, Technical Up
Dept of Organic Chemis-
try, Lorand Eotvos
U of Science
Dept of Inorganic and
Analytical Chemistry,
Szeged U of Science
Dept of Organic Chemi-
cal Technology, Tech-
nical U, Budapest
Dept of General and
Inorganic Chemistry,
Lorand Eotvos U of
"Establishment of the Catalysis Work Committee"; Budapest,
A Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Kemiai Tudamanyok Osztalyanak
Kozlemenyei, Vol 14, No 2, 1960, p 250
The Catalysis Work Committee was established in December 1959 with
the approval and support of the Physical Chemistry Committee (of the
Department of Chemical Sciences of the Adademy of Sciences). Zoltan
Szabo, corresponding member of the Academy, is president of the 6om-
mittee; Ferenc Nagy, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, is a member of its
presidium; and Jozef Petro, assistant professor, is its secretary*
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The goals of the Committee are the coordination of the work of
chemists deali4 with catalysis and the promotion of the development of
catalytic research and those branches of science dealing with catalysis.
To achieve this, the committee plans to arrange discussion groups at
which researchers will present and debate their programs and achievements.
Both local and foreign specialists will be invited to address the groups
whenever possible.
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Instruments and Equipment
49. New Film Strain Gauges for Ferrites Developed
"Film Strain Gauges for Measuring Ferrite Magnetostriction,"
by V. A. Yugov and G. P. Wyakov; Moscow, Izmeritellnaya
Tekhnika, No 10, Oct 60, pp 31-32
The successful use of film strain gauges for measuring the magneto-
striction of nickel has led to the development of this method for appli-
cation to ferrites. The characteristic properties of ferrites have made
possible an improved and simplified design for the strain gauge.
Problems of selecting a material for the strain-sensitive layer,
fabrication of leads from the strain-sensitive layer to the measuring
instrument, and achieving good contact between the leads and the strain-
sensitive layer are discussed.
The following data were obtained for two samples of ferrites:
Sample No 7 -
of Nichrome; gauge
- ferrite MgFe204; g>109 ohm. cm; strain-sensitive films
resistance = 828 ohms; striction = 6.25.10-6; Is = 85
Sample No 73 -
films of Nichrome;
Is = 240 gauss.
- ferrite NiFe204; pk>2.108 ohmocm; strain-sensildve
gauge resistance = 285 ohms; striction = 11.0?10-c);
The film strain gauges studied shower. stable operation even with com-
paratively large temperature fluctuations.
50. Or?anic Glass Used in Pressure Data Units
"Highly Sensitive Pressure Data Units of Organic Glass," by
S. B. Stopskiy; Moscow, Izmeritel/Tnaya Tekhnika, No 101 Oct
600 p 33
A pressure data unit is described in which the membrane and case of
the unit are made of organic glass instead of metal as in the ordinary
membrane-type unit. The low modulus of elasticity (210 kg/cm2) makes it
possible to obtain the necessary bending of the membrane under a load ten
times smaller than would be required with a metal membrane of the same
thickness. Characteristics of the data units are linear.
The technology of manufacturing the data units and methods of their
application are explained.
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51. Electron-Optical Convertors for Gmmna Rays Described
"Electron Emission in an Electron-Optical Convertor forClarnma
Rays," by P. V. Timofoyov and V. V. Sorokina; Moscow,
Radiotokhnika I Elektronika, Vol V, No 10, Oct 60, pp
A description is given of electron-optical convertors for gamma rays
used in defectoscopy and in modieno, and the design and properties of
the cathodes used in the convertel are examined.
The distinguishing feature of the converters is the use of only two
electrodes. The cathode, having a spherical shape, is composed of a base
of aluminum foil covered with a phosphor layer and a cesium antimonate
photocathode. A luminescent screen for the visual observation of images
is located in the anode cylinder. The surface of this screen is covered
with a thin aluminum film.
The first type of converter described has a cathode diameter of 30
mm, an electron-optical reduction factor of 6, an operating voltage of
16-18 kv, a resolution of up to 5 lines/mm, and an image brightness
400-500 times greater than an ordinary X-ray screen. The second type
of converter has a 100 mm cathode, a reduction factor of approximately
9, and an operating voltage of 22-25 kv. Resolution of the converter
reaches 3 lines/mm, and it has a brightness increase of 1,000-1,500
This report was presented at the Ninth All-Union Conference on
Cathode Electronics held in Moscow in October 1959.
52. Improvements Made in Characteristics of Photoelectron Multipliers
"Properties of Photoelectron Multipliers With Cesium Oxide
Photocathodes," by P. V. Timofeyev and Ye. G. Kormakova;
Moscow, Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol V, No 10, Oct 60,
pp 1692-1697
The properties and parameters of photoelectron multipliers with
cesium oxide photocathodes are described.
The two types of multipliers described -- the FEU-2 and FEU-3 --
have cylindrical emitters with control grids and differ only in size,
shape, and anode lead-out. The number of emitters in both types is 13.
The emitters are based on magnesium oxide surfaces obtained by activa-
tion of an ALMg alloy.
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The semitransparent cesium oxide photocathodes are prepared accord-
ing to a method developed at the All-Union Electrical Engineering Insti-
tute involving supplementary spraying of silver without sensitization
with oxygen. This process makes it possible to obtain an average
secondary-omission coefficient of 2.5-2.7 for the emitter at a primary
electron velocity of 60 volts and a photocathode sensitivity of 20-35
microamperes/lumen and to maintain its limits within the infrared region
under these conditions.
Maximum sensitivity of the photocathodes occurs at 740-780 milli-
microns, and the infrared boundary reaches 1,100-1,200 millimicrons.
This report wae presented at the Ninth All-Union Conference on Cath-
ode Electronics held in Moscow in October 1959.
53. Thermal Compensation of Precision Quartz Oscillators
"The Problem of Increasing Thermal Stability of Precision
Quartz Resonators," by A. F. Plonskiy, Chelyabinsk Poly-
technic Institute; Kiev, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebhykh
Zavedeniy, Radiotekhnika, No 3, May/Jun 60, pp 326-336
Variation in ambient temperature is the principal factor for the
frequency fluctuation of high-precision quartz oscillators. The tem-
perature coefficient of frequency fluctuation for a modern quartz
oscillator is about 0.5.10-6 per 0C.
The method of thermal compensation by incorporating thermistors
into the quartz oscillator circuit and the method of thermal compensa-
tion by means of selecting proper operating point are described and
compared. Experimental studies have shown that the propsed method of
thermal compensation by means of proper selection of the operating
point results in unusually high frequency stability up to 2.7.10-10D
The author suggests that a combination method consisting of selec-
tion of optimum operating point by introducing variable capacitance to
stabilize such a point be investigated.
54. Transformation of Coordinates With Electronic Device
"Electronic Function Converter," by Yu. Ya. Yurov, V. I.
Vinokurov? and V. B. Ustinov, Leningrad Electrical Engineer-
ing Institute; Kiev, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy,
Radiotekhnika, No 3, May/Jun 60, pp 376-385
In the solution of radio-electronics and automation problems, it is
often necessary to transform functions with the aid of automatic devices;
one type of such problem is the conversion of polar coordinates into
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Cartesian coordinates. Devices generally used for such conversions aro
nonlinear potentiometers and rotating transformers; however, those are
limited to certain types of functions.
The authors suggest a now electronic system which is free of tho
above-mentioned limitations. An experimental circuit for conversion of
coordinate systems was devised which consisted of a dc-componont unit,
a harmonics unit, an amplitude-changing unit, a voltage oscillator, a
saw-tooth oscillator, a comparison circuit, an add circuit, and a syn-
chronous circuit. The device incorporates seven vacuum tubes. The
frequency of the harmonic oscillations of the oscillator was set at 15
kc, and voltage phase-shift of 1/2-pi was accomplished with an RC cir-
cuit. The duration of positive pulses fed ,V) the grid of No 1 tube
from the comparison circuit was about 6.10-f sec. The device drew
power from a 200-volt dc source.
This function conversion system showed reliable performance and was
able to carry out a number of mathematical operations such as division,
multiplication, extraction of roots, raising to a power, and determina-
tion of number logarithm.
The article discusses several sources of error that can affect the
accuracy of this type of function transformer.
55. Electron Injection Into Microtron
"Injection Into Microtron," by B. Z. Kanter, Tomsk Polytechnic
Institute; Tomsk, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy,
Fizika, No 3, 1960, pp 138-141
The transfer of energy in a microtron takes place when the electrons
pass through the gap of a high-frequency resonator while the voltage is
such as to accelerate the electrons. These electrons are again returned
to the resonator gap by means of a uniform dc magnetic field which makes
the electrons move in a circular orbit. The electrons thus acquire a
resonance acceleration by traveling each orbit in a time interval equal
to the full period of the high-frequency voltage.
The examination of the phase-stability region of a microtron shows
that a satisfactory system of injection will produce a short (less than
300) electron bunch with a narrow (about 8%) energy spectrum in the
first orbit. The presently used system of injection, based on electro-
static emission from one of the resonator electrodes, does not fully
meet the stipulated requirements. Satisfactory performance of a micro-
tron can be obtained by utilizing an injector with preliminary bunching
of electrons and the necessary provisions for adjustment to various
operating conditions of the accelerator.
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56. Possibilities of Synthesizing Polymers That Exhibit Semiconductor
Properties and Desirable Thermal and Magnetic Characteristics
"Synthesis and Properties of Polymers With Systems of Con-
jugated Bonds," by A. A. Berlin; Moscow, Khimichoskaya
Promyshlennostf, No 5, Jul/Aug 60 (published in Sep 0),
PP 375-382
It is brought out that in connection with current technological
progress in the fields of electronics, jet-propelled aircraft, the con-
struction of rockets, and nuclear technology, polymers must be developed
which exhibit a high thermal stability, a high electrical conductivity,
and pronounced semiconductor, magnetic, and electron- and ion-exchange
properties for specific applications. Polymers which are resistant to
the action of ionizing radiation are also required. The synthesis and
investigation of the properties of polymers with systems of conjugated
bonds represent a particularly promising approach to the development of
materials with the characteristics mentioned. Such polymers may or may
not contain heteroatoms (including metal atoms) in continuous conjuga-
tion conjugation chains. Because the it-electrons are delocalized to a
considerable extent in polymers of this type, the internal energy of the
system is greatly reduced. Lowering of the energy required for excita-
tion to the triplet state results because of a reduction of the difference
between the highest and lowest energy levels occupied by free electrons
(6, w).
To synthesize polymers exhibiting a high degree of thermal stability,
one must endeavor to build up structures having a relatively high ,e7d or
synthesize substances that have a lowzlw but are incapable of forming
hydroperoxy compounds. The synthesis of polyarylvinylenes (polyvinyl -
acetylenes) and the properties of compounds of this class, which are
substances with a highzwr, are discussed to a considerable extent on the
basis of work done by- the author and his associates.
Substances with conjugated bonds and a low value of6wmay be ex-
pected to exhibit semiconductor properties. Polymers of this type should
also be investigated whenever it is desired to synthesize macromolecular
compounds possessing magnetic properties, electron-exchange resins, photo-
sensitive plastics, light polarizers, etc. The presence in conjugated
systems of a sufficient number of centers with a reduced electronic den-
sity usually corresponds to low energies of activation of conduction
E = 0.2-1.5 ev): substances possessing this characteristic can be
regarded as semiconductors. This is illustrated with the example of
polycondensed aromatic rings.
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Work done recently by tho author and his associates was concerned
with tho investigation of magnetic properties of macromolecular struc-
tures containing conjugated bonds and hetroatoms in the conjugation chain.
It was established in this work that polymers with a sufficient degree
of conjugation in the principal chain show rather pronounced antiferro-
magnetism and ferromagnetism. It is stated that this opens up extensive
possibilition of the practical application of such polymers.
57. Electrical Conductivity of Polymers With Conjugated Bonds
"The Electrical Conductivity of Polymers With Conjugated
Bonds," by Ye. I. Dalabanov, A. A. Berlin, V. P. Parini,
V. L. Talyroze, Ye. L. Frankevich, and M. I. Cherkashin,
Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences USSR;
Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 134, No 5, 11 Oct.
60, pp 1123-1126
The problem of synthesizing organic polymers with diverse elgctro-
physical properties, including polymers with semiconductor properties,
involves investigation of electrical characteristics of different t.,7pes
of polymers with conjugated bonds and heteratoms in the conjugation
chains. The authors have synthesized polymers of the types mentionea
below. They investigated their electrical conductivity rand the depen-
dence of this conductivity on the temperature. Compounds of the follow-
ing types were synthesized:
a. polymers with a noncyclic conjugation chain, viz., polyphenyl -
acetylene (1), copolymers of polyphenylacetylene with hexyne (2) and
with p-diethynylbenzene (3);
b. polymers with benzene nuclei in the conjugation chain including
a polyphenylene (4); a polypheny1eneazocompound(5), containing CFLa groups
(6), and (5) containing COOH groups (7); polymeric aromatic and atty-
aromatic compounds containing quinoid and amino-groups, among them a
polyphenyleneaminoquinone (8), (8) substituted with Cl (9), and (8)
substituted with COOH (10); a poly-p-phenylenediaminoquinone (11); a poly-
hexamethylenediaminoquinone (12); a polyphenyleneazoquinone (13) and (13)
substituted with COOH (14); a polymeric triazene (15); a substance con-
taining quinoneimine groupings (16); polymeric chelates formed by a
polydiphenylaminoquinone with metals, e. g., Cu (17); addition compounds
of acenaphthene with chloranil (18); addition compounds of acenaphthene
with a polyphenyleneaminoquinone pyridonium derivative (19);
c. dompounds with rings other than benzene rings in the conju-,
gation chain including tetrasalicylferrocene (20) and the chelates of
(20) with Fe2+ (21) and Be2+ (22); polymeric chelates formed by percyano -
ethylene with Cu 2+ (23) and Fe2+.
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The synthesis and properties of some of the compounds mentioned
above (e.g., 8, 10, 11, 13, and 14) have not yet been described in the
literature. Special communications describing their properties will be
published soon. It is stated that compounds containing quinoid rings
(10, 14), particularly those in which the quinoid rings are joined to
the conjugation chain over nitrogen atoms (16), are of particular inter-
est because in such compounds, the energy of excitation to the triplet
state must be greatly lowered, and in some cases formation of ion-
radical structures takes place.
The general relationships that have been established in regard to
the dependence of the conductivity of the compounds enumerated above
on the temperatures are outlined briefly. It was established that some
of the compounds investigated have a conductivity which exceeds consider-
ably that of organic dielectrics, This refers particularly to compounds
16, 21, and 22, which exhibit and electrical conductivity approaching
that of organic semiconductors of the type described by A. V. Topchiyev,
M. A. Geydrikh, et al. The electrical conductivity of polyphenylacety-
lenes (compounds which act as typical insulators at room temperature)
was found to increase greatly with the temperature.
58. Preparation of Polymers With Semiconductor Properties
"Preparation of Polymers With Semiconductor Properties,"
by M. A. Guyderikh and others; Weinheim (FRG), Angewandte
Chemie, Vol 72, No 18, 21 Sep 60, p 710
"By subjecting to heat treatment polyacrylonitrile that had formed
by ionic or radical polymerization, polmers could be obtained which ex-
hibit semiconductor characteristics (A. V. Topchiyev and others). On
the basis of electronic paramagnet4 resonance spectra, it was established
that these polymers contain 1 X 1010-5 X 1019 unpaired electrons pergram. The
thermal EMF was determined and the occurrence of a Hall-effect proven.
Addition of copper, iron, or chromium ions to the initial polymer broadens
out the electron spin resonance signal. Dehydrobromination of brominated
rubber and dehydrochlorination of polyvinyl chloride result in unsaturated
polymers [which exhibit semiconductor properties]. Futhermore, it was
established that products of the condensation of phthalic acid anhydride
with hydroquinone exhibit semiconductor properties."
[SIR Note: This is an abstract of a USSR paper presented at the
International Symposium on Macromolecular Chemistry, Moscow, 14-18 June
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59. Temperature Dependence of the Magnetization of Hexagonal Ferrites
in Weak Fields
"The Temperature Dependence of the Magnetization of Hexagonal
Ferrite in Weak Fields," by Ye. S. Borovik and Yu. A. Mamaluy,
Kharfkov State University imeni A. M. Gortkiy; Sverdlovsk,
Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, Vol 9, No 6, Jun 60, pp 828-
The temperature dependence of the magnetization of barium, lead, and
strontium ferrites and also of cobalt was investigated at low degrees of
magnetization. It was established that a Hopkinson effect (raised initial
susceptibility in the vicinity of the Curie point) is not shown by the
ferrites. Cobalt, in addition to a Hopkinson effect, exhibits a suscepti-
bility maximum in the region where the constant of anisotropy changes its
60. Photoelectric Characteristics of Fused P-N Junctions in Silicon Car-
"Photoelectric Characteristics of Fused P-N Junctions in
Silicon Carbide," by G. F. Kholuyanov, Leningrad Electro-
technical Institute imeni V. I. Ulfyanov-Lenin; Leningrad,
Fizika Tverdogo Tela, Vol 2, No 8, Aug 60, pp 1909-1914
The results of an investigation of the spectral and integral charac-
teristics of fused P-N junctions in alpha-silicon carbide are reported
briefly. Notwithstanding the fact that the semiconductor properties of
silicon carbide had been studied fora long time, its photoelectric
properties were not yet investigated. Further research along this line
is expected to result in the application of silicon carbide as a sen-
sitive material in photocells for the recording of ultraviolet radiation.
Such cells can operate at elevated temperatures. The technique of pro-
ducing fused P-N junctions in silicon carbide was described by T. Ye.
Kharlamova and G. F. Kholuyanov in Fizika Tverdogo Tela, (Vol 2, No 3,
Mar 60, pp 426-433).
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61. Electric Properties of Fused P-N Junctions in Silicon Carbide
"The Electric Properties of Fused P-N Junctions in Silicon
Carbide," by T. Ye. Kharlamova and G. F. Kholuyanov, Lenin-
grad Electrotechnical Institute imeni V. I. Ultyanov-Lenin;
Leningrad, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, Vol 2, No 3, Mar 60, pp 426-
At present, attempts are being made to develop semiconductor devices
with P-N junctions using single crystals of silicon carbide. The width
of the forbidden zone in silicon carbide amounts to 2.86 ev at room tem-
perature; for this reason, the rectifying properties of silicon carbide
are preserved up to much higher temperatures than those at which german-
ium, silicons'or selenium can still be used. In the work described in
this instance, the volt-ampere curves of P-N junctions produced in
single crystal alpha-SiC with electronic conductivity and a specific
resistanee of 2-2.5 ohms were determined in the temperature range of
20-5000C. The junctions were produced by fusing in an Al-Si alloy in a
hydrogen atmosphere.
On the basis of the relation between the intensity of recombination
radiation and: the potential, the regularities have been found which in-
terrelate the increase of the diffusion component of the current with the
growth of potential in the straight-line direction. By employing the
constants of the time of damping of recombination radiation, the length
of the diffusion path of holes has been estimated. The effect of leak-
ages on the volt-ampere curves of of P-N junctions was demonstrated.
Over the whole range of potentials that have been investigated, the in-
crease of reverse current with potential was found to take place at a
rate greater than that which would correspond to a linear law. In the
region of high reverse potentials, phenomena were observed which indicate
that there is an avalanche type of breakdown along the periphery of a
P-N junction and also in the region of defects. The capacities of P-N
junctions and the dependence of these capacities on the potential and
temperature were determined. The possibilities of the application of
P-N junctions in SiC as nonlinear capacitors are discussed,,
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62. Dynamic Volt-Ampere Characteristics of Silicon Carbide Resietances
"The Dynamic Volt-Ampere Characteristics of Silicon Carbide
Resistances," by V. V. Pasynkov, G. F. Kholuyanov, and L. K.
Chirkin, Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute.imeni V. I.
Ulfyanov -Lenin; Leningrad, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, Vol 2, No 3,
Mar 60, pp 434-437
The dynamic volt-ampere curveo of low-voltage nonlinear silicon
carbide resistances at low current densities have been determined and
are discussed, These curves differ significantly from the dynamic volt-
ampere curves of resistances that operate as vilite (tirite) dischargers.
The hysteresis of the volt-ampere curve is due to processes of charging
and discharging of the capacity of the nonlinear resistance; it is not
related to microheating at contacts between silicon carbide crystals.
It was established that the inherent capacity of resistances consisting
of green or black silicon carbide does not depend on the frequency within
the range from 50 kilocycles to 25 megacycles or on the magnitude of the
direct current bias.
Low-voltage nonlinear silicon carbide resistances have been developed
within recent years and are now being used extensively both in the USSR
and outside of the USSR.
63. Diffusion of Boron Into Carbon
"Diffusion of Boron Into Carbon," by P. S. Kislyy and G. V.
Samsonov, Institute of Powder Metallurgy, Cermets? and Special
Alloys, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR; Leningrad, Fizika
Tverdo o Tela, Vol 2, No 8, Aug 600 pp 1729-1732
The original experiments on the diffusion of boron into graphite,
carried out with the participation of G. V. Samsonov, had the purpose
of producing a material for tools to be used in dressing [adjusting the
shape of] grinding wheels. These experiments showed that on diffusion
of boron into the graphite, hard alloys are formed which are stronger
and less brittle than boron carbide pressure-molded at high tempera-
tures. It was found in subuequent work that the alloys which are formed
have semiconductor properties; they were used as material for a high-
temperature semiconductor thermocouple. Furthermore, treatment of
graphite products by diffusing boron into their surface will undoubtedly
increase the erosion resistance of these products, as well as their
stability toward the action of various chemicals9 particularly at high
temperatures. Because of the possible applications mentioned above,
the diffusion of boron into graphite was investigated more thoroughly.
The results obtained are reported.
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64. Thermoelectrj Properties of the MnA13 Intormetallic Compound
"The Thermoelectric Properties of the MnAll Intermetallic
Compound,? by N. V. Kolomoyets and Ye. A. Popova, Institute
of Semiconductors (Leningrad), Academy of Sciences USSR;
Leningrad, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, Vol 2, No 8, Aug 66, pp
The results obtained in the investigation of MnA13 indicated that
this compound is of interest from the standpoint of its practical appli-
cation because it has a sufficiently high thermal EMFp.a higher mobility
of electrons than of holes (the latter amounting to 200m
. QC - ), and a
width of the forbidden zone whith is within the optimum range .for most
semiconductors (A E3 0.58 ev). MnA13 is one of the few intermetallic
compounds known which exhibit semiconductor properties. Investigation
of its characteristics 14111 aid in the discovery of other intermetallic
compounds with semiconductor properties. MnAl may be assumed to have
a considerable heat stability because its melting point lies at approxi-
mately 9000 C.
65. Photodielectric Properties of Polycrystalline Cadmium Selenide
?Photodielectric Properties of Polycrystalline Cadmium
Selenide; Part 1-High Temperatureson by Ya. A. Oksman
and A. V. Burlakov; Leningrad, Fizika Tverdogo Tela,
Vol 2, No 8, Aug 60, pp 1884-1888.
The photodielectric properties of powdered cadmium selanide that has
been dispersed in a dielectric medium (polyester resin PN-1) are considered.
Measurements were carried out at temperatures in the range of 20-108% at
frequencies not exceeding 200 kilocycles. It was found that under these
conditions, the photodielectric effect is due to uncomplicated photocon-
duction. By using methods of analysis that have been developed earlier,
the photoelectric properties of cadmium selenide are definca and compared
with data published in the literature.
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66. Reactions Taking Place During Interaction Between Dry ZnS and Se09
"Reactions Taking Place During Interaction Between Dry ZnS
and Se02 Powders," by Ya. Markovskiy and R. In Smirnova,
State Institute of Applied Chemistry; Moscow, Zhurnal Neor-
Aanicheskoy Khimi; Vol 5, No 9, Sep 60, pp 2042-2047
The reaction between dry powders of zinc sulfide and selenium dioxide
taking place according to the equation ZnS + Se 02 ZnSe + SO2
was investigated. It was found that this reaction is complicated by a
number of side reactions which are due to the strong oxidative effect of
Se02. Because of this effect, it is impossible to prepare by the method
described (without additional purification) zinc selenide that is free
of zinc oxide. The reaction subjected to investigation is of importance
from the standpoint of the preparation of sulfide-selenide phosphors.
67. Introscopes for the Examination of Materials
"Universal Vision Rather Than Examination by Light Trans-
mission," by A. Presnyakov; Moscow, Ekonomicheskaya Gazeta,
No 122, 20 Oct 60, p 4
Different types of introscopes for the examination of materials by
transmitting radiation through them have been developed in the USSR. One
of them uses infrared radiation. This type of instrument was demonstrated
in the following manner. Pieces of a saw blade were pled into a glass
filled with a dark opaque liquid. After infrd rays Iliad been passed
through the contents of the glass, an image coold be picked up by a trans-
ducer device and projected onto a television screen. The pieces of saw
blade were clearly visible on the television screen.
By using ultrasound introscopes, one can examine the quality of
joints formed in the electric welding of metals. Using the same type
of instrument, one can observe the distribution of alloying metals in
steel, examine carefully parts of metal that have been subjected to
heat treatment, determine the degree of metal fatigue, etc.
By using infrared introscopes, one can subject to visual examina-
tion layers of semiconductor materials such as silicon and germanium
and also carbolite and ebonite. By examining materials such as these
with an introscope, one can clearly see inhomogeneities of structure
and detect the presence of impurities, as well as crystal defects. An
introscope which operates on gamma rays has also been developed. The
gamma rays generated by a betatron, on being passed through the object
under examination, impinge on a special crystal which converts the gamma
radiation into light signals. An image of the material through which
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the r .ation is passed arises on the crystal and is reflected by a
mirror onto a television chamber which picks it up. The image can
be seen on a television screen placed at a distance. The quality of
the image is no good and the contrast so perfect that on passing radi-
ation through a casting mold, one can see clearly the boundary between
the liquid and solid layers of metal.
By using introscopes which employ gamma rays, one can achieve
stereoscopic vision. This is very important for medical applications.
Instead of shadow images, as in X-ray pictures, it will be possible to
see human organs in three dimensions.
68. Application of Ultrasonics
"The Wonders of Ultrasonics All-Union Conference of CPYRGHT
Scientists and Engineers in Mbscow," by N.,Petrov, Nibs-
cow, Pravda, 23 Nov 60
"About 1,600 representatives from various enterprises and soTnark-
hozes, scientific-research institutes, and design bureaus from all the
=ion republics gathered yesterday [22 Nov 60] at Column Hall of the
House of the Trade Unions to attend the All-Union Scientific-Technical
Conference on the subject of introduction of ultrasonics into industrial
processes. A special section began work today to summarize up-to-date
achievements and will outline further steps for more extensive applica-
tion of ultrasonics in industrial processes."
69. Absorption of Ultrasound
"Theory of Absorption of Ultrasound by Metals in a Strong
Magnetic Field. II.," by Ye. A Kaner, Institute of Radio-
physics and Electronics, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR;
Mbscow, Zhuxnal Eksperimentalinoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki,
Vol 39, No 4, Oct 60, pp 1071-1077
The asymptotic absorption of ultrasound by open Fermi surface
metals located in a strong magnetic field is investigated. It is shown
that irrespective of the presence of open trajectories, the deformation
absorption coefficient becomes saturated. A pronounced anisotropy of
the saturation exists, depending on the position of the sound wave vec-
tor relative to the magnetic field and the direction of the open trajec-
tory. Peculiarities of inductive absorption of ultrasound in the case
of open Fermi surfaces are studied. The asymptotic value of the conduc-
tivity tensor in a magnetic field is calculated by taking into account
space dispersion.
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Wave Propagation
70. Award Presented for "Kdbanov Effect"
"The Kabanov Effect," by N. Lazarev; Moscow) Ekonomiche-
skaya Gazeta, 16 Nov 60, p 1
On 15 November 1960) candidate of technical sciences N. I. Kabanov
was presented an award for the following discovery:
/Tom tne ionosphere are, upon reaching the earth, par-.
CPYRGHT its surface, whereupon a certain portion of the scat
to the source of radiation where it may be recorded.
"Radiowaves reflected
ially reflected by
ered energy returns
Kabanov's work lays the basis for the method of "return-oblique ion-
ospheric sounding" (WIZ)) which is a new method for studying the ionosphere
and radio wave propagation. It will make possible an increase in the sta-
bility otradio communications and radio broadcasting by short waves and
facilitate rapid and positive communication between all continents.
At the meeting during which Kabanov received his award, it was
pointed out that the Committee on Inventions and Discoveries under the
Council of Ministers USSR had recorded, on 15 November 1960, a discovery
by a group of scientists at the Institute of Atomic Energy -- L. Dobro-
khotov, S. Luktyanov, I. Podgornyy, V. Sinitsin, and N. Filippov. In
the study of high-temperature plasma, they detected a phenomenon of
neutron radiation which has been hitherto unknown. This radiation
originates in a plasma formed by passing powerful current pulses through
71. Wave Propagation in Plasma-Filled Waveguide Examined
"Wave Propagation in an Isotropic Plasma Wave Guide," by
G. A. Postnov; Moscow, Radiotekhnika ? Elektronika, Vol V,
No 10, Oct 60, pp 1598-1602
The article examines the question of propagation of electromagnetic
energy in a wave guide filled with an isotropic plasma, assuming that the
concentration of electrons changes through the cross-section of the wave
guide. A rigorous solution is obtained for the case of a flat wave guide;
for a cylindrical wave guide, an approximate solution is obtained by two
different methods, and results are tabulated.
Results show that for a certain value of electron concentration
along the axis, the central region in the wave guide becomes completely
reflecting) corresponding to a change from wave guide mode al wave to
a coaxial mode wave. Propagation of electromagnetic waves in a plasma
wave guide continues even at very high electron concentration and when
the plasma column completely reflects waves laterally incidental to it.
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Atomic Power
72. Progress of Beloyarskoye Nuclear Power Plant
"The Ural Atomic Giant" (unsigned item); Moscow, Izvestiya,
7 Nov 60
The brief article reads as follows,:
"Sverdlovsk, 6 November (by telephone).
"The last fev concrete blocks have been installed at the Beloyarskoye
nuclear power plant for the support of the roof of the reactor room, which
the builders of the nuclear plant call the heart of the station. The
power-engineering workers have begun the installation of roof trusses.
"The walls of the reactor room, which are equal in height to that of
a 13-stroy building, were erected in record short time -- less than one
year. This was achieved through the use of huge, prefabricated, reinforced-
concrete blocks up to 15 tons each.
"The construction of other sections of the Ural atomic giant is also
progressing satisfactorily. The turbogenerator foundations are now being
laid in the machine room. Work has been completed on the construction of
the dam which will create a reservoir to satisfy the needs of the station.
The reservoir will cover 40 square kilometers. Amidst the venerable Ural
forests will appear a modern city to house the builders of the atomic
power plant."
Automatic Control Engineering
73. Application of Cybernetics to Electrical Power Systems
"Cybernetics of Electrical Power Systems," by V. A. Venikov,
Mbscow Power Engineering Institute; Minsk, Izvestiya.Vyssh-
ikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniyi Energetika, No 9, Sep 60, pp 1-8
Electrical power systems are becoming more and more complicated due
to increased application of automated control devices, which in turn calls
for special cybernetics methods to solve problems arising in the course
of the design and exploitation of the power systems. Since electrical
power systems have their own specific peculiarities, introduction of a
new concept of "cybernetics of electrical power systems" is necessary.
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The author suggests that this new subject, the cybernetics of elec-
trical power systems, should be incorporated into the regular curriculum
of electrical engineering colleges. The cybernetics of electrical power
systems in not concerned with problems of electrical equipment design,
nor with the problem of network calculations.
It in proposed that the subject be broken into three main subdivi-
sions, as follows: the study of interaction of all components comprising
the electrical power system, the theory of obtaining and transmitting in-
formation, and the developmeht of the theory of electrical power systems
in line with the basic principles of cybernetics.
74. Effect of Fluctuations on Extremum Relay Systems Examined
"The Effect of Fluctuations on Extremam Relay Systems in
a Self-Oscillating Regime," by I. S. Moropanov; Mbscow,
Avtomntika I Telemekhanika, Vol XXI, No 9, Sep 60, pp
A study is made of extremum control relay systems in a self-
oscillating regime with fluctuations acting on the input of the con-
troller. A method of statistical linearization, based on the reduction
of an external random action to a parametric action on the controller,
is proposed for these systems, making it possible, in accordance with
the method of harmonic balance, to obtain an expression for the equiva-
lent amplification factor in the form of a step random time function.
The average value of this function is taken as the statistically equiva-
lent transfer coefficient of the nonlinear element.
The method is applied to ordinary nonlinear self-oscillating systems.
75. Random Scanning Proposed for Extremum Control
"Extremum Control by a Method of Random Scanning," by
L. A. Rastrigin; bscow, Avtomatika i Telemekhanika,
Vol 21, No 9, Sep 60, pp 1264-1271
A method of random scanning is proposed for use in problems of
extremum control of multiparameter objects. In principle, three oscil-
lators provide conditions for random sampling from a source of all pos-
sible conditions and effect the rate of change of the parameters of the
control system. Then the changed value Q (the quality function) is con-
tinuously compared with a certain signal -4 which is produced by compari-
son signal oscillators. The result of the comparison determines the
operating regimes of the circuit, which are set by the control unit.
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The advantageu of the circuit are peen particularly in the cane of
control of a lartp number of independent or dependent parameters of an
object. Since the circuit does not require computers, optimization of
the object may be accomplished with minimum effort?. The increased noise-
stability, due to the use of a comparison pignal as the memory, may be
used in other systems of extremum control.
76. EsEit22.....Et.laionofor Arbitrary Piece-Wine Systems Derived
"On the Accurate Determination of Periodic Regimen in
Piece-Wine Automatic Control Systems," by Ye. N. Rozen-
banner; Mbecow, Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, Vol 21, No 9,
Sep 60, pp 1279-1292
"A precise method of determining the periodic regimes in arbitrary
piece-wipe systems is examined. Solution of the problem involves the
determination of forced oscillations of a linear system with periodically
changing parameters. These forced oscillations are accurately determined
with the aid of a new procedure based on the solution of a certain auxil-
liary Fredholm second-order integral equation. The periodic solution ob-
tained in this manner is seen to be dependent upon unknown times of move-
ment along sectors of the nonlinear characteristics. Using this solution
and the conditions of change from one sector of the nonlinear characteristic
to another, it is possible to arrive at the desired transcendental equations
for the periods."
The basic results of this work were presented at the Seminar on CPYRGHT
Nonlinear Problems of the Theory of Automatic Control in the Institute of
Automatics and Telemechanics of the Academy of Sciences on 2 December 1959.
77. Frequency Characteristics of Hydraulic Couplings Examined
"On the Dynamic Characteristics of Hydraulic Couplings,"
by A. M. Smirnov; Mbscow, Avebmatika ? Telemekhanika,
Vol 21, No 9, Sep 60, pp 1306-1310
A method is given for-computing and experimentally determining the
dynamic frequency characteristics of hydraulic couplings. A special
device is used to create pressure oscillations in a hydraulic line which
are recorded by a two-beam piezoelectric quartz pressure indicator type
2780-S "Orion" (of Hungarian make). Results of an experimental deter-
mination of the characteristics of some couplings are given.
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Electrical Engineering
78. New Thermal Power Plant Near Baku
"The 'Severnaya' State Regional Electric Station Has
Produced Current" (unsigned); Moscow, Ekonomicheskaya
Gazeta, 13 Nov 60
The Severnaya state regional electric station [near Baku] has been
placed in operation. The power generating unit, consisting of a high-
pressure boiler and a turbogenerator, was installed in the open air.
Control of the power generating unit is fully automatized and is carried
out from a remote control desk serviced by only two persons.
79. Construction of Largest Central Asia Hydroelectric Power Plant
"Vakhsh, the Light-Bearer," by V. Surikov; Moscow, Izvestiya,
3 Nov 60
The article contains the following passages:
"The 'Pull Sangin' gorge resembles a giant bag set on its edge be-
tween the rocks.
"Together with chief engineer Yuriy Sosnovskiy and chief geologist
Evgeniy Skripko, we are standing on a suspension bridge built across the
powerful Vakhsh river.
"Here, the water depth is up to 25 meters. Up to 3,200 cubic meters
of water is discharged each second by the Vakhsh river.
"Several days ago, the plan was approved for construction of Central
Asia's largest, the Nurek(skaya) hyroelectric power plant, and a water
reservoir on the Vakhsh river.
...ate builders...will begin construction. ..of a dam such as oannot
be found anywhere in the world. Its height will be 300 meters; the huge
Nurek reservoir will be 80 kilometers long and 25 kilometers wide. Ten
billion cubic meters of water will be gathered in this high-altitude sea.
"The Vakhsh will flow in tunnels cut through the rocks to the Danga-
rinskaya, Yavanskaya, Beshkentska.ra, and other sun-parched valleys. The
capital investment for this irrigation project will pay for itself in 2-
3 years, and the USSR state treasury will have additional annual revenue
of about 20 billion rubles from the new cotton fields.
- 52-
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"The water of the Vakhah river will drive the turbines of the
world's largest mountain hydraulic electric station, which will exceed
considerably in capacity the Kuybyshev hydroelectric station on the
Volga river.
"Electric-power transmieeion lines will connect Tadzhikistan, Turk-
menia, Uzbekistan, Kirgiziya, and Southern Kazakhstan with the Nurek
hyroelectric power plant.
"Right now, 4o0 courageous surveyers are conducting peaceful blast-
ing and hole drilling and driving new tunnels in order to facilitate the
future work of the builders."
80. Selection of Optimum Pressure for Large Steam Extraction Turbines
"The Problem of Selection of Initial Steam Parameters for
Large Electric Station Supplying Steam for Industrial Uses,"
by A. I. Andryushchenko and Yu. M. Khlebalin, Saratov Poly-
technic Institute; Minsk, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zav-
edez_ly...1_E.nezika, No 9, Sep 60, pp 53-60
Of the 450 million, kw electric power plant capacity planned for in-
stallation during the next 20 years, a substantial portion will be assigned
to regional and local electric power plants supplying steam for industrial
and heating purposes. The new electric power stations supplying industrial
steam will be built, to a great extent, in conjunction with new, huge petro-
chemical synthesis plants requiring large quantities of steam at pressures
from 7 to 30 atm.
Determination of optimal initial parameters of steam for electric
power plants supplying industrial steam may actually be reduced to find-
ing the proper balance between the initial pressure and the temperature
of the steam. An experiment was conducted for various steam pressures
from 90 to 350 atm, and for each pressure selected, the steam temperature
was varied at either 535, 560, or 580?C. The exhaust pressure of steam
was varied from 1.5 to 30 atm.
This experiment revealed that the initial steam parameters for most
advantageous operation of power plants supplying industrial steam differ
considerably from the generally accepted steam parameters of the conven-
tional condenser-type electric power plants.
It was shown that the optimum steam pressure for large power plants
supplying process steam is from 270 to 300 atm at a temperature of 535 to
560 C.
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Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141R000100690001-8
81. Control of Corona Discharge
"Some Peculiarities of High Frequency Emission of Corona
Discharge," by N. B. Bogdanovs and V. I. Popov, Power
Engineering Institute imeni Krzhizhanovskiy, Academy of
Sciences USSR; Moscow, Doklaqi Akademil Nauk SSW, Vol
134, No 6, Oct 60, pp 13314333
A relation between frequency emission level and shape, of the corona
discharge was traced. Experiments were carried out for establishing the
existence and the character of this relation, and the possibility was
studied of decreasing the corona emission level by an artifical change
in the electric field near the surface of the conductor with the corona
and by influencing the shape of the corona. Experimental results indi-
cated new ways for decreasing the emission level by control of the corona
shape, attained by changing the corona streamer shape to a positive vol-
tage half-wave.
82. a_y.totiEaLy2_LIaati20Stere01000 FramSLEer Second
"High-Speed Stereoscopic Photography and Mbtion-Picture
Projection," by V. V. Garnov and A. S. Dubovik, Institute
of Chemical Physics, Aca':.emy of Sciences USSR; Mbscow,
Zhurnal Nauchno I Prikladno Foto afii i Kinemato afii,
Vol 5, No 5, Sep ,Oct ?(y, pp 3.-3.o
The Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences USSR
devised a method of high-speed stereoscopic photography using the SFR
high-speed camera (described in Shnirmanny G. L., Dubovik, A, S., and
Keviishvili, P. V,, V sokoskorostna a Fotore istrir shcha a Ustanovka
SFR [The High-Speed Photographic Device SFR , Moscow 1957) with a special
stereoscopic attachment designed by Ye. A. Zaytseva. The use of the new
method with stereophotography at up to 1,250,000 frames per second affords
the possibility of greater analysis of high-speed processes. Two pairs
of stereophotos of a detonation process are shown.
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83. New Construction Enqineering Periodical
"On the Construction Sites of Russia" (unsigned); Mbscow,
Izvestiya, 11 Nov 60
The first issue of the new monthly periodical Na Stroykakh fossil
(On the Construction Sites of Russia) has just been released. This peri-
odical is an official publication of the State Committee on the matters
of construction, which is attached to the Courcil of Ministers of RSFSRp
The periodical will deal with large-scale construction projects on the
vast territory of the RSFSR.
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Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141R000100690001-8
84, Hardy-Littlewood Problem
"All Large Numbers Are the Sums of a Prime and Two Squares
(On the Hardy-Littlewood Problem)," by Yu. V. Linnik;
Moscow, Matematicheokiy Sbornik Novaya Seriya, Vol 52(94),
No 2, Oct 60, pp 661-700
In the work, by the author, "Concerning Certain Additive Problems"
(Matem. Sb, Vol 51(93), 1960, pp 129-154), application of the "disper-
sion method" to certain additive problems of the Hardy-Littlewood type
of problems io considered. After introduction of the concept of a
zonal dispersion equation, a certain modification of the fundamental
Ideas of the known I. M. Vinogradov method arises on the basis of the
"dispersion method" apparatus.
In the present work, the known Hardy-Littlewood equation is solved
for all large numbers.
85. Triangular Representation of Operators
"Concerning Triangular Representation of Several Operators
Having a Completely Continuous Imaginary Part," by M. S.
Brodskiy, Odessa State Pedagogical Institute imeni K. D.
Ushinsky; Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 133, No
6, Aug 60, pp 1271-.7E7174
Let A be a bounded operator having a pure real spectrum operating in
the Hilbert space H. If P is a certain projection in HI we will denote
the operator PAP considered in the Subspace PH by Ar, and the spectrum of
the operator ApbY a(Av). It is agreed to say that the projection dis-
cects the spectrum of tile operator A at the point t if a subspace of PH
is invariant with respect to A and if a (Ar) C (-00, t7, a (AEP)
?o )
We assign the operator A to the class a, if
- A *
1. the imaginary part K = -of the operator A is completely
2. the completo spectrum of the operator A lies on the real axis,
3. there exists such a system of projections Pt(-oo