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rP9led For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100590001-9
22 July 1960
Distributed Only By
l fern to ~`I?rIir.;,f C!?/ /&vhL Cnkt
Issued semi-monthly. Annual subscription $28.00 ($4 additional
foreign mailing). Single copy $2.75.
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Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100590001-9
Use of funds for printing this publication approved
by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget July 31, 1958.
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Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100590001-9
This report presents unevaluated information extracted
from recently received publications of the USSR),Eaatbrn
Europe) and China. The information ;;seleotdd is intedded
to indicate current scientif# developments aud'actitittes
and is disseminated as an aid to research in the !'United
Table of Contents
Marine Biology
Analytical Chemistry
Fuels and Propellants
Industrial Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Nuclear Fuels and Reactor
Construction Materials
Organic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Radiation Chemistry
Acoustics And Audio Frequencies
Computers and Automation
High Frequency Heating
Instruments and Equipment
Wave Propagation
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IV. Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Control and Stability
Differential Equations
Information Theory
Numerical Analysis
Probability Theory
Statistical Mechanics
Aerospace Medicine
Contagious Diseases
Immunology and Therapy
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Public Health, Hygiene
and Sanitation
VII. Metallurgy
Ore Concentration
Physical Metallurgy
Production Metallurgy
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VIII. Physics
Atomic Engineering
Low Temperature Physics
Nuclear Physics
Solid State Physics
Spectroscopy and Optics
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Marine Biology
1. Chinese and Soviet Scientists Take Census of Chinese Marine Fauna
"A Preliminary Report on the Polychaete Fauna in the China
Sea," by P. Uschakov, Institute of Zoology, Academy of Sci,-
ences, USSR, and Wu Pao-ling, Institute of Oceanography,
Academia Sinica; Peiping, IC'o-hsueh T'ungpao (Scientia),
No 7, 11 Apr 60, pp 217'219-
This item lists the Polychaeta found in the China Sea, noting their
geographic distribution and abundance. The information was obtained
from surveys of the marine fauna which were undertaken in 1957'and 1959
by the Sino-Soviet Marine Zoology Expedition and by the Institute of
Oceanography of the Academia Sinica, respectively. The former covered
the Yellow Sea, G'lf of Chili, and the coast of Hainan Island, while
the latter surveyed the waters of the-Gulf of Chili and the northd.rn
part of the Yellow Sea.
The authors cite five other papers written by them, which give more
complete information on the surveys.
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Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00141 R000100590001-9
Analytical Chemistry
2. Mechanism of Chromatographic Separation of Gases in Heat-Displacement
"Mechanism of the Chromatographic Separation of Gases in Heat-
Displacement Analysis," by M. I. Yanovskiy, S. N. Oziraner,
and Lu P'ei-Cbang; Leningrad, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Khimii, Vol
33, No 5, may 60, pp 1084-logl
Consideration of the mechanism of chromatographic separation of gases
under the action of a moving homogeneous temperature field (heat-displacement
analysis) indicated that at a sufficient length of the adsorption layer
that state is stable at which every component forms an individual chromato-
graphic band moving with a velocity equal to that of the displacement of
the temperature field.
3. Polarography of Nitrates of Some Elements Employed in Nuclear
"Concerning the Problem of the Polarography of Nitrates,"
by S. I. Zhdanov; Moscow, Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, Vol
34, No 4, Apr 60, pp. 928-930
The view expressed by V. I. Gorokhovskaya, I. A. Korshunov, and N.
I. Malyugina to the effect that polarographic reduction of the nitrate
ion does not take place in the presence of multiple-charged cations is
disputed. The author discusses the subject on the basis of data pub-
lished by Gorokhovskaya in Trudy Kazanskogo Khimiko-Tekhnologicheskogo
Instituta imeni S. M. Kirova, which were obtained in work dealing with
the polarographic behavior of the nitrates of lanthanum, thorium,
zirconium, niobium, and molybdenum, and an article published by Korshunov
and Malyugina in Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Khimii, No 4, April 1959, p 1077.
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ZN .
Conference on Organic Analysis in Moscow in Late 1960
"On the Conference on Organic Analysis" (unsigned article);
Moscow, Zhurnal 0bshchey Khimii, Vol 30, No 5, may 1960,
back cover
The Commission on Analytical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences
USSR and the Chemistry Faculty of Moscow State University have proposed
a conference on organic analysis for late 1960 in Moscow.
Reports on the following topics will be read and reviewed:
(1) Methods of organoelemental analysis.
(2) Methods for functional organic analysis and identification of
organic compounds.
(3) The application of physicochemical methods (electrochemical,
optical, chromatographic, and others) for the analysis of organic substances.
(4) Mass spectral methods of investigating organic substances.
(5) Radiochemical methods of the analysis of organic compounds.
Special attention will be devoted to the problem of analyzing high
molecular compounds, various organic polymers, and express methods of
The exact date of the conference will be announced later.
Some Aspects of Electrochemical Sources of Electric Power and of
Fuel Cells
"Electrochemical Sources of Electric Current," by Prof P. D.
Lukovtsev (Moscow); Moscow, Priroda, Vol 43, No 12, Dec 59,
pp 22-28
Electrochemical sources of electric power are relatively insensitive
to external effects due to the temperature, shocks, vibrations moisture,
etc. For this reason, electrochemical sources of current can be used to
supply electric power in connection with many applications for which other
sources of power are unsuitable. This includes applications on artifical
satellites and pilot balloons (p 22).
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At present there is considerable interest in continuously operating
cells in which electrochemically active substances or the electrolyte are
fed uninterruptedly into the reaction zone. The advantages of these
cells comprise a low polarizability of the electrode, high efficiency,
and a long useful life. Two instances of such cells are the chlorine-
sodium cell and the hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell.
At preserit, two types of the hydrogen-oxygen cell have reached a
stage of development which warrants the conclusion that they will
actually be applied on a practical scale before long. One of these
types is the so-called Bacon cell, which operates at a high pressure
(50 atmospheres) and requires a temperature of 2000 at the boundary
between the porous nickel electrodes and the alkaline electrolyte.
Although this type of cell is capable Qf generating a current of a
fairly high density (0.6 ampere per cm'), problems connected with its
construction and operation are rather difficult to solve.
Of considerable interest is a hydrogen-oxygen cell of another type,
which operates at a low pressure (1-2 atmospheres) and a temperature
below 100 degrees. The electrodes in this type of cell are made of
carbon which is activated with platinum or some other metal. A solution
of potassium hydroxide is used as the electrolyte. Continuous operation
of the cell is assured by reason of the fact that the water formed as a
result of the reaction between the hydrogen and the oxygen evaporates as
rapidly as it is formed. Although cells of this type generate less power
than Bacon cells, they are more convenient from the standpoint of prac-
tical application.
It may be assumed that the hydrogen-oxygen cells, which have an
efficiency 2-3 times greater than that of internal combustion engines,
will replace the latter, for instance in railroad transportation. Such.
cells can be used for storing electric power produced by windmills,
solar-light power installations, etc.
The hydrogen and oxygen which are required for the operation of
such cells are produced by electrolysis.
The prospects of further and more extensive application of hydrogen-
oxygen cells depend on various aspects of the production, transportation,
and storage of hydrogen.' Hydrogen-oxygen. cells operate on hydrogen of a
relatively high degree of purity. Of great importance would be develop-
ment of cells capable of operating on hydrogen produced by the cracking.
of natural gas and also by the interaction of coal with water. From
this standpoint attention should be paid to research on high-temperature
fuel cells with a solid electrolyte that operate at temperatures above
5000 and are capable of utilizing not only hydrogen but also other com-
bustible gases, such as carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, etc. An important
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problem to be solved in the future will be the development of a, reliably
operating fuel cell (primarily one operating on gaseous fuel) that would
make it possible to utilize to a greater extent the energy contained in
fuels, specifically in natural gas (pp 27-28).
Fuels and Propellants
6. Ways of Increasin
Energy Content of Uydrocarbon Fuels
"Ways of Increasing the Energy Content of Hydrocarbon Fuels,"
by Ya. B. Chertkov; Moscow, Khimiya i Tekhnologiya Topliv i
Masel, Vol 5, No 4, Apr 60, pp 1-4
The problem of increasing the energy content of fuels to be used
in gas turbine engines is considered. It is suggested in the light of
the data presented that it is expedient to estimate the energy of hydro-
carbon fuels on the basis of the heat of combustion developed by a unit
volume only (i e., not on the basis of the heat of combustion per unit
weight). The conclusion is made that the most effective way of increas-
ing the energy content of hydrocarbon fuels is inclusion into their com-
position of the maximum quantity of aromatic hydrocarbons with a high
density. It is necessary to. expand work on improving the combustion
characteristics of aromatic hydrocarbons in engines. One way of improv-
ing these characteristics would be the use of suitable additives to the
fuels (e.g., isopropylbenzerce hyd.roperoxide, indium laurate, certain
copper compounds). The conclusions nad.e by the author are based on
results obtained, in investigating fractions of. USSR crudes boiling in
the range rf 100-3000.
7. Effect of Temperature on Flash Back of Laminar Flames
"The I ,.iect of Temperature Conditions on the Flash Back of
Laminar Flames," by T. B. Mom and V. U. Shevchuk; Moscow,
Zhurnal Fizicheskoy IShimii, Vol 34, No 4, Apr 60, ,p]? 932-934
The effect of the temperatures of the mix. --ure and of the tube wall
on the flash-back velocity (mean velocity of the gas during the flash
back) was investigated. for methane-oxygen mixtures. It was established
that at a constant temperature of the wall the flash-.back velocity increases
with increasing tempersturos of the mixture both for mixtures rich in
methane and those poor in methane. As far as the effect of the tempera-
ture of the wall is concerned, there is a pronounced, difference between
poor and rich mixtures: the extinguishing effect produced by the wall
is much greater in the case of poor mixtures than that of rich mixtures.
In the case of poor mixtures, the effect of the wall in extinguishing
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the flame is due to heat conduction from the mixture into the wall.
When the temperature of the wall increases, the flash-back velocity also
increases. In the case of rich mixtures, the extinguishing effect of
the wall is due to diffusion of radicals from the flame to the wall and
destruction of these radicals at the wall. Because the rate of diffusion
of radicals is independent of the temperature of the wall, the flashQback
velocity is not affected by the wall temperature.
Investigation of the effects of temperatures of the mixture and wall
on the flash-back velocity will be continued, using different combustible
8. Predetonation Propagation of Flames in Rough Tubes
"The Mechanism of the Predetonation Propagation of Flames in
Rough Tubes," by V. S. Babkin and L. S. Kozachenko, Institute
of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Siberian Branch of the
Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Dokiady Akademii Nauk SSSR,
Vol 131, No 3, 21 Mar 60, pp 591-592-
The purpose of the investigation described was study of the combus-
tion mechanism and of the structure of accelerating flames in the predetona-
tion period in rough-walled tubes under conditions when the propagating
detonation wave is accompanied by adiabatic ignition of the gas because
of compression in the detonation wave. Three stages could be differentiated
in the predetonation period: (1) brief propagation of a laminar flame
after ignition of the mixture; (2) combustion in turbulent flow; (3) com-
bin6.tion of a shock wave with a turbulent flame. In the third stage
ignition of the mixture takes place at the rough walls in the vicinity
of the wave front. The combustion' process was investigated by the photo-,
graphic method. It was established that the mechanism in question remains
unchanged within a wide range of different degrees of roughness of the
tube walls.
9. Measurement of Temperature of Detonation Front of Explosives
"Measurement of the Temperature of the Detonation Front of
Explosives," by I. M. Voskoboynikov and A. Ya. Apin, Insti-
tute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow,
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR Vol 130, No 1., 1 Feb 60, pp 80L.-
By measuring the brightness of the light emitted by the detonation
front of transparent liquid and semiopaque solid explosives (on the
assumption that the emission characteristics of the detonation front
correspond to those of a black or gray body), the temperatures of the
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detonation front of a number of explosives were determined. The follow-
ing detonation front temperatures were found: nitroglycerin. -- 40000K;
nitroglycol --' 4400?x; methy1riittate' -- 4500?K; nitromethane -- 3700?K;
tetranitromethane ?-- 31000; hexogen (RDX) -- 3700?K; ten (pentaerythritol
tetranitrate) -- 4200?K; diva -- 37000K.
10. Effects of Branching and Chain Breaking on Chain-Thermal Propagation
of Flames
"On the Chain-Thermal Propagation of Flame; Part 4 -- The
Effects of Branching and of the Breaking of Chains," by L.
A. Loiachev, Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sci-
ences USSR; Moscow, Izvestiya .4kademii Nauk SSSR --
Otdeleniye Khimicheskikh Nauk, No 4, Apr 60,pp 645-650
Relationships have been derived for determining the velocity of
flame propagation under consideration of the effects produced by the
velocity of linear branching and the breaking of chains, the rate of
quadratic breaking of chains, the ' rate of generation of chains, heat
conductivity, and the coefficient of diffusion of the active center.
It follows from the relationships derived that the influence of the
quadratic breaking of chains on the velocity of flame propagation
increases with lower combustion temperatures and lower values of the
ratio of the product of heat capacity, density, and diffus ion,coeffi-
cient to the heat conductivity. When this ratio drops- or the concentra-
tion of the active center is lowered at the combustion temperature, the
effects of linear branching and chain breaking on the velocity of flame
propagation increase,' because there is a relative reduction of the num-
ber of active centers brought in by diffusion. By applying the. relation-
ships that have been formulated to two cases of hydrazine decomposition
flames, calculations have been carried out which illustrate the effects
of quadratic breaking and linear branching of chains on the velocity of
flame propagation. _
11. Temperature of Initial Foci of Heating Following Initiation of Explo-
sion by Blow
"The Temperature of Initial Foci of Heating Following Initi-
tion of an Explosion by a Blow," by V. K. Bobolev and L. G.
Bolkhovitinov, Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sci-
ences USSR; Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR -- Otdeleniye
Ihimicheskikh Nauk, No 4, Apr 60, 1PP 754-755
A method is proposed 2)r calculating the initial temperature of foci
of heating (hot centers) that form on initiation of an explosion by a blow.
On the basis of experimental data, the initial temperatures of foci of
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heating forming in connection with the initiation of explosions in ten
(pentaerythritol tetranitrate), hexogen (RDX),. and octogen were calculated
and found to be 3200, 11.70?, and 5000, respectively.
12. Ignition in Flow
"Ignition in Flow," by S. A. Goldenberg, Power Engineering
Institute imeni G.'M. Krzhizhanovskiy, Academy of Sciences
USSR; Minsk, Inzhenerno-Fizicheskiy Zhurnal,.No 3, Mar 60,
pp 28-35
As a result of the analysis of the process of ignition in a flow,
on the basis of the theory of a boundary layer, it is possible to make
an approximate generalization of the solution of a number of problems
and describe from a single point of view the process of ignition by
incandescent bodies, stabilization of a-flame by bodies of nonstream-
lined form, and stabilization of a flame by a stream.
13? Combustion of Methane
"Combustion of Methane," by G. K. Sobolev, Power Engineering
Institute imeni G. M. Krzhizhanovskiy, Academy of Sciences
USSR; Minsk, Inzhenerno-Fizicheskiy Zhurnal, No 3, Mar 60,
pp 129-131
The combustion of methane in weak CHI, - 02 - N2 mixtures in an open
Bunsen burner was investigated. The kinetic order of combustion of methane
was established by. the Zel'dovich-Biarskiy method according to oxygen.
The energy of activation of the combustion process was found to be equal
to 31,11.00 cal/mol.
14. Measurement of Velocity of Radiating Jet
"The Measurement of the Velocity of a Radiating Jet," by G.
I. Strelkov and 0. I. Yas'ko; Minsk, Inzhenerno-Fizicheskiy
Zhurnal, No 5, may 60, pp 93-95
An application is described of the time magnifying glass "ZL-l" for
the measurement of the velocity of a radiating stream by the photo scanning
method. A formula for the determination of the jet velocity and data of
measurements are given. The relationship between rate of flow and dis-
tance from the nozzle is plotted. Data are presented showing the average
of 45 measurements for each section. The merits of the method include
simplicity of apparatus and of analysis of measurement data; its short-
coming is that only velocity of unstable flows in which fluctuations of
brightness are observed is measured.
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15. Effect of Pulsations of Flow Rate",on Evaporation of Drops of Fuel
"The Effect of Pulsations of Flow Rate on the Evaporation
of Drops of Fuel," by R. S. Tyulpanov, Central Scientific
Research Bdiler and Turbine Institute imeni I. I. Polzunov
(Leningrad); Minsk, Inzhenerno-Fizicheskiy Zhurnal, No 5,
May 60, pp 119-123
The article considers the question of the effect of velocity pulsa-
tions on mass exchange between a stream and particles of fuel. An approxi-
mate theoretical solution is obtained for the rate of evaporation of drops
of fuel in a gas flow. The accuracy of solution for large drops is com-
pletely satisfactory.
16. Synthesis of New Herbicides With High Yields
"Research in the Furan Series. Report V. Synthesis of
Derivatives of the N-Trichloromethylmercaptoimide of
3,6-Endoxohexahydrophthalic Acid," by Yu. K. Yur'yev
and N. S. Zefirov, Moscow State University; Moscow,
Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 30, No 3, Mar 60, pp 855-
Compounds containing: the > N-SCC13 group, namely N-trichloromethyl-
mercapto-imides, -oxazolidinediones, and -thiazolidinediones, aioe known
to be effective as fungicides, insecticides, and germicides. It is a'Iso
known that 3,6-endoxphexahydrophthalic anhydride and several of its
derivatives are used as herbicides, insecticides, and especially as
Since the activity of N-trichloromethylmercapto compounds depends
on the presence of the -?S-CC13 group, the authors became interested in
obtaining compounds containing both this grouping and the 3,6-endoxo-
cyclohexane group, and accordingly synthesized several N-trichloromethyl-
mercaptoimides of 3,6-endoxohexahydrophthalic acid and related acids.
It is known from the American patent literature that N-trichloro-
methylmercaptoimides can be prepared by, the reaction of perchloromethyl-
mercaptan with salts on the amides in a neutral solvent or with an aqueous
alkaline solution of the imides at a low temperature (o-30?C) to avoid
hydrolysis of the imides. _
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Both variants of the synthesis were used. The authors established
that the reaction between the perchloromethylmercaptan and the aqueous
alkaline solution of the imide of 3,6-endoxohexahydrophthelic acid or
its derivatives leads to the formation of the corresponding N-trichloro-
methylmercapto derivatives of this series with a high yield (80-90%).
In this manner, the superfluous stage of the preparation of the imide
salt is avoided.
Industrial Chemistry
17. USSR Conference on Nonchemical Methods of Water Treatment
"A Scientific-Technical Conference on Methods of Water
Treatment Without the Use of Reagents," by M. S. Shkrob,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, and I. F. Shapkin, Candi-
date of Technical Sciences; Moscow, Teuloeneraetika, Vol
7, No 1, Jan 60, pp 94-96
Nonchemical methods of water treatment, including the magnetic,
electromagnetic, electrostatic, high-frequency, and ultrasound methods,
are being some extent outside the USSR. According to data
published in the non-USSR technical press; the methods in question make
it possible to reduce to a significant extent the formation of scale
in boilers of low capacity and low pressure and also in different types
of heat exchangers, internal combustion engines, turbine condensers,
preheaters, and other equipment.
In the USSR, problems pertaining to the magnetic..treatment of water
are being studied at the All-Union Heat Technology Institute) the Khar'kov
Engineering-Economic Institute, the Ministry of the River Fleet RSFSR,
the Ural Power Engineering Trust for the Ferrous .Metallurgy Industry
(Uralenergochermet), the Chemical Service of the Donets Basin Regional
Electric Power Administration (Donbass Energo), the Scientific Research
Institute of Light Industry, and a number of other organizations. Work
on ultrasound installations to prevent formation of scale is being done
by the Leningrad Institute of Water Transportation. the All-Union Heat
Technology Institute, and the Moscow Institute of Transportation Engineers.
Problems pertaining to the treatment of water with high-frequency currents
were included in work done at the Central Power Engineering Trust for the
Ferrous Metallurgy Industry (Tsentroenergochermet). In research conducted
in the USSR both foreign equipment and USSR equipment were employed.
Comparison between USSR and foreign equipment and work conducted in this
field in general involved both laboratory tests and tests under industrial
conditions at operating installations.
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A conference at which results of Industrial applications of procedures
that had been developed were discussed and lines to be followed in future
research in the new field of nonchemical water treatment were considered
was conducted by the Power Scientific Research Institute of the Academy
of Sciences USSR and the Moscow Scientific an. Technical Society of the
Power J;ngineering Industry (M0NIT0EP). In papers presented at this con-
ference, particular attention was paid to the magnetic and electromagnetic
methods of water treatment. The ultrasound and high-frequency methods
were discussed less extensively.
In one of the papers presented at the conference, Engr F. I. Belan
(Central Power Engineering Trust for the Ferrous Metallurgy Industry)
discussed the design of a type .of equipment for the high-frequency treat-
ment of water develc.,ped in the People's Republic of China. The effec-
tiveness of water treatment in this equipment is being tested at present
at an industrial establishment. Although equipment for the high-frequency
treatment of water is being produced in China and applied under industrial
conditions, good results were not obtained in all cases when this equip-
ment was used.
It was decided by the conference that it is desirable to conduct
work along the following lines:
a. Development of a design of magnetic equipment which makes
it possible to change during operation the intensity of the magnetic
field and to vary-the rate of liquid flow. Experimental tests of the
effectiveness of equipment of this type should be conducted by the Ural
Affiliate of the Academy of Sciences USSR Jointly with the Ural Power
Engineering Trust for the Ferrous Metallurgy Industry.
b. Determination of the effectiveness of the magnetic method when
applied in connection with the-operation of boilers (this work should
be conducted by the Ministry of the River Fleet).
c. Investigation of the effects exerted by the principal technological
conditions on the efficiency of the application of the-magnetic method in
connection with the operation of steam turbine condensers.
d. Investigation of problens pertaining to the mechanism of the
effect exerted by a magnetic field on electrolyte solutions (this work
should be conducted by VTI -- the All-Union Heat Engineering Institute
imeni F. Dzerzhinskiy).
The conference also recommended that VTI accelerate work on the
designing of improved magnetic equipment and that the Moscow City
Sovnarkhoz take care of the production of several units of the type of
equipment designed by VTI.
It was proposed that scientific-technical conferences on research
in the field of nonchemical water treatment be held regularly.
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18. Synthesis of Po1 lycol Ethers Suitable for Use as Lubricating Oils
"Synthesis of Lubricating Oils of the Polyglycol Ether Type,"
by V. I. Isagulyants, V. N. Tishkova, and I. A. Grashevenlco,
Moscow Institute of Petroleum Economy and the'Gas Industry
(MINKh i GP) imeni I. M. Gubkin; Moscow, Khimi a i Telchno-
logiya Topliv i Masel, Vol 5, No ll., Apr 60, . pp 8-13
A systematic investigation has been carried out of the condensation
of propylene oxide with phenol, substituted phenols (butyl- and octyl-
phenols), and the following alcohols: propyl, isopropyl, isoamyl, heptyl,
and octyl alcohol and 2-ethylhexanol. Thirty-nine .polyglycol ether lubri-
cating oils were synthesized and tested for their low-temperature char-
acteristics. It was established that polyglycol ethers prepared by the
condensation of propylene :, oxide with alcohols have better low-temperature
properties than those prepared by the condensation of propylene oxide
with,phencis. It was found that by varying the proportion of the start-
ing materials (propylene oxide and alcohol), polyglycol ethers of dif-
ferent viscosities which exhibit good low-temperature characteristics
can be obtained. It was established for the first time that by using
readily available alcohols, e.g., isopropyl alcohol, polyglycol ethers
with good low-temperature characteristics can be synthesized. It has
been demonstrated that it is possible and feasible from the practical
standpoint to produce synthetic polyglycol lubricating oils starting
with alcohols which are being produced on an industrial scale.
Among the favorable characteristics of polygclLycol ethers are a low
congelation point (minus 60-minus 55?), advantageous viscosity-temperature
properties, and a high viscosity index. Polyglycol ethers exhibit a higher
mobility at low temperatures than petroleum oils having t14e same viscosity.
At high temperatures they decompose in the engine with the formation of
volatile products only; no'resins, lacquer, or carbon are deposited.
Inorganic Chemistry
19. Deposition of Tungsten Oxide on-Glass and Other Materials
"The Properties of Alcoholic Solutions of Tungsten Hexa-
chloride and of the Films Obtained From Such Solutions,"
by Z. V. Shirokshina and N. V. Suykovskaya; Leningrad,
Zhurnal Prikladnoy Khimii, Vol 33, No 5, may 60, pp 1001-
Investigation of the properties of alcoholic solutions of tungsten
hexachloride established that these solutions form gels and can be used
:for the deposition of transparent, mechanically strong, and chemically
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resistant thin films consisting of tungsten oxides which adhere to glass
and other materials. The films deposited in this manner modify the
optical properties of the glass.
20. Kinetics of Oxidation of Finely Dispersed Magnesium Powder at
Elevated Temperatures
"Kinetics of'the Oxidation of Finely Dispersed Magnesium
Powder at Elevated Temperatures," by I. A. Makolkin, I.
I. Vernidub, Yu. N. Zhvanko, V. T. ICarpov, G. S. Razumov-
skaya, and A. A. Vol'khovskaya, Moscow Order of Labor Red
Banner Institute of National Economy imeni G. V. Plexhanov;
Leningrad, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Khimii, Vol 32, No 4, Apr 60,
pp 824-831
In a communication about to be published in. an issue of Nauchnyye
Doklady Vysshey Shkoly, results obtained in work on the oxidation of
the coarse magnesium powders M-1 and M-2 are described. The kinetics of
the oxidation of the finely dispersed magnesium powders M-3 and M-4 in
air, oxygen, and nitrogen have been investigated in this instance.
Although processes of .the oxidation of magnesium powders are being applied
to an increasing extent in technolo~,y, the reactions involved have not
jet been described in the literature.
Investigation of the kinetics of reactions which take place when
the finely dispersed magnesium powders M-3 and M-4 are oxidized in air
at temperatures in the range of 350-500?, in-oxygen at 350-450?, and in
nitrogen at 400-500? established that up to 450? both powders interact
with air, oxygen, and nitrogen along curves with declining slopes.. T]4s
indicates that the film consisting of oxides and nitrides of magnesium
has protective characteristics up to 450?. Above this temperature, the
film loses its protective properties and the kinetics of the process
follow a straight-line law. The M-4 powder is more highly reactive than
the M-3 powder. This is due to the greater specific surface of m-4 (3,500
cm2 per gram),. as compared with the specific surface of M-3, which, is 616
cm2 per gram. This finding is in agreement with the energies-of activa-
tion, which were found?tb be lower for M-4 than for M-3 in air and nitrogen.
(the energy of activation in oxygen was higher for M-4 than M-3). On heat-
ing the powders in air at 5000, both MgO and Mg3 N? were formed. The
reaction products consisted of three layers: white (predominantly MgO),
gray (mainly Mg~ N2), and yellow (mainly Mg3 N2) o Both powders reacted
in nitrogen wit F'. the formation of Mg3 N2.
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21. Method for Separation of Highly Concentrated N15
"A Method for the Separation of Highly Concentrated N15,
by I. G. Gverdtsiteli, Yu. V. Nikolayev, Ye. D. Oziashvili,
V. A. Vlasenko, and R. V. Tishchenko, Physicotechnical
Institute, Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR; Tbilisi,
Soobshcheniya Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Vol 21k, No 2,
Feb 60, pp 153-156
N15 is used extensively as a tracer in physicochemical and biological
research. Because of its low cross section of thermal neutron capture,
N15 may also find application in nuclear technology. To separate highly
concentrated N15, exchange between NO and HN03 was applied. NO was gen-
erated continuously by reacting nitric acid with S02. Two packed columns
were employed. The first column had a diameter of 26 mm and a height cf
810 cm, the second a diameter of 9 mm'and a 'height of 575 cm.. During
operation of the installation described, the NO depleted in,.Nl5 is oxidized
and recovered in the form of nitric acid. The product enriched in N15
is taken from the bottom of the second column in the form of nitrogen
oxides (N15 is concentrated in the nitric acid). Sulfuric acid formed
by the oxidation of S02 is drained from both columns. The required amount
of water is introduced into the system.
By using the installation described, the isotope separation factor
could be raised to 17,000. With an outflow of 0.5 liter of NO per. day
and a flow of 15 cm3/min in the first column and 1 cm3/min in the second
column, a concentration of.N15 amounting to 98.5% was obtained.
At present. the installation is being modified with the aim of making
it more efficient. Furthermore, it is also being equipped with automatic
The electronic flow meters for determining the flow of water and
acid in the separation equipment were designed and constructed at the
Institute of Electronics, Automatics, and Telemechanics, Academy of
Sciences Georgian SSR, under the direction of G. N. Muskhelishvili.
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22. Electrodiffusion in Dilute Metallic Potassium Solutions of Lead
and Mercury
"Electrodiffusion in Dilute Metallic Potassium Solutions
of Lead and Mercury," by S. I. Drakin, Yu. K. Golubkova,
and E. P. Ushakova, Chemicotechnological Institute imeni
D. I. Mendeleyev; Moscow, Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Ihimii, Vol
34, No 4, Apr 60, pp 866-871
Electrodiffusion in dilute (0.4-0.6 at .%) solutions of lead and
mercury in metallic potassium has been investigated with the aid of a
previously developed method. The stationary distribution of dissolved
metal due to this process has been found to obey an equation which is
given. The electrodiffusion coefficients in the equation for the alloys
K - Pb and K - Hg have been found to equal 2.6 ? 105 and 1.2 . 105 deg/volt,
respectively. A comparison of the data obtained with those for other sys-
tems showed that the maximum change in concentration of dissolved metal
will be considerably greater at the same potential difference-in the case
of the K - Pb and K - Hg alloys than of all other systems studied up to
the present time.
Increased attention has been paid to electrodiffusion processes
since E. Haeffner succeeded for the firet time in separating isotopes
by a process of this type.
Nuclear Fuels and Reactor Construction Materials
23? Method for Separation of Neptunium-239 From Irradiated Uranium
"An Extraction Method for the Separation of Neptunium-239
From Irradiated Uranium," by Ye. S. Pal 'shin and Yu. A.
Zolotov; Leningrad, Rad16khimiya, Vol 1, No.4, Aug 59,
pp x+82-487
A rapid extraction method is proposed for the separation.of radio-
chemically pure Np239 from irradiated uranium. Time required for the
separation is 1-2 hours. The behavior of some splinter elements during
the extraction of Np239 with diethyl ether is discussed. Neptunium-239
is of importance no-6 only as an intermediate isotope in the production
of plutonium, but also as a tracer in the investigation of the chemical
properties of neptunium.
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211. Formation of Complexes by Plutonium and Americium
"Investigation by the Methods of SolubiJ.ity Determination
and Ion Exchange of the Formation of Complexes by Plutonium
and Americium (III) in Aqueous Solutions," by A. I. Moskvin;
Leningrad, Radiolthimiya, Vol I, No 11, Aug 59, pp 1130-11311
The results of investigations of the formation of complexes by
plutonium and americium in oxalate solutions are summarized. On the basis
of data reported, it is concluded that the behavior of trivalent plutonium
is analogous to that-of trivalent americium. It is also concluded that
the behavior of tetravalent, pentavalent, and hexavalent plutonium is
analogous to the behavior of other actinides in the corresponding valency
25. Production of Calcium by Decomposition of Calcium Carbide
:"Production of Calcium by the Decomposition of Calcium
Carbide," by A. S. Mikulinskiy and S. S. Maron, Ural Sci-
entific Research Chemical Institute; Leningrad, Zhurnal
Prikladnoy Khimii, Vol 33, No 11, Apr 60, pp 835--87+3:
The importance of calcium in the economy increases and has grown
considerably during the last few years. Calcium is applied as a reduc-
ing agent in the production of a number of rare-earth elements, chromium,
thorium, and uranium.` It is also applied as an alloying component with
lead, aluminum, magnesium, copper, and other metals as principal com-
ponents. Furthermore, ca'?ium serves as an initial material for the
production of calcium hydride. If a method for producing calcium at a
low cost is developed, metallic calcium will be applied to a still
greater extent.
Experiments carried out in 1956 together with B. A. Borok, M. I.
Rodnyy, V. I. Gavrilin, and B. P. Loba.shov, workers at the Central Sci-
entific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy, indicated that it is
possible to produce calcium by the decomposition of technical calcium
carbide in a vacuum induction furnace.
Experiments carried out in this instance demonstrated that heating
of calcium carbide at a temperature of 1,720-1770? and an initial pres-
sure of 0.5-1 mm of mercury results in the production of compact metallic
calcium containing 911.8--98.2% of Ca. The other product is graphite of
high quality which contains 97% of C and has a low ash content. The
yield of the products mentioned are 80% and 90%,: respectively'.
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It was established that the decomposition of technical calcium
carbide is preceded by interaction of the calcium oxide contained in
it with the calcium carbide under formation of calcium vapor aad carbon
monoxide. This must be taken into consideration in scaling up the process
and designing equipment in which it is to be carried out.
26. Extraction of Zirconium
"On the Mechanism of the Extraction of Zirconium With Amines
From Nitrate-Oxalate Solutions," by V. M. Vdovenko, L. N.
Lazarev, and Ya. S. Khvorostin; Leningrad, Radiokhimiya, Vol
1, No 4, Aug 59, pp 408-413
,It was established that the nitrate of the amine used as an extract-
ing agent is apparently present in a polymerized state in the organic
phase when equilibrium conditions exist. The zirconium compound is appar-
ently extracted'-by a finely dispersed phase formed by the arsine nitrate.
The coefficients of the distribution of zirconium depend od the concentra-
tion,of the nitrate in the aqueous phase, because the extraction is of a
competing ion-exchange type.
27. Extraction of Niobium and Tantalum With Tributyiphosphate
"The Composition of Niobium and Tantalum Complexes
Extracted With Tributylphosphate," by G.. P. Giganov, V.
D. Ponomarev, and 0. A. Khan; Alma-Ata, Izvestiya Aka-
demii Nauk Kazakhskoy SSR -- Seriya Metallurgii, Oboga-
shcheniya, i Ogneupo:rov, No 3, , Apr 60? pp 7
The composition of tantalum, niobium, hydrofluoric acid, and sul-
furic acid complexes extracted with tributylphosphate was determined.
It was established that the highest distribution factors for tantalum
are, obtained when sulfuric acid is present in the initial solution. and
the concentration of hydrofluoric acid is at a minimum. The highest dis-
tribution factors for niobium are obtained when sUfuric acid is present
in the solution and the concentration of flF is higher then 7%-
28. Concentration of Radioactive Elements From Large Volumes of Natural
"On the Problem of the Concentration of Rad.icelements From
Large Volumes of Natural Water," by K. F. Lazarev and S. M.
Grashchenko; Leningrad, Radiokhimiya, Vol 1. Xo'4,, Aug 59,,
pp x+93-496
Methods for the concentration of radioactive elements by coprecip-
itation with ferric hydroxide and barium sulfate are described on the basis
of work done by the authors of the article.
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29. Symposium on Solvent Extraction
"A Symposium on the Theory of Extraction," by I. V.
Seryakova; Moscow, Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 8, No 3,
Mar 60, pp 269-270
A symposium on the theory of extraction processes was held 3-1E Decem-
ber 1959 at the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry imeni
V. I. Vernadskiy. Five reports were given on the chemistry and thermo-
dynamics of extraction equibria, the effects produced by extracting agents
and salting-out agents, -the composition of the compounds being extracted,
and the interactions of these compounds with water and molecules of
extracting agents.
In a report entitled "The Chemistry of Extraction Processes," V.
I. Kuznetsov dealt with the chemical aspects of extraction processes.
Kuznetsov pointed out that one of the principal prerequisites for good
extractability of an element is the loss by it of hydrophilic properties.
According to Kuznetsov, the facility with which ions are extracted
increases with the decreasing density of their charge and consequent
reduction of their tendency to form hydrates.
In a report entitled "Extraction Equilibria," V. V. Fomin considered
processes of extraction from the standpoint of chemical reactions which
the element being-extracted undergoes in both phases. From this stand-
point, extraction processes can be subdivided into two groups. The first
group comprises processes of the extraction of metal cations which are
based on exchange reactions introducing these cations into substances
that react as weals acids (e.g., hydroxyquinoline, cupferron, and dithizon)
and sometimes can be used as extracting agents (e.g., acetylacetone or
butyric acid). The second type of processes involves extraction of
inorganic anions with extracting agents that form cations on interacting
with acids. The formation of the cations takes place prior to interaction
with the inorganic anion being extracted. The cations may be amines or
may belong to some other class of substances.
A report by A. V. Nikolayev, N. M. Sinitsyn, and S. M. Shubina,
entitled "The Donor-Acceptor Properties of Extracting Agents,," dealt
with the effect of the nature of the organic solvent on the process of
extraction. On the example of a single class of corq.,ounds containing
phosphoryl oxygen, the dependence of the extracting. capacity on the
magnitude of the dipole moment (in this case the dipole moment *of the P-0
bond) was illustrated. The dipole moment ch&tges depending on the con-
stituents which have been introduced into the molecule of the e);-tra.cting
agent. According to the authors of the report, an increase in the magni-
tude of the dipole moment increases the capacity of the substance to
extract elements.
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0. Ya. Samoylov and V. I. Tikhomirov, who, on the batis of a
statistical treatment of the thermal motion of water molecules attempted
to explain differences in the action of salting-out agents with cations
belonging to the principal subgroups (e.g., calcium or strontium) or
secondary subgroups (e.g., zinc or cadmium) of the periodic system,
emphasized in their report the dehydrating effect produced by salting-
out cations and the dependence of this effect on the degree of covalency
of the bonds formed by them.
A report by A. M. Rozen was concerned with the thermodynamics of
extraction processes.
The symposium defined the principal directions along which subse-
quent research on the theory of extraction processes should proceed.
The research program to be carried out in the future will emphasize work
on problems pertaining-to the selective solubility of inorganic and organic
compounds in different solvents; more extensive investigation of the sol-
vatation and hydration of ions and molecules; more extensive investigation.
of the chemistry and thermodynamics of extraction equilibria; and expansion
of research pertaining to the compositioh and nature of extracting agents.
The symposium recommended the organization of a permanent seminar
on the theory of extraction. A collection of papers presented at the
symposium will be published by Atomizdat in 1960.
30. Application of Boron Carbide to Reduce 'Intensity of Gamma Radiation
Generated in Steel
"The Effect of Layers With a Boron Content on the Secondary
Gamma Radiation Yield," by D. L. Broder, A. P. Kondrashov,
A. A. Kutuzov, and A. I. Lashuk; Moscow, Atomnaya Ene rgiya,
Vol 8, No 1, Jan 60, pp 1+9-51.
The effect of a, layer of boron carbide placed between steel and
plexiglas (simulating water) on the intensity of generation of gamma
quanta in steel irradiated with thermal neutrons and decelerated neutrons
.with relatively low energies was investigated. Steels of two grades, St-3
and stainless lKhl8N9T, were used in the investigation.
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31. Method for Determining Transfer of Uranium by Natural Waters
"A Field Method for the Determination of the State in Which
Uranium Is Transferred by Natural Waters," by M. N.?Yakovleva
and M. A. Shurshalina; Leningrad, Radiokhimiya, Vol 1, No 4,
Aug 59, pp 445-449
A new field method is proposed for the determination of the state
in which uranium is transferred by natural waters. This method involves
application of a dialysis procedure.,
32. Crystal Constitution of Uraninites,and Nasturans (Pitchblendes)
"Crystal Constitution of Ura finites and Nasturans (Pitch-
blendes)," by E. S. Makarov, I.-M. Lipova, I. F. Dolmanova,
and A. A. Melikyan, Instittite of Geochemistry and Analytical
Chemistry imeni V. I. Vernadskiy, Academy of Sciences USSR;
Moscow, Geokhimiya, No 3, 1960, pp 193-213 - '
For minerals of tbe..uranihites -pitchblende series mineralogtaphic
investigation has been carried out; the chemical oorpositign, density
and lattice constants have been determined; numbers of atoms' and formula
units in the unit cell have been crlculated; the crystal structure has
been determined. anew by the neutron diffraction method; and the manner
of alteration of the structure owing to the degree of oxidation has been
established. Uraninites and pitchblendes have b9en found to have a primi-
tive cubic lattice related to'the space group Th - Pa3'in contrast to
the face-centered lattice of the fluorite type assumed earlier. For all
the studied specimens the number of atoms in th-,,:unit cell is lower than
12. ' This value is in line with the fluorite type of structure. Atom.
coordinates for the U02.33 pitchblende containing 3.15 formula. units in
the unit cell -are listed.
According tS the new structure the U6+ atoms in urani~hites and pitch-
blend s form U02' (uranyl)-groups and the uranium-oxygen distance is
Excess oxygen atoms occupy the interstices of the lattice 4 (a) and
4 (b) to compensate the charge of the uranyl groups. The amount of these
atoms is equal to the number of the U9 atoms jons .
With the increase of the oxidation degree of-uraninites and pitch-
blendes the numbers of uranyl groups-and excess oxygen atoms in the struc-
ture are increasing while the number of atoms (N) and corresponding formula
units (Z) in the cell are decreasing. It results from this that a decrease
of the cell dimensions and of density takes place.
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On the basis of the authore.! own and reference data, the chemical
composition of uraninites and pitchblendes is expressed by the formula
6 U6' , Pb, Th, TR, Ca)01.90-2.50'
33. Oxidation-Reduction Equilibrium in System Uranium-Iron in Carbonate
Environment and.Zts Significance in Geochemistry
"Oxidation-Reduction Equilibrium in the System Uranium-Iron
in a. Carbonate Environment and Its Significance in Geochem-
istry, " by G. B. Naumov aad 0. F. Mironnva, Institute of Geo-
chemistry and AnalyticaL. Chemistry imeni V. I. Vernadskiy,
AcadeQr', of; Sciences USSR; Moscow, Geokhimiya, No 3, 1960,
pp 241-246
The experimental investigations that have been carried. out show
that the oxidation-reduction equilibrium in the system uranium-iron in
a carbonate, neutral and weakly' alkaline environment is almost completely
shifted in the direction of uranium oxidation and iron reduction. Such
equilibria may occur under natural conditions, particularly in hydrothermal
uranium-bearing solutions.'
3 Interphase Isotopic Exchange of Uranium-234 and Uranium-238
"On Interphase Isotopic Exchange of Uranium-234 and Uranium-
238," by N. G. Syronyatnikov, Institute of Geological Sciences,
Academy of Sciences Kazakh SSR, Alma-Ata; Moscow, Geokhimi Ay
No 3, 19$0, pp'268-273
The change of the U234/U238 ratio in liquid phase, after it reacted
on the solid one, was examined, taking into account the amount 'of the
dissolving uranium in this process and its isotopic composition. It has
been established that isotopic exchange is mainly carried out by means
of the reaction between the uranium in the liquid phase and the most
soluble part of the uranium in the solid, the dependence between the
isotopic exchange and the concentrations being approximately inversely
proportional for the easily soluble uranium in the solid phase and
directly proportional in the liquid phase.
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35. Geochemical Peculiarities of Radioactive Rare-Earth Minerals
"On Some Geochemical Peculiarities of' Radioactive Rare-Earth
Minerals," by D. A. Mineyev, Institute of Mineralogy, Geo-
chemistry and Crystal Chemistry of Rare Elements, Academy of
Sciences USSR; Moscow, Geokhimiya, No 2, 1960, pp 131-138
As a result of considering the chemical composition of radioactive
rare-earth minerals, the existence of a definite qualitative paragenetic
correlation of Th with TRCe and of U with TRy has been established.
Some analogy in the evolution of the ratios
in the process of
mineral formation is observed.
The dependence between the content of corresponding rare-earth and
radioactive elements is quantitatively demonstrated in the example of the
composition change of the individual minerals.
The practical value of the correlation of the above ratios in various
mineralogical objects is noted.
36. Peculiarities of Rare-Earth Composition in Eudialytes and Loparites
of Lovozero Massif
"Peculiarities of the Composition of Rare-Earth Elements in
Eudialytes and Loparites of the Lovozero Massif," by Yu. A.
Balashov and N. V. Turanskaya, Institute of Geochemistry and
Analytical Chemistry imeni V. I. Vernadskiy, Academy of
Sciences USSR; Moscow, Geokhimiya, No 2, Feb 60, pp 121-130
The investigation of the composition of rare-earth elements in the
loparite and eudialyte of the Lovozero alkaline massif showed that their
ratio in loparite does not essentially change and that in. eudialyte there
are considerable variations. In the vertical section of the exfoliated
(second) complex a change with depth in the. intensity of the total accumu-
lation of rare-earth elements in the loparite and of the relative content
of the yl.?tric group of rare-earth elements in eudialyte is noted.
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37. Spectral Determination of Rare-Earth Elements in Minerals and Ores
"Spectral Determination of Rare-Earth Elements in Minerals and
Ores) ""by A. N. Zaydel E. N. Fafurina, P. P. Yakimova, and
S. S. Yakovleva, Leningrad State University; Leningrad, Vestnik
Lenin radsko . o Uriiversiteta. Seri a Fiziki i Khimii, Vol 15
(No 1 , No 1, Feb 0, pp 48-5
A method for the spectral determination of rare-earth elements in
minerals and ores is described. A spectral analysis of the concentrate is
made after chemical separation of the total rare earths and extraction of
cerium. The precision of the method is characterized by a mean error of
about 20 percent. The spectrograph "ESA-1" is used. The sample is excited
by an a.c. arc burning in a C02 atmosphere. For the determination of the
yttrium earths in some cerium minerals the rare-earth elements are separated
into two fractions by means of ion-exchange resin. The method has been tested
on a great number of minerals, the results of X-ray chromatographic, and
spectral analysis being compared.
38. Character of Beta-Phase Transformation in Zirconium Alloys
"The Character of Beta-Phase Transformation in Zirconium Alloys,"
by Y. F. Bychkov, V. N. Maskalets, and A. N. Rozanov. Minsk,
Inzhenerno-Fizicheski Zhurnal, No 4, 1960, pp 95-98
The kinetics of the transfoxmata.on of the metastable beta phase in
alloys of zirconium with 10% molybdenum and 15% niobium is investigated
by measuring the physical properties of alloys during tempering. The con-
nection between the stability of the beta phase and the concentration of
outer electrons in the alloy is discussed.
Organic Chemistry
39. Probable Synthesis of Phosphorus-Containing Heterocyclic Compound
"The Interaction of Hydrogen Phosphide with a-Oxides of the
Acetylene Series," by F. Ya. Perbeyev and K. Rikhter, Leningrad
State University; Moscow, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 30, No 3,
Mar 60, pp 784-789
Earlier the authors had established the possibility of converting
products of the condensation of a-acetylene oxides with various nucleopbilic
reagents into heterocyclic systems which contain the 0, S. Se, or N atoms; in
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the ring. In continuing this research their purpose was now to study the
interactions of hydrogen phosphide with a-acetylene oxides to obtain
acetylenic hydroxyphosphines, to determine the manner, in which the oxide
ring opens up, and to evaluate the effect of the structural characteristics
of the oxides on their reactivity. Synthesis and study of the chemical
properties of hydroxyphosphines of the acetylene series appear to have as
much practical as theoretical interest, since this class of compounds has
never been described in the literature. The practical value of hydroxy-
phosphines consists in the possibility of using them as biologically active
substances. In addition, it appeared possible to convert these compounds
into phosphorus-containing heterocyclic compounds. The development of a
suitable method to prepare 1-phosphocylcopertadienes would open extensive
possibilities in expanding the chemistry of phosphorophenes.
Sodium dihydrophosphide was reacted with the following oxides: 2-
methyl-1,2-oxydopentyne-3, 2-methyl-l,2-oxydooctyne-3, 2-methyl-l,2-
o}ydohexene-5-yne-3, and 2-methyl-1,2-oxydopentyne. The following represent-
atives of hydroxyphosphines were isolated and characterized: 2-methyl-2-
oxy-yne-3-pentynylphosphine and 2-methyl-'2-oxy-yne-3-octynylphosphine.
A product of the dehydration of hydroxyphosphine was prepared and
characterized, which probably has the constitution of a dibutyl-(2,2' -
dimethyl-(1E 4')-P-diphospha-(1,1'_-dicyclopentadiene and is a (2,3-1I,5~-
bisbutyl-(2)-methyl-(4)-phosphorophene of the following structure:
The authors stated that they will continue wort: on establishing the
structure of the dehydration products of hydroxyphosphines.
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Physical Chemistry
40. Drift of Particles in Sound Wave Investigated
"The Theory of the Drift of Aerosol Particles in a Standing
Sound Wave," by S. S. Dukhin, Institute of General and In-
organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR; Moscow,
Kolloidnyy Zhurnal, Vol 22, No 1, 1960, pp 128-130
The author proposes a new mechanism for the drift of aerosol particles
in a standing sound wave, leading to their periodic distribution. A short
theoretical discussion of the mechanism is presented in the article.
The value of the mean-square displacement during thermal movement, de-
rived by Einstein's formula, indicates that for particles at least as large
as 0.1 g thermal movement cannot prevent the preferential concentration of
particles in nodes.
41. Studies of Thermodynamic Properties of Liquid Metal Solutions; System
Potassium -- Lead "Studies of the Thermodynamic Properties of Liquid Metal Solutions.
The System Potassium -- Lead," by M. F. Lantratov, Leningrad Elec-
trical Engineering Institute imeni V. I. Ul'yanov-Lenin; Moscow,
Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, Vol 34, No 4, Apr 60, pp 782-788
The values of the partial and integral thermodynamic values for the system
K-Pb have been calculated over a large range of concentrations (0.05 to
0.9 NK) and temperatures (500-600? c) from the emf's of the concentration
cells potassium /glass/ potassium-lead alloy. Large negative deviations from
the ideal values have been explained by the existence in liquid alloys of
structural groups of metallic compounds. An approximately linear dependence
of activity on temperature has been observed in the semilogarithmin coordinate
system. The integral quantities possess extremal values at the composition
NK = 0.5 - 0.6. The formation of potassium-lead alloys is accompanied by a
large exothermal effect. The maximum value of the heats of mixing equals
5.06 kcal/g. atom. The heats of mixing depend mainly on the value of the
isobaric-isothermal potential. The negative values of the entropy of mixing
observed over a wide range of concentrations are explained by the partial
ionic character of the bond in the potassium-lead compound. The most stable
compound has been shown to be K#Jb.
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42. Measurement of Saturated Vapor Pressure of Solid Lithium Oxide
"Measurement of the Saturated Vapor Pressure of Solid Lithium
Oxide," by An. N. Nesmeyariov and L. P. Belykh; Moscow,
Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, Vol 34, No 4, Apr 60, pp 841-844
A new apparatus has been designed allowing the vapor pressure of sub-
stances to be measured by Knudsen's integral method without disturbing the
vacuum in the zone of the substance undergoing investigation.
The vapor pressure of solid lithium oxide has been measured over the
temperature range 1388-1506? K and the temperature relation of lg p has
been found. The heat of sublimation has been calculated from the experi-
mental data.
43. Application of Similarity Theory in Studies of Mass Transfer Processes
"Application of the Similarity Theory in Studies of Mass Transfer
Processes," by A. G. Usmanov and A. N. Berezhnoy, Kazan' Chemico-
technological Institute imeni S. M. Kirov; Moscow, Zhurnal Fiziche-
skoy Khimii, Vol 34, No 4, Apr 60, pp 907-920
A generalization of the experimental data on vapor diffusion and the
thermal diffusion of gases has been made with the aid of similarity theory.
The derived generalized formulas made it possible to determine over a wide
range of temperatures and concentrations the vapor diffusion coefficients
and the values for gas separation by thermal diffusion.
It has been shown that in the thermal diffusion of gases a simple linear
relation exists between the relative separation values and the relative
changes in entropy of the form:
where A is the value for the separation of a mixture by thermal diffusion,
A ? 'S the scale factor for separation of the mixture on change in
entropy A S - 1, read off from a given value of Sl, S1 and S2 - entropy
values of the hot and cold parts of the mixture in the steady state.
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Radiation Chemistry
44. Decomposition of Nitrogen Oxides Under Action of Ionizing Radiation
"The Energy Yield of' the Decomposition of Nitrogen Oxides
Under the Action of Ionizing Radiation," by M. T. Dmitr9.yev,
D. V. Saradzhev, and M. A. Miniovich; Leningrad, Zhurnal
Prikladnoy Khimii, Vol 33, No 4, Apr 60, pp 309-81-
Investigation of the dependence of the energy yields of the decomposi-
tion of N 0, NO, and N 02 under the action of ionizing radiation on the
pressure (within the range of 0-1.5 atmospheres), the temperature (in the
range of 0-4000), and the intensity of irradiation (up to l&17 ev/ cm3. sec)
established that the degree of stability of the oxides mentioned above to
the action of ionizing radiation changes in an order inverse to that of the
degree of their stability toward the action of high temperatures. It was
also established that on irradiation of nitrogen-oxygen mixtures, the con-
centration of N02 that remains constant depends on the intensity of irradia-
tion, reaching a level of approximately 15% at high intensities of irradia-
tion. All three oxides can be used in gas dosimeters for the measurement
of ionizing radiation. Under conditions when the temperature of the system
being irradiated is not constant, the most convenient compound for dosimetry
is NO.
The energy of the radiation-chemical decomposition of nitrogen oxides
is of importance not only from the standpoint of application of these oxides
in dosimetry, but also in connection with the development of industrial pro-
cesses for the radiation-chemical oxidation of nitrogen to produce nitric
acid industrially with the application of nuclear energy.
Advice given by S. Ya. Pshezhetskiy is acknowledged by the authors of
the paper.
45. Radiation-Thermal Cracking of Hydrocarbons
"The Radiation-Thermal Cracking of Hydrocarbons," by Academician
A. V. Topchieyev, L. S. Polak, N. Ya. Chernyak, V. Ye. Glushnev,
I. V. Vereshchinskiy, and P. Ya. Glazunov, Institute of Petro-
chemical Synthesis, Academy of Sciences USSR, and Institute of
Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Doktlady
Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 130, No 4, 1 Feb 60, pp 789-792
On the basis of the results reported, which pertain:. to the radiation-
chemical cracking of normal paraffinic hydrocarbons, it is concluded that
that cracking should be carried out in such a manner that centers from which
the reaction starts are initiated by the radiation while the temperature is
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elevated to a level which is high enough to bring about elimination of the
activation barriers that prevent development of a chain reaction from these
centers. Work done previously by the authors and results obtained by
American investigators indicate that when radiolysis is carried out at room
temperature (20?), no chains develop. The effect of chain formation at ele-
vated temperatures is illustrated by the fact that radiation-thermal cracking
of heptane at 400? proceeds with an over-all radiation-chemical yield of low-
molecular hydrocarbons amounting to - 2,000 molecules-per 100 ev, which is
approximately 103 higher than the yield of the same products obtained by the
radiolysis of heptane vapor at 20?.
Furthermore, the quality of the products improves when radiation-thermal
cracking is applied: hydrocarbons are formed predominantly, rather than
hydrogen, which is the principal product of radiolysis at low temperatures.
Preliminary experiments on the radiation-thermal cracking of naphthenic
hydrocarbons and petroleum crudes have yielded results which support the con-
clusions made on the basis of work dealing with pure paraffinic hydrocarbons.
On the basis of the results obtained, the method in question appears promising
from the standpoint of practical applications. Equipment has been designed
for subjecting to radiation-thermal cracking evaporated liquid hydrocarbons
and hydrocarbon gases in a state of continuous flow. This equipment is now
being tested.
46. Synthesis of Some Derivatives of Phosphonitrilic Chloride by Radiation
"Radiation Method of the Synthesis of Some Derivatives of
Phosphonitrilic Chloride," by Academician V. I. Spitsyn, N. A.
Afanas'yeva, A. K. Pikayev, I. D. Kolli, and P. Ya. Glazunov,
Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences USSR, and
Moscow State University; Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk :.SSR,
Vol 131, No 5, 11 Apr 60, pp 1106-1108
Among inorganic polymers, phosphonitrilic chloride (PNC12)n is of
particular interest. However, the susceptibility of this heat-resistant
polymer to hydrolysis prevents its practical application. The tendency
toward hydrolysis exhibited by phosphonitrilic chloride can be reduced
by introducing alkoxy groups into the molecule of the polymer. To react
phosphonitrilic chloride with alcohols (e.g., n-butyl alcohol), high tempera-
tures must be applied and the yields obtained are as a rule very low.
In the work reported in the article the possibility of synthesizing
butyl phosphonitrilic ester by irradiating with high-energy electrons a
mixture of phosphonitrilic chloride with n-butyl alcohol was investigated.
Results obtained in a typical experiment involving. irradiation of a 5% solu-
tion of the tetamer of phosphonitrilic chloride in n-butyl alcohol for 6
hours with electrons of an energy of 0.6 Mev at a current strength in the
solution amounting to 3 pa are described. It is concluded on the basis re-
sults that the radiation method of preparing phosphonitrilic butyl ester is
of advantage in comparison with the chemical method.
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The action of ionizing radiation on a solution of phosphonitrilic
chloride trimer in dioxane was also investigated. According to the
analyses that have been carried out, the substance that forms in dioxane
has composition corresponding to the formula (PNClCV1802), i.e., it is
the product of the substitution of one chlorine atom-with a dioxane molecule.
The compound in question exhibits a considerable resistance to hydrolysis;
it does not decompose even on boiling with an alcoholic solution of caustic
alkali. The structure of the newly synthesized compound will be investigated.
47. Radiolysis and Radiation Oxidation of Diiso rop l Et-her
"The Radiolysis and Radiation Oxidation of Diisopropyl Ether,"
by V. V. Sarayeva, B. Ya. Ladygin, and Nam Chang-sung, Moscow
State University; Moscow, Zhurnal Fizichesko Ihimii, Vol 34,
No 4, Apr 60, pp 759-761
The formation of carbonyl compounds and alcohols during the X-radiation
of diisopropyl ether in the absence of oxygen has been investigated. The
initial yield of carbonyl compounds has been found to depend to a great ex-
tent on the presence of impurities, in particular acetone, in the ether.
On irradiation of the ether in the presence of oxygen, the yield of
carbonyl compounds and alcohols greatly increases and peroxides and acids
It has been suggested that conversion of the ether takes place by a
chain mechanism both in the preset:^.e and absence of oxygen.
48. Radiation Oxidation of Nitrogen
"Radiation Oxidation of Nitrogen, V. The Kinetics of Nitrogen
Oxidation Induced by Gamma-Radiation and the Part Played by Ion
Recombination," by M. T. Dmitriev and S. Ya. Pshezhetskiy, Physico-
chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov; Moscow, Zhurnal Fizicheskoy
Khimii, Vol 34, No 4, Apr 60, pp 880-887
The oxidation of nitrogen induced by gamma-radiation has been investi-
gated at pressures ranging from 1 mm Hg to 150 atm. The amount of NO2
formed is proportional to the duration and intensity of the irradiation. The
ratio of N20 to N02 grows with .the pressure. With increase in pressure from
1 mm to 1 atm the energy yield decreases. - After 1 atm the yield grows, at-
taining a value of 5-6 molecules N02 at 150 atm.- The N20 yield at 30-50 atm
and 1500 is 2.5-3.5 molecules per 100 eV.
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Up to 1 atm the dependence of the reaction rate on the gas composition
is in line with second order kinetics. The dependence of the rate On the
pressure deviates from the second order. This is mainly due-to the increas-
ing imp.'rtance of the recombination of negative and positive ions, causing
a fall in the reaction rate. This result is in agreement with the previously
elucidated part played by the formation of nitrogen ions in the reaction.
Quantitative correlations between the rate constant of the reactions and co-
efficient of recombination of the ions have been presented.
49. Structure and Properties of Carboxylated Rubber Vulcanizates Produced
by Combined Action of Metal Oxides and High-Energy Radiation
"The Structure and Properties of Carboxylated Rubber Vulcanizates
Produced by the Combined Action of Metal Oxides and High Energy
Radiation," by Z. N, Tarasova, B. A. Dogadkin, M. I. Arkhangel'-
skaya, and, S. B. Petrova, Scientific Research Institute of the
Tire Industry; Moscow, Kolloidnyy Zhurnal, Vol 22, No 2, 1960,
pp 253-256
The heating of carboxylated rubbers with metal oxides leads to the for-
mation of vulcanizates of high strength, but low thermal stability. The rate
constant of stress relaxation of the vulcanizates at 1000 is about 100 times
that of the vulcanizates with polysulfide bonds. The number of cross links
does not change on relaxation. The osmotic molecular weight of the dissolved
vulcanizate determined after relaxation to zero also does not noticeably
change. All this points to the fact that relaxation of the vulcanizates
obtained on heating with metal oxides takes place through exchange rearrange-
ment of the salt bonds. Irradiation of the carboxylated rubbers by a Co60
source leads to additional formation of cross links of the salt type and
stable chemical bonds. Vulcanizates obtained in this way containing not more
than 1019 ml-1 chemical bonds are of considerable strength and of high sta-
50. USSR Work on Vitreous Semiconductors and Action of Radiation on Glass
"The Third All-Union Conference on the Vitreous State," by Z. M.
Syritskaya; Moscow, Steklo i Keramika, Vol 17, No 3, Mar 60,
pp 43-46
The third All-Union Conference on the Vitreous State, which was held at
the end of 1959 in Leningrad, summarized the most important scientific re-
search on glass that had been conducted during the past 5-6 years in the
USSR. The conference was organized by the Institute of Silicate Chemistry
of the Academy of Sciences USSR, the All-Union Chemical Society imeni D. I.
Mendeleyev, and the State Optical Institute'imeni S. I. Vavilov.
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More than 100 reports were presented at the conference. These reports
dealt with methods for the investigation of the vitreous state, the mechanism
of vitrefication, and the physicochemical and technical characteristics of
The seventh session of the conference dealt with results obtained in
the investigation of semiconductor glasses (six reports), the coloration
of glass and the effects of radiation on glass (nine reports), and also
the technical characteristics of glass (four reports). V. A. Joffe and
G. I. Khvostenko presented a paper entitled "The Electrical Properties of
Some Semiconductor Glasses." B. T. Kolomiyets, N. A. Goryunova, and V. P.
Shilo reported on methods for the preparation of chalcogenide glasses,
some properties which they have in common, and the limits within which
vitrefication takes place in the systems T12 Se-As2 Se3, T12 Se-Sb2 Se ,
Sb2 Sea -As2 Sea, and Tl-As-Se. 3
B. T.Kolomiyets and B. V. Pavlov gave a paper dealing with the investi-
gation of optical absorption by a number of binary chalcogenide systems.
B. T. Kolomiyets, T. N. Mamontova, and G. F. Nazarova reported a finding to
the effect that chalcogende glasses exhibit a purely electronic conduc-
tivity (amounting to 10-1 -10-3 ohms -1 . cm-1), which is preserved in
melts after the softening period.
A. A. Vaypolin and Ye. A. Poray-Koshits, in a report entitled "X-Ray
Investigation of the Structure of Vitreous Chalcogeztiides of Arsenic,"
pointed out that the diffraction diagrams of glasses having the composition
As2 Se Ash S3J and those formed in the system As2 Sea -,As2 Tea, in which
the co!ductivity increases with increased substitution of sulfur with
selenium and then with tellurium, exhibit similarities in the course of
regular changes of the composition, indicating that all of the glasses in
question have a similar structure.
V. V. Tarasov and V. A. Romanovskiy reported that by using calorimetric
measurements, they were able to establish that the vitreous arsenic trisulfide
As2 S3 has a chain structure.
In a report entitled "The Effects of Radiation on Glass and Absorption
Spectra of Glass," I. N. Berezhnaya gave results of determinations of the
light absorption coefficient in the visible region of the spectrum after
irradiation of glass with ultraviolet light, X rays, and gamma rays. S. M.
Brekhovskikh in a paper presented by him gave the composition of a number
of types of glass which exert effective protection against gamma radiation
and neutrons.
V. P. Danilov and N. V. Berbash reported on changes in the spectral
absorption of glasses of simple composition as a result of exposure to gamma
rays. All sodium borosilicate glasses exhibit negative absorption in.the
region of the spectrum corresponding to the wave length of about 280 millimi-
crons, i.e., their transparency increases under the action of gamma rays.
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An analogous phenomenon is observed in sodium silicate and sodium
borate glasses after irradiation with gamma and X rays and also as a result
of exposing the glasses' to the action of short-wave ultraviolet radiation.
A characteristic property of phosphate glasses is an absorption band with
a maximum at 500-520 millimicrons. This absorption band is due to the
presence of phosphorus ions in the glass. -
G. 0. Karapetyan reported on the effect which the structure of glasses
has on the spectral and. chemical properties of cerium ions. The absorp-
tion and luminescence spectra as well as the quantum yield and thermo-
luminescence of borate, phosphate, silicate, and borosilicate glasses con-
taining cerium were investigated as they are affected by the composition,
cerium concentration, conditions under which the glass was made, and ir-
radiation with ionizing radiation. The results obtained by Karapetyan indi-
cated that cerium contained in glass forms not only luminescence centers,
but also centers of capture.
N. F. Orlov discussed the effects of impurities and of the regularity
of the structure of the crystal lattice on the coloration of quartz glass
as a result of exposure to gamma rays. He pointed out that the particularly
intense absorption bands that form as a result of irradiation, specifically
bands in the visible part of the spectrum, arise as a result of the introduc-
tion of oxides of alkali metals and aluminum oxide into the quartz glass.
On remelting of the glass, the dimensions of the crystalline particles and
also the intensity of the absorption bands diminished.
At the eighth session of the conference, which was concerned with re-
search results in the fields of the physical chemistry of glass and mechanical
properties of glass, S. M. Brekhovskikh and V. N. Sesorova reported on the
preparation of hafnium silicate glasses and described results obtained in the
investigation of these glasses. -
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Acoustics and Audio Frequencies
51. Instruments For Plotting Refracted Waves
"On Instruments For Plotting Refracted Waves," by 0. P. Galkin
and V. S. Grigor'yev, Acoustics Institute of the Academy of
Sciences USSR, Moscow; Moscow, Akusticheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 6,
No 1, 1960, pp 23-29
The basic principles of design are considered for direct-acting auto-
matic instruments which plot the aggregate sound-wave combination in a
complex nonhomogeneous medium on the basis of a given law of the propagation
of sound (or a gradient of the speed of sound) along a vertical coordinate.
Of the many possible variant designs for such instruments, this article con-
siders primarily those which produce an exact solution. It is assumed that
electronic, instruments with reflected beam on an electron-beam indicator are
more suitable for high-speed presentation of relatively low accuracy, whereas
electromechanical integrators which present the beam system in the form of a
graphic are more suitable for low-speed presentation with higher accuracy.
for additional information on acoustics, audio frequencies,
and ultrasonics, see Physics, Acoustics)
52. Methods for Improving the Performance of Panoramic Receiver
"Appraisal of the Efficiency of Various Methods to Improve the
Dynamic Range of a Panoramic Radio Receiver," by N. I. Svetlov;
Moscow, Radiotekhnika, No 5, May 60, pp 29-32
The dynamic range of a panoramic radio receiver is determined primarily
by the magnitude of cross distortion formed in different stages of the wide-
band channel. Such distortions can be minimized by introduction of negative
feedback, retuning filters, or a combination of the two.
A comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of methods to improve
the dynamic range of the panoramic radio., receiver is presented. Experiments
conducted at the Leningrad Radio Receiving Center of the Ministry of Communi-
cations have revealed that on certain overloaded sections frequency detuning.
between the operating stations varied from 5 to 20 kc. For the experimental
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determination of the magnitude of cross distortions, simulation of inter-
fering stations was carried out by feeding to the input of automatically
retuning filters a signal from the high-frequency GSSS-6 oscillator. A
two-circuit band-pass filter with two reactance tubes having a pass-band
of 20 kc was used. The maximui dynamic range- in all examined cases in the
presence of two signals and 10 kc detuning was about 60 decibels.
This experiment has confirmed the effectiveness of retuning filters
in reducing cross distortions and other nonlinear disturbances.
53. New Czechoslovak Television Tower
"Competition for the Petrin Observation Tower" (unsigned article);
Prague, Vecerni Prague, 3 Jun 60, p 1
According to a brief announcement, accompanied by a photograph of three
dish-type antennae, the Strahov television relay tower in Prague is replacing
the relay facility formerly located atop the Petrin Observation Tower in the
city. The new tower is 50 meters tall and located at a higher elevation than
Petrin. Since 7 May., 'it has been transmitting audio and video signals to
western Bohemia and is scheduled to begin transmission in the northern di-
rection soon. The article mentions that the tower at Strahov is part of the
eight-tower complex of the Prague-Bratislava relay network and that the equip-
ment atop the tower is wired for automatic switching in case of malfunction.
54. Permanent Magnets
"Permanent Magnets and Their Magnetic Characteristics," by V. M.
Chernov; Moscow, Standartizatsi a, No 3, Mar 60, pp 18-19
The permanent magnets in the USSR are manufactured in accordance with
the State Standard (GOST) 4402-48 entitled "Permanent Cast Magnets 'for
Aviation Magnetoes and Instruments." However,, this standard does not cover
all of the alloys for pemanent magnets which are widely used in industry.
This standard permits lowering of the prescribed magnetic characteristics
to the extent of 10 to 15% depending on the complexity of magnet configura-
tion. Neither standard, instruments nor methods for magnetic measurements
have yet been developed, which makes it necessary for industrial enterprises
to develop their own measuring instruments, which often lack the required
The All-Union Scientific-Research Institute for Electricl Measuring
Instruments (Leningrad), at the request of the Committee on Standards,
Measures and Measuring Instruments, and Gosplan USSR are now working on
new standard specifications for permanent magnets.
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55. Miniature Cold-Cathode Tubes
"Billions Saved by a Small Tube," by A. Presnyakov; Moscow,
Ekonomicheskaya Gazeta, 2 Jun 60
The article contains the following passages:
A most wonderful and simple device was invented in the Soviet Union;
it is the cold-cathode tube. These tubes were known for many years and
were used only as a light-signal source. Their second birth took place in
191+7 at the Physics Institute imeni P. N' Levedev, Academy of Sciences USSR,
even prior to the 'advent of transistors. E :perimental Engineer L. N. Kora-
blev has discovered in these tubes a number of valuable properties, hitherto
not known.
"Here, before us is such a miniature tube. Its glass bulb is of the
size of a sunflower seed, and it is filled with rarefied xenon. Inside the
bulb are two tiny stubs and a cylinder activated with cesium compounds.
These tubes weigh less than one gram. The energy 'consumption is only a'
fraction of one percent of that of a conventional electron tube. In some
pulsed radio circuits one cold-cathode tube replaces several of the con-
ventional tubes.
"The universal Soviet-made cold-cathode tube MTKh-90 contains only
six parts, while a conventional electron tube has 50-70 parts. From one
ton of glass and nickel,'it is possible to manufacture up to one, million
of these tubes. The service life of such tubes is about 100,000 hours,
which is about 100 times greater than the guaranteed service life of an
electron tube.
"Cold-cathode tubes can be used for generation or amplification of
electric pulses.
"While investigating and discovering the new properties of these tubes,
Soviet physicists developed about 150 radio circuits applicable to various
fields of engineering. It is difficult to find a branch of engineering where
these miniature tubes could not be utilized to greater advantage. More than
200 industrial enterprises and research institutes are now designing instru-
ments incorporating these new tubes.
"The annual demand for these tubes is 10 million pieces . To manufacture
10 million tubes per year,, it would be necessary to improve the equipment
of the existing shop and also to build a new manufacturing plant. Realiza-
tion of this is quite possible because the production of reliable and inex-
pensive cold-cathode tubes does not require special buildings nor special
equipment for a new plant. Notwithstanding all of this, the construction of
the new plant has not yet been started.
"Doesn't it look to you, comrades from the State Committee for Radio-
electronics, that you are chasing nickels while overlooking the rubles?"
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56. Dynamics of Transients- in Miniature Electric Drives
"On the Dynamics of Transient Processes in Microelectric Drives,"
by L. I. Stolov; Moscow, Izvestiya V sshikh Uchebn lch Zavedeni ,
Elektromekhanika, No 3, 196o, pp 80-
The study presented here is based on the assumption that, although the
dynamics of transient processes in electric drives with variable moment of
inertia has been studied, the friction in the step-down, which plays a
particularly important role in the case of microelectric drives, has not
been taken into account. Furthermore, for a drive with variable mass, the
coefficient of friction of the contacting elements has been considered con-
stant. In this article, both the reduced moment of inertia and the reduced
static moment are considered variable, and it is assumed that the system
contains a reduction gear which is very small; thus the moment of friction
is relatively large. It is further assumed that the mass of the servome-
chanism is concentrated in a point, but the moment of frictiop in the re-
duction gear between the drive and the servo is linearly dependent on the
output moment of the reduction gear.
57. Synchro Generator Built With Semiconductor Components
"Television Synchro Generator Built With Ferrite and Semiconductor
Components," by Z. A. Demin, L. A. Chinenkov, and B.. P. Shcherbakov;
Moscow, Tekhnika Kino i Televideniya, No 3, Mar 60, pp 53-57
. A synchro-pulse generator for a television broadcasting system supplies
several pulse signals, some of which are composite in nature and consist of
a pulse train of varied duration, having a multiple repetition rate. The
performance of frequency division and pulse shaping units can be consider-
ably improved if some of the electronic tubes are replaced by ferrite cores
with rectangular hysteresis loop and certain other semiconductor devices..
At the Scientific-Research Laboratory No 2 of the Novosibirsk Electrical
Engineering Institute of Communications, a television synchro generator was
designed in which the frequency division and pulse shaping units were built,
for the f':...::t time, entirely with rectangular-loop ferrite cores and transis-
tors. This synchro generator was bui'_t with 2 type 6N1P twin triodes, 56
ferrite cores, nand 40 transistors. A laboratory test of this prototype
synchro generator has shown that the frequency division and pulse shaping
units performed with a high degree of stability even when the supply voltage
was fluctuating in a range of ? 10% and the temperature fluctuation ranged
from +10?C to +60?C.
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Fluctuations of Synchronization in Sound-Recording Equipment
"Investigation of the Fluctuations of Synchronization in a
Magnetic Tape Recorder With the Aid of Electromechanical
Analogies," by W. Wolf, Institute of Electrical said Room
Acoustics, Dresden Techniache Iochschule, Industrial Labor-
atory for Radio and Television, Berlin-Adlershof; Leipzig,
Hochfrequenzteclulik and Elektroolcustik., Vol 69,, No 2, Apr
60, pp 41-52
The effect of the longitudinal oscillations of a recording tape, re-
sulting from the elasticity of the tape and the inertial masses of the
rotating components, is studied with the aid of analogies and measurements
with an equivalent circuit. To provide dimensions for this analog electri-
cal circuit, relationships were devised which make it possible to convert
mechanical into electrical values. The determination of the mechanical
flexibility of the tape required an exact study of its modulus of elasticity.
The friction between the magnetic tape and the revolving head was determined
without difficulty by means of an equivalent circuit. The analogy approach
was also used to study the dynamic properties of the synchronous motor used
for the tape drive and for the determination of the longitudinal oscillations
of the tape between spools.
Computers and Automation
59. Logarithmic Frequency Characteristics of Pulsed Automatic Control System
"A Method of Constructing the Logarithmic Frequency Characteristics
of a Pulsed System of Automatic Control," by I. N. Pechorina; Moscow,
Izvestiya V sshikh Uchebn kh Zavedeni Elektromekhanika, No 3,
19 0, pp 75-79
This article presents a method of constructing the logarithmic frequency
characteristics of pulsed automatic control systems for the case in which the
continuous portion of the control system is represented by a low-frequency
filter with a pulse-spacing factor considerably less than unity.
60. Semiconductors in Decoding Circuits
"Decoding Circuits with Semiconductor Components," by E. Oehme,
Institute of High-Frequency Engineering and Electron Tubes,
Dresden Technische Hochschule; Leipzig, Hochfrequenztechnik and
Elektroakustik, Vol 69, No 2, Apr 60, pp 7?- l
The principles of decoding circuits are developed for the case of binary
coding. The decoding process consists of two parts, synthesis and analysis.
For the case of codes with groups of unequal length (Shannon -Fanocodes), there
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is an interaction between synthesis and analysis. For binary codes with
groups of equal length, details are Given for decoding circuits which also
relate to the use of transistors and germanium diodes.
High-Frequency Heating
61. Improvements Made in Hsi-Frequency Generator LGZ-10
"Broadening the Limits of Applicability of the LGZ-10 High-
Frequency Generator," by V. M. Azhazha, V. S. Gumenyuk, and
B. Ye. Popov, Physico-Technical Institute of the Academy of
Sciences Ukrainian SSR; Moscow, Pribory i Tekhnika Elss-
menta, No 1, Jan/Feb 60, pp 102-103
Certain alterations are proposed for the LGZ-10 generator, designed
for tempering small steel parts,;'which would expand its capabilities and
allow it to operate with inductors of different sizes.
The changes consist of replacing the secondary turn and heating in-
duction coil with a multiturn coil and tuned load circuit. A plate capa-
citor, having two systems of stationary Dural plates, serves as the balanc-
ing capacitor in the load circuit. The capacitor is designed to operate
at a capacitance of 43 millimicrofarads with air dielectrics and 90 milli-
microfarads with oil dielectrics.
Instruments and Equipment
62. New Flash Tube Operates on A-C Supply
"New Electronic Flash Tube IFK15-1 With Capacitorless Source,"
by V. P. Ivanov and 1. S. Marshals; Moscow, Pribory i Telshnika
Eksperimenta, No 1, Jan/Feb 60, pp 92-94
This recently developed flash tube is an electric vacuum device com-
bining the properties of a flash tube and the basic element of a device
for providing a synchronizing pulse with a capacitorless discharge supply
from an a-c network. The lamp automatically synchronizes the firing with
the operation of a camera shutter and the phase of the a-c supply (127 or
220 volts).
Duration of flashes is 6 milliseconds, the smallest interval between
flashes under continuous operating conditions is 10 seconds for a 127-volt
supply and 20 seconds for a 220-volt supply, and the average life of the
tube is 2000 flashes.
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63. Circuit for Synchronization of Short-Duration Processes
"Electronic Delayed-Pulse Oscillator for Pulse Roentgenography,"
by N. A. Bekeshko, Artillery Engineering Academy; Moscow, Pribory
i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No 1, Jan/Feb 60, pp 67-68
The circuit of a low-voltage delay line and delayed-pulse oscillator
for time delays of one to 250 milliseconds is described. The circuit is
used for synchronizing the cut-in moment of high-voltage X-ray apparatus
with the phase of the high-speed process being examined. A phantastron
is used to obtain the necessary delay.
Deviation from delay linearity in the circuit is 0.1%, and voltage
changes from an unstable power supply of ? 10% cause changes in the maxi-
mum duration of delay of only 0.1%.
The circuit may also be used in other cases in which the duration of
the process is very small, such as in spark photography, shock wave studcies,
64. Circuit for Sequential Recording of Time Markers and Process
"Control of the Electron-Beam Tube of an oscilloscope With
Mechanical Scanning," by V. M. Vyrodov and T. V. Pogorelova;
Moscow, Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No 1, Jan/Feb 60,
pp 65-66
A circuit is described which may be used for the sequential recording
of a studied process and time markers by one and the dame beam of an oscillo-
scope with mechanical scanning. The method eliminatc,s the faults associated
with point-marking discharge tubes usually found in Luch oscilloscopes.
The circuit provides two triggering operations for the tube: first,
for recording the phenomenon and, second, for recording the group of time
markers by applying positive pulses from monostable multivibrators to the
modulating electrode of the tube.
65. Current Generator Using Cable Discharge Developed
"High-Power Current Pulse Generator," by V. M. Kul'gavchuk and
N. A. Protopopov; Moscow, Priboiy i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No 1,
Jan/Feb 60, pp 85-89
A current pulse generator is described which is based on the use of
coaxial cable discharge. To obtain a low characteristic impedance, the
generator has a unit consisting of 400 sections of parallel-connected
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RK-3 coaxial cable, which was used at voltages up to 100 kv. Current
pulses up to 250 Ica with a duration of up to 0.3 microsecond at a maximum
pulse rise of 3.1012 a/sec are possible.
The generator was used to study electrical explosions of conductors,
but may also be used to study the initial stages of, a spark discharge,
discharges in gases, etc.
66. Method for Measuring the Intensity of Inhomo eneous Magnetic Fields
"Measurement of Intensity and Gradient of Ixhomogeneous Magnetic
Fields With Nuclear Magnetometers," by Yu. N. Denisov, Joint
Institute for Nuclear Research; Moscow, Pribory i Tel nika Eks-
perimenta, No 1, Jan/Feb 60, pp 82-81+
Nuclear magnetometers with the described pickups may be used to
measure the intensity and gradient of extremely inhomogeneous magnetic
fields with a high degree of accuracy. Permissible inhomogeneity of the
magnetic field is 1000-1200 oersteds/cm. Accuracy in measuring the absolute
value of magnetic field intensity is 0.01%, and accuracy in measuring the
gradient is 0.5-1%. The proposed method may be used to determine, not only
the value, but also the direction of the gradient in a magnetic field of
arbitrary configuration.
67. New Device for Studying the Semiconductor Properties
"Electron Mirror," by V. Bezuglyy; Moscow, Izvestiya, 1 Jun 60
The Electrophysical Laboratory of the Institute of Metallurgy imeni A. A.
Baykov developed an instrument called the "electron mirror," which can examine
the electrical properties of semiconductors at their surface and slightly
below it.
The device operates as follows: An electron gun ejects a dense electron
beam at a glancing angle to the surface of the examined semiconductor, the
latter being subjected to a high potential. The electrons, so to speak, feel
the surface of he semiconductor or, to be more precise, their electric field
envelops the crystal as if with a "jacket." Like the rays of light reflected
from a mirror, the electrons, after touching the electric field, are reflected
back. The reflected electrons pass through an electron-optical system said are
admitted to a small television screen on which a clearly visible pattern of
the electric field at the surface of the semiconductor is displayed. Such a
pattern will change with the change of magnitude of electric field passing
through the semiconductor.
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D. Kormilitsin, junior scientific associate of the Electrophysical
Laboratory, one of the co-inventors of this device, said: "I believe that
the "electron mirror" will become as important to all engaged in the study
of electrical phenomena as the metallographic microscope is now to the
68. Heat of Formation and Physical Properties of Intermetallic Semi-
"The Heat of Formation and Ph sical Properties of Inter-
metallic Semiconductors," by . P. Otopkov and A. M. Yevsyev,
Moscow State University; Moscow, Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Hhimii,
Vol 34, No 4, Apr 60, pp 815-818
It was established that the atomization energy of intermetallic semi-
conductors has an optimum in its dependence upon the width of the forbidden
semiconductor zone within the limits of a single structural group character-
ized by near order.
69. Investigation of the Conditions for the Silicon-Thermic Production of
Lanthanum Silicide and Some Properties of This Compound
"Investigation of the Conditions for the Silicon-Thermic Production
of Lanthanum Silicide and Some Properties of This Compound," by V. S.
Neshpor and G. V. Samsonov; Leningrad, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Khimii,
Vol 33, No 5, May 60, pp 993-1001
Formation of the Lanthanum disilicide LaS12_after silicon-thermic re-
duction of lanthanum oxide in vacuum proceeds in two stages. At lower
temperatures, formation of the monosilicide LaSi predominates. The mono-
silicide reacts with an excess of silicon and is partially converted into
LeSi2. At higher temperatures, Lag 0 is reduced directly to the disilicide.
Lanthanum disilicide is obtained in t e form of a practically monophasic
product at 15000 and an initial evacuation in the furnace corresponding to
10-3 millimeters of mercury. The approximate heats of formation of lanthanum
monosilicide and lanthanum disilicide are 64 and 52 kilocalories per mol,
respectively, the latter value being close to the heat of formation of CeS12?
The ,microhardness of lanthanum silicide amounts to 324 kilograms per square
millimeter and is considerably lower than the microhardness of the disilicides
of transitional metals of the III-IV groups of the periodic system. It is
also lower than the microhardness of pure silicon. The latter circumstance
is due to the loosening effect of lanthanum atoms which are located in the
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empty spaces of the three-dimensional lattice formed by the silicon atoms
bound to each other. In the range of 20-500?, lanthanum disilicide is a
metallic conductor of the n-type. At temperatures higher than 500?, it
is apparently a semiconductor of the p-type.
70. Saturated Vapor Tensions of Solid Indium Antimonide
"Saturated Vapor Tensions of Solid Indium Antomonide," by A. N.
Nesmeyanov, B. Z. Iofa, and A. S. Polyakov; Moscow, Zhurnal
Neorganicheskoy Khimii, Vol 5, No 2, Feb 60, pp 2448
The vapor pressures of indium antimonide in the tommppe ature rang of
636-720? K were determined. The radioactive isotopes Sb12 and In 1i, were
used in the work described. It was established that in the temperature
range in question, there is partial dissociation of indium antimonide in
the solid phase into antimony arid'indium.
71. Regularities Underlying the Process of Grinding Certain Crystalline
"The Laws of the Process of Grinding Certain Crystalline
Materials," by N. N. Kachalov, and L. F. Grigor'yeva, Insti-
tute of Silicate Chemistry, Academy of Sciences USSR; Minsk,
Inzhenerno-Fizicheskiy Zhurnal, No 1, 1960, pp 35-40.
It is shown that the character of the process of polishing investigated
crystalline materials is basically analogous to the known process of grinding
glass. This indicates that the mechanism of brittle disintegration of the
superficial layer as acted upon by abrasive grains, in the grinding of these
materials, is basically the same as in the grinding of glass.
The relationships obtained quantitatively determine the effect of
basic technological factors on the coefficients of the grinding process and
can be used in the rationalization of basic production-. processes in the
machining of corundum, quartz, germanium, and silicon.
ffor additional information on electronics materials, see
Chemistry, Radiochemistiyj
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Wave Propagation
72. Geometrical Optics Applied to Wave-Duct Propagation
"Application of Geometrical' Optics Methods for Calculation of
Field in the Presence of Near Water-Surface Ducts or Elevated
Ducts and for Conditions of High Elevation of One of the Com-
munication Points," by N. N. Komarov, I. Ye. Ostrovskiy,
B. D. Zamaroyev, and A. D.' Razenberg, Institute of Radiophysics
and Electronics, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR; Gor'kiy,
Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Radiofizika,,No 1, 1960,
pp 39-k9
The formulas determining the attenuation factor and the range of the
"horizon" for conditions of wave-duct propagation when the ground conductiv-
ity is ideal and one of the transmitting stations is located at considerable
elevation were initially derived in the work by V. A. Fok, L. A. Vaynshteyn,
and M. G. Belkina (Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, No 1, 1956).
The aim of this research was to determine the extent of the zone in which
the electromagnetic wave propagation constant is large enough for the concept
of ray-propagation to be applied to the nonhomogeneous media, especially in
the presence of the wave-ducts. The limiting conditions for the application
of geometrical optics to the case of wave-duct propagation were determined.
The conditions for formation of "radio pits'.' in the case of slanting in-
versions were also determined.
73. Determination of Boundary Conditions for Electroma,
"Boundary Conditions for the Mean Electromagnetic Field Over a
Surface With Random Irregularities and Impedance Fluctuations,"
by F. G. Bass, Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, Academy
of Sciences Ukrainian SSR; Gor'kiy, Izvesti a Vysshikh Uchebnykh
Zavedeniy, Radiofizika, No 1, 1960, pp 72-78
The problem of electromagnetic wave propagation over a surface with
random irregularities was discussed by Ye. L. Feynberg for the case of a
vertical dipole located over a certain plane surface with randomly distri-
buted irregularities. It was shown by Feynberg that the distribution of a
mean electromagnetic wave over the surface with the random irregularities
is equivalent to propagation of an electromagnetic wave over a flat surface
with a certain effective complex dielectric constant, the value of which
depends on the statistical characteristics of the random irregularities.
In the present work, the boundary conditions were derived. for a mean
electromagnetic field over a somewhat irregular surface having certain
random irregularities and electric inhomogeneities. The discussion was
limited to well-conducting surfaces which would satisfy the boundary con-
ditions as set by Leontovich.
The author thanks Ye. L. Feynberg and E. A. Kaner for their valuable
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Electrical Engineering
74. Effect of Radioactive Irradiation on Insulating Materials
"Electrical and Physical Properties of Industrial Electrical
Insulating Materials Subjected to Radioactive Irradiation,"
by K. A. Vodop'yanov, B. I. Vorozhtsov, G. I. Potakhov, and
N. I. 01'shanskaya, Siberian Physicotechnical Institute, Tomsk
State University; Moscow, Elektrichestvo, No 5, may 60, pp 60-
The technical literature contains very little information on the effect
of radioactive irradiation on the electrical and physical properties of in-
sulating materials. However, the expanding use of atomic power calls for
a clear understanding of the resistance of insulating material to radio-
active irradiation.
The effects of gamma irradiation on the electrical and physical properties
of high-polymer, silicon-organic, and phenol-formaldehyde insulating materials
were studied with the aid of a 15 Mev-betatron of Tomsk Polytechnic Institute
design. The samples were irradiated with intensities, of 300 to 1,200 roentgen
per minute at temperatures of -60?, +200, and +60?C and under the condition
of 98% relative humidity. Measurements were taken of the dielectric strength,
the loss angle, and permittivity of the insulating materials prior to and
after radioactive irradiation. It was found that gamma irradiation up to
106 roentgen intensity did not affect the dielectric losses or polarization
of the high-polymer insulating materials.
75. New Kiev Hydroelectric Power Plant
"Kiev Hydroelectric Station" (unsigned article); Moscow,
Sovetskaya Aviatsiya, 9 Jun 60
The design of the new Kiev hydroelectric station has now been
completed. The construction of this station will be carried out in a
rather unconventional manner; the main station structure and the locks
will be built with prefabricated reinforced-concrete elements, which will
be manufactured at Kremenchug and shipped by water to the construction
site. Horizontal-type water turbines which do not require any elaborate
turbine-generator room will be installed.
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For the first time in USSR practice, the Kiev Station will utilize an
auxiliary reservoir, completely separated from the river and located on
an elevated spot. During periods of low power demand, the water will be
pumped from the lower basin into the auxiliary reservoir, and during peak
hours, the water will be drawn from the reservoir to drive the turbines.
76. Accuracy of Measurement of Temperature With Thermistors
"The Accuracy of Measurement of Temperature With Thermistors,"
A. G. Shashkov, Power Engineering Institute, Academy of Sciences
Belorussian SSR (Minsk); Minsk, Inzhenerno-Fizicheskiy Zhurnal,
No 3, Mar 60., pp 123-125
A concept is introduced and an expression deduced for the error in
temperature measurement caused by the change of state of a medium. It is
shown that with an increase in measurement precision, the indicated error
becomes commeasurable with the basic error caused by the measured current.
77. Validity of the Equation: rot rot v = grad div v - L v
"The Range of Validity of the Equation rot rot v = grad div v -
A v," by F. Mueller, Leipzig, Hochfrequenztechnik and Elektro-
akustik, Vol 69, No 2, Apr 60, pp 62- 7
It is often stated in the literature that the equation rot rot v =
grad div v - A v applies only for rectangular Cartesian coordinates and
the straight-line components of curve-line systems. Sometimes the state-
ment is found that this equation should be used with caution, but no further
information is given to tell why the caution is necessary. The question
of the validity or invalidity of the equation is, in the last analysis, a
matter of defining the vector operations. Whereas these definitions are
quite clear in the Cartesian coordinate system, the concept of the com-
ponents of a vector in other coordinate systems can be defined in various
This article attempts to prove that, assuming proper definitions (which
must naturally be reduced to the known definitions of the Cartesian system),
the above equation is valid for all coordinate system's with vanishing curva-
ture tensor.
The solution begins with a generally valid formulation of all coordinate
systems, the symbolism of Riemann geometry. Since it has been applied only
very sparingly in electrical engineering, however, an insertion is made on
the basis of work done by Lagally (Vorlesungen ueber Vektorrechnung jectures
on Vector Calculus7, 5th edition, Leipzig, 1956), but only to the extent
necessary for an understanding of the problem treated here.
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Mechanical Engineering
78. Combination Test Stand for Plastic Materials
"Apparatus for Testing Plastic Materials Under Complex Loading
Conditions," by Ya. M. Pavlov and N. T. Smotrin, Nauchno-
tekhnicheskiy Information Byulleten'. Leningradskiy
Politekhnicheskiy institut Scientific-Technical Information
Bulletin. Leningrad Polytechnic Institute), No 4, 1959,
pp 63-65 (from Refrrativn Zhurnal -- Mekhanika, No 5,
May 60, Abstract No 6779)
A report is given of the design of an attachment to the IM-12A test-
ing machine. The use of the attachment affords the possibility of test-
ing tubular specimens subjected to both internal and external pressure
(up to 1,000 atmospheres) simultaneously.
79. Effects of Refraction and Curvature of the Earth on Air Photogrammetry
"The Effects of Refraction and Curvature of the Earth on Air
Photogrammetry," by K. Szangolies, VEB Carl Zeiss, Jena; Berlin,
Vermessungstechnik, No 4, Apr 60, pp, 99-102
A few examples are given of a graphical representation of the errors.
caused by refraction, curvature of the earth, and'a combination of both
in aerial photogrammetry for the case of the "normal atmosphere" established
by the International Commission for Air Navigation. The errors are shown
to have the same character as lens distortions, except that they depend on
the particular recording conditions, which means that they can be compensated
only at relatively great expense, generally with such aids as the compensation
plate. All three values can be handled together in mathematical pointwise
interpretation of stereophotographs taken from the air, but even in the
graphic (line) method of interpretation, there are possibilities of -auto-
matic compensation. Depending on the radial distance between the measure-
ment marks and the main image point, the camera constant can be changed so
that refraction, earth-curvature, and distortion are eliminated. This
solution is practically provided in the Model IV stereocartograph of
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Spark Schlieren Photography in the Investigation of Streamlining of
Bodies in a Supersonic Wind Tunnel
"Spark Schlieren Photography in the Investigation of Streamlining
of Bodies in a Supersonic Wind Tunnel,." by M. G. Morozov, Power
Engineering Institute imeni G. M. ICrzhizhanovskiy, Academy of
Sciences USSR; Minsk, Inzhenerno-Fizicheskiy Zhurnal, No 3, Mar 60,
pp 126-128
A spark unit is described for obtaining individual schlieren photo-
graphs with an exposure of less than 10-6 sec, as well as a method of
using it in investigations in a supersonic wind tunnel. Samples of photo-
graphs obtained are presented.-
81. Optimum Angle of Slope of a Drum Camera in the Measurement of Com-
bustion Rate .
"The Optimum Angle of Slope of a Drum Camera in the Measurements
of Combustion Rate," by N. N. Bakhman, Institute of Chemical
Physics, Academy of Sciences USSR; Minsk, Inzhenerno-Fizicheskiy
Zhurnal, No 1, 1960, pp 91+-97
It is shown that in the measurement of rate of combustion with a
drum camera, the optimum angle of slope of the camera to the direction
of movement of the film, at which errors in measurement are at a minimum,
can be considerably less than 1+59. Actually, in many cases it should
be taken at not more than 15-200.
82. Development Tendencies of Modern Operator Calculus
"Development Tendencies of Modern Operator Calculus," by
F. H. Lange, Rostock, Leipzig, Hochfrequenztechnik and
Elektroakustik, Vol 69, No 2, Apr 60, pp 67-75
The analysis of processes in linear systems involves, to a considerable
extent, the use of the Laplace transformation, which is considered a funda-
mental mathematical tool which was missing in the heuristic operator calculus
of Heaviside. The characteristic difference between the present-day concept
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and the original Heaviside concept is in the mapping of the time process
in the spectral range of the image, an approach first introduced by K. W.
Wagner and Doetsch (Anleitung zum praktischen Gebrauch der Laplace-
Transformation guide to the Practical Use of the Laplace Transformation7,
Munich 1956, and which had long been considered absolutely necessary for
the unequivocal transformation of differential equations into algebraic
e uations. Mathematicians, primarily Mikusinski (Operatorenrechnung
Operator Calculus7, Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1957),
have, in the past decade, successfully established an operator calculus
which makes no use of the transformation of functions and operates in
the same field of numbers. It is based on the convolution theorem. A
similar function algebra has recently been made known by Rajewski (Wis-
senschaftliche Zeitschrift der Hochschule fuer Elektrotechnik Ilmenau,
Vol 4. No 2, 1958P 'pp 1!?2-1 5 ; it is based on the Duhamel integral.
Since there is also a variant of the Laplace transformation, mapping by
means of the Carson-Laplace integral, the engineer is faced with four
different symbolic methods, the relationships of which are expounded in
this article.
It took more than two decades for the engineers engaged in filter
and control work to become fully aware of the advantages of the spectral
representation of the linear transmission process in the form of analytical
functions of the complex argument, namely, through the use of the classical
theory of functions; the new function algebra will likewise meet its decisive
test in the area of filter design and stability theory in regard to closed
control circuits before it is generally accepted, since the analysis and
synthesis of linear. networks on the spectral basis have been extensively
developed. The new development tendencies of operator calculus are, never-
theless, important, since they regard the behavior of the system itself
with respect to time. However, the main interest today is in nonlinear,
rather than linear, systems, and, since the convolution theorem and the
Duhamel integral employ the principle of superposition, function algebra
is not applicable to nonlinear systems. On the other hand, there are
still controlled systems, i.e., systems whose differential equation con-
tains coefficients which are (mostly periodically) independent of time.
For them, the Laplace transformation is inapplicable, since it does not
lead to algebraic equations. Whether or not the new methods will find a
way out in this direction has not yet been investigated. The future de-
velopment of operator calculus in the direction of circuitry problems in
control systems would be desirable.
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Control and Stability
83. Calculation of the Optimum in Linear Control System
"On an Approximate Calculation of an Optimum Control by the
Direct Method," by N. N. Krasovskiy, Sverdlovsk; Moscow,
Priktladna a Matematika i Mekhanika, Vol 24, No 2, Mar/Apr 60,
pp 271-27
A description is given of an approximation method of calculating
the optimum, with respect to a fast-action trajectory, in a linear control
system. The optimum problem is substituted by an auxiliary "smoothed"
problem, which is investigated by the usual procedure of the variational
84. Theory of Pulsed Servo Systems
"On the Theory of Pulsed Servo Systems," by Ya. N. Roytenberg,
Moscow; Moscow, Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika, Vol 24,
No 2, Mar/Apr 60, pp 309-315
The equations of motion are given for a pulsed servo system in which
the control signal dies out between pulses and for which the values of the
time constant of the control circuit are small. First, the problem is con-
sidered of a choice of a "rule of change with time" of a function express-
ing an auxiliary signal fed at the input of the servo system to accelerate
its conformance, and an expression is derived with which this "rule of
change with time" can be determined. A graphic solution is given as an
example of the application of the theory to the treatment of a servo
system for which the four main parameters have known numerical values.
85. Limited Conversion in Solution of Optimum Control Problem
"On the Limited Conversion in the Solution of One Problem of
Optimum Control," by F. M. Kirillova, Sverdlovsk; Moscow,
Prikladngya Matematika i Mekhanika, Vol 24, No 2, Mar/Apr 60,
pp 277-282
An optimum problem for linear systems of differential equations is
considered for the case in which the integrals of the powers of p (p > 1)
of the modulus are control functions.
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86. Stability of the Equilibrium Position in Discontinuous Systems
"On the Stability of the Equilibrium Position in Discontinuous
Systems," by M. A. Ayzerman and F. R. Gantmakher, Moscow;
Moscow, Prriikladn ya Matematik a i Mekhanika, Vol 24, No 2.y
Mar/Apr 0,b pp 203-293
Two systems of differential equations
dx - f - (x )
are considered, which describe the motion in a phase space "above" (+) and
"below" (-), respectively, a given surface
F (x) = 0, (2)
where x denotes the n-dimensional vector with coordinates x1, ..., f _ (x)
the vector functions, and F(x) the scalar function of x.
It is assumed that both the "upper" (l+) and the "lower" (1-) systems
of equations satisfy the usual conditions which guarantee the existence
and the uniqueness of the solutions under given initial conditions and
have no specific points on the surface of discontinuity. Consequently,
systems (1t) do not determine the conditions of transition through the
surface of discontinuity nor the motion along itq which should be re-
calculated. Under these conditions, a position of equilibrium can exist
on the surface of discontinuity.
In individual cases, the question of the stability of these positions
of equilibrium is calculated directly, beginning with new equations which
are introduced during the recalculation of the problem and which specify
the presence of equilibrium. In other cases, which are considerably more
complex, although the equilibrium is stipulated by the new equations, the
question of its stability is solved in the basic equations (1).
This article is devoted to the investigation of the stability of
equilibriums which emerge on a surface of discontinuity.
This problem was considered, appropo a system of the second order, by
Yu. I. Solntsev ("On the Stability According to Lyapunov of the Position
of Equilibrium of a System of Two Differential Equations in the Case of
Right Sides," MGU, Ucheni e Za iski Matematika LMoscow State University.
Scientific Notes. Mathematics/. Vol 4, No 148, 1951). The general case con-
sidered in this earlier work is of further interest here, since the vectors
of the field f+ concerning the surface of discontinuity-. in the point
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considered were not taken into account. For the case of the arbitrary
order n, a similar problem was posed and studied only for relay systems
dx Ax
where A is the constant square matrix, and ? is the constant vector, i.e.,
for systems which differ from linear systems with constant coefficients by
the presence of one nonlinear function of the relay type. This article con-
siders this problem for differential equations of the type (1 with arbi-
trary right sides.
87. Stability of Motion of Solid Body Around Immobile Point
"On the Stability of a Motion of a Heavy Solid Body Around an
Immobile Point in One Partial Case," by Yu. A. Arkhangel'skiy,
Moscow; Prikladnava Matematika i Mekhanika, Vol 24, No 2, Mar/Apr
6o, pp 294-3o2
The stability is first considered, in the first approximation, of a
motion determined by relationships which can be expressed by Jacob; functions
for the case in which a parameter k (modulus of the particular elliptical
integral) has a low value.
It is shown that a sixth order system of perturbation equations, in
the first approximation, is broken down into two independent linear third-
order systems with periodic coefficients, whereby the product of the roots
of the characteristic equation of each independent system is equal to unity.
The stability condition is determined for these-two third order systems.
The limits of the areas of instability are determined by a method
given by I. G. Malkin (Teoriya Ustoychivosti Dvizheniya ZT-heory of the
Stability of Motion/, Gostekhizdat, Moscow, 1952).
Differential Equations
88. Mixed Problem for Almost Linear Hyperbolic Systems of Differential
Equations on a Plane Generalized
"The Mixed Problem for an Almost Linear Hyperbolic System on a
Plane," by V. E. Abolinya and A. D. Myshkis; Moscow, Matematiche-
skiy Sbornik, Vol 50 (92), No 4, Apr 60, pp 423-4.42
The mixed problem of a sufficiently general form is considered for
an almost linear (with weak nonlinearity) hyperbolic system of equations
having partial derivatives of the first order with respect to two inde-
pendent variables; thus, both in the equations and the boundary conditions
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there may exist integral or functional terms which take the secondary
action into account. Under the specified assumptions, the existence,
uniqueness, and continuity of the dependence on the nonhomogeneous terms
of the summed or continuous general solution, as well as of the smooth-
ness (i.e., the continuous differentiability) of the classical solution
of the problem, are proved. The nonhomogeneous boundary conditions are
considered immediately without Conversion to the homogeneous. This pro-
vides the possibility to encompass the most general form of,nonhomogeneous
forms. The structure of the set of discontinuities of the summed general
solution (the discontinuities may also be obtained during aalution of
applied problems, for example, when the initial conditions, as often occurs,
do not agree with the boundaries) is investigated.
A series of works is devoted to a mixed problem for linear hyperbolic
systems of equations. Thus, M. I. Vishik and 0. A. Ladyshenskaya ("Boundary
Value Problems for Equations in Partial Derivatives and Several Classes of
Operator Equations," Uspekhi matem. nauk, Vol 11, No 6 (72), 1956, pp 41-
97, and A. A. Dezin, "Mixed Problems for Several Symmetrical Hyperbolic
Systems," DAN SSSR, Vol 107, No 1, 1956, pp 13-16) studied systems in the
n-dimensional space.
In addition, other methods have been investigated for several classes
of systems of a less general form for the case n = 2. A smooth solution
of the linear mixed problem of general form for n = 2 was constructed in
the work of L. Campbell and A. Robinson ("Mixed Problems for Hyperbolic
Partial Differential Equations," Proc. London Math. Soc., Vol 3, No 5,
1955) pp 129-147). Not one of the mentioned or other works embrace the
fundamental results of the present work.
The above-mentioned work generalizes in several directions the re-
sults of the dissertation by V. E. Abolinya ("Concerning the Mixed Problem
for Linear Hyperbolic Systems of Differential Equations Having Partial
Derivatives on a Plane)" Kandidatskaya Dissertatsiya, Riga, 1954).
89. Sturm-Liouville Equation Investigated
"Several Problems Concerning the Theory of the Sturm-Liouville
Equation," by B. M. Levitan and I. S. Sargeyan; Moscow, Uspekhi
Matematicheskikh Nauk,.Vol 15, No 1(91), Jan/Feb 60, pp 3-98
The paper was divided into four parts which were subdivided as follows:
Part 1. Solution of the Cauchy problem for a homogeneous wave equation.
a. Application of the method of successive approximations.
b. Reduction to the Goursat problem.
c. Solution of the mixed problem on a half line.
d. Solution of the mixed problem on a finite segment.
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Part 2. Expansion in terms of eigen functions.
a. Derivation of auxiliary formulas.
b. Preliminary estimate of the spectral function. The case of an
entire straight line.
c. Asymptotic behavior of the spectral function. The case of an
entire straight line.
d. Asymptotic behavior of the spectral function. The case of a
half line.
e. Summation of the spectral function according to Riesz.
f. Proof of a uniform convergence theorem.
g. Convergence and summability of an expansion in terms of eigen
Part 3. Differentiation of eigen function expansions.
a. Preliminary estimation of the derivatives of the spectral
b. Asymptotic behavior of the derivatives of the, spectral function.?
c. Uniform summability of the differential expansions in terms of
eigen functions.
d. Summability of differential expansions in the ordinary and
generalized Fourier integral.
e. Convergence of a differential expansion in terms of eigen functions.
f. Justification of the Fourier method for a uniform wave equation.
Part 4+. Eigen function expansion for an unbounded rising potential.
a. Derivation of auxiliary identities.
b. Several estimates for a Green function.
c. Asymptotic behavior of the trace of a Green function.
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d. Asymptotic distribution of the eigen values.
e. Summability of the expansions and of the differential expansions
in terms of eigen functions.
f. Convergence of expansions and differential expansions in terms
of eigen functions.
g. Examples.
90. Integral Curves of One Differential Equation Studied
"Concerning the Behavior of Integral Curves of One Differential
Equation," by A. N. Berlinskiy, Stalinabad Pedagogical Institute
imeni T. G. Shevchenko; Kazan', Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnrkh
Zavedeniy, Matematika, Vol 2, Mar/Apr 60, pp 3-17
The equation
c * _ P(x2 Y)-
is considered where P and Q are relatiVdly:'-_-prime ploynomials of the second
degree having real coefficients.
Several methods for distinguishing the type of singular point are
indicated in section 2. Section 4 is devoted to the proof of a theorem that the number of singular points of the second group, i.e., of
focuses or centers, do not exceed two. In the case of four singular
points, a certain relation between the nature of these points and their
mutual distribution is established in section ~. The relationship As
made more precise in section 5. The Poincare indexes are employed in a
series of cases whose definition and separate properties are presented
in section 1.
The results presented in the present work were published previously
in the following works of the author.:
1, "One Theorem Concerning the Behavior of Integral Curves of One
Differential Equation," Uch. zap. Stalinab. pad. in-ta, Vol 20, No 3,
1958, pp 3-8-
2. "Concerning the Number of Singular Points of the Second Group,"
Uch. zap. Stalinab. ped. in-ta. Vol 20, No 3, 1958, pp 9-31.
3. "Concerning the Behavior of Integral Curves of One Differential
Equation in a Neighborhood of a Singular Point," Uch. zap. Stalinab, ped.
in-ta, Vol 20, No 3, 1958, pp 41-?1.
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Almost Periodic Solutions of Systems of Differential Equations
"Concerning Almost Periodic Solutions of Systems of Differential
Equations," by V. 1. Zubov; Leningrad, Vestnik Leningradskogo
Universiteta, Seriya Matematiki Mekhaniki i Astronomii, No 1,
Jan 60, pp 104-106
The conditions for the existence and stability of almost periodic
solutions of systems of differential equations are examined.
The system of n differential equations in vector form
dX = F(X, t)
where X - (x1, ... , xn); F(X,t) = fl(X, t), ... , fn(X, t)
is considered. In addition, the right sides of the system are assumed
to satisfy the conditions:
1. For all finite real values of its arguments, the functions
fs(X, t) are given real and continuous.
2. The functions fs(X, t) are almost periodic relative to t for
any fixed values of the remaining arguments.
3. The functions fs(X, t) are uniformly continuous relative to t
in any finite region of the variables xl, ... ,xn.
4. The functions f (XI it) satisfy the lipschitz condition with an
invariable constant relaive? to the variables xl, ... , x
The problem concerning the qualitative behavior of integral curves
of a system of n equations in the presence of asymptotic stability in the
whole of an almost periodic solution is solved.
Also determinRa was the sufficient criterion for the existence of
almost periodic Filutions.
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92. Successive Reduction of Order of Sy:it:errms of Ordinary Differential
"Substantiation of the Method of Successive Reduction of the Order
of Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations," by E. M. Kozlov;
Kiev, roklady Akademii Nauk Ukrai'askoy SSR, No l2,. Dec. 59,
pp 1295-1299
In the present paper, which is the logical conclusion of the work by
E. M. Kozlov, DAN URSR, No 813, 1958, the author outlines a substantiation
of the method of successive reduction of the order. It is shown that a
solution obtained by the method of successive reduction of the order may
be made more precise by the algorithm of successive approximations, which,
in the case involved, rapidly leads to an exact solution of the system
and is relatively simple in practice.
93. Integral Curves Investigated
"Concerning Integral Curves With Zero or Infinite Measures of
Curvature," by A. F. Andreyev; Leningrad, Vestnik Leningrad-
skogo Universiteta seriya Matematiki, Mekhaniki i Astronomii,
No 1, Jan 60, pp 5-13
The equation
P(x, y)
Qx (1)
, Y
is considered where P and.Q are polynomials having terms of whole number
degrees of x and y converging in a certain neighborhood of the point (0,
?) and vanishing at that point.
The existence of integral curves of equation (1) which approach
the singular point (0, 0) with an order of curvature o e-,-* v .. +oo
with zero'or infinite measures of curvature is investigated.
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Information Theory
94. Limit of a Sequence of Pairs of Random Variables and Their Associated
"Passage to the Limit Under the Symbols of Information and
Entropy," by R. L. Dobrushin; Moscow, Teoriya Veroyatnostey
i yeye Primeneniya, Vol 5, No 1, Jan-Mar 06 , pp 29-37
The prin4iple result of this paper is equivalent to the following
statement: If,, a sequence of pairs of random' variables ( g n, i ) is given
and the sequence converges to the pair of random variables(g n Tj ), then
lim I(t ri, i n = I(g , '1 ) if and only if the sequence of correspond-
n-> OD
ing information densities is uniformly integrable, where i(~ ,'r ) is the
information of the pair (g , q ) . A similar result is proven for entropies
and for a new concept in information within a probability E of events.
Conditions are found for the convergence of these quantities.
Numerical. Analysis
95. Different Methods for Solving an Equation of the Parabolic e
"Several Difference Schemes for the Numerical Solution of a
Differential Equation of the Parabolic Type," by Yuan Chao-ting;
Moscow, Matematicheskiy Sbornik, Vol 50(92), No 4, Apr 6o,
pp 391-422
In the present work, several different schemes for the numerical
solution of the following problem were considered:
To find a solution u(t, x) = u(t, x1, ... )xn) of the equation
au- = Lu + f(t, x), (t, x) E R,
satisfying the boundary condition
u(t,. X) = *(t, x), (t, x) a S,
and the initial condition
u(0, x) = q (x), x E
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where Lu is an m-dimensional, linear, differential, self-conjugate, elliptic
operator, the coefficients of which may depend on t and x; R = f o-.-- t G fx Q
is an m-dimensional region in the hyperplane t = 0 with boundaries I' ; S is
an m-dimensional surface; f, r and 4 are given functions,. It was assumed
that the problem had a unique solution of the required smoothness.
Probability Theory
96. Markov Processes Employed to Find More General Results
"On Several Limit Theorems in Probability Theory," by K. V. Maslov;
Teoriya Veroyatnostey i yeye Primeneniya, Vol 5, No 1, Jan-Mar 60,
pp 54-83
The following problem is considered in the paper. Let
~ n,l' ~ n,2'- . . . . 9n,kn
(n = 1, 2, ...)
be a sequence of series of independent random variables where O (x, y)
is any function of two variables and the random variables n,k are
determined recurrently by the following:
h n,1 - ~ n,1' ~ , n, k+1 = T (~ n, k; ~ n, k+1) (k = 1, 2,
Sufficient conditions for the existence of a limit distribution of
the random variable h n k (n* oo) and-the form of this distribution
' n
are to be found. IfI (x, y) = x + y, we have the well-known problems
for sums of independent random variables.
The method employed for solution of the formulated problems is
different from the methods generally used in analogous studies (for
example, from S. N. Bernstein's methods, which were developed in his book
Teoriya veroyatnostey probability Theory
7, 6th edition, Moscow-Leningrad,
1946) for a similar problem.
The theory of partial differential equations and the theory of Markov
processes were employed to find more general distributions than those found
by Bernstein.
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97. Measures Corresponding to Random Processes
"Concerning the Differentiability of Measures Corresponding
to Random Processes," by A. V. Skorokhod; Moscow, Teoriya
Veroyatnostey i yeye Primeneniya, Vol 5, No 1, Jan-Mar 60,
pp L15-53
The present work immediately borders on the work presented by the
same author and published in Teoriya veroyat. i yeye primen,, Vol 2, No 1E,
1957, in which the problem concerning differentiability of measures c' rrespond-
ing to processes with independent increments was investigated.
In the present work, sufficient conditions are found .under which
measures corresponding to two Markov processes defined by stocastic differ-
ential equations are absolutely continuous, one to the other.
The density of one measure with respect to the other was calculated.
Statistical Mechanics
98. Problem of Body Bound by a Finite Number of Ellipsoids of Rotation
"The Solution of the Dirichlet Problem for a Body Bound by a
Finite Number of Ellipsoids of Rotation," by I. P. Matskevich,
Smolensk Pedogogical Institute imeni Karl Marx; Minsk, Doklady
Akademii Nauk BSSR, Vol l+, No 5, May 60, pp 190-193
A method presented in an earlier work of the author (Inzhenerno-
Fizicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 11, No 4, 1959, p 116) can be used to solve the
Dirichlet.problem for regions of the considered space which are bounded
or unbounded and the limits of which are a finite number of ellipsoids
of rotation without common points. The solution of the problem leads to
the solution of an infinite system of linear algebraic equations. This
article considers the case in which the region is an ellipsoid of rotation
with p ellipsoidal elements. Additional considerations show that this
method can also be used for other boundary problems of potential theory:
the Neumann problem, the problem of mixed equations, and the determination
of potential in a space with dielectrics in the form of ellipsoids of
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Aerospace Medicine
99. Survival in Space
"Before a Man Can Take Off Into Outer Space," by Candidate of
Medical Sciences V. Malkin, member of a Bureau of the Astro-
nautics Section; Moscow, Meditsinskiy Rabotnik, 24 May 60, p 2
This article states that solving the problem of man's survival in
solar space will require the close cooperation df scientists of many spe-
Medical personnel have been playing such an active and important role
in attempts to devise a method to protect and sustain human life in inter-
planetary space that it has become necessary to create a new science:
space medicine.
A human being cannot perform any function in a space-vehicle system
unless his physiological integrity is assured; this is a very complicated
problem which calls for extensive and intensive effort in medicobiological
research. Solving the problem of man's survival in interplanetary space
is difficult because the environment in outer space cannot sustain the
life of human beings and higher animals even for a relatively short time.
I. M. Sechenov, the father of Russian physiology, pointed out that
to understand physiology, the environment of a living organism must be
considered. It can be readily seen why physiologists and physicians doing
research in astronautics look on interplanetary space as a biological en-
vironment. This is why any detailed knowledge that can be acquired about
the various physical properties of cosmic space is of great value not only
to astrophysicists, but also to physicians and biologists.
The Soviet space vehicle-satellite supplied the necessary step toward
man's penetration into interplanetary space. The vehicle was large enough
to accommodate a man. It showed that Soviet scientists on earth can con-
trol a satellite's flight via radio, detach the hermetic cabin by remote
control, and order the vehicle to begin its descent. It was found-that
the hermetic cabin is of paramount importance; it can supply sufficient
protection to its human occupant.
Working independently, a Russian chemist D. I. Mendeleyev and a
Frenchman Paul Ber suggested that a hermetic cabin be used by people who
are going up to high altitudes. Pressure equivalent to atmospheric pres-
sure can be maintained in the hermetic cabin. K. E. Tsiolokovskiy '. ~
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developed the idea of a cabin which can be used for protection against
rarefied atmosphere. He thought that a definite temperature could be
maintained in a hermetic cabin, and astronauts could take along a supply
of oxygen to last for a short time. He thought that chemicals could be
used to absorb carbon dioxide. For long flights, however, Tsiolkovskiy
suggested a hermetic cabin which could be transformed into a greenhouse.
Air regenerating equipment can maintain the necessary oxygen pressure
in the air in the hermetic cabin and ca, remove excess carbon dioxide and
Ventilation-type hermetic cabins have been found most practical and
have been uDedin modem airplanes which fly at high altitudes. The necessary
pressure is maintained by compressed air supplied by a 41ower, and the
proper air composition is restored.
Consideration must be given to other important physiological and
hygienic questions. These include the maintenance of a temperature be-
tween 18?C and 20?C, protection from noise, comfortable chairs, proper
lighting, etc. Technically it would not be feasible to use a hermetic
cabin of the ventilating type in flights to outer space. It is evident
that a hermetic cabin used in rockets and other vehicles flying at very
great altitudes must be of the air-regenerating type such as the cabin
in which the dog Layka made its flight in the artificial earth satellite.
Many articles devoted to the best oxygen-regenerating methods, the
proper chemical composition of gases in the air of a hermetic rocket cabin,
and the pressure which must be maintained in the cabin have been published.
The pressure in the hermetic cabin of a space vehicle.. must be lower than
that of the atmosphere because (1) this lower pressure could reduce the
effect of a drop in pressure on the human occupant if the cabin suddenly
becomes dehermetized; and (2) it could eliminate the escape of gas from
the cabin. The danger of decompression sickness is present when the pres-
sure in the cabin becomes very low, usually at an altitude of 7,000-8,000
meters. Decompression sickness causes sharp pain in the joints and muscles.
A cabin filled with pure oxygen is a fire' hazard. The air in the cabin
must contain other gases. In creating an artificial atmosphere in the
cabin, such properties as heat conductivity, the capacity to form isotopes,
and spontaneous combustion must be taken into consideration.
It is very difficult for space medicine to find a way to maintain a
temperature that can be tolerated by a human being in the hermetic cabin.
Solar radiation is the main source of heat during flights through inter-
planetary space. The source of heat inside the cabin would be the human
astronauts themselves, electronic equipment, lights, etc. Special auto-
matic equipment must be installed in the cabin to prevent superheating.
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The first Soviet space vehicle is rotating around the earth. Sepa-
ration of the hermetic cabin from the vehicle of the satellite was con-
trolled by a crew of specialists on earth. Data transmitted to earth by
instruments indicate that the conditioning and thermoregulating systems
of the vehicle operated normally. The progressive, segment of the r'orld's
population looks with satisfaction at the great contribution that the
USSR is making to the peaceful mastery of interplanetary space.
100. Restoration of Equilibrium in White Mice
"Effect of Carlina Bierbersteinii Bernh. on the Endurance of
White Mice in Relation to Radial Acceleration," by A. A.
Denova, A. M. Zakharov, and V. Ye. Kolla, Perm' Pharmaceutical
Institute; Moscow, Farmakologiya i Toks ikologiya, Vol 23, No 2,
Mar/Apr 60, p 177
The effect of one and 10 percent aqueous infusions of the seeds of
Carlina Biebersteinii Bernh on the endurance of white mice in relation to
radial acceleration was studied. Two mice of equal weight, pne control
and one experimental, were rotated in a centrifuge at a speed of 1,000
revolutions a minute for periods of 5-10 seconds. One hour before being
placed in the centrifuge, the experimental mouse received 0.1 milliliter
of a one-percent infusion of the seeds of the plant per each 10 grams
of weight; the control mouse received 0.1 milliliter of physiological
salt solution per each 10 grams of weight. After being taken out from
the centrifuge, the mice were placed on a table where they continued to
rotate around a longitudinal axis for some time before regaining their
normal position and being able to run in a straight line. It was found,
however, that the experimental animal regained its equilibrium in a
considerably shorter time than the control mouse. The resistance of
the animal to radial acceleration was greater as the concentration and
dose of the preparation were increased.
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Contagious Diseases
101. Nerve Cell Morphology Altered by Tick-Borne Encephalitis and Related
"A Study of the Morphology of Nerve Cells Affected by the
Viruses of Tick-Borne Encephalitis and Diseases Similar to
It," by A. A. Avakyan, Ye. N. Levkovich and M. M. Bychyuk,
Institute of Virology imeni D. I. Ivanovskiy and Institute
for the Study of Poliomyelitis; Moscow, Voprosy Virusologii,
Vol 5, No 2, Mar/Apr 60, pp 208-216 "
This report deals with a comparative study of pathological-morphological
changes in white mice experimentally infected with the tick-borne encephal-
itis, two-wave fever, and Omsk hemorrhagic fever viruses. The following
conclusions are based on the results of morphological and histological ob-
servations, which are discussed in detail.
1. Inflammatory and necrotic changes characteristic for encephalitis
were observed after the infection of mice with different strains of the
tick-borne encephalitis virus (F, L-3 and Sof'in) in the cerebrum, spinal
cord, and cerebellum; these changes were less pronounced after infection
with a strain which had been passed through tissue culture.
2. The pathological changes observed in animals infected with a
strain of two-wave meningoencephalitis virus were very similar to those
observed after infection with the tick-borne encephalitis virus. In both
cases, inflammatory processes were noted in the brain membranes, a pro-
nounced vascular reaction and necrotic changes of the nerve cells were
seen in the brain tissue itself.
3. Necrotic changes as well as inflammatory processes were weakly
expressed after infection with Omsk hemorrhagic fever virus. The vascular
reaction, on the other hand (severe congestion of the vessels, diapedesis
of the blood elements and hemorrhage into the brain tissue) was more .
sharply manifested than in mice infected with the viruses of tick-borne
encephalitis and two-wave meningoencephalitis.
4. The use of histochemical methods of research did not afford the
possibility of differentiating Omsk hemorrhagic fever, two-wave fever,
and tick-borne encephalitis.
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102. Circulation of B. tularense in Kazakh SSR
"Pattern of Circulation of the Tularemia Pathogen in Different
Types of Foci in Taldy-Kurganskaya Oblast, Kazakh SSR," by
M. A. Aykimbayev, Tr. Sredneaz. N.-I. Protivochumn. In-ta
(Works of the Central Asian Scientific Research Antiplague
Institute), No 4, 53, pp 139-144 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal --
CPYRGHT Geografiya, No 3, Mar 60, Abstract No 6370, 0. V. Ravdonikas)
"The incidence of tularemia in Taldy-Kurganskaya Oblast, was condi-
tioned by the existence of two types of natural foci of this'disease. In
natural foci of the submountain-stream type, favorable conditions help to
maintain the numbers of water rate and Dermacentor marginatue ticks, which
support the existence of the focus. Two basic routes are suggested for
the circulation of the tularemia pathogen: from diseased rats to healthy
rats via the larvae and nymphs of Ixodes ticks with the transmission of
infection to hares by imaginal forms, and infection of healthy animals
from '.steam water infected by diseased water rats. In river-stream tula-
remia foci, besides this, numerous blood-sucking insects, especially
mosquitoes, take part in the circulation of the pathogen. The isolation
of the pathogen was reported primarily from susliks and water scorpions."
103. Tularemia Outbreak Attributed to Contaminated Food
"Tularemia Cases Connected With the Use of Food Protlucts,"
by M. F. Shmuter, Ya. L. Svitsent, Tr. Sredneaz. N.-I
Protivochumn. In-ta (Works of the Central Asian Scientific
Research Antiplague Institute)) No 4, 58, pp 135-137 (from
Referativnyy Zhurnal -- G grafiya; No 3, Mar 60, Abstract
"An outbreak of tularemia in Khar'kov in 191+8 is described; the out-
break was connected with the delivery of milk and sugar from a village in
which a tularemia epizootic was occurring among mouselile rodents at this
time. Within a weep, 24 persons in 6 families contracted tularemia (17
with the arlginous-bubonic form and 7 with locaLization.of the affection in
the internal organs). All the diseased had ingested milk and sugar ob-
tained from the same stall in a market."
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104. Tularemia in Muskrats
"Tularemia in the Mus1QgtRegions of the Buryatskaya ASSR," by
Ye. S. Cherkasskiy and S. Ye. Sorina, Tr. Vses, N.-I. In-ta
Zhivotn. Syr'ya i Pushniny (Works of the All-Union Scientific
Research Institute of Animal Raw Materials and Furs), No 17,
58, pp 123-133 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Geo raft a, No 3)
CPYRGHT Mar 60, Abstract No 63 3
"Muskrats were brought into the Buryatskaye ASSR in 1932 from the
Solovetskiy Islands. Tularemia, epizootics among them were first noted in
1940-1941 in Kabanskiy 1951 and in Severo-Baykal'skiy and Baykalo
Kudarinskiy rayons in 1951+-1955. Disease among hunters was also reported
during these years. Microtus ungurensis Kastschenko, which substituted
for Microtus arvalis here, played a significant epizootiological role.
Tularemia apparently occurred in a latent form in the interepizootic
105. Q Fever Among Animals in a Human Focus
"A Study of Q Fever Among Agricultural Animals in a Focus of
Disease Among Humans," (from Voronezhskaya Scientific Research
Veterinary Station and Oblast Veterinary Bacteriological Sta-
tion), by V. V. Krasnoshchekova and K. A. Shitov; Moscow,
Zhurnal Mikrobiolo ii E idemiologii i Immunobiolo iii
CPYRGHT Vol 8L, No 5, May 60, pp 115-116
"The objective of the research was a study of the distribution of
Q fever among animals and the determination of their role in the epi-
demiology of this disease. For this purpose, the following sera were
investigated with the aid of the complement fixation reaction with Q an-
tigen-, cattle (1466), sheep and goat (39), and swine (20) from 15 popu-
lated points in 8 rayons in 4 of which individual cases were reported,
and in one of which an outbreak was observed in 1957-1958.
"In active foci a positive reaction was obtained from 66-out of
1,326 animals (4.97%$, and a doubtful reaction, from l04 (7.84%); in
favorable populated pn,ints, 20 animals out of 140 (14.29%) reacted posi-
tively, and 19 (13.57%) reacted doubtfully. Analogous results were.ob-
tained on investigation of the sera of the remaining species of animals.
"Thus, the presence of positive serological reactions in animals
did not always qorrespond with the presence and the extent of distribu-
tion of Q fever among humans. The titer of the complement fixation re-
action performed repeatedly at one-month intervals fluctuated from high
to low, and remained stable only in individual animals.
"Clear symptoms of Q fever were not observed in clinical examination
of animals with positive and doubtful complement fixation reactions."
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106. Natural Focus of Anthrax
"The Epidemiology of Anthrax (from Ivanovskaya Oblast Sanitary-
Epidemiological Station)," by B. P. Novikov; Moscow, Zhurnal
Mikrobiologii; Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii, Vol 31, No 5,
CPYRGHT May 60, p 119
"An experience in controlling anthrax in a focus is described in
this article.
"Extensive epizootics of anthrax and a high incidence among humans
were reported daily in this oblast in prerevolutionary times. Systematic
antianthrax measures directed toward eradicating the conditions favorable
to pathogen preservation led to the transformation of the epidemic form
into sporadic cases. However, an extensive outbreak of anthrax occurred
in 1952; on the basis of this outbreak, the author draws, hisam conclusions re-
garding the rational control of this disease.
"The author states that obligatory incineration of corpses of animals
which have died of anthrax, prohibition of access of agricultural animals
to old cattle burial grounds, and closing of pastures (with perennial
grass) which become freshly infected with the anthrax pathogen are funda-
mental among these measures."
107 Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Ukrainian SSR
"Modern Measures of Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease," by
S. R. Didovets, chief, Veterinary Administration; Kiev,
Visnyk Sil's'kohospodars'koy Nauky, Vol 3, No 2, Feb 60,
"Epizootics of foot-and-mouth disease which encompassed large terri-
tories and affected many cattle have occurred repeatedly in the Ukraine
d~iring the past 10 years.
"Mortality among cattle, even with the benign form of foot-and-mouth
disease, reached 5% of the convalescing animals in some areas, and among
animals with the malignant form, 4+0% or more.
"During the last two epizootics, the disease was caused by types A
and 0 viruses; affection with type 0 produced more severe forms of the
"The same types of virus which caused the benign form of foot-and-
mouth disease also caused the malignant form in the Ukraine.
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"A broad complex of veterinary-sanitary measures can guarantee the
prevention of foot-and-mouth disease and its eradication in primary foci.
"Animals should be vaccinated not only in threatened farms and a
danger area, but also in threatened herds.
"The method of vaccination in the tunics submucosa of the upper jaw
by a dose of one ml of VIEV vaccine makes it possible to use the vaccine
more econotically than with subcutaneous introduction without diminishing
its effectiveness.
"The use of anti-.foot-and-mouth disease vaccine made from rab~it-
adapted foot-and-mouth virus under conditions found in the Ukrainian SSR
demonstrated its.-high immunogenic properties with a duration of 2-5 months'
immunity in cattle. The simplicity of the preparation of this vaccine
makes it possible to use it in unlimited quantities for the prophylaxis
and control of foot-and-mouth disease, without decreasing the quality of
the measures carried out, whih we could not do with the other vaccines
used during the, past few years."
108. Plague Epizootics Among Marmots
"The Problem of the Course of Plague Epizootics in the Marmota
caudata Geoffroy Population," by L. N. Klassov~kiy, Ye. A.
Shvarts, and E. L. Berendyayeva, Tr. Sredneaz, N.-I. Protivor;
chumn. In-ta (Works of the Central Asian Scientific Research
Antiplague Institute), No 4, 58, Pp 75-79 (from Referativnyy'
Zhurnal --. Georafiya, No 3, Mar 60, Abstract No 6352, by
Yu. M. Rall'
"Plague epizootics among Marmota caudata Geoffroy have not been ex-
tensively studied. They have been observed only in the subalpine and
alpine zones of Alayskaya Valley in areas with a relative{y high concen-
tration of marmots (up to four per hectare). Here, marmots are found
with three species of'fleas, the total numbers of whkch are low (Cerato-
philus lebedewi predominated).. In addition, lice and ticks, (one species)
are found on the marmots. The highest point of the epizootics occurs at
the end, of May-June, then they are sharply extinguished. The finding of
corpses of marmots which have died of plague is extremely rare. The
epidemic significance of foci of plague in these marmots is not great,
since trading is carried on at the end of the year when there are almost
no epizootics."
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109. Detection of Plague Foci Among Gerbillinae
"Methodological Principles of,Determining Epizootics and
Miprofoci of Plague in Habitats of Gerbillinae According to
External Signs of the Condition of the Colonies," by S. N.
Varshavskiy, Ye. V. Rotshil'd, and M. N. Shilov, Tr. Sredneaz.
N.-I. Protivochumn. In-ta (Works of the Central Asian Scien-
tific Research Antiplague Institute) No 4, 58, pp 43-54 (from
Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Geo raft a, No 3, Mar 60, Abstract
CPYRGHT No 6351, by Yu. M. Rall'
"The mass discovery of rodent skeletons in colonies of Rhombomys
opimus Lichtenstein (1823) can indicate the presence of plague microfoci
of long duration. Along the Northern Aral Coast the authors' detected
68 epizootic points, of which 49 contained abundant skeletal remnants.
These data are presented on a chart. The bones belonged to 20-30 species
of small animals, primarly rodents. Among the latter, the most numerous
were Rhombomys opimus L. (21-64%.), Citellus pygmaeus Pallas (15-29%), and
Citellus fulvus Lichtenstein (7-20%). A table of plague epizootics among
Gerbillinae according to external signs (characteristics of colonization,
the behavior of the animals, the presence of bones and corpses) is pre-
110. Book on Disinfection
"Manual for Disinfectors," by V. I. Vashkov and B. I.
Gandel'sman, M., 1959 339 PP (from Meditsinskiy.Refe-
rativnyy Zhurnal, Section 3, No 5, May 60, Abstra t No
18119, by Ye. P. Klimenko )
"The book consists of nine chapters. Chapter 1 deals with the prob-
lems of general epidemiology as a science; discusses in brief the charac-
teristics of the causative agents of diseases; and provides information r'
of infections, the infectious processes, the epidemiological process, and
measures for the control of contagious diseases. Chapter 2 discusses the
problems of special epidemiology and briefly characterizes intestinal and
blood infections, as well as infections of the respiratory organs. Chap-_4
ters 3, 5, and 8 deal with the problems of disinfection, disinfestation,
and deratization, as well as with disinfection chambers. The problem of
the disinfection service in the USSR is dealt'- with in Chapter 9."
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111. Amylase Sorption by Erythrocytes
"On the Sorption of Enzymes by Erythrocytes (Sorption of
Amylase)," by G. P. Borodina; Tr. Blagoveshch. Med. In-ta,
(Works of the Blagoveshchensk Medical Institute , No 3,
1957, pp 143-147 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal Khimiya --
Biolo icheska a Khimi a, No , 25 Apr 0, Abstract No
CPYRGHT 1010~y S. K.)
"Determinations of amylase activity in whole blood, plasma, and err..
throcytes of rabbits were made. It was shown that amylase is distributed
between the erythrocytes and the plasma, but the major part, (75.4%) is
found in the plasma. Amylase activity rises during hemolysis. The author
determined that pancreatic amylase was sorbed by the erythrocytes under
experimental conditions. The increased activity of the hemolysate is ex.
plained by the release of amylase from the structural elements of the ery-
112. Factor T Discovered in Healthy Blood and Duodenal Juice
"The Problem of Treating Thrombocytopenic Purpura," by Prof
Yu. A. Kotikov, Clinic of Hospital Pediatrics, Leningrad
Pediatric Medical Institute; Moscow, Probliamy Gematologii i
Perelivaniya Krovi, Vol' 5, No 4, Apr 60, pp. 2-29
The author of this article discusses the source and physiology of a
thrombopoietic factor T. The therapeutic effect of factor T is substanti-
ated by several experiments and also from clinical practice.
A 4.-year-old child suffering from hemorrhages of various sites was
unsuccessfully treated with vitamin K, calcium chloride, ascorbic acid,-
and "antianemia"; but a daily dose of 80-100 ml of fresh bovine blood
produced improvement; the number of thrombocytes increased, and hemor-
rhages disappeared.
Duodenal juice taken from healthy people was administered to rabbits
and caused a rise in the number of thrombocytes; but duodenal juice taken
from patients suffering from thrombocytopenia did not have such, an effect.
The duodenal juice cif healthy people administered (through a catheter) to
patients suffering from thrombocytopenia had favorable results.
The author concludes that the presence of a thrombopoietic factor,
T, has been established in the duodenal juice and in the blood of healthy
people and animals, and that when it is used in treating thrombocytopenic
purpura against a background of the usual symptomatic therapy it induces
rapid and stable therapeutic results.
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Immunology and Therapy
113. Therapy of Experimental Plague With Antibiotics
"Therapeutic Effect of Oxytetracyhline, Tetracycline, and
Their Combinations With Other Antibiotics in Experimental
Plague," by L. N. Makarovskaya, I. S. Tanker, and Yo. N.
Aleshina, Rostov-na-Donu State Scientific Research Insti-
tute, Ministry of Health USSR; Moscow, Antibiotiki, Vol 5,
No 2,Mar/Apr 60, pp 63-67
Experiments were conducted in vitro to determine the effectiveness?~:-?
of oxytetracycline and tetracycline when used separately or in combination
with other antibiotics in the therapy of experimental plague. Bacterium
pestis 773 in concentrations of 5 million microbes were used in the experi-
ments. Oxytetracycline and tetracycline were applied in concentrations
of 50, 100, 250, 500, and 1,000 gamma per milliliter. Seeded cultures
served as controls. The experiments established that both antibiotics
have a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect on plague microbes: in
concentrations of 50 aima per milliliter they possess bacteriostatic
properties, and in concentrations of 100-1,000 gamma per milliliter they
are bactericidal to the microbes; oxytetracycline and tetrac5tpline have
a definite therapeutic effect on experimental plague; the therapeutic
effectiveness is greater When they are administered subcutaneously than
when administered per os; the combination of these two antibiotics with
mycerin has a definite effect in the therapy of experimental plague.
114. Diagnosis of Tick-Borne Encephalitis
"The Problem of Preparing a Diagnosticum for the Complement
Fixation Reaction in Tick-Borne Encephalitis," by M. K.
Tyushnyakova, M. S. Zagromova, and Yu. V. Fedorov, Tomsk
Institute of Vaccines and Sera; Moscow, Voprosy Virusologii,
Vol 5, No 2, Mar/Apr 60, pp 204-208
This article is devoted to a study of different methods of culturing,
purifying, and inactivating the tick-borne encephalitis virus for the pre-
paration of a diagnosticum. The Kargasokskiy strain, isolated from Ixodes
persulcatus ticks in the Tomsk focus in 1951, was used in all experiments.
Brain suspensions from intracexebrally infected mice were purified by
extraction, thermolysis, and the subsequent action of benzene, ether, and
chloroform. For further purification tests, the specific substrate was
precipitated in the thermolysed suspension by methyl alcohol according to
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V. I. Tovarnitsky's method. The virus was inactivated by ultraviolet
irradiation from a BUV-15 lamp, the photodynamic action of methylene blue,
and formalinization.. Complete inactivation was achieved by 14.0% formalin
in a dilution'of ].:1,000;;this method also afforded the smallest decrease
in specific antigen activity.
The following methodology was developed on the basis of the' results
obtained in these tests: a 10% suspension of the brains of white mice
sacrified when the disease. was clinically most apparent was prepared; the
: ' .,.,,!.. -8 ?9
virus .6?i? er was 14 to 10 . The suspension was agitated and kept 'at 1.
for 211. hours, and then centrifuges, after which it was subjected to, thermo-
lysis and freezing (five times). with liquid nitrogen or oxygen. It, was
then thawed in a water bath at 37?. Flocs were precipitated by additional
centrifugation for 30 minutes. The specific substrate was precipitated by
the addition of methyl alcohol at -20 C in he amount of 45 ml per 100 ml
of purified brain suspension, then kept at 14. C for 18-21+ hours. After a
30-minute centrifugation, the precipitate without its supernatant fluid
was dissolved in a phosphate buffer (pH 7.2-7.14.), and methyl alcohol was
added. The dissolved precipitate also, served as specific antigen.
The results'of the subsequent testing of the diagnosticum are dis-
cussed and tabulated. The following conclusions are given:
1. With the aid of thermolysis, purification with-methyl alcohol
and formalinization, tick-borne encephalitis antigen which was harmless
and active in the complement fixation reaction was prepared from a virus-
containing suspension of mouse brain.
2. The tick-borne encephalitis virus antigen, dried by the lyophyli-
zation method with the use of 20% sucrose and 2% gelatin (pH 7.1+) as a
'supplement, maintains sufficient specific activity up to one year when it
is kept at 1+? c.
3. Testing of the diagnosticum in the complement fixation reaction
with sera from ticir-borne encephalitis patients demonstrated its specific
activity, which makes it possible to detect the presence of, complement-
fixing antibody during the first day of the. disease in titers of 1:1+ to
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115. Chinese Army Medical Researchers Isolated Adenovirus in 1958
"Isolation of Adenovirus and Serologic Survey for AdenoviruB.
Infections," by Yu Chung-hou (J , s ,? )
( ), and Chang Hsueh-te ( 4 ~), People's
L K era on Army Academy of Military edict Sciences; and Lo
Hui-yuan ( ,U), Infectious Disease Section of the
Medical Dep rtme t, Peking Union Hospital of the Chinese
Academy of Medical Sciences;.Peiping, Chun hua Nei k'o Tsa
chih (Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine), Vol 8, No 1,
Jan 60, pp 10-16
This.pape'r reports the details concerning materials and methods used
in the spring and again in the fall of 1958 to isolate adenovirus from~~,?
the throat washings of patients with acute respiratory infections. From
a total of 69 specimens, three strains of virus were isolated by HeLa cell
tissue culture. The HeLa cells reportedly were obtained from Poland and
had been preserved in the author(s)' laboratory for at least 1 1/2 years.
The cytopathogenic effects of these three strains were found to be similar
to thou a of adenoviruses described in the literature. Two strains were
positively identified as type 3. The other strain was not neutralized by
type 3,, or type 7 antiserum, but was classified with certainty as a member
of the adenovirus group Pecause, besides other characteristics, it was
found to share a common complement-fixing antigen with'adenovirus types 3
and 7. The authors had only types 3 and 7 antisera,tb wads Aa their typing
tests. These they prepared from adenovirus, strains which were obtained
from the Department of Microbiology of the'Chinese Academy of Medical Sci-
ences and had been passed serially through HeLa cells in the authorsa,
laboratory for a year.
In the fall of 1958, type 3 adenovirus complement-fixing antibodies
reportedly were demonstrated in 14.ann of 119 serum specimens from patients
(ages from birth to 60) who did not have respiratory infections. The per-
centage of positives was low in*all age groups..
The foreign literature on previous research is reviewed. The role
of adenovirus in absenteeism among US military personnel and reports of
effective preventive. inoculation with formaldehyde-tilled adenovirus
vaccine are pointed out. The authors note the urgent need for conducting
a survey of adenovirus infection among Chinese recruits to determine
whether or not preventive inoculation is warranted.
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116. Dizcre?oancies in RNA and DNA Contents in Normal and Tumor Cells
During Mitotic Processes
"Changes in Nucleic Acids During the Process of Cell Division
in Normal and Tumor Cells," by N. V. Krasil'nikova, Tr. Stud.
Nauchn. 0-va Khabarovskogo Med. In-ta (Works of the Students'
Scientific Society of the Khabarovsk Medical Institute), No;.2,
1959, pp 21-23 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal Khimiya -- Biologi-
cheskaya Khimiya, No 8) 25 Apr 60, Abstract No 11159, 1$ M.
Changes occurring in nucleic acids during the process of mitosis in
normal and tumor cells were studied by histochemical methods. The intes-
tinal and tongue epithelium of normal, full-grown white mice, and cells
of Crocker sarcoma were studied. It was shown that whereas the RNA noted
in,the normal cells during the metaphase and anaphase stages was at its
minim=, the amount of RNA remained unchanged during all the stages of
oe]1.division in the tumor cells. Changes in DNA content during the pro-
cesses of mitosis in tumor cells were'similar to those in normal cells,
although the shifts in DNA content during the division of tumor cells
were very weakly expressed."
Pharmacology and Toxicology
117. New Ganglioblocking Preparations
"Concerning the Ganglioblocking Action of Certain New
Bis-Ammonium Bases," by Ya.?,Shuster; Riga, Izvestiiy
Akademii Nauk Latviyskoy SSR, No 2, 1960, pp 179-183
Pharmacological investigations were conducted of new bis-ammonium
bases synthesized by Yu. K. Yur'yev, K. Yu. Novitskiy, and V. N. thin-,
gareva of the Chair of Organic Chemistry, Chemical Faculty of the Moscow
State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov. The structural formulas of the
new compounds are as follows:
H3C ,~,? + CH
YuNZh-l H3C>N-CH2~__ - CH2 N'H
3 2 I-
H 3 3
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YunZh-2 H55 C C2\ CH-- I -CH-2-
All these substances are white-yellow tinted powders, readily soluble
in water. The pharmacological action of the compounds, was compared-rwith
that of hexonium. Cats were used in the experiments. It was found that
all the four compounds possess ganglioblocking and hypotensive properties;
1',unZh-3 and YunZh-4 are highly effective when administered into the upper
cervical sympathetic ganglion; YunZh-4 is effective also for the cardiac
ganglion of the vagus nerve; the preparations are somewhat less active
than hexonium.
118. Effect of Ganglioblocking Substances obi Nervous System
"Effect of Ganglioblocking Drugs on the Rapidity With
Which Nervous Excitation Is Transmitted in Sympathetic
Ganglia," by D. A. Kharkevich, Laboratory of Special
Pharmacology, Institute of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy,
Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, and Chair of Pharmacology
First Moscow Order of Lenin Medical Institute imeni I. M.
Sechenov; Moscow, Bulleten' Eks erimental'no Biologii i
Meditsiny, Vol 49, No 3, Mar 60, pp 61-64
results of experiments conducted to determine the effect of gang-
lioblocking substances on the rapidity with which stimuli are transmitted
in the sympathetic ganglia are reported. Cats anesthesized with urethan
were used in the experiments. The ganglioblocking substances tested were
tetraethyl ammonium, hexonium, pentamin, and mecamine. For comparison,
tests were also carried out with novacain?and barbamil. The drugs were
injected into the vena femorAlis. Supramaximal electric stimuli were
used to excite the preganglionic fibers. Bipolar platinum electrodes
were used to record the discharges from the postgangiionic fibers. The
experiments established that all ganglioblocking substances inhibit the
transmission of stimuli in the synpathetic ganglia, regardlessrof the
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mechanism of their depressing action. Experiments in which novocain and
barbamil were used determined that these substances, like the ganglio-
blocking preparations, also depress the transmission of stimuli in the
119. Effect of Ganglioblocking Substances on Resynthesis of Adenosine
"Effect of Ganglioblocking Substances on the G~ycolytic
Processes in the Upper Cervical Ganglion," by N. B.
Vysotskaya, Laboratory of Special Pharmacology, Insti-
tute of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy, Academy of
Medical Sciences USSR; Moscow, Farmakologiya i Toksi-
kologiya,Vol 23, No 2, Mar/Apr 60, pp 155-15
The effect of nicotine, hexonium, pentamin, tetraethyl ammonium, and
pachycarpine on the resynthesis 6f adenosine triphosphate in the upper
cervical ganglion of cats anesthesized by urethan was studied. The in-
vestigations revealed that with the exception of hexonium, the ganglio-
blocking substances tested disturbed the glycol9tic resynthesis of ade-
nosine triphosphate causing a decrease in the ganglion -content.-of
adenosine triphosphate. Another reason for the decrease in..the content
of adenosine triphosphate was an increase in the activity of adenosine-
triphosphotase. Hexonium had no essential effect on the gg ycolytic
processes in the upper cervical ganglion.
120. Measuring Serum Cholinesterase Activity
"A Simple and Accelerated Colorimetric Method of Measuring
the Activity of Serum Cholinesterase," by G. David, L.
Gyarmati, and S. Fanczi; Budapest, Kiserletes Orvostudomany,
Vol 11, No 2, 1960, pp 29l-206
"A simple and. accelerated colorimetric micromethod for measuring the
activity of serum cholinesterase was developed by the authors. With the
help of this method it is possible to determine the activity of serum
cholinesterase in 20-25 minutes. The basis of this method is the fact
that cholinesterase separates the red 2-azobenzene-l-naphthol from the
yellow 2-azobenzene-l-naphthyl acetate. On the basis of this method
they were able to define the uni;,; observations conducted on 20 healthy
persons made it possible to determine the activity of the cholinesterase
at 1.57-0.30."
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121. Effect of Cholinolytics )n Certain Centers
"Effect of Central Cholinolytics on the Respiratory and
Vasomotor Centers," by A. Ye. Aleksandova, Chair of
Pharmacology, Leningrad Sanitary-Hygienic Medical Insti-
tui;e; Moscow, Farmakologiya i Toksikologiya, Vol 23,
No 2, Mar/Apr CO, pp
Cats anesthesized by urethan, hexenal, or thiopental were used in ex-
periments conducted to determine the effect of spasmolytin, pentaphen, and
diazil on the respiratory and vasomotor centers. The drugs were adminiF';
stered to the animals either intracisternally or into the vertebral artery,
in doses of 0.25-0.5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. In doses of
0.25 milligram per kilogram of body weight, the drugs depressed the ampli-
tude and rate of respiration. In doses of 0.5 milligram per kilogram of
body weight they sometimes stopped respiration. The assumption is that
the respiratory and vasomotor centers contain cholinoreactive systems
which are sensitive to the cholinolytics.
122. Condensation of (x-Nitroketones With lyitroolefins
"Synthesis of a, X -Dinitroketones", by V. V. Perekalin and
K. Bayer, Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute imeni Gertsen;
Moscow, Zhurnal Obshchey ghimii, Vol 30, No 3, Mar 60,
pp 943-9 5
Nitroketones and their derivatives have been used successfully as
starting materials for the synthesis of various pharmacologically active
substances: analogs of guinacrine, adrenalin, chloromycetin, and miosmin.
The attention of the authors was attracted to a-nitroketones in the
methylene groups of which considerable mobility of the hydrogen atoms
should be expected due to the pi,sigma- epnj ugation with the electrophilic
nitro- and carbonyl-groups.
In addition, up to the present there have not been any attempts to
bring (Y,-nitroketones into a reaction with compounds possessing active
double bonds, in particular, with unsaturated nitro compounds which
readily 'react with substances that contain mobile hydrogen atoms in
methylene and methine groups.
The authors sought to develop a general method for synthesizing, a,
-dinitroketones and for the subsequent heterocyclization of products of
the reduction of these compounds- Several fatty-aromatic a-nitroketones,
viz., w -nitroacetophenone, p-methyl-, p-methoxy-, and m,;,>p-methylenedioxy-.
w -nitroacetophenones were reacted with unsaturated nitro compounds of the
aromatic and heterocyclic series, namely p -nitrostyrene, p-methoxy-,
p-nitro- S -nitrost~renes, 1,4. -bis -nitrovinyl) - benzene, 2-furyl- and
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1,4 -Bis ( p-nitrovinyl) benzene reacted with two mols of cu-
ni-troacetophenone and p-methoxy- w-nitroacetophenone, which were added
to both multiple bonds of the dinitroolefin.
123. Doubling of Molecules Leads to Intensified Pharmacological Action
in Experiment
"Bis-dialkylaminoacetyl Derivatives of the Benzidine and 1+,4' -
Diaminodiphenylethane Series," by N. I. Kudryashova and N. V.
Khromov-Borisov, Institute of Experimental Medicine of Academy
of Medical Sciences USSR; Moscow, Zhurnal Obshhhey Khimii,
Vol 30, No 3, Mar 60, pp 902-906
In this work, the authors searched for new local anesthetics and
investigated the relationships between the chemical structure of the
substances synthesized and their pharmacological activity. They synthe-
sized a number of bis-dialkylaminoacetyl derivatives of the benzidine and
144 -diami nod iphe nylethane series. These compounds are doubled analogs
of compounds of the Xycaine series which the authors prepared in previous
work [Xycaine is Ln-diethylamino-2,6 -dimethylacetanilide]. "Doubling"
of the molecules leads to an intensification of the pharmacological action,,
according to the authors.
The pharmacological observations, conducted by P. Ye. Motovilov and
0. G. Plets, indicated that the duration of local anesthetic effect of-
the hydrochlorides of the prepared compounds of the benzidine series was
greater than of the corresponding compounds of the xycaine series while
the duration of the local anesthetic effect of compounds of the dfipheny-
lethane series did not differ from the duration of that produced by to-:"
dialkyZamino-4-methylacetanilide. The authors observed that the hydro-
chloride salts of the synthesized derivatives of benzidine enhibited
considerably less toxicity than the corresponding salts of aniline deriva-
tives. The diiodomethylates of "doubled" compounds,.on the other hand,
were considerably more toxic than the iodomethylates of the corresponding
derivatives of aniline.
124+. Complex Compounds of Amines With Halo-Phenols Tested for Bactericidal
"Formation of Complexes by Amines .With Various Organic Com-
pounds. I. Complexes of Benzidine and Naphthylamines With Some
Halophenols," by B. V. Tronov, I. M. Bortovoy, and L. I.
Potekhina, Tomsk Stat&.University; Moscow, Zhurnal Obshchey
Khimii, Vol 30, No 3, Mar 60, pp 982-985
In the literature, a large number of complex compounds of amines with
phenols have been described. These complexes form because formation of a
hydrogen bond between the hydrogen of the phenolic hydroxyl group and the
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nitrogen of the amine takes place. In many systems of this type the com-
plex compoiinds have not; been isolated but an interaction between the
components was observed by various methods of physicochemical analysis.
The authors in this work have studied formation of complexes of
benzidine, a-naphthylamine, and P-naphthylam:Lne with several halo-
substituted phenols. In nearly all cases, the complexes were obtained
by mixing solutions of the components in a suitable solvent, most
frequently benzene; occasionally the complex compouidswere recrystallized.
The complex compounds were analyzed for nitrogen and in some cases for
The synthesized compounds were tested for their bactericidal acti-
vity, Several of them gave positive results on several it could be shown
that the action of the complex compound, was different from the individual
actions of the amine and the phenol. The bactericidal activity was deter-
mined b:,- sowing B. coli in a beef-peptone broth. The phenol-resistance
of the strain lasted for. 20 minutes in a 1:90 phenol solution. The phenol
cooff::.dent was not determined but rather the active concentration and
the time of action. The results of the tests are presented in a table.
In all, nine complex compounds of amines with halo-phenols were pre-
pared which had not been previously described.
125. Effect of Vitamins on Analeptic Drugs
"Effect of C and B Complex Vitamins on the Sensitivity to
Some. Analeptics in Deep Hexenal Anesthesia," by T. V.
Ivanovskaya, V sb.: Eks erim. Issled, o Fiziol. Biokhimii
i Farmakol. Vyp 1, (Collection of Works of Experimental
Investigations in Physiological Biochemistry and Pharma-
cology., No 1), Perm', 1959, 141-141+ (from Referativnyy Zhur-
nal -- Khimiya, Biologicheskaya Khimiya, No 9, 10 May 60,
CPYRGHTAbstract No 13004, by I. El'man)
"The preliminary administration intravenously of vitamins B2 (in doses
of 0,4 milligram per kilogram of body weight) and PP (in doses of 5 milli-
grams per kilogram of body weight) increased the sensitivity of the re-
spiratory center to cordiamin, when respiration stopped during deep hexenal
anesthesia, securing @'eater dependence on the action of the analeptic
drug. When respiration was again halted by the additional administration
of hexenal, the application of cordiamin on a background.of the vitamins
again restored respiration in four cases out of seven. The combination
of vitamins B2 Plus PP Plus C was less effective."
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126. Effect of Platyphylline on Depressants
"Effect of Platyphylline on the Action of Certain Substances
Which Depress the Central Nervous System," by R. G. Dianova,
Chair of Pharmacology, Astrakhan State Medical Institute and
Chair of Pharmacology, Kalinin State Medical Institute;
Moscow, Farmakolo..i?a i Toksikologiya, Vol 23, No 2, Mar/Apr
6o, pp 106-109
Rabbits and albino mice were used in the experiments which were con-
ducted to determine the effect of platyphylline, an alkaloid which has
an atropinelike action, on the action of magnesium sulfate,,
nembutal, and chloroform. A solution of platyphylline was subcutaneously
administered to the animals in a dose of 1-EO milligrams per kilogram of
body weight about 15 minutes before the administration of the substances
to be tested. Magnesium sulfate in doses of 750 milligrams and 1.25
grams per kilogram of body weight and nembutal in doses of 9-30 milligrams
per kilogram of body weight were subcutaneously administered to the animals;
luminal in a dose of 60 milligrams per kilogram of body weight was in-
jected into the vein of the rabbit's ear. The control animals received
Locke's solution instead of platyphylline. The results were as follows.
1. Platyphylline in combination with magnesium sulfate, nembutal,
and luminal potentiated the anesthesizing action of the latter drugs.
2. Platyphylline when used-in combination with chloroform intensified
and prolonged the side effects produced by the latter.
127. Effect of Some Drugs on Terramycin
"Investigations in vitro of the Antagonism to Terramycin,"
by Irma Togodi and Laszlo Feuer, Biol. Kozl. (Hungary),
1959, 7, No 1-2, 107-111 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal --
CPYRGHT Khimiya, Biologicheskaya Khimiya, No 9, 10 May 60, Abstract
No 1221d, by S. Shapovalova
"One of the derivatives of terramycin which has no antibiotic prop-
erties is capable of depressing the antibiotic action of terramycin. Caf-
feine,.theophylline, and barbiturates also diminish the activity of terra--
mycin. Vitamin C? and rutir. do not modify the antibiotic properties of
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128. Effect of Antithyroid Preparations on Blood
"Effect; of Methylthiouracil and Potassium Perchlorate,
Antithyro:Ld Preparations, on the Nonprotein Nitrogen and
Cholesterol in the Blood of Rabbits," by Ya. A. Dergousova
and T. V. Goldobina, V sb.: Eksperim. Issl. po Fiziol.,
BiokhimiiiFarmakol. (Collection of Works on Experimental
Physiological Biochemistry and Pharmacology), No 1, Perm',
1959, 86-92 (from Referativnyy ~.Zhurnal -- Khimi a Bio-
logicheskaya Khimiya, No 9, 10 May 60, Abstract No l20 7,
CPYRGH y R. Chapnitslcaya
"It was found that the administration of methylthiouracil (I) in
doses of 100 milligrams in 24 hours for a period of 60 days to rabbits
weighing 1,200-2,000 grams caused a considerably greater decrease in
the blood content of nonprotein nitrogen (II) than the administration
of a similar dose of potassium perchlorate (III) for the same period of
time. When the dose of (III) was increased to 200 milligrams in 24 hours,
:Lt produced an increase in the level of (II) which approximately equaled
that caused by the administration of 200 milligrams of (I) in 24 hours.
The effect of (I) when its dose was raised to 200 milligrams in 24 hours
was insignificant; (I) and (III) administered in doses of 200 milligrams
in 24 hours caused a decrease in the blood content of Urea (IV), by 22.4
and 18.2 percent, respectively. Within 15 days after the administration
of (I) and (III) was stopped, the blood content of (II) and (IV) in the
animals was restored to their normal levels. The blood content of chol-
esterol (V) 30-40 days after the administration of (I) and (III) was be-
gun, increased, but began to recede during the succeeding days and at the
end of the experiment was restored to its normal level. (I) and (III)
when administered in doses of 200 milligrams in 24 hours produced consid-
erably greater changes in the concentration of (V) than they do in doses
of 100 milligrams per 2)E hours; (III) had a greater effect on the blood
content of cholesterol than (I)."
129. Hypotensive Preparation
"A Substance Obtained From the Fruit of Carum carvi
Possessing Hypotensive Action," by B. Avramova, Tr.
N.-i. In-t Farmatsii (Works of the Scientific Research
Institute of Pharmacy, Bulgaria), 1959, 2, 65-67 (from
Referativn Zhurnal ?-- Khimiya Biologicheskaya Khimiya,
CPYRGHTNo 9, 10 May 60, Abstract No 131 1, by B. Barun)
"A crystalline substance (melting point 239-240 degrees), possessing
an expressed hypotensive action and only slightly toxic, has been isolated
from the fruits of Caruin carvi. The substance does not manifest any
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glycoside or alkaloid properties and is not a cumarine derivative. Cer-
tain of its physical and chemical properties permit the assumption that
it belongs to the group of amino acids."
130. Therapy of Carbon Tetrachloride Intoxication
"On the Therapeutic Effect of Intravenous Administrations of
Sodium Lactate to Animals Intoxicated With Carbon Tetrachlo-
ride," by I. I. Fedorov, Ye. L. Neygauz, and S. S. Vavrinyuk,
V sb.: Fiziol. Mekhanizmy Kompensatorn. Reaktsii i Vosstanovit.
Protsessov (Collection of Works on the Mechanisms of the Com-
pensatory Reaction and Restorative Processes), Part 2, Lvov,
1958, 25-91 (from Referativn Zhurnal -- Khimiya Biologiche-
CPYRGHT skaya Khimiya, No 9, 10 May 60, Abstract No 13177)
"Experiments carried out on dogs with isolated ureters (and in a
number of cases with gall bladder fistulas) revealed that the intravenous
administration of sodium lactate produced a diuretic and choleretic effect.
Carbon tetrachloride intoxication causes a decrease in diuresis and bile
formation, the appearance of bilirubinuria, albuminuria, an increase in
the amount of indican in the urine, and a decrease in the excretion of
chlorides. The administration of a 10-percent solution of' sodium lactate
had a considerable therapeutic effect and regulated metabolism."
131. Effect of Triethylamine Vapors on the organism
"Concerning the Toxicology of Triethylamine," by V. V.
Kustov, A. A. Denisenko, and 0. S. Shemyakin; Moscow,
Farmakologi a i Toksikologi a, Vol 23, No 2, Mar/Apr 60,
pp 174-176
Studies were conducted to determine the effect of triethylamine, a
substance widely used in the chemical industry, on the organism. White
male mice were used in the experiments. Intoxication by triethylamine
vapors was carried out by exposing the animals to the action of the vapors
in a special chamber. The experiments established that the lethal concen-
trations of triethylamine for mice are as follows: LC pppp, 3.54 milligrams
per liter; LC50, 1.9 milligrams per liter; the threshold concentration
of triethlamine after a 2-hour exposure is 0.18 milligram per liter, as
established by olfactory conditioned reflexes. The preparation is also
toxic locally, causing chemical burns on contact with the skim.
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132. Effect of 62(0, an Antibiotic, on the Organism
"Pharmacological Investigation of the Antibiotic 6270,"
by L. Ye. Goldberg, Institute for the Search of New
Antibiotics, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR; Moscow)
Antibiotiki, Vol 5, No 2, Mar/Apr 60, pp 50-55
An account is given of the results of the experiments which were
carried out on white mice, rats, rabbits, and dogs to determine the phar-
macological properties of 6270, an antibiotic isolated from the mycelium
and cultural fluid of Actinomyces flavochromogenes, and found to be ef-
fective against tumors, especially lymphosarcoma L-10-1. The experiments
revealed that the antibiotic 62'(0 is highly toxic and possesses cumulative
properties; it is less toxic for mice than for dogs and rabbits; in
maximally tolerated doses, it does not affect the level of total nitrogen
in the blood, and the level of the glycogen and fat content in the liver.
The antibiotic increases the permeability of the vessels, causes a de-
crease in the number of thrombocytes, and increases the prothrombin time.
The toxicity of the antibiotic can be reduced by the administrations of
vitamins C, P, and K3.
133. Effect of Imanin on the Organism
"On the Effect of Imanin When Administered Subcutaneously,"
by M. M. Smyk and T. I. Ivanova, Chair of Pathological
Physiology, Lugansk Medical Institute; Moscow, Antibiotiki,
Vol 5, No 2, Mar/Apr 60, pp 103-10l+
Rabbits were used in experiments in which it was sought to determine
the effect of imanin on the organism. Imanin [an antibacterial prepara-
tion for external application obtained from Hypericum perforatum L., by
M. D. Mashkovskiy, Moscow, 1957, pp 602-607] is an antibiotic used in the
therapy of burns and other skin injuries when administered subcutaneously
to animals. The experiments established that: when subcutaneously admini-
stered to healthy rabbits, imanin decreased the blood cont..nt of poly-
nucleates; when administered to rabbits infected with staphylococci, it
considerably increased the number of polynucleates in the blood; anemia
and polynuclear leukocytosis were less pronounced in the rabbits which
received imanin than they were in the control animals.
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134 ? Simplified Method of Titanium Determination by Spectral Analysis
"Spectral Determination of Small Quantities of Titanium in
Dust," by M. V. Nifontova, Institute of Sanitation and
Hygiene imeni F. F. Erisman; Moscow, Gigiyena i Pro=-
fessional'nyye Zabolevaniya, No 1, Jan 60, pp 51-53
Since the current methods for determining small amounts of titanium
are lengthy and cumbersome, the purpose of the research described was to
develop a spectrographic method for such determinations and to introduce
this method into the practice of sanitation and industrial chemistry.
The spectrographic method makes it possible to determine titanium in the
presence of various other elements without having to dissolve it.
The author describes the various factors and conditions for an ac-
curate determination. The two tables presented are entitled "Results of
the Quantitative Spectral Determination of Titanium in Fluid Solutions"
and "The Determination of Titanium in Artificial Mixtures."
The following conclusions are presented:
1. The method developed for the spectral determination of small
amounts of titanium requires small volumes of fluid (from 0.1 to 0.15 ml),
and small samples of the dry substance (0.02 g and less).
2. The accuracy of determination by the above-mentioned method is
approximately + 5.1%, and the sensitivity is 0.0002 mg titanium.
3. Selecting ammonium citrate as the medium increases the intensity
of the blackening of the spectral lines by a factor of 10.
135. Review of Book on Antibiotics
"Methods of Search for New Antibiotics," by G. F. Gauze,
Reviewed by K. N. Kashkin; Moscow, Mikrobiologiya, Vol
29, No 2, Mar/Apr 60, pp 305-307
The article is a critical review of the monograph on antibiotics
written by G. F. Gauze. The book consists of an introductory chapter,
and five textual chapters. In the introductory chapter the author states
the purpose of the book and briefly reviews the literary data on the
subject of antibiotics already available. The distribution of fungi,
spore bacteria, actinomycetes, and the soils from which these are ob-
tained is the topic of discussion in the first chapter. The importance
of the proper, selection of soils for the production of antibiotics is
stressed. ,.Lt is the author's opinion that northern soils are preferable
to souther.'n soils in this respect.
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Chapter 2 of the book deals with the problem of the classification
of the substances which form antibiotics. Considerable space is given?
to actinomycetes. Problems bearing on the methods and ways of discovering
new antibiotics are discussed in Chapter 3. Several methods for isolating
antibiotics are suggested, and a comparative evaluation of these methods
is made. Chapter 3 and 4 are devoted to the problems of the search for
antivirus and antitumor antibiotics. Gauze stresses the importance of
the cooperative efforts of microbiologists, biochemists, and chemothera-
peutists for the successful solution of the problem of the discovery of
new antibiotics.
The reviewer is somewhat critical of the book claiming that (l) too
much attention is given to reports on research work done by the author
himself without sufficient attention given to literary data already
available on the subject in domestic and foreign literature; (2) the
problem of the classification of artinomycetes is inadequately treated;
(3) insufficient inform'ttion on preparations which are capable of
suppressing the vital activities of the bacteria which are resistant
to bacteria is provided; and (4) the use of ion exchange resins for the
isolation of antibiotics should have been treated in greater detail.
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136. Effects of Oxygen Intoxication
"Morphological Changes in the Central and Certain Portions
of the Peripheral Nervous Systems of Animals in Hyperoxemia,"
by Yu. M. Zagorskiy, Chair of Physiology of Military Labor
of Military Medical Academy imeni S. M. Kirov, and Neuro-'
histological Laboratory of Scientific Research Neurosurgi-
cal Institute imeni A. L. Polenov; Moscow, Arlthiv Patalogii,
Vol 22, No 3, 1960, pp 27-34
The author describes experiments in which oxygen intoxication was
produced in four cats and one dog by the administration of oxygen under
pressure. It was noted that distinct morphological changes in the central
and peripheral nervous systems accompany such intoxication. The most pro-
nounced changes observed were in the optic thalami, the cerebellum, and
in the caudal spinal cord sections. Results of investigations of the
peripheral nervous system portions showed that the most pronounced changes
took place in the sensory neurons of the spinal and cranial sensory
The nature of these changes confirms the view of some physiologists
that tissue hypoxia is one cause of oxygen intoxication.
137. Audio Signal Frequency Discrimination
"On the Accuracy ofgAbsolute Discrimination of the Frequency
of Audio Signals in Man," by Ye. Ya. Voytinskiy, Institute
of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov, Academy of Sciences USSR;
Moscow Voprosy Psikhologii, No 2, Mar/Apr 60, pp 74-83
This article discusses the results of experiments conducted on 15
people with normal hearing and describes the method for determining
differential thresholds from the results of "absolute" discrimination.
The "absolute" discrimination of a number of audio signals of different
frequencies was investigated by this method. It was found that the
broader the range of frequency, the less the accuracy of differentiation
(the thresholds increase) and vice versa. With narrow frequency ranges,
the accuracy of differentiation approaches that of "relative" discrimina-
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138. Conditioning of Verbal Stimuli
"Conditioned Responses to Verbal Stimuli," by L. A. Shvarts,
Institute of Psychology, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences
RSFSR; Moscow, Voprosy Psikhologii, No 1, Jan/Feb 6o, pp 86-
The author of this article states that 129 experiments on the re-
placement of conditioned verbal stimuli with words similar to them in
pronunciation but different in meaning, or similar in meaning but dif-
ferent in pronunciation (synonyms), were conducted on 13 adults. The
results of the experiments indicated that a broad generalization takes
the place of conditioned verbal stimuli. It was demonstrated that con-
ditioned connections between verbal stimuli which are similar only in
pronunciation are extinguished. At the same time, it was observed that
conditioned connections between synonyms did not disappear.
The administration of a cortical soporific (chloral hydrate) re-
sulted in a weakening of the conditioned response to the verbal stimulus
synonyms, and in the disinhibition of the already extinguished conditioned
response to words similar to the verbal stimulus in pronunciation.
139. Ability Formation Discussed
"The Formation of Abilities," by A. N. Leont'yev, Chair of
Psychology of Moscow University; Moscow, Voprosy Psikhologii,
No 1, Jan/Feb 60, pp 7-17
This article was read at the First Congress of the Society of Psycho-
logists held in Moscow from 29 June to 4 July, 1959. The author states
that it is necessary to identify two types of abilities in a human being:
the natural abilities and the specifically human abilities. The former
are directly related to innate, anatomic, and physiological properties.
They are natural abilities to form and to differentiate conditioned
associations rapidly, abilities to withstand the effects of negative
stimuli, and abilities to analyze. The specifically human abilities are
built on the foundation developed by natural abilities. These specifically
human abilities have an ontogenetic origin, are the result of the process
through wh,.ch the individual learns (or acquires) the social and historical
achievementk:. of mankind, and are embodied not in biological factors, but
in the objective products of material and spiritual culture. These
abilities have as their material basis the functional "physiological
organs" of the brain, formed during a lifetime.
The above states rats are based on the results of experiments per-
formed on 100 adults in the author's laboratory. The investigations
began with a study of the development of the ability to analyze sounds
of various frequencies.
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11+0. Space Perception Experiments Reported
"News in the Study of Space Perception," by D. G. Anari' yev,
Leningrad Scientific Research Institute of Pedagogy, Academy
of Pedagogical Sciences RSFSR, and Chair of Psychology of
University of Leningrad; Moscow, Voprosy Psikhologii, No 1,
Jan/Feb 60, pp 18-28
This article is a reprint of the paper read at the First Congress of
the Society of Psychologists, held in Moscow from 29 June to 4 July 1959?
The author discusses the recent experimental studies on space perception
conducted from psychological, physiological, and pedagogical standpoints
which were reported at a special scientific conference on space perception
held in May 1959 in Leningrad. This conference was called by the Lenin-
grad Branch of the Society of Psychologists and the Leningrad Scientific
Research Institute of Pedagogy, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences RSFSR.
The article says that space perception is a complex, intermodal
association; it is an important tool of human orientation within the world
he inhabits. Like perception in general, it has as its basis a complicated
conditioned response to a complex stimulus. The mechanism of space percep-
tion is characterized by some specific features, such as variation in the
structure of intermodal associations according to the objective nature of
space signals, unification of the brain terminals of various analysors,
binary functioning of receptors, and functional asymmetry in the paired
work of the brain and its principal analysors.
The article presents data on the development of space perception and
its role in man's working activity.
114.1. Vibration Sickness and Its Countermeasures
"Vibration Caused by Drilling With Electric Drills," by
V. I. Yelgazin, Chair of General Electrical Technology,
Tomsk Polytechnic Institute; Moscow, Gigivena i Sani-
tariya, No 4, Apr 60, pp 108-110
To date, the consequences of vibration have not attracted serious
attention, and they have been considered harmless. According to the
research conducted by the author, this is not so, since vibrations pro-
duced while drilling with electric drills, especially with hand drills,
are harmful to the whole organism; they produce symptoms of vibration
sickness, characterized by a sensation of pain in the hands and in the
vertebral region, decreased tactile sensation of the fingers, and decreased
vision during the drilling operations.
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To counteract vibration consequences, certain measures and improve-
ments in the designs of instruments are sketched and explained, and close
cooperation between the designers and the hygienists is recommended.
1112. Fluctuation of Phospholipid Metabolism in C. N. S. During Excita-
tion and Inhibition
"The Metabolism of Phospholipids in the Brain Against a Back-
ground of Excitation and Inhibition," by A. V. Tyazhkaya and
V. A. Lyasher-17-o, Tr. Stud. Nauchn, 0-va Khaba-Khabarovskogo
Med. In-ta (Tn~ r!a of the Students' Scientific Society of
Khabarovsk Medical Institute), No 2, pp 31-33, 1958 (from
Referativn Zhurnal--Khimi a Biolo icheskaya Khimiya, No 8,
CPYRGHT 25 A60,Abstract No 11040, by T. Nevskaya
"The use of p32 in experiments on mice indicated that during excita-
tion of the central nervous system by caffeine, the specific activity of
lipid phosphorus is increased as compared with that of the controls, but
that during the inhibition of the central nervous system by hexenal, the
specific activity is decreased. During central nervous system inhibition
by hexenal a certain tendency toward the accumulation of lipid phosphorus
is observed."
11+3. Effect of Anaphylactic Shock on Proteins
"Modifications of the Protein Composition of the Blood of
Rabbits in Anaphylactic Shock During the Early Period of
Resusciation After Clinical Death," by M. G. Kolpakov, V
sb.: Materialy Vtorovo Plenums, Sibirsk. Fil. O-va Pato-
fiziolov (Collection of Reports of the Second Plenum of the
Siberian Branch of the Society of Pathophysiologists),
Chita, 1958, 77-79 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal--Khimiya,
Biologicheskaya Khimiya, No 6, 25 Mar 60, Abstract No 7769)
"The peculiarities of the response reaction of a resuscitated
organism to the administration of a sensitizing dose of a heterogenic
protein was studied in 40 rabbits. The rabbits, depending on the sex,
reacted differently to a sensitizing injection of horse serum. This may
be explained by the peculiarities of the hormonal regulation of the
animals. The increase in the blood serum content of beta and gamma
globulins in the course of the anaphylaxis which takes place during the
early period of resuscitation is greater iii males than in females. In
addition, the albumin content is decreased in the females. In control
experiments (without resuscitation) the content of alpha, beta, and gamma
globulins, as well as of albumins, is decreased in the males; in the females,
the gamma globulin contents is considerably increased, and that of albumins
is decreased."
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144. Portable Electrocardiograph Invented
"Portable Electrocardiograph," by N. Koshelev; Moscow,
Izvestiya, 15 May 60, p 4
The author of this article states that physicians will soon be able
to perform electrocardiography in a patient's home with the aid of a
portable electrocardiograph. A. graphic picture of the condition of a patient's
heart can be obtained quickly and without any difficulty with the aid of
this mechanism, which is presently undergoing testing.
This device was invented by Yu. Sakharov, engineer of the Kuybyshev
bearing plant; P. Gorbarenko, docent of the Kuybyshev Medical Institute;
and radiotechnicians V. Isayev, N. Kudashev, and A. Yul'skiy. This portable
electrocardiograph is simple and inexpensive. Its dimensions are 35 x 25
x 25 centimeters.
145. Physiological Idealism Criticized
"V. I. Lenin's Criticism of Physiological Idealism and Its
Role in the Interpretation of the History of Psychophysiology,"
by M. G. Yaroshevskiy; Moscow Voprosy Psikhologii, No 2, Mar
Apr 60, pp 47-60
The author of this article states that V. I. Lenin's criticism of
"physiological idealism" is a splendid example of a concrete historical
analysis of the evolution of natural science which strives to penetrate
the world of mental phenomena. V. I. Lenin was convinced that estimates
of the idealistic school on the history of science were wrong. He believed
that all fragments of idealism will be smashed against the immovable pil-
lars of natural historical materialism. By throwing light on the evolution
of science, V. I. Lenin supplied a cue for drawing a true picture of the
formation of ideas involving the mechanisms of sensory learning. It is
the aim of the author of this article to develop this picture in the light
of V. I. Lenin's analysis of I. Mueller's doctrine.
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Public Health, Hygiene, and Sanitation
146. Improving Medical Service
"On Measures for the Further Improvement of Medical Service
'.:o and for the Preservation of Health of the People of the
USaR" (unsigned article); Moscow, Gi i enema Truuda i Profes--
sional'nyye Zabolevaniya, Vol 1i., No 4, Apr 60, pp 3-
The article stresses the necessity for further improvement of medical
services to the people and the adoption of measures for the preservation
of the people's health. The great strides which are being made by Soviet
industry, particularly in connection with the production of polymers, and
the application of energy from new sources, such as nuclear energy, electro-
magnetic oscillations, various vibration techniques, and others, are creat-
ing hew occupational and production factors which require thorough study
in relation to their unfavorable effect on the organism. While a number
of in titutes have already begun studies of this subject, comparatively
little has been done to develop prophylactic measures which would protect
the organism from the effects of radioactivity, excessive noise, vibra-
tions, and other harmful factors. Nor is there yet a sufficient number
of personnel or adequate facilities which make it possible to efficiently
cope with this problem. There need be no doubt, the article states in
conclusion, that the workers in she fields of hygiene and occupational
pathology will do all possible to correct the situation,
147. Conference on Physical Training
"Fourth All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference of Chairs
of Physical Training, Therapeutic Physical Culture, and Medi-
cal Supervision Over Medical Institutes," by V. V. Bulychev;
Moscow, Zdravookhraneniye Rossl'yskoy Federatsii, No 5,
May 6o, pp 46-47
This article reports on the fourth All-Russian Scientific-Practical
Conference of Chairs of Physical Training, Therapeutic Physical Culture,
and McOical Supervision Over Medical Institutes, heli in January 1960
in Leningrad. Some 120 representatives of chairs of 15 medical institutes
of the RSFSR attended the conference. Representatives of the Ukrainian,
Belorussian, Lithuanian, Kazakh, and Armenian SSRS were also present at
the conference, which was sponsored by the Ministry of Health RSFSR.
Those present at the conference discussed the -program of physical
training for students of medical institutes. The program was drawn up
by the Main Administration of Schools of the Ministry of Health RSFSR
in 1959 and sent out to all medical institutes of the RSFSR for pre-
liminary appraisal.
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The delegates to the conference elected a commission to edit the
program on physical !;raining of students in medical institutes
It was noted at the conference that the chairs of physical training,
therapeutic physical culture, and medical supervision of medical vuzes
(higher educational institutions) of the RSFSR have considerably expanded
the volume of scientific research within the past few years.
148. Reduction of Disease Morbidity and Mortality Rates
"Achievements and Prospects in the Fight Against Communicable
Diseases," by L. A. Sakvarelidze, deputy chief of the State
Sanitation Inspection, Ministry of Health USSR; Moscow,
Meditsinskaya Sestra, No 4, Apr 60, pp 3-6
The author of this article states that immense economic and cultural
changes, better living conditions, and improved health service and medical
science in the USSR made possible the elimination of many factors which
form the basis of the incidence of communicable diseases. Favorable
conditions exist now in the USSR for a determined effort to control and
to reduce the incidence of 'many communicable diseases. Such diseases as
cholera, plague, black smallpox, parasitogenic typhus infections, and
parasitic worms have been completely eradicated. Such diseases as malaria
and tularemia have almost completely disappeared. Morbidity and mortality
i ?:ces of other diseases have been reduced considerably.
Further expansion of the national economy and cultural development
in the USSR, projected for 1959-1965 by the 21st Congress of the CPSU and
by the decree of the Council of Ministers USSR, offer greater possibilities
for further decreasing the morbidity rate.
Malaria must be completely eradicated in 1960. By 1965, diphtheria$
rabies, ancylostomiasis, Taeniarhynchus infestation, and trachoma must
be reduced to the point of sporadic occurrence. Health agencies must
also strive to reduce, by 1965, the incidence of typhoid fever, poliomyelitis,
whooping cough, tetanus, brucellosis, and other infections.
An all-union conference held in January 1960 in Moscow discussed
various methods of reducing and eradicating communicable diseases. The
conference was called by the Ministry of Health USSR, the Academy of
Medical Sciences USSR, and the Ministry of Health RSFSR. Those attending
the conference noted that the ministries of health bf the union republics
and the local health agencies have improved their work considerably. TW.s
proves that agencies of the Soviet health service are familiar with epidemic
control measures and have sufficient material resources at their disposal
to cope with the problem of communicable diseases. It was also noted
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that vaccination, sources of infections, and medical and
epidemiological surveillance over the foci of infections can be improved
in some cities of union republics and autonomous republics.
Sanitary-epidemiological service personnel must be increased, and
well-equipped laboratories and motor transportation must be placed at
their disposal. The work in pediatric sections of medical districts
must be improved. None of city pediatric districts should have more
than 1,000 children within their territories.
The majority of delegates to the conference voted in favor of the
proposal of the Ministry of Health USSR that special rooms be set aside
in outpatient clinics for the vaccination of children only.
Greater attention must be given to the training of medical personnel
of a subprofessional level in immunization. Medical personnel of a sub-
professional level who are to be assigned to duty in rural medical district
hospitals or to independent duty at feldsher-midwife posts must undergo
training in immunization.
The Acadrmy of Medical Sciences USSR, scientific research institutes
of the Ministry of Health USSR, and of the ministries of health of the
union Republics are not conducting scientific research that is extensive
enough to bring about the discovery of methods accelerating the diagnosis
of communicable diseases and to aid in developing associated vaccines.
Scientific research institutes of epidemiology, microbiology, and
hygiene, and of vaccines and sera must assist health agencies every day.
Institutes of pediatrics and for the protection of mothers and children,
chairs of epidemiology, communicable diseases, and pediatrics of medical
institutes, and institutes for the advanced training of physicians must
also assist health agencies in their work.
More attention must be given to training physicians and medical
workers of a subprofessional level in sanitation and epidemic control.
The methods of teaching in sanitation and hygiene faculties must be
changed, and the program of specialization and advanced training of
physicians in sanitation. and epidemic control must be re-examined.
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149. Conference He1t, on Outpatient Service
"An All-Union Conference on Outpatient-Polyclinical Service
to the Population" (unsigned article); Moscow, Sovetskoye
Zdravookhraneniye, No 4, 1960, pp 23-38
This article is a report on a conference held in Moscow on 8 and 9 Jan-
uary 1960 on the subject of outpatient-polyclinical service to the popula-
tion. 'The following officials took part in the work of the conference:
ministers of health of-union and autonomous republics, heads of oblast,
kray, and city departments of health, chief physicians of hospitals,
polyclinics, and sanitation units, heads of polyclinics, chief specialists
of departments of health, staff physicians of medical districts and of in-
dustrial plants, and workers of scientific research institutes.
S. V. Kurashov, Minister of Health USSR, read a report in which he
analyzed the outpatient-polyclinical service in cities and indicated what
action must be taken to improve this service further. N. N. Grigor'yeva,
Deputy Minister of Health RSFSR, noted in her report that better living
conditions, and improved preventive medical measures and therapeutic
service have contributed to a decrease in child morbidity and mortality,
and have created a better climate for the physical development of children.
P. L. Shupik, Minister of Health Ukrainian SSR, reported on the organiza-
tion of outpatient-polyclinical service to workers in industries. Ye.
D. Ashurkov, director of the Institute for the Organization of Public
Health and the History of Medicine imeni N. A,. Semashko, discussed
scientific research in the field of the organization of outpatient-
pol;~clinical service to the population.
Yu. Ye. Danilov, Minister of Health Kirgiz SSR, stated that the
absence of an independent department of health within the framework
of the State Planning Committee (Gosplan) of the Council of Ministers
USSR and of the Council of Ministers of the union republics is responsible,
to some extent, for poor public health planning.
150. Lenin's Approach to Public Health
"V. I. Lenin and Soviet Public Health" (unsigned article;
Minsk, Zdravookhraneniye Belorussia, No 4, Apr 6o, pp 5-9
This article commemorates the 90th anniversary of the birth of V. I.
Lenin (22 April 1960). The welfare of workers and the vigorous expansion
of the national economy, projected by the Seven-Year Plan, are ideas
of the Communist Party and V. I. Lenin.
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The organizatio,, of public health service is one of the most out-
standing achievements of the Soviet government. The distinctive features
of the Soviet health service are: preventive medical measures, free,
ccmprehensive, and qualified medical aid which is accessible to all, close
cooperation between medical practitioners and scientific medical establish-
ments, and having as many organizations as possible interested in sanita-
One of the first decrees signed by Lenin (December 1917) dealt with
the protection of mothers and children.
The Council of People's Commissars decreed, 11 July 1918, the
establishment of a Commissariat of Health RSFSR. Sanitary inspection
of houses was decreed on 18 July 1919. A decree of 8 November 1919
ordered the formation of a special All-Russian Commission for improving
sanitary conditions, throughout the republic.
Lenin always promoted the health of workers, the builders of a
Communist society. The Eighth Congress of-the 'CPSU (1919) consequently
adopted the following program of V. I. Lenin: protection of the health
of the population, improvement of housing facilities for the working
masses,'improvement of working conditions, and social insurance.
A code of labor laws was approved in 1922 at the Fourth session
of the All-Union Central Executive Committee (VTsIK).
New health problems arose as the country became industrialized.
The Council of People's Commissars RSFSR approved, in October 1927, a
decree establishing sanitation agencies.
Before the October Revolution there were 15 medical facu]:tie's in
different universities of the country. These faculties graduated a very
insignificant number of physicians each year. There was only one scientific
research medical institute in Russia before the revolution, the Institute
of Experimental Medicine in Petrograd.
At present there are 273 scientific research institutes and 79
medical universities, which utilize the services of 30,000 scientific
workers. The Soviet Union has 380,000 physicians .and 1.3 million feld-
shers, midwives, pharmacists, and nurses. The hospital bed capacity is
increasing every year. Highly specialized medical aid is becoming more
and more accessible to the population.
The general mortality rate now is only about one fourth as great
as it was before the revolution; child mortality is almost one seventh
as great. The life expectancy in the USSR has risen from 32 years to
68 in 1957 and 1958. Cholera, plague, smallpox, and typhus have been
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completely eradicated in the USSR. The incidence of diphtheria has been
sharply reduced. A 6- or 7-hour workday is expected to be introduced
during 1960 with no reduction in take-home pay. The workday is expected
to be reduced further within the next few years.
It was reported at the 24th Congress of the Communist Party of
Belorussia that 4.5 billion rubles was spent during the past 4 years
to further improve health service in Belorussia. The number of
physicians has increased by 2,500 or by 30%, since 1955. The number of
hospital beds, during the same 4-year period, increased by 25%-
A decree of the Central Committee CPSU and the Council of Ministers
USSR dealt with further improvement of medical service to the population
of the USSR. It was pointed out in this decree that the preservation of
health of the Soviet people is one of the most important obligations of
everyone: the Communist Party, the government, komsomol*organizations,
trade unions, and other organizations.
151. Cleansing Skin Contaminated With Radioactive Substances
"Skin Contaminated With Radioactive Substances and the
Comparative Efficacy of Certain Methods of Cleansing,"
by Z. A. Il?in; Moscow, Gi i ena?Truda i Professional'-
nyye Zabolevaniya, No 3, Mar 60, pp 2 -32
The research described is based on 23 experiments dealing with the
following methods of which has been contaminated with
radioactive phosphorus and yttrium: (1) washing the skin with tap water
plus 40% household soap and scrubbing; (2) washing with 5% Nat HPO and
scrubbing (in experiments dealing with p32 contamination); (3) washing
with dilute acids (3% citric acid and 2% hydrochloric acid) and scrubbing;
(4) treating the skin with pumice in powdered form, then washing with
water; (5) wiping the skin with a dry rag; and (6) treating the'skin
with a cation exchange resin "vophavit" (in experiments dealing with
y91 contamination).
In this study, the author defines three layers of skin contamination
which can result from mechanical deposition, physicochemical adsorption,
and ion exchange processes. The harmfulness of skin contamination by
radioactive substances is discussed with regard to the concentration
and time of contact of the radioactive substances as factors, and the
efficacy of the various deactivation methods used is compared.
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For most practical purposes, the method most highly recommended
for hands contaminated with radioactive P32 and Y91 consists of washing
the hands in tap water containing 400 household soap, scrubbing for 4-5
minutes, and subsequent scrubbing in a jet of 2% HCl for 3 minutes
(preferably with a different brush). After dosimetric examination, the
hands are rinsed with water and dried with a rag.
152. Ionizing Radiation Effects on Unirradiated Parabionts
"On Humoral Mechanisms in Hemopoietic Changes During Acute
Radiation Sickness," by N. A. Fedorov, A. M. Namyatysheva,
M. G. Kakhetelidze, N. S. Rozanova, and N. A. Zhizhina,
Central Order of Lenin Institute of Hematology and Blood
Transfusion, Ministry of Health USSR; Moscow, Pro~blemy
Gematologii i Perelivaniya Krovi, Vol 5, No 4, Apr 60, pp
The authors studied the humoral mechanisms In the processes of
disruption and restoration of hemopoiesis under the effect of ionizing
radiations. Changes in the morphological compositioaof peripheral
blood and bone marrow in parabiotic rats after the irradiation of one
of the parabionts by 600, 700, Boo, 900, and 1,000 r from X rays served
as indexes for this study. Results indicated the following.
After the irradiation of one of the parabionts, decreased indexes
for white and red blood cells were observed in both partners.
Leukocyte changes were more marked in the irradiated parabionts,
but these changes were less marked than when the irradiated animals were
single, which indicates the moderating effect of the unirradiated parabiont
on the injurious effects of ionizing radiation on the other.
A picture of radiation injury was observed in the bone marrow of
the irradiated rats,. both single and parabiotic; but the bone marrow
of the unirradiated parabionts retained the appearance of well-functioning
Marked activation of proliferating processes in the bone marrow'
of unirradiated parabionts which preceded the regeneration of bone marrow
in the irradiated parabionts merits special attention.
Various myelograms of single and parabiotic rats at 3, 5, 7, 9,
and 12 days after their irradiation by 600 and 700 r are presented and
explained by different theories.
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153. Constant Dynamic "Radioactive" Equilibrium of Man
"Natural Radioactivity and Leukoses," by V. A. Leonov;
Minsk, Doklady Akademii Nauk BSSR, Vol 4, No 2, Feb 60,
pp 86-85`-
In a previous report entitled "Bone and Skeleton as a Whole as the
Organ of Hemopoiesis'.' (see Zdravookhraneniye Belorussia, No, 1959), the
author discussed in detail the concept proposed. by P. A. Korzhuyev, which
postulates that the organ of hemopoiesis is not the bone marrow, but the
bone itself, and consequently the skeleton as a whole. In the previous
report it was concluded that "the disruption of the metabolism of natural
radioactive elements as the energy source of hemopoiesis should be con-
sidered the fundamental link in the pathogenesis of leukoses."
The present report is a further study of the various aspects of
the above-mentioned concept.
The author recounts a very long list of the various natural radioactive
macro-, micro-,and ultramicro-elements which are found in the human body,
and which he divides into three categories. 'The first category includes
elements the majority of which emanate beta radiation. The second category
of natural radioactive elements consists of three families forming the
principle radioactive decay series. The third category consists of radio-
active carbon, tritium, and radioactive beryllium (Be7); all of these
inorganic substances a'e constantly being formed in the atmosphere under
the effect of cosmic radiations. One should also bear in mind that the
atmosphere constantly contains emanations of radium, thorium, actinium--
radon, thoron, and actinon.
In his analysis of the subject, the author refers to the distribution
of'various natural radioactive elements in air, soil, plants, and animals.
The author emphasi es the selective concentration of uranium, radium, Ca40,
Nd150, Smlh1'7, Lug-7b, Zr96, uranium, and thorium in the bones; of all the
remaining natural radioactive substances, some are equally distributed
in all of the organs and tissues, some are concentrated in the liver,
spleen, and other organs, and some are concentrated in the bones. Re-
ference is also made to the results of certain very significant experi-
ments: the saturation of bones with uranium disturbs the metabolism of
calcium and potassium, but a rickets-producing diet induces the elimina-
tion of uranium from the bones. The presence of uranium in human embryos
is also mentioned.
The bone and the skeleton as a whole are considered the "central
laboratory" for the metabolism of inorganic substances; if one considers
that the blood contains 25 trillion erythrocytes and 40 million leucocytes,
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and that the average life of the erythrocytes is 30 days, and that of the
leucocytes is 3-9 days, it follows that this gigantic force of mitotic
activity and hemopoiesis must be accomplished in an organism by large
amounts of radioactive energy from natural atomic decay. Furthermore,
the great concentration of natural radioactive substances in the bones
is not accidental; it supplies the energy of atomic decay for the genera-
tion of the formed elements of blood and explains the special sensitivity
of the hemopoietic organs to the effect of artificial radiation which
disrupts the normal dynamic "radioactive" equilibrium of an organism.
Hence, on the basis of these studies, and data from literature,
the author concludes that the following are important studies to be
1. The study of the metabolism of the natural radioactive macro-,
micro.., and ultramicro-elements, the physiological role of each of them,
and their over-all biological effects.
2. The study of the disturbances of the metabolism of the natural
radioactive substances during blood diseases in general, and during
leukoses in particular.
3. The study of the natural radioactive background in different
territories and regions, i.e., to conduct a bio-geochemical study of
the provinces of natural radiation.
1+. To discover therapeutic preparations intended to normalize
the metabolism of natural radioactive elements.
151+. Early and Differential Diagnosis of Cancer by Polarographic Method
"Polarographic and Clinical Studies of Cancer Patients
Under X-Ray Therapy," by I. P. Mitev, N. Kh. Kryshkov,
M. S. Kharizanova, and T. N. Marovski, Tr. Vissh. Med.
In-t Plovdiv (Works of the Higher Medical Institute,
Plovdiv), No 12, (1958-1959 pp 55-65 (from Referativnyy
Zhurnal Khimiya--Biologicheskaya Khimiya, No 8, 25 Apr 60,
CPYRGHT Abstract No 11445, by M. Maslova
"Polarographic studies were conducted on the blood serum of 30
healthy people, 52 cancer patients, and 13 patients with pulmonary
tuberculosis., The average height of the second wave of the filtrate
and its index were respectively: in healthy people, 26.2 and 1.0; in
patients with cancer of the mammary gland, 26.7 and 1.02; in lung caner
patients, 52.8 and 2.02; in sarcoma patients, 18.1+ and 0.7; and in
patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, 23.8 and 0.9. After X-ray
treatment, depending on the condition and improvement of the patient,
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the height of the second wave of the filtrate approached in value that
of the healthy people. The same ratio was established between the height
of the second wave of the filtrate and the number of leukocytes in the
blood. During the development of radiation sickness, the height of the
second wave of the filtrate rises, and the index increases. In cases of
relapses and metastases., these values are greatly increased, a fact which
is of great significance for their early diagnosis. This method can also
be used in the differential diagnosis of cancer and pulmonary tuberculosis."
155. Radiation Toxicity Explained by Fat Oxidation and Acid Formation
"On the Specificity of Radiation Effects During the Process
of the Formation of Toxic Substances in Fats," by Ye. B.
Burlakova, B. G. Dzantiyev, G. B. Sergeyev, and N. M.
Emanuel', Chair of Chemical Kinetics, Moscow State University
imeni M. V. Lomonosov; Moscow, Nauchnyye Doklady Vysshey Shkool r
--Biologicheskiye Nauki, No 1, 1960, pp 145-147
Various experiments which demonstrate that the formation of toxic
products is due to fat oxidation and to the formation of acids are
Tests to determine radiation toxicity were performed on hydra and the
roots of white lupine.
The data obtained indicate that unoxidized fats, both irradiated
and unirradiated, do not exert any toxic effects on the hydra or on the
roots of white lupine, while oxidized fats, both irradiated and unirradiated,
do exert acute toxic effects on the hydra and on the lupine roots. Further-
more, there is no difference in the toxicity of irradiated and unirradiated
fats oxidized to the same degree.
These simple tests, the authors suggest, make it possible to imler
that the toxicity of oxidized fats is due to the formation of acids.
A growth curve of wetted white lupine roots indicates that even an
insignificant amount of acid leads to retardation of the growth of the
roots, i.e., to the appearance of toxicity. This growth inhibition is
intensified with an increase in the acid number. The mechanism are
further explained.
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156. Chinese Researchers Discuss Chemical Protection Against Ionizing
"Drugs for Chemical Protection Against Ionizing Radiation,"
by Yuan Ch'i-hsin ( ) and Hsu Tao-hui (4t,
)Peiping,, K'o-hsueh- 'ung-pao (Scientia), No 1+,
A -'Feb , PP 97-108
This article reviews world literature on research achievements in
drugs which provide lower animals and mammals protection against radia-
tion injury. Four important applications of such drugs are mentioned
in the introduction: They are auxiliaries in radiation therapy, protect
in case of accideitial injury in the atomic energy industry, ensure the
safety of the military and civilian population in time of nuclear attack,
and provide a basis for further research on protection against cosmic
radiation during space flight.
About three fourths of the article is devoted to discussion of
chemical protection against gamma radiation. Specific compounds are
classified under nine categories and discussed with respect to the
relation between their chemical structures, properties, and mechanisms
of protective action, as reported in the literature. The categories are:
amino acids containing sulfur; mercapto alkyl amines; isothiocarbemides
and mercapto alkyl guanidines; thiols, amino acids, and amines without
the sulfhydryl group; substances which induce hypoxia; chelates; vitamins,
enzymes, and hormones; and alkaloids and higher nervous stimulants.
The common characteristics and weaknesses of these drugs and the current
research trends are also discussed.
Some of the article treats of chemical protectants, specifically,
chelate compounds, which aid the removal of alpha- and beta-ray emitters
from the body. The basic requisites of chelates which can be used in
this respect, the principles governing their design, and the relation
between chemical structure and chelating capacity are noted.
The information is carefully documented against a list of 130 CPYRGHT
references. Although no Chinese work is included in their bibliography,
the authors indicate by the following statement that they have at least
worked with cysteine: I It is re or e in the literature that c sty
can e air-dried, u actor ng to our experience, it is very unstable
in air and decomposes even after recrystallization and filtering. The
best way to purify it is by sublimation at reduced pressure. It can
then be preserved in vacuum bottles."
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CPYRGHT Confidence in the success of an "all-out" research effort is
expressed in the following closing remarks: The search for effective
pro ec ..on against external radiation and removal or Internal emitters
requires extensive and complicated research. Nevertheless, it is the-
oretically possible to solve these problems. If we would go all out to
strengthen cooperation between the various disciplines, taking advantage
of the opportunities offered in a socialist system, these research tasks,
which have theoretical significance as well as practical value, will find
solution in our hands."
157. Wider Dissemination of Biological Propaganda Advocated
"V. I. Lenin on Natural-Scientific Propaganda," by S. S.
Gurvich, Chair of Dialectical and Historical Materialism,
Kiev, Medical Institute; Kiev, Vrachebnoye Delo, No 4,
Apr 60, pp 347-350
The author says that the decree issued by the Central Committee
CPSU entitled "Tasks of Party Propaganda Under Modern Conditions"
contained an outline of the course which the party should pursue
during the period of building Communism. The purpose of the decree is
to prepare workers for new tasks which are arising as a result of the
economic and political progress of the country. The mastery of Marxist
philosophy and dialectical materialism and the comprehension of the
actual processes of modern social life, particularly the transition
from socialism to Communism, are of ever-increasing importance. The
decree places great stress on having everyone trained in the materialistic
world outlook.
Lenin though that the propagation of natural scientific learning
must be coordinated with the natural scientific knowledge of the
materialistic world outlook and atheism. Lenin stated as long ago as
1905 that the reactionary bourgeois policy which seeks to disrupt the
forces of the proletariat must be counteracted by "encouraging solidarity
of the proletariat and a scientific world outlook." In his work, Material-
ism. and Nmpiriocriticism, Lenin showed in a convincing manner that
science and religion are incompatible, In the chapter "On the Relation-
ship Between the Workers Party and Religion," Lenin explained that
natural-scientific, atheistic propaganda must be associated with the
practical struggle of the working class and the party representing it.
He said that the struggle must be subordinated to its fundamental task,
the task of intensifying the class struggle between the exploited masses
and their exploiters.
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In the early days of the revolution, Lenin wrote that the Communist
Party Program must be based on a scientific and materialistic world' out-
look. "The elucidation of our problem," he said, "must necessarily in-
clude a revelation of the historical and economic roots of the fog of
religion. Our program must necessarily include antheistic propaganda and
the publication of suitable literature...."
In his speech before the delegates of the Second All-Russian Congress
of Medical and Sanitation Workers, held 1 March 1920, Lenin appealed for
cooperation between representatives of science and the proletariat.' "Only
such cooperation," he said, "will help to obliterate poverty, disease,
and filth. This will be done. Representatives of science, the proletariat,
and technology will not permit any force of darkness."
Natural scientific propaganda broadens man's horizon, increases his
self'-reliance, and reveals the possibility of mastering the laws of the
evolution of the world around him. Lenin said that thi6 is an integral
part of the Communist training of workers. Old museums must be utilized
and new museums must be built: this is one of many forms of the propagation
of natural scientific knowledge.
The Kiev Medical Institute showed what can be done with this form
of propaganda. The administration of this institute, of which V. D.
Bratus' is the director, set up a unique museum which displays the
emergence of a human being, the evolutionary development of a human
organism on earth from the simplest form of life. Docent V. D. Bratus'
did this at the suggestion of a number of scientists: Prof N. I.
Zazybina, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR,
Head of the Chair of Histology; Prof K. Yu. Kostyukova, Head of the Chair
of Biology; Prof M. S. Spirova, Head of the Chair of Normal Anatomy, and
Honored Scientist; and others.
Such a museum, open to a broad population, group, can be a mighty
instrument for natural-scientific propaganda, can be of cultural value,
and can perform important work in spreading atheism.
A visitor to the Department of Biology will be able to visualize the
evolution of a living organism from lower forms to higher forms of life
with ease. The attention of visitors will be attracted by transitory
forms between one species and another, which will alledgedly show that
no supernatural force is responsible for their creation.
Displays at the museum have demonstrated very convincingly the
materialistic idea of natural evolution of the organic world from the
simplest to the.most complex forms of life, various forms of adaptation
of animals to various conditions of existence, inheritance, and, natural
selection. This can be demonstrated by a special film on the origin of
species on earth.
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The histology department of the museum has sufficient equipmen
to show the embryological and microscopic structure and development
of the bodies of animals and humans.
In the anatomical department of the museum, a visitor can become
acquainted with the adaptability of separate parts of the human body to
natural and social environmental conditions. Physiology, biochemistry,
and pathophysiology departments can be added later.
In the decree of 10 November 1954 dealing with errors committed in
carrying on scientific-atheistic propaganda, the Central Committee CPSU
noted that scientific-atheistic propaganda of the most important phenomena,
such as the structure of the universe, the origin of life and of the human
being on earth, astronomy, biology, physiology, physics, chemistry, and
other sciences, must be presented in a popular form. The presentation
of the development of nature and society must conform to the materialistic
viewpoint. N. S. Khrushchev said that "there is no room in popular educa-
tion, in the dissemination of scientific knowledge, or in the study of
the laws of nature for belief in God."
According to this article, the influence and popularity of Marxist-
Leninist philosophy is gathering momentum throughout the world. Soviet
natural-scientific propaganda, an integral part of Communist training, is
contributing greatly to the popularity of Marxist-Leninist philosophy.
Lenin continuously stressed the importance of such propaganda.
158. Coordination of Research on Philosophical Problems of Natural Science
"Philosophical Questions in Natural Science" (unsigned
CPYRGHT article); Moscow, Pravda, 28 May 60, p 4
"A scientific council has been organized whose mission is to
coordinate the research on philosophical problems of natural science
being conducted by Soviet scientific establishments and vuzes. The council
membership consists of 35 academicians and corresponding members of the
Academy of Sciences USSR, 26 academicians and corresponding members of
academies of sciences of the union republics, and doctors and candidates
of-science who are working in various fields of natural science and phi-
"The scientific council held its first session 26 May with P. N.
Fedoseyev, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences USSR, presiding.
Two papers were read and discussed. One paper by Kh. S. Koshtoyants, the
Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences USSR, was entitled 'Phi-
losophical Problems in the Physiology of the Nervous System.' He expects
to present this paper at the coming All-Union Conference on Philosophical
Theories of Higher Nervous Activity. The other paper, by Academician
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M. E. 0mel'yanovskiy,,of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, was
entitled 'Concerning a Prospective Research Plan on the Problem of
Dialectical Materialism and Modern Natural Science.'
"The following members of the council took part in the discussion:
Academician N. N. Semenov, Academician A. A. Grigor'yev, and Academician
N. S. Shatskiy; V. L. Ryzhkov and G. V. Nikol'skiy, Corresponding Members
of the Academy of Sciences USSR; P. I. Valeskain, Academician of the
Academy of Sciences Latvian SSR; Professors V. N. Kolbanovskiy, B. M.
Kedrov, and A. S. Prangishvili; and natural scientists and philosophers
of various scientific establishments. and vuzes who were invited to
attend the session."
159. Medical Sciences In Moldavia
"Some Data Concerning the Development of Medical Science
in Moldavia," by Ye. V. Batalova; Kishinev,. Zdravookh-
raneniye, No 1, Jan/Feb 60, pp 10-14
According tQ this article, one of the most important moves made by
the Soviet government has been the establishment of numerous seats of
learning. Previously, all scientific thought was concentrated mainly
in the nation's capital and in a few of the largest cities. The Moldavian
SSR has become one of many local seats of learning.
Scientific medical research in Moldavia is being conducted by personnel
of two establishments: the Kishinev Medical Iusitute and the Moldavian
Institute of Epidemiology, Microbiology, and Hygiene. The Soviet govern-
ment has spent 11,790,000 rubles Caring the period 1947-1959 to maintain
the Moldavian Institute of Epidemiology, Microbiology, and Hygiene.
F. Ye. Ageychenko is the director of the Chair of Pathological
Anatomy of the Kishinev Medical Institute. Prof V. F. Parfent'yeva'is
director of the Chair of Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery.
Prof V. I. Zakharov is director of the Chair of Biology. Prof M. S.
Mikhlin is director of the Chair of Biochemistry. Seventeen native
Moldavians have received the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences
since World War II.
Two balneological sanatoriums have been established in Moldavia; one
in Ryshkany and the other in Kalarash. Workers from all over the Soviet
Union come to these sanatoriums for treatment.
The interest that the Communist Party and the Soviet government
have shown in the Moldavian SSR has been extensive. The Moldavian
scientists have responded with valuable contributions to medical science.
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The decree of the Central Committee CPSU dealing with the improvement
of medical service to the population of the Scviet Union makes it necessary
for Moldavian scientists to make a still greater effort. It is of paramount
importance that the infant morbidity and mortality rates be decreased.
The incidence of communicable diseases and other diseases such as epidemic
hepatitis, influenza, acute gastrointestinal disorders, diseases of the
cardiovascular system, and malignant neoplasm, be reduced. Greater
stress must be placed on the utilization of new discoveries made abroad
and in the Soviet Union. The number of scientific research institutes
in the Moldaviah SSR must be increased during the Seven-Year Plan.
Enormous sums of money are being spent for research and for training
young Moldavian scientists.
Medical practitioners must be armed with drugs to prevent and treat
various diseases and to improve the health and prolong the life of the
Soviet population.
160. Progress Report on China's Medical Science Achievements
"Summary of Communist China's Achievements in the Medical
Sciences in the Past Decade," by Chien Hsin-chung (43;
i j
1~,w _), Peiping, en-min Pao-chien (People's Health),
This article begins with a brief review of the organization 'of medical
research facilities in China under the Communist regime and then presents
a more detailed summary of research achievements in the medical sciences
and related fields. The achievements are discussed under the following
1. Achievements in the eradication and prevention of important
diseases.:. (including parasitic diseases, social diseases, occupational
diseases, and infectious diseases such as infectious hepatitis, B
encephalitis, forest encephalitis, epidemic hemorrhagic fever, brucellosis,
tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, dysentery, influenza, and others).
2. Research achievements in Chinese traditional medicine.
3. Achievements in cardiovascular surgery, extracorporeal circula-
tion, hypertension, oncology, blood transfusion and hematology, and
medical use of radioisotopes.
ii. Research on antibiotics, other drugs, and medical apparatus,.
5. Achievements in morphology, phyoiology, biochemistry, and medical
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161. Hungarian Scientific Academe Now Linked With All Bloc Academies
"Organized Contacts With Socialist Academies," by Lajos
Janossy, Academician, academy secretary; Budapest, Magyar
Tudomany, Apr 60, pp 225-228
The article states that as of 1960, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
has direct scientific cooperation agreementq with all socialist academies
or with the corresponding supreme scientific organs where there is no
academy. The agreements cover periods of several years, usually 5, and
they are supplemented each year by work plans containing concrete tasks.
Constant features of these agreements are:' a statement pertaining to
cooperation, joint research, publications exchange, and a mutual informa-
tion service; regulations governing study trip exchanges; and financial
Study trip exchanges available for 1960 are as follows, in calendar
weeks: with the Academy of Sciences USSR, 140 weeks; with the Academy of
Medical' Sciences USSR, 40 weeks; with the Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian
SSR, 20 weeks; with the Academia Sinica, 100 weeks; with Tirana State
University, 14 weeks; with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, '40 weeks;
with the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences 90 weeks; with the Slovak Academy
of Sciences, 48 weeks; with the Korean Academy of Sciences, 4 weeks; with
the Polish Academy of Sciences, 80 weeks; with the Mongolian Scientific
and Higher Education Committee, 8weeks; with the German Academy of
Sciences,'90 weeks; with the Academy of the Rumanian Republic, 70 weeks
(plus 40 weeks for joint historieal research); and with the Vietnam
National Scientific Committee, 4 weeks. CPYRGHT
The author adds: "Additional study tri-ps are
the Technical-Scientific Cooperation Agreement which affects the academy
and by agronomy agreements concluded jointly with the Ministry of Agri-
culture, with the Soviet, German, and Czechoslovak Academies of Agri-
cultural Sciences. The trips within the above frameworks (with the
exception of the German Democratic Republic) will be realized on the
basis of mutual visits without the use of foreign exchange."
Apparently the "Technical-Scientific Cooperation Agreement" referred
to above it; an agreement between states; the several academies then have
their own agreements which are separate from the state agreements.
The 1960 plans designate responsible institutes to carry out specific
joint research-themes. The numbers of joint research themes are as
follows: with the Academy of Sciences USSR, 30; with the Academy of
Medical Sciences USSR, 12; with the Academia Sinica, 9; with the Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences, 20; with the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 21;
with the Polish Academy of Sciences, 34; with the German Academy of
Sciences, 27; and with the Academy of the Rumanian Republic,'32.
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162. New Cathodic Protector for Ships and Pipelines
"Enemies and Friends of Subterranean Arteries," by L. Agayan;
Moscow,~Promyshlenno-Ekonomicheskaya Gazeta, Vol 5, No 58, (666),
15 May 60, p 3, columns 3-7
Work on the protection of pipelines against corrosion is being done at
the Scientific Research Institute of Powder Metallurgy and Special Alloys
of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR. This work is being conducted by
a group of scientists headed by the director of the institute, I. N. Frant-
sevich, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR. At
one of the laboratories of this institute work is being done on the de-
velopment of cathodic protectors. A new protector consisting of an alloy
of aluminum with calcium has been developed in the work in question. A
new method for producing this alloy has been pro,?osed by workers at the
laboratory: the calcium is recovered from calcium chloride, which forms
a waste product of the soda industry. The protectors in question were
originally designed for use on seagoing ships. Corrosion by seawater is
less harmful than that produced by the action of saline soils, however.
The new aluminum-calcium protectors were tested on ships that navi-
gated in all seas and oceans of the world in-waters with different salt
concentrations. The new cathodic protectors were found to be very effec-
tive in these tests. It was established that their life is greater than
that of magnesium protectors.
Quite recently aluminum-calcium protectors were tested for the pro-
tection of subterranean metal constructions in saline soils, where corror
pion is particularly severe. It was found that the new protectors are
very effective under these conditions as well. They protect metals, in-
cluding metals used for the construction of pipelines, under conditions
when magnesium protectors are completely ineffective.
Ore Concentration
162. Jigging of Titanium-Zirconium From Sea-Placer Sands
"Jigging Tests on Fine-Grain Titanium-Zirconium Sands From Sea-
Placer," by D. I. Nedogovorov and L. S. Kuznetsova, Trudy en-
tral nogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'nogo Gornorazvedochnogo Institute
(Works of the CentrFl Scientific Research Institute of Mining
Prospecting), No 28, 1959, pp 102-108 (from Referativnyy Zhur-
nal -- Metallurgiya, No 2, Feb 60, Abstract No 2577
Results are given on laboratory experiments on the Jigging of fine-
grain (0:.15-0.05 millimeter) titanium-zirconium sands. One step necessary
for a successful Jigging is a previous desliming. Satisfactory results
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were obtained under the following conditions: 3-1-millimeter bed granula-
tion; 250-400 strokes; 4-millimeter [pump] diaphragm stroke; 70-80-millimeter
bed height. The product in the first chamber under the screen represents
a heavy fraction of 35 percent; from it are extracted 74.7-97.7 percent of
the valuable minerals. The material in the second chamber is reworked.
The tests confirmed the reliability of the jigging process for the initial
concentration of fine-grain titanium-zirconium sands,
Physical Metallurgy
164. Three-Year Creep Test of LA]. and B1257 Steels
"Extended (10)000-30,000 Rours) Cr eep Tests and Investigation
of the Stability of the Structure and Properties of Austenitic
Steels LA1 and EI257," by M. I. Solonouts, Struktura i Svoystva
Zharo rochn kh Materialov. TsNII7MASh Kni a (Structure and
Properties of Heat- esistant.Materials. TsNIIVASh Book 93),
Moscow 1959, pp 161-174.(from Referativnyy Zhurnal--Mekhanika,
No 4, Apr.60) Abstract No 5401
Results are given of creep and fatigue tests on austenitic steels
LA]. and E1257 at 585-590 deg C and lasting ],0,000-30,000 hours, as well
as the changes of the microstructure, of composition of the carbide phase
and the mechanical properties in the process of age-hardening during
these periods.
Results are also given of a study of the changes of microstructure
and mechanical properties of a control section of a high-pressure steam
pipe made of E1257 steel, worked for 14,000 hours at 550 deg C.
165. Electron Emission Properties of Metallic Borides
"Borides of Transition Metals and Their Electron Emission Prop-
erties, "by G..A..Icudintsevs., B. M. Tsarev, and V. A. Epel'baum,
Bor. Trudy Konferentsii po Khimii Bora i Yevo Soyedineniy
(Boron. Works of the Conference On the Chemistry of Boron and
Its Compounds), Moscow,.Goskhimizdat, 1958, pp 106-111 (from
Referativnyy Zhdrnal -- Metallur i a, No 2, Feb 60) Abstract
No 2759)
A method involving the simultaneous reduction of metallic and boron
oxides with carbon, using double excess B203 to compensate any possible
losses during evaporation, was used for the production of borides on a
semi-industrial scale. The obtained borides, containing?1-2 percent free
carbon, were then concentrated by heat treatment in vacuum at 2,000-2,200
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degrees centigrade. Diborides of titanium, zirconium, chromium, vanadium,
niobium, tantalum, and manganese obtained by this method were studied with
respect to their emission properties. '.Factors determined included the
emission factor the work function ?Jr , and the electron emission con-
stant A. as well as the saturation current during continuous and pulsed
operation. CrB2, which can be used as material for thermal cathodes, has
the lowest work function (3.36 electron volts). The secondary emission
factor of all diborides is less than unity; for this reason, they can be
used as antithermionic (suppressor-grid) coatings..
166. 1Kh18N12T and E1724 Steels for Boiler Tubes
"Study of Steel 1Khl8Nl2t and E1724 for the Tubes of Boilers,"
by G. P. Fedortsov-Lutikov and T. S. Griboyedova, Struktura i
Svoystva Zharoprochnykh Materiilov. TsNIITMash Kniga 93 Struc-
ture and Properties of Heat-Resistant Materials. TsNIITMash
Book 93), Moscow, 1959, pp 128-148 (from Beferativnyy Zhurnal
-- Metallurgiya, No 4, Apr 60, Abstract No 8721
A study was, made of the mechanical properties (ab, '0-02, g) at
temperatures 'of 20, 600, 650, and 700 deg C, the physical properties (E,
T p a ) at temperatures of 20-900 deg c, #Zt#gue stzngth at; 6p0 -0;deg'?C,.?for
0 lxu s, ylpldstzngth at 600deg C, the relaxation properties at 500-650 deg C,
and the change of the mechanical properties and structure during age-
hardening under loading and without loading at temperatures of 600-700
deg C and soaking up ta,34 000 Ohours.fbr. stte3s 3 U8N9T, ? 3T0 112T e6d, Et724 (sane cc os#fdon,
but with niobium in place of the titanium). It was found that-steel
1Kh18N12T has c-669 : 13.5 kilograms per square millimeter, cr b5^ 8 kilo-
10 105
grams per square millimeter, cr70~ 5 kilograms per square millimeter,
whereas the save values for steel E1724 (less than 0..-1 percent carbon)
are, respectively, 13.5, 9, and 4 kilograms per square millimeter. The
structure and mechanical properties of these steels, including ak, undergo
almost no change at all during an extended (10,000 hours) age-hardening
at 600-700 deg C.
167. Influence of Predeformation'on Materials Worked at High Temperatures
"Influence of a Previous Deformation on the Behavior of Mate-
rials During Subsequent Working at Elevated Temperatures," by
I. I. Trunin, Struktura i Svoystva Zharo rochn kh Materialov.
TsNIITMash Kniga 93 (Structure and Properties of Heat-Resistant
Materials. TsNIITMASh Book 93), Moscow 1959, pp 99-127 (from
Referatiypyy Zhurnal -- Mekhanika, No 5, may 60, Abstract No
A study was made of the influence of cold hardening by twisting on
the characteristics of the strength and ductility of certain grades of
steel under prolonged temperature effects.
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The results of the studies obtained by psysicochemical methods were
compared with data obtained in endurance tests.
It is shown that a previous cold deformation hasa negaticve influ-
ence on the properties of a metal during subsequent prolonged effects of
temperature and loading. For other materials, this influence varies with
the particular material. In individual alloys, a previous cold hardening
has an insignificant effect on the endurance limits, but considerably re-
duces the ductility; in other metals an opposite influence was observed.
168. Properties of E1757 Chromiui-Steel
"Study of the Properties of Chromium-Steel E1757," by G. P.
Fedortsov-ZWtikow- and M. F. Sheshenev, Struktura i Svoystva
Zharoprochnykh'Materialov. TsNIITMASh Kniga 93 (Structure
and Properties of Heat-Resistant Materials. TaNIITMASh Book
93), Moscow, 1959, pp 208-216 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal --
Mekhanika, No 5, May 60, Abstract No 6718)
As a result of an investigation of the influence of the alloying ele-
ments on the structure and properties of 12-percent chromium-steel, it is
recommended that a new chromium stainless steel, E1757, be used for the
blades of, stationary steam turbines.
On the basis of a study of the static mechanical characteristics,
impact strength, endurance, creep, and fatigue, as well as certain physical
properties, the high-temperature properties of E1757 steel (up to 600 deg C)
are not exceeded by any austenitic steel.
169. "Superductility" of Alloys
"On the Question of the 'Super-ductility' of Alloys," by A. A.
Presnyakov and V. V. Chervyakova, Trudy Instituta Yadernoy
Fiziki AN KazSSR (Works of the Institute of Nuclear Physics,
Academy of Sciences Kazakh SSR), Vol 2, 1959, pp 30-40 (from
Referati Zhurnal -- Mekhanika, No 5, May 60, Abstract No
In a cast eutectic aluminum alloy containing 33 percent copper, a
superductility effect was discovered at temperatures of 500 deg C and
above, but no such effect was observed when the same alloy was homogenized
and cold-hardened. When subjected to a dynamic load, the alloy, in all
cases, underwent brittle fracture all the way down to the melting point.
Aluminum alloys containing 70-88 percent zinc, and particularly an
alloy with 80 percent zinc at 275 degrees C (elongation 648 percent), ex-
hibited superductility. The alloys deformed without hardening and with
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very low forces. Superductility appears only in metastable alloys of
aluminum with copper and zinc when the deformation occurs at a rate com-
mensurable with the rate of breakdown of the solid solution, which occurs
at temperatures which are high enough to produce the necessary mobility of
the atoms.
170. Vacuum Rolling Effects on IMP-1 Titanium
"Change of Structure and Properties of a Powdered Titanium Dur-
ing Vacuum Rolling," by A. K. Butylenko, V. N. Gridnev, and
V. I. Trefilov, Sbornik Nauchnykh Rabot Instituta Metallofiziki
AN USSR (Collection of Scientific Works of the Institute of the
Physics of Metals, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR), No 9,
1959, PP 89-97 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Mekhanika, No 5,
May 60) Abstract No 7
A study was made of IPM-l, a powdered titanium alloy prepared (calcium
hydride method) by the Institute of Metallurgical Problems of the Central
Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy. In the rolling on
the laboratory vacuum stand (4 x 10-5 to 6 x l0-5 millimeters of mercury),
the specimens were subjected to various types of deformation. After roll-
ing,, the specimens were held for one, 4, and 8 hours in vacuum at a tempera-
ture of 1,160-1,200 deg C; they were then cooled in a vacuum chamber.
The prepared specimens were subjected to microstructural and X-ray
analysis, and mechanical tests at room temperature.
It was found that the structure and properties of this titanium alloy
are strongly influenced by the temperature during rolling. The optimum
properties were obtained by vacuum rolling at 1,000 deg C.
An attempt is made, on the basis of theory, to explain the change of
ductility and strength with a change of grain size and structure.
171. Welding Properties of Titanium Alloys
"Investigation of the Welding Properties of Certain Titanium
Alloys," by A. P. Goryachev and S. M. Yegorov, Svarka 1. (Weld-
ing), Leningrad, 1958, pp 166-174 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal --
Metallurgiya, No 2, Feb 60, Abstract No 317
An investigation was made of the structure and properties of the zone-
of thermal influence and the metal of the welded joint for:
(1) Two alpha-alloys of titanium, Ti-4A1 and Ti-5.4A12.3Sn
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(2) Two (alpha plus beta) alloys of titanium, Ti-6.5A1-37
(3) A Ti-2.8 Mn-complex (l.5Fe + 0.94 Cr + 1.0 V 4- 1.0 No)
The mechanical properties of tht zone of thermal influence were de-
termined on standard round specimens and impact specimens cut from blocks
11 x 11 x 80 millimeters in size, which were heated by electric current
to simulate the thermal cycle of welding. For the two alpha-alloys after
heating up to 1,500 degrees centigrade at a rate of 250-300 degrees per
second, and cooling in air, the factors a b,a k, 8 , and * in the zone
of thermal influence changed only slightly by comparison with the original
condition, and in the case of quenching in water, the indexes were only
inappreciably higher. For the Ti-Mn complex (3), g and * were consider-
ably reduced by quenching in air, and a b, g , and f' dropped to zero fol-
lowing quenching in water. After a quenching in both air and in water, the
plastic properties of the two alpha + beta alloys (2) decreased, but less
abruptly th&. those of the Ti-Mn complex under equal conditions.
A brief annealing (20 seconds) following quenching in water increased
the ductility only of the Ti-Mn complex, and only at a temperature of 850
degrees centigrade. With technical titanium, a noticeable reduction of
the mechanical properties was observed following heating above 900 degrees
and quenching in air. Manual argon-arc welding of the Ti-5A1 alloy, 7
millimeters thick, with a filler rod of degassed technical titanium
guarantees high mechanical properties of the metal of the welded joint,
but when the welding is done with a filler rod of ordinary metal, the duc-
tility of the metal of the welded joint is low. The alpha ?F beta alloy
(2) has welding properties which are barely adeq>ate, whereas the Ti-2.8Mn-
complex (3) has poor welding properties, since the a k in the zone of ther-
mal influence in welded sheets 12 millimeters thick amounts to 0.5-0.6
kilogram-meter per square centimeter.
172. Obtaining Anhydrous Chromium Chloride
"Obtaining Anhydrous Chromium Chloride," by S. N. Basmanova,
Gidroelektrometallur i a Khroma (Hydroelectrometallurgy of.
Chromium 7y Tbilisi, Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR, 1959,
PP 99-105 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Metallur i a, No 2,
Feb 60, Abstract No 2686)
One of the methods of obtaining anhydrous chromium chloride was
studied with respect to its further use as a raw material for the produc-
tion of pure chromium. Into a 750-milliliter quartz distillation flask
were added 20 grams of hydrated chromium chloride containing 19.02 percent
chromium, 0.22 percent iron, and the remainder water of crystallization.
Carbon tetrachloride vapors were admitted into the quartz flask. At
temperatures above 300 degrees centigrade anhydrous chromium chloride is
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formed. The iron chloride is completely distilled off in the process of
dehydration and condenses on the inside walls of the cooler. The optimum
conditions for the process were a temperature of 650-700 degrees centigrade
and a rate of passage of the CC14 of 0.2-0.3 milliliters per minute. The
CC14 expenditure amounted to one gram per gram of chromium chloride. In
addition to the direct chlorination of Fe-Cr, anhydrous chromium chloride
may be obtained also by dissolving Fe-Cr in HC1 and then dehydrating with
CC14. Optimum conditions were determined, and a technological plan was
devised for obtaining anhydrous chromium chloride, using Fe-Cr as the
initial raw material.
173. Influence of Metallic Additives on Mechanical Properties of Tin
"Study of the Mechanical Properties of Tin Bronze With Additions
of Zinc, Phosphorus, Lead, and Nickel," by A. A. Presnyakov and
A. V. Novikov, Trudy Institute. Yadernoy Fiziki AN KazSSR (Works
of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Sciences Kazakh
SSR), No 2, 1959, pp 41-73 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal --
Metallurgiya, No 3, Mar 60, Abstract No 6435)
A study was made of the properties of alloys combined with the copper
corner of the systems Cu-Sn, Cu-Sn-P, with a radio of Sn:P = 10 percent
and 30 percent, of the systems Cu-Sn-Zn with radios of Sn:Zn = 0.5, 1 and
2 percent, the system Cu-Sn-Pb with 1 and 4 percent lead, the systems Cu-
Sn-P-Ni and Cu-Sn-P with Sn:P = 30 and additions of 0.1 and 0.3 percent
nickel, and the systems Cu-Sn-Pb and Cu-Sn-Zn with Sn:-Zn = 1 percent and
additions of 1 and 4 percent lead. Microscopic examinations were made;
the microhardness, ductility, and strength were determined, and the age-
hardening of OF-6.5-0.15 bronze and OTsS 4-4-2.5 bronze was studied. The
alloys were studied in the cast and "equilibrium" (deformed and annealed)
All the alloys were hardened during casting into metal forms, and a
decomposition of the solid solution took place within them during further
heat and mechanical treatment, which, in a number of cases, led to an
abrupt reduction of ductility and a cracking of the ingots and bars. The
kinetics of the decomposition of the solid solution is connected with the
composition and degree of hardening during casting. The addition of phos-
phorus to the Cu-Sn system causes a considerable acceleration of the de-
composition of the solid solution; the addition of zinc and a combination
of zinc and lead reduces the rate of decomposition of the solid solution
even below that of the binary alloys of the Cu-Sn system themselves. The
addition of nickel to the Cu-Zn-P-bronze increases the stability of the
solid solution and inhibits age-hardening. The homogeneity of the alloys
is reduced during the decomposition of the solid solution.
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The alloys of the Cu-Sn system show, in comparison with the other
systems, the peculiarity of a change of ductility; their collapse of duc-
tility extends in the direction of high temperatures up to the solidus;
there is no increase of ductility at high temperatures. An exception is
the system Cu-Sn-P, but the increase of ductility in these alloys is very
slight. The ;trength of these alloys also varies somewhat anomalously by
comparison with the other systems: up to 200-300 degrees centigrade, the
change of strength is small, whereas at higher temperatures its decrease
is more intense. In the majority of alloys, a local effect of the reduc-
tion of strength, connected apparently with the decomposition of the solid
solution, is observed at temperatures of 100-200 degrees centigrade.
174. Structure of Zinc Base Alloys
"The Structure of Zinc Base Alloys," by A. A. Presnyakov and
N. S. Sakharova, Trudy Instituta Yadernoy FYziki AN KazSSR_
(Works of the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Sci-
ences Kazakh SSR). No 2, 1959, pp 146-150 (from Referativn
Zhurnal -- Metallurgiya, No 3, Mar 60, Abstract No 6460)
An investigation was made of the microstructure of cast and homogenized
zinc and its alloys with aluminum (up to 2 percent), with copper (up to 3
percent), with lead (up to 0.2 percent), and with cadmium (up to 10 percent),
prepared with grade TsO-zinc. The etching was done with a 5-percent alco-
hol solution of HC1. When the content of the second component was low,
and when pure nickel was used, acicular (martensite) grain structure was
observed. The needles crossed at angles of about 30, 60, and 120 degrees.
In the cast state, the size of the needles decreased with increased con-
tent of the second component. In the case of all the alloys, no distinct
pattern of regularity for the appearance of the needles was observed fol-
lowing homogenization. The acicular structure cannot be explained by
twinning. With increased concentration of the added components, the den-
dritic structure of cast alloys becomes finer. No Zn-Pb alloys were found
with dendritic structure. In cast alloys of Zn-Al, Zn-Cd, and Zn-Cu, the
second phase was located along the grain boundaries, whereas in the homog-
enized alloys it was located inside the grain boundaries.
175. Diffusion of Boron, Carbon, and Silicon in Transition Metals
"Activation Energy Involved in the Diffusion of Boron, Carbon
Nitrogen, and Silicon in High Melting Transition Metals," by
G. V,. Samsonov, Bor. Trudy Konferentsii po Khimii Bora i Yevo
Soyedineniy (Boron. Works of the Conference on the Chemistry
of Boron and Its Compounds), Moscow, 1958, PP 74-89 (from
Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Metallurgiy a, No 3, Mar 60, Abstract
No 5999)
The metallographic method was employed to investigate the reactive
diffusion of boron in Ti, Nb, Ta, Cr, Mo, W, Fe, Co and St-3 steel; the
diffusion of carbon in Ti, Zr, Nb, Ta, Cr, Mo, and W; and the diffusion
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of cobalt and silicon in titanium. X rays during the diffusion phase re-
vealed the formation of the following: TaB2, NbB2, TiB2, CrB2, M02B, W2B,
I'eB, CoB TISi2, TiC, ZrC, Ta2C Nb2C1 Cr2C2, M02C, W2C, and Co3C2. The
parameter values obtained for the diffusion of carbon and boron in the
corresponding compounds are given in a table. It is shown that the acti-
vation energy of the diffusion of boron, carbon, and silicon in the indi-
cated transition metals is connected with the magnitude of the ionization
potential of boron, carbon, and silicon and the degree of deficiency of
the d-level of these transition metals.
176. Properties of AlSb-CdSb System
"Some Data on the Ternary System, Al-Sb-Cd," by S. I. Radaytsan,
Uche e Zapiski Kishinevskogo Universiteta (Scientific Notes
of Kishinev University), Vol 39, 1959, Pp 69-72 (from Refera-
tivnyy Zhurnal -- Metallurgiya, No 3, Mar 60, Abstract No13-6)
A study was made of the alloys of the AlSb-CdSb cross section of the
system Al-Cd-Sb containing 10, 20, 30, and 40 percent AlSb. Specimens
of the alloys were synthesized in graphite crucibles or quartz ampules
under vacuum. The initial materials consisted of Sb and Cd (distilled
two to four times in vacuum) and grade AB-000 aluminum. The synthesized
specimens were annealed at 350 degrees centigrade for 100 hours. Through
microstructure analysis methods and measurements of the microhardness
and electrical resistance, it was established that the system AISb-CdSb
represents a mechanical mixture of the two binary components. 'rb a limited de-
? , A1Sb is dissolved in CdSb, but a dissohring of CdSb in AlSb was ' not" observed.
Above 100 degrees centigrade, the investigated alloys reveal the conduc-
tivity behavior of semiconductors. A linear increase of A E was observed
with increased AlSb content.
177. Mechanical Properties of Aluminum-Tin Alloys in Solid-Liquid Sate
"Mechanical Properties of Aluminum-Tin Alloys in the Solid-
Liquid State," by I. I. Novikov and K. T. Chernousova, Trudy
Instituta Yadernoy Fi ziki, AN KazSSR (Works of the Institute
of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Sciences Kazakh SSR). No 2,
1959, pp 109-111 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Metallur iya
No 3, Mar 60, Abstract No 64 02
A study was made of cast aluminum alloys containing 5, 10, 20, 30,
and 50 percent tin at 150-600 degrees centigrade. Tensile tests showed
that in alloys with 50 percent tin, the tensile strength drops to zero
at the eutectic temperature. In alloys containing 20 and 30 percent tin
the compressive strength drops abruptly near the eutectic temperature,
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then remains practically unchanged, and reaches the zero value only at
500 degrees centigrade. The abrupt drop of ductility near the eutectic
point is explained by the fusing along the grain boundaries and, in con-
nection with it, the change from ductile to brittle failure. Above the
solidus, the liquid phase is disposed as an isolated enclosure, and
the ductility of the alloy is determined by the ductility of the solid
crystals which make up the framework. In the case of such a liquid-solid
alloy structure, therefore, a temperature increase leads to an increased
ductility of the crystals, because of slip and parting, and thus to in-
creased ductility of the alloy. At a certain temperature, the cohesion
between dendrites disappears, which leads to decreased ductility. It
was shown that increased ductility in the upper portion of the temperature
interval of the solid-liquid alloy should contribute to greater resist-
ance on the part of the alloy to the formation of hot cracks.
178. Liquation in Bronze Ingots
"On the Question of the Liquation Phenomena in Ingots of OtsS-
4-4-2.5 Bronze," by A. V. Novikov, M. I. Tsypin,,and L. P.
Fridman, Trudy Instituta Yadernoy Fiziki AN KazSSR (Works of
the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Sciences Kazakh
SSE), No 2, 1959, pp 151-152 (from Referativ ? Zhurnal --
Metallurgiya, No 3, Mar 60, Abstract No N3
The liquation of alloying components along a section of flat ingots
of bronze OTsS 4-4-2.5, 40 x 220 x 750 millimeters in size, was determined
by means of chemical analysis. To determine the influence of the rate of
cooling on liquation, the ingots were cast in cast'-iron, copper, and water-
cocled pans. It was found that liquation intensifies with decreased rate
of cooling; the curves which show the deviation of composition of tin and
led from the average composition according to the thickness of the ingot
have the same form, whereas the liquation curves for zinc differ sharply
from them, which suggests a combined liquation of tin and lead. It is
presumed that lead does not manifest an indifferent phase with respect to
the solid solution in copper base alloys, but rather interacts with it.
179. Relaxation Tests on High-Temperature Materials
"Analysis of the Results of Relaxation Tests by Various
Methods," by T. I. Volkova, Struktura i Svoystva Zharoprcch-
nykh Materialov. TsNIITMASh, Kniga 93 (Structure and Pro)er-
ties of Heat-Resistant Materials. TsNIITMASh Book 93, Moscow,
1959, pp 225-236 (from ReferativnYY Zhurnal -- Mekhanika, No 4,
Apr 60, Abstract No 5405
An analysis is made of the results of relaxation tests on steel E1723
at 500-550 deg C, up to 4,000 hours, by two methods:
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(1) By the ring method, in which a detached ring is tested, the work-
ing part of which has the form of a 'beam of equal strength.
(2) By the flat spring method, in which the spring, resting on two
bearings, is loaded in the middle, and the loading along the surface varies
from zero at the supporting bearing to a maximum at the point where the
load is applied.
It is shown that relaxation tests on ring specimens and flat plates
do not guarantee qualitatively uniform characteristics of relaxation
As a rule, the relaxation strengtI'e the first stage of
the method used for the flat springs are higher than, and those obtained
in the second stage are lower than, those obtained by the ring method.
The total relaxation strength obtained in the testing of the flat springs
can be either higher or lower than that obtained for the rings, depending
on the relative intensities of the relaxation processes in the first and
second stages.
180. Intermetallic Compounds (Laves Phases) in Fe-Cr-Ni-Base Alloys
"Intermetallic Compounds -- Laves Phases -- in Fe-Cr-Ni-Base
Alloys With Varying Content of Tungsten and Niobium," by S. A.
Yuganova, N. A. Duel', and M. D. Nesterova, Struktura i Svoy-
stva Zharoprochnykh Materialov. TsNIITMASh Kniga 93 (Structure
and Properties of Heat-Resistant Materials. TsNIITMASh Book
93), Moscow, 1959, pp 70-98 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Metal-
No 4, Apr 60, Abstract No
Through the X-ray analysis of electrolytically deposited coatings, a
study was made of the phase composition of cast Fe-Cr-Ni alloys (16 percent
Cr and 32 percent Ni) alloyed with 2.85-9.65 percent tungsten, 2.82-3.47
percent molybdenum, 0.24-2.39 percent niobium, 0.38-2.47 percent titanium,
and 0.48-9.91 percent aluminum after hardening at 1,200 deg C, followed
by age-hardening at 700-950 deg C for 10-3,000 hours. It was found that
in these alloys, during age-hardening# an intermetallic Laves-type phase,
MA(MB)2, is precipitated together with the carbides, the dominant role
being played by the tungsten and the niobium. When the tungsten content
is 3 percent, the precipitated Laves phase (W, Mo, Nb)(Fe, Cr, Ni)2 is
unstable and is redissolved during an extended period of age-hardening.
When the tungsten content is 6 percent, the Laves phase is stable. Two
Laves phases were observed: one which does not dissolve at the hardening
temperature of 1,200 deg C (Nb RW6Mo6)(Fel Cr10Ni and the one which
precipitates at 700-850 deg C Mo,,; Nb) ?Fe, Cry Ni) . The alpha-phase
is precipitated during age-hardening at 700 deg C for 100 hours or more,
when aluminum content is 0.9 percent.
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181. Change of State in E1755 and E1757 Steels During Hot Workinr
"Change in Phase State of Steels E1755 and E1757 Depending on
the Conditions of Hot Working," by S. A. Yuganova and M. D.
Nesterova, Struktura i Svoystva Zharo roc kh Materialov.
TsNIITMash Kniga 9 Structure and Properties of Heat-Resistant
Materials. TsNIITMash Book 93), Moscow, 1959, pp 217-224 (from
Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Metallurgiya, No 4, Apr 60, Abstract No
The change of phase state was studied during age-hardening at 600-700
deg C of E1755 steel (0.13 percent carbon, 2.05 percent tungsten, 10.85
percent chromium, 0.09 percent vanadium, 0.73 percent molybdenum, 0.37 per-
cent niobium) and E1757 steel (0.14 percent carbon, 3.92 percent tungsten,
10.85 percent chromium, 0.11 percent vanadium, 0.74 percent molybdenum).
The phases were precipitated electrically in an aqueous solution containing
300 grams per liter of KC1, 30 grams per liter of citric acid, and 30 grams
per liter of HC1. The ferrite was precipitated electrolytically in an
aqueous solution containing 20 grams per liter of CuS04, 10 grams per liter
of ammonium citrate, and. 5 grams per liter of H2SO4. X-ray and chemical
analyses were mace, and the lattice spacing of the solid alpha solution
and the RB value were determined.
It was found that, during age-hardening of the two steels, at first
a transitional carbide (Cr, Fe, W, Mo)23C is precipitated; during a later
stage of age-hardening the intermetallic Laves phase (W, Mo)(FeCr)2 is
precipitated. In E1757 steel, which contains more tungsten, the inter-
metallic compound is precipitated earlier (in 100-10 hours, rather than
1,000-25 hours for E1755, at 600-700 deg C) and in greater quantities.
When age-hardening at 700 deg C was extended, a ferrite was precipitated,
presumably the eutectoid, which, after soaking for'1,000 and for 3,000
hours, contained (in Steel E1757) 5 and about one percent chromium, re-
spectively. At all age-hardening temperatures, a more varied lattice
spacing of the solid alpha solution and RB value were observed in E1757
steel. The softening of the solid alpha solution in both steels was most
intense during isothermal soaking at 700 degrees C and with periods of
age-hardening of 1,000-3,000 hours.
182. Problems Regarding Strength of Cermets Materials on Silicon Carbide
"Certain Problems Regarding the Strength of Cermets Materials
on a Silicon Carbide Base," by V . T. Troshchenko, Institute of
Powder Metallurgy and Special Alloys, Academy of Sciences
Ukrainian SSR; Minsk, Inzhenerno-Fizicheskiy Zhurnal, No 1,
1960, pp 103-107
The application of statistical theories of strength to the calculation
of brittle cermet materials is discussed with relation to silicon carbide.
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It is shown that there is good agreement between formulas from W.
Weibull's statistical theory of strength and experimental data obtained
on the effect of size, type of stressed state, and concentration of
stresses on strength.
183. Chemical Resistance of Beryllium Borides Toward oxygen, Nitrogen, and
Carbon at Elevated Temperatures
"The Chemical Resistance of Beryllium Boride Toward the Action
of Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Carbon at Elevated Temperatures," by
G. S. Markevich and L. Ya. Martovskiy, State Institute of
Applied Chemistry; Leningrad, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Khimii, Vol
33, No 5, May 60, pp 1008-1012'
The data obtained indicate that there are significant differences in
the resistance of different beryllium- borides toward the action of oxygen,
nitrogen, and carbon. The most stable borides are those containing a large
quantity of boron (Be B2, Be B4, and Be B6),.while the least resistant are
phases with large content of beryllium (Be, B and Be2B). It may be assumed
that the beryllium borides which are rich in boron contain three-dimensional
boron structures which are responsible for the high stability of the borides
in question. However, even the most stable beryllium borides have a lower
chemical resistance than the borides of other metals. In the work described
the resistance to scale formation of berylium borides is compared with that
of zirconium boride, titanium boride, zirconium boride containing silicon,
molybdenum silicide, boron carbide, and boron carbide containing silicon.
An investigation of the stability of beryllium borides toward the action of
carbon indicated that these borides form Be2C in the temperature range of
900-1300?, whereas the borides of transitional metals do not. form carbides
even at 20000.
104. Silicide W Si
"Concerning the Existence of the Silicide W Si," by N. N.
Matyushenko, L. N. Yefimenko, and D. P. Sol5pikhin, Physico-
technical Institute, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR;
Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i Metalovedeniye, Vol 8, No 6,
Dec 59, PP 878-880
On the basis of the results described, it is concluded that the exist-
ence of a silicide having a composition W Si has been experimentally
proven. The dimensions of the unit cell df this compound have been deter-
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Production Metallurgy
185. Hot Rolling of Titanium Tubing
"Hot Rolling of Tubes of Titanium," by S. M. Shul'kin, Metal-
l.urgiya (Ietallurgy), Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1958, pp 153
Ffro;n Referativn Zhurnal -- Metallur i a, No 2, Feb 60,
Abstract No 3022)
A description is given of the manner in which technology was devised
for the hot rolling of tubes of technically pure titanium. Some data are
also -,iven on the characteristic properties of an experimental batch of
hot rolled titanium tubes.
186. Vacuum Reduction Process for Production of Titanium Boride
"Some Characteristics of the Vacuum-Thermic Method for the Pro-
duction of Titanium Boride," by V. F. Funke, S. I. Yudkovskiy,
and G. V. Samsonov, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of
Hard Alloys; Leningrad, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Khimii, Vol 33, No !1,
Apr 60, pp 831-835
Investigation of a method for the production of titanium boride by
the vacuum-thermic method according to the reaction 2 Ti 02 t B4 C4 3 C ---~
2 Ti B2 -f- 4 CO indicated that it is possible to produce pure boride with
a negligible content of impurities from technical boron carbide and titan-
ium dioxide. In the experiments described, charges of 100-200 grams were
used and the process was carried out in a TVV-2 furnace.
187. Magnesium-Thermic Reduction of Titanium Tetrachloride
"Concerning the Problem of the Mechanism of the Interaction
Between Titanium Tetrachloride and Magnesium Under Optimum
Temperature Conditions of Carrying Out the Reduction Process,"
by R. A. Sandler, All-Union Aluminum-Magnesium Institute;
Leningrad, Zhurnal Prikladnoyy Khimii, Vol 33, No 5, May 60
pp 1013-1019
It was established that the reduction of titanium tetrachloride with
magnesium takes place stepwise over the intermediate stages of the forma-
tion of Ti C13 and Ti C12. Whether the interaction takes place predomi-
nantly in the gas phase or in the condensed phase depends on the rate at
which Ti C11, is supplied to the reactor and on the partial pressure of the
inert gas. One must regard 930-940 as the optimum temperature range for
the reduction of titanium tetrachloride, because at lower temperatures
crystallization of Ti C12 from the melt is possible and there may be de-
c-3mposition of titanium dichloride with the formation of volatile Ti C13.
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188. Recovery of Rhenium From Tungsten-Rhenium Alloys
"Recovery of Rhenium From Tungsten-Rhenium Alloys," by A. I.
Lazerev, Akmolinsk Agricultural Institute; Leningrad, Zhurnal
Prikladnoy Khimii, Vol 33, No 2, Feb 60, pp 468-469
Alloys of rhenium with tungsten are heat-resistant. The are applied
in electrical engineering and in the radio industry. Because of the great
shortage of rhenium supplies and the high cost of tungsten, a method is
required for the recovery and separation of these metals. Development of
such a method was the subject of the present investigation. One of the
procedures developed involves dissolution of the alloy in perhydrol [highly
concentrated hydrogen peroxide]. Addition of nitric acid to the perhydrol
expedites the process of solution. The solution finally obtained contains
rhenic [perrhenic?] acid, pertungstic acid, and hydrogen peroxide. Boiling
of the solution converts to pertungstic acid-into tungstic acid. The lat-
ter separa-ces in the form of a precipitate and can be filtered off. Another
variant of the separation procedure involves neutralization of the solution
with calcium hydroxide. The filtrate from the neutralized solution which
has been boiled contains Ca2+ and Re 04- ions. This solution is passed
through an ion-exchange column. The Re 04 - ion passes through the column
while the calcium cation is absorbed. The recovery of rhenium by the meth-
ods proposed exceeds 99%.
189. Adhesion of Nickel Plating to Base Metals and Alloys
"The Cohesion of a Nickel Plating With Steel-2, Nickel, Chromium,
Steel lKhl8N9T, and a Chromium-Nickel Alloy," by M. I. Morkhov.
and K. N. Khavlamonva, Trudy Chetvertogo Soveshchaniya Po Elek-
trokhimii 1956 (Works on the Fourth Conference on Electrochemis-
try, 1956), Moscow Academy of Sciences USSR, 1959, pp 482-485
(from Referati Zhurnal -- Metallurgiya, No 3, Mar 60, Ab-
stract No 6692)
The organic and oxide films which form on the surface of a metal dur-
ing polishing prevent the cohesion of the metal to electrolytic coatings.
It was found that the most complete removal of these films and the most
firm adhesion of a nickel coating to polished nickel and St-2 steel is
achieved if, before the nickel plating, the metal is washed with gasoline,
electrically degreased in an alkali solution, and chemically etched in
2N. HC1. The nickel plating is done in a bath containing 280 grams per
liter of NiSO4. 7H20, 30 grams per liter of H3BO , 10 grams per liter of
NaCl at 25 and 60 degrees centigrade, approximately pH 5, D = 1-L a/dm2.
In the case of steel 1Kh18N9T,?following the preparatory sckburing of the
surface, the plating is done in a bath contain4ng 240 grams per liter of
NiC12.6H20, 50 grams per liter of HC1, at 60 degrees centigrade, Dk = 4 aldm2.
For chromium, it is recommended that a bath be used containing 280 grams
pperliter of4Ni iSO. 7H20, ' 72 grams per liter of H2S04, at 60 degrees centi.-~
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From these baths, the output of nickel per unit of current amounts
to 100, 50, and 10 percent, respectively. A good adherence of a nickel
coating to a chromium-nickel alloy is achieved by substituting an anodic
treatment in 20 N H2S01, for the chemical etching. This alloy was nickel
plated in the same bath used for the 1Kh18N9T steel.
190. Alloying of Borides With High-Melting Transition Metals
"Some Properties of Alloys of Borides of High-Melting Transition
Metals," by G. A. Meyerson, G. V. Samsonov, R. B. Kotel'nikov,
M. S. Voynova, I. P. Yevteyeva, and S. D. Krasnenkova, Bor. Trudy
Konferentsii po Khimii Bora i Yego Soyedineniy (Boron, Works of
the Conference on the Chemistry of Boron and Its Compounds), Mos-
cow, 1958, pp 58-73 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Metallur i a,
No 2, Feb 60, Abstract No 2781)
A description is given of the technology for producing, and of the re-
sults of an investigation of the phase condition and structure of, products
resulting from the diffuse interaction of borides of the systems TiB2-CrB2,
TiB2-W2B , qnd ZrB2. CrB2. Studies w evade alsoaf the microhardness of the
phases, he thermal stability of the alloys, and the structure of the
scales of various consistencies.
191. Electroplating& Molybdenum and Tungsten Alloys With Metals of Iron
"Comparative Characteristics of the Processes of Electroplating
of Molybdenum and Tungsten Alloys With Metals of the Iron Group,"
by T. V. Frantsevich-Zabludovskaya and A. I. Zayats, Trudy Chet-
vertogo Soveshchaniya Po Elektrokhimii 19L6 (Works of the Fourth
Conference on Electrochemistry 195 , Moscow, 1959, pp 524-529
(from Referativnyy Zhurnal --_Metallurgiy a, No 2, Feb 60, Abstract
No 1292
Comparative data are given on the electroplating of molybdenum and
tungsten, as components of alloys, with metals of the iron group, primarily
with nickel. It is shown that, with increased concentration of the ratio
Ni:Mo (W) in the solution, the content of molybdenum and tungsten in the
alloy first drops abruptly and then negligibly. Changing the temperature
of the electrolyt has almost no influence on the deposition of molybdenum
alloys, whereas in the deposition of tungsten alloys the content of tung-
sten in the alloy and the current efficiency increase with increased
temperature. The tungsten content in the alloy and the current efficiency
neither depend on Dk nor increase with it, as the molybdenum content de-
creases with increased Dk, but during the depositing of molybdenum alloys,,
the current efficiency reaches a maximum with increased Dk. The mechanism
of electrodeposition of molybdenum and tungsten alloys is described. It
is found that the mechanisms are the same for both alloys.
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192. Electrolytic Dk: i)osition of Coatings on Titanium
"Electrolytic Deposition of Coatings on Titanium," by S. M.
Burtina and A. G. Samartsev; Leningrad, Zhurnal Prikladnoy
Khimii, Vol 33, No 5, May 60, pp ll1El-11
It has been established that it is possible to deposit chromium, cop-
per, and nickel coatings on titanium. Of importance is the treatment of
the surface of the metal before electrolytic deposition of the coating.
Procedures for treating the surface are proposed. It was shown that heat
treatment in vacuum of samples coated with chromium, copper, or nickel at
a thickness of the coating amounting to 8-10 microns results in improved
adhesion of the coating. Subsequently to this treatment, it is possible
to deposit a second layer of greater thickness (80-150 microns).
193. USSR Work on Application of Gas Jets for Disintegration of Materials
"A Rocket on a Leash -- Disintegration in Gas. Jets," by N.
Rogozhinskaya, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Moscow,
Tekhnika-Molodezhi, Vol 28, No 3, Mar 60, pp 5-6
The technology of the disintegration of materials (including those
applied in the metallurgical, fuels, chemical, foodstuffs, and construc-
tion materials industries) is undergoing a change which may be referred
to as a veritable revolution., USSR metallurgical scientists, headed by
the late Academician I. P. Bardin, and physical chemists and technologists,
working under the direction of Academician P. A. Rebinder, Doctor of Tech-
nical Sciences N. V. Mikhaylov, and their associates, have developed the
fundamentals of physicochemical mechanics, a borderline science which deals
with the optimum conditions for the disintegration of materials and the
application of finely subdivided materials in different technological proc-
Because of the increasing trend toward the use of more finely dispersed
materials, it may be expected, if the methods in current use are applied,
that close to 50% of the total quantity of electric power produced in the
USSR will be spend on the grinding and disintegration of materials before
long. Furthermore, more than a million tons of high-grade steel used to
construct mechanical mills for grinding and disintegration will be wasted
annually because of the wear of mills. At present, there is a tendency
both in the US and the USSR to eliminate the use of metal grinding mills
and to disintegrate materials by employing Jets of compressed air or of
superheated steam. Although jet appliances for disintegration by this
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method are being developed in the ITS, very little is published on the sub-
ject there. In the USSR both the theory and practical designing of jet
mills of thir, type are being advanced. Work on the subject has been con-
ducted since 1955, under the direction of Engr V. I. Akunov, by the staff
of the Laboratory of Jet Mills, All-Union Scientific Research Institute
of New Construction Materials, Academy of Construction and Architecture
of the USSR. Jet appliances operating on this principle are much more
efficient and economical than ball mills.
However, even this type of disintegrator has been practically super-
seded at the present stage. In the future, combustion jet mills will be
applied. In 1958, Engr V. I. Akunov, Doctor of Technical Sciences M. G.'
Dubinskiy, and Engr B. K. Tel'nov proposed a design of a gas jet disinte-
grator which operates by employing the energy of combustion products derived
from different types of fuel rather than energy supplied by the compressed
air or superheated steam. A combustion jet (a reaction engine) is very
promising from the standpoint of applications for the fine disintegration
of materials. The temperature in the combustion chamber of a jet engine
reaches 3,0000, while the rate of flow of combustion gases is equal to
900-1,000 meters per second. The energy potential of an engine of this
type is approximately 7,000 kw per ton, i. e., almost 900 times higher
than that of a ball utill.
A hypothetical application of a jet disintegrator. in connection with
a process for the direct reductio;, of metals contained in ores can be
visualized as follows. After being subjected to preliminary grinding, the
ore is fed by means of a conveyer from a storage bin (bunker) into a pipe
leading to a disintegration chamber. In this chamber, the ore comes into
contact with a gas stream which is emitted with a great velocity from the
combustion chamber. The ore is carried by the stream of gas at a velocity
of 500-1,000 meters per second in a direction opposite to that of anotherips
stream which meets head on the stream carrying the ore. As a result of the
turbulence produced by the impingement of the two gas streams, the ore
particles collide with each other and disintegrate. The two opposed gas
streams are joined together after being diverted in a direction perpendicu-
lar to that of the original flow and carry the particles of material into
a central disintegration chamber, where these particles undergo additional
At the same time, under the action of high temperature, which may
reach 2,5000, and of the reducing agent present in the gas, metal in a
finely subdivided form is separated chemically from the ore and together
with the extraneous dust (slag) is cond.ix ted into the dust separator, where
classification of particles according to size takes place. The large
particles fall down, are carried away by the gas, and are recirculated
into the disintegration stage. The small particle fraction containing the
metal particles is conducted into a chamber where the total solids of this
fraction settle down and fall into a special storage bin. The gas is
purified and the heat contained in it is utilized.
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The finely subdivided mass consisting of metal and slag is separated
by means of a special separator. The metal may be fed into an open-hearth
furnace, where it is converted into steel, while the slag may be used for
the production of cement. If the process described is applied, treatment
of iron ore in a blast furnace can be dispensed with.
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194. Scattering Sound Waves Over Corrugated Surface of Elastic Body
"Scattering of Sound Waves on the Uneven Surface of an
Elastic Body," by D. S. Grasyuk, Acoustics Institute of
the Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow; Moscow, Akustiche-
skiy Zhurnal, Vol 6, No 1, 1960, pp 30-33
The solution is given of the problem of the distribution of sound
over the uneven boundary of separation between a liquid and a solid body.
The unevenness is assumed to be periodic with respect to amplitude
and small by comparison with the length of the incident wave. The
Rayleigh method is used to approximate the amplitude of the waves which
glance along the surface and the waves which are displaced through the
solid body. At low angles of incidence (up to 12 degrees), the displace-
ment waves can be neglected.
195. Propagation of Low-Frequency Sound in Shallow Water
"Study of the Propagation of Sound of Low-Frequency in Shallow
Water," by V. S. Grigor'yev and F. I. Kryazhev, Acoustics In-
stitute of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow; Moscow, Akusti-
cheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 6, No 1, 1960, pp 34-42
An experimental procedure is described for investigating the propaga-
tion of low-frequency sound in shallow water. The experimental data
obtained characterize certain peculiarities of the waveduct transmission
of sound under conditions prevailing in fresh water reservoirs and
shallow seas.
196. Determining Width of Sawtooth Acoustic Wave Front
"On One Method of Determining the Width of the Front of
an Acoustic Wave, Close in Form to a Saw-Tooth," by L.
K. Zarembo, Acoustics Institute of the Academy of Sciences
USSR, Moscow; Moscow, Akusticheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 6, No 1,
1960, pp 43-46
A method is presented for determining the width of the front of a
periodic saw-tooth wave according to measurements of its spectral com-
ponents. The width of the front may be estimated approximately on the
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basis of the absorption. Data given in the literature on the spectral
analysis of saw-tooth waves in water are considered here from the view-
point of this special width determination.
197. Propagation of Ultrasonic Waves in Liquid
"On the Problem of the Rate of Propagation of Ultrasonic
Waves of Finite Amplitude in a Liquid," by L. K. Zarembo,
and V. V. Shklovskaya-Kordi; Moscow, Akusticheskiy Zhurnal,
Vol 6, No 1, 1960, pp I.7-51
In a solution of methyl alcohol and water with a temperature co-
efficient of velocity of approximately 10-5 deg -1, the phase method
was used to determine the velocity variation of the zero wave with
finite amplitude, when the voltage fed to a quartz oscillator was
amplified from 100 volts to 1.5 kilovolts at a frequency of 1.5 mega-
cycles. The maximum accuracy in the determination of the change of
velocity was. 0.003 percent. Measurements taken with a constant excess
pressure (about one atmosphere), when the formation of cavitation is
difficult, show that, with an accuracy of about 0.007 percent the
velocity of the zero wave of finite amplitude with acoustic Reynolds
numbers around 10 and Mach numbers about 10-'+ remains constant. During
the development of cavitation in the water and in the solution of water
and methyl alcohol, a considerable, but intermittent, increase in velocity
was observed on a certain portion of the wave propagation.
198. Transient Emission of Sound From a Piston
"Transient Emission of Sound From a Piston," by A. A.
Kaspar'yant5 Odessa State University Moscow; Akusti-
cheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 6, No 1, 1960, pp 52-56
A study is made of the transient field of short sound waves produced
by a flat piston emitter, the action of which is initiated in a fundamen-
tally motionless gas. During the establishment of the steady state
condition, a motion is found which has the character of an impulse and
the form of which is closely related to the form of the emitter; the
intensity, however, depends on the phase at the moment the emitter is
first switched on.
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199. Normal Waves During Bending Oscillations of a Plate
"Concerning the Normal Waves During Bending Oscillations
c'f a Plate," by Yu.' K. Konenkov, Acoustics Institute of
the Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow; Moscow, Akustiche-
skkiy Zhurnal, Vol 6, No 1, 1960, pp 57-64
The propagation rf bending oscillations along an infinite elastic
strip is considered for cases in which the edges of the strip are free,
fixed, and hinged. The corresponding dispersion equations are derived
and solved, and a study is made of the properties of the normal first-
number waves.
Experiments (based on a method described by N. S. Ageyeva at the
3d All-Union Acoustics Conference in 1957 [Qtchety Akusticheskioao
Instituta AN SSSR, 1955] were conducted in order to excite one of the many
normal waves in an elastic strip with free edges and to confirm the
propagation of the disturbance across the width of the strip for this
normal wave. The strip was excited monochromatically with a piezoelectric
vibrator. The test specimen used was an aluminum stri with density of
material - 2.65 cm3; modulus of elasticity = 7.05 x 10 dyn/cm2; thickness
= 0.3 cm; and width = 5.0 cm. The vibration frequency used was 12 kilo-
cycles. The experimental findings were in good agreement with theory.
200. Acoustic Field of the First Normal Wave in a Sheet of Water
"The Sonic Field of the First Normal Wave in a Sheet of
Water," by F. I. Kryazhev, Acoustics Institute of the
Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow; Moscow, Akusticheskiy
Zhurnal, Vol 6, No 1, 1960, pp 65-76
The article considers the field of the first normal wave in a plane-
paralled layer of water lying on a bottom without slip elasticity. Re-
sults are given of experiments in which the properties.of the first
normal wave were studied during the propagation of sound in shallow water
under real condition`s; as well as the determination, on the basis of its
characteristic, of the properties of the underwater bottom. The experi-
mental results are in comparative agreement with theory.
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201. Surface Resonance on a Sinusoidal Surface
"On the Problem of the Surface Resonance on a Sinusoidal
Surface," by Yu. P. Lysanov, Acoustics Institute of the
Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow; Moscow, Akusticheskiy
Zhurnal, Vol 6, No 1, 1960, pp 77-80
A modified Rayleigh method is used to investigate the influence of
a low-amplitude surface resonance on a shallow sinusoidal surface.
202. Propagation of a Wave Through a Medium Containing Inhomogeneities
On the Limits of Applicability of the Method of 'Smooth'
Perturbations in the Problem of the Propagation of an
Emission Througha Medium With Inhomogeneities," by V.
V. Pisareva, Gor'kiy State University; Moscow, Akustiche-
skiy Zhurnal, Vol 6, No 1, 1960, pp 87-91
The question of the limits of applicability of the method of "smooth
perturbations" in the solution of the problem of the propagation of an
emission through a medium with inhomogeneities is considered on the basis
of results obtained by 0bukhov (Izvesti AN SSSR Seri Geofiziche-
skaya, No 2, 1953, pp 155-165), Chernov Akusticheskiy Zhurnal, Vol'l,
No 11 1955, pp 89-95), and Scheffler (Astronomische Nachrichten, Vol
284, No 1, 1957, pp 21-23) for the mean square values of the fluctuations
of phase and amplitude and the correlation function of amplitude. Those
conditions are defined at which the influence of a layer with inhomogeneities
on the transient radiation may be replaced by the perturbation effect of
an equivalent phase "shield."
203. Streaming of Sound ih.,Water
"Experimental Investigation' of Acoustic Flows In Water,"
by Ye. V. Romanenko, Acoustics Institute of the Academy
of Sciences USSR, Moscow; Moscow, Akusticheskiy Zhurnal,
Vol 6, No 1, 1960, pp 92-95
The dependence of the velocity in water of acoustic flows caused by
waves of finite amplitude on the amplitude of the sonic pressure and the
form of the wave are investigated by experiment. The dependence has a
quadratic character whenever the wave is sinusoidal or saw-tooth. During
the transformation of a sinusoidal wave into a saw-tooth wave, an anomalous
increase in the rate of the acoustic flows with increased amplitude of
the wave is observed. Although the dependence stated above was found to
be somewhat more abrupt than quadratic by Naugol'nykh (Doklady AN SSSR)
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Vol 123, No 6, 1958, PP 1003-1006), the experimental conditions here
were so different from those in Naugol'nykh's work, agreement of re-
sults cannot be expected.
204. Sound Field in the Focal Plane of Convergent Spherical Beams
"The Sound Field in the Focal Plane of Convergent Spherical
Beams," by B. D. Tartakovskiy, Acoustics Institute of the
Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow; Moscow, Akusticheskiy
Zhurnal, Vol 6, No 1, 1960, pp 96-100
An investigation is made of the distribution of the sonic velocity
and pressure in the focal plane of spherical sound beams with a finite
aperture angle, which are characterized by a nonuniform distribution of
amplitude along the wave front. It is assumed that the essential change
of amplitude along a wave front of the order of magnitude of the amplitude
itself occurs at distances not, less than j~ ... As in the calculation, Of
the amplification factor, the distribution function of amplitude along
the front is expressed by a polynomial, the integration of which provides
a solution in the form of special functions.
205. Diffraction of Sonic Wave by Infinite Cylindrical Cavity in an
Elastic Medium
"The Diffraction of a Two-Dimensional Sound Wave at an In-
finite Cylindrical Cavity in an Ela'3tic Medium at an Arbi
Crary Angle of Incidence," by V. V. Tyutenkix~jAcousti cs
Institute of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow; Moscow,
Akusticheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 6, No 1, 1960, pp 101-106
The case is considered for the diffraction of a plane sonic wave at
an infinite cylindrical cavity when the angle of incidence of the wave
in relation to the axis of the cavity is arbitrary. The solution obtained
for the scalar and vector potentials is obtained in the form of a super-
positioning of cylindrical waves of different orders. The dependence of
the amplitude of the zero wave on angle of incidence and frequency is also'
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206. Absorption of Ultrasound in Electrolytes
"On the Question of the Absorption of Ultrasound in Elec-
trolytes," by M. I. Shlomis, Perm State University; Mos-
cow, Akusticheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 6, No 1, 1960, pp 116-119
Two mechanisms involved in the absorption of sound in electrolytes
are considered, one of which is connected with the electro-acoustic
effect, and the other, conditioned by the relative motion of the ions
and solvent during the; propagation of sound in the solution. A formula
expressing the coefficient of absorption and a numerical estimate of the
considered effects are given.
207. Tests Conducted on Underwater Cylindrical Focusing Sound Radiator
"Experimental Testing of Cylindrical Focusing Systems, by
I. N. Kanevskiy, Acoustics Institute of the Academy of
Sciences USSR, Moscow; Moscow, Akustichskiy Zhurnal, Vol.
6, No 1, 1960, pp 123-124
This article gives the results of experiments on cylindrical focusing
radiators made of barium titanate. An earlier work by the author, together
with Z. D. Rozenberg, discusses the theoretical aspects of the field of
such cylindrical systems. (Akusticheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 3, No 1, 1957,
pp 46-61).
The distribution of the field was measured with a miniature hydro-
phone 0.02 millimeter in diameter (Ye. V. Romanenko, Akusticheskiy Zhurnal,
Vol 3, No 4, 1957, ""_- -.-?----
PP 342-347), and a precision coordinateCdevice capable
of shifting the receiver automatically with an accuracy of position not
less than 0.01 millimeter. The initial tests with the radiator at angles
of 30, 60, and 90 degrees and a frequency range of 600-900 kilocycles
showed a sharp difference between the experimental results and theory.
The measured amplification factor was 30-60. percent lower,than the.the-
oretical, and the propagation pattern was considerably distorted. It
was found that the amplitude of the oscillations distributed along the
surface of the radiator was periodic, but not uniform. When the wave
front was plotted during a test of the radiator in both air and water,
the distortion pattern was much like that of a plane radiator (I.. N.
Kanevskiy,.Doklady AN SSSR, Vol 129, No 4+, 1959, PP 766-768). The nonuni-
form periodic distribution of amplitude was equivalent to the presence
on the surface of the radiator of two waves which met and produced a
radiation at. angles to the normal of the oscillating surface; this radia-
tion distorted the field and reduced the amplification factor of the
transducer. The distortion was reduced by selecting a frequency for which
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the oscillations producing the parasitic radiation have minimum amplitude.
The plotted curve of the potential distribution in the focal region of a
sen;.i:cylindrical radiator with a resonance frequency of 630 kilocycles,
but operated at 76h. kilocycles, was in satisfactory agreement with theory.
This method, however, can be used only when high intensity is not required.
A coaxially positioned dural filter brought the amplification factor to
within 23 percent of the theoretical during operation at resonant frequency.
208. Ultrasonics in Communist China
"Works on Ultrasonics in the Chinese People's Republic,
by I. G. Mikhaylov; Moscow, Akusticheskiy Zhurnal, Vol
6, No 1, 1960, pp 139-141
During the first half of 1959, the author spent 3 1/2 months in Com-
munist China lecturing on molecular acoustics and acting as consultant
for the organization of scientific-research work at the Chair of Acoustics
of Nanking University. This university, which is the center of acoustics
training in Communist China, prepares specialists in architectural
acoustics, acoustics of speech, and ultrasonics. During Mikhaylov's
visit, two new special fields were initiated -- molecular acoustics and
hydro-acoustics. In the- ultrasonics laboratory, the training and research
includes work on barium titanate transducers, the coagulation of aerosols,
and methods of measuring ultrasonic intensities. During the visit, adjust-
ments were being made on a newly erected semiautomatic optical device for
measuring the absorption of ultrasonic waves in liquids at frequencies of
3-30 megacycles. New equipment being tested at the time included an
Utrasonic interferometer, a pulsed device for measuring sound absorption,
and an instrument for measuring the absolute intensity of ultrasonic
oscillations. Among the instructors at the Chair of Acoustics are
assistants Tu K'ung-hua and K'ung Hsiu-feng and aspirant Jang Su-i.
There is also a large ultrasonics laboratory (headed by Prof Ying
Tung-fu) in the institute of "Radioelectrics" of the Academia Sinica,
where research is conducted on the energy effect of ultrasound and
certain problems involved in the excitation and measurement of ultrasonic
fields. This institute works together with a number of industrial
establishments, particularly with Peking textile mills, on problems of
dyeing fabrics.
The Shanghai Polytechnic Institute is conducting research on the
sterilization of water with ultrasonics.
Interesting work on the coagulation of aersols is being done at a
chemical plant in the city of P'u-k'ou with the use of an electrodynamic
vibrator (about 10 kilocycles). The author witnessed a very effective
demonstration of a practically complete coagulation of ammonium chloride
vapors. This research is done in cooperation with the Chair of Acoustics
of Nanking University. Other research on the coagulation of aerosols is
being done at Shanghai Polytechnic-IIsitute.
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The Shanghai Institute of Materials and the Central Metallurgical
Laboratory in Shanghai are conducting research on the alteration of
the mechanical properties of molten steel by ultrasonci irradiation.
The Central Metallurgical Laboratory uses a 50-kilowatt magnetostriction
generator and treats up to 130 kilograms of molten steel in a single
operation. The Institute of Materials also does research on the use
of ultrasonics in the electropolishing of metals. Experiments have been
conducted at a frequency of 0.8 megacylce, and the polishing process has
been simplified and accelerated by the use of ultrasonics.
Ultrasonic defectoscopy is widely used, for example, at the Ch'iang-
Nan Shipyard in Shanghai, at the Ultrasonic Egtuipment Plant in Wu-hsi,
and the Peking Electrical Instruments Plant, all of which use defecto-
scopes produced by the Leningrad Electrical Engineering Institute.
The Nanking Radio Tube Factory uses ultrasonics exclusively in the
cleaning and decreasing of the cathodes of its tubes. Several places
are doing work on the design and improvement of ultrasonic equipment.
Atomic Engineering
209. Investigation of Processes of Heat Transfer in Fuel Elements of
Nuclear Reactors by the Hydraulic Analog Method
"An Investigation of Processes of Heat Transfer in Fuel
Elements of Nuclear Reactors by the Hydraulic Analog
Method," by 0. I. Yaroshevich; Power Engineering In-
stitute, Academy of Sciences Belorussian SSR; Minsk,
Inzhenerno-Fi zicheskiy Zhurnal, No 5, May 6o, pp 81-85
The one-dimensional problem is considered of the distribution of
a temperature field with inner heat sources applicable to fuel elements
of water-moderated, water-cooled reactors. In the solution, boundary
conditions of the fourth type are used on contact boundaries o, separate
layers of fuel elements, and conditions of the third type, on Inner
surfaces. In the solution, the dependence of the coefficient of heat
conductivity on temperature in the formula T = 1000 (t + 273) -0.86
is applied. The problem is solved by the hydraulic analog method on
the hydrointegrator of V. S. Lukyanov. The results are represented in
the form of graphs.
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210. Nonstationary Temperature Field in Heating Elements of a Rear ,r
"The Nonstationary Temperature Field in Heating Elements
of a Reactor," V. S. Yermakov, Power Engineering Institute,
Academy of Sciences Belorussian SSR (Minsk); Minsk, Inzhen-
erno-Fizicheskiy Zhurnal, No 4, lg6o, pp 127-131
An analytical solution is given of the differential equation of heat
conductivity for the determination of the distribution of temperature
along a fuel element rod of a nucelar reactor in nonstationary conditions
of reactor operation. If the reactor is supercritical with relation to
the prompt neutrons, the solution is described by a formula. Taking
into account delayed neutrons, the solution may be written in a different
211. Temperature Field in a Finite Cylinder With Inner Sources
"The Temperature Field in a Finite Cylinder With Inner
Sources," by T. L. Perelman, Power Engineering Institute,
Academy of Sciences Belorussian SSR; Minsk, Inznenerno-
Fizicheskiy Zhurnal, No 5, May 60, pp 138-11E4
By the integral transform method with finite limits, a solution is
obtained of the problem of the temperature in a finite cylinder with
volume sources of heat for various limiting conditions at the ends of
the cylinder and convection heat exchange on the side surface. The re-
sult is of interest for the study of heat transfer in nuclear reactors.
212. Methods for Measuring Radioactivity 4 plied in the USSR
"Methods for the Metrology of Radioactivity Applied in
the USSR," by K. K. Aglintsev, V. V. Bochkarev, V. N.
Grablevskiy, and F. M. Karavayev; Moscow, Atomnaya
Energiya, Vol 8, No !+, Apr 60, pp 354-359
This article reviews the present-day status of the standardization
of radioactivity sources and of methods for measuring radiation emitted
by radioactive substances. General principles are expounded of the or-
ganization of a system of r-'iometric measurements based on the applica-
tion of a single system of units, standard methods, and standard installa-
tions. Methods for relative measurements by using standard sources are
discussed. A system is proposed for checking sources of ionizing radia-
tion standardized according to a scale subdivided into units of activity.
This system of 'checking is based on a standard method of reproducing the
Curie unit. The characteristics of standard radioactive sources of ioniz-
ing radiation and sources used for control purposes are briefly described.
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213. Investigation of Heat Exchange During the Turbulent Flow of
Heavy Liquid Metals
"Investigation of Heat Exchange During the Turbulent Flow
of Heavy Liquid Metals in Tubes," by M. Ith. Ibragimov,
V. I. Subbotin, and P. A. Ushakov; Moscow, Atomnaa
Energiya, Vol 8, No 1, Jan 60, pp 54.-56
Heat transfer during turbulent flow through tubes was investigated
in experiments with mercury, lead, and lead-bismuth eutectic.
21Ig.. Aircraft Radiometer-Analyzer
"An Aircraft Radiometer-Analyzer," by V. V. Matveyev and
A. D. Sokolov; Moscow, Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 8, No 1,
Jan 60, pp 70-72
A highly sensitive scintillation aircraft threshold gamma-spectrometer
is described which is designed for the determination of the intensity and
relative hardness of gamma-radiation emitted from the earth's surface.
A liquid scintillator is used in the equipment described. Tests carried
out in 1956 and actual application of the radiometer in 1957 indicated
that it is superior to instruments of older designs and that it will be
useful in aeroradiometric prospecting for minerals.
Low Temperature Physics
215. Physicotechnical Institute of Low Temperatures To Be Organized
at the Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR
"For Research on Low-Temperature Physics" (unsigned item);
Moscow, Prom shlenno-Ekonomicheska 'Gazeta, Vol 5, No 63
(671), 27 May 60, p
The Presidium of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR has decided
to open a Physicotechnical Institute of Low Temperatures The staff of
the institute will do research on low-temperature electronics, magnetism,
resonance phenomena in solids, electrical conductivity and superconductivity,
plasticity and strength of solid materials, the thermodynamic properties
of liquid gases and other subjects.
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216. Limits of Flat Motions of a Rocket In a Void
"0n Two Classes of Flat Extremal Motions of a Rocket in a
Void," by Yu. A. Gorelov, Moscow; Moscow, Prikladnaya Mate-
matika i Mekhanika, Vol 24, No 2, Mar/Apr 60, pp 303-30
This article considers the conditions which guarantee an extremal
(with respect to time and mass expenditure) motion of a rocket along a
curvilinear trajectory.
The rocket is considered an ideally directed body, i.e., it can in-
stantaneously assume a required angle of orientation in space by turning
on its longitudinal or transverse axis which passes through the center
of gravity. This assumption makes possible the formulation of the problem,
which is based solely on the equations of motion, assuming the equation
expressing the moments is always satisfied.
Motion is considered on the active portion of the trajectory, i.e.,
the mass of the rocket is considered to be variable with time.
Within the framework of the indicated assumptions, the author sets
up a variation problem for the determination of the characteristic of
an extremal (with respect to time) turn of the rocket at a given agle
under given initial and terminal velocities and initial and terminal
weight of the rocket. A solution of' the problem is sought for flat
motions separately in the'horizontal and vertical planes, assuming the
absence of influences resulting from aerodynamic forces.
217. Hypersonic Flow Around Thin Bodies at Large Angles of Attack
"Three-Dimensional Hypersonic Flows of a Gas Around Thin
Bodies at Large Angles of Attack," by V. V. Sychev, Mos-
cow; Moscow, Prikladna Matematika i Mekhanika, Vol 24,
No 2, Mar/Apr 60, pp 205-212
The smallness of the parameters which characterize the relative thickness
of the bodies affords the possibility of an approximate presentation of
the problem of flow around such bodies in a form which generalizes the
similarity of hypersonic flows with small perturbations for the case of
an arbitrary angle of attack. The obtained approximate formulas for the
calculation of the aerodynamic characteristics of the thin bodies at
large angles of attack contain as unknowns only certain constants which
depend on the form of the cross section of the body.
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218. Motions of Gas Produced by Point and Peripheral Explosions
"On the Motion of a Piston in an Ideal Gas," by N. N. Kochina
and N. S. Mel'nikova, Moscow; Moscow, Prikladnaya Matematika
i Mekhanika, Vol 24, No 2, Mar/Apr 6o, pp 213-21
This article considers a nonself-modeling problem (p1 0) of the
motion of a gas caused by a piston moving with a velocity df vn n ctm.
These motions may be represented as emanating from the point of an explosion
with a divergent shock wave or from a peripheral detonation with convergent
shock wave, taking into account the displacement of the gas by the explosion
219. Shock Wave From a Slightly Curved Piston
"Shock Wave From a Slightly Curved Piston," by R. M.
Zaydel', Moscow; Moscow, Prikladnaya Matematika i
Mekhanika, Vol 24, No 2, Mar Apr 60, pp 219-227
A method is given for solving a problem considered earlier by Freeman
(Proc.Roy.Soc. A228, 1955, p 341). The method given here does not require
the construction of "conical solutions" and affords the possibility of
solving other problems which lead to a hyperbolic system of equations
with boundary conditions having variable limits.
220. Determination of the Thickness of a Stationary Shock Wave
"The Determination of the Thickness of a Stationary Shock
Wave, " by V. S. Pushkin, Power Engineering Institute imeni
G. M. Krzhizhanovskiy, Academy of Sciences USSR; Minsk,
Inzhenerno-Fizicheskiy Zhurnal, No 3, Mar 60, pp 36-40
A new method is given for the evaluation of the thickness of shock
waves by which this thickness can be estimated with any degree of ac.
curacy permitted by the formulation of the problem. This method is
based only on th&t part of the solution which produces a noticeable
change of physical values (for example, velocity)?w with a change in the
argument; branches of the solution extending to t , on which physical
values change little with a change in the argument, are neglected.
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221. Approximation Method for a Two-Dimensional Eddy Flow of a Gas
"Approximation Method of Solving Problems of a Two-Dimensional
Eddy Flow of a Gas," by Yu. S. Zav'yalov, Tomsk; Moscow, '
Prikladna:va Matematika i Mekhanika, Vol 211., No 2, Mar/Apr 6o,
pp 228-236
This article provides, on the basis of an example of an adiabatic
motion, proof of an argument presented in an earlier work of the author
("On One Class of Plane-Parallel Steady Vortical Motions of a Gas,"
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 116 No 3, 1957). In addition, the author
? presents here, for use in the investigation of potential flows, an approxima-
tion method for a supersonic eddy flow. An approximate general solution
is provided, which is analogous to the solution given by S. A. Khristiano-
vich ("Approximate Integration of the Equations of a Supersonic Motion of
a Gas," Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika, Vol 11, No 2, 191+7), except
that the solution here contains three, rather than two, arbitary functions.
A solution is given of the main boundary problems for flows without abrupt
changes of density and of certain problems of flow with abrupt changes of
222. Return Flow and Turbulent Boundary Layer Separation
"On the Study of Return Flows in the Area of Separation
of a Turbulent Boundary Layer," by Yu. A. Dem'yanov and
V. N. Shmanenkov, Moscow; Moscow, PriklaMatematika
i Mekhani ka, Vol 21+, No 2, Mar/Apr 60, pp 237-239
The idea of free turbulence is used for a solution of the problem of
flow in the vicinity of turbulent boundary layer separation. The presence
of return flows in the retarded zornra is taken into account. The cases
treated are those of a supersonic flow around a step-shape (two-dimensional
roblem) and around a blunt-nosed body with a spike attached in front
~axisymmetrical problem).
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223. Waves Produced by Shock Waves at Surface of .T corn ressible Liquid
"On the Waves Produced by a Shock Wave on the Surface of
an Incompressible Liquid," by B. N. Rumyantsev, Moscow;
Moscow, Prikladn Matematika i Mekhanika, Vol 24, No
2, Mar/Apr 0, pp 2 OO-2mss
The article considers the two-dimensional and three-dimensional prob-
lem of the motion of a liquid as a result of a pressure applied to its
surface, disregarding the influence of gravity. A number of self-modeling
solutions are derived.
A certain time after an explosion has occurred above the surface of
a liquid, the shock wave reaches the liquid and interacts with it. To
determine the motion. of the liquid and gas, it is necessary to solve
the problem jointly for both media. if the density relationship of the
two media Is taken into account, it is possible to show, in the first
approximation, that the movements of the liquid have no effect on the
motion of the ;;as, which is assumed to be known. This approach leads to
the problem of deteimuining the motion of the liquid under the influence
of a pressure applied at the surface and changing in accordance with a
given law. An analogous linear problem has been treated for compressible
liquids (Bagdoyev, A. G?., Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, No 3, 1957);
here, the liquid Is considered Incompressible, which is applicable for
the case of air and water, with pressures behind the shock wave not
greater than 22 kilograms per square centimeter.
224. Stability of Plane-ParE.l1el Flows of Nonhomogeneous L?iyuid.
"On the Stability of Plane-Parellel Flows of a Nonhomo-
geneous Liquid," by L. A. Dikiy, Moscow; Moscow, Prik-
ladnaa Matemat.; k k i Me1thanika Vo.L 24, No 2, Mar Apr. 60,
pp 249-257
It is assumed that, even if the Reynolds number is rather high, the
introduction of viscosity into the study of the stability of a nonhomo-
geneous liquid afford:; ho particular advantage; the viscosity is con-
sidered to be equal to zero. It is pointed out that breaking down
solutions into wave solutions and investigating the natural frequencies
is not an end in itself, but only a tool for investigating the Cauchy
problem for pa.:f'tial dew ivative equations. If such ~., solutions are
not provided, however, then the Cauchy problem regarding the development
A motion is assumed here to be stable if -the
Lion, which originates in a finite region of
the course of time; otherwise, the motion is
shows that, in individual examples at least,
be donducted to the end, especially in cases
are not available.
_ 139 -
of arbitrary initial perturbations must be solved by some other method.
arbitrary intial perturba-
.space, becomes limited in
unstable. This article
such an investigation can
in which wave solutions
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225. Impact of Elliptical Surface Against Incompressible Liquid
"Horizontal Impact of a Floating Ellipse Against an In-
compressible Liquid," by N. A. Kudryavtseva, Moscow;
Moscow,,ya Matematika i Mekhanika, Vol 24, No
2, Mar/Ap- , pp 258--26l
An analytic solution is given of the problem of the horizontal impact
imparted to the liquid by a semi'-immersed ellipse. The experiments con--
firmed the general theoretical assumption of a separation of the liquid
from the surface of the ellipse. The correct solution of the problem of
? the horizontal impact of the ellipse shows that an approximation of the
point of separation and the forces of momentum on the basis of an impact
of the ellipse without separation (Semenov Tyan--Shanskiy, V. V., "On the
Problem of the Impact of an Ellipse," Trudy Leningradskogo Korabel?no go,,
Institute (Works of the Leningrad. Shipbuilding Institute], Vol 13, 1954)
leads to a large error.
226. Statistical Problems in Elasticity Theory
"On Conditions of Finiteness in the Mechanics of Complex
Media. The Statistical Problems of the Theory of Elas-
ticity," by G. I. Barexiblatt, Moscow; Moscow, Prikladnaya.
Matematika I Malthanika, Vol 24, No 2, Mar/Apr 0, pp 316-
In many cases of the treatment of complex media in mechanics, when
the solution of the general differential equations does not lead to a
unique solution, supplementary conditions are introduced, often in the
form of new independent hypotheses. It is shown that it is possible to
set up a general form of supplementary conditions which will yield a
unique solution tinder such conditions. These conditions, particularly
such supplementary conditions as the finiteness of velocity or of
pressure, are not independent physical hypotheses. They are derived
from the fundamental integral principles of mechanics just like the
general differential equations and the boundary conditions. This
article investigates the application of such supplementary conditions
to statistical problems of the theory of elasticity.
?? i?4O ..
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227. Heat Transfer by Rarefied Gas Flowing Round a Wall
"Heat Transfer by Rarefied Gas Flowing Round a Wall,"
by A. A. Pomerantsev, Moscow State University; Minsk,
Inzhenerno-Fizicheskiy Zhurnal, No 5, May 60, pp 3-11
The Blazius-Rubezin method is generalized for the case of supersonic
movement of a body in a rarefied gas in the presence of slippage. A solu-
tion is obtained for the flow of gas round a wall. A conclusion is deduced
for hydrodynamic and thermal boundary conditions corresponding to the
problem formulated.
228. Calculation of Combined Heat Interaction of Solids and Liquids
"The Calculation of Combined Heat Interaction of Solids
and Liquids," by E. A. Sidorov, Institute of Thermal
Physics, Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences USSR;
Minsk, Tn .h n .rnp_Fi .i I sj y Zhurnal No 5, May 60, pp
The paper proposes a simple approximate method of solution of quasi-
stationary problems of convective and conductive heat transfer in the
presence of radiation. The method is based on linearization according to
a formula given of a nonlinear boundary condition calculated in accordance
with the radiation of bodies and on the presentation in the form of a
balance formula of the resulting heat transfer equation.
As a concrete example, the problem is solved of combined heat trans-
fer of a semilimited body where the density of the incident radiant flow
is constant.
229. Stress and Strain of Thick-Walled Cylinders Calculated by Computers
"Investigation of the Stressed and Strained State of Short
Thick-Walled Cylinders Subjected to Axisymmetrical Loading
With the Help of. Computers in the Case of Arbitrary Axial
Loading," by A. L. Kvitka, Kiev Polytechnic Institute; Kiev,
Doklady Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoy SSR, No 12, Dec 59, PP
A method is described for solving an axisymmetric problem which
allows compiling tables for calculation of short, thick-walled cylinders
subjected to arbitrary axial loading.
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Nuclear Physics
230. Attraction of Antiprotons
"Influence of Coulomb Attraction on the Cross Section of
Absorption of Antiprotons by Nuclei," by P. E. Nemirovskiy
and Yu. D. Fivelskiy; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks erimental'noy i
Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 38, No 5, May 60, pp 1 -1
The influence of Coulomb attraction of the nucleus on the cross sec-
tion for absorption of antiprotons whose energy is small compared with
the Coulomb energy at the nuclear boundary is investigated. Interaction
between the antiprotons and nuclei is treated on basis of the optical
model. Calculations are presented for C, Cu, and Pb nuclei for nuclear
attraction, as well as repulsion potentials. It is shown that due to
Coulomb attraction, the cross section for antiproton absorption at
energies below the Coulomb energy is 4-10 times greater than the cross
section for antineutrons of the same energy.
231. Alpha Decay of U-236
"Investigation of a-Decay of U-236," by A. P. Komar,
G. A. Korolyov, and G. Ye. Kocharov, Leningrad Physico-
technical. Institute, Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow,
Zhurnal Eks erimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki,
Vol 38) No 5, May 60, pp 1436-1438-
An ionization chamber with a grid was employed to investigate the
a -spectrum of U . After introduction of corrections to account for
ionization, imperfect grid shielding, and rise time of the pulse, the
energy of the fundamental a-particle group was found to be (1+.488 -0.008)
MeV. The energies and intensities of transitions of the 2 ~ and 1. ~ levels
of the daughter nucleus have also been determined.
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232. Deuteron Stripping by Protons
"Investigation of the Spectra of Neutrons Emitted in the
Disintegration of Deuterons by Protons," by V. V. Komarov
and A. M. Popova, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow
State University; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks erimental'noy i
Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 3 , No 5, May 60, pp 1559-1563
The energy spectra of neutrons emitted at angles of 0o and 1800 in
the c.m.s. from the p fd p L p' L n reaction are calculated for p, total
energy of the reaction of .- 4 MeV, pair interaction of nucleons in the
final state being taken into account.
Application of this method for calculation of the energy distribution
of reaction products when several'partihles are emitted is considered from
the standpoint of its possible application for ascertaining the role of
particle interactions in the final states.
233. Strange Particles
"New Strange Particles," by $. P,ontecorvo, Joint Institute
for Nuclear Research; Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i
Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 38, No 5, May 60, pp 1654-1656
The possibility of existence of a particle D(T=O, S.+2, N=0) (ac-
cording to M. Gell-Mann, Suppl. Nuovo Cim., 4, 848 (1956) is discussed.
Wang Kan-Chang reported at the Conference of Physics of High Energy
Particles in Kiev, 1959, (at press) on interaction of v-mesons in a
bubble chamber which can be interpreted by assuming the existence of a
new particle D at 750 Mev energy and decaying according to rK" + n+
D?-~- K + n
KT +
The lifetime of the particle is evaluated to be of the order of 10-10 sec,
and its detection is discussed theoretically by means of the emitted K
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234. Superheavy Hydrogen and Helium
"Superheavy Isotopes of Hydrogen and Helium," by V. I.
Gol'danskiy, Physics Institute imeni Lebedev, Academy
of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks erimental'noy
i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 3d, No 5, May 60,
pp X637-1639
For evaluating the stability of several isotopes (H5, H7) He8) with
respect to their neutron emission, data on neutron energy coupling were
established and analyzed. The stability6condition for He8 depends on the
condition that the decay energy He (--),,, Hb + n be below 1.4 Mev, and the
condition becomes sufficient if this energy is not over 0.8 Mev. The
isotope H5 is found unstable.
235. New Tellurium i221.2 me
"A New Isotope Te-115," by I. P. Selinov, N. A. Vartanov,
D. Ye. Khulelidze, Yu. A. Bliodze, N. G. Zaytsova, and
V. A. Khalkin; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks erimental'no i Teo-
reti'cheskoy Fiziki, Vol 38', No 5, May 60, p 1654V
By analyzing the periodic chart of half-lives, it was assumed that
the unknown Te-115 isotope decays in 7 minutes, transmuting into the
recently discovered Sb-115 (T = 32 min). The Te isotope was observed
from the reaction Sn-112 ( ct, n) Te-115, and its half-life was found
to be 6.0 + 0.5 minutes.
236. Motion in a Linear Betatron
"Theory of Electron Motion in a Linear Betatron," by Ts. I.
Gutsunayev and Ya. P. Terletskiy, Physics Faculty of Moscow
State University, Chair of Statistical Physics and Mechanics;
Moscow, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, Vol 30, No 5, May 60,
pp x+91-49
The linear betatron, a new type of electron accelerator, was first
suggested and analyzed by M. Ya. Konyukov and Ya. P. Terletskiy (ZhETF,
34) 1003 (1958); Nuovo Cimento, 9, 930 (1958). The solution of a par-
ticular problem, not yet clarified, concerning the relativistic motion
of an electron in an axially symmetric magnetic field,. moving nonuni-e'.
formaly along the axis of symmetry, was found. The law of energy in-
crease of the accelerated particle was established. The stability of
motion and the radiation of the accelerated electron were analyzed.
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Computation of Strong Focusing
"A New Method for Computing High-Order Focusing Magnetic
Fields" by V. R. Saulit; Leningrad, Vestnik Leningrad-
skovo Universiteta Seriya Fiziki i Khimii No 1, Vol 15,
No , 1960, pp 33-40
A magnetic field with mirror symmetry is computed for strong
focusing in beta and gamma spectroscopy. The problem is solved in the
form of polynomials for an inhomogeneous field depending on one coordi-
nate. The obtained magnetic field has continuous derivatives. The
electron or ion beams may be obtained in a desirable form. As an ex-
ample, a magnetic field giving seventh-order focusing is computed.
238. Computation of Atom Charge
"Computation of Atom Charge in Molecules From X-Ray
K-Absorption Spectra," by R. L. Barinskiy and Ye. G.
Nadzhakov, Institute of Rare Elements, Academy of
Sciences USSR, and Physics Institute of the Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences; Moscow Izvestiya Akademii Nauk
SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya, Vol 24, No 4, Apr 60,
pp 40-(-414
Amethod previously described by the authors (DAN, 129, 1279 (1959)
was applied to the computation of X-r~y,of K-absorption spectra in atoms,
molecules, and crystals. The effective atom charges were found and
tabulated and showed good agreement in cases in which they
compared with previously obtained results. It is shown that the charge
of the central atom in a complex is influenced by the character of its
239. Nuclear X-Ray Generator
"A Nuclear Generator of X-Rays for Fluorescent Spectral
Analysis," by K. I. Narbutt, R. L. Barinskiy, and I. S.
Smirnova, IGEM Academy of Sciences USSR, IMGRY Academy
of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Seriya
Fizicheskikh Nauk, Vol 24, No 4, Apr 60, pp 35 -3 1
Excitation of K.X-rays on lead and tin by betas emitted by S-35
(170 keV) and P-32 (1700 keV) were studied. Gamma and X-radiation emitted
by a Tu-170 source for fluorescent excitation of K-radiation in elements
from Zn-30 to U-92 were tested. It was found that the Tu-170 source
decays by beta (968 keV and 88 keV) and gamma (84 keV) emission. Data
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Approved.&a~Wgi 9WAg/0 1 -PP~2L0g141 Q0919p. OPPgA-%fficiency of K-
radiation of elements Z = 30 to Z = 92 by X and gamma radiation emitted
by Tu-170 were presented in a graph. It showed that the nuclear gen-
erator exhibits its highest efficiency for Z = 47 to Z = 64 elements.
240. Instability of Plasma
"Instability of the Inductive Pinch.," by I. F. Kvartskhava,
K. N. Kervalidze, and Yu. S. Gvaladze; Moscow, Zhurnal
Eks erimental'no i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 38, No 5,
May 60, pp 1641-l b43
As was: reported at the Sixth International Conference-on Ionization
Phenomena in Gases at Upsala, 1959, a new form of instability was observed
at pulsed compression of plasma in linear and inductive pinches. The
present communication discusses results of further experiments involving
photography of a discharge with a SFR-2M high-speed camera, in the process
of which exposure time per frame was 0.5 microsec, with a,2-microsec
interval between frames. A page of photographs is included.
241. Diffusive Losses of Charged Particles
"Relation Between Oscillations and Velocity of Losses of
Charged Particles in a Cylindrical Low Pressure Plasma in
a Longitudinal Magnetic Field," by A. A. Zaytsev and M. Ya.
Vasil'yeva, Moscow State University; Moscow, Zhurnal Ek-
perimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 3 7No 5,
May 60, pp 1 39-1 0
Plasma oscillations in a positive column and in a constant longi-
tudinal magnetic field were investigated. The magnetic field increased
the background noise and introduced oscillations up to 7-10 volts in
amplitude. The velocity of diffusive losses of the charged particles
increased. These phenomena may be interpreted as a result of a macro-
scopic shift of the plasma pinch in the magnetic field.
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242. Plasma Bremsstrahlung
"Magnetic Bremsstrahlung of a Restricted Plasma.," by K. N.
Stepanov and V. I. Pakhomov, Physic o-technical Institute,
Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSE; Moscow, Zhurnal Ek-
May 0
s erimental'no i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 382 No 5,
Pp 1564-15
Magnetic Bremstrahlung of a restricted plasma is examined under the
condition that the magnetic pressure PH is considerably higher than the
pressure of the electron gas Pe- The condition pH ay Pe + Pi ( Pi --
the ion gas pressure) is'required for the creation of balanced plasma
configurations end for securing their stability (plasma torus stabilized
by a strong magnetic field, a stellator, or Other means).
243. Capture of a Magnetic Field of Plasma
"Some Properties of Inductive Gas Discharge," by E. D.
Andryukhina, S. Ye. Grebenshchikov, M. S. Rabinovich,
M. D. Rayzer, A. Ya. Safronov, and I. S. Shpinel, Physics
Institute imeni Lebedev, Academy of Sciences USSR;
Moscow, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki Vol 30, No 5,
May 60, pp 29-53
Some phenomena affecting plasma dynamics, such as the capture of the
magnetic field by the plasma, he skin effect, and shock wave propagation,
were studied experimentally by means of high-speed photography. The ob-
served change of current sign of the oscillograph proved the presence of
a reversed current which should indicate the "capture" of the magnetic
field by the plasma compressed toward the axis or escaping the magnetic
mirror. The pressure of the captured magnetic field produced a broadening
of the plasma by preventing it ftm= compressing radially. A cylindrical
shock wave is formed at discharge in a range of 5.10- to 10-2, mm Hg
pressure compressed toward the axis of the system. The conducting region
expands during the shock wave propagation, and the currents produced may,
in the presence of skin effect., compensate the external magnetic field in
the chamber.
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211.4. Plasma Stability
"Stability of a Plasma Cylinder in a High Frequency Magnetic
Field," by T. F. Volkov; Moscow, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy
Fiziki, Vol 30, No 5, May 60, pp 97-503
The problem is solved in hydrodynamic approximation showing that a
quasistationary high frequency magnetic field of sufficiently high am-
plitude traveling along the axis may secure the stability of the plasma
cylinder with respect to arbitrary small perturbations. A high frequency
magnetic field rotating around the azimuth does not create stability.
245. Plasma Oscillations
"Detection of Ion Oscillations in a Plasma," by M. D.
Gabovich, L. L. Pasechnik, and V. G. Yazeva; Moscow,
Zhurnal Eks erimental'no i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki
Vol 3 , No 5, May 60, pp 1430-1433
Ion oscillations have been detected against t e noise background of
a discharge plasma (charge concentration 10 0cm - ). The results ob-
tained can be explained by assuming that the probe selectively indicates
oscillations with a wave length which is approximately the
radius of the ionic layer surrounding the probe.
246. Waves Moving in Plasma
"Build-Up of Electromagnetic Waves In a Plasma Moving in a
Nondispersive Medium in the Presence of a Constant Magnetic
Field," by G. G. Getmantsev and V. 0. Rapoport, Radiophysics
Institute, Gor'kiy State University; Moscow, Zhurnal Ek-?
sperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy 'PLziki, Vol 38, No 1i,
Apr 60, pp 1205-1211
A dispersion equation has been obtained which describes the propa-
gation of plane electromagnetic waves in a plasma beam moving in a fixed
plasma along the lines of force of a constant and homongeneous magnetic
field. The damping (or build-up) coefficients of the waves as a function
of time have been found for a rarefied plasma moving along the magnetic
field through a nondispersive dielectric.
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247. First Czechoslovak Cyclotron
"New Items -- Czechoslovakia" (unsigned item); Mosco:;,
Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 8, No 4, Apr 60, p 397
The first cyclotron in the country was made ready for use on 19 Feb-
ruary 1960. The equipment for the cyclotron was supplied by the USSR.
The USSR also rendered aid in assembling and setting up the cyclotron.
The cyclotron will be used to conduct research in nuclear physics and to
produce artificial radioactive isotopes.
248. Dose Characteristics of Ionization Chambers and of a Large
Scintillation Crystal
"Dose Characteristics of Ionization Chambers and a Large
Scintillation Crystal," V. I. Kukhtevich, E. S. Matusevich,
B. P. Shemtenko, and L., A. Trykov; Minsk, tnzhenerno-
Fizicheskiy Zhurnal, No 4, 1960, pp 125-126
Dose characteristics were determined of an ionization chamber, the
dimensions of which are comparable with the range in air of secondary
electrons formed by primary gamma rays and scintillating primary gamma
rays, and of a scintillating organic crystal, for which the absorption
of primary radiation is essential. The region of energies of primary
gaY.t radiation from 0.08 Mev to 2 Mev is considered. Results are
shown graphically.
249 Radio Frequency Mass Spectrometer
"Line Shape of Mass Spectrum and the Role of a Pulse Ion
Source in a Radio Frequency Mass Spectrometer," by Ye. M.
Kuchkov, Leningrad Electrot echnical Institute imeni
Ulyanov; Moscow, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki Vol 30,
No 5, May 60, pp 5 -572
The equations of a radio frequency mass spectrometer are reduced to
a form convenient for the analysis of its operation. Equations for the
mass spectrometer lines in the absence of velocity scattering were
derived. The limits of application of radio frequency instruments are
outlined, including those operating with a pulse ion source.
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250. Preliminary Experiments to Thermonuclear Reactions
"Investigations of Fast Electrons in Powerful Pulsed Dis-
charges," by N. G. Koval'skiy, I. M. Podgornyy, and M. M.
Stepanenko, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State
University; Moscow, Zhurnal Eka erimental'no i Teoreti-
cheskoy Fiziki, Vol 39) No 5, May 60, pp 1439-1445
During experiments devoted to attempts at realization of controlled
thermonuclear reactions in powerful gas discharges in 1952, hard X-rays
were revealed, as well as a neutron emission at powerful pulsed discharges
in deuterium. Thus, strong electric fields were created, facilitating
the acceleration of charged particles in an axial direction. The formation
of an unbalanced group of fast particles in the plasmatmay also c~.arify
the nature of surges of cosmic radiation.
In the present work, which describes results of investigations of
fast electrons in a powerful pulsed discharge,, the existence of two
groups of unbalanced electrons was assumed by analyzing the relation of
the electron spectrum to the strength of the external magnetic field
and the initial pressure. The first group of fast electrons at energies
up to 100 kev is probably accelerated in electric fields appearing
during redistribution of the current during the pinching process of the
plasma. The second group of fast electrons probably is accelerated up
to 300 kev in local electric fields formed during the instability state
of the "overloaded" plasma pinch. Assuming that the mechanism of suc-
cessive particle acceleration is due to several "overloads," a discrete
structure of the fast electron spectrum should be expected, but cannot
be observed.
251. Research on Neutron Physics Planned in 8Li1~,aria
"New Items -- Bulgaria" (unsigned item); Moscow, Antomnaya
En_~ya, Vol 8, No 4, Apr 60, p 397.
The Academy of Sciences is creating a research center which will have
a nuclear reactor of the IRT type. This reactor will be constructed with
the aid of the Soviet Union. It will be used to conduct research on
neutron physics,,.-
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Solid State Physics
252. Elasticity of Quartz Filaments
"Variations of the Elasticity Modulus of Quartz Filaments
in Response to Gammas From Cobalt -60," by S. V. Staro-
dubtsov, L. P. Khiznichenko, and I. A. Domoryad, Insti-
tute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSR;
Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 132, No 5, Jun 60,
pp 803-805
The effect of Co-60 gammas on the elasticity modulus of fused quartz
filaments was studied by special measuring equipment using torsional
oscillations. It was found that the elasticity modulus of fused quartz
increases by 0.16 + 0.02%. It may be tentatively explained by the ap-
pearance of ordered regions in the structure of fused quartz because
the elasticity modulus of crystalline quartz is higher than that of the
fu ed.
253? "Spot Fields" of Cathodes
"Electron Optical Observations of 'Spot Fields' on Emitting
Surfaces," by G. V. Spivak, I. A. Pryamkova, and V. N.
Lepeshinskaya, Moscow State University imeni Lomonosov;
Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 130, No 4. Feb 6o,,
pp 751-754
A direct observation of spot fields in an electron mirror was carried
out for establishing the shape and distribution of spots and their rela-
i:ion to the crystalline structure and temperature of the emitter. The
parallel behavior of delay curves and the spot picture with respect to
temperature, as well as the similarity of this picture with the optically
detected structure of the lining, proved that the spots should be inter-
r,r?ted as a "deficiency" of electrons..
291. Electron Exchange in Metals
"Exchange Interaction of Inner and Outer Electrons in Tran-
sition Metals," by S. V. Vonsovskiy, A. A. Berdyshev, Yu. A.
Izyumov, B. V. Karpenko, and Yu. Ya. Polyak, Institute of
Physics of Metals, Academy of Sciences USSR, and Ural State
University imeni Gor'kiy; Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR,
Vol 132, No 4, Jun 60, pp 797-800
For studying the properties of an electron system in transition
metals, the method of lagging and leading statistical Green functions,
developed by N. N. Bogolyubov and S. V. Tyablikov (DAN,, 126, 53 (1959)),
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was applied. The resulting computation facilitated a general conclusion
showing that the interaction between inner and outer electrons of transi-
tion metals leads to the appearance of an effective exchange bond between
the inner electrons, exhibiting a ferromagnetic nature.
255. Neutron Irradiated Silicon Iron
"The Effect of Neutron Bombardment on the Magnetization
Curve of Silicon Iron Single Crystals," by V. V. Klyushin,
Institute of Physics of Metals, Academy of Sciences USSR;
Moscow, Doklad Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 132, No 1, 1960,
pp 102-1-03-
An investigation of the effect of neutron irradiation of single
crystal silicon iron was carried out to clarify the behavior of shifting
processes of boundaries of ferromagnetic regions and the rotation of
their magnetization. The tentative data obtained indicate a possibility
that at high temperatures the observed changes of magnetic properties
are bound to the appearance of "shift zones." It is expected that
further research may provide knowledge on the mechanism of dislocation
in the crystal lattice provoked by irradiation by heavy particles.
256. Exciton Absorption in Cu20
"Optical Anisotropy of Cubic Crystals Produced by Dispersion
in Space. Quadrupole Excitonic Absorption of Light in
Cuprous Oxide," by Ye. F. Gross and A. A. Kaplyanskiy,
Physicotechnicai Institute, Academy of Sciences USSR;
Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk USSR, Vol 132, No 1, may 60,
pp 98-10T'
On the long-wave edge of the Cu2O absorption, spe Crum, two hydrogen-
like absorption series were observed. The line 6125 A was particularly
investigated because of its deviation from the series position, tentatively
ascribed to the small radius of its exciton excitation for ntil. Experi-
ments revealed a quadrupole transition in this excitonic line, requiring
additional explanations. The quadrupolarity of the line concurs well with
R. S. Elliot's conclusions (Pys. Rev., 108, 138+ (1957), but the hydrogen
model he uses does not satisfy the small exciton radius for n=1. However,
the model by A. G. Zhilich (Vestn. LGU, No 4 (1957) provides an excitation
value in accordance with experimental data.
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257? Study of n-InSb
Galvanomagnetic Phenomena in n-InSb in Magnetic Pulse
Fields," by Kh. Amirkhanov, R. I. Bashirov, and Yu. E.
Zakiev, Dagestan Affiliate, Academy of Sciences USSR;
Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR Vol 132, No 4,
Jun 60, pp 793-796
Conclusions of the quantum theory concerning galvanomagnetic phe-
nomena in n-InSb were tested experimentally on five samples by measuring
the effects of magnetic fields and temperature. Discrepancies found
between theory and experimental data were explained by the existence of
two different scattering mechanisms, lattice and ion diffusion, while
the theory considers only one mechanism.
258. Photoelectromotive Force of CdSe-Se
"Problem of the Photoelectromotive Force on the CdSe-Se
Junction," by K. K. Valatska and P. P. Brazdzhyunas, In-
stitute of Physics and Mathematics, Academy, of Sciences
Lithuanian SSR; Vil'rlyus, Trudy Akademii Nauk Litovskory SSR,
Seriya B, 4 (20), 1959, pp 45-54
Results are presented of investigations concerning the conditions of
production and spectral distribution of photo emf in systems Al-CdSe-Se-Au,
Au-CdSe-Se-Au, Al-CdSe-Au, Au-CdSe-Al, Al-Se-Au. and Al-Se-Al under illumi-
nation by visible light. The spot of the appearance of photo emf in
systems Al-CdSe-Se-Au and Au-CdSe-Se-Au was established. The role of con-
tact of Se and CdSe with the metallic electrodes was clarified. The
connection of the spectral distribution of the photo emf of the systems
Al-CdSe-Se-Au, Al-CdSe-Au, and Al-Se-Au with the band of intrinsic light
absorption in Se and CdSe was established. The zone scheme clarifying
the formation of a photo emf in the system Al-CdSe-Se-Au at illumination
is presented.
259? Photoconductivity of SbpSe3
"Temperature Dependence of 0ptlcal Properties of Layers of
Sb?Se," by A. Yu. Shileyka and P. P. Brazdzhyunas, Insti-
tute 9f" Physics and Mathematics, Academy: of Sciences Lithu-
anian SSR; Vil'nyus Trudy Akademii Nauk Litovskoy SSR,
Seriya B, No 4, (20), 1959, pp 3143
The results of studies of optical properties of layers of Sb2Se3 in
the spectral range of 400-1200 mmc in a temperature range from ,i.40 to
+240?C are reported. The width of the forbidden zone is determined from
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the position of the long-wave absorption band edge, which equals, for
finely dispersed layers, 1.5 ev, and for polycrystalline 1.25 ev at
290?K; the temperature coefficient of variation is, respectively,
-5.7?10 4 and -t~
-3.1?10 ev/degree. Computed from the value of tempera-
ture shift of interference extrema, the temperature coefficient of the
refraction index of finely dispersed layers equals: A n/A T e 6.3.10-
degree-1 at A - 1000 mmc, where n _ 3.8. The data indicate that in the
investigated temperature range from -140 to +1600C, A - n for the
absorption band edge of finely dispersed layers. The difference between
the "surface" and the "volume" refraction indexes was established. The
reasons for the temperature shift of the absorption band edge longwise at
rising temperature was ascribed to narrowing of the width of the for-
bidden zone.
ectroscopy and tics
260. Luminescence Quenching,
"`Eieory of Luminescence Quenching in Liquid Solutions," by
Yu..A. Kurskiy and A. S. Selivanenko; Leningrad, Optika i
?kektroskopiya, Vol 8, No 5, May 60, pp 643-650
Equations are derived, expressing the quenching of luminescence of
solutions. Extinction laws with allowance for Brownian movement of mole-
cules and resonance extinction are derived.
261. DeDoolaization of Phosphorescence
"Concentration of Depolarization of Phosphorescence of
O.rganoluminophors,''by P. I. Kudryashov and B. Ya.
Sveshnikov; Leningrad., OP161-ka i Spektroskopiya, Vol 8,
No 5, May 60, pp 651-65b
Concentrated depolarization of total glowing and phosphorescence of
boron-glycerin lumiriophors, activated by fluorescein at 20 to -186?C, was
investigated. It was shown that, first, the depolarization degree of a
narrow spectral section of phosphorescence does not vary during extinction
of after-glow; second, at room temperature, the concentration-depolarization
of the total glowing is less than the concentration depolarization of
phosphorescence; and., third., at low temperature, the concentration de--_
polarization of the phosphorescence is less than the concentration
depolarization of fluorescence.
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It was concluded that the transfer of excitation energy from a meta-
stable molecule to a molecule in normal state is impossible at the dis-
tances at which concentration depolarization of fluorescence is observed.
Experimental results at low temperatures are contradictory to modern
concepts on the mechanism of transition of a molecule into a phosphorescent
state and the mechanism of concentration depolarization of fluorescence,
while experimental results at room temperature are in agreement with these
262. Luminescence of Hydrocarbons
"Peculiarities of the Luminescence of Ortho-disubstituted
Aromatic Hydrocarbons. III. Fluorescence and Absorption
Spectra of Some Carboxylic Acids," by Yu. V. Naboykin,
B. A. Zadorozhnyy, and Ye. N. Pavlova; Leningrad, tika
i Spektroskopiya, Vol 8, No 5, may 60, pp 657-662
The effect of ionization, intermolecular hydrogen bonds, and the
formation of dimers on the electronic absorption spectra and fluorescence
of some substituted carboxylic acids was studied. Differences in lumines-
cence of 2.3- and 1.4-derivatives of naphthalene Tw!ere noticed. It was
shown tlin.t the variability of fluorescent bands is connected to structural
peculi?:u.:ities of the studied substances.
263. Thermal Luminescence of Phosphors
"Thermal Luminescence and Localized Levels of ZnS-Mn
Phosphors," by V. L. Levshin and V. F. Tunitskaya;
Leningrad, Optika i Spektroskopi a, Vol 8, No 5,
May 6o, pp 663-671
The structure, the filling, and the thermal emptying of trapping
levels of the cubic modification of ZnS-Mn phosphors were studied. The
variation of the level spectrum at increasing manganese concentration
and the relation of filling of the levels to the wave length of the
exciting light were investigated.
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264. Luminescence of CsI Crystals
"Luminescence of Nonactivated CsI Crystals," by Z. L.
Morgenshtern; Leningrad, OJptika i Spektroskopiya, Vol 8,
No 5, may 60, pp 672-678
Luminescence of nonactivated and activated CsI crystals excited by
gamma radiation was studied at room temperature and at the temperature
of boiling liquid nitrogen. It was shown that in the luminescence spectra
three types of emission are observed: ultraviolet, blue, and long-wave
(activating), pertaining to various glowing centers. The spectral
characteristics of the luminescence of these.crystals in all indicated
bands and, in particular, the dependence of luminescence yield on
temperature were studied. The problem of the origin of various bands
in the luminescence spectra of the studied crystals is analyzed.
265. Determination of Relaxation Time
"Development of the Method for Determination of the Relax
ation Time With the Use of a Spectrophone. II. Elimination
of Phase Shift bytle.Thstiument," by P. V. Slobodskaya and
Ye. S. Gasilevich; Leningrad, Optika i Spektroskopiya,
Vol 8, No 5, May 60, pp 678-685
The sources of systematic errors occurring in the determination of
relaxation time with a spectrophone are investigated. Various methods
of their elimination permitting the obtaining of absolute values of
relaxation time are described.
266. Scattering of Light
"Comparison of the Functions of Light Scattering by
Spherical Particles," by Yu. V. Maltsev; Leningrad,
Optika i Spektroskopiya,, Vol 8., No 5, May 60.,
pp 686-691
The accuracy and limits of applications of various generalized para-
meters are analyzed for a kind of graphic representation of the scattering
function in which the positions of the corresponding basic extrema of
various functions coincide. A new generalized parameter is suggested;
the application of which for the Computation of the position of the ex-
trema in the case of the usual construction of the function does not
require any knowledge of these functions. The functions of scattering,
constructed in relation to the new parameter, have an aspect convenient
for comparison.
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267. Light Guides
"Passage of Light Through Light Guides," by A. R. Daytch,
Yu. A. Tsirlin, and L. N. ParCamanik; Leningrad, Optika
i Spektroskopiya, Vol 8, No 5, may 60, pp 713-721
The passing of light through cylindrical light guides with mirror
walls is analyzed in geometric optics approximation. Transparency
coefficients for light guides with total reflection and with a reflecting
cover were computed. Light absorption in the raw material of the light
guide was taken under consideration. The relation of the transparency
coefficient to the dimensions of the light guide and the reflecting condi-
tions was clarified. Light guides of various types were compared.
268. Samples for Infrared Spectrometry
"Pressed Samples for Infrared Spectrometry," by V. S.
Akselrod; Leningrad, OOptika i Spektroskopiya, Vol 8,
No 5, May 60, pp 721-722
A method was devised for obtaining high quality pressed samples for
infrared spectrometry with a minimum absorption coefficient and minimum
scattering of the infrared beam. A vacuum press-form for compressing
powders into pellets, which improve the conditions for spectrometry in
infrared, is described.
269. Gas Behind a Shock Wave
"Spectral Investigation' of the State of a Gas Behind a
Shock Wave. II.," by F. S. Fayzullov, N. N. Sobolev,
and Ye. M. Kudryavtsev; Leningrad, Optika i Spektros-
ko_piya~ Vol 8, No 5, may 60, pp 585-593
A photoelectric method for measuring the gas temperature behind.a
shock wave was devised. The method is based on measurements of intensi-
ties of emission and absorption of spectral lines. The accuracy of the
method is discussed. The velocity of the shock wave was measured by
ionization and schlieren methods.
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270. K- Spectrum in Nj-Al ; lloys
"Investigation of the Basic K Absorption Edge of Nickel In
Alloys of the Ni=Al Type," by S. A. Nemnogov and M. F.
Sorokina, Institute of Physics of Metals, Academy-of Sci-
ences USSR; Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya
Fizicheskaya, Vol 24., No 4, Apr 60, pp 455-460
The work is a part of series of investigations concerning X-ray
analysis of alloys of first transition period metals with Al, Si, and
some other elements for the purpose of revealing the electron interaction
in them in relation to the defect in the 3d-shell of the transition ele-
ment and the vacancies of the second element. The comparison of results
obtained for the K-edge of Ni absorption in Ni-Al alloys with results of
the K-edge of the transition metal in systems Fe Al, Fe-Si, and Cr-Si
showed in all cases that with an increasing amount of the second element,
a similar variation of structure of the K-edge occurs, pointing to some
common atom interaction of the transition metal with Al or Si atoms of
these systems.
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