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I PB 1318911%4
1 April 1960
Distributed Only By
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Issued semi-monthly. Annual subscription $28.00 ($4 additional
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Use of funds for printing this publication approved
by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget July 31, 1958.
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This report presents unevaluated information extracted
from recently received publications of the USSR and Eastern
Europe. The information selected is intended to indicate
current scientific developements and activities and is
disseminated as an aid to research in the United States.
Table of Contents
I. Biology
II. Chemistry 4
Colloidal Chemistry
Fuels and Propellants
Industrial Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Nuclear Fuels and Reactor Construction Materials
Organic Chemistry
Radiation Chemistry
Acoustics and Audio Frequency
Instruur_nts and Equipment
Wave Propagation
IV. Engineering
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Aviation Medicine
Contagious Diseases
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Veterinary Medicine
VII. Metallurgy
VIII. Physics
Low Temperature Physics
Nuclear Physics
Theoretical and Experimental Physics
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1. Irradiation Stimulates Growth and Yield of Crops
"The Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Certain Vitamin-
Containing Crops," by G, I. Shchibrya, V. A. Yazykova,
L. P. Breslavets, and I. M. Berezina, Tr. Vses. N-I.
Vitamin. In-t, (Works of the AU-Union -c Sientif- is
Research Vitamin Institute), No 6, 1959, pp 184-189
(from Referativnyy Zhurn ]. -- Khimi;ya. Biologicheskaya
"Gamma, irradiation by small doses over a long period exerted a
stimulating effect on the growth and development of buckwheat; the yield
of green foliage increased 30-64 %, and the rutin reserve increased
15-28 %. X irradiation of dry carrot seeds by 2,000-4,000 r doses in-
creased the carrot yield by 14-26 %, and the carotene reserve, by
34-5? %."
2. Radioactive Treatment Intensifies Plant Growth and Speeds Bloomin ,
Fruition, and Ripening
"The Effect of Radioactive Isotopes on the Pigments of
Plastids Under Various Conditions of Plant Nutrition," by
P. A. Vlasyuk and 0. D. Kolomiets?; Vestnik Akademii Nauk
UkSSR, 1959,'No 6, pp 14-26 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal
Khimiya Biologicheskaya Khimi a No 2, 25 Jan 60, Abstract
No 1903, by V. Barun
"The application of radioactive phosphorus (F32, in doses amounting
to 10-50 microcuries per bushel of tea plants increases the amount of
the yellow pigmentation of the plants and (slightly) decreases the
chlorophyll a and b content. The efficacy of radiophosphorus action
does not depend on the type of tea plant. The age of the plant exerts
a significant effect, i*.e., the latent period of the p32 effect was
greater on 5-year-old than on 2-year.-old plants. The extra radical
treatment of tomato plants by p32, Zn65, and S35 in doses ranging from
one to 10 microcuries per plant has a positive effect on the synthesis
and the ratio of the pigments and increases the size of the plastids.
The ratio of carotene to xanthophyll and of chlorophyll a to chlorophyll
b is increased. The presowing treatment of the seeds of tomato plants
of the Chudo rynok" type by P32 (5 microcuries per kg), boron, and
manganese has a positive effect on the accumulation of all pigments in
plastids. Under the effect of P32, Zn65, and S35 plant growth is signi-
ficantly intensified, and the blooudng, fruition, and ripening of-to-
matoes is accelerated."
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3. Faetorr3 Regulating Radiostrontium Uptake and Concentration in Plants
"A Study of the Ratio of Strontium-90 ,and Calcium in Soil
and Plants," by Prof I. V. Gulyakin, Ye V. Yudintseva, Ya.
Neyberg and E. M. Ievina; Moscow, Izvestiya Timi azevskor
SelIskokhozyaystvennoy,Akademii, Vol 30, No 5, ep Oct 59,
pp 29-46
conducted to determine the mechanisms regulating the
accumulation and ratio of strontium 90 and calcium in plants (wheat,
peas, red beets) and potatoes).
Results of these experiments showed that the calcium concentration
differs in plants growing in different types of soil (sand, loam, and
chernozem) but it is almost identical in plants growing in similar types
of soil; however, the ratio of strontium to calcium in plants differs
because theplant tpt of strontium 90 depends,on_the concentration of strontium
90 to the calcium in the soil, on the type of soil, and on other factors.
it.. Oxidation-Reduction Changes Induced in Potato Plants b X Irradia-
"Change of Oxidation-Reduction Potential in Potato Plants
Under the Effect of X Irradiation," by I. M. Vasil'yev
and 0. I. Parfenova, Dokl. AN SSSR, Vol 125, No 2, 1959,
pp 401-403 (from Referati Zhurnal -- Khimi. a Biolo i-
ch__ epkaya Khimi a No 2 4., 25 Dec 59, Abstract No 32117.,; by
Udove io)
"The Eh (oxidation reduction potential) value of potato plants,
was determined in vivo following X. irradiation by 3,000 r doses. It
was found that the Eh value substantially rises at the beginning of
irradiation, greatly fluctuates during irradiation, and steadily falls
even before the termination of irradiation, thus often reaching the
original level."
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5? Ionizing Radiation Effects on Potato Oxidative Enzymes
"The Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Oxidative Enzymes
of Potato Tubers," by B. A. Rubin and A. V. Mikheyeva,
Biokhimiya Plodov i Ovoshchey (Biochemistky of Fruits
and Vegetables y; No 5, M., AN SSSR, 1959) pp 102-112
(from Referativn Zhurnal -- Khi a Biolo icheska a
Kimiya, No 2, 25 Jan 0, Abstract No 2019, by K.
"Potato tubers were subjected to gamma irradiation, and the changes
in the activity of oxidative enzymes isolated from mitochondria were
studied. The irradiation dose was 10 kr (this dose is necessary to in-
hibit germination). Tests were conducted..Py using mitochondria of the
pulp and eyes. The activity of polyphenoloxidase, peroxidase, and.
cytochromeoxidase was determined. It was explained that the nature of
the radiation effect depends on the type of tissue and its physiological
composition. The meristem was especially sensitive.- First, ionizing
radiation acts on the oxidative enzymes which +are' located in.. the
mitochondria of the eyes. The activity of polyphenoloxidase diminished
by approximately one/third. The activity of perocidaae_in two of three
different experiments decreased to one half; but in the third experiment
it increased by a factor of 1.5. The activity of cytochrome-oxidasg
rose 1.5-2.0 times in two of three experiments, but in the third it
decreased by a factor of 2.5. The activity of cytochromeoxidase changed
in the opposite direction from the change in polyphenoloxidase and
peroxidase activity, probably because ionizing radiation causes desorp-
tion of the enzymes from the structure of the mitochondria into the
plasma. It is possible that the germination inhibition, of the tubers
and the disturbances in their 3rital activities are linked to structural
changes in the mitochondria. This theory is substantiated by scientists
investigating changes in phospholipids and nucleic acids subjected to
irradiation effects."
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Colloidal Chemistry
6. Review of Book by E. M. Natanson on Colloidal Metals
Kolloidnyye Metal (Colloidal Metals), by E. M..*Natanson,
reviewed by F. T. Ovcharenko, Corresponding Member, Academy
of Sciences Ukrainian SSR; Kiev, Ukrainskiy Khimicheskiy
Zhurnal, Vol 25, No 6, Dec 59, p 013
Introduction of new technical methods and automatic procedures into
different fields of the national economy necessitates the production
of colloidal metals. Colloidal metals are particularly important in
the construction of instruments, radio engineering, radar techniques,
electrical engineering, and machine building. Under the circumstances,
the publication of Natanson's book by the Publishing House of the
Academy of Sciences Ukrainian S$R (the book must be
regarded as timely. In this book, the results of research conducted by
the author during many years are reported.
The first part of the 347-page book deals with the theoretical
aspects of the formation of colloidal metal particles under different
conditions and subjects to a critical review the available methods for
the preparation of metal sols..
The second and third parts of the book report results of original
investigations carried out by the author, who conducted work on the
development of new methods for the preparation of colloidal metals, in-
vestigated the properties of colloidal metals, and carried out investi-
gations aimed at clarification of the mechanism by which the stability
of colloidal metals is modified in the presence of high-molecular com-
pounds. New methods for the preparation of colloidal- metals, i.e., the
electrolytic, flotation, and displacement methods, are discussed in
These methods, which are distinguished by great simplicity, can be
readily applied in technology oii a large scale. They make it possible
to produce highly concentrated metal sols. The most extensive infor-
mation is given on the electrolytic method for the preparation of
colloidal metals. Results of investigations of dispersed phases of
organosols of metals by the electron-microscopic and X-ray diffraction
methods are reported in this part of the book. New ideas regarding
the mechanism of processes which affect the stability of metal sols in
the presence of high-molecular compounds are developed.
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The fourth part of the book discusses in detail ways of applying
lisperse phases formed by metal sols as catalysts in hydrogenation and
reduction processes to which organic compounds are subjected in the
liquid phase and in connection with the combustion of liquid fuels; the
use of colloidal metals as pyrophoric, antidetonation, and antifriction
materials; and their application as initial raw material in the pro-
duction of materials which have magnetic as well as dielectric proper-
ties [ferrite:], of permanent magnets, and of other important products
manufactured by powder metallurgy methods.
Information is also given on the therapeutic properties of a
number of metal cols. An extensive bibliography consisting of 450
references is contained in the book. The book is written~in a,,popular
manner so that it will be understandable to many readers who are not
specialists in the field of colloidal chemistry. It has some short-
comings, among which is lack of a detailed description of methods for
the preparation and concentration of some.??metal.hydrosols. In Chapter
6, which deals with procedures for the displacement of metals from
nonaqueous solutions, information is given only on the formation of
copper organosols. The book reviewed io an extensive monograph which
summarizes and organizes from a scientific standpoint the results of
many investigations carried out by the author and other researchers in
the field of colloidal metals. Natanson's work is the first book of
this type that has been published; no books covering this range of
subjects have appeared outside the USSR.
Fuels and Propellants
7. Hungarian Astronautics Article Mentions Rocket Fuels Containing
"The Technology of Space Navigation," by Erno Nagy, me-,
chanical engineer and secretary of the Astronautics Depart-
ment of the Federation of Technical and Scientific Associ-
ations (MPESZ Asztronautikai Szakosztalya); Budapest,
Technika, Jan 60, pp 6-7
Two full newspaper pages describe 13 engineering problem areas
associated with current rocket experiments -- borane fuels, atomic
rockets, isotope cells, magnetohydrodynamics, "minitrack" systems, etc.
All photographs and the few source identifications are of Western,
origin. The author writes: " not want to talk here about Beryl-
lium or about the metallic fuels in general because the experimental
results made public so far do not give a complete picture. The dis-
sociation relationships, primarily, are not clear; and the actual, final
energy balance of a fuel mixture, which may be theoretically promising,
- 5 -
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is determined to a significant degree by the dissociation reactions and
by the losses connected with them.... An investigation of metallic
boron has already -begun but we cannot speak in detail about propellants
consisting of boron plus oxygen for the same reasons as those given for
beryllium above...." However, the author does discuss the characteristics
of borane fuels (B2H6, B5H9, and B114) and mentions the "American
HEF-2 and HEF-3 special gas turbine fuels."
[SIR Note: By referring to dissociation reactions, the author
presumably wants to convey the idea that the heat of evaporation of a
metal used as a fuel or the energy required for the decomposition of an
organometallic compound must be considered.]
Industrial Chemistry
8. Electrochemical Characteristics of Ion-Exchange Membranes
"The Electrochemical Characteristics of Lori-Echnge mem-
branes," by Ye. A. Materova and F. A. Belinskaya; Leningrad,
Vestnik Ieningradskogo Universiteta Seriya Fiziki i
Vol 14, No 22, Oct 59, pp 112-120
Ion-exchange membranes which are permeable only to ions with a posi-
tive or a negative charge and do not transmit ions with the opposite
charge can be used as revepsible electrodes, in electrodialysis (for
instance, electrodialysis for the desalting of water), for the-purifi-
cation of sugar from electrolytes, in the coacantration of radioactive-
impurities., in 'the production of some pure reagentL, and for other
applications. 'Several met3rods for the production(of such membranes from
ion-exchange resins have now been worked out. Depend;,ng on the method
by which it has been preparede a membrane'?'can be homogeneous or
nonhomogeneous. Homogenous membranes are produced by bringing to com-
pletion the synthesis of ion-exchange resins in special molds. Nonhomo-
geneous ^iembranes are produced by pressing or rolling a finely powdered
ion-exchange resin together with a binder (e. g., rubber, polyethy~eue,
polvin yl chloride) . To evaluate the performance, of ion-exchange mem-
branes, one must know the electrochemical characteristics (membrane
potential, electrical conductivity, and transfer number for different
ions) of the ion-exchange resins composing them in addition to the
chemical nature of the resin and its mechanical and colloidal properties.
Cation-exchange nonhomoge'neous membranes (made of SBS, SDV, RF, KM,
and KNG resins) and anion-exchange nonhomogeneous membranes (containing
EDE-10 or AV-16 resin) wre' investigated from this standpoint. It was
established that the selectivity of membranes toward cations- tor anions
depends on the type of resin used, the content of the reti,in if the
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membrane, and the nature and concentration of the electrolyte which is
in contact with the membrane. It was found that membranes made of USSR
sulfonated resins are not inferior to membranes manufactured abroad
(Amberplex S.J. -?and Amberplex A-1) as far as selectivity is concerned.
It was established that membranes containing the sulfonated cation-
exchangers SBS (40-.70% of ion-exchange resin) and SDV (50% of resin)
are ideally suited for applications requiring maximum selectivity. toward
cations in acid solutions (their application results in separation of
the cations in question with a 100% current yield); the anion-exchange
membranes containing the resins EDEN,10 (50% of resin) and AV-16 (60%
of resin) exhibited a somewhat lower selectivity toward animas (97-99%).
The experiments which were conducted showed that membranes containing
sulfonated resins and the anion-exchanger EDE~10 can be used to advan-
tage in the electrodialytic purification of solutions from electrolytes.
9? Work On Magnetic Treatment of Water in USSR
"The Magnetic Treatment of Water," by N. Iapotyshkina,
Candidate of Technical Sciences; Moscow, Pro shlenno-
E'konoirn oheskaya GazetA, Vol 5, No 21 (629 , 19 Feb 6o-, p 11.7
The magnetic method of treating water, which has been described
before in ProWshlenno-Ekonomicheskaya Gazeta is very simple to apply
and operational costs are low. The water is passed at a definite rate
of flow through a magtic field produced by a simple device.
Investigation of the magnetic method was begun in the USSR in 1958.
The VNITI(All-Union Scientific Research Heat Technology Institute) has
designed two magnetic devices for the treatment of water with outputs
of one and 50 cubic meters of processed water per hour, respectively.
At approximately the same time, the Alma-Ata Plant of Heavy Machine
Building designed an electromagnetic device which produces 11 cubic meters
of processed water per hour.
Experiments have shown that the chemical composition of the water
which has passed through the magnetic field of the device is almost un-
changed. However, the scale derided from this water is not deposited
as a solid coating on the surface being heated, but in. the form of a
sludge or of dispersed particles which do not adhere to the walls of
the heat exchanger.[the walls through which heat transfer takes place].
The reasons for this have not been established definitely. One may
assume that under the effect -of, the magnetic field a change in the mutual
spatial arrangement of the ions of dissolved substances and the' dipoles
formed by water molecules takes place. As a result, the electrostatic
interaction between particles is weakened and the structure of the solu-
tion changes, with the result,that the scale precipitates in the form
of a sludge. The new process of water treatment is still in the initial
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stage- of investigation. From the practical standpoint, it has been
established that feed water for law-pressure boilers of the locomobile
and Shukhov or Shukhov-Berlin types can be treated by this method. To
feed these 'boilers, water containing 240-300 mg of salts per liter is
used. The intensity of the magnetic field produced by the device must
be no lower than 1,000 oersted and the rate of flow should be no higher
than one meter per second. The devices designed by VNITI'and by the
Alma-Ata plant satisfy these requirements. If the devices are used for
the treatment of water with a hIgher salt content, scale cannot be com-
pletely eliminated: only the rate of Its formation is reduced.
When water treated by the magmatic method is applied in boilers, a
rigid schedule of blowing out the boilers must be observed. Quantitar'
tively, 4.5 -- 5% by volume of the feed water must be blown out. If
magnetically treated water is fed into a boiler contaminated with scale,
the quantity of water that is blown out must be doubled. This is ne-
cessary so that the old scale be removed. The old scale which has al-
ready formed will be gradually removed from the heating surfaces as a
result of the action of treated water that comes into contact with the
The magnetic method of treating water is inferior to the chemical
methods. However, magnetic devices can be applied to advantage in
small boiler rooms, where the chemical treatment of water entails dif-
ficulties. It is obvious that after appropriate investigations have
been carried out, it will be possible to apply the, magnetic method for
the prevention of scaling in different types of water preheaters and
also for the elimination of scale in the tubes of steam turbine con-
Inorganic Chemistry
10. Vapor Tension of Beryllium Fluoride
"The Tension of Saturated Vapor of Beryllium Fluoride,"
by N. E. Khandamirova, A. M. Yevseyev, G. V. Pozharskaya,
Ya. A. Borisov, A. N. Nesmeyanav, and Ya. I. Gersimov,
Moscow.-State University; Moscow, Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy
Khimii, Vol 4, No 10, Oct 59, pp 2192-2195
The vapor tensions of beryllium fluoride were determined at the
temperatures of 81+6-949.5?x. The heat of sublimation of this salt at
0?IC was calculated and., found to be equal to 56.64 kilocalories per mol.
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U. Vapor Tension of Aluminum Fluoride
"The Vapor Tension of Aluminum Fluoride," by A. M. Yevseyev,
G. V. Pozharskaya, A. N. Nesmeyanov, and Ya. I. Gersimov;
Moscow, Zhurnal Neorganichesk9y Khimii Vol 4, No 10,
Oct 59, PP 2196-2197
The vapor tension of aluminum fluoride at the temperatures of
980-1,123? absolute was determined by Knudsen's method. The dependence
of the vapor tension on the temperature was determined and plotted in
the coordinate system log P- 1/T. The heat of sublimation of aluminum
fluoride at absolute zero was calculated and found to be equal to 73.46
kilocalories per mol.
12. Vapor Tension of Lithium Fluoride
"The Vapor Pressure of Lithium Fluoride," by A. N. Yevseyev,.
G. V. Pozharskaya, A. N. Nesmeyanov, and Ya. I. Gerasimov,
Moscow State University; Moscow, Zhurnal Neorganiche skoy.
Khimii, Vol 4, No 10, Oct 59, PP 2109-2191
The vapor tension of saturated vapor of lithium fluoride in equili-
brium with solid lithium fluoride was determined at temperatures in the
rangd of 926-1,052.5 degrees K. From the results obtained, the depen-
dence of vapor tension of free lithium fluoride on the temperature was
determined. By extrapolating to absolute zero, the heat of sublimation
of lithium fluoride at absolute zero was calculated. This heat of sub-
limation was found to be 60.74 ?. 0.17 kilocalories per mol.
13. Coordination Compounds of Rhenium With Organic Amines
"Compounds of HReC14 With Some Organic Amines and Thermal
Decomposition of These Compounds," by Mao Ch'ing-sheng
and V. G. Tronev; Moscow, Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Khimii
Vol 4, No 12, Dec 59, pp 2b34-203b
The compounds Am.HReC14 were synthesized, where. Am . Py, C2H5NH2,
(C2Ii5)2NH, or (C2H5)3N. Their thermal stability was compared with that
of compounds of the formula McReC14, where Me c NH4, Rb, ' or Cs. It was
established that the two classes of compounds are similar in structure
and thermal stability, which indicates that the amines are present In
the form of cations and do not enter'into the inner sphere of the com-
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Books on Refractory_ Compounds and High-Melting Metals Announced by
Publishing House of Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR
"Pu'blications in the Field of Chemical Sciences To Be Issued
by the Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences,Ukrainian
SSR in 1960," by R. L. Imes; Kiev, Ukrainskiy Khimicheskiy
Zhurnal Vol 25, No 6, Dec 59, pp 814-715
Trudy Seminars o Zharost m Materialam (Works of the Seminar on
Refractory Materials , a collection of article s published by members
of the Institute of Powder Metallurgy, Cermets, and Special Alloys of
the Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, deals with the physical proper-
ties of and technology of the production of high-melting metals and
metal-like compounds formed by these metals with boron, carbon, nitrogen,
and silicon. The information published in this book on the absorption
and emission spectra of niobium and chromium compounds, the processes
of simultaneous diffusion of two elements into metals, and results-
obtained in the phenomenological investigation of physical properties
of metal-like phases can be used by persons who specialize in work on
high-melting metals and their. compounds and in the fields of powder
metallurgy, electronics, machine building, and the science of metals.
The collection of articles also gives information on fundamentals of
the production of metal powders and products made of rare metals as
well as high-melting compounds for applications in different fields of
present-day technology. Individual problems of the powder metallurgy
of common metals and alloys are also discussed.
The book limicheskaya Sto kost' i Metody Anali'za hgoplavkikh
Soyevineniy (The Chemical Stability of High-Melting Compounds and
Methods for Their Analysis),, which has been compiled by worriers ' at the
Institute of Powder Metallurgy, Cermets, and Special Alloys of the
Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, systematically treats a considerable
volume of data pertaining to the investigation of the chemical stability
of and methods for the analysis of different high-melting compounds,
such as nitrides, borides, carbides, end silicides. Results are re-
ported which were obtained in investigations of the chemical stability
and work on methods for the analysis of the compounds in question.
The information in question is of particular value to persons active
at analytical chemical laboratories of scientific research institutes
and industrial plants.
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15? Determination of Boron in Metal Borides
"Determination of Boron in the Borides of Some Metals,!' byA.
T. Pilipenko and L. N.. Kugay, Institute of Powder Metal;
lurgy, Cermets, and Special Alloys of the Academy of
Sciences Ukrainian SSR; Kiev, Ukrainski Kh~imicheskiy
Zhurnal, Vol 25, No 6, Nov/Dec 59, pp 706-76d
A method has been developed for the determination of boron in the
borides of titanium, zirconium, niobium, tantalum, chromium, tungsten,
molybdenum, nickel, and vanadium. Nickel boride is dissolved in nitric
acid. The other borides are decomposed and made soluble by melting
them with caustic glkali in iron or nickel crucibles. To separate ti-
tanium, zirconium, niobium, tantalum, chromium, and tungsten from the
boron, these metals are precipitated with barium carbonate. To separate
nickel, molybdenum, and vanadium from boron, extraction of the diethyl
dithiocarbonate complexes of these metals with chloroform is applied.
After the metals have been separated from the boron, the latter is
determined alkalimetrically in the presence of invert sugar or mannitol,
which convert boric acid into a stronger acid that can be titrated more
16. Derivative Of Aluminum Hydride Containing Chlorine
"Conditions Under Which a Derivative of Aluminum Hydride
Containing Chlorine Is Formed," by V. I. Mikheyeva, M. S.
Selivol;hina, and V. V. leonova; Moscow, Zhurnal Neor ani-
cheskoy :vol 4, No 11, Nov 59, pp 2 ,3 -2 ..2
It was established that the reaction of lithium hydride with the
ether adduct of aluminum chloride in an ethereal solution is very sen-
sitive to temperature changes and proceeds' either in the direction of
the formation of lithium aluminum hydride or that of a chloroderivative
of aluminum hydride depending on 'the temperature. By' separation of
products from ether solutions and plotting of curves showing the de-
pendence of the composition on the concentration of the reaction pro-
duct, it was confirmed that there is formation of a chlorine-containing
derivative of aluminum hydride that is unstable in the presence of an
excess of lithium hydride. The compound in question accumulates in
the ether solution in the temperature range of 4-120 when an effective
excess of aluminum chloride is established by adding this compound
rapidly to the ether suspension of. lithium hydride present in the form
of large particles. The composition of the solid compound containing
chlorine corresponds roughly to the formula Al Hn C13-n Et20. However,
there is a considerable fluctuation in the ratio of H:Cl and the sum of
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hydrogen and chlorine is somewhat lower than that which would correspond
to the formula. If the temperature is kept in the vicinity of 00 and
the reaction is carried out in.a suitable manner, lithium aluminum
hydride can be synthesized.
17? Method for Synthesis of Lithium Aluminum Hydride
"Concerning the Synthesis of Lithium Aluminum Hydride,"
by V. I. Mikheyeva, M. S. Selivokhina, and V. V. teonova;
Moscow, Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy I hindi, Vol 4, No 12,
Dec 59, pp 2705-2712
It was established in work done by the authors that when lithium
hydride is reacted with a solution of aluminum chloride in ether at
temperatures of 0-40, lithium aluminum hydride is obtained with a good
yield. The reaction proceeds without an induction period and pro-
longed agitation of the reaction mixture after introduction of the total
quantity of aluminum chloride is not necessary (cf. Zhurnal Neorgani-
cheskoy Khimii, Vol 4, No ll, Nov* 59,,pp 2436-2442). The investigation
described in this instance confirmed'this result and established the
most favorable temperature within the range from minus 12? C to plus
300 C for the synthesis of lithium aluminum hydride. Investigation
of the reaction of lithium hydride with the ether adduct of aluminum
chloride in ethereal solution in the temperature range of?minus 130
to plus 300 by a method involving the plotting of curves which express
the compositon of the liquid and solid phases at different stages of
the experiment indicated that the optimum conditions for the synthesis
of lithium aluminum hydride exist at temperatures between zero-and
plus 40.
The reaction then takes place without any induction period and
there is no blackening of the reaction mixture. An accelerated rate
of the addition of aluminum chloride, a low degree of dispersion of
lithium hydride, and employment of temperatures in the range of 5-12
degrees contribute to the accumulation in the ethereal solution of a
chlorine-containing derivative*of aluminum hydride. Further raising
of the temperature accelerates decomposition of this chloro-compound
with the separation of metallic aluminum. The results obtained con-
firm that it is best to carry out the synthesis at temperatures in
the range of 0-40.
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18. Effect of Hexachlorane on Crops
"Hygienic Evalu Ion of Food Crops Grown in Soil Treated
With Large Doses of Hexachlorane Used for the Control of
the Colorado Beetle," by N. M. Rusin, G. P. Andronova, 0.
I. Vasil'yeva, and I. N. Sapronova, Inform. Bul. Mosk.
n-i In-t Sanitarii, i Gigiyeny (Information nBBulletin of the
Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Sanitation and
Hygiene), 1958, No 21, 68-69 (from Referati Zhurnal --
Biologi, a, No 21, 10 Nov 59, Abstract No 954b2p by A.
"The toxic and organoleptic properties of potatoes and wheat grown
on different soils which were treated with large quantities of hexa-
chlorane before planting were studied. No pathophormological changes
in the internal organs and no modifications in the blood, picture and
cholinesterase activity were noted in mice, rats, and rabbits which
were fed the investigated products for a period of 10 months. The po-
tatoes acquired an unpleasant taste and could have been declared unfit
for consumption on sanitary inspection. The grain crops (wheat and
rye) acquired no foreign taste. Following the treatment of the soil
with hexEichlorane grain crops may be planted; the planting of potatoes,
however, should be delayed for the next 3-4 years."
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19. New Method for Concentration of Heavy Oxygen by Carbon Dioxide-
Bicarbonate Exchange Method '-"
"New Regults in the Application of Isotope Exchange Between CO2
and Co for the Separation of Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes," by
I. A. emiokhin, G. N. Parichenkov, and Yu. A. Zhurov, Moscow
State University; Moscow, Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, Vol 33,
No 11, Nov 59, pp,2633-2635
It is known from the literature that separation of carbon isotopes
by the bicarbonate method at atmospheric pressure is not very effective
because of the low solubility of carbon dioxide in aqueous solutions of
salts. The solubility of carbon dioxide can be increased by adding or-
ganic solvents to the aqueous solutions. In the experiments described,
5% of methyl alcohol and 5% of acetone by volume were added to a 20%
solution of potassium bicarbonate. When this solution was used, a higher
degree of enrichment of heavy oxygen was obtained with a suitable filling
of the column. Four different types of filling were investigated. Among
them activated carbon of the BAU grade was found to be best.
Nuclear Fuels and Reactor Construction Materials
20. Solubilities of Uranyl. Nitrate in Organic Solvents
on the P obllem of the S lob 1ity f Ur n 1 Nit ate in Or-
oovvnts " V. M. Vdo a so, G. uuovia ct D.
t~ ; Len1ngrad, , 01 1, N ~, De& 5y, p 6j7-641+
The mutual solubilities in the ternary systems uranyl nitrate- water-
a, - dichlorodiethyl ether and uranyl nitrate - water- ethyl ether
were determined in the region of to*a water concentrations at 250. The
relationships involved in the dissolution of uranyl nitrate and its hy-
drates in organic solvents of different types are discussed. The effects
of the properties of the molecules of the solvent and of the type of sol-
vation of uranyl nitrate in solution on its solubility are considered.
21. Dj.ffic_ tl y Soluble Uraniuir.. IIyporhosphite
"Investi.ratioxl of Difficultly Soluble Comppounds Formed by Ura-
niumWith Low-Valency Phosphorus Aci to ds ~i
anct p Nemkova; Lenin y V ? G : Itnya. inina
1P 665_ 7 grad, P. nl.r Vol ?1, No @, Dec 59,
onditions were established under which hypophosphites of hex-
avalent and tetravalent uranium are formed. Some properties of these
hypophosphites were investigated. It was established that a solution of
is-odiua hyponhosphite obtainer'. by the slow oxidation of yellow phosphorus
be tis, :d for the reduction and precipitation of uranium salts.
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22. Lkambes of Bivaaant Metals
"An Investigation in the Field of the Chemistry of Uranates of
Some Bivalent Elements," by Ye. A. Ippolitova, Yu. P. Simanov,
L. M. Kovba, G. P. Polunina, and T.A. Bereznikova; Leningrad,
Radiokhimiya, Vol 1, No 6, Dec 59, pp 66o-664
By applying the methods of thermographic and X-ray phase analysis,
the composition of uranates formed by elements of the II group of the
periodic system was investigated. These uranates were prepared by heat-
ing U 0 with oxides or carbonates of the elements in question. Some
propex2es of the uranates investigated (those of cadmium, zinc, beryllium,
strontium, calcium) and barium) are listed.
23. Investigation of Creep in Hot-Rolled Uranium
"Creep in Hot-Rolled Uranium," by G. YA. Sergeyev and A. M.
Kaptel'tsev; Moscow, Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 7, No 6, Dec 59,
PP 558-560
On the basis of the results obtained in the investigation described,
the creep of uranium was plotted as a function of the stress at different
temperatures. By using the curves in question, one can determine the
limits of creep at different temperatures. It was established that in
the lower range of the temperatures investigated., the 0',-phase of hot-
rolled uranium exhibits a noticeable rate of creep beginning with 400?.
This rate increases sharply with the temperature. The rate of creep of
uranium at 400? C is approximately ten times greater than that of common
steel and at 500? C, approximately 100-400 times greater.
24. Photocolorimetric Determination of Uranium
"Rapid Photometric Determination of Uranium With the Reagent
Arsenazo II," by V. I. Kuznetsov and S. B. Savvin;.Leningrad,
Radiok,himiya, Vol 1, No 5, Oct 59, PP 589-595
A method is described for the photocolorimetric determination of
uranium with the new reagent Arsenazo II. It is proposed that the masking
complex-forming agents Trilon B. sulfosalicylic acid, tartaric acid., and
aluminum fluoride be used for suppressing the reactions of other elements.
For the preliminary separation of uranium, extraction procedures were used
which involve the application of so-called low-melting extraction agents
(a mixture of paraffin wax and cyclohexanone was employed in this instant).
By using the procedures described, the time required for the analysis
could be shortened to a considerable extent.
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25? New Volumetric Method for Determination of Uranium
"A New Volumetric Method for the Determination of Uranium," V. G.
Goryushina and T. A. Archakova, State Scientific Research Institute
of Rare and Minor Metals; Moscow, Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, No 7,
July 59, pp 789-790
For all practical purposes, the only feasible way of determining
uranium volumetrically is by oxidimetry. However, many elements which ex-
hibit several valencies interfere with the determination of uranium in
this manner. After it had been established by R. Pribyl that uranium does
not form stable chelates with triton B, this sequestering agent was used
for increasing the degree of selectivity in procedures for the determina-
tion of uranium. Thus, gravimetric determination methods have been des-
cribed which are based on the precipitation of uranium with ammonia in
the presence of trilon B or precipitation of uranium with hydroxyquinoline
or phosphate in the presence of the same sequestering agent. The masking
effect of trilon is also being utilized in the separation of uranium from
other elements by precipitation or extraction methods. On the basis of
the results described, it is recommended to employ the masking effect pro-
duced by trilon for the determination of uranium by a volumetric method.
The principle is similar to that involved in a method that has been pro-
posed for the determination of beryllium and has been described earlier
(cf. V. G. Goryushina and T. A. Archakova, Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, Vol 22,
1956, P 532). After trilon B has been added uranium is precipitated with
arsenate. Iodometric titration of the As 04S- bound to the uranium fol-
26. Extraction of Metal Salts With Solutions of Benzoylacetone in Benzene
"Investigation of the Extraction of Metal Salts With Solutions
of Benzoylacetone in Benzene," by I. Stary, Laboratory of Radio-
chemistry, Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics,
Moscow State University; Moscow, Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Khimii,
vol 4, No 10, Oct 59, pp 2412-2413
The extraction of lanthanum, europium, scandium, and iron with solu-
tions of benzoylacetone in benzene was investigat le, TT52metag in ques59
tion were tagged with the radioactive isotopes La , Eu Sc , and Fe
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27. Preparation and Properties of Potassium Lanthanum Selenate
"The Preparation and Some Properties of Potassium Lanthanum
Selenate," by V. P. Shvedov, S. G. Strizhov, and Chin Tse-hou;
Leningrad, Radiokhimiya, Vol 1, No 5, Oct 59, pp 622-623
A crystalline compound formed by lanthanum selenate with potassium
selenate was prepared. It was established that the composition of this
compound corresponds to the formula KLe(SeO4) . xH 0. The solubility
of potassium lanthanum selenate was determined and Tound to be 1.524
grams per liter by the volumetric method and 1.553 grams per liter by
the radiometric method. It was established that potassium lanthanum
tellurate does not orm wade analogous conditions. It was furthermore
established that Pu C1. and Cep are almost completely coprecipitated
with potassium lanthanum selenate.
28. Determination of Association Constants of Complexes Formed by Some
Lanthanides With C tric Acid
"The Electric Mobility Method for the Determination of Dissoc-
iation Constants of Complex Compounds of Elements present at
Low Concentrations. Part 2. Determination of Constants of the
Formation of Complexes With Citric Acid by Some Lanthanides,"
by A. V. Stepanov and V. P. Shvedov; Leningrad, Radiokhimiya,
Vol 1, No 6, Dec 59, pp 668-673
It was found that on the basis of the mobilities of ions in an elec-
tric field, one may determine the successive constants of formation of
complexes by elements present in a state of high dilution. Formation of
complexes by La, Ce, Nd, Pm, and Eu in citric acid sol t_ions was t_udied.
The data obtained confirmed that the complexes [lit2] [HN~it2a ,
[H2MCit21 , and [H3MCit210 are formed in citric acid solutions in the pH
range of 2-3. The association constants of these complexes were determined.
29. Significance of Work on Coordination Compounds From Standpoint of
Progress of Seven-Year Plan
"The Eighth All-Union Conference on the Chemistry of Complex
Compounds," by Z. A. Sheka; Moscow, Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy
Khimii, Vol 4, No 11, Nov 59, pp 2647-2654
The Eighth All-Union Conference on the Chemistry of Complex Compounds
was held in May 1959 at Kiev. Six hundred chemists participated in the
conference, among them 300 from 27 cities of the USSR, and also from Czecho-
slovakia and Poland. Ninety-seven reports were presented and discussed
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at the conference. The tasks of research on coordination compounds in
connection with chemical problems involved in the current Seven-Year
Plan were discussed by V. I. Spitsyn, who pointed out the role played
by complex compounds in the production of semiconductors (ferromagnetics
and seignettoelectrics), radiochemistry, the production of pure metals
(extraction methods and chromatbgraphy), hydroelectrometallurgy, the
production of binders and cements, the preparation of catalysts for the
production of high polymers, and the application of sequestering (chelate-
forming) compounds for different purposes, including the softening of
water and the concentration of useful elements from ores,
The conference was subdivided into three sections. At the sectional
meetings papers were presented on the formation and behavior of complex
compounds in solutions, the structure and stability of complex compounds,
the preparation and properties of complexes formed by a number of metals
of the platinum group, cobalt, and rare and rare-earth elements, hetero-
polyacids, and the constitution and structure of crystalline coordination
It is planned to hold the Ninth Conference on the Chemistry of Com-
plex Compounds in 1962.
[For additional information on nuclear fuels and reactor construction
materials, see inorganic Cheinistry.I
Organic Chemistry
30. Synthesis c f
1~T, N-die thy.1- :' -ria ally f1-F-phenyleth~lamines
Investigation of Azn.:nes and Their Derivatives. Report 10.
Synthesis of N,N-&tethyl??/3-/3-dial1,-y/1-(3-phenylethylamines)" by
A. L. Mrdzhoyan and S. G. Agbalyan, Institute of Fine Organic
Chemistry, Academy of Sciences Armenian SSR; Yerevan, Izvestiya
A1s ademii Neatk Arm. enskoy SSR -Ybimicheskiye Nauki, Vol 12, No
1959, pp 369-374-
The purpose of this work was to study the effects of substi?tutents
at the /3 -carbon and nitrogen on the biological activity of /3 -
phenylethy3.amines. The synthesis of N,N?-diethyl-?,(3-diall:ylphenylethylamines,
previously not described, and. also of the intermediate N,N-diethylamides
of dialkylphenylacetic acids, was accomplished according to the scheme:
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R' R'
-C-COOH --> ell_-C, Cocl
.T{" R-I.
-y-C ,CH2-N C2H5
R' and R" ? CH3; C2H5; C3H7; C4H9.
The procedure used to obtain the amines can also be used to synthe-
size any primary, secondary, and tertiary /3,(3-dialkyl /3-phenylamine. .
Preliminary pharmacological testing of the hydrochlorides of the
amines, performed by I. S. Safrazbekyan, attests to their hypotensive
activity, according to the report. However, no pharmacological data
are presented.
Radiation Chemistry
31. Radiation-Chemical Method of Making Teflon Adhesive
"How to Make Teflon Adhere," by V. Chibrikin, Associate of Insti-
tute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow,
Znaniye - Sila, Vol 35, No 1, Jan 60, p 21
Teflon is so stable chemically that it cannot be cemented to any-
thing; no adhesive forms a stable bond to it. To make teflon adhere, one
must replace some of its fluorine atoms with atoms capable of forming a
union between the adhesive and the carbon skeleton of teflon. There are
many atoms which can replace fluorine; however, some of these atoms will
not form a stable bond with teflon. Whether they will or will not can be
established by using the method of electronic paramagnetic resonance.
The atoms of fluorine can be split off by exposing teflon?to the action
of radioactive particles. Together with the fluorine atom, one of the
electrons forming the electron pair of the bond that attaches the fluorine
to the polymer is removed. Investigation of the state of the remaining,
unpaired electron will indicate whether or not the newly introduced atom
replacing fluorine has formed a stable and lasting bond. What remains
to be done is to select a substituent atom which will make teflon com-
patible with the adhesive that has been chosen.
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32. Graft Polymerization on Irradiated Teflon
"Investigation of Graft Polymerization on Irradiated Teflon,"
by Z. A. Sinitsyna, Yu. D. Tsvetkov, Kh. S. Dagdasar'yan, and
V. V. Voyevodskiy, Corresponding Member of Academy of Sciences
USSR, Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences USSR,
and Institute of Physical Chemistry imeni L. Ya. Itarpov; Moscowt
Dokla y Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 129, No 3, 21 Nov 59, pp 631-634
By using the method of electronic paramagnetic resonance, it was es-
tablished at the Institute of Chemical Physics that radicals formed as a
result of irradiation of teflon with gamma rays in vacuum at low tempera.
? tures (e. g., that achieved, by cooling with} J4quid nitrogen) have a very
long half-life. Under the action of oxygen of the air they are trans-
formed into the peroxide radicals
0 - 0.
- CF2 Ck'' - C''2-
which remain unchanged for several months at room temperature. In the
work described in this .nstance,raft polymerization of methy1methacrylate
onto films consisting of irradiated teflon was carried out and the result-
ing films were investigated.
It was established that the thickness of the films has no effect on
the rate of polymerization, It follows. from' this that the rate of pcly-
merization is not determined by the velocity of diffusion of the monomer
through the teflon gel. Investigation by the. method of electronic para-
magnetic resonance of the dependence of the-ratio I/I0 on time (where Io
and I are intensities of the lines of absorption by the peroxide radical
before the beginning of polymerization and at the time of the measurement)
indicated that the reaction is one that can by described 1by an equation
of the first order with a constant of,2 x 10 seconds . As the concen-
tration of the peroxide radical decreases with time in the course of the
polymerization process, the. spectrum of another radical becomes more pro-
nounced. The newly-formed radical is apparently derived from polymethyl-
methacrylate. Calculations which have been carried out indicated that
under the experimental conditions in question,, not only polymethylmethacrylaee
radicals grafted to the initial polymer, but-also, free'.. polymethylmethacW3abe
radicals, have along half-life., The free polymethylmethacrylate radicals
bring about formation. of a . homopolymer . Homopolyt;,erization apparently
-takes place within, the , teflon .film.
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33. Tables for Identification of Radioactive Isotopes on Basis of the c(-
and i3- Radiation Emitted by Them
"Tables for the Identification of Analyzed a- and f - Activi-
ties," by A. A. Lbov and L. I. Sel'chenkov; Moscow, Atomnaya
Energ iya, Vol 7, No 6, Dec 59, pp 537-538 (four tables appended)
To facilitate the identification of the radioactivities of isotopes
on the basis of data published until 1958, tables have been compiled which
list all known (3- and- . ; Gr- radiation-emitting ,isotopes on the basis of
their half-lifes, the limiting energies.of the '8.-spectra, and the ener-
gies of Cr- particles. These -tables make it easy to locate isotopes with
a given half-life and given enemy of the radiation emitted by them. To
identify isotopes and activities, it is also advisable to use schemes of
radioactive decay.
31+. Some Properties of Lanthanum and Bismuth Radioisotopes
"Some Properties o -Carrier-Free Radioactive Isotopes of Lanthanum
and Bismuth in Aqueous Dionne Solutions'," by B. Z. Iofa, L. V.
Bobrov, and A., N...Ratov; Leningrad., Radipkhimiya, Vol 1, No 6,
Dec 59, pp 67L+7678
In an investigation of, the state in which .the radioisotopes LaJ40
and B1210 are, present ;in the absence. of carriers in aqueous dioxane
solutions, it was demonstrated that the reduction of the dielectric con-
stant of acidic or alkaline solutions increases the relative content of
colloidal radiolanthanum.. In neutral solutions, reduction of the dielec-
tric constant of the solution reduces the relative content of colloidal
35. Isolation of Strontium From Soil-and Determination of Sr9?
"A Method for the..S aratipn of Strontium From. Soil and the
Determination .of Sr " by V. K.. Zin'ov'yeva, M. I. Zhi3,kina,
V.,P. Shvedov, and, G.:V. Yakovieva; Leningrad Radiokhimiya
Voi::l;. No .5; Oct:.59, .pp..613-615.
.The. optimum conditions have been established for taking samples of
soil.and, isolating strontium from soils. A metho~0was developed for the
separation, purification, and determination of Sr
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This raper was presented at the All-Union Methods Conference on the
Determination of Small Quantities of Radioactive Substances in the En-
vironment, held 11-14 February 1958 at Leningrad under the auspices of
the Ministry of Health RFSFR and the Institute of Radiation Hygiene.
36. Determination of Radioactive Strontium in Water
"Determination of Radioactive Strontium in Water Samples," by
V. P. Shvedov, T. P. Makarova, L. M. Ivanova, and N. A. Pavlova;
Leningrad, Radiokhimiya. Vol 1, No 5, Oct 59, pp 616-618
A method is described for the determination of radioactive strontium
(Sr89 and Sr90) present as fallout in rain and snow.
This paper was presented at the A11-Union Methods Conference on the
Determination of Small quantities of Radioactive Substances in the Environ-
ment held 11-14 February 1958 at Leningrad.
37. Method for Depositing Thin Layers of Radioactive Substances on Or-
ganic Films
"An Electrocapillary Method for the Deposition of Thin Layers
of Radioactive Substances on Organic Films," by V. A. Gorodyskiy,
Yu. F. Romanov, A. V. Sorokina, and M. I. Yakunin, Radium Insti-
tute, Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Pribory i Tekhnika
Eksperimenta, No 5, Sep/Oct 59, pp 128-130
A method is described for obtaining thin and sufficiently uniform
layers of radioactive substances on organic films. The method is based
on sputtering of a solution from a capillary under the action of an
electric field. By using the method described, one can prepare by dep-
osition on films radiation sources' with a diameter up to 3 centimeters
and with a thickness of the deposited layer corresponding to one micro-
gram per square centimeter and higher. Deposition of thin and uniform
-layers of radioactive substances on organic films is very important for
applications in research in the fields of nuclear physics and radiochemistry.
[For additional information on radiochemistry see Nuclear Fuels and
Reactor Construction Materials.]
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Conference on Distillation To Be Held in October
"Announcement" (unsigned), Izvesti a ashikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy,
-- IOlimiya i Khlmicheskaya Tekhnologiya, Vol II, No 6_;__1_9397 p 975
"An Inter-Vuz (Higher Educational Institution) All-Union Conference
on the Theory and Practice of Distillation in the Chemical and Food In-
dustry will be held in October 1960 in the Kiev'Technological Institute
of the Food Industry.
"A broad discussion of the present etatuo of the theory of distilla-
tion, its application to various chemical and food industries, an&prob-
leme of design, construction, and automation of- distillation equipment
is proposed.
"The conference will note the trends for future development of the
distillation process in the chemical and food industry.
"The address for information is: Kiev-17, Vladimirskaya, 68, Tech-
nological Institute of the Food Industry, Organizational Committee of the
Conference on Distillation."
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Acoustics and Audio Frequency
39. Ultrasonic and Infrasonic Waves
"1,000-g Acceleration," by L. M. Brekhovskikh; Moscow,
Izobretatel' i Ratsionalizator, No 1, Jan 60, pp 19-20
Infrasonic waves are capable of traveling many thousand miles in
the atmosphere or under water and, for this reason, are utilized in de-
tection of nuclear explosions at great distances.
In the field of ultrasonics, oscillations of the order of 10 bil-
lion per sec were recently attained. At the Laboratory of Ultrasonics
of the Institute of Acoustics, Academy of Sciences USSR, under the direc-
tion of G. M. Sirotyuk, the world's rriost powerful ultrasonic "concentra-
tor" was designed; at its focus the pressure changes from +500 to -500
atmospheres at a rate of 500,000 times per sec. Here the particles
acquire a reciprocal motion with a maximum acceleration of about 1,000 g.
Under these conditions any living organisms are destroyed.
Ultrasonic installations will be capable in the future of purifing
the air of smoke, dust, and moisture. Ultrasonic waves can also be uti-
lized for detection of minute quantities of impurities in semiconductor
40. Ultrasonic Inspection
"Ultrasonic Visual Examination," by Sh. Achkinadze; Moscow,
Yunyy Tekhnik., No 1, Jan 60, pp 52-53
In Prof S. Ya. Sokolov's ultrasonic inspection device, an illumi-
nated surface of a liquid is utilized as a sonic-optical transducer. The
sonic energy forms..a visible relief image of any possible defects in the
examined object on the surface of the liquid. Such a relief on the liq-
uid surface can be..made more distinct by proper slanting illumination.
The students of S. Ya. Sokolov recently completed an ultrasonic de-
vice with several hundred ultrasonic radiators, which is intended for in-
spection of heavy plate in the process of rolling. .
A very promising future is predicted for ultrasonic inspection and
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41. Method for Matching Antenna With Transmission Line
"A Method for Matching an Antenna With the Feeder of a Multi-
trunk Radio-Relay Line," by V. I. Krutikov; Moscow, Radio-
tekhnika, No 11, Nov 59, pp 5-12
Accurate matching of the feeder wave guide with the antenna is
essential for efficient operation of a multitrunk radio-relay line. Ac-
cording to the Soviet technical specifications, the reflection factor
should not exceed 2.5% of the energy at the frequency designated for
each trunk.
A new matching method, as originally suggested by G. Z. Ayzenberg
and A. M. Model', which dispenses with the use of ferrite valves, was
tested experimentally. The watching system was tried on a three-trunk
line composed of a directional coupler and auxiliary wave-guide line with
attenuators and rejection filters. Each rejection filter is tuned to re-
ject fully the energy at frequencies of the specific trunk and to pass
the energy at the frequencies of the other trunks. As a consequence of
this study, new rejection filters, directional couplers, attenuators, and
matching components were developed incorporating 25 x 28-mm rectangular
wave guides. Each rejection filter consists of three sections each 3/4
wave-length (or multiple), which is capable of reflecting fully the en-
ergy at the frequency of the corresponding trunk.
42. Computers in Power Engineering
"Computers for Economical Distribution of Electric Power,"
by 0. R. Terno, 0. M. Pikkov, and Kh. M. Lelumees, Tallin
Polytechnic Institute; Moscow, Elektrichestvo, No 9, Sep 59,
pp 5-8
The Chair of Electrical Stations, Networks, and Systems of Tallin
Polytechnic institute has developed and built a computer for automatic
control of economical distribution of the effective load among the gen-
erating stations of the Estonenergo System. In the Estonenergo System,
the number of actually possible combinations of generating units with
different performance characteristics does not exceed ten. Therefore,
each simulating unit has ten required characteristic settings. The
changing characteristics of the station during the summer and winter
period are compensated by interchangeable nonlinear control units.
The computer estimates the power generated by each station with an
accuracy better than 4%.
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43. Recent aoviet Patents in Field of Communications
"Authorship Certificates" (unsigned article); Moscow, Elektrosvyaz',
No 1, Jan 60, p 80
Class 21a4, 15. No 118189. S. I. Tetal'baum. A Device for Feeding
the Plate Circuits of Radio Transmitters with Short-Duration Voltage
Class 21a4, 4601. No 74660. B. V. Braude. Dielectric Plane An-
Class 21a4, 4601. No 118193. V. M. Ginzburg. A Method for Swing-
ing the Antenna Directivity Pattern.
Class 21a4, 4686. No 118191. V. I. Peysikov and V. M. Ginzburg.
Wave Guide for Channeling of Fairly Short-Wave Energy.
Class 21a4, 48 o3. No 118444. G. B. Il'in. Device for Error Deter-
mination of Indicators in Radio Engineering Systems.
Class 21a4, 4805. No 79629. V. A. Krasil'nikov and K. L. Gurdin.
Phantastron Microsecond Meter.
Class 21a4, 4805. No 118186. S. I. Tetel'baum. Radio Receiver'for
Radar Stations.
Class 21a4, 4805. No 118196. V. M. Ginzburg. A Method for Wave-
Length Stabilization in a Waveguide.
Class 21a1, 48 5. No 118187. S. I. Tetel'baum and S. I. Katayev.
A Method for Short= eriod Change in Sensitivity of a Superheterodyne Re-
ceiver of a Radar Station.
Class 21a4, 4865. No 118188. S. I. Tetel'baum and S. I. Katayev.
Radio Receiver for Radar Installations.
Class 21a4, 4868. No 118314. I. A. Gak, M. Ye. Gertsenshteyn and
A. M. Pokras. A Coaxial Splitter With Controlled Coupling.''
Class 21a4, 4870. No 118190. S. I. Tetel'baum and M. V. Laufer.
Radar Indicating Device.
Class 21a4, 4875. No 118192. S. I. Teletl'baum. A Device for
Commutation of Several Electrical Circuits With Currents of Different
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Class 21a 1F) 49. No 70178. V. I. Zhitomirskiy. A Device for Multi-
plex Communication.
Class 21a4, 49. No. 118528. A. M. Polykovskiy. A Method for Syn-
chronous Multiplex Communication.
Class 21a1F, 60. No 118195. S. I. Tetel'baum. A Device for Ampli-
fying a Quasiplanar Wave.
Class 21a4, 71. No 118081. V. S. Ablyazov. Measuring Receiver for
Superhigh Frequencies.
Class 21a4, 71. No 118426. A. A. Vasil'yev. A Method for Measuring
Instantaneous Values of Frequency of Frequency-Modulated Oscillations.
Class 21a4, 71. No 118529. B. B. Lagov'yer.? A Device for Measuring
the Recovery Time of a Transmit-Receive Switch.
Class 21c, 4603, No 118072. Ya. G. Koblents and D. A. Yakovenko.
Time Relay.
Class 21c, 4701: No 118345. B. N. Sokolov, G. B. Davydov, and I. S.
Bakhtov. A Deivce for Transmitting Control Signals in a Facsimile System.
44. Soviet Computer Teaches Foreign Languages
"Foreign Language Instruction" (unsigned article); Budapest,
Nepszabadsag, 18 Feb 60, p 10
An electronic machine designed in the Gor'kiy Foreign Language Col-
lege (gorkiji idegennyelvu foiskola) gives foreign language instruction
and supervision. The principle by which the machine operates is identi-
cal with that for program controlled electronic computers.
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Instruments and Equipment
45. Results of Experiments With Ferrite Mixers
"Mixing Super high Frequencies With the Aid of Ferrites,"
by A. L. Mikaelyan and V. Ya. Anton'yants; Moscow, Radio-
tekhnika i Elektronika, Vol V, No 1, Jan 60, pp 90-].0
This report was presented at the Conference on Electronic Instru-
ments in Mexico on 23 June 1959.
The effect of electromagnetic oscillations of two nearby frequen-
cies on small samples of magnetized ferrite is examined.
The basic experimental apparatus, used to measure absorption of
oscillations in ferrite and voltage of the difference frequency, consists
of two klystrons connected to a common channel which terminates in a
short-circuited section containing the ferrite sample. Power is 're-
flected from the section through a high-directivity (40 db) coupler and
detector to a microammeter.
The voltage amplitude of the difference frequency, equal to 30 Mc in
the load circuit, is computed, and results are given of measurements of
this value for spheres of single crystal and polycrystalline ferrites
having diameters of 0.5 - 3.0 mm. Measured and computed values of voltage
of the difference frequency for single crystal samples are in good agree-
ment, but large discrepancies exist between measured and computed values
for polycrystalline samples. An attempt is made to explain the causes
of these discrepancies.
Also, results are given of investigations of different makes of
cylindrical ferrite samples. The smallest conversion losses obtained in
the experiments were 58 db for a heterodyne power of 50 milliwatts.
46. Results of Study of Parametrically Coupled Circuits
"Some Problems of the Theory of Parametric Amplifiers," by
V. I. Zubkov and Ya. A. Monosov; Moscow, Radiotekhnika i
Elektronika, Vol V, No 1, Jan 60, pp 75-89
Development of the theory of ferrite amplifiers has established cer-
tain similarities between the phenomena occurring in ferrite under the
influence of a pumping field and phenomena in parametrically coupled cir-
cuits. An analysis of parametrically coupled oscillatory systems,
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therefore, enables one to evaluate the feasibility of parametric excita-
tion of parasitic types of oscillations in a ferrite amplifier. Another
problem examined by the authors is the study of impedance introduced into
the pumping circuit; results of such a study may be used to compute the
characteristics of nonlinear phenomena in ferrite at a high power level
and superhigh frequency.
A characteristic equation is derived for determining the frequen#ee
of parametrically coupled circuits, coupled through a periodically chang-
ing inductive reactance. Curves are computed for changing frequencies of
parametric coupling during retuning of the frequency of one of the coupled
circuits, and the retuning zone in which parametric excitation of oscil-
lations occurs is determined.
The authors express their thanks to A. A. Pistol'kors and 'A. L.
Mikaelyan for assistance in the work
47. Millimicrosecond Pulse Generator
"Millimicrosecond Pulse Generator GMI-23," by V. S. Chilikin;
Moscow, Elektrosvyaz', No 1, Jan 60, pp 40-4+4
The author points out that the existing Soviet millimicrosecond
video-pulse generators are limited in their pulse repetition rate to
less than '10 kc (GI-4). The description of construction of a
millimicrosecond pulse generator capable of producing pulses of 20, 50,
and 100 millimicrosecond duration with a pulse-repetition rate from 10 kc
to 1.5 Mc is given in some detail. This millimicrosecond pulse generator
is designated as GMI-23 and is built on the principle of a blocking-
oscillator operating in a retarded regime with subsequent pulse shaping
by shock-excitation circuits.
The CM-23 pulse generator comprises the following units: a wide-
band input stage incorporating tube '6PIP, converter of sinusoidal vol-
tage into square pulses as a preliminary stage of pulse shaping, a pulse
forming stage built on the principle* of a blocking-oscillator with a
6N6P tube and operating in a retarded regime, several stages for forming
of millimicrosecond video pulses with the aid of type 6N6P tubes, an
intermediate separating stage built similarly to the video-pulse forming
stage,"a monitoring-display device built on the principle of peak volt-
meter with a 6N5P tube, and a power-supply unit. Triggering of the
pulse forming circuit is accomplished with the aid of an external source.
The device has an indicator for visual monitoring of the pulse shape.
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Since Soviet'industry does not produce instruments for measuring
the amplitude of millimicrosecond pulses for a wide range of pulse repe-
tition rates, a special indicator was built to check the performance of
the GMI-23 millimicrosecond pulse generator.
48. Experimental Study of Increased Absorption in Ferrites
"Experimental Investigation of Nonlinear Phenomena in Ferrites
at Superhigh Frequencies," by Ya. A. Monosov and A. V. Vashkov-
skiy; Moscow, Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol V, No 1, Jan 60,
pp 105-116
Results are given of an experimental study of increased absorption
in ferrites at high power levels in the 3-cm band, and the results are
compared with theory. Relationships are established between threshold
levels of superhigh frequency fields at which the nonlinear character-
istics originate and magnetic saturation, shape, and dimensions of the
ferrite sample.
From results of the experiment it is concluded that:
1. The threshold value of amplitude of the magnetic field hkr at
which expansion of the resonance line 1egins is in good agreement with
computed values only for very small samples of ferrite (spheres with a
diameter of approximately 0.5 mm). As the diameter of the sphere in-
creases, the value hkr decreases.
2. Threshold values of amplitude. of the magnetic field hpor at
which increased absorption occurs approximately agree with computed
3. The existence of separate peaks in the region of increased ab-
sorption is vertified by the experiment.
4. Threshold values, of amplitude of the magnetic field hp or
depend on the shape of the sample and magnetic saturation of
the ferrite but depend only slightly on dimensions of the sample.
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Investigations were carried out at the Institute of Radio Engineering
and Electronics of the Academy of Sciences with single crystals of ferrite
provided by the Institute of Crystallography of the Academy of Sciences
The authors express their appreciation to A. A. Pistol'kors and
V. M. Mikhaylov for their assistance.
49. Purification of Tellurium From Lead by Vacuum 'Distillation
"Determination of the Vapor Pressure of Solid Lead Telluride,"
by A. S. Pushinkin and A. V. Novoselova, Moscow State Univer-
sity; Moscow, Zhurnal Neor anicheskoy Khimii, Vol 4, No 12,
Dec 59, pp 2657-2660
Lead is one of the impurities contained in tellurium. Its contents
are of the order of tenth parts of one percent; the lead is apparently
present in the form of lead telluride. The vapor tensions of lead tellu-
ride were determined at low pressures to establish the possibilities of
purifying tellurium from lead by vacuum sublimation or distillation. In-
formation on the volatility of lead telluride is also of interest because
this substance exhibits photosensitivity in the infrared region; knowl-
edge of the temperature dependence of its vapor pressure would be useful
from the standpoint of establishing the best conditions for depositing
lead telluride films by evaporation. The vapor pressure of lead tellu-
ride was determined in the temperature range of-511-679?. It was found
that between 500-600? lead telluride is a relatively volatile substance
so that during the.process of sublimation, and particularly during the
distillation of tellurium in vacuum, it is capable of evaporating and
contaminating the condensed tellurium.
50. Investigation of Binary Oxide Systems by the Method of Specific Elec-
tric Resistance
"The Specific Electric Resistance in Binary Oxide Systems,"
by V. N. Yermenko and V. Ye. Listovnichiy, Institute of Pow-
der Metallurgy, Cermets, and Special Alloys, Academy of
Sciences Ukrainian SSR; Moscow, Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy
Khimii, Vol 4, No 11, No 59, pp 2544-2550
By using the bridge method, the specific electric resistance at tem-
peratures up to 1,0000 was measured in air in the systems MgO-NiO and
MgO-Ti 02. It was measured by the probe method in the system CuO-F203.
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The changes of the thermal EMF with the composition and temperature were
determined in the case of the system CuO-Fe203. On the'basis of the re-
sults obtained in the work described and work done by other investigators
it is concluded that the method of measuring electric resistance at high
temperatures (i. e., in the region of internal conduction), when applied
to oxide systems,'can be used only to establish the formation of chemical
compounds. It is not a sensitive method for determining phase boundaries.
51. Annual Report of Secretary of Department of Chemical Science, Academy
of Sciences USSR
"New Researci and Discoveries" (unsigned article); Moscow,
Izvestiya, Vol ' 43, , No 1+6, 24 Feb 60, p 4
In the annual report presented by Academician A. P. Vino.gradov, Act-
ing Academician-Secretary of the Department. of Chemical Science, it was
pointed out that among problems with which the institutes of *the depart-
ment are now conceried,' the problem of the chemistry of polymers, which
is of primary importance from. the economic standpoint, still retains its
predominance. During 1959 a certain?amount. of progress was made in the
field of polymers. Primary attention in the research conducted was paid
to the development of high-molecular. compounds exhibiting superior thermal
stability, mechanical strength, and elasticity.
New heat-resistant plastics and adhesives were synthesized at the
Institute of Organoelemental Compounds. At the Institutes of Chemical
Physics and of Petrochemical Synthesis, procedures for the production of
polypropylene and polyformaldehyde were brought to the stage of pilot-
plant experimental production.
Progress was made during 1,959 in the, synthesis of polymers exhibit-
ing semiconductor properties and the synthesis of inorganic polymers.
Interesting and promising work dealing with the role played by free radi-
cals in biological processes is being conducted at the Institute of Chemi-
cal Physics. New drugs and chemicals have been synthesized at the Insti-
tute of Organoelemental Compounds.
52. New Method of Applying Insulating Varnish
"High Quality," by V. Meshcheryakov; Moscow, prom shlenno-
Ekonomicheskaya Gazes Vol 5, No 19 (627), liieb 00,,p T~
Millions of meters of enameled copper and aluminum wire are used the USSR industry. To apply insulating enamel (varnish) to
.the wire at cable plants, complicated technological processes must be
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employed and cumbersome and expensive equipment is used. Installations
equipped with resistance furnaces for-drying the insulation. enamel use
a large amount of power but there is no assurance of a high quality of
the product when drying is done, by this method. After the solvent has
evaporated during the drying of the varnish, it must pass through the
varnish film, with the result that the latter becomes porous. This
lowers the dielectric strength of the insulation.
A group consisting of Prof G. Babat and the Engineers A. Gurevich
and Yu. Bur'yan developed an improved method for drying the varnish coat-
ing. This method is based on the induction principle. If a high-freque3ey
current is passed through two copper tubes (inductors) and -the wire is
placed between the two tubes, heating.9f the wire takes place because of
the eddy currents induced in it. By controlling the strength and frequency
of the current, the wire may be heated to any desired temperature.
At the Enamel Department of the Moskabel' (Moscow Cable) Plant, there
is already an experimental installation which operates on this principle.
The varnish is dried by the heat which is evolved in the coated copper
wire when this wire passes between the two inductor tubes. The design of-
the installation is such that one can observe visually the moving wire.
The motion,of the wire can be stopped at any moment,'which could not be
done in installations of the old?type because overheating of the varnish
film took place.
The quality of the product is greatly improved by applying the new
method, because the heat is supplied to the film from inside, i.e., it
flows outwardly in a radial direction from the heated conductor. For
this reason, the solvent evaporates without having to pass through any
barrier and no pores develop in the coating. It has bben established
that the dielectric strength of the insulating increased by a
factor of 1 1/2 when the neFi method is applied. There is also a consid-
erable-saving of copper per year per installation and an economy is
achieved because of a lower rate of use of electric power.
53? Characteristics of a Ferromagnetic
"Variation Principles in Determining the Main Characteristics
of a Ferromagnetic by the Calculetion of Its Hysteresis Loop,"
by V. I.? Skobeltsyn, Moscow, State University; Moscow, Dokla
Akademii Nauk SSR, Vol 130, No 5, Feb 60, pp 1012-101+
The mechanism of hysteresis is sufficiently studied by Ye. I. Kondor-
skiy (Z, 10, 420 (19!*))., particularly in. its starting region of shift-
ing of domain limits. A further development of the theory facilitates a
quantitative computation of the configuration of the whole hysteresis loop
and relates various characteristics of the. ferromagnetic to the shape of
the' loop. ,
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54. Analysis of, Processes in Ferrite Cores
"Analytical Investigation of Processes in Ferrite Components,"
by Ye. I. Klepfer and G. M. Tikhomirov; Novocherkassk,.'
Izvestiya V sshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeni Elektrotekhnika, No 12,
Dec' 59, pp 1.2-17
A theoretical method is presented for calculation of time required
for magnetic-polarity reversal in ferrite cores. To check the correct-
ness of this method-of calculation, an experimental determination of the
magnetic-polarity reversal time of the K-65 (7 X 4 X 2.1 mm) ferrite core
was carried out. In this experiment, the magnetic-polarity reversal was
induced with the aid of the pulse generator type 26-I.
The magnetic-polarity reversal time, as determined for ten selected
ferrite cores, was of the order of 1.9-2.0 microseconds. The experi-
mental results differed from the calculated -values by only 5-10%.
Thus it was concluded that the new calculation method is quite reli-
able in mathematical analysis of circuits with ferrite components which
are so often used in automation, telemechanics, and computer technology.
55. Absorption of Ultrasound
"Absorption of Ultrasound in Metals in a Magnetic Field," by
V. I. Gurevich, Institute of Semiconductors, Academy of
Sciences USSR; Moscow.. Zhurnal Eks erimental'noy i Teoretich-
eskoy Fiziki, Vol 29, No 6, Dec 59, pp 1680- 1 91
Absorption of ultrasound in a metal located in a strong magnetic
field is considered, the Larmor radius of the conductivity electrons
being much smaller than the wave length of the sound. Various limiting
cases corresponding to various relationships between thee two lengths
and the mean free path are investigated. The absorption coefficient is
calculated by simultaneously solving the kinetic equation and Maxwell
equations. It has been found that there are two absorptionj mechanisms
in a magnetic field. One of these, a deformation mechanism, leads to
absorption also in the absence of a magnetic field. The absorption co-
efficient in this, case can be expressed in terms of the deformation po-
tential, that is, *in terms of functions which determine the change in the
electron energy caused by the deformation. At experimentally attainable
ultrasound frequencies and in a strong magnetic field this relation is
found to be quite simple in a number of cases. With satisfactory accuracy
the magnitude of the deformation potential-can be estimated on the basis
of the absorption data.
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Induction absorption is due to electric fields which arise when the
conductor deformed by the sound wave crosses the magnetic lines of force.
Absorption is determined by the Joule heat generated by the currents cre-
ated by these fields. The induction absorption coefficient can be ex-
pressed in terms of certain combinations of the conductivity tensor com-
ponents, account in general being made of their time and spatial
dispersion and the dependence on H. The asymptotic value of the con-
ductivity tensor in a strong magnetic field with account of spatial
dispersion has been determined.
56. Anomalous, Conductivity Changes of Copper Suboxide Films at Low Tem
"Conductivity -Change,of Thin Copper Suboxide Films in the
Presence of Electrostatic Charge," by A. Deubner and F.
Schultz, First Physics Institute, Humboldt University,
Berlin; Leipzig, Atinalen der Physik, Vol 5, No 3/1+, 1960,
pp 113-128
A description is given of investigations of the change of conductiv-
ity of thin copper suboxide films in the presence of electrostatic charge
(field effect). Conductivity and field effect were measured in relation
to the conditions of production (oxygen pressure, temperature, cooling).
Whereas there is evidence of a previously reported relationship between
conductivity and the oxygen pressure of the preceding tempering, because
of the great divergence of individual samples, no proof can be given of
an influence on the field effect. The effect shows a strong dependence
on the ambient gas atmosphere. As expected, the entire film is strongly
influenced by the adsorption of various inpurity gases.
The field effect was studied under vacuum in the temperature range
of minus 56 to plus 30 degrees centigrade. At room temperature, the re-
sults agree satisfactorily with those of Zueckler (Z. Physik, 1369 1i0,
1953); at low temperatures, however, the application of of -an electrical
field is followed by an as yet unexplained behavior. Zueckler's
"freezing" of the aftereffect and presumed ionic migration at low tem-
peratures are discounted here; it was noticed that, at low temperatures,
a peculiar symmetry of the aftereffect (lack of dependence on the sign
of the charge) and an out of proportion growth with increasing field
strength occur.
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~Fo'~ aiona n ormation on materials, see Chemistry, Colloidal
Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Nuclear Fuels and Reactor Construction
Materials, and Radiation Chemistry.]
Wave Propagation
57. Nonlinear Theory in Study of Parametric Oscillations
"Nonlinear Theory of Ferrite Oscillators," by A. L. Mikaelyan;
Moscow, Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol V, No 1, 1960,
pp 46-58
The operation of superhigh frequency ferrite oscillators is based
on parametric phenomena -- the parameters of the ferrite, under the in-
fluence of a strong magnetic field, periodically change and create oscil-
lations. The problems of nonlinear theory, which may be use not only
to establish the conditions of excitation of parametric oscillations but
also to compute the amplitude of such oscillations under Steady-state
conditions, are examined in this work. Resonance characteristics are
computed for an electromagnetic-type oscillator and an analogy is made
between ferrite oscillators and related parametric systems in mechanics
and radio engineering.
This report was presented at the Jubilee Session of the Scientific-
Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Electrical Communications
imeni A. S. Popov on 12 June 1959.
Wave Diffraction on Ferrite Sphere
"Diffraction of Electromagnetic Waves on a Gyrotropic
Sphere in a Rectangular Wave Guide," by Hsu Yen-sheng;
Moscow, Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol V, No 1, 1960,
Pp 15-26
The author examines the problem of diffraction of electromagnetic
waves on a gyrotropic ferrite sphere located in a rectangular wave guide
in which only Hio waves are propagated. An expression is obtained first
for a plane wave propagated in an arbitrary direction through Debye po-
tentials, and, from this, an expression is derived for normal H10-type
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waves for cases where the direction of the permanent magnetic field is
parallel to the wide and to the narrow wall of the wave guide. Ampli-
tudes of waves reflected from the sphere are calculated and the problem
of excitation of a wave guide by a reflected wave is solved.
The author expresses his gratitude to A. A. Pistol'kors and A. L.
Mikaelyan for their advice and guidance.
59. Electrostatic Energy of Space Charge
"The Electrostatic Energy of a Space Charge," by 0. Emersleban,
Greifswald; Leipzig, Hochfrequenztechnik and Elektroakustik,
Vol 68, No 4, Nov 59, pp 111-11
The electrostatic potential energy f of a space charge consisting
of N homologous charges e,' arranged as in a region of a lattice with
lattice constant, a, amounts asymptotically, for large N. to f
U x (e2/a) N5/3, where the constant U' 1 is negligibly dependent on
the lattice type and the configuration of the space-charge cloud. If
E = N x e is the to a1 char g and d is a diameter of the space charge
region, then. = E21( 1~ x d~$"where the form factor 'i9' is somewhat
smaller than unity. Spherical, cubic, and tetrahedral regions of cubic
and tetrahedral-rhombohedral lattice types were computed. More exact
formulas are also derived.
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60. Secondary Flows in Convergent Nozzle
"Investigation of the Secondary Flows in a Convergent-Nozzle
Grid," by A. N. Rakhmanovich, Tr. Ufimsk. aviats. in-ta (Works
of the Ufa Aviation Institute), No , 195 , pp 21-41--(-from
Referativn Zhurnal -- Mashinostro eni e, No 22, 25 Nov 59,
Abstract No 5044-fl)
The article considers a physical model of the expansion of a bound-
ary layer, based on the idea of tapered lines of flow in a three-
dimensional boundary layer, and examines the nature of the velocity field.
Criteria are introduced for the flow stability in a curvilinear duct,
with secondary flows and the functional dependence of the velocity of
secondary fields taken into account. The model applies for elastic blades,
and flow is visualized by stroboscope' and flakes. The grid comprises a
combination of micronozzles.
61. Nonsymmetrical Correction Moments in Directional Gyroscope
"On the Influence of Nonsymmetrical Correction Moments and of
Friction Forces in the. Bearings of the Suspension of a Direc-
tional Gyroscope on Its Accuracy," by A. I. Korolev, Tr.
Leningr. in-t aviats priborstr. (Works of the Leningrad In-
stitute of Aviation Instrument Building), No 19, 1958,
pp 18-32.(from Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Mashinostro eni e,
No 22, 25 Nov 59, Abstract- No 9290
The study considers .a directional gyroscope with hysteretic hori-
zontal correction and nonsymme'trical moments of friction in the suspen-
sion bearings. The general formula is derived for the mean rate of depar-
ture of the gyroscope in the azimuthal plane, and the mean rate of
departure is computed for four individual cases. Experimentally obtained
curves are given for the change of the moments of friction and the mean
rate of departure of the gyroscope in the azimuthal plane.
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62. MRB 21/1818 Aerial Mapping Camera Developed by Zeiss, Jena
"The Aerial Mapping Camera MRB 21/1818 With High-Power Objec-
tive Pinatar 4/210, a New Aerophotographic Apparatus From VEB
Carl Zeiss Jena," by H. Schoelar, Jena; Berliny Vermessung-
stechnik, No 2, Feb 60, pp 27-32
A description, photographs, and drawings are given of the new aerial
mapping camera.
The modern computers available in Jena were used to speed the develop-
ment of the Pinatar 4/210 objective, an optical system consisting of ten
lenses, with a relative aperture ratio of 1:4, a focal length of 210 mil-
limeters, and almost free of distortion. The four shutter disks are
driven by an electric motor'at a maximum rate of 9,000 revolutions per
minute; the shutter speeds are continuously variable between 1/50 and
1/500 second with a 90-percent light efficiency, and between 1/100 and
1/1,000 second at over 80-percent light efficiency. The film used in the
cassette is unperforated, 20 centimeters wide and 120 meters long, and
has a square image format of 180 millimeters by 180 millimeters.
The MRB-S monitor is illustrated and described, and a performance
diagram is given for the MRB 21/1818 aerial mapping camera.
63. 1,500-Degree Tubular Furnace for Calibrating Thermocouples
"A Horizontal Furnace for Attaining Temperatures up to 1,500?
in an Air Combustion Space," by A. N. Gordov, G. A. Krakhmal'-
nikova, and N. N. Ergardt, Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta metrol.
(Works of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Me-
trology), No 35 (95), 1958, pp 92-94 (from Referativnyy
Zhurhal -- Mashinostroyenlye, No 22, 25 Nov 59, Abstract
No 934
The described furnace is intended for the calibration of platinum-
verses-platinum-rhodium thermocouples which operate up to 1,500 degrees
centigrade and for various studies at high temperatures. It is made up
of two coaxially positioned tubes of refractory material. The inside
tube, which constitutes the working chamber, is made of aluminum oxide;
the outside beryllium oxide tube is covered with a heating coil made of
molybdenum wire of about 2 square millimeters cross section. To guard
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against oxidation, the molybdenum heating coil is placed in a hermetically
sealed container and operates in a purified argon atmosphere under an ex-
cess pressure of 0.02 atmosphere (gauge). The heater capacity is 5 kilo-
watts. The furnace is supplied with 220 volts AC from the mains by means
of a controller which provides a smooth change of temperature in the
working space. A temperature of 1,500 degrees centigrade is reached in
2 hours. The furnace, together with its air operating space, which heats
up to 1,500 degrees centigrade, satisfies the requirements for the testing
of thermocouples in accordance with Instruction 163-54.
64. Ultrasonics for Measuring Depth of Surface Hardening
"On the Prospect of Using the Ultrasonic Method of Checking
Certain Technological Processes in Machine Building," by
N. N. Yegorov, Ul'trazvyk. pribory TsNIITMASh (Ultrasonic
Devices of the Central Scientific Research Institute of
Technology and Machine Building), Moscow, 1958, pp 30_140
(from Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Mashinostroyeniye, No 22,
25 Nov 59, Abstract No 92 10
A description is given of an ultrasonic method of determining the
depth of surface hardened layers of metals. It is shown that it is pos-
sible to measure a hardened layer of steel during heating with a high-
frequency current with a frequency of 2,500 cycles per second, as well
as during hardening by other methods. The ultrasonic method can be used
for measuring the depth of nitrided and cemented layers. In cast irons
with perlitic, perlitic-ferritic) and ferritic structure, it is possible
to determine the depth of the hardened zone and the distribution of
hardness with depth.
65. Twin-Chamber Dosimeter
"Instrument for Individual Dosimetric Control," by A. A.
Pavlov, I. M. Rozman, and K. G. Tsimmer, Sb: Issled. v obi.
dozimetrii ioniziruyushchikh izlucheniy (Collection of Arti-
cles: Research in the Area of the Dosimetry of Ionizing
Radiation), Moscow, 1957, Pp 115-120 (from Referativnyy
Zhurnal -- Mashinostroyeniye, No 22, 25 Nov 59, Abstract
No 92968)
A description is given of an instrument devised by the authors for
dosimetric control, based on the operational principle of the cathode
follower, and consisting of twin condensation chambers and an electro-
meter tube as a measuring device. The instrument provides measurements
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in two ranges of 0-350 milliroentgens and 0-5 roentgens. It is of satis-
factory mechanical stability, and the hermetically sealed chambers con-
siderably reduce the influence of climatic conditions at the time of use.
The measuring device guarantees the registration o' small charges. Sen-
sitivity tests conducted on the instrument with Co 0, and hermeticity
tests involving the measurement of the rate of leakage of charge in the
chambers of 95-percent relative humidity and 15 degrees centigrade,
showed an accuracy of plus-minue 10 milliroentgens for the first chamber
and plus-minus 200 milliroentgens for the second chamber; the rate of
leakage was found to be one and two microamperes per 24-hours for the
first and second chamber, respectively.
66. Unipolar Pulse Generator
"Commutator-Type Unipolar Pulse Generator," by I. S. Rogachev;
Novocherkassk, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy,
Elektromekhanika, No 12, Dec 59, Pp 88-95
The rotary generator of unipolar electric pulses is a new type of
electric machinery which came to prominence with the advent of electric
spark machining of metals. A commutator-type unipolar pulse generator,
as originally suggested by I. S. Rogachev, A. L. Livshits, L. D. Perchik,
and N. I. Borisenko, was developed at the Kharkov Polytechnic Institute
and consists of an alternating-pole magnetic circuit with narrow pole
pieces located either on the stator or rotor, and an armature with a
single-phase winding placed over narrow sections along the circumference
of the rotor or stator. The generated reverse-polarity pulses are recti-
fied with the aid of a commutator placed on the stator shaft; thus, the
whole unit becomes in reality a full- ave mechanical rectifier. The pulse
repetition rate for such a machine can be varied from 150 to 1,000 pulses
per sec with a pulse current of from 10 to 600 a. The pulse shape gener-
ated by this machine is close to a square form. The efficiency of the
commutator-type pulse generator is high, varying from 65 to 75%.
The simplicity of generator construction and its high efficiency
make this machine especially suitable for operation in the pulse-
repetition range of 150---1,000 pulses per sec.
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67. Electromagnetic Peak-Pulse Generators
"Electromagnetic Peak-Pulse Generators for Grid-Controlled
Ionic Devices," by 0. A. Mayevskiy and-V. P. Bondarenko;
Novocherkassk, Izvestiya V sshikh Uchebn kh Zavedeni ,
Elektomekhanika, No 12, Dec 59, pp 118-126
Peak-pulse generators, which convert the sinusoidal control wave-
form into a peaked=pulse with steep leading edge of the order of 30-40 v
per electrical degree, are now often used in modern grid-controlled sys-
tems of ionic power rectifiers. The description of an electromagnetic
peak-pulse generator (authorship certificate No 119239, 9 April 1958),
? in which the functions of a transformer and pulse-shaping device are
combined in one single electromagnetic apparatus, are given in this arti-
cle. The apparent power. consumption of the peak-pulse experimental model
was about 89 volt-amp. It is believed that the device can be further im-
proved and the power consumption lowered by 10-15 volt-amp.
Wide application of this type of peak-pulse generators in grid-
controlled modern rectifiers is anticipated in the near future. A com-
plete calculation schedule for such peak-pulse generators is given.
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68. Growth of Mixed Problem
"Concerning the Growth of a Mixed Problem in the Case of
Incompleteness of the Eigen Functions " by K. V. Brush-
linskiy; Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Sari a
Matematicheskaya, Vol 23, No 6,-N_ov_/Dec 59, PP 893-912
The mixed problem for the system of equations
A(X) +B(x)u
is considered with disintegrating boundary conditions. The solution is
found with the help of the Laplace transformation in terms of t. It is
proved that the growth of the solution as t approaches infinity is deter-
mined by the right boundaries of the spectrum of the operator
A d.X + B in spite of whether it has a complete system of
eigen functions or not.
69. Integrals Associated With Additive Problems
"Est!mation of Certain Integrals Associated With Additive Prob-
leys," by A. F. Lavrik; Leningrad, Vestni% Leningradskogo
Universiteta, seriya Matematiki, Mekhaniki J. Astronomii, Vol 19,
No 4, Oct/Dec 59, PP 5-12
During solution of additive problems by the method of trigonometric
sums, the segment [0, 11 is split into two sets of intervals, called the
fundamental intervals and the auxiliary intervals. Thereafter, the inte-
grals of the appropriate trigonometric sums, distributed on each of the
indicated sets, are investigated (see I. M.- Vinogradov, "Selected Works,"
Izd. AN SSSR, 1952).
However, the general method for estimating the integral by the prod-
uct of the auxiliary integrals (see Yu. V. Linnik, "Prime Numbers and
Powers of Two," Tr. Matem. in-ta im. V. A. Steklova, Vol 38, 1951, pp
152-169) for nonbinary additive problems is proved inconvenient when ap-
plied to the solution of problems of the binary additive type.
In connection with this, it is interesting to study that kind of
integral which is immediate for each integration of the range [0,"1].
That is the purpose of the present work.
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The following generalization of the prime-number law was obtained:
Let S( ,R N)=P N e 2 IT i ; 1 cS 0.
then f I S( 4 ,N) 1 2 d4 N + 0(N in (in N)
n N in 2 N /
The method used in the proof is a combination of the Vinogradov and Viggo
Brun methods.
70. Spectrum of Differential Operators
"Concerning the Spectrum of a Certain Class of Non-Self-Conjugate
Singular Differential Operators," by F. G. Maksudov; Baku, Izvest-
iya Akademii Nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR, Seriya Fiziko-Matematiches-
kikh i Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, No, Oct DeE59, pp 3-10
The spectrum of the operator L is invested whici, is encountered in
the following manner:
The differential expression
(Y) (po(x) Y(n)) (n) + (-1)n-1 (pl(x) y(n-1)) (n-1) + , .. + pn Y
is investigated
where p-1(x), pl(x), ... , pn-1(x are assumed to be measurable, locally
summable real functions, and pn(x) is assumed to be a measurable locally
summable complex function.
The set of functions of y on L2(_oo, 1- oo), for which the ,derivatives
up to the 2n-1 th order are absolutely continuous in each?finite interval
and j(y) E L2(_oo, + oo) is designated by D and the set of finite functions
from D will be designated by D'. The operator L' is introduced by the
equation L'y = j(y) for y e D' . The operator L is defined as the closure
of the operator L'.
It is assumed that po(x), pl(x), ... , p _ (x) exist and are bounded
on the entire real axis and that p0(x)~- 0, pl?x~ 0, ,.. , pn-2 > 0,
pn-1 3 1? It is also assumed that pn(x) = p(x) + q(x), where p(x) is a
real function bounded from below, and q(x) is a locally bounded and sum-
mable complex function satisfying the condition
lim q(x) = 0.
X1 -30 00
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~,perator j; rated by the differential equation y R 0 f
is designated by Lo.
IL is also assumed that Lo is a self -adjoint operator.
'hen L,y = Loy + q(x)y.
The following theorem is then proved:
Theorem I. The spectrum of the operator L consists of a certain
set of points on the positive half-axis and not more than a countable
set of complex points no limit of which lie on the positive half-axis.
It is further assumed that pn(x) = p(x) + iq(x), where p(x) real
function bounded from below, and that q(x) is a locally bounded and sum-
mable real function such that the following conditions are satisfied:
lim x) !/= .
p x C
x -, co
Also, po(x), pl(x), ... , pn(x) and Lo are to satisfy the previous conditions.
The following two theorems are then proved:
Theorem 2. If the operator L. has a discrete spectrum, then the
operator L also has a discrete spectrum.
Theorem 3. The necessary and sufficient conditions that an operator
L has a discrete spectrum are that for any sequence of nonintersecting
integrals ( Dk j the length f p(x) dx - oo
when the interval containing the length, Dk, approaches infinity.
jl. S ale M._trkov Processes Imated
"On the Imatation of the Simplest Markov Processes," by Yu.
N. 3hakhov; Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Seriya
Matematicheskaya, Vol 23, No 6) Nov/Dec 59, pp 815-822
A finite sequence of numbers is constructed which imitates a fi-
aIte homogeneous Markov chain in a certain sense. The Markov chain is
assumed to have stationary probability distributions with rational num-
bers as probabilities.
With the help of this sequence a construction is given for the
Markov normal to the sequence of numbers.
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72. Distribution of Remainders for Calculation Sir tems:;
"Concerning a General Property of Calculation System,,"
by A. 0. Gel'fond; Moscow, Isvesti a Akademii Nauk SSSR
Seriya Matematicheska a Vol 23, No 6, Nov/De c 59, PP
The distribution law of the remainders xn(d), for almost all a ,
0 Z cC z 1, is established for the expression
OC Elk
xa- 1
0 4 X n 4 6 , where the X n are
whole numbers, 1 G e , G not a whole number.
In addition, other problems for the xn are considered.
73. Periodic Solutions for Class of Nonlinear Iate -Differential
"Conditions for the Existence of Periodic ;Solut1ons.~ v:f'or, 9, " by Z. S. Tepikina, Dokl.
AN TadzhSSR, V'ol 1, Nc~ 3, 1958, ip 49-53 (from Referativn,
u:rna --I imiya. Biologicheskayra It1-Aimiya, No 2, 25 Jan 0,
Abstract No 2213, by- M. Tict,.rcvskiy)
"Raats were sub jec: te4i to the de.i.'l.y administration of Fe59 with their
food in doses eq,uue;l to 24,.45;.~des for a period of 5-6 days. The
radioisotope adzUnistrat_.on. in,=,eased the RNA content by a factor of 1.4
and decreased the RNA, : 3tivi,ty by a factor of 1.16. This inter-
nal irradiation disturbed the ;zctivity of the enzymes which participate
in RNA metabolism. The awl.-ho' su.fgc~;-;t, that the activity of RNase which
spl:Its RNA is inhibited to a 10 ?r:er d:-gree than the activity of the en-
zymes which parti.c:;rated in the synthesis of RNA., and consequently, the
RNA content is higher in the livers of irradiated animals than in those
of the control= . The de? :re - se in RNA specific activity is explained,
evidently, by the st nifi.cant. tihi.bition of other enz}ones, especially of
the RNA phosphorylating sys t F:rn . "
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10 . Beta-Irradiation Effects on Glycogen-Glucose Metabolism
"The Effect of Beta-Irradiation on the Glycogen Fraction of the
Liver," by G. Ye.'Adunts, Izyestiya Akademii_ Nauk armSSR, Biol N.,
Vol 12, No 4, 1959, pp 49-54 (from Referativn y Zhurnal--Khimiya,
Biologicheskaya IChimi ya, No 2, 25 Jan 60) Abstract No 2220, By M.
CPYRGHT Piotrovskiy)
"Radioactive phosphorus (p32) was administered subcutaneously to
rabbits of various ages, in amounts ranging front 20 to 30 'r,,:L;::?:~~+.~ri.^s per
kg of body weight; the glycogen content iri uiiu liver and the glucose level
in the blood were then determined after one, 2, 4, 6, and 12 hours. Some
of the experimental animals were sacrificed 24 and 48 hours after the ir-
radiation. It was found that the glycogen and phosphorus concentration
was approximately twice as high in the liver of adult as in the liver of
young animals. The distribution of glycogen and phosphorus differed in
the various sections of the liver lobes. Highest glycogen and phosphorus
concentration was noted in portions far from the portal system, the next
highest in the portions next to the portal system, and the lowest in the
intermediate portions. A sharp decrease in the glycogen content (by a
factor of 20-50 as compared with the controls) was noted 24 hours after
the administration of p32. Toward the 48-hour period) the glycogen con-
tent had gradually increased and approached the normal level. A decrease
in the liver glycogen level was not accompanied by a rise in the blood
glycogen level. It was noted that the simultaneous administration of p32
and insulin lead to a comparj~ively smaller decrease in liver glycogen
than the administration of P alone."
109. Blood Heparin Content During Radiation Sickness
"Blood Heparin Level in Experimental Radiation Sickness," by G.
G. Bazaz'yan, Vestn . Mock. Un-ta Ser _ Bi of v
,. x ochveved. Geol.
rte. (Herald of Moscow University, Biology, soil Science)
Geology, and Geography Series), No 1, 1959, pp 39-44 (from
Referativnyy Zhurn_qll --- y a. BiolQgieheskaya Khim ya,.. No 24,
C PYRG eC 59, p 99, Abstract No 32325) authors's resume)
"The author conducted experiments on white rats to study the ef-
fect of irradiation on the free blood heparin centent. It was shown
that d;zring radiation sickness, the blood heparin level remained at the
usual physiological level during all the stages of radiation injury."
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110. Radiation Protection by Thiourea Derivatives
"The Prot ectivg~ affect 0; C; rtaiq iyT ,ourea Derivatives Against
Radiation In ju y, by G. V. Anclreyenko, `V M. Fedoseyev, and
N. I. Sytina, Vestn. Moak. Un-ta, Ser. Biol., Pochvoved., Geol.
Geogr. (Herald of Moscow Univexsity,t Biology, Soil Science,
Geology, and Geography Series), No 4, 1958, pp 39-42 (from
Referativn Zhurnal--Kh:miya) Biol ,cheska a Khimiya, No 24,
25 Dec 59, p 157, Abstract No 32 1?, by I. El'man)
"Tests were conducted on white rats in an effort to study the protec-
tive effect of methylisothiourea, ethylisothiourea, u-propylisothiourea,
and n-butylisothiourea against radiation injury. After X irradiation by
650 r doses, a certain amount of protection (which was manifested by
greater number of surviving animals) and a more rapid restoration of blood
thromboplastic activity) was evident in the animals which had recieved,
before their irradiation, a 10-mg intramuscular dose of the first three
compounds mentioned above."
[For additional information on radiology, see Chemistry, Radio cheMIS127-1
111. Book on Treatment of Penetrating Gunshot Wounds Reviewed
O erativno a Lech .0 estrel'n kh Pronika hchikh Raneni
Zhivota v :.Voys ovum.Raypne,.Surgical.Treatment,of Penetrating .:
Abdominal Gunshot Wounds in a Military Rayon), by V. I. Paxmenov,
(on the Basis of Data of a Medical ]battalion and the Field Sur-
gioal Mobile Hospital During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945),,:Prof~V~i?T. Kolesov -(Leningrad); Moscow-Leningrad,
Vestnik Khirur ii, Vol 84, No 1, Jan 60, pp 147-111.8
The author treats fully and with knowledge the clinical picture,
course, and methods of therapy of penetrating abdominal gunshot wounds.
On the basis of personal experience and data he gathered, he stresses
the importance of the proper diagnosis of the different symptoms of pene-
trating gunshot wounds. He is'critical of the tendency to treat a
patient with a penetrating gunshot wound initially for shock. Shock and
internal hemorrhage incases of abdominal gunshot wounds occur simulta-
neously., and too much time spent on shock treatment before surgical in-
terference is performed may cause the death of.the patient. Shock'-treatmxt
and blood transfusion should be carried out on. the operating table, simL4-
taneously with surgical treatment, or a short time before surgery begins.
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He cites a number of cases which confirm the validity of his asser-
tions.' The book is written dr the basis of experience gained in observa-
tions of 1,463 patients with. penetrating abdominal gunshot wounds. One
shortcoming of the-book., the-reviewer writes, is the overemphasis on the
use of sulfanilamides, a viewpoint which reflects the period of the Great
Patriotic War, and is somewhat out of date at present. The reviewer also
feels that little attention is given to the problem of pain relief, a
problem which, according to the reviewer, deserves more comprehensive
treatmert than is given in the book. Notwithstanding these defects, the
book will be highly useful to clinicists, says the reviewer.
Veterinary Medicine
112. Standard Foot-and-Muth Disease Virus A Adgq~- it Y:" to Mouse Brain
"On the Problem of the Adaptation of the'Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Standard A Virus to the. Central Nervous System of the Mouse.
Report I: A Genetic ;r; ntez r ti6n. of? SyMtcm Changes," by
Anneliese Veckenstedt, FriedriciA Loeffler Institute, Riems;
Leipzig, Archiy fuer Rxaeriment(_,lle yeterinaermedivin-F Vol 13,
No 6, 1959, pp 1019-1053
In systematic investigations of the adaptation of the Standard A
virus of foot-and-mouth disease to the central nervous system of the mouse,
a study was made of the gradual trausformat.ion of the original virus into
a neurotropic virus.
The adaptation takes-place in three phases: In contrast to prevloue.y
held concepts, the intracranial inoculation of 3-7-week-old mice with
standard A &'uinea.'pig virus. leads to the development of clinical phenomena
resembling myositis which are specific for foot-and-mouth disease. The
initial phase is characterized essentially by the appearance of the myositic
form of the symptoms of foot-and-mouth disease. Also characteristic is
the fact that 'the infection- titer does not, increase immediately, i.e.2
directly with the of the mouse-brain passages. In the logarithmic
phase, the clinical picture is establidhed by unequivocally' cerebral symp-
toms which follow the appearance of. temporary mixed symptoms. There is a
rapid increase of the neurotropic properties of the passage virus and an
exponential' increase of the Infection titer for the mouse. At the same
time, a continuous decrease ,)f the ephitheliotropic?and myotropic proper-
ties of the mouse-brain p*s4age virus for the guinea pig-can be observed.
In the lineax pt ae, the incubation period, the mortality rate, and infec-
tion titer remain constant. Furthermore, the absence of the manifestation
of t- itheliotropy and myotropy is characteristic for the adult guinea pig.
In this stage of adaptation, the strain of the foot-aud-mouth disease
virus can-be considered neurotropic, since it displays the same behavior
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after extraneural application. In reverse adaptation experiments it was
shown that the adaptation process in this stage is not yet complete. With
an increasing number of mouse-brain passages, the stability of the neuro-
tropic properties becomes more firmly established.
The work includes a discussion of the possibilities of a theoretical
explanation of the genetic mechanism on which the adaptation of the stand-
ard A virus to-the central nervous system of the mouse is based. The de-
velopment of neurotropy cannot be explained on the basis of the selection
hypothesis presented, since a heterogeneity of the virus population with
respect to the occurrence of "e" and "n" particles cannot be proved, either
in the initial material or in the various stages of adaptation:' The mech-
anism of transformation of the standard A virus cannot be traced'back to
the hypothesis, of adaptation, since a change of hereditary characteristics
of the standard A virus cannot be established in any stage of the adapta-
tion. it is assumed that the standard A strain used here genotypically
possesses the power of pathogenicity for the central nervous system of the
mouse. This potential property is not revealed, however, until the mouse-
brain passages have begun. The gradual decrease and ultimate absence of
the manifestation of the epitheliotropic and myotropic characteristics of
the passage virus for the mouse and guinea pig,. which occur during adapta-
tion to the central nervous system, back to the absence of
conditions necessary for the manifestation of these properties.
113. Therapy of Thermal and Chemical Burns
"Therapy of Thermal and Chemical Burns in Animals by the-Closed
Method," by A. F. Rusinov, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences,
Kharkov Veterinar Institute; Moscow, Veterinariya? Vol 36,
No 12, Dec 59, pp 49-52
The following closed method of therapy of thermal or chemical burns
suffered by animals was used by the author: the section affected by the
burn was excised, converting the burned area into a postoperational wound;
the wound was then filled with a film of conserved blood, thus creating
favorable conditions for the healing of the injured tissue; finally, the
film of blood was saturated with novocain and biomycin to alleviate pain
and prevent infection. It was found that this method of closed therapy
reduced the healing period by half. This method of burn therapy can be
used under any clinical conditions.
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114. Role of Aluminum H th oxide in Adsorbed Vaccines Agaj.nst Foot-and-
MOuth Disease
"Research on the Dependence of the Effectiveness of Adsorbed
Vaccines Against Foot-and-Mouth Disease on the Properties of
Aluminum Hydroxide. Report II. Immunizing Property of the
Adsorbates," by A. F. Olechnowitz, Friedrich Loeffler Institute,
Riems; Leipzig, Archiv fuer Experimentelle Veterinaermedizin,
Vol 13, No 6, 1959, pp 944-952
A study was made of the influence of various aluminum hydroxides on
the immunizing properties of foot-and-mouth disease adsorbed vaccines with
guinea pig standard type A and type 0 virus. Hydroxide preparation pre-
cipitated with ammonium hydroxide with a pH of over 7.0 are of equal. value.
Aluminum hydroxides which have been precipitated below a pH of 7.0 should
be excluded from the vaccine production, since they can cause a reduction
of effectiVeness. The aluminum hydroxide, however, is only one of many
factors which influence the activity of a foot-and-mout4 disease vaccine.
The most important role-will always be played by the manner of production
and preparation of the immunizing antigen.
115. Polish Anti-Biological-Warfare Measures
"Military Veterinary [Service] Motorized," by Capt A. Smirski;
Warsaw, Zolnierz Wolnosci, 16 Oct 59, p 4
This article gives a brief description of the research activity con-
ducted at the Central Military Veterinary Center (Wojekowy Centralny
Osrodek Weterynarii). The report is accompanied by photographs showing
a mobile veterinary laboratory (rear view), pH meter, personnel operating
on an animal, and personnel doing histological studies.
The article report that the Experimental Research Section of the
center has progressed in combating various contagious diseases among ani-
mals. Its well-equipped laboratory also conducts experiments for the
current requirements of the army, including experiments on the preserva-
tion of meat under field condition.
Referring to the danger of ABC warfare and the existence of installa-
tions engaged in biological warfare research, such as Camp Detrick, the
article points up the need for this type of research to be prepared "for
any eventuality." Protection against various types of ep#potic diseases
is consequently of concern to the center. The center is reported to have
discovered rapid and effective methods of detecting and combating various
types of contagious diseases. among animm~-$, including leptospirosis and
tularemia. New methods being prepared by the center are aimed at establish-
ing a "powerful barrier" between the animal kingdom and human beings. The
center is also concentrating its efforts on the protection of animals against
radiation and the effects of chemical weapons.
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Among the personnel at the center, the article cites Wladyslaw Jonczy,
a veteran of 30 years in the military veterinary service,'and Anatola
Sienkiewicza and Mieczyslaw Chaykowski, apparently laboratory technicians.
116. Journal Announces Program for 1960
"Toward New Achievements in the New Year" (editorial); Moscow,
urnal Mikrobiolo aLpidem.i,o1Q,gi,. i QbiQIQSU, Vol 31,
go" T" 3an 6u, pp 3--v-
After recognition of Soviet scientific achievements in 1959 and men-
tion of Khrushchev's visit to the US, the editors of this journal cite
advances in medical fields, such as the heart and major vessels,
control of hypertension, etc. Aerosol immunization is considered a very
prospective improvement in,immunization methods. Improvements in the
therapy of tuberculosis, dysentery, and poliomyelitis are also pointed
out. Broader knowledge has`'also been accumulated through the study of
"new diseases"--Q fever, hemorrhagic viral fevers, diseases caused by
adenoviruses and inteatlbal%.viruses, etc. .
The eradication of several infectious diseases and a sharp decrease
in the incidence of others occupy a primary position in the Seven-Year
Plan. A program of technological progress developed, at the June Plenum
of the Central Committee CPSU includes better equipping of medical in-
stitutions and expansion of the network of bacteriological laboratories
in city and rayon sanitary-epidemiological stations. The provision of
sufficient supplies of diagnosticums, agglutinating sera, and other 'diag-
nostic preparat-,ono: is, emphaq zed3 and morp?.extenAitre, use. of ;phys~,ca]. -.and
chemical; methods.. by:ao .Onti'fic-, .institution, - Is
The following subjects for 1960,issues of this journal are listed:
No 1. The epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis, and prophylaxis of
enteric, infections.
No 2. The problem of diseases with natural foci and systemic ' infec-
No 3. Questions,of microbiology and methods of laboratory diagnosis
and indication.
No 4. Questions of immunity and inoculation prophylaxis; anaerobic
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No. 5. The epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis, and prophylaxis of in-
fections of the respiratory tract.
No 6. The epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis, and prophylaxis of
enteric infections.
No 7. Problems of chemotherapy and chemoprophylaxis of infectious
diseases. Problems of disinfection, disinsection and deratization.
No 8. Problems of immunity and inoculation prophylaxis.
No 9. Problems of the training and advanced training of cadres. In-
struction in epidemiology, microbiology, and infectious diseases. The
problem of diseases with natural foci.
No 10. The epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis, and prophylaxis of
respiratory tract infections.
No 11. The 43d anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.
Problems of microbiology and methods of laboratory diagnosis and indica-
No 12. Experience in the eradication and prophylaxis of infectious
diseases. Problems of general epidemiology.
],17. Lenin Prizes
"Contest for Lenin Prizes" (unsigned article); Moscow, Mdd4tA-t?ad..
Rabotnik, No 16 (1868), 23 Feb 60, p 1
An announcement of the Committee of Lenin Prizes in the Fields of
Science and Technology, Council of Ministers USSR, is givep. Among the
works admitted to participate in the contest are the following; "Devel-
opment of New Surgical Procedures on the'Heart and Large Blood-Vessels,"
by A. A. Vishnevskiy, P. A. Kupriyanov, Ye. N. Meshalkin, and B. V.
Petrovskiy (the work was presented by the Institute of Thoracic Surgery,
Academy of Medical Sciences USSR); "Investigations in the Field of the
Synthesis of Physiologically Active Compounds," by A. L. Mndzhoyan (pre-
sented by the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences Armenian SSR); "Local
? Protoplasm Reaction and Propagating Stimulation,". by D. N. Nasonov (pre-
sented by the Institute of Cytology) Academy of Sciences USSR, and the
Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov); "Marine Microbiology
(Deep Water)," by A. Ye. KX'iss (presented by thev8dation of..Bioiogical
Sciences of the, C_ m :tteA of Lenin- P:~es in the Fields of Science and
Technology, Council of Ministers USSR);
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The committee asked Soviet public opinion to report its feelings in
regard to the content of the works submitted, and the make-up of the
authors' collectives. All remarks and replies should be sent to "Neglya
Ulitsa 29/14, Moscow 1-51."
116. Commendations for Contributions to Peace
"A High Award" (unsigned article); Moscow,Meditsinskiy Rabotnik,
"The Academy of Medical Sciences USSR held a special meeting with the
president of the academy, Academician A. N. Bakulev, presiding. Yu. A.
Zavadskiy, member of the soviet Committee for the Defense of Peace and
people's artist of the USSR,'-congratulated Soviet scientific medical
workers on the tenth anniversary of the world peace partisan movement.
Z. A. Lebedeva, deputy chairman of the Soviet Committee for the Defense
of Peace, distributed high awards.
"The following people readive& 'a Honorary Certificates from the World
Peace Council for their outstanding contributions to peace and friendship
among nations: S. V. Kurashov, Minister of Health USSR; Academician A. N.
Bakulev, president of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR; I. G. KocbmZin,
Deputy Minister of Health USSR; M. D. Kovrigina, director of the Central
Institute for the Advanced Training of Physicians; and Professors Ye. A.
Vasyukova, A. A. Vishnevskiy, A.?V. Kozlova, A., L. Myasnikov, S. A. Sarktsov,
and A. N. Shabanov.
"Somewhat earlier, the World Peace Council awarded a silver medal to
N. N. Zhukov-Verezhnikov, Active Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences
USSR, for a very important contribution to the defense of peace and friend-
ship among nations. The Soviet Committee for the Defense of Peace awarded
Honorary Certificates to the following people for their active participation
in the defense of peace:among nations: N. A. Vinogradova, Minister of
Health RSFSR; Ye. D. Ashurkova, director of the Institute of the Organizattz
of the Health Service and the History of Medicine, Ministry of Health USSR;
and Professors L. S. Bogolepov, V. M. Zhdanova, F. G. Krotkova, A. A.
Letaveta, and others."
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119. Urology Institute Established in Georgian SSR
"Institute of Urology" (unsigned article); Moscow, Meditsinski
.Rabotnik, No 93'(1841), 20 Nov 59, p 4
According to this announcement, a new medical scientific research
institution, the Institute of Urology, Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR,
has been established in Tbilisi... It- is headed by Prof A. P. Tsulukidze,
Member of the Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR and. Corresponding Member
of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR.
The first scientific establishment of its kind in the Georgian SSR,
this institute fulfills a need voiced at the Third All-Union Conference
,of Urologists.
The institute will begin its activity by investigating urolithic
disease and tumors of the urogential system. The newmst,sscientific achieve-
ments, including atomic energy, will be. utilized. A search for tissue
substitutes for surgery on the urogential organs has been given a major
place in the institute's plans.
120. New Antibiotic Manufacturing Plant in Rumania
"Antibiotic Plant," (unsigned article); Moscow, Meditsinskiy
CPYRGHT Rab_, No 103, (1851), 25 Dec 59, p 4
"The Iasy antibiotic plant is one of the largest enterprises of the
chemicopharmaceutical industry of Rumania. This enterprise was founded
in 1956, and at first was only engaged in the production of penicillin.
At present, the plant is manufacturing such antibiotics as, aureocyclin
and tetracycline. Vitamin B is also being produced. A special divi-
sion is manufacturing streptomycin. The output of the plant in 1959 has
increased 203 percent over that in 1956."
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121. Inhibition of Corrosion of Aluminum in Alkali Solutions
"The Effect of Certain Additives on the Corrosion of Aluminum
in Alkali Solutions," by S. D. Dionis'yev and L. I. Antropov,
Sb. Yom-t o korrozii i zashchite metallov Vses. sov. nauchno-
-tekhn. o-v (Collection of Articles of the All-Union Society of
Scientific and Technical Societies) (from Referativny-y Zhurnal --
Mashinostroyeniye, No 22, 25 Nov 59, Abstract No 925 7
In alkali, the corrosion potential of aluminum is shifted 0.8
volt in the negative direction in relation to its null point; this excludes
the possibility of specific adsorption of surface active substances. An in-
hibition of the cathodic process is ineffective because of the reduced proba-
bility of adsorption of surface active impurities, resulting from the pre-
ferential adsorption of sodium ions and the impossibility of an electrostatic
adsorption. of anionic impurities at the negative surface of aluminum in alkali
solutions. During the addition of high molecular substances (albumin, casein,
sulfidic alkalis in solution of chemically pure sodium hydroxide), an inhi-
bition of the corrosion of the aluminum was demonstrated (by the polarization-
curvn and gravimetric methods); this inhibition resulted from an inhibition of
the anodic process, which apparently was connected with a formation of poly-
molecular layers. As shown by the polarization curves, in the mechanism of
inhibition, an essential role is played by the process of diffusion. Appari-
ently, the reaction is slowed down by the formation of aluminum hydroxide.
Additions of high molecular substances may be used as a corrosion inhibitor
in tanks for degreasing aluminum parts and assemblies containing steel and
aluminum parts, and during the etching aluminum surfaces prior to working
122. Reactions of Lithium Silicate and Calcium Oxide at Sintering Temperatum
"Concerning the Reaction Between L120, A1203, SiO2, and CaO at
Sintering Temperatures. Report 4. Concerning the Reaction of
Lithium Silicate With Calcium Oxide at Sintering Temperatures,"
by Ye. I. Maslova and I S. Lileyev, Chemical-Metallurgical
Institute of Siberian Branch of Academy of Sciences USSR; Novosi-
birsk, Izvestiya Sibirskogo Otdeleniye Akademii Nauk SSSR, No 6,
1959, pp 78-82
Investigations of the behavior of lithium silicate and calcium oxide at
sintering temperatures indicated that the reaction begins at approximately
800?C and is most intense at 900 - 9200C. At higher temperatures a ternary
compound consisting of a lithium-calcium silicate forms. The compound form-
ing at about 900?C has a Li20. CaO'SIO2 composition and has the following
optical constants: N9 = 1.690 t 0.004. Npp = 1.670 t 0.0011?. At tempera-
tures above 9000C a new phOse appears t rhicIi consists of a dicalcitmi silicate.
Increasing the quantity of calcium o,.ide (doubled) in the mixture shows no
effect on the compounds formed.
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123. Grindiri~-Polishing of Hard Alloys With Electric Conducting Abrasive
"Grinding-Polishing Hard Alloys With Electric Conducting Abrasives,"
by I. K. Trushin; Elektricheski e i Ul'trazvuko e Metody Obrabotki
Materialov, Sbornik (Electric and Ultrasonic Methods of Working
Materials, A Collection of Articles); Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1958,
pp 17-25 (from Referativn Zhurnal -- Mashinostro eni e, No 22,
25 Nov 59, Abstract No 923 1
Metal removal in a process employing electric conducting abrasive wheels
is effected by the electrochemical action of an electric current. Protrusions
of abrasive grains in the electric conducting binder of the wheel form a gap
between the binder and worked surface which is filled with a layer of working
fluid. Electric current passing through the liquid layer dissolves metal
from the worked surface. Metal decomposition products are removed from the
working; zone by abrasive grains in the wheel during rotation. Portions of
the working fluid are removed simultaneously, thereby renewing the composi-
tion of the fluid in the anode gap. An aqueous solution of soluble glass with
a specific gravity of 1.22 to 1.24+ g/cm3 serves as the working fluid. Best
results were obtained with electrocorundum wheels with a graphite filler on a
Bakelite binder with grain size of 60 -- 80. Highest precision (shape and
dimensional tolerances of 0.001 mm and 0.003 mm, respectively, and surface
finish in the 10- 12 class) is achieved by prelimin .ry working with a volt-
age of 30. 32 v, current density of 25-- 30 amps/cm , and final working with
a voltage of 12 - 15 v and current density of 5 amps/cm2. An optimum pressure
of 2--- 2.5 kg/cm2 and optimum wheel speed of 15 - 30 m/sec are recommended for
both phases of grinding-polishing.
124. Production of Pierced Titanium Tube Billets
"Production of Thick-Walled Titanium Tube Billets," by V. V.
Shveykin, A. G. Stukach, and V. D. Bykov, Ural Polytechnic
Institute; Ordzhonikidze, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeni
Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya, NOT,' 1959, pp 178-184
Laboratory and plant experiments on producing pierced tube billets made
of titanium alloys VT-1 and OT-4 are described. Satisfactory billets were
obtained for subsequent sectioning and pressing into thin-walled tubing with
minimum loss of metal. Data from experiments were used in designing a
special piercing mill at one of the plants (not specified) for working non-
ferrous metals.
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12.7. Ball Bearing Steels for Operation at 1100?C
"Steels for Races and Rolling Bodies of High-Temperature
Bearings, Their Properties and Heat Treatment," by A. S.
Sheyn, A. A. Tsareva, V. D. Fedotova, and Z. V. Pavlova,
Tekhnologiya Podshi nikostroyeniya - Sbornik (Bearing
Manufacture Technology -- A Collection of Articles), No 17,
1958, pp 68-88 (from Referativn Zhuxlial -- Mashinostro eni e,
No 22, 25 Nov 59) Abstract No 91 50
Standard high-speed steels R9, R18, RKLO, EI-347, and EI-161 were in-
vestigated fox, possible application in components of bearings for operation
at temperatures of 300 --1100?C and above. Steel EI-347 was selected as the
most promising and was further tested for application in ball bearings. Re-
sults showed EI-347 to be unsatisfactory due to considerable carbide hetero-
geneity (although less than in steels R9 and R18) manifesting itself as a
coarse lattice which weakened strength. Two new steels designated V4Kh4MF
and V7Kh4F having 4.5 and 7% W, respectively, were selected from a number
of experimental steels containing 1.3- 7% W and up to one percent Si for
components of ball bearings for operation at 1100?C. Hot hardness of the
riew steels is equal to that of higher alloyed high-speed steels. Carbide
heterogeneity is minimum and heat and wear resistances are high.
126. Thermodynamic Properties of Potassium Fluorotitanate
"Certain Thermodynamic Data on Potassium Fluorotitanate," by
N. M. Volkova and G. V. Gaydukov, Ural Affiliate of Academy
of Sciences USSR; Novosibirsk, Izvestiya Sibirskogo Otdeleniya
Akademii Nauk SSSR, No 6, 1959, pp 70-77
Enthalpy to temperature relationships for potassium fluorotitanate in
the range from 298 --1,098?K were determined experimentally. Equations are
derived for the ratio of the true heat capacities to temperature based on
changes of enthalpy and calculated according to the method of Landiya (N. A.
Landiya, "Several Examples of Practical Applicatic.ns of the Entropy Method
of Calculating the Heat Capacity of Crystalline Inorganic Substances at High
Temperatures," Trudy Gruzinskogo Politekhnicheskogo Instituta, No 6, 1954).
Calculations of changes of enthalpy, isobaric potential, and entropy are
LFor additional information on Metallurgy, see Chemistry, Colloidal
Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry, and Nuclear Fuels and Reactor Construction
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Low Temperature Physics
127. Study of Solid Hydrogen
"The Structure of Solid Hydrogen," by A. A. Galkin and
I. V. Matyash, Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics,
Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks eri-
mental~'-noy1832 i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 29, No ,Dec 59,
pp 1831
Experimental results of nuclear magnetic resonance are presented,
carried out on mono- and polycrystals of hydrogen at a temperature of 4.20 K.
Because the anisotropy of the line width of the nuclear magnetic resonance
depends on the angle between the axis of the monocrystal of higher order
and the direction of the constant magnetic field, it is necessary to obtain
monoc'xystals with an orientation lmown in advance. The experiments were
carried out on cylindrical samples connected into an oscillatory circuit.
They could be rotated around an axis perpendicular to the vector of the
constant magnetic field. It has been found that an anisotropy of second
order of the nuclear magnetic resonance was missing. The width and shape of
lines on monocrystalline samples practically coincided accurately with the
width and shape of polycrystalline hydrogen. But some anisotropy may be ob-
tained at 1.5p K. when the molecular rotation is slowed down and,a fine
structure of lines can be detected.
128. Superfluidity of He3
"On Superfluidity of Liquid lie3, " by L. P. Pitayevskiy, Institute
of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radiowavp Propagation,
Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Zhu rnal Elmperimentallnoy i
Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 29, No 6, Dec 59, pp 17b4-1607
A strict investigation is made of the interaction between elementary
excitations in a Fermi Fluid for large values of the angular momentum rela-
tive to the excitation motion. It is shown that this interaction is of the
nature of an attractive force so that the suggestion that He is superfluid
seems to be justified. Expressions in terms of observable quantities are
derived for the asymptotic values of the excitation scattering amplitudes
? for large values of i. A formula is deduced for the effective mass of an
excitation in a Fermi Fluid by quantum field theory methods.
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129. Thermal Properties of Superconductors
"Study of Thermal Properties of Superconductors. III. Anisotropy
of the Thermal Conductivity of Gallium." by N. V. Zavaritskiy,
Institute of Physical Problems, Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow,
Zhurnal Eks erimental'no i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, No 6,
Dec 59, PP 1506-1516
The thermal conductivity of gallium in the normal and superconducting
states has been measured along different crystallographic directions. The
anisotropy detected in the temperature dependence of the electron thermal
electrical conductivity in the superconducting state is related to the
anisotropy in the gap width in the excitation energy spectrum. Results of
measurement of the critical magnetic field are presented.
130. Intermediate State in Superconductors
"The Intermediate State in Ferromagnetic Superconductors,"
by G. F. Zharkov, Physics Institute imeni Lebedev, Academy
of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks erimental'no ii
Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 29, No 6, Dec 59, pp 1784-1788
An interval of external magnetic field strength values has been found
for which the single domain ferromagnetic ellipsoid may exist in the inter-
mediate state. The structure of the intermediate state has been studied
within the framework of the unbranched model for a superconducting ferro-
magnetic plate.
Nuclear Physics
131. Particles With 6 and 25 Electron Masses
Search for Particles With Masses Between 6 and 25 Electron
Masses," by A. S. Belousov, S. V. Rusakov, Ye. I. Tatum,
and P.. A. Cherenkov; Moscow, ZhurnalEksperimental'no i
Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 29, No 6, Dec 59, pp 1613-1618
Experiments are described which were performed with the view of eluci-
dating whether (-quanta generate particles with masses lying between .6 and
25 electron masses, in accord with the production cross sections predicted
by the electromagnetic theory of pair production. For this purpose, fast
coincidence circuits were employed to measure the time of flight of particles
with a given momentum between two scintillation counters. The particles were
generated in a lead target placed in the brem--strahlung beam from a synchrotron
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The theoretical coincidence counting rate was compared with the experi-
mental rate obtained for parameters of the experimental arrangement corre-
sponding to registration of particles with the expected mass. In each set
of experiments the ratio of the electron counting rate to the background
rate was also measured. The results obtained show that the cross sections
for production of particles with unit charge, spin 1/2 and masses lying be-
tween 6 and 25 me are not those predicted by electromagnetic theory.
132. Collisions of Nucleons
"Collision of Nucleons With Large Orbital Momenta," by A. D.
Galanin, A. F. Grashin, B. L. Ioffe, and I. Ya. Pomeranchuk;
Moscow, Zhurnal Eks erimental'no i Teoreticheskoy Fizil.,
Vol 29, No 6, Dec 59, pp 1663-1678
That part of the nucleon-nucleon scattering amplitude for large orbital
momenta t >> 1 which is due to exchange between two mesons is calculated.
The connection between this amplitude and scattering of real mesons by '
nucleons is established with aid of the dispersion equations. The method
is valid when besides the condition 1 1 the inequality Z,u /p>> 1
is also satisfied ()A is the meson mass, p - the nucleon momentum in the
133. Meso-Molecules in dro,en
Mesic Molecular Processes in Hydrogen," by V. B. Belayev,
S. S. Gershteyn, B. N. Zakhariev, and S. P. Lomnev, Joint
Institute for Nuclear Research; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks erimental'n
i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 29, No 6, Dec 59, pp 1652-1662 -_
A number of mesic atomic and mesic molecular recesses in a me i~im o '
hydrogen isotopes (formation of mesic molecules, Hp1) + (2) li 2
I asticH~2Uisions, amd)charge(e char e of mesic atoms H(1) + H(2, -~ }~
H Hl( H + 2) ) are considered. The levels of
the mesic molecules are determine. The computations
d were performed on the
BESM electronic machine with corrections of the order of mu/M taken into
account for motion of the nuclei.
134. Scattering of Gamma-Quanta
"Dispersion Relations for Scattering of Gamma-Quanta on Nucleons,"
by L. I. Lapidus and Chou Kuang-chao, Joint Institute for Nuclear
Research; Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Tboreticheskoy Fizki,
Vol 29, No 6, Dec 59, pp 1714-1721
Dispersion relations for scattering of -quanta by nucleons with one
subtraction are considered. For forward scattering, six relations have been
obtained which do not contain unknown constants or infrared divergences.
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135. Clustering of Nucleons
"The Clustering of Nucleons in Light Nuclei," by V. G. Neudachin,
Yu. F. Smirnov, and N. P. Yudin, Institute of Nuclear Physics,
Moscow State University, Moscow, Zhurnal Eks erimental'no i
Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 29, No, Dec 59, pp 1781-1783
Equivalence of wave functions of the shell theory with LS-coupling for
states with higher symmetry of the orbital part and the antisymmetrized
wave functions composed of wave functions of nucleon clusters is demonstrated
by help of the theory of the permutation groups. Some simple examples are
136. K-Meson Decay
"On Ife4 Decay," by L. B. Okun and Ye. P. Shabalin; Moscow, Zhurnal
Eksperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 29, No 6, Dec 59,
pp 1775-1780
The Probabilities for ICe 4 decays are computed. The selection rules for
the decays and the isotopic relations between various Key, decays are deter-
mined on basis of the Sakata model.
137. Scattering of Scalar Mesons
"Analyticity and Unitarity in the Scattering of Scalar Mesons
on a Static Nucleon," by B. L. Joffe; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks eri??
mental'no i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 29, No -b., Dec 59,
pp 1(64-1769
The uniqueness of the determination of the scattering amplitude from the
analyticity and unitarity conditions is considered for the problem of'.scatter-
ing of scalar neutral and charged mesons on a static nucleon in the one-meson
approximation. The analysis is carried out by prescribing the analytic
properties of the scattering amplitude over the complete Riemann multisheeted
surface. As a result, it is found that the nonuniqueness of the solution may
be of the nature of virtual or Breit-Wigner levels .
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138. Neutron Beta-Decay
The Theory of Beta-Decay of the Neutron," by S. M. Bilenkiy,
R. M. Rvndin, Ya. A Smorodinskiy, and Ho Tso-hsiu, Joint
Institute for Nuclear Research; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks eri-
mental'noy~i Teoretiche~~koy Fizki, Vol 29, No 6, Dec 59,
pp 1758 1763
Calculations are performed for corrections to various effects in beta-
decay of the neutron originated by terms m/M (m and M are the electron
and nucleon masses) which are due to the "weak Gell-Mann magnetism" and
proton recoil. It is shown that for electron-neutrino correlation and the
up-down asymmetry of electrons, these corrections may reach several' percent.
139. Neutrinos
"Electron and Muon Neutrinos," by B. Pontecorvo, Joint Institute
for Nuclear Research, Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i
Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 29, No 6, Dec 59, pp 1751-x-757
Some processes due to free neutrinos which heretofore had not been con-
sidered are discussed. Special attention is payed to those processes which,
in principle, may help to solve the problem concerning the existence of two
neutral lepton pairs (electron pair ( ~e and 7~e ) and muon pair and
~~u ))?
To solve the fundamental question whether \)JA and \e are identical
particles, a method is proposed which in essence is analogous to the method
employed for solving he problem of the distinguishability of the neutrino
and antineutrino or K and K -mesons. In principle, the problem can be
solved if it is demonstrated experimentally that a ~ beam is capable of
inducing transitions which _~e particles can certainly induce (e.g., the
J~,, + p ---~- e+ + Tt reaction) ,
The experiment suggested above, although difficult, should be feasible
with accelerators capable of producing more intense beams than those produced
by present-day accelerators.
1i+0. Electron Polarization
"Polarization Phenomena in Radiative Collisions of Two Electrons
by V. L. Lyuboshits, Voronezh State University; Moscow, Zhurnal
Eksperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fizki, Vol 29, No 6, Dec 59,
pp 1727-1740
Two-row matrix formalism is used for the description of polarization
phenomena in the collision of two Dirac particles of arbitrary energy. The
radiative collision of two polarized electrons is considered. The structure
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of the general formulas for the polarization parameters after the collision
is investigated and concrete calculations are carried out in the ultrare-
lativistic and nonrelativistic limits, taking into consideration polariza-
tion of the target electrons.
111.1. Particle Production by Pions
"Production of Multicharged Particles on Photographic Emulsion
Nuclei by 280 Mev ii Mesons," by N. S.. Ivanova V. T. Ostroumov,
and Yu. V. Pavlov, Radium Institute, Academy of Sciences USSR;
Moscow, Zhurnal Eks erimental'no i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 29,
No 6, Dec 59, pp 1604-1612
The production of fragments in nuclear disintegrations induced by,280
Mev 11 + -mesons is studied by aid of photographic emulsions. The angular,
charge, and energy distributions of the emitted fragments are measured.
An analysis of the experimental data and comparison with the results of
theoretical calculations show that in the case under consideration the
particles responsible for formation of the fragments are protons produced
in the absorption of 71 + -mesons by quasi-deuteron pairs and also, recoil
nucleons produced in scattering of IT -mesons on separate nucleons of the
nucleus. Some suggestions regarding the mechanism of formation of such
fragments are made on the basis of an analysis of the energy spectra of
fragments produced by particles of various energy.
1112. Elastic Scattering of Neutrons
Elastic Scattering of 630 Mev Neutrons by Protons," by N. S.
Amaglobeli and Yu. M. Kazarinov, Joint Institute for Nuclear
Research and Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences Georgian
SSR; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks erimental'no i Teoretichesko . Fiziki,
Vol 29, No 6, Dec 59, pp 15d7-1593
Differential elastic (n - p) - scattering cross section: amp ( -Q )
are measured in the angle range -S = 110 - 1800 (c.m.s.) for neutrons with
a mean energy of 630 Mev. Within the errors of the experiments, the data
thus obtained are identical to the results of measurements carried out
previously with 580 Mev mean energy neutrons. The dependence camp ( Q )
near the angle 19 = 180? was employed to determine the IT -meson-nucleon
coupling constant by Chew's method (G. F. Chew, Phys Rev, 112, 1380 (1958)).
The value f2 = 0.06 + 0.02 was obtained in this manner.
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143. Elastic Scattering of Pions
"Elastic Scattering of 390 Mev TTMesons by Protons," Ye. L.
Grigor'yev and N. A. Mitin, Joint Institute for Nuclear Re-
search, Moscow, Zhurnal Eks erimental'no i Teoretichesko
Fiziki, Vol 29, No 6, Dec 59, pP 15'63-1586
The angular distribution of (390 '1 25) MeV 7T + -mesons elastically
scattered on hydrogen was measured with the help of nuclear photographic
emulsions. The. differential scattering cross section can be expressed by
formula (1). Phase shifts of the Fermi solution obtained by assuming that
only S- and P- states participate in scattering are ?C( = - 340, OC
151? and ail = - 16?. 3 33 -
144. Fer..-mium Isotope
"Experiments in the Production of a New Fermium Isotope, V. P.
Perelygin, F. D. Donets, and G. N. Flerov; Moscow, Zhurnal
Eksperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki; Vol 29, Novo',-Dec 59,
pp 1558-1563-
The 0 -active products of interaction between accelerated oxygen 0' 26
ions and uranium u238 nuclei were studied. Some proof has been obtained of
the existence of a new fermium isotope Fm2" which possesses a half-life of
about 150 sec and an a -particle energy of (7.9 ? 0,3) Nev. Excitation
curves are presented for reactions involving the emission of four and five
neutrons; the oxygen ion energies lie betvreen 84 and 98 Mev. A procedure
for identification of transuranium isotopes is described. which is based on
the registration in photographic emulsions of their successive a -decays.
145. Coulomb Excitation of Nuclei
"Coulomb Excitation of Odd A Nuclei by Heavy Ions," by D. G.
Alkhazov, A. P. Grinberg, G7 M. Gusinski, K. I. Yerokhina, and
1. 1, 1. Lemberg, Leningrad Physicotechnieal Institute, Academy
of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i Teoretiche-
skoy Fiziki, Vol 29, No, 6, Dec 59, pp 1530-1542
High-lying levels in some light nuclei (A127, u.-245, V51, Nb93) which
previously could not be observed because of background when protons or a--
-particles were used, have now been using "heavy" ions as bombard-
ing particles. It is established that some of the n(' -lines observed in
previous investigation, in which chromium was irradiated with protons or
G( -particles, are not due to coulomb excitation of the corresponding levels
in chromium. By using ions heavier than C r -particles, it could be verified
that lines associated with nuclear levels excited previously with (X-particles
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(Rb87, Snlll, Sn119) are actually emitted as a result of coulomb excitation.
The partial life-Limes r (E2) of excited levels have been determined for
the electric quadrupole transition. (The measured values of t (E2) lie
between 10'"( and 10-12 sec.)
111.6. Fast Photoneutrons
Fast Photoneutrons From Be9, C12, and Al 27," by L. A. Kulchit-
skiy and V. Tresperin, Leningrad Physicotechnical Institute,
Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks erimental'noy i
Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 37, No , Dec 59, PP 152E-1529
An investigation was carried out of the angular distributions of photo-
neutrons with energies above 10 Mev emitted by Beg, 012, and A127 targets
under the irradiation by 88 Mev peals energy bremsstrahlung. The energy
spectrum of photoneutrons emitted at an angle of 750 from C12 was also in-
vestigated, and from the data thus obtained a comparison is made of the
photoneutron and photoproton yields in the same energy intervals. The
angular distribution results are compared with the quasideuteron model and
direct resonance nuclear photoeffect, Quali-~ut ve agreement with the quasi-
deuteron model has been obtained.
111.7. Polarization of /A -Mesons
"Investigation of the Effect of the Hyperfine Structure on
Polarization of M- Mesons in Mesic Atoms," by L. B. Yegorov,
A. Ye. Ignatenko, and D. Chultem, Joint Institute for Nuclear
Problems; Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy
Fiziki, Vol 37, No (7, Dec 59, pp 1517-1523
The angular distributions of i-meson decay electrons from aluminium,
phosphorus, and carbon mesic atoms were studied with scintillation counters.
It is shown that because of interaction of the hyperfine structure there is
a decrease of the ja-meson polarization. The results of the measurements do
not contradict the theoretical predictions if depolarization exclusively on
the K orbit of the mesic atom is taken into account. Comparison of the
results of measurement for phosphorus with the results previously obtained
for liquid hydrogen s3iows that the complete depolarization of i-mesons ob-
served in hydrogen cannot be explained solely by the interaction between
the fine and hyperfine structures. To do this, an additional mechanism
must be assumed (such as the "jumping" of a 'i-meson from proton to another
one with concurrent transition of the hyperfine structure to the ground
state). All experimental data on depolarization of p-mesons in varioils sub-
stances can be explained theoretically if it is assumed that in mesic atoms
of metals the electron shell does not affect the depolarization of )x-mesons.
The presence of a fine and hyperfine structure in mesic atoms is confirmed
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this again indicates that the electromagnetic properties of mesons and
electrons are similar. The observed (in experiments with phosphorus) reduc-
tion of precession frequency of the mesic nucleus spin by a factor of 2, as
compared with precession frequency of the free p.-meson spin, indicates di-
rectly that the spin of a negative p-meson is equal to one half.
143. Study of Ag110 Isomer
"Radioactive Decay of Ag110m," by N. M. Anton'yeva, A. A.
Bashilov, and Ye. K. ;Culakovskiy, Leningrad State University,
Moscow, Zhurnal Eks erimental'no i Teoretichesko Fiziki
Vol 37, No 6, Dec 59, pp 1i.97-150
A magnetic spectrometer study was made of the photoelectron spectrum
produced by the -(-rays of Ag , and also of the 3 -ray spectrum up to
an energy of 530 Kev and the spectrum of conversion electrons corresponding
to n clear transitions with energies of 116 and 656 Nev. The internal con-
version coefficients for 14 nuclear transitions in Cd110 and the multi-
polarity of the radiation were determined on the basis of the relative line
intensities found in the present work and the data presented in a previous
taper. The decay scheme is discussed.
149. Angular Distribution in Explosive Showers
"Angular Distribution of Shower Particles in Explosive Showers
Produced by High Energy Cosmic Ray Particles, " by A.P. Mishakova
and B. A.. Nikolskiy; Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i Teoreti-
cheskoy Fizilu, Vol 29, No 6, Dec 59, pp 159-47-1-95-37
The angular distribution of shower particles in showers with an energy
of 1010 - 1013 ev was investigated in the c.m.s. Experimental and calculated,
results are presented for the dependence of the number of show particle pairs
on the angle between them. It is concluded that a collision of the primary
particle and nucleus leads to a symmetric angular distribution of the shower
particles in the c.m.s. and that there is no correlation between the angles
of shower particle pairs.
150. Plasma Stability
"Stability of a Plane Poiseuille Flow of a Finite Conductivity
Plasma in a Magnetic Field," by Yu. A. Tarasov; Moscow, Zhurnal
Eksperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 29, No 6, Dec 59,
pp 1708-1712
The flow stability of a longitudinal plasma in a magnetic field with
respect to infinitely small perturbations is considered for Reynolds numbers
Rm L 1.
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1.960 ,,
. 2 OF -2 r .
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151. Plasma Oscillations
"Oscillations of Electron-Ion Plasma," by L. M. Kovrizhnildi,
Physics Institute imen:i. Lcbedev, Academy of Sciences USSR;
Moscow, Zhurn a.7. Elea lerimental'no i Teoreticheako Fiziki
Vol 29, No Dec 59, pp 1692-1696
The opectnun of longitudinal oscillations of an electron-ion plasma is
considered for the case of high temperatures (M=xwell distribution) and low
temperatures (Fermi distribution). It is shown that for small values of the
wave vector It the dispersion equation yields two branches which differ in
their properties: an optical one for which the ion motion is not important
and an acoustical one. For large values of k only the acoustic branch re-
mains, its properties being determined by the parameters of the ion component
of the plasma.
3.52. Plasma Stability
Stability of a Low Pressure Plasma," by B. D. Kadomtsev; Moscow,
Zhurnal EkBperimental'no i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 29, No 6,
Dec 59, pp 1611-6-1651
Mathematical conditions of stability for an arbitrary toroidal system
arc derived. The stability problem of low pressure plasma in such systems
is analyzed.
'.53. Elastic Scattering of Protons
"Angular Distribution of 5.45 Nev Protons Scattered Elastically
by Nickel, Copper, and Cobalt Isotopes," by N. Ya. Rutkevich,
V. Ya. Golovnya, A. K. Val'ter, and A. P. ICLyucharev, Physico-
technical Institute, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR; Moscow,
Doklacly Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 130, No 5, Feb 60, pp 1008-l01l
A preliminary measurement was made of the angular distribution of protons,
elastically scattered by Cu-63. The qualitative behavior of the distribution
is similar to that of Cu-65. The Cu-63 nucleus is obtained by adding one
proton to Ni-62, and the Co nucleus may be obtained by taking one proton off
Ni-60. The observed difference in the angular distribution of protons, scat-
tered by these nuclei, exhibits variation of form of the nuclear potential
when the number of protons in the nucleus varies by one. The same results
should be expected by varying by one the number of neutrons. For confirmation
of this assumption, an investigation of elastic proton scattering is intended
on isotopes Cr-52 and Cr-53
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151,.. Quadrupole Nuclear Resonance in Crystals
"Intensity Variations of the Quadrupole Nuclear Resonance in
a Molecular Crystal Bombarded by Fast Electrons," by A. I.
Kitaygorodskiy and E. I. Fedin, Institute of Organoelemental
Compounds, Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Dok7 Akademii
Nauk SSSR, Vol 130, No 5, Feb 60, pp 1005-1008
Nuclear quadrupole., resonance was used as an indicator of radiative
defects of a polyQz7atalUne,sample of n,dic1),orobenzene subject to various
doses of electron i~rxadia~ion'ot 750'Iev energy. The resonance was ob-
?served at a,fi~eguency modu1ated,.quadrupole radiospectrometer with synchron-
ous detection of a self-recording,mil7.ivo11 peter (E. I. Fedln and Yu. S.
Konstantinov, Pribo i 2e1chnika Eks erimenta No 2) 27 (1959))? It was
concluded that a monoaxystal with a lattice close to ideal has higher sta-
bility to ionizing gamma and beta' irradiation than a polycrystal.
155. Phase Oscillations in Synchrotron
"Excitation of Phase, Oscillations of Particles in an Electron
Synchrotron by the Noises of the Magnetic Field, the Frequency,
and the Potential of the Accelerating Field," by S. A. Kheyfets,
Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences Armenian SSR; Yerevan,
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk yanskoy SSR. Vol 12, No 5, 1959,
pp 105-113
The increment in the 'amplitude of phase oscillations effected by the
action of various perturbations is computed with allowance for adiabatic
and radiative decay. The results are obtained in the form of general one
parameter functions.
156. Hungarian Physics Dissertations
"Reports of the Scientific Qualifications Committee" (unsigned
article; Budapest, Magyar Tudomany, Dec 59, p 665
The following excerpts refer to committee action taken in October 1959..
The Scientific Qualifications Committee has announced the qualification
of Tibor Fenyes as Candidate in Physical Sciences on the bff6s of his dis-
sertation titled"Alpha Decay and the Alpha Spectrum of Po ;" his opponents
were Laszlo Bozoki, Candidate in Physical Sciences, and Dezso Kiss, Candi-
date in Physical Sciences.
The Scientific Qualifications Committee has announced the. qualification
of Antal Somogyi as Candidate in physical Sciences on the 'basis of his dis-
sertation titled "An Examination of the Electron-Photon Components of Wide
Atmospheric Showers"; his opponents were Gyorgy Marx, Doctor of Physical
Sciences, and Dezso Kiss, Candidate in Physical Sciences.
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157. Czechoslovak Cyclotron To Be Activated
"The Cyclotron in Rez Prior to Starting up" (unsigned article);
Prague, Obrana Lidu, 11 Feb 60, p 2
A brief announcement says that the institute of Nuclear Research (Ustav
jadernych vyzk:umu) of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, located at Rez
near Prague, is about to begin test operation of the new cyclotron which
Czechoslovakia received from theUSSR as part of Soviet scientific assistance
in the field of nuclear research.
In describing the operation of the cyclotron which was built by Soviet
and Czechoslovak specialists (the latter, after being trained in the Soviet
Union), the article states that it will be possible to accelerate deuterons
to an energy equivalent of 12.5 Mev and alpha particles to 25 Mev. The
magnet of the cyclotron has a pole diameter of 120 centimeters and the ac-
celeration electrodes operate on a voltage of 150,000 volts. The cyclotron
will be able to accelerate even heavy particles, up to and including neon.
In conclusion, the article says that, as in the case of atomic reactors,
all workers associated with the cyclotron will be protected against harmful
radiation by a heavy wall.
158. Death of Atomic Ph
sicist, Academician I. V. Kurchatov
"Academician Igor Vasil'yevich Kurchatov", (editorial obituary);
Moscow, Atomnaya Energi a, Vol 8, No 2, Feb 60, pp 97-98
"The greatest Soviet physicist, Communist, thrice Hero of Socialist
Labor, deputy to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, member of the Presidium of
the Academy of Sciences USSR, director of the Institute of Atomic Energy of
the Academy of Sciences USSR, Academician Igor' Vasil'yevich Kurchatov, 58,
died unexpectedly in Moscow on 7 February 1960.
"I. V. Kurchatov was born on 12 January 1903. In 1923 he completed
the physicomathematical faculty of Crimea University. In 1925 he began
working at the Leningrad Physicotechnical Institute. His early research
was concerned with dielectric materials and Seignettoelectries.
"He later turned to research in atomic physics; and in 1935, he dis-
covered the important phenomenon of nuclear isomerism. In 19210, on his
initiative and under his direction, research was completed which led to the
discovery of the spautaneous fission f uranium. nuclei. In 1943 he was elected
an Active Member of the Academy of Sciences USSR.
"In his last years, all of his activity was devoted to problems dealing
with the utilization of nuclear energy. He was instrumental in advancing work
in the field of controlled therm:ornclear reactions."
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The obituary of which e.ccerpts are given above was published in the
name of the PzV siditun of the Academy of Sciences USSR; the Main Administra-
tion for the Use of Atomic Energy under the Council of Ministers USSR; the
Department of Phyolcomathematical Science;, Academy of Sciences USSR; the
Department of Technical Sciences, Academy'of Sciences USSR; the Institute
of Atomic Energy, Academy of Sciences USSR; and the Leningrad Physicotech-
nical. Institute, Academy of Sciences USSR.
For additional information on nuclear physics, see Chemistry, Radio-
Theoretical and Experimental Physics
159? Renormalization Group in Electrodynamics
"The Two-Charge Renormalization Group in Scalar Quantum Electro-
dynamics ,".by V. A. Shalhbazyan, Mathematical Institute, Academy
of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks erimental'no i Teoretiche-
skoy Fizil:i, Vol 29, No 6, Dec?29, pp 1789-1793
Tha behavior in the high momentum region of single-particle Green's
functions-and of some asymptotic values of the vertex part and four-vertex
diagram in the quantum electrodynamics of zero spin particles is investigated
by the renormalization group procedure.
160. Study of Paramagnetic Resonance
"Paramagnetic Resonance in Magnetically Dilute Systems," by N. S.
Garif'yanov, Physicotechnical Institute, Kazan Affiliate, Academy
of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Zhurnal Ekperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy
Fizki, Vol 29, No 6, Dec 59, pp 1551-1557
The dependence of the ratio of the constants b/c on the degree of dipole-
dlpole magnetic interactions has been investigated by the paramagnetic re-
sonance method in parallel fields. The measurements were carried out in the
freuency range from 30Q to 1.6 MHz at T = 90?K in samples containing Cr +++)
Fe , Cu ++,' and VO
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161. Study of ParcriaC;netic resonance
"Paraanagnetic resonance and Paramagnetic Relaxation in
Electrolyte Solutioiw," by V. 1. Avaic-umov, N. S. Garii''-
yanov, D. I.I. Kozyrcv, osld P. G. Tishov, Ph;jsicoteclulical
Institute, Karon Affiliate Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow,
Zhurnal Eks perimental.'no i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 29,
No 6, Dec 59, pp 1564-1569
Results of e.periments on paramagnetic resonance and paramagnetic re-
la:cation in liquid solutions of salts of the iron group are compared with
existing theories.
162. Conductivity of Shock Wave
"Electric Conductivity of Explosion Products of Condensed
Explosives," by A. A. Brish, M. S. Tarasov, and V. A.
Tsukerman; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks Inoy i Teoretichesko
Fiziki, Vol 29, No 6, Dec 59, pp 1543-1550
The electrical conductivity of the explosion products of various con.
dense.d explosives was investigated by the electrical contact and electro-
magnetic methods. Near the wave front the conductivity of the investigated
explosives lies between 0.1 and 6 SL --- cm-l. With increase of the distance
from the front, the conductivity of the explosion products drops. The elec-
trical conductivity of the explosion products increases with growth of the
density of the explosives and intensity of the detonation wave.
It is suggested that besides thermal ionization the high values of the
electrical conductivity of the explosion products may be related to the large
densities and pressures appearing on the front of the detonation wave.
163. Vapor Condensation in Vacuum
"Condensation of a Cloud of Vaporous Matter Expanding into
Vacuum," by Yu. P. Rayzer; Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperimental'no
i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 29, No 6, Dec 59, pp 1741-1750
The kinetics of condensation of a cloud of vaporous matter expanding
into vacuum is considered. It is shown that for a large variety of initial
conditions, at infinity the matter expands partly as a gas and partly in
the form of very small particles of the condensate, the number arid size of
these particles being dependent on the evaporated mass and on its initial
temperature. It is suggested that when large meteorites strike the surface
of planets without atmosphere the ground of the planets and body of the
meteorite may evaporate and subsequently condense and that this process may
be one source of cosmic dust. The possibilities of laboratory investigation
of condensation of metallic vapors and of the properties of the-small particles
involved are discussed.
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164. Raman Spectrum of Oxygen
"Effect of Pressure on the Combination Spectrum of Oxygen," by
G. V. Mikhylov, Physics Institute imeni Lebedev, Academy of
Sciences USSR; Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperimental'no i Teoretiche-
skoy Fiziki, Vol 29, No 6, Dec 59, pp 1570-157
The combination spectrum of o,cygen has been studied at pressures between
7 and 125 atm. Broadening of lines in the rotation band of 02 is of a col-
lision nature at these pressures, the effective collision broadening para-
meter being per = 4.43 A. The parameters characterizing the width of the
combination rotation lines are identical to those for 02 measured on the
basis of absorption in the microwave region. In distinction to the lines of
the rotation band, the Q branch of the viArational transition of 02 does not
broaden with variation of the pressure. The observed width of the-Q branch
is explained by splitting of the Q branch'with respect to J due to inter-
action between vibrations and rotations.
165. Microscopic Characteristics of Metals
"The Relation Between the Optical Constants of Metals and Their
Micro-Characteristics," by G. P. Motulevich, Physics Institute
imeni Lebedev, Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperi-
mental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 29, No 6, Dec 59, pp 1770-
1774 - - -
The relation between the optical characteristics of metals and their
microscopic characteristics is considered. It is shown that measurement
of the optical constants of metals in the infrared region over a large wave-
length range in conjunction with measurements of the static conductivity of
the same samples at various temperatures should permit one to determine the
density of conductivity electrons, electron velocity on the Fermi surface,
and frequency of interelectronic collisions. A procedure for treatment of
the experimental data is suggested which takes into account recent theoreti-
cal results.
166. Electromagnetic-Gravitational Wave Proagation
"Propagation of a Strong Electromagnetic-Gravitational Wave in
Vacuum," by A. S. Kompaneyets, Institute of Chemical Physics,
Academy of Sciences USSR; Moscow, Zhurnal Eks erimental'noy i
Tlecreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 29, No 6, Dec 59, pp 1722-1726
It is shown that a strong electromagnetic-gravitational wave possesses
a system of rectilinear and parallel characteristics, and hence, the velocity
of propagation of any small additional perturbation will always be equal to
that of light. It therefore cannot be expected that there exist solutions
with an Euclidean metric at infinity which are qualitatively different from
the ordinary electromagnetic waves in finite spatial regions.
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167. Hungarians Building Three New Research Institutes
"Three Scientific Research Institutes Being Built in Budapest"
(unsigned article); Budapest, Nepszabadsag, 30 Jan 60, p 6
Construction of the Experimental Medical Sciences Research Institute
building in Budapest on the corner of Ulloi-ut and Szigony-utca will begin
ill the spring of 1960. The ten-story building will be 42 meters high. The
r ninth floor will bo an animal laboratory in which studies can be done on
12,000 animals yearly. '
Work has already begun on the Central Chemical Research Institute being
built on the corner of Pusztaszeri-ut and Ferenchegyi-ut. It will consist
of four pavilions and will have a 15,000-volume library, with an additional
10,000 volumes placed in the laboratories.
A Pharmaceutical Industry Research Institute is being built near the
Chinoin Factory which will consist of three laboratories and an administra-
tion building. One of the laboratories will be finished in 1960.
168. French Scientists Appointed to Academy of Sciences USSR
".Louis de Broglie, Member of the Academy of` Sciences USSR"
(unsigned article); Paris, L'Humanite, 5 Mar 60, p 1
During a ceremony which took place on 4 March at the Soviet Embassy in
Paris, Sergey Vinogradov, Soviet Ambassador to France, presented diplomas
designating the following French scientists as foreign members of the
Academy of Sciences USSR: Louis de Broglie, life secretary of the French
Academy'of Sciences; Jaques Hademard, mathematician, member of the Academy
of Sciences; Louis Massignon, historian and expert on the Orient; Louis Neel,
director of the Ecole Nationale d'Electrotechnique (National Electrotechnical
School) of Grenoble; and Andre Mazon, professor of Slavic language and liter-
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