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Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000700050004-0 ADVANCED MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (Extracts from the Harvard Announcement) Objectives, and Scope A primary objective of the program is to make the man who participates in it a better man in his job, whether in supervision of production, sales management, direction of personnel relations, or any other staff or line function. Another, and perhaps even more significant objective, is the development of men fOr advance- ment into positions of wider responsibility. As a framework for study and discussion a program of six subjects is presented in the Advanced Management Program. The program places great emphasis upon the re- sponsibilities of business management not only in the economic field but also in the political and social areas. The formal study program is divided about equally among the following subjects: (1) Business Policy; (2) Administrative Practices; (3) Business and the American Society; (4) Cost and Financial Administration; , (5) Marketing Administration; (6) Problems in Labor Relations? Selection of Men to Attend the Course Experience with the course has demonstrated that many businessmen, despite the routines in which they have been immersed, exhibit a marked degree of intellectual curiosity and flexibility. These: rather than specific background or formal train- ing, are the indispensable attributes which men must have if they are to benefit. substantially from the Advanced Management Program. Men who are directly responsible for the performance of a group of subordinates benefit equally with men who have special assignments of an individual nature? From the point of view of company officers contemplating sending men to attend the course, it should be emphasized that only those men should be selected who seem to their company associates and superiors to possess the inherent ability to climb in the company's organization, without any definite ceilings on their upward growth. An applicant must have demonstrated in his business career qualities of ability, leadership: and adaptability. Candidates for admission, after they have been nominated bet. the top management of their companies, are further screened by an Admissions qommittee. Since there are no educational prerequisites for this course, the Committee is more concerned with what a man has accomplished since he stopped going to school than with how far he went or how well he did in his forma training? A Zel.c..22. Class A typical class numbers 160 men. In all, approxhmately 140 companies (in- cluding several foreign firm) are repreSented as well as various branches of the U.S. Armed Services. The average age of a typical member of the class is 44 years and the age range of the group is from 36 to 55 years. The average length of business experience of a student is from 15 to 20 years? Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000700050004-0 25X9A5 Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000700050004-0 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000700050004-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80-01826Z0)00700050004-0 0111119911,11191 EgicsamL,. APPROVAL SUBJECT: Revised Attachment A, Regulation 1. The attached revision of Attachment A4 Regulation No. was developed by representatives of the Deputy Director (Plans). the Deputy Director (Intelligence), and the Deputy Director (Support) in accordance with discussion at the 8th meeting of the Council on 31 March 1955. 25X1A 2. In addition to the changes proposed. the Regulations Control Staff will be requested to make necessary changes in organizational titles in the remainder of the text, i.e.. from Assistant Director for Personnel to Director of Personnel. etc. Approved For Release 2ellefli4MMEI17-IDP80-01826R000700050004-0 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDPS0-91826R000700050004-0 PROPOSED CHANGES IN REGULATION NO. CURRENT TEXT giNAIrotidLASS.a The Head of each Career Service will establish a Career Board and such subordinate Panels as he may consider necessary to advise him on personnel man- agement matters and, as he directs, to monitor the application and functioning of the personnel pro- gram as it affects the members of that Career Ser. vice. Psrazraph lid The Assistant Director for Personnel will assign a basic Service Designation to each Staff Employee and Staff Agent in the Agency which will identify him with an appropriate Career Service. In so do. ing, the Assistant Director for Personnel will give full consideration to the Head of the Career Ser- vice involved, the individualls desires, and to his qualifications for assignment to a particular Career Service. An individual may later hold other or additional appropriate Service Designations. 25X1A REVISED TEXT The Head of each Career Service will establish a Career Board and such subordinate Boards or Panels as hew consider necessary to advise him on per- sonnel management matters and, as he directs, to monitor the application and functioning of the per- sonnel program as it affects the members of that Career Service. Board or Panel designations will be recorded following the Service Designation to identify staff employees and staff agents with such subordinate Boards or Panels within Career Services as appropriate. The Director of Personnel will insure that Service Designations and Board or Panel Designations, as appropriate, are recorded in the official records of each staff employee and staff agent in order to identify such individuals with an appropriate Career Service, In so doing, the Director of Personnel will give full consideration to the Head of the Career Service involved and to the individual's desires and qualifications for assignment to a particular Career Service. An individual may later hold other appro. priate Service, Board, or Panel Designations. Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000700050004-0 25X1A wJV91.. Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000700050004-0 Attachment A 25X1A CAREER SERVICES AND SERVICE DESIGNATIONS gArgatt-22M122 CLANDESTINE SERVICES Foreign Intelligence 25X1ABa Technical Services Clerical FOIAb3b1 INTELLIGENCE PRODUCTION Research and Reports Current Intelligence Scientific Intelligence National Estimates COLLECTION AND DISSEMINATION SUPPORT Administration Medical Canmunicatices Budget and Finance Logistics Personnel Security Training 11$204_, Deputy Director (Plans) Deputy Director (Intelligence) Assistant Director for Operations Assistant Director for Collection and Dissemination Deputy Director (Support) Chief, Medical Staff Director of Communications Comptroller Director of Logistics Director of Personnel Director of Securtty Director Of Training PERSONNEL DesiEtriatiAtts Service, P or M 0 Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000700050004-0 A