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Approved For base 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP81 T00990 0100070045-7 MEMORANDUM TO: Chief, CIA/PID (NPIC) 25X1 ATTENTION IP0/sI FROM SUBJECT : Acting Chief, PID/IB Use of Aerial Photography by CIA Components other than CIA/PID (NPIC) This memorandum is organized in five parts for the sake of convenience. PART ONE deals with the aerial photo scan activities and film usage by the Economic Research Area of ORR, the "customer" PID/IB is most familiar with. PART TWO is a listing of completed or in work" requirements dealing specifically with photo enlargements that have originated from the above mentioned activities. PART THREE is a listing of requirements of a detailed nature that have originated from the above mentioned activities. PART FOUR deals with some suggestions why film scan should be controlled and conducted at NPIC. PART FIVE is a list of recommendations on how NPIC could support other CIA components if all film is contained, scanned, and analysed at NPIC. PART ONE A. Analysts in the Economic Research Area/ORR, particularily the Resources Division and the Manufacturing and Services Division, and to a much lesser degree the Milita c c Division, are ordering duo- 25X1 positive film rolls I ff directly from the NPIC/PSD/ICB Film. Library. Upon receipt of this film in ORR, the analysts actually view it on light tables and pick out examples of Chicom industrial installations and various aspects of Chinese agriculture that lie within their areas of interest. Subsequently photo enlargements of these installations are requested in the form of specific requirements to CIA/PID (NPIC). PID/IB orders these enlargements, locates and labels them, and more recently, annotates the basic components of each plant; and then forwards the enlargements to ORR to satisfy the requirements. (See Part II for a listing of these requirements and enlargements). B. This procedure has been justified on the basis that these analysts must become familiar with the aspects of Chinese industry as presented on photography, and this will in turn help them in leveling requirements for more specific and detailed photo analysis in PID. To date very few of these detailed requirements have been received in light of the large number of enlargements that have been forwarded to ORR. (See Part III for a listing of these requirements). The ORR analysts continue to assure us, however, that at the present time these enlargements are what they specifically need. Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP81 T0099OR000100070045-7 Approved For ease 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP81 T00990r0100070045-7 C. To my knowledge thel held in these three 25X Divisions of ORR at one time does not excee more than one, although on occasion they have held parts of more than one mission. D. On two occasions ORR analysts have used information that they have gleaned from their own analysis of in producing 25X reports and then have asked PID for coordination on ese reports before final publication. These reports are as follows; 1. Photography Confirms the Existanee of Modern Concentrating Facilities in the Chinese Tungsten Industry. CIA/RR CB 63-2 8 January 1963- 2. Production of Electric Power in Communist China in 1962. ORR Project 26.3823 Although Industrial Branch, PID did furnish some PI analysis for the second project through Informal Memo IB - 26/62, dated 28 February 1962, in answer to Requirement No. DDI/RR/E/R-07/62 (Project No. C 73/62), all of the sections of the first report and a considerable amount of the second report dealing with photography were compiled by the ORR analysts themselves. Upon completion of the draft copy of these reports they were sent to PID for coordination, with a short deadline, without guidelines as to how they arrived at some of the conclusions based on photographic analysis and without a specific requirement for this coordination. It was extremely difficult to coordinate these 'after the fact", in other words if the PI analysts in PID had been asked for support and coordination during the preparation of these reports this coordination could have been more effective and beneficial. PID/IB is not knowledgeable of other reports produced in ORR which specifically acknowledge the use of aerial photo analysis in their preparation, however there may well be others. Also PID/IB is not knowledgeable of ORR reports that have information in them that was derived from photography, but not so indicated. This, again, is a possibility which we cannot verify at the present time. E. On 3 October 1962 analysts from PID/IB met with analysts from ORR/D/MS*, Transporation Branch to discuss a transportation project they had initiated. The project concerns a comparative photographic analysis of rail traffic at selected Chinese Urban Areas to determine the relation of rail traffic to industrial activity. The theory behind this study was that a com- parison of earlier date photo coverage (preferably the period 1956-1959) 25X1 with of the amount of activity at these selected centers could be used as a guide line in analysing the trend of Chicom industrial activity in general over the same periods. *Manufacturing and Services Division, ORR, Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP81 T00990R000100070045-7 25X1A Approved For ,ase 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP81 T00990 0100070045-7 Subsequently analysts from the Transportation Branch viewed NPIC photo plots to obtain actual photo references of various comparative coverages of these rail centers, presumably as an aid to the writing of requirements for PID/IB Support. To date we have received none of these requirements, and with these photo references they could have ordered the film from NPIC/PSD/ICB Film Library and conducted their own photo analysis; however this is only speculation and there may well be some other reason whj- the project may not have developed as originally planned. 5X1 25X1 PART Tt10 This part is a listing of requirements that have specifically requested photo enlargements and were leveled as a result of the ORR analysts scanning F- I To date CIA/PID/IB (NPIC) has completed 77 projects requesting a total of 556 enlargements. There are 20 projects requesting a total of 70 enlargements now in work in the Branch. These requirements hay, been leveled by the following Divisions of the Economic Research Area, ORR: 1. Resources Division (ORB/DiR) Chief. 2. Manufacturing and Services Division kOM717)JMS) Chief. 3. Military Economic Division (ORR/D/M), These projects are listed on Attachment A. PART THREE As previously stated, a justification for sending the lI and the enlargements to the ORR analysts was to he p there to become familiar with the aspects of Chinese industry as presented on photography, and this will in turn help them in leveling requirements for more specific and detailed photo analysis in PID. PID/IB has received, to date, fifteen (15) such projects. Attachment B is a listing of these detailed projects. We are also currently expecting another detailed requirement requesting a PI study of a new copper smelter and refinery at Kun-ming, China as per telecom on 24 January 1963 with the ORR analyst who is responsible for maintaining current intelligence records on this type of industry in Communist China. PART' FOUR The following is a list of reasons supporting the need for NPIC control of film: A. Many projects handled at NPIC have short deadlines and considering the giber of PI's now aboard anc, those planned for the immediate future, snakes it imperative that film be readily available at all times in the NPIC files or at least within the building. 25X 25X 25X' 25 Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP81 T0099OR000100070045-7 Approved For ease 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP81 TO099000100070045-7 B. Most of the requirements that have originated through "outside" film usage has led to a large amount of duplication of effort between ORR and NPIC analysts in obtaining the film,, scanning for targets and obtaining photo data for photo lab requirements. C. NPIC has competent analysts that are familiar with subject material, NPIC handling procedures, and possess the ability to assist other CIA conrp)onents in the search, scan and procurement of photography. D. In addition, it goes without saying we are better equipped with instrumentation that is readily available to use with the different format configurations of photography currently in use. NPIC is responsible for the analysis of photography for other CIA components. In view of this established NPIC mission and in view of the aforementioned statements the following recommendations are advanced for your consideration: A. In order to eliminate duplication of effort on the part of ORR and NPI-!, NPIC analysts should be involved in the specific aerial photo scan operations now being carried in ORR to determine the validity of collateral or :reports dealing with new developments or changes. It is our hope that some agreement or directive be issued to avoid such "by pass" actions in the immediate future and that this NPIC responsibility be brought to the attention of all other CIA elements involved in this type of film readout. B. The need for more and better comaeudcations between analysts from NPIC',! and other CIA components in supplying guidance in the preparation of requirements and in maintaining closer liaison with the requestor through- out the many phases of a requirement could lead to better understanding of our facilities, capabilities, and willingness to provide photo interpretation analyses and studies in their areas of interest. This would provide the necessary preliminary and, in some cases, detailed studies now done in part by these other CIA components under more difficult circumstances. In doing so, valuable time would be saved on their part and we at NPIC would in turn, be fulfilling our mission. C. The use of photography as a "gimmick" or ready reference (such as paper prints for notebooks, stereograms, enlargements, etc.), on the part of many analysts in the community is ever increasing. This type of material, according to some analysts, is very important to their operation and may prove difficult to eliminate completely. If this be the case, and if it is allowed to continue regardless of degree, the addition of a separate unit in PID to fulfill these types of requirements should be considered. This would relieve the now enormous drain on regular branch functions and allow the highly skilled PI's to concentrate on detail reports. Also separation as such would be more or less commensurate with analysts grades. Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP81 T00990Rb00100070045-7 125X1 A Approved For ease 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP81 T00990 0100070045-7 Project Number Number of argementa Regu,estor C 1158/62 8 ORR/D/MS C 1153/62 21 ,. ORR/D/R C 1152/62 2 ORR/D/R C 1151/62 5 ORR/D/R C 1150/62 8 ORR/D/R c 1149/62 2 ORR/DIR C 1128/62 2 ORR/D/R C I124/62 5 ORR/D/R C 1123162 5 ORR/D/R C 1122/62 ORR/D/R C 1078/62 1 ORR/D/R C 1069/62 2 ORB/D/NHS C 1068/62 2 ORR/DIMS C 1067/62 2 ORR/D/MS C 1066/62 3 ORR/D/R C 1065/62 1 ORR/D/NS c 1064/62 13 ORR/D/MS c 1036/62 ORR/D/R c 1035/62 2 ORR/D/R C 1034/62 1 ORR/D/R C 1033/62 9 ORR/D/R C 1032/62 1 ORR/D/R C 1031/62 1 ORR/D/R C 1030/62 2 ORR/D/R C 1029/62 0 ORR/D/R C 1028/62 1 ORR/D/R C 1027/62 12 ORR/D/R C 1026/62 19 ORR/D/R C 1025/62 11 ORR/D/R C 1024/62 ORR/D/R C 952/62 11 ORR/ D/R C 951/62 8 ORR/D/R C 950/62 10 ORR/D/R C 949/62 10 ORR/D/R C 948/62 ORR/D/R C 947/62 ORB/D/R C 945/62 9 ORR/D/R C 944/62 13 ORR/D/R C 943/62 ORR/D/R C 934/62 6 ORR/D/R C 933/62 7 ORR/D/R c 932/62 1 ORR/D/R C 931/62 2 ORR/D/R C 930/62 2 ORB/D/R C 915/62 ORR/D/MS Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP81 T0099OR000100070045-7 Approved For ease 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP81 T0099#00100070045-7 ATTACHMENT A Cont. Project Number Number of Enla nts Requestor C 867/62 3 ORR/D/R C 8.30/62 3 C 829/62 ORE/DIMS C 827/62 4 ORR/D/MS C 826/62 5 ORR/D/R c 816/62 6 / C 815/62 6 ORR D/Ms c 813/62 9 ORR/D/R C 810/62 2 ORB/D/R c 807/62 10 ORR/D/R C 793/62 2 C 792/62 5 S %D%M C 791/62 14 ORR/D/R C 693/62 33 ORR/D/M C 638/62 ORR/D/R C 637/62 15 ORR/D/R C 636/62 22 ORR/D/R C 633/62 1 ORR/D/M C 630/62 C 629/62 1 ORR/D/M C 627/62 2 ORE/ D/M C 620/62 16 OFtR/D/M C 589/62 ORR/D/M C 565/62 RR O / c 494/62 3 R R DD/MS C 377/6' 34 ORR/D/R C 359/62 8 ORR/D/M C 358/62 1 ORR/D/R C 279/62- 55 ORR/ D/R C 278/62 6 ORR/D/Ms C 277/62 4 ORR/D/R Special Request D/CH, ORR/D,/R 12 ORR/D/R Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP81 T00990R000100070045-7 Approved For i ease 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP81 70099000100070045-7 Project Number Number of Enlargements Retuestor C 18/63 ORR/D/R C 17/63 3 ORR/D/R c 16/63 3 ORR/D/R C 15/63 ORR/D/R C 14/63 ORB/D/R C 13/63 11 ORR/D/R C 1259/62 10 0RR/D/W C 1246/62 ORR/D/R C 1220/62 ORR/D/R C 1218/62 3 ORR/D/R C 1.217/62 1 ORR/D/R C 1216/62 5 ORR/D/R C 1214/62 4 ORR/D/R C 1213/62 2 ORR/D/R C 1212/62 4 ORR/D/R C 1211/62 4 ORR/D/R C 1210/62 3 ORE/D/R C 1163/62 2 ORR/D/Imo C 1148/62 1 ORR/D/R C 1125/62 2 ORR/D/R Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP81 T0099OR000100070045-7 Approved For ease 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP81 70099000100070045-7 DETAILED PROJECTS Project Number C 1003/62 C 1002/62 C 932/62 C 8.96/62 C 753/62 C 749/62 C 736/62 C 735/62 C 654/62 C 633/62 C 630/62 C 627/62 C 358/62 C 352/62 C 275/62 Subject Jung-yang Aluminum Plant Chang-Chun Motor Vehicle Plant China Mining Activity Fu-shun/Liao-ning Power Plant Fu-shun Aluminum Plant Wu-han Thermal Power Plant Yen-liang Aircraft Plant Nan-Chang Airframe Plant Kun-ming/Yang-tsung Power Plant Nan-chang Airfield & Aircraft Plant Shen-Yang Airframe plant Habbin Aircraft Plant Poa-chi Thermal Power Plant New Rail Construction, An-ring New Rail Construction, Kun-wing Requestor ORR/D/R ORR/D/IBS ORR/D/R ORR/D/R ORR/D/R ORR/D/R ORR/D/M ORR/D/M ORR/D/R ORR/D/M ORR/D/M ORR/D/M ORR/D/R ORR/D/MS ORR/D/MS Approved For Release 2002/08/14: CIA-RDP81 T00990R000100070045-7