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Approved For Relee 2001/ lI 4110600190050-5 Niaro SIMEMr", Se ytation CIA Regulation "CIA Closer Service Program" The purpose of issuing this Headquarters Regulation is a, to place on a permanent basis, conforming to the new format and framework of CIA regulatory materiel, the CIA Career Service Program, its structure, authorities and responsibilities. At present this material exists only as a staff study approved by the DC' and issued as CIA This proposed Headquarters Regulation is a restatement ef text contained in the original staff study or modifi- cations of it that have since been approved by the Hoard, b. asititetrr, Approved For Release 200==aggipiffiRWI61/610190050-5 25X1A 25X1A -'Approved For Release 2001 I04P4? - P - 8 0 0 00%0050-5 Ned Noe a-.- Security Information MOT CENTRAL IMELLIGE2rE AGENCY REGULATION 111311613. 25X1 A CIA. CAREER SERVICE PROGRAM A. Policy In accordarce the basic personnel policy of the Centre Intenigency Ageroy (See CIA Regulation paragraph 25X1 A a Career Service Program is provided that identifies, develops, effectively uses and rewards individuals vdako he the skins required by CIA; motivates them toward rentlexing =rim= service to the Agency; and eliminates from the service, in an equitable manner, those who in spite of ibe Program fail to perform as effective members of the organization? The Career Service Pro? gram inoludes all staff employees and staff agents of the Central Intelligence Agency whether on duty in headquarters or in the fie/do Bo Purpose of the Career Service Program The purpose of the Career Service Program is to develop people to the fullest extent to moot present and anticipated, personnel reeds of the Agency. In accomplishing this end, provision is made in the program fors 10 Strengthening the selection process ty?tle establishment of a Professional Selection Panel which advises the Assistant Direc? tor for Persomiel regarding suitability for long term employavent of applicants and trial service employees? 1010411 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R 0050-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R0006 cv 0050-5 %se Security Information Formal. evaluations of each ind.ividual in the Agency through the periodic execution of a personnel evaluation report *doh is the basic instrument of career p3anning A Career Service Board structure advisory to responsible ?Maws on career service matters affecting their area of activity? Ito An executive inventory as an aid to persconsl planning for the development arid use of executive skill throughout the Agency., Rotations a process of systematic designation and redesignation of an individual to various kinds of duty and trainire for the purpose of improving his capacity to serve his sponsoring organizational covenant, Functional groups to administer Agency-4"We programs in the career service field Bush as Honor Awards* Hazardous Duty, eta* Procedural regulations relating to the purposes calumerated above aril not covered herein will be lasted separatelya Addirdetration of the Program 3., CIA Career (Jervioe Board The Career Service Program is controlled by a CIA Career Service Board that is responsible for providing advice to the DCI on making CIA a better place in which to work, It .15...2#4.P.0111otter?=4, Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000600190050-5 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R0006004050-5 %ad Security Information develops policy governing the Career Service Program and advises concerning all matters affecting Agency pereonnelo a. Organizatiee (1) The CIA. Career Service Board iscomposod of the following persona* Permanent nbtberst Deputy Director (Plana)or Deputy Deputy Director (Intelligence) or Dwelt' Deputy Director (Administration) or:Deputy Director of Training or Deputy Assistant Director for Personnel or Deputy Assistant Director for Communications or Deputy Rotating Members (two at any one tine fer.staggered terms of siz months each, there being at all times one nominated by the DD/I and one nominated by the DI)/P); Assistant Director for Current Intelligenoe Assistant Director for Cone:4'U= and Dissemination Assistant Director for Operatious Assistant Director for Scientific Intelligence Assistant Director for Reeearch and Reports Assistant Director for National Estimates Assistant Direbtor for Intelligence Coordination Chief, Foreign Intelligence Staff Chief, Political and Psychologioal Warfare Staff Chief, ParmAlitary Operationo Staff Chief, Technical Services LLuff Chief, Administrattve ataff Dmecutive Secretary - Nonrivoting The Chairman of the Boarimill be appointed by the DCI from among the three Deputy Directors to serve for a term of four months* Four members of the Board 'Hill constitute a Quorum? If a member. cannot be present, be maybe represented by his Deputy* The Board win (2) Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RIESR1W0600190050-5 'Approved For ReleaselZ901/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R00060p40050-5 em."0"ZIMIRMLbmi Security Information hold seheduisd monthly meetings, and agenda and anutes of meetings be distributed to all persons listed above. b* Responsibilities It is the responsibility of the CIA Career Service Board tos (1) Develop policy gaularning the Career Service Program for approval by the DCI and serve as his advisor on all matters concerning the Program, (2) Supervise and review the funotion:127g of (Office) Career Service Boards* (3) Establish and maintain tisa Parecutive Invesitory to be oomposed of those persons which the Board shall from time to time determine* liake recommerdations for filling key positions in the Agency Ivith personnel from the 3Itecubive Inventory. (5) Review evaluation of personnel oontaired in the Blasoutive Inventory and review rotation programs for their furthar developma0 (6) Approve the allocation of Rotation Loan Slots to (Office) Career Service Boards (7) Supervise supporting groups or Boards for hawlhtng apecializod functions on an .Agencyboaide baoiss, such as, - 4 - Will Natalie Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000600190050-5 'Approved For Releasc.901/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R00060U0050-5 GEIMPEIRP011e Security Information, Hazardous Duty Board, !loner Awards Beard, Professional Selection Panel, eta., dranine on looney personnel as necessary. (8) P):?epare and submit aranu13r to the Del a summary of the operation of the CIA Career Service Program. 2, The Secretariat of the CIA Career Service Board a, Organization The Career Development Staff of the Peraonnel Office serves as the Secretariat of the CIA Career Serve Board and the Chief, Career Developmarcb Staff serves as the Itaioutive Seoretarr of the Board. b. Responsibilities It .411 be the responsibility of the Secretariat of the CIA Career Service Board tot Recommand to the CIA Career Service Board ways and wane of iliproving- the CIA Career Service Program.. Perform all secretariat and administrative functions for the CIA Career Service Board. Theoe include, but are not limited to: (a) LIEdztaitrIng master files concerned with Career Service matters on a current basis for the Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000600190050-5 Approved For Release 2C/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R00060014950-5 amomirmaaamilmomm Security Information CIA Career Service Board, inoluding agenda and records of meetings, files of the Executive Inventory and records of rotation loan diet util1nation4 (b) Assiatieg(Offioe) Career Service Boards In effecting rotation appointments. (c) Tranamitting to the CIA Career Service Board recommendations and periodic reports of the (Office) Career Service Boards for consideration. (d) Initiating and supervising such studies as are needed to improve the Career Service Programa (e) Submitting unresolved inter-Office Board problems to the CIA Career Service Board for decision* Cr) Coordinating nith the Office of Training training arrangements and needs respecting the CIA Career Service Program. (g) Acting in support of Boards established by the OIA, Career Service Board for handling specialized functions on an Agenorvide beats. 3. Office Career Service Boards Each staff employee and staff agent nil/ be identified with an appropriate (Office or Staff) Career Service Board. The - 6 - Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000600190050-5 Approved For Release .01/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R0006004q050-5 semPOMPOBOrmo Security Information (Office) Career Service Boards are responsible for advice to their respective chiefs on making the Office or Staff a better place in which to work. These Boards are concerned primarily mith implementing the Agencyle personnel policy, developing internal personnel policy and reviewing recommendatione cow- cerned with the careers of individuals. It is at this level and through the functioning of these Office and Staff Boards that the rotation, training, advancement and assignment plans recommended for the individual are reviewed for the approval of the Assistant Director or Office head, a. Organization (1) (Office) Career Service Boards are composed of the following persons: Assistant Director or Staff Chief ex*officio Three or more Staff or Division Chiefs, or comparable high.level officials Secretariat Non-voting. (In most cases, the Secretariat is composed of Administrative Personnel Officers of the Office concerned and will perform staff support for the Board.) (2) (Office) Career Service Boards are established in the following units of CIA: Office of Training Office of Communications Office of the Deputy Director (Plans) Foreign Intelligence Staff 7 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000600190050-5 Approved For Release 2C/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R00060019V0-5 MeNWMW. Security Information Political and PsychologioLlWarfare Staff ?arami.litary Operations Staff Technical Services Staff Office of National Estimates Office of Research and Reports Office of Current Intelligence Office of Scientific Intelligence Office of Collection and Dissemination Office of Operations Office of Deputy Director (Adminietration) Personnel Office Medical Office Office of General Services Inspection and Security Office Procurement and Supply Office Office of Comptroller b, Responsibilities It is the responsibility of an (Office) Career Service Board to: (1) Serve as advisor to the Aesistant Director (or Office head) on all matters pertaining to the Career Service ?rogram, (2) Direct within the Office the application and functioning of the Career Service Program, including but not limited to: (a) "ft:muting relevant decisions of the CIA Career Service Board and making: recommendations to the CIA Career Service Board for Improvement of the Career Service Program, siabilsellevr Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000600190050-5 Approved For ReIvy 2001/08/01 CIA-RDP8q-91126R0416090190050-5 3ecurity Intonation (a) K?1?,,orings, :',1171.ipim and elecuting the Career enrice 'Program ot the Office concerned* including an intra-Office rotation eyetemi and reporting periodically to the CIA Career Service Bowe, Reviewing 73ersonnel evaluation Reports and proposed development plans for individuals in terse of training, assignment, advancement, rotation and promotion* (d) Recommending cancellation or continuance of career development actions, (e) Participating in the davelopmnt and approved extra-Office rotation syetemso (f) Snbatting semi-annual Personnel Ilvaluatlon Report to the Sponsoring Office on each rotation appointee from another Office? (g) Ensuring that the rotationexcinteee detailed by their Office to another Office are not overlooked for warravtad promotion and eneuring that rotation appointees received by their Office are productive and their assignMents commensurate with the purpose of the appointmenteo (h) Reviewing continuously conditions of service and duty with a view to making recommendations to the CIA Career Service Board concerning working oonditione and benefits that can etrengthen morale =diaereses "esprit de corps', - 9 SIGNIPOIVIVED Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000600190050-5 ??' 'APproved For Release te)1/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R00060014950-5 ammeor4MMIF. Security Information (1) Reviewing continuously the personnel intake of the Office, especially at the junior professional level, with a view to ensuring the acquisition of highly. qualified, versatile persons with longa.range potentiality. (3) Supervise supporting groups or Boards as appropriate for handling specialized functions, assigning to them Office personnel as necessary? - 10 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CiriM7=0600190050-5