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Approved For Release 2000/ ~9 ~ ~~A-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 C E N T R A L I N T E L L I G E N C E A G E N C Y OFFICE OF CENTRAL REFERENCE CODING TASK TEAM REPORT N0. 3 '~R/ 3 1 March 1955 MEMORANDUM FORo Assistant Director, Central Reference SUBJ'ECT~ Final Report on Coding, Task Team Na. 3 1. Membership 25X1A 25X1 A Special Register, OCR Materials Division, ORR 25X1 A Special Register, OCR 25X1A Special Register, OCR Document Div~.sion, OCR 2. Method of Task Team Operation OCR Task Team No. 3 has recently completed a study of the ISC (Intelligence Subject Code) and a comparison of the present Intellofax- aperture card system with a recommended printed bibliography and intact hard copy system. In the course of the study we investigated the soundness of 7 specific conclusions of an outside Consultants panel. Our findings and conclusions lead to the development of 7 basic recorrunendations which, if adopted, will maintain and materially improve the service provided by OCR. The recommendations are made with the realization that administra- tive forces (space, budget, manpower) are factors that ultimately determine a course of action. The task team has tried to recommend what is needed to meet all reasonable contingencies while keeping in mind present investments and systems that must be lived with, but projecting a plan to eventually achieve-the "ideal`B in intelligence information handling. During the course of th~.s study, it was found that `"costs" were relatively unimportant from the standpoint of one system against another. The cost differences in such systems are so close that the task team did not dwell on that factor unduly, but tried to determine the best system for the most people. The methodology used by the task team was to divide the project as outlined in the project memorandum into 4 main parts. Incorporated in Part One are the elements in item (1}; in Part Two thaw elements in items (~) and. (3); in Part Three items (~+), (5), and (7 ); and in Part Four item (6). Eaeh member of the task team was assigned to make a detailed study and report on one of the above parts. Each report was then brought before the whale committee for evaluation and recommendation. Approved For Release 2000/09~ RDP81 S00991 8000200150004-2 Approved For Release 2000/ Rel~-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 TTR/3-2 No tests were made on the ISC. It was felt that additional tests would show what is already known - that is, that inconsistencies do occur in the application of the ISC. Since the ISC is now in the process of extensive revision to correct these descrepancies, it seemed inopportune to make additional tests. 3. Recommendations Based on our findings and conclusions, two groups of recommendations are submitted. a. Group I includes the following recommendations for the improve- ment of existing OCR facilitieso (1) OCR should adopt the Library of Congress subject classi- fication, subject heading, and cataloging system for books. (p. TTR/3-10) (2) The aperture card system must be maintained and improved by filming "nodex" and controlling poor and single copy items. (3) An improved Intellofax system for document retrieval based on a revised ISC should be maintained. (p. TTR/3-29) b. Group II includes items which represent additions to existing OCR facilities and which are strongly recommended to improve the service offered by f~CR. It is recognized that adoption of the recommendations in this group will require both additional space and increased expenditures. Therefore, they provide a special challenge for management ingenuityo (1) A one-to-five year hard copy file of documents, lay source and country, should be established to supplement the aperture card system. A file of this type has been requested by and will be of real assistance to area research analysts. (p. TTR/3-1$) (2) A fully annotated manual card catalog should be provided to supplement the Intellofax system. This catalog will provide a standard research tool for analysts who wish to conduct their own searches for material. (p. TTR/3-~9) (~) A printed index of published FBIS material, similar to the New Cork Times Index, should be established. This index will provide a means which presently daes not exist for recovering FBIS aaterial. It is felt that this recommendation can most easily be implemented through an external services contract. A decision as to the desirability of a printed index of? all intelligence documents should be based on the experience gained in printing an FBIS index. (p. TTR/3-3o) Approved For Release 2000/O~I~'~(=RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 Approved For Release 2000/091fU~1~~~rRDP81S00991R000200150004-2 TTR~3-3 (~-) The Printing Services Division, OL, should provide a photostat machine close to the Acquisitions Branch, OCR, to photostat publications received in an inadequate number of copies. (p. TTR/3-31) 25X1A Task Team No. 3 Attachments Fina:L Report for Task Team No. 3 Appendices A. Memorandum to CIA Librarian, ~ October 1957 B. Memorandum to Deputy Assistant Director,OCR, 15 October 1957 C. Memorandum to Chief, Reference Branch9 CIA Library9 l~+ J'anuary 1957 D. List of tToS, Governmental Libraries Using the Library of Congx?ess Classification System E. Chief, Document Division Draft - Arithmetic of a hard?copy system Approved For Release 2000/Q~-~11~ ~i4-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 Approved For Release 2000/v'~Ifl't' R~I~a-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 RINAL REPt~RT 4F TASK TEAM N0. 3-CODING TTR~3-~+ SUNIMAFiY The findings, conclusions, and recommendations of Task Team No. 3 with respect to 7 specific conclusions of the Oonsultants panel axe as follows: "(1) the ISC cannot be applied uniformly to book and document coding. The ISC cannot be applied uniformly to book and document coding. Continuous revisions of the ISC for document indexing and the need for a permanent, simplified and consistent system for book cataloging and shelving demand the use of a code structure designed specifically for books. aCR should adopt the Library of Congress subject classification, subject heading and cataloging system for books. "(2) an intact hard copy system would be more economical of space, provide speedier service, and be less costly than the present system." An intact hard copy system would not be more economical of space, provide speedier service, or be less costly than the present system. T~liile a hard copy file would be useful in many instances and would be a vlant it.baThe stay or supplement to th,e present system - it could not supp present aperture-card system must be maintained and improved by filming "nodex" and controlling poor and single copy items. As far as is adminis- trat3.vely possible, a one-to-five year hard copy File by source and country should be established to supplement the aperture acrd system. "(3) the aperture card system is an inefficient substitute for an intact hard copy file." The 'proposed expanded" aperture card system is not an inefficient substi- tute for an intact hard copy file. Such an aperture card system is quicker and superior to a'hard copy file (including reproduction by photostat expediter) system. Approved For Release 2000/09/~'~:(~E A~DP81 S009918000200150004-2 Approved For Release 2000/0~ ~~~RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 TTR/3-5 49 (1. ) program efficiency will result in ~'F having a printed bibliography instead of the Intellofax system.,` A painted bibliography could never entirely replace the Intellofax system. The Intellofax (or some flexible system with reasonable detail) must be maintained for efficient document retrieval. It is felt, however, that both a "general" and a "reasonably detailed" approach to intelligence documents are needed. It is strongly recommended that a fully annotated manual "card Catalog" should be provided to supplement the Intellofax system. It is recommended that the FBIS be indexed (probably on an "outside" contract basis) using a printed format similar to the New York Times Index. A printed bibliography ("general" index) to all intelligence documents to supplement the Intellofax would have considerable merit. ()n. the basis o~ the experience gained in printing an index to the FBIS a decision should be reached as to the desirability of a printed index to all intelligence documents: When a more sophisticated machine indexing system (-A+~.nicard) replaces Intellofax, greater depth should be incorporated into the coding structure. ~~(5) the IPI could be expanded to include all documents, books, periodical articles, and FBIS material." The IPI could not be expanded to include all documents, books, periodical articles, and FBIS material. Such a publication. would be impractical from sheer "'size" alone. An accessions list of books could be published as a supplement to the IPI, It is recommended that documents and FBIS material be handled as outlined under item (~+). ~'(6) it is feasible to make photostat copies of single copy enclosures for Acquisitions Branch customers.14 From a cost standpoint it is not feasible to make photostat copies of all books and all enclosures for Acquisitions Branch customers. Every effort should be mods to acquire multiple copies of such enclosures. A photostat. machine should be-set up by Printing Services Division, OL, in close proximity to the Acquisitions Branch to photostat those- items in greatest demand.. The decision on what to photostat is an administrative problem. Approved For Release 2000/~Q;f R ~ip4-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 Approved For Release 2000/( ~~ITA-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 Tit/3 -6 "(7) a printed bibliography would be cheap to produce and would prays timely enough to serve information staff needs in lieu of Intellaf ax." A printed bibliography would not be unreasonable in cast and could be made to be timely. Assuming that a printed bibliography is found feasible after the test as outlined in item (~+), it alone is not enough to serve the inf?ormatian staff needs in lieu of Intellofax. It is felt that no one system will answer all types of information requirements. A general bibliography-index would answer some requirements that the Intellofax will nat. `The Intellofax will meet many requirements that the printed index could never satisfye Bath a "general" and a "detailed?' approach are weeded. Approved For Release 2000/ R ~f~A-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 Approved For Release 2000/09~ ~~1~4TRDP81 S009918000200150004-2 ~/3-7 PART o~ "(1) the ISC cannot be applied uniformly to book and document coding." I. Consultantsg Findings A. "There. is inconsistency in the classification of books." B. "The present ISC cannot be applied uniformly to the classification of books and must be revised." C. "The inadequacies of the ISC complicate the cataloging routine and make the fob more time consuming. ?1 D. "The lack of definition of the codes and the fact that there may or may not be codes available on given subjects or too many on others, means the cataloger must spend an extraordinary amount of time deciding where to classify a book and, in addition, what other codes or subjects should be assigned to the book." E. "Since various aspects of the same things are treated as different subjects, there is often the necessity for a tedious search of the shelf - list to determine where other similar books have been placed." F?. "The lack of definition of the codes results in a considerable amount of duplication of effort and recataloging and reclassification of books and complaints from users that like materials do not sit on the shelves together." Task Team ~?indings A, There are basic dissimilarities in both the substance and form of books and intelligence reports which. have contributed to the Consultantsg findings referenced above, 1. Books may be described as systematic literary compositions, representing the considered evaluation of a subject, carefully edited and published, and intended for an undefined reading public. 2. Intelligence documents, on the other hand, represent the efforts of the SAC agencies in producing basic, covert, current, economic, scientific, national, and operational intelligence. They are intended for a restricted and specified audience. The f armat and content of intelligence documents may range from a brief, fragmentary sketch to a formally written report, and from rumor and conjecture to factual, encyclopedic data> B< The ISC is a classified list of subject headings for documents and was specifically designed to cover the topics with which the Agency is con- cerned. As such, it has been inadequate for book cataloging. (Appendices A & B) Approved For Release 2000/0~0~~~-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 Approved For Release 2000/09~~ ~k-~tDP81 S009918000200150004-2 TTR/3-8 C. The application of the ISC to book cataloging has resulted in inconsistencies, distortion of codes, and creation of numerous additional cards to indicate significant subjects. (Appendices A and C) Examples of such inadequacies are as follr~wsd 1.. Panama Conference on International Maritime Canals The ISC does not have a code for international canals or maritime canals. The ISC classifies all canals under "Inland Waterways" (756x122). In order to classify this book in the ISC system, it was indexed. as ':'Administration of Maritime Transportation"' (756,511). The Library of Congress system would classify this as "Canals, Interoceanic?' (JX1398 to 1403). 2. Electrical Engineering Education in the USSR Pour ISC codes had to be used to cover this book adequately,. however, not one of the four expressed its substantive content. The ISC codes used veered Engineering, Electrical (663) Scientific Scholarships (601.6) Colleges & Universities (831.2) Technical 8e Industrial Schools & Training (831,3) The Library of Congress system would classify this as "Electrical Engineeringo Study and Teaching -Russia" (TK 192). 3. Three books concerning aircraft engines were classified and shelved under three distinct ISC codesa Aircraft Power Plants, Northrup Aeronautical Institute ~- 1 Aircraft Power lant Handbook, C,A,A. Tech, Manual 107 (666328}) Aircraft Engines of the World, Paul H. Wilkinson (462.1) The?Library of Congress system would classify all three books as "Aeronautics, Aircraft Engines" (TL 701 to 704). 4. Area classification and shelving of books according to the ISC system has resulted in inconsistencies such as: Sel eted Works o KA-w? MArx ~ area cads N/5 (Russia) a C ob ~P Life and Arivanttl es of Karl r ) - area code 4M/6 (Germany) nas xanitAl .. area code l (International) Critique c-F? ~ ~ f,n~?ha pr~~.z,?a~;.~ ~ area code 1 (International) Ma.r~x and Engels on ahi n.a _ area Bode 1L /5 (China) Approved For Release 2000~~'~ IA-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 Approved For Release 2000/O~~b~ ~I~-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 /3 -9 A revised ISC cannot correct many of these inadequacies and incon- sistencies, because of the area approach in classification. The. Library of Congress system, however, which classifies and shelves books according to their subjects would solve or lessen marry of these problems. ~. While many of the presently known inadequacies could be corrected in a revised ISC, it is desirable to adopt a book cataloging system which will beo 1. permanent (the AHIP Working Group on the Intelligence Subject Code anticipates that revisions and expansions in the ISC structure will be made on a continuing basis). 2. simplified (in accordance with ConsultantsB recommendations) but with built-in provisions for expansions according to book subject needed 3. consistent with the cataloging system used by many major U.S. governmental libraries. (Appendix D) 4. designed. specifically for the classification of books. E. The AHIP Working Group on the ISC has recommended that "the ISC shall be designed primarily to support the subject classification of intelligence literatureoe. and should reflect sub,jeets hound in intelli- gence reportso..." Since the ISC shall be composed primarily of the subject headings needed to control. data appearing in intelligence reports, and furthermore since the AIiIP anticipates continuous revision of the ISC, it is believed that the ISC structure should not be complicated by numerous special codes needed only in book cataloging, and that book cataloging should not be faced with the continuous task of recataloging, remarking, and reshelving with each revision of the ISC. (See Appendices A, B, and D). ISC revisions when applied to the book collection will necessitate recat~loging, remarking, and reshelving in each instance. ~?. The Library of Congress classification system was designed specify tally for btaoks. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of adopting this system. in lieu of continuing with the revised ISC, are discussed in Appendices A, B, and Co G. Time and money could be saved through the use of duplicate. Library of Congress catalog cards and through the use of the L~C subject heading list in determining the proper classification for certain booksp e.g., Kets - the LC subject heading list gives the classification code (17K 759aK), and definition of this word (ethnology m Siberia) Hydatids the LC subject heading list refers toe medical parasitology Bicaliagic~,l. Warf are m the LC subject list gives the classifica- tion code ZJG 47.8) and, related terms such as communicable diseases, military arts and sciences, etc. Approved For Release 2000/~~ ~~I'~-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 Approved For Release 2000/09~~4 I~-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 TTR/3-14 I~. In addition to being a permanent, simplified bank classification system, the Library of Congress system has the added advantage of being a research tool familiar to many individuals who have engaged in academic ar professional research activitieso I. The Library of Congress system would need certain refinements and expansions to meet the needs of CIA. A, The task team agrees that although the revised ISC possibly could be made to apply to book ceding, the AHIPmrecommended continuous revision of the ISC makes the system difficult and time~cansuming when applied to beak c~.talaging and shelvingo B. The task team recommends that the Library of Congress subject classification, subject heading, and cataloging system be adopted far book cataloging. PART TW4 ?'(~) an intact hard copy system would be mare economical of space, provide speedier service, and be less costly than the present system.99 "(3) the aperture card system is an inefficient substitute for an intact hard copy file .t9 Io Consultants9 Findings A. "The use of the aperture cards should be discontinued in favor of an intact hard cagy room for documents up to five years old,. after which all service would be from film of the documents in the same order as the materials are kept in the hard copy rooms i.e., by issuing agency and series.tA B. "The IAC Room should be canvert~d into an intact hard copy room, with space for readers and with Photostat Expediters available so that analysts who want a copy of a document ar of a page can make it immediately, without waiting for an order t? be processed through QCR.B? C. A room of approximately 3,444 square feet would provide for a three- to~-five year (page 1~+5) or far a five year (page 121) cDllectian of hard copy documents plus a reasonable number of Photostat Expediters. D. 1,344 square feet of space m 58~ film storage, 644 for copying, and 16.4e far reading room _ is presently utilized far the aperture card system. 8Y21 th~w aperture card system were eliminated, this would save at least 1,444 square feet of this space.?8 Approved For Release 2000/0 R ~h4-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 Approved For Release 2000/09~4~ ~~ATRDP81 S009918000200150004-2 TTR~3-11 E. "The assumption that aperture cards satisfy the needs for documents, however, is f?alseo In addition to the aperture cards, thousands of docu- ments go into 35 film, which present special problems, and many thousands more are carried in the IAC Room, which is actually a hard copy file room, since it includes all of the hard-copies of the documents that are kept, regardless of whether they come from intelligence agencies, whether they are classified materials or not." ~?. ??A hard copy file was tried before in the Library, but was given up because the file was not kept intact4 It could not, at that time, be kept intact because the photostat expediter which is now in the Agency was not then availableo" G. `9In view of the fact that a large hard copy file must be maintained, and in view of the fact that access to a hard copy file, if the file is kept intact, would be much quicker in terms of elapsed time than access through the fi3ing of a film copy and enlarging that film, and in view of the fact that a very large percentage of the documents are found to be non-pertinent, an intact hard-copy file appears to be a better approach than the mixed approach now in useo" II. Task Team Findings A. The Cansultantsg space estimate of 3,OQ0 square feet for a fivem year collection of documents is low. The task team estimates that a miiaimum of 4,74 square feet of space would be needed for a five-year collection. This space figure was determined in the following manners In 1957 Machine Division filmed 241,861 documents totalling 1,494,t~94 pageso (This total includes documents received on initial dissemination to Document Division and documents, generally enclosures, borrowed by the Library from other IAC Agencieso) This averages 6.2 pages per document and enclosure filmed. In 1957 Document Division received 398,543 documentsa Utilizing the 602 page average of Machine Division?s filming program, the total document intake in 1957 was 2,464,766 or approximately 2,4oa,ooa~ pages o. Records Management estimates 2,00 pages per linear foot of working (not tightly packed) storages Based on this estimate, annual document receipts (using the 1957 figures) would require 1,2Q0 linear feet of storageo The 2,4f70,000 page estimate is based on current .document receipts into CIA. If the procurement of enclosures is resolved by higher authority (as suggested by the Consultants) receipts might increase as much as 54Q,CQ4 pages annually< Space requirements would increase an additional l,CUa square feet with the addition of riew enclosureso Approved For Release 2000/09~ C~~AiRDP81 S009918000200150004-2 App-roved For Release 2000/~~~1~~TA-RDP81S009918000200150004-2 TTR/3-12 One six-section double face standard heigYb range of 12" s?Leel shelving yields 216 linear feet of storage space. This figure is based on 6 shelves per section rather than 7 shelves since the top. shelf would be too high far browsing or servicing without a ladder. Allowing 100 (or 22 feet ) of storage for manila envelopes and other dividers, the total available storage space per range is t9~+ linear feet. An annual document collection would require 1,200 linear feet of storage, and each range of shelving has 19~ linear feet of storage. Therefore, it would require 6.2 ranges of six-section double-face steel shelving to house a one-year document collection. one six-section double-face range would require 120 square feet of space allowing for 1+2" aisles between ranges. Thus, the 6,2 ranges needed for each year would require 7~+~+ square feet of space, and the five-year collection would require 3,720 square feet.. The latter is an exact figure for storage only, and an additional 1,0(30 square feet should be allotted for adm,3,nistrative, workq and growth factors. The five-year total would be ~+,72p square feet in contrast to the Consultants? estimate of 3,000 square feet. The task team.?s estimate is based on ideal conditions. tTtilizing the Records. Management estimate of 2,000 pages per linear foot, approximately 6,000 pages or over 900 documents could be housed on a three?foot section of steel shelving. An actual count of three shelves of CSLT?s with large enclosures in the hard copy collection in Circulation Branch revealed 133,.156, and 192 documents. These are oversize documents and enclosures, but the count indicates the problem in forecasting space needs. Another study of the space requirements for a hard copy collection estimated that 7,000 square feet would be needed. .(See Appendix ~). If ~-drawer file cabinets were used instead of steel ahelvingg 8,000 square feet would be needed to house the 5-year collection. Any estimate of .total space needs must be based on the present flow of documents into the Librarya This flow can change overnight with any drastic change in the world situation. It is hard to conceive how a hard copy collection would be more economical of space when 3 of the present stacks of aperture card files occupying 8 square feet of floor space can house approximately 12+,$00 documents and one ssxus~h~l~eeetoQ~l~paceecan section of 12 inch document shelving occupying 7.S 9. house under ideal conditions only 10,51 documentsa B. Very little of the present Library space devoted to the aperture cards could be released for a hard copy collection. The Library must continue to provide aperture card print service.- The variety in size and format of documents and their enclosures complicates the task of? maintaining complete hard copy files (and as has been pointed out -forecasting space estimates). If the collection is to be available for browsing, floor-to-ceiling stacks are undesirable, and the files cannot be tightly packed. Constant use of the documents would result in the copies becoming torn and generally unusuable. Open stacks would result in misfiling by analysts and recovery problems Approved For Release 2000/09/~~ ~~~DP81 S009918000200150004-2 Approved For Release 2000/09 ~~I~~tDP81 S009918000200150004-2 TTR/3-13 would increaseo Since 5~ ?~ the requests from CIA and almost 14C~ cif the requests Pram the other IAC Agencies come by mail, the files would never be complete for browsing and many items would always be out far phatostatingo Co The question of speedier service under a hard copy system as against the aperture card program is dependent upon the type of service desired by the analysto It is quicker for an analyst to browse through a stack area and survey hard copy documentso However, 5~ of the CIA requests are received by nail, and, the requester has indicated the document he wishes to see or procured This mail service will continue in the new buildings Photastating hard copy documents to answer mail requests requires more time than printing from aperture cardsa An 8~page document (one aperture card) can be shot in 56 sec?ndso It required ~ minutes. and 55 seconds to photostat an $mpa~e h~x?d copy doc~aent as observed by a task team membero Pulling and filing hax?d copy documents for these mail requests would also require more tune than working with the aperture card fileso Retrieval of documents older than five years an reel fi3.m, would be slower than from aperture cax?ds a HARD COPY C4I~ECTICI~~ Instead ?f APERTURE CARD SYSTEM Advantages la Analysts and area specialists may browse through reports from a single past to determine trends and type of repartingo 20 Provides a nick research survey by country with the e:~ceptian of CIA reparts)o 3a Analysts do not have to utilize valuable research time in viewing and handling unfamiliar aperture cards and reel filmo ~o All documents, including pear and single copy enclosures, are pra? ceased in one systemo Sa only current (up to five years) material is maintained, and thus selective valuable material is available far browsing and quick readingo Disadvantages to Requires ~+,7~4 square feet of spaces ~a Unknown factor of haw much use analysts would make of the hard copies for reading and browsingo 3o Requires more time to file, pull, and phatastat hard copies to answer mail requests from CIA analysts and other IAC Agencieso ~e Misf?tling by analysts would increase recovery problemse 5a Constant use of documents would result in the copies becoming tarn and generally unu.sablee ~e Retrieval of documents older than five years an reel film would be time cansuaning and difficult to control and provide serviced Approved For Release 2000/O~~RDP81S00991R000200150004-2 Approved For Release 2000/09~~ ~~ArRDP81 S009918000200150004-2 6d Hard copy file by source enables analyst to make a manual search by specific topic or subject rather than relying upon the machine search4 7a Library would receive documents quicker for filing and servicing if filaning were delayed until end of ~myear periodo $o Would eliminate need f?or source card. files as hard copy file by source would serve as processing catalog and files TTR/~ -1~+ 7o F?iles would never be complete because items would be out for photostating, on routing, or on :file in the office of major interest or in a specialized registero $~ difficulty in maintaining uniform filing system to handle oversize, cole;red overlays, and map enclo~ suresa 90 File copies would be removed to answer `high leVelt9 Or "after hours69 requestso In many instances once the file copy has been re- moved, it cannot be replaceda loo Would not solve the "poor copy" problemo llo Filming would have to continue at the initial receipt point for the Vital Materials Program and the archives copy ~ of?ter 5 years so that the hard copy would be de- layed in reaching the files 12o Library would be forced to main- tain a service organization to provide documents from three distinct and different systems m hard copy prior to 195+, aperture card system, and new hard copy collectiono This would require additional T~oA ~ an inviolate hard copy collection filed by source and then post and series with photostat service for retention printso The aperture card system would consist of aperture cards filed by IAC number, document source card files, and viewers for reading purposesa Approved For Release 2000/~~~ ~~~-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 Approved For Release 2000/0 ~~Ib-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 2"T'R/3 ml5 HARD CpP~' CaLLDC'i'I4N~? To Supplement APEft~tTRE CARD SYST~I Advantages 1. Analysts do not have to view documents on f il~n but can view references supplied by Intellom fax in hard copy before requestm ing aperture card printsa disadvantages le Additional. service w?uld require x+,720 square feet of space, $23,?~ for shelving, and a total annual personnel cost of $~2,~+30. 2. Analysts can make quick manual searches by post bef?vre or instead of requesting anachine searchesa 3. Analysts would be able to browse through the stack erase ~o Quick service to answer `?after hoursP' requests without relying upon machine reproductiono 5a Can also be utilized by outside agency personnel who have requested Intellofax service. 6. 1~Iay cut down reproduction costs from aperture card prints as analysts will view hard copy wrhere they probably would request prints of filar rather than view in,g o 7. Provides a file for `"poor copy" materials that cannot be loaned but maintained for reading in the Library... $o only current (up to five years) anaterial'i? maintained, and thus selective valuable aaterial is available for browsing and quick reading.. 20 tTnknown factor of how much use analysts would make of this supplemental service 3. Additional reproduction costs to provide the hard copy File with single copy and 9"scarce supply?' documents. ~a Difficu.lty to maintain uniform filing system to handle oversize, colored overlays, and map enclo- suresa 5. Hard copy material would not be loaned. Analysts would have to utilize the Library copy for reading in the hard copy file room. Asauaaling hard copy file by source, post and series within a complete aperture-card fileq Approved For Release 2000/O~~O~h R~1~-RDP81 S00991 8000200150004-2 Approved For Release 2000/( ~~Ib-.RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 TTR/3m16 D. Within reason, the cost factor of an~r system sho'u].d be secondary to providing quick and accurate serviceo Economizing on expenditures for processing and retrieving information which has been collected through the expenditure of substantial funds is not sound. Emphasis should be placed on providing flexible service to meet the needs of the individual analyst and the intelligence communitya If a hard copy collection were substituted for the aperture card program, many of the present costs of the aperture program would continue since service would have tv be supplied from. the existing card filesa palming should continue at the initial processing poizit for the Vital Materials Program and to make the proposed film retire- ment pro~x?atar effective. If filming is postponed until the document is five years old, as proposed by the Consultants, the hard copy, in many instances, would not be suitable for filming. Additional T/0 would be needed to institute the hard copy programo Eo (?ne of the mayor problems in documentary storage and retrieval is enclosures to documentsa The A13IP Working Group on Citation of Document F~closures has estimated that 5~ of the Air and Davy Documents, ~~ of the Army,- 15?jo of State, and 3c~ of` CIA reports bear enclosures a Many of these enclosures are single copies, colored overlays, maps, oversize items, or poor copies. In these instances,- they do not always. lend themselves to filming. The problem of housing and servicing enclosures is inherent in a hard copy collection or an aperture card system. Efforts have been made to film all (approximately 95~ of those received) enclosures so that originals may be disseminateda Document Division generally is required to route original enclosures per instructions of the originating office or to meet reading requirements of CIA off?iceso To complicate the pictux?e, the enclo- sures which are returned are usually of little immediate interest. In order to provide service on enclosures which cannot be read from aperture card prints, the Library maintains large hard copy files of enclosures returned from rousting and also attempts to recover the enclosure that is being routede This is a time-consuming and most often fruitless task. The offices do not maintain logs of incoming material, and the standard answer is that the material has not been received or was forwarded to the next office on routingo In some instances, analysts may lift part or all. of the enclosure for their individual filesa E?. The aperture card system was adopted in 1~5~ to meet space limita- tions within the Library and to provide better service through retention printse The system as a flexible and quick means of information storage and retrieval in a minimum of space has not been inefficient, but some .policies- implementing the system, such as processing of poor copy and nodex items, have resulted in criticisms and deficiencies. The deficiencies may be overcome, not through discarding the aperture card system, but by improving and expanding ita In 1957s 73'336 documents were nodexed. Most of these nodexed documents were not filmed and mounted in aperture carded The requester is confused when he receives a retention copy of one State document and a loan copy of another. E3ne copy can be clipped and maintained. in-the file, while he is responsible for returning the other copy intact to the yibrary. Approved For Release 2000/09~ ~~RDP81 S00991 8000200150004-2 Approved For Release 2000/0~'~'~ -RDP81 S00991 8000200150004-2 25X1A 3rrx/3-17 ~. The. selectivity employed in specialized collections within CIA torees the Library to provide service it is not always equipped to give. Certain types of photographic enclosures are not serviced in Graphics Register so that Library attempts to praeure them through inter-library loan from the originating agency. This is a time_consuming procedure (with the Library acting as a middleman since the material is generally filed in a section in the other Agency similar to Graphics Register), and the analyst may experience a long delay before his request is satisfied. In other instars~es enclosures may be received in the Map Library, Industrial Register, etc., through other channels. The Library is not arrays informed that the materials are in CIA and available for servicing. ~. i'S?ocessing policy decisions should consider servicing and retrieving.. Extra time allotted for initial processing may save time in retrieving. Policy decisions as to whether to fi71n enclosures, to route or tile. enclo= sores in the Library, or to procure an enclosure without waiting for an analyst9s request should be mutually agreed upon by all components affected.. I. ~?om the standpoint of management, microti]rn is a practical and economical method of document storage. However, many analysts do not like to view film on readers and ask for prints to avoid viewinga Nevertheless, a total of 9,322 documents on film were viewed in the Library in 1957 The task team believes that the complaints against the use of film plus the advantages of checking hard copy documents from a particular post warrant the establishment on a trial basis of a one?tomfive year hard copy file. This file would serve as a backstop to the aperture card system and would also determine what use, if any, analysts would make of hard copy tiles. The hard copies could be destroyed after a, specified period of time. In most instances, prints would be made from the aperture cards. In order to assure complete hard copy files, prints of single copy items would be made- 25X1A from the aperture cards. Since the hard copy file is an added service, it will mean additional administrative costs in space, manpower, and budget. It has already been determined (see page TTR~3ml2) that a tivemyear hard copy collection would require ~+,72a square feet of space. Annual shelving requirements would be 6.2 ranges of six section double>face 12`$ steel docu~ went shelving or a tivemyear requirement of 31 ranges The cost of the five- year shelving has been estimated by the manufacturer at - (not erected) and - (erected).. A T/0 of six, 1 GSm6 supervisor and 5 GS-5 file clerks, could adequately staff the collectiono This estimate is based on 25X1A current document receipts of approximately 33,333 per month in addition to the monthly average of 778 documents viewed in the Library in 1957.. The latter figure would .most likely increase if a hard copy File were established. Each staff member would be required to file and pull approximately 5 C40 to 6,OQ(1 documents a month. Total annual personnel costs would be 6ahether or not analysts want to browse through hard copy files will probably be determined by Task Team Number 10 (Reference). Approved For Release 2000/09~~~I~~DP81S00991R000200150004-2 Approved For Release 2000/09~/~~:~tR-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 TTR/3 -1 A. Continue the aperture card program and expand the filming program. All legible documents, including those which are nadexed, should be Filmed and mounted in aperture cardso Illegible documents and enclosures should not be routed until an adequate copy exists in the Library for servicing> The use' of 35mm f i]sn sh?uld be limited, and facilities should be provided for the Library to give print service on this film. B. The Document and 1Kachine Divisions should give special handling to poor copy documents and enclosuresa Library personnel must exercise close surveillance of all enclosures, particularly poor and single copy items. Poor copy or thermotax enclosu~?es should be re-typed before Filming. Report?producing offices in CIA should be required to send legible copies. for filming to the master File in aCR. Efforts should be expanded to procure other IAC Agencies? enclosures For filming in Document Division rather than relying upon inter-library loan facilities at a later date< Document Division should arrange for filming programs in the other IAC Agencies in order to procure copies of enclosures at the initial receipt pointo Cb All documentary material that cannot be filmed should reside in the Librarye Notices of availability of this material in the Library should be routed, and loans on this material should be carefully regulated and controlledo D. A onemto-five year collection of hard copy documents should be established to supplement the aperture card program. This File would serve the specialized area needs of selective users, and analysts could view the hard copy documents intend of working with un.Familiar aperture cards, reel. film, and microfilm readers. The availability of hard copies for analysts? use would permit manual searches by post and browsing. Prints would continue to be made tram the aperture card files. In order to make the file complete, aperture prints could be made for single copy items or enclosures that must be routed. E. Processing time in Document and I~-achine Divisions should be care- Fu11y monitored to prevent delays in servicing. All policy decisions regarding processing documents should be careFully weighed against retrieval time. The Library should take an active part in all document processing decisions which affect servicing. Approved For Release 2000/0~~'RDP81S009918000200150004-2 Approved For Release 2000/~~~ ~1A-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 TTR/3-19 49(x} program efficiency gill result in having a printed bibliography instead of the Intellofax system The Task-Team finds that the current policy and criteria are primarily inadequately articulated and incompletely developed. Although it is not necessary that all details be spelled out in written form, there are some practices which are sufficiently important to warrant official approval or disapproval. a. GTritten and de facto standards. (1) The broad selection policy, dated 20 February 1951, quoted on page ll of the Consultants' Report, is apparently the first formal statement of its kind. Prior to that time, the Library acquired reference works, by gift and purchase, concentrating on the works necessary to the reference librarian's trade? The policy quoted ersonrselectionsi,~s d tedfl8 dunengl956act~es. The next Yoajor pap 2 October 1957 paper is a minor revision thereof. See Appendix A. They are primarily reports on criteria and anethods, essentially a summax?y of practices developed over the years. The CIA Librarian"s rebuttal. paper on acquisition policy, cited in paragraph II, B, 2 above also contains a broad statement of policy. The major premises and principles of those papers may be paraphrased as followse (a) Space and economy are limiting considerations. In addition, there are important research libraries located nearby. (b) Reference works ax?e selected on the basis of their pertinence to the interests of the Agency, using as a guide generally the subjects listed in the Intelligence Subject. Code. (c) The collection of publicaareas ofoClA responsibili~diesaasc and should cover as many the Library has knowledge. (d) Books for the general collection are selected on the basis of established area priorities and specified subject categories (e) Emphasis is placed on all publications relating to the USSR, and. the same consideration is given to the Satellite States? (f) Books on non-Bloc areas are selected to provide recent significant studies and all standaz?d background books. (g) Books, the content of which is identified by subject and not related to an area, are selected in relation to the general subjects of the Intelligence Subject Code. (h) New publications are selected by reviewing bibliographies, library journals, and other selection aids; by scanning book purchase orders; and by screening books received from Publications Procurement Officers and materials received from other internal sources> This is conventional library selection technique. Approved For Release 2000/09/01 :CIA-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 C -0-N -F-I -D-E -N-T-I -A-L /~.-7 Approved For Release ~Oi90~6~Jt~'~~C?R~81 S009918000200150004-2 (~) There are certain principles and practices which are not prescribed in officially endorsed policy. Although the AD~CR approved the criteria contained in Appendix A, there is no evidence that the standards described below have been reviewed and approved 'by higher authority. The de facto standards xaay be stated as follows (a) The Selection Officer does not choose materials in so called exotic languages, that is, Oriental and other non- Roman alphabet languages except Russian? In addition, she selects only English language serials for the :main library. (b) Acquisitions Branch procures all serials obtainable-from the USSR and Mainland China even if there are no particular requirements therefor. The same is true for the rest of the Bloc except that coverage is z~re selective for East Germany and Poland. (c) Acquisitions Branch provides FDD withe~h~ of~~'i~liits~ select publications in exotic languag exploitation requirements. (d) Substantial reliance is placed on important research libraries nearby for '"historical material" i.n fields covered. by them, but no consideration is given to the holdings of other IAC agency libraries except occasionally State Department. (e) Area priorities as^e not adhered to rigidly and are sometimes (f) ignored. Space limitations account fvr a rigid weeding program. (g) Circulation Branch decides how many copies of a publication to purchase based upon prospective needs of borrowers. (h) The branch librarians make their own selection decisions, limiting the branches ?to sma11 reference collections. They scan book purchase orders from components they serve and also re-order annuals. b. The selection staff needs more .comprehensive and concrete guidance from. higher authority. Considering the uncertainities involved, the selection librarians appear to merit commendation for their perforznanc4? In order to constitute reasonable guidance, a statement of selection standards should contain certain elementsa There should beo (1) A common understanding among the selection staff, advisers on selection, and Library users of the Libraryfls role in CIA, its relationship to its users, and the quality of the collections desired< (2) A.definition of what are "current" publications in contrast to "'historical" materials and what constitutes a "live" collection as a basis for weeding. Approved For Release 2000/09/01 :CIA-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 C-0-1V-F-I-D-E N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release ~0?Q~AE~~: ~1~4F~~1 S00991 8000200150004/4-8 (~) A statement on how and to what extent the proximity of important research .libraries is a factor iri selection, Guidance on how much foreign .language material is to be selected. for the main library. The number of books being cataloged. in English and foreign languages is about equal. Only about 2~ of the book circulation is in foreign language. (5) Guidance on when to shift subject and area emphasis, e.g., to areas threatened by Soviet infiltration. (6) Specification on how or to what extent the Intelligence Subject Code and various collection guides are to be used as selec?~ion aids. (7) Formal delineation of the respective interests of the Library and the Registers with regard to materials of d3x?ect interest to' the Registers. Papers have been drafted at the selection working level but not officially adopted as policy. ($) Provision for deposit of specified categories of publications as part of the Vital Materials program. (9) A prescribed method of regular follow-up on pracurement orders not fulfilled. The results of several attempts made so far have been .disappointing. This is a deficiency of the PPU system. (10) A current statement of the Selection Officer"s powers and responsibilities, administrative channels to be used to achieve the objectives of the program, and the distribution of functions which are in fact distributed. c. Formulations of selection doctrine tend to be philosophical or vague i? the same measure as theories of intelligence. There are, also, varying interpretations of the role and functions of CIA in the intelligence community. These, in turn, condition definitions of the. mission of the CIA. Library. There may be said to be three approaches to the develapment of selection staxidax?ds. A considered combination of these approaches may provide best for the short axed long-range interests of the Agency. (1) Present method. The current selection criteria are intended to delimit broad subject categories 3.n terms of space and time, that is, with area priorities and emphasis on "'current'? materials., The subject categories are refined by successive definitions of the terms used. 25X1A (2) Liberal procurement. There have been i.n recent ears annual selection budgets for the main library of The library spends almost as much .money for sa].ax?ies of personne~.. engaged or assisting in selection. It may be false economy to apply restrictive selection criteria. Approved For Release 2000/09/01 :CIA-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 C-O-N-F-I-D -E-N-T-I-A-L Approved For Release~1000/09/01 :CIA-RDP81 S00991 8000200150004-?~ ~a) I~ook~~i~nd periodicals are cheaper than people. 't'he cos of s: book is less than that of a short i.nfoxmation report even though the Latter does not represent a direct expenditure by CTA. If one considers publications as simply another form of intelligence materials, it seems parsimonious not to procure in a liberal manner. Obtain for the intelligence analyst as much as he can use. ~e cost will be a very minor portion of the intelligence collection budget. fib) _Doth the L7.S. and,Gxeat Dritain publish only about 23,000 original editions a year. Of that number, only about 13,000 could have any possible relevance to intelligence. Of ;the number published in English, F?x?ench, and Lerman, Onlyi~about 25,000 ,a year could have any possible relevance to intelligence. ~3) A~walogy ta,inte~ligenGe requirements. The Library would develop publications requirements for scheduled projects ,just as other activ:it~es plan the collection of information. The method for doing so is described in paragz?aph Tl, ~, 3 above. d. OC1~ has had no control over-the amount of space allotted for Library use. Space has been d remains a limitation on selection. books .selected for the mainibrary are ipso facto cataloged. Not all items selected need be cataloged and not all of them need be shelved on Libra~?y stacks . ~1) There are methods, whereby space can be used flexibily. I~`by books could be~xetired to warehouse shelving in Records Center when. relatively inactive. More speciai.i~ed publications can be assigned to appropriate branch libraries and collections of Agency components and retired when inactive. Some p`c.~:~cations can be disseminated in accordance with requirements by Acquisitions Branch or treated as documents by Document 13ivision. ~2) There a~?e under consideration methods of reducing cataloging costs, such as using Library of Congress cards and simplified techniques otherwise. Materials purchased under a liberal concept, for which there is no ir[unediate need, can be withheld from Library shelving until the need becomes apparent. An example of such a need is the current increased OSl interact in Soviet education= e. The branch libraries axe useful primarily as a channel for ordering books ~`roz~ the main library and as information centers for Library facilities. Their collections of materials are inadequate as reference a~;enters. Most offices perfex to try to acquire what they need fox t'~.eir own office collections. More often than not, they p~?efer to ~sse specialised research libraries in the az?ea Approved For Release ~A?441A~1'O~~~N4~R~3~~1 S009918000200150004-2 Approved For Release ~~0%0~%~1E:~~I~~R~~81 S00991 ROOQ~1~?004-2 ~. C~~x?rent standards and practices on matters discussed below are considered correct and -desirable. a. The Library's px?iznax??y function is as a sex?vice to OlA even though. it offers its services to personnel of othex? TAC agencies. Tts usefulness to others is greatest when it is most successful in orienting itself precisely 'to the needs and interests of CIA. Tt is in its character as the CTA Library that it becomes identifiable, and its particular values comprehensible, to the outside user. b. especial book collections maintained by branches or higher components in various parts of the Agency aggregate an important C;I.A asset. I~~[ost of them are highly s~aeciali~ed, and because they are maintained by the user, self-interest insures a jealous concern. with their continuing high quality. 25X1 A (l) Notable among such collections are sev?ral devoted to specialised areas of science in OSI; the local geographic and directory materials in Cs~sR~6, and the biographic directories in OCR~~. 'The foreign language materials held in branch. Library, ~ilthough a part of the CTA Library, are functionally simila~? to this grorxp of sp~c3al collections because of their very close relationship toiC~O~:E?DL and their responsiveness to the requirements of that Division. Although these collectians differ widely in the extent and intensity of coverage and. in other respects, they have certain characteristics in common: The overall Agency interest in these materials is concentrated, probably from $0 to 9~ per cent, in the component znaintainin.g the collection.' The amount of materials on the specialised area covered is probably greater than would be warranted 3n 'the CTA Library itself. (~) These materials,. however infrequently, can fulfill informational needs of other Agency components. It appears that the more complete knowledge the selection staff has of the nature, scope, and purpose of these collections, the better assistance it can give in suggesting titles for inclusion in the collections. Conversely, the. more the reference librarians know about these collections, the better equipped they will be to refer to such collections when other researchers seek information that might be found in them. (3) These independent collections, based on substantial self interest of the maintaining components should be given some ~?orm of official auxiliary status within the Agency Library -trarrseworle. This status should carry with it the privilege of receiving assistance from the selection staff on a continuing basis. It should carry the obligation of sex?vicing, assisting, or ope~~ing the collections to~other Agency personnel referred to then by the reference librarians on subjects covered by each collection. The reference librarians? knowledge of such collections could vary from complete cataloguing (the ;~a;'fa collection is now c~~,t~~:? o?pal b;~~ the x,~ibras?,y) to a gene?a_ statement of the scope and. ~~ ~r*:.`~r~~. 5 a - ~. ~ ~ h ;;~~~ ~o,r Appendix B ~ 1?a:sk scam. ~"x?a~tae of Reference Approved For Release 2000/09/01 :CIA-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 C-tJ-N-~~-T ~ D-E-I~-?~-I-A-~ Approved For Release ~6~~6~1~i~:~~c~8~1 S009918000200150004-2 TTTR/~.--Ap~~~dix A 2 October 1957 MEMORANDt1t~! -FOR : CIA Librarian THROUGH Chief, Reference Branch SUBJECT a Selection Policies of the CIA Library. The revised report an the criteria and methods used for the selection of books far the CIA Library is submitted for your information. 25X1A Chief, $election Section Approved For Release 2000/09/01 :CIA-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 C -O -N-F-I-D-E -N-T-I -A-L Approved For Release 2d~/~~~~AE'~?009918000200150004-2 3O September 1857 CRITERIA FOR '733E SELECTION OF BOOKS FOR THE CIA LIBRARY. INZ~ODLTCTION The following report will discuss the policies used for the selection of books to be added to the CIA Library. Mast of these policies have evolved over the years since the Library .was started and are based on a practical approach to the needs of the Agency, with the due consideration to the wealth of library resources in the Washington area. It is acknowledged that these policies cannot be considered. hard and fast. Flexibility .must be admitted to allow for changing needs and interest. The fields of interest of an intelligence agency are so diverse that a library servicing-such an agency could conceivably add almost every new domestic and foreign publication to its collection with the expectation that eventually all would prove useful to someone. That, of course, is impossible. The Library has limited space for storage of books; money is always a consideration; and important research library+:< are available in the area. Limitations have had to be imposed. The primary emphasis has been on the collection of material on the USSR, the Satellites, China, and perimeter areas in the fields of interest to the Agency. Secondary emphasis has been placed on the collection of material on the subjects of intelligence, espionage, and scientific warfare. Other subjects will be discussed in the body of the report. ~I. SOURCES New publications are selected for the Library by checking the book notices in the standard foreign and domestic bibliographies, library journals, publishers? catalogs, and other selection aids. The Selection Officer and the Assistant Selectir~~i Officer cheek all English language publications.. Foreign language publications are checked by the language specialists in the Inforzbation Section of the Reference Brane~ A-list of periodicals regularly checked for new publications followso 1. American Documentation ~. ASLIB Book-list 3. ASLIB Information 4. Biblio 5. Bibliografia Hispanics 6. Bibliografiya Jugoslavi,je 7. Bibliographic de Belgique f~. Bibliog~?aphie de la France ~. Boletim Bibliograf'ico Brasileiro lO. Boletim Bibliograpiio Mexicano 11. Bookseller- 12. College and Research Libraries 13. Dansk Bogfortegnelse. 14. Deutsche Nationalbibliographie Series A) 1~. Deutsche Nationalbibliographie Series B) 16. Journal of Documentation 1(. Knizhanaya Letopis 18. Library Association Record 1~. Library of Congress Information Bulletin Approved For Release 2000/09/01 :CIA-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 Approved For Release ~0'/dfi~''~?f~=~'S009918000200150004-2 ":j. Library of Congress P~uarterly ~'ournal of Current Acquisitions 21. Library Journal 22. New Technical Books 23. Nieuwe Titgaven in Nederland 2~+. Oesterreische Bibliographic 25. Public Affairs Information Service Bulletin 26. Publishers Weekly 27. Retail Bookseller 2$. Schweizer Buch, Series A 29. Schweizer Buch, Series B 3O, Special Libraries 31. Stechcrt-Hefner Book News 32. Subscription Books Bulletin 33. Svensk Bokfarteckning 34. Technical Book Review Tndex 35. UNESCO Bulletin for Libraries 36. Weekly Accessions Liet, Department of State 37. Wilson Library Bulletin All Agency book purchase orders which are received in the Search Unit are scanned daily by the Selection Section for titles of interest to the Library. Books ordered by all offices of the Agency are examined and screened for cataloging in the Acquisitia~x:. Branch of the Library by the Selection Officer and the .Assistant Selection Officer. In addition, analysts and other readers are encouraged to inform the Selection Officer of publications which they recommend for the Library collection, Many books eame~to the Library constantly on a "no-order" basis. Much of the foreign language material is received from the Publications Procurement Officers in the foreign posts. These books are screened every week by-the Selection Officer who spends a day in Y Building for that purpose. Enclosures to documents axe examirlea. daily by the Assistant Selection Officer. for publications which should be cataloged for the Library. In addition, much material is received from. the Map Library, the Branch Libraries, and the Book Desk. All of this is searched and screened in the Selection Section. TI. RE~?ERENCE AND BIBLIOGRAPHIC COLLECTIONS The Reference Branch endeavors tt+ maintain an up to-date collection of reference works to provide facilities for bibliographic and information research for the Agency. Reviews and announcements of new reference publications are usually found in professios~~.: library journals and iri publishers' trade announcements. .The basis for selection of new reference books is their pertinence to the interests of CIA, using as a guide generally the subjects which appear in the Intelligence Sub,~ect Code, The Reference Collection provides the following types of publications: A. Biblia~r?aphies. The Library places emphasis an providing both .general and special bibliographies, national and trade bibliographies, index and abstracting services, accession lists, lists of dissertations, etc. Files of these are bound and kept in the Bibliographic Room. Back issues and missing issues axe procured when possible through the United States Book Exchange. Approved For Release 2000/09/01 : f~FA-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 Approved For Releas~O~Q~T~'f~~~l~ ~~~'81 S009918000200150004-2 :~~s. I~a.recta~?_i es and Y'earbaoks . The Library provides as far as passible the mc~M~~i~, rec~;nt edi-~ions of the fc~l.lowin.g types of domestic and foreign directories `~ and yearbooks: General place directories Telephone directories Specialized directories of subjects or classes ~f people General trade directories Specific trade directories Directories of societies and institutions Directories of telegraphic addresses C, Encyclopedias. The Library provides the standard general encyclopedias both foreign and domestic and the specialized encyclopedias of interest to CIA. ~. Dictionaries. The Library provides an extensive collection of dictionaries. The emphasis is placed on bilingual dictionaries from the foreign language to English. However, monolingual and polyglot dictionaries are also provided. Both general and subject dictionaries are procured. }~. Biographical Reference Works. The Library provides both foreign and domestic Who's Who publications of a contemporary nature. F, Material about Libraries. The Library provides publications relating to libraries and to library science. This includes all new publications relating to automation in the field of data processing. ~ G. Treaty Collections. International and various countries, old-and recent. A. The books in the CIA Library are arranged by area and subject and the approach to the selection of books to add to the Library is also by area and subject. The areas in order of importance are: USSR, Satellite States, Communist China, Middle East, Southeast Asia, Western Europe and the British Commonwealth, Africa, North and South America, the Arctic and .Antarctic Regions. ' Emphasis is placed an all publications relating to the ~TSSR. Books in English on all phases of Russia?s history, development., economy, science, culture, and politics are purchased. Books in the Russian language which are screened in Y Building are considered from the point of v3.ew, so fax as can be ascertained, of the Agency's interests. Recent technical books, collections of scientific papers by academicians, books on industrial management, agronomy, communications, meteorolagy,.mining, regional travels Russian history, geography, automobiles, tractors, locomotives, construction industry, weapons, civil defense, nuclear energy, laws, guide baaks, etc. are all retained far the Library. Books not added to the Library have included backs of a purely theoretical nature (such as an .elementary textbook of physics or chemistry), books an archeology, art, descriptions of other countries, literature of other countries, some but not all agricultural and medical books, technological-books an .subjects not of ma~ar interest to the Agency (i.e. meat packing), and novels. The same'consideration is given to the Satellite States and to those publications ~r received from them. Approved For Release 2000/09/01-~.CIA-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 Approved For Release~'0~1'~9~0~?~G~li~l~dp~1 S009918000200150004-2 ~~oks on other areas in the world are purchased with. the idea in mind of herring a11, recezit signif icant studies and all standard background books on those areas. Naturally, more books are considered for the presently disturbed areas than for other areas, but no country should be entirely neglected. An exception is noted here. Since the ma~ar interest of CIA is in the field of foreign intelligence, the Library has not selected books on the domestic politics or the current sociological scene in the United States. Many of these books are important and in demand. When requests have multiplied for a book of this nature and it is not feasible to borrow it, the volume has been purchased. ~. Unti1 the inception of the historical Intelligence Collection the Library purchased .all books on the sub~eet of intelligence, espionage, guerrilla warfare, .evasion and escape, and cryptography. Most of the volumes have now been transferred to the Historical Intelligence Collection and now titles-are selected by Mr. Pforzheimer The Selection Section notifies Mr. Pforzheimer of such titles which it .may find. C. Other subjects. The general subjects of the Intelligence Subject Code are considered in ordering books for the Library. The Selection Section tries to purchase books of merit with some lasting worth, excluding the trivial and ephemeral. It is not possibly; to list here every topic. upon which the Library purchases books. Some points will be noted about certain topics. In the field of political thought books on Marxism and Communism are emphasize 4. The CIA Library is not now spending a minimum of 25X1 A 25X1A to develop its collections, as ose "collections" were def3.ned by the Consultants. (See APPENDIX B, Part 5.) 25X1A Task Team Jud~nent on the FY 59 Publications Procurement Bud.get ~? FY 59 publications procurement budget was prepared on the basis of previously established and time-tested procedures w~i.ich have now been formalized in CRAG document No. 2-5$. These procedures are based on the principle that the publications procurement budget is the sum in money tex?ms of the publications Approved For Release 2000/09/01 :CIA-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 Approved For Release 20~i/(~1~ CIA-RDP81 S00991 R~Q~150004-2 procux?ent requirements of Agency camponentse including the Library. It is cair~.cidental. that the- F~' S9 budget is 25X1A the s~an~: ax~atuat as th~.t recommended by the Consultar~.ts. The Lib:~ian used the saffie cx?iteria to recommend that sum as did the Task Team to fudge its e.degtaacy -but these cx?iteria are entirely different from those which were used by the Consultants in their determa.,r~tion that the bank budget should be 25X1 A REC4Mt~I~ATIC~W 25X 1 A The CIA. ublicatians procurement budget far F"Y 59 should 'be maintained 1V. Is the I~te of i4archase in Any Ws,y Affected by Staff and S;~ce Lisr~~?atians? 1. Space and staff limitatiar~s are not s, factor in the decision to $urch~,se books deemed to bP of basic impastan.ce to the cal.lections. Space limitations are a factor in the weeding program and in decisions to purchase books of law priority o~? marginal interest. 2. Weeding is a, nece~;sary function of nrarmal. Libx~ry activity. 3b Mare space is n~^eded to house the Library collections. ~. F7S3I~~tGS le Zn pointing out fps in the ClA. Library co77oectian, the Consultants stated that " of space is indic~a,ted as the principal reason far the relatively slog gxawth of the book collection and for. the absence from the shelves of much obviously basic m~.terial." To alleviate the cx?oTae~d spsce condi~?.,ions, the Cansultan#~,s found the,t a pragx~am of weeding the present collection had been instituted, irs the Libx~x~y. ~.e Consul,tants felt that the tuns spent in weeding could be more profitably used in the selection pragr~am and that members of the Agency staff should, be utilized in building the book collections ~.'be Consultants concluded that the "decision not tea purchase needed books is frequently based an sp~.ce and ?~taff limitatian,~" 2. A survey of a~vailr~,ble spaces in the Main "Library and the four Lranch Libraries ws.s t~xr.dertaken by the ~,sk Team to determine the ea~tent of c~?owding in the stack areas o 'tie findings of the survey were as fallows~ a. $~?9~ a~' the available shelf spacy~; is filled. b. ~o of the I,ibx~,ry cal.lectian ia3 charged out an loan ~l~o far .a definite lcaan period and ~7~ an indefinite loan . Approved For Release 2p~d?:~tQd?CIA-RDP81S009918000200150004-2 Approved For Release ~~~/~~~ : CIA-RDP81 S00~0~0200150004-2 c. Expansion of stack space in. presently available areas can be made only by reducing reading area or office type space. Iri some instances, safety regulations prohibit the addition of stacks because of floor weight restrictions. d. A weeding program has been and is being carried out in the Main Librax~r and the Branch Libraries in order to snake room for new accessions. 25X1A 3a The resu~,.ts of the suruey indicate that available space in the Library is approsching capacity. However, the assertion by the Consultants that the rate of purchase for additions to the collections and the absence of certain basic materials is primarily based on space limitations does not appear to be valid.. Am analysis of expendituret~ for additions to the Library collections showed that the rate of purchasa has rer~ined nearly constant for the Est five years in spite of increasingly crowded conditionso This ~roul.d seem to indicate that the rate of purchase was determined by basic Library policy as to the size and content of its collection. aimi'larly, there is no evidence to show that absence from the shelves of materials that the Consultants considered to be of basic importance is primarily the result of lack of shelf space. The determine,tion of what materials are of basic importance is made on the basis of established selection criteria,-and an e~,mi.nation of the selection program indicates that materials are procured without regard to syas.ce when deemed of importance to the central collections. ~. The Consultants claim that staff limitations affect the rate of purchase cannot be substantiated, and no evidence wc~.s offered as to how they arrived at this conclusion. The rs,te of purchase is determined by the Selection Section of the Reference Branch consisting of two Selections Cfficerso Increasing the size of this staff would not, per se, increase the rate of purchase since this is a result of basic Library pol.icye 5. The Consultants$ recommendation that the Agency staff should actively participate in the book selection for the central collections has been implemented. In a memorandum from the CIA. Librarian to all ma~ar components of the Agency in October 197, it ~aa,s requested ths.t each component appoint members of its staff to a.ct as consultants in the selection programo This program has had a promising beginning and is serving as a means for utilizing the knowledge of all members of the Agency staff in adding books to the collection. 6. The weeding progx?em, which has been carried out in the Main Library as we]..7. as the Branch Libraries, is a direst result of lack of shelf sps,ceo Most of the materials being discarded are duplicate copies of books no .longer in demand, volumes superseded b more recent editions, and outd~.ted periodicals. The Bre,nch Library is presently ~a,egotiating to Approvecl~or ~elease~~~00/~~~1 Q~1~-~~~P815~0~991 R00~200150004-2 Approved For Release 2000/~~1~1-~ CIS,-RDP81 S00991 R~0~150004-2 materials, and, if successful, wil.J.. gain enough space to handle their expansion needs until the move to the new building. ~.i the opinion of the 'T'ask Team, the weeding program is a normal and necessary procedure which not only eliminates material from the collection that has outlived its usefulness, but which provides a good means for fudging the value of the present holdingso 7. Although the Task Team was unable to substantiate the Consultants? finding that the rate of purchase of needed books is affected by staff and s~xce limitations, an analysis of the present stack spaces clearly indicates that continued growth of the Library collection wi11 be limited by space considerationso Assuming that adequate space has been pravided for an extended collection in the new building, the immediate problem is how to provide for continued growth during the next two-three year period prior to the move to the new site. Several alternatives are worth considering: a. E,nd shelf spe,ce in presently avai].?able areas by rearrangment of the stacks to make room for more shelving, utilization of reading spaces for stack areas, and continuation of a vigorous weeding program. b. Establishment of an overflow stack area in newly acquired spaces. 8a The Task Team has discarded the first proposal since it does not appear .likely that enough space can be mined by this method to handle the normal e~~pansion rate of the collection for the next two-three yea,rsd The most critical. space problem exists in the Main Library, which is a7.most 100'~i utilized, and irmnedi.ate effox?ts should be made to obtain mare space to house this collection. The Records Management Staff is presently surveying the Fourth Wing of M Building to determine if mare shelf space can be obtained by a rearrangemexat of the stacks o Pre1~.,minary results of this survey do not look promising. Conversion of reading room. space to stack areas is not desirable and expansion of the weeding program would in the long run be self-defeating. 25X1A 9. The Task Team has concluded that the estsblishment of a new stack area to handle the overflow from the Main Library offers the best solution to the present space problem. Since apace is not available fora greatly expanded collection in M Building, the following alternatives are suggestedo a. Utilize existing spaces in If the 30,OOp volume captured Japanese collection is disposed of, there will be space to house an overflow in the existing . stacks a There is also a vaxLlted area, of approximately 3QC~ squhre feet pres~~xtly being used as the Acquisitions Branch conference room which could be converted to stack Approved Fore~ease 2000/09/01 :CIA-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 S E -C ?R-E -T Approved For Release 2000~O~i/~1~_~j~#-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 TTR/~-8 b. tTtilize existing spaces in the Stadium. The Catalog Section moved out of an area of approximately 15DO square feet. Although this space has been reallocated to other units, room could. be made available for a stack area in the Stadium. c. Request the Office of Logistics to negotiate with PBS for additional space not presently occupied by CIA. 14. The decision. as to what alternative to choose is dependent upon an estimate of the space required in the next two-three years< This estimate, in turn, is dependent upon the policy determination as to what the rate of purchase shall be during this period. 11. E?ne additional finding of the Task Team should be Hated. In discussions with NSA Library personnel, many of the problems en- countered by NSA in their move from widely dispersed quarters to a central building appeared similar to those which will be faced by CIA in its move to the new building. One result of their move was that a large number of banks on .lean to user offices were returt~.ed, thus greatly expanding the can-the-shelf ha.ldings of the central Library facility. This and other experiences seem worthy of further investiga~ian '~~ members of the CIA Library Staff in planning the move i~o the new site. 1. An overflow stack area should be established to handle expansion during the period prior to the move to the new building. 2. The experience of the NSA Library in moving to new quarters should be investigated as an aid in the planning of the CIA Library move to the new building. V.'. Should the present budget philosophy be revised? 1. The tJCR budget philosophy for publications procurement, as set forth in the Central Reference Advisory Group issuance. entitled ''`Policy on Budgeting for Publications Procurement" (CRAG 2-58 dated 13 January 195'8), is a clear statement of OCR responsi- bility and procedures in this field. (See APPENDIX A) 2. The budget philosophy as adopted by CRAG establishes a satisfactory method far the development and execution of the book budget. 3. The bank budget is and has been under the central of the Assistant Director, E)CR. This is contrary to a finding of the Library Consultants. Approved For Release 200~Q~1~1R_~4-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 Approved For Release 2000~0~/~11~_~I~-RDP81 S00991 R000200'1~~~2 1. In connection with 4~aplementing certain of the Consultants" recommendations, ar. examination of the budget philosophy for publications pr urement was undertaken by Management Staff and Acquisitions Branch officials prior to the formation of the Task Teams. As a result of their investi~.tians, a draft policy state~aent was prepared and submitted to the AD~CR. After the Task Teams were organized, Task Team Six was requested to review the draft and make any necessary changes. P~linar changes were. suggested by the Team and the redraft was c~or- dinated with the O~DD~I, Office of the Comptroller, and certain cognizant officials in user offices. The final version was submitted to the ADJCR and. adopted by CRAG at its first meeting on 1$ ~Tanuary 195. Tn connection with. the OCR budget philosophy, the Library Consultants stated that "the book budget is not undex? the control of the Assistant Director, OCR, which is contrary to normal research library practices." Although no evidence was offered to support this statement, it appears likely that the Consultants were referring to the procedure whereby OCR requests user Offices to participate in the development of the book budget by submitting estimates of their future requirements< Since OCR has the responsib~,lity for procuring required books and periodicals as a centralized procurement service and must bear the Cast of these requirements, the Consultants concluded that OCR does not have control of the book budget. The statement of policy as adopted by CRAG clarifies this point by stating that "C)CR will be responsible far the prepa;ratiox~ of the budget estimates for the CIA publications procurement program", and "w3.11 establish and control the sub-allotments far the operating components"a. The total funds for the program are allocated by the Comptroller to OCR and the administering of these funds is the responsibility of OCR officialso Shau7~d insufficient funds be dw~ailable for the operation of the total program, a procedure exists whereby OCR msy obtain additional funds from the user offices to meet their requirements. This procedure is necessary only when the fatal requirements far the program have been underestimated ar when the budgeted allocation has begin limited by higher authority. ,~. In OCR"s annual presentation of the book budget, the Task Team found that OCR has experienced difficulty in justifying the program to the Office of the Comptrollers Ialost of the review concerns the system of the control ("~iow many copies of the N.Y. Times are bought and why?") rather than the relative importance of books, newspapers, and periodicals to the intelligence efforto The attitude of the Office of the Comptroller seems to be that since user offices are not expending their awn funds for publications, there is a lack of restraint- -~.~+ . ~?equesting- publica- tions for office use; i.e., there is e~ccessiue wastefulness in the program. The Task Team found that a control system does exist Approved For Release 2000/09/01 :CIA-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 S-E -C -R E -T Approved For Release 2000~(~9~p~ RC~q~RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 TTFt/6-lo in which an authorizing official in each Agency component (Publications Procurement Certifying Officer) reviews requests for book purchases and certifies their validityo If control is the questionable feature, then the system of certifying purchases within Agency components should be reviewed. to insure that the validity of the requests are certified by competent authority, rather than, attempting to control the program by budgetary limitations. The Consultants conde~.ed this process. as shortsight- edness and. pointed out that "when the total spent for books is compared with the grand tots..L needed to operate the Agency, the sum becomes insignificant indeeda" The Task Force concurs in this finding. ~. Much of the difficulty encountered in the operation of the publications procurement program stems from a lack of understanding by operating components of the purpose, scope and procedures of the program. The CRAG issuaxace way an effective starting paint in clearing up misunderstandings and establishing policy and procedures for the preps,ratian of the book budgeto As a foll,~w-up to this action, the Task Team feels that the publication of an Agency regulation on the total publications procurement program would be mast helpful in giving the activity a firmer base from which to operate, and in developing a clearer understanding by Agency employees of this activity. 1. The CIA. Librarian undertake to write and coordinate an Agency regulation an the procurement of domestic and foreign books, periodicals, and newsps,pers for Agency use explaining the purpose and scope of the publications procurement program, detailing responsibilities of OCR and user offices, and providing procedures for publications procurement. 2. The Central Reference Advisory Group investig~.te the system of certifying purchases within Agency components to insure that adequate controls exists The policy on budgeting for publications procurement as adop-~ed by the Central. Reference Advisory Group be retained. VI. Should the budget for expenc3~-,bles and the 'budget for the main collections be separate? 1. Creation of separate budgets for expendables (in the operating offices) and far the main OCR call.ections wi11 not automatically increase the funds available for the OCR collections. Approved For Release 2000/091'~~~C~AER~P81S009918000200150004-2 Approved For Release 2000~O~L~1R~,4 RDP81 S00991 R0002001500_ll 2. Separating the budget for ea~pendables and the budget far the main collections would furthe~? complicate the bookkeeping procedures of the Acquisitions Branch, s.nd would hamper the effectiveness of a centralized procurement service. 3. The procedure for developing the book budget a,s adopted by CRAG is a, workable system incorporating the advants.ges of centralization and., at the same time, rna,intaining adequate controls. 1. The Consultants presupposed a large sum of money, labeled "C?A Publications Procurement" from which purchases are made for the operating components, after which the remaining money is used for the OCR collections. The Consultants believedthat if the operating offices control their own funds for purchase of publica- tions and reduce the volume of such purchases, the smaller amount of expenditure, when subtracted from the total amount far "CIA Publications Procurement" will. leave a, larger residue for use by OCR to supplement its main collections. In fact, if there were two separate 'budgets (i.e., one far each of the operating offices and one for OCR), each would have to be justified in accordaaice with normal budget ~usitification procedures. TYaus, OCR would have to ,justify funds for its main collections in the same ma, as at present. Whether or not this would result in an increase in such funds would depend solely upon the quality of OCR9s justifica- tion rather than ~,pon the amounts requested by operating offices in their 'budgeting. 2. The procedure whereby offices would prepare separate budgets for their publications requirements could be effected in several wayst a. The offices could set up separate a1.3..otment accounts for publicatiaan procurement and authorize the Iieputy Chief, Acquisitions Branch to obligate against the authorization. This would result in the establishment of 54-60 new allotment accounts with consequent increased bookkeeping responsibilities. b. The authorized funds obtained by offices as a result of tl~.eir budget justifications could be transferred to a centralized allotment account controlled by OCR. If an office should require more funds for publications procurement, it would be required t4 transfer additio~.l funds to OCR. tdnder the present system, increased requirements in one office cs.n be met from surplus funds in other offices, ioe., the present system. is more fle~cible. c. The accounting responsibilities of the Acqu~itions Branch could be decentralized to the C7ffice of the Comptroller and. the Acquisi- tions Branch act as a procurement agent only. This would result in increased paper work and. a slow down in the procurement procedure that woa.:t.d gres,tly hamper the effectiveness of 'the program. Approved For Release 2000/09/01 :~~RB.'1 S009918000200150004-2 Approved For Release 2000/'~~:~G~RDP81 S00991 R00020015021~ 3. Tlie statement of policy s~nd procecl,.,a.?~e on budge?tirag for publications procurement, as e,dapted 'by the Central. Reference Advisox?y Group in January 195 (sec A~'PENBI.~ A), is e, better system for achieving the desired objee:tives than the system of sepax~,te budgets for expendrsbles and, the OCR e:olv7..ections. It s the advantages of greater fle~.bility, centralization. of accounting, and. better util.i~,tion of library expertise resu~.ting in a More economic e~dt~.i.nistering of the program. If the procedure seems teats cumbersome, it is because of the requirements of higher authority fear adegi~te controls ar~.d sufficient jtxstifice.tion of the program< 1< The budget for expendables s,nd the budget for the main trollc~ctions should not be sepa:te. The existing proe:c~dt~xe of cer~tralizcd 'budget preparation ~,nd execution should be x?ete,ined< VII, Do the fiscal controls and procedures in Ac~,uisitions Branch need changing2 1. The NJans,gement Staff su~ztey of the recaard~keeping procedures fdr publications procurement, as carried, on by the Deputy Chief of the Acquisitions Branch, has succepe~,ed in partially reducing the burden of rec+~rd-k~^eping in the Bxz~..nch. 2. The fiscal.contro~.s and procedures should be further studied by ~igency eacperts in the field of accounting< 3. The cash procurement prcacer3ure is being utilized to its fullest pxae:tical extent under pre~;ent operating conditions . ~-. 2'he lega~L status of the cash procurement operation needs clarification. 1. The Consultents recommend,ecl that '"the proposal of the ~.nagement Staff to undertake a detailed study of fiscal, control and. bookkeeping as nor practiced `by the Acquisitions Branch" be i~nplemented< 1'F'iis ~zs accomplished in part in the summer and fall. of-197 s.nd cu.2,minated in the publication of a N~nagement Staff Report entitled '"Ae~cous~.ting for OCR Publications ~x?ocuremex?t" d~~ted 1.~ Oentober 1.97< The objectives of the study were; a. "To reduce the burden of the Deputy Ghief, AeP~,usitions Branch, CIA Libz~.ry, in. managing the fiscal records for Agency publication: p~reae~u.rement.~? b. "To devise a mcax~e efficient su'bseript~ion renewal procedure for foreign pu',tions and dc~me:stic ar.~us,l. pub].fe~,tions.,' Approved For Release 2000/09/01 : Cla-RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 Approved For Release 2000~/~1~~-~I~-RDP81 S00991 R000200~0~2 2? As a, result of this study, members of the Nta~.lagemP:r~t St?a~ff have been worktr.g members of fhe Acquisitions Branch to implement certain of its recommend~ti:ansa The main accomplishments to date are as follows a 25X1 C a. The bookkeeping and management activity has been delegated from. the Deputy Chief, Acquisitions Branch to the Ghief, Special Ps~ocux?ement~ iJnit. b. A procedure has been devised and is in the process of being insta.Ll.ed for ms,chine accounting for fcsreign subscriptions. c. Steps are being t~.ken to izapx?ove the procedures for machine accounting far other foreign procurement and covert procurement. d. Amore economic systean ha.s been devised for creating and maintaining th.e Cyrillic list of Russian publications. Some accounting reports previously prepared manually by the Ileputy Chief, Acquisitions Branch, anal Chief, Aomestic Section have been converted to automatic machine methods. 3. Although improvements have been effected in IB~i accounting systems far the Branch, the mayor problem of simplifying manually kept fiscal records has not been completely salved, a.*xd the I.~puty Chief, Acquisitions Branch, continues to devote a ma,~or portion of his time in preparing and maintaining budget arad fiscal records. Guidance from the Uffice of the Comptroller is required to perform a technical analysa.s of accounting operations in this Branch. This would have the dtts,l advantage of improving the bookkeeping procedures and of establishing closer contact between the dffice of the Comptroller and the Acquisitions Branch. ~. I.n their study of the acquisition program, the ?Ct~nsul~tarts found 25X1 A that "full utilization of the cash purchase praced~~^? is not made." ~ and recommended that "more books ~,nd other material ~e purchased through the cash procurement procedure" . As an exam;~:te of the suggested ch~+.nges they recommended. that it should be passible "for personnel buying with cash. also to buy from 25X1 A 5. Purchasing publications far cash in the United States is dependent open the establishment of fie agents to da the bu~, The matter of domestic procurement through the use of agents in the field, is cvr.~?ently being studied by Task Team Seven. Should such a system be adapted, it is possible to make cash available in the field for publication procurement. At the resent time the Gx~ hies Register hs.s an arrsngemcnt with the 25X1 A whereby cash advances are rAade far the purchase 25X1 C A sir~ai]~r ar~,ngement could be made for publications if agents are established in the field. C _r{_ Approved For Release 2000 ~/01 : I -RDP81 S009918000200150004-2 Approved For Release 2000/09~0~-~C~I~mF~DP81 S00991 R0002~g0~4-2 6. Cash procurcmer~t, ~,~ prescaat~r prscticed in tkte IDeamestic Section, has ?nc m? ~a,d~ran~'~gc ?~ less red t~,;~. I%:ie sltex?rs,tive sncthod ~~ domestic procuremt~nt bar the purc:hc.r~e order proeec~urc, takes mare time ~,nd p~:aplc ~aecause e3S' the greaten vc7lutr~ of ~.pcr involved,. ~.arger typing ~xork7..os,dA s,~ad mare dc?~iled s.cceatuxting iaroccdure. The main clcmen~t~s taf the cs,sh pr?acurement system s.rc ; a. Cash is made svs,ilable to the domestic Section thx~ugh the use Qf an u~,uc~~olaercd. r~:volving f"u~d amcstirsg ~to - b. Its tree is li~nitcd to items svai;~iale in the .loca~], bosak market c. Requirem~+rats of 1~,w a?~d d~grxxcy r~;~a.l~?tisrr~t~ limit greater use of this 25X1A Tra their study cif the Gash pa~ct~.rement capc~~,tic~n, the I+~ariagcam~nt Staff questioned the pro~cdtiti~?e can the g~auuds t1Ev~,t .~ency rcgu.7.s~.tions prohibit the use o:E unvouchcrcd funds far "~,dmi~xistrstive rcanvenience" . Since they feel tY~~t the use caf this Rind is ~.ixaly a matter of ?administrative cc~n~reni+~ncc?', they are prc>pcasi~:g t~.t it be changed tea vouehered funds by either?> s,. abolishing the revolving .d, s,nd cst~.blishing a mcadificd version eaf the pu~?~hs,se order system.,. car b. Establishing a vouchcred im~srest ftuzd c,s a rcp:Ls.rvcmcnt to the unvouchered revolving fund. The Task Team finels that the a,beal,ishing of the revolving fund axed es-F,ablishing a purchase carder preacedure is not a good solution since it would increase -the i~ork lcas,d cif the ~amcstic Sectie+u.. Establishment Qf a votaehercd irs~prest ~`~.~d. mould retain ail the advants,gcs of the ~arcgcxat system. end resc+lve the l~:gal questions inualued. Hcawever, rcg~tions limit imprest funds tea 25X1 A _ although ".exception tea this limitation may be requested with ~ustificatie~n an the bs.sis of the p~.rticu.].s,r situation involved". Sinee no less than.-i~a ncerlcd to the capex?s.tion, atx exception tea the regu7~,tion ~aoul.d have to be obts~i~.rd. frown the ?ffice oaf the Comptroller iu. carer tea set up the fuud.a ~o effcarts have been made by E~CR or members caf the i~.x~e,ge~ment ~tts?ff to discouer if such cn exception is possible.. Ins.smuch as the of the procedure is in doubt, some se+lutioxa to the probl~;m sh