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Approved For Rele ,die 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-018MA000600120006-1 25X1A RFGt3LJTIcN R. THE CAREER SERVICE OF THE CENTRAL INTF.LLIG NCE AGINCT FINAL DRAFT 7 May 3954 R=~ Ca TfldTs 1fl General 5o Responsibilities 2., Definitions 6o Career Selection Report 3c Pollvr 7o Procedures Organization of the CI.A Selection Board and Pane=l of Facaminere 25X1A GTW, E. RA L This Reguli+Aeynx est? tLishes the Greer Service of the Central Intelligence Agency effective I July 1954 and prescribes related policies, responsibilities and px oced'ares., Membership in the Career Service will be limited to Staff Employees and SUVA Agents who are eligible for consideration in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation. 2 DF.F'I MITL 3S a; The "Career Service of the Central Intelligence Agency" is a group of carefully selected and trained individuals who accept an obligation to devote themselves to the needs of the Agency, and who have the expectancy of a career with the Agency,, Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000600120006-1 Approved For Relce 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-018000600120006-1 2bA1A NO 25X1A R M 25X1A -?- PERSONNEL b, "Trial service period" consists of the first year of service in the CIA or after 18 September 1947j, the official date of the establishment of the Central Intelligence Agency0 (2) Absence on leave with pay; (3) Absence on leave without payvhich does not exceed 22 days in the aggregate within a calendar year; except that absence on leave without pay for Agency.-sponsored outside training will be fully counted, e0 "Active service",, for the purpose of 2c above may,, at the discretion of the CIA Selection Board, include service in the Agency while on military detail,, or military service if the employee left the Agency during the provisional period to enter the Armed Forces. 3, POLICY a. The Career Service of the Central Intelligence Agency will consist of personnel selected from among Staff Employees and Staff Agents, Personnel selected for membership will be afforded within the framework of applicable vice and will include any of the following periodst (1) Active service,, from the effective date of entrance on duty, d0 "Active service" for the purpose of 2c above,, need not be continuous 8er- an defined in P Provisional period" consists of three years,, active service in the CIA which is a prerequisite to consideration for membership in the Career Service of CIA. Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000600120006-1 Approved For Rele 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-018000600120006-1 M"MI 1TION _ d.......... 25X1 A NO? _ 25X1A R_ 25X1A PER50111" E..L Zags preferential crnsideration or opportunity to advance their eareers in the CIA by utilizing the benefits and facilities now and hereafter provided for members of the Career Service including promotion, tenure, training, rotation or assignment, and other programs designed to im. prove their value to the Agency, b, Personnel who are accepted for membership in the Career Service of CIA will have the obligation to serve anywhere and at any -time and for any kind of duty as determined by the needs of CIA and they are assured that, in order to carry out this policy of the Career Service, full consideration will be given tr their particular capabilities, interests and personal ci.rcura tanc es 0 co The selection process will rncompas:? the evaluation and development of each Staff Jnpioyee and Staff Agent daring his provisional period In this manner, tie individualOs abilities, capabilities and deficiencies will be eva.b ted in order to determine his suitability for selection into the Career Sep-vice of CIAO The selection process will include these stages of employer evaluation and developments (1) A review and determinatic of each individualee suitability for continued Agency employment prior to the expiration of the trial period, in accordance with. R- (2) The preparation of such Career Selection Reports are as heroin prescribed Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000600120006-1 Approved For ReI a 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-018WIR000600120006-1 25X1A REGL1TIO3 NO. R M 25X1A PFIRSQNNEL (3) A review of each application for selection into the Career Service of CIA after the individual concerned gains eligibility for consi- deration by completing the provisional period? (4) The provision of continuing instruction and developmental guidance and 1ssi.str nce to each individual thrc ighout the provisional period in order that he may demonstrate his suitability for membership in the Career Service of CIA and to eliminate or eattsfactorily resolve any deficiencies* d, Consideration for selection into the career service of CIA will be based upon formal application by eligible personnel. Those who fail. to make application or whose applications are not accepted will continue to possess the benefits accorded to U4 S. Government employees by law, including the Veterans Preference Act as amended, in additions, they will receive the benefits deriving from Agency employment, except those benefits or advan- tages expressly reserved to ambers of the Career Service, ea If an individual applies for membership in the Career Service of CIA and is not accepted, he will be informed of the reasons for the rejection and he will. be given assistrinces and guidance in order to correct or eliminate the causes of his rejection and to have an opportunity to demonstrate his suitability for future application and selection into the Career Services, f? Each Staff Employee and Staff Agent eat duty as of 1 July 1954 who has three year of active service in the CIA will be accepted into the Career Service of CIA without further review, upon receipt of his completed application, Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000600120006-1 Approved For Relde 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-018000600120006-1 25X1A Np~ PER.SCINNEL Each Staff Fmployyee and Staff Agent on duty as of 1 Ju1y 1195 who has less than three years of active service in the CIA will be accepted into the Career Service of CIA without further review upon completion of three years of active service in the CIA and upon receipt of his completed applicationo No application will be considered if formal action is pending which may lead to termination of the individual's employment, 1 GFOANIZATI(V OF ME CIA SE,LECTIC! BOARD AND PANEL OF EXAMINERS a4 CIA SELECTICM' BOARD (1) The CIA Sete ticca Board is established and will consist of one voting member and one alternate member from each of the six major components, Appointments win be made for a fiscal year by the Director of Central Intelligence. Agency officials appointed to the Board ivy be reappointed, however, at the expiration of their period of service, The Assistant Director for Personnel will servo as the Chairman of the CIA Selection Boardo (2) The CIA Selection Board will be provided a Secretariat consisting of a fullm-time Executive Director and such other administrative and clerical persorwnel as are required by the Board, The Executive Director will function under the direction of the Assistant Director for Personnel,, b, PAYS CF FXCAMINEF (1) A Panel of Examiners is established and will consist of members of the Career Service of CIA,, US-14 and above. a5- 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/16 C1A-RDP80-01826R000600120006-1 Approved For Relbe 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-0181000600120006-1 25X1 A RFMT..TIQT ~y^ F PERSC NFL (a Each Career Component in the Agency will have proportional representation on the Panel based on its personnel strength as of the beginning of each fiscal year, At least one member will be named to the Panel from each Career Component.. (b) Members of the Panel of Examiners will be appointed by the Director of Central intelligence from among those nominated by the Career Components for a fiscal year period after he has received the recommendations of the CIA Selection Board, (2) Examining Panels, convened in individual cases pursuant to this Regulation, will consist of three voting examiners selected by the Executive Director0 E taminers will be chosen in a manner 25X1A that will be appropriately representative of Agency interestee The Executive Director or his desi&1ee will serve as nonvoting chairman on each Emining Panel, 5. RFSPCNSIBnITIES a, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR PEP-SCNN G The Assistant Director for Personnel is responsible for directing the selection program herein established and will ensure that the program is ac nistered in accordance with personnel policies of the "geneyo In order to achieve these purpoaess he is responsible for furnishing advice and guidance to the CIA Selection Board and for recosncnending to the Director of Central Intelligence such additional policies and prooecLres as he may ?6a Approved For Release 2000/08/16 CIA-RDP80-01826R000600120006-1 Approved For Rel&de 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-018'` 1000600120006-1 REaJL&TIc 25X1A RO0llllllllllllllll~ R1111111111111111 25X1A PERSC?3NF , consider necessary? The Assistant Director for Personnel is responsible for notifying employees who satisfactorily complete their trial and pro- vi eionA]. periods and for advising eligible personnel of their opportunity to apply for selection into the Career Service of CIA, CIA SEILEOTICH BOARD The CIA Selection Board is responsible for formulating appropriate criteria for selection into the Career Service of CIA and for performing the activities assigned to it as specified in this Regulation. co PANEL OF EXAMINE Subject to the direction of the CIA Selection Board, the Panel of Ex. aminers is responsible for perfoz idng the activities assigned to it as specified in this Regulation, d., SUPERVISO1 (1) Immediate supervisors are responsible for completing Career Selection Reports an employees under their jurisdiction and for recommending that such employees either be retained in Agency employment or be separated from CIA prior to the expiration of their trial period or at any time thereafter,, Supervisors next in line will sign Career Selection Reports. (2) Immediate supervisors are primarily responsible for assisting and instructing employees under their jurisdiction to eliminate any general weaknesses or specific deficiencies in performance detected =7- Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000600120006-1 Approved For Rel6e 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-0180000600120006-1 25X1A acITLATION ! R NOO during ,their trial period. Immediate supervisors are also respon- sible for assisting employees who have completed their trial period to overcome any inadequaoies that might prevent their eventual selection into the Career Service, e0 HEATS OF CURE COMP( VENTS Heads of Career Components are responsible for reviewing and commenting on the recommendations of supervisors specified in d above and for referring appropriate cases to the Assistant Director for Personnel for further review and action as herein described, 6, CAREER SELECTICIN REPORT ao The Career Selection Reports Form No., 370189 (Attachment A), will be used to evaluate Staff Employees and Staff Igent:s during their trial and provisional periods. b0 Career Selection Reports will be executed for each Staff Employee and Staff Agent upon the completion of the following periods of service from the, effective date of their entrance on duty: (1) Nine months4 services (2) Twenty-one monthea service, and (3) Thirty-three months6 service. 7O PRCCE11 RF5 a. E'VALUATICNS WRING THE PROVISIONAL P OD (1) Career Selection Reports will be prepared for each Staff Empaoy and Staff Agent in accordance with paragraph 6b (above) m$m Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000600120006-1 25X1A Approved For Rele 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01801000600120006-1 25X1A REC1JM TICAs Nlot RM 25X1A r, c F.L (2) If in conjunction with the preparation of these Reports separation appears necessarys action will, be taken in accordance with existing Agency procedures b. f PPLIC' TTCN FOR SELECTION IN THE CA PEER SERVICE OF CIA (1) (3) (4) Upon the completion of the three-year provisional period,, an indi- vidual is entitled to make application for membership (Attachment B) in the Career Service of CIA unless formal action is pending which may lead to termination of the individual's employment. Failure to apply for membership in the Career Service at the end of the pro- visional period does not bar the individuates right to make future application. The effective date of selection into the Career Service will be either the date of application or the completion of the provisional period at the discretion of the CIA Selection Board (See Section (4) (d) below). An offici l notification of an employWa eligibility to apply for membership will be forwarded by the Assistant Director for Personnel to the individual concerned. The individual will be required to make application or to rep9.y by me(-randwn stating that he does not desire to become a member of the Career Service of CIA. bpplica.tions will be forwarded by the individual through official channels to the Heads of the Career Component concerned,, Determinations of the. suitability of Staff Employees and Staff Agents will be processed as folalowe : moo..... -- Approved For Release 2000/08/16: CIA-RDP80-01826R000600120006-1 Approved For Relt*ade 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-018li 000600120006-1 tFiit.'LATI R 25X1A 25X1 A No. j J:JS{SC .'FEL ~a) The Head of the Career Component concerned will review the application and obtain the ctmamenta of the appropriate Career Service Board if such comments are desired. He will forward the application together with his recommendation to the Executive Director of the CIA Selection Board,, (b) Upon receipt of the application, the Executive Director will assemble all available do nimentntion pertinent to the case and will convene an Examining Panel to consider the applicntioi0 (c) The Excmining Panel will considar 912 pertinent infomativn concerning the employee, including information furnished by the Office of Personnel,, Security Office, Office of Training, .Medical. Staff and the components having ndtninistrntive and career jurisd1.ctie over the individual" If necessary, the Panel may request further iifonnat crt from the offices con. cernad0 The Examining Panel will interview the individual And, if desired, his supervisor or other Agency employees Responsibility for interviewing applicants GS-6 and below may be delegated by the CIA Selection Board to the (lead of the Appropriate Career Component, (d) If the individual is ov+ersens at the time he becomes eligible for membership in the Career Service of C114, the interview by the Examining Panel and the consequent decision on the acceptance of his application for membership in the Career Service will be deferred until he is physically available in Headqusrterr0 M10- Approved For Release 2000/090 @ ._ _ DP80-01826R000600120006-1 Approved For Rele 2000/08/16 CIA-RDP80-01824R000600120006-1 RFG ATI(i ------ R 25X1A 25X1 A Nowt PERSONNEL If the Head of a Career Component requests consideration of an individualae application prior to his departure overseas, he may be interviewed by an Examining Panel at any time following the successful completion of the second year of his provisional period. If the employee is recommended for membership at that time, his membership in the Career Service of CIA when finally approved will be effective as of the completion of his provisional periods (e) The Examining Panel will recommend to the CIA Selection Board either that the employee be appointed to the Career Service of CIA or that his selection be disapproved, (f) The CIA Selection Board on behalf of the Director of Central Intelligence will take formal action an the recommendation of the 'Examining Panel, (g) When the finding of the CIA Selection Board is in disagree- ment with that of the Head of the Career Component, this fact shall be reported to him,, He may either accept the Board's decision or refer the case, within ten working day:, for final decision by the Director of Central Intelligence (h) The Assist-int Director for Pereonnell will. officially notify the ind'_vidual of the action of the CIA Selection Board and will pLice a copy of its determination in his official Z errs-onnel Folder, Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000600120006-1 Approved For Relhate 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-018 0000600120006-1 CAREER SELECTION-REPORT This form is being revised by a special Task Farce at the directLan of the CIA Career Service Boards and should be available for the meeting of 13 May 1950 Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000600120006-1 Approved For Reld%Oe 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-018MR000600120006-1 APPLICATION FOR fMMFRsHip In The CAREER SERVICE Of The CENTRAL Iti T.i LLIG . CE AG # % )Y To the Director of Central Intelligence Sin I submit herewith my application for membership in the Career Sorvire of the Central Intelligence Agency as defined belt a "The Career Service of the Central Intelligence Agency is a group of carefully selected and trained individuals who accept an obligaytio to devote then selves to the needs of the Agency, and who have the ea tancy of a career with the Agency," In accordance with this definitions, I desire to devote r eLf to the faithful pearfca race of duty in the Central Inta1]igences Agency,, and I accept the obligations and conditions of that services which are deter rained to be essential to the furtherance of its mis,1ono I am aware of the many restricticna necessarily placed upon me by virtue of the security requiz=ents inherent in my s.nplaymont by the CzntrtI Intelligence Agency. I am also aware that as a member of the Career xexrvice, it will be my obligation to serge an; where and at any time and for any kind of duty as doter lined by the needs of the Agency, ecnd I have be in assured that in.order to carry out this polley?, full consideration win b gives to my particular capabilities, Interests, and personal circumstances,, By virtue of this npplientjon for membership and upon my acceptance in the Career Service, I am assured that sahedaled and cr tinuing coraside atlc win be accorded n pez onnl progress during my tenure In the Career Service and that I shall be entitled to the benefits now available or to be made available in the future, to members of the Career Service of the Central Iratell,igence Ageric;/o Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R00`tl'A`~20006-1