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Approved For Rele 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP80-018R000500190007-4 8 January 1954 S CTION OF PERAN1T CAREER STAFF 1a GL 25X1 A Career l ployeesp as defined in CIA Regulation Noq ~, shall be selected for the career Staff through: as Initial identifications recruitment and selection of individuals on the basis of apparent capability and suitability for provisional appointment to the Career Staff, b, Planned instruction and development during which the employee has an opportunity to demonstrate his capability and suitability for retention in Agency employment and eventual permanent appointment to the Career Staff Review prior to the end of a one-year trial-service period to deternth e the desirability of the individual. ?s continued employment with the Central Intelligence Agency. do Review at the end of a three-year provisional period to select individ- uals for permanent appointment to the Career Staff on the basis of demonstrated capability and suitability. 2Q SECTION BOARD A Selection Board shall be established which shall consist of eight voting members and five alternate members. The Director of Central Intelligence C5- Approved For Release 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000500190007-4 Apprdved For Ree 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP80-01 R000500190007-4 shall appoint two voting members and one alternate member from the organizations of the Deputy Director (Intelligence), the Deputy Director (Plans), and the Deputy Director (Administration) and, from the organ- izations of the Assistant Director (Communications., the Director of Training and the Assistant Director for Personnel, one voting member and one alternate member. The Selection Board shall be responsible to the CIA Career Service Board and shall perform such functions as are hereinafter prescribed, The Chairman of the Selection Board shall be appointed by the Director of Central intelligence,, The Selection Board will be provided with a Secretariat headed by a full-time Executive Director and staffed with such clerical and administrative personnel as are required by the Board to perform its functions, 3, PANEL OF EWIINEHS a, A Panel of Examiners shall be established by the Director of Central Intelligence on the recommendations of the Selection Board and shall be composed of experienced members of the Career Staff (GS-14 and above), b. Numerical representation of each Career Component on the Panel of Examiners shall be based on the personnel strength of that component as of the beginning of each fiscal year and shall not exceed one-half of one percent of. such strength or one members whichever is the larger number, (NOTE a This formula, if applied at the present time, would 25X9 result in the appointment o to the Panel of Examiners). C ' Approved For Release 2000/ IA-RDP80-01826R000500190007-4 Approved For Rele 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP80-018000500190007-4 -- co Unless renewed by reappointment, membership on the Panel of Fbcaminers shall terminate at the end of each fiscal year. d, Members of the Panel of Examiners shall be chosen from lets of nominees recommended by the Office Career Service Boards,, The number of such nominees shall be twice the number which will be selected, in accordance .th 3b, above. Examining Panels referred to below shall consist of three voting Fitminers who shall represent Offices other than the one having career ,jurisdiction over the individual and,, in addition., a non-voting member from the Selection Board's Secretariat who will act as Chairman of the Panel. The membership of the Examining Panels will be selected by this Execative Director of the Secretariat from the Panel of Examiners in a manner which wi.3.1 assure appropriate representation of the several Agency components. !t, EVALUATION OF TRIAL-LER.VICE EMPWY'i) S Three months prior to the completion of his first calendar year of Agency employment, each employee shall be evaluated as follows in terms of the desirability of his continued employment: a, The Career Selection Report shall be completed by the individual's iamiediate supervisor who shall recommend either that the employee be retained in Agency employment for eventual consideration for member- shin in the permanent Career Staff or that he be separated from CIA Approved For Release 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000500190007-4 Approved For Relbee 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP80-018R000500190007-4 employment prior to the completion of his one-year trial-service poriodh The supervisor will prepare only an original copy of the Career `Selection Report, The supervisor next in line shall authenticate tie Career Selection Report and the recommendation made by the immediate supervi.soro by The Career "election Report shall be forwarded directly to the Office Career Service Board having jurisdiction over the individual's career planning v,, The Office Career Service Board shall review the supervisor0s recom- mendation in the light of all available information concerning the employee and recommend to the Head of the Office concerned either that (a) the employee be retained in Agency employmcmt for eventual con- bi.derati.on for membership in the permanent Career Staff or (b) that he be separated from CIA employment prior to the completion of his one- year trial-service period, d;, Reccmendations of the Office Career Service Boards shallbe forwarded through the Head of the Office concerned to the Executive T.Arector of the Board's Secretariat where they shall be carefully screened for objectivity. All cases In which separation of the individual is recom- mended and such other cases as warrant further review shall be referred by the Executive Director for further review to an Examining Panel dram from the Panel of Examiners, In all cases s appropriate notification shall be made to the Processing and Records Division, Personnel Office., through the Placement and Utilization Division., Personnel Office, Approved For Release 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000500190007-4 Approved For Rei'se 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000500190007-4 Appropriate record shaU be mace in the individual' Off'icia? Pc rsonnel. Folds r au d the iiicliv:i.dual -?ham ? l e of- icial."ly no ?ti..: `? cd of the Board$ts decision 4::2,?r17S .YT? t C?+n lZCdG?(3ttlx2 k2d t! on o Office Career service Boards 1'!? ?f34'x't t o an Panel by the i.xecutive ractor shall be reviewed in t,?e U ;ht of all. pertinent information concerning the e p1cye e .'ueh infox-xnatio a sh all be anr..rjL hed9 as arroprLate,, by the }eroonncl Office., ecux-ty Office.9 cs e U1. ~; -.Mca and Office of Tr rdng as reU as by. the cs Auon nt having, aclaini4traativo and career jur?isdIcti.on aror? the ine viduaL The f. anining; panel. sii i11 interview the r la?1?iyee c nd~ when approprtateq hj_ s Supervisor, On the basis of this reviewp the Fvx inis #.v Panel shall rremrmend to the Selection Board, e~lther that (a) the cssml.oyec be ret.dnetl 11 Agency e' apioyt;tent for eventual co ` Ac1er'ation f or? i" n -,.ianont 3 embers p in this Career Ftaff or (b) that the pioyeo be rampa.r?atod .fr^ort d.^.eaicj c:ap1 ac~nt -prior^ to the entiration of !As ons year trial-'ser-1.7ice period. f, ;' actn the recor men.dation of the Examining '' ..el is in d:Lsagre; -?:acnt zinith thc^_t of the Off:!.ce Career !Fe price :Boar. d , Vu' v fact shall be ;ooo ed to Vie i ea.d o^ the Office coracenir,d Y,ah.o sfta either (a) accent the ,aaa i,9s rrccaxxcef,c' tiean9 or "off x?.f?cr y` e se, within 'ten a or9,~,rai c s of receipt of notification of di. xagreeeaent 0 to t Ye ole .orn :3oard whose decision in the car;o shall be subject only to V ,,.e r?evL.e,w of tae P a? ty Director of Central 1ntelligernce0 If such r?evriew is ct si.r?edg a request therefor must be szatanitted within ten days of Macs "e1eaation Boards docis1on9 by the De uty Director (inteili.gerace)s Deputy Approved For Release 2000/ 0-01826R000500190007-4 Approved For Rese 2000/09/12: CIA-RDP80-018z6R000500190007-4 Director (Plans), De-duty Director (A ir1istration), Assistant Director (Communications), Director of Trainingy or Assistant Director for Personnel., as appropriate g, Upon final approval of a reccumendation to separate sr- employee from Agency ? nnloyment prior to exoiration of the one-yeti' trill-service perriod, an appropriate Request for Personnel Action (SF-52) shal be prepared by theecutive Director of the Board?s Secretariat and transmitted to the Personnel Office for processing, 54 WRATIOB OF PRCNI,$`IONAL PERIOD ab The provisional period, during which the employee has an opportunity to demonstrate his capability and suitability for permanent appoint- ment to the Career Staff, shall commence as of the date of entrance on duty with the Agency and shall continue for a period of three calendar years, b. The three-year provisional period prescribed as a prerequisite to consideration for permanent appointment to the Career Staff shall. in no way affect the rights and privileges of Agency employees under the provisions of the Veterans Preference Act of 19th, as amended. 6, APPLICATION FOR T.)muomERT APPOINT11F'N I' TO THE CAi'.E' 1 STAFF a, 't on completion of the three-year provisional period, each employee shall have an opportunity to aly for permanent apboi.ntment to the Career Staff, Fxcept as otherwise provided in 6c below, such appli- cation shall result in the initiation of formal selection procedures as hereinafter prescriberia Approved For Release 2000/0 12 CCIA RVDP80-01826R000500190007-4 0000 Approved For Re%dse 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP80-01 6R000500190007-4 ;'ailure to tcaraly for permanent ap::3ointxnent to the Career 'Stan .' o f t e and of the prom Lsioua1. period shall not tact as a bar to such a*, -I ..cation at a lcter date o co `'roceduro^ hereinafter orescrrihed shall not appl to pcrsonne on dut with the Central :antel l.i Fence a, eney as of the effective date of this 9roceduve nr'ovlded they are not on yr obot ? on ist Vint t 3'tie e The oeruanent armulntnent of such per's onnel to the Career 't af.f shall be auteriati tally appro-ted by the r'election 3oax d m on c o?riplet.!_on of the three' year pro-a v siona:l period and application for such ai nointment. 7. gg7'tC~p :~ Q-~At raT {~'~ IN l } ": rp e:t. f in .~?;''~ p i ..~Y)n pT j . SvSt Ft'J?d~>1,46 i.14 t 4 '9''.fi b4 1~_P.` T 5. .~ lS.l11"3.1.1Y f'..t.L `f.d VY Se ~/..{. ~3. 4~.1'~. 1-? n ta-rie rote on of suitability for permanent apt ei.hlt ent to 'Z e Career LcPa v f s'raal be uaeae as follows P., .ppropxiate criteria of suitability aha'i.l be fO." ulaatcd by the Felection 3onrd and improved b r he ~. Career E?;f "3 a' .'6JGd.r and shall be r pplied ta,^,h respect to aUi eligible emolo eso b Let F?r.a?l+ nations of>biiV.-.y for staff employees In grades C '_6 and below shall be made In such ra. manner as shall On Y?eco tr1f'n ded by the Office Career Fe rice Board hiving jurisdiction over the employee, The met" od used `.:'a malciri such determinations, shall. be suhnittcd through the Office Road to Vie F oiection Toa ?d for axmr?oval prior to ipir enta'' tiranu The r_elec ion Board shall review all ner mane at arapoint:raaonts to trades G-F-6 and below to the Career Ftaff and all such ap ointmente w ll require the concurrence of the `election Board, Approved For Release 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000500190007-4 :Approved For Remise 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP80-01 R000500190007-4 c, Determinations of suitability for staff emnloyecs in grades G'I'-7 and above staall be wade as follows,, prior to the cxniration of the ?-moloyrevs ,rovrL ton?3, period t (1) t on receint of an anllcation from tare c;ialoyce for norvarient anootntrncnt to the Career ^taff .'~ e>=r t rayee6s aunerv sor? shall prer)are and suh:iit to tale Off`1ce Career "ervice '3oard having ,iur .s c etion over the individtai ? s career a Career 'election Report authenticated by the supervisor next in line, (2) The Office Career service Board shall review the supervisor's recorir tendation in the light of all available information concerning the onaoloyce and recommend to the Office 'Read either that (a) the craoloyee be appointed to the Career f tafff on a permanent basis s, or (b) that his permanent appointment be disapproved. The Office lead will forward the recoiraendat lon with his comriierat to the Oolect ion Board, (3) All reconr endati.ons of the Office Career Service Hoards shall be referred tb the !xecutivc Director of the Board's Secretariat to an Exarrrit^ n ; 'anel for review,, The Rxami.ning Panel shall consider all pertinent information concerning the employee,, `"uch information ,,hall be furnished,, as annropriate9 by the Personnel Off'ice, Fecurity elf_Ciee, Medical Office and Office of Trainling9 as well as by the components having administrative and career jurisdiction over the bi ividual0 The Rxami.ning Panel shall interview the employee and, when apornpriate9 his supervisor, Approved For Release 200ki~RDP80-01826R000500190007-4 {Approved For Remise 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP80-0AY6R000500190007-4 (4) If the employee is overseas at the t:-ho he becomes eligible for membership in the Career Service, the interview by the ~ a ~rni liaa Panel and the consequent decision on his suitability for menfoershin in tale Career ['erc}ico. Will 'be dcaferred until he is p ^3.ce3.i ly aavrd.lahle in Tieac1quatr ters e (5) The rxamin'xng Panel shall recomiend to the Selection Board either that (a) the etw1oyoe be appointed to the Career 't2if on a porrsiaanent basis, or (b) that his permanent appointment to the Career Staff be disapproved, (6) When the recorn end.ation of the ' ~a .n5 rirg P anal is in c . sagree- tent with that of the Head of the Office concerned, this fact shall be. retorted to lxbn, :to: may either (a) accept the Panel's recom i endation, or (b) refer the case, within ten working day of receipt of notification of dis?;re~nent, to the "election Ioard,, those decision in the case shall be subject only to the review of the Deputy Director of Central Intell.igonce a if such review is desired, a request therefor must be sub.tted within ton days of the Selection Boards s decision, by the Deputy Director (inte:.l3.gPnce), Deputy Director (Plans), -Deputy Director (Aid idn.' istratlon), Assistant Director (Corm munications), Director of Training, or Assistant Director for Personnel g as apvropriateo (7) An individual 'rill be officially notified of his iie bership in the Career Staff and record made in his Official Personnel Folder. CON 0/09/12: CIA-RDP8 0-01 Approved For Release 826R000500190007-4 Approved For Relse 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP80-018Z6R000500190007-4 Removal from the Career staff will follow essentially the same principles as ach.ssion to the Career %c'taff o 'R avci1 trill take r lace only after forrial acts.on by the ;'election Board, Approved For Release 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000500190007-4