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~' Approved For Re e,~se 2001/04/05 :CIA-RDP80-01? R00
~tx11T'9.'fi~f ~riQ`dY'lti~'~.~.OI!
tQF1Ar~?LfY~ FoRti.~teirtr1821g
trman, CTS Cyr Servic? Board
Career ~~3.ce I~tttgr IVo o ~.
:fit h~ crx~e to my .attention that the Caper ~erTrl~ BoarcTs
~eaislance tsn ceit~t mmtters ur4der the3.~? co~aixenae o This ~.s ia~ the
~.~ture~ of Dacia If th3.a m~.s~iirn prQ~ros of ititere~t end va.].ue,
3t wi'L~. ~aa f al3otaed by other e
3.0 It ehauidl. be reco~is~ed mat Carsc~r Sa~ica &aarc~ ars ~.dvi$;o~r
to the ~. ectayivcs 3.n ch~~e of tho aff3.cea ~"neir m~.ssi~ is cst$tad ire
a ~~ulataan -Their fob ie to ess3tst each office 3ru devalap~.r~ its
get of the CIA. ~r service. The ~.geracy PsrsonnaZ re~.tions ~~ dam
~~~e poky on moat matters, ~ each C?are~ Bind m~bea~ abou~.d
~~c~ ?Lharau~h3,~r f8rn~.g.ier w2th these re~u7.~tiorasA But Caaroer Ser~.ce Boats
a fh~ tlt thQ cold pz~in~Ged ward of re,~at3ons. They srs then
~:~b~r~ of the AtCyi s desirfl to errcot~?~~c~ u1.1 e9naplcs;,~s~s to a~lee theme
~~c~riz s~.~:h th~.e ar~anizst~.on a c+r; 'the A~e~aCy? s rQCO~.tion that sk3.lias~
t~o~~sl are CT~.? s most va1.u~.ta~.e~ acss~~~; the ssscarance to ~.~. e~playe~
:,hat Ihe:~r fLiture ~.s under the ~,w.tchf~al. ex~s3 undertstauzdisa~ ?~ of assoc~.~ss
T ao era d~4s~ctly intea~sted 3.n and ce~a.cernAtfi i?y their,3sha~+ts o
'~~ ~+ E;ho91~d bps lQ~"'SIQf~- that (?''Ve~~30C~J' ~ the A~C-32'tC~r 3.s .riot e.
eQx~ ~ttnpls~yee, a3.IhaYa~'a etrexytr his ~ ~qua~. opportuz~.t~ to becs.~e
cue. ~. cea~ain uercante~ of are pa^~n~t~3,ansr~r~-saar~ off' thr~se
~~. z~at qum'.LSfy foxy comer s~v3,cc~, aid others w~.l~. lose fihe3r i~eare
~cs~~ ?o-~ of ampl~g~s a~ hems 'vy went or prefe~:ce ?u~y far
i_i~ited p~r~3.odB. on3,Zr those Naha care qusa].i?3..ed ~d ded3.c~.t~. Its a ~~r
~orvice wil3. be so conr~idex?edm
~.'hea~ appt~rs to be s~.e corcf`ue~,vn a~baut proTnotian pal~.ey. Tr~ai~.e
it is ir~dv~.~.ble ~'.o ?gay daw~a arbit~ry r~.].es amt ~ha~ t~ 3xt grade ~-
r~,,red for promat3.os~s, it is, noheleas, ~ pratat3.es_?.. that ~ fairly
~.~9ri.faa~a p~~ct;%ce be follaT~d by the d3.ffere~.t aff'icess Zt ~.a; Ihez~forrs,
:~a.?~~,~~~3t~1 that the fo?.3.o~r'.ex~~ ~.e of Ihtasacb be usad~s~ throw tt~~s at
~.~~~~~~ ~ri.5c r~camths ~ ~s from C~9 Ihro~ tt+S~l~, a .r os~ m ~,ra ~r~d~~
i DQC __~_. REY GATE 22 ie,~fi gT 02g ~ZJ
OfltG GLASS ~ PAGES ~ REV CLASS ~- (,~ '"` ?'~~
~usT ~'~? _ 1~~4ih~ ~~ R~ilRi~sAR2~1~0~~DP80-' 6t~A9fl20008-
` Approved For Rise 2001/04/05 :CIA-RDP80-018000400020008-2
Security ~'oxmtttion
bUT the most 3xaportarnt factor that should be understood 'bEy` all
Ceer S~r3.rse wards and stzassed bg ths?a to all supervise is tttsct
pxe~aat~,o~ ar~i based opt de~'ao~trat+ed ability tq psrforan vark of a higher
grade, aatc~ are -not g#.~n +aimp]y far- s+srvirtg in gradm a certain pe~.od of
tim~+e Farther, there should be cx~plete frank~ss with aA~. em~alo~e on
the sub~e-ot . of the~x? napab3liti~ss 8nd ~ ch~ccgs of advartc;xxt--that 3.a
what PAR (the PersoauteZ Evaluation Repart~ ie forte-use it.
In fasxtp was may asoan reach the $sr p~-rti?utax`ly in higher
grad~sa,, sahere~ prc~t-otions w~.ll be oat a ccm~titivve basis.
lea . Leer p~.arming ins one of the most vital ,aspects of Career
Servic+s &~ard stork. tea e~hartld strive to~rd the g~tal of m+sPp~ out
for aach ind~.vidual a cast program extending several yeas in advanc?9
reaogniaing, caf aoux~se~, that demands of the ~genc3y or fa~.lut?e of ~a-
individual to measure up m3.ght al'~er ~e Frograzn. Emplay+ees should be
,giveat alI poss3.b7,e cppartuniti~ to 1cu'oadeaa the baas~e of th~.r deers ~'
gai.n3~ng expea~enca+a in differit offices of the Agent. Ifs for example,
sett Alm careerist des3~ces Qxperi~-ncs in 1~Ts itr +qual~,f3.ed axmct can be
utilismm~cl, his should get that tour of dutyq ret~ his career' dssigrma..
i~itsn of oI~E but being 3udg+esd by the F1 supervisor an hie perfazaaanes~
t+dailo dc~iazg 1~"I wbrk. Also, changes ~ icl cararar des~.gzaat3.on should ba'i
granted where the inc~l.v~.dua~. des3.res sad the ~a3.n3t~ board concurs.
~~ Traiating wild, pla~r' an inereas3ngly vital role in the d~lo~xa?xtt
of ovr career' s~trvis?eo Corset eS6r9'~.CB Boardts ~26n CQ~~.deritig r~8ssi~,li^a
merits gtatd prc~motie ~h aarefyA7. e'va7.vation to the t~ainl~g rhos has xecse~;ved. This not onay includes the course,c offered by
the C}ffiae of Trainis~, bnt -also the opporttxn~.tss offered Agency persaxane3
to attend -the l~tional t~ College, Axr~d Parcae Staff College, acid they
Army, Navy a+nd A~.P tdar - Calle~o a These servias courses, wl~tioh a rs open +~^.
to the mast highly qualified ituii~-3.dua~.a, 3mpoxfiartt to tho+se,'.Ag~c~'
persontael ~Sa '~? serves under or 2~a .closely aasaaiated ta' milit+arg'
~ p The Career ser~ae Bipards should give adea~uate atteatt3oai to
developi~ the for w~rtest mski~ a r the Agency,
and to 5.ns~?e that rho steps up the prafess~.crnal ladder are alwarYs oFarct
to quali.fiead and able gene
7 ? finally' it is tha dea3.t~e of the CIA Career S?ra3.ce Ord to
reduce to the abaolute~ miat:4mu~a the v'alume of paper wank sent to the
other Gareer Serd.~.ce Boarr].s. rt is recognisod that dur9.r~ these ear?,y'
stages a cezrta3n atrtouzxt of th~a deval,opmextt of our program mu. 'bs cos a
iris]. and ez~rox- t!.c o I3ow~+r, 3.t is hoped that soon the principl~as
Approved For Release 2001/04/05 :CIA-RDP80-018268000400020008-2
Approved For Re ea a 2001/04/05 :CIA-RDP80-018000400020008-2
Secu~i~~ ~t~.on
~~.11 be X1.3. establ3.ahod, and. the boexde t~i~.]. haw a~.l of the necssssaz?y
szjateria3. With ~ahich to ~,rk. Gee hopfl that by Se~tambc~ ~ can ~~setzt
a ~~per to a~3.3. +ea~logreae on the sub~e+~t ~~a$t Gaxeer Service art tha
~entrm3. InteL'i.igence A~snc~r T~te~ to 1*oun ~ Trde ~cu2d be p7fsas~ to have
rne~nbers a~ ~ t;areer 5erv~,ce Hoard attend ee ob~servere tine re~ula3c"1,Y
scheduled mastin~s of this Bo~-rdo
~~H Bo :~'IRKPA.Tk?ICK
C%~ Garen' ;c~rvice Bc~artl
Approved For Release 2001/04/05 :CIA-RDP80-018268000400020008-2