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Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP96-00791 R00030001 0001,,,o,___:.._ Top SECRE TIC ODE WORD S'ew ~r~ c~ SG1A STARGATE them for liaison purposes with appropriate user organizations. Thus, the Committee wishes renewed effort on the par of DIA to pursue the fo!!owir,g work sc`.edsle in FY 95: The DCI is req;:es::,::to .constrict.: a:resrospecti~ a r:a?i.a~-' V. . :e::hnical znaivsis of the data b.y,the:progtam,since:its.:incep,:on.d. ).ets,ago. This includes an inven:or+ and aria. vsis of the files held in the CIA, while it administered the program as well as in DIA. The study should also ad1d:ess the compliance of :he program with Corz-essional direction. 9 .;The DCi'&. declassi:' alip.n tce, sl;puld. reti,iwl~'.lh...; of, NS ,prograr 4,;o.. c rf~ire; x hat. pars. of it.rr. declassified :n4--t4 conver,ed -into an. openx:nrldN ~'.CStYlrS'. ~ ~ rc c11 ~--~ -~,. L __-)C L + The..Dircctolzol~.~W}+?~.~:~".~Hj S4^',rtQ...initiate:funher:contacts._with, indiN'a&_ 1 rim"olved vs.siararpragram,to...escablisb an.opcn? 'orld, dec:assifsed.acti~it~- o~eooer:?o .betw=n the:two..,rrograms,and,repon to the oversight Comrrittws,bti?sF-ebriay 1. 1995 on the:?resu:;s.. Lhit~in41itiu-es-1n:-this.. regard: Prior to :ie lettir.s of contracts with outside entities, the Cor;,mit:ee requests to be notified according to est blished notification procedures. Of the funds a%aIlahl to the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Committee directs t at 5500.000 be applied to the STARGATE program and that the currcr.: 10 billets remain assigned to the program. The Committee requests 'that funds be ar; ::ed roughly equally to foreign assessment, rese.,.reh and operational viewing. The Committee is concerned that Congressional direction in the past regarding the solicitation of users across the N'FI.P and DoD and development of joint programs with the Russians and Chinese has only been sporadically pursued. The Committee remains perplexed b the ob%ious reluctance of leadership for this pro ramn It believes, for example, that liaison a:::vities by program personnel and the Nrsorre of similar programs in other rations s',ould be pursued and does not accept he excuse that this somehow compromises US intelligence activities. The Committee W's-D believes that the tiriie has come for a r~?evn;:a.:~" of the classification of the :xistence of this effort as well as the results that have been obt.:.,red over time. If the DIA has difftc,aty (::ling the billets that have been set aside for this activity by DIA personnel, consideration should be given to using .-~ a4aJ . 3 Ld TOP SECRET/COCEWORD Approved For Release 2005/03/24: CIA-RDP96-00791R000300010001-4 SG1I