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Publication Date:
July 31, 1971
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Approved for Release 2001 /o tO4 `'StA f P80-01601 R000
1 ~,t J.L '? a l C... ? y'1 1! sf l'y1_ ;~~ :>!l.
Revolution Next Door- Latin e `je1>0r
'by _:a.I_y / ac.Loi.n
(1 Iolt, Rinehart and Winston; $6.95)
Gary MacLoin assembles the necessary
facts to prove that revolution next door
is inevitable.. The Alliance for Progress
has failed, and the reforms a,, ' rced on at
Punta del Este Have been blocked when-
ever anyone has tried to implement
them. The distur'uing new element in
this book lies in the plentiful evidence
that the United Slates may already be
so enmeshed in Latin American econo-
mies as to find difficulty in disengage-
ment when the firing begins. The situa-
tion is comparable to the early years in
Vietnam when the extent of our in-
volvement was large but hard to see.
Once again the role of imperialism is
the cause. 'I he Swedish authority, Gun-
nar t`.lyrdal, is quoted as roughly esti-
Imating that "directly or indirectly
through joint enterprises or other ar-
rangeuunts,. United States corporations
nosy control or?decisively influence be-
tween 70 and 90 percent of the raw ma-
terial resources of Latin America, and
probably more than half of its modern
manufacturing industry, banking, com-
merce, and foreign trade, as well as
much of its public utilities." That high
percentage of big business involvement
and control cleans there are innumer-
able American families who will find
disassociation from eng.;erment in Latin
America economically painful.
Our imperialism is also extending its
neo-colonial tentacles into the social
and political life. Latin American armed
forces have been assimilated into the
United States defense systcnm' under
which participating countries receive
advanced weapons and integrated train-
ing. Instruction includes ideology. The
same old ruse of fighting "communist
subversion" is being used to maintain
the hemispheric status quo. And Latin
American labor syndicates have been
emasculated. Their leaders have been
trained in our brand of trade unionism
so expertly that they can easily be ma-
tute for Free Labor Development "to
corrupt and 'control popular move-
According to MacLoin, we have also
invaded Latin American culture, finding
it beneficial to integrate Latin American
higher education with our own machin-
ery for establishing academic standing.
We can then employ the properly
trained nationals in our international
industrial complex, or drain off the
brains ':here shortages exist at home.
Also we have monopolized the mass
media so that they may play their part
in cultural colonialism; our insistent
advertising sells both our products and
our dollar-sign notions of human needs.
The {penetration thus appears to be
complete. But whet is happening? In
Panama, Peru and Bolivia, power has
.been seized by the armies "to protect
the people from the exploitation of lo-
cal oligarchs and their international
business allies." Chile has ,one tire
same road by means of a democratic
election. All through the continent, sup-
pressed nationalist elements are taking
heart. Even .though it may be a long
wait, they are holding out to regain the
control of their destinies. ivlacCoin sees
a.parallel here with the pacification pro-
gram in Indochina: "the more total the
penetration the more negative the, re-
sults. Political scientists must, in the
future, cite this experience as no less
significant than that of the Vietnam
war when they discuss the
power of the great."
? Vi s'ga.I a
CIA-RDP80-01601 R000900140001-0