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11111 ;144.11 I. . STATI NTL Ube Remit) of freebo Or o And Country 'BOX 3 ZAREPHATH, N. J. NOVEMBER 24, 1972 VOL. XXII No. 9 THE KAPLANS 0.F THE C.I.A. One of the most bizarre accounts of covert CIA financing, espionage, Communist activities and murder involves Jacob Merrill Kaplan or his nephew Joel David Kaplan. Jacob M. Kaplan was born in Lowell, Mass. on December 23, 1893, the son of David Kaplan and the former Fannie Gertz (a 1938 biography refers to his mother as Faiinie Levin). After attending public schools in Massachusetts, Kaplan spent ten years in semi-tropical Latin American sugar-producing countries. On June 20, 1925 he married Alice Manhcim and they had four children: Joan Felice (Mrs. C. Gerard Davidson), Elizabeth (Mrs. Gonzalo Fonseca), Richard David, and Mary Ellen. ? In 1920 Jacob Kaplan organized the Oldetyme Molasses Company and served as its president until it was?merged with Dunbar Molasses Company in 1924. In 1928 he sold the entire company and became president of J.M. Kaplan and Brothers, Inc. and later the Kaplan Holding Corp. In 1934 he established the Molasses Products Corp. He and his half-brother, Abrim 'Isaac Kaplan, became millionaires known as the "molasses kings." In the hearings known as Appendix IX of the Special Committee on Un-American Activities of the U.S. Congress, page 1085, it was revealed that J.M. Kaplan was affiliated with the American Committee for the Settlement of Jews in Biro Bidjan (in the Soviet Union). This organization was cited as a Communist front ? which had its own worldwide prppaganda campaign for the purpose of gettihg Jews to emigrate to a province of the Soviet Union. The organization was subsequently cited as subversive by an Attorney General of the U.S. By 1932 Jacob Kaplan was president and chairman of the board of Hearn Department Stores, Inc.; he became president of the American Dry Ice Corp. the following year, and in 1945 became president* of Welch Grape Juice, Inc. of New York. He was also an Approved For Release 2001/03/04: STATINTi_ official of the Ronier Corp., Jemkap. Inc., and Southwestern Sugar and Molasses Co., Inc. He was a director of the New Mexico Lumber and Timber Company and president and director of the J.M. Kaplan Fund, Inc., which he originally started in 1942. Jacob Kaplan received considerable publicity when it was disclosed that through his J.M. Kaplan Fund, Inc. of 55 Fifth Avenue, New York. City, at least a million dollars of CIA funds were dispensed to such leftist organizations as the Institute of International Labor.Research, Inc. This outfit which has also been known as Labor Research, Inc., maintains an office at 113 East 37th Street, N.Y.C. It was headed by the late Norman 'Thomas, Chairman of the Socialist Party of the United States, at the very time CIA turned over nearly $1 million to it for the purpose of financing what the New York TIMES of February 22, 1967, described 'euphemistically as "17. left-of-center parties throughout Latin America." Secretary?Treasurer of the Institute ? of Labor Research was Sacha Volman, who set up radically leftist "institutes" in Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic. According to Otilia.Ulate, former President of Costa Rica, the San Jose Institute supported only . those Parties which "have the characteristic features which make them identical in doctrine and horno- genous in political and social attitudes with Russian Communism." Ulate said that all democratic parties opposed to the Marxist regime in Cuba were excluded from this offshoot of the Norman Thomas and Sacha Yolman Institute. Through the Dominican Institute, using CIA funds, Volman promoted political careers for such key Communists as the notorious Juan Bosch. Sacha Volman had close ties with comrades throughout Latin America and was neck-deep in the Marxist 'Leninist "Center of Research in Economic and Social Development" at Santo Domingo. This organization CIA-RDP50-01601 R000500110001-7 Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500110001-7 BEST COPY Available THROUGHOUT FOLDER 6/24/98 Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500110001-7 MONTHLY REVIEW PRESS STATINTL Approved For Release ]2(10-1031;04 : CIA-RDP80 STATI NTL The Dominican Republic: Rebellion and Repression by Carlos Maria Guti6rrez A Hungarian adventurer who has created at least seventeen political parties with CIA funds; the American Institute for Free Labor Development, or- ganized by Lovestone and Meany and administered by top executives of W. R. Grace & Co., Pan Ameri- can Airways. Anaconda Copper. etc.; a murder plot with assassins recruited by the CIA and approved by Kennedy in the White House?these are ingredi- ents of the almost direct rule of Washington over the Dominican Republic. Gutierrez names persons, or- ganizations, dates, and places in this comprehen- sive portrait of the country from the U.S. invabioii of 1965 to the present. This is a vivid first-hand and thoroughly re- 'searched account, describing both the oligarchy and the growing opposition to it. Translated by Richard E. Edwards. LC 72-81763, 144 pp. $6.95/0.75 (cloth) January CL2377 T ? 1, .r_ e s S ? Re 17,7- ()?"^ Ab ? .".^4 Approved For For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500110001-7 WASHINGTON STAR Approved For Release 2001/03/019744 ? ,CIA4RDP8 2 3 JuL s the ican ITypca1 arid Not an ?By RAGNAR LANGE This is a very unsettling book. Just as we are being told that the Vietnam- ese War will soon be over and that we can look forward to a generation of peace; Abraham Lowenthal of the Ford Foundation puts us on notice that such a rosy forecast may be just a few shades too optimistic. 'The reason: a detailed analysis of the 1965 U.S. intervention in the Do- minican Republic has convinced him that the landing of 22,000 American troops in that small Caribbean nation was not the result of a coherent U.S. policy but rather the logical outcome ? Of a series of preconceptions, misun- derstandings and ineptitudes that op- erated in lieu of policy. .LOWENTHAL MAINTAINS that the conventional foreign policy model which considers foreign policy occur- rences W be the "purposive acts of ? national governments, conceived as -unitary rational agents" is far removed from reality. Citing U.S. participation -in the Dominican crisis as an example, he argues that the very outcome to the situation which U.S. officials sought to avoid ? ("another Cuba") was made : more probable in the long run by the course of action which the U.S. gOvern- mat adopted in order to prevent it. U.S. government activity, therefore, . was not only irrational, it was anti- rational. Such errors occur, according to Low- enthal, because of the ingrained ten- dency of American foreign policy of- ficials to see present events in terms of past experience. The Dominican Re- public was seen as potentially "another Cuba" rather than as a nation with unique history, idiosynchratic problems and a political climate very different from that prevailing in Cuba at the time of the 1959 Revolution. . In order to make the Cuban analogy complete, the only element lacking was someone to play the part of Castro, and so it must have been to Washing- ton's infinite delight that, a week into the crisis, President Johnson's spe- cial envoy, John Bartlow Martin, dis- covered that Constitutionalist leader t.Col. Francisco Caamano Deno, could be cast in the role. Caamano, Martin I reported back to the White House, was capable of becoming "his country's Castro." As if this possibility (or fantasy) were not sufficient cause for alarm, the CIA was in the meantimeAsligirr porting on the achiPlareltVe Communists who were considered so dangerous that Ambassador Bennett STATI NTL _ ccodent? STATINTL STATINTL Marines on the scene before President THE DOMINICAN INTERVENTION. ,Johnson had been able to consider his By Abraham Lowenthal. Harvard. 'request for armed intervention: he also 246 pages. $10.95. gave them orders to shoot "if neces- sary". When the White House was in-.; ? - - - - formed of Bennett's directive it sent - kept- pleading for U.S. Marines to land him a strongly worded message re- in order to prevent their seizing the minding him that only the President country. The reason the activities of could order the participation of U.S. these Communists was so salient in troops in offensive action. But by then the Washington discussions, Lowenthal more than 12 hours had elapsed and it explains, was that the CIA, being blind was purely fortuitous that a large-scale to all cokirs other than red, could not bloodbath had not been precipitated in provide any information on the leading .the interim. figures in the Constitutionalist group The Ambassador's readiness to take because they were non-Communists and initiative in turning American guns had therefore never come to the atten- the e tion of the CIA Station. Consequently, on Dominican citizens was unfortu- when asked to report on the situation, nately not matched . by any zeal for attempting in promote a peaceful solu- CIA operatives began .churning out lengthy accounts of the reactions and plans of members of the various Marxist groups who, as it turned out, had practically no connection with the pro-Bosch military movement beyond trying to figure out how they could turn the situation to their advantage. (Happily for them, by landing the Ma- rines, the U.S. government provided the answer to their question.) Lyndon Johnson, having just re- 'canny initiated a massive build-up of American troops in Vietnam, decided that he could not risk the threat of "a Communist takeover" in the Caribbean. The preponderance of information on Dominican Communists plus a number of reports of atrocities supposedly com- mitted by the Constitutionalist military rebels ? all of which Lowenthal found to be completely unsubstantiated ? were sufficient to convince him that the U.S. was about "to lose the Dominican Republic to Communism," and he therefore authorized the disembarka- tion of the Marines. THE WORD "authorize" is import- ani. because ? and this is one of the most frightening revelations of this book ? the Marines had apparently started to land prior to the President's decision. Senators who are interested in limiting the President's authority to send U.S. troops into foreign countries without Congressional approval might also investigate what appears to be dent" but rather to assumptions an U.S. ambassadors' authority to call attitudes that are deeply entrenched in them into a foreign country without any the U.S. foreign policy-making appar- approval, Presidential, Congressional. atus. Consequently, what happened in or otherwise. ? the Dominican Republic not only can, In the case of the Dominican Re- but, in all probability, will happen public it seems that Ambassador ? again. Bennett not only managed to get A generation of peace? ? Bognor Lange is a specialist in Latin ' American studies. ease 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000500110001-7 tion to the crisis. Lowenthal cites 10 specific instances in which the Embassy expressly turned down opportunities to "participate in the Dominican crisis in relatively minor ways which might well have obviated the need later felt for militery intervention." The 'U.S. refusal to let the Embassy be used for talks between the rival factions, Ben- nett's decision not to speak by telephone with Juan Bosch, and a series of other puzzling actions which Lowenthal at- tributes to the U.S. desire to "minimize American involvement" had the cu- mulative effect of creating a situation which President .Johnson perceived as requiring massive U.S. military inter- vention. All of which seems to boil down to the fact that in the Dominican case U.S. foreign policy actions were one hundred percent self-defeating. Now that LBJ is back at the ranch, can we breathe a sigh of relief and reassure ourselves that the days of anti-rationality are behind us and that future U.S. foreign policy activities will bear more relation to the objec- tives they are supposed to achieve? According to Mr. Lowenthal, the an- swer is a definite no. He concludes that the intervention in the Dominican Republic "should not be attributed mainly to individual in- competence, momentary fright, mere accidents of timing or personality, nor to a particular ambassador or presi- Approved For Release giNtiVIP:TRARDP80-0 10 MAY 1972 rip ,:{1 .11 rim ? , rirlq!lrirp ;j t ? rin t.V.-4:.1 ? a ? ? By F:ranciseo Ramirez ? When Rafael Leonidas Trujillo was gunned down on May 31, 1961. many people thought a new chapter would open in the history of the Dominican people. But H years after the dictator's death a man from the same mold still holds the presidency: Joaquin Balaguer. a political veteran who ? has been described as more of a Trujillo than Trujillo himself. lit his six years of rule. Balaguer has used the same tactics of terror and corruption as those which earned Trujillo's regime notoriety as one of the most hated dictatorships in. Latin America. While the CIA and U.S: State Department brought about the. execution of Trujillo. they succeededin maintaining his henchmen in the army, police and ruling class. The very same people who worked with Trujillo continue to fill top jobs in the armed forces, government ministries and diplomatic' services. What is more -they have' won back their, confiscated property. . ? Trujillo. who had ruled he country over 30 Years, was murdered by some of his own political allies to prevent a popular revolution against the dictator. Trujillo was replaced by Balaguer, who was supported by the U.S. But the Dominican people soon began to rally against the continuation of the dictatorship. General strikes and mass demonstrations from November 1961 to January 1962 forced Balaguer out of office and made gains in democratic rights. hi elections held in December 1962; Juan Bosch, candidate of the liberal Dominican Revolutionary party, won on a program of strong social reform and, the next year, he proposed a new reform con- stitution. But on September 25, 1963, Bosch was overthrown by a military junta led by Donald Cabral and Gen. Elias Wessin y Wessin. The Dominican people began a powerful struggle to defeat the reac- tionary forces but in April 1965 thousands of U.S. Marines were sent into the country to protect the military regime. After one year of fighting the "constitutionalists" were forced to sign a "peace ? pact" drawn up by the U.S. and elections were held, controlled by ? the Pentagon and U.S. State DepartMent, which resulted in the "victory" of Balaguer over Bosch. Balaguer has again- established a regime of terrorism and brutality. Chain of abuse ? - The government has distinguished itself by an almost unbroken chain of abuses, 134013tOrgedslabilirttr le a334e210Erfle8M4 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000500110001-7 and massive peasant 'evictions. The beneficiaries of these policies, as always, are the large U.S. corporations which dominate the country. The most brazen of these :has been the Gulf and Western Company whose interests have been exempted from taxes for 20 years by Balaguer. Gulf and NVestern have been given almost 1 million square kilometers in the eastern part, of the country through its local front "Corporacion Financiera S.A." The c ompany controls many Dominican industries, especially tobacco. Other companies are also cashing in' on Dominican resources, while 50 percent of the people remain unemployed. Meanwhile there continues to be a drop in agricultural production and exports coupled with a major jump in imports: particularly of luxury goods. The overseas debt has risen to 5400 million. ? Balaguer 'gives support to ultra-right groups which are carrying out a violent campaign against the poor in areas which backed the constitutionalist revolution of Col. -Francisco Caamano in 1965. a struggle that was smashed with the aid of U.S. troop. Au armed group kndwn as "La Banda" carry out day and night house searches, kidnaps and murders of opposition leaders. The 1965 revolution, besides demonstrating the people's willingness to fight for their rights, also allowed the' security *police to identify left militants. Since then, the government has been systematically trying to assassinate leaders of the 1965 struggles. Left forces ineffective The hard-pressed Dominican left seems unable to make an ef- fective reply to the imperialist plan to make the Dominican Republic a strategic strongpoint for colonialism, Puerto Rico style. There are more than ten left groups each of which accuses the others of complicity with the CIA and engages in nothing more active than pOlemics. Meanwhile Balaguer has stated that he may run for the presidency again. If he wins it will be his third term in office since 1966 when by means of fraud, police terror, and Organisation of American States diplomacy, he first was placed in what he calls the hot seat. It looks as though the heat is affecting him. He already has told his supporters to put forward his application for the 1974 elections. By openly entering the lists; Balaguer has increased political tension on the eve of the seventh anniversary of the 1965 revolution. In 1972 the Dominican Republic finds that time has stood still for four backward decades. But things have changed in Latin America after Cuba and Chile. The Balaguer government, with massive U.S. backing, claims it is enjoying "unprecedented prosperity." Grave contradictions, however, lie beneath the surface of Dominican society. Seven years ago they came suddenly to the surface, and all the Americas were disturbed by_the_shock waves. Approved For Release 20011&104 : CIA-IRDP80- March 1972 ?????????????????? Y????????.-????????? e,a.or...4.144? 40400T - ? ? ??? .??? i.10???,..t.% ..., ? e ? ....a .?????? 4.-y,?,;,,,,,14......?Ztf .arAle.? Jalr /1?? SY. erftr,,,e ? 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A.."... , _ . . .. . : wows. rwrousw.wwwwworo..............,--.....".................w.r......- - - ?........ 0.-44: toi.iii 4.- .o-..;."..., ......,,.._,.........-: -.." -:-, .. - -... ....z......e.,.. r.....ts...4a 1-?:,..: 4.e.4.-- ;..a.:....' 1,?..... -. - ..!....." t ' Text by Morton Kondracke ... 1. --- ? - ,,,- ti, Photography by Dennis Brack & Fred Ward 00. OM .. ... ???? ???? ,. ....... -... ? -1-Lows Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R00050014d3iie1-7 Approved For Relea A Short History of CIA Intervention in Sixteen Foreign Countries In July, 1947, Congress passed one of the most significant pieces of legislation in the history of America in peacetime. The National Security Act of 1947 created The National Security Owned, the Department of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff,, the United States Air Force and, not least of all, the CIA. This act ? provided the Agency with five principal duties: 1. To advise the National Security Council on matters concern- ing intelligence. 2 To make recommendations for the coordination of such intel- ? ligence matters. 3. To correlate and evaluate intelligence relating to national security and disseminate it to other government departments. 4: To perform "such additional services of common concern as the National Security Council determines can be more efficiently ? accomplished centrally." 5. To perform "such other functions and duties as the NSC would direct." In 1949 Congress passed the Central Intelligence Agency Act, allowing the- agency-to disregard laws that required disclosure of information concerning the organization, to expend funds ? ? without regard to laws and regulations governing expenditures with .no other. accounting than the Director's vouchers, and to mate contracts and purchases without advertising. With such unprecedented au- thority, with unlimited access to . ' money,. with liberty to act with- out regard to scrutiny or review by either civilian or governmental organizations, the CIA has become a self- contained state. One observer ranks the CIA as the fourth world power, after, the U.S., Russia, and ? China. Partly because of the CIA's special "secret" status and partly because of the laziness of the press, She total history of CIA intervention in foreign coun- tries has never been reported. What you read instead are jragments?an attempted bribe in Mexico last Jody, an assassination in Africa last November. What emerges here is an atlas of intrigue but not a grand designi. on the contrary, the CIA's record is 'as erratic and contradictory as that of any bureaucracy in the Federal stable. But you do begin to comprehend the enormous size of the CIA and its ruthless behavior. The rules permit murder, defoliation . and drug addiction for - Political ends. Look at the record: ; .) 1, ? Approved Fol- Release 2001/0404 :.CIA 04)16101R000500110001-7 wirtftim. TATINTL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP SAN DIEGO, CAL. UNION coy IA _ 139,739 ? STATINTI: g ? 246.007 izeS-secr; 7 ? ?Iatin. Americans are more thin ever that the United States is abandoning ; them to their fate, whatever ?:1,it- may be. -A few extremists e Applaud the possibility, but - most Latins are. worried by t ? - :-;Even though most Latin . commentators predicted that :?;A new U.S. foreign aid pro- .gram would be worked out, '? they were appalled by the , ? - U.S. Senate's disapproval of 2'. theforeign assistance bill and further retreat into isola- tionism that it signals. , --t'icm Mexico, which pride's Fit'Self On never having relied on -U.S. foreign aid grants, to. "?, Brazil, the No. 1 recipient in . Latin America, the. reason- reaction to the Senate Vote on foreign aid was one of shocked disappointment. ee The newspaper 0 Estado, Sao Paulo, Brazil, used Pres- ..e.lclent Nixon's comment that c. the vote SIRS "a highly irre- ? sponsible action" as the title :I of its editorial analysis. ? e.,E1 Sol, Mexico City, said bitterly "The United States 'empst aids its enemies and ;-..there is no reason to put on a e..1Ong face because it sup- it...Tresses aid to friendly coun- tries; ? .?_.:, "What should be done, -Oyler than give free rein to ? e ? ? ? By WILLIAM GIANDONI Copley News Service wrath, is to structure the economy of each country in- dependently of North Ameri- can, Soviet or Chinese aid. No great power is and has been unselfish and the one that does not want a slice of the profits, wants -political con- cessions." - ? . ? - ? 0 Estado declared that the U.S. Senate suspension of for- eign aid had'. the effect of thwarting President Nixon's foreign policy, which, the pa- per said, "Was conceived in terms that could meet the de- mands of pacifist, neo-isola- tionist and ;anti-inter- ventionist circles, so eloquently represented by ac- tivist members of the press, the academic community and the Senate." . ? ??? ? 0 Estado said that the United States is running the risk of . alienating what friends it has .left in the . world. ? ? "Decisions. like that of ,the Senate contribute to the eva- poration of credibility in U.S. promises and guarantees and undermine the very founda- tions of United . States lead- ership." - ?' The bitter comments of newspapers like .0 Estado and El Sol were. typical of t112 reactions of those who are generally Considered friendly toward the United States. ? On the other hand, men like Juan Bosch, former -president of the Dominican Republic who -has. been speaking and Writing against the. United States for a good part of the last decade, professed plea- sure at the possibility that U.S. foreign aid would end. Latin America "has. been Suffering an aid (program) that has only served to sus- tain, guarantee and strength- en the oligarchies," Bosch said; , , 'Bosch's bias Is not hard to understand if one remembers that, despite his earlier con- nections with a Latin Ameri- can institute for political edu- cation-Supported by the Cen- tral InteflineAgeneyUS ?, inter Mifion in tiie'Dbininican Republic in 1965 thwarted a revolution intended to return him to the Dominican presi- dency. ? _ ? .. But what virtually all Latin Americans thought they rec- ognized in the Senate vote Oct. 29 was a return to U.S. isolationism. As. the Latins see it, the United States has 'convinced itself that the mili- tary and financial responsi- bilities it assumed during the protracted conflict, long known as the 'Cold War,' are tpo great, and it is dropping out of the foreign aid race. The end of or a -drastic slash in the U.S. foreign ad program would not mean the . ? economic collapse of Latin :America. In fact, recently re- leased statistics on the .dis- tribution of developinent assistance to Latin America for .the 1961-1970 period sug- gest that most of the $12.133 -billion in U.S. aid to the henii- . sphere, nations in the decade of the Alliance for Progress was in form of tied loans. .Tied loans are those made for the purchase of U.S. goods and services, that is to , say things that represent jobs for U.S. workers and sales for ' U.S. business and industry. A . report prepared by the staff Of .the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, indicates that those U.S. government loans amounted ? to $10.862 , billion over the 10-year peri- od. The grants and "soft" loans for Latin America to- talled $1.280 billion. A Spanish version of this dispatch appears . elsewhere on this paeo.. - , e? ? --..reeette Approved For Release. 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500110001-7 Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500110001-7 STATINTL SAN ANTONIO, TEX. EXPRESS M - 78,259 EXPRESS-NEWS S - 120,347 fpyr:SEf 2 1 11/4714-T Business Overhaul Due It seemed inevitable that the -Pentagon would have to remodel its intelligence apparatus. The storm of protest that followed disclosure that military intelligence agents were ? ? spying on , American civilians,, including political figures, sparked a detailed survey of the operations. The study was ordered by President Nixon. That episode came on the heels of a series of miscalculations invOlving military intelligence, thef,,-Mand the ? evaluation and interpretation of each. The record was bad: intervention in the Dominican Republic (a deed later repudiated by President Johnson because, he noted, it was based on an intelligence error); Vietnam. policy; and a series of intelligence reports on "missile gaps" that .appeared most ; dramatically at budget time. The proposed cure is valid only ? because it will represent a new look at an old and necessary practice. The proposed plan is to install a civilian chief of military intelligence. n an effort to streamline and improve. The plan also calls for retention of the military chief of intelligence with access to the Secretary of Defenge. It's probably naive to assume the intelligence stuff will be substantially ? reduced, though for the . sake of appearances a stab at a tighter budget will likely bemade. Reason for the reorganization, as reported, is that the apparatus is too big, too costly and too ineffective. ? Approved For Release 2001/03/04 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000500110001-7 _ Approved For ReleAlliTi96 CIA-RDP 20 ,E.1, 11 Pr ? v.) oUcy in I 11, rk_et rt. New York Times News Service - T NEW YORK?Supreme Court Justice William 0. Douglas in a ? new book criticcizes President Lyndon B. Johnson'S decision to send U.S. forces to the Domini- can Republic in n65 as "an ob- noxious form of intervention" from which hemisphere rela- tions have yet to recover. Douglas cites the decision as an illustration of the central theme of the book: That the hos- tility of the United States to re- voluntionary change condemns Latin America to "an intolerable status quo." . The book, "Holocaust or Hem- ) isphere CO-OP: Cross Currents ? in Latin America," is the third of four volumes the 72-year-old justice is wrting on dissent and. relnllion in the modern world. The 216-page book will be pub-. ? ? . . lished by Random House onOct. 4. ? .? The second book, "Points of Rebellion," published in Febru- ary 1970, was designed to ex- plain the causes of political dis- sent in the Unitld States. Doug- las's ? suggestion that violence "may be the only?Ziffective re- sponse" to intolerable conditions set off demands in Congress for his resignation. In his new book, Douglas at- :? tacks the influence of the Cell- . ? . / tral Intelligence Agency and ."conservatism" in Washington's .policies in Latin America. ?Douglas sees the U.S. inter- vention in the Dominican Re- public, ostensibly to crush a Communist uprising, as one of two crucial moves that under- mined Latin American confi- dence in the political and social reforms promised by President John F. Kennedy's Alliance for ? Progress program. - "No -principle of international Jaw,'' Douglas writes, "permits one main 'to invade another, without a state of war between the two.' "What the United States did in the Dominican Republic was, like our action in 'Vietnam, an obnoxious form of intervention in-the internal affairs of another nation." ? Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500110001-7 ? STATINTL STATI NTL ?? STATI NTL Approved .For Release 2001/03/04 CIA-RDP80-01601R El 8368 - CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? aims/oils of Remarks coMplisionents of Mr. Hall hi his service to the N.C. Prim macentical Association stress- ing that he had done things not to seek laic- oa,nition but for the good it would do the association and others. George P. Hager, Dean of the School of Pharmacy of UNC-CH, pointed out that as a E trident at urc, Bob not only learned to be a good phearnaciat but also a good leader. "In his work with the state association and as a trustee of the university, Bob is not only able' to define the problems but actively works for their solutions. His works conform with his worda", said Dr. Hager. The presentation of the award was made by B. Cade Brooks of Fayetteville, immediate past-president cf the N.C. Pharmaceutical Association. The Moatar-and-Pestle Award is presented annually for distinguished service in the fields of pharmacy, public health, education and welfare. Three other state winners in other fields from Mocksville were recognized: Miss Jo Cooley as the "N.C. _ Handicapped Woman of the Year." Dr. Clyde Young as a former "Veterinarian of the Year." Dr. Ramey F. Kemp as a former "Chiro- practor of the Year." W..7. Smith, Eaecutie Director of the N.C. Pharmaceutical Aasociation, read messages of congratulations from Dr. William Friday, President of the Uniaersity of N.C., and George Watts Hill, President of Central Caro- - lina Bank and chairman of the board of trustees, UNC-CH. The career highlights of Mr. Han are AS follows: A native of Wayne County and resident of afocksville since early youth; edUcation in the Mocksville Schools and at the University - of North Carolina. Member of Phi Delta Chi Fraternity. Returned to work with his father at Hall Drug Company upon graduation and is now owner and operator of the pharmacy. Served in the Army Air Force during World War if. In his community he has served as secre- tary and vice-president of the Jaycees; Chairman of Heart Fund Drive; Director of the Rov.,an-Davie Heart Association; Director of Mocksville Rotary Club; Member Davie County Morehead Selection Committee; On committees of the area Girl Scout Council and Uwharrie Council for the Boy Scouts; Director of Northwestern North Carolina Economic Development Commission. He is presently a member of the alocasville Savings and Loan. and a member of the Board of the Davie-Yadkin-Wilkes Health Department. In the First Baptist Church he has served as trustee and chairman of the Board of Beacons as well rs president of the Brother- hood; he is currently serving as a member of the Finance Committeee. Mr. Hall is past-president of the North Carolina Pharmaceutical Association and the . North Carolina Pharmaceutical Research Foundation. He continues to serve on the Board of Directors of the Foundation. He is Chairman of the Consolidated Pharmacy Student Loan Fund; member of the Acacl- . emy of Pharmacy,_ and a charter member of the Academy of General Practice of Thar- ta?-ey. Ild was recently elected for a second term as Trustee of the Consolidated University of North Carolina and serves on the Committee on Health Affairs which encompasees Schools of Pharmacy, Dentistry, Public Health, Medi- cine, and Nursing. Mr. Hall is resoried to the former Sara Hope Fitchetteof Dunn; they have a danghter, Hope Fitchett, and two sons, Robert Buckner, Jr. and Carl Stacy. THE TRAGEDY OF THE. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC HON. HERMAN EADILLO ? -? Or 1,Tilw YOin,c IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, July 27, 1971 Mr. BADILLO. Mr. Speaker, ti ants of the last G years have proven .4. the unwarranted and ill-conceived Ution of of the United States in the ba,mini- can Republic in 1995, and the 18-month Military occupation which followed, was a tragic mistake of the greatest propor- tions. The chaos; corruption, political in- stability, social and economic disloca- tions which have ensued are almost im- possible to describe. The suppression of civil liberties, the stifling of the voices of constructive dissent, intrigues, deaths, and disappearance are occurring in the classic manner of a dictatorial regime. It is reported that, in recent years, more political murders have occurred in the Dominican Republic. than in any com- parable period during Trujillo's dictator- ship. In 1970 alone there were some 186 political murders and 30 unexplained dis- appearances. In a recent issue of the New York Re- view of Books the noted Latin American authority, Norman Gall, has reviewed two books relating to the U.S. interven- tion in tile Dominican Republic and its aftermath. Moreover, Mr. Gall presents a very penetrating and well-documented study of the current reign of terror in this Caribbean Republic and tile complicity of certain U.S. personnel in sonic of the events connected with it. A particularly frightening feature of this terrorism is the fact that many of the victims are the poor, repressed in- habitants of Santo Domingo's barrios. Furthermore, the executions and other acts of terrorism are frequently con- ducted by roving, paramilitary "death squads" organized by the armed forces and the police?organizations receiving U.S. training and equipment. Mr. Speaker, I believe that Mr. Gall has performed a valuable Service in bringing this situation into focus and in revealing to the public facts which have been hidden too long. His well-written and perceptive essay and review should be given our fullest and most careful con- sideration?particularly as we will soon b. acting upon the Foreign Assistance Act. I present it herewith for inclusion in the RECORD and commend it to our col- leagues' attention: SANTO DO:MINGO: THE POLITICS OF TERROR ? (By Norman Gall) ? We know that many who are now in revolt do not seek a Communist tyranny. We think 'it's tragic indeed that their high motives have been misused by a small band of conspirators. who receive their directions from abroad. To three who fight only for liberty and justice and progress, I want to join in . . appealing to you tonight to lay down your arms and to assure you that there is nothing to fear. The road is open to you to share in building a Dominican Democracy and we in America are ready and anxious and willing to help you. ?Lyndon B. Johnson, May 2, 3955. President Johnson's military intervention in, the Dominican nepublic in 3965 was as momentous as it was cruel and politically mistaken. We can see it, along with our en- largement -of the Vietnam war in the same year, as part of a disastrous expansion of the powers of the Ameriean Presidency and of iteos sense of "global responsibilittea." When a. t ? force of 23,000 US troops landed in Santo / - Domingo in May to reverse the course of the Santo Domingo civil war they served to rescue a repressive military establishment from an STATINT apparently successful popular revolt that was trying to re.setore constitutional rule. We can now see that the high priority the US gave to social progress in Latin America, an idea im- plicit in the Alliance for Progress, has been replaced .by what appears to be an expanding and recurrent pattern of control by terror. Professor Jerome Sister's political study of the 1965 intervention and the eighteen- month US military occupation that, followed Is derived from his use, on a not-for-attribu- tion basis, of "a great number of papers, memoirs, and documents which are not now In the public domain," as well as off-the- record interviews with US and OAS officials. However, all this new material adds little or no support to. the official rationale for the Intervention?that the Dominican Republic was at the brink of a possible Communist takeover. Instead it provides further evidence of double-dealing and cruelty after the US troops were sent in. Because he relies so much on classified of- ficial documents, and because of his other- wise limited knowledge of Dominican affairs, Slater tends at times to bend over backward to give credence and legitimacy to the official US view in a number of, at best, highly dou- btful instances. Nevertheless, he concludes that although "there was seine risk that out of an uncontrollable revolutionary upheaval Castroite forces might emerge victorious . . the risk was not yet sufficiently great to justify the predictably enormous political and moral costs that the intervention en- tailed." The effect of the intervention was to re- store to power in Santo Domingo the political apparatchiks of the long and brotol dictator- ship of Rafael Leonides Trujillo (1930-61). Of the costs Slater writes at the end of his book: ". . . the steadily worsening political ter- rorism . has recently [1970] reached crisis proportions. Searcely a day goes by without a political murder, a "suicide" of a jailed po- litical prisoner, ,the disappearance of -a po- litical activist, or, at the very least, a case of police harassment of the political opposition. aIost of the victims are Communists or Cas- troite radicals, PRD activists [of ex-President Juan Bosch's Partido Revolucionario DOMDZ- '10E0201, or former constitutionalists, although recently even anti-Balaguerists on the rigiit have been attacked. "While there has been a -rise in leftist countet-terror, with machine-gunnings of isolated police and aoldiers increasingly com- mon, the main culprits appear to be wire- generates in the police and, to a lesser ex- tent, the armed. forces. It is not clear what [President Joaquin] Balaguer's role is in this, but although he Ilea condemned what he calls the "uncontrollable forces" behind the violence and on several occasions has shaken up the police leadership, there is a growing feeling among moderate Domini- cans that he is encouraging the rightist ter- rorism or, at best, has been inadequate in his response to it." In recent years there have been more p0- .1itical murders in the Dominican Republic than in any comparable period during Tru- jillo's dictatorship, with the sole exception of, the reign of terror that followed the swiftly STA]INTL ? Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500110001-7 21E17 YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS Approved For Release 2010(9L4i0A-RDP80 , STATINTL Santo ss-bo? noyfarAnn rri PoTitios ?f ? . ? Intervention and Negotiation: The United States and the Dominican Revolution by Jerome Slater, _ with a Foreword by Hans J. Morgenthau. Harper & Row, 254 Barrios in Arms: Revolution in Santo Domingo by Jose A. Moreno. . University of Pittsburgh, 226 pp., $8.95 Norman Gall We know.that many who are now in revolt do not seek a Communist tyranny. We think it's tragic in- deed that their high motives have been misused by a small band of conspirators, who receive their directions from abroad. To those .who fight only for liberty and. justice and progress, I want to join. in ... appealing to you tonight to ? laY iivin your arms "ana to assure you that there is nothing to fear. . Tice- road is open tcryou to shire ? in building a Dominican Democ- racy and we 'in America .are ready and anxious and willing to help ytp; ?? ?Lyndon B. Johnson May 2, 1965 -- President *Johnson's military inter- vention in the Dominican Republic in 1965 was as momentous as it was cruel ind politically mistaken. We can see it, dong with our enlargement of the Vietnam wai in the same year, as part rtf a disastrous expansion of the powers of the -American Presidency tnd of its sense of "global responsi- bilities." When a force of 23,000 US troops landed in Santo Domingo in ktay to reverse the course of the Santo Domingo civil war they served to rescue a repressive military establish- nent from an apparently successful popular revolt that Was trying to restore constitutional rule. We can now tee that the high priority the US gave to social progress in Latin America, in idea implicit in the Alliance for Progress, has been replaced by what tppears to be an expanding and recur- rent pattern of control by terror. D rofessor Jerome Slater's political study of the 1965 intervention and the .eighteen-month US military occupation that followed is derived from his use, on a not-for-attribution basis, of "a great number of papers, memoirs, and documents which are not now in the public domain," as well as off-the- record interview. s with U$ and 'OAS officials. However, all this new material adds little or no support to the official rationale for the intervention?that the Dominican Republic was at the brink ? of a possible Communist takeover. Instead it provides further evidence of double-dealing and cruelty after the US troops were sent in. Because he relies so much on classi- fied official documents, and because of his otherwise limited knowledge of Dominican affairs, Slater tends at times to bend over backward to give credence and legitimacy to the official US view in a number of, at best, highly doubtful instances. Nevertheless, he concludes that althOugh "there was some risk that but of an uncontrollable revolu- tionary upheaval Castroite forces might emerge victorious ... the risk was not yet sufficiently great to justify the predictably enormous political and moral costs that the intervention en- tailed." The effect of the intervention was to restore to power. in Santo Domingo the political apparatchiks of the long and brutal dictatorship of Rafael Leonidas Trujillo (1930-61). Of the costs Slater writes at the end of his book: ... the steadily worsening political terrorism ... has recently [19701' reached crisis proportions. Scarcely a day goes by without apolitical murder, a "suicide" of a jailed political prisoner, the disappear- ance of a political activist, or, at the very least, a case of police harassment of the political opposi- tion. Most of the victims are Communists or Castroite radicals, PRD activists [of ex-President Juan Bosch's Partido Revolu- cionario Dorrinicano], or former ' constitutionalists, although re- cently even anti-Balaguerists on the right have been attacked. While there has been a 'rise in leftist counter-terror, with ma- chine-gunnings of isolated police TATI NTL and soldiers increasingly common, ' the main culprits appear to be STATINTL unregenerates in the police and, to a lesser extent, the armed forces. It is not clear what [President Joaquin' Balaguer's role is in this, but although he has condemned what he calls the "uncontrollable forces" behind 'the violence and on several occasions has shaken up the police leadership, there is a growing feeling among moderate Dominicans that he is encouraging the rightist terrorism or, at best, has. been inadequate in his re- sponse to it. In recent years there have been more Politica! murders in the Dominican Republic than in any comparable period during ?Trujillo's dictatorship, with the sole exception of the reign of !error that followed the swiftly crushed invasion from Cuba in 1959, organized by Fidel 'Castro.' The Santo Domingo newspaper El Nacional last December 30 bled a page and a half of newsprint with the -details of 186 political murders and thirty dis- - appearances during 1970.2 The Domin- ican terror resembles the current wave of political killings in Guatemala (see my "Slaughter in Guatemala,' NYR, May 20, 1971) in that the paramilitary death squads are organized by the armed forces and police, which in both cases over the years have been given heayy US material and advisory sup- port. The death squads themselves are partly composed of defectors from revolutionary political factions. The political terrorism in Santo' Domingo, however, seems now to. be directed not so much against well- known politicians, as is the case in Guatemala. Rather it is used to control the Santo Domingo flum population. which was the main force that 'de- feated the Dominican military in the 1965 revolution. In the proliferating ramshackle slums and squ-aMr settle* ments that spread northward from the ancient churches and plazas of down- town Santo Domingo', there is con- tinual patrolling by unformed military and police units, as Yell as b) clothes agents on motor scooters. Each barrio has been infiltnted by govern- ' ment intelligence orga-trzations. ' Approved For' Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500110001-7 coetTnt)eq Approved For Release 2001/03104: CIA-RDP80-01601R MAR 1371 111, ? ?L1il u:711:j - . ? 4 Iv\ ? 21 (1-1, 7,1(? 4%c) r ` d t 4.4 Py VEIC4IN(A PREWEIT THAT hoary chestnut, the >, "International plot," is pop- rt up all over In Latin Arnerica these, days. From )"Papa Doe Duvalier In Haiti to President Salvador Allende in Chile, Latin Americans are falling back on this device to help them over rough places. Dr. Allende has an "imperi- alist plot" with CIA trim- mings going strong in Chile. He may be whip- ping up emotion that he hopes will corry his already troubled administration to victory in important April 5 municipal elections. _ But leftists in both Peru and Bolivia in re- ? ? cent times exploitod international plot charges just before they seized U.S. oil properties. So ',there is speculation that Dr. Allende wants to annonnce Chile will pay little or nothing for -U.S. copper properties hc is about to take over and wants nationalistic feeling running high when he does. ? - "Papa Doc," Dr. Allende, former Pre.sklent Juan Bosch of the Doninican Republic., fac- tions In Costa Rica, sectors of the Pa?narna press and Ecuaderian officials have rung the ? changes recently on the plot theme. No matter how much you may doubt the curative value of Dr. Allende's Marxist-Lenin- ist prescriptions for 'Chile's ills, it must be -recognized that he came into the presidency ' with much personal respect. His manipulations ??of the old plot ploy may very well shrink this International image. FATAL P2,00-ES5 "Papa Doc" traditionally punishes "plot- ters," a process often fatal for those accused, after he has had a reverse of a spell of in- creased physical weakness. He Is now attempt- ing to strengthen Ms regime of terror by charging 37 people, some of them army offi-- . core, with complcity in a May, 153% InVasion attempt. Some of the accused have been in jail nearly a year In connection with a later Inci- dent -end their prospects are not bright, judg- ing from the record. ? In the Dominican Republic, Juan Bosch re- cently tried to Inflate a localized political con- flict into a runaway national crisis with 1, charges the CIA Is responsible for mysterious murders of Dominican leftists ? with Presi- dent Joaquin Balague-r in effect winking at It all. A more firmly-based natkinal quarrel with Ilaiti stole his thunder, however, , WITI-IDRAVAL ? In February, ? Panama's military rulers, frankly piqued because U.S. narcotics investi- gators gathered evidence in Panama without . official permission, asked our Peace Corps to withdraw after the U.S. also arrested a Pana- manian in the .Canal Zone on drug charges. Press sharpies and the rumor mill said our ) Peace Corps was in a plot with the CIA, and / connected thq events. -F.cuadorlans, Including officials, have freely speculated that the recent concentration of an extra-large fleet of U.S. tuna boats of? Ecua- dor ? a circumstance that led to numerous arrests and a U.S.-Ecuadorian controversy over sea. limits ? was "plotted" as a provoca- tion by the U.S. tuna industry. In a sub-plot, former President Alfredb Ovando of ?Deliria Is being accused cf having his long-time partner, the late President Rene Barrientos?and four others mysteriously mUr- &red. The charge is that Messrs. Ovando and Barrientos were in tudeal to smuggle arms to Israel and Mr. Ovando arranged all the deaths because he feared the dead four would reveal this. Mr. Barrientos died in a flaming helicop- tez crash in. April, 19. ? STATINTL ? ? . . Approved For Release 2001/03/04 CIA-.RDP80-01601R000500110001-7 1. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RD NT, AMERICAN OPIUM Jtm 1971 A Worried Look At The C.I.A.. Frank A. Capell is a professional intelli- gence specialist of almost thirty year? istanding. He is Editor and Publisher of the fortnightly newsletter, The Herald Of Freedom, has contributed to such impor- tant national magazines as The Review Of The News, and. is author of Robert F. Kennedy ? A Political Biography, The Untouchables, and other books of inter- est to Conservatives. Mr. Cape!! appears I frequently on radio and television, lectures widely, and never controversy.- He lives in New Jersey, is an active ('ath- olic layman, and father of seven sans. . . El THE Central Intelligence Agency was established in 1947 after its wartiine predecessor, the Office, of Strategic Serv- ices (0.S.S.), was expoed as thoroughly infiltrated by the Communists. .Let us examine some of that O.S.S. personnel. In 1948, former Communist spy Eliza- - beth Bentley appeared as a witness before the House Committee on. Un-American Activities. On Page 529 of the formal report of those Hearings is the record of Miss Bentley's testimony about intelli- gence she received from Comrades inside ?O.S.S. while she was operating as a Soviet courier: - All types of information were given, highly secret information on _what the OSS was, doing, such as, for example, that they were trying to make secret negotiations with governments in the Balkan bloc in case the war ended, that they were parachuting people into Hungary, ' that they were sending OSS people ? into Turkey to operate in the ? Balkans, and so on. The fact that / General Donovan [head of 0.S.S.] was interested in having an ex- clOnge between the NKVD [the Soviet .secret police] and, tile OSS. That's right, O.S.S. and the N.K.V.D. were working very close indeed. When asked what kind of .information Communist 0.S.Aisyroved ratiR Halperin gave her to lb forwardeu to the Soviet _Union, Miss Bentley testified: "Well, in addition to all the informatio which OSS was setting on Latin America he had access to the cables which the OS was getting in from its agents abroad worldwide information of various sorts and also the OSS had an agreement witl the State Department whereby he als could see State Department cables o vital issues.".. Halperin was Chief of th O.S.S. Latin American Division at th time when, as Miss Bentley Us sworn, h was one of her contacts in a SOVi6 espionage ring. ? Carl Aldo Marzani was Chief of th Editorial Section of the 0.S.S. Marzai has been several, times identified. und( oath as a member of the Communi Party. Using the most highly classific information, he supervised the making , charts on technical reports for higher cell Ions of the Army, the Navy, the Joi Chiefs of Staff, and the 0.S.& Cornra Marzani made policy decisions and wa: liaison officer between the Deputy Chi of Staff of the Army and the Office the Undersecretary of War. When questioned before a Congre sional-Committee, Irving Fajans of O.S. took the Fifth Amendment rather tha admit to his Communist Party memb ship and long history of activities behalf of the Soviets. Comrade Faj was a key O.S.S. operative despite t fact that he was known to have bee member of the Communist Party and have served in the Communists' Abrah Lincoln Brigade in Spain during the ye 1937-1938. ? Robert Talbott Miller III was anot contact of Soviet courier Elizabeth Be Icy. An O.S.S. employee assigneno State Department, he was Assistant Cl in the Division of Research. On a trip Moscow, Comrade Miller married a me ber of the staff of the Moscow News. Leonard E. Mins, a writer who h worked for the International .Union Revolutionary Writers .in Moscow a written for New Masses, was also on staff of the lop secret O.S.S. Coinq Mins took the Fifth Amendment ratl leasde2401/03/04124tALRDP80-01601R000500110001-7 ship in the Communist Party. He refu: to deny that he was.a Soviet agent ever STATI NTL STATINTL Approved For Release 2001103/04: CIA-RDP80-016 ? WAYNESBORO, PA. RECORD. HERALD E 9,243 -DEC 17 Mr A CIA link? The suggestion that Justice William :0. Douglas may have acted .on behalf of .the CIA in a 1963 trip to the Dominican Republic could prove more damaging . than the attempt at impeachment itself.. . It is presumed that it was the justice's defenders who have hinted at the CIA activity. - , ! Such 6 charge might have been ex- . ipected from his enemies. After all, im- peachment- is either sustained or But a link to the CIA might prove more than a free spirit like Justice Douglas can bear! - ? Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500110001-7: Approved For Releaseliddiiiiii0CIA- 7 DItI(.; ' .. ,, t - H r-_,- .. ,,,??,--?,,,, -r .-. ; T., ti ,,- .-;'7-Tic";-;)i;7 - " it.. ac V-?, 7.?:. r:t,H ,"11,1). :10 By g By Amm C:LymEr, ? Washington Burcau of Tits Suit Washington, Dec:?16?Justice ; NI/1111am 0. Douglas today, said he was satisfied with a congres- sional investigaton of himself, " uo'crestinq s he considered the Ma- o - 'pe.achinent issue closed. ? The justice, however, declined to ansWer any questions about :matters contained in a Muse judiciary subcommittee's -page report, which dealt at leuglh with his financial ties to Albert Parvin and the Albert Parvin Foundation, an educa- tional trust financed indirectly but in large .part through Ne- vada gambling income. Addressing reporters and tele- .- - - vision cameramen at., the Su- preme Coull, the white-haired ? justice said "the select commit- tee has now performed its con- - .stitutional duties, and I will try to continue to perform mine as a member of the court." Sacha Volman, identificu fairly powerful and as a CIA agent. . and produce what- Jacobs Ciitielzes PaLIC1 clearly in the report yesterday. The full Judiciary Committee I think will be a great renais- tas still not scheduled a meeting The subcommittee also has in sance which will challenge aiid its files a letter se.nt. by Justice ' invigorate all of civilization : Douglas on May 2:3, 1N6, ta Coy. ,keep the faith.? - Luis Munoz Marin .of Puerto I ? Rico. In that letter he appealed to Mr. Munoz Marin to warn former President Juan Bosch of the Dominican Republic about Mr. Volman, with whom he had had a falling cut in 19i3-1. "When Bosch was President, I was there and he was very closely tied to Sacha Volman, I am sure he did not know that Volman at the time was on the CIA payroll. \Tolman niay or may not be at the present time; but I would. think the chances are great that he is," Justice- Douglas wrote. The Dominican incident came tsp bccause Republicans sug- gested that the literacy project was insubstantial and merely a front for efforts to get gambling concessions for associates or Mr, Parvin. Justice Douglas STATI NTL i also made the Charge *Alt Mr. ; 1 Volman in a letter to Mr. Par- i a vin, one of a thick Stack of 1 .."Dear Al" and "Dear Bill" let- ters that lie in the committee files. . "Most Beautiful Nation" While ;Justice Douglas was un- willing to discuss the contents of the report; he did hold forth on his views of America; which he, : called ."the most beautiful na-I tion in the world, if \VC can just': keep it from being polluted." He called pollution "our big .No. .1 problem," -and said that 1 ' "No. 2 is the problem of civil' ;rights." While racial, religious ; and ideological tensions are not peculiar to the "United States, he ; s:laid, the United States has "the Bill of Rights and the political means to solve them." i ,.. '-'----- ' ; The 72-year-old jurist C011tili- AP JUSTICE DOUGLAS That project NV2.5 .run locally by tied, "And so, to this younger !generation -in whom I have is-- bounded confidence, let me say this: "In those two areas you can to consider. the report, which, on a party-line vote, recommends against impeachment. a The subcommittee was criti- cized today by liberal Repro- sentative Andrew Jacobs, Jr. . (D., Ind.); who introduced the impeachment resolution in Apail to keep the matter out of the hands of a special committee. which was favored by Republi- can and Southern Democrats. "The issue is behavior, net the interpretations of a document. and demeanor. Live testimony under . oath, is indispensable," he said. The committee took no :sworn testimony. It also developed today that !Justice Douglas was appaaeutly \j unaware of the -Central htelli- genc.,:t Agency's:connection with an education television literacy project that the foundation? which he boaded?worktd on in the Dominican Republic in 1653. 3" Approved For Release 2001/03/64 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000500110001-7 if Approved For Rele5s? top1pt.?/04 :CIA-RD 3' (.. .V.,..,..,. .? - Washit:Igton, Dee. 1G (News Bureau) ? .L:stjee William 0. :)Jouglas, cleared of impaachment charges by a special Douse slCo- committee, said today he intend- ed to stay on the Spren-,r, Court, which he said "a.lways has b..2en and alwaysbe in- dependent."' The r12-year-old Dough;s tald an unusual early morning pres:i conference on his case, but that ,- ? ; - _ ; Assc.7;LItz--.7: Prc:;s Justice William Douglas: `'I halC always been proud to be a member ef the court." he had made available to the pa- nel "all my files relevant to the inquiry, wit'l no restraint as to privilege or immunity." "The commite has nor per- formed its. ceps titutional tIn .CS and and I will try to continue t,.) per- form nine," Douglas sa:d. read- ing from a icur-paragraph pee- parcil statement. "I have alwuys been proud to be a member of the court, 211 Willa I think all will agree is distinguish?d at least in one r2F.FeCt?it always has been anr.1 al7:ays will be stoutly independent." Then, in a postscript to his formal statem,nt, the bailed justice, NVII0 hIs been member of the court sinoe called 'en the nation's youth to 'keep the -faith" and iniliote ''a great ymmissaiwe" hi the world by attachi::g the problems of pol- lution and civil rights. _ riaises Burger, Illachmult - Derc4.;lasap-ceared to lay to xest any rumor Cilia he- might 1:ten dawn flmn the court when, in ,fl ? s formal statement, he went out el his way to .coMpliment Pre.sident Nixon's two appointees --Chief justice Warren E. Burger ("a pleasure to work with") and Associate Justice HaiTy A. Blackmun ("a 'stout . . . there's no higher compliment"). The subcommittee's report may not, however, mean the end . of the attempt to impeach Douglas. :House Republican. leader Gerald It. le:rd (Mich.), who led the of-. fert: this year, branded the panel's findings a "whitewash" and said he probably would try next. yclw. In addition, - .P:eP. Andrew Jacobs Jr. (D-Ind.), the liberal who brought the charges against Douglas last April in a move to head off a com,ervative-ied. in- he felt, the sub- cernmittee must. hold hearings at which witnesses would testily cat;la before its work is The subcommittee's voluminous report brought to light a num- ber of details about Douglas' -controversial relationship with Les. Angcles businessman -Albert Parvin and. the Parvin Founda- tion. One such was a .hint that the Centrl,s3. Intelligence Agency may ? have 'trot- involved in backstage nm-Amverings in the Dominican Rep-.!blic in the early :and. that Douglas some- bovi have Leenlinked to the agency, at least irdireetly, Chrough a Parvin. F 13.17,1:-? d STATINTL STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500110001-7. ? c r. Approved For Release p01/03/p4 : CIA-RDP80-016 1 STATI NTL 71 -a, 7 Ka I: ??? _la ? -1_3) f ? , ? . C.1 ' rl? it7-/ t. , They had asked for a saerlat ? ' NO CuAaots _ inaostp,z;atave cam-a:Ina:a pit iliMiCe Douglas asserted the , -Representative Andrew Jacobs, FDI-loali theory octo;..,ei. 11, : Jr. (0.? Incl.), a liberal, intro- 1[iIi, in a letior .to Mr. Parvin, duced a successful resolution-of adding thot he had "had nothing his own which referred lac caw to do with Mock, T_Iobby Baker, to the Judiciary Committee. or Iteviri'''?11i who will shortly be ma. J aoweaar alai,: indicted, according to coinmon comtectiort ?Drawu Tteporl By nrt ose Par.Jr1 savi ? _ . cob, . nct he is nti:ut 'el t a, en .ae issae - ' - a' ? ? * i- I rumor here." 1(lia Baker was indicted _lit' Which. RejeciN1 Charges ,4_,gain5t. JOshtee ' is also critical ..,-,-f the ,?b- !1January, 1967. Edward Levinson - of Ju.stice, Douglts's fitaessaa,-;1 ..1.1 CC:11- was indicted in May, 1957, and . raittee for not taking sworn V.:3; convicted in 1963 on a charge of timony in public. a . Centered On Parvin 'skimming' Las Vegas gam- The justiee,e varied off_the_, tiling profits before paying taxes. Dy APAA CLYAIM Washinfiton Macau of 7'Izc Sun Washington, Dec. 15?Justice 'Mich.), a -dissenter, complained -. William 0. -Doliglas of the Su- that the committee:should have preme Coort was working on a taken testimony under oath. project backed by the Central He said that an inquiry should Intelligence Agency during a focus on charges that the justice Latin American trip cited by his Fi3Va legal advice to the . II t ties to A c,., cic ai 6aetal Aihcrt ',arm .F0,.indation: - The report shows- that the. foes as a cause. for his impeach- Parvin Foundation and to the: . Tia,, foundation, .which he left, Parvin Foundation gave money tient, a 1101iSu Subcc:ninittco ye- pvernment of, the. Dominican in 1,y, - ) ? , 1 ? . ,'".r? arl b, to the lnter-American Center for ..,J.,1, I am -inn a a , $.- i i, , ? . , ? Santo Domingo. The money was to he used in connection with the literary project, in which Justice Douglas. took a consider- able personal interest in 1953, CIA Secretive The report accords the CIA's refusal, despite repeated urging from the committee, to indicate' the relation of Sacha Neiman, a' representative of both the foun- dation and the inter-Arnerican center, to the CIA. Mr. \Tolman, a Romanian refugee, is identified elsewhere connected with efforts by orgm- Representative William M. tiee Do'.i2la,s Julie 8, ft-.;C:f:, ITT!. in' the report in terms which ized'to get concessions McCulloch (11.., Ohio), the tin or the. time Cicvoted to citscass:m-t make it appear thaa he, was f, there. member of the subtaaamittee, Vietnam, and gave the. jt(stiee . CIA agent, assisting President The ' subcommittee rejected abstained. He said last week .t'a very simPl.o. recipe for re-a Juan Bosch of the Dominican this suggestion and v.P. otIaa-s that he fa( erect further probing. solving the Vietnam conflict,". Republic before . the latter's that v?-ere. rnala? by congressmen The Riboommittoe plainl-Y WhiCh r" illStiCe did not fc'cl overthrow in late 1953. . free to disclose. ; ' In 19'31 a House *probe into against Justice Douglas. It said. nepecl that its report would bury' bench activities were studied in but the CIA-Dorninican Be- considerable 'detail in the 024- Public affair- was the most in- page to the investigators, page report?thaugh most of the attention concentrated on his and apparently ?gave the sub- . ? ?? ? committee the most difficulty. -port liiCticated today. hepublic. .. ? . ?tween 1-V,0 and 1559. In the same. Lconumic arm Social Studies in It was not clear -whether Jus- Mr. Ilutchinsen said the corn- period his salary as a .justice ticc Douglas knew at the time mittee also should. have consich totaled $389,7,19.26, and his net that the CIA supported the pro- cred Arliethe.r. censure or some income from v.-riting and lectur- grail-) to teach readir:z ti 0' other action shurt of l'ilpeac:11-. ing was u77,7 10 -educational television. The CI-A, ment--which requires a majeria Among the items disclosed in thrcitigh various conduit fourida- ty in the House and a two-thircls the report, which Mr. Celier tions, was supporting iastitu, Senate vote -- was warranted by said was a distillation of 590,C30 ing oft the pi -eject. ? _ ! Case Significzatt ' ,1 committee staff, were: . . ? I documents examined by the sub- lions and individualS also work- the record. hint Of Wrongdoing . He ' said he also thought a - 1. That President. Johnson, cc, Representative ? Gerald R. case where Justice Douglas cording to a letter from the jus- Fe (H., i,lich.), the Housr, 11-.. wrote. immigation anthejtics. lice to Robert M. Hutchins', ? nority leader, hinted in Aaril on behalf _of an Iraqi MIA president of the Center for the that Justice Douglas's 1933 irias whom the justice did not know Study of Democratic Institu- to the Dominican Republic! were v; -';I; si;silificath ? lions, spent twoheu--, with Rs- there was no 'c1-able evi- the controversy over the outspo- Sought Loan I foundations disclosed that an- dence" that he should be in- kenlv liberal, 1m-times-mar- peached. - Tied. justice, w-ho is 72 and has The subcommittee rejected al- been on the high court, since had associat,d v.-ith of "iBut. Pepresentative Ford ha- home at GOOSe Prairie, Wassli.. John Bartiow'Martin, who waS legations that Jiistice Douala?, 1056'. .. gamblers, acted improperly?in- tnediatcly denounced the rcoort Mr. l'arvin_ ,7arrl?6 *hair? S. a mha S sador in Santo Dora- ? eluding giving k. 'al adviac-:- es C "dlit.CF.11" and said' he against ' the reohing innros Ingo at that tinie, said today in a ID respect to an educati.,nal, would sapport an taaea.:fliaa .or repercussions as a resiit of a telepliona interview that, 'he re- personal loan from me.' 111.1e. aol,,,, al, taa ?Iva_ a ,...,,,.as.,., a,dvocated revolution in his i-e Co,_ - justice then borrowed the inmey l- -"',',.?'".: T-1' ai'''' ''; iilL:iY: ' in ha: literacy project, which foundation he headed, or hod by another panel when Coa:t'ress cent book, "Pohlts of Ilebelliera" as ?- reconvelles January 21. - Deurilas To P.c.:spa-Lid - from his regular hank. - 3. That Justice Douglas appar- . also involved the National AsSa- 2. That Justice Dougla, cia)- other group Mr. \Tolman ran got proached Mr. Parvin about sa money from the CIA through a $3,690 loan in 19E3 to buy some. foundation, the J. M. Kaplan land adjacent to his swum& Fund The fetillIciall(I? w-.I3 firl2ruliict,I Justice Douglas's cthice an-, ently believed ? that the ifnat _ indirectlY' hot 11.1?St of th3 Inn.ii--' not:aced he would issue. a state- ; newspaper article, connultiing ey came from Nn'aC.;?, umbli.n ! ment on the report tomorrow.. him to the Parvin Foomilt,lon \ the view or the subcommittee's Judiciary Committee, .but that Ostrow, of the ? Los Atvres and to gambling by Ronald J. stimulated by an FBI len% dea-; in 'October, 1956, was. The conclusion ?that the jus- tIolcilsaytomsys had no MTh-ant income. ? . ,- lice had not done wrong?was The report is to go to the.(ull Times, emocratic majority which in-t panel, also headed by Mr. Cell- signed to force him cut of a! chided Cheirmaca Emanuel Cel- er, bas nO rileS:',ing f.,:1;ft,..Scpri;:c Court cas-e conceal:Ting! ler (D., N.Y.) and Representa- this (veelt. It got control of the Fred B. mach, aa asLocia!a,2, of 1 I tive3 Jsc:---. Broo!:s (.1)..?A?s) issue after a series of. impeach- la (Deny) Bal?aa atra and 15yron C. Rogers (D., Colo.).' ment ' resolutions wereintro- Bideli, ? in attacking his eau:Tic-I The vote was an:iota:4d ittst I (Iaecd last winter and spring by tion, assailed the. FBI for "Icig-I wer!ti, but the report w'as only ccaservative, Pepublicans and ging" his hotel. suite.) - . I Itupiiiproik alive Edv,-ard . .. released today. In it, Represcnt- foutlr.rn Democrats.. . elation of , Broadcasters, the Peace Corps and the Agency for International Development. "Was Involved" ' "I. was very involved and so was Juan Bosch, Volnian was involved in everything," Mr.. Martin said, indicating that when Mr. Bosch was overthrc-wn September 25, 1533, Mr. Volraan rescued the television tapes. Asked if lie knew then that Mr. Vahan worked for the CIA, 1.,1r.: Martin. replied, "I don't think I r\j can answer that," lie also said STATI NTL For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R00050011000.1-7. ? Approved For Release-2001/0=4 : CIA-RDP80-0 vols. vr?O Ped- vice" .did not constitute the - practice of law but only the ministrations foundation , The ? subcorarnittee.. re- - ? ; r ?.`,"'f'('-:11: CI 1.-.ort also disclosed that it i--?,,,:.,....,,_, sought information from --'1-?-"??"`---) the. .Central intelligence . -Agency during its investi- BY TI--te,itrAS J. FOLE-'..'f -,gaticn of Douglas. . 111.:s t:71V:Ii;?: - - . : In a-letter written Ime,ril / -. :;a? WASII1NGTON --- The Both :Hutchinson, whose -11, jcc,-,.-i, to sa.-11z? VOlill',=`11 V - -, tIVE.',...1-11r11 Mnilocric. ma- repot called i for "a more serving as an adviser 'to jority. of a Housr, subcoro- exhaustive investigation," Doraini-ean1-?,,e-olablie .P.res mittce that. investigated and -Ford said no final COIF - ' idellt .711a:I BT-v:11, D07,g1Z.S Supreme .0 o la r t Justice elusions could be roade tin- analyzcd a cl.s.,?vc10,2,-,2-1?1, wimarii O. 1),Dul.a. said ? til the evidence. has- been contr,,,.ct -!-0.?;ch -ilad Tuesday they found no tested under oath with -,,rith. 2 swiss copsortil-p-,, eVidelle3 ClP.t.. he 2,,,l'Oeiat.. cross-examinatien penrrit- . Arno-n?i; ott.inr -t. h i r., ......,, s,. i ed with gamblenz, advccat- ! ted? . . . ? . Douglas tr..)id -Voiirt-lar. that The Ina j,.-.1rity report; \`:.?-'; c on s o r t i u m Director ed revolution ci? misused In s office by .0 cd by ' -..0c7 ft.-' law Elml Cl-lier (3--)7N-Y.'? was "utterly vnco;-)scion-- A republi(2n. ther, - Re-,). :trek Erc7.-ll?s, (D-fi'?-x.) .213.1e.,, as. \,,..,.s -.2_ .reciu-ir22 -Rep. Edw?.?.1 Hutchinson -d B.,:i.ii.u.n :13-c'g'?" Incnt -that the Dominican 0-1-Mich.), charged ?in a .(1) - Cc','')-)? 1 fic'lc rec?m- Republic Day all survov roin-ority. dissi,nt ihat the mendation a g ii n s t nn- .cos.,s. 1.-ie -said h, vioula Demo -Iii rilaJOrity -reCi.elltrig ?:1?.01! ;..:; 1 a S V.T.:,.: try to cinc. sonacono 7,,h0 cl!osed the izrvestigation rilAle? Puolle twt) vsee's Nvculd be a "hOnest, relial-- . .... -befol?e all the evidence an ' ? le a3-id dedicates: adviser ill ViRS. ill. . Rep, Louis Wyman '(1.1.- f in an c i a I affairs" for The other COI? Member NAL): who *c'''''-'''''c'fi le? --i-losn, of the five-man group, gisintion to set 1).1) a se,1.,t .... Tne committee 'c ,_. - ..., Rep. William l',IcCui-loch committee to study the said an exinnina:;:lon ? of of Ohio, dcclinal to sig ,1 ell21g:I',s ag'linst- Dojlas: ?rnatcriel submitted by either report. ? has said he wouliI reiniro- -p?-???,-1-,- vs,-.';,-,-+,-..?? . er?4 Ci.110,1 ""...;111.1:Ve':.SIV ; duce a similar 1 esolutical . zt---_tlyttt,,,,,F.: e.o.i.-cribp,5 by as soon as the 112W* Cur' ?? Rep. hi,.., ..A,.?ri-i. 1 5 ? awe-rill- 11'101.5 after ll?Ps gress con v e n e d next ? speech, -.)articlarly Those reports v.-ere. made public - month. activities that :related to , the Supn:u-Ge Co;.irt Infor- ' ., o i111-1. . , .. ?mation Qffice announced . dareftlili7nolnIt1::21{1?1.1:1-).3Vu3.72.sill ?tile.; .. ..n1 ,..? c ?o?N i;er_7;:11-Zelila-eas Relellt); ) lit'i1.1'1:S':. that Dc't'.3Ia'3 .--\'')uld all- With the Albeit Pnvin ilronl.' V--?-?:-= Centyal Intel- _morning to read a state-- found ation from. n CO n ut il _ lipene:-.., -A.,:tency.' pear at the .court this tient. The office said dott ? he resigned his M2,030-a- -- - ' year position as its pres- - glas would not answer - ident in :May, 1..)6D. It questions. The majority renort ale- showed that the institu-- , solving Douglas of im- tion was under the seruti- ' peacbmcnt chal-gos w ,:_, s ! fly of first the FBI and branded a ",.vhitel.vash" by : then thc.., Internal Revenue ? , ! House minority Loaclei, Service almost, froin its in- cention because of the. Gerald R. Ford (1-1-Ilich.), ? .?, - , ._) __I _f it., funds, whozA--, allegations against '-`)111-`-1-' ot "'". 'J. - _ ? the? justice prompted the Point- Iv feint Itouse judiciary subcorn- Most of the foundation's. Mitt" iill'illit"!- irte s2,'Iti l'UOUl.'C'US StelnrilCd ii:Oill. documents lisiclue!ed in the its share of receipts !rola a report "condemn his con- first mortgage on a Las . duet and cry 101. 3il01:-C -veg:2,3 ganAbling cm i0 . :searching inquiry." The majority report, in a ' Do'lgiast "extcnsh'e .":" .point-by-point , refutation. tvajudiciaI earnings and of ? charges by Ford, -r,aid. ? . activities have inmalmi th., ita la hut no-, Do u.. 11.111;."-,,,Sf.,11thlile.?"1"1 C.,1?1 1(t1 glas had associations, with --- ---n-1.`');-i''')11 113 '11'1 , known g a ra b 1 c r s, that. :United. 't i-' Slf,riiseir.3 i ci,.,,,,,, -I? ? , ?,,i?- s adVocat- Coort," :b'ord said.. , ...A. 0,, ,u,1?.,t : ed revolution in his 1";00R ' "Point.--; of :Rebellion" calno ApprovectiforRe1eatet2004103/04 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000500110001-7 TflN?3 /- --'?1???; STATI NTL ;:LJi.10 Approved For Releasp ppI1jNk04 : CIA-RDP STATI NTL ._ . Supremo 'Court Justice DoulTlas apparently Was cooperating with the Central Intelligence Agency in one of the activities for which his. House critics sought to impeach him. A report of a special . House panel that investigated j Douglas indicates that two men associated. . I with him in a ,Dominican Republic literacy ? Iproject had some connection to the CIA. The ' exact connection isn't clear, however, because i the CIA refused to open its files. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500110001-7 Approved For Release- 2001ip/04 : CIA-RD 1 0 DEC iU N ?*1 ? \ ? ? r, /: ! ' 1 . '' ; li: y? ;/:- ? - - st By ...T-ohn P. MacKenzie i ' A ,-,. 1-....-tz) ,7:-.N (77,,-7--,1 1 WashinT.; or. Vc,g- Stat: WrIO:r ' i; ' i i k i ! f .'-''. :.---'''.; C./ ,,:',/ ?L---? \ ,..../1 '....../ '...:.../ ..:./ ,...,j'r - -Justice Wflliari 0. Douglas i has earned more money oft the'. bench durimg the past .decade ' than he a memberl. of the Supreme Court, al. The report, signed only by c There was no connection. special House subcommittee 1 .of the SU the to the Republic -Democratic nlcrol between a 1P,33 visit. by Doug- ?? ' ?.. tbhes- three reported yesterday. .!- made these : conclusions and '?-, ? 1 vi?-?its thc?re by undcrwcirld ht -- a 924-page. report that . dic.ctomi:es: personalities or former Senate concluded there was no basis: - c. Douglas committed "no :Majority Secretary Bobby Bak- for impeaching the 72-year?ol& 'justice, the subcommittee dis- i he 11011 Ov.'ned hy of cooperation.".ht-the Central elesed that between MCI and l burg, central figitre in y:,\:t..1.1 iliAllitle,,Iligence Age-ocy'lett clang-, and?intriguing inquiry the high court, and had ?no into whether a Parvin 'Found- alary of ?53f_a71969 Douglas topped his court . obscenity ce?-,e3 handled by Jugs Of $377,260 from writings duty" to disqualify hint,eif ation employee named. Sacha 1 s419 with earn- a iid lectures and .$2,G,V0 aswhen Ginzinu?-, petitioned un- . ,:. Volman 1,..05- a CIA agent in- i salaried president of the con- successfully to overturn a 'volved in the 'overthrow of troversial Parvin Foundaton. huge libel verdict won by.!Dominican President Juan ? -The -House document itself Sen Larry Coldwater (R.-.,130f;ch, -a long-time friend of--. I , became an immediate subject : ' . . of controversy . as Minority -'\ i'17-.).Douglas .). . . ..bearler ? Gerald P. Ford (R- ' o The justice ha :7 been. Joining Colter in the sub- I1ic:10 . promptly labeled it a 'careful, rather than insensi- I committee?findings were Reps. ?"whitCwash" of his charges I; ?v c, ? o out "problems. of dis- ' Byron C. Rogers (D-Colo.) and - that Douglas?an associate qualification" fiann. certain Jack Brooks (D-Texas). Rep. justice sinc.?e lfri9--- had de- 1,,,ses. - 'William M.. MeCuIlogh (Ohio) abstained and Rep. Edward meancd the bench and -should ' 0 Charges th at Douglasll Hutchinson (ft-Mich.) filed a i l . ,, be removt?d. (prehed ac subversion in his' ! P.VO-Vage CliSSent. 11(.1iCial'y Committee Chair. ;book, "Points of RO)ellion,". 1 Hutchinson said the subcom- man Enaanu.^l Cellar (D-N.V.) ,`"`. '-`'-`4 ?I.1 `-'is`?"?-` "?"'' mit ,e, h.,?1 LAcc, to ,,11. . 1,,, n r? - ,r ?, ..4 , 1" . ,....1 ? . , , . - ..-? ..,' ; 1 ..,., ' , ? ?? . ,Iiiv:s and Douglas bore al re- the necessary evichnice and 1 ? .za? ... , 1 .. ., . . I. ? I sPc:n::::blilty for publication of could.' not consider its work Said the Douglas investigation I '' ? ?'? - ' - ?? ' ?"- . n ? pi o?iuceo a too:Imam or 'one of its chapters. in the complete without testiroony evidence" that would lay the !Evergreen Review or for its and cross-examination of ? charges to rest. Ford insisted hlaccinent between a cttoon Douglas and other principals. tor 1-rcsident Nixon and r? eel- Ile also objected to the major- I i 1 n that ? ?/ ?,_, () Li I: 0 ? ---/ STATIN , ? I /7 /If' ? ???11 ? "."--??? %-f 1'1 '--/- t the report's contclts, f )hotographs of ity's apparent cone.ts o rather than its conclusions,1 . nude women. I i lection o I "condemn his conduct and cry , out for a more searching in- - ? Douglas has had no per: i - quiry:' ,? sonal connection with um-1,-T- ' 1 1 It eppeared that the full 'world fig,,nres, and financier Icommitlec: would not meat, I Albert Parvin, the alleged link much less t:-:??17?le the Douglas to persons, has been I mat Le;., before the cicre or the , . k ,,? p,nd the auto- cleared of criminal charEcc-:; ....1 iniatic death of the r,?solution altcr? a m a s sty e Into. 1 ?, 91st Con,' -- - authc,irizinE,?? the investia4-ion' I' ---en1 -- Service ? ? ^" : - Rep. Louis C. wyro,,,i (it .,?_:o. .,,, , LA, in?eo.ication \ vowed to reenon theCom-, the ric:xt Congress with a rev . case'\l 1 ir;,iiii ;1"eleox?":11thzts involved 11 agents :1.)id for an investigation not ii working 30,317 rat n-hours hi icontrolled hy Celler, and Fond \ eight states the District and of Columbia' ?said he would "support" the %novo..0 Nothing P n Douglas old. Eys Douglas, who has known ,head of the arvin Foundatio ? , Ii' naturedin m of the subcommit-; which worked for international understang aounted to " -iir'' or law." Lee .report for several ciFt ..-", 't ill 111a ih., ..? \ planned to make a., .bricf stats-The foundation had its own . ment at the SU-Pr:eine Courtlilawyers, one of whom WAS 1today. A court sp:.;!---??-?m?-11' said 'i CaroVn Agg`?, wife of f?reler ?,?- he would not Answ Oustice Abe Forta",. er ques- . , ? Itipus. an impeachable offense must ? amount to a. criminal act. - Hutchinson said the inv6sti- gators also should have .. cleared up the question of why Douglas intervened with 1 the Immiffat ion and Naturali- \zation Service (INS) on behalf of'Mustafa SaBh Abdulrah- man, a Kurdish teacher from Iraq who was fighting deporta- tionI to his home country. Douglas wrote the INS that he did not know Abdulrahman but could support the claim that he and other Kurds faced persecution in Iraq. "Someone. must have asked Justice Douglas to intereede,". said ? Hutchinson, demanding to know who it was. ?). e-.1..?c ,,,, Shafiq .Q.nzaz, a 3G-year?old doctoral candidate at Ameri- can University, told The Wash- ington Post that he had writ-. ten Douf;las tart February ask- STATINTL his help on the basiso Approved For Release 2001/03/04-01601R000500110001-7 ing lal ? ? , atinternatioi . gat e,' .?..? =1=lease 2,001101104 'fCIA-R 1 0 DEC rJ70 STATINTL - : Varied Poseli in 1r,9'3 1,... ..,...,' h !I :i !ft yI H: ?-?:;,: ;.! , 1,1 --1! 1.-'1,11-." to 1-''',,-',e1-ship in the'Do-? I II In 1933, Bosch was. tayint; to - . Ir r..-7-;,f; r:-.)(7-.:, c-----Q - 10 , n r ?,.r..,a a ,L..j , e., (...,...,i i,,,e,1 L i ,?,,..!:, Li ?ii ,,,,,..,, ..,.. i rn?.CFn RepuoInc. Justice Doug-. ' ? .'' las, apparently aware by then ol li) : -\.\ /-Iaa.:.1 ri !, ,?,;,'z.-2.`?,` .,1 t, A Volmaa's backgoolind,?sought to A 11 11 ? le. ?,, Li t\ r.....e ',:a2) .:*:i Id II 'V in jai:A :.i Li warn Besch abot,t. him. On May 23, 1965, Douglas; I it. . j , (--'-';`, \ ra r?-.--,, --: \ f: ;.i; t' h li 0 t!',?'-? ,-,, . :; write a letter to another old? ai,.67"T,7 !:?' It'lliF) r , s. It i . 1, ../,! ? friend, former Pue.rto Rico Gov. PI c P rt \ , ,, P .-- Luis Munoz Marin. Saylua he . ! , chd not trust communications in ' / V il U LI il ii -.ell 11 li Li '?ea E' '%:-.,;if --=-:' Li Li \''' the 'Dominican Republic, the jus- tice asked Munoz Marin to relay. By LYLE D'.all?INISTON -a "message" to Bosch. 'Star Staff Viri!,:r ,.? Suprema Court Justice William 0. Douglas took special steps Bosch-Volinart assocnat3on, 1963 to warn Latin American political figure Juan Busch not Douglas wrote: "I am sure he to deal with a man Douglas believed to be on the Central Intel-(Bosch) did not know that Vol- ligraztoe A?leecv payroll. man at the time was on the CIA. The ?a payroll. Volman.may or may not! The iecizleat, disclosed in still-unpublished letters, a special be . at _the preac,aLtime, bui. I? sequel to a CIA mastery micovered bet not solved by House, ,juclic!aoy subeommittee pf.)rapted the, we:Ming-he soi.iEhti would" think the cbances are in its thvestigation of Douglas' to give to Bosch, an old friend: great that he is." out-of-court activity. 'who was then trying to mal;a, a ? On May 31, - Munoz Marin Release today of the subcom- leibtieal comeoaca in me Lee ? , . --c!., -1+ - L a Li'a e, a . . mittee's 921:page report brought reinican Republic. ;that he would get word to Bosch a wide voray Cr disclosures- a, .e _ ' ;lof "the siOlatiOn." about Dre%jaas. Earlier, the pan_ !. Iv aiming Against Vona an - Besilcs writing to Munoz Mor- el had centile-led ? by a party- The man he was warning in, .,?ouglas had conveyed his line vote of 3 to I. -2- that none of Bosch zeaeinst was Sacha Vol-, t' oughts about Volman to Albert, its lillealigls iiItifica irill=?-I-aell- roan. A Rumanian refugee who. Parvm, the Dos Angeles busa- meat. . hild long been Bosch's political nessman who founded the Par- Line panel repoot still has not ally in Latin Americo, Voln.uni,' yin Foundation in 1931 and f:..ked been consiclered 'iry the pareut? Led been in charge of the Etera-;'Douglas to haa.d it? Judiciary Cesniattleee, and aides cy project financed by it.:2 Par-, "Sacha Volman is back in the said the eatIkee, that could be! yin Foundation and the U.S. g,ov-! State Department or somebody's done would Le neat Tuesday. errenent. , . .. ipayroll, ' probably the CIA," -,., oisclosanes 1 - While the Trujillo dictetorship,Douglas wrote to Nryin oe May .- ; - Arnoaa all the- . . , ? 31c.lill 1, 'a, in nower th the Dome 25, 196'3. v;hat he de- ort. 011, 1, ,?, 1.1 aa taaaatam? state in the report: The"sugges-lean Reineblic, hesch at 'i Y61- scribed as a "biLter cxreriecall" . _ , .1 ,- . t .., - ;..... .,,, ,i, Ilan worhed together to train a!with Volman s nananng of. the . ? ,? " -- - -e ci?it i.;.;,' ,..-,',.,' ' ' "government in exile." Vhedliteracy project, Douglas said isinfib7D?.?07ro,91nrcl-1 -nill-a.:111-.1--hr'e,,Trinj,illo VjaS aSsassinated - -in i tha foundation would uaat, want. .early 193 es, and tia,t jaatoos;.1m, BziictliicaanialioNrioclems airbtlriotia)eloi_t to. get tied up With hirri again." may have had Et least en indi-! I ??..lri P').' These letters are not men- Bosch reet role. VT.:Ir.:an Republic, and tioned in the sithcoMmittee re- - The subcommittee says iti . Vas elected preeident. I port. However, the report does could not g,et full il 1 0C2 13 Appareetly, Bosch asked .Jus-' include materials showing tliat detas ...'_, the CM didn.ot matte Dau a "satis-ladutt liteaacy Lice glas for hep w lith an g, , Douglas was personally involved .d; v.-i I factoq response" to its inquir- DuLjes' ar proram ari ll the literacy project and o ie eanof,e fel" tk-z= rarvin; other political an deconor e "C-.? ls. . !Fam.idation to .-sepprect it. Its ? tivitic-s in the Dominican Repub- ! It is not clear, from doeu- menneya and. tha1 put up by tine :lie. . . . ? ments in the report, whether U.S. ii...I.eney for International l ,... ?, ? ?? - : 'Douglas knew th tie t at e mhat Dovelopeaent,? '- was cornnnele Ito ' . the agc-ncy was in eny way in- a, foamdatiaa headz?d by Volta ail_. - turacil Bosch 's governelent,.. a volved' with a project to Ii. ch ? the Ceater for Ecoaornie. an d? Leav constitution was written for Darainican Ecepublic adults, xela Sacial Stedies. - - - the Dominica.n Republic. Letters . television, to read end write. But Bosch was overthrov:n in; in the subcommittee report show That projeet was parthy fa 1933 by a militry junta! before! , , that Douglas has acted ES an nanced by the Alhert Parvin tin'- literacy Pi"e:ilet". C'el!ld bc 1-1-11- i adviser to the assembly . which !POIllakiation, villa. D o u. g 1 a slY arra'-'1. A Y3212 l''tc'r, ill 1 drafte0, that do-cument. Ile ac.- ? headed as president froth El51. to 1.-'''7'4) VCIT-"a" 1".f"c!" uP m N2w1 vu cit this in a letter dated '1939. Other fincing lee from York Es tho t of.ari orgari za- i June 12, ns.,), to a Dovainican - the State Deparan Ca tment, and the Con aamed the institute of intereIgovermaent lea?fu're. project appazently had strong 111:0'1`1 il".i.:1)9'. Ilei:'eal?c:1' I Douglas; also gave advice, re?? Mite House sepp:ea in ii.- a,-h? At that time, P. Vouse hco,rinng : , !lived hi a letter to \a, in' ea' re,h-astaatia,-, .oc -pret-)flenl, jc,fili disel'_?,':al that thic; instituteacaz Amu li, li:,a.3, oil a (?ontrac,t at_ .10. Kennedy. got $395,020 frarai thei :if. M. lee'ata,,, (o..astrt,,tion 0.-f dr.r,Th and i- , .. . ? It has been learned. th`,t4 the Kaplan Fund nail ta?.p.nd,i.or,,:z, ccanmuta dr:,?,010,,,imollt e e - ;subcdlninittee has in its files, hal bean a ' - ? - ? - ' s"le!'" "P"',"it ' III- ?'^ t h ti e D, 'ethical' tibrat r,i wheel? the CIA coadi c..'-3-c s il 1- u" ? ? . though it did not put thelp- in its li:_;1..,,,c.,xli-funci?, !.!.,to oversei-,s ectiet-h ja:siaeaiea Forel-an Affairs repra4, letters w?hich showed o -,. , 1... V o an lm w as quo t ed in the B ut, a ccor ding to the sul?cm- ? that' bY 1::-.5' -;' 'f'z'cl '3'2- .1\7,eW Yeti: Times aS SC. rill7t. Ile mittee re000t the ieslice (Meet 1 Cl.! av;12`""' a a P#1501-$603cLfor Release106110310414,0iA4RDP80;01 com.ectlea ?-aa r} , L -"' '''''" " :" '''n'-''? the rnoney his het:it:ate get 1,ol.a.!tiviti.ts to these cf. the Do-elai- the fund. . i'can Peloablle. . . Referring to the earlier eaer written by Iota:alas on June 9, 1936, reveals that he spent three hours the night be- fore dIseussing Asian effairs and the Vietnam war with President tLyndon Johnson. Douglas says he'got Johnson's STATINTL approval for an international conference --partly financed by the Pat-via Foundatioa, and managed by the Center for the Study of Democratic' Install- tons, which Douglas also head- ed that would attempt to get both Rod China and North Viet- nam to talk over Asian problems with Western government and private leaders. During the conversation witle Johnson,. Douglas relates, an hour and a half was taken up. When' Johnson ."held on variol.s. aspects of Viet Nana which I will not summarize at this time. He did, however give me a very simple recipe. for resolving the Vietnam controversy...." -That "recipe" is not described in the letter or the subcommit- tee report. Among other reasons Douglas: had for seeing Johnson, he indi- cated, was to get the President's: clearance for a visit to Hanoi by. two Americans ? Harry Ash- more and William Daggs to talk to Ho Chi Minh, tine North Vietnamese leader, about at- tendimg the Asian conference. ? Other Diselesaees The subcommittee report, be- sides detailing those activities involving Douglas, also contains these ether disclosures: ? o In the years 1.960-99, Douglas earned more from off-bench ac- tivity - than from. his Supreme' Court salary. Lis total salary was $339,749.26 while his non- court income was $173,910.10. o Of his outside income, Doug- las received $23,680 for his serv- ice as president of the ?Parvin Foundation, and $377,260.19 from " and lecturing," accord- ing to the justice's income tax returns.' Another document in the report shows the foundation paid him $101,000, plus $713.20. 'There is no explanantion of the differing figures. Still another shows that the part of his in- come which came from the Cen- ter for the Study of Democratic,e, sins haeJ,_- ariums and $13,770.16 in refra- ..bursed expenses. e The report shows that Deug- lee' tics with Albert Parvin en- tended well beyond the Par-.'in! Foundation. Documents sinte:v! :that Parvin's furnishings supply I comnany sold the Douglas'es a - 01kOrQb09 611(1494711- a,a,2 s r eon: r . tl , as 1., la P ars, .1 sent to the; - vacetion haree, in filcaao, e ane,1 ? A tir.9yed Fr Release 2001/03/04 :gtkitirmo-oi 1ST. VERNON'? t ARGUS E ? 19,256 JUN 10 1970 z; I '65 Intervention Boosted Foes 0 IC UW- ?"'"7".7","1-, osch By GEORGE ANNE GEYEIt. i old enemy Joaquin Balaguer '? I . ? to power for another lour ; ? SANTO DOMINGO, Domini- years, he chatted cordially. ? 7 can Republican (CDN) ? The . "Every day people here bitterness and trouble etched have less and less interest in In the craggy face of Juan representative democracy," . Bosch are like canyons in an he began. And I thought back . ancient wilderness. If he were' to the time when he was Mr. not so much a man, he would . Democracy in the Caribbean. , be the essence of the woman ; "Even in the United States, it -scorned. .? doesn't work. ? . . i . He is back in his native . "Luckily, the American in., , i land after three weary years ' tervention opened the eyes of ' : in exile. our people," he went on,.rock- , . He lives in his sister's home I Ing gently in a rocker on the. t near the blue sea that edges , 'open porch. of the attractive, : this tropical city, and he sel- modern house. "If not, we .--N? dom goes out, might have gone years with- Each day, this troubled- out realizing that representive ,...,._./ , , ? looking man with the clipped, ; democracy would never work. white hair cries out to his ' for us." . , countrymen. His early after- I .. meant only to be Wry . noon radio broadcasts, with , when I asked, "Dr. Bosch, are I ,their homey parables about . you suggesting we did you a I, ; ? , Dominicana, love, politics and favor?" I life, reach into every corner "Yes," he answered. "That , of this convulsive green is- '1 is the way history works." , ? land, enlivening a torpid exist- ' He paused. "For two years ence by asking questions that after the intervention, I was ? only God could answer. ,very confused. I had never ex- ' Yet Bosch ? the mystical,. pected the U.S. to intervene. I 1 ' temperamental, tough core of ? though the United States was ' , ,? so much of the torment of this a democraty. At base, I '-Island, is a different man to-. though it was very good. Then day than he was five years' I saw the real face of the I ago, when 23,000 American... United States." ? troops landed to put down a ? He put his hand to his own ; revolution that would have re- ,face and drew it over his fea- tturned him to power. tures as though removing a ? Though he is only 61 and I mask. ... .3, "There is a picture in the ?., looking fit and splendid, he is , world that shows the United , painfully aware of his age. He Stets on the side of the weak iis looked upon as conservative I and the helpless, on the side ; by many of the youth, and of right. We believed that this spring he played a key propaganda." He paused, and and generally unknown role in. none of the dozen family and .., stopping what probably would friends who sat there queitly have led to another civil war. listening moved in the slow - ' He is the democrat betrayed afternoon heat. +, he now has turned his Carte- "We were wrong." It ' sian mind to the delineation of is easy to believe that '., a "solution" for his country Bosch, a tortured man even that he obscurely calls "dicta. when things were going well,' ? torship with popular support." had spent a good tro years are all "MA ar,epts" to him-- most in a state of shock. / after the 1965 revolution al- Ho had been eletted presi- ,? Bosch rarely sees American, Journalists these days --they I dent of this largely mulatto ' but hrattcran's a perfect gen-??..tian_ni .,,. A 1 : tleman. So whAlialle0)f*W F?irRIA-640,, ,. to see him after 'the May 16 ,. ? ,election, which returned hie, r"..\ ? 0 gt er sons in 1962 after the assassi- .. He shook his head, with typi- nation of the brutal dictator 'cal Boschist impatience at de- Rafael 'Trujillo. Bosch, a mends for details. , well-known writer, was the "You never know how - first elected president In $1 ' ; things are going to happen," years. ! he said. "When the American , "Democracy in the Carib- " Revolution occurred, no one 3 bean," as the Kennedy people .' knew that it was going to end ,t Idealistically d u b b ed the - 'i in a federal republic. Castro . Bosch experiment, lasted only ', did not know his revolution seven months before the Tru- i' would end in Marxism, and i jiloite military, considering ! Marx did not know how his ' anyone not immediately out of . theories would end. I know the slaughterhouse of dictator-. that that when the people of a 1 ? ship a "Communist," over- f country - are ready for a, threw the liberal Bosch. : change that change comes: The United States took nor':through whatever route." , action at this time, but when "But what controls would , civilian and military 13oschists there be in such society?" I staged a civil war in April, ' asked. 1965, which was destroying' "The people will provide the ? the old military, President . controls. If it Is a dictatorship; 'Johnson landed the troops 'of the people, then the people here. Suddenly "democracy In' i ' protect it. If the people are ' ? the Caribbean" was being la- !against it, then you need beled "communism in the repression." . Caribbean.". I "Is,there any government in After seemingly endless dr- I similar to what I am talking cumlocutions, during which 'about. What is most similar Ls ' American troops helped wipe 'North Vietnam, a front which ' out many of Bosch's forces I unites all the classes. But ,and American officials helped I there it is directed oy a party. ? 'destroy his chances for re-e- !Here there would be no party ; lection, Bosch was defeated lit ;but an administrative corns."' the 1966 elections by Bala- Bosch then embarked upon . guer, who had been TrujillO's ' an enthusiastic, emotional de?-? righthand man., scription of North Vietnam, Bosch went into self-exile in 'which, along with China and Spain, until this spring, when 1North Korea, he recently vis- .! he came back for a purpose. ,ited. . 1 _ He came back with an answer ? "To visit North Vietnam Is' to the humiliation and deceit 'the greatest experience that a' he feels he has suffered at the !person could have in the. hands of the United States. 'world;" he said. "It Is incredi- , His answer is a new system ble ... incredible. Every .. for the Dominican Republic. , house has five persons and i What the country needs, he i five arms. And they never use',.4 said, is a new conglomerate of? them to kill a Vietnames." % political elements, which he t But when I asked him' ? calls "popular dictatorship" whether the North Vietnamese or "dictatorship with popular system could work in Latin ? I support." America,' he said very strong- ? 1 Bosch has always been a lyt "No. This Is another mystic, and he is mystically, world. Vietnam is very organ- , obscure about this "new sys- ized; it is ancient." ; ' tern," particularly about how. It is easy enough simply to I it will be effected. ' dismiss Boseh's mystic utter-41 ; ! "How would It dome., to c- ances, and Bosch, himself? pass?' I persisted. k , temperamental, 'a bad admin. /04 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000500110001-7 ouratfrra ad Approved For ReleastOCIOVONO4rvetA-RDMINK1R0 8 1 MAY 1970 osich.,,FiveYeais.'L-tpr Disillusion With Jemocrac .. SANTO DOMINGO So it was no Surprise to me, having helped destroy his chanCes for ree- --.7-7--.. .. . The bitterness and trouble ttched known him for six years, to find that lection, Bosch was defeated in the . . in the craggy face of Juan Bosch are the furies in him had erected-anoth. 1066 elections by Balaguer, who had like canyons in an ancient wilder- er 'perfect construction to explain been Trujillo's right-hand man. ' nes& If he were not so much a man; his disillusionment with the United Bosch went into self-exile in Spain.. . he would be the essence of the wo- States and with democracy. both of Until this spring, when he came back . ? man scorned. which ' he. once loved, . perhaps .too for a purpose. Ile came back with an ? He is back in the Dominidan Re- much. . . .? : ? ' answer to the humiliation and de- public, his native land, after three ."Every day people here have less ceit he feels he has suffered at the . weary years in exile, so angry at the and less interest in' representative hands of the United States. His an- United States that he sometimes' demo c r a ey;". ? he began. And I swer is a new system for the Do- ? . -.? . : seems all by himself to be a chorus thought back to the time when he minican Republic. of Greek furies. . .: was Mr. Democracy in the Carib- What the country needs, he said, is IIe lives in his sister's home near bean. "Even in the United States, it a nevir conglomerate of political ele- the blue sea that edges this tropical doesn't work., '...-? ' ??? ? ? ....' month, which he calls "popular clic- city, and he seldom goes out. "Luckily, the AmeriCan interven, tatorship" or "dictatorship with pop- . Each day, though,, this troubled, lion' opened the eyes of' (Mr peOPle," War support." ... . ? . ? . looking man *ith the clipped, white he went on,?rocking.gently in a reek- Bosch has 'always been a myitic, . hair cries out to his countrymen. His or on the open porch 'of the attrae-, and he is mystically obscure about early afternoon radio broadcasts. tive.malern house.:Plenot; we might this "n e w s y s t e m," particularly with their --homey parables about have gone years :Without realizing about how it will be effected. Dominicana,. love, politics and life, that representative. de m o c racy "How would it come to pass?". I . reach into-every corner Of this con- would never wolic.r.for me' . ? .,;'.; . persisted. He shook his head with. vulsive green island, enlivening a ? 4-fe.i paused. "For years after, the typical Bcisehist impatience at de- torpid existence by. asking questions _ that only God 'could answer. ? intervention, I was very confused. I mends for details. had never expected the US. co inter- "You never know how things are ) - Yet Bosch, . the mystical, temper\ ? e . : vene. 1 thought the .United States going to happen," he said. "When amental, tough core f so much of . W .'I? a differ- a democracy. liaie, I thought American Revolution occurred, the torment of this island, s ... ent man today than! he : was five -it was very good. -Then I saw the no one knew that it was going to end , ? years ago, when 23,000 American troops landed to put (WWI a revolu 'real face of the United States.* ' :. in a federal republic. Castro did not ? 1 It is e to believe that Bosch, II know his revolution would end in -, , .as3' :tion that would have' returned: him._ e. ..orairea man even when thin gs'Mancim. and Marx did not know . . to power. .. - ... were going well, had spent a good .how his theories would end: I know that when ? the people of ?a country.- two years after the 1965 revolution , Though he is only 61, and looking almost in a state of shock. are ready for a change, that change ' fit and splendid, he is painfully, He had been elected president. ?teems through whatever route." ? ? ? aware of his age. He is looked upon l,,,,_ 1,,?___ ? gely-mulatto nation of some "Is there any government in. the ? as conservative by many ' of the i.,?.4.mwil`..on youth and this spring he played a I" million persons in 1962 after the world similar to what you are think- assassination of the brutal dictator log about?" .? . key and generally unknown role "'.Rafael Trujillo. Bosch, a well-known ? "There is no government similar to. . stopping Naiat probably would . have. ' led to another civil war. Writer, was' the. first. elected .pres-?what -I am talking about. What, is ? He. is the democrat betrayed. ident in 31 'yeart. . ? ' ? .? most similar is North Vietnam, a so betrayed he now has turned his Car- : "Democracf In. the 'Caribbean,' as front which unites all the classes.. tesian mind to the delineation of a the Kennedy people idealistically But there it is directed by a party... ? 'solution" for his country that he oh- d u b b e d t h e Bosch experiment, Here there would be no party but an . scurely calls "dictatorship with pop- lasted only seven months before the administrative corps." 7 uiar support." ? Bosch rarely sees American jour- Trujilloite military, considering It is easy enough simply to dismiss anyone not immediately out of the Bosch's mystic utterances. Bosch ? nalists these days?they are allTA slaughterhouse ?-of dictatorship a himself?temperamental, a bad ad- ? agents' to him?but he remainsc.a 11h "Communist,' un. . ty, a man rigid in the observance of The 'United t," overtitrew the liberal minstrator, -. a fusser, a man of vani- ' perfect gentleman. So w h en I . States took no action the emoluments of his place?has dropped by to see him after the May :. . 16 election, which returned his old at that time, but when civilian and:brought on quite enough of his own, , enemy Joaquin Balaper to power. military Boschists staged a civil war problems for ,most criticisms to hold ? In April, 1965, which was destroying some validity. for another teur years, he. chatted Nevertheless, there is a certain re-, , the old military, Johnson . cordially. ? :s . ? landed the troops here. Suddenly ceptiveness all over Latin America . ' Mitch of the fakination in Bosch ts "democracy in the Caribbean" was and elsewhere in the. underdeve- ..:-../ labeled.' .icommunism in the loped world to . the idea of "popular. - ' that he is a man who weavei . per,. being iectly constructed, slim and. shiny; caribbeae , diclatorship.". Basically, it is a mix- ' theories about his Dominican cogitv , mix- ture of Mussolini corporativism, Atter seemingly endless cercumlo? . try la most random and. undiscp, . American .Nasseristic military_ _ir.isurrectiol as plined world) with niturigen cutions, during which ? a road to power, . Marxist utopian- . igigtgagitilt oppoodp.11,0115,,m0091,1001.-7 ... .? . , , ? . , , ... ? . .. . pontinutid '' thougkitless, a p 1100110,6i r worm spins silk. .? ? %rib Approved For Release 2001/03/04: dW614310-01 -tr -,1_,-IBERTY LOWDOWN A CONFIDENTIAL WASHINGTON REPORT SUPPLIED ONLY TO LIBERTY LOBBY PL STATINTL STATINTL April 1970 THUNDER OVER THESTATINTL POTOMAC Numb P, At Great Falls, a few miles above theiNation's capital, the Potomac is a narr uw shining ribbon of water twisting and winding between its palisades as seen from 20,000 feet. It is here that the great procession of mighty thundering jetline begin their descent as they head toward National Airport. It is challenging to pilot to keep in the narrow twisting corridor above the river, where he is requ' to remain because the thundering roar of his aircraft is unwelcome to the resid of the District of Columbia and Virginia on the land below. Apparently the resi- dents of Georgetown in the District of Columbia have more political influence, for STATINTL as a result of their complaints pilots make sure that when they stray from over the river, it is on the Virginia side., As the planes thunder over Langley, Va., pass- engers look out upon' the roof of a tremendous office complex, a massive white build- ing With two gigantic bean-shaped parking lotS,--the imposing headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.). I' MYSTERY FOR A SHROUD Intelligence is generally thought of as a cloak and dagger hush-hush business, shrouded in mystery, and much is made of how secret the operation is. But ? the iceberg has a big tip--the building in Langley, the recruiters on college cav puses, and operations such as the U-2 overflights of Russia, and the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. Most people recognize the need of governments for accurate intelligence, necessary for the protection of their nationals. Things that are really subject to question by the layman are the concept of this operation being.a wbrld wide network, com- puterized, and mass-produced with a massive bureaucracy, and the quality and orien- tation of the personnel involved. Of course, the size of the budget to sustain all this should be a justifiable, question for taxpayers. This is particularly import- .ant as the budget of the C.I.A. is secret--even the Congressmen who vote the funds are not supposed to know the amount of the agency's budget. The allotments are con- cealed in appropriations for other agencies of government. If, however, the C.I.A. .gets the reputed amount of $4 BILLION a year, and this amount can be hidden in the budget, it would certainly cause taxpayers to wonder if the federal budget is not ' leakier than the New York City water system.. One thing is certain--anybody who recruits on college campuses should know what he --;.---is_hiring--for the students who get honors these days are those who please the ir Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500110001-7 , Approved For Release 2001/03/04 : CIA-RDP80-0 ? itAf.rIGH, N.C. NEWS E. OBSERVER JAN 2 8 197CP Li ? 130,652 S ? 148,247 Two Are? Indicted In Firearms C BY JIM LEWIS Staff Writer A Fayetteville gun shop operator and a New York man have been indicted here on charges of violating federal firearms laws. The grand jury of U. S. Eastern District Court returned the bills of indictment in Raleigh tz Monday against Earl V. Redick operator of Pine State Gun Shop at Fayetteville, and George DeMeo, a reputed weapons t dealer whose address has been listed as Yonkers, N. Y. ? Both Redick and DeMeo were indicted on charges of failing to register as an arms dealer; neglecting to ' register the weapons they offered for sale; and failing tia obtain a license to sell explosive -devices. In ad- dition, Redick. a 45-year-old former enlisted military man, was indicted on a separate count of . ? to. ntaintain t000rds and se ? ? ? A Senate investigator disclos- ed last October during a probe of the activities of retired Army Major Gen. ',Carl Turner that Turner had sold :arms to the Fayetteville ? gun* shop. The weapons were allegedly destined for rebels in Haiti. There was a subsequent report that.. the firearms were to be shipped to the West African nation,of Chad. More 'recently, it was reported the guns were headed for Dominican Republic.,There wer unconfirmed' reports of ..,C.Anipl Intelligence VOIVelftenr" Charges ? against 'Redick and DeMeo followed a raid last June 27 of a warehouse. at -Redick's home ? about" 1.0. miles south of Fayetteville; Federal ,Officials seized a five-tanicache of arms However, ".the, cindietnients? returoeCtor;the federal. wand b4?.* katia./ STATI NTL 'jury here did not Involve thei arms cache. Rather, the charges involved weapons left for repair at Redicic's downtown Fayet- teville gun shop: ? "There is no involvement with; the CIA in any of these cases.: It is not an issue in any one of these cases against the men," J. C. Proctor, an assistant U.S. attorney, mid here Tuesday. Proctor said ' Redick and DeMeo would be arraigned at e next term of federal court n Fayetteville which begins Feb. 2. He said the date of ' their trial also 3yould be set then. Listed as the weapons on which .the charges were based were a .30-caliber Cabers Faktori automatic rifle; a .30- calibei Browning automatic ri- fle; an M-2 rifle; and quantities of explosives commonly used in military operations. During cloak-and-dagger ' ef- forts to initiate delivery of the big cache of weapons found in Itedick's warehouse last year, DeMeo and Redick reportedly 'became concerned that the arms would fall into the wrong hands: IThey subsequently contacted a !highly placed United States of- ficial in Washington. Neither Redick, DeMeo' nor a spokesman for Redick have confirmed or denied that their gun shipment was linked to the secretive CIA. But during in- tervlews Redick and others left the clear impression that the U. S. ?official wps'employed by 0 criA. . Approved For Release 2001/03/04 : CIA-RDP80-01601RQ00500110001-7 Approved FoliktiTegraWOWSW4 : 1,9 APR 1970 1? By DON ROHNING _? Herald Latin America Editor An increasingly volatile political climate in the Do.' minican Republic has once again provided Communist, extremists with a situation ripe for agitation and exploi:i ' tation. e u ? - ? MOST MILITANT of tto country's extremist groups LI the Dominican l'opulai Movement ? headed by Max. ? imiliano Gomez, a 26-year.. old Dominican known as "El Moreno." Gomez,who returned to Dominican Republic after, its 'of Santo Do- -I ORTHODOX Commu- ming? and also active among carnpesinos. Utilizes terrorist . nist Party (PCO). Tiny and Vietics including bombings, ,' 'virtually inactive party. assassinations and robbery. Founded in 1966 as spin-off Founded in 1956 in Cuba by from MPD. Pro-Peking. Maximo Lopez, Molina (who has since broken away). 0 VOZ PROLETARIAT Communist orientation since the Domin its inception. Established in ? (VP). Founded in mid-1968 as Just five years ago this! . tinonth they seized upon th receiving guerrilla training ini , the Dominican Republic p r o -Peking group by ? Cuba in 1963, was one of 211' shortly after May 1961 ? J ? 1 chaos created by an attempt. nrionnprc t' f 1 d* t t dissidenis from Dominican , Rafael Trujillo. y the Popular Movement. Small- 1- se l ed military coup to exert at government and sent to Mex-''' influence far beyond their , numbers in the bloody civi ion last month in exchange for Donald J. Crowley, the ? ? , war that followed. The threat of a Communis kidnaped U.S. 'Embassy air attache. ? , ? takeover of the country a r - - :the time prompted President'', Here is a thumbnail sketch ' Johnson to order the cotitro-:- of the various Dominican ' versial intervention by 23,000q ! their estimated numerical ? TODAY, however, the Do- ! strength, ideological orienta- 1, minican Communist move-;: tion and background: ? ment is as badly splintered'. . : as every other group or 0 DOMINICAN Commu- institution in the troubled I nist Party. Oldest, best-disci- Caribbean island country. I plined and most sophisticat- 1 The U.S. State Depart- ed. Membership largely ! ment, in its 1969 edition of ' bourgeois and intellectual. ..World Strength of the Corn-. Founded in the mid-1940's by . munist Party Organization," 1 Spanish exiles. Has become . estimates the hardcore Do-. increasingly nationalistic 'minican Communist member-. since 1965 when young turks ship at little more than 1,000 ? .s e i z e d control from . divided among a half dozen. entrenched older leadership. : tactically and ideologically. Active membership is now .1 about 200. -...? ? Other sources put it: Probably closest to Cuba Communist groups, including U.S. troops. ;? disparate groups. ' , but relatively active until I 0 FOURTEENTH of June December 1968, when it. pub- Movement (MR-1J4). Takes ! licly announced it had tried, ?name from Cuban-inspired i executed and cremated its June 14, 1959, invasion of secretary-general, . Caonabo Dominican Republic by anti- Elpidio Jorge Tavares for Trujillo exiles. Founded dur-tI being an, alleged CIA In.; V :11 ing Truj ill o era as formant,?i__. !"..1= 1: clandestine nationalist. ono.' ? . -???? ? ? ? ? 1 nization. Widespread support :. I from middle and upper class !! , youth in period after Tru- jillo's death. Communist and ? pro-Castro elements gained.. Influence by late 1962 and by 1963 leadership of party under Communist control.'-' Proclaimed itself Marxist-Lett;$ ninist Party in 1066. . ; Probably now ? has less than 100 hardcore activists.1. 1:B a dly factionalized. Still ;.some influence in university and secondary .school federa- tion. :ideologically. Moved from a ? t. perhaps as high as 2,00(1 but ? 13asically pro-Moscow one ? COMMUNIST Party of certainly no more. . tation under old leadership to t the Dominican Republic ? . t - more revolutionary position. ? ? COMMUNIST activitiesCondemned Soviet interven- - (PCRD)? Founded in t Commonly known , .1 ' : have been officially prohibit- tion in Czechoslovakia. and ? as "Pacoredo." ? ed since 1963. 'refused to sign document of: 1966 as splinter from the Dn.:* . minican Popular Movement. J world Communist Party or- ? [ ? Still, their activities. have I Moscow sum-' Generally follows Peking-line, ? lanizations at oscow sum- '. been tolerated to a degree,- a 'although condemned kid- ' i ' ? I: and it is not unusual to see., mit conference last June. supports the "popular !nailing of Crowley. Active . kid- news stories in Dominican openly; supp membership about. 100. ? 'dictatorship" thesis of ex- papers stating the various; re t. parties' position regarding:psident Juan Bosch and his Increasing in significance. Active in university student i ..specific events. . , , Dominican ? RevitItifioluify- affairs throOgh its youth . Dominican President Joa. Party (PRD). :arm. Jiiventud Comunista. quin Balaguer himself has said ? ? I said that "only when the 1 ' ?? DOMINICAN Popular. 0 POPVLAR Socialist ' ? Communists take action that) ? .-Movement (MPD. ? Greatest ' Party (PSP). Staunchly pro- : can be considered subversive.' "action" capability of any of :Moscow. Small, with perhaps or try to upset or 50 active members. Resta- order and dial' ' the extremst groups. L . peace of the land do-the au., ? Loosely described ' as pro-Cuba pro. , rected in 1967 by old guard : thorities intervene." ; ?? g_' Peking and anti-Moscow leadership of Dominican . pprO-Ve&Fc:4bRelge19020G1408,10k; .1f$61100AgtO R000500110001-7 Ability to thcite . in poorer your,;!er mem- t r,; 10V %OA 1/411 1.4.1LN ..LL I" Approved For Release 26*P03k21%1A-RDP80- 0 511 P. C Ci .L1 re:: ? aircerderTiVd(ft2fIt......pcati ' ' crisis in the Dominican Republic ? after the 1961 assassination of . the long-time dictator Rafael !Trujillo, tapped the telephone ? lines of the Dominican Embassy here, governemnt sources ? reported yesterday. They said 'the tap was installed and main- tained by the Federal Bureau of ? 'Investigation, on orders of the 'State Department and White , House. ; Disclosure of the tap came as ? a result of documents presented last month in U.S. District Court !here during the pre-trial hearing on criminal charges against , Robert G. (Bobby) Baker, , former secretary to the Senate ;Democrats. Baker faces trial next month on nine counts of theft, tax evasion and conspiracy to defraud the government. Evidence Suppression Asked During the pre-trial hearing, his attorney, Edward Bennett Williams, asked that govern- ment evidence be suppressed on the grounds that it was obtained illegally - through wire-tapping and "bugging." Government prosecutors acknowledged that some of Baker's conversations had been recorded clandestinely, but insisted that none of the infor- mation obtained related to the criminal indictments against him. In an effort to prove that point, the government produced for Judge Oliver Gasch tran- scripts of all the tapped and "bugged" conversation involv- ing Baker. Partial transcripts of conver-, sations recorded by three hidden! microphones were introduced in ! evidence during the hearing. Hidden in Three Offices U By ROBERT WALTERS Star Staff Willer U.S. intelligence officials, , At a conference in Gasch's chambers early in the hearings, Williams and Justice Depart- ?ment attorney William 0. Bitt- man agreed to seal the docu- ments pertaining to the Domini- can Embassy and not discuss them in public sessions. No mention was made of them, but on Friday syndicated newspaper columnists Drew Pearson and Jack Anderson disclosed the existence of the tap and said: "Secretary of State Dean Rusk was so alarmed over the eavesdropping that he sent an anguished appeal to the courts to suppress the evidence. Ac- cordingly, Judge Gasch sealed the evidence and directed Baker and his attorneys not to mention the embassy wire taps." Intervention Denied In the only subsequent public comment on the disclosure, State Department Press Officer Robert J. McCloskey said Friday: "It is not true that Secretary Rusk or anyone else in the department made an intervention in this case as alleged in this column." McCloskey refused to com- ment on the report of the tap on the grounds that it was "a matter for the Justice Depart- ment and I don't want to get into any discussion of substance of a case that is now before the courts." But other government sources confirmed that shortly after the May 30, 1961, assassination of Trujillo, dictator of the Domini- can Republic for 30 years, U. S. intelligence officials decided to rtIOWS tap the phone lines at the Wash- ington embassy. High level officials at both the White House and State Depart- ment are said to have agreed that such a move would be: valuable to provide needed ? intelligence information at a. time when the Dominican: government was in turmoil. Executive Had Authority The decision was made under terms of an executive order which allows government wire- taps in cases of "national securi- ty.". ? The tapped conversations apparently produced a good,deal of information valuable not only to the FBI, Central Intelligence to the State Department but also Agency enc. 'other intelligence sources. Baker, whose extensive out- side business interests led to a Senate investigation, apparently called the embassy several times to determine the status oi Dominican business operations in which he was interested. Government officials said phones at the Dominican Em- bassy had been tapped intermit- tently over a period of 16 to 15' years. They said other embassy1 telephone lines in Washington also have been tapped at var; ious times in the interest of, "national security" but ernpha-, sized that the practice is part of a widespread pattern of interna- tional espionage and other! nations probably "bug" and tap' U. S. embassies with far greater frequency . than this country ' does. . , According to government' testimony, those microphones. were hidden in the offices of! ? three Baker associates?Fred' Black in Washington, Edward Levinson in Las Vegas and Benjamin Sigelbaum in Miami. A search of FBI and Justice! Department records also showed that some of Baker's conversa- ? tions appeared in transcripts of , tapped telephone conversations; at the Dominican Embassy... l- ; ? pprovec-Ear-Reteaie 2001/03104: CIA-RDP80-01601R000500110001-7 STATINTL