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December 16, 1970
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Approved For Release 2000/0[81r6l CC JRpPt86i#0.161O" D04
.-. 15 Nov 1970
William Worthy, correspondent of The Baltimore Afro-
American and a former Nieman Fellow, was in Vietnam the
year before and the year after
bienpliu. Seven
French defeat at Dien-
?he,prc clrc ieci riz sasier for thscount rif in Viet-12a1).1.
`We must recognize 11rat Cuban revolution will go as
the you,arl in many areas
the world totley are in the
midst of a revolution
against the status quo . . .
They will prevail. They will
achieve their idealistic goals
0720 way or another. If theti
have to p21ll. gove1'7rn2CI2ts
turnblincg don n, over their
lze(i.ds, they zalill do it .
Robert F. ICeniicdy, 1064
"The future comes with
the sa'rne degree of violence
which is used against it." -
Barroc:,s Du.n.hain in
"Heroes and Ileretics"
.J i.~ decade a.go, in the
tense period leading up to the
Bay of Figs invasion of Cuba,
reporter 1,Fur'a Ber'quist of
Look magazine was inter-
viewing Clio Guevara in I-Ja-
varina. Despite Washington's
tightening of the economic
noose, Fidel Castro had not
yet taken his country into the
Soviet camp, and he was still.
making speeches critical of
corniriulli Sm.
Miss Berquist. wanted to
know how far to the left the
Cuban revolution was going
to go. . '
Che's reply was direct:
That ciuestioll should be dl-
reeted."to your own goveril-
I11C3)1t in Washington. The
far' to the left as it is pushed."
In the minis of Middle
Americans bajhil)g Oil (11c,
thousand new FBI agents,
the National Guard and stiff
new laws to repress campus
upheavals, the history of rev-
olutionary Cuba since Che's
remark should give pause.
Bard-nose counter rev-
olutionary solutions seen)
to have dubious long-term ef-
fectiveness in this final third
of the twentieth century. For
another six or seven years the
Cuban government field open
the door for normalization of
relations with the United
States. But around 1967, as a
result of the war in Vietnalll,
Castro finally decided there
could he no reconciliation
with the colossus to the
North until, as he put it,.ihere
is a complete change in our
Ji 1M J implying that rebel-
lious college youth; at some
point. in the 1970s, will in
large 1111ii1bers give lip entii'e'-
ly on the land of their birth
disruptive a 1)Cl )'eC'Oi'cts-
destl'oying actions.
Most recently, eight per-
SOnS not only d '.atl'0ye_1 all
1-t. dIar . ~.
files in
New York, but also invaded,
at night, the hitb.erto st.cr_o-
s net offices of the FBI end.
the US Attorney. (Five years
ago; i,'rla t frriL:ric2)_l, ynuri#:
or old, would hav ever,
thouaht,of a political raid on
l'+iT. 1i00ve)''S "a1J250iZ7en pre-
cincts?The fact that the
unthinkable is now frequent-
ly, happeI)ing is perceptively
analyzed in a. brilliant piece
on the nevi youth culture ana
conSCiouSI1cSS in the S'epte)n-
ber 26 issue of The New
Yorker.) The raiders, who
were caught by the m erest
chance when a cop on the
beat happened to pass the
Federal. Building, obtained
lists of informers and infor-
mation on FBI procedures
against the Black Panther
Party and other revelutionery
groups. '
IOR to the September 23
4.a ~P
release of the report of the
President's Commission on
Campii.s Unrest, Chairman
Witiialn Scranton met Nritll a
limited group) of cori:espan-
dents and revealed that the
a(.colc111i; to ti)c l).eepartlnent
Of Justice. Camplisholnbings
numbered 25, with an addi-
tional eleven near a- ca lupus
Or in a college tov:,?'i. The fig-
ures do not include' arson (by
which many 110TCand other
campus military iluildings
have been destroyed), or at-
tempted arson or attempted
111 July, the chicfeleputy at-
torney general Of California
told a Senate sulxiolrintittee
that the rate of bombings in
his state alone1nd risen,
since June, to neal'Jy twenty a
week. Leftists, he said,- lla.d
stolen five tons of explosives
froili a California dam coil-
struction site overaperiodof
years vritrnut. the contractors
while xi ;ht-
being aware of it,
wing Minutemen lad stolen
1400 pounds of,dynanaitc
from a constructive site in
Last spring, when students
firehornbed a 13 arlt o f Ameri-
ca branch near tole Santa
Barbara campus ? ? the Uni-
versity of Califoi:itha, police-
men siezed 94 you cls of rnili-
Lary C-4 plastic explosives
and 39 gl'enladcs from resi-
dents in the area.
E a
DING. October,, 1967, '1-32
Any thoughtful ansvrer re War protestors he .x a.ctmitt(I of seven nlillioil students on
quires a sober bael:Fvarcl look responsibility forT2 separate the country's cal,ipuses, a
at the e traorc in :xy, cumuli draft board raids in which
Million are c' c:3;_ianstration-
% tive and accalefotin t record over 03.10. IliU'l oY-1 Il0e ,nlillded, and tllf'.t the is n f. iS
Of passionate. violence and c pl c?_tcd draft files have to "Ste dy growth" in the
f b en destroyed. ~t?]'i11? the Ili?Tih)C1 of'dissenters. The
turb f cam-
u'lonce on and ott
puses, ill three years: same period, a. grisving inlet CO7?1r711 S70Ji Cnli)pl iJledt in
bc:r. Of top c'ira .r. co z S its 1 o t to Mr. Ni co,) til_t
s year, from Janu-
Just tri [ ''itil rmiit< 1 ' COr tf 1L'ts, ' all il-
ing number (of
coal m csion believes that out
Approved For Relec-me 20OOIO '1fi) ; kAaFWPl80-t'1'-gp(lp X440@ '~J R ;xl 'students), not tcf'i?ori :t,:
333 bombing- incidents oc- J'I'&T, , Sa0lild not turn
con-cd ?7l the United have b :m it t w,tl1 CJC'l) c tso-'lets and honl? .s
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 Cl -~C ,O}Qj(?01 R0
Troops Would Cet U.S. Arms
There for Operations
frEOla1 to TM New Yerk Times
SAIGON, South Vietnam,
'Nov. 8-According to informed
sources, Cambodian officers are
discussing with members of the
entourage of Prince Boun Oum,
the feudal chief of southern)
Laos, the possibility of sending
Sizable numbers of Cambodian
,t-tops to Laos to be equipped
with United States arms.
? - These arms, it is said, would
be in addition to the limited
program of American military
aid now granted to Cambodia.
At this stage, the sources
said, the United States has not;
been brought= into ? the discus-'
ions, which were initiated by
the Cainbodfans. However, the
impetus 'for the talks arose
from the fact that about 1,500
Can bodian soldiers are being
tr ned under the auspices of)
,the United States Central Intel-
ligence Agency in southern
The Cambodian Idea is sim-
ply that Cambodia has more
troops than arms, and Laos
needs soldiers but has found
it easy to get weapons and
equipment from the United
Prince Operates Independently;
The Cambodians evidently
see no need to raise the issue,
with the Government of Pre-
mier Souvanna Phouma, of hav-
ing their troops equipped,
trained and operating in the
panhandle of Laos.
Not only is Prince noun
Oum's authority in southern
Laos almost independent of the
central Governrneiit, but also,
perhaps of more importance, his
dealings with the Central Intel-
ligence Agency on military op-
erations- run by the agency
in the Ho Chi Minh Trail re-
Although an additional ap-
propriation is expectcvl by early
next year, it would still be.
easier to escape budgetary re-
strictions strictions by supplying Cam-~
hodian troops through funds for'
5 Battalions Considered
No specific proposals have
been made, but Cambodian offi-
cers are thinking in terms of
five battalions, each of about
600 men. They feel that such a
force would be of equal value
to Laos and Cambodia endli
could operate in either coun-
At -the' moment, the Viet-
namese Communists control
roughly the eastern half of the
Laotian panhandle as well as
the adjoining Cambodian prov-
inces of Ratanakiri and Stung-
treng to the south.
The Laotian Government is
worried about Communist at-
tempts to widen the Ho Chi,
Minh Trail network westward
to supply their forces in Cam-
Cambodian authorities con-
sider it imperative to introduce
at least small military
units into the occupied
provinces to give the civilian
population arallying point and
to counter Communist political
influence in the regions they
have held since April.
Greater Containment Needed
Intelligence reports of a
growing Communist build-up in
southern Laos have added ur-
gency to the need. for troops
to contain the Communists,
keep their flow of men and
supplies under surveillance and
call in American air strikes.
Most of American bombing is
,gion are direct and do _ not up has already caused an in-
.pass through Vientiane. crease in raids across the bor-
The C.I.A. supplies, a mer-i der into Laos by South Viet-
cenary army in Laos through namcse irregulars led by
V funding that apparently has American Special Forces,
escaped strict Congressional! troops. It has also led to Th; 'I!
control,'while American aid to! troop reinforcement of Laotian!
Cambodia is a limited program! . Government forces in Champa,-'
with a spending ceiling for the! sak Province, between the Thai
sent .fiscal year. of S40 mil bordeand the Mekong
For Release-.2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01 X01 R000400210001-7
now concentrated on southern
According to informed
the Communist build-
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-8+R80-01601 R000400
Cambodia's deposed Prince says why he thinks U.S. policy helps spread
Communism in Asia,
In February, 1968, 1 visited Prince
Norodom Sihanouk in Cambodia. Dur
Ing a long interview that later ap
peered in LOOK, he spoke to me
frankly-as a neutralist - about his
fears of Chinese expansionism as well
as American intervention in Southeast
Asia. After he was deposed as Chief
of State last spring, I wrote him in Pe-
king-where he has been living ever
since - suggesting we have another
talk. He replied that he had made it a
rule not to give interviews but would
answer my questions by mail as soon
as he had time. Then he cabled, say-
ing he would receive me in Peking
after.all and suggested I apply for a
visa at the Chinese Embassy in Paris.
When the Chinese turned me down,
Sihanouk promptly cabled from Pe-
king saying he would send me his
answers via the French Diplomatic
Pouch. Here they are.
William Attwood
Editor in Chief
South Vietnam and Thailand between
t% he years 195G.-when Cambodia
started diplomatic relations with the
Peoples' Republic of China, and 1965,
when, as a consequence of too many
murderous aerial bombardments of
our national territory by the U.S. Air
Force, we had to sever diplomatic re-
lations with Washington.
All these plots failed, thanks to the
loyalty of the army and the police and
their Commander in Chief, Gen. Lon
Nol, the same man who committed
treason against me in 1970.
If, in connection with these plots, I
have mentioned the names of the
CIA, the government of Saigon and
the government of Bangkok, it is be-
tation" in Cambodia (which meant my
overthrow) and the invasion of my
country by American forces in order
to "destroy the Vietcong sanctu-
aries." These reports emphasized
that unless this was done, the war
could not be won by the United
States in South Vietnam.
President Johnson did not dare
adopt this "extreme solution," but
now we see both "the change of po-
litical orientation" and the invasion
by American and satellite forces. All
e arguments advanced earlier by
the "hawks" in Saigon were repeated
in the televised speeches made by
President Nixon, in particular those of
April 30 and June 30, 1970. .
cause material proof regarding them . President Nixon himself has de-
and the identity of their agents was clared that his Government had nbth-
gathered by the secret police, then ing to do with my being forced out of
under Gen. Lon Nol himself.
The CIA and the governments of 'p?wer in Pnompenh. Without ques-
Saigon and of Bangkok have openly boning the political honesty of the
maintained the "army" of Khmers- American Chief of State, I must ex-
press my thought astonishment that Mr. Nix-
and in Thailand. This army- he had to do all this-
Vietnam "Free Cubans" trained in intervention by the American, South
like the
to be hurled from time to time mese and Thai armies; inten-
Florida against Fidel Castro-was often sive air bombardments of Cambodia
ag ;
without limitation of time or space;
hurled against me, but was each time official appeal to all countries friendly
American Gov- defeated by the royal army aided by to the U.S.A. to come militarily to the
ernment was in any way implicated the militia. aid of the regime of Lon Nol; and
In the action that deposed you- Certain, American newspapers. offers of very important military and
and If so, in what way and by what have revealed the existence of re- financial aid so that Lon Not and his
agencieik OKigdY%i l a 120001 4 refs n11 ~T040 i2t},p0i11?survive "at any cost."
were merous lots fomented tart' chie s in Saigon to t-e Pentagon,
Do you believe the
against me by the CIA in cooperation in which the authors specifically re
,_ ?._ _ _e n iaatarl "n rhgnna nF nnlihirnl nripn-
Approved For Release 2000/08/161: 14400 1-01601 RO
I. The Violence
~'tl decade ago, in the tense period lead-.
J '!jig to the Bay of pigs invasion of Cuba,
>reporter Laura Bcrquist of Look maga-
:2irie was interviewing Che Guevara in
.Havana. Despite Washington's tightening
ol.the economic noose, Fidel Castro had
-iiot yet taken his country into the Soviet
;camp and he was still making speeches
}=Miss Berqulst wanted to know how far
#o the left the Cuban revolution was going
o go.
;,;Che's reply was direct: That question
'should be directed "to your own govern-
,rhent in Washington. The Cuban revolu-
"tion will go as far to the left as it is
In the minds of Middle Americans
-banking on the thousand new FBI agents,
National Guard and stiff new laws to
.repress campus upheavals, the history of
.revolutionary Cuba since Che's remark
:-should give pause. Hard-nosed counter-
revolutionary solutions seem to have du-
bious long-term effectiveness in this final
third of the Twentieth Century. For an-
,other. six or seven years the Cuban gov-
ernment held open the door for normali-
'zation of relations with the United States.
;$ut around 1967, as a result of the Viet-
'.nam war,- Mr. Castro finally decided
there could be no reconciliation with the
'bolossus to the North until, as he put it,
tthere is a complete change in our sys-
Am I implying that rebellious college
'youth, at some point in the 1970's, will in
Marge numbers give up entirely on the
gland of their birth? Any thoughtful an-
-sv,er requires a sober backward look at
the extraordinary, cumulative and accel-
lerating record of passionate violence and
turbulence on and off campuses, in the
short space of three years:
16, with another dozen near a campus or their raids.
b a college town. The figures do not in-
nearly 20 a week. Leftists, he said; had
stolen 5 tons'of_explosives from a Cali-
fornia dam construction site over a pe-
riod of years without the contractors
being aware of it, while righting Min-
utemen had stolen 1,400 pouiids`of dyna-
mite from a construction site *ff1965.
3. Last spring, when studeits fire-
bombed a Banl: of America branch near
the Santa Barbara campus of the'Univer-
,sity of California, policemen seized 94
pounds of military C-4 plastic cplosives
and 39 grenades from area residents.
4. Since October, 1957, 432 war protes-
tors have admitted responsibility for 22
separate draft board raids in which more
than a million nonduplicated draft files
Have been destroyed. During the same
period, a growing number of top-drawer
corporations with military contracts, in-
.cluding Dow Chemical, General Electric,
.International Telephone & Telegraph and
Standard Oil of New Jersey, have been
.hit with disruptive and records-destroy-
ing actions.
5. Most recently, eight persons not only
destroyed all 1-A draft files in Rochester,
N.Y., but also invaded at night the hith-
erto sacrosanct offices of the FBI and the
:United States Attorney. (Five years ago,
:what American, young or old, would have
'even thought of a political raid on' J.
Edgar Hoover's "awesome" precincts?
The fact that the unthinkable is frequent-
ly now happening is perceptively ana-
lyzed in a brilliant article on the new
youth culture and consciousness in the
September 26 issue of The New Yorker.)
The raiders, who were caught by the
merest chance when a beat patrolman
happened to pass the federal building,
obtained lists of informers and informa-
tion on FBI procedures against the Black
Panther party and other revolutionary
_ This year, - there have been nearly each, the eight are being rushed to trial
$44 .bombing incidep is in the . United this month. The government obviously
States, according to the Justice Depart- 'does 'not want the defendants touring
nlent. Campus'bombings have numbered campuses and discussing the fruits of
'tate,a]one had risen, since June, to Ihe-country's campuses, a million are
`itf'?fi /1ehe7e+liii
Officers Training Corps and other cam- -d a fi
pus military buildings have been de- - Prior to the September 26 release of
`stroy'ed), or attempzcd arson or attempt- the report of the President's Commission
ed bombings. - on Campus Unrest, Chairman William
4 2. In July, the California chief deputy Scranton met with a group of correspond-
tlucle arson (by - ? - _ many Eeserve
II. The Students
xiemonstration-minded, -and that the
trend is to "steady growth" in the nurn-
ber of dissenters. The commission com-
plained in its report to President Nixon
that "an increasing number' [of stu-
dents), not terrorists themselves, would
not turn even arsonists and b?nibers over
to law enforcement officials."
!To the dismay of many middle-class
Mr.1W'orthy, a correspondent of the Balti-
more Afro-American and a former Nie-
man Fellow, is a free-lance journalist
tirho has been published in Esquire,
Ebony, Ramparts, Christian Century,
Midstream and Life magazb>es - .
'1')1e future eoilles) ith
the same degree of vio-
)eiicc which is used against
Barrows Dunham in "Heroes
and Heretics."
parents, their sheltered children can leap
from a generally conservative position to
bomb-throwing activism during one short
academic year.
Not all students or others being hotly
pursued by the police and FBI know the
route into, or avail themselves of, under-
ground escape channels. Revolutionary
violent acts are "decentralized," locally
planned and autonomous; there is no
national directorate or national coordi-
nating apparatus. But there does exist an
effective North American - network for
hiding and protecting revolutionaries and
for getting them out of this hemisphere to
countries "where the FBI can't go," as
Pete Seeger put it in his 1962 song about
Robert 'Williams's flight from North Car-
olina to Cuba.
In the case of revolutionaries, including
Weathermen, who are opposed to going
into exile, the FBI has a poor track
record; their "wanted" pictures remain
on Post Office walls month after month,,
certainly a strong encouragement, to oth-
ers inclined toward revolutionary vio-
lence. The country is so large, youth and
student disaffection is so vast that, after
dramatic and well-publicized bombings,
one has the distinct impression in most
cases that the FBI doesn't know for
i. o look' The three White Panthers
t be tried for the 1968 bombing of a
Central Intelligence Agency office in Ann
TAP 1--l T.l011 STATINTL
Approved For Release. 240 0 6Wi I J C = R P80-01601 R000
The South Vietnamese and the Americans ale in
the-.process of adding about three divisions to the Na-
The efforts of Senator Fulbright and other critics of the tional Khmer Army. These forces are being recruited,
Administration to block further American involvement equipped and trained in South Vietnam--naturally at
in Southeast .Asia deserve the utmost commendation, but American expense.
success semis unlikely. It is difficult to see how Congress Vice President Agnew announced on August 23 that
can really curb a President who is determined to wage ,`we are going to do everything we can to help the Lon
undeclared war. Nol government." For once Mr. Agnew was being candid.
The excuse for the invasion of Cambodia by U.S. In fact, he was understating our purpose. As he spoke,
'troops was that it had become necessary to protect our we were already doing everything possible to shore up
'troops in South Vietnam, and to bring them back to the Lon Nol regime. Nor does the Administration rule
the States as the South Vietnamese took over the burden out the possibility that American ground troops may re-
'of the ground war. Under popular pressure, led by turn to Cambodia, should that be deemed necessary to
student activists, Mr. Nixon set a deadline for the with- protect American troops in Vietnam. The script is com-
drawal of American ground forces from Cambodia. Sub- plet'ely elastic in its provisions
sequently, under a smoke screen of clumsy semantics and From a moral standpoint, the "war by proxy" is even
what The Was/rirnglon Post calls "creeping rationale," more obnoxious than direct action by American _ powers,
we are in effect deepening the American involvement but of course Nixon, Agnew, et al., .have no interest in
in Cambodia in precisely the way that critics predicted. A that aspect. From their standpoint, the war-by proxy has
child can read the deceptions embodied in the script the supreme advantage of keeping American casualties
thjtt is offered as justification for Administration policy. at a level which will avoid a public revulsion of the
As many as fifty U.S. planes daily are flying close kind that caused President Johnson's political downfall.
,support missions in aid of the, Cambodian army, which That this scheme has so far been successful is partly
has yet to win a major action in the field. The talk the fault of the press. For the most part, the editors
about planes being used only to "interdict" enemy suP- and publishers cooperate with the Administration. There
lplies has reached a new high in dishonesty. As Senator are some fine reporters on the scene-T. D. Allman
Mansfield notes, some of the targets are "one hell of a. for-instance (he was expelled from Cambodia for that
way from the Ho Chi Minh Trail." As all of us must very reason)--and they supply the facts, but the papers
do who expect even occasional sidelights on the Ex- tend to play down their findings. Altman quotes a neu-
ecutive decision-making process, he deplores the failure tralist ambassador in Pnom Penh: "From the very be-
of the Nixon Administration to "call things as they are:" ginning, Lon Nol and Sirisk Matak were absolutely con-
These air strikes are increasing. Military authorities fident that the United States would rescue them." But
refuse to disclose the number of sorties, but correspond- the ordinary American never hears such things.
cuts report twenty-five a day in July, forty-nine a (lay if he did, the struggle in the Senate to control the
during the first few days in August, and toward the end war makers might gain popular support. Of all the Sen-
of August, sixty-five a day. Recent reports leave no
ate moves, the most realistic is the Hatfield-McGovern
doubt that the President has given the Air Force authority end-the-war amendment. It provides for a systematic,
to strike North Vietnamese and Vietcong troops and planned military withdrawal by a fixed date. It also is
supplies anywhere in Cambodia. the safest way to get the troops out. But the Administra-
We are fighting the war by proxy on the ground, as tion still hopes to win the war, as. Mr. Agnew said with
well as giving unstinting support by air. The following only slight disguise in one of his jingoistic speeches. The
examples of what Senator Young of Ohio calls the only remedy at hand would seem to be to roll up im-
"Nixon Rent-a-Troop Doctrine" can be counted: pressive anti-Administration majorities in November.
(1) Tammy Arbuckle describes in the Washington Star Severe setbacks =would alarm Mr. Nixon and,.' his co-
(August 21) how the United States is "stepping up adjutors, and 'tli'eir fears for 1972 might. make them
secret operations in Cambodia with guerrilla teams di- more amenable to Senate control.
rected by the Central Intelligence Agency. . ." Earlier
stages of American intervention in South Vietnam and
Laos are being repeated in Cambodia.
(2) There are sonic 20,000 South Vietnamese troops in
Cambodia, fighting in support of the Cambodian army
which by itself, and without American air power, would
he helpless to resist the North Vietnamese and the Viet-
cong. We pay for the South Vietnamese forces indirectly.
(3) Thai "volunteers" are in Laos and arrangements
are under way for 5,000 "volunteers" to be sent to Cam-
bodia. We will pay for these troops, or they will not be
sent. Let it be noted that under the SEATO treaty we
are pledged to cone to the aid of Thailand, if that
country's efforts on behalf of the.: Lon Nol government
should i.Alr rq{q F1pK.Release 2600/08/16 : C `-RDP80-01601R000400210001-7
Approved For Release 2000/08/16: CIA-RDP80-01601 R00040021000
Evidence that the largest American
corporation, such as Lockheed, the Penn
Central Railroad, General Dynamics,
and LTV are susceptible to failure under
certain circumstances has surfaced re-
cently. This fact, in my opinion, makes
highly questionable the wisdom of plac-
ing too large a percentage of our defense
dollars in the hands of a single corpor-
ate entity.
The country's economy has taken a
serious downswing vvhicli makes it more
important than before to balance our de-
fense spending geographically.
The Nixon administration's Blue Rib-
bon Defense Panel, headed by Mr. Fitz-
hugh, has within weeks recommended
that huge defense contracts he divided
where possible to avoid overconcen??
tration and to maintain a reasonable
mobilization base. If the report of this
team of experts had been made 6 weeks
earlier and if the Department of De-
fense had heeded the advice of this com-
mittee, it is probable that the Navy
would have divided the DD-963 con-
tract. And the contract should be di-
vided now.
I yield to my distinguished colleague
from Maine, Senator SMITH.
Mrs. SRTITH of. Maine. Mr. President,
I 'listened with interest to the distin-
guished Senator from Mississippi tivhen
he stated that the Navy had told him
that the increased cost would be $225
million. I think this is somewhat suspect,
since Admiral Sonensliein increased that
from $225 million to $600 million in
about 6 weeks' time.
Mr. MUSKIE. Mr. President, I suggest
the absence of a quorum.
will call the roll.
The assistant legislative clerk pro-
ceeded to call the roll.
Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres-
ident, I ask unanimous consent that the
order for the quorum call be rescinded,'
EAGLETON). Without .objection, it is so
Under the previous order, the Chair
now lays before the Senate amendment
No. 862 which the clerk will state.
The assistant legislative clerk read as
follows: - -
- SEC. . (a) In accordance with public
statements of policy by the President, no
tirnds authorized by this or any other Act
may be obligated or expended to maintain
a troop level of more than two hundred
and eighty thousand armed forces of the
United States in Vietnam after April 30, 1971.
(b) After April 30, 1071, funds herein au-
thorized or hereafter appropriated may be ex-
pended in connection with activities of Amer-
ican armed forces in and over Indochina
only to accomplish the following objectives:
(1) the orderly termination of military
operations there and the safe and systematic
withdrawal of remaining Armed Forces by
December 31, 1071;
(2) to secure the release of prisoners of
(3) the provision of asylum for Vietnamese
'who might be physically endangered by
withdrawal of American forces; and
(4) to provide assistance to the republic
of Vietnam consistent with the foregoing
Provided, however, 'S'hat If the President,
while giving effect to the foregoing para-
graphs of this section, finds in meeting the
termination date that members of the Amer-
ican Arnied Forces are exposed to Unanticl.
pated clear and present danger, he may sus-
pend the application of paragraph b(l) for
a period of not to exceed sixty clays and shall
inform the Congress forthwith of his find-
ings; and within ten days following applica-
tion of the suspension the President may
submit rec-onimendations, including (if nec-
essary) a new date applicable to subsection
(b) (1) for congressional approval.
Mr. HATFIELD. Mr. President, I yield
30 minutes to the Senator from Iowa (Mr:
HuGIIES), one of the cosponsors of this
Mr. HUGHES. Mr. President, I thank
the distinguished Senator from Oregon
for-yielding me this time.
Mr. President, as we move to consider
the end the war amendment, we get to
the target center of what is the over-
riding Issue before the t'Amerlcan people
Shall we, at long last, take the deci-
sive steps to end American military in-
volvenicnt in Southeast Asia?
Or, shall we continue present policies,
which, whatever their merits may be,
give no real assurance of total military
Whatever else we are accomplishing by
this debate, we are keeping faith with the
American people by bringing this central.
issue to a vote.
The debate on our military policies has
been long and impassioned between re-
sponsible elected Representatives of the
people, Representatives who are alike
in their devotion to the national inter-
ests but deeply divided on exactly what
our national interests are and on the
policies that will most effectively imple-
ment those Interests.
I am deeply grateful to the distin-
guished chairman of the Armed Services
Committee, the Senator from Mississippi
(Mr. STENNIs), and his colleagues of both
parties, who have carried the adminis-
tration's side of this issue, for the fair-
ahd high-minded plane on which they
have conducted the debate.
To question the motives of the dedi-
cated men in this Chamber, who have
fought the uphill battle against tradi-
tional public attitudes to bring about
this vote on a definite plan to end the
war, would be an incalculable disservice
to a free people.
We disagree in matters of judgment-
not in fundamental objectives nor in de-
votion to our country.
. I have never met more devoutly pa-
triotic men than the Senator from South
Dakota (Mr. McGovERN), the Senator
from Oregon (Mr. HATFIELD), and the
other sponsors of the amendment to end
the war.
If I am convinced of anything about
the American people, it would be that
every responsible American wants to sup-
port his President, in time of war, re-
gardless of party differences.
The optimum solution for ending our
involvement in Indochina would be for
the President to take the necessary moves
to get all of our troops out and to create
the necessary preconditions for 'giving
peace negotiations a credible chance of
I do not question that this is what the
President wants.
But one after another of the current
news reports tell us the familiar story
of increasing involveriient, as the dis-
patch of yesterday that said:
Fresh evidence that American planes are
carrying out direct bombing missions in sup-
port of the Cambodians came through a
Cambodian radio at a government strong-
point near Phuoni Penh yesterday.
We are repeatedly told that the only
way we can safely withdraw our troops
is by extending our engagement.
The pronouncements of the Vice Presi-
dept in his recent trip to Southeast Asia
give little solace to those who believe we
should get out of Southeast Asia as soon
as it can be safely and systemtically done.
Although Mr. Nixon acknowledges
that the settlement in Indochina must be
political, not military, our policies, in
point of fact, continue in hot pursuit of
a military victory.
The President continues to refer to
peace negotiations, and his appointment
of Ambassador Bruce to the Paris peace
talks was a commendable and statesman-
like move. But at the same time, Mr.
Nixon pledges our country to the perpet-
uation of the Thieu-ley regime in Sai-
gon. Flatly, this objective and the ob-
jective of realistic peace negotiations in
Paris are mutually incompatible.
In this country, the pendulum of pub-
lic opinion about the Indochina war has
swung back and forth between deep con-
cern and apathy-or despair. For a
number of months, following last No-
vember, an almost unbelievable amnesia
enveloped the Nation-a lapse of mem-
ory about the on-going horror of the kill-
ing, maiming, and destruction in Viet-
nan1. Then, for a time, the fog lifted.
The revelations of My Lai shocked us
into awareness of how this war is brutal-
izing our own people. The discovery by
news correspondents of the extent of our
Government's involvement in Laos
aroused new doubts and apprehensions.
The invasion of Cambodia was the straw
that broke the camel's back.
In the heat of the national concern
over the Cambodia invasion, I believe
that the passage of the amendment to
end the war would have been assured..
Now the cutting edge of the public
protest has somewhat dulled, although I
a1n convinced that the deep-lying senti-
ment is as strong as ever.
In my own State, the untold story, as
I see it, is of the peace movement that
has emerged in the small communites
of middle America-not among the
youth, who were already with it, but
among the calm and established adult
citizens of these communities.
The on-going story of the Indochina
war is one of abstract comparatives.
There were "fewer casualties" this week
than the week before-or than 6 months
before. We tend to lose sight of the fact
that the men killed are flesh-and-blood
people, not statistics, and that for each
One killed there are many others horribly
maimed or otherwise incapacitated.
But, I am convinced that an increasing
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A French Expert's View: STATINTL
G~ J'3 ~~'.~ F~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~y ~~ t~r 1}.~7r ~ rr'.-zi F?~~ (~
PRESIDENT NIXON'S decision to east Asia. He is the director of At the sarn,e time, in Cambodia,
mop up the Cambodian sanctuary Southeast Asian Studies at the Prince Norodom Sihanouk maneu-
will have long-term results that the Center for the Study of Interna- vered on his own to defeat the
American people do not expect. tional Relations in Paris and pro- "protracted war" plan, He agreed
Rather than shortening the war, the fessor at the Institute for Political with Prime Minister Lon No[ that
move will extend it and make it Studies there. He was a corro- something had to be done to press
even more dangerous. spondent for Le Monde in Indo- the Vietcong out of Cambodia, and
"It was the drop which made the china in 1945-46 and in charge of was going to Moscow and Peking
bottle pour out," Chou En-lai, the the Foreign Relations Desk in the to ask thorn to request from Hanoi
premier of China, has said. "Fol- Prime Minister's Office in'1950-52: more discretion and realism. Both
lowing the sudden overthrow of a He is the author of four books on Le Duan and Sihanouk wore thus
royal, neutral and even pro-West- Asia and has been a visiting pro- moving in a direction that could
ern prince [Norodom Sihanouk] by lessor at CornellUniversity, have brought a resumption of seri-
just a group of ambitious politi- the Maoist group in Hanoi , led by ous negotiations in Paris-the
clans and generals supported by Truong Chinh, increased its influ- cheapest way to end the war.
the CIA, no government in the ence. Convinced that the White Nixon's Cambodian decision
world can now. feel secure. Now is House did not want to negotiate wrecked, for ,a long time, any dip-
the time for action," seriously, except on the basis of lomatic possibility of a settlement
American intervention in Cam- North Vietnam's Political surron_ and Polarized forces in Indochina
bodia has indeed given China a der, the Maoist group won a shift in such a way that the United
valuable opportunity. For years, it to the strategy of "protracted war" States now can expect years more
has been waiting to take over the -protracted until 19%2 and the next of fighting there-if the Paris nego-
leadership of Asian nationalism U.S. President. tiations fade out. This can only
and anti-imperialist resistance. The - raise -serious doubts about the
decision has facilitated the work of ATHER THAN respond to valu quality of information supplied by
the Chinese political strategists. :_.`U able overtures from President the American intelligence services
Secretary of State William Rog- Nixon, Secretary Rogers and oth- orWashington'scapacitytoassess,
ers indicated recently that he rec- ers, Hanoi and the Provisional Rev- any situation in Asia.
ognized this, when he told an in- olutionary Government (PRG) in The President apparently made
terviewer: "They [the Chinese] South Vietnam preferred to use the his decision on purely military
have increased their influence with Pretext of U.S. insistence on "nmu- grounds: prevent the Vietcong
Hanoi as the result of the Cambo-' tual withdrawal" and "the legality from preparing or launching im-
dian incursions, We think the So- of the Saigon government" and to portant offensives while the Amer-
viet' Union's influence has de- remain immobile in Paris. This re- ican withdrawals are proceeding;
creased at the expense of Com flected, perhaps, a stalemate in the deprive them of sanctuaries and
munist China. Whether the Com- political struggle in Hanoi. resources; support Lon Nol's gov-
munist Chinese have any reason There are hints that in the Com- ernment in its struggle against the
to want -to bring an end to the war monist camp other voices wore VC; accelerate the "Vietnamiza-
or not, we do not know. We rather saying that this tactic could not tion" in South Vietnam and save
doubt it. We think it serves their achieve results and could even American lives. Indeed, the moti-
purposes to have the war con- lead to uncontrolled developments. vation for the decision was only
tinue, because, in effect, they use It would be wiser, they reasoned, local and military, linked to the be-
Hanoi as their instrumentality for not to let opportunities pass.. lief in the "necessity" of reinforc-
causing trouble." There was significance, in this ing the Saigon regime and main-
When He Chi Minh died on Sep- respect, to the trips made by Le taining in Paris a political position
tember 3 of last year-about a week Duan, Ho Chi Minh's real heir, to that Washington knows well to be
after having written to President Moscow in January, and by Le Due unacceptable for the other side.
Nixon that a bit of goodwill could The, the chief adviser to the dele- Surprisingly, the decision ne-
permit a settlement to take place- gation at the peace talks, to Paris glected vital political considera-
r lea~e'26d anu , i622 0 1~l was not Sihanouk
F hil 4vr ors rs recognize owngra ng o the Paris con- as man or leader but Cambodian
es one of the world's best informed ference by Washington certainly neutrality. On March 18, Paris,
scholars on the oolitic; of Sn rth- did not heir). Mnscnw anti Pc,l ;nn cnnnnc-i -
22 AU, G JST 1q 0
The f pp 0/&'dt reF 1(6aL 2600/08/1 6{F dk .
diary containing a record of recent events it] ',~ r 1 t i ;j
witnesses on the scene. Guardian staff `_?
correspondent Wilfred Burchett has trans-
lated the diary, adding explanatory notes
indicated by brackets.
April 1-3: Attacks against small mili-
tary posts in Svay Rieng province. . ?
April 4: On the night of April 3-4,
attack against a post at, Chipou [Svay
Rieng, where the famous "Parrot's Beak"
area is located], with 377 rifles, 30 light:
machine-guns, three U.S. carbines, one
.mortar, three heavy machine-guns and
large quantities of munitions seized from
the government garrison. This is the first
big attack in this province.
April 5: Anti-"Vietcong" and anti-
Vietnamese campaign starts in Phnom
Penh accompanied by pasting up of crude
slogans. The racist character of the cam-
paign is early evident. Vietnamese are
removed from responsible posts in public
and private organizations. In some ad-
ministrative branches all Vietnamese are
fired. Cambodians of Vietnamese origin
are not permitted to take part in military
training. Armed patrols start to circulate
in Phnom Penh after dark..
April 6: Lon Nol asks for foreign
military aid. Some journalists, including-
two Americans, three French and three
Japanese who went to Chipou are captur-
ed by the g ierrillas. -
April 7: The village of Chipou falls to
the guerrillas. Cambodian MIG's bomb
the region and strafe a pagoda. Govern-
ment troops fall back. on Prasaut. Ameri-
can helicopters and :.artillery are used
against; the partisans. All. Vietnamese in
Svay Rieng province ;are herded into
camps.. They have to buy their own food.
Government troops start to loot Vietnam-
ese homes. Chou En Lai announces in
Pyongyang that "The Chinese govern-
ment and people are behind Sihanouk."
This is the first official Chinese reaction
since March 18.
2100-IT s 17:lrhe Cambodian army shoots
and massacres with bayonets 100 to I50
Vietnamese-men, women and children
at Takeo. [Capital of the province of the
same name southeast of Phnom Penh.]
April 18: Railway bridge on the
-Phnom Penh-Sihanou'cvile line blown up.
.The railway line is cut at three points.
April 19: The town of Saang-20 miles
from Phnom Penh-is occupied by parti-
April 21: At Saan,, about 100 Viet-
namese: hostages are pushed -ahead of
government troops towards the partisan
lines -[Lon Nol's idea according, to Gen.
Sosthenne Fernandez, who commanded
the action]. The scene is filmed by TV
cameramen. [The Cambodian Army cut
the hostages down from behind when
they refused to advance.]
April 22: Sihanouk again appeals to
the people to take to arms. Caribou
transport planes land at Pochentong
[Phnom Penh airport], bringing weapons
of Chinese origin captured by the Saigon
army. --
April 23: Saang is recaptured after
three hours of intense air and artillery
bombardment. The only person remain-
ing in the town is air old Buddhist bonze.
Government troops loot the town.
April 23-30: Massive intervention by
Saigon troops and by 2000 "Khmer
Krom" Special Forces, as well as "Khmer
~Serci'-' bandits, in-Svay Rieng and Takeo
provinces respectively. ["Khmer Krom"
are South Vietnamese "Green Berets," of
Cambodian ethnic origin. The "Khmer
Serei"-Free Cambodians-are traitor
groups originally based in South Vietnam,
but after their bases were destroyed by
the NLF, they were transferred to Thai-:
land. They were used as sabotage and'
espionage commandos to try and over-
throw the Sihanouk regime. Both
"Khmer Krom" and "Khmer Serei" are
entirely armed, financed, trained and
controlled by the CIA. They are the,
CIA's forces used to attempt to prop up
the Lon Nol regime.]
The government is also sending young
people into battle after 2 . to 4 days
training; hundreds of them were killed
[for instance in a clash with partisans at
Kbal Po, 4 miles from Takeo].
National highways Phnom Penh-S',ay
Rion? Phnom Penh-Takeo and Phnom
Penh-Kampot are cut or partially occupi-
ed by the partisans. The partisans are
extending their activities to the East and
the South. [Battles of Takeo, Angtassom,
Elephant mountains, Kep, Kampot and in
Kompong Cham province where they
have occupied Chlong on the banks of the
Mekong and the, Memot. The Elephant
mountains in the southern coastal areas
are a traditional resistance base, Kep is a
seaside resort about 100 miles south of
Phnom Penh. Lon Nol's troops tried
thing with part of the Cambodian de-
monstrators arrested at the Japanese
bridge at the end of March. [Chrui
C1langvoar is a fishing village across the
Tonle Sap river from Phnom Penh at the
junction- of the Tonle Sap and Mekong
April 12-18: Numerous massacres of,
Vietnamese take place elsewhere with
public display of the corpses [for instance
at the Kompopg-Kantout pagoda]. The
police arrest Vietnamese in the streets.
Organization - of concentration camps,
called "regroupntent centers." One, on
the Ta'kmau road [Takinau is a village 5
miles southeast of 1'Iutom Penh], in an
abandoned factory contains all male Viet-
namese from Samrong-Tom district. The
women who remained in their villages
were systematically raped by government
troops In the days'and weeks that follow-
ed. Camps are organized elsewhere, each
containing 6 000 to 8000 Vietnamese.
Almost all provinces follow the same
example. At Kompong Chnang, At
Takeo, Kompong Chain-in the stadium
-at Kraichntor-concentrated on an
island in the Mekong. Many of these
Vietnamese a,e executed on the spot or
at a place near Kompong Spell [about 20
miles south of Phnom Penh] by execu-
tion squads.
April 14: Guerrillas attack Krek in
Kompong Cham province. Americans
launch a lightning attack in this region,
employing 40 helicopters.
the Phnom Penh station. A curfew is April 15: The army proposes that
introduced for all Vietnamese in Phnom peasants should undergo training courses
Penh, and set up self-defense groups. Actually
April 10: The Prasaut "affair,'. when the courses are finished, the Army
Government troops massacre between conscripts the peasants and sends them to
100 and 150 Vietnamese civilians. , the front, resulting in widespread deser-
April 11: Anti-Vietnamese. rally at the tions of the.peasants who know that the
Phnom Penh' stadium. Only seven partisans are mainly fellow-Cambodians.
ambassadors attend. Those from socialist April 15-16: Journalists contact
countries, France and Great Britain stay "Khmer Rouges." [Literally Red Cam-
away. bodians, groups,of left-wing Cambodians
April. 12: First big round-tip of Viet- who took to the jungle for survival after
namese in Phnom Penh carried out by the the repression of progressives from 1967.
police and the Navy. The Navy removes In part 'of Kompong Cham province the
all males over 14 years of age from tits partisans are mainly "Khmer Rouges"
village of Chrui Changvoar-between 600
and 800-and iassacres them on the and Cambodian peasants.] First discovery
banks of the Mekong, throwing the of corpses in the Mekong. Considerable
corpses into the river. They do the same' international reaction from the 16th on-
April 9: A locomotive, is blown up at
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S Skir" La'os i
21 (AP)--"No, no, my men
h we never gone into Laos,"
giggled the South Vietnamese !
of "possi
colonel. Then he commander and turned to said: affirmed namese reconnaissance that South uth Viet-
my battalion. Maybe sometimes operate in Laos, ob bit" allied thrusts into Laos
our battalion?" serving enemy movements were carefully limited yester-
"Not mine," the American day to what spokesman Robert
eial The State claim. American Ilaid:
Approved For Release 2000/08ILC,1gk'5 0160040021
stex staff writer
most celebrated rebel is still
fighting for the "nationist
cause" even though he is no
,longer in revolt against his
The name Son Ngoc Thanh
means little outside the Indo-
chinese peninsula, but for a
generation he posed what
many observers regarded as
the most serious threat to the
government of the then Cam-
bodian chief of state, Prince
Norodom Sihanouk.
Thanh, prime minister un-
der the Japanese in the closing
days of World War IT,, fought
Sihanouk incessantly, both
militarily and politically, until
the Prince was overthrown on
March 18 by rightist elements
in his own government.
"On that day," said 'T'hank,
"I turned over my troops to the
government of Gen. Lon Nol,"
the Cambodian Prime minis-
ter who helped engineer the
Free Cambodians
Thanh's "troops" were some
4,500 Khmer Sere!, or free
Cambodians. He led them for
12 years on the South Viet-
nam side of the Cambodian
Trained since 1964 by U.S.
Special Forces advisers, the
Khmer Serei have fought with
the Cambodian army in practi-
cally every major battle
against the Vietnamese Com-
munists since May.
Thanh maintained his troops
during their rebel days with
funds supplied by the Central
Intelligence Agency. "I no
longer command them. They
are part of the Cambodian
army," he said.
Remain Loyal
But the Khmer Sere!, still
profess loyalty to their legend-
ary leader. They. stand out
from the rest of the Cambodian
forces in almost any engage-
meat in which they're involved.
For one thing, they wear
American-style fatigues and
boots and carry American-
made rifles, radios and other
And then, according to those
who have covered the off-
again, on-again war in Cambo-
dia, the Khmer Serei are con-
siderably more effective mili-
tarily than most of their un-
dertrained, under-equipped
Cambodian army comrades.
"At least they seem to know
how to handle themselves,"
remarked one seasoned ob-
server. "They're not complete-
ly inexperienecd and they
don't look for somewhere to
hide as soon as they hear
some shots fired in the dis-
Future Elite
Some Americans describe
the Khmer Serei as the future
elite of the Cambodian army.
"By elite I mean in compari-
son with the rest of them,"
said an American officer.
"They may make the differ-
ence if anything does, in some
big battles we're anticipating
this winter."
The praise of the Khmer
Serel does not surprise Son
Ngoc Thank, who formed his
first guerrilla forces in the
jungles of western Cambodia
after fleeing from Phnom
Penh in 1952 after an argu-
ment with Sihanouk over his
policy of conciliation with the
French colonial rulers.
"They have had constant ex-
perience along the Cambodian
border," said Thanh, a short,
wiry man who, at 62 still looks
physically capable of leading a
guerrilla army in the. field.
Ambushed Viet Cong
"T"hey were recruited from
among Cambodians living in
South Vietnam. Many had fled
from Cambodia.
Knowledgeable sources here
say- Thanh's army "crossed
the frontier all the time on
secret 1n ssions to ambush
North Vietnamese and Viet
Cong units.
Thanh insists the Khmer
Serei are now under Cambodi-
an government control "in ev-
ery sense." But. some sources
arriving here of a new buildup
of north Vietnamese troops
within several miles of the
capital of Pehnom Penh.
He said the Communists will
never occupy Phnom Penh
Downfall "Inevitable"
believe they still receive mon- / "Sihanouk cared for bin self
ey, indirectly, from the CIA.\( and not his country," said
Thank, would not discuss
how much his men were-or
are-paid or where the Khmer
Screi had obtained their funds.
He preferred instead to talk
about the prospects of the
Cambodian government, on
which he now serves officially
as a "councillor" to Prime
Minister Nol.
"The government will sur-
vivs," he said as reports were
Thanh. "His downfall was in-
evitable in view of his policy
of favoring the Vietnamese
Thank feels vindicated now
that Sihanouk has fallen.
"But I'm still fighting for
my country," he said, "even
though I no longer lead my
men in battle: We are closer to
true freedom than ever be-
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August 21, 1070
ings Institution to the. Committee for resentatives In the Congress on legisla- ports that the capital city, Phnoin Penh,
peace Through Law, a blood kin of the tion and issues of importance. is under attack by the Vietcong forces
Amendment To Extend the War Coin- At the same time, however, if the in- within 6 miles of the Emperor's palace.
mittee? tegrity of the legislative function is to be In addition, Mr. President, leaders of
Can a' nonprofit foundation retain its maintained and preserved, identification our Armed Forces are also going all out
tax exemption if it participates in only should be required of parties seeking to with our foreign aid indney and our mili-
one side of all Ise? Influence the passage or defeat of leg- tary and military advisers to equip more
Are research and spcechwriting serv- islation by direct appeals to the Congress and more Thais to fight as our allies and,
ices provided for lobbying groups by a or by stimulation of the public intended in fact, as mercenaries.
nonprofit founidation regarded as gifts or to produce direct communication with We Americans would do well to remem-
political donations? the Congress. ber that those patriots who fought and
These, too, are questions that must be The legislation I propose specifically won our war for independence despised
answered. Imposes the full requirements of lobbying the mercenaries from Hesse-Cassel and
LODI:YISTS AND THE COURTS, disclosure on Members of Congress who other German archdukes who rented
Mr. President, the Supreme Court's ci'i- engage in these activities. troops to Kin- George III. Gen. George
Thera is more at stake here than Washington captured 2,000 of these mer-
teria for applying the lobbying law are merely the loss of the peace amendment. cenaries in his surprise attack on Tren-
these: First, the lobbyist must have so- At stake is whether the Senate is going ton after crossing the Delaware on
Belted, collected, or received contribu- to remain a deliberative body. Christmas night..This great victory was
Lions; second, one of the main purposes The text of the bill I_introduce provides regarded as the turning point in our
of such contributions must be to infiu- as follows: Revolutionary War. Later, in General
once the passage or defeat of legislation Bc it enacted by the Senate and, House Burgoyne's invasion from Canada, rosily
by Congress; and third, the intended of Representatii'cs of the United. States of more Hessians were captured in the szlr-
method of accomplishing this purpose America in Congress assembled, That section render at Saratoga.
must have been through direct communi- 307 (2 the Federal Regulation Lobbying Pentagon officials report that the
cation with Members of Congress. Act 2 U.S.C. 266) is amended by adding at Now first installment of officials 20th century
It Is a fact that Senators involved in the end thereof the following new paragraph: numbers 5,ury
the Amendment To End the War Com- ? "The provisions of this title also shall Hessiana fighting force this
mittee have solicited and collected con- apply to any Member of Congress who di- troops, secured by agreement with the
tributions. It is a fact that the main pur- redly or indirectly solicits, collects, or re- Government of Thailand. This 5,000 is
poses of the contributions has been to in- ceives money or any other thing of value to the first contingent of so-called volun-
fluence the vote on the McGovern-Hat- be 'used principally to solicit or aid in the teers who will invade Cambodia. Un-
solicitation of communications to be matte fortunately for our generals, at the pros-
field amendment. by members of the public to one or more out time all Cambodia, except a small
That leaves only one question. Has the other Members of Congress for any of such round the ccity of Phnozn
method been through direct communica- purposes. area around
area, controlled capital i forces opposed to
Pon den Members of the Congress? Mr. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. NFL the present rulers of that country. The
has used used i of the To soN). The bill will be received and appro- fact is, Cambodia Is not tinder the con-
End the War the Committee Amendment
rect comm uni cations and members thehe priately referred. trol of the government we are support-
committee committee have used direct communica- The bill (S. 4274) to amend the Fed- ing.
tions to lobby for the end the war amend- - oral Regulation of Lobbying Act with The Prime Minister of Thailand has
merit. respect to certain activities of Members annouliced:
There are. the TV and newspaper ads of Congress, was received, read twice by we have reached an agreement that the
asking the American people to pressure its title, and referred to the Committee United States will help finance Thai troops
Senators, and members of the committee, on Rules and Administration, to be sent to Cambodia. Also, we have reached
when they discuss the issue, are, in of- an agreement that the Cambodian soldiers
undergoing military training in Thailand
feet, lobbyists. ORDER OF BUSINESS. Will also be financed by the United States.
The question then is, should members
of the committee, who are also Members The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Here is a demonstration that Presi-
of the Senate, be required to register as the previous order, the Chair recognizes. dent Nixon has expanded and escalated
lobbyists? Have they done so. Do they in- the Senator from Ohio (Mr. YOUNG) for our involvement' in Southeast Asia in-
tclad to do so? 20 minutes. stead of bringing our boys home.
NEW GROUND It is also well known that the United
Mr. President, regardless of the merits States is recruiting more" Koreans to
, We
THE NIXON RENT-A-TP~OOP DOC- add to those already in Vietnam. if any, of the war amendment, there i ,,,r,rz.I>a ? TWENTIETH CENTURY
_._ _,.aa ,..., ~..,,-..... We
I believe, however, that it Is more a Mr. YOUNG of Ohio. Mr. President, been in Vietnam since late 1965, and
quicksand than solid ground. I believe American people should know that ofl'i- now we are expanding that force.
they have inaugurated a practice that is dais of our Central Intelligence Agency, _ Mr. President, we are becoming more
fraught with danger to this body. ate spending many millions of dollars of and more involved in waging war in
I believe that in their eagerness they do American taxpayers' money to enlist, Southeast Asia. Buying more and more
a disservice to the Senate and the Con- arm, maintain, and train thousands of mercenaries. Engaging in continual
gress by lobbying their colleagues and by Thai "volunteers," so-called, In a contin- bombing ih Laos, Cambodia, and Viet-
soliciting money in order to bring pros- uing effort to maintain the Lou Nol gov- nam. And the same generals and policy-
slu'es against those colleagues. ernment in power in Cambodia. In addi- makers who send our own boys to death
NEWALECISLATION tion, generals of our Armed Forces in in a senseless Asian struggle, now spend
These activities are in a relatively un- Vietnam with the assistance of Ambassa- your money and mine to buy merce-
tested and murky legal realm, and one dor Ellsworth Bunker and his staff are naries to continue their folly.
cannot say with any firm authority that continuing all-out efforts to support the The American people want to get our
statutory provisions have been violated. Korean forces in Cambodia, Not only boys and our money out of this endless
However, today I am. proposing legisla- CIA officials but AID officials and of leers Asian struggle. The Nixon rent-a-troop
tion to clarify this area. The public in- of our Armed Forces are enrolling, equip- doctrine will not accomplish this goal.
terest demands that firm lines of demar_ ping, and trying to mold into a fighting It is v;ith a feeling of sadness I report this
cation be drawn and currently existing force thousands of Cambodians. This, situation.
loopholes be closed, despite the fact that Cambodians histori- Mr. HHANSEN. Mr. President, the able
Our deinocracy affords a free and uul- cally have been a placid peace-loving and distinguished senior Senator from
obstructed opportunity for citizens to people. It is expensive business forAiner- New York (Mr. JAVSTS) in his remarks
petition the Government for redress of ican taxpayers to try to make good fight- on the trade bill now penclin~ is the
their grievances as well as the right to Ing men of them, other body made a number of references
expre I l "dkJ0b > ~U1DU`~ bU450V210()64Q7oi1 import quota system and the
lJ ry 191
Approved F. of Release -2000/08/16CIA-RDP80-01 601R0004P0
n-, I C2 irfl .1
Special to The Star
VIENTIANE-The United States is drifting towards a
secret .war in Cambodia.
Central Intelligence Agency operatives based in Southern
Laos are running Laotian intelligence gathering and com-
mando teams into Northern Cambodia, well informed military
sources here say.
air support for the Cambodian
Military puts U.S.-Cambodian
operations on a similar footing
as secret operations in Laos,
though perhaps not on quite so
large a scale on the ground.
S ,, -'A th CIA F*ronn-nd
au e
the Seesa River area of Cam-
bodia's northern "Green
Triangle" of Labansiek, Bokcd
and Lumphat. Teams are sup-
plied by air drops made by
, operation into Cambodia is run Continental Airlines' aircraft
by the agency's substation in flown by American pilots. Con-
the Mekong River town of tinental carries out similar
Pakse in Southern Laos. Laos missions in Laos for the agen-
troops from the 2.nd Special cy
Guerrilla Unit based on Bolov- Sources said these Lao s
{ ens Plateau in Southern Laos vial gurr errilla units operatipe-
are used in their operations. from light airstrips era n
to led
the agency. ex-U.S. militia lovens plateau now are respon-
on They hire are
gency. sible for surveillance of Ila-
A smaller group of Kha Lave
tribesmen is based in Laos at poi's traffic all the way from
a location which cannot be dis-
closed for reasons of military Ran Rae on the Sekhong river
security. 'They operate into to Rovieng in Cambodia.
northeast Cambodia against These American operations
parts of a Communist base are "vital," according to well
area known as 609. Most open- informed sources, to achieve
ations toys date Stung have
T._enbeen in
Prov- some success in interdictioc,
g a
ince where the loc2, Carnhocli- the reinforcement and resup-
an population speaks Lao as ply routes Hanoi has pushed
their primary language. through Southern Laos to
Stung Trelig was part of Northern Cambodia in recent
Laos before French rulers-in months.
1904 shifted it under the ad- These Communist supply
minist;;atioii of Phnom Penh. Iroutes support Communist at-
Coinirion language plus Lao tacks against hard-pressed
and local populace feeling that eastern Cambodia into South
Stung Treng belongs in Laos Cambodian defenders at Kom-
anyiay has helped Laotians in pon; Thom and Sich Reap and
their military o p e r a t i o ns convoys moving across North-
there. eastern Cambodia into South
Teams of eight or ten nien, Vietnam.
s o m c t i in e s including two Reds are expected to further
Americans, survey new Com-
improve these routes and per-
munist infiltration routes into hips launch new attacks
Northern Cambodia leading against Laos to do this. The
from Southern Laos toward secrecy policy, however, is not
Communist headquarters near carried out on military
the Cambodian town of Rov- grounds. Sources admit that
leng, sources said. the Reds already know the lo-
Teams have a t t a r 1: e d cations of Lao guerrilla air-
trucks, ammunition and rice strips and have clashed with
caches by calling in U.S. air cares inside Cambodia. _._ _
strikes. Protects Laos Stance
These air strikes are part of
t h e interdiction operations
which. President Nixon al-
ready has admitted.
K1IA tribal teams operate in
This, combined with denials of what is obviously close U.S.
Secrecy in part protects the
fficial Laos stance of neutral-
ty and partly avoids public,
pressure :in the United States
against U.S. involvement in
Laos and Cambodia.
Also because the Central In-
telligence Agency, and not the
military, is carrying out the
operation, secrecy is naturally
Sources believe that if dov-
ish senators and other seg-
ments of the U.S. public un-
derstood how necessary these
operations are to relieve pres-
sure on Cambodians and South
Vietnam, there would be less
problems in both funding and
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400210001-7
tlMytiY `. 3.-N ,TM1t (U M:72 :72 MGM-L)
21 ! U;"T 10-0
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-R6P80-01601 R0004002100
--. t l o
0 f Gxj
S fill,
lots.. Con-
military, the increased activ- flown by American pi
ity puts U.S.-Cambodia opera- tinental carries out similar
tions on a similar footing as missions in Laos for the agen-
secret operations in Laos, cy.
though perhaps not cu quite `Sources said these Lao spe-
j so large a scale on the ground. cial guerrilla units operating
Sources said the CIA ground from light airstrips in the Bo-
p l ` `.... .. - -
- ` -
By '1'Al1l1Y ARPVJCIU,E ,
Special to The Star
VIENTIANE-The United States is stepping up secret /
operations in Cambodia with guerrilla teams directed by the ,v/
Central Intelligence Agency, well-informed sources here say.
The teams move into northern Cambodia on intelligence
gathering and commando raids from a base in southern Laos,
the sources say.
Combined with denials of what is obviously close U.S. air
support for the Cambodian ' Continental Airlines' aircraft'
operation into Cambodia is run Si We
for by the agency's substation in traffic, a all hthe Ie way from
the Mekong River tocrn of Ban ac on the Sek}o- river
Paese in Southern Laos. Laos tc li.ovieng in Cambodia.
troops from the 2nd Special These American -operations
Guerrilla Unit based oil Toby- a
are used in their operations. re "vital " accordinwt to well
ens Plateau. In Southern Laos informed sources' to achieve
some success in interdicting
They are led by ex-U.S. militia the reinforcement and resup-
on hire to the agency. ply routes Hanoi has pushed
A smaller grout, of I:ha Lave through Southern Laos to
tribesmen is based in Laos at Northern Cambodia in recent
a location which cannot be dls- months.
closed for reasons of military These Communist supply
security. Thay oper:;te iota routes support Communist at-
Northesst Carilhadia against tacks against hard-pressed
parts of a Coinrnur)st base eastern Cambodia into South
at ea kno; 1 as "-lost oper- Cambodian defenders at Iionl-
ations to date have been in pond Thom and Sieh Reap and
Camko''aa+s ,~ S'ic.l,gYren^-I'LO -
~n., ?coiwo5S moving across North-
ince where the local Canlbodi- eastern Cambodia into South
an population speaks Lao as Vietnam.
their primary language. Reds are expected to further
Stung Treng was part of improve these routes and per
Laos before French rulers in hags launch new attacks
190-4 shifted it under the ad-. against Laos to do this. The
ministration of Phnom Penh. secrecy policy, ho-,sever, is not
Common language plus Lao carried out on military
and local populace feeling that grounds. Sources admit that
Stung Trend belongs in Laos the Reds already know the lo-
anyway has helped Laotians in cations of Lao guerrilla air-
their military o p e r a t i o 11 S strips and have clashed with
there. teams inside Cambodia.
Teams of eight or ten men,
-s o.m e t i m e s including two Protects Laos Stance
`Americans, survey new Corn- Secrecy in part protects the
munist infiltration routes into official Laos stance of neutral-
Northern Cambodia leading art] a~ aids alit
from Southern Laos toward pressure upart]),
in } the United public
Communist headquarters near ai U .S. involvement in
the Cambadiar_ town of Rev- Laos and Cambodia.
i iengsources said. LTeams have a It t a c k e d Also because the Central In-
trucks ammunition and rice telligence Agency, and not the
caches by calling in U.S. air military, is carrying out the
operation, secrecy is naturally
strikes. These air strikes are part of SOUL excessive.
believe that t h e interdiction operations ish Sth r sCt2f
President Nixon al- meats senators of the U.Sand. publi,.c un-
ready has admitted. ted.
how necessary these
Approved For f g I l) Q 1 C -R (P:I 1 ~ ,~ro001-7 'If bcdia's ,1 o r t h e r n "Crean sure on am )oalans Ln
Vietnam there would be less
I'iallgle" of Laba115i;k, Bo.iod problems in both funding and
-l I'f n^c ern ?,fr_
16 Au g 1970
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01601 ROO -
44 0
"c/ i+l
Star Staff Writer
HONG KONG -- While the
military situation in Cambodia
remains uncertain, and the po-
litical stability of the Lon Nol
government is still of en to
doubt, Prince Norodom Snhau-
ouli is having problems.
The exiled Cambodian lead-
er has failed to win wide-
Spread acceptance for his con-
tention that he was unconstitu-
tionally ousted from the post
of chief of state.
His efforts to secure accept-
ance of his Pekma-based "roy-
al government of national un-
ion of Cambodia" as the lc-giti-
rnate regime have bogged
down. Only 17 Communist and
left-leaning countries have
recognized it in preference to
the government in Phnom
And lie is running out of
places to visit, of crowds
ready to feed his love of popu-
lar acclaim.
These problems do not mean
that Sihanouk's cause is neces-
sarily doing poorly and his fu-
ture prospects are dim. The
situation inside Cambodia re-
mains fluid enough to offer
him hope of outlasting Pre-
mier Lon Nol.
The hope is dependent upon
continued ' military support
from Hanoi and conditioned by
ed the throne" of uaniooula.
He "participated by your
side" in the 1955 Afro-Asian
conference in Bandung and,
"still by your side," in the 1961
Belgrade non-aligned summit
News Selected With Care
This persona.l touch ignored
the fact that only Ethiopia's
Ilaile Selassie among present
non-aligned leaders was in
power in 1941, and few were
even in 1.1,61. _
The letter used a careful
selection of. Western news re-
ports on events in Cambodia
since Sihanouk's ouster March
18 to depict conditions support-
ing his case. There was partic-
ularly heavy reliance on
French writers who saw the
CIA behind every anti=)
Sihanouk move --- a charge
that no one has documented
and many independent observ-
ers have rejected.
Sihanouk argued at length
that the Cambodian constitu-
tion did not make it possible
for him to he removed as chief
of state. Ile also contended
that the adoption of a republi-
can form of government under
Lon Nol would violate the 1947
constitution and would lack
the approval of a genuinely
free referendum.
Claims Popular Foots
"uncertainty over North Viet-
nam's ultimate intentions.
With a touch of desperation,
Sihanouk has issued an open
letter to "the kings, heads of
state and heads of government
of non-aligned countries" ap-
pealing for support.
Took Week to Print
It is so long -- more than
'12,000 words -that the New
China News Agency made it
public in installments from
Aug. 8,. the day Sihanouk re-
leased it, over a week that
ended Friday.
"Your majesties and your
excellencies," Sihanouk asked,
in effect, how can you(turn
your backs on me -- me,; your
old friend?
Switching to third person, he
wrote that "Norodom Sihan-
ouk has had the honor to he
your humble `colleague' since
the year 1941 when he ascend-
1 ^` (
Ss V C 1 i 3 a
"has its `roots' among the poe-
pie and possesses all the at-
tributes of a legal govern-
The government was ap-
pointed "after having been
elected by the general con-
gress of adherents of the na-
tional united front of Kampu-
chea," Sihanouk's political'
party formed in exile.
f The front was originally
known, from - initials of the
French version, as FUNK, but
i K7 f'M' It \ Ji ~._ xfl ~'Sai l o;i
apparently some Cambodian
or Chinese public relations
man thought better of that and
switched to the English initials
The letter did not mention
that the NUFK congress was
held in Peking and not attend-
ed by the three ministers
whom he described as its
"principal rnernbers." Sihan-
ouk denied reports that he had
once had ? the three murdered,
before he switched to their
leftist side.
His government has so far
been recognized by Albania,
Algeria, China, Central Afri-
can Republic, Congo (Brazza-
ville), Cuba, Guinea, Iraq, Li-
bya, ]Mauretania, North Ko-
rea, North Vietnam, Romania,
Sudan, Syria, South Yemen
and Yugoslavia.
Noticably missing from the
list are the Soviet Union and
its most loyal followers. The
exile government's minister of
finance, Thiounu L%Tumm, re-
cently visited Moscow and
some ,;cast European capitals
seeking support.
Intensive lobbying also has
been under way in non-aligned
countries. Special efforts have
been made, so far without suc-
cess, to gain admission to the
non-aligned summit confer-
ence of 74 nations scheduled to
begin Sept. 8 in Lusaka, Zam-
Most non-aligned .nations
seem inclined to try to avoid
having to make a decision on
which Cambodian government
to recognize. Neither is likely
to he seated at Lusaka, al
though Phnom Penh also has
been trying to gain admission.
Picks Up Some Support
Sihanouk continues to pick
up support from Cambodians
abroad. His government is-
sued a statement Friday wel-
coming the adlicrence of Cam-
bodian students and a diplo-
mat in Czechoslovakia. Last
month an official sent on a
mission to the Worlrl Beak by
Lon Nol defected on the way
home and went to Peking.
On Aug. 1 the "Voice of the
NUFK" radio began broad-
casting. Sihanouk's open letter
claimed that the station is "in
the liberated zone" of Cambo-
dia, but this seemed unlikely
for logistical reasons.
There is precedent for it to
be in southern China. The
"Voice of the Malayan Revolu-
tion" and the "Voice of the
People of Thailand," both
Chinese-controlled Communist
insurgent stations, are located
A news agency, the "Agency
Khmere D'Inforin ati en
(AKI)," was established Mon-
clay to distribute material on
the exile movement.
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400210001-7
Approved For Ref E2b 81t?3 P8O-01601 RO0040021
8 1970
moves fo.reouc(; American ,troop commitments iii Soiith'
east Asia, certain ilisttirliii7g aspects of the situation
have not been satisfactorily explained. The reference
is to what . as ,going on in Laos. and Canbodia, which
4 tonds to undermine heartening action elsewhere.
Troop withdrawals are steadily iuiidW way in South
~Vie'tnain and can be expected to continiie; the admit
~istratioh has toiiiiiiitted itself to deadlines. In South
loiea; the announced pullout of troops, appears likely
o be. iiiacle, even in the face of objections by the Seacil
A diMii'bing situation continues, however; in both,
`Laos, and Cambodia. In the former, there is no longer
much of arl attempt to hide the-CIA's ac.ttpities through
its Air Aiiierica operations. Television network news='
tilen havve filmed Ait. America planes supplying Amer='
lcan-paid troops. Support for an army of perhaps as'
many as 10,OOti is reportedly being ,financed by the
CIA. rfhere seeuiis little doubt that the Central Intel-
ligence Agency not only is functions ig in Laos, but
enjoys behind-the-scenes administration suppokt.
In Cambodia, it now is clear that United States air-
craft are aiding the Cambodian army. Though the D?=l
ense Department offers half-hearted cleriiais of tl .
newsiness: on the scelid report that U. S. planes are ca -
'tying bUt more than their officially sanctioned mission :
to cut supply lines. Most such 'interdiction missions'
seem to occur close to where Cambodian troops happen.
to be in tIOllble.
Thei-e is nothing new about contradictions between
.0 - fficial policy positions and .what is reported by news
tiien. ,In the past, such discrepancies have far the uriost`
tart Svorked to the disadvantage of long-larige Ameri-
can interests. The benefit of troop withdrawals from'
South Vi:tnat1' and South Korea mdy be nullified, oi? at'
4ny rate made less significant, by continued involve=
merit in Laos and Caiiibodia:
in spite of tie administration's t'v611 publicized
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP8O-01601ROO0400210001-7
Approved For Release 2000/0811* ,e
M_-- 111,867
-Ia e Uh W-)
By Richard Thomas
W.ti51I1NG0'ON -- A resoluti;in Whalen -cited last year's un-
to keep clandestine intelligence -successful' attempt to include
operations in line with national CIA funding in a military appro.
policy and eliminate duplication, priations bill as an example o'
and competition among U. S. contusion that the committee
spy agencies is to be introduced could prevent,
today by Rep. Charles W.
Whalen Jr., R-Dayton. In that ittstanee X200 million of
a $500 million request for the
The nl e a s u r e eatablislr^s a M a n it e d Orbiting Laboratory
joint committee on intelligence,, (;%,MOL,) was in fact earmarked
having jurisdiction over the Cen for the CIA..'lla two items Were
tral Intelligence Agency, De= s F p a r a t e d when Congress
fense Intefli ence--Agency, Na- learned of the ploy.
tional S e c it r i t y Agency, the-
State Department's bureau of
`intelligence and research, and
'the intelligence departments of..
the armed services.
SPONSORING fT :vith-Whalen /
are Sens. Euge-re J. McCarthy,
D-Minn., and Mark 0. Hatfield,
R-Ore., and Rep. Dranald H;
Fraser, D-Minn. '
W h a I e n said the resolution
,spring's chiefly from cnnceiii
that intelligence operations, in`
the absence of coordinated con-
gressional oversight, sometimes
contradict policies of Congress
and the executive branch.
"Who knows if the overthrow
of the Cambodian government
? (the coup which ousted Prince
Sihanouk) was a CIA. opera-
tion?". he asked. "I'm not say-
Ong it was, it's just that it may
have. been a covert operation"
that members of Congress were
not told about.
TILE PURPOSE of the corr_-
mittees, but the existing setup
release security matters," he
`said, but rather to provide an
;oversight panel to consider intel-
ligence ventures in the light of
,national policies.
Many intelligence endeavors
now ' are reviewed by one of
several congressional com-
mittes, but the existing setup
fails to coordinate diverse and
sometimes conflicting o p e r a-
tions, he said.
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400210001-7
2 Al I-U3`P 1970
Approved For Release 2000/08/16: CIA-RDP80-01601 RO
Ry.1. LETI U H
AUGUST, 1970
FOUND your photograph the other
day, torn by shrapnel and lying
in the dust near a bombed-out pa-
goda at Oudong. A monk either hadn't
heard the directive of last March that
your image was henceforth banned
throughout Cambodia or had ignored
it. This old laminated photo had been
tacked to the wall of his but until
the morning a rocket caved in its
thatched roof and sent it flying. You
were younger in the picture, thinner,
holding a bouquet of yellow flowers
and smiling with that expression of,
vague discomfort I see so often on
the faces of your countrymen. In
Cambodia, a furtive, grateful smile
A. J. LANGGUTH, a former Times
Correspondent, is on a freelance report-
tour of Sou6east Asia.
seems to be the best defense against
Ill fortune.
Riding back from Oudong, we
stopped to let pass a battalion of
Cambodian soldiers, untested and
exuberant boys who cheered and ap-
plauded themselves, all the while
showing their teeth in that same self-
conscious way. They were traveling
to war in civilian buses painted bright
green and gypsy blue because their
allies hadn't yet provided enough
military trucks. A few miles to our
right, almost lost in gray clouds, rose
Pnom Oudong, the hill where Cam-
bodia's capital once stood.
The Communist tortes--call them
Vietminh or Vietcong or the North
Vietnamese Army or the Khmer
Rouge-had taken the hill for strate-
lgic as well as symbolic reasons, and
they could watch our car racing down
.Route 5 and could count the Govern-
ment buses as they moved toward
Kompong Cham.
The Communists that clay were
also holding Angkor, and according
to other rcAW~C`( IOWFl el'a$~
there and pr laim your government
Inside the sacred ruins. You had done
something like that once before, In
1953, when the French treated you
like a 30-year-old adolescent and tried
to distract you from your demands
for Cambodian independence with
another round of Paris nightclubs.
You exiled yourself in Bangkok and
at Battambang until the French gave
way. Now you wait in Peking for a
wave of history that will restore you
again to power.
Given the American appetite for
absolutes and quick solutions, we
have often found your political style
bizarre if not immoral. For a decade
one newsmagazine referred to you
as "Snooky" for your crime of rais-
ing doubts about the Pax Americana.
But less chauvinistic observers have
been just as distressed by your con-
trariness. What to make, for exam-
ple, of your relationship with Lon
Nol, the general who deposed you?
For years you have alternated praise
for him with denunciations. You re-.
moved him as Premier in 1957, then
insisted last August that he accept
the job again. On a dozen occasions
you've predicted that he and Prince
Sirik Matak would try to unseat you
and yet, it now appears, you never
really believed your own warnings.
Intrigue, compromise, tendentious
neutrality--the dodges and twists to
your policy have been hard to follow,
so that when I returned to Cambodia
after six years away from it I set
myself only four questions and tried
to keep them simple: Why were you
deposed? Did the United States take
part in removing you? Can the pres-
ent Cambodian Government survive?
Would the people. of Cambodia be
better served with you back in Pnorn-
penh or as a permanent guest of
5 NEVITADLY the answers proved
more convoluted than the questions,
more subjective, and often clumsy
with parenthetical qualifications and
disclaimers. But looking down at your
photograph on the ground, I decided
I would share my conclusions with
you. Given the avidity with whim population. "One American _ repre-
you have conducted state business sentative of a peace group was in
in the world's press, I doubted that pnolnpenh last week, and he told
the public nature of my letter would Nol has been paid
2d{}h0~b1.u6 : CIA-RDP80-01601 ROOI~~snce 1958:" A Cabinet
When I heard last March 18 that minister looked at me half-hopefully
the Cambodian National Assembly
had voted to remove you as chief of
state, I drew the same conclusion
that's occurred to much of the world.
I assumed that the Government of
the United States, acting through the
most-publicized secret agency in the
history of espionage, had a hand in
pushing you from office. From Paris
you made that accusation. And the
North Vietnamese, who had seen
their embassy sacked in Pnompenh
one week earlier, seemed to believe
it. Over the next days when Lon Nol
tried to bargain with Hanoi and
Peking he should not have been sur-
prised that they rebuffed him. Why
deal with a puppet of the Americans?
Lon Nol was ready to make certain
concessions to protect Cambodia's
neutrality, including the continued
-passage through the eastern prov-
inces of medical supplies for the
Vietcong. But how could a govern-
ment with so strong an anti-Commu-
nist bias be trusted?
That suspicion of American in-
volvement is not going to die. It is
too useful a propaganda tool. And
the nature of intelligence work makes
it impossible to say flatly that no
secret understanding was reached.
With some justice, you have always
been convinced that American agents
were implicated in the attempt to do
away with you in the late fifties.
You even produced a movie about it
-"Shadow on Angkor"-though I
haven't seen the picture and theaters
in Pnompenh are now booking -the
American Westerns you had pro-
scribed for so long.
Officials of Lon Nol's Government
deny categorically that they had
dealings with the C.I.A., but the
accusation doesn't anger them. They
are well-disposed toward the United
States and many of them would have
been delighted to have had guaran-
tees from American agents before
embarking on a step so traumatic
as the banishment of the man who is
still God-lung to a sizable part of the
RAMPARTS P80-016010AM0
Approved For Release 2000/0
77-7 7, 7, 3 ~`T, '
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~'.. :'. r ~? ;'?;~ ~% -fir'++eilr~iL' . : _~uias..+~K..e~:.fyc~4.~ ::s~C:tr:
The Road to Phnom Penh:
CambodiaTakes up the Gun
N MARCH 18, AN AMERICAN-backed military
coup overthrew the neutralist government of
Prince Norodom Sihanouk, forcing the Cambo-
dian I eft into all-out insurgency and providing
American counterinsurgents with yet another Vietnam.
First South Vietnam; then Laos; now Cambodia-American
power has finally toppled the last domino in Indochina into
communist revolution.
For over a decade, the United States had tried to unseat
Sihanouk and replace him with a right-wing regime. Though
a conservative in domestic policies, Sihanouk jealously
guarded his country's independence, knowing that entan-
gling alliances could only lead Cambodia straight into the
Indochina war, and from there into a full-scale revolution
of her own. He also knew that if Cambodia ever became a
junior partner in America's Asian alliances, she would open
herself to the territorial expansion of her traditional ene-
mies, the Thais and the South Vietnamese.
He was right. General Lon Nol, Cambodia's new ruler, has
abandoned neutrality. South Vietnam's General Thieu has
agreed to occupy Cambodia, defending Lon Nol from the
Cambodian people, at least until a successful Cambodianiza-
tion of the war permits the withdrawal of South Vietnam-
ese combat troops. The Thais have volunteered military aid
and their own combat troops. And the Americans, striking
from air and land, are turning Cambodia into the newest
battlefield in an unending war.
Sihanouk, meanwhile, is now chief of his country's revo-
lutionary movement. "America attracts communism," the
former neutralist once explained, "like sugar attracts ants."
Sihanouk first became King of Cambodia in 1941, ap-
pointed by the Vichy. French, who from the outset of
World War II administered the country on behalf of the
Japanese. In early 1945, after Vichy fell to the Allies, the
Japanese seized direct control of Indochina, made the right-
wing collaborator- Son Ngoc Thanh premier, and pushed
Sihanouk to declare Cambodia independent of French rule.
Following the defeat of Japan in World War 11, the French
returned, jailing Son Ngoc Thanh and forcing Sihanouk to
make Cambodia "an autonomous state within the French
Union." This effectively reestablished French military and
economic control, and gave the French the use of Cambo-'
dia and Cambodian troops in their campaign to regain con-
trol of Vietnam from the Viet Minh.
In reaction to the French takeover, many of Son Ngoc
Thanh's followers fled to Thailand, where they organized a
Cambodian independence movement. The new group, the
Khmer Issarak, covered the political spectrum from right-
wing nationalists to communists, and included ethnic Viet-
namese' living in Cambodia. By 1953, the anti-French
Khmer Issarak, working closely with the Viet Minh, con-
trolled three-fifths of Cambodia..
S IHANOUK, HIS NATIONALIST credentials now in ques-
tion, began his own "royal crusade for indepen-
dence." Capitalizing on French fear of the Khmer
Serai and the Viet Minh, he skillfully maneuvered the
French to back his crusade and, in October 1953, declared
the independence of Cambodia.
Sihanouk's success undermined the nationalist position of
the Khmer Issarak. Son Ngoc Thanh and a few of his right-
wing followers went into exile in Bangkok; the great major-
ity of the Khmer Issarak, including the left, accepted Siha-
nouk's offer of amnesty and laid -down their arms.
Sihanouk then set out to govern Cambodia in classic fash-
ion: balancing right against left, class against class, while
maintaining his own position, as the indispensable man-in-
the-middle. He permitted the communist Pracheachon
Party to operate openly. But, stepping down from the ;
throne, he actively campaigned for his own "Buddhist'
Socialist" Party, the Sangkum, helping it establish exclusive,
control of the National Assembly. He surrounded himself,
both in the Sangkum and in his cabinets, with representa-
tives of the entire span of Cambodian political life, includ-
ing veterans of the Khmer Issarak. Yet he ran the govern-
ment as a one-man show, single-handedly making decisions,
on even the most trivial matters. '
Economically, Sihanouk practiced a kind of top-down
socialism.. But, rather than promoting growth, the profits of
r v d r CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400210001-7
~~% Photograph by Robert Scheu/Photon Wast
C, d
July 21AOZQed For Releasef'6~z 'i- D 8 ~'1bD1R~QU4
gether income taxes for families with in-
comes under $3,600.
Adoption of my bill would be a mean-
ingful first step toward fairness and mod-
ernization of our revenue laws.
pore (Mr. ALLEN). The bill will be re-
ceived and appropriately referred.
The bill (S. 4102) to amend the In-
ternal Revenue Code of 1954 to provide
for an increase in the amount of the per-
sonal exemption, introduced by Mr.
YouNC of Ohio, was received, read twice
by its title, and referred to the Conunit-
tee on Finance.
Mr. YOUNG of Ohio. Mr. President,
Robert S. Boyd, chief of the Akron
Beacon-Journal Washington Bureau, re
cently returned.from 2 weeks' traveling
in North Vietnam. Mr. Boyd is one of the
foremost investigative reporters in the
I ask unanimous consent that his re-
port which was published in the Akron
Beacon-Journal of June 7, 1970, be
printed in the RECORD.
There being no objection, the report
was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
As follows:
(By Robert S. Boyd)
In North Vietnamese eyes, Richard Nixon
is even worse than Lyndon Johnson was.
Although it was L13J who bombed the day-
lights out of their country, Nixon is consid-
ered even more treacherous, stubborn and
cruel than his predecessor.
They believe Nixon Invented the Vietnam
In the Museum of the Revolution In Hanoi,
which covers the 40-year struggle against
French and then American Intervention,
there is an interesting exhibit devoted to
It Is dated 1953, and it shows him smiling
and chatting with the former French puppet
emperor, Bao Dal.
The caption asserts that this was when
Nixon-then a freshman vice president-
conceived his policy of "Using Vietnamese to
fight Vietnamese."
Another display shows Nixon visiting
Hanoi. In the Spring of 1954, before the
French defeat. He toured Dien Bien Phu on
that trip.
The exhibit recalls Nixon's April 1954
speech suggesting American aid to the
French-a project which President Eisen-
hower rejected.
In other words, Hanoi elates Nixon's "Viet-
namization" plan of 1970 back 17 years-
even before the French collapse.
That's how long they say the President has
been trying to make South Vietnam into an
American "colony" by means of Vietnamese
As a general rule, American presidents are
not among North Vietnam's favorite people.
The last good one, in their eyes, was Abra-
ham Lincoln, whom He Chi Minh admired in
his youth.
It Is the North Vietnam view:
Woodrow Wilson fouled up by ignoring the
young He's plea for Vietnamese self-deter-
m?Ination at the end of World War I.
Franklin Roosevelt showed promise, but he
died before he could be of much help.
Harry Truman sold out to the French in
1946 and supported their campaign to hang
on to their old colony. -
Dwight Eisenhower -refused to hold the
'promised elections to reunite Vietnam In
1956. Instead he created a tyrant, Ngo Dinh
Diem, and put him in Saigon.
'John Kennedy beefed up the American
"advisers" and launched a "special war" of
counter-insurgency against "liberation
forces" in South Vietnam.
Lyndon Johnson "Americanized" the war
with half a million GIs, and expanded it to
North Vietnam.
And now, at the bottom of the barrel,
comes Richard Nixon.
Nixon's "Vietna:mization" plan is crueler
than LBJ's "Americanization" of -the war,
said Lutt Quy Ky, secretary general of the
North Vietnamese Journalists Association.
"The cruelty Iles In the fact that if Nixon
uses the blood of other people, he will not be
as economical with it as with American
blood," Ky said.
Nixon Is also mere deceptive than LBJ,
according to the North Vietnamese. Vietnami-
zation Is only'a ruse to lull the American
public, they argue. While cutting down U.S.
casualties and costs, Nixon is actually pro-
lcuging and extending the war, they say.
The harshest Indictment of Nixon I heard
in' my two weeks in North Vietnam came
from H:ang Tung, a smiling, deceptively
mild-mannered intellectual who is editor
in chief of the official communist party news-
paper, Nhan Dan (The People).
"Nixon has accelerated his own defeat
his political defeat at home and the defeat
of his policies in Indochina," Tung said.
"Why? Because he has done things con-
trary to common sense. Things that even
those who us:d to agree with him now dissent
from. Things that even President Johnson
dared not do."
Tung cited what he called Nixon's "escala-
tion" of the war in Laos, the overthrow of
Prince Sihanouk in Cambodia (which IranolN
claims was a CIA plot) and now the inva-
sion of Cambodia. `
Nixon even succeeded In making a Commu-
nist ally out of Cambodia's pleasure-loving
Prince Sihanouk, Thing scoffed.
"We couldn't do that," he said, "but your
Nixon did."
The editor noted sarcastically that Nixon
undertook the Cambodian operation only
days after his Secretary of State told Con-
gress it wouldn't be done, and after a Senate
committee voted against helping the Lon
Nol government of Cambodia.
"Nixon acted in defiance of the Legisla-
ture," Tung said. "His acts bring much dis-
sent. He is more unpopular than Kennedy
or Johnson.
"Nixon claims his 'silent majority' supports
him. But that is' self-deception. The votes
cast for Nixon in your last election were not
meant for him to expand the war, but 'to end
Many Americans may find it poor taste for
an official, of a Communist dictatorship- to
criticize the President for falling to consult
public opinion.
A number of American bomb casings that
have fallen on Vietnamese soil have been de-
risively painted with his name.
Billboards, slogans and cartoons mock him.
And one day, in the southern part of the
country, while American planes were roaring
overhead cn a bombing mission, a 23-year-old
girl looked up and said quietly: "Nixon's
pore. In accordance with the previous
order, the Senator from South Carolina
is recognized for not to exceed 20
Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, there
can be no doubt that there is an urgent
the alarming rate of crime that is flour-
ishing in our Nation. This is particularly
true in the District of Columbia. S. 2601,
the District of Columbia crime bill, pro-
vides these additional measures, and will,
in my judgment, be instrumental in ef-
fecting a reduction in the number of
crimes committed. However, it is unfor-
tunate that certain provisions of this bill
have been, and still are, the subject of
gross misunderstanding by responsible
critics and inaccurate reporting by the
news media.
Mr. President, the provisions of this bill
have been exhaustively studied in com-
mittee by the House and the Senate,
debated on the floor and again studied
by the House-Senate conference. All pro-
visions which were deemed unconstitu-
tional or unwise were eliminated. How-
ever, there is still controversy surround-
ing pretrial detention and no-knock pro-
visions of this bill. Critics of these meas-
ures have argued that such provisions
are unconstitutional and will be misused
by the courts and law enforcement offi-
cials. It seems to me that a careful read-
ing of this bill and a study of its legisla-
tive history, should dispel any doubts one
could possibly have regarding its con-
stitutionality or the fact that many safe-
guards were included in order that the
possibility of misuse would be eliminated.
Let us first consider pretrial detention.
t must be remembered that the concept
eluded in the American Law Institute's
model code of criminal procedure. In
the mid-1960's pretrial detention was
considered by the Senate Subcommittee
on Constitutional Rights and by the
House Judiciary Committee. In 1966, the
President's Commission on Crime in the
District of Columbia recommended legis-
lation to authorize the pretrial detention
of those defendants who present "a truly
high risk to the safety of the commu-
nity." Since that time, other studies have
been undertaken by the District of Col-
umbia Metropolitan Police Department,
the U.S. Attorney's Office, and the Judi-
cial Council Committee To Study the Op-
eration of the Bail Reform Act in the Dis-
trict of Columbia. All of these studies
confirmed the fact that a system of pre-
trial detention was necessary to prevent
dangerous criminals from committing
additional. crimes after being released on
bail. .
These studies, showing the serious
problem" of recidivism during bail,
prompted the measure we now have be-
fore us. However, some critics argue that
pretrial detention is repressive and that
ruler. _
Section 23-1322 of the act provides in
part that:
(a) Subject to the provisions of this sec-
tion, a judicial officer may order pretrial de-
tention of-
(1) a person charged with a dangerous
crime . If the Government certifies by
motion that based on such person's pat-
tern of behavior consisting of his past and
present conduct, and on the other factors set
out in Section 23-1321(b), there is no con-
dition or combination of conditions which
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-016018000400210001-7
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 :l@lg 1 0400210
by Lloyd Shearer
I n 1961 when President John Kennedy, cursion was locally grown and sold to on the Khmers, subsequently chippingl
ordered the first of 10,000 U.S., the North Vietnamese by Cambodian away large chunks of Cambodian ter-
troops to Vietnam, most Americans farmers and government officials. Only) ritory. Basically, this is why the Cam-
knew nothing about that country-its recently have they turned against the odians fear and hate their traditional
location, its people, its history. Communists. Our central Intelligence enemies, the Thais and the Vietnamese,
Nine years later, after more than 50, Agency maintains a list of such double who now play the anomalous role of
000 young Americans had died and. dealing Cambodians. protecting from the Communists a peo-.
anotber 300,000 had been wounded in., Rice and rubber are the 'two tradi ple and territory they once sought to
war-ravaged Vietnam to prevent a Com-, tional Cambodian money crops. The plunder. -
munist takeover there, President Nixon land,suffers from a lack of minerals, and There are several minority groups in.
ordered 40,000 U.S. troops into Cam- practically all manufactured goods are Cambodia: about 500,000 Chinese who.
bodia. imported. The average Cambodian has own and run most of the shops; 500,000
Again-most Americans know pre- ' an income of about $103 per year. Vietnamese who are merchants, arti
cious little about Cambodia, except per- Cambodia covers an area of 67,500 sans and fishermen and are now being
haps what their President has told them, square miles, which makes it approxi- repatriated to South Vietnam; 50,000'
which is: "We take this action not for, mately the size of Missouri. Khmer Loeu (hill tribesmen); 80,000
the purpose of expanding the war into! Its population is approaching 7 mil- Cham-Malays. (Moslems descended'
Cambodia but for the purpose of end-! lion, and its climate is typical of other, from the ancient kingdom of Champa);
C.. ing the war in Vietnam and winning the; Asian monsoon-belt countries. The dry 25,000 Thais and Laotians, and 5000
just peace we all desire." ' season extends from December to May. Europeans, most of them French.
Whether our incursion into Cam-', Monsoons then flood the land, making; Thailand grab
bodia-described by the President as, the roads impassable. Like Vietnam,,
"the most successful operation of this. Cambodia is for Americans a climatical-; . It was France which saved Cambodia
long and difficult war"-with our sub- ly difficult country in which to. fight a' from annihilation by its neighbors in
sequent capture of enemy supplies in war. _ 1863 when it made Cambodia a French :
tremendous numbers will end the war The annual rainfall in Phnom Penh, protectorate. In 1942. when Thailand
instead of expanding it, whether it will the capital city, is 60 inches, with the joined Japan in declaring war against `
aid the Vietnamization program and rainy season, from mid-May to mid- the U.S. and its Allies, it had already an-
speed the withdrawal of American November, accounting for 51 inches. nexed part of northwestern Cambodia.
troops instead of delaying it-only the The humidity is consistently high and, After the war, however, the French
months ahead will tell. ,,j'strength-sapping, and there are only.: compelled the Thais to return the ter- s '
Cambodia meanwhile remains in'the, two relatively comfortable months, De- rito(y.
forefront of the news. Under the cir , cember and January. Cambodia in For the past 30 years, Cambodia has
cumstances it would be well for. the' diplomatic circles Is considered a hard been dominated off and on by Prince
American public to learn something ship country. Duty there calls for higher , Norodom Sihanouk who was displaced:
about that "land of the white parasol;' pay. in March by a coup d'etat. {
for no matter who does the fighting Sihanouk used to be King. He as-''.
there in our crusade to stop the march Americans welcomed tended the throne of Cambodia in
.of communism in Indochina-whether' The Cambodians are a small, slen- '1941 at the age of 19 and insisted at the
it is the Thai army, the South Vietnam der, copper-faced, easygoing, peaceful, end of World War II that France grant.
ese army, or the Cambodian army of. friendly people who'welcomed Ameri- his country independence. The French
Gen. Lon Nol-it is the American peo- can soldiers with open arms. Most of stalled as they did in Vietnam. Sihanouk
ple who have paid, are paying, and will ~ them are Khmers, descendan'ts' of an thereupon began a public campaign I
continue to pay for the war, which has ; Asian people whose civilization reached against French rule. In June, 1953, he
'already cost us more than $120 billionits height from the ninth through the entered voluntary exile, refused to re-
and whose end is nowhere" in sight. 14th centuries. Traces of that splendor" turn to Phnom Penh until France, her
can be seen in' the ruined city of hands full in Vietnam fighting Ho Chi
Dealers in rice Angkor Wat,'visited by Jacqueline Ken- Minh and his guerrillas, finally granted
Cambodia is a land of tropical hard- nedy amidst much fanfare in 1967, independence to Cambodia on Nov. 9,
wood forests and incredibly fertile rice ! ' At the end of the 14th century, the 1953.
paddies. MoAtp - ir8ft*iw( oWwhb *;Aa1WO6/ftem, (MA.IROP&6cb11wvRodo4Oo 111 Osl J er Sihanouk abdicated
American troops In the Cambodian in-. namese from the east-began moving in '.1 the throne in favor of his father. He re-
Approved For Release 2000/08/1 &&P80-01601 R00040021 00
U July 70
Another great book of reportage, responding :.
to the urgent need to understand the now
stage of the war opened by Nixon's Invasion
Out of his rich knowledge gained as an 6n-the-spot'..
reporter for Over 25 years, 'Burchett shows how the CIA
'maneuvered the coup which overthrew Sihanouk, and
then provided. its own Special Forces to sustain the .
et i
nv wa3 mere wnen [ne summit meeting Ot the ?-!. .
Indochinese Peoples (Vietnamese, Laotians. and Cam-:.
bodians) setup a program and a new strategy of unity in
; :the war; and when the new Government of National "`
Unity_ for Cambodia ' was ' formed. He" shows wily
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400210001-7
By PHILLIP BONOSKY to Cambodia scarcely a week be-
'dinaryv documents (published respondents. As Elizabeth Pond
recently) to come out of the was to remark: "Personally I
.present war are the joint work had been deeply dismayed by the
of three American correspon- American decision to send troops
dents who were captured in to Cambodia."
Cambodia May 7 and held In fact, she was to make a
prisoner by the guerrillas for point. of what was already
six weeks before being re- certainly an unusual atti-
leased. - tude with which the three of
Richard Dudman, of the St. them worked in Cambodia.,
Louis Post-Dispatch; Michael that they "never quite accepted
Morrow, of the Dispatch News the premise of an adversary
Service International, and Eliz- relationship, even at the mo-
t, P d s ecial correspond- ments when we were most
.a. . on ,
ent for The Christian Science. frightened." had learned to subordinate
Monitor were intercepted on .. And, in the beginning of their their, own 'private fates to the
Route 1, "the main highway from ordeal, they were often fright- fate of their country. "To live
Saigon to Phnom Penh," down. ened. Their first captors took without freedom and independ-
which they rode in an Interna- them for CIA spies, : and itence," Dudman quotes one of
tional Scout cart that May day was nip and tuck (they felt) his captors as saying, "is
in an effort to discover where whether they would "survive as good as being dead." And
A he war had gone to. Instead, they long enough to prove their iden- another one: "We miss our
found themselves suddenly taken tities as newspaper corres- families, but we have an obli-
:prisoner, and for 40 days ondents. In the first.?villages gation to oppose American
lived behind the "enemy lines" they came to, the villagers aggression. When ' we have
.sharing the, food. and way of denounced them as CIA spies won we will go home in peace."
life of their captors, getting and there were demands for Their sincerity, their single
to know many of them as in- their immediate execution. But, -minded devotion to the free-
dividuals, and in general, dis- then, after once being beaten dom of their homeland, their
covering, in the words of Rich- (that is, the men), they. were willingness to s u b o r d i n a t e
and Dudmhn, that "We saw a rescued finally by a lieutenant then' own personal aims and
well organized movement of of the guerrilla army, who assur- ambitions to the common aim of
Cambodians and Vietnamese ed them that if it was established liberating their country - this
guerrillas in a determined war that they were 'bona-fide the Americans did not dare
against . American tanks and newspaper correspondents no question. Practically, they
planes." And learned "what harm would come to them.
kind of people they are as we And his word proved to be
traveled with them on-foot, by good as gold. For, soon after,
my" soliders, who, in time,
broke down into individuals as
they got to know them better.
. They were far from the face-
less, ignorant "puppets" of the
wily Communists, the men
they came to know. They were
men with a common background
of active resistance, which for
some extended over 20 years,
and included fighting the
French; they were. men who
stood in a strange relationship
to these men and women,
whose determination to fight
was unambiguous and exist-
and from ed on a moral level infinitely
er.It was a remarkable ex- "enemy agent" they gradu superior to the moral level of
perience, unmatched by any ated into a kinder classifica- their opponents, including, at
other American journalists. Lion. In fact, no guard was least formally, themselves.
But what is even more re- placed on them at all after The three Americans were
- markable than. the details of they were cleared. But, Eliz- not unaware of this. . They
their imprisonment is' the tes- abeth Pond reported: "An. es- made no attempt at any time to
timony which each brought cape attempt was the, last defend or even explain the posi-
back, in his own terms, adding thing that any of the three of tion of -their own government..In
his own Insights, of the kind us would have tried, and this fact, as Miss Pond explain-
of man (and woman) who is appeared to be understood. As ed, they were themselves op-
our "enemy", against whom time went on, weapons were posed to it.. Asa result, their
we are counseled by Nixon to freely left in our presence, even reports of life among the Cam-
send fire and disease and in the absence of soldiers." bodian and Vietnamese guer-
bombs to kill in ever-mounting Strange enemy! But their re- rillas testify' to a people for
genocidal numbers as repre- lationship with their captors whom they could barely hide
senting the greatest of dan- deepened even more as time their admiration, even in a
ger to our "way of life". wore. on. They became an inte- certain sense, their envy.
Nixon had sent American troops. gral part of the company, run- It's obvious to the reader,
ning . for shelter from the ma- though the idea is never ex-
rauding American helicopters, pressed overtly, that, as
s Ai8Y~A',6 d s ~y ,of to know their captors
Approved For ReleaseA0-4YOOIAWQ(A4Q92AQQ9nW ideas with
a roof, or none at all. But all
this in common with the "ene-
truck from one village to anoth-
.0 Jul~r 70
Approved For Release-200.0/08/1 : CIA-RDP81904160-1000404
' .
con tini.10a:
Approved For Release 2000/08/16: CIS-~, 8Q-9'7?01 R00040021000
ft Anerii 0
cI e-,every action of the 1'nitvd States C'ntral Intelli-
gence Agency is top secret it is hard to ferret out the facts,
but over the years fragments emerge which throw some
light on its activities.
Its. budget is split among a 100 items in the United
States' multi-billion dollar defence appropriations. Only two
or tnree 17C11awU115 alil.t UV11F~! C7J111C111 111C11ivul a vt CL tvawaa~w~ -. 52rvico
committee. are privy to its size. _ dill!IIH'llfllii(illlll"11111JI1 "'II!Ilil!Ili9!IlII!131IIIIIli9'19"CI!il'I!911111'Ln'IiGICg11191fiUi'lllll!il'a dti is ~? "'`
i- The CIA itself reports to . Despite its protestations are who were charged with enforcement background,
another super-secret body. at being only an external the murder of a Vietnamese as opposed to the more
the National Defence Coun- agency, CIA agents t3 ere ac- national, said to be a double free-wheeling Ivy League
,the which for the record sags tive in bliami, Florida, re- agent. I college graduates who
virtually nothing. Even its cruising Cuban refugees to Another agency, little- used to make up the core
membership is secret. fight. known outside of the of their key people.
But it can be said that The agency's advice to the Uni;eel States that plays a One problem is that men
rivals that of Pentagon and White House key role in supporting CIA resigning from the CIA
the on the degree of support (activity is the National often find that employment
many Y medium-sized riva-sized nations, Prime Minister Fidel Castro
S ,..._,~..
inc,4) at Langley offers rear-
and It employs w?'
had in his own country
thousands of agents through- not to be confused with obstacles to getting a new
bly proved compettely erroneous. N NSA the space agency. job.
out more the than world - Russia. prob. Many liberal Senators claim " Headquartered a A well-publicised case
that the agency is 50 occurred in Washington re-
The CIA is quick to po?nt paranoid about Communists Security cently when a . CIA em-
`out that it operates only and Communism that its
;outside the limits . of the collective judgements are ployee resigned to return
continental United States. often seriously distorted. (sprawling complex Fort to university teaching. He
Meade, -Maryland, nd, at. 30 was on the short list for a
Its work internally being Certainly the record in- h miles from Langley, the plum appointment, but
done by the FBI. Each dicates that the CIA is more NSA's security arrange- when it became known he
foreign post has a "Pesi- ' likely to be friendly to right- ments are, if possible. even , had' been a researcher for
dent" who controls the ac?
.tivities of his men in the
field. Often the Resident
operates out of the United
States Embassy in. the
nation concerned, much to
.the disgust of regular dip-
lomats who call CIA men
"spooks," sometimes to
their faces.
Controlling and co-ordin-
ating these world-wide op.
'erations is a huge staff in
CIA headquarters at Lang-
'ley, Virginia - a massive
concrete building tucked
,away behind a grove of
trees just off a super-high-
;way a few miles from Wash-
tngton, DC.
A coy direction sign
announces It as the Public
;Works Department for the
.District of Columbia.
CIA critics say this piece
of cloak-and-dagger non-
' sense which deceives nobody
They have been accusea, Marine guards and any- dropped from considera-
often with convincing evi- body walking around the Lion,
dence. of interfering on the building without conspic- Defenders of the agency
side of the generals in sev uously displaying his iden- argue that every major
eral Latin American and tity will instantly have a
s not_ power must be in tha int31-
Alniost without exception, military coups
I around the world In recent years hnvo bought
charges of involvement by America's Ccntrnl
Intelligence Agency. Recently Icing Iussni:s hag
hinted at CIA int,~rferenco in Jordon. What ib
EN this shadowy organisaton and how does it v7c:'i?
Cocking investigates for Gemini ?'Yew
iE R
gun oarrei at Ills ueau.
Argentina, and Brazil. NSA's principal task is
matter of self-protection.
4o crack the dipiematic and On the charge of ama-
Mainstay military codes of every teurism, one CIA man told.
other nation on earth. It me: "Sure we make a lot
The agency has been a employs some of. the most , of mistakes, After all, the
mainstay of President Ky's i sophisticated computer United States has been
military regime in South , equipment ever assembled. running the world for only
Vietnam, and' there Is no The results of this work a little more than 23 yearn.
doubt that it had a big hand are useful to the CIA and Before us, the British were
In toppling the neutralist i the National Security doing it for nearly 300,
government of Prince Sih- Council. But several, allied which gave them plenty of
Perhaps its most sicken- exercise.
big intervention was in The growing criticism is
Greece, where the colonels making it more difficult for
oligarchy boasts of the sup- the CIA to recruit suitable
port of the United States personnel. It is said that -
Government as It imprisons ; they are more and more
and tortures its democratic turning to men with a law
opponents: ? - - - -
As typical of the theatrical The evidence indicates
amateurism of_ the entire that the CIA uses all classic
CIA operation. tools of a spy organisation
The CIA's most. spectacu- assassination, murder,
lar failure was, of course, bribery and blackmail of -
,the Bay of P' s invasio
Y Cuba proved ort e pp(#Aoj y CA-RDP80-016018000400210001-7
? Green Beret troops in Viet-
Approved For Release 200/68W 1 T -RDP80-01601 R000400210
~~.~.~. m rc narle's infest Cambodia
-Cambodia: May. 1979.' is a
slim. 15-page report prepared
for the use of the Senate For-
eign Relations Committee b}
two of its staff members. James
G: Lowenstein and' Richard M.
Moose. The two committee staf-
ters went to South Vietnam and
Cambodia during the U.S.-Saigon
invasion. were briefed by top-
ranking U.S. Saigon and Cam-
bodian civil and military offi-
'.:ial,. and returned to Washing-
ton to prepare a mall package
.,t political dynamite which is
this repor:
One of the most shocking parts
it the report deals with the
'ethnic Cambodian" troops from
South Vietnam's Mekong Delta
These Khmer Krom ? 'Lower
Cambt dians were organized.
/ trained and equipped by the
J U.S. Central Intelligence Agency
to form the mainstay of the
CIA ? Civilian Irregular Defense
Groups ,CIDG, . in South Viet-
nam. The CIDG are the mer-
venaries who man Special Forces
camps along the South Vietna.
mese border. They seem to
have performed other functions
It was publicly known that
sometime in late April. the U.S.
began airlifting thousands of
Khmer Krom troops into -he
Cambodian capital of Phnom
Penh to help defend the Lon
Not regime. The Senate staffers'
inquiries about the precise date
when the Khmer Krum had in-
tervened in Cambodia were all
rebuffed by U.S. military and
civilian officials in Phnom Penh
and Saigon.
But an American newsman in
Phnom Penh told Lowenstein
and Moose "that he had talked
to one of the Khmer soldiers
who had told him that he 1-ad
been in Phnom Penh for four to
six weeks. which would mean
that he had arrived there during
the month of March." i Empha-
,;is mine-T.F.
This is a crucially important
admission. Prince Norodom Si-
hanouk was ousted by the Lon
Not clique on March 18. but the
country was supposed to have
remained at least theoretically
neutral until near the end of
April. The new Lon Nol regime
made quite a point of the as-
`Viet Cong"
sertion that. the "
and "North Vietnamese" were
the only foreign troops in Cam-
bodia. Now we find that CIA-
trained ethnic Cambodian troops
were in the Cambodian capital
in March. perhaps during or
even before the Lon Nol coup.
This may go a long way to-
ward explaining many of the be-
wildering events of March in
Phnom Penh.".which were so un-
characteristic of the Cambodians
and baffled people who had liv-
ed and worked with them for
years. No one would have thought
that Cambodians could have
been organized to attack and
plunder the embassies of the
Provisional Revolutionary Gov-
ernment of South Vietnam or
the Democratic Republic of Viet-
nam. Almost no one would have
thought it possible for the easy-
going, tolerant Cambodians to
launch real pogroms against the
peaceful: Roman Catholic fisher-
men of Vietnamese descent who
live in a separate quarter of
Phnom Penh. 'Yet. these things
happened. and Cambodians were
seen waving banners inscribed:
--Kill the Viet Cong! ' If it were
to be assumed that the leaders
of these activities and the bru-
massacres which followed
were Khmer Krom, 'trained CIA
killers who have been fighting
'in South Vietnam for years
against the National Liberation
Front. then many people would
feel that things begin to fall into
Even if none of these assump-
tions are made, however, the
fact that the CIA's Khmer. Krom
troops were in Phnom Penh in
March is enough to rule out the
possibility that the Lon Nol coup
was a home-made affair.
Approved For Release 2000/08/16`: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400210001-7
Approved For Release 2pp4~0p/pg/1fi 01 10 July 7, 1 TO
S10654 CONGR~S~109~f ~~ -
M,-PERIENCES AND OBSERVATIONS Driving clown highway I, the main route npeaking Cambodian rtudent yet into the
IN CAMI30DIA-ARTICLES BY from Saigon to Phnom Penh, we were waved spirit of thoj apture, and his friendly manner
on at a checkpoint manned by friendly disappeared.
RICHARD DUDMAN Cambodian forces. The sentry gave us no Each time the truck slowed, he leaned out
b art about "the three Americans" inside.
f t
is Post- fields were deserted. No peasant trudged along
correspondent of the St. Lou field
Dispatch, has written a fascinating series the highway.
of articles describing his experiences and When we reached a blowri-up bridge with
observations during the 5 weeks he was no warning Sign, we knew the worst. We had
held in enemy hands in Cambodia. I be- unwittingly entered the no man's land be-
lieve that the articles speak most elo- eenrAllied Norodom Sihhe guei ilia ousted
quently for themselves and, without fur- tCambrting ng Nord o stSih the
ther comment, ask unanimous consent . Swiftly we turned our International Scout
that the six articles which appeared in and headed back along the destored road to-
the St. Louis Post-Dispatch be printed ward 8vay Rieng. We had gone only 100 yards
in the RECORD at this point. or so when a Vietnamese with an automatic
There being no objection, the articles 'rifle stopped us. In a moment a Cambodian
were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, joined him. I ,, ??
as follows: With rifles trained on us, they ordered us
to empty our pockets on the pavement.and
(From the St. Louis Poet-Dispatch, then motioned to us to start walking. Hands
June 22, 19701 raised, we clambered down a collapsed bridge
r PERISNCES AND ODSERVATIONS IN CAMBODIA span and up the rubble on the other side.
The rice paddles stretched emptily on both '
sides of us. The countryside was deser
were frighteningly alone.
Suddenly a Vietnamese in a sports shirt
and carrying a Chinese-made automatic rifle
slid from behind a big tree. We stopped our
car and scrambled out, hands up.
Mr. P'UIBRIGIIT, Mr. President, warning. but suddenly about a moo wes
In the Parrot's Beak area of I suppose the villagers thought we were
avnv Ricog
f the American
alarmed our captors. "Di, dl, di (hurry, hurry.
hurry)"-they ordered us to run. There was
no cover except an occasional tree. Some of
the trees had been felled and lay across the
highway as makeshift roadblocks.
When Beth lagged behind, a man on a'bi-
downed flyers from ono
planes that had been bombing Cambodia
since Slhanouk'a overthrow. STATINi
At the last stop-at a sizable village-
hatred reached a critical level. In twoo and
threes boys and young men climbed the cab
and tailgate of our truck to glare down at
us. They shook their fists. Several made ob-
scene gestures. At one point an older man
clambered to the cab roof and berated us.
There was a respite when a young Vlet-
nameso soldier arrived and ordered the villag-
era off the truck. He asked a few questions
and then he, too, assured us we would not
be shot. He and others tied strips of toweling
tightly around our heads, blindfolding us.
Someone took me by the hand. Linking hands
with Mike and he with Beth, we climbed over
the tailgate to the ground.
A slip knot of. binder twine went over my
right wrist, and the other end was tied to a
motorbike. Mike's wrist was tied the same
way. "Di, dl, di" came the command. Blind-
folded, stumbling, fearful of breaking an
ankle, we ran as fast as we could to keep up
with the bike.
Several hundred villagers had gathered, and
.the motorbike pulled up through their
gantlet. Fists and hands hit and shoved W
from both sides. "Beat the Americans to
death," the people shouted angrily.
Eventually the voices faded. The motorbike
kept going, and we kept running. We must
have run half a mile. I could feel under foot'
the path trailing off Into heavy dust or sand.
All Z could think of were the mass graves I
had seen outside Hue for civilians killed
there by Communist forces during the Tet
journalists." , running about two miles, we were led down
That was the beginning of my 40 days with a side path. In a thatched-roof hut, Mike and
the guerrillas. We were prisoners in Cam- I had to take off our pants and shoes. They
bodia. were returned to s after a thorough search
It was the start of an extraordinary ex- and we were given cups of tea,
perience in the new war that America is Our first interrogation began a few minutes
fighting In Cambodia. Of 23 correspondents later in an other hut. A young man wearing
d there by the enemy, a pistol did the questioning. Mike explained
ve been cap
In Vietnamese we were
who ha we three are the only ones held for any length that International
He said that he and Beth are
of time who have been released.
In nearly six weeks of hiding in jungle and
paddyland there were times of terror when
our lives were at stake. There also were much
boredom and occasional happy times playing
chess with our captors and making a feast of
roast dog. We lost weight, but except for
some ant bites, minor infections and dysen-
tery, we came out in reasonably good health.
It also was a newspaperman's, once-in-a-
lifetime opportunity to see life on the other
side in the chaotic new conflict that has
spilled over from the war in Vietnam.
We saw a well-organized movement of
Cambodian and Vietnamese guerrillas in a
determined war against American tanks and
planes. We gradually learned about their
hatred of America, their tactics, their rela-
tionship with the Cambodian peasants and
what kind of people they are, as we traveled
with them on foot, bicycle and occasionally
by truck from one village to another.
we feel an
first to be released
obligation to the 20 correspondents still mess- three kilometers and then came to a big
h we made no deal for our re- Czech-made truck. Camouflaged with tree
tag. lease, we decided to withhold a few details, branches, it stood at the aide of the road In
such as the exact place of our release, for . what appeared the vehicle large h village. about were
fear of jeopardizing our colleagues.
TAKEN FOR SPIES bodlan soldiers. One carried a Chinese AK-47
Our captors suspected us of being spies automatic rifle; another, a light machine
for the Central Intelligence Agency, and we gu.
are determined to avoid doing anything that Their mood was getting more dangerous.
would feed their suspicion of other cor- The Cambodians watched us intently but im-
respondents they have captured. passively. We offered a smile; no response.
It was May 7 when it all started. Just a The soldier with the automatic .rifle kept it
week earlier President Richard M. Nixon had pointed at my chest. When I motioned po-
litely to him to point It to one side, he waved
opened a new dfinennion of the war in South- it angrily at me and put the gun to my head. wrist bind:.:,-a. I must have imagined those
east Asia et announcing that American and ? He kept it there all the while the trunk . screams; she had not been harmed. She
Couch Vltnnmeae troops were invading bounced along jungle roads.
Cambodia.. satd.a Cambodian soldier had make ahalf-
At noon Miss Elizabeth Pond of the ANGRY CROWDS hearted effort to rape her. Quick-witted, she
Christian Science Monitor, Michael Morrow The danger mounted at each village an an- had told him that he (the soldier) was her
of Dispatch News Service International and'I gry-faced crowd of men and women gathered bro'.t..-'r and she his sister and he stopped.
set out from Saigon to see how for the Inva- and climbed the tailgate of 'the truck for a Six long hours had passed since our cap-
slon had penetrated. look. at the hated Westerners, The French- ture at noon; it was early evening and dark.
Approved For Release 2000%08/16 :?CIA-RDP80-016'018000400210001-7
Invasion of South Vietnam In 1968.
i was sure we were being taken out of
Canadians, and I was an American. town to be shot.
An older man with one eye, who had been At last the motorbike stopped. We were
listening skeptically, took over the question- + cut loose. Then our hands were lashed
Ing. He accused us of being CIA agents. It/ tightly behind our backs.
was the first of many such accusations that We were led into a darkened building with
would be made against us in the next five a dirt floor. I heard a muttered conversa-
weeks. tier, then a sharp crack and a moan. It . .
A young man who spoke French arrived ' was Mike. I felt him slump. to the floor. I
and took a friendlier tone. He said he was a ? thought he had been shot. I knew I was
Cambodian student from Phnom Penh and next.
was working the Cambodians and Vetnamese Someone struck me on the back of the head
revolutionary forces fighting the Americans dropped to the
and South Vietnamese. He told us we would with floor. a Mike wooden was club and I unconscious for a few mo
not be shot in any event. If we were what we meats, but I was not. I lay there expecting -
said we were, he promised, we would be set to be kicked and beaten. Instead, I was
free. yanked to a sitting position and ordered to
But the friendly tone vanished when a spread my legs.
gray-haired man with - a stern manner ar- Our captors barked questions at Mike ac-
rived. He didn't believe a word of our story. cueing us of being American spies. Then - '
Over and over Mike told him how we had set they were quiet. In the distance I thought
out from Saigon that morning to see and ' I heard a woman's voice shrieking in pain.
report what was happening In Cambodia. I was sure Beth, who had been separated
After more questions we were taken from from us when Mike and I were tied to the
the hamlet on bicycles. We pedaled two or motorbike, was being tortured.
The first kindly voice we heard was that
of a man who said he was a lieutenant. He -
asked if we were frightened. We said we
He said, "You are not going to be shot."
In a moment he brought a metal bowl of
water and held it to our lips. He loosened
Mike's bindings, wl,ieh were so tight they
had impaired his circulation. - -
Another period of silence-then we were
told to get to our feet. We were led to an-
other building, this One with a concrete
floor. Beth was already there. She helped
Approved For Release 2000/0J1$rj lAq flP80-01601 R000400
.By SAMUEL JAAlES0N bargaining power in Moscow staged in Svay Riong Province In an election for the Na-
i Chief of Tokyo Iturenu 1 and Peking and to demonstrate on March 8 was announced tional Assembly held Sept. 11,
(Chicao Tribune r,ni Urvic0l publicly that he had a right wing b the official news 1966, Sihanouk for the first time
who wished' to
P11N.OM OM PENII, Caffibodia, opposition that had , to be agency. Y allowed anyone
July i
France''in1CLtlhe e ~monthl1Cof placated." Shan k S 's o m e b o d y among supporters certainly seek office to run under the
A transcri t of that briefin banner of his Sangkum political
February Prince Norodomp g would h a v e ' informed the There were 415 can-
the p uk.remier .and Lt. of Gen. the Lon prince'Not,s was made available here. mince,, who inevitably. would ? party.
The Nol government has have known as a result that' didates entered in the race.for
the p
insisted since March that trouble w a s brewin Yat 92 seats. The results produced
government in Cambodia, met Sihanouk was ousted as chief f o of g' an assembly which was restive
rwh Sihanouk was r had
to make their final plans for a state because he refused" to Sihanouk took no action. In them only
diplomatic thrust against North support' "popular manifesta- I 3. The bulletin of the coup- lassigned it previously:
Viet Sianon , tions. of the p e o p 1 e's in. tergovernment, an. institution rubber-stamping Sihanouk de-
Shanouk, who had been ,~ against North Viet- created by Sihanouk to criticize visions,
the a actions
sowever, s e v e r a l factors
rial official
mounting a campaign against namese and Viet Cong in
governmem, ran
the North Vietnamese and Viet Cambodia. That claim appears M_nrn6 12 nrlicina the Attacks kept this ,restiveness ?dden
Cong bases in his country for
more than 16 months, already
had wangled invitations from
Moscow and Peking to visit
both capitals. He accepted the
invitation to visit Peking on
Feb. 2. '
The purpose of these visits,
as Sihanouk announced
publicly, was to bring pressure
on both Communist giants to
persuade the North Vietnamese
and Viet Cong to restrict their
activities in Cambodia.
Attack Planned .
A lwo-pronged - attack was
1. Sihanouk would demand a
total- withdrawal ? of all North anti-Sihanouk members of the
Vietnamese and Viet Cong National Assembly.
troops. . Many diplomats in Phnom , Insiders insist the selection of
2. Cambodians in P h n o m Penh who believed at the time the date was made 'without
Penh would be incited to stage that Sihanouk planned the reference to the past. But it
demonstrations against the March 11 demonstrations was on March it, 1964, that the
North Vietnamese and Viet changed their minds. after his American a n d British em-
.Cong embassies to add an air 1 ouster March 18. They now bassies were sacked. And it
of urgency to Sihanouk
s dip- think Sihanouk
s e n e m i e s' was on March 11, 1967, that
lomatic move. ~ ' originated the idea, and they. Sihanouk-sponsored demon-
"Go and give them a lesson," insist that Sihanouk must have Orations were staged in Phnom
Sihanouk told Nol. known that such a move would Penh to demand the overthrow
Thus, t h e demonstrations be dangerous.
that eventually led 'to Chain of Evidence
Sihanouk's downfall were A chain of circumstantial
ordered by Sihanouk himself.
This story was revealed by a evidence indicates that this source in. a position to know. reporter's source was 'correst:
His identity cannot be disclosed I. Despite Sihanouk 's dwin-
immediately because to do so dling p o l i t i c a l fortunes, the
might endanger his life. prince still had many followers,
particularly in the police. On
Tit s. Officials Know the night of March 16 the police
711gh American officials ap-
parently : know of Sihanouk's
role in 'the March 11 dem-
onstrations. A White House
official told newsmen in a
not-for-attribution briefing on
May 16:
"At least part of the revo-
lution against him [Sihanouk]
was, iy~d'r ctly, ci6~ncer'd b
hirr;se~` r~i ~t
'to be one of the -reasons the
government has not revealed
Sihanouk's' role in planning the
demonstrations. .
Don't Sponsor Riots
Another reason for keeping it
secret is that governments do
not sponsor demonstrations and
burn embassies as a diplomatic
Sihanouk did nbt order the
embassies sacked, the source
close to the prince said. Nor is
there any evidence Nol gave
such an order. Just who added
that finale to the staged
suspicion points to certain
coup on 'Sihanouk's behalf.,
Since the police intentionally,
stepped aside March 11 to'
permit the demonstrations to
occur, they must have known of
the plans in advance-and
approved of them.
2. The fact that other dem-
on t tons nst the Viet.
on the embassies. Sigmticantiy, Penh.
the editorial appeared before One was the state-controled
Sihanouk sent a cable con- 'press. Another was the fear of'
demning the Nol government. imprisonment-or even death
Obviously, the countergovern- -among Cambodians who may
ment, filled entirely with Siha- have wished to. speak their
nouk "yes men," must have minds.
had some reason to believe immense Popularity
prove of the
Sihanouk would a
March 11 Chosen ,
Sihanouk.had told Nol, who
returned to Phnom Penh Feb.
18, only to stage the demon-
strations before the prince left
for M o s c o w, the informed
source said. That departure
date was set later for. March
13, and March 11. was chosen
of the Cambodian cabinet in
office at that time.
That cabinet was headed by
Nol, and Nol ultimately was
forced to resign on April 29,
To understand what went
wrong with the orchestrated
crisis of Mprch, 1970 (which
will' be revealed in d later
article], a look at what had
been happening in Cambodia
since 1967 is necessary.
Support Dwindles
Unknown to t he . outside
world, Sihanouk's support from
Cambodian politicians, busi-
nessmen,' army and intellectu-
als had begun to dwindle, even
-j0A GOIR000400210001-7
The t h'i r d -and most im-
portant cloak under which the
decline of Sihanouk's power
was hidden-was his immense
popularity among the masses in,
A man of boundless energy,
Sihanouk would drive to ex-
haustion diplomats who
traveled with him in the
countryside. He would strip
down to. his shorts and join
villagers digging a canal. He
composed music. He produced,
directed, 'and starred in
movies: He wrote articles con-
stantly and personally edited
three magazines.
He was a superb orator in
three languages. He had a keen
sense of humor and often
laughed at himself-altho never
at jokes others told about him.
He,kept his country at peace
as war ravaged Cambodia's,
neighbors. He built schools and
roads. He beautified the cities. ,
He made himself felt, seen and
heard thruout Cambodia.
King to People
Most of all, he was the king
to the common people, even tho
he had abdicated the throne in
1955 to take a more active role
in politics. He called his people
"infants" or "my little Bud-
dhas"-and ' the people adored
The. educated elite did not.
ooii ~inuo
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA RlE f62 0040021
h 02 U OSSTAT , 1NT--L'--
ED orr~~bow~ 0U ~003
Daily World Foreign Department
The National United. Front of Cambodia accused the United States WednesdaA of
bombing Cambodia's Oudong temples near Phnom Penh on June 26.
The NUFC statement, issued in of Takeo. Large-size`Saigon pup- (Hong Kong) in Cambodia found
Hanoi, characterized as "barbaric" pet armored forces are , r, ving to how some of this "Communist
the bombing and strafing by U.S. ' keep open the Phnom Penf -Sihan- , rice supply" was liberated by Sai-
Air Force planes of the historic oukville highway to the country's gon puppet troops in the Parrot's
temples, , which caused wide only port and the western highway Beak (Svay Rieng) region of Cam-
spread destruction of the Cam- to the Thai border. bodia. The Saigon soldiers "were
bodian people's national monu-. Capture by guesswork dragging huge bags of rice out of
ments and art treasures. It called A Nixon Administration spokes- warehouses and were loading
the air raid a "grave crime" in San Clemente, Calif., brief-. them on ARVN (Saigon army)
against the 'entire Cambodian man trucks 'for transshipment back to
people. ing newsmen on the result of the. Vietnam," the reporter stated.
A second temple attack took Cambodian invasion, claimed that "Were they seizing, Viet Cong
Wednesda U.S. troops had seized about 60' ,
place y near the ancient percent of the weapons and sup- , 'No,' stocks, they were asked.
temple city of Angkor Wat. A Lon plies "Communist forces" had N,' they replied. 'This is killed all
Nol government spokesman in hidden in their alleged Cambodian where the Cambodians killed all
Phnom Penh claimed that "Al- the Vietnamese.
lied" planes had attacked "the sanctuaries. He also claimed that ? The reporter noted that the
Viet Cong" there. Another air at- .100 percent of the communist rice whole area had been pillaged and
supply and 70 percent of their am- then was razed to the ground, and
tack was made on Phnom Krom, . ' munition had been taken too.
another temple complex 10 miles..:' The official then went on to say commented that "it was a thor-
south of Siem Reap. ough job.
that estimates of how much sup-
U.S. mercenaries - Liberated Scotch
The Nixon Administration mean- plies Communists had supposedly The Saigon troops, though, had
while was sending thousands more hidden in Cambodia were guesses rather humble ideas about what to
of its Khmer Krom .("Lower Cam- . at best. The "percentage" figures, take:- U.S. troops, according to
bodian" ) mercenaries into Phnom he said, were based on an assume- American news sources,. spent
Penh to defend the crumbling Lon ly tion keep that on the hand a 14- Communists month normasupply l their time liberating such "Com-
of regime. The Khmer Krom of everything. No basis was given munist supplies" as Scotch whis-
troops, trained by the U.S. Central . key and motorscooters. There
Intelligence Agency to fight in,? was no indication of whether or
South Vietnam, were reported to for this assumption. Spoils of war not the Communists had laid in a
be arriving in the Cambodian cap- A reporter for the conservative` 14-month supply of Scotch in Cam-
ital by air and road. Far, Eastern Economic Review , bodia.
U.S. newsmen spotted a 40-
truck - convoy, carrying at least
1,000 of the Khmer Krom troops,
as it neared Phnom Penh. At
least' 4,000 CIA.'trained Khmer
Krom soldiers" are already in
Cambodia, spread through the
ranks of Lon Nol's army, where
some reports indicate they occupy
all command positions from the
lowest unit up.
Saigon puppet troops, who still
number at least 40,000 in Cam-
bodia, are still engaged in mili-
tary operations around the out-
skirts of Phnom Penh, and near-
the, southern provincial capital.
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400210001-7
Cambodia, is one of the states of the National Assemblymen, who a %o see w a ar
,Indochinese peninsula which fares gone to the town of Kompongcham troops drilling in the night with
best or, if one prefers it, which has on the Mekong to explain to the brand-new Soviet-designed AK47
the least problems in this first quay- people why the God King was gone, automatic rifles. The Major said they
ter of 1970." . were torn limb from limb by an an- were part of a shipment destined for
Prince Norodom Sihanouk wrote gry mob. It was reported that Prime'. the Viet Cong which the Cambodian
h d' h d X f r their own
.L _ . _..i.i .. i,,.,..,at,f. on Tt wait .:a time of uncertainty, for nam, and they are now in Pnompcnh
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-1 8111%01R000400210001-
by the surrounding war-liKC conui- no one Knew IL JIL1 IIuUn
1 o some anxieties return and those who plotted against army.
espite a
bons ...
,of a domestic order .. ; my country, him were jittery and nervous. Two Omar and the Major took us out
h d h t Om said were KKK
The government encouraged ancient that he had killed a lot more than ,of Pnompen move on to e
racial hatreds, and shortly, rafts of that, and he drove us out to the jor's favorite bar. There wasn't any-
bloated corpses were floating down bridge at night to show us the blood body else there, so the bar girls made
the Mekong River. Security in the stains in the road. Coming back a big fuss over the Major while Omar
border regions vanished once the across the bridge he showed us where sat with his back to the wall making
fragile truce with the Viet Cong was i other victims had been tied up in a big thing out of watching the
,broken. The first quarter of 1970 rice sacks and thrown into the water. doors. Next we ended up in Omar's
:ended with burning villages, roads With a colleague, Burton Pines, I favorite nightclub; this time the
clogged with refugees, and the full- met the Major in a French sidewalk boys in the Land Rover were in-
scale destruction of invading South caf for a beer. He told us of his vited in for a drink. Omar, .45 bulg-
Vietnamese and American armor background with the Vietnamese ing in his armpit and all, grabbed
Lion e
the beasts were out of their cages. the major who opened fire confided Our nighttime tour of the defenses
h d th Ma-
army a sip one o
those words-now so ironic-in an ar- Minister Lon Nol s own brother ha
ticle for the April edition of Pacific also been killed, his liver torn from use. We drove in the Major's Peugeot
Community. They were true when his body and cooked and eaten on while a Land Rover full of troops
he wrote them. But before the print- the street in the time-honored Cam- followed at a discreet distance. Omar
er's ink was dry, the Prince was de- bodian manner. wore his sport shirt with one but.
:posed, and along with him went the And on the bridge leading into 'ton undone, to allow easy access to a
delicate diplomatic and political bal- Pnompcnh across the Tonle Sap .45 automatic under his arm, which
ance which had so successfully kept another angry crowd had been he pulled out to impress us. He won
Cambodia out of the Vietnam holo- turned back with considerable loss of dered if we could get him a light-
caust. life by a fusillade from the govern-_ weight .38, the kind the CIA meal
Once those restraints were gone, ? ment troops sent, out to meet them. wear. But what he real y wante was
,how quickly the Cambodian sitiia- The government announced a figure for us to get him twenty "talky-walk -,
d terioratedl Within weeks all for the number of people killed, but ies" from Hong Kong.
.sending up rooster tails of dust across paratroopers during the French war, the mike and crooned while the band
na'iveti; of a lovely, peaceful country With him was a sleek, slim, hand- ese bar girl muttered.
about to plunge itself into war. Old some man with curly black hair, a it was as if the movie If ...had
French tanks stood in the streets, clipped mustache, and a swashbuck- conic true: the schoolboys had
their crews asleep underneath them ling air. He could have been a stand- locked the headmaster out and they
in the sticky afternoons of the South- in for Omar Sharif. He had been an were playing with guns; funny, cx-
-cast Asian hot season. Students, organizer of the mob that sacked the cept that the guns were real, and all
clutching their belongings in card- North Vietnamese and Provisional the time one knew this wasn't an
board suitcases and bundles done up Revolutionary Government embas- isolated banana republic rebellion.
with bits of string, paraded in the sics, and he said he was a leader Those who knew something about
streets on their way to join the army. of the Khmer ? Kampuchea Krom real war-the North Vietnamese and,
,They laughed and waved and sang (K.K.K.), the ethnic Cambodians;as it turned out, the South Vietnam-
s in accompanied him and the Cam
the paddies and dry tapioca fields of at Dienbienphu, and afterwar
Cambodia. the Viet prison camps. He said he than troops shuffled about the dance
In Pnompcnh, in the weeks im- had a photograph of himself with floor in their baggy fatigues. "Look
mediately following the coup, there the legendary French Para, Colonel at those Cambodian pigs dancing
.was a pathetic air of unreality and Bigcard, but I never saw it. with their hats on," a chic Vietnam-
'brave songs as they climbed onto the, who live in the regions of South Viet- ese and the Americans too-would
!trucks. It was 1914. It was "We don't nam that were once part of the great soon come in and take the game.
!want to lose you/But we think you Khmer empire. The K.K.K. troops away from theta.
hill it'd over over Lucrei7- ; ; . Yorces as mouuc sit
Appr.qv9d,For'Relea-se'2000108/16 : CIA-RDP80=01601 R000400210001-7;
Approved For Release 2000/08/1 6~%-TA4& $0-01601 R00040021000
(. ortarr l neatzofis c rtd C'or rrt~iF
Gip taCvl' i `G~s Fifth Co1wnil
S l`I,VERAI., areas in Asia, Africa and Latin America have
been the scene of reactionary plots in the first half of 1970.
One of them, in Cambodia, , culminated in a coup d'etat.
Information filtering into the press suggests that all the plots can
be traced to the US Central Intelligence Agency headquarters at
Of course, the State Department consistently denies American
complicity, and CIA guilt cannot always be pinpointed. In fact,'
it may well be that not all these conspiracies were directly
instigated and organised by imperialist secret services--in some
cases they may have joined at a later stage. But this much is
certain: everywhere the cloak-and-dagger operators have been
at work.
Behind the Cambodian Cot
Thousands of kilorrtcters separate Phnom Penh from
Khartoum and Beirut, but in Cambodia too, the aim was to
sujipoirt the aggressive forces. It was to be achieved by use of
the CIA technique.
Bogged down in Vietnam, US imperialism has long been
encroaching' on Cambodia's independence and sovereignty,
trying to bring it under its influence and dragoon it into its
Indochina gamble. One pressure technique was constant harass-
ment by US forces operating from neighbouring South Vietnam.
They bombed and shelled Cambodian border regions and
several times CIA agents tried to overthrow prince. Sihanouk
Supporting Israeli aggression and set up a reactionary regime that would abandon the
country's traditional neutrality and its solidarity with the Vietna-
The first three months of 9970 saw plots in Iraq, Sudan, mcse in their fight to repel the aggressor.
Lebanon and Cyprus. Some of the details have come to light. with the US army facing increasing difficulties in Vietnam,
The Lebanese Interior Minister, for instance, announced that US the Pentagon decided to step up its activities in Cambodia. The
Intelligence had a hand in provoking armed clashes between the plan, according to press reports, was to use. Cambodian territory
ultra-Right Kataeb party and the Palestinian commandos. The for operations against the South Vietnam National Liberation
Lebanese army and security forces were involved in the fighting. Front in what was conceived as a gigantic pincer mana.uvre.
'I he Sudanese press points to t}. !ink li n the CIA and the Apparently, the US military command began to press for actio latest unsuccessful coup of the Ansar re reGg::::a sect and the in Cambodia when it found that the Victnamisation plan was not
M-Umnla party, which speaks for Sudan's capitalist and landed working out the way it had expected. And apparently Sihanouk'.
interests. In Cyprus, the pro-fascist National front which, the diplomatic tour abroad was chosen as the opportune moment
press says, operates with the encouragement of the Greek and
US secret services, engineered an attempt on the life of Presi-for the CIA's "quiet Americans" to put through the plan.
dent Makarios. The Iraqi authorities arrested a group of army. Power in Phnom Penh is now in the hands of men who have
officers and civilians charged with preparing a coup d'ctat. Thejorned forces with the imperialists to halt the country's pro-
press says they had the assistance of CIA and Zionist agents. gressive development and suppress the Indochina liberation
Each of these attempted coups had its own distinctive features, movement. The first steps in that direction were made immedi-
.But all of them had one and the same political aim--to install ately after the coup. General Lon Nol's conservative regime has
pro-imperialist regimes and thereby strengthen the imperialist agreed to co-operate with the US and accept military "aid"
positions in the Middle East and, more specifically, in the from it. With the consent and approval of that regime, Saigon
Eastern- Mediterranean. forces, supported by. American aircraft, have invaded Cambodia
That aim, doubtlessly, follows from the alignment of forces in an attempt to outflank the NLF forces and suppress popular
in this strategic area. The imperialists banked on the Israeli support for Prince Sihanouk, whose followers are fighting to
Blitzkrieg. They thought it would write faits to the progressive overthrow the conservative government and keep Cambodia a
regimes in the United Arab Republic and Syria. That hope did peaceful and neutral state.
not materialise. Nor have Israel's subsequent aggressive actions The world was shocked by the news of America's outright
produced the desired results. They have not weakened the pro- intervention in Cambodia where, as in South Vietnam and Laos,
gressive regimes of these two countries. On the contrary, both US troops are applying scorched earth tactics against the peace-
.in the UAR and Syria the government has been strengthened by ful population. This fresh aggression by Washington brings out
even more saliently th clink between the coup d'Ctat in Phnom
assistance of the Soviet Union
the patriotism of the people, the
and other socialist countries and the support of the world Penh and imperialism's far-reaching neo-colonialist plans in
Communist, workers' and national liberation movements. South east Asia. To all practical purposes, Cambodia is being
turned into a "third Vietnam", the second being Laos, where
White giving the Israeli aggressors every assistance-modern
armaments, generous loans-the US and other imperialists are more than 12,000 American military "advisors" are involved in
relying more and more on their espionage and subversion the war against the patriotic forces.
machi:.a. The events in Iraq, Sudan and Lebanon show that It can be safely. said that neither the Saigon puppets nor the
they are using it to hamper the growing unity of the Arab states Laos and Cambodian reactionaries provide America with any-
in the fight to liquidate the consequences of the Israeli aggres- thing like it firm support -base for its reactionary war in Indo-
sion. The idea, obviously, is to generate more friction, distrust china. And certainly they cannot fight that war with their own
and antagonism. That was the purpose of the CIA in Lebanon: armies, even if given the latest American weapons. Conse-
arnled conflicts were to provoke a major political crisis that quently, the neo-colonialists will have to rely mainly on their
.would isolate the country from the progressive Arab states own troops and extend their operations to the whole of Indo-
place it under a police regime and impede, if not halt altogether, china. But the experience of heroic Vietnam has shown that
Palestinian commando action. half-a million interventionist troops, armed to the teeth, cannot
The aim was very much the same in Iraq and Sudan. But the impose imperialism's will on a people determined to uphold its
imperialists were also out to undermine the rear areas of the independence, sovereignty and freedom; a people, moreover,
Arab states directly confronting Israel. Coups in Baghdad and that enjoys wide international support.
Khartoum would greatly complicate the UAR's and Syria's New tactical elements
strategic and political position. To a certain extent the same
aim was pursued in the Nicosia plot. There have been many Has anything substantially new been added to the technology
press reports that the imperialists are anxious to overthrow the of imperialist plots and their political orientation, compared with,
Makari ppmveidc6orsF ieaSe}2OUIQ/r(Ji d6is,ZL4hE2DMQ-04fi,Q1tRDOO-UD 9r1 O167not enough information-the bulk of
and turn it into a NATO war base spearheaded against the it, naturally, is kept secret--for a categorical affirmative answer.
Arab states and serving the Israeli aggressor. We can only judge by the tip of the. imperialist subversion ice-
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400210001-7STATI NTL
2 9 JUN 1970
Three Come Back
"It was an experience we'll never for-
get," said Richard Dudman, "and it was
a journalistic opportunity like nothing
we've ever had before." The veteran cor-
respondent for the St. Louis Post-Dis-
patch grinned, then added: "Now that it's
over we can say that." Elizabeth Pond of
the Christian Science Monitor expressed
a universal sentiment: "I hope this proves
to be a precedent for the treatment of
other journalists who may now be in
Dudman, Miss Pond and Michael
Morrow of Dispatch News Service were
back in Saigon after 51 weeks in the
hands of soldiers who identified them-
selves as members of the "pro-Siha-
nouk Cambodian United National
Front." In a carefully worded joint state-
ment they reported that their only rough
treatment occurred on the day of their
capture, along Highway One about two
miles west of Svay Rieng in the Par-
rot's Beak area of Cambodia.
Suspected of being CIA agents, they
were taken at gunpoint in a truck to sev-
eral Cambodian villages and displayed
as American captives. At their last stop
they were blindfolded and marched
through a gauntlet of jeering villagers.
The two men next were tied behind a mo-
torbike and forced to run half a mile,
blindfolds still on. Then they were
knocked to the ground with blows on
the head and left in a darkened room
with their hands tied behind them.
In Ten Homes. But once their cre-
dentials as correspondents were estab-
lished, they were treated with "kindness
and consideration" as they traveled
about 200 miles, staying in ten dif-
ferent village homes. At one point they
were asked to tape-record, apparently
for the Liberation Radio or Hanoi, state-
ments about their experiences, "but none
that conflicted with our own views."
Eventually, the trio were honored
guests at a meeting of 1,000 villagers
at which speakers "expressed the grat-
itude of the Cambodian people toward
those Americans who oppose aggression
by the Nixon Administration in Indo
china." They were also given an in-.
terview with a military commander of
the Cambodian United National Front.
The joint statement did not provide de-
tails of the interview. Obviously, the
three correspondents were holding back
some facts for first-person stories. Buts
they did report asking for informations
on the 20 other newsmen still missing
in Cambodia. They got no reply.
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Dudman, Pond and Morrow in Saigon:'Accredited as `good people'
Forty Days the correspondents traveled some 200
miles and stayed in the homes of ten dif-
The telephone rang late one night fercnt Cambodian villagers during less
last week in the offices of the Reuters than six weeks behind enemy lines. And
bureau in Saigon. It was The Christian their request to visit areas bombed by 1
Science Monitor's foreign-news desk in allied planes to estimate civilian casual-
Boston calling to ask the Reuters night ties was turned down by an enemy of-
man to expedite transmission of some fiver who said it would be too dangerous
upcoming news stories by the paper's for them to do so.
corre5 --dent Elizabeth Pond And that On their last day in captivity, the
they were able to publish this week,
none of the three journalists released
last week would choose to tour Cambo-
dia again in quite the same way. "What
normal person would want to go wander.
ing about in Cambodia, anyway?" asks
LLMorrow. "Yon re likely to get shot at.'-
was how the Saigon press corps discov- three journalists were given a sort of
_ ered that Miss Pond, together with Rich- farewell party. "[We] left the liberated '?'
(" and Dudman, Washington bureau chief zone of Cambodia as honored guests at
-? of The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and Mike a meeting of 1,000 villagers," Dudman
I Morrow of Dispatch News Service In- wrote. "Speakers expressed the grati-
ternational had returned safely from tude of the Cambodian people toward
Cambodia 40 days after they were cap- those American people who oppose ag-
tured by enemy troops near the town gression by the Nixon Administration in ,
Of Svay Rieng.
The three-the first captured corre-.
spondents to return from the Cambodian
war zone where eighteen other news-
men have vanished-were thin but in
good health and high spirits after their
adventure. They were determined to
keep many of the details of their experi-
ences behind enemy lines a secret, at
least until they could write their own
stories about the ordeal. But what they
did reveal still made a fascinating tale.
Harrowing: Seized by two enemy sol-
diers near a bombed-out bridge on
Route 1, the hazardous road from Saigon
to Phnom Penh, the three reporters
were taken in a truck through several
villages and displayed as American pris-
oners of war. At first, their captors be-
lieved they were U.S. Covernment offi-
cials or CIA agents, and the three had to
endure a harrowing day. In one town,
they were taken from the truck, blind-
folded and marched through a gauntlet
of jeering Cambodian villagers. Then.
Indochina. They asked [us] to write t e
truth about the situation in the Front-
held areas ..:'
Anh Ba: Dudman's allusion to the
"Front" and his stilted prose were appar-
ently no accidents. Almost certainly in
order to make things easier for other cor-
respondents still - held in Cambodia, all
three reporters were careful to specify
that they had been captured by the
"Cambodian United National Front."
(North Vietnamese and Viet Cong offi-
cials steadfastly deny they have any.
troops in the area, contending that only
Cambodians are fighting against Premier
Lon Nol's government.)
"I am convinced that the Front exists,"
said Miss Pond, "although what it con-
sists of I don't know, because of our lim-
ited exposure."' But Morrow, who speaks
Vietnamese, recalls in one of a series of
reports published by Dispatch News'
this week that the Vietnamese officer in
charge of the three journalists, Anh Ba,
"was nearly 6 feet [and] spoke Vietnam-.
to"a. motorbike, forced to run a half a Morrow added that Anh Ba "was un-
knocked to ' der orders to protect us at all costs-even
ile while still blindfolded
the ground with a blow on the head, and his own life." And such concern over the
left in a darkened room." safety of Morrow and his colleagues,
The harsh treatment abruptly ceased, even if it was motivated at least as much
however, after an in of icer ex b ropy anda as by humane considera-
iced thFL n Rf r.e t 0/4 h 6 h kldR fill96fltHRgQOd60f210001-7
From that point on, they were treated as newsmen still missing in Cambodia might
"good people" and friends by their cup- ` 'also turn up alive and well. But despite
wr...... 1...1....-. .b-.7. ......, -.,C.,,.. -hnjr nnfn rnturn and the exclusive stories
Approved For Release 2000/08/1 6~7C1 ~ga-%1601 R000400210
By Carl Davidson The next morning, following votes on a series of procedural
Guardian Staff Correspondent motions during the agenda debate, the voting power behind the
? I Cleveland different political tendencies present became clear and remained
After a tumultuous, three-day meeting here June 19-21, the practically unchanged throughout the conference. The Socialist
"National m e rgenc altendcd Conference the Casbt dhe Workers party and Young Socialist Alliance held "together a bloc
a by 1e00 antiwar ivis of about 1000 votes, most of which were independent antiwar
time and place for the next series of mass mobilizations against activists rather than members of either organization. PL-SDS ha4
the Indochina war, a bloc of about 350; the Worker's League, 80; and the Spartacus
The first round will be local actions on August 6-9, the days League and Labor Committees had about 20 each.
will be srithe
actions bfor the Chicano Moratorium's mass Because of the large number of people in the main meeting,
support .along with frequent parliamentary hassles, some of the more
mobilization of the Chicano people against the war Aug. 29 in interesting discussions and arguments occurred in small clusters of
Los Angeles. Finally, there will be a day of nationally ' 10 or 20 scattered around the campus.
coordinated demonstrations Oct. 31 in major urban and regional
centers across the country.
The conference differed from many in the past by the Student-worker discussion
participation of a number of trade union officials, including One group of about eight students were talking with three
officers from Meatcutters, Teamster and UE locals officially trade unionists: Williams from the Teamsters; Carlos Valdez, a
representing their membership. About 100 of those attending the rank-and-file Teamster truck driver and wildcat leader; and Sam
'conference registered as members of trade unions. Pollock, president of the Meatcutters District 427 in Cleveland.
The meeting signified a deepening split in the antiwar "My problem," said Pollock, "is that within my Local I'm
movement. There were no representatives from the New considered a liberal. Then I come here and everyone thinks I'm a
Mobilization Committee-the major antiwar coalition. Nor any reactionary sellout." Williams added, "I came here for one
from the Communist party, Women's Strike for Peace or purpose-to expose the fallacy that workers are supposed to
traditional antiwar groups. All of the organized political benefit from this war."
tendencies present, except the Progressive Labor party, had their One of the students offered that while he could see that all
toots in the Trotskyist movement, workers weren't like the "hardhats" in New York, they had to
The New Mobe is holding a conference of its own next week, learn that most students weren't Yippies and Weathermen. Valdez
But the presence of a large number of independent antiwar suggested that they were both "in the middle of the road," which
activists at the Cleveland meeting signified that the SWP's made some of the students uncomfortable.
emphasis on mass mobilizations on the single issue of the war Then he said, "You have to understand. A worker is like a
may prevail over the Mobe's as yet ambivalence on this question. horse. If you want to put a bit c-n him and ride him, you don't
In addition, there is a definite tendency within the New Mobe to charge at him, but ease up on rim and slip it on gently," The
place a greater emphasis on the tactic of civil disobedience than students politely grimaced and the session quietly broke up.
on the traditional mass marches. While most in the. antiwar In another group, a Student Mobilization Committee staffer
movement support the New Mobe's multi-issue approach of from Detroit was being soundly criticized for not rallying support
supporting struggles against. racism and repression, this tactical for local struggles of black students and the League of
confusion has helped lead to the current situation. -Revolutionary. Black Workers. "The best way to help them is to
The tone of last week's sessions-held at Cuyahoga County build the antiwar movement," was the answer. In several places,
Community College near downtown Cleveland-was set the first PL-SDS people were soundly criticized for calling the. NLF
evening in a heated debate over whether Progressive Labor party leadership "revisionist sellouts" and calling Cambodia's Norodom
and SDS Worker-Student Alliance should be represented among Sihanouk a "CIA agent."
the opening speakers.
:More "Maoist" than Mao
"Selloutr "That must make Mao a CIA -agent too," someone said. "No,
When one of those speakers, John T. Williams, vice president we just think Mao is making an opportunist mistake by
of Teamster Local 208 in Los Angeles and a leader of a recent supporting him," said the "Maoist" PL member. "You know,
wildcat strike, tried-paradoxically and incorrectly-to compare they have liberal politicians in Vietnam just like we have here and
U.S. aggression in Vietnam to a "brazen unauthorized wildcat we have to oppose them,"
strike," the house was brought down by a chorus of booes and Meanwhile, inside the conference hall, the first major political
chants of "sellout." ' fight was shaping up. The issue centered on the political character
Williams tried to get his foot out of his mouth by explaining of a demonstration planned for that evening outside a hotel
he wasn't against wildcats and that he was only taking the charges where Vice President Spiro Agnew was speaking at a Republican
the government had thrown at him and thrown them back. It fundraising dinner.
didn't workyq" ,,4 J, ~ ~d ~R~r!l~ *?p8d(b1 Wfl J Opa pjtl,Oat the action should be centered
strike by the working class to end NO war, no get a proTooge , on the single demand for the immediate withdrawal of all U.S.
rounV of applause and cheers. troops from Indochina. PL-SDS, on the other hand, said since the
Approved For Release 2000/08/1 F CW-WD AW01601 R00040021 00
S O UPHA N0 f'70 N '3 ; .,. 1; O 'S
Civil was has raged for 20 years in Laos, situated west of Vietnam, north of
Cambodia, east of Thailand, south of China. Progressive forces, led by prince Sou-
phanouvong, chairman of the central committee of the Laotian Patriotic Front, now
occupy virtually two-thirds of the country. The remaining third, along the west-
ern border with Thailand, is in the hands of a coalition "neutralist" and rightist
regime supported by the U.S. (more than $50 million a year) which sits in Vientiane,
the administrative capital.
In the last months, the Laotian Patriotic Front has registered victory after
throughout Laos. On June 9, patriotic forces captured the strategic town of Sar-
evane. In recent weeks, the liberation army has gone on the offensive in dozens
of areas, including battles with troops from Thailand sent into Laos by the cor-
rupt Bangkok military government to bolster the shakey Vientiane regime.
During his recent swing through Southeast Asia Guardian staff correspondent
Wilfred Burchett submitted four questions to prince Souphanouvong. Following are
his answers, received last week.
What is the present military situation in Laos? The Western press mentions
that in capturing towns like Attopeu and Saravane, the Pathet Lao forces have for
the first time violated the 1962 cease-fire line. What is your comment?
.The present military situation in Laos shows that on the one hand the American
escalation of "special war" has been redoubled and on the other that the deeper
they plunge in such escalation the greater will be the defeat of the U.S. and its
puppets. From a strategic viewpoint they were severely defeated in the Plain of
Jars. Indeed, this was the first serious defeat in Laos for President Nixon's
theory of using puppet troops with maximum American firepower.
Despite such escalation the U.S. and puppet forces were not able to change the
situation in their favor. On the contrary, they have been driven onto the defensive
from a military point of view and politically they are more isolated than ever.
As for the Laotian patriotic forces they have retained and constantly developed
their position of active initiative. After having kicked the enemy out of the
Plain of Jars and completely, recaptured the whole area, the patriotic forces direc-
ted their attack against the hideout of the "special forces" at Sam Thong-Long
Cheng. They liberated Attopeu and other places near the Bolovens plateu. That
is to say they have punished the enemy in the jumping off points and bases for
their criminal attacks.
Right from the start the Laotian patriotic forces have serupulously respected
the letter of the 1962 Geneva agreements. But as the U.S. and puppet forces have
undertaken a most criminal war of aggression against the the rest of the country. in fact they have completely
Laotian people, our armed forces have been forced to liquidated what the Western press refers to as the 1962
fight back, making use of their sacred rights of self "cease fire line." Just as they have torn up the whole
defense. 1962 Geneva agreements on Laos.
The patriotic forces must expel the enemy from those Those who sow the wind reap the whirlwind. If they
areas which it has illegally occupied, punish them in the don't want to reap another whirlwind the Americans and
bases from which they launched their attacks and their valets in Vientiane, Bangkok and Saigon had better
perpetrated their crimes. In so doing we are safeguarding not sow any more wind. If they charge ahead, heads
the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial down, in new criminal adventures against the Laotian
integrity of Laos and effectively defending the 1962 people they will have to bear the'entire responsibility for
Geneva agreements. It is in basing ourselves on these the disastrous consequences.
agreements and on the concrete reality of the present The official explanation for the American bombings
situation in Laos and our desire for peace that we have of Laos and the presence of U.S. troops there is the
put forward our five-point proposal for a political existence of a Ho Chi Mini trail and the presence of
settlement of the Laotian problem (Guardian, April 11, North Vietnamese troops. What is the extent of U.S. and
1970). Although there has been no responsible reply Thailand troops in Laos and how serious are the US.
from the other side, we will nonetheless persevere in bombings?
seeking a political solution based on our five points. ? With a view to turning Laos into a neo-colony, the
The U.S. puppet forces have never respected their Americans have never ceased their interference and
reements signed. aggression against Laos nor their trampling underfoot its
Intl a
than thAp eL F 9*e4W'~` N8tW' -Ra }1 QUO ; 1 cements.'They have
controlled by the patriotic orces, a
launching terrorist "pacification" operations throughout introduced thousands of U.S, advisors, CIA personnel
' nonti'>;iued
and U.S. "special forces" to carry out "special war" and reply by the peoples of Indochina to these adventurous
to take part in attacks against those regions controlled activities by the United States. It was a severe blow to
by the Pat pl &va 6- PUff.AL Nd8lit heCIJ p P8OkOsl6O1Rc OO4QO2 s13O IL71nd "Indochinese
The U.S. air force has bombed and machine-gunned
our Laotian territory for six years on end, sowing death
and destruction over the whole country and using their
r"N, air power as tactical support for puppet troops in their
Lam' attacks into the regions held by our side. It is clear that
without air support the puppet troops would be
incapable of carrying out any actions of any importance.,
But U.S. air superiority has in no way weakened the
combativity of the patriotic forces of the Laotian;
people. On the contrary, this has brought about well,
deserved return blows resulting in defeat for 'the
aggressors. _ . '
The U.S. has not only used Thailand as a springboard
for its aggression against Laos, as a logistic base for its
"special war" and as a base for aerial bombardments of
Laos, it has also introduced Thai combat units in
support of the puppet troops. In giving a hand to. the
Americans and in pursuing at the same time their own
expansionist aims in Laos, the reactionary authorities in
Bangkok are guilty of complicity with the American
Ever since Nixon came into power he has intensified
the war of aggression against Lao?. For example, by the
attack against the Meng Khoung region in the Plain of
Jars; the intensification of air attacks at the end of 1969
,and the beginning of 1970 to a degree and ferocity never
before known, including B-52 raids in south and north
Laos. Still more serious, the Americans have introduced
,thousands of Thai infantry and artillery troops and
Saigon puppet commander troops to take part in combat
operations. This state of affairs has doubled the anxiety
of certain political. circles in the United States and
among the U.S. people, who feel that one escalation will
lead to another and that Laos will become a second
Nixon has advanced all sorts of slanderous arguments
and fallacious pretexts to justify U.S. aggression against
Laos. In using such pretexts as the "presence and
aggression by North Vietnam troops" while it is
precisely Vietnam that is the victim of U.S. aggression,
Nixon is only reviving old slanders exposed long ago and
condemned by public opinion. Nixon has even advanced,
"protection of American lives in South Vietnam" to
justify the bombing and military activities in Laos. He
used the same argument to invade Cambodia with over
100,000 U.S. and Saigon troops. This is gangster logic,
making mockery of the rights of peoples and elementary
rules governing relations between nations. .
It is not a question of discussing the various pretexts
advanced by the U.S. aggressors. The real question is
that this "international gendarme" has absolutely, no
right to threaten with destruction any people in any
country at all. -
The U.S. has no right to carry out its criminal
aggression against Laos, a country situated half way
around the globe from the U.S. If the U.S. halts its air
attacks and all other acts of military escalation and ends
its interference and aggression against Laos to enable the
Laotian people to settle their own affairs, the situation
in Laos woula immediately return to normal. All
Laotian problems would be satisfactorily solved and lives
and dollars of the American people would cease to be
uselessly squandered in Laos. This is the true way to
safeguard American lives as well as the dignity and
authentic interests of the United States.
How do you evaluate the recent Summit conference
in which you recently took part ,with Prime Minister
Pham Van Dong of tare DRV, Nguyen Huu Tho of the
fight Indochinese." The success of the conference
highlighted new progress in the anti-U.S. struggle for the
national salvation of the three countries of Indochina
and marked an important contribution to the struggle
for national independence and peace in Southeast Asia
and in the world in general. That is why it was widely
acclaimed and warmly supported by a very large section
of international public opinion. The joint declaration of
the conference (Guardian, May 30, 1970) is one of unity
and struggle against the common enemy and will serve to
reinforce and extend the relations of support, mutual
help and long term cooperation. between the peoples of,
Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.
The program will still further and intensify the
coordination and unity of efforts deployed by the three
countries in their fight against U.S. imperialist aggres-,
sion. It will lead the struggle of the Lao, Khmer and
Vietnamese people to new heights and will lead to
complete victory over U.S. interference and aggression,
transforming Indochina into an authentic area of
independence and peace. ' -
How do you see developments and the final results of
the second war in Indochina?
In sending their troops to commit direct cession
against Cambodia, the U.S. imperialists ':. thus
extended their war of aggression to the whole i-.Jochina
-fin sending their troops to commit direct aggression
against Cambodia, the U.S. imperialists have thus
extended their war of aggression to the whole Indochina
peninsula. In doing this the Nixon administration has
thrown 'out an excellent challenge 'to the 50 million
people of Indochina as well as to all thinking people in
the United States and the world in general. This is
nothing but a most adventurous act committed at a
moment when American troops are in a defensive,
.passive posture. A mortal blow has been dealt to the
"Vietnamizatiort" concept in South Vietnam. The
American forces have got themselves further bogged
down in Cambodia. The development of this large-scale
attack with over 100,000 GIs and South Vietnamese
puppet troops proves the U.S. has not attained its
strategic objectives there.
The development of the situation in Cambodia, after
the U.S.-dirccted overthrow of the Cambodian head of
state Norodom Sihanouk has also not turned out as the
Americans expected. Responding to the five-point
declaration of prince Sihanouk (Guardian, April 11,
1970), the political program of the National United
Front (Guardian, June 20, 1970) and the manifesto of
the Royal Government of National Union, the Cambod-
ian people's struggle has developed very rapidly on a
national level, taking over vast areas of the countryside
including many towns and dealing heavy blows at the
U.S.-Saigon forces, shaking to its very foundations the
Lon Nol-Sirik Matak regime recently installed in Phnom
In extending the war of aggression to the whole of
Indochina the Americans have got further bogged down
and are in a critical impasse. This military adventure of
the Nixon administration has only caused further
indignation and swelled the movement of opposition to
the war within the U.S.. itself. From- Congress to the
university, from the lawmakers to GIs in numerous
military bases in the U.S., from towns in the East to
those in the West, the struggle of the American people
has developed in increasingly powerful waves of protest.
The Nixon administration is attacked on two sides-
bogged down in Indochina and in the U.S. itself.
The lesson of defeat in Indochina was once the
PRG and Norodom Sihanouk, Cambodian head of state? monopoly of the French followed by the Johnson
While the U.S. imperialists'intensified and e anded administration. It will be the same for the Nixon
the war ofAI j QM 4 FMr 2QQf0 Mi?ii CIAOaWBQ,060AROQOAOO i'bg0ktnTnistration which
conference of the peoples of Indochina was a scathing plows into the same rut.
Pont tuo
U.S. imperialism, has never experienced such a defeat,
such an embarrassment, such difficulties and isolation as
is the case today. The present situation is more than ever
favorable for the struggles of the three peoples of
Indochina against U.S. imperialism and for their national
salvation. In the light of the joidt declaration of the
Summit Conference of the peoples of Indochina, the 50
.million Cambodian, Laotian and Vietnamese peoples,
fortified by the'powerful support of people-throughout
the world, will- further consolidate the active and
victorious position already acquired and will-stcp.up
their struggle to win final and complete victory.
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400210001-7
K A Nftprtvjeiclt Fo Felease; 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400
JUN 2 6 1970
E - 325,351
S - 396,682
)l..aYS3' - ..
By Robert Pearman
(National-World Editor'of The Star) '
Phnom Penh-If the Lon Nol government-the
t . "Government of Salvation"-should fall tomorrow it
will.-have outlived by more than a?,mon'th its pre-,.
dieted life span.
For late in April along embassy row in: the Cambodian
capital there was none who would go so for as to predict
the "salvation government" would have ? another month
in power. 4
"The Viet Cong will be in Phnom Penh in six days," a;' OThe incursions of the Viet Cong and North Vietnamesei
smiling European diplomat said, making it obvious that he grew. The Vietnamese for many months used Cambodian
found the prospect not at all displeasing, territory as unobstrusively as possible. But in the last year
In May they were saying the military situation was even they radically changed their policy. They: planted them-
t more hopeless and as the Cambodians gave up large areas selves, built homes,. took over -border areas.
of their country to the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese they ? Cambodia had grave economic problems. Last Decem-
began to refer to Lon Nol as the "mayor of Phnom Penh." .ber Sirik Matak, now the No. 2 man in the regime, overrode'
But the monsoons of April have turned into the daily tor- Sihanouk's wishes and pushed through economic reforms
rents of June and the Viet Cong are not in Phnom Penh and that devalued the roil, liberalized trade and banking and put,
the Lon Nol government, though battered. militarily and eco- Cambodia back into the international banking institutions
nomically stands. from which she had withdrawn.
For the Cambodians the military situation Is probably So Norodom Sihanouk's problems did not suddenly occur
worse than it was a month ago mostly because the North one morning in March-nor, as fantasy has it,. of some CIA.
Vietnamese and Viet Cong, chased out of the border sanctu- plot-they had been long abuilding.
cries, have planted new base areas deep in Cambodia. They * * * * * :~
now control nearly one-half the country and have gone on ON JANUARY 6 SIIIANOUI{. LEFT Phnom Penh for
the attack at scattered points even in the "safe" western France to undergo treatment at a clinic.
provinces. Early in February seven cases of medical supplies for.
Otherwise things look brighter for the three strong men the Viet Cong were seized at Phnom Penh, airport. They
in the Palace of Government: had been addressed to Oum Mannorine, minister for sur-'
0 The regime is still united, and there is no significant face defense, brother-in-law of Sihanouk. Trinh Hoanh, now
opposition among the Khmer people. the minister of information, called for an investigation in.
0 The accommodation with the South Vietnamese is the National Assembly.
complete. South Vietnamese forces will continue to operate On March 8 there were demonstrations in the eastern pro-
in Cambodia able to respond quickly in emergency situa- vinces against the presence of the North. Vietnamese and
tions. The Thais promise 20,000 troops of Kilmer blood and the Viet Cong. On March 11 there were mass demonstra-
have air support to give. Weapons have been forthcoming tions in Phnom Penh. and the North Vietnamese and Viet
from several sources including the United States.
Cong embassies were sacked.
O The Cambodian army, 35,000, strong when Sihanouk There is sonic indication that these early demonstrations
went out on March 18, is today about 150,000. The new were Sihanouk sponsored. The rationale is that Sihanouk,
forces are green, untrained, underequipped. But they are 'ready to go to Moscow and ask the Chinese and
willing to fight and the regulars have gained battle exper- Russians to persuade North Vietnam to step easier in Cam-
fence and have performed much better than anyone expected. bodia, wanted to have something to bargain with. What
0 Most significant, Lon Not and company are still in better arguments would there be than mass demonstrations?
control in Phnom Penh and Norodom Sihanouk has been re-
Two facts support .the theory. The Viet Cong embassy
duced to a kind of floating guest artist, performing alter- was coolly entered and' sacked' by 45 soldiers in civilian
nately on Radio Peking, Radio Hanoi. and. the . Viet Cong clothing. And it is hard to imagine that 10,000 students and
Liberation Radio. As it was with Sukarno in Indonesia, time civil servants would have spontaneously taken to the streets
is on the side of the man holding the power; not on the against, an absolute despot unless they 'had been given
side of the one who wants to gain it back. ? the green light.
* * * * * The next day, whether he had organized the demon-;
THE STORY OF THE CHECKMATE of the white king, strations or not, there came some typical Sihanouk rhetoric.
Norodom Sihanouk, a virtual god-leader, possessor of total from Paris in a telegram to the Queen Mother denounc'
'powers, charisma and the love of his people, is a complex the eemonstrations. I
story. A second theory is, that.' Sihanouk in Paris' obtained'.
For nearly three decades, from 1941, when he was pro- from the i Inch assurances of financial support that would
'claimed king as an 18-year-oldschool boy, until March 18, case his economic pressures at 'home. This theory makes'
1970, Sihanouk ruled Cambodia's 7-million people. Lon Nol and Matak the villains. When they learned that
For the last 10 years as chief of state-ho preferred to -Sihanouk had won his money. game, and that the sword
leave the only symbols of monarchy'in the hands of his ag- they had held over him for months might be removed, they.
ing mother-he had guided the government and foreign pol- plotted a kind of quasi-legal coup; this theory has it.
.Icy singly. ; ., Lon Nol and Sirik Matak ?oifered to meet Sihanouk in'.
There developed three problems: '' '? " Moscow. He told them not to come. He'was planning to.
't? Corruption festered and grew, alienating the intellec! rreturn to Phra,n Penh ?'on March, 18 and the government
-^..+4 .., r. ~. .. r. : ::;, .. ?.. j. .:...'L..; w:.. . '.. s,.....' ?. ~. ' .:' Y/Ltit'ip. ~E'J~ii.iM}H a.)i i~.r ...,..?.r.i~. _ _ _~'..a.
Approved For Release 2000/08/16: CIA-RDP80-01601 R0004015`'1~ 7' ..
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : ltRQP^~8Q9Qd601 A_bb~N11140001
ffn)tors ~nvfle - iL -hree' g o
io 1110
C 1970, Dispatch News Service "?" ??" " and I hardly talked as the spent much of his time wait-
InternRtlonel, inc. mander was still involved in
.Srcorrd of a series the case. I began to have time passed. We were think- Ing for the. beginning oc the
t doubts that we could con. Ing the some thing. t lnnHy rainy sea on, the time. for
' ?S I N G A P 0 It E-hlny 19 wince them we were Indc? We heard Reth's voice nut-1pio.wing, by drinking tea and'
Was an awesome (late in In- pendent -minded journalists, side. smoking a rural type of mar-,
dochina this year because it free of strings to the U.S. ef- , "We shouldn't let our.ljuana.
marked the birthday of Bud- fort in Vietnam and Cam- imaginations get away from "Do you know what (lay it.
dha and also that of "Bac bodia. us," said Dudman. "Beth is today?" asked Anh Tu
Ho" (Uncle Ho). For Richard ' Our interrogators were was gone so long I began to (Third Brother), a 32-year-
Dudman of the St. Louis conspiratorial. and sinister think ..." old Vietnamese. His wife, -
Post-Dispatch, E 1 i z a b e t h men-or at least led us to Our treatment, grew no he told us earlier, had been
Pond of The Christian Sci- believe they were-quite un- ? worse but I could not re- killed a few weeks before in
'ence Monitor and myself it like the commander; Their cover 'confidence we would the massacre of Vietnamese
brought the first unqualified main concern seemed to be be released soon as news- by Cambodian government
men. I tried to prepare my- troops at Prasaut.
assurance we would not be the U.S. government's atti- self for a long stay with The day had not been dif-?
killed. tude toward us. yborse conditions, even. for i ferent up. until then, There
week and a .hail made me clothes, and was gone much; banana orchard. Here the
asked us to join him for a my" (American personnel)? Minh's birthday we were "Today is the birthday of
Cup of tea. Why were the Americans . moved to a new house, much Uncle Ho," he said. "Do you
i!,"You know there is. noth- broadcasting from' helicop-' larger than others where we know who 'Bac Ho' is?"
ing to be sad about, ",,he ters about us, asking the had stayed. We were told I was taken very much by
said. "Once we take a per- People to bring us or any this was because It was in a surprise. I felt guilty more
son prisoner we never kill word to them? If we were secret liberated zone where than anything else, - like
him. War is not to kill peo- really so independent and the people had had the ben-' forgetting the Passover in
ple but to win a cause. We critical as we said we were, efits of the revolution for the house of a Jewish
believe. bad people are just why'was the American gov- several years. . friend.
misled. Bad Americans just ernment paying so much at- - Despite the house's size, it ,Of course I know- 'Bac
don't understand. tention to us? initially had several short- Ho.' You mean Chairman
"We don't like to kill I did, not know,. if the comings from our point of Ho." .
Americans, not even At I neri- American government was view. The house for the. "Ho Chi Minh," he said,
can soldiers. We know they doing these. things..I could, most part was one big room.' 'We 'all wanted to' bring
don't understand our situa- imagine it was doing much There was one corner parti- tUncle Ho to Saigon while he
tion. Everyone can be edu- more. I suspected it would tioned off, and to our dis-, was still living. We were not
cated. When we capture not help our cause. may it was given to us, prob- able' to, and we feel very
someone, that is the end of The depths of my depres? ably with the good intention' bad about that. We struggle
our difference with him." sion came' May 14, two of protecting our privacy, harder now to make it up to
After our arrest by guer- weeks after capture, when a There was no window, few -Uncle Ho. We commenkdrate
troops on Highway One thin, middle-aged man In a air currents and almost no 'his birthday by fighting bar-
eastern Cambodia on May gray-brown uniform interro? contact with other people in 'der for the freedom and in-
in 7, we had been treated gated us for the second the house: .', dependence of our country
time. His North Vietnamese We were less appreciative ;and against' the American
fairly. The one exception was "z"
harsh abuse at the hands of accent, with its harsh than we might have been if' aggression.'
some villagers and low-rank- and "v" sounds, accentuated we had been -living with oth-, ' Anh Tu had shown very
'ing soldiers on the first day. the steeliness of-his manner.. ers in the cool'open space of. little emotion before. He
This was brought to an end "We are considering you, the rest of the house. rarely let anything beyond a
quickly by army officers. as American personnel,",he Black Beetles neutral expression creep
said. onto his rather long, hollow-.
Haunting Fears "What does that mean?"-I . Moreover, we encountered' checked face. Now he was
Still there was the haunt- asked. a difficulty we had not had; 'suddenly very profound. He'
ing fear that suspicions we "You're U.S. government before-black beetles that. ,took a small red book from
were spies would win out personnel. We're- not sure ell onus -from the roof. his pocket and showed it to
over our claims to being yet whether you' are CIA, In our first full day in. us.
journalists. We stayed in military or refugee, but we the house it had not dawn- Ilio's Biography '
are treating you as Ameri- ed on us that it was Ho's
fiiomes and were treated birthday, although we a1V The pages of the tiny
more like guests than pris- can personnel. I took his book were very thick and
visit to mean we were now normally would have beeni
kept , but those in charge aware of it. We had slept slightly brown. The type
most aloof, so we were iso- looked upon as prisoners of most of the time, I;se food was tall and archaic. The
lated from them. Loneliness war, possibly classified as, title page had in large Viet.
brought on fear. spies. i was ample, and hearty, but. na-nese letters, "A Short Bl
bur spirits had been low. .
The commander who told 'Our Imagination' ,%-After dinner we were, in ography of Ho Chi Minh." A',
)is the first night of eaptiv- After dark each evening '.vise tn' come out to the: plastic covered picture of
4y that we would be kept in we we o e ~~i? t~p~ y~fq Ho was inside the flap of,
gafe ctAp roy iFtpgfie a ~b th~Cb~h Clio i1'si ~h~t' ?s"iYl1~ 1rrWnt cover.
and honest. But three inter- "We all have these ^, said.
first. She had decided 'to large window, which looked. Tu "We' read them from
Yogations during the first. wash her hair and some out On! the palm, man and ?
}k~t+riuiLa;v'Ur'i w'ad'
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 C31A-DP1?01601066OT4bkT2-1
Richard Dudruan, chief 1T/asliington correspondent for the
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, was in Indochina in 1959 and reported
from South Victmmt in 1962, 1965, 1966 and 1969. He was visiting
Cambodia when he and two other reporters i.r,ere captured by
Communist troops last mouth. They were released June 15. Thisl
is the second in a series of articles.
By RICHARD DUDMAN of supplies for our littre group uniform as it was possible to captors began to ease a few
peel off a few riels to pay forget. days after we were captured. I
Star Special writer
For more than two weeks we fled a chicken. The interrogation sessions sensed a change when the
westward in the midst of a massive our guards often lived under 'were frightening. Questions guerrilla beside me in the
the bamboo-slatted floors of were barked at us and thel Land Rover, before getting out
bodian a pe a guerrilla troops and Cam- the houses, which were raised strain was intense, especially to ask the way one night,
odiNi peasants. on stilts. They stayed with the :for Mike. Speaking Vietnam-, slipped off his pistol and car-
o yd Rover' farm implements and pigs, :ese, he bore the brunt and; tridge belt and laid them in
overtook long nes our
ovegg lines o shadowy fionres, chickens and ducks while we translated into English for my lap.
walking in on single file o or sprawled on the always had the best place in Beth and me. Once I had to Often Beth, Mik hand nw were
where a suenL seuUy ?........~ b.?. '.unworried at leaving tneir
brief signal with a flashlight, we usually One o our questioners It never occurred to us to
were directed to shield our faces with families and homes at the dis stern-faced soldier whom I make a break. The guard armed
ers. the cotton batik sarongs that had been posal the late afternoons and ,fudged to a a North Vietnam- i
iven us for a change He was in uniform and surely would have shot us if we
g ga of clothing. 'ese. evenings, by fading daylight 'e a r r i e d an official-looking had tried. And if we had es-
But sometimes, by moonlight or the or the tiny flames of a guerril- khaki pouch. lie ordered us to taped them, we still would
frequent phosphorus flares protecting la's kerosene lamp, those of ,write statements giving de- have been caught in a strange
allied outposts a few miles away, we our guards who spoke Viet- tails leading up to our co by among a totally hos-
could make out that the troops carried namese sat around with the capture-whether we had ever t e population without even
r kne e protection of our team of
mostly repeating rifles or carbines. Cambodian villagers taking reported to the CIA o ?
Some bore the small haversack that we the' first step in friendship- ;anyone connected with the guerrillas.
came to know as standard guerrilla learning each others language. -agency, the dates on which we GRADUALLY WE CAME to
equipment. n political discussions, our '.had visited Paris, Vientiane,
It was impossible to judge the na- : guards told us repeatedly of Hanoi and Saigon and a sum- think of the five guerrillas who
tionality of the troops we saw. We "the solidarity of the peoples mary of. all stories we had had us in kt,>w as ascorts rath-
thought it would be unwise to ask di- of Vietnam, Cambodia and written, 'as'well as a list of er than guards. Before we
rectly where a man or woman came .Laos and of their unified' personal references in those wribinel a as the not were de
J 'from. Even later, the five guerrillas, struggle that will continue un- cities and elsewhere, and "in- scribing prisoners
J who held us-Elizabeth Pond of the til all Americans are driven '.ternational journalists" whom , of war but travelers who lost
Christian Science Monitor, Michael out and all of Indochina is free we knew personally. their way."
Morrow of Dispatch News Service Inter and independent." Our life began to have its
-.; ~ little pleasures. Sometimes
pational and me-prisoner in Cambodia They represented Norodom LATER III, SAID our re- our two meals a day, of main-
for 40 days gave us only limited infor- Sihanouk, the deposed ruler of Orts were not neat enough ly rice, were augmented with
motion about themselves. Cambodia, as a key figure in nor complete enough. He a snack of sweetened con-
The fleeing peasants had with them this partnership.' 'thought they contained errors densed milk, or a glass of tea
all the household goods they could car-,, and told us to rewrite them. with three heaping spoons of
ry -mostly pots, dishware and a little ' ' WE NOTICED that when Mike was convinced that it coarse sugar. Twice we had
food. Several women whom we picked our guards passed a pagoda' was the old CliinCSe technique pastry similar to Boston crull-
up with babies in their arms, as well as 'they unobtrusively removed of asking a prisoner to rewrite ers. Once we had fresh pineap-
lugging bundles and chickens, spoke ,their hats. It was a gesture of a statement time after time as plc. On May 19, the guerrillas
only Cambodian. Occasionally they respect for local religious be- a form of torture or punish- gave us one of the blocks of
shouted greetings to acquaintances licfs-all the more marked, ment, wear him down and sweetened popped rice that
among the troops that had passed them because, as we learned later, catch discrepancies. were a special treat in their
earlier and whom our car overtook. 'they were atheists. The second statement, how- celebration of Ho Chi Minh's
We saw hundreds, both civilian and In the first few days of our ever, proved to be the last, birthday. It was something
military. One night alone, I counted 200. :capture we had three tough except for a later addendum like candied popcorn.
In this massive migration we felt sessions of up. to two hours when they wanted us to state . At the big house where we
that we were watching the terrorization 'each with harsh investigators that everything we had written had been staying, Friday, May
of the peasants of Cambodia. We felt we from a higher headquarters. was true. 22, was a day of rest and prep-
were observing the welding together of They accused us of being CIA, A n o t h e r interrogator-a aration, but Saturday began as
the local population with the guerrillas. spies. They said the first an-. shifty-eyed, French-speaking a day of action that was the
The peasants were turning to the fight-, nouncement of our capture de- ? man whom I took to be Viet longest and hardest yet.
:ers as their best friends. We felt that scribed us as American per- namese-told Beth in French, We had driven much of
this held the most serious significance ;'sonncl, not as journalists. '"We notice you have very Pc- Thursday night. On Friday
for American policy. ? Fortunately, neither Beth culiar cameras. They don't, morning everyone seemed to
Pond, Mike nor I was wearin look like press cameras." be getting ready for some-
AT EACH HOUSE where we stopp- military style clothing. All one of tie most unpleasant thing. One of the soldiers was
ed the villagers appeared to offer will- three of us customarily avoid- C1.s?ns we encountered, he al- using a needle and thread to
ing cooperation and friendship to the ?cd such attire to be sure N' ways spoke with his hand hold repair his shirt. A nurse was
guerrillas. Our guards told us our rice were not mistawen for military over his mouth, covering his filling her little kerosene
i get a Ajapr afv dr PrRRle 440f~0f0~/ ;eFl~? 6K1~~1~C~A*400210g i ~~-s7 lamp.
ncy that doesn't exist. white lio s rt, w But the interro o end-,
Superior Court Judge James O'Kcefo about from a military and our relations with our`
no claimant could be the sole bencfici ,dritinuoa
A dirty rear curtain was kept down Ulu ""u 1 "`
'houses went to work each day utcs to to help him relax after- car with a a ozen L~mnebu
__a A...^,;nnn rmpatino, rifles.
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIJ-%D
Red Officer Saved Writers from Mob
By Michael Morrow ?' ' soldiers on Iiighivay 1, a Cambodian were not bent! namese peered in however; 1,
r;1070. Dh. ,ntch News Scrvke short distance west of Svay on murdering us at all. They and told me to sit up. I mis- . ?;
I itcrnatlodnl. Inc. understood his Vietnamese
Meng, had been fair. We got-Elizabeth a bicyc}c when
First of a Series had approached ?a blown she could no longer keep up'to he "lie down" and did so.
SINGAPORE, June 21- bridge, realized we couldn't and served us tea when we Ile became furious, as did
Quick action by a pro-Com? go on and started back. Two arrived at the site of their the formerly docile Student.' ?/ii:'
lniunist guerrilla officer men stepped out from be. unit's headquarters. interpretor. The student
probably saved the lives of hind a tree and motioned to! We soon were out of 'the began shouting' at me as
,this reporter and two other us to stop. They moved back jurisdiction of our original though I were a dog, stamp
'correspondents while we behind the tree again 'for' captors, however, and were Ing hard on the floor and c.,
kvere in the hands of an .cover, with promise Qf a hall taken by bicycle to, the next thrashing his arms about.
,8ngry mob the first day of of bullets should we try to level of command-perhaps Three Blindfolded
,our capture by the Khmer continue.. 'a battalion. The commander. I tried to ignore the blind-
(Cambodian) United Na- We got out of the car:im-'was a bitter-faced Vietnam-folds put on us before we:
`tional Front in Cambodia on mediately and pushed bur ese IV his late 30s, with only were led out of the truck as;
I'day 7th. hands high in the air on the'one eye. There were Viet- just a security precaution:
The command of the Vietnam- namese and Cambodians in
.ethnic officer, a Vietnamese 34-year from old ese, who had come forward the command unit1 One sot. Elizabeth w a taking it quite
:ethn rightly in a more serious
Phnom Penh who has with his AK-47 pointed to. dier wore a brush hat with view. We stood holding
fought more than 10 years ward us, .the Initials "FUNK" (Front hands. "Thanks for ever =
(n both Indochinese wars, He told -us to drop all our .United National Khmer) thing, it's been swell," she
? arrived on the scene with belongings to the pavement ball-pointed in on a bent up said.
three of his men as a rabid, and to turn around.- brim. It was my first intro- "Well, I don't think k i'anti-American crowd was Memories raced through.ductlon to FUNK. come to that," I replied. thit's
.running Richard Dudman of "We'll have to have a re-
the St. Louis Post-Dispatch my mind of the execution of union when this is all over," were walked together for
and me blindfolded through.a .friend, Reuters corre- said Dudman with charac- some distance. Most voices
to village, pulled along by a spondent Bruce 'Pigott, teristic optimism, ".. and were Cambodian. Some -
motorbike. when the car in which he get them to give us some were Vietnamese, however, D IC otticer came too late and several other journalists paper and pencils. We've got and these began to frighten
to save' Dudman and me were traveling had been am- to start writing." - me. I thought I heard dis-
from a. hearty clout on the bushed in May 1068 during ?tinctly one angry voice say,
head and an uncomfortable the fighting in Saigon. Hostile Air "Phat ha to binh." (One
few minutes on the ground, George Syvertson of CBS, There was an air of hostii- must kill prisoners of war.)
still blindfolded, with our his camera crew and I had ity at this post, much "Start talking to them
hands bound painfully be. been the first to find Pigott stronger than' at the pre. again, Beth," I said, trying
hind our backs. and the others. The memory vious one, but I was relieved not to let on I had heard
The officer posted one of had stuck. when a man with a card what I thought I had.
his men with 'Elizabeth Pond "Turn around," the soldier marked "Presse" organized She did, but the words,
of the ? ' Christian Science said. As the only Vietnam- another move, to a small vii- "International press" had lit.
Monitor, the third member ese speaker In our group, I )age. tie impact on the deteriorat--
of our party, and the other responded. We boarded a large truck Ing situation.
two between the crowd and "I'm afraid you're going to with bc" ghs plastered over I began speaking to the
1 Dudman and me. Meanwhile shoot us when we turn the top of it for camouflage Vietnamese speakers, telling
he went himself for help around," I said. and started on a journey of them that I knew a certain
from higher authorities. "Don't worry, I'm not about an hour. (man In the North Vietnam.
By doing so,: the officer- going to shoot you. Turn The only one from the ese delegation in Paris and.
who. we later - learned was around." .. second post to join us was a -he could' surely vouch for
called Anh Ba (Second I had told, him - immedi- Cambodian student who my identity. This had even
ately when we got out of the spoke French. Two other' less effect.
Brother)-sated ,Elizabeth
from molestation, and Dud- car we were International Cambodian soldiers who. Forced to Run
man and me from death, the journalists=-and it was writ- spoke only Cambodian Were My left hand was soon
deeming aim of the crowd. ten all over the car In both also picked up. All were pried from Elizabeth's and
We lived with Anh Ba for Vietnamese and 'French.' young, They began bragging and lashed by a length of
+onc month and two days be. There was nothing else -to over the tail gate to villag- rope at the wrist to a motor
(fore he recounted how he do except deny we were ers as the trip pressed on. bike that I, still blindfolded,
.had acted, beyond the yen Americans-which we did. The student, particularly, could hear just ahead of me.;
'of our blindfolds, to save Into Ravine changed from , a polite Dick 'was caught by the;
Gui;lives,.gn the first day of We were led down and up schoolboy to soldier over- right wrist; we had grasped;
our captivity. the small ravine left by the lord. each other's free hand.
"The people wanted to blown bridge and farther BY the time we reached The motor bike soo
beat you to .,death. Sonic; along the road. I 'was still our destination, the student started up, pulling us, lurch
wanted to do harm to 'Chi' 'very shaken. was no longer an Interpreter'ingly, forward. People prod
.(elder sister-Elizabeth)",! "Are you going to shoot. who could be counted on to Ided us In the back to run!
the officer said. It would not us?" I asked. . pass the word that we were 'faster. I began feeling close
have been right 'for them to' "There's nothing to worry journalists. to death. .1 1
.kill you,' not knowing about" he replied. ' The truck ground' to a Dick kept saying 'he
'whether you were' good or' : I learned later the Viet-stop, People crowded In .cou4dn'krun any farther., . t;
bad people." - 1 namese was a five'year vet- around the tailgate and win-
'.) Before the mob incident,eran, originally from the dow-like openings near the
Eaur.t:capt e' by lib. do Mekong. Delta. Re- And the cab. Most were Cambod
ppro\eclFor elease 2000/08/16 : CIA 9t1iWQ 10001-7
? ~DGIIt iJ't}e'
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CLA2RQP~g~1601 R0004DOZIT~UI~T 7 JUN
0 0 Do92, G 3 a2, ,j- " " ~E Mai EC"""
starspeewwriter Driving down Route.,1, the main prnom Penh and was working with the
The rice paddies stretched emptily we highway wfrom Saigon to Phnom aved on at a checkpoint and ary forces Camband odians Vietnamese
Americans and
on both sides of us. The countryside was by friendly Cambodian forces. . South Vietnamese.
,deserted. We were frighteningly alone. The sentry gave us no warning, but ? He told us we would not be shot in
Suddenly a Vietnamese in a sports, suddenly about a mile west of Svay any event, If we were what we said we
shirt and carrying a Chinese-made autos Rieng in the Parrot's. Beak area of were, he promised, we would be set
matic rifle slid from behind a big tree: Cambodia, we realized we were alone, free, naturally.
We stopped our car and scrambled out, The rice fields were deserted. No peas-. . But the friendly tone vanished when
hands up.
"Don't shoot," called Mike. "We ant trudged along the highvJay. No dog, stern gray-haired, crew-cut man with a
are journalists:' barked. Not a chicken squawked. smanner arrived. He did not be-
That was the beginning of my 40 When we reached a blown-up bridge, lieve a word of our story. Over and
days with the guerrillas. We were pris- with no warning sign, we knew the.. over, Mike told him how we had set out
oners in Cambodia. -worst. We had -unwittingly entered the.: from Saigon that morning to see and
enemy, we three are the only ones held ' no-mans land between allied forces and: report what was happening in Cambo-
for any length of time who have been the guerilla troops supporting Prince dia.
released. - Norodom Sihanouk,. the ousted Cambo- After more questions we were taken.
In nearly six weeks of hiding in' dian head of state. from the hamlet on bicycles. We pe-
jungle and paddyland there were times, Swiftly we turned our International, daled two or three kilometers and then
of terror when our lives were at stake.' Scout and headed back along the desert- came to a big, Czech-made truck cam-
There also was much boredom and ed road toward Svay Rieng. We had ouflaged with tree branches in what-
occasional happy times playing cress gone only 100 yards or so when the -appeared to be a large village.
with our captors and making a feast of Vietnamese- with the automatic rifle' We were herded into the truck with
roastodog. stopped us. In a,moment, a Cambodian about 10 Cambodian soldiers. One car-
? We lost. weight and suffered some joined him. ried a Chinese AK 47 automatic rifle,
ant bites, minor infections and dysen- With rifles trained on us they or- another a light machinegun.
:try, but we came out in reasonably good ?dered us to empty our pockets on the The Cambodians watched us intent-
health-and with a good look at the :pavement and then motioned to us to ly but impassively. We offered a smile;
"other side." start walking. Hands raised, we clam- no response.
We saw a well-organized movement bered down a collapsed bridge span and The soldier with the automatic rifle
Hand Vietnamese veme t up the rubble on the other side. .
kept it pointed at my chest. When r
guerril. of Cambodian
drmined war against ;U.S. The sudden throb of a helicopter, motioned politely to him to point it to
tanks a and planes. engine alarmed our captors. "Di, di, one side, he waved it angrily at me and
We gradually learned about their di!" hurry, hurry, hurry! they ordered put the gun to my head. He kept it there
hatred of the United States, their tac us to run. There was no cover except an, all the while the truck bounced along
tics, their relationship with the Cambo- 'occasional tree. Some of the trees had jungle roads.
dian peasants and what kind of people, been felled across the highway as make
they aFe as we traveled with them on shift roadblocks. THE DANGER MOUNTED. At each'
foot, by bicycle and occasionally by When Elizabeth lagged behind, a village an angry faced crowd of men.
truck from one village to another. man on a bicycle who had joined us, and women gathered and climbed the
Being the first to be released we gave her a lift. After running about two tailgate of the truck for a look at the
feel an obligation to the 20 other cor- miles, we were loci down a side path. hated Westerners.
respondents still missing. Although we, In a thatched roof hut, Mike and I The French-speaking Cambodian;
made no deals for our release, we de-:'had to take off our pants and shoes. (student got into the spirit of the capture
cided to withhold a few details, such ; They were returned to us after a thor-'and his friendly manner disappeared.
as the exact place of our release, for ough search and we were given a cup of Each time the truck slowed, he would
'fear of jeopardizing our colleagues. tea. lean out to boast about the "three .
Our captors suspected us of being - OUR FIRST INTERROGATION be- Americans" inside.
spies for the Central Intelligence Agen- gan a few minutes later in another hut. I suppose the villagers thought we
cy and we are determined to avoid A young man wearing a pistol did the were downed fliers from one of the
'doing , anything that would feed their questioning. American planes that had been bombing
suspicions of other correspondents they Mike explained, in Vietnamese, that Cambodia since Sihanouk's overthrow.
have captured. we were international journalists. He At the last stop - at a sizable;
IT WAS MAY 7 when it all started. said that he and Beth were Canadians, village - hatred reached a critical 1ev-
Just a week earlier, President Nixon and I an Americpn: ? el. In twos and threes. boys and young
had opened a new dimension of the war An older man with one eye, who had men climbed the cab and tailgate of our
in Southeast Asia by announcing that been listening skeptically, took over the truck and glared down at us. They Several
invading and South Vietnamese troops wcrq queIlenaccused us of being CIA agents. shook threateningly.
point, an
made obscene gestures. At
inv ading Cambodia. It was the first of man such accusa-
At noon, Elizabeth Pond of the y ;older man clambered to the cab roof
tions which would be made against us in and berated us furiously.
Christian Science Monitor, Michael the next five weeks.. Morrow of Dispatch News Service Inter- There was a respite when a young
national and I sot out from Saigon to arriveA dyandgtookta friendlier spoke tone. Iilo 'the villagers so off the iruckAlle asked a
ace how for the invasion had ponotrat-,
ed said. ho was a Cambodian student from few questions and then ho, too, assured
,us wo would not be shot,.....
* Igeo~a lets ,r weaved ' .
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Approved For Release 2000/08/16 CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400210001-7
M - 102,470
S - 218,306
JUN 2 0 1970
Soviet Propaganda Mill
Works Overtime on China'
When friends fall out, the eroded
loyalty can produce some nasty invec-
tive. In their parting of ways, Russian
'certainly has not been sparing of its
feelings about Red China.
But so unexpected are the nature
of the denouncements that they stag-
ger the mind. In an issue of a Soviet
foreign affairs weekly these charges
are made:
Peking promoted the 1965 war be-
tween India and Pakistan, tried to
control Pakistan, invaded India,
Istirred up trouble in'Bhutan, Sikkim
and Nepal, tried to overthrow the
government of Burma and caused a
"'terrible tragedy" to its supporters in
flndonesia., where about 50,000 Com-
munists were killed after the army
!put down a-left wing coup attempt.
Then comes the "good" part.
aoist agents, helped by Chinese.resi-
dents of Cambodia, claims the publi-
cation, violated order there so "rude
.ly" that even Prince Sihanouk was
moved to protest. "And this Chinese:
interference in Cambodian affairs,".
claims the weekly with nary an illu-
sion to the CIA, "was one of the fac-
tors that instigated the right wing
forces of Cambodia to stage a coup
d'etat and cooperate with the Ameri-
earl imperialists."
Rather than chortle over the cred-
ibility gap these disclosures create in
the Soviet propaganda mill by revers-
ing' previous contentions, we should
hope now for a snap, in friendship be-
tween Hanoi and Moscow. With it-.
night come confirmation of what
we've been trying to tell the world all
along: North Vietnam is trying to
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400210001-7
CtTCIS.TIA;1 5CI4 Cil b,O.1IT0;i
Approved For Release 2000/08/16: CIA-11f$Q1+9MR000400ROT~
' He did not comment on questions about the f The result was said to have been tho
e ,effect of the fighting in Cambodia on a pos- sands of civilian deaths including China
Front chi v Bible peace settlement in Indo-China or on,Vietnamesa, and french immigrant!
the peace terms of the Cambodian front with
If'; Prime Minister Lon Fvof.- . !
1 ?1',, V '"a #; J .,,.i... oa...
Beyond affirming "solidarity" between'
Special correspondent of vehicles destroyed.
The Christian Science Monitor The Cambodian people were presented as
Snigoni united against "foreign aggression" under
Prince Norodom Sihanouk "under the direr-
A military commander of the Cambodian tion of the Communist Party In Cambodia."
O National United Front has stressed to Amer- It was asserted that Central Intelligence
lean journalists the determination of his side
Agency CIA
- x?
to win "final victory" against attacking, ( ) secret agents in the diplo-
American and South Vietnamese forces in matte corps of France. Australia, Japan,
Cambodia. Saigon,' and Formosa" had instigated the ' ' ' ' ?
Cambodian captor pro-Communists) in Cambod h prior to and
after the_ coup.
The discussion of the fighting in Cambodia
Monitor correspondent Elizabeth Pond is was very general, with no analysis beyond
one of three United States correspondents saying the front was winning and opposing
released this week after 40 days' captivity forces were totally Ineffective. He claimed
In Cambodia. Miss Pond in recent months more than 40,000 enemy troops had been
has'betn on a leave of absence while work- put out of action, including 3,000 American,
ing as an Alicia Patterson Fund lelloto in 20,000 South Vietnamese, and 20,000 cam-
$vuth,Vietnam. bodian troops. More than 10,000 rifles were
said to have been captured, more than 100'
of Vietnamese front troops to Cambodia."
Reporters interview Nor did he respond to the question about.
'the role of the Khmer Rouge (Cambodian
and Vietnam, he did not define me[nods or,
PetS,. 'cooperation this might entail. He had been
specifically asked 'if' .cooperation between,
TU p the fronts might involye sending of Cam- ~..
bodian front troops to-Vietnam or sending
Thal, and Cambodian "puppet forces." The front controlled, he said, three prov.
inces totally, including the capitals-Kratie,
The person interviewed, identified as theStung Treng, and Monculkirl-plus 40 district
Cambodian commander of military region capitals, and more than 2 million people.
203, gave the interview a few days before;phnom Penh was said to be encircled within.
they were freed to the first Western jour-11 three to five kilometers.
nalists to have been released by front forces. The other provinces wer!` said to be con'
The correspondents were representatives of trolled by the front in the countryside outside,
Christian Science Monitor, the St. Louis tr tr the province thcapital:
Post-Dispatch, and Dispatch News Service
International. Patriotism cited
The person interviewed was not identified
by name, for reasons of security, the jour. The patriotism of the Cambodian people
nalists were told. This was the only inter- and their solidarity with other peoples of
view given to these. reporters In their 5% Indo-China against, aggression was stressed
weeks in Cambodia. first In the statement. Gratitude was ex-
Written question submitted pressed to the people of Indo-China for their
The interview was a formal one. Written total defeat.of French colonialism, and this
questions were submitted in advance, and a victory . was compared with the present-day,
prepared statement was' then read to the fight against American imperialism.
journalists in Cambodian and translated Into The distinction was made between the
French. There was no time to pose follow-up
American people and. "aggression" by the
utterly savage imperialistic regime" of the
. No Information was offered in response to United States Government. This govern-
about other toreign
e j
jment, the commander said, is
more fascist
correspondents missing in Cambodia orthan the Hitler regime." The result, he said,-
about prisoners of war of any nationality oriis that "the American government is savage-
about policy on their treatment. The report-ily massacring innocent villagers without
,era had 1942 cf0 d~fg~g~p 41P 001-7
.: kok: Men atI ne, 'I mar Saral.. oc~
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400
18 June 1970
Cambodia: %7Thy't .e Generals Wo
- - ' helped ' to facilitate, an escalation to escalate hastily in Cambodia recalls
Peter Dale Scott the pressure on Kennedy to escalate in
of the US military effort which the
overthrown regime would not have 1 1962 and on Johnson to escalate in
President Nixon's ground operations in tolerated. As my colleagues and I tried 1964, first in response to Laos and
Cambodia troops ? will like30, ly to demonstrate in our book, The later in response to the alleged Tonkin STATI N1
be over, as he promises,
b by e by Politics of Escalation in Vietnam, the' Gulf "incident" of August 1964. In all
strategy June
19 970. The he long-range (if not the intention) of every one cases, including the present one, a key
role was played by our intelligence:'
which the Cambodian adventure was of these escalations was to nullify a real,
undertaken almost certainly will not agencies, who first helped ~v induce
be. For though the invasion itself was or apparent threat of peace at the time.' a(I would now add that we failed suffi- a crisis which they subsequently mis'
unprecedented, all of the prior ele- ciently to emphasize the role of our ci- reported to the President.
ments in the scenario were often vilian and military intelligence services Furthermore, all but the most rudi-
repeated cliches, from the initial by in bringing about all of the crises in !. mentary forms of civilian review within
tary overthrow of a popular leader by question, as well as the present one.) ' the executive branch were suppressed.
a right-wing pro-American clique, to i The second cliche of the When the first US arms shipment to
the announced response to an enemy scenario was Lon Nol's deliberate breach of the Cambodia was announced on April 22
1. "invasion" at a time when the pros- by White House press secretary Ronald
pects for ending the war seemed to be accommodation hitherto established
between the NLF troops in Cambodia Ziegler, his counterpart Robert McClos-.
increasing. Most characteristic of all is and the troops of Pnompenh, fol- key at the State Department admitted
.-:the likelihood that Nixon was Ares- that he "knew nothing about it" (New
cured by the Joint Chiefs to authorize lowed by a precipitous retreat, in the York Times, April 24,. 1970, p. 3). On
the Cambodian adventure in great face of what seem to have been only
light enemy probes, back' to the out- April 23, the very day that "emer-
haste, and in such a way as to bypass enc "meetings of the Special Action
or overrule most of his civilian ad- skirts of Pnompenh itself- This gratu-. g Y
.. ++ itous . provocation of a much stronger Group began to consider the Fishhook
ulcers, as a response to an emergency invasion, Secretary of State Rogers
for which US intelligence agencies and enemy hag been treated as irrational by
several will-established American ana- told a House Appropriations subcom-
perhaps the Joint Chiefs themselves mittee that 'if US troops went into
were largely responsible. ' lysts, but it will be seen to have its
own Machiavellian logic when'` I;8ih- Cambodia "our whole (Viet namization) I
Even if terminated by June 30, the "
," and that we
Cambodian adventure has confirmed pared to similar events in the Second program is defeated," have no incentive to escalate into 1
yet again what some of us have been Indochina War. By the same combina- 1. Cambodia" (Washington Post, May 6.
saying for years: that at present the lion of absurd provocation and pre- 1970. Al). In the wake of the Fish-_1
US military apparatus in Southeast .cipitous withdrawal in previous springs, f1 hook decision ("Operation Pro.
',,Asia will work to reject a new policy Laotian troops (and/or their American
advisers) secured the first commitment metheus") it was suggested that the
of de-escalation as certainly as the Joint?Chiefs of Staff had
human orgagism will work to reject a of. US combat troops to Thailand-the
first in Southeast Asia, for that matter- pulled an end run in their
transplanted heart. The formula to It effort to the attack
neutralize this rejection process has in. May 1962, and the first bombings , get g nst the
unfortunately not yet been discovered. of Laos-which Aviation Week cor- . border areas approved.... Some
rectly reported to be "the' first ?US ._ believed Mr. Laird found himself
In other words one cannot under- i _in offensive military action since Korea"- the?final stages of planning for
the invasion without being fully
stand what has happened recently in May 1964.2
{ consulted and informed during the
Cambodia without understanding the Thus Lon Nol's actions, far from
whole history of the Second Indochina being irrational, followed ' a recipe preliminary planning stages (Chris- ? 1
for US support which by now has Nan Science Monitor, May 14, #
War. One cannot for example appreci- been tested many times and never 1970).'
ate Lon -Nol's expectations in over- known to fail. The .exigent realities of! Perhaps the most embarrassing plight,
throwing Prince Sihanouk on M4rch 18 1
the monsoon season and the US budg- was that of Senate kepublican recalling the anti-neutralist 1 epublican leader
'- military coups of late 1960 and April I.etary process encourage an annual t Hugh Scott, who .was
1964 in Laos, or of. January 1964 and C cycle of escalation which by now can
... cut adrift with White House-
U5 personnel f be not only analyzed but predicted. inspired statements that renewed
6'5 i
3une 19
was a
rem bombing of the North e very
were involved in (or at the very least,
these" remote contingency at th
one of J
cognizant o4' every
r .,:...?:~?
The third and most frightening clich6 1 time a hundred American planes
~gpuPS- . were dropping
is the phenomenon of the artificially it bomb3 across the
induced "crisis" used as a pretext , demilitarized zone a
for hasty executive actions which J Constitutional procedures under Nix
Approved For Release 2000diI$-k *A-1411 0'19 b~ pQ4801 W ssediy a "strict construe
declare wars and advise on ore gn, tionist," have clearly deteriorated a
long way since, 1954, when Dulles had,
Approved For Release 20011/D01601R000400
17 JUN 1970
4fter Cambodian detention
correspondents freed
Monitor correspondent Elizabeth Pond, who
Er captured in Cambodia Ma 7, has been released. Firs
well ana unnarmea. A ;otnt story, written oy Mtss Yona
(who in recent months has been on a leave of absence'''
while working as an Alicia Patterson Fund fellow in
South Vietntzm), and the other two correspondent '
captured with her, follows. In a subsequent edition' the
Monitor will carry further, details on Miss Pond's
row of Dispatch News Service Into na- aaa.a.a...a...a, the reporters . told . a.a, were taken away from 41-1 WAR enurt.mnrtinled for hnndlinar thpmmeil aa_sive im 1ool and bi~kthe l1w
? __.D
(walked through a gauntlet of jeering vii- Invasion on the civilian population In
Saigon lagers. The men were tied to a motor-the region.
Three American journalists have been bike and forced to run a halt mile while Without realizing it, they had crossed
released safe and in good health after still blindfolded, then were hit on the into a front-held zone and found their
more than five weeks' detention by pro-'head and held in a room with their way blocked by a blown-up bridge. As
Sihanouk forces in Cambodia: Miss hands tied behind them. they-tried to return to Svay Rieng, they
Elizabeth Pond of The Christian Science A superior officer Intervened, ? how. were halted by two front soldiers who
Monitor, Richard Dudman of the St. ever, and these actions were halted, steppedl.from behind a tree and mo-
h and Michael Mnr- The soldier responsible for the roughtioned the reporters to leave the ear:
On June 15 they were driven by jeep harshly when their identity had not
and motorbike to a section of Highway been established.
1 that is controlled at night by the Cam. The correspondents left Cambodia as
bodian United National Front. From the honored guests, at a mass meeting
there they hitched rides to Saigon on a of about 1,000 villagers. The theme of
:convoy of South Vietnamese trucks re? the meeting was gratitude of the Cam4
turpina from Phnom Penh. bodian people for those American, peo-
They are the first of 23-foreign cor? ple who oppose aggression by the Nixon
respondents who have disappeared in administt'ation in Indo-China. The jour.
Cambodia so far to have been released nalists were asked to write the truth of
by the front. They were arrested May 7: the situation in front-held areas for their
In the 5% weeks between their arrest American and world readers.
and their release the correspondents At the end of their stay the three were
were well cared for by a small unit of given an Interview with a Cambodian'
front soldiers. They traveled a total of Identified as the commander of the
about 200 miles and stayed In 10 homes military region.
of villagers. They were well fed and The reporters asked to visit areas'
protected against American and South where there had been B-52 bombing or
Vietnamese air and ground attacks. strafing of civilian populations or areas
They were asked to make statements where many civilians had been killed,
about their'experience, presumably for by American or South Vietnamese
later broadcast, but none conflicting ground troops. This request was denied,'
with their views. ' reportcfaZnathowever, onthe grounds that there was
the length of their stay was the time re-front could fighting stili not in guarantee places these the' and security,
quired for the front to verify their asser;of the journalists there.
tions that they were journalists. The The correspondents made inquiries
original suspicion, which was pursued inbut were given no Information about
several sessions of questioning, was thatother reporters missing in Cambodia on
cy were "American government per-about American prisoners of war.
sonnel," possibly Central Intelligence
Agency agents. Once it was ascertalnedClearing operation
to the satisfaction of the front that they The reporters had inadvertently'
really were journalists-and "good peo-.
ple"-they were treated as friends: - lentered an area controlled by the front
at about noon on May 7 on Highway
(- Captives displayed 1 about three kilometers west of Svay.
'Rieng In the Parrot's Beak area.
The only exception to the good treat-' They had driven from Saigon that
ment occurred on the day of their arrest morning to observe American and
when they were transported at gunpoint South Vietnamese forces then mount-;
in a truck through several villages and Ing a clearing operation on the main
displayed sA IsWIRrAektdhtf)tlOf!Otlf p6SaQil tailPigNvOIt610fl ni$400210001-7 .
'last_villaee Oiev were-blindfolde4 and also were reporting on the effects, of the'
V R11%
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80- 00400210001-7
. { '; 17 JUN 1~~0
1,the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in of Kampuchea (Cambodia). about 200 miles and stayed in,
(Washington, Elizabeth Pond of Dudman reported that he ten homes of villagers. They
,the Christian Science Monitor 'and his companions were ,Were well fed and protected
American and
patch and News Michael Service Morrow of Dia Interna? captured by Front f o r c e s. South against several Vietnamese air and
t(ons). 1 The Front was launched by
They reported that they had,, Prince Norodom Sihanouk ground attacks.
been well treated by their cap- soon after his ouster March 18 They were asked to make
tors. "Frankly I felt safer most, as Cambodia's ruler when he statements about their experi-
of the time we were captured cast' his lot with the Commu? ence, presumably for later
than f do in the streets of Sal- nist forces in Indochina to try broadcast by the Liberation
gon," Dudman?said. . , to overthrow the men who Radio or Hanoi, but none that
The three correspondents deposed him. conflicted with their own
said they are hopeful that a, [North Vietnam and the Viet. views.
number of other newsmen. cap-, tong never have admitted of. Several . Interrogators told
?tured during the past two Ificially that their forces oper- the reporters after their arrest
months are. alive and may also'?ated In Cambodia for years. that they were suspected of
be returned. Two Americans This omission, Western offs- being "American government
are confirmed to be dead, cials have noted, compounds personnel" or possibly agents
George Syvertsen and Gerald the release of any captured of the Central Intelligence
Miller, bot '.of CBS. prisoners unless, as In the cur, Agency.
Dudman said they were -m--_ rent case, the release is made Once their credentials as
treated briefly on May 7, the in the name of the Cambodian bona fide newspaper corre-
day of their capture by local Front. spondents was established and
villagers near Svay Rieng in, Front..
filed the following they came to be considered
the Parrot's Beak of Cam. "good - people" they were
boils, account of the captives, ' re'
I treated as friends and their re
"They forced Mike and melease to The St. Louis Post. lease was arranged.
to run behind a motorcycle to Dispatch which made it avail. The only exception to gener-
which they tied us. At one able to The Washington Post. ally good treatment was on
point they also beat us to the SAIGON, June 1-Three the day of their' arrest, they
ground. They were assumed to American newspaper corre- were taken at gunpoint in a
be resentful about bombings. spondehts hitch hiked Into Sal? truck through several villages
"But then an officer inter-, gon after being released last and displayed as American
vened and from that point on night in Cambodia by the pro. prisoners of war.
we were well treated," Dud'l Sihanouk forces that had ar- At the last of these stops,
man related. . rested them last May 7. - ''they were blindfolded and
The missing correspondents The reporters, Richard Dud- marched through a gauntlet of
declined to go Into details of man of the Post-Dispatch, Mi- jeering villagers. The two men
their captivity until they had, chael Morrow of Dispatch were tied to a motorbike and
completed their own accounts' News Service International forced to run a half mile while
of the extraordinary five and Elizabeth Pond of the still blindfolded. Then both
weeks of captivity. Christian Science Monitor, were knocked to the ground
"They are Impressive were freed safe and in good with a blow on the head and
people," one of the three said health at 11 p.m. on a stretch left in a darkened room with(
of their captors. of Highwfy I that is controlled their hands tied behind themy
They were released on High- at night by the Cambodian 'A superior officer inter-
way 1 in Cambodia Monday United National Front. livened however and the re-I '
iue .inhthirec, wer nv ,wncu WELL. currently pro-Sihanouk forces weeks of tneir cietentuon, tnei
Dud- In Cambodia are now gath- three were well cared for by
they, althou lgeft, are nn than Richard when
they, hef correspondent of ered under the banner of five soldiers assigned to them
the National United Front by the Front. The traveled
more than five weeks in Cam- ated Press reported. ceived no reply.
hndia. rAll n..,.,,.,...,It ....a r,. +ht. fivo nnA nna half,
,missing American correspond- Vietnamese or Vietcong Penh.
tents reappeared In $algon troops in Cambodia, apparent- They asked authorities of the
today after being released by, ly in hopes that this might im-' Front for news about 20 other
prove the chances of the other foreign correspondents still
their captors who held them captive newsmen, the Assoc(- missing In Cambodia but re-
1 Weehlntrton Poet rsre)rn service 'I [Their statement carefully'Iese convoy of military trucks) SAIGON, June, 16-Three, avoided any mention of North, II returning empty from Phom i . ,
night and hitch-hiked into Sal- They had been driven there porters were treated from'
gon on a truck convoy. They J by jeep and a relay of motor- then on with kindness andj
rive hire unUl'TuerdaYa tern _..-. _- ..,,, ._ _..,
9alIIen with-'a Snath.VYetnam llhar^ted .euw et Camhedla as
Hpprow=r,@ 4*e4eas@r3rwYrutYtTb-: I.1 '-F(LT"U-U-I bU? I,t UUU4UUZTUUUT-7 "' '
f 40 Days As Red Captives.. .' 11
Fh .` orrespo~zc~ents~ Tell
a}anrC- '
nvnral s
t 1
MIT si.u WY ter sprung him, e t {'ere freed Ins! n G I they we
personnel al
11 o'clock in Cambodia on a . U S government
Mrs. Helen Dudman didn't' cr? 1" between entg of the Central
believe it at first ~ %r lien the . Mrs. Dudman said she was stretch of highway possibly ag
.. al A .. r lark this convinced the "commtmtty of Saigon and P~inom Penh. Intelligence Agency. cre.
"Wo didn't niscuss will .n. the trio llliln "" 1 them alLC1 "11" .. ??
said howev- pareci by 11 i 1 t nt about' re sii?:pl?cle of being
B i1ARR11'T (;ftil'riT11S It I
speak to him," MTS. uuumall Antioch College student now to, were [reea: ere - ??? care, prcz,.~"?"?,
bout the back- t b Radio llanot, but none
urc y their release
The Dudmans, married 33, said ? The' three reporters sold
Cambodia on May 7. ond
"I thought the operator"- Years, have a daughter Janet, Miss P, she
didn't know If their release (I make
_ ._, /.. 20. working in Washington, ..p mhv they they were asst their exverl-
-iaxoa sTA4
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CiqRIU~?'6`0;1 R00040021000
hard __ -.
_. ..
udman was one of three the release 01 the -1, , . of motorb}kcs reed r,
d he c it would help It and set free. ed "from then on with kind-
morning ana inc vpcrawl ,.. ? ??--- 'an undisclosed location on m? denlials were verulw, +w
her husband, e f omd Dud- i had a usefu nalona y' highway "by jeeps and a relay man said, they were consid-
hbt.ainntn ' . tom a rear "
m was calling from Saigon. had been useful in
d eonle" and treat-
American correspondents capp-- express
d b Communist forces in the others stil being held. "Don't Know Anything" ncss and consideration an
ing t e wa 'T
? those released were Elizabc t ve Y
y for their h l
Pond of the Christian Science ? Cambodia for more than five ,
od a I~' ' '??/`ti 45
Monitor and Atichacl D. rifer weeks were released and r the full stor
ublications. hey w
.. _-_ ..__..1_.. .._"aa in caienn today aDpar - p __..r..annnn tomorrow.
the St. Louis PostDispatc
h can hr Piet Cons! troops In' details abou first
nted to tie about
e 1 t a eetlin~
SAIGON I, The trio eve on y let%,
I Washington bureau chic u
bodla as honored meats
ee ondents held ca th I,- ordeal SO .
i have a bath. The a said they
Besides Dudman, 52-year-old old THE CAPTOR their releases 1 sketchy ;- read by Dudm
f AP)--Three Amer- , the liberated sore of
anything a cos Y
said. And Paris - Where her tether ea
The operator giggled. ground of lit." that con[licted with their awfl
Dick Dudman came on the line pgemts to see her on his way grDudman said "there's no flews."
to assure his elated had lost hoe to ~iewark St. N..W 1 f deal" between the trip and , They did not elaborate on
was "in great shape, their former captors on what whether they made any state-
nor was any I
's;ments to their captors.
; a little weight, and had yet to TRIO DESCRIBES they wilt write,
condition to ,i tatement to newsmen
Dudman in Saigon as saying we e' p " tr.aivcl throe h 10 vlllagcs, be-
be had asked their captors and we ro In good she e, p
about theta lc of some 2l other said Richard Dudman of the an when they etraycd Into
Post dispatch
newsmen captured by Commu- St. Lou
enemy-held terr
nlst troops in Cambodia and leased with Elizabeth Pond of two miles west of Svay
missing since April 3. the Christian Science Monitor '1'4-two the Parrots Beak area o
He said we received no re- and Michael D. Morrow of , Cambodia. Their statement
Inc. `r
this account:
ply," and that neither he, Miss Dudman said the trio re-..1 g They drove there "to ob-
Pond nor Morrow saw any of celved rough treatment at 01 serve the depth of penetration
the missing newsmen while first when their interrogators Into Cambodia by the Amcri-
ected that they were .. _ _ _ _ Cambodia
.,__,.._ _
c.. vietnamese
Mrs. Dudman, who expects net v But, " he said,, they were 1'? forces that main TOutc ( t
en gh
'her husband home in about treated "with kindness andi'.~wav 1) to Phnom Penh." -
four days, had been optimistic consideration" (Mee their cre? ,hhey also were reporting on
-about him all along and "just denlials as correspondents , i the effects of the Invasion on
'hd i the
plenty of experience covering hiking in .from the ourucl ? who . stepped. from Deninu a -.
wars - about a dozen of them , They were captured last tree as the reporters tried to
In the last 15 years. ;month at the eastern edge of ~'. drive back to Svay Rieng.
At.. ..rnvinrial cnnital 01 Svay A ,,...o ?nra ordered to leave
knew he would be all right." bad been estaul9 c -, ? the civilian population n
I region.
"He Is so cautious, and a weThese ref ascd pint Cambodia 7
vary sensible man," she said. ,,,,,e night anti arrived in Sal- .1-.The atrIio a hi awn uo bridge.
When she had the first In-
kling of the capture, Mrs. Dud-
man said, "it didn't even oc-
cur to me that anything had
happened to him - I just as-
sumed he had a good story-
proovePd For Release'
woe mom out any ?--?---11C1Na
t? ire hi
suing w .? --- -
capture and release for his
nftrr calling his
- -
ialc"b, . .. ._
LIICLL col m... .. --- --
Phnom Penh, In a car they l an outpost, from which they
had driven from Saigon. . a,..ra fakpn by bicycle to a
Dudman said the only excep- whighwdy. . and ort[erea mw a
lion to the decent treatme
AL- , nt ;t truck.
accordca inem v"ela" CIA "auspccaa. I
day of their capture, bli d They v; ere.taken eat gunpoint, al
.A 9&
? -_
folded, .
half. a mile behind a motor- the ast of these stops, they
Mimi th tllelr halide ....' '
106/08/16 , CIA-RDP80-01
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400210001-7
M - 15,952
JUN 1 b 1910-
Moscow's foreign affairs experts. are
having difficulty deciding whether Indo-_
china is- menaced more by U.S. or Red
Chinese "imperialism:"
Criticism of the American-South Viet-
namese incursion into ? Cambodia has
given way to warnings to alnoutheast
Asian states to beware C h i n e s e
meddling in their .. internal affairs.
Cambodia' itself was singled out for a
s worry
attribute Sihanouk's overthrow to!
machinations of the Q. Not so, this.
time. Peking is held responsible for
meddling so clumsily that "rightist'
Cambodian forces" were driven to
Moscow's concern is appreciable.
Understandably so. Red China has
sublimated its internal squabbles to new
and bolder ventures abroad. The New
i oft ff.. ..
"vr r.1~a11II15y Ltlnjn1SL'
Moscow might have been gxpected to or Muscovite - and the fount. is Peking.
Approved For Release 2000/08'16 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400210001-7
ht I N N F A Tq; e0 Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R00040021 0
14t - 240,275
S - 674,302
tI4 WO
Minneapolis Tribune
Far East Correspondent
SAIGON, South Viet-
nam-The fate of tiny
Cambodia totters in the
balance of international
power politics.
Well over half of this
once-tranquil land, from
Sihanoukville to S n u o 1,
has been opened to all the
horrors of the Vietnamese
civil war.
Hundreds of,Khill ers
have been k ill e d --and
w o u tt d e d; thousands of
Khmer homes have been
,destroyed, towns flat-
tened, plantations and%rice
-fields laid waste.
e ?
nn b,
China is the ideological
The' Japanese, emerging
d U
the Viet
tnamese ond
great power, seeking a
new role in Asian and ', been the most successful . Conk. In the wake of Si-
world affairs. operation of this long and ' ?hanouk's arrival in I'e-"1
very difficult war." king, China, where he is
The Indonesians, 100- ; He said that "all of our now living in exile, China
million strong, staggering major military objectives !-.has become the driving'`'
force behind the creation
hack from the chaos o
have ? been achieved'' and
'.Sukarno's rule and anx-. that "the June 30 deadline
t ions to find ways to bring { I set for withdrawal of all
peace to Southeast Asia. A m e r i c a n forces from
The Laotians, no strong- Cambodia will he met."
,:Cr 'to violence, are victims j At . 'the ' time he` was
';.like the Khmers of forces :speaking, there were 14,-
beyond their control 000 American troops still.
A n d the Malaysians, 'operating in Cambodia.
Singaporeans, Filipinos, I . Other Americans were. +
the Nationalist Chinese on serving as advisers with
,.Taiwan, the Burmese, the South Vietnamese forces
And now the war Koreans, North and South, and providing them with
'knocks at the gates of the the West Germans, and artillery and air support.
great Khmer temples of'. , the Warsaw , Pact coon- The Nixon 'administra-
Angkor. tries of Eastern Europe, rtion has announced that
This is Cambodia 1970. i' In ways both large and all advisory and support
These are the contending ; small the fate of all is in- 'activities - with the ex-
-forces: volved in what happens to , ception of American air
of a united front of revo- j
lutionary parties in Viet-'
narn, Laos and Cambodia.
Neither the Soviet Un-
ion nor China, as far as is ?,~
known, has contributed
military personpel to their
allies in Cambodia.
South Vietnam:
Of the Iwo major nearby
,powers, the South Viet-
namese are the most dt:ep-
ly committed in Cambod-
In his June 3 speech,
President Nixon said that'
43,000 South Vietnamese
took part in the operations
in Cambodia.
' ?e tilt ue "`"J"` from Cambodia bthe end
Powers, the United States, Here's a closer look at y. About 35,000 of them
China, and the Soviet the roles of the great 'pow- of June. _ are still in Cambodia, and
Union. ers: The Soviet UnThe the S a i g o n government'
j. Russians are the principal has announced that it is "
The two major nearby p4t`The , United Sates. In supplier to the North Viet-
not limited in its activities
and the Thais. ana-ciestroy mission of the ["4cated military equipment' 30 deadline the American
war, 31,000 American I as surface-to-air missiles President has set for his' I
for political control of ` Cambodia's eastern border bombersv and large-scale
-1 t Ml* d l Thailand:
Cambodia s I mullion peo- . to cap ore mt tons o o - - economic aid. -
pie-the forces backing ;Mars worth of North Viet- The introduction of Thai
, the North ' Viet
Also- -
the government of Prime ,.namese weapons, ammuni- ! namese, but in lesser troops is expected at any
Minister Lon Nol versus V,'.tion and other military! :.wa ll weapons, med- I moment.
the forces hacking exiled supplies. y's ~'stn > Ay assi ice
my plans for m acr heack. But from and no economic assistance whatever to Cambodia."
enemy Rihardson briefing, Mr. Fish reports, He did not explain that Sihanouk threw out our mill
g, "It was dear tary mission because he said it had been trying to
that the present military thrust Into Cambodia hinged turn his armed forces against him, and gave up eco-
largely on the reportedly surprise overthrow of Prince nomic aid, too, rather than have it used as a cover fora
Sihanouk." Nixon said in his April 30 speech that for U.S. agents trying to overthrow him. This was not a"'
five years "neither the U.S. nor Souzth Vietnam moved figment of Sihanouk's imagination.
against those enemy sanctuaries because we did not' ? As far back as 1958, in a
police raid .1 'the villa
wislu to violate the territory of a neutral nation." But s: pf ono
f hi I 'h k If- d I
in Cambodian affairs. . on was deceitful when he said in the April 30 speech,
Bu't thanks to the indiscretion of one congressman, that our policy since the Geneva conference of 1954
1: "has been to scrupulously respect the neutrality of
we now have the private-and more candid=version the Cambodian people" and adding-as proof of our ?
given members of Congress at special State Depart- virtue-that since last August we have had a diplo-
ment briefings. This puts the origins and purpose of, tnatic mission in Phnom Penh "of fewer than 15" and
the Cambodian action in a very different light. The.
That for the previous four years "we did not have any ~
congressman is Rep. Hamilton Fish (R-N.Y.), a diplomatic, mission whatever." The truth is that ,a
right-winger who has 'long questioned the logic of our Sihanouk ousted our mission and broke relations in
heavy commitment in so peripheral. an area as"South- 1065 because he claimed The CIA had been plotting
east Asia. In a letter to constituents released May against him for years and o Tarr' lied twice to kill
13, Mr. Fish summarizes a private briefing by Under:, him.
Secretary of State Elliot Richardson for selected "For the past five years," Nixon said with bland
members of Congress.
h orris we hav
id d 'I't
snose or ,zioutn vietnam." it was aescrmea as a swi1~t
Sihanouk was trying to maintain a precarious
which was action f not from
part of which we any bwouldroader isoonriteaventionwithdraw.
an neutrality by,playing one side against the other. Nix-,,O'
der as a preemptive exercise to hit an "enemy build-, ~t
axon or Sta,teA
Approved For Release 2000/08/'1RI}:J"RCRDP80-01601 R00040021 000
27 May 1970
wrote and starred. It has been
~e t T 1~` ? tt'~?r?Ij'
screened at various festivals, in-
~j JL ', y chiding Atoscoty in 1969 and the
African-Asian festival in Tashkent,
,T ? i ? (~ Uzbekistan, In October, 1908.
F. f ~x , 1? , f..~. .r~+ ? + i "'F'r'^ "$i ad ' Over Angkor" is re-
(sri 6 6';i:Ll!i +L' Z WEB
markable?and totally unique as the
film document of a nation regard.
j't Ing Its foreign policy and Its fears
of take-over by a neighboring
power, aided by the C. I. A. It is a
lty GORDON IiITCIIENS - strange film to have been created
by anyone, particularly this versa-
(Author is a U: S. flit buff and Asian avid producer of films as file Prince,' dramatizing the na-
frequent Jestirai trotter-Ed.) %vcll as head of state, Prince Siha-'ti predicament of Cambodia.
The recent American-South 11011k set up an international Mini
festival In Phnom Penh. The Mini- Some lines from this unpre.
Vietnamese Invasion of Cambodia i;ter of Public Education and Fine cedented film illustrate Its political
has a curious and little-known Arts, Vann Molyvann. was presi- lone. The Prince, playing a naval',
i consequence so far as international dent of the festival, which held its commodore, Is wary of an Impend-
tival ing coup among his officers: "The
i eecond, and presumably last, fes-
ci>enia is concerned: the tcrml>a- in December. Prizes were American and Saigon Imperialists
i tion, at least for the present, of the riven' for 35m features and shorts, have been threatening our terri-
`f,lmmaking career of prince Noro- with 16m documentaries handled tory and islands , .. We must find
itlom Sihanouk. The ch;'rming? dap- by a side event. The festival's high- the root of evil. in order to save
per "Little Prince"- the title of I est honor, the Golden Aspara our country.. . Fight against the I
One of 10 feature films he has di- Award for Best Picture, went to neocolonialism of the United
Teetcd, starring himself-was re- the Prince as producer and actor States and their satellites.". The
iccntly deposed In absentia by his In his own "Twilight." (Should chief conspirator tells his mistress:
own military, a coup predicted in have been called the Golden "Agents of the American Central
i Another film he made, "Shadow raised Eyebrow-- Ed.). A gala ball Intelligence Agency always have
1 Over Angkor," shown .t Pic- Mos- In the royal palace, hosted by the' enough money. The United States; 'Cow fiyn festival In July, 1969. Prince, closed the festival. ills is an exceedingly rich country. Our
Prince "Little Prince" had won at the pre- troops will have ultra-modern
? oSihanouk had walked a
'tightrope of neutrality for years rs In vfous Phnom Penh festival and ;was weapons and the officers will have
Cambbdia,but he was ousted from. cxportcd to the' Gr.viet l:nicn and villas, cars and more. You will own
office by his own army officers other nation`' s luxurious Cadillac and you will
Princess Cost. rs have no reasons to blush with
while Abroad -six tvnkti ago. Since Princess Monique, the wife of shame even when compared with ?
then, he he has been In the lay Day prince Sihanouk, shared his inter- the Queen of Siam." An effeminate
People's Republic and on May Day est In filnuak:ng, In "Lose of western diplomat stooging for the
ih was feted by Mao Tsc-lung Xiolcor," she appears as it Canibo-, ~tumdricans greets the conspirators.
(Time, 'flay 11, 1970). Later he
than girl who falls In love with with ninny gifts: "On behalf of the
formed a Cambodian government= Japanese Colonel ]Ia ,egaaa, play- free world, which Is ready to clasp
i' exile in Peking it "may be l ed by the Prince, during the Japa- Cambodia to Its bosom, and on be-
tempted to, install t somewhere in' nose occupation of Cambodia in half of the United States of
liberated Cambodia. ,1'^-t could re-World War II. The film was his America, whose representative at-
tha in force the formation up of a Cambo- eighth, made last year, and was tailed to Your Excellency I am, I
the take of Pi against based on historical incidents. Dur- convey to'you our warm congratu-
the government vernm ment of remier Lon
Nei." (The New York Times, May ing the Japanese occupation, the InUons and Invite you into the
10, 1970). Prince was King of Cambodia. J
ssed the King to re-'
apan p
Like most other ' nations of pounce its treaty tics to France.
Southeast Asia, Cambodia has been Cambodia did so and proclaimed
making films for many years that, Independence. After Japan's sur-
I indndepce, French After
was re-
'are little known beyond their area. a-end
The films are, heavily Influenced l
lslrcd for a time. But Cam-
tatylisticallyyby the foreign cinemas' bodia was totally independent by
, . ?
even when they employ regional!
'themes, 1953, and its King became Prince
The Khmer (the principal ethnic I Sihanouk. The film reflects a Cc':,
"And linguistic group of Cambodia) fain gratitude toward the Japa-
cinema emphasizing Cambodian die; ?'
nationalism began with Prince Si- twilight is A tragic love story,
hanouk. who became directly and The Prince . acts the role of ? a
;personally involved by writing, di-' middle-aged, sickly aristocrat in
'recting and performing In his own retirement, deserted by his Avife
'full-length dramatic films. His who had run off with a film actor.
"The Enchanted Forest" won a The melancholy noble Is drawn
Tloscow prize In 1967, and he was a from his introspection by the Love
dashing figure at festivals. The of a comely Indian widow. Separa-
films were popular within Cam- . Lion and suicide bring the, film to
sad conclusion. Twilight' was
bodia, as was the Prince, and they T
played for weeks on end. Some 20 among the. features seen in 'few
theaters In Phnom Penh, the caps- Delhi In December,' at the Indian
'tal, and 00 within the remainder of Festival,
the country, serve the film-going ? , "Shadow Over Angkor" was
rieeds of Cambodia's population of based on actual events, an Abortive
4,500,000. All income from the anti-Prince conspiracy In . 1950,
Prince's films was returned to the - Princess Monique again Appears, as
natlonaJq, q r {@i~1ege
pose that rf c I'nnce s films arc
now suppressed, with the prints
possibly destroyed, under the pies-
e.,, .
complete ea received
a ii a~
ti 1f
t1tII 3S; pTa'ylhd "ih'/
Ats usual,.- the- Prince_produccd,
Approved For Rel
bi - 127,079
8 -M)79 22? 1970 . - -. --
B Don ?1iill Sihanouk from 1960 built a wide base of,
Y political support. At the time of his ,de=b
Vlrflnhn?Fllof Washtnpton Bureau
posal, he was the last truly, popular non-i
communist leader in Indochina.
"CAMBODIA, a small country of sev- I Kahin wrote, "It is to be hoped that they
1: United States was not party to the over-)
en million people, has been a neutral na- throw of Sihanouk, but it is understanble'
tion since the Geneva agreement of 1954
1,t-an agreement, incidentally, which was i, why the many years of American clan-1
' signed b the government of North.Viet destine activity in Cambodia makes Si-(
by hanouk think otherwise."
nam. j Students in the Cornell Southeast Asia
r "American policy since then has been Program prepared a c h~ r o n o 1 o g y of
to scrupulously respect the neutrality of events in Cambodia. They included these.
the Cambodian people..."' ' . I entries: 1 }
i 1' ,~~ji ~~F~~ 1 vaue l.amoowa Doraer areas. lamooala
1 f 'Lk' tL ; anneals to United States to restrain Sal-~
[? i r j l ' gon but United States refuses. Cambodia-,
proposes dip I o m a tic relations with i
So said President Richard Nixon in a', China. United States cbrisidel cutting`'
television address to the nation April 30,' off aid Lis anti-Shihanouk move. Khmer#
in which he announced the U.S.-South Serai movement organized, reportedly
Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia. ,with Central Intelligence Agency, Than '
and Vietnamese ai . -'-~-?+? -
A scholar at Cornell University has
:prepared a point by point paper showing 1959: Bangkok plot exposed. Plot.
that-since 1958 at least-what President called for anti-Sihanouk invasion froml
Nixon said just isn't so. Thailand by foreign-support Khmer Ser
The United, States has repeatedly, al- ai forces and creation of. ew oppositions
;? most casually violated Cambodia's neu-1. political party. U.S., Thailand, and South:
i-trality. T Vietnam implicated in plot. Eisenhowe
The paper was put together by Profes- denies U.S. involvement.
.sor George McT.. Kahin,' professor of
government at. Cornell University and 1963: Anti-Sihanouk activity by Khmer,
Serai resumes at new intensity; includest'
director of Cornell's Southeast AsiaPro-
i virulent propaganda from CIA furnished
gram. It was made public in a press /transmitters in Thailand and South Viet-.
release earlier this month by the offices Sihanouk cancels U.S. aid agree?,,
of Senator George McGovern, Mark 0., nam. Hatfield, Charles E. Goodell, and Har= .ments. Pentagon reacts by calling for`'
intervention in Cambodia.
old E. Hughes. i -~
Almost nobody noticed. 1964: Continuing b or d e r violations;
The Kahin? study was mentioned in from South Vietnam, including at least'
passing in The Washington Post and in one: attack mid-March by South' Viet-'
namese unit with American adviser.
The Evening Star. It was ignored in The' 1865:.'Cambodia severs di lomatic re-
New York Times, whose own 'reports p-,
in the, past document most of Kahin s., '
ase 2000/08/16.: CIA-RDP80-01601 R00046T1 W_
One almost continuous arm of U.S. in
cursions in Cambodia was the Khmer,
Serai, an organization which this column
has-erroneously referred to in the past asp
I a secret so~c oe e~' t a o. t `t,/08/16; CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400210001-7
~ political m emn
? overthrow of Prince Norodom Sihanouk:,,;
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R00040021
1v discounted" by Am6ricari and neutral sources,
and now it is reported from Phnom Penh that
The possibility of CIA participation was prompt.
There were never more than suspicions, gen- patterns of the past, that the United
States Central Intelligence Agency had any-
thing to do with the deposing of Prince No.
rodom Sihanouk of -Cambodia last March 18.
POST ,P 24H 1970
E - 333,224
S - 558,018
"Tice World's Nightmare
the subject:
This is gratifying, but why should the CIA
be so automatically suspect throughout t h e
world? A recent commentary by the eminent
British historian, Arnold J. Toynbee, bears on
concluded the CIA played no part in the coup.
Communist East Bloc Intelligence agents have,
tive leadership of which lhv `are'capable?
9Iy thinks the fate of the world will be pro-
oundly affected by whether America manages
to, deal with them.
Isn't it about time that Americans assumed
the responsibilities that go with pre-eminent
world power, and start exercising the construc-
now quick to suspect the CIA has a hand in
it. Our phobia about the CIA is, no doubt, as
fantastically excessive as America's phobia
about world Communism; but: in this case,
too, there is just enough convincing evidence
to make the phobia genuine. In fact, the roles
of Russia and America have been reversed
in the world's eyes. Today America has be-
come the world's nightmare.
Is that what has happened to the American
f dream? This may be only one man's opinion
!rbut it is the opinion of a leading world citizen
'whose profession is the evaluation and analy-
sis of historic events. Professor Toynbee, who
has lived in America, in the Middle West, and
who has n good understanding of America, be-
lioves't h a t "the most terrifying feature" of
American life today is America's failure to
deal with its domestic problems, and he right-
For the world as a whole, the CIA has now
become the bogey that Communism has been
for America. Wherever there is trouble, vio-
lence, suffering, tragedy, the rest of us are
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400210001-7
n y f~,
Approved For Release 21 fl 1WR CSIW~-1 $-Uk00040021
ron on
A look at American tar
.;,, ~ .,?,. from French -intellectual peak
By David Holmstrom is as deep in France as it is in the United
i' ' Staff correspondent of , States. Of course, the French economy is'
1.. The Christian Science Monitor not as brilliant or efficient as the American
from several main problems: Vietnam, ur-
Raymond Aron describes himself play- ban problems, the blacks, and the refusal'
i fully as a "nonconformist conservative," ?~' to accept traditional values by your young;
l less gentle names for him.
',,?' f `
icnn student who came to you out of fruslm.
{ en r`u"'c l s ""'t t public
enduraable social c critic
the great
weigher of the advantages and disadvan-? lion and said he was becoming convinced
"I do not believe in paradise on earth,".--m- I would start like any old man by telling,
he says in a kind of final summation. ?':. him that during the 1930's I was young and
The author of at least a dozen books, a?, .frustrated because world war II was com-
' former colleague of existentialist Jean-Paul ?'', ing. So ^I would know his `feelings ; But I'
?,?v ...,.,., .,.
...o __ -
o a
4American Jewish Committee. y'' he will not improve the lot of the blacks, he 1. 1
Dressed in a double-breasted suit and con- will not improve the situation, in the cities,
servative tie, Mr. Aron was interviewed for ,, and if he wants to create civil war in Amer.
ore than an hour Throughout he was al- ica to stop the war in Vietnam, it would be.
specific, , ..... enthusiastic, ., andr---bored?-??,Ta?he----follow --? We know by the 'experience of the, 20th'
Ing remarks are edited from the interview: , century that modern society is extrmely
now ao most t' f the U",nc?itefd c States today? ma-fin problems n t ??? thorny. If you destroy society because you'
.. ..
mixtu e of diffe a ar ,..... ~- -- - ? of authority which is normally worse than
rnvf"r of inditrrenCP_ and half-satisfaction
that the United a,atuo was ,,,,,,,w?c If the student believes modern society is'
the troubles which affect almost every na*;:' '.
t bad in itself because it is competitive
tion in the world. -
~..___ _f A__1.4 ha.` ..,' should go into the desert. If the student says
- ____ 1,_
s avow mere ,s vu,C uerz ee u, .??~.,?.? - .?, ? to me, 'I hate everything so much that I
conscious that the minimum o
er provement,' then I will tell him he is crazy.
? exists In the. world today has as its condi-
"" tithing "r` in h r--r-
tion not only a powerful United States, but '
.:-in~2 snmethina new in history.
Before I left to come here I was asked to ?: ` A
__,_-__ _L_... t
United .'?:?' r_ .._.. ___ _ victor
__ _ d
or t
States's ability to avoid complete disinte-: ' :. United States in the Vietnam War?
gration. The question is: Is America about;, .`,? The the American discussions
to get an Internal revolution? 1 ,don't have..-.,o. about victory and defeat comes from the;
an answer, but I am optimistic." fact that you have the tendency to confuse
the results; of military battles with thepo.
;volt of May, 19G8, In France to the student . ; victory is military victory, which has noth-'
unrest in America? ing to do with the political concept of vie.,
I the French was to have everything at the After all in World War II. Roosevelt want
same time in one strike! We had a sort of;; ycd to have a military'victory over Germany...
,general revolt everywhere on everything.' "? He did not ask himself very clearly what
And ina certain way It serves as an im? +d,' would be the political result of this total
So Pig NO swolfd!-Ul7/0fg . MR tf3F et ~ J ~}gjAOftj-result of all'
But I Idon't believe that the moral crisla the, batt)"s against North Vistna,n_era pure.,
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400210001-7
PHtt.AT *-' ^.l Ira, PA.
1~ - 505, L73
s - 913,045
2 f7
g U er
Now We're a `Pa r
Mao Tse-tung's latest oratorical namese and Vietcong intruders c
`outburst, in addition to asking the from the home country, even when
people of the world to "unite and they used it. for years as a base.
!:defeat" the United States in its in- Cambodia was, if we remember,
ternational endeavors, also instruc- noted for its "neutrality."
tively points.. out that this nation Now Sihanouk, in Peking eyes,
constitutes a "paper tiger." has become a real tiger with a real
The purpose of the Red Chinese "union" government and the United
leader's address, broadcast in ling- States is a "paper" tiger. Those
:lish, presumably was to arouse sup- troops rooting out confused and flee-
port fox Norodom Sihanouk, de- ing Red Viets must be shooting
posed leader of Cambodia. paper bullets.
Sihanouk has obligingly set up an It is noteworthy that at the same
exile government in Peking, which time. Mao was broadcasting his ill
,'.makes him Mao's protege and,. no informed message in Peking, Corr
I doubt, puppet, if and when he re- munist sources elsewhere were re-
[.turns to Phnom Penh. ported to have cleared the U. S
So Mao undoubtedly felt obliged even the CIA-of any complicity inl
to say a few kind words for the the ciJttp"Lh"er - verthrew Sihanouk.1
strange royal bird he found on his We never would have. believed
doorstep and now the words have any Communist high command paid)
been delivered. that much attention to the simple t
The "fighting spirit" of the regal facts of a matter, however. Mao's
playboy and jazz buff is "warmly response to the situation seems far-'
supported" by the ancient Mao-a more typical-and his accusations:
spirit never before noticed. of "aggression" and "imperialism
That spirit left his little 40,000:"- are comfortably routine and old hat
man army so pathetically under- But he IS expert on, papers
manned and underequipped it, was tigers (ask the man who owns one).:
never able to clear. NNorth,. Viet- That worries us,
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400210001-7
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400210001-7
MAY 2 1970
E - 42,181
We're Cleared
The anti-war element that enjoyed a field day
condemning the United States role in the ouster
of Prince Sihanouk as ruler of Cambodia must find
a new arrow for its bow. The United States has been
,,cleared of participation in that coup by no less
than the Communists themselves.
When vindication comes from the people who .i
stand to lose most because of the coup, it must be
factual. It, probably is disconcerting to the anti-war
,element which seems to prefer the accusations from
the outside. The anti-war element has endeavored to
bolster its position by airing the charges the CIA instigated the coup.
While the "at home" element' was thus en-
gaged it has been significant that foreign countries i
were strangely silent. Soviet Russia had little, to
say, indicating the possession of pertinent infor-
mation that Red China either did not have' ? or
.chose to disregard. S
It is possible that Communist vindication was not intended for general distribution but rather for '
.a restricted circle. It.also may be the case where
Cambodian Communists refuse to follow the lines
established at Peking.
What does, count heavily is that the United
states has been cleared. . Those. who have used the?
`accusation to'support their, action must. cast about
Kfohing n~ewy. s z ,i.
Approved For Release 2000/08/1'6 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400210001-7
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400210001
this debate as between Democrats and stitutional authority of Congress in for- before me that when President Nixon
Republicans. sign policy and waging war. ordered American forces into Cambodia
Mr. SCOTT. Mr. President, If the Sen- At the same time the Senate can move on May 1, he told the American people
ator will permit, I would be very anxious to introduce an element of sanity to the mission was to destroy the central of-
to see made clear in the debate-perhaps U.S. policy in Indochina. This dual op- flee for South Vietnam-COSUN-that is
the language makes clear-that in the portunity is presented to us in the pond- the Communist's jungle pentagon. Pres- STA~WTL
process of withdrawal from Cambodia, Ing amendment sponsored by the distin- - Ident Nixon, in his demagogic television
the President does have the presidential guished senior Senator from Kentucky address to the American people announc.
power to protect those troops as they are (Mr. COOPER) and the distinguished sen- ing that the Invasion of Cambodia had
going out. We all want that. That Is one !or Senator from Idaho (Mr. CHURCH), taken place said U.S. troops were wiping
of the other things that I see is perfectly who spoke just this morning in this out the Cambodian sanctuaries and that
feasible. I am sure we can work it out: Chamber and who has all along been tak- the main objective was to destroy the
ment about that. sanity in our policy in Southeast Asia. military operation m South Vietnam
Mr. SCOTT. I do not see why. The Cooper-Church amendment is the located in Cambodia" and that our troops
CHURCH. The President is Com- ? first of -several which will at long last give would penetrate not to exceed 21 miles
mander in Chief. We do not question It. Senators and Congressmen, as represen- into Cambodia and that this entry into
But Congress has powers, too, and it is tatives of the American people, the Cambodia and the operation would be
time for Congress to exercise them. If we chance to declare whether they favor completed by July 1.
are going to come out of this war, there continuation, extension, and expansion That headquarters, known as COSVN,
is only one way to do it, and that is for of the Indochina war, or whether they has not, in fact, been attacked by Ameri-
Congress and the President, standing to- wish to bring an end to our involvement can or South Vietnamese forces, though
gether, to assume a joint responsibility in an Immoral, undeclared war in South- that was the purpose, it was said, of this
for a plan which will bring us out. This east Asia within the next 13 months. Be- adventure across the border of a nation,
amendment is drawn in that spirit and cause I favor the latter course, I shall Cambodia, whose neutrality we had
with that Intention. However it may be vote for the cooper-Church amendment. guaranteed.
construed in the course of the debate, This is not only an ,immoral and un- But it appears now, that this head-
that is the spirit and intention of the declared war, but it Is the most unpopu- quarters has not been found and de-
amendment. lar war and longest war the United strayed, and that American military In-
The ACTING PRESIDENT pro ten States has ever fought. It has cost a tre- telligence and the CIA are guilty of the
nnre. The Senator from Ohio' (Mr. mendous toll of killed in action. and most serious blunder since the time they
der the previous order. Many lives of the wounded have been invaded North Korea the Chinese would
saved, but a tremendous number of the not cross the Yalu and enter the Korean
wounded have been maimed for life. An' conflict. General MacArthur disregarded
THE COUNTRY below the knee and the other lea off above . advanced into North Korea close to its "i
for the fine statement made this morn , most of that time in combat overseas and . back into South Korea with great
Ing by the distinguished majority leader ..,I know that in World War II, or in any slaughter. This was an equally hor-
(Mr. MANSFIELD) and the statement ? previous war, that would have been a . rendous blunder. Our CIA and military
the distinguished Senator from . mortal wound and he would have died 'intelligence were again proven wrong.
A. b
Idaho (Mr. CHURCH), and also the state- within a matter of minutes. Now hell- Now the public relations men at the
;.., ment made by the distinguished minority copters evacuate the wounded from the . Pentagon-and they have 300 or more
leader, the Senator from Pennsylvania battlefield and, with the great advance in personnel doing nothing but that-and
(Mr. SCOTT), and the other Senators who surgery, such lives are saved. We are , Defense Secretary Laird glibly say that
spoke here. going to have problems for years and . COSVN or the military headquarters di-
Mr. President, very definitely it is my years with those who have been pitifully recting the Vietcong and North Viet-
intention to vote in favor of the Cooper- maimed for life. .. namese forces is mobile and has beefi
Church . moved somewhere in Cambodia.
the Cooper-
Church amendment.
Mr. President, when President Eisen- amendment simply binds President Nixon We did not hear about this mobile
believe h
t?' . headquarters until we suddently inva And -,.,
any 20, 1961, we Americans had 685 mill- ' keep his promise, but we in the Senate and then it eluded our forces.
On that saA have the right to speak out on this issue. ' As a result of, our invasion of Cam-
nal1m and
hie par t, VA 1~~t-.v+-..r,.s~.-mac .: -.-, .-.:. ~..+.r...~....._..-. ~.. ..-.-....-...
Churchmen Ur
If war is ever to be outlawed and replaced by - ter b seer r' h 11
any escalation Hof ,military effort.' W Mk 's ~~ "y.. nt head-
rather t Vr $Jrfy"e$ @i cMft IV'g7~~ai~n~c'Tiec1 a , strong
more hanurn.e and enlightened institutions to reg- y g a o y new approach to
withdrawal and settlement by international
elate conflict between nations,, institutions rooted agreement."
in the universal common good, it will be because
the citizens of this and other nations have reject-
ed the tetiets of exaggerated nationalism and in- A STATEMENT issued under the aus-
sisted oil principles of nonviolent political and ;spices of the 'International Affairs Commis-
civic action in both the domestic and internation- 1 sion of the U.S. Catholic Conference, raised
al spheres." - American Catholics bishops' pas- the questiori' 'of whether. the Cambodia inva
toral letter, November, 1968. -sion "does not "risk defining the role of this'
-t'' nation increasingly in terms of the use, of
Pope Paul VI has added his voice to the violent power."
rising chorus of protest by Church leaders
throughout the world deploring recent mili- "How else," the statement asked, "can
tary actions by the United States and North one judge the use of government power to
Vietnam that have widened the official bat- marshall the human, technological, financial
tiefield in Southeast; Asia to, include' Cam- ,and raw materials of a nation in a concert-
bodia and Laos. 'td and massive effort to kill persons and
As spiritual leader of tjie world's 600 ddstroy property of another nation?"
million Catholics, the Pope joined forces THE DOMINANT note of criticism em-
with an anti-war statement issued from: pha.sizes the fundamental error of relying
Oslo a' few days earlier by leaders of the
World Council of Churches, repre'seriting Eon military methods to" solve conflicts thati e
235 Protestant and Orthodox Churches. are essentially ideological and political. The I
criticism is aimed at a policy that proclaims
THE POPE said the world was threat- :that "we are seeking peace, but will not
ened by conflicting ideologies, by ana "in.fat- . pursue it by peaceful means."
uation" with war, and by `"the lack of al The Cambodian crisis, which eventually
firm reference to superior moral principles." drew. U.S. troops across the border of the
The Pontiffs words endorsed, - in effect,, the , avowedly neutral country, is a clear lesson in-
WCC statement, which deplored "all ' talk of. the futility of force to achieve peace in
victory and all appeals to ideology as justifi- Southeast Asia.
cation for this increase of slaughter. We On April 20, in a televised speech, Presi-
condemn all actions which make a just dent Nixon told the nation he was "confi-
peace harder to negotiate." dent" his Vietnamization, program was
The WCC statement, which urged' its %, strpgg enqugh to permitr,,tlle withdrawal of
members throughout the world to appeal to an additional 150,000 U.S. troops. Ten days
their governmental leaders fbt? "a negotiated later, he again took to television to explain
peace," criticized President Nixon for ap- 'the. sucldep appearance of, at, military crisis
proving the military invasion of Cambodia which ,caused him to,, grdcy, thousands 'of
and for displaying "a callousness toward '.American soldiers into Camklgdia.
Indo-China lives as lie claims to be protect- What happened?
ing the lives of American troops."
On the homefront, reaction by religious, -TWO MONTHS AGO,~'Cambodia's lead-
leaders to the Presideiit's command decision Cr, Prince Norodom Sihanouk, was -over-
was equally cool: 'In New York, the Nation- thrown by an unexpected, military coup:
al Council of Churches, representing 80, Sihanouk, a critic of U. $. involvement in
Christian denominations, declared its moral', South 'Yiertnam, had mgint ined , an official
indignation:' Military measures are self-de-', policy of neutrality in tfig war; his poorly
feating-when iolitical solutions are impera- equipped 'army posed no hreat to Vie't-
,tive," the NCC statement said. We oppose namese ' Communists n Goa bodin ' Deter
.TTn;fprl Nai.ions'char- ,
~C1'1L's to pec.eJ
anti-Communist military campaign.
In ligl t of Sihanouk s Dick of coo}~~e'ra- -
ton w ill roy.e o s rciqQ 0 alb? ~i~1 ~41~~4i 1~i9 A~104R o c~ea1 evi-
l avid anti-Coil monism, there were even dente of a recent build-up.
Shortly after the Nol rertook over, lateral invasion of a professedly neutral
Cambodian troops began battling the Viet I nation.
Cong. The Cambodians suffered heavy cas- ? The "reasonable expectation of success"
ualties, forcing General Nol last month to ;of the invasion - which was aimed at de-
call for help from the U. S. - in the form t stroying Viet Cong supply lines - involved
of arms and supplies, but not soldiers. In- - an obvious retaliation from Hanoi., It came
I -terviewed after the U, S. invasion, the Gen- .J immediately, in the form' of frantic Viet
eral said he. had not been consulted on the Cong thrusts through Laos in an attempt to
use of American troops. build new lines of sup,hly and communica-
`l'he chain of events is a case in point: A Lions to the imperiled Communist troops.
changed political climate creating the de-
mand for additional military involvement.
THE EFFECT of the President's 10-day-
turnabout - from his promise of troop
withdrawal and the expected slow-down of
fighting to his sudden. decision to send a
massive strike-force into Cambodia - has
drawn heated and widespread criticism,
which the President, himself predicted would
follow his decisive action. -
At the time of his announcement, he cit-
ed the hazards to his political future, but
he appeared confident nonetheless that the
Majority of Americans would come around
to his support. Indeed, a Gallup poll, con-ducted immediately after the Cambodian
announcement, showed 51 per cent of those
who heard the President approved his ac-
BUT PERHAPS these recent events -
a nd the strident protests they stirred
around the world - will help refocus na-
tional attention on questions of morality
and honesty, rather than on the; "success" of
military strategies.
Will Amerioa?'s leaders begin to listen to
these voices of protest? Will the tragic-stu-
dent uprisings help them see that the pri-
mary role of a peacemaker is to remain
open, to try to hear and understand what'
the opposition is saying, no matter how
"wrong" they may appear to be?
Will the American people soon awaken to
the dangers of relying on the "invincible"
military machinery to give them security
and "peace" in a world torn by suffering
and strife?
The world's religious leaders, galvanized.
into action by well-founded fear of global
war, have suggested the 'abandonment of
military security in favor of Christian risk-
taking. The times, they say, demand new
approaches, new resolve, new hopes.
Judged from the viewpoint of military
expediency, it was without doubt sound
strategy. But the protesters among religious
leaders argue that, from a moral viewpoint,
it is indefensible. The American bishops, for
[example, cite the "just war" theory in their
1966 peace statement. The just-war princi-
ple (which traces its venerable beginnings'
back-to St. Ambrose and St. Augustine in I
the 4th and "5th Centuries) states that a
war is justifiable only if it 'meets certain -
basic conditions, among which are: The war
must be declared by just authority, it 'must.
be entered for a just cause, it must employ ;
just means, and it must have reasonable
expectation - of success.
the Cambodian situa-
tion in light of the just-war theory:
0 The military action was not author-
ized by the Cambodian government or by a, 1
consensus of the American people or by their
elected representatives.' i
? The just cause was professed. to be the i.
protection of American fighting men from a
suspected enemy build-up in Cambodia.
Subsequent news reports from U, S. troops
AND SO WE JOIN our voice with
churchmen who have called upon govern-
ments to risk a new venture - withdrawal.
of troops and ending the war through "set-
tlement by international arrangement." An
opportunity - perhaps the last - has been
presented to the United States by the Unit-
ed Nations Secretary General U Thant.
Thant, urging "the parties involved" to
take "urgent, decisive measures toward
peace," warned of new threats "not only for,
the peoples of Indo-China but for the whole
of mankind." He called for an international'
conference, suggesting that a neW, unspeci-'
fied search for a solution such as those held
in 1954 and 1962 should be undertaken
immediately, "whatever their form."
We appeal to the, nation's Catholics -
bishops, clergy, Religious and ' laity, who.
now comprise nearly . a quarter of the total
U. S. population - to lend their strong
support to this hopeful, - peacemaking Yen-
Approved For Release 2000/08/1-6 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000400210001-7
con 6. frrb'Q4
tune. We urge you to communicate to your
Presiden6,1 J 9Mp0 Fl@EtP*I @sN?Wl l6rt CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400210001-7
government and to your fellow Americans
the urgency of this appeal.
This is precisely the path to peace indi-
cated by the Second Vatican Council's Con-
stitution on the Church in the Modern
World: "... unless enmities and hatred are
put away, and firm, honest agreements con-,
cerning world peace reached ... humanity)
will perhaps be brought to that dismal hour
in which it will experience no peace , other
than the dreadful.peace of death."
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400210001-7
Approved For Release 2000/08/1.6 :' -RDF8A1601 R00.040Q
16 MAY 1970
[ands off Cuba!
is insatiable. Unsatisfied with the havoc it brought;
Like a vampire, the appetite of the CIA for blood
1 by that CIA creature Alpha 66, is the latest outrage.
Cambodia and Southeast Asia, the CIA has its eyes on.
Cuba again. The kidnapping of eleven Cuban fishermen
Capping crime with gall, the CIA'stooges demand
that Cuba exchange' eight bandits the republican forces.
captured during the latest foray for the kidnapped fish-
step up its criminal attacks against Cuba in an effort to
( Several weeks ago we warned that the CIA would
That campaign is clearly underway.'
Americans should be forewarned. We cannot afford'
Who can forget the *Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961?
The. thundering defeat U.S. imperialism justly suffered
Socialist land.
k the past decade when the CIA tried to murder the new
to forget the almost fatal events' that resulted twice in
the overhanging pall of another Caribbean crisis.
Now we see the menace of a third criminal effort,
the brink during the missile-crisis.
Scarcely a year later the entire world trembled on
bloody program for Latin America was smashed.
Lechoed around the world. It was also the first time its
I It is not at all accidental that the CIA's claws are'
brave socialist nation, is not only.strong in its own right'
cut off each time they reach out for Cuba. For that,
progressive humanity, and' of most. governments the,.,
it has the support of the entire socialist world, of a11?
`world over.
TL :`. `.i
., ,...
13 MAY 1970
~. 1K(Z)ZY!Ogn wires -`Symp'(MMY
:and SU OF2?
S? Vhanauk
Daily World Foreign Department
Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin gave the full "sympathy and support" of the Soviet
Union to Prince Norodom Sihanouk. the Cambodian chief of state, and Sihanouk's re-'
cently-formed Cambodian government-in-exile, in a lelegram made public yesterday in
Kosygin said in his telegram to
Sihanouk: "The Soviet Union
greets the formation of the Unit-
ed National Front of Cambodia,
the strengthening of the United
National Front of Cambodia, the
strengthening of the united anti-
imperialist front of the peoples
of Indochina, and the measures
taken to organize the struggle.of
the patriotic forces of Cambodia
against American aggression.
"The Soviet people'. are pro-
foundly indignant at the U.S, ag-
gression in Cambodia, which is
a cynical flouting of the Geneva
Agreements. This struggle you
are waging, together with the
patriotic forces of the country
against the aggressor, for the
freedom, independence and neu-
trality of Cambodia, will cdn-
tinue to enlist sympathy ? and
? support in the Soviet Union."
The' Kosygin telegram. was
En-Lai of People's China. hanouk uprisings in March after
The Soviet Union yesterday re- the Lon Nol regime seized pow.
jected as "ludicrous" the Brit- er.
ish move to reconvene the 1954 The U.S. has insisted that its
Geneva Conference. The Soviet so-called "advisers," who are
news agency. Tass, said the ? directing the operation. remained
British proposal was "cnly a at Neak Luong, 21 miles inside
screen covering actual support Cambodia, at the "limit of pene-
of the American aggression and tration" proclaimed by Nixon,
refusal of Britain to dissociate while. the Saigon puppet navy
from it." went alone up the remaining 45
"It is ludicrous to propose the miles to Phnom Penh.
convocation of a new, conference' But yesterday the U.S. mili-
after the U.S. has arrogantly vi-
olated the 1954 Geneva Agree-
ment that serves as the basis of
Cambodia's status," Tass said.
tary command innocently report-
ed that "some" U.S. Military
and naval personnel might have
hidden in the holds of the Sai-
The puppet Saigon regime yes- gon naval craft for a kind of joy-
terday announced a blockade of ride up to Phnom Penh.
the Cambodian coast. in the Gulf " Meanwhile, the new Saigon
'.of Thailand. along a' 75-mile puppet envoy to Phnom Penh',
stretch between Sihanoukville ' lodged a protest. with the Lon,
(Kompong Som i and the South Not regime after Cambodian stu-.
Vietnam border. dents beat to death a Saigon nav-
The blockade was announced al officer and badly injured two
seen as a move possibly preced-+ from the Mekong River town of others Monday night,
ing full diplomatic ?. recognition.-- Neak Luong in Cambodia by Sai- In Washington, a bill passed
Kosygin had said last week gon Vice-President Nguyen Cao'? the Senate Foreign Relations ?
that the Soviet Union recognizes Ky. Ky said that Saigon navy Committee which would: 1 I bar
.-"only that tCambodiani govern- vessels would stop and search U.S. forces from Cambodia after
ment which practices neutral- all foreign ships trying to enter July 1: 2) prohibit use of U.S.
Cambodia's territorial waters,
Also significant was the impli The U.S. command in Saigon re-
cit Soviet approval for the April' luctantly admitted there were
24-25 "Indochina summit" meet- U.S. Seventh Fleet units operat-
ing attended by Premier Chou ing --in the same area;" but de-'
vied that the U.S. was partici-
pating in the blockade.
The Saigon naval armada which
drove up the Mekong River. to'.
the Cambodian capital of Phnom
Penh, pushed on' yesterday to . a vote to repeal the 1964 Tonkin
\Kompong Cham. 50. miles north. Gulf resolution. ' .
. . _ _. _ ___._._ ___: ___
advisers in Cambodia: 3) prohib-
it use of CIA mercenaries (KKK V
troopsi and other U.S.-paid
agents: 4) prohibit U.S. air or
naval support for the Lon Nol
Senate Democratic' leader
Mike Mansfield i D-Montt said
the bill, to be debated today or .
tomorrow, would be followed by
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Approved For Release 2000/08/16: CIA-RDP8
year ago into reports high Pentagon offs- . the joint resolution? sideration and passage of the joint res-
clals had suppressed information on the
M HOLLAND M1? President will the elution. ,
Hamer Budge demanding an immediate 'warmly for his explanation. I certainly
report on an investigation asked fora The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there.
objection to the present consideration of have no objection to the immediate con-
.inCongress assembled, That, effective April schools' eligibility for assistance for con-
13, 1970, clause (A) in clause (1) of sec- struction funds may be drawn into ques-
SEC DRAGGING FEET 1 YEAR ON : tion 5(c) of the Act of September 23, 1950 tion because of this error.
LOCKHEED INVESTIGATION (Public Law 815, Eighty-first Congress) is - Mr. HOLLAND. Mr. President, will
Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. Ptoday amended by striking out "at least 10 per- the Senator yield further?
I M have . PROXMIRE. a letter to E. M SEC President, ntma centum" and Inserting In lieu thereof "at Mr. PELL. I yield.
least 8 percentum". Mr. HOLLAND. I thank the Senator
,.-- .,,., --'- r_-- '~---- --.- ' Resolved by the Senate and House of. Rep- _ - - -
Justice Department acts? ntative of the United Stags of Amertca resolution immediately because many
e n
-law with impunity when it suits their first time by title, and the second time mem ers o e omm e o
nurnoses. _ ,_ .., -- e..n.,...~. `Public Welfare and the leadership on
permit persons in high places to break the resolution (S.J. Res. 199) was read the lie law. It has been cleared with the
r and
b f th C itt
its double standard which appears to- objection?
There being no objection the joint .corrects a typograhical error in the pub-
ciflc Air Force approval-that there was . JOINT RESOLUTION TO CORRECT partment of Health, Education, and Wel-
a $2-billion overrun on the C-5A, he was A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR IN fare would acknowledge that this change .
in turn ostracized, lied about, investi- PUBLIC LAW 91-230 TO FURTHER in eligibility for Public Law 815 is only a
gated, and fired. AMEND THE ELEMENTARY AND typographical error and would continue
Such action under the code is a prima SECONDARY EDUCATION ACT to administer Public Law 815 as if the
facie case that a witness has been in- Mr. PELL. Mr. President, I introduce printed law is 6 rather than 10 percent
jured because of his testimony. - a joint resolution for the purpose of cor- .1 have requested that the General Coun-
When will the Justice Department in- recting a typographical error in a re- sel's office at HEW review the printed
elude the Pentagon in its crusade for cently enacted public law, and ask unan-. public law for the purpose of finding all
law and order? ? imous consent for its Immediate con- of the errors so that we may enact an-
When will the Justice Department be- alderation. other joint resolution to rectify other less
gin to enforce the law equally? The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there urgent errors. '
When will the Justice Department end This resolution now before us simply
ago-have served only to postpone the I urge you to report immediately to Con- page 37 of the printed public law, the
enforcement of the criminal laws. gress your findings on the Lockheed invest!- figure in that same clause (1) (A) is 10
It is a crime to threaten, influence, in- Batton. I am sure you would not want to
timidate, or impede any witness in con- undermine confidence in the SEC by sup- percent. This is a change In the basic of Pu nection with a congressional investiga- report The Congress needs theifacts ongthe gressilofy the United States never in-
tion. It is a crime to injure a witness on Lockheed contract and in my view, we have tended to make that change; that 10-
account of his testimony to a committee been overly patient in waiting for the SEC to percent figure was never before the Con-
of the Congress. oomplete its Investigation, gress. This is simply an error on the part
After A. E. Fitzgerald testified before of the Government Printing Office.
my Subcommittee on Economy in Gov- Prior to the enactment of the joint
ernment-at our request and with spe- SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION 199- resolution I would hope that the De-
was on February 18, almost 3 months grass should have. However, in Public Law 91-230, on
THE J that the results of the investigation would be
ENFORCE LAW AND ORDER IN THE made available to the Commission within a Senate amendment was designed to add
FITZGERALD CASE "the next week or ten days" and to the Con- an alternate to the 6-percent minimum
Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President, 169 grass within a week or two after that. The eligibility under Public Law 815 of the
days have passed since I first wrote to the latest possible date for reporting to Congress 81st Congress, which provides for school
Justice Department on November 22, is thus May 10 as Indicated in your testi- construction In federally affected areas.
mony. This date has come and gone with The conference report, Report No. 91-
1969, requesting an immediate investi- still no report. 237, on page 41, clearly shows that eligi-
gation of possible violation of the Crim- I realize that an investigation of this sort bility under clause (1) (A) of subsection
anal Code in the firing of A. E. Fitzgerald is complicated and requires time. Nonethe- (e) of section 5 of Public Law 815 is 6
by the Air Force. less, the commission has had over a year to ercent. That is the same minimum eli-
Commission have received no substantative reply study the case, I would hate to think the p
At best the routine Commission is dragging Its feet on the in. gibility as it is under present law. There
to my request. acknowledgments-the latest of which vestigation or is concealing Information was no intention to change the present
about the Lockheed situation which the Con- 6-percent eligibility.
AFTER 169 DAYS, NO ACTION FROM During hearings before the Senate Bank- which has become law. connection
TICE DEPARTMENT TO ing Committee last April 16, you promised with the amendments to Public Law 815
Lockheed C-5A overruns to protect Lock- r? I
Senator yield? Mr. PELL. I thank the Senator from
R ~(? heed's position in the stock market
The full text of the letter to Chairman Mr. PELL. I yield. Florida.
unfavorable financial Information In connec- olution to right? olution was considered, ordered to be en-
tion with the Lockheed C-5A contract. A year Mr. PELL. I will be delighted to ex- grossed for a third reading, read the
. ere
Budge follows: Mr. HOLLAND. Will the Senator ex- . inc PRESIDING OF
On May 1, 100D I requested the SEC to de- , plain briefly what is the nature of the objection to the present consideration
termine whether Government employees mistake in the original resolution passed of the joint resolution?
violated our securltie.i laws be withholding which it is desired by the present res- . There being no objection, the joint res-
'iporoved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP.80-01601 R0004002100011-.7
tt-sir stock In the company. ? cause of a serious typographical error.' deepened our involvement, widened the
. aenentures to investors, loony, ;nose aonen- ---------- ----- ------- -- --- - --- ----
tures have a market value of lees than $44 Sion. Once again we have lost our way in the
million. At the same time, high onclals to The gravity of this situation has just jungles and swamps of Southeast Asia.
Lockheed were selling siseablo nn&ntities'of now been brought to my attention be. The action taken in the last 2 weeks has
hearing that high Pentagon officials had sup- ql { V?14R, Y ,1..Ra wo,.,,, SENATE 1-dl! SVLUTIV14 IUD-aUtsmia-
pressed Information on the Lockheed C-5A 1969, which was signed into law on April SION OF SENATE RESOLUTION-
1I ~nV sA-
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 :'t1RDF80-01601 R00040021
I I MAY 1970
op, '
Continental Air Services, a subsidiary of Con-
Airlines and, like Air America (News
WEEK, April 6), a CIA contractor, is setting up
a charter service to fly U.S. military equipment
into Cambodia. And an American contracting
firm is installing a new million-watt radio station
in Phnom Penh so the Lon Nol government can
counter powerful stations in Peking and Hanoi
which have been broadcasting statements by. the
ousted Prince Sihanouk.
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400210001-7
c- Approved For Release 20"W/T1G'iatA?4i@QIk0004002100
r y MAY 1970
SU hs r~q
tial, UO&,
ces forecasj
By George W . _. c 9
. Ashworth " uncertain. Certainly ...,
'the ? "'~ . '.-
~. Staff correspondent
Vietnamese could h
elp inli
some sght wa..
The Christian Science Monitor However the mutual ys
mat.. _r
"la would ;t
Washington' drance, aswoulditheestill freshlyeremem.,
If the Lon Nol bored killings of?'the Vietnamese in Cam-i
government survives In bodia.
Cambodia, indications here are that Ameri
can su
of that govertill ' Sii
nmen w buildtuaton assessed
to substantial
Perhaps the best hoe at
Some sources here are predicting the, vir- . p present is that
tual "Laoization" of the war in Ca
the Indonesians will be
e to pidd.
irrove a-.. U.S. involvement without massive ground visors and some combat troops as a la
resort. . st
In his April 30 speech to this nation, Pres. As sources here 'assess the Indonesian.'
;!dent Nixon said, "With other nations
! situation, the multinatio
nparley o C
, ,nam.
shall do our best to provide the small arms' bodia (expected to be held in Jakarta May4,
'and other equipment which the Cambodian ,16.17) will possibly-Tif not probably--fail I
Army of 40,000 needs and can use for Its 'to yield any solutions. Subsequently, the j
defense." stand of Indonesian Minister Adam Malik;
The President continued, "But the aid' will be weakened, and the way will be
we will provide will be limited for the pur-: opened for the Indonesian military, nowt
pose of enabling Cambodia to defend its champing at the bit, to blossom forth with
neutrality and not for the purpose of making their. aid proposals for Cambodia. , s
it an active belligerent on one side or the Another possibility would be Malay police
-or or some other small form of aid. The Thais
`Trick of the decade' .possibly would be willing to help, but they
beset b
a steadil
y gr
Making the easygoing,
ng insurgency , predominantly in their northeastern 'frontiers ? that shows;
.Buddhist Cambodians belligerents on one signs of growing rather than diminishing
j, side or the other would be the trick of the' , now, as the Chinese demonstrate the moral
t, decade. The Americans, most sources be. willingness to keep the pressure on and the
1, leave, will be doing extremely well indeed physical readiness to push their road ' across`,
if they can enable. the Cambodians to Laos toward Thailand.
develop even a moderate ability to defend'.
r themselves against the highly motivated and U.S. in prime role
;trained North Vietnamese. `?