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THE WASHINGTON OBSERVER NEWSLETTER 15 Sept 1972 Approved For Release 2000/09/14.: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400150001- r ~'r On April 15, 1972, WO The Soviet KGB and the CIA -both conduct that "Teddy schools for assassins and frequently. complement " A &S, fj1 ' predicted Kennedy would remain each other, as in the instance of Che Guevara ry ~n # t onth.e sidelines during where the KGB set up the Argentine-born revolu- I t the coming Presidential Election, regardless tonist for the CIA to ambush him. whether the Democratic Convention in Miami. WO on June ].J, 1968, reporting on the Guevara will Nvant to draft him or not:' WO continued: assassination, stated: "the killing was done by "Back in 1963 shortly after President Kennedy's agents of our own Central Intelligence Agency, assassination, Robert F. Kennedy, while he was sometimes called `Murder Unlimited' ... Guevara still Attorney General, conducted his own investi- was `fingered' for the CIA by the Soviet police gation of the death of his brother. That private in- (KGB)" vestigation, which ran parallel. with the official Theec1u111y murderous Israeli secret political inquiry into the inagnicide conducted by the War- Police are also specialists in political homicide and roll Commission, was featured by trips to this frequently Work in cooperation with CIA and KGB. country by an inspector Hamilton, former Chief The public opinion polls have constantly indi- Inspeetor of Scotland Yard, Hamilton ... had been eared that Kennedy could defeat Nixon. retained by .Bobby to help unravel the real truth about the murder of 5'K.... Hamilton zeroed on In the interim between now and 1976 Teddy the fact that the assassination of John Kennedy intends to ingratiate himself with both Moscow had occurred very shortly after his brother Bobby and Tel Aviv, and be the anointed Communist- had made some preliminary moves of taking direct, Zionist successor of Nixon in the White House. personal control of the U.S. Central Intelligence J Agency, whose leadership he blamed for the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Hamilton, following the `ciii pro- dest' (`whom does it benefit?') reasoning, reached the conclusion that Bobby's move to seize control of the CIA had something to do with murder of ,pis elder brother.... Teddy has become convinced; :of the correctness of Hamilton's conclusion, and, furthermore, considers it to have been further vin- dicated by Bobby's own death-which occurred within.a matter of days after he threw his liat into STATINTL the presidential. ring and was on the way to putting himself in the position to. take over the free- spending, powerful cloak-and-dagger agency." When in the spring the Presidential campaigns of Muskie and IIumphrcy faltered, Teddy Ken- nedy weakened under pressure and permitted his cohorts to stealthily start his Presidential cam- paign, but was abruptly stopped by the attempted assassination of George Wallace. The Wallace as- sassination plot followed almost exactly the pattern of the Kennedy assassinations. Teddy was scared. He told his courtiers to desist from all efforts to secure his presidential nomi- nation, but to continue bluffing that he was po- tentially available in order that he could exercise more power at the National Convention. Teddy wanted McGovern nominated because he was the weakest candidate, most likely to be de- feated and thus leave the door wide open for Teddy in 1976. Teddy knew that both Soviet Russia and Israel are anxious to have Nixon re-elected and that any candidate who would seriously jeopardize - Nixon'sA1 4bFicic I laaa+~a~U 1O 9x14: CIA-RDP80-01.601 R000400150001-4 NATIONAL REVIEW t 9WL 07% Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA -DP80-01601 R00040 LETTER FROM SANTA CRUZ Although General Torres and his Communist colleagues have been overthrown, there's not a chance, says the author, that Gulf will get back its oil fields. And lie explains why ( t i N Vt - 5~ Rightists i 1.0) SELDEN RODMAN S AN Old Bolivian Hand who had visited the West's highest country three times without ever see- ing its tropical lowlands, I had more than one motive for starting my fourth trip in Santa Cruz. The city is only an hour's flight across the Gran Chaco from Asuncion, Paraguay, where I was staying. And it had been the scene not only of the military conspiracy under Colonel Hugo. Banzer Suarez that had ousted General Juan Jose Torres and his Communist colleagues last year, but of the oil and gas installations of the Gulf Oil Company whose expropriation on October. 17, 1969 by the Ovando regime led directly to the Marxists' takeover under Torres a few months later. I wanted to find out, before pro- . ceeding to Cochabamba and La Paz, what the conservative lowlanders thought of the takeover and how it had affected them. I wanted to see the oil fields and ask the workers whether they wanted Gulf back. And finally I wanted for once to avoid. the altitude sickness that had always laid me low on land- ing at La Paz's 13,500-foot airport; cv- eryone assured me that by creeping up gradually by way of Cochabamba I would "outwit" the soroche. Santa Cruz is Bolivia's "frontier" city. In an undeveloped region as" big as Texas, it is surrounded by unex- plored jungles, Amazon-type rivers, fertile fields for growing year-round crops-not to mention immense min- eral and petroleum deposits. Its citizens -like those of Guayaquil in Ecuador or San Pedro Sula in ly resent being exploited by the "drones" of the highland capital, and pride themselves on an cnterprisin~ in- dividuality that they never tire of vincial capital has none of the Hispanic art treasures of cities like Sucre and Potosi in the, Andes to the wvest, but its people are warm and hospitable and more than once have threi\tened to make common cause with Brazil or Argentina unless permitted reasonable autonomy. Gulf and the Crrazeios I spoke first with a leader in the business community who told me that things had been really booming in Santa Cruz when the nationalization of Gulf was announced. "Everybody was stunned, and all of us, from land- owners to taxi-drivers, suffered. Land values fell 50 per cent. For a year and a half not a drop of oil was exported. at, eh., ?i--or cnirit of Dclav in Completing the Pipeline for STATI NTL lion in revenue from Argentina. And of course the termination of any further exploration-there is no Bolivian cap- ital to finance this-will have in- calculable effects once the present wells are pumped dry. But far worse than the expropriation of Gulf-which many Cpplauded for nationalistic reasons and because the company was unpopular except with those on its payroll--was the American acquiescence in the Com- munist takeover by Torres which fol- lowed. Your ambassador never opened his mouth. We felt abandoned. We felt you had no interest in saving your al- lies. The Russians, in contrast, were generously financing the student organ- izations that burned your buildings. And they promised Bolivia a $27-mil- lion loan-which even the Banzer gov- ernment will no doubt accept, if no obvious strings are attached to it." I asked him why* G61f had been so disliked. "Their public relations were terrible," he replied. `They staffed their headquarters with people from the mountains, ignoring the intense-hostility. They wrote-a letter to the local dentists to see who would bid the lowest for serving Gulf. They never joined the Santa Cruz Chamber of Commerce though invited to repeatedly. Their executives were not friendly types, like your AID officials, for example; at parties they didn't nlix with the Boliv- ians. Finally, Gulf was too efficient, too automated; perhaps it should have padded its payroll a little to include more Bolivians. So in spite of the good PAM Approved For Release 2000/0o1DP80-01601 R A Short History CIA - Intervention ,of in Sixteen foreign Countries In July, 1947, Congress passed one of the most significant pieces of legislation in the history of America in peacetime. The National Security Act of 1947 created The National Security Council, the Department of Defens-._the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the United States Air Force and, not least of all, the CIA. This act provided the Agency with five principal duties: 1. To advise the National Security Council on matters concern- ing intelligence. 2. To make recommendations for the coordination of such intel- ligence matters. 3. To correlate and evaluate intelligence relating to national security and disseminate it to other government departments. 4: To per form "such additional services of common concern as the National Security Council determines can be more efficiently accomplished centrally." 5. To perform "such other junctions and duties as the NSC would direct.'.' In 1949 Congress passed the Central Intelligence Agency.Act, allowing theagencyto disregard laws that required disclosure of information concerning the organization, to expend funds without regard to laws and regulations governing expenditures .44 with.nq other accounting than the Director's Vouchers, and to F make contracts and. purchases without advertising. .With such unprecedented au- thority, with unlimited access to money,.witb liberty to act with- 1 out regard to scrutiny or review by either civilian or governmental organizations, the CIA'has become a self- contained state. One observer ranks the CIA as the fourth world power, after. the U.S., Russia, and China. Partly because of the CIA's special "secret" status and partly because of the laziness of the press, the total history of CIA intervention in foreign coun- tries has never been reported. What you read instead f are fragments-an attempted bribe in Mexico last f July, an assassination in Africa last November. b ut What emerges here is an atlas of intrigue not a grand design; on the contrary, the CIA's record is as erratic and contradictory as that of any bureaucracy in the Federal stable. But you .do begin to comprehend the enormous size of the The rules permit CIA and its ruthless behavior . murder, defoliation, and drug addiction for Political ends. Look at the record: 0-01601 R000-150001-4+ Ajproved for Relea DAILY WORLD - 10 NOV 1971 STATINTL 9nnn/na/1A : IA_R P80_ n a s;nnal_A "n1R000An ni D ~t l ~ ~ ~ (D co'] 0 UU-11 UJ F 3 U W If 0:-, , 00 3 Q7- the sharp struggles solidarity with the Brazilian. re- Panama ANTIAGO DE CHILE-Re , p S senatives of the Communist par- of the Uruguayan people and, the Paraguayan, Haitian. Argentine, ties of Argentina, 'Bolivia, Bra- _ formation of the Broad Front. and Dominican patriots suffer- zil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and the growing mass struggles and ing under outrageous and ter- Uruguay. meeting jointly last the development of united move- rible regimes. And we express September on common Latin ments in Argentina, Colombia. our determination to_ intensify American problems. issued the Ecuador, Venezuela. Costa Rica the campaign for the freedom cf following declaration: and the other countries of the the outstanding progressive lead- (1) Latin-America is witness- continent, the resistance of the' ? er of the United States. Angela ing a new turn in the historic noble Brazilian people to the sin- Davis. CIA plots exposed struggle of our peoples to free ister fascist-like military die- ~:? themselves of the yoke of North tatorship -despite the countrys - (3) The, fascist coup in Bolivia American-imperialism and of the reign of terror. the growing op- has brought out clearly to our nitude of the a backward anti-national oligar chips_ thro h f ug eature me dominant out the continent is the upsurge cess. exposes. Amer Bolivia. its pots- of the freedom struggles and the Imperialism and, the oligarch- oned arrows point at the advan- pronounced turn to the left by ies act together against the peo- ced regime in Peru: against the the broad masses of the people. ples of Latin America. Faced Andes Pact; against the Salta New patriotic sectors, feeling with this,, the understanding of Declaration made after the Al- the national dignity of their noun- the common destiny of the peo- lende-Lanusse talks-which un- tries wounded by the plunder ple's forces on the continent is dermined the so-called "ideolog- carried out by imperialism. join spreading. ical 'frontiers- and sharpened with the struggles to -free the Imperialist counterattack the crisis in the OAS-with the working class-which give grow- (2) Imperialism is not resign- aim of installing in Argentina ing evidence of maturity. These ing itself to its defeats, Faced a dictatorship ready to draw up include peasants. students-. mid- with the rising tide of demo- plans with the rulers of Brazil die, strata. especially the pro- cratic people's struggles in Latin to serve the designs of the Yan- gressive intelligentsia. America, especially in the south kee monopolists and, above all. ? The new situation of our con- of the continent. Yankee impe- against the revolutionary process tinent- is producing important rialism - - with the support of the. in Chile whose victories are al- the Church and is de- most reactionary governments, ready reinforcing the confidence veloping the national and social ? particularly that of Brazil which of the peoples in their own conscience of various sectors of seeks to tranform its country power. the Armed Forces. into an 'armed camp against our Neither has Yankee imperial- Victory in Chile - peoples-tries by every means to ism renounced its aim of assault- Ten years after the heroic Cu- force a change of direction. as ing Cuba, island of freedom and ban Revolution, which signaled was. made evident in -Bolivia. -socialism. Finally, its repres- a profound qualitative change in The fascist coup d'etat was in- sive designs point against the the continental situation. the pro- spired. financed and carried out uguayan people and against cess of revolutionary advances by the CIA with the help. of the t/yalrl the peoples advancing in entered a new stage of develop- gorilla band that governs Bra- struggle for liberation. ment with the extraordinary vic- zil, the fierce pro-imperialist (5) The Communist Parties of Cory of Popular Unity in Chile. dictatorship of Paraguay and of Argentina. Boliva. Brazil. Chile, The Chilean people have fully some sections of the extreme Paraguay. Peru and Uruguay all recovered their sovereignty, are Right in Argentina. ` urge all patriots. regardless of making themselves masters of Once more it has been demon- philosophy or belief, to unite _so their mineral riches which had strated that Yankee imperialism as to fight decisively to ward been in the hands of foreign mo- is the chief enemy. off . this grave . threat hovering nopolies, are deepening the Land The Bolivian fascists-though ? over the peoples of Latin Amer- Reform and improving their liv- they will not be able, in the last ica without the slightest trace ing conditions. Their victory, instance, to halt the yearnings of defeatism. The depth of the and achievements, which are lay- of the people-have caused much continental ' process and of the ing the .foundations for social- ' blood of workers, peasants, stu- crisis of Yankee domination in Ism, constitute a great encour- dents, democrats and patriots Latin America. and the heighten- agement for the entire 'conti- to flow, There, persecutions, tor- ed consciousness of our peoples nent, as' also are the structural... ture and assassinations are the and their combativeness, create transformations won by the anti- order of the day.. . the conditions for new victories imperialist, anti-oligarchic, dem- Call for protest and for each people finding its ocratic movement of Peru and .. We call upon the peoples of own way in the. framework of a which are expressed in the mea- our countries, the people's organ- Latin America whose dominant sures adopted by the Peruvian izations, their enlightened lead- 'feature is a process' of change. government'. ers, the intellectuals to demon- in the correlation of forces fav- to the - Apprej, et /14 re ~, al~s4~~ s1 o5 QIAist sectors.nced and anti Fl S?,lI Cl'1 ^n f nm. li e g position to Stroessner in Para peoples t e m guay. are all. facts proving the Yankee conspiracy, the sinister u- r1TA tween Yankee imperialism and crimes of the Banzers and Se- -From to o, the people and government of- licks. Once more we" call for - munist daily (Oct. 11.). Approved For Release 2000/09/1 4~O WA F .1D O-01601 R000400150001-4 1 `~\?r(r t t~' ' Lt iT -Ioroup chose a "fortress-. Corres!xmden6The orEgonian f'".?_ CORVALLIS --- The Wil- lamette Valley campus of Oregon State University is a 'Jong way from--and a peace- .fui change from --La Paz, Bolivia, according to Peter Isaacson, a Ph.D. candidate' .in ' geology here, He was in La Paz last Au- gust: when the revolution broke out. "Soldiers started appear- ing on street corners, carry- W", machine guns, so we de- cided to head south and get away ' from the trouble," Isaacson said. Indians and rebel. army troops, under Col. Hugo Pan- zer Suarez, were attempting to overthrow the pro-Com- :niunist 'government of Gen. Juan 'Torres who was sim- purted by loyal troops, mi- ners and stuclent~. Isaacson, 25, and his wife, an Argentine graduate stu- dent, were studying fossils of the Devonian period. With them Was Belarmino Antelo, an Argentine. Miners encountered After slipping out of La Paz, the three headed to Oruro, 120 miles to the south. `Along the way they kept ern- countering truckloads o f miners heading north. "Big a r gh t -t o n Trucks .packed with miners. They had dynamite stuck in their `belts and were carrying car- .bines," Isaacson recalls. "We were slopped by them in one of the small ruining towns. They were trying to recruit people to go with them to La Paz?and shoot Indians." At that time Isaacson.and his .wife, Laurie,-admitted to being a little frightened. he revolution started in ithe province of Santa Cruz, ,on Bolivia's eastern border, which wanted to secede to Brazil. Also in Santa Cruz were several exiled leaders and the insurrection, quickly caught fire. The Nationalist - Popular .Front, as the rebels called Sa ~ t. r rti;'t He explained the emot something many Americans aren't aware of. ` I,he people really get in- volved with politics. They ei then want to support or over- throw someone." Pushing south for another !1S hours to the provincial mining town of Potosi, the like" hotel. 'Students at the university in Potosi were fighting that. night and had managed to blockade the main sections of town, he lsaacsons and ?Belarrnino Antelo slipped out lof town early the next morn- ing. Students impress . "In Bolivia the students are a very powerful political body and as it tw, x-d out in this case are also mili1arilj' powerful. Armed v ith dyna- mite and tubs they are in- deed a power to he taken se-, ciously," Isaacson said. According to Isaacson the students were particularly riled because they thought the revolution was being fi- nanced by the United States' CIA. All the universities in Bo- livia are closed until the gov- ernment irons out what they consider this student prob- lem. While continuing south from Potosi that day the group learned that President Torres had sought asylum in the Peruvian embassy in La Paz. . Under the new regime, Col. Panzer Suarez has wel- comed Atner?icans to Bolivia and the lsaacsons plan to go hack next summer and con- tinue their research. PETER ISAACSON themselves, started the re- volt to "keep , the country from falling to the Commu- nists." Just outside Oruro, which had been the scene of fight- ing between miners and reb- el army troops, the ilsaacsons were s t o pp e d again. "They stopped a _bus .ahead of us," the 25-year-old stu- dent said. "There must have been 2,000 of them just mill- ing around." But the lsaacsons for some reason were ignored. The geologist was glad they didn't look like typical American tourists. "If they would have found out we were Americans there would have been trou- ble, Our Argentine license plates on our truck ? really helped." Although travellin., south away from the major areas of the revolution the party stilt had to avoid the centers of many towns. "Each town was trying to decide whether it would sup- port the president or not." Isaacson said. "The people -would he at the center of town having a sort of pep rally ." Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01601-R000400150001-4 DALLAS, TEX. NEWS Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01601R00040~ 0 ~~4 E - 242,928 284,097 OU 1 11 1,9 ~J Fo ^ J it. nta. t_ 10 a J Thy? Bolivian peasantry I blames the CIA for the Au- gust military junta by right- Nving Army Col. Hugo Ban- zer, an expelled Bolivian pas- tor and district co-ordinator for the Methodist Church said this week. The'Rev. Jaime A. Bravo, a 29-year-old Aymara Indian born In Bolivia, told a press conference in Kirby Hall at Southern Methodist Universi- ty that rumors among the Bolivian masses credit the CIA with. engineering the overthrow in August of the five-month-old government of Gen. Juan Jose Torres. The young Methodist min- ister was arrested, held in- commi'lnicado and taken be- i ,) 41 B--lrin? ? limit e emerging sector of the coun- try. He said peasants there are abandoning primitive ways of existence and siezing upon educational benefits and agricultural advances of- fered by church organiza- tions. BECAUSE THE church has taken an interest in the peasants and "liberated him from aleination," Bravo said, the pastor or priest there commands influence among the people. Bravo said 70 per cent of Bolivia's population lives in poverty, and he cliams condi- tions under Ba.iizer will re- tain at a status quo because his right-wing attitudes do not allow change. What is actually happening day-to-day in Bolivia was called an "impossible task" to describe by Bravo. "The only thing this one can be sure of there is uncer- tainity," he said. Bravo said his expulsion has a one-year time limit, after which time he plans to return to the Montero village and continue his pastoral du- ties. fore would-be firing squad during the coup. But Bishop Mortimer Aria, the Bolivian Methodist bish- op, negotiated Bravo's re- lease on the condition that he leave Bolivia. Ile arrived in Miami in late August, and is now on a speaking tour of the U.S. ALTHOUGH BRAVO ~J would not attack CIA connec- tions to the new regime, he said his ? pastoral activities among impoverished Indian peasants earned, him a "Red" label. . He said the right-wing gov- ernment pins the title to any nonconformist who has influ- ence with the masses, The influence which he commanded, Bravo said, was the result of Chrstianity help- ing the Bolivian man "liber- ate himself, from opives- sion." Bravo described his area in Bolivia, Montero, which is north of Santa Cruz, as an Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01601R000400150001-4 P4IAMI 1DI2ALD - STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/09/14: Csl4-880j01R0004001- ~, Tr Compiled by Our Letio Am-,rica Staff UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. Cuba has accused the U. S. Central Intelligence Agency of engineering the recent coup in Bolivia that replaced left-leaning presi- dent Juan Jose Torres with a right-of-center re'ime headed by Col. Hugo Panzer. Cuban Ambassador Pi= cardo Alardon claimed t h a t the coup had been carried out with the support of Bra- zil, Argentina and Paraguay.. "Fascism has momentarily triumphed in Bolivia," Cuba's U. N. ambassador told the General Assembly. He also said that Cuba will never rejoin the Organization of American States and reaf. firmed the Castro govern- ment's, "solidarity with the revolutionary combatants who fight in every corner" of Latin America. -r, Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01601R000400150001-4 DALLAS, wTAl ved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01601R000400151A-IINTL TIMES llERP.L13 E, _ 214,519 2557.,936 Ilolivans believe their coon "They made a joke in order to try's Aug. J.')' military coup was frighten us," he said, "and they engineered by the American did it twice." Central Intelligence Agency, a.c With the help of an interpret-: cording to an exiled Methodist cc, the 11ev. Alfred T. Grout, minister who escaped a firing pastor of the Dallas Emanuel' squad shortly after the revolu- United Methodist Church, the, Lion, -htev. Mr. Bravo explained how'. The Rev. Jaime' A. Bravo, the Methodist church is helping who served as pastor and die-: the poverty-stricken count y in'. trict coordinator for Methodist areas where the government. church work in the tIontcro and has been inactive. ' , -Santa Cruza urea where the lie said in contrast to thei coup began, addressed the Per- right-wine adlitary government, hills School of i'beoiogy'f'uesday the church now has social pro at Southern Methodist Universi grams ill health, literacy, agrl ty. culture and community develop- "The rumor among the people meat, is that the CIA took part," he "Either you're part of the sta- said during a press conference. tus quo fnerc,," he said, "or He said it is also rumored now you're part of those who Want to in his country "comill ;ity vi ,g.- make a change in society." The Rev. Mr. Bravo said the. ultimate hope of Bolivians "is' that: South American will b-- The diminutive 29-year-old I' conic one country in a. far.iil oi1 minister was jailed less than 10 ~ states." days after the military ta.,~eo "In Bolivia it's impossible for ' lante" groups acting there were tained in Brazil through CIA support, ; .going to you to know what happen," he 'said. "The only: thing you can be curtain about iy is uncertainty." bons prevailing there." Rev. M'ir. Bravo spent The four and a half days in a Bolivi- . an jail before a local bishop helped gain his release on the condition he leave the country for one year. Daring his time behind bars, he said, a group of armed civil- inn volunteers marched him and 'several of his friends before a mock firing squad "to humiliate us full of us.'?' ver, he said, ,be cause I wa.s a void that spoke for the masses in their efforts for pi1'oZ 'ess." He said his work and that of The church hit a snag when they ,began to itivestigite the "polit- dcal aspects of the social condi- Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01601R000400150001-4 Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01601 R0004001500 NEW YORK, N.Y. POST EVENING -- 623,245 WEF 1%D-~ ,797 C tk C4 u`~'S 5. n , .. FL''I E3 (a dMcm Cate Cuba, has 'charged that the Central Intelligence Agency executed the re- cent coup in Bolivia with the support - of Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. The Ambassadors of Brazil, Ai gentina, 7'ara- guay and Bolivia angrily denied the accusations in the UN yesterday hind made cotnitercharges. The U. S. remained silent. "Fascism has moment' arilly triumphed in Boli- via," Cuban Ambassador Ricardo Alarcon Quesada fold the General Assetubly. Ile said also that his coun- try will never rejoin the Organization of American States. Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01601R000400150001-4 v TAT PHOENIX) ARIZONA STREET PR S Approved For Release 2000M/ 4ptCWW bP80-01601 R00040 The Central Intelligence Agency has a $1.4 million fund and a specific tlmotable to seize power in six Latin American countries where U,S. influence has been rapidly declining, according to the San Francisco Chronicle Foreign Service. Thayer Waldo of tho Ch oni- cle's Mexico City news Lureeu, claims that CIA director / Richard HeIrns p?rscaally gave r the Veen light for the project which calls for the coordinated use of Loth the ballot box and military force to achieve the program's ends. The CIA; Waldo reports, Is organizing its drive with the aid of a Latin American "brain trust'' that" ranges the gambit from conservative military officers and Catholic Church leaders to a raoderateSocialist. `l'ife "trust'' is united by the belief that recent developments In the six countries are Increas- ing the sphere of influence of the Cammunist world. Despite official denials, Waldo says that CIA money wl,as' behind the recent tei eover bu/ a fascist colonel In Bolivia, who sei ed power last month from ' a leftist regime there. Similar action---over the next 18 months-- As ple.nnedfor Peal, Argentina and Chile,. probably in that order. In Uruguay and Columbia, the international plotter s hope to achieve their ends through the ballot box, using force only as a.lastresort, Waldo reports. Approved For Release.2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400150001-4 Approved For Release 2000/09/14: 6:l f~D -01601 R0004 c T -Ae" cI Tlirkn Z3v" s. i b11 7'Sii e 3 v 'J }} J'1a, .PRO/ J. it cCj!1/l i v", ~3 . by Jack 4rtdersoia ' A former insider has charged] that the Central Intel- ligenco Agency has provided the President with the milili- tary wherewithal to wage his ovn private wars around tile' IMiami-based firm, is also fill- fight world and is geared to still new clandestine wars. in a confidential memo to tllep. Herman Badillo (D-N.V.) ~iformer CIA official Victor Marchetti snakes these allega- tions: 4 The White Mouse has used "vague phraseology" in the law to build up a vast mili- tary arsenal and paramilitary force. Past presideiits have or- s dered the CIA to wage secret t/ wars in Asia, Africa and Latin America without the tradi- tional constitutional safe- guards and congressional over- sight, tll'P..CIay about United Sta tcs suppo e of 0--e :l'y element Ir Latin America is not }I ai in iiself. It is less .e - so i11t..:7 considered in li,,~ilt of reports that t}I. Central Age is playing a clandestine role in aicc ,nipts now under way io oyert.hrow the governments of- several Latin American countri _ . A censored tx hltnscript of heal ings conducted by the 11ouse Appropriations Committee last I`,,s.arch reveals that, Laird and other high Pentagon of- ficials portrayed the military as "the only cohesive group" in many Latin Americana countries. Laird ? denied that. U. S. training programs encourage ini.lit~ry takeovers, saying that the training "is a-nned at rnaiintaimng Iiate' security and Stability. . ." The secretary of defense did acknowledge, however, that "intcrvc:iaticria by the military when it judges that the ,overircient has failed has becui a widely accepted reaction in Latin America. Widely employed, at any rate`; acceptalice" may. not be quite the apt word to describe situations in which those who do the judging and the taking over have most'e firepower. The judging and over, it seems, also is helped along by the CIA in some cases. Thayer Waldo of the Sall }a ralncisco chronicle reports that ,.in the recent Bolivian government upset "CIA money, training and advice was liberally given to the rebel strategists who inasterininded'' the overthrow. -le writes that the CIA also is repor- tedly engaged in aiding an international group of Latin Americans bent on similar coups in Peru, r entillt mid v 1 Chile. This, as well as L, ?t.ird's it Argentina .~ i- cliraation to rely on army men for stability in Latin America, should be the subject of further congressional inquiry. Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400150001-4 Approved For Release 2000/09/14 A,ensa Latina La Paz, Bolivia Seven well-preserved World War II tanks have perhaps decided Bolivia's political destiny-at least for now. .Gen. Juan Jose Torres, whose government had been pushed leftward by Bolivian popular forces, was over- thrown by a rightist military coup Aug. 21. The tanks may have made the immediate difference. 'During his 10 months in office rightist maneuvers were a potential threat to his regime, but for months lie resisted the popular demands for. weapons to create a people's military force to combat the increasing threat of fascism. This mattered more than tanks, of course. The armed forces opposed the creation of a popular military force. Torres believed his chiefs of staff who said their loyalty was assured if he didn't give arms to the people. To the workers who wanted arms he warned that they should not push him, or the military would be frightened., Perhaps the mistake of the left was to have waited on Torres. When Torres finally decided to give some arms to people of La Paz at noon Saturday, Aug. 21, it was too late. The workers and students who gathered in Mira- flores stadium who received-weapons obtained 10, 20 or at most 30 cartridges. 24-hour "loyalty On Saturday morning, the army commander, Gen' Luis Reque Teran, visited Torres to ask for his resigna- tion. Only 24 hours earlier the-array commander had come to the presidential palace to proclaim his absolute loyalty. On Saturday, Gen. Teran was answered by Maj. Reuben Sanchez, commander of the "Red" batallion, who said that it was they who were giving an ultimatum to the fascists. But already virtually the entire country had been taken. The loyal forces of the capital' which had held for 48 hours were beginning to crack.. At that moment only the "Red" batallion could fight. The people barely had any arms and blood started to flow in La Paz that afternoon. The Castrillo regiment and cadets were holding for the fascists. the small but strategic Lakaicota hill which was above the Miraflores stadium. But meter by meter, the popular forces began to recover, the hill, despite strafing on three or four occasions by the air force and by 8 p.m, it was held by the revolutionaries after much blood had been shed. The Castrillo regiment began to retreat and urgently requested reinforcements. For a moment it appeared that the army headquarters would , be gained by the revolutionaries.. Torres then made a radio broadcast, saying that a revolutionary victory was near and that it. would be achieved more certainly with the participation of all the people. But a short time later, the Tarapaca regiment which had remained inactive during the afternoon went over to the side of the fascists. Seven of their tanks cleared the way. straight to the presidential palace. Something strange haAliptV .Fbitlf ela sel2@( O9$lt4:tMIA-RDP armor had taken everyone by surprise or the revolution- ary forces had not been prepared to stop the tanks as they passed through the neighborhoods where the 1952 popular victory had been. won. For reasons still not known, the roads had not been blown up, there were no barricades and there had been no Molotov cocktails thrown against the tanks. Thus they passed unharmed without firing a single shot directly into the city where they started using their powerful cannons. Tanks arrive . Fifteen minutes before the arrival of the tanks, Torres had abandoned the presidential palace for an unknown destination, leaving a lieutenant and six soldiers behind. When the tanks arrived at 9 p.m. they met with no resistance. Except for the arrival of the seven tanks, the dawn might have brought a victory to the revolutionary forces who had improved their positions .during the night. ? - Another element important to the fascist victory was the taking of Oruro. Naively, a demonstration of miners was announced there on Aug. 20. But the 2nd division and the rangers jumped ahead of the miners, occupied the city and all access roads from the mines. Oruro had great strategic importance because it prevented the miners from advancing toward La Paz, 200 miles away. On Aug. 21 the miners managed to recover a portion of the city in a bloody battle with the Andean regiment, but the decisive events were taking place in La Paz and the miners couldn't reach it. Col. Hugo Banzer, who led the rightists and assumed control of the government, has been an adherent of the policies of Rene Barriontos. When a person of this outlook announces that it will be no longer possible to talk about the right or left in Bolivia but only nationalism, then it is clear that he is placing himself on a powderkeg: There is evidence that the hand of the CIA was involved in Banzer's pusch. Forty-eight hours before the Santa Cruz uprising, where Banzer's forces began their coup, the U.S. embassy in La Paz instructed its personnel and all American citizens residing in Bolivia to store food and not to leave their homes for the next few days. The conclusion is obvious unless one is a believer in clairvoyance. [Another indication of U.S. involvement was re- ported in the Aug. 29 Washington Post in a dispatch from Santa Cruz by Lewis H. Diuguid. According to the report, a U.S. Air Force Major, Robert J. Lundin, supplied Banzer's forces with his own radio system after their communications lines to the capital broke down. Nominally, Lundin's assignment is that of a pilot trainer, although he is said to have been in. touch with: the plotters for the past six months. The report also states that Banzer, soon after he had been exiled to Argentina, crossed the border back into Bolivia and met with Lundin in Santa Cruz.) The U.S. had already openly threatened Bolivia. During the last meeting of foreign ministers of the OAS &Qdi6WROG0490)IMMUCiam P. Rogers told bontinued hi Bolivian ci4i r rovetd E FSh~pso fflq{>Q /l14e: CIA-RD~80-016018000400150001-4 mark. I' must tell you that we intend to overthrow Torres." The Bolivian minister replied, saying that Roger's calender was behind the, times, that the Amer- ican embassy no longer ruled in Bolivia. CIA maintained apparatus Unfortunately that was not true, for the CIA had maintained an apparatus intact within the Bolivian administration. In May agents of the Interior Ministry surprised American diplomats involved in a conspiracy. with top leaders of the National Revolutionary Move- ment (NRM), but the incident did not go beyond a rude exchange of letters between Torres and the U.S. ambas- sador. The Americans had good friends on the frontier in Brazil and Paraguay. In July a former Bolivian Interior minister told Prensa Latina he expected a little Bay of. Pigs invasion or incursions from Brazil and Paraguay by adherents of the MNR; the Falange and exiled military men like Banzer, who would start `a coup possibly in Santa Cruz. A careful man, the. former minister only mentioned exiled military officers who were conspiring. He did not mention those on active duty although he must have known who they were. Two plotters are known to have entered Bolivia several times from Paraguay and Brazil to make contact with Col. Andres Selich, commander of the'Santa Cruz rangers and Gen, Jaime-Mcndieta, commander of the Cochabamba 5th division and other anti-communist officers. Also, in July Gen. Luis Teran, army com- mande:?s', met with Victor Paz Estenssoro in Lima. Selich, Mendictc and Paz all sided with rightists. ' Undoubtedly the Nixon administration and its camp followers in Brazil and Paraguay felt increasingly discom- forted by the developing Bolivian revolutionary forces. Confronted by three independent nations, Chile, Peru and Bolivia and with Uruguay potentially moving out of the U.S. orbit, perhaps the Nixon administration felt that the tide was turning. toward national liberation which the U.S.'regards as a dangerous virus. On Aug. 21 the U.S. gained a victory in Bolivia comparable to an earlier one in Guatemala. But Banzer has no support other than he can obtain by repression and this will be resisted, by the Bolivian people. . Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01601R000400150001-4 WASHINGTON P08'T Approved For Release 2000/09/147 c ?R1 'h0-01601 R0004 The Latest Bolivian Coup , The embittered, xenophobic - radicalism of the last decade in Bolivia is a product of the moun- tains, where poverty is most intense and industry is largely mining. By its nature, mining originally meant heavy investments by large foreign corpora- tions with their labor concentrated in isolated com- pany towns. The struggle over nationalization simply substituted the government itself as the target of the miners' wrath. Recent Bolivan gov- ermYients, under a succession of generals, had come increasingly under the influence of the miners' unions and their allies among the students and the clergy. La Paz, where one such government recent- ly fell, lies at an altitude of 13,000 feet within sight of the central spine of the .Andes. Santa Cruz, where the coup was organized, is several hundred miles to the east on the plains. The population is less dense there, and incomes are substantially higher. Bolivia's new regime says that it intends to reestablish a cordial relationship with the United States, but beyond that announcement its political direction is not very clear. The losers, following tradition, accuse the United States of having initi- ated the coup. In this case, they point out, a U.S. Air Force major had been holding conversations with the exiled Bolivian colonel who is now his country's new president. (In Washington, the State Department is currently diluting its blanket denials with earnest promises to try to find out what really happened.) On present evidence, the major's rather vague role did not require La Paz to show much gratitude to the United States; now that the incident is public knowledge, the United States is likely rto get even less. There is more to Bolivian politics than CIA plots and palace skirmishes. The revolution of 1.952 was probably the most profound ever carried out in South America. For the 12 years that followed, presidential terms began and ended in orderly elections. But then the original revolutionary party fragmented and the succession of generals began. A coup in 1964, another in 1969, another in 1970,, preceded the coup two weeks ago. The most inter-_ esting element in the latest government is the reappearance of the old revolutionary party in the cabinet. There is clearly an attempt here to return to the last effective formula for stability. But stability is going to be a very relative term in Bolivia, We all like to think that . economic: growth means civic peace, but the evidence runs hard to the contrary. While Bolivia is still the poorest of the South American countries, it is growing less poor and such a journey upward is never smooth. It will be particularly difficult for Bolivia because its economy is also the extreme example of dependence upon a single product--tin, the price of which fluctuates wildly--for its for- eign exchange. Bolivia remains an embarrassment to all of the foreign missionaries' competing theories of po- litical uplift. When the romantic revolutionaries of the Cuban school landed, they expected the peasants to pour down out of the hills. In fact, the peasants drew back suspiciously and the gov- ernment's troops hunted down Che Guevara. The Soviets, in their cautious way, have been offering a smelter here and a factory there for some time but. at least for the moment, they haven't much to show for it. As for the United States, since the early 1950's it has spent hundreds of millions of dollars in aid for Bolivia. If that money has brought a somewhat better` life to some of Bolivia's people, it still has not generated anything approaching democracy. To build a tradition of responsive gov- ernment takes a great deal more time than the United States, with the optimism of the rich, ever expected two decades ago. Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01601R000400150001-4 TIM ' l~i AI cISCO Cll 0x$1 CI,)!~ Approved For Release 2000/09/14: 4IAiR6P4011601 R0004001.500 R~ ~, A Vcicc C f r'] ,r.7 " [L)d ~ y Y t r (ffrc By Thayer IW7aldo `Chronicle t orcign Service ,..LV y u}, i.L. al, 1l aJt- tLLL;c vl CIA collaboration was theotlier target republics. It sought by Peru's ex- is regarded as most probable president, F e r n a n d o Be- in Argentina where the n1an- , i llle ,ico Cit,~ laundc ferry, with the con ners hope to put ex-president The violent toppling of sent of his colleagues in the Arturo Fronclizi back in of- still another Bolivian re- movement. Although it re- gime is seen by knowledge- mains to be clarified whether able sources here as part President Nixon was consult- of a far-reaching move- eci personalty, there can be meat, backed by the U.S. no doubt that CIA Directoi5 Central Intelligence Alen- Richard Helms got the green cy (CIA), to seize power in light at top administration a total of six South Ameri- level. can republics. PARTIES Although it has been offi- The plotters seek to estab- cially denied, CIA money, lish denter-left, non- training a n d Communist: regimes within advice was the respective countries, liberally giv- relying chiefly on the leaders ? en to the reb- and programs of Social Dein- tl strategists ocrat or Christian Democrat -w h o master- Parties. minded over- However, since they must throw of Bolivia's leftist also count on the aid of. niili- President Juan Jose Torres. tary men who are in many Similar action is reportedly cases extreme political right- planned over the next 18 ists, personally ambitious, months in Peru, Argentina or both, success in attaining and Chile, probably in that those ends is at best uncer- order. In Uruguay and Col- .fain. ombia, it is felt that attempts The Bolivian developments will be made to achieve the offer a clear case in point. goal through the ballot box, Former president Victor Paz with' force reserved as a last Estenssoro of that landlocked resort. Andean republic, a moderate Because the Bolivian politi- Socialist, is a "brain trust" cal situation has been chroni- member; the main purpose cally chaotic throughout its of the revolt there was to let history - the latest coup was him return from seven years' number 187 In 146 years of exile in Lima and take over independence - that repub- the presidency again, lie was given top priority on FALANGE the . international planners' But Colonel Hugo Banzer, timetable. backed by the f a s c i s t- EX-PRESIDENTS oriented Bolivian Falange, The "!brain trust" of this had himself sworn in as chief sweeping Latin American executive before Paz could .scheme includes four former set .foot on home soil, presidents of the countries During Paz's two periods involved - all 'but one also in office, his Nationalist Rev- ousted from office - promi.- olutionary Movement (\INR) nent Catholic church leaders and the Falange were bitter and ? conservative officers in foes. Although they joined the armed services' - corn- forces to help topple Torres, mands of each nation, a voluntary surrender of-pow- Their common aini is to or by one to the other is now prevent spread of Soviet and considered most unlikely. Communist. Chinese penetra_ . Observers believe that sim- tion in that area, following a ( ilar frustrations are apt to S h. a r p declincApprbTv &l States influences there over the past several years. fice and keep former dictator Juan Peron out. Uruguay a n d Colombia, iowever, represent the greatest risks, for prune reli- ance in both countries is to be placed on the electoral process. ELECTION The Uruguayan constitu, tion forbids two consecutive presidential terms, but sup- porters of President Jorge Pacheco Areco are pressing for an amendment which would let him run again in November - with the coun- try's present "state of-emer- gency" measures maintained during the balloting. They reason that tradition- ally conservative farmers and cattlemen will join the business community in vot- ing for Pacheco against Lib- or Sergegni, the fiery ex- general who .wants to nation- alize industry and banking. And police power under the emergency decree is expect- ed to keep leftist demonstra- tors off the streets. The gamble will be even greater in Colombia, where a 16-year "co-existence" pact between the republic's two major political parties runs' out in 1974. There the CIA has taken the initiative, insisting on support for independent left- ist Alfonso Lopez Michelsen over the objections of many who wanted to back respect- ed former president Alberto Lleras Camargo. fling t h e presidency last year. The CIA view is that the ex-dictator must be defeated at all costs, and the CIA picked Lopez because he:' would let himself be put in office via a coup, if neces- sary, while Lleras would not. Last but by no means l'east' is Chile. The Marxist govern- ment of President Salvador, Allende was voted into pow er, whereas the Bolivian, Pe- ruvian and Argentine re- gimes are all de facto. For that reason, Chile is last on the plotters schedule. They believe that another year and a half of Allende's socialization program w i l l have alienated enought Chile- and to make his ouster from office both practical and pop- ular. Allende's immediate prede- cessor, Christian Democrat Eduardo Frei, would be the replacement. He, too,, be- longs to the international movement's "brain trust." Well informed sources re- port that the CIA has com- mitted a $14 million fund to this six-nation project, with close to a, million' of it al- ready spent in helping to fi- nance the Bolivian rebels. ROJAS But the nian to beat, every-' one admits, is aging General Gustavo Rojas Pinilla, who ruled Colombia with an iron fist for 41;z years curing the 1950s. Exiled, then tried and condemned for malfeasance 1 or Release 2000/09/14: CIA'-F 0aO-$iM1RU~(flI?(1;1"1'50001-4 preme court reversa o ns conviction and made a stun- nin ; comeback, I. Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01601 R0004 '_;itana;, 31. Aug 71, p 2 CIA. t-3oliv.i.ari 3-,c bio_n, ? erslei~ orchalci tir komrie.n, ',Mister:'.`. Leichn:vnn;. Schmii,'? Sir,, th3 first to congratu-L-it hav3 arrived. Approved For Release 2000/09/14 :,CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400150001-4 Approved For Release 2000/09/14 pAijjRf)R AT01601800040015000 3 1 AUG 1971 ?STATINTL CRA gill at work r.~ Few will doubt the reports that the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency had a hand in the overthrow of the Torres Government- in Bolivia by a reactionary cabal closely link ;d to U.S. imperialist interests. It was an operation in keeping with the role of this U.S. -agency 'which maintains its own 30,000-strong army in Laos, its own airlines, has intrigued in South Vietnam.' since the 19570s, organized an invasion of Cuba and other- wise played the role of hangman of progress, national- liberation struggles and socialism. Its role in the hunting down of Ernesto Che Guevara and his companions in the mountains of Bolivia is well- attested. The very same 800-man unit trained by U.S. Special Forces (Green Berets) which murdered Guevara joined Col. Hugo panzer in his military putsch to overthrow .the Torres Goverrhnent. ? The spider sitting in this web of subversive conspiracy against the Torres Government was U.S. Air Force Major Robert J. Lundin, whose private, special-purpose radio connection to the U.S. Embassy in La Paz is reported to have been used by the putschists.'U.S. companies in Bol- ivia are reported to have bankrolled the gang who prom- ised to undo the reforms the Torres Government had un- dertaken with the support of students, workers and masses of the people. This imperialist-inspired coup is a warning. There is not letup in* the plotting against socialist Cuba,, The defeat of U.S. imperialism's efforts to block the advance of-the people's national independence struggle in Chile has intensified the subversive activities of the CIA, there. - A grave responsibility rests upon the U.S. workers of hand and brain, white, black and brown, on the masses of people, because it is the imperialism of our country which plots against the liberties of other peoples. . V Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01601R000400150001-4 J + ~IIr2N'G`i'.Ol; 1'.OST. Approved For Release 2000/09/14.: CIA-RDP80-016(]FjMQ01500 t~J c L e t~~7 C VJ k.. If T s1~ are convinced that `Tarr?cs"vrcrsi Franco Suarez, 5S. "There was leading Bolivia toward a Cow a list of 100 citizens to be cap- I rruurr St dictator strip, tured," he said. "It included; Banzer. appears to have' the assistant manager of the come and gone across the An ,First National City hank and gentine border with imilunity, a former rector of the univer- Early on, he met with :,la,j. sity. We were not plotters." Lundin, according to a re, upon- Many of those arrested were sible source in .a position to jailed in the crumbling adobe know.. prefeelorate on the town ? 51a.j., Lundin is said to have plaza, and it was armouncod been, pessimistic of the plot's that they would be taken to. chances ht that time and to La Paz. By Lewis H. Diuguid Washington Post2'oreivn Sarvice SANTA CRUZ, Bolivia, Aug. 2&---Conversations here make it clear that a U.S. At For'ce have giver, it no encourage- major serving as an advisor to ment. the Bolivian all. training Important Ally school in Santa Cruz played r role in last week's coup d'etat, Banner and leaders of the However, it. was not passible two traditionally antagonistic to determine whether this role polit]cal parties drew togetiux and won a most important was actually important to the ally: the 800-man ranger unit coup's success. 15 miles north of here in Man- The U.S. Air Force officer, tero. . r Maj, Robert J. Lundin, sources This unit was trained by here said, had been in close U S Special Forces Green Be- contact with the plotters over rets at the time of the gun the past six months, rilla insurrection led by Lr- Further, a local hang radio nesto (Cho) Guevara and sew operator confirmed Mat when oral other Cubans near here in the plotters were in military 196& control here in Santa Cruz, The rangers are an ON and their lines of c.ommunica- arm of the generally inept Bo- Lion to the capital, La Paz, ; livian army. '.(mere are no broke down, they switched to longer- American advisors. with .a separate radio system of t1Taj. Lundin's. 1 Maj. Lundin normally uses ,the radio system to report to', the U.S. embassy, 300 miles away in La Paz, although now inally his sole assignment here; is as a pilot trainer. In La Paz, left-wing support-: ers of the ousted president, Gen. Juan Jose Torres, charge' that he fell as a result of U.S. intervention.' They offer no proof,. but the allegations in- clude a charge that U.S.. com- panics? in Bolivia bankrolled .the coupmakcrs (American in- vestment in Bolivia is esti- mated at less than $11 mil- lion), that the embassy or em- bassy personnel bribed forces that could have saved Torres and, of course, the ever-bloorn- ing claim that the CIA took part in the coup. One means of measuring the U.S. role,, it any, in the soup would be to know the content of May Lundin's talks with the plotters, but this could not he detc?mined with certainty. Planning for the coup began not long after Col. Hugo Ban- zer, the new president---said to he the third chief executive from Santa Cruz among the nearly 200 presidents in Boliv- ia's chaotic 350 years of. inde- pendence----failed in a January attempt to overthrow Torres. Banzer was A MV0gF~fr tina, where he Man o plot, with soldiers and civilians who Their wives turned out, in force before the prefectorate, local seat' of the highly dis- trusted central government. Churc:hbolls pealed in the ca- thedral next door, calling out the protest- Banzer in La Paz. . Col. Banzer and a few oth- ers \vci?e spirited to La Paz iii a small plane, but in the af- ternoon the prefect buckled to the shouts of the women--now several hundred in the square from snipers oil the rooftops, The rangers returned the fire, and all. witnesses app ce that for' 10 minutes, a substantial part of Santa Cruz's upper class was prostrate on the plaza with bullets whizzing overhead. Figures on the dead and wounded run to ' extremes. Torres supporters say that eight students were lined up and gunned down in the Iwo fectorate as planters of the bomb. - The new prefect, retired Capt. Gustavo '\ Ielgar, denied this in all interview. He said that four attackers were killed, including two Cubans. (This charge that Cubans, along with Chileans, had re- cently filtered into the univer- sity student body is widely re- pcated here, though no one. could provide proof.) --and he released the .prison- Prefect Melgar said that the ers, Cubans' documents were in The women haul threatened the custody of military invest,- to "attack" if he did not turn gat.ors. - the prisoners loose, though ap- With the bomb blast on Fri- parently they bast no arms. In day, attributed by all a:tthori- returri for his freedom, bus,- ties to the leftist opposition , appears to be the only U.S. on a truckbed and asked the hero rallied t.o the couhniak- " But they, ery military man in this. vast and crowd to disperse, lightly populated lowland of chic, not want to," he said later. , On Saturday carne Me crit]- As the plotters consolidated been fired on the women from support, rumors thickened in the university building, which Santa Cruz that a coup was, is also on the square. By then, afoot.. In the last weeks it was well known that the fugitive Ban; er was in the city. Santa Cruz has about 100,000 people., Strangers are always noted, and few secrets can survive in its tropic atmosphere. Among the ? people Banzer met with at this time was 11aj. Lunclin. Banzer's Presence in Santa Cruz was almost cer- tainly known to Torres, but inexplicably he did not move to have him captured until 10 days ago, when the plot was ready to be sprung. Santa- Cruz,- itself, played a role. A demonstration by the women of this frontier town, and a bomb blast on the plaza .injuring many of Santa Cruz' most prominent citizens hap- pened. This seems to have pro- vided the initiative that even- tually resulted in the over- throw of Torres. The subsecretary of justice was sent to Santa Cruz, and between 2 and 6 a.m. on Aug. 18, about 30 prominent citi- zens were arrested. They iw eluded Lanb t l u scarce y in? the coup, the nom) s ex. f ail and 111 eri to the cap- iy other ICOMBAT ~~~~~ t4iot4'el~!rR 0i0~}'650~rF~0IIE~4( O~1~'SdOIIrt #. Church sources say that bed was businessman and hon-, ately by firing on, the plaza lie---like most major Torres, cal question of whether troops in La I'az would rally also. Ode major unit stayed with Torres, and street-fighting broke out. in earnest un-Satur- troops in minion. 'The rangers arrived from the north and in- (clay afternoon., vaded the university. ' The I An ad - hoe airlift by pro- town was in the hands of the;(Coop air force personnel was plotters, backed by the track- 1, assembled here, and the rang- tional leadership, with only ;,ers were being loaded, aboard the students and one main I union and a few Torres I loyalists in active, apposition. Troops in other provincial cities began lining up with! Santa Cruz on Friday. Short- wave radio owners listened av- . idly as the orders went out from here.according to plan, A huge crowd gathered in the plaza and the plotters met in the prefectorate. Support- ers were janmaed in an office outside the prefect's when aj bomb, apparently planted in a desk drawer, exploded. . Among at least 20 people in- jured was the sister of Mario Gutierrez, chief of the Boliv- ian Socialist Falange party .and now foreign minister. Her K they leave the country. leg was blown off. Yesterday, Jaime Bravo, a Bolivian and coordinator in R oft o op for the attack on La Paz loyal- ists when word canto that the last main unit had swung over, Banzer had lost his status as a prisoner, it is not clear just how, and on Sunday he was sworn as president. I1crc in Santa Cruz a purge Of leftists began. Some allege that several were killed out- right, but this is unproven. Most estimates of overall casualties run to 50 dead and three times as tunny wounded. Two American churchmen , Maryknoll priest the Rev. Frederick Ziertcn and former priest Richard Ramsay, were. jailed until Monday and then released on the condition that I Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01601 R00040015000l HujbTON, TEX. CHRONICLE E 279,608 S 333 , 807 e ' UB 23 1971 ued by Bolivia has a new government---the South American country's 57th in 146 strife-filled years' as a republic. The oie safe inference to be drawn from this recent military coup is that nearly $500 million of U.S. aid pumped in there since the revolution of 1952 has failed to accomplish its purpose---to bring about relative peace and politi- cal stability in the land-locked coun- try. This instability carries over to the new regime of. Col. Hugo Banzer Suar- e . It haunted and finally brought down his predQcessor, Gen. Juan Jose Torres, a non-Marxist, leftwing nation- alist, who seized power in October, 1970, from a short-lived rightwing military junta, which, in turn, had overthrown President Alfredo Ovando Candia, another army general. who had vacillated from the political right to the political left and back again. This brief review of recent political history in Bolivia gives a clue to the political situation there today--by any standard, unstable. A case can be-and will be-made that- the Banzer coup was engineered by U.S. Ambassador Ernest Siracusa. There will be charges from, the left that the CIA was involved; that the ,/ coup was t`lhe result of pressure from the military regimes in two neighbor- I ing countries, Brazil and Argentina; that the coup was an unnecessary re- action by rightwing Bolivian national. ists to the left-leaning governments in two other neighboring countries, Peru and Chile. in Bolivia. which government cpups are launchedi leftwing elements within the armed forces, the powerful trade unions, left- ist students and various other revolu- tionary groups, nearly all fiercely anti-United States, And that's a formi- dable power base-the kind fromf More than anything else, however, the Banzer government appears to be just another chapter in Bolivia's tem- pestuous political life. The plotting of political mischief is a full-time occupa tion for many Bolivians. Their politi cal persuasions vary from Marxist to, fascist and touch most of the bases in between. While Col. Banzer may have the'sup, port of the majority of the military at this time, his predecessor, now enjoy- ing political asylum in the Peruvian embassy in La Paz, has the support of Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01601R000400150001-4 f7AS-IINGT0 STAR Approved For Release 2000/09/'1,4 ?A-Rq -01601 RO Ml! T N WORST. fill 9 /j, Before Ilolivias' left-wino government was. overthrown in a nasty civil war the other day, its official radio rri ain- tained that the right-wing're- bels were financed and direct- ed by the CIA. Unfortunately, the claim -- whether or not it's true ?--- is inherently plausible. Latins have no trouble bclieveing it. They continue to see the Yan- kee giant to the north as a power anxious to dominate them and to exploit them eco- nomically. - Yet American influence in Latin America is rapidly erod- ing. A decade ago, Washington snapped its fingers and. the Or- ganization of American States responded, That era is over. Blame Cuba. The United States showed, at the Lay of Pigs and during the missile crisis, that all its power was not enough to overthrow li'idel Castro. The outside world - not only Russia, but our own allies --- would not permit it. Since that time, Castro has shown that, despite Washing ton's dire warnings, he was incapable of subverting the rest of the region. His few attempts were pitiful failures. 'In. recent years, he has not even tried. Now there is a major move afoot within the OAS to lift the sanctions imposed on Cuba at American instigation In the early ]960s. President Nixon's overture to China makes such a move appear all the more logical. o- Though the United States, working hand in hand with the cans abroad. Why doesn't it notorious right-win dictator- put on some pressure to get ships in Brazil, Argentina and releases for the lads who are' Paraguany, has so far man-: rotting in jails allover Europe aged to thwart the effort, the Latin monolith which Wash- ington so 101111 dominated is clearly, breaking up. Cuba's return to normal relations with much of the continent probably is only a matter of time. It is strange that the Nixon administration fails to see the meaning of the trend. Far from trying to replace suspi- cion with confidence it per- sists in the sane old strong- a.rro tactics -- and is now making them even worse. For that, we can presuraa- bly thank Secretary of the Treasury Connally, chief pro- tagonist of the "get tough" ap- proach to policy making, both foreign and domestic. Connally is the direct ]heir to Tom Mann, the fellow Texan whom President Johnson named in 196-1 to dismantle the Alliance for Progress. Johnson and Mann, both pals of Con- nally, effectively ended, the only experiment in goodrela- tions with Latin America that we've tried since Franklin D. Roosevelt. Now Connally proposed to turn the United States govern- ment into a collection agency for American corporations that are owed money for prop- erty nationalized by Latin re- gimes. It's touching; that the Nixon administration feels a duty to protect the interests of Ameri.- for minor drug offenses? The answer Js that old dollar diplomacy works one way-.-for the profits of Yankee corpora- tions. That is what, in its crud- est form, the Nixon adrminis- tration is now practicing, What Connally has done is to make America's diplomatic in- terests the hostage of the cor- porations which represent to Latins the worst of Yankee ec- onomic exploitation. The situation has become most critical in Chile, where the elected Marxist, govern- ment has been slow to offer compensation for nationzlied American mines. The companies are claiming up to $1 billion. The property is worth a. fraction of that-or about what the Nixon adminis-, tration gave away to Lockheed last month. American law gives Chile six months to begin negotia- tions before. the invocation of sanctions. Chile has not-shown bad faith, and, at worst, the matter could be taken to inter- national courts. But that's not good enough for Connally. He has directed the Export- Import Dank to refuse the Chi- leans a 1121 million loan to buy American commercial jets-which will force them to buy the planes from the Rus- sians. That's not a "tough" policy. It is a vindictive and self- defeating one which uses the ' government as an enforcer for big business. It confirms ev- erything rotten the Latins say about us. . Whether or not we're using the CIA in .Bolivia, we are still using bullying tactics in Latin America--and they're just hastening the erosion of any -healthy influence we retain there. Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01601R000400150001-4 DAII' ( WORLD STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01601R000400150001-4 25AUG1971 t ~ rj ~ liil~ u Js f~ ~ ?iu e.' J1 4~ ;:.7c) LA PAZ - Bolivian troops supported by warplanes and tanks at- tacked the San Andres U;niver ity in La Paz on Mo day, killing; about 25 students and wounding scores of others, according to informed sour- ces. The university was the last stronghold of resistance to the fascist counter-revolutionaries who ousted President Juan Jose Torres on Mon- day. Two U.S.-built F-51 Mustang fighters bombed and machine-gunned students behind barricades at the university. The bombs destroyed the top story of the 15-floor train university building, then U.S.-built tanks were brought up and fired into the barricades while Bolivian "special forces" troops, trained by. the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, tried to shoot their way into the university grounds. Students were armed with rifles and sticks of dynamite provided by Bolivian miners. The bat- tle lasted for more than an hour before the students were. forced to sur- render. Several Hundred students were seen being marched off by the troops under guard, but nothing'has been heard of them since. Some sniping was reportecl still going on in La Paz on Tuesday. Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01601R000400150001-4 Approved For Release 2000/09/ 4 ''IA! Wi 80-01601 8000400150001- 2 4 AUG 1971 o n Daily World Combined Services Colonel Hugo Banzer, leader of Bolivia's fascist military revolt, swore himself in as Preside-1-it of. 'the South American republic yesterday. and said. he would not rule as part of a junta. Col. Andres Selich, commander Ousted President Juan Jose Tor res was reported safely inside of the hangers, led the :Pahvlan forces which tracked down Cuban the Peruvian Embassy in La Paz, the Bolivian capital guerrilla fighter Ernesto "Che" . 0 7 Gu ara in . a_. _._ x The official death toll in the four-day fascist revolt against the time was hitnse midair the com Torres government stood at 112 mand of Cuban gusano CIA agents. yes; relay, 101 of them workers On Monday, enzer appointed Se- and students who rallied to ? or lick the new-'Minister of the In res' defense in fighting for the terior, giving him control over capital.. Hundreds of wounded, Bolivia's - police and intelligence students and peasants were taken forces. to La Paz hospitals. Appointed Foreign Minister in Banzer said in a brief speech the new fascist regime was Mario from the balcony of the Presiden- Gutierrez, head of the FSh. It tial Palace: "I am not a man of was Gutierrez who provoked a speeches. I am a man of action, mob in Santa Cruz last week to and I will let my actions speak burn down a radio station owned for The fascist leader told by the miners' trade union, release the Bolivian people: "I am not go- Banzer from jail, and organize to ing to offer you anything." march on La Paz. The slogan Gu- It was Banzer's arrest 10 days tierrez used for the revolt was ago in Santa Cruz, 330 miles south- Death to Communism. east of La Paz, that set the stage Torres made target _ for the fascist uprising against The Bolivian fascists and their Torres' progressive government. U.S. supporters believed that Tor- Banzer, 45, had been exiled in Ar res was "Communist because he gentina for plotting against the nationalized mining h terests regime, but he returned illegally owned by big U:S. firms, ousted the to Santa Cruz. The city is a notor- U.S. Peace Corps, anc'. depended ious rightist stronghold and cen- . for support on a loose-knit peo- ter of strength of the Falange So- ple's alliance" of workers, pea- . cialista Bolivians (FSB) Party, sants and students. Torres had which backed the revolt. also developed normal diplomatic The fascists got widespread and trade relations with a num- support from Bolivia's armed her of socialist countries. forces, including the Air Force, - In its last broadcasts, the La Paz of which Torres had been the corn- radio under Torres' government mender: Analysts said that. the control on Sunday attacked the military was extremcly_dissatis- CIA for stating the revolt. Led with Torres, who had an- The radio laid the plot against nounced plans for creating a peo- Torres to U.S. Ambassador Ernest ple's army based on workers and Siracusa, who is now on leave in peasants a short time ago. the U.S. Siracusa was mobbed by CIA's in' ii lead off angry Bolivian students when he Speculation about involvement: first took up his post in La Paz / of the U.S. Central Intelligence and was accirsed by them of being Agency in the fascist revolt was the chief CIA agent in the Andes general throughout Bolivia and 'region of South America. At an` the rest of Latin Am rica. on ? 'earlier post Siracusa held,. in Monday and drew strength from 'Lima, Peru, mass student demon the fact that the first military strations had been held in protest unit to go over to the fascists, against Siracusa's presence in the was the CIA-trained and financed country; for the same reasons. Bolivian ran.App1O.MQtdi.For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400150001-4 J DAILY WORLD , M" nM 0 If1I IN I L Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA- C -b %01 R00040015 9 V In its 10-rnonti tenure of office the governtne~lt of Gen. Juan Jose Torres Gonzales had nationalized U.S.= owned mining properties. had ousted t're U.S. Peace. Corps as subversive of Bolivia's independence, and had won the enmity of the nation's exploiting classes. The Torres regime was overthrown because U.S. monopoly interests wanted it overthrown, organized its overthrow, and paid for it. No one will doubt that the whole array of U.S. government agencies was involved, from the Defense and State Departments to the CIA. Far more is involved. The main target of U.S. imper ialism in Latin America - after socialist Cuba --'is the popular-democratic regime in Chile. U.S. imperialism sees the continued existence of the Allende government in Chile as encouragement to the anti- imperialist forces throughout the continent E. It hopes by its prolonged blockade of Cuba to cripple the first land of socialism in this hemisphere. The certain attempt of U.S. imperialism to impose a Bolivia pattern of counter-revolution on other parts of Latin America calls for the immediate and sharpest pro- test by all U.S. peace, trade union. and 'progressive forces: Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01601R000400150001-4 STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/09/1 4: IXUi dP0-01601 R0004001500 lr.l+ 1i f, te. --. u~~s it l., a ,kJl?:_' ~+?~' ~^i~ tw E~64y la 1 -- - - allowed students to s ize United' began, nc1 cut off water sup- 1 tl l By JUAN C,. ONTS States cultural centers here-arid special to The rex' Yook '1'h,:cs in provincial capitals. LA PAZ, l Olivia, Aug.. 21 However, G'!nera+1 Torres has Hundreds of awned. Miners anc]' kept a commitment made by troops loyal to Gen.. Juan Jose f his predecessor, Gen. Alfredo __ __1_ ,._1 o d la's left--wing regime, occupie fill Jon in compensation for coi;11)9 positions against rebel I Dynamite cxhlosio?t shock nationalization of the Gulf (} ariliv troops in this capital to- this city, as the, loyal forces ' s petroleum an Oil Coriipany zleploycd. One explosion day-m S ature,] was 1r o tics in Santa damaged a - firearms store, all weapons fire bro::e out: n ? properties . and dynamite exploded around I Cruz. the army's general. command As a result, Bolivia has 1--c- of as troops of the ccntly obtained S40-million in Coloradma Ba'ttaliorl, loyal to. loans from the World, Bank General Torres, sought to e. s- and Ti ltsr?Aniericarr hevc l hpruent sault the, Vwalled Cornpou?ld. The Bank to complete construct .ion of a gas p}1;,.-}rile from Santa Castril,o I:e freer., which re- '~cntina, portedly has joined the army;Cru13Ix. 1IC to ao ArGeneral Torres t~iak rebels, is the main unit. at the' over, the Soviet )'.rilba.ssy in hc.dcltlarfers' J,a Paz has grow n.,rapidly and Answering repeated appeals various Soviet cis in ]file broadcast over the official ra } dio network, thousands; of lug and oil exploration have workers and students filled t11eibeen NVIii}c approved. General To:?res met plaza in front of a soccer sta-' ^id (with his nliilisters and high Ito New York Times 'l,un.22, 1911 I liners and troops loyal to Government S1iassed to d fend T,a 11az (cross). 'stations, which ordered civil-I . ir homes th i . e n fans to remain The only awned conflict re- ported until early today was `in Santa Cruz. Many Government supporters in Santa Cruz, Cochabamba and Oruro were /eportedly under arrest and a curfew was declared in ' those cities. In this capital, the 111ar1>et- places, with colorfully dressed Indian vendors, and most. shops along the central streets were doing ? business normally. At construction sites, workers were at their building tasks and city transportation was norm-al and active. oc , 1e plies, electricity- autu b airport. - Eleven persons have report- cdly been. killed in fighting in Santa Cruz, where the army occupied the university and which was sacked. for pistols and. shotguns ' after the ex- plosion. ? Representatives of the 1'ressl Workers Union, who said they] wanted to avoid "distortions" abroad through press dis- patches, arrived at cable offices and demanded that articles be approved by them before being transmitteal in a form of un- official censorship. The official radio broadcasts said the army revolt had been financed by the United States Central Intelligence Agency and attacked Ambassador -Ernest name:. (jiunl, whet e announcers ..4 that awns vrould be distribuCed. military commanders at they Oruro Is Strategic Murillo presidential palace, the Radio Condor, 15'llicll is n I Mr: Siracusa, who had Lccn the Gove-rimndot network, said Bolivian Central Workers Union on leave, returned here this appeared to have taken over; afternoon from the United ifighting had also broken out in control of radio broadcasts and' States. ;Oruro, where miners reportedly of the resistance movement. '1'hc movement began in attacked Ranger units occupy- "phis is the fight to the fill- Sallta . Cruz in the eastern Zing that cit 150 miles south- t tropical slcis and thenlili, b y ish a., airs. the fascist counter ., a,.v narrisonrisons of Coche"h inba - 211G. Lvyu, --.y v, ,,u.. vv.., -1111-1-1- - - - raclos Eatallion were ordered called on peasant organizations gion, jc,uled the rebels. by their commander, Maj. Rubcn in the dry, high plateau around The key to the military situ- appeared to be Oruro, Sanchez, to occupy positions this city to march on the capi-? where tlvo army r L intents were surrounding the general army tal in support of General `Torres. facing armed .nlilitlainen from staff headquarters in the central The official radio also issued; the state 'tin mines at Catavi, Miraflores District and to block instructions for peasants' toI )Juanuni, and Colquiri. access to the city from the march on Santa Cruz in the Enrique Miralles, director of the newspaper La Patria of military college on the outskirts. eastern lowlands, where the re 'Oruro sa}d -in a telephone ill- Troops ill Position : volt against General 'Torres terview that rebel ranger troops d- entirely occupied the city Tine army rebels seeking to ha d ,controlled local radio sta- oust General Torres control all 'il1'mpor.ta.nt cities except the capital.. --.General Torres took over the ipresidency last Oct. 7 during tan -earlier military crisis. - Since then, under - pressure from the left-wing student and union groups, the government - has nationalized mines owned ? by interests in the; United;` - States, has ousted Peace Corps members from Bolivia, and has - Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01601R000400150001-4 WASI TGT) N POST - PARADE NAGAZfl E 11 JULY 19'(1 Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400150001-4 nL tt Crl _ 'Q. Is it true that our Peace Corps has been thrown out of Bolivia, and if so, for what reason-immor- ality?-L. Titus, Dallas, Tex. A. Left-wing Bolivian students insisted that U.S. Peace Corps members be expelled on the grounds that they included drug addicts, and spies for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000400150001-4 EMT BERLItN, B3ITLINER ZEITUPIG STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/09/14 : CIIA-RDP80-01601 R0004001 eue'r. u d Om [c js I m3 Zum dritton Mal innerhalb ocht Wochen haben reaktionare Kreise Bo- liviens versucht, durch einen Putsch die Regicrunq Torrez zu sturzen. Der lung- Ste Fptschversuch, in den Vcrtreter zwei rcaktionarer Parteien sowie rechte don, to 60 Staaten der Welt mit.113 Millionen Dollar im Riicken leistet das , Friedenskorps"' Agentenarbeit fur den USA-Imperialismus, Desondere Aktivi- taten entwickelt es in Africa, we es u. a. in dos Schuiwesen cindringt, um ideoiogische Diversion zu betreiben. Wdhrend des Durgerkriegcs in Nigeria tratcn die cis Friedensengel getarnten USA-Agenten often fur die Separati- sten' ein. Uber das ?Friedenskorps" .vurde diesen Wafien geliefert. Mit derv Rausschntil3 aus Bolivien hat President Torrez eine gofuhrliche denten oufyedeckt. Des zeigt, welche Jetzt droht die USA-Presse, dies wurde Rolle die Gewerkschoften, andere Ar- die Bozichungen der USA zu Bolivien beiterorgonisationen and die Verbandc welter verschleditern. Die Regierung der Juaend im heut:nen Bolivien spie-des latoinamerikanischcn Stacles geht Putschisien fiihren unmittelbar zur waiter. Linen notwendi?aen and richtigen Weq, dorm bislong war Bolivien das zweitarnute Land in darn von Armut mehr ols gestraften Siiclamerika. and die amerika- nischen Konzerne sinddie Draht- zieher. hire konter- revolutionare Aktivitet gegen Bolivien wdchst President Torrez in dom MafBe, in dam die Regicrunq des Landes den antiimperialistischen fortschrittlichen Kurs schrittweise weiter verwirkiicht. Die Todfeindschoft eines der gr63ten amerikanischen Konzerne. der Unitet States Steel, hatte sich der President bereits mit der Verstaat- lichung der Zinkgruben eingchandolt. Sie gehorten dem USA-Konzern. Der HaB Washingtons steigerte sich, als die Regierung einer Forderung der Arbeiter and Studenten folgend, das soaenannte Friedenskorps der USA aus Bolivien hinauswarf. Die Arbeiter and Jugendlichen hatten darauf hingewie- sen,, die Leuto des ?Friedenskorps" seien Rauschgifthandler, Rauschgift- suchtige and CIA-Spitzel. Vor allem letztere Anschuldigung ist in Dutzenden von Landern, wo des ?Friedenskorps" sein Unwesen treibt, als absolut den Tatsachen entsprechend bestatigt war- ? E0LP 8EN I- 1APA2 1 .tochasan 5? ?SnnlaCriz #- ?Su eJ ,,.ems m . ?P~'osi Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01601R000400150001-4 CHICAGO, ILL. PEWS Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01 E _-456,183 MAY t V f rl~'a '` ;tvf r' . -,..I "W F}I b~ '`'-`I~ An as as e-re a secr'. . J-61.0- .eii anus d.e ; , I By Georgie Anne Geyer Daily. News Foreign Service LA PAZ,- Bolivia Even for Bolivia, a 1-1,000 foot-high country of rarefied air and even more rarefied shenanigans, the plot was biz erre. Since March 14, the story that has' obsessed this little Andean Indian country is one that has one president killing another one, both of them involved in a $30 million con- traband arms deal with Israel, and five remaining unsolved murders linked to the whole scandal. As one foreign diplomat says, wearily, "It's James Bond without James Bond," The question of "proof" has hardly hit anyone, so enam- President Barricntos ~chtzz ?u arouna tau county. ;ii his,. ua; e, to' helicopter, speaking Quechua, the native Indian Ian" the peasants, and generally giving Bolivia a good popular. government. Then, on April 27, 1969, Barricntos suddenly plunged to a burning death in a horrible accident which occurred when his doughty helicopter fell from the skies immediately after taking off from a peas nt meeting. NOW THE 1FIIOLE WEIRD PROGRESSIONS of events begins. Barricntos' was succeeded by Gen. Alfredo Ovando Candia. a dried-up, ulcerous little wan totally unlike him. He had none of Rene's charm and it was hard for him to keep the naturally fissiparous country, together. `Moreover, the country was alniost immediately swept by a series of strange and awful murders. In October,?,1969, Jorge Soliz. a popular peasant leader, was murdered; In, Februacv, 19-10, Jaime Otero Calderon, a prominent La Paz lawyer and journalist, was killed. Then, on March 14, 19-10, one of the most inexplicably horrible things happened.'.. The Alexander family was long known as one of the most outstanding families in Bolivia. -sMr. and Mrs. Alfredo Alex- ander ran Hoy and liltima Hota, two muckraking news- papers, and their children were doctors, diplomats and edi- tors in a country where the illiterate, superstitious Indians still wave palm branches to scare the rain away. That March' 14, a still unknown messenger delivered a package to their beautiful home, telling their servant it was a "gift from the Israeli embassy." When the couple un- wrapped it in their upstairs bedroom, the bomb inside ex-. ploded, blowing them both to bits and blowing the roof off. the house with its enormous force. oured are the Bolivians by the breathless mysteries of the In a way, that has become irrelevant. In a Latin sense there is "proof" - that is, there is the personal "testimony" that is "legal" under Latin American Roman law. In fact, so many people are now coming forward to' "testify" in this Tease that there is danger of a trampling at the gates. But the original "testifier" complicates the plot, too. For no one really seems to know much about the German, Gert Richard Heber,'who started the whole thin,-. But none of this has stopped unsinkable Bolivia, where strange things happen with the ease of commonness. Al- ready the plot has taken on the contours of truth in the cold .brisk mountain air, and a high-level governmental conimis- sion has decided that the plot is, in fact, true. But what is most bizarre is :...?it might just really all have happened. In this case, the only thing that. makes it all a little less `credible in this nationalistic and xenophobic country, is chat EVEN LA PAZ, WHERE THE FI ,ST SIGHT pointed out no one has blamed the -whole tiring on the CIA yet. to tourists is a lamppost outside the presidential palace WHAT IS BEHIND IT ALL? Is it just "another' bit of where presidents traditionally have been hung (in anger), Boliviana," as one shocked but cynical foreign diplomat Put was shocked. Clearly, there was something very strange it, or a true scandal cyith deep and twisted roots? 'going on in the country, even for Bolivia. Firsr,,of all, in analyzing this strange saga of Bolivian- In whispers, with glances now thrown cautiously over. :style regicide,, n,murder, arms deals and Swiss bank accounts.' backs, Bolivians kept insisting to each other that all these. the analyst must take into. account Bolivia itself. It is a horrors must be, after all, related. % strikingly beautiful, but'griccdingly poor country of some 3 But nothing came out except rumors until, suddenly, last' million persons, mostly Indian , where the pristine moon- month a largely unknown young German man named Gert tains rise in pinnacled whipped cream peaks and where the Richard Heber came forward and offered to put everything tables. all have three legs. ' together. - La Paz, at 14,000?feet the highest capital in the world, lies Recently, the Alexander children sat in their Hoy office on like a reclining gray monster in a great, saucer-like in-. a mountainside in downtown La Paz and recalled the grisly, dentation of the great altiplano of the Andes - that great,, tale which now has become the obsession of their lives. shadowy, mysterious high plain where the Incas wove and' r webbed the great empire. "DURING THE DAYS SINCE our parents' death, we have It has never been an easy country to.rule. By the time the received many hints as to the motives for the murders - dashing, Steve Canyoncsque Gen. Rene Barrientos took over from high places, but from poope who did not want to be 44 ~ lv see ui, a black the country in Ap~tpoiv"vFmbERdVSdis~l2OltrT/?9 A SO revolutions and its pulse was still going strong. x ' t'r 1 t c , with a black . - - F 'shawl drapped over her ample shoulders. ~C)rzti! TtLI" Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-016018000 i'IE;i X0 ?}: !.1'71.15 ~:i /lri: ~. !'.i te I,:]i^=d Sept. 2J, 1953, by i11UI'','_15 on a CIOCL'r:,3i.;,L1 c^.Iid purdiClL_ U[ to f 1A 113 A '^ ` ?' by e I,ly ` lie S i 'tli to his t AK at CI'C?CleCl Sunday train an route tG" u raw for the amusement park of Et }.ucal;to, P11 I ' "e that ^)ly anal a Sid. , l.. c i i1 have " 1 ,. ~' I''G *). so t . Can fly ilil ll UL+ L' P7:;21 c" t'+ :O? CI)i rule? At the ],.i: i7 ~ murders time this lnvC t tt Cie 1.11 tpurti,rS IlirirJ a j~vi) and made wounded. '14 1~1 r i tcant1 nluru ,. ~' `~ role of the July 2s. !n h of 105Cl. the LPL crikSical urban gi'errllla appa-_ it to tl: jLl:1 le Mn of VeilC'. lnciC, Lave til CiU?icrI'ill ;lt ti1. Cil:~.ilCC? . n \vhere ''tl-~e CIS. #: c t in the cc'In. )aay r:~.d been \:ai mg for to u,,prlva. L ratus,_ much of which turned against of I Uli v i':. UiilCc;i'S `Li r to h1'v., 1'?5 'c 2tie COi:IlilI ni"L ,Gi Me CaS`tI'O n the J~'S. early 19" t}1'c oval out Of t"in. Dut we-\'i CrC IparlI/ 1iiIi:1Ui11}y t:'i c'.y }l .-1 M1 During the two-you Lt king t0' Cotire a W HI su"c`:Tit credentials to 115Cd \711'1e \ aging ?, caiiln ' 1-1 slip i tb ;t \'r \'re ficic j,- fo_ce caacellakioll of the Inoi~ Clec aga'Ilst F~ictator FL?IgenciO Drlltista, ~` docLliltail`S who dvi;liriatoil Cuban politics for n list. " vnd \ e 1 ' ? rsd ti st' y to U10-s. I1 ! 1 gu :i.x~. I, ' . ,' ti7:Iy fi.,i,P 1 Str"":,CC1 rir,_< f1,11 U `.,_,rCI1Li i C on ho' thrl DOW 25 ucalh tI'.i; my 23 t:i;G,..- struck the Ihlost telling bio'?r5 ground all_l;^.?kl lg 5 to a lh hiOIIL i, and to C b1 Ii . first LrrDC was CC , ! was news of tiha r,l.errl'i.c Icado.l s C,Ci.7il that t .2.