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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-01601R000300360133-6.pdf82.16 KB
STATINTL Approved For Release 20 P80-01601? THE, 'V1C OiRY, 1-0,53T A 'confidential Pentagon paper details the plan the military had three years ago to cud the Viet- nam war. Con. William Westmoreland, then top man in Saigon, and Gen. Earle Wheeler, then chairman of the joint Chiefs, worked. it out ch-- " ill,- the height of Hanoi's Tot offensive in 1968. Westmoreland read Tot as a shift to all-out war. by Ilanoi and wanted to match it. Ile also viewed. it. as a last gasp that would leave North Viet- nam's army badly mauled. His plan called for 206,000 more men (a total of 731,000) and moves on. all fronts-stopping anticipated assaults from the north., seizing sanctuaries in Laos and Cam- bodia, blocking the Ito -Chi Minh Trail complex in-those countries, ir'tvadiug North Vietnam and bombing the "port of Haiphong. On Feb. 12, the proposals were discussed at a White House meeting involving L13J, Dean Rusk, Robert McNamara, CIA chief Richard helms; Gen. Maxwell Taylor, Clark Clifford, Walt ?Rostow and Wheeler. On Feb. 23, W heeler met Westmoreland in Saigon and after three clays brought details- of the plan back to Washington. Shortly afterward, the 206,000-man request was revealed in a Pentagon "leak"- a move, West- moreland. says, designecl to "prejudice the Presi- clont's' appraisal." On March 24, Wheeler met Westmoreland privately in 'Manila. The word: "bobing, no invasions, no 731,000 men. no new m The only thing Wheeler could not tell his field 'command'er was something lie did not know him- self-that on March 31, L13J was bowing out of the war and out of the White House. lrlgIS 'U. O B1TS ~1Pe0`l"{l~l: fZil ltiMl~ The Soviet Union seems about to write a new chapter in manned spaceflight-but no one knows it will reveal. In November and December month, the U.S.S.R. fired Off three and again last shots that all looked like tests Of a now manned vehicle. The first two satellites evidently carried recorded voices; they executed mar cuvers that outdid any by previous manned satellites. U.S. experts say they don't quite fit a program for a manned space station (which the Russians are working on) nor a _mooii shot. Beyond that, the exports are baffled. 1 ROt1 Hl.C: ON THE WELCOME MAT Chile's new 'Marxist government faces a delicate problem in its efforts to forge new, friendly links to Reel China. After ]'resident Salvador Allende granted. Peking diplomatic recognition, the Na- tionalist. Chinese envoy left but gave the Chinese. Embassy (bought by China before WVorld War II ) to Chile's League Against Cancer for use as a hospital. Peking's atilbassaclor wants it back, and Allende's opponents in the Chilean Congress have vowed to block the move. MOSCOW [DROPS A HINT For the first time in memory, a Soviet radio broadcast this week listed all Russian vessels moving to and from North Vietnam. (Except for a tanker, all carried non-military cargo. ) The rea- son, U.S. analysts think, is that Mloscow', fearing that the U.S. may resume full-scale bombing in North Vietnam, 'is hinting at immunity for its ships from American aircraft. Approved. For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000300360133-6