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January 2, 1972
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. NEW YORK TIMES .. Approved For Release 2001/03/04 Utl3V&DP80-01601 F Ombe, , .f Ani - "" -- .4, r-S n u gale STATINTL IY.FRED 13RANF'MAN be false; that at least two-had been a they enfcr ltic body; and shot down over North Vietnam, one gurv - WASHINGTON---The Nixon Admin- east of Hann, hambs, which explode in the air and Istration's decision to reactivate the send their pellets dawn dia,getaily to. North Vietnam It !s, perhaps, for this reason that enter holes where their targets may air could campaign well be the against most serious escala. Secretary Laird did not use such bc hiding, tion since the Gulf of Tonkin In May,. reports to justify the present raids. 1964. (4) Mr. Lairds statement that the 1:,.rd Etrcur,rian is director of PrnJecf ~T'he'?350 planes that flew 24-hour; 1968 bombing halt agreement was no Air 1;'ar, a It cts)tin .fog-Luseci re earch longer in force prepares ' ~' f iulti1ply` sorties conducted raids as full-scale bombing of the the North. way for or_~a,urcttiorr. lie studied the c it war heavy as- any. ever launched against in L:ias, .1967-71, a.3 ,a t_?ahinfeer with. the North, Unless checked by public The thesis that the Administration ilea 1ntrrrratiorral Volwrtm't, Service. nn;nrnn ii,n A I..,;.,,-r ...,.:..... ....... ...-n will Pa as far as n?hiir nnininn snnn,e vy I-1-- w ,cvul 11:11!!t it11u tlal- _J ---- .? .... ........... w., ~... /? . phong, mine Haiiahon,-. Harbor, and in the Pentagon Papers, that all official // An esa crated ~ pared by the top-level Jason Division t :.Y....~,..., gg prediction? Con- of the Institute for Defense Analysis, facts: skier these f , ._a r1 , . :3 '!, w t b exam 1) Th Ad i i e ( m n suduonr made tin- 1967, the U.S. bombing of North Viet- precedented attempts i n the last month nam has had no measurable effect on to prepare the public for massive Hanoi's ability to mount and support ,strikes against the North. It previously military operations in Sout Vi t " e nam h . bombed North Vietnam eight times in This conclusion was shared by the raids, involving several htudredplanes, C.I.A., International Security Agency =7- v~hic l t d l da . as e severa ys Targetsf th D oeepartment of Defense, apd h $aid to have been struck during these former Defense Secretary McNamara., occasions included troop concentra If It Is planning on observing pre- tions, fuel and petroleum dumps and vious limitations on the bombing, why airfields. All of these raids were car- did the Administration renew strikes tied out with minimum publicity, how- against the North that were shown to ever. The large fanfare accompanying be ineffective? And, in particular, why last week's raids suggests that the did it do so now at a time when It is Administration has more in mind than making every effortelsewhere to show In the past. that the war is "winding down"? Could (2) The Administration has gone out It be that it is prepared to bomb Hanoi, of its way to provoke. North Vietnam Ifaiphong, the dikes, it it feels.public in recent months. North Vietnam has opinion will permit it? been officially bombed 186 times be- Only . time will tell. One thing Is tween Nixon's accession to office and clear, however: the present bombing Nov. 1, 1971. Thus there were an is serious, dangerous, and Is causing average of under six raids monthly heavy civilian casualties in North Viet- during Nixon's first 34 months in nam, while not providing security in offic I b `N h id e n ovem er owever ra .,, .e sou. s thth shot lin to fourteen a mnnih In T) - re were o a stration was ened to bomb the "MIG airfields." appears that v Sin th ce ose at Quaniang, ll Vinh, and hoping to provoke a response from the North that could be used as justifies- Donghoi are quite ite small and have .., tion for increased strikes. as with the been bombed already, lie apparently he ano Hai hon Wh thi h . p g ..- en ap s (3) Official claims that the present yens, casualties will rise. '- I of North Vietnamese 1IG's heavy 1963 were antipersonnel bombs. These ?; ?:`; ' . -artillery and tanks in Labs were not are bombs that cannot destroy a truck, used by Secretary Laird to justify the bridge or even a tiny shelter erected ,` k J .,? .. ___ .. -_ --'- . - P # +^R^~ ? r ? rAids onde - No corres .?..... ?he i , p nts n the Newsmen are not al:mv,d on bombing pineapple bombs, which send 250,000 17-19 over L CARDR A60'W O ? 50? ` WftFdVeePf4W release 2001/03/04: