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A stand of mangroves destroyed by herbicide: `Rerncniber,'only we can prevent forests' fi', ~t?af:Al{ STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/Q3 :1QIA-RDP8O 01601 RO When the Landscape Is the 0 rice again, U.S. policy in Vietnam was on public trial. And once again, an odd assortment of public figures- U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim, World Council of Churches head Dr. Eugene Carson Blake and actress Jane Fonda-were hurling the charges. The U.S., they claimed, was bombing North Vietnam's elaborate system of dams and dikes and thus threatening to cause dis- astrous flooding in the rainy months ahead. Gradually, the critics began to find an audience, and last week, obvious- ly feeling the heat of world opinion, the Nixon Administration moved to counter the attacks. Calling Waldheim and simi- lar critics "well-intentioned [but] naive," the President himself coolly told a news conference: "If it were the policy of the United States to bomb the dikes, we could take them out ... in a week." Then, to document Mr. Nixon's defense, State Department officials released an intelli- gence report 'concluding that "stray" U.S. bombs had inflicted only minor damage Ai North Vietnam's dikes, did not release the intelligence pictures, it gave some newsmen a peek. "Of the 12 locations where damage has occurred [to the dikes]," said the report, "10 are close to identified [military] targets." In addition, the report charged that the North Vietnamese were making no seri- ous effort to repair the damage, presum- ably because they want to use the "evi- dence" for propaganda purposes. It seemed unlikely, however, that the Administration's own propaganda cam- paign would change many minds one way or the other. For, in a sense, the controversy over the bombing of the dikes has become a symbol of a far larger issue-the intense debate over the way the U.S. has waged war in Indochina as a whole. In Vietnam, on a scale unprec- edented in the history of warfare, the landscape itself has become an enemy subjected to systematic destruction. In order to get' at the elusive Communists, the U.S. has ravaged jungles with mil- lions of tons of bombs and shells, sprayed thousands of acres of farmlands and if it had been torn by an angry giant." But how serious and long-lasting is the impact of a decade of ecological warfare likely to be? In the eyes of inany scien- tists, the U.S. has been guilty of nothing less than ecocide-that is, the intentional destruction of a functioning, life-support- ing environment. Last week, that charge appeared to strike a responsive chord on Capitol Hill when the Senate voted to outlaw two of the more exotic ecological, weapons: firestorms and rain making. Moral Question: To other equally rep- utable scientists, however, the damage appears far too limited to warrant the term ecocide. In fact, not enough field studies have been made to support either view and, so far, much of the specula- tion on both sides seems inextricably .bound up with the larger moral question of the legitimacy of U.S. entry into the war in the first place. Yet whatever the ultimate judgment on that, one thing seems certain: the long American involve- ment has literally changed the face of Indochina. The report-an eight-page assessment forests with deadly herbicides and sent By far the most widely used weapons compiled largely by the Central Intelli- teams of giant bulldozers to cut huge in the U.S. arsenal of ecological warfare gence Agency-was based ort recent re- swaths through the jungles. Today, from (see page 26) have been herbicides, or connaissance photos of North Vietnam's the skies over some parts of Vietnam, the defoliants. Designed to remove the thick entire 1.1 1 Ve iliRel e 200ti /0x44 ,,RDPMG41601iR 10030035O02il-5 uncover ene- dike system, And although Washington tary observer put it: "The land looks as my troop movements, the defoliants-la- 86retizxUed Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80 01601 R00030Q35Q927-5 J'..ircc- Sm.'io. &2..,. ..i?': .f? .,.._.`~Ra~.,. J.: ~i ?.:_.N U.S. bomb craters disfigure Vietnam farmland: 'The land looks as if it had been torn by an angry giant' beled according to the color on their Vietnamese territory. To provide instant attempted-with only limited success-to containers as "Agents Orange," "Blue" helicopter landing zones, the Air Force increase rainfall over the Ho Chi Minh and "White"-were first used as far back has dropped so-called "Daisy Cutter" or Trail in order to hinder the movement of as 1961. By the time mounting pressure "Cheeseburger" bombs. Detonated a few enemy supplies. from scientists forced the Nixon Admin- feet above the ground, the bombs leave Oddly, in fact, these arcane ecologi- islration to abandon the program (code- no crater but level an area the size of a cal weapons proved less 'dam igintr than named operation "Ranch Iland") in 1970, football field. For bigger jobs, the U.S. more conventional types, such as U.S. pilots had sprayed almost one-tenth turned to the 32-ton Rome Plow bull- nary bombs and shells. According to two of South Vietnam's cropland and nearly, dozers. Sometimes operating twenty longtime students of Vietnam's ecology, one-third of the country's total forest abreast, these monsters . scraped away Profs. Arthur II. Westing and L.\V. acreage. The unofficial motto of the pi- some 800,000 acres of land (roughly the Pfeiffer, the U.S. has gouged more than lots who conducted "Ranch Hand": "Re- area of Rhode Island) before retiring 21' million bomb craters-each roughly member, only we can prevent forests." early this year. As they ripped through 30 feet in diameter and more than 5 feet To a considerable degree, they made the landscape, they piled precious top- deep-into the South Vietnamese land- good on their boasts. Two years ago, soil in heaps-leaving it to wash away scape over the past decade. Like a giant Harvard Prof. Matthew S. Meselson and with the next rain. Occasionally, more- pox, the craters cover some 345,000 a team of researchers under the auspices over, the tractor operators exhibited a acres and have displaced a total of more of the American Association for the Ad- rather cavalier attitude toward the land. than 3 billion cubic yards of earth. In the vancement of Science found that half of In Binh Long Province, some gouged a Mekong Delta, says Pfeiffer, where the South Vietnam's mangrove forests-or mile-long image of the First Infantry water table is less than 5 feet below roughly 540 square miles-had been "ut- Division's "Big Red One" insignia into ground level, the craters fill quickly with terly destroyed" by herbicides and the earth. water, and since there are no predatory showed no signs of recovery. But the Exotic: Another ecological weapon fish in the craters to eat larvae, the damage to the nation's hardwood for- turned out to be an expensive failure. ponds soon become vast breeding ests has been somewhat less dramatic. After years of testing, the U.S. military- grounds for malaria-bearing mosquitoes. Sprayed into the dense triple canopy with the help of experts detached from But that is not the only problem jungle, Agent Orange usually dissipated the U.S. Forest Service-attempted in caused by the massive outpouring of in the tree tops, and generally such areas 1966 and 1967 to ignite huge firestorms heavy ordnance. By the Pentagon's own have regenerated quickly. Often, how- to clear parts of the South Vietnamese estimate, 1 to 2 per cent of all U.S. ever, the, removal of the upper canopy jungle. These missions, nicknamed "Pink bombs and shells are duds, which means has caused subtle changes at ground Rose" and "Sherwood Forest," failed be- that after years of bombing, some areas level, allowing bamboo and other %vorth- cause the jungle was simply too moist to of the countryside have become virtual 'less but hardy jungle weeds to invade burn. "It produced a lot of smoke and minefields of unexploded devices. Worse time rich forests. not a whole heck of a lot of fire at all," yet, shrapnel has lodged in countless In addition to the massive defoliation recalled one Pentagon official recently. trees, promoting fungal rot and making campaign, the U.S, military also relied Also in the realm of exotic weaponry, the timbering extremely difficult. And since on pure explosive power to clear South U.S. has reportedly seeded clouds and heavy bombs tend to compact the earth Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000300350027-5 centiratied Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000300350027-5 rather than heaving it out of the holes they create, filling the -craters will be no simple task. In some cases, moreover, the violent concussions have changed the very composition of the soil. "We know' that the bomb craters, the defoliants and chemical influences of the war have had effects," says A. Van Der Sluijs, a UNESCO geologist who is advising the South Vietnamese . Government on eco- logical problems. "But the soil is a living world. It's a whole cycle, and when just one element is upset, it interrupts a whole chain of processes and living things which depend on it." Some scientists contend that the U.S. campaign of deliberate destruction has 'inflicted permanent ecological damage. As evidence, they point to some World War I battlefields in France that have yet tp recover from that conflict.* Other scientists, however, do not think the situ- ation is quite that bad. In the first place, they cite the astonishing paucity of rig- orous scientific study of the impact of U.S. weaponry on Vietnam's ecology. While a component of Agent Orange has been shown to cause birth defects in *In the cataclysmic trench warfare at Verdun, more than 39,000 wooded acres were almost totally devastated. And although French forestry officials long ago launched a massive reclamation project, the land still bears the scars of war. Unexploded shells remain buried in the earth, and pine trees planted in the 1920s have grown uncommonly slowly and are malformed and unusually susceptible to disease. Says one official: "It will take at least another hundred years before all the World War I damage has been repaired and we have a normal forest again." laboratory animals, for example, there have been no studies linking the herbi- cide with any human ailment. What's more, some observers say that such men as Westing and Pfeiffer simply do not have enough data to justify their pessi- mistic projections. Administration scien- tists, in particular, point out with pride that malaria rates in South Vietnam ac- tually declined last year and that the ex- tensive Rome plowing has paradoxically contributed to an increase in South Viet- nam's available crop land. 'Lunarized': Many of the Administra- tion's arguments sound self-serving. But many people, both in and out of govern- ment, take issue with the pessimists- particularly on the extent of the damage. To be sure, certain areas such as Quang Tri, Pleiku and Kontum provinces and the so-called Iron Triangle have taken a vicious battering and the local eco- systems have surely suffered serious damage. But South Vietnam is by no means the parched, "lunarized" country some war critics depict. Even along the I-io Chi Minh Trail, which has been bombed almost daily for years, there was enough jungle vegetation left to cover the movement of a staggering number of Communist tanks and trucks before this spring's enemy offensive. "Hard as it is to credit, the countryside of Vietnam is not, a desert," wrote Edmund Stillman, a harsh critic of the military conduct of the war, after a recent visit to Indochina. "The ceo-system is sur- prisingly hard to destroy." At the same time, many people con- tend that the devastation in Vietnam is no worse than that wreaked upon Dres- den or Tokyo during World War 11. And in terms of pure physical damage, their point seems well-taken. But these cities, say the critics, are manmade cco-systems, which are relatively easy to rebuild. The Vietnamese countryside, on the other hand, is a delicate natural system-once disrupted, it may never fully recover. Ultimately, however, perhaps the most serious and long-lasting effect of the U.S. war against the land in Vietnam has been the expulsion of the people from it. Al- though the land has always been the cor- nerstone of Vietnamese life, the fury of war has forced millions of peasants to abandon their rural heritage and to move into the nation's squalid cities. Social sci- entists say these people will never be the same, and therein may lie the ultimate tragedy of the war and the apogee of ecocide. The damaged trees may grow back, but Vietnam's centuries-old culture has suffered permanent damage, For with many areas still seeded with booby traps and mines, with farms and forests cratered and stripped and with the ad- diction to urban living now established, it seems certain that many of Vietnam's,, onetime countryfolk will never return to enjoy and use the land they were once so much a part of. Weapons That Changed the Face of Vietnam Fire Bombing PROJECTS "SHERWOOD FOREST" AND "PINK ROSE" Using World War II magnesium incendiary bombs, the U.S. has tried to burn large sections of damp rain forests -unsuccessfully Rain Making By dropping silver iodide crystals above Vietnam, the U.S. has attempted to make it rain on the flow of troops and materiel from North Vietnam into the south Defoliation AGENTS "BLUE," "ORANGE" AND "WHITE" Named for the color codes on their ship- ping drums, these herbicides have denuded "DAISY CUTTER" AND "CHEESEBURGER" 6 million acres of trees and crops-an ound concussion bomb creates area the size of the State of Massachusetts A 15 000 , p helicopter landing zones by scything everything that grows in a 3-acre area Ground Stripping 800,000 acres of forests to deny coverage to North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops ROME PLOWS