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PDF icon CIA-RDP79-01154A000200060003-0.pdf173.94 KB
Approved For Releast'2000/05/3 -01154149?00200060003-0 %if till 16 September 1971 MEMORANDUM FOR: Special Assistant to Director, Basic and Geographic Intelligence SUBJECT : Joint Projects 25X1A9a dated 9 September 1971 1. The Geography Division has participated rather extensively over the past year in joint projects with other agencies. Only the Intelligence Map Program (IMP), however, actually results in a jointly published product (with TOPOCOM); most of the other inter- agency participation consists of consultation and coordination initiated and carried out at the working level. Products published by other agencies following such consultation and coordination generally do not indicate concurrence by CIA. 2. Geography Division participation can be divided into three categories: (1) long-standing relationships with other agencies that involve more or less continual consultation and coordination; (2) representation on inter-agency committees; and (3) participation with other agencies on specific projects or groups of projects. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA) -- GD support to ACDA began with advice on the concept of inspections in the Antarctic Treaty (1959) and has continued, at the working level, with continual support to US inspection teams -- including joint assessment of need for and timing of inspections, periodic consultations on developments related to inspection problems, briefing of inspection teams, and written reports on Soviet activities in the Antarctic. Defense Intelligence Agency, Mapping and Charting (DIAM -- primary area of coordination with DIAMC occurs through the COMIREX MC&G Working Group where GD provides expressions of Agency interest in planning and programming in the MC&G field and in obtaining assurances that DoD MC&G plans and demands on collection facilities are justifiable and reasonable. Approved For Release 2000/05/30 falRf41Kb10200060003-0 Approved For Releasvr1000/05/30 : C A RDDP79-01154WO200060003-0 Another area of cooperation and coordination has developed over the years in the assistance provided by GD in the assessment of Soviet and Chinese MC&G capabilities. Coordination has ranged from joint authorship of intelligence studies to interchange of views on various policy support questions involving the propriety of granting or denying Soviet access to US geodetic and gravimetric data, instrumentation (export control actions), and access by Communist geodesists to US research organizations and to ICBM complexes. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA -- The Geography Division ref tons i1p with NASA, initiated by NASA in 1968, involves frequent intelligence assessments of Soviet developments in satellite geodesy and earth satellite resource surveying. These are used in developing policy for the expanding US-USSR space research cooperation. Support is provided in the form of written and oral comments on various NASA actions and proposals, informal consultations with NASA officials at their request, and papers prepared for other purposes but believed to be pertinent to NASA interests. National Science Foundation (NSF) -- Support by GD to NSF's Office of Polar Programs has continued at the working and office director level since the beginning of Soviet Antarctic activity in 1954. It is used by NSF primarily to help devise cooperative and exchange programs with the USSR and includes reports on Soviet plans and programs and periodic consultations on new developments. Department of State -- Regular support is provided at the working level to the Bureau of International Scientific and Technological Affairs (SCI) in connection with Antarctic Treaty affairs. It includes written reports on Soviet programs and performance related to the treaty, with emphasis on identification of problems on which State can take corrective action, and comments on US policy proposals. Continuing informal consultation at the working level on Law of the Sea matters has been in progress over the past year with State's Office of the Geographer. SECRET Approved For Release 2000/05/30 : CIA-RDP79-01154A000200060003-0 Approved For Releas`2000/05/30 Sf eflIEr79-01154**600200060003-0 REPRESENTATION ON COMMITTEES A GD officer has served as the CIA representative on the Interagency Task Force on Weather Modification and participated in the preparation of a report by its Military Uses Working Group. Another GD officer represented CIA on the NSC Ad Hoc Committee on US Arctic Policy and participated in the preparation of its report. SPECIFIC PROJECTS OR GROUPS OF PROJECTS Current interest in the narcotics problem has resulted in continuing consultation and coordination with the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. Three GD reports issued during the past year were coordinated with both BNDD and the Bureau of Customs as well as within the DDI. A GD report on cocaine was used by the Director of BNDD in preparing for a UN meeting, a revision of the same report was distributed at a NATO/CCMS meeting, and a large section of it is used verbatim in a recently completed BNDD compilation of information on cocaine. GD's preparation of a map of command and control facilities in the Moscow area has involved exceptionally broad coordination and over a period of several months with DIA, National Security Agency (NSA), and other elements of DoD, all of whom had been working on various aspects of the same problem. In connection with research for a GD report on the Indian Ocean, informal contact at the working level has been maintained with both the Department of State and the Office of International Security Affairs in the Department of Defense. As a part of this contact, the GD analyst was asked informally by the Policy Planning Staff of State to review the draft of a policy paper on the topic. Information on geologic, soil, and marine characteristics of several areas near Soviet submarine bases was recently supplied to DIA for use in their vulnerability estimates. Approved For Release 2000/05/303" pP79-O1154A000200060003-0 Approved Fon-Release 2000 E'PIA-RDP7f1154A000200060003-0 In connection with, the production of a GD study on the Aswan Dam, our officers had extensive discussions with representatives of the Department of the Interior, the Army Engineers, TOPOCOM, and the Office of Naval Research. 25X1 A9a Approved For Release M'Iff