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Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79 01096A000200050022-5 1!I>'M CLr Ti ?8GAPB'IC AAA STAFF 1, 28 KUM 1955 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 1. read aloud from a recent D/W ar-_ I w , a guide 25X1 Aga for selection of Soviet . Tlse grow disowned the criteria presented is the senses. said that the >tsmsa+aaodvm is sent being revised, and it we agreed that the revisions be rsoa^s +sd were eatisfaatOZ725X1 A9a 25X1, ?g W. aaamarl sdI- coacerlaing 3Pro9e0ed symbol for M projects ran discusses, mad it we decided that as attempt should be weds to band-I the problem by statameats of priori' 'h'am the chain of command up i* the AD bevel, without use of a sywbol.. 25X1 A9a 3. commented that the data concerning mm-hour and salary costs n csaamsctioa with the Clark Committee s oy should be 25X1A9a in two cam--Prepamotios and Presentation. me total fiores should be expressed in amen--hours and average grade level or averse hourly psi. 4. cammsntad that the Far astern Association meetings, at the ingtee Betel from 29. to 31 lurch 1955, should be of interest to a member of peogl.e in the ?eogsaphie Area. The Bconomic Area is recruiting at these satin mad D/t should also 25X1 A9a contact acpps~apriste isdi vidmai a . reported that lbr. Aaae1y has recently emphasised the increasing need for Per astern Iatelligaace Officers and the increasing intelligence pregrent an the tar Best. 25X1 A9a comments& that if registration fees are required at such S wt should be possible to got reiabursa out for those individuals selected by the Deopalbio Area. 5. Individuals flying to the AN meetings at lieuqhis, Tennessee vill probably not be able to travel in groups larger thaa 2 per plane. 6. A briefing of 00 ANWIrml is scheduled for 4 April 955 25X1 A9a 10:35 to 11:10 handle this briefing. 00/0 Mould like to schedule such briefings three tines a year, brisgi ng in different groomps fray the field. 25X1X4 DECLASSfF,ED AUT'H. ii Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP7941 Approved For Release 1999/09/21: CIA-RDP79-01096A000200050022-5 25X1A9a 8. on the recent nesting of the Advisory grow (GOOPS 25X1A5a c jjjjft The meeting we rather disorganised but same rsearmmiatipes conoernin change in the sstion were node and will probably be presented by the D.S U.S. amber to the t i c Oo0snitatien in July. 'mime re atien proposes Vat the crganizttien sheuld be on the basis of signifies mt problans rather than an functioeeal fields such as ybysicsl gwgngft, bio-geography, tesehing of geography, etc. 25X1A9a 9. reported s request free the Air payee for rscorasacistites regarding native perseetenel to be used by the Air Force in establishing stations between ftivan and Africa, in connection with the Air Perce's Second. Anna Lsr Eclipse Epsditicn. SM grw discussed the possibilities of sending Aeogra is Area personnel to 11erk with this expedition; there is some doubt as to the amount of useful area knowledge to be gained troa sash .xperienes. 25X1X4 25X1A9a 11. shared . 1.s of photog rapbs token recently under poor light conditions using the now '1I X file, which is about five times as fast as attar anther film. 25X1A9a 12? W shoved material an a now 70 ma pleto rf Ling device the sear be ramsrkobly effective in kenning now kinds of d iicatina lams. the machine bas been developed by pbotoWvmmstsy Incorporated, and the Air Force and the Navy have ordered severed.. 25X1A9a 13. reported that D/EC's neev garters in "q=" B'i].ding My be ready by the due date, 25 April 1955. 25X1 A9a 14. vas oongratulatscl an his recent receipt of a nsritorlcue sward from the navy, covering his work with the Navy before he came to CIA. 25X1 A9a 15. raportad that be anticipates an C ER request for a City Plaa of Shanetai troa D/Ale' In the Economic Area. We request my have been inspired originally by DD/P. He Is to coordinate and clas ify. 25X1A5a1 Approved For Release 1999/09/21: CIA-RDP79-0109 1 Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79-01096A000200050022-5 25X1A9a 16. rill meet tomwm v with the Eh86 is ning Paul. 25X1 A9a l7. oen an a recent listing of technical and scientific confer es that lave been attended by Soviet delegates. Attached to this listing is a translation of the Dect^ c 1954 lecture by the President of the USM Acad=W at Sciences concerning of UM scientists with the rest the vvar D/SP, D/@C and DD OG indicated a desire for copies of this. 25X1 A9a 3.8. advised that the ADJB is following up on the submission of fitness reports and that they sheuld be submitted on time from now on. Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79-01096A000200050022-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79-O1096A000200050022-5 25X1A6a Approved For Release 1999/09/21 : CIA-RDP79-01096A000200050022-5