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12 September 1955
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Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000900160006-7
This material contains information affecting
the National Defense of the United States
within the meaning of the espionage laws,
Title 18, USC, Secs. 793 and 794, the trans-
mission or revelation of which in any manner
to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law.
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(ORR Project 22.455)
The data and conclusions contained in this report
do not necessarily represent the final position of
ORR and should be regarded as provisional only and
subject to revision. Comments and data which may
be available to the user are solicited.
Office of Research and Reports
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Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP79-01093A000900160006-7
The caustic soda and chlorine industries of the USSR are discussed
jointly in this report because the two industries are closely related
technologically. Probably because of the strategic significance of
chlorine, there are no published Soviet data on its production. Chlo-
rine, however, is a coproduct in the production of caustic soda by
the electrolytic process, and Soviet data on the total production of
caustic soda are available. On the basis of those data, production
of chlorine can be estimated.
Estimates of the production of caustic soda by the chemical meth-
od, a phase of the industry which is not discussed in detail in this
report, are provided by CIA,/RR 29, The Soda Ash and Chemical Caustic
Soda Industry in the USSR, 20 January 1954, SUS ONLY.
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Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
A. Significance of the Commodities . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
B. Organization of the Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
C. Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
II. Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
A. Production . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 6
B. Comparison of Soviet and US Production . . . . . . . . 12
C. Stockpiles and Inventories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
D. Trade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1. Free World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2. Sino-Soviet Bloc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
E. Total Supply . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
III. Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
A. Current Use Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
B. Current Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1. Caustic Soda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2. Chlorine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
C. Wartime Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1. Caustic Soda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2. Chlorine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
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IV. Comparison of Prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
V. Raw Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
A. Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1. Electrolytic Caustic Soda and Chlorine . . . . . . 21
2. Chemical Caustic Soda . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
B. Location and Character of Principal Salt Deposits . . . 22
VI. Capabilities, Vulnerabilities, and Intentions . . . . . . 24
A. Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
B. Vulnerabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
C. Intentions . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . 25
Appendix A. Location and Estimated Production of Caustic Soda
and Chlorine Plants in the USSR, 1949 . . . . . . 27
Appendix B. Methodology . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Appendix C. Gaps in Intelligence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1+1
Appendix D. Source References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1+3
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Table s
1. Technical Standards for Caustic Soda in the USSR . . . . 5
2. Technical Standards for Liquid Chlorine in the USSR . . . . 6
3. Estimated and Planned Production of Caustic Soda
in the USSR, 1940 and 1945-58 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4. Estimated Production of Caustic Soda in the USSR,
by Type of Process, 1945-58 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5. Estimated Production of Chlorine in the USSR,
by Type of Process, 1940 and 1945-58 ? . . . . . . . . . . 11
6. Comparison of Production of Caustic Soda in the USSR
and in the US, 1945-54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
7. Comparison of Production of Chlorine in the USSR
and in the US, 1945-54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
8. Estimated Use Pattern of Caustic Soda in the USSR, 1954 . . 15
9. Estimated Use Pattern of Chlorine in the USSR, 1954 . . . . 16
10. Comparison of Prices of Caustic Soda and Chlorine
in the USSR and in the US, 1950 . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
11. Estimated Consumption of Raw Materials Used in the Manu-
facture of Electrolytic Caustic Soda and Chlorine
in the USSR, 1954 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
12. Estimated Consumption of Raw Materials Used in the Manu-
facture of Chemical Caustic Soda in the USSR, 1954 . . . . 22
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13. Location and Estimated Production of Caustic Soda
and Chlorine Plants in the USSR, 19+9 . . . . . . . . . . 27
14. Reported Production of Caustic Soda in the USSR
as Percentage of Production in Preceding Year, 19+6-51+ . . 32
15. Reported Production of Soda Ash in the USSR as Percentage
of Production in Preceding Year, 1951-54 . . . . . . . . . 33
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(ORR Project 22.455)
Caustic soda and chlorine are two of the most important chemicals
in any industrial economy. Caustic soda is used by the textile, soap,
petroleum refining, chemical, and pulp and paper industries. Chlorine
is used as a bleaching and purifying agent and in the manufacture of
many chemical products such as petroleum refining catalysts, tetra-
ethyl lead, synthetic rubber, and antifreeze. In addition, chlorine
has special wartime uses in the manufacture of toxic chemical agents
and screening smokes.
Soviet production of caustic soda in 1954 reached an estimated
533,000 metric tons,** equal'to about 17.3 percent of US production,
and imports provided an additional 5,000 tons. This supply was
sufficient to meet. all essential needs but may have been inadequate
for some less essential demands. Production in 1955 will reach an
estimated 600,000 tons. There are no direct military-requirements
of any significance for caustic soda. In the event of war within
the next few years, therefore, the situation would not be critical,
although the existing shortage would be aggravated.
Soviet production of chlorine in 1954 reached an estimated 296,000
tons, equal to about 11.3 percent of US production. Foreign trade
was insignificant, and the supply was more than adequate for all
requirements. Production in 1955 will rise to an estimated 329,000
Because chlorine is used extensively in the manufacture of nearly
every important toxic gas and in several screening smokes, the supply
of chlorine largely determines the potential for chemical warfare.
* The estimates and conclusions contained in this report represent
the best judgment of ORR as of 1 June 1955.
*.* Unless otherwise stated, tonnages are given in metric tons
throughout this report.
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In the event of war within the. next few years, there would be no crit-
ical shortage of chlorine in the early stages of hostilities unless
gas warfare were initiated on a large scale. Indirect military require-
ments would be met by reallocation of end products from civilian to
military use. Direct military requirements could be met by diverting
about 10 percent of the total supply to the manufacture of toxic chem-
ical agents. The resulting shortage of end products for the civilian
population would impose a considerable but probably not an unbearable
The Soviet caustic soda and chlorine industries are not vulnerable
to external restrictions such as commodity control or blockade. For-
eign trade in these commodities is insignificant, and all essential
raw materials are available in sufficient quantities.
Soviet preparations for war might be revealed by trade in chlorine.
The increased requirements which would result from preparations for
war might be filled, at least in part, by imports from East Germany
or, perhaps, from Czechoslovakia. Because the available supply of
chlorine in the USSR is ample for peacetime purposes, Soviet imports
of chlorine in any quantity might be indicative of military intentions.
I. Introduction.
A. Significance of the Commodities.
Caustic soda is second only to soda ash as the most important
industrial alkali and is essential to many industrial processes requir-
ing an acid neutralizing agent. It is used in large amounts in the
manufacture of rayon, soap, lye, and cleansers; in petroleum refining;
and in the textile, pulp and paper, and chemical industries. Caustic
soda is produced as an aqueous solution in various concentrations or
as a solid in different shapes. It is shipped as a liquid in tank
cars or drums and as a solid in drums or barrels.
Chlorine, a yellow-green poisonous gas, is widely used as a
bleaching agent by the pulp and paper and the textile industries, in
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S-E -C -R-E-T
the sterilization of water supplies and sewage wastes, and in the
manufacture of many chemical intermediate products and end products.
The most important of these products are tetraethyl lead, synthetic
rubber, plastics, antifreeze, petroleum refining catalysts, insec-
ticides, metal degreasers and other solvents, medicines, bleaching
powders, synthetic fibers, glycerine, aniline, and phenol. There
are special wartime requirements for chlorine in the production of
toxic gases and screening smokes.
Chlorine normally exists as a gas and may be used in that
state, but it is generally liquefied and shipped as a liquid in
pressurized cylinders or tanks.
B. Organization of the Industries.
The plants producing chemical caustic soda in the USSR are
subordinate to the Main Administration of the Soda Industry (Glavsoda)
of the Ministry of the Chemical Industry. J*
The subordination of the plants producing chlorine and elec-
trolytic caustic soda is not known. A study of the structure of the
Ministry of the Chemical Industry does not reveal a logical place
for these plants. It is possible that the First, the Second, or the
Third Main Administration -- about which little is known -- controls
the plants the principal product of which is chlorine. The, chlorine
plants -- which are attached to factories producing primarily cellu-
lose and paper -- probably are subordinate to the Ministry of Paper
and Wood Processing, and those attached to synthetic rubber and
nitrogen factories probably are controlled by the Main Administrations
of Synthetic Rubber and Nitrogen of the Ministry of the Chemical
C. Technology.
Caustic soda and chlorine are produced by several processes
in the USSR. Caustic soda is produced by the electrolytic decom-
For serially numbered source references, see Appendix D.
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S-E -C -R-E-?T
position of a solution of common salt,* which produces chlorine as a
coproduct, and by chemical methods from soda ash. Chlorine, in addi-
tion to being produced with caustic soda by the decomposition of salt
solution, is also produced as a byproduct in. the manufacture of sodium
Caustic soda and chlorine may be produced separately by other
methods that are advantageous under certain economic conditions. In
the US, for example, the demand for chlorine has grown at a greater
rate than the demand for caustic soda. This has led to the develop-
ment of processes, such as the nitrosyl chloride process, which
produce chlorine without caustic soda. In the USSR, however, the
demand for caustic soda has grown at a greater rate than the demand
for chlorine. This situation has led to the investigation of proc-
esses such as the reduction of sodium sulfate, J which produces
caustic soda without chlorine and without requiring the use of soda
ash, another material apparently in short supply.
In the design of electrolytic cells,xxx Soviet technology
apparently is far behind US technology -- as the result of the
limited demand for chlorine. This limited demand is in itself a
reflection of the underdeveloped state of the Soviet organic chem-
ical industry. The only cell known to have been designed by Soviet
engineers is the so-called "X-2," a cylindrical cell of the dia-
phragm type which has only about one-tenth of the capacity of the
Hooker S-3 cell, the largest diaphragm cell used in the US. J
In the USSR, caustic soda is produced as an aqueous solution
or as a solid. Technical standards for caustic soda in the USSR are
* Potassium chloride salt may also be electrolyzed, with a result-
ing production of potassium hydroxide and chlorine.. The production
of this material in the USSR is believed to be negligible.
** The general process for producing magnesium metal reuses the chlo-
rine produced for chlorination of additional raw material. This may
not be true in the USSR, because an alternate process may be used that
would produce surplus chlorine. Without sufficient information on the
process used in the magnesium plants of the USSR, it is assumed in
this report that the Soviet magnesium industry consumes all the chlo-
rine that. it produces.
*** The electrolytic cells are the basic equipment in an electrolytic
chlorine-caustic soda plant.
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shown in Table 1. According to the All-Union State Standard (Gosu-
darstvennyy Obshchesoyuznyy Standart -- GOST), the concentration of
liquid caustic soda in the USSR is 610 grams per liter, equivalent to
a concentration of 12 percent by weight, whereas in the US the concen-
tration generally is about 50 or 70 percent by weight.
Technical Standards for Caustic Soda in the USSR J
Solid Caustic Soda
Liquid Caustic Soda
Factor Grade A
Grade B
Grade C b
Grade D b
Caustic soda, minimum 95
Sodium carbonate, maximum 3
Sodium chloride, maximum 1.5
Combined iron, aluminum,
and manganese oxides,
maximum 0.03
Iron, as ferric oxide d
Color J
a. J. GUST 2263-43.
b. C and D given instead of V and G, the third and fourth letters in
the Russian alphabet.
c. 610 grams per liter.
d. Not standardized.
e. Bluish color allowed.
f. Color shade allowed.
Technical standards for liquid chlorine in the USSR are
shown in Table 2.*
* Table 2 follows on p. 6.
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Table 2
Technical Standards for Liquid Chlorine
in the USSR J
Chlorine, minimum by volume
Moisture, maximum by weight
a. 5j. OST Obshchesgyuz:nyy Standart -- All-
Union Standard) 4oo83.
II. Supply.
Soviet production of caustic soda before World War II was on
a small scale, increasing from 61,000 tons in 1928 J to 80,800 tons
in 1932. 7/ The Second Five Year Plan (1933-37) called for produc-
tion of 354,000 tons in 1937, J but this goal was not achieved;
production in 1940 reached only about 200,000 tons.* Similarly,
production of chlorine was practically negligible until the 1930's,
and by 1940 annual production was only about 89,000 tons.*
In both the caustic soda and the chlorine industries, World
War II caused a serious loss of production capacity, amounting to
about 50 percent in each case.
Production of caustic soda; since World War II may be esti-
mated from information contained in the Fourth Five Year Plan
(1946-5o), in the announcement regarding fulfillment of this Plan,
* For methodology, see Appendix B.
- 6 -
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and in the annual announcements of plan fulfillment. If production
for any postwar year can be established, production for the 1946-54
period may be estimated by applying the annual percentage increases
announced by the USSR.*
The Fourth Five Year Plan set the goal for production of
caustic soda in 1950 at 390,000 tons and stated that factories
with a capacity of 278,000 tons would be put into operation during
the 5-year period. J The problem is to determine what percentage
of this 278,000 tons of additional capacity was planned as actual
production for 1950. If 100 percent was planned, production in
1945 was obviously 112,000 tons, the difference between 278,000
tons and 390,000 tons.** If 84 percent was planned, production
in 1945 would have been 156,000 tons. In this event the announced
percentage increases in production for successive years would
indicate that the goal of 390,000 tons in 1950 was attained. The
noticeable absence of any information on caustic soda in the an-
nouncement on fulfillment of the Fourth Five Year Plan suggests,
however, that the goal was not reached. It is believed, therefore,
that the planned increase in production of caustic soda for'the
years 1946-50 amounted to between 84 and 100 percent of 278,000
tons. On this basis it is assumed that the Fourth Five Year Plan
provided for an increase amounting to 90 percent of the planned
capacity increase of 278,000 tons. Thus it is estimated that the
planned increase in production of caustic soda under the Fourth
Five Year Plan was 250,000 tons and that production in 1945 was
140,000 tons, the difference between the 1950 goal of 390,000 tons
and 250,000 tons.
Estimated and planned production of caustic soda in the
USSR in 1940 and 1945-58 is shown in Table Estimates for
See Appendix B, Table 14, p. 32, below.
It is possible but not probable that an actual increase of more
than 278,000 tons was planned for the 5-year period. This would
indicate that existing facilities were not being operated at full
capacity, which would not have been consistent with the known short-
age of caustic soda in 1945.
Hxx Table 3 follows on p. 8.
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Table 3
Estimated and Planned Production of Caustic Soda
in the USSR
1940 and 19+5-58
Thousand Metric Tons
Estimated Planned
Year Production J Production
1940 200
19+5 11+0
19+6 153
19+7 191 b
19+8 238
19+9 303
1950 3!f8
1951 376
1952 x+17
1953 x+80
195+ 533
1955 6oo
1956 666
1957 739
1958 821
623 c/
a. Estimated range of error: 1945-51., plus or minus
10 percent; 1952-58, plus or minus 15 percent. For
methodology, see Appendix B.
b. The percentage increase for 19+7 was not given
in the report on plan fulfillment for that year. An
annual increase of 25 percent is estimated on the
basis of announced quarterly increases of 21, 23, and
26 percent, respectively, for the first 3 quarters of
19+7 over the corresponding quarters for 1946.
c. Estimated on the basis of an announced planned
increase of 79 percent over production in 1950.
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1946-58 were derived by applying the annual percentage increases an-
nounced by the USSR* to the estimate of 140,000 tons for 1945. These
estimates indicate that between 1945 and 1950 production of caustic
soda increased by about 150 percent, from 140,000 tons to 348,000
tons, but this increase was not sufficient to meet the goal of
390,000 tons planned for 1950.
The Fifth Five Year Plan (1951-55) set the goal for prod-
uction of caustic soda in 1955 at 79 percent above production in
1950. 10 Based on an estimated production of 348,000 tons in
1950, the Plan for 1955 would be about 623,000 tons. The indicated
production in 1954 was about 533,000 tons, and an increase of 90,000
tons, or 17 percent, over 1954 will be required to reach the goal
for 1955. This is to be compared with an average annual increase of
about 11 percent in 1950-54. From the past performance of the in-
dustry it appears unlikely, although not impossible, that the goal
for 1955 will be achieved. Production in 1955 is estimated at 600,000
tons, a 12- to 13-percent increase over production in 1954. Soviet
plans for the production of caustic soda after 1955 are not avail-
able. The current shortage of caustic soda indicates that expansion
will continue, probably at a substantial rate. Production in 1956-58
is estimated on the basis of an assumed 11-percent increase per year,
the average rate of increase attained in 1950-54.
As previously stated, chlorine is produced in the USSR
principally by the electrolysis of a common salt solution which
produces caustic soda as a coproduct. In addition, relatively
small quantities of chlorine are produced as a byproduct in the
manufacture of sodium metal. The nature of these two processes
is such that for a given output of caustic soda or sodium. metal
the production of chlorine is fixed. If production of these
two products can be established, therefore, the production of
chlorine can be determined by a simple calculation.
Estimated production of caustic soda in the USSR, by
type of process, in 1945-58 is shown in Table 4.** The esti-
See Appendix B, Table 14, p. 32, below.
Table 4 follows on p. 10..
- 9 -
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Estimated Production of Caustic Soda
in the USSR, by Type of Process
Year Chemical J Electrolytic Total
1945 48 92 l40
1946 52 101 153
1947 65 126 191
1948 81 157 238
1949 103 200 303
1950 118 230 348
1951 129 247 376
1952 156 261 417
1953 185 295 480
1954 204 329 533
1955 234 366 6oo
1956 269 397 666
1957 310 429 739
1958 356 465 821
a. For methodology, see Appendix B.
mates of electrolytic production were derived by subtracting estimates
for the production of chemical caustic soda from the estimates of
total production of caustic soda developed in the preceding para-
For each ton of electrolytic caustic soda, about 0.888 ton
of chlorine is produced. In addition, an estimated 4,000 tons of
chlorine are produced each year in the sodium and lead-sodium alloy
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plants at Dzerzhinsk.* Estimated production of chlorine in the USSR,
by type of process, in 191+0 and 1945-58 is shown in Table 5.
Estimated Production of Chlorine
in the USSR, by Type of Process
191+0 and 1945-58
Caustic Soda
Sodium Metal
* Plant studies are available in CIA. files.
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B. Comparison of Soviet and US Production.
1. Caustic Soda.
A comparison of production of caustic soda in the USSR
and in the US in 1945-54 is shown in Table 6. In 1954 Soviet pro-
duction of caustic soda was about 17 percent of US production.
Table 6
Comparison of Production of Caustic Soda
in the USSR and in the US
Soviet Production
(Thousand Metric Tons)
US Production =/
(Thousand Metric Tons)
Soviet Production
as a Percent
of US Production
1, 908
533 b
a . 11
b. The estimated production of caustic soda in the USSR in 1954 amount-
ed to about 57 percent of the total Soviet Bloc production.
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2. Chlorine.
A comparison of production of chlorine in the USSR and
in the US in 1945-54 is shown in Table 7.
Comparison of Production of Chlorine
in the USSR and in the US
Soviet Production
US Production
Soviet Production
as a Percent
Thousand Metric Tons)
(Thousand Metric Tons)
of US Production
296 J
a. 12
b. The estimated production of chlorine in the USSR in 1954 was about
52 percent of total Soviet Bloc production.
C. Stockpiles and Inventories.
There is no information available concerning stockpiles and
inventories of caustic soda and chlorine in the USSR.
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Caustic soda may be stored in tanks or drums without difficulty,
and it is probable that a stockpile of undetermined size exists in the
USSR. Chlorine would require heavy pressurized tanks or cylinders for
storage. There is, moreover, a hazard involved in the storage of a
poisonous gas under pressure in any sizable amounts. Thus it is doubt-
ful that there is a stockpile of chlorine over and above the normal
amounts in operating tanks and supply lines.
1. Free World.
The only known trade in caustic soda between the USSR and
the Free World in recent years was in 1952, when the USSR imported
1,025 tons from Belgium and approximately 2,000 tons from France. 13
The trade agreement with Yugoslavia signed on 1 October 195+ provided
for the export of 500 tons of caustic soda by Yugoslavia to the USSR. 14
There has been no trade reported in chlorine between the
USSR and the Free World in recent years.
2. Sino-Soviet Bloc.
Caustic soda has been imported by the USSR from the Far
East Soda Works in Dairen, Manchuria, since 1949. The USSR imported
an estimated 5,000 tons in 1953 15 and probably received the same
amount in 195)+.
Caustic soda and chlorine were reported to have been shipped
from the USSR to Bulgaria in 1953, but the amounts were not stated. 16
E. Total Supply.
The total supply of caustic soda in the USSR in 195- is esti-
mated at 538,000 tons, of which 533,000 tons were produced domestically
and 5,000 tons were imported from Communist China.
The total supply of chlorine in the USSR in 195+ is estimated
at 296,000 tons, all of domestic origin.
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III. Consumption.
A. Current Use Patterns.
The estimated use pattern of caustic soda in the USSR in 1954
is shown in Table 8. The estimated use pattern of chlorine in the
USSR in 195+ is shown in Table 9.*
Table 8
Estimated Use Pattern of Caustic Soda
in the USSR J
Thousand Metric Tons
of Total
Benzol, toluol, and phenol
Petroleum refining
Vegetable oils
Pulp and paper
Reclaimed rubber
Miscellaneous (chemicals,
lye, cleansers, medicines,
and others)
a. For methodology, see Appendix B.
Table 9 follows on p. 16.
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Table 9
Estimated Use Pattern of Chlorine
in the USSR J
Thousand Metric Tons
Organic chemicals
Pulp and paper
Sovprene synthetic rubber
Miscellaneous (exports,
synthetic hydrochloric
acid, aluminum chloride,
bromine, sanitation, and
a. For methodology, see Appendix B.
of Total
B. Current Requirements.
1. Caustic Soda.
Essential requirements for caustic soda in the USSR in
195+ were met by the available supply of 538,000 tons. Nonessen-
tial requirements, for such items as soaps and cleansers, may not
have been met; caustic soda is believed to have been in short supply
since the 1930's. The following Soviet statements, indicating
efforts to reduce consumption of caustic soda, suggest a continuing
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"The norms for consumption of caustic soda
in the USSR for 1952 were decreased in compar-
ison with those for 19+9." L7/
"In 1953 it is planned to reduce the con-
sumption of caustic soda by several thousand
tons as a result of the installation of new
equipment." L8/
"Further reduction in the consumption of
caustic soda in the production of synthetic
fibers can be achieved by the installation of
corresponding continuously operating equipment
which will allow the savings of several thou-
sand tons of caustic soda." 19
Imports of caustic soda from Communist China and the 195+
trade agreement providing for imports from Yugoslavia also point to a
continuing shortage.
The estimated supply of chlorine in the USSR of 296,000
tons in 195+ apparently exceeded existing requirements. The follow-
ing statements from Soviet sources are evidence of this:
" ... in view of the fact that the amount
of chlorine produced greatly exceeds the de-
mand." 20
"The starting materials for making hexa-
chlorane are benzene and chlorine, both of
which are plentiful." 21
"The electrolytic method for caustic
soda production requires cheap electric power
and is justified economically only when there
are consumers for the chlorine obtained as a
byproduct." 22
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C. Wartime Requirements.
1. Caustic soda.
There are no direct military requirements of any signifi-
cance for caustic soda. The indirect requirements, however, are many
and large. Caustic soda is important in the manufacture of petroleum
.and rubber products and of chemical intermediates used in the produc-
tion of plastics and explosives.
The outbreak of war would probably not result in any
sudden surge of requirements for caustic soda. This conclusion is
based on the assumption that the facilities for production of items
of indirect military use are already operating at capacity and thus
would not be able to increase production at once. There would be
small increased requirements for caustic soda for the purification
of cotton linters used in the manufacture of smokeless powder and
perhaps for use as a sodium hypoc.hlorite decontaminating agent for
toxic gases, but the situation probably would not be critical.
Initial wartime needs would be met by reallocation from civilian
The current shortage of caustic soda for such consumer
goods as vegetable oils, soap, and rayon, of course, would be
aggravated by such reallocation to the military sector. At least
in the initial stages of war, there would also be a great shortage
of dyes, rayon, plastic products, and other products that require
caustic soda.
Total requirements for caustic soda would not increase
appreciably until such time as the capacity of the consuming indus-
tries had been increased.
Like caustic soda, chlorine has many indirect military
uses in wartime -- in the manufacture of chemicals for such products
as synthetic rubber, aviation gasoline, explosives, lubricants, and
antifreeze. If it is assumed that these chemicals are being produced
at full capacity, the outbreak of war would bring no immediate increase
of chlorine requirements for these uses. As in the case of caustic
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soda, military requirements'for the end products would be satisfied,
at least initially, by reallocation from the civilian sector.
Unlike caustic soda, chlorine has direct military
uses -- in the manufacture of toxic chemical agents and screening
smokes. Facilities very likely exist in the USSR for the manu-
facture of most of the standard toxic agents, such as mustard,
Lewisite, phosgene, and hydrogen cyanide. In addition, it is
assumed that the USSR is capable of producing annually at least
12,000 tons of Tabun (GA) and 600 tons of Sarin (GB). These
tonnages are the capacities of the nerve gas installations removed
from Germany to the USSR after World War II. 23 It has been
further assumed that the toxic agents chosen by the USSR would be
Tabun and mustard, two effective agents for which the expenditure
of chlorine would be relatively low. 24 It is conceded that
smaller quantities of other agents, such as Sarin, phosgene oxime,
hydrogen cyanide, and Lewisite, might be produced. In the absence
of indications of Soviet plans for the wartime production of these
agents, it is assumed that production of toxic agents will be
determined by the amount of chlorine which can be made available
for this purpose.
The requirements for chlorine during the initial stages
of war -- barring the large-scale use of poison gas -- would increase
by only about 10 percent. By reallocation of chlorine from less
essential civilian uses to the manufacture of toxic chemical agents, L5/
this increased demand could be met.* As the war progressed, require-
ments would rise-or fall, corresponding with the rise or fall of the
production of products consuming chlorine.
* Accordingly, in the event of war in 1957, the USSR would be able to
allocate about 38,500 tons of chlorine to the manufacture of toxic
agents, which is to be compared with 38,000 tons used by the US for
this purpose in 1944. 26 No estimate of chlorine requirements for
the manufacture of screening smokes is included. During World War II
the USSR made considerable use in tactical operations of smokes
employing white phosphorus, chlorosulfonic acid, ammonium chloride,
potassium chlorate, hexachlorethane, coal tar and petroleum deriva-
tives, and other chemicals. 27 Among these chemicals, hexachlorethane
alone requires chlorine. Since there are a number of other adequate
smoke-producing chemicals, and since hexachlorethane is a large con-
sumer of chlorine (2.135 tons of chlorine per ton of hexachlorethane),
it is not likely that this chemical would be used on an extensive
scale as a military screening smoke.
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IV. Comparison of Prices.
A comparison of prices of caustic soda and chlorine in the USSR
and in the US in 1950 is shown in Table 10. The indicated ruble-dollar
ratios have probably declined since 1950 because of the increase in
US prices and a probable decrease in Soviet prices. The large differ-
ence in the ruble-dollar ratios for caustic soda and chlorine may be
explained by the shortage of caustic soda and the plentiful supply of
Comparison of Prices of Caustic Soda and Chlorine
in the USSR and in the US
Soviet Price US Price
(Rubles per'/ (Dollars perRuble -Dollar
Metric Ton) Metric Ton) J Ratio
Caustic soda, solid
Caustic soda, liquid
Chlorine, liquid
59 J
a. 2
b. 29
c. The price of chlorine varies greatly in the US, depending on the
type of container used and the amount of chlorine ordered. In Octo-
ber 1950 the price varied from $.59 per ton in single-unit tank cars
to $220 per ton in cylinders. The price used here for comparison is
the price of liquid chlorine when purchased in single-unit tank cars.
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V. Raw Materials.
A. Consumption.
1. Electrolytic Caustic Soda and Chlorine.
The estimated consumption of raw materials used in the
manufacture of electrolytic caustic soda (329,000 tons) and chlorine
(296,000 tons) in the USSR in. 1954 is shown in Table 11.
Estimated Consumption of Raw Materials
Used in the Manufacture of Electrolytic
Caustic Soda and Chlorine
in the USSR J
Salt 519,000
Graphite electrodes 2,300
Asbestos diaphragms 584
Soda ash 4,900
Sulfuric acid (660 Be) b 33,000
Water 1,320,000
Steam 256,000
Metric Tons Million Kilowatt-Hours
a. For methodology, see Appendix B.
b. Be is the standard abbreviation for Baum acid, a measure
of specific gravity used to determine concentration.
2. Chemical Caustic Soda.
The estimated consumption of raw materials used in the
manufacture of chemical caustic soda (204,000 tons) in the USSR in
1954 is shown in Table 12.*
Table 12 follows on p. 22.
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Table 12
Estimated Consumption of Raw Materials
Used in the Manufacture of Chemical Caustic Soda
in the USSR J
Million Kilowatt-Hours
Soda ash
Ferric oxide
670, 000
Bituminous coal
46, 000
a. For methodology, see Appendix B.
B. Location and Character of Principal Salt Deposits.
Common salt, consisting of 23 parts sodium and 35 parts chlo-
rine, is the principal raw material used in the production of caustic
soda and chlorine in the USSR. An estimated 519,000 tons of salt were
required in 1954 for the production of electrolytic caustic soda and
chlorine. An additional 510,000 tons of salt were required for the
production of the 255,000 tons of soda ash used to manufacture chem-
ical caustic soda. This supply of salt was obtained as lake salt,
rock salt, evaporated salt, and sea salt. 30
1. Lake Salt.
About 50 percent of the total salt extracted in the USSR
comes from salt lakes which are scattered throughout the country.
The most important of these lakes is Lake Baskunchak, located in the
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lower Volga region, north of Astrakhan (Region VI*). Other important
salt lakes are the following: Sakskoye?and Sasyk-Sivash, located in
Region III; Masazyrskoye, located in Region V; F,l'ton, located in Region
VI; and Pavlodarskoye, Koryakovskoye, and Bol'shoye TavolzhanskoJe,
located in Region X.
2. Rock Salt.
Deposits of rock salt are numerous in the USSR, and deep-
shaft mining is used for extraction. The most important deposits
are in the Ukraine, at Bryantsevka and Slavyansk, and in the Urals,
at Sol'-Iletsk and Solikamsk. Other deposits are found in the
Caucasus, Turkmen SSR, Tadzhik SSR, and East Siberia.
3. Evaporated Salt.
Ground waters sometimes dissolve salt deposits and form
salt springs'and underground lakes of brine. The underground brines
are tapped and pumped to the surface at Slavyansk, in Region III,
and at Berezniki, in Region VIII. In the Artemovsk deposit in the
Ukraine, water is pumped into the ground to dissolve the salt
4. Sea Salt.
Sea water, an unlimited source of salt, generally con-
tains 27 grams of salt per-liter. Salt is extracted from the Black
and.Azov Seas by solar evaporation.
The production of salt in the USSR in 1935 was reported
as 4.5 million tons.. Figures for production in later years are not
available. The Soviet supply of salt is assumed to be ample to
support large increases in the production of caustic soda and chlo-
* The term region in this report refers to the economic regions
defined and numbered on CIA Map 120+8.1 (9-51) (First Revision, 7-52),
USSR: Economic Regions.
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The chemical caustic soda plants at Berezniki, Slavyansk,
Sterlitamak, and Lisichansk are located in the midst of salt deposits.
Several of the electrolytic plants are located at a distance from
the salt deposits, which necessitates transportation of salt to the
producing plants. Salt from the lower Volga region is transported
by barge up the Volga River in summer to supply the annual require-
ments of the electrolytic plants located at Dzerzhinsk.
VI. Capabilities, Vulnerabilities, and Intentions.
A. Capabilities.
1. Caustic Soda.
The estimated 538,000 tons of caustic soda which were
available to the USSR in 195+ were sufficient to fulfill the more
essential requirements but may have been inadequate to satisfy some
of the less essential requirements.
There are no direct military requirements of any signifi-
cance for caustic soda, and it is estimated that the supply would be
adequate to support a war effort, provided that the indirect require-
ments for end products needed by the armed forces were met by real-
location of these products from civilian to military use.
2. Chlorine.
The estimated chlorine supply of 296,000 tons which was
available to the USSR in 1954 apparently was more than adequate to
meet all requirements.
Unless gas warfare were initiated on a large scale, the
supply of chlorine would be adequate to support a war effort. The
direct military requirements for the manufacture of toxic chemical
agents could be satisfied by reallocating about 10 percent of the
supply from less essential uses. The indirect military requirements
for end products needed by the armed forces could be met by reallo-
cation of these products from civilian to military use. The hardship
imposed on the civilian population by these measures would be con-
siderable but not unbearable.
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B. Vulnerabilities.
The caustic soda and chlorine industries of the USSR are not
vulnerable to external restrictions such as commodity trade controls
or blockade. Soviet foreign trade in these commodities is insignif-
icant, and all the raw materials necessary for their production are
available in sufficient quantities within the USSR.
C. Intentions.
Soviet preparations for war probably would not result in
sudden increases in the production of chlorine or caustic soda. There
would be a reallocation of chlorine to the manufacture of chemical
warfare agents, and the installations producing these agents would be
activated; but these changes would not be immediately apparent. The
shortage of caustic soda would be aggravated but probably not to any
discernible extent.
Soviet preparations for war might be revealed by trade in
chlorine. There is a slight possibility that the increased require-
ments for chlorine which would result from war preparations would
be filled at least in part by imports of chlorine from East Germany
or, perhaps, from Czechoslovakia. In view of the plentiful supply
of chlorine now available in the USSR, Soviet imports in any quan-
tity might well be significant.
- 25 -
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Table 13 J*
Economic Region and City
Plant Name
Northwest (Ia)
Enso (Svetogorsk)
Paper and Cellulose Plant
Okhtenskiy Chemical Plant
Cellulose Plant
North (Ib)
Cellulose Plant
South (III)
Krasnyy Khimik Plant No.
New Slavyansk Soda Plant
Lisichansk (Verkhniy
Transcaucasus (V)
Chemical Plant No. 142
Kirov Synthetic Rubber Plant 9,600
* Footnotes for Table 13 follow on p. 29.
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Table 13 a/#
Economic Region and City
Chlorine Soda
Volga (VI)
Chemical Plant No. 102
Chemical Plant No. 91
Central (VII)
Chemical Plant No. 96
Kalinin Chemical Plant
Ugreshskiy Chemical Plant
. No. 93
Voroshilov Chemical. Plant
No. 755
Stalin Chemical Combine
Krasnyy Bolshevik No. 204
Urals (VIII)
Nitrogen Fertilizer Plant
Berezniki Soda Plant
West Siberia (IX)
Chemical Plant No. 510
Novosibirsk Recovery Plant
Tomsk Chemical Pharmaceu-
tical Plant
Footnotes for Table 13 follow on p. 29.
- 28
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Table 13 a/
Economic Region and City Plant Name Chlorine Soda
Central Asia (Xb)
Chirchik Stalin Electrochemical
Combine N.A, N.A.
East Siberia (XI)
Usol'ye-Sibirskoye Chemical Plant No. 97 2,700 3,000
Total b/ 129,570 570 21, 060
a. The methodology for the derivation of these estimates is available
in CIA files. The dearth of information on plants since 1949 has
precluded estimates of plant production for any later year.
b. These totals are lower than the derived estimates of 303,000 tons
of caustic soda and 182,000 tons of chlorine shown in Tables 3 and 5,
pp. 8 and 11, respectively, above. Part, but probably not all, of the
difference can be accounted for by the fact that no production estimates
could be made for four of the plants. It is concluded that the esti-
mates:for certain plants may be low or that there may be other plants
on which no information is available.
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1. Calculation of Production of Caustic Soda and Chlorine in 1940.
On the basis of a statement in a Soviet periodical which said that
production in 1940 was 4 times that of 1913, 31 production of caustic
soda in the USSR in 1940 is estimated at about 200,000 tons. Produc-
tion in 1913 had been reported as 50,000 tons. 32 The relative
accuracy of this estimate is confirmed by another Soviet source, which
stated that the goal for caustic soda of 390,000 tons in 1950 was
twice the production in 1940. 33
Of this production of 200,000 tons in 1940, an estimated 100,000
tons were produced by the chemical process in the 3 soda ash plants, 34
and the remaining 100,000 tons were produced by the electrolytic
In producing 100,000 tons of electrolytic caustic soda, 89,000
tons of chlorine would be produced. Assuming that in 1940 a negli-
gible amount of byproduct chlorine was produced in the manufacture
of sodium metal, total production of chlorine in the USSR in 1940 is
estimated at 89,000 tons.
A check on this estimate of the production of chlorine in 1940
was provided by a source who believes that he can account for prac-
tically all of the graphite anodes used by the USSR in the production
of chlorine and caustic soda during this period. His estimate of
annual chlorine production in the USSR from 1937 to 1940 was 94,000
tons,* 35 which is close to the 1940 estimate of 89,000 tons.
* The estimate provided by the manufacturer of anodes was 104,000
tons (presumably short tons), which is equivalent to about 94,000
metric tons.
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2. Calculation of Total Production of Caustic Soda.
The estimates of increases in production of caustic soda in the
USSR_during 1946-54 were based on reported percentage increases.
Reported production of caustic soda in the USSR, as a percentage of
production in the preceding year, in 1946-54 is shown in Table 14.
Table 14
Reported Production of Caustic Soda in the USSR
as Percentage of Production in Preceding Year
Year Percent of Preceding Year
a. 3
b. In 1947, no annual increase over
production in 1946 was reported for
caustic soda. There were, however, the
following 3 quarterly production fig-
ures reported in. terms of percent of
the corresponding quarter in the preced-
ing year: 121, 123, and 126. 37 The
goal for 1947 was 136 percent of produc-
tion in 1946, 38 but this goal was prob-
ably not reached. It is assumed that
production in 1947 was 125 percent of
production in 1946.
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3. Calculation of Production of Chemical Caustic Soda.
Production of chemical caustic soda in the USSR from 1945 to 1950
was estimated in another report, 39 and the estimate of 1950 produc-
tion was based on plant studies. For the 1951-54 period it has been
assumed that production of chemical caustic soda has increased in
direct proportion to.the production of soda ash, the principal
starting material used in the production of chemical caustic soda.
Production during the 1955-58 period has been estimated by assuming
an annual increase of 15 percent, which is the average annual increase
reported for the production of soda ash in 1950-54. Reported produc-
tion of soda ash in the USSR, as a percentage of production in the
preceding year, in 1951-54 is shown in Table 15.
Reported Production of Soda Ash in the USSR
as Percentage of Production in Preceding Year a/
Percent of Preceding Year
4. Calculation of the Use Pattern for Caustic Soda in 1954.
a. Rayon. 41
Soviet production of rayon in 1953 was estimated at 145 million
pounds, and, based on previous annual increases (estimated at about 27
percent during 1949-53), production in 1954 has been estimated at 184
million pounds. To produce this amount of rayon would require about
83,000 tons of caustic soda.
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b. Textiles.
Cotton textiles constitute the largest segment of the textile
industry in the USSR as well as in the US. Caustic soda is used
primarily in the mercerization of cotton, which increases the fiber
strength and improves the dyeing properties. Because Soviet require-
ments for this purpose are not known, US practice has been used to
estimate caustic soda requirements for the textile industry.
In 1948 the US textile industry produced 8.8 billion meters
of cotton textiles 42 and consumed 95,000 tons of caustic soda. L3/
In 1954 the USSR produced an estimated 5.6 billion meters of cotton
textiles. 44 On the basis of US practice, this amount would have
consumed about 60,000 tons of caustic soda.
c. Soap.
It is estimated that' Soviet production of soap in 1954
amounted to 756,000 tons 45 and, on the basis of US practice, would
have required about 42,000 tons of caustic soda. 46
d. Benzol, Toluol, and Phenol.
Caustic soda requirements for the manufacture of benzol,
toluol, and phenol in the USSR have been estimated at 37,000 tons
in 1954. 47
e. Petroleum Refining.
Soviet production of distillates and lubricating oils in 1954
has been estimated at 35 million tons. 3/ This production is equal
to about 20 percent of US production in 1948, when the US consumed
154,000 tons of caustic soda for petroleum refining. J Assuming
that the USSR followed similar practices, Soviet consumption of
caustic soda for this purpose in 1954 would also have been 20 per-
cent of the US figure for 1948. In that event, the USSR consumed
about 31,000 tons of caustic soda in refining petroleum during 1954.
- 34 -
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f. Vegetable Oils.
Soviet production of vegetable oils in 1954 is estimated at
1,380,000 tons. 50 On the ,.basis of US practice, this would require
18,000 tons of caustic soda. 51
g. Pulp and Paper.
Soviet production of paper and paper board in 1954 has been
estimated at 12 percent of US production in 1948. 52 In 1948 the
US pulp and paper industry used an estimated 127,000 tons of caustic
soda. 53 On the basis of US practice, the caustic soda requirements
of the Soviet pulp and paper industry in 1954 amounted to approximately
15,000 tons.
h. Reclaimed Rubber.
In 1954- the USSR produced an estimated 66,000 tons of reclaimed
rubber, which would require about 7,000 tons of caustic soda.
i. Miscellaneous.
The Soviet chemical industry probably is the largest consumer
of the residual amount of caustic soda. Caustic soda enters into the
manufacture of such a great number of chemical products that it is
impossible to estimate requirements. In the US about 22 percent of
the caustic soda produced in 1948 was consumed by the chemical indus-
try. Some caustic soda was used in the manufacture of cleansers,
drugs, and dyes and in the treatment of metals.
5. Calculation of the Use Pattern for Chlorine in 1954.
a. Organic Chemicals.
The organic chemical industry is the largest consumer of
chlorine in the USSR. The principal organic chemicals derived from
chlorine are the following: (1) ethylene glycol, an anti-
freeze for motor cooling systems and also in the manufacture of
low-freezing dynamites; (2) carbon tetrachloride, used as a solvent
and as a raw material for DDT; (3) chlorinated benzenes, used as
intermediates for. dyes, synthetic phenol, medicinals, lubricants,
- 35
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and the like; (4) chlorinated ethanes, used as solvents for metal
degreasing; (5) vinyl chloride and. vinylidene chloride monomers,
used for the manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber; and (6)
ethyl chloride, used in the manufacture of tetraethyl lead.
During the Fourth Five Year Plan the organic synthesis industry
consumed an estimated 40 to 50 percent of total Soviet production of
chlorine. 54 Assuming that 50 percent of the chlorine produced in 1954
was consumed by the organic chemical industry, approximately 148,000
tons were required.
b. Textiles.
Soviet production of cotton textiles in 1954 has been estimated
at about 64 percent of US production in 1948.* In 1948 the US textile
industry consumed an estimated 45,000 tons of chlorine. 55 On the
basis of US practice, the Soviet textile industry would have required
about 29,000 tons of chlorine in 1954.
c. Pulp and Paper.
Soviet production of paper and paper board in 1954 is estimated
at approximately 11 percent of US. production in 1950. 56 The chlorine
consumed by the pulp and paper industry in the.US in 1950 was about
248,000 tons. 57 Assuming the same rate of consumption by the Soviet
pulp and paper industry, an estimated 27,000 tons of chlorine were
consumed in 1954.
d. Sovprene.**
Soviet production of sovprene in 1954 is assumed to be the
same as in 1953, which was estimated at 35,000 tons. 58 Approximately
16,000 tons of chlorine would be required for this purpose on the
basis of reported US practice.
* See p. 3, above.
** It is possible that the chlorine requirement for production of
sovprene is included as a part of the chlorine required for the
production of organic chemicals. If so, an additional 16,000 tons
should be added to the miscellaneous category.
- 36 -
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e. Miscellaneous.
The 76,000 tons of chlorine remaining in the USSR in 1954
were used for chlorination of ores, preparation of aluminum chloride
for petroleum catalyst, manufacture of bleaching powders, production
of synthetic hydrochloric acid and bromine, treatment of water and
sewage, and -- in small amounts -- for export.
6. Calculation of Input Requirements.
The input factors for the production of 1 ton of dry chlorine gas
by the electrolytic method, using a diaphragm-type cell, have been
estimated in a Soviet text as follows 59/:
Electric power
Graphite electrodes
Asbestos diaphragm
1.7 to 1.8 tons
2,700 to 2,800 kilowatt-hours
8 kilograms
2 kilograms
4 to 5 cubic meters
0.75 to 1.0 ton
Using these factors, the raw materials required to produce
292,000 tons of chlorine and 329,000 tons of electrolytic caustic
soda in 1954 were estimated as follows:
Salt 496,000 to 526,000 tons
Electric power 789 million to 818 million kilowatt-hours
Graphite electrodes 2,300 tons
Asbestos diaphragm 584 tons
Water 1.17 million to 1.46 million cubic meters
Steam 219,000 to 292,000 tons
In addition, sodium carbonate is generally used for the purifi-
cation of brine, and sulfuric acid is used for drying the wet
chlorine gas. On the basis of US practice, 60 approximately 4,900
tons of sodium carbonate would be required for brine purification, and
approximately 33,000 tons of sulfuric acid (660 Be) would be required
for drying the wet chlorine gas. Refrigeration also would be required
for liquefying the chlorine produced, but because the amount of chlorine
to be liquefied is not known, this requirement has not been included.
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On the basis of US practice, production of approximately 4,000
tons* of chlorine from fused salt electrolysis would require an
estimated 8,200 tons of sodium chloride and 39 million kilowatt-
hours of electric power. 61
Chemical caustic soda inputs for 1953 have been reported. 62
Utilizing the same input factors, the raw materials required for
the production of 204,000 tons of chemical caustic soda in 1954 are
as follows:
Thousand Metric Tons Thousand Kilowatt-Hours
Soda ash 286
Limestone 126
Ferric oxide 2.4
Steam 670
Mazut 46
Bituminous coal 39
Water 64,500
7. Estimated Range of Error.
The range of error of the estimated production of caustic soda
from 1945 to 1958 may be estimated on the basis of the following
a. The planned increase of production of caustic soda from
1946 to 1950 was between 85 and. 95 percent of the planned increase
of capacity of 278,000 tons, or between 236,000 and 261+,000 tons.
By subtracting these estimates of planned increase of production
from the planned 1950 production of caustic soda of 390,000 tons,
the resulting production estimate for 1945 falls between 154,000
and 126,000 tons (140,000 tons plus or minus 10 percent).
b. The reported annual increases (Table 14**) for caustic soda
have an implied range -- that is, if the production is reported as
109 percent of the production of the previous year, the implied range
is from 108.5 to 109.5 percent,.
* Based on plant studies.
P. 32, above.
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By starting from the range of the base year 1945.of plus or
minus 10 percent and applying the yearly increases reported for the
production of caustic soda, the following ranges have been estimated:
1946-47, plus or minus 10 percent; 1948, plus or minus 11 percent;
1949-51, plus or minus 12 percent; 1952-53, plus or minus 13 percent;
1954, plus or minus 14 percent; 1955-56, plus or minus 15 percent;
1957-58, plus or minus 16 percent. These ranges have been combined
to give the approximate range of error of plus or minus 10 percent
from 1945 to 1951 and plus or minus 15 percent from 1952 to 1958-
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The scarcity Qf information on Soviet chemical plants since 19+9
has made the task of estimating the production of many chemicals
progressively more difficult. This is no problem in the case of
caustic soda and a few other chemicals for which the USSR has
published production indexes. It is a problem, however, in the
case of chlorine and many other chemicals for which no production
indexes have been published. All avenues of research which are
likely to provide the basis for sound estimates have been explored,
and -- if confidence in estimates of chemical production is to be
raised or even maintained -- it appears that new approaches must be
adopted or more effort must be applied to the collection of perti-
nent intelligence. Other outstanding gaps in intelligence concern
the current use pattern and wartime requirements for chlorine.
1. The gaps in intelligence on the production of chlorine probably
could be filled most easily by obtaining information on production
of plants producing caustic soda by the chemical process and infor-
mation on production of chlorine at Soviet magnesium plants.
a. Information is needed regarding current production of
chemical caustic soda at the following plants:
Plant Name:
Krasnyy Khimik No. 23
Slavyansk, Stalino Oblast, Ukrainian SSR
Plant Name:
New Slavyansk Soda Plant
Slavyansk, Stalino Oblast, Ukrainian SSR
Plant Name:
Lisichansk, Voroshilovgrad Oblast,
Ukrainian SSR
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(1+) Plant Name: Berezniki Soda Plant*
Location: Berezniki; Molotov Oblast, Urals
(5) Plant Name: Soda Plant
Location: Sterlitamak, Bashkir ASSR, Urals
b. Information is needed as to whether or not Soviet magnesium
plants produce chlorine in excess of their requirements for the produc-
tion of magnesium chloride. If so, the chlorine from the magnesium
plants probably would be piped to nearby installations for the manu-
facture of chlorinated products, because the impurities in chlorine
so. produced prevent its liquefaction. In lieu. of this information,
detailed information on the process used by the magnesium plants in
preparing magnesium chloride for electrolysis would suffice. The
magnesium plants are located as follows: Berezniki, Molotov Oblast,
Urals; Solikamsk, Molotov Oblast, Urals; and Zaporozh'ye, Zaporozh'ye
Oblast, Ukrainian SSR.
2. The gap in intelligence on the wartime requirements for chlo-
rine would be practically impossible to fill directly, but the formu-
lation of estimates would be facilitated by information regarding
the installed capacity to produce the following chemical warfare
a. Nerve gases, Tabun (GA), Sarin (GB), or other.
b. Mustard.
c. Phosgene oxime,
d. Lewisite.
e. Screening smokes, hexachlorethane, titanium tetrachloride.
3. The gap in intelligence on the current use pattern of chlorine
could be filled by obtaining information on the amounts of chlorine
consumed in the manufacture of chemicals, in the bleaching of textiles
and pulp paper, and in the sterilization of water supplies and sewage
* A new soda plant has been reported as under construction at
Berezniki. Information regarding the status of construction or
production is needed.
S-E-C -R-E -T
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The principal sources used in the preparation of this report are
the following:
1. Soviet Sources.
These sources include Soviet books, periodicals, press
and radio statements, and reports of Plans and plan fulfillment.
They are considered reliable and were useful in the preparation of
nearly every section of this report.
2. German Intelligence.
Although these reports are more than 10 years old, they
were useful in estimating plant production and are considered fairly
3. Prisoner-of-War Reports.
The prisoner-of-war reports as a group are considered
reliable and were useful for information on certain postwar plants.
4. Reports Received through CIA Channels.
These reports were used to determine plant production
and are considered reliable. One CIA report on the chemical caustic
soda and soda ash industry was used for information on plants pro-
ducing chemical caustic soda.
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Evaluations, following the classification entry and designated
"Eval.," have the following significance:
Source of Information
Doc. - Documentary
A - Completely reliable
B - Usually reliable
C - Fairly reliable
D - Not usually reliable
E - Not reliable
F - judged
?1 - Confirmed by other sources
2 - Probably true
3 - Possibly true
4 - Doubtful
5 - Probably false
6 - Cannot be judged
"Documentary" refers to original documents of foreign governments
and organizations; copies or translations of such documents by a staff
officer; or information extracted from such documents by a staff
officer, all of which may carry the field evaluation "Documentary."
Evaluations not otherwise designated are those appearing on the
cited document; those designated "RR" are by the author of this report.
No "RR" evaluation is given when the author agrees with the evaluation
on the cited document.
1. CIA. CIA/RR 29, The Soda Ash and Chemical Caustic Soda Industry
in the USSR, 20 Jan 54, p. 3, SUS ONLY.
2. Doklad Akademii Nauk SSSR, nova a seriya (Reports of the Academy
of Sciences, USSR, New Series), vol 94, no 11, 1 Feb 54, P. 733-35,
U. Eval. RR 2.
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6. Tyshkovsky, Ya. D. Zhurnal khimichesko promyshlennosti (Journal
of the Chemical Industry), no 1, 1931, p? 57-56, U. Eval. RR 2.
7. State Planning Commission of the USSR. The Second Five Year Plan
for the Development of the National Economy of the USSR, part 2,
Moscow, Cooperative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the
USSR, 1936, p. 549, U. Eval. Doc.
8. Ibid.
9. Soviet Embassy, Washington. "The Stalin Five Year Plan for the
Restoration and Development of the National Economy of the USSR
for 1946-50," Information Bulletin, Jun 46, p. 5, 9, U. Eval. Doc.
10. New York Times, 23 Aug 52, U. Eval. RR 2. (citing Pravda,
20 Aug 52
11. National Production Authority, Chemical Division. Survey on
Caustic Soda, Feb 51, p. 49, R. (hereafter referred to as
Survey on Caustic Soda)
UN. Statistical Yearbook, 1954, p.. 211, U.
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, vol 46, no 6, Jun 54,
p. 1121, U.
Commerce. Chemical and Rubber Industry Report, vol 2, no 4,
Apr 55, p. 7, U.
12. National Production Authority, Chemical Division. Survey on
Chlorine, Jan 51, R. (hereafter referred to as Survey on
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, vol 46, no 6, Jun 54,
p. 1121, U.
Commerce. Chemical and Rubber Industry Report, vol 2, no 4,
Apr 55, P. , U.
Commerce, OIT. Tabulation of Official French Statistics on Trade
with the Soviet Bloc for 1952, U. Eval. Doc.
25X1A 14. CIA. FDD, Summary, no 29 4,, 29 Nov 54, C. Eval. RR 2. (tr of
Ekonomska politika, Belgrade, 7 Oct 54)
15. CIA.. CIA/RR 29, op. cit. (1, above), p. 22, S/US ONLY.
18. Ibid.
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S-E-C -R-E -T
1.9. Za ekonomiyu materialov (Conserving Materials), no 5, Dec 52,
p. 8, U. Eval. RR 2.
20. Sergienkb, S.R. Khimicheskoye ispol'zovaniye prirodnykh i
25X1A2 promyshlennykh gazov, Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine SSR,
gKiev 1951, U. Eval. RR 2.
22. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, novaya seriya, of. ci , a ove).
24. Ibid., p. 15Y S.
25. Ibid., p. 14, S.
26. Survey on Chlorine, op. cit. (12, above), p. 94, R.
28. Spravochnik tsennik (Price Handbook), Baku, 1950, vol 2, part 1,
p. 187-88 and 199, U. Eval. Doc.
29. Chemical and Engineering News, vol 28, no 41, 9 Oct 50, P. 3547,
U. Eval. RR 2.
Ibid., no 43, 23 Oct 50, P. 3734, U. Eval. RR 2.
30. Khomyakov, V.G., Mashovets, V.P., !and Kuz'min, L.L. Tekhnologiya
elektrokhimicheskikh proizvodstv, Moscow, Goskhimizdat, 1949,
p. 257-56, CIA N/5 741.96.K4, U. Eval. RR 2.
31. Planovoye khozyaystvo (Planned Economy), no 4, Apr. 53, U. Eval.
RR 2.
32. Tyshkovsky, op. cit. (6, above), U. Eval. RR 2.
33. Planovoye khoz a stvo, no 3, 1946, U. Eval. RR 2.
34. CIA. CIA RR 29, op. cit. (1, above), S/US ONLY.
Current Digest of the Soviet Press, vol 1, no 4, 2 Feb
RR 2.
vol 2,
no 4, 13 Mar 50,
RR 2.
vol 3,
no 3, 3 Mar 51,
RR 2.
Ibid., no 23, sec B, 23 Jan 53, U. Eval. RR 2.
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Ibid., no 35, sec B, 4 Feb 54, U. Eval. RR 2.
Capabilities and Probable Course of Action, 1954-1960, 7 Mar 55, S-
45. Ibid.
46. Shreve, R.N. The Chemical Process Industries, New York, 1945,
p. 606, U.
47. CIA. CIA/RR 6o, Major Aromatic Chemicals in the USSR, 27 Jun 55,
48. CIA. ORR Project 25.471, Petroleum Products in the USSR (to be
published), S/NOFORN.
49. Survey on Caustic Soda (11, above), p. 51, R.
50. CIA. CIA RR IP-385, op. cit. (44, above).
51. Shreve, off,. cit. (46, above T, p. 584.
52. UN. World Pulp and Paper Resources and Prospects, New York, 1954,
U. Eval. RR 3.
53? Survey on Caustic Soda (11, above), p. 51, R.
54. Khimicheska a promyshlennost' (Chemical Industry), no 12, Moscow,
Dec 46, p. 1-4, U. Eval. RR 3.
55. Survey on Chlorine (12, above), p. 77, R.
56. UN. World Pulp and Paper Resources and Prospects, New York, 1954,
U. Eval. RR 3-
57- Survey on Chlorine (12, above), p. 79, R.
58. CIA. CIA/RR 19, The Rubber Position of the Soviet Bloc, 19 Jan 53,
41. Cotton Yearbook, 1953, 48th ed, London, Jun 53, p. 679-S0 and
=, CIA 729.1l-.C-T,-U.
42. UN. Statistical Yearbook, 1949-1950, Table 80, p. 212, U.
Eval. Doc.
43. Survey on Caustic Soda (11, above), p. 51, R.
44. CIA. CIA RR IP-385 ORR Contribution to NIE 11-3-55, Soviet
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Vol'fkovich, S.I., Yegorov, A.P., and Epshtein, D.A. Obshchaya
khimicheskaya tekhnologiya (General Chemical Technology), Moscow,
1953, vol 1, p. 584-87, U. Eval. RR 2.
Faith, W.L., Keyes, D.B., and Clark, R.
Industrial Chemicals,
New York, 1950, p. 216, U.
Ibid., p. 530-
CIA. CIA/RR 29, off. cit. (1, above), p. 24, S/US ONLY.
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C Cr`~
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