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1}ii1tDd For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000 0M0001-8 F oreign Assessment ('enter Economic Intelligence Weekly, Review ER E!W 77-044 Copy N! 565 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION Unauthorized Disclosure Subject to Criminal Sanctions DISSEMINATION CONTROL ABBREVIATIONS NOFORN- Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals NOCONTRACT- Not Releasable to Contractors or Contractor/ Consultants PROPIN- Caution-Proprietary Information Involved NFIBONLY- NFIB Departments Only ORCON- Dissemination and Extraction of Information Controlled by Originator REL ... - This Information has been Authorized for Release to ... Classified by 015319 Exempt from General Declassification Schedule of E.O. 11652, exemption category: ? 5B(1), (2), and (3) Automatically declassified on: date impossible to determine Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 SECRET NOFORN ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE WEEKLY REVIEW Common Fund Negotiations Heat Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The developed and developing countries are coming into the second round of common fund negotiations with widely differing proposals. US Price Competitiveness Strengthens Against Japan and Western Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . US price competitiveness in manufactures has improved, mainly as a result of the appreciation of foreign currencies against the dollar. Lower Import Demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Output and stocks will reach record levels in 1977/78, but import demand will be down because of increased feeding of wheat. India: Foodgrain Overhang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Government grain stocks have outrun storage facilities. 25X6 Review of Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 World Shipbuilding: Prolonged Depression. 25X6 i SECRET Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 SECRET NOFORN The developed and developing countries are coming into the second round of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) common fund negotiations in Geneva, 7 November - 2 December, with very different proposals. The position of the Group of 77 (the LDC caucus known as the G-77) continues to be a mosaic designed to meet diverse national needs. It reflects the extensive logrolling required to achieve consensus among some 115 LDCs. In contrast, the developed countries' common fund proposal is more sharply defined and technically specific. This proposal tackles commodity price instability but does not address other major issues in the LDC proposals. Agreement on any specific package at the upcoming meetings is highly unlikely; the two sides may simply talk past each other. We cannot rule out the possibility of confrontation and breakdown of negotiations even though the current LDC leadership is under considerable pressure to show progress. LDC Perspective LDC proposals on international support for commodity prices date back at least to the 1955 Bandung Conference. This meeting, which spawned the Non-Aligned movement, drew together Asian and African leaders in a call for international action to stabilize both prices and demand for primary commodities through bilateral and multilateral arrangements. This issue has been pursued over the years with varying interest and embellished from time to time with specious arguments about secularly declining terms of trade for LDCs and the need for commodity price indexation. For the last several years, the common fund has been the keystone of LDC demands for change in the "rules" of international commodity trade. The G-77 believes such a fund could bolster LDC commodity export prices and enhance prospects for additional international commodity agreements. Moreover, it would meet their demands for greater political control of the international economy. Widespread support for the common fund among the LDCs makes this issue a Note: Comments and queries regarding the Economic Intelligence Weekl Review are welcome. For the text, the may be directed to of the Office of Economic Research, for the Economic n ica ors, to - of OER, 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 SECRET touchstone of industrial country response to Third World concerns. Accordingly, the London summit statement in May 1977 that there should be a common fund and subsequent agreement on this proposition with the developing countries at the Conference on International Economic Cooperation (CIEC) ministerial meeting in June were viewed by the LDCs as steps in the right direction. They were not, how- ever, considered very big steps. LDC Proposals A G-77 draft position paper for a common fund was assembled by a working group and sent to the 115 individual countries for review over the summer. This cumbersome process resulted in a piece that, for all its vagueness on key technical aspects, is quite clear on certain long-held G-77 views. The paper calls for the creation of a common fund that: ? Stands as an independent financial institution. ? Finances buffer stocks under existing international commodity agree- ments and encourages new agreements (the so-called first window). ? Finances resource-development projects and other measures for the LDCs that are related to commodities (the second window). ? Is controlled through some voting formula that guarantees an LDC share of at least 51 percent. The LDC draft has been the subject of controversy within the G-77 and will continue to be debated until the meetings open. Major changes are unlikely at this late date, the more so because they must be filtered through an elaborate caucus system. Despite attempts to create an image of LDC unity behind the G-77 proposals, the 115 LDCs have differing views about which facets of the draft proposals are important. In any event, five elements seem to be central to LDC behavior in the impending negotiations-political power, LDC unity, independent financing of the fund, price stabilization, and the second window. LDC reaction to the developed country proposals will largely depend on how individual countries line up on these elements and how they chose to act within G-77 caucuses in responding to the developed country proposals. Political Power. From its inception, the common fund has been viewed by many LDCs as a political issue-a part of the struggle for control of international institutions. For those LDCs that exercise leadership in the Third World-Venezuela, Indonesia, Algeria, Yugoslavia, and Nigeria, for example-establishment of the Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 SECRET common fund is an important symbol of an increased global role for the Third World, irrespective of whether the fund makes economic sense or specifically aids them. LDC Unity. A strong predisposition exists within the G-77 not to buck group unity, which is viewed as having political value transcending the negotiating issues. Indeed, some LDCs-Brazil is a good example-have been known to tacitly support G-77 arguments inimical to their own interests so long as they feel they can rely on the United States and other developed countries to reject the group position. Key G-77 members such as India, Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, and Yugoslavia are adept at pushing their own interests in meetings; once a compromise is reached, however, even they consider it prudent to support agreed positions or be quiet. The wide adherance to group unity poses a major problem for developed country negotiators in Geneva. It compounds the difficulty of dealing with the single representative who speaks for the LDCs at plenary sessions and means that getting G-77 agreement to changes is difficult and time consuming. The requirement for group unity also inhibits LDCs sympathetic to industrial countries' proposals from speaking out in their various closed caucuses. Independent Financing. The LDC position paper calls for prior, independent financing of the common fund through government contributions as opposed to funding from the resources of individual international commodity agreements. The LDCs take this position because: ? Resources in an independent common fund could be used to spur the establishment of new international commodity agreements. Producers and consumers of a commodity would not have to agree on respective shares of buffer stock financing. ? Independent funding could allow the common fund to finance projects such as commodity export diversification in individual countries through a second window. ? An independently financed common fund could be controlled by LDCs (assuming developed country acquiescense on voting rights), thereby fulfilling the LDC desire for at least one internationals institution of their own. ? Many Third World countries probably hope that an independent common fund run by the LDCs will somehow be able to jack up their export prices. Because the independent financing concept is a means to several objectives, most LDCs support it. Notable exceptions are certain Latin American and Middle Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Eastern countries-Brazil, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, and Iran-that feel they stand to lose more than they would gain from a common fund. Price Stabilization. Commodity price stabilization-at the heart of any common fund design-draws support from the great majority of LDCs. Some advocates in developing and developed countries have argued that price stabilization yields net benefits to both producers and consumers. This argument is particularly attractive to the many LDCs that rely heavily on commodity exports to support national development projects and maintain domestic incomes; this is especially so with countries that have experienced roller-coaster changes in their commodity export prices in the recent past. These LDCs view price stabilization as an effort to reduce the uncertainty of future earnings, even when they realize that it might reduce total earnings over the long term. Thus, such comparative moderates in the North-South dialogue as Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Zaire support the stabilization feature of the common fund argument. Most other activists on this point are only interested in "'stabilization" in so far as it opens the door to steadily higher prices. Second Window. From the beginning, LDC proposals for a common fund have included provisos that the fund should be able to take measures in addition to price stabilization to help alleviate commodity problems. This objective is embodied in the second window proposals. Several African and South Asian countries believe it unlikely that the commodities they export will be involved in agreements with international buffer stocks. Accordingly, these countries want to insure that, if a common fund is created with independent financing, they will get their share of the pie. They want the second window to be able to finance-among other things- export diversification, infrastructure improvements, market promotion, research and development, and compensatory finance. In short, they want a second window that one UNCTAD official privately labeled "a bottomless pit". Developed Country Views The developed countries will contend that a common fund should be built around the pooling of financial resources of individual international commodity agreements. This pooling proposal meets some LDC desires for commodity price stabilization by: ? Encouraging the establishment under existing commodity agreements of buffer stocks. ? Drawing on the expertise in the commodity groups to estimate financial requirements from the fund. Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 SECRET ? Taking advantage of savings that would occur when the peak needs of each commodity do not coincide. At the same time, the pooling proposal meets developed country concerns by: ? Strictly limiting the amount of financial support that an individual commodity agreement could receive. ? Allowing each commodity agreement to operate independently. ? Avoiding the creation of a new international development institution through the second window proposal. On the eve of the meetings, the developed countries are edgy about prospects for progress but are considerably more unified than in the past. For the moment, the Germans seem to have conquered their qualms about going too far. The North-South liberals-the Dutch, the Scandinavians, and some policymakers in the United Kingdom-feel that the developed countries could have been bolder and will need to offer more to sustain negotiations. The United States, stuck with the chore of negotiating a group position, is reasonably confident that it can keep developed country unity long enough to initiate constructive discussion with the LDCs. Mixed LDC Reaction Likely There is no developed country proposal that would be acceptable to all members of the G-77. Indeed, even complete acceptance of the G-77 position would not be viewed by many LDCs as a wholly favorable turn of events because of individual differences on what is important in their collective position. In any event, the proposals of the developed countries at the November ne- gotiations will elicit a varied LDC response: ? Serious inquiry and perhaps even encouragement by LDCs such as Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Zaire that place a high priority on price stabilization. ? Expressions of disapproval from African and South Asian LDCs, particularly India and Pakistan, that want the second window. ? Relief from those Latin American and Middle Eastern countries that are wary about the effect of LDC proposals on the international economy and their own financial positions. Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 ? An ambivalent reaction from countries that seek an increased global role for the Third World; moderates may play up the responsiveness of the developed countries' proposal; radicals probably will lambast the devel- oped countries for a lack of political will and insensitivity to LDC needs and their refusal to live up to earlier pledges on the common fund. Future Developments The G-77 is unlikely to be enthusiastic about developed countries' proposals on the common fund because they fall so far short of LDC demands for independent financing, the second window, and assured LDC control of the new institution. The real question is whether the moderates in the G-77, particularly those who favor price stabilization measures, can wield enough influence to gain acceptance of the developed country proposals as the basis for future negotiations. They will be hobbled in this by the complications of dealing in three regional LDC caucuses and through the single designated LDC spokesman. In any event, common fund discussions are likely to be a continuing source of tension both within the G-77 and between North and South. (Secret Noforn-Nocontract) US PRICE COMPETITIVENESS STRENGTHENS AGAINST JAPAN AND WESTERN EUROPE US price competitiveness in manufactures has strengthened vis-a-vis Japan and most major West European countries in the last 12 months mainly as a result of the appreciation of foreign currencies against the dollar. The impact of the changed price relationships has begun to be reflected in the relative volume of the exports of the United States and its major competitors. The slippage in the US shares of major foreign markets (in constant dollars), evident through most of 1976, was being gradually reversed by first half 1977. The appreciation of major foreign currencies against the dollar in the past 90 days will place US exports, at least temporarily, in an even more favorable competitive position. Despite these US competitive gains, pressure against the dollar continues. Much of this pressure reflects concern over the record 1977 US trade deficit, which results from factors other than US competitiveness in manufactures, such as (a) higher imports of oil, (b) the slow growth of many foreign economies in which the United States has a major market share, and (c) the steeper price trend for US imports compared with US exports. Establishment of New Currency Regime in 1970-73 The massive realignment of currencies between first quarter 1970 and March 1973 strengthened the US price competitiveness in international markets by nearly 6 SECRET 3 November 1977 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 20 percent as measured by the price-adjusted exchange rate (PAER).* This change indicates both the impact of exchange rate changes and the difference in wholesale price trends (manufactures) among major developed countries. By comparison, Japan's price competitiveness declined 20 percent, while the losses of France, West Germany, and Canada ranged from 7 percent to 10 percent. Only the UK and Italy among the major countries joined the United States in improving their price competitiveness in international markets. The currency realignment was undertaken in an effort to overcome the distor- tionsthathad accumulated during the long period of the fixed exchange rate system and was intended to prevent the necessity for such major one-time changes. Within a few weeks, maintenance of the new official rates was aban- doned by most major coup- Big Seven: Change in Price-Adjusted Exchange Rate "managed" (1st Quarter 1970 to March 1973) tries and a new floating exchange rate system Percent was established. The new system was soon tested by the Japan States ...................................................................: 19 apaan - 20 severe shock caused by the west Germany ... ......... ......... ......... ......... - 7 massive 1973/74 OPEC price France .............................................................................. -10 hikes; it met the test success- United Kingdom .............................................................. 16 fully. Exchange rates changes Italy .................................................................................. compensated for large differ- Canada .............................................................................. -10 ences in inflation rates. As a result, the 1976 PAER indexes for most major developed countries were near the March 1973 level (plus or minus 5 percent). The major exception was Japan, whose price competitiveness measured by the PAER improved by 8 percent, the combined result of depreciation of the yen against major currencies and a relatively low domestic inflation rate. Recent Trends The appreciation of the yen in the last 12 months has brought the Japanese PAER back to the March 1973 level. The Japanese PAER reached 99 percent of that benchmark level by August 1977 and 102 percent as of 17 October** as the yen *This analysis is based on trends in the PAER index, which measures trends in domestic wholesale prices in 17 major countries (including South Africa) and adjusts these domestic price movements for exchange rate changes. If, for example, prices in one country rise 10 percent more than in competitor countries while its exchange rate declines by 15 percent, the country's competitive position would be improved, that is, its PAER index would move down by approximately 5 percent. Although we consider the PAER to be the best overall indicator of trends in competitiveness, it may not take account of factors such as relative profit trends. **Wholesale price trends for October and in many cases September are projected based on the most recent two months data available. PAER values based on estimated price indexes usually diverge little from later revisions. Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Major Developed Countries: Price-Adjusted Exchange Rate' 1st Half 3d Qtr 17 October 1974 1975 1976 1977 1977 1977E Big Seven United States ...................................... 98.6 102.6 104.4 104.0 104.6 104.4 Japan .................................................. 99.2 90.9 92.2 95.8 97.5 102.4 West Germany .................................. 100.8 97.3 97.9 99.2 99.8 100.5 France ................................................ 91.5 101.0 96.9 91.2 92.3 92.1 United Kingdom ................................ 97.6 103.1 95.7 97.5 100.4 103.2 Italy .................................................... 111.2 105.8 101.6 103.6 102.7 102.5 Canada ................................................ 103.9 98.3 103.2 100.1 96.7 93.0 Netherlands ............................................ 99.2 101.3 102.7 105.7 106.3 106.5 Belgium ................................................ 99.4 93.9 95.5 98.1 97.5 97.3 Switzerland ............................................ 102.1 104.5 107.8 99.1 98.9 103.6 Sweden .................................................... 104.3 105.8 107.2 107.7 104.9 97.2 Norway .................................................. 104.0 107.0 109.3 110.7 110.8 108.9 Denmark ................................................ 97.7 99.2 101.4 100.2 98.2 96.5 Austria ...................................................... 100.9 103.4 104.7 108.9 106.8 106.0 Australia .................................................. 101.9 98.5 98.0 88.3 84.3 85.9 Spain ...................................................... 101.1 102.2 99.6 104.5 97.5 89.8 An increase in the PAER index indicates a decline in price competitiveness. E Price indexes for October are estimated. appreciated 15 percent since second quarter 1976. As a result, the dollar wholesale prices of goods manufactured in Japan rose 16 percent in the past 12 months compared with 7 percent for US manufactures. The UK has lost the price competitiveness gained in 1976 when sterling fell sharply. The British PAER rose by 15 percent between the last quarter 1976 to 17 October 1977 because of (a) the continuation of a relatively high domestic inflation, and (b) the strengthening of the pound as North Sea oil has mounted in volume. Canada and France have been the largest gainers among major countries in price competitiveness in the last 16 months. The Canadian dollar's 9-percent depreciation helped to bring down the PAER from 104 percent of the March 1973 level in second quarter 1976 to 93 percent as of 17 October. The Canadian dollar has been pushed down by a combination of (a) political uncertainties, notably the Quebec separatist movement and interprovincial squabbling over energy; (b) narrowing interest rate differentials, which discouraged capital flows into Canada; and (c) the generally bleak prospects for the domestic economy. The downward movement of the Canadian dollar has exceeded what would be expected by looking at relative inflation differentials. The depreciation of the franc has kept French price competi- tiveness from mid-1976 through the present period at below the March 1973 level. Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Big Seven Countries: Change in Overall Price Competitiveness (197611-17Oct 1977) As a result of low internal inflation rates, the West German and Swiss PAER remained near the 1973 level through 1977 despite the considerable appreciation of their currencies. The stability of the aggregate US PAER in the last year masked significant changes in US price competitiveness among its largest trading partners. Against Canada, the US bilateral price competitiveness fell 10 percent from second quarter 1976 to October 1977, while compared with Japan, the US gained 11 percent. The fall with respect to Canada did little to hurt the US trade position in manufactures because (a) Canadian manufactures are only a small factor in international markets, and (b) much of US-Canadian trade is intrafirm. Substantial gains also occurred in the US price competitiveness vis-a-vis West German, British, and Italian manu- factures as shown in the tabulation. West United Japan Germany Kingdom Italy Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 US Bilateral Dollar-Based Price Competitiveness from Second Quarter 1976 to 17 October 1977 Canada .................................... -10 West Germany ...................... 7 Japan ...................................... 11 Italy ........................................ 8 France .................................... -3 United Kingdom .................... 11 After the currency adjustments through mid-October are taken into account, the price index of US wholesale prices for manufactures based on March 1973 just about equaled the dollar-based index for Japan, West Germany, the UK, and Italy. French and Canadian prices were about 10 percent below the comparable US price index. Among other developed countries, Australia, Denmark, and Sweden have maintained their price competitiveness in manufactures through large and sometimes repetitive currency devaluations. Despite the concern that these are competitive devaluations, the evidence indicates that they occurred only after relatively high rates of domestic inflation had begun to price goods out of international markets. The Netherlands, Norway, and Austria appear to be losing ground in the battle to remain price competitive. Their currencies are tied to the value of the West Major Developed Countries: Wholesale Price Indexes for Manufactures Measured in US Dollars 1st Half 3d Qtr 17 October 1974 1975 1976 1.977 1977 1977 Big Seven United States ...................................... 124.9 139.3 147.9 155.7 159.8 160.5 Japan .................................................. 124.2 125.8 132.0 143.9 150.8 158.9 West Germany .................................. 125.1 136.5 138.1 150.0 156.2 158.0 France ................................................ 115.3 140.2 135.4 138.1 144.3 145.6 United Kingdom ................................ 122.2 143.7 136.0 148.0 158.3 161.6 Italy .................................................... 136.6 146.8 142.1 154.1 157.5 159.7 Canada ................................................ 129.5 136.4 150.1 153.9 152.3 148.6 Netherlands ............................................ 123.1 139.7 142.9 157.9 164.4 166.2 Belgium .................................................. 122.2 131.1 133.5 146.6 151.4 152.6 Switzerland ............................................ 126.8 146.1 149.1 148.3 155.4 162.2 Sweden .................................................... 130.0 148.7 151.7 163.7 162.1 154.5 Norway .................................................. 130.4 150.7 155.9 168.6 172.2 170.7 Denmark ................................................ 122.8 140.7 144.7 163.3 155.7 153.2 Austria ...................................................... 127.0 144.5 147.2 163.8 169.9 167.8 Australia .................................................. 125.8 133.7 136.5 130.2 127.8 133.6 Spain ...................................................... 125.4 142.7 140.4 156.7 166.4 141.4 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 German mark and, because their inflation has outpaced inflation in the FRG, they have lost their price edge as the mark climbed in value. In the Netherlands and Norway, an energy bonanza has kept foreign payments reasonably sound despite a loss of price competitiveness in manufactures. Price Movements and Trade The US competitiveness in international markets vis-a-vis the Japanese began to improve even before the sharp depreciation of the US dollar in the past 90 days. Last year Japan, partly because it benefited from relatively low dollar prices on its exports in 1975 and early 1976, was able to increase sharply its share (in constant dollar terms) in nearly all markets. By contrast, since the beginning of this year, partly as a result of yen appreciation in 1976, the Japanese share of the industrial country and LDC markets has declined slightly, although remaining high compared with the early 1970s. The United States meanwhile has increased or maintained its market position in most major countries after losing badly to the Japanese in 1976. Foreign currencies, notably the yen, nonetheless have continued to appreciate substantially against the dollar in a few months. This development in part reflects a highly visible, large jump in the US trade deficit that resulted mainly from factors other than reduced US competitiveness in manufactures: (a) the large increase in US oil imports, from $34 billion in 1976 to an annual rate of $45 billion in the first eight months of 1977; (b) the slow growth in foreign markets of importance to the United States, both in key industrial countries where the recovery has been slow and in LDCs that are major US customers; and (c) the faster rise of import prices compared with export prices due to constrained supply conditions in some import commodities, such as coffee. In the same vein, the large appreciation of the yen reflects the acute awareness in exchange markets of the burgeoning Japanese trade surplus (in dollar terms), which in turn was caused by factors other than a major expansion of Japanese export volume. These other influences include higher dollar prices for Japanese exports as a result of the yen appreciation and informal Japanese trade barriers which have effectively held down imports of foreign manufactures. The most recent currency adjustments can be expected to further strengthen the competitiveness of US exports. It could take at least several months before the benefits of this improved position will have a significant impact on exports. Mean- while, increased import prices will reduce the likelihood of any sharp decline in the sizable US trade deficit and may push up the domestic inflation rate slightly. (Unclassified) 3 November 1977 SECRET Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 WORLD COARSE GRAINS: RECORD OUTPUT, LOWER IMPORT DEMAND We estimate that world coarse grain* production and stocks will reach record levels in 1977/78. World import demand for coarse grains will be lowered by increased feeding of wheat. US production is forecast by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) to set a new high; exports during 1977/78 are expected to drop. Although domestic consumption will increase sharply over last year, US stocks in 1977/78, therefore, will reach their highest level in five years. The final outcome of Southern Hemisphere crops and the size of Soviet grain purchases are the principal uncertainties. Record World Production We agree with the USDA estimate that world production of coarse grains in the 1977/78 crop year will approach a record 700 million tons, about 10 million tons larger than in 1976/77. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) forecast of 1977 production-on a calendar rather than crop year basis-is 726 million tons. Excessive summer rains, which decreased both production and quality of wheat over widespread areas, benefited most coarse grain crops, especially corn. We estimate that 1977/78 world corn production will set a new record. The largest increase in coarse grains is estimated for Western Europe--27 percent over the drought-reduced 1976/77 crop. The EC expects a record barley harvest, and corn production will be up more than 4 million tons. In Eastern Europe 1975/76 1976/77' 1977/78 Total ................................................ 321.8 344.8 345.7 Argentina ...................................... 5.9 8.8 7.8 South Africa ................................ 7.3 9.5 9.0 Brazil ............................................ 17.9 18.7 17.8 Thailand ...................................... 3.0 2.7 1.8 European Community ................ 14.1 11.0 15.2 Eastern Europe ............................ 29.9 28.4 30.2 United States ................................ 146.5 157.9 160.1 Other ............................................ 97.2 107.8 103.8 Preliminary. 2 Projected. *Includes corn, sorghum, barley, oats, millet, rye, and miscellaneous grains. Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 corn production should rise 6 percent. Thailand's 1977/78 corn harvest is down almost 1 million tons because of drought. Argentina, Brazil, and South Africa all will have smaller 1977/78 corn harvests than last year's excellent crops. Less favorable growing weather is largely responsible. A cut in hectarage also will affect output in Brazil. Production of coarse grains in the Soviet Union is estimated to be about 95 million tons in 1977/78 compared with 116.2 million tons a year ago. Argentine sorghum production is forecast to reach 6.5 million tons, about 5 percent above 1976/77. Due to an extended drought, Australia's barley harvest is forecast at 2.4 million tons, down 14 percent. On the strength of expanded area and above-average yields, Canadian barley production in 1977/78 is projected at 10.8 million tons, 3 percent above last year. Use Up Due to Greater Feeding World consumption of coarse grains in 1977/78 is forecast at a record 677 million tons, up 9 million tons because of higher livestock feeding. EC feeding of coarse grains is expected to drop slightly in 1977/78 due to a 7- percent greater feed use of wheat. Other West European countries will boost feeding of coarse grains by 1.3 million tons, to 27.2 million tons. East European feeding of coarse grains is expected to show a slight gain in 1977/78; Soviet feeding will be down, as imports will not offset the production shortfall. Increased feeding of wheat in the USSR, however, is expected to more than offset the cut in coarse grains. The three major Asian import markets-Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea-will increase their usage of coarse grains by an estimated 6 percent over last year. The USDA projects US feed use of coarse grains at 119.7 million tons, 7 percent above 1976/77. Import Demand Down We forecast world import demand for coarse grains in the marketing year ending 30 June 1978 (MY 1978) at 80 million tons, down 2.5 million tons but still the second-highest on record. The latest USDA and FAO estimates put world import demand at 77.8 million and 67.0 million tons, respectively. For corn, the most important coarse grain, we forecast world import demand at 54.3 million tons, only slightly below MY 1977. EC corn imports in MY 1978 are expected to drop 28 percent, to 13.6 million tons. This reduction reflects the higher output of coarse grains and forage and the large amount of feed-quality wheat available from this summer's harvest. Elsewhere 3 November 1977 SECRET Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 in Western Europe, higher feeding requirements in Spain and Portugal and lower barley production in Greece are expected to push up MY 1.978 demand for imported corn by an aggregate 1 million tons. East European imports of corn in MY 1978 are expected to reach 5.1 million tons, somewhat larger than last year. A sharp increase in Polish imports, due to weather-related losses, will more than offset lower Czechoslovakian imports. East German corn imports should remain the same at about 2.3 million tons. we estimate that the USSR will import 8.9 million tons of corn (largely US origin) in MY 1978, a 78-percent hike over MY 1977. We attribute the increase to continued Soviet efforts to improve livestock, reduced coarse gratin production, and attractive world corn prices. We expect Asian coarse grain import demand, including corn, to continue to grow. The US share of this market in MY 1978 will increase because of a shortfall in Thailand's exportable supplies. Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, with their expanding livestock industries, will increase their MY 1978 corn imports by 500,000 tons to 12.5 million tons. Imports Total ........................................................ 53.1 54.4 54.3 European Community ' ........................ 14.5 18.9 13.6 Other Western Europe ........................ 5.6 6.7 7.4 Eastern Europe ....................................... 4.7 4.8 5.1 USSR ....................................................... 11.7 5.0 8.9 Western Hemisphere .............................. 3.3 3.4 3.2 Asia ........................................................ 12.2 14.3 14.7 Africa ...................................................... 1.1 1.:3 1.4 Exports Total ........................................................ 53.1 54.4 54.3 Argentina ................................................ 2.6 4.4 4.4 Brazil ...................................................... 1.4 1.2 1.3 South Africa .......................................... 3.2 1.5 3.1 Thailand ................................................ 2.3 2.0 0.9 Eastern Europe ...................................... 2.0 1.3 1.3 United States .......................................... 39.5 42.6 41.9 Other ...................................................... 2.1 1.4 1.4 Data are for marketing year ending 30 June of stated year. Preliminary. ' Projected. ' Excluding intra-EC trade. Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 World Exportable Supplies and Stocks Up World export supplies are more than adequate to meet import needs in MY 1978. Increased supplies in North America, the EC, and South Africa will more than offset a drop of 1.1 million tons in Thailand's exportable supplies of corn. Due to limited storage facilities, each of the leading Southern Hemisphere corn exporters will continue to maximize exports. Argentine corn exports in MY 1978 are estimated to be about equal to MY 1977 exports; Brazil's are to be up slightly. In South Africa MY 1978 corn exports should more than double due to larger supplies and an increased Asian market demand attributable to Thailand's shortfall. These estimates of corn exports by the three major Southern Hemisphere shippers represent maximum availabilities and minimum stock levels. Planting is still in progress, and production estimates are preliminary. Since stock levels are at a minimum, any decreases in production would result in corresponding revisions in export estimates. Thailand's corn exports in MY 1978 are estimated at only 900,000 tons; in view of already low stocks, this too is a maximum availability. The Thais, have recently been forced to halve contracted exports to Japan and Taiwan for MY 1978. The EC's improved harvest will allow an increase in intra-EC coarse grain trade as well as in exports to third countries. Most of the corn shipments will remain within the EC with shipments to third countries reaching only about 500,000 tons. East European corn exports in MY 1978 will differ little from a year ago. Exports of Australian barley and sorghum as well as Argentine sorghum are estimated to be near maximum levels; stocks will remain low. In the case of Canadian barley, even with an estimated MY 1978 export of 3.9 million tons, ending stocks are forecast at a high 3.8 million tons. Although a large share of these stocks would be available for export, port capacity is insufficient to move much more barley. We estimate that 1977/78 world coarse grain stocks will reach a record 83.3 million tons, up 11.6 million tons or 16 percent from the previous year. By far the bulk of the increase will consist of US corn and, to a lesser extent, EC barley. The 1977/78 ending stocks of all coarse grains outside the United States will be only 2 percent larger than last year, or a total of about 42.5 million tons. Demand for US Corn Down, Stocks Up We estimate foreign demand for US corn in MY 1978 at 41.9 million tons, 700,000 tons below MY 1977 and 2.5 million tons above the midpoint of the USDA forecast. Our higher estimate of Soviet imports of US corn accounts for most of the Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 difference. Since the United States is the only exporter with large supplies and ship- ping capability, foreign demand for US corn would become even greater if Moscow stepped up orders. The USDA estimates US corn exports for the US crop year ending 30 September 1978 will be from 35.6 million to 43.2 million tons. The midpoint of 39.4 million tons compares with our estimate-adjusted to the same October- September year-of 41.6 million tons. The USDA forecasts stocks on 30 September 1978 will be 25.5 million to 40.7 million tons, with a midpoint of 33.1 million tons. Our corresponding US stock estimate is 30.9 million tons. Using this latter figure, stocks on 30 September 1978 will be 8.6 million tons larger than a year earlier and more than three times the size of carryover stocks two years earlier. Uncertainties that could tighten the market: ? Our forecasts of Southern Hemisphere production and exports could prove optimistic due to continued unfavorable growing conditions. ? Current speculation of a 10-percent acreage set-aside of US feed grains and the use of the Long Term Reserve program in the US could prove to be low. ? Soviet MY 1978 grain imports could be larger than now forecast. ? A downturn could occur in the currently favorable prospects for Northern Hemisphere winter grains. (Confidential Noforn) INDIA: FOODGRAIN OVERHANG India faces a short-term grain glut even though the critical long-term problem remains the feeding of a rapidly growing population. Two above-average crop years (1975/76 and 1976/77), together with high imports, pushed government grain stocks to a record 20 million tons as of Septem- ber 1977. Because government storage facilities cannot properly handle this volume, large amounts are subject to spoilage. The problem will intensify through the current crop year, with record harvests again in prospect. The bulging stocks give New Delhi a cushion against at least one bad crop. Fluctuations in Production and Stockpiles During the 1960s India found itself chronically short of foodgrains, with annual imports amounting to roughly 6 million tons and government-owned carry- Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 2 75 Stock Levels (Yearend) Million Tons 25 ,. 0 1970 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 India: Foodgrain Production, Imports, and Stock Levels' 0 1970 71 72 73 74 Imports Production 1. Production data are for crop years generally ending in June of year stated, imports are on a calendar year basis, and stock data are for December of given year. 574410 11-77 over stocks to only 1 million to 3 million tons. Grain output climbed rapidly in the late 1960s and early 1970s because of good weather, increased use of fertilizer, and the introduction of high-yielding wheat seeds (HYV). As a result, imports dropped to a mere 445,000 tons by 1972. Government buffer stocks reached 8 million tons at yearend 1971 and production hit a new high of 108 million tons in the 1970/71 crop year. The stockpile dwindled tj2ereafter as insufficient rainfall from 1973 through 1975 caused production to plummet. In addition, New Delhi was forced to boost imports during a period of unusually high world prices. By yearend 1974 government carryover stocks had dropped to 2.5 million tons. At that time, the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi sought to build a buffer against at least one poor crop. A bumper 121-million-ton crop in 1975/76-up from 100 million in 1974/75-facilitated government efforts to buy grain on the domestic market. Imports also were stepped up, further adding to the stockpile. Although new import orders were stopped in July 1976, deliveries on previous contracts Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 continued into early 1977. Imports in 1975-76 totaled 14 million tons, the highest two-year level since the famine years of 1966-67. These imports roughly coincided with the two exceptionally good harvests of 1975/76 and 1976/77, with the result that government grain inventories mounted rapidly to 20 million tons by September 1977. Current Storage Problems The government has already accumulated larger grain stocks than can be properly stored. Since 1975, programs to add 7 million tons of new storage capacity have moved slowly; only about 2 million tons of new storage capacity has been added to the 11 million tons available at yearend 1975. As a result, about two-fifths of current stocks are stored in the open or on wooden pallets covered with polyethylene sheets. Use of inadequate facilities is likely to result in losses from spoilage and rodents of as much as 2 million to 3 million tons, depending on how long it stays in inventory. Aside from spoilage, the costs of maintaining the stockpile this year will amount to $500 million, or 3 percent of total budget expenditures. Government Response The Janata government has adopted several measures designed to draw down stocks by increasing sales through the government distribution system. To date New Delhi has: ? Increased the quota of wheat sold through the ration shops from 8 to 12 kilograms per month per person. ? Slightly increased the number of ration shops in the system. ? Advanced loans to state employers for bulk foodgrain purchases. ? Reduced the prices of wheat to millers by 7 percent. ? Removed all restrictions on interstate movement of foodgrains. So far these measures have had little effect on stimulating sales through government shops. One problem is New Delhi's reluctance to reduce prices charged at these outlets from the current level of $142 per ton. Private grain distributors, for their part, use the government selling price as a minimum floor price for their own sales. As a result the level of consumer purchases made through the open market system as well as the ration shops remains restricted by price and by the low purchasing power of the bulk of the population. Another factor slowing the drawdown of stocks is the narrow popularity of wheat. The bulk of the population outside the northwest wheat areas prefers rice, and a bumper rice harvest is currently under way. Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 o 100- a I i11 & 1 Production 50 'Nil 00. ?`I 25 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t i l l 1( I I i l l 1957/58 60/61 65/66 70/71 75/76 77/78 1. Wholesale price index from the International Financial Statistics is used as a deflator. 574411 11-77 India Wheat: Area, Production, and Producer Guaranteed Prices Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Exports as a Possible Solution New Delhi is looking to exports as a means of slimming stockpiles. The Soviet Union has agreed to accept :payment in kind for a wheat loan granted in 1973; India will ship 1.5 million tons for Soviet use over the next year or two. India also plans to loan 100,000 tons of wheat to Vietnam. Indian embassies reportedly have been instructed to search for additional buyers. We doubt this latter effort will be successful. Constraints on India's transport and port facilities pose a serious problem as does the generally low quality of Indian wheat, which makes up the bulk of the stockpile. Prospects Indian grain stocks will increase further over the next two months as the major fall harvest comes in. The 1977 summer rains were excellent. Some observers even forecast a record grain crop of 125 million tons for 1977/78. To help minimize the stock additions, New Delhi is now considering both a further cut in government sales prices and inauguration of "work for food" programs. Since construction in new storage facilities is still lagging, any additional stock accumulation above present levels would be subject to very high spoilage rates. As practical matter, India should maintain grain reserves of about 20 million tons if proper storage facilities are available. Given present levels of consumption and production, this would provide enough grain to offset a 15-percent crop shortfall. Although production continues high in the current crop year, the probabil- ity of a sharp drop in output in the fall of next year is high. Weather remains the dominant variable in Indian foodgrain production and the latest three crop years (July 1975 through June 1978) have included two excellent and one average rainy season. Historic patterns argue against an extended run of good fortune. The Janata government, while not adequately pushing construction of storage facilities, has avoided measures that would reduce grain production incentives. The government, for example, has increased both wheat and rice purchase prices in 1977 despite the stock overhang. Because of the general domestic inflation, including substantial rises in the prices of inputs to the agricultural sector, further increases in government purchase prices will be needed to stimulate farm output over the coming years. (Confidential) Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Next 7 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 25X6 Review of Report WORLD SHIPBUILDING: PROLONGED DEPRESSION* Output in the depressed world shipbuilding industry will continue to fall until the early 1980s, when production will be about one-third the peak 1975 level of 34 million gross register tons (GRT). The decline stems from speculative overbuilding in the early 1970s and the worldwide economic recession-set off by the massive 1973/74 oil price hikes-which deflated demand for both tankers and bulk carriers. European shipbuilders have been hit not only by the global recession but also by the aggressive Japanese shipbuilders, who enjoy a 30-percent cost advantage; Japanese yards continue to win about half the world's dwindling orders. Negotia- tions on market sharing between the European. Community and the Japanese are stymied by disagreement on how to measure production and by an inability to coordinate third-country production. The West European shipbuilders face a gloomy long-term outlook not only. because of formidable Japanese competition but also because of growing competition from the rapidly developing shipbuilding industries of Brazil, South Korea, and Taiwan. Various international plans to reduce the oversupply of tankers-currently about 37 percent of the world tanker fleet-have foundered on the rock of national interests. With international cooperation out at least for the present, national subsidies to the shipbuilding industry are propping up production and thereby postponing recovery of the industry beyond the mid-1980s. (Unclassified) *This review presents the highlights, in modified form, of a forthcoming report by the Office of Economic Research. Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 China: Economic Indicators (ER 77-10508, October 1977, Unclassified) This handbook brings together economic estimates for the People's Republic of China, a country that has not released-economic statistics systematically since 1960. It is a sequel to People's Republic of China: Handbook of Economic Indicators, ER 76-10540, August 1976, Unclassified). 25X 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Western Arms Sales to Third World Countries, First Half 1977 (ER 77-10636, October 1977, Secret Noforn) This publication summarizes US and other Free World military sales and deliveries to LDCs during the first six months of 1977. A statistical appendix provides country-to-country arms transactions for the period. The Impact of Fertilizer on Soviet Grain Output, 1960-80 (ER 77-10557, October 1977, Unclassified) This publication reviews the impact of increased applications of fertilizer on Soviet grain output between 1960 and 1975, assesses planned applications during the 1976-80 plan period, and reviews the probable effect of fertilizer on future grain yields. An appendix also describes the sources and methodology used in deriving estimates presented in the publication. Approved For Release 2Q02/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 National pgayg ,for Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Assessment Center Economic Indicators Weekly Review Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 This publication is prepared for the use of U.S. Government officials. The fonnat, coverage and contents of the publication are designed to meet the specific requirements of those users. U.S. Government officials may obtain additional copies of this document directly or through liaison channels from the Central Intelligence Agency. Non-U.S. Government users may obtain this along with similar CIA publications on a subscription basis by addressing inquiries to: Document Expediting (DOCEX) Project Exchange and Gift Division Library of Congress Washington, D.C. 20540 Non-U.S. Government users not interested in the DOCEX Project subscription service may purchase reproductions of specific publications on an individual basis from: Photoduplication Service Library of Congress Washington, D.C. 20540 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 1. The Economic Indicators Weekly Review provides up-to-date information on changes in the domestic and external economic activities of the major non- Communist developed countries. To the extent possible, the Economic Indicators Weekly Review is updated from press ticker and Embassy reporting, so that the results are made available to the reader weeks-or sometimes months-before receipt of official statistical publications. US data are provided by US government agencies. 2. Source notes for the Economic Indicators Weekly Review are revised every few months. The most recent date of publication of source notes is 20 October 1977. Comments and queries regarding the Economic Indicators Weekly Review are welcomed. Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 IN DUSTRI ,-d'BQ sTLGQ*2/MOgXAdDB go9apAW United States Japan 1973 AVERAGE 120 West Germany 130 120 France 110 JAN APR JUL OCT JAN APR JUL OCT JAN APR JUL OCT JAN APR JUL OCT JAN APR JUL OCT JAN APR JUL OCT 1972 1973 1974 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 111 JAN APR JUL OCT JAN APR JUL OCT JAN APR JUL OCT JAN APR JUL OCT JAN APR JUL OCT JAN APR JUL OCT United States Japan West Germany France 1974 1975 1976 1977 Percent AVERAGE ANNUAL Change GROWTH RATE SINCE from LATEST Previous 1 Year 3 Months MONTH Month 1970 Earlier Earlierl 103 Percent AVERAGE ANNUAL Change GROWTH RATE SINCE from LATEST Previous 1 Year 3 Months MONTH Month 1970 Earlier Earlierl , .P 77 0.4 3.6 6.1 49 t United Kingdom IUL 77 2.8 0.4 -1.0 -8.5 AUG 77 1.2 3.8 2.9 -2.6 Italy AUG 77 -3.4 1.5 -1.8 -33.4 aUG 77 a 2.1 2.1 u Canada AJN 77 03 4.1 4.5 1.4 :A000 77 0 3.1 0 -3.1 1 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 UNEMPLOYMENT PERCENT OF LABOR FORCE United States West Germany JAN APR JUL OCT JAN APR JUL OCT JAN APR JUL OCT JAN APR JUL OCT JAN APR JUL OCT JAN APR JUL OCT 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 United Kingdom Italy (quarterly) A labor force survey based on new definitions of economic activity sharply raised the official estimate of Italian unemployment In first quarter 1977. Data for earlier periods thus are not comparable. Italian data are not seasonally adjusted. Canada THOUSANDS OF PERSONS UNEMPLOYED 1 Year Earlier 3 Months Earlier 1 Year Earlier 3 Months Earlier United States - FP 77 6,773 /,448 6,962 9 United Kingdom -rp 77 1,446 1,319 1,353 Japan JUN 77 1,190 1,120 1,050 i Italy /7 III 1,692 776 1,432 West Germany CEP 77 1,046 1,034 1,045 Canada IUL 77 659 751 870 France "EP 77 1,159 941 1,150 NOTE: Data are seasonally adjusted. Unemployment rates for France are estimated. The rates shown for Japan, Italy and Canada are roughly comparable to US rates. For 1975.77, the rates for France and the United Kingdom should be increased by 5 percent and 15 percent respectively, and those for West Germany decreased by 20 percent to be roughly comparable with US rates. Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 DOMESTIC PRICES1 INDEX: 1970=100 United States West Germany 150 125 France 225 200 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 United Kingdom Italy 300 275 250 225 OCT JAN APR JUL OCT 1973 3 United States Japan West Germany France -0.3 -1.4 8.2 7.6 9.9 9.1 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 14.8 20.0 13.4 13.9 1S.5 '.. 6.8 14.7 5.0 20.1 9.9 9.6 2.2 8.4 10.3 ' Approved For Release 002/02 GNP RETAIL SALES Constant Market Prices Constant Prices Average Average Annual Growth Rate Since Annual Growth Rate Since Percent Change Percent Change Latest from Previous 1 Year Previous Latest from Previous 1 Year 3 Months Quarter Quarter 1970 Earlier Quarter Month Month 1970 Earlier Earlier e United States 77 111 0.9 3.2 4.6 3.8 United States Aug 77 1.6 3.3 4.7 -3.7 Japan 77 II 1.9 5.6 5.6 7.6 Japan Jun 77 -0.1 9.8 2.6 1.4 West Germany 77 11 -0.2 6.3 2.4 -1.0 West Germany Aug 77 3.4 2.9 7.9 14.5 France 76 IV 0 3.9 4.9 0 France Jun 77 7.7 -0.3 1.0 -8.1 United Kingdom 77 I -1.9 1.6 -1.3 -7.5 United Kingdom Sep 77 -0.7 1.0 -2.2 12.2 Italy 76 IV 1.1 3.0 5.5 4.6 Italy Apr 77 -0.4 2.8 1.0 -3.1 Canada 76 IV -0.6 4.8 3.4 -2.5 Canada Jun 77 -0.7 4.1 -3.7 -8.7 Seasonally adjusted. Seasonaty adjusted. Average for latest 3 months compared with average for prev ious 3 months. FIXED INVESTMENT' WAGES IN MANUFACTURING' Non-residential; constant prices Average Annual Growth Rate Since Average Percent Change Annual Growth Rate Since Latest from Previous 1 Year 3 Months Percent Change Latest from Previous 1 Yea, Previous Period Period 1970 Earlier Earlier' Quarter Quarter 1970 Earlier Quarter United States Jul 77 0.6 7.5 7.6 8.1 United States 77 III 1.0 2.1 7.8 4 2 . Japan Jun 77 1.7 17.3 12:5 8.7 Japan 77 11 0.5 1.1 4.5 2 0 . West Germany 77 II 1.7 9.5 7.5 7.2 West Germany 77 II - 1.6 0.4 3.4 -6 4 . France 77 I 2.3 14.1 13.9 9.5 France 75 IV 8.8 4.2 2.9 40 1 . United Kingdom tun 77 0.3 15.7 3.4 3.6 United Kingdom 77 I -0.6 0 3.4 -2 5 . Italy May 77 5.3 21.1 29.4 33.2 Italy 76 IV 5.2 3.0 15.4 22 4 . Canada Jun 77 1.3 11.5 10.7 11.7 Canada 76 IV 8.5 6.8 5.1 38 7 ' . Hourly earnings (seasonally adjusted) for the United States, Japan, and Canada; h ourly wage Seasonally adjusted. rates for others. West German and French data refer to the beg inning of the quarter. Average for latest 3 months compared with that for previous 3 months. MONEY MARKET RATES Percent Rate of Interest 1 Year 3 Months I Month Representative rotes Latest Date Earlier Earlier Earlier United States Commerical paper Oct 12 6.43 5.19 5.38 6.01 Japan Call money Oct 14 5.00 6.75 5.63 4.88 West Germany Interbank loans (3 months) Oct 12 4.06 4.80 4.19 4.07 France Call money Oct 14 8.38 9.75 8.63 8.50 United Kingdom Sterling interbank loans (3 months) Oct 12 5.18 14.24 7.89 6.09 Canada Finance paper Oct 12 7.09 9.44 7.25 7.50 Eurodollars Three-month deposits Oct 12 7.19 5.46 5.75 6.49 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 EXPORT PRIQAAproved For Release 2002/02/01 1 ?9 7A000300020001-8 US $ National Currency Average. Average Annual Growth Rate Since Annual Growth Rat e Since Percent Change Percent Change Latest from Previous 1 Year 3 Months Latest from Previous 1 Year 3 Months Month Month 1970 Earlier Earlier Month Month 1970 Earlier Earlier United States Jul 77 -0.6 9.6 4.7 -1.7 United States Jul 77 -0.6 9.6 4.7 -1.7 Japan Jun 77 2.0 10.8 14.9 10.1 Japan Jun 77 0.4 6.5 4.7 -1.0 West Germany Aug 77 - 1.1 11.4 9.1 7.9 West Germany Aug 77 -0.2 4.5 -0.1 0.6 France Jul 77 1.5 11.3 8.2 10.2 France Jul 77 -0.1 9.2 8.7 1.7 United Kingdom Aug 77 2.9 11.0 13.9 15.7 United Kingdom Aug 77 1.9 16.1 16.7 10.1 Italy Apr 77 -0.3 11.1 17.4 12.6 Italy Apr 77 1.9 16.9 18.5 16.6 Canada May 77 0.3 9.7 -0.8 -0.8 Canada May 77 0.1 9.7 6.1 7.4 IMPORT PRICES OFFICIAL RESERVES National Currency Average Annual Growth Rate Since Billion US $ Percent Change Latest Month Latest from Previous 1 Year 3 Months 1 Year 3 Months Month Month 1970 Earlier Earlier End of Billion US $ Jun 1970 Earlier Earlier United States Jul 77 0.6 13.4 7.9 7.6 United States Aug 77 19.1 14.5 18.6 19.2 Japan Jun 77 -0.8 10.9 0.3 -14.8 Japan Sep 77 17.9 4.1 16.5 17.4 West Germany Aug 77 0.6 4.4 -0.7 3.3 West Germany Aug 77 34.9 8.8 34.3 34.8 France Jul 77 0.1 10.3 14.3 -0.3 France Jul 77 9.9 4.4 9.4 10.0 United Kingdom Aug 77 -1.0 19.3 13.9 1.7 United Kingdom Sep 77 17.2 2.8 5.2 11.6 Italy Apr 77 1.0 21.1 13.7 15.1 Italy Jul 77 10.5 4.7 6.2 6.8 Canada May 77 0.5 8.6 11.9 18.2 Canada Jun 77 5.1 4.3 6.0 5.1 CURRENT ACCOUNT BALANCE' BASIC BALAN CE Current and Long-Term-Capital Transactions Cumulative (Million us $) Cumulative (Million US.$) Latest Latest Period Million US $ 1977 1976 Change Period Million US $ 1977 1976 Change United States 2 77 11 -4,605 -8,763 1,070 -9,833 United States No longer published 2 Japan Aug 77 660 5,321 1,255 4,066 Japan Aug 77 260 3,781 1,472 2,309 West Germany Aug 77 -726 684 177 506 West Germany Aug 77 -1,048 -3,403 883 -4,287 France 77 II -438 -2,101 -2,052 -50 France 77 I -1,354 -1,354 -2,015 660 United Kingdom 77 I -773 -773 -502 -271 United Kingdom 76 IV -277 N.A. -4,171 N.A. Italy 77 1 -929 -929 -1,413 484 Italy 76 III 779 N.A. 1,096 N.A. Canada 77 1 -1,530 -1,530 -1,911 381 Canada 77 1 -550 -550 882 -1,432 'Converted to US dollars at the current market rates of exchange. 'Converted to US dollars at the currant market rates of exchange. 2 As recommended by the Advisory Committee on the Presentation of Balance of Payments ' Seasonally adjusted. Statistics, the Department of Commerce no longer publishes a basic balance. TRADE-WEIGHTED EXCHANGE RATES EXCHANGE RATES As of 28 Oct 77 Spot Rate Percent Change from Percent Change from As of 28 Oct 77 US $ - 1 Year 3 Months - 1 Year 3 Months Per Unit 19 Mar 73 Earlier Earlier 21 Oct 77 19 Mar 73 Earlier Earlier 21 Oct 77 Japan (yen) 0.0040 5.02 17.33 6.36 1.84 United States 5.29 0.62 -0.33 - 0.21 West Germany 0.4 421 24.85 6.97 1.28 0.31 Japan - 10.95 19.44 6.46 1.82 (Deutsche mark) West Germany 27.67 4.39 0.78 0.02 France (franc) 0.2 066 -6.26 2.79 0.67 0.34 France -7.83 -0.73 -0.20 0.05 United Kingdom 1.7770 -27.79 7.73 2.33 0.42 United Kingdom -28.60 7.03 2.51 0.22 (pound sterling) Italy -39.36 -4.60 -0.60 - 0.20 Italy (lira) 0.0011 -35.76 - 1.22 0.26 0.09 Canada -7.88 - 13.24 -3.74 - 0.92 Canada (dollar) 0.9043 -9.36 - 12.09 -3.29 -0.77 'Weighting is based on each listed country's trade with 16 other industrialized countries to i reflect the competitive es. impact of exchange rate variations among the major currenc Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 World Big Seven Other OECD OPEC 2 Com- munist Other World Big Seven Other OECD OPEC' Com- munist Other UNITED STATES' 1974 ............. 98,507 45,866 15,630 6,723 3,406 26,882 100,218 49,490 9,415 15,636 1,282 24,395 1975 ............. 107,592 46,926 16,191 10,765 3,699 30,011 96,140 46,715 8,170 17,083 1,156 23,016 1976 ............. 114,997 51,298 17,612 12,567 3,936 29,584 120,677 56,626 9,058 25,017 1,445 28 531 1st Qtr ........ 27,360 12,184 4,088 2,751 1,144 7,193 27,319 12,884 2,226 5,570 327 , 6,312 2d Qtr ........ 29,695 13,383 4,496 3,113 1,088 7,615 28,367 14,332 2,242 5,582 372 5,839 3d Qtr ........ 27,437 11,944 4,073 3,106 850 7,464 32,452 14,285 2,228 6,952 389 8,598 4th Qtr ........ 30,505 13,787 4,955 3,597 854 7,312 32,539 15,125 2,362 6,913 357 7,782 1977 1st Qtr ........ 29,454 13,752 4,716 3,136 951 6,899 34,990 15,124 2,566 8,324 366 8,610 2d Qtr ........ 31,673 14,282 4,707 3,389 816 8,479 37,907 17,059 2,578 8,673 411 9,186 JAPAN 1974 ............. 55,610 18,591 6,862 5,450 4,367 20,340 62,074 18,755 6,219 19,970 3,684 13,446 1975 ............. 55,812 16,468 6,091 8,423 5,283 19,547 57,853 16,917 6,083 19,404 3,382 12,067 1976 ............. 67,364 22,406 8,588 9,278 5,049 22,043 64,895 17,534 7,777 21,877 2,926 14,781 1st Qtr ........ 14,429 4,848 1,827 1,872 1,289 4,593 14,832 4,083 1,696 5,213 671 3,169 2d Qtr ........ 16,431 5,402 2,092 2,271 1,348 5,318 15,903 4,347 1,948 5,400 667 3,541 3d Qtr ........ 17,542 5,897 2,272 2,476 1,135 5,762 16,818 4,497 2,137 5,406 747 4,031 4th Qtr ........ 1977 18,962 6,259 2,397 2,659 1,277 6,370 17,342 4,607 1,996 5,858 841 4,040 1st Qtr ........ 17,911 5,848 2,449 2,459 1,409 5,746 17,452 4,717 1,845 6,246 801 3,843 Apr & May ..... 13,017 4,404 1,611 1,823 875 4,304 11,988 3,195 1,380 3,925 575 2,913 WEST GERMANY 1974 ............. 89,365 30,820 36,431 4,066 9,473 8,575 69,659 23,878 25,504 9,211 5,153 5,913 1975 ............. 90,181 28,331 36,406 6,776 10,629 8,039 74,986 27,085 27,761 8,239 5,526 6,375 1976 ............. 101,980 33,443 41,811 8,245 10,310 8,171 88,211 31,281 32,632 9,720 6,718 7 860 1st Qtr ........ 23,467 7,918 9,519 1,710 2,430 1,890 20,147 7,130 7,577 2,189 1,502 , 1,749 2d Qtr ........ 24,570 8,215 10,110 1,838 2,421 1,986 21,571 7,704 8,133 2,223 1,625 1,886 3d Qtr ........ 25,147 8,003 10,272 2,235 2,510 2,127 21,791 7,565 7,894 2,575 1,699 2,058 4th Qtr ........ 28,796 9,307 11,910 2,462 2,949 2,168 24,701 8,883 9,028 2,732 1,891 2,167 1977 1st Qtr ........ 27,804 9,281 11,609 2,307 2,156 2,451 24,084 8,465 8,828 2,578 1,270 2,943 Apr ........... 9,230 3,058 3,849 799 694 830 7,991 2,892 2,949 756 428 966 FRANCE 1974 ............. 45,914 19,361 14,854 3,017 2,265 6,417 52,874 22,062 13,620 10,117 1,714 5,361 1975 ............. 52,189 19,960 15,454 4,909 3,477 8,389 54,238 23,039 14,350 9,665 2,065 5,119 1976 ............. 55,680 22,438 16,081 5,067 3,558 8,536 64,256 27,750 16,894 11,336 2,384 892 5 1st Qtr ........ 13,639 5,524 3,921 1,240 917 2,037 15,529 6,567 4,157 2,818 595 , 1,392 2d Qtr ........ 14,769 5,911 4,395 1,221 1,059 2,183 16,187 7,149 4,324 2,610 593 1,511 3d Qtr ........ 12,409 4,922 3,446 1,280 729 2,032 14,841 6,431 3,733 2,723 577 1,377 4th Qtr ........ 14,863 6,081 4,319 1,326 853 2,284 17,699 7,603 4,680 3,185 619 1,612 1977 1st Qtr ........ 15,323 6,250 4,540 1,392 847 2,294 17,885 7,494 4,840 3,056 600 1,895 Apr ........... 5,232 2,193 1,569 460 288 722 5,788 2,499 1,543 879 194 673 UNITED KINGDOM 1974 ............. 38,615 11,704 15,544 2,554 1,458 7,355 54,107 18,158 17,968 8,695 1,870 7,416 1975 ............. 43,751 12,399 16,310 4,535 1,768 8,739 53,260 18,387 18,370 6,912 1,726 7,865 1976 ............. 46,312 14,016 17,492 5,133 1,619 8,052 56,029 19,653 18,732 7,292 2,143 8 209 1st Qtr ........ 11,637 3,415 4,362 1,238 433 2,189 13,641 4,704 4,597 1,824 510 , 2,006 2d Qtr ........ 11,553 3,532 4,307 1,259 420 2,035 14,052 5,041 4,547 1,738 579 2,147 3d Qtr ........ 11,058 3,430 4,100 1,262 386 1,880 13,787 4,744 4,547 1,893 528 2,075 4th Qtr ........ 12,064 3,639 4,723 1,374 380 1,948 14,549 5,164 5,041 1,837 526 1,981 1977 1st Qtr ........ 13,150 4,008 5,145 1,521 413 2,063 15,575 5,786 5,068 1,783 514 2,424 2d Qtr ........ 14,375 4,195 5,700 1,687 530 2,263 16,623 6,009 5,718 1,702 602 2,592 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79BOO457AO00300020001-8 Developed Countries: Direction of Trade (Continued) Exports to (f.o.b.) Imports from (c.i.f.) World Big Seven Other OECD OPEC 2 Com- munist Other World Big Seven Other OECD OPEC 2 Com- munist Other ITALY 1974 ............. 30,252 13,894 7,135 2,238 2,701 4,284 40,682 17,949 6,394 9,384 2,513 4,442 1975 ............. 34,825 15,626 7,519 3,718 3,228 4,734 37,928 17,284 6,189 7,854 2,431 4,170 1976 ............. 35,364 16,698 8,276 4,027 2,592 3,771 41,789 18,585 7,755 7,831 3,000 4,618 1st Qtr ........ 7,398 3,513 1,713 756 597 819 9,092 4,063 1,708 1,689 608 1,024 2d Qtr ........ 8,705 4,157 2,040 951 623 934 10,716 4,786 1,918 2,092 744 1,176 3d Qtr ........ 9,398 4,505 2,191 1,057 657 988 10,335 4,497 1,860 2,035 792 1,151 4th Qtr ........ 9,863 4,523 2,332 1,263 715 1,030 11,646 5,239 2,269 2,015 856 1,267 1977 1st Qtr ........ 9,668 4,520 2,264 1,236 655 993 11,299 4,964 2,130 2,166 720 1,319 Apr & May ..... 7,480 3,435 1,719 981 540 805 8,523 3,829 1,561 1,605 523 1,005 CANADA4 1974 ............. 32,390 26,827 1,970 626 851 2,116 32,408 25,965 1,508 2,613 343 1,979 1975 ............. 31,778 25,885 1,753 827 1,255 2,058 34,050 27,181 1,579 3,126 311 1,853 1976 ............. 37,746 31,415 2,048 930 1,270 2,083 37,922 30,383 1,661 3,171 363 2,344 1st Qtr ........ 8,539 7,197 424 167 334 417 9,159 7,331 367 843 85 533 2d Qtr ........ 10,015 8,441 496 183 345 550 10,290 8,175 421 954 95 645 3d Qtr ........ 9,216 7,486 568 271 354 537 8,834 6,965 433 716 91 629 4th Qtr ........ 9,976 8,291 560 309 237 579 9,639 7,912 440 658 92 537 1977 1st Qtr ........ 9,672 8,201 524 248 231 468 9,640 7,850 391 742 87 570 2d Qtr ........ 10,740 9,055 540 278 292 575 10,841 9,007 430. 677 96 631 Data are unadjusted. Because of rounding, components may not add to the totals shown. 2Including Gabon. Import data are f.a.s. Import data are f.o.b. Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79BOO457AO00300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 FOREIGN TRADE BILLION US $, f.o,b., seasonally adjusted United States 14.0 12.0 10.0 Japan West Germany 10.0 8.0 4.0 3.5 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 United Kingdom Semilogarithmic Scale .J 4.9 APR JUL OCT JAN 1974 CUMULATIVE (MILLION US $) LATEST MONTH MILLION US $ 1977 1976 CHANGE LATEST MONTH MILLION US $ 1977 1976 CHANGE 8 095 41 159 32,650 26.1% United States SEP 77 1,0,916 90,584 85,171 6.440 United Kingdom SEP 77 . , 936 44,196 4 37,511 17.8% 12,631 109,882 88,297 24.4% , Balance -1,715 -19,298 -3,126 -16,172 Balance 159 -3;037 -4,861 1,824 022 29 216 4 23,305 25.4"0 Japan AUG 77 6,521 51,989 42.541 22.2"o Italy AUG 77 , , 071 489 29 3 25,696 13.1% 5,466 40,645 35,772 13.6% , , Balance 1,055 11,344 6,769 4,575 Balance 533 146 -2,391 2,537 3 325 20 711 18,774 10.311. West Germany SEP 77 90,061 8,023 86,227 70,820 73,878 60,750 16.7"0 16.6% Canada JUN 77 , , 3,311 20,020 18,940 5.7% Balance 2,038 15,407 13,129 2,279 5 510 41 964 37,453 12.0?'o France AUG 77 , 5,888 , 44,174 39,000 13.3% Balance -378 -2,210 -1,548 -662 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 FOREIGN TRADE PRICES IN US $1 United States INDEX: JAN 1975 =100 Japan West Germany 1Export and import plots are based on five month weighted moving averages. A-14 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A0003006200C Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 France United Kingdom ._....'?~,104 1977 W4353 10-77 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approve ELECTED DEVELOPINGPCOUNTRIES 0020001-8 MONEY SUPPLY' INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION' Average Average Annual Growth Rate Since Annual Growth Rate Since Percent Change Percent Change Latest from Previous . 1 Year Latest from Previous 1 Year 3 Months Month Month 1970 Earlier Period Period 1970 Earlier Earlier' Brazil May 77 1.5 36.3 41.7 Brazil 76 11 0.1 11.0 10.7 0.4 Egypt Apr 77 1.2 18.6 23.0 India Feb 77 3.5 5.5 6.8 18.8 India Apr 77 0.9 12.2 19.7 South Korea Jun 77 8.3 22.8 14.7 22.8 Iron Jun 77 -4.5 28.8 26.5 Mexico May 77 1:9 5.9 2.4 27.1 South Korea Jul 77 1.9 31.6 39.6 Nigeria 76 IV 0.2 11.3 9.0 0.7 Mexico Jun 76 -0.3 17.0 16.6 Taiwan Jul 77 -2.0 14.2 8.9 12.7 Nigeria Feb 77 5.9 35.9 54.8 Taiwan May 77 0.6 24.1 21.0 Seasonally adjusted. ' Average for latest 3 months compared with average for previous 3 months. Thailand May 77 1.5 13.5 13.0 ' Seasonally adjusted. 'Average for latest 3 months compared with average for previous 3 months. CONSUME R PRICES WHOLESALE PRICES Average Annual Growth Rate Since Average Percent Change Annual Growth Rate Since Latest from Previous 1 Year Percent Change Month Month 1970 Earlier Latest from Previous 1 Year Month Month 1970 Earlier Brazil May 77 3.5 26.9 44.4 Brazil Aug 77 0.9 27.2 37.0 India Apr 77 0.3 8.1 8.3 India May 77 2.0 9.5 10.2 Iran Jun 77 1.6 12.5 29.9 Iran Jun 77 0.1 10.9 21.6 South Korea Aug 77 1.3 14.6 9.7 South Korea Aug 77 0.7 16.3 9.2 Mexico Jul 77 1.1 14.7 32.9 Mexico Jul 77 0.7 16.4 48.2 Nigera Mar 77 3.4 14.9 13.6 Taiwan Jul 77 0 9.1 4.1 Taiwan Jul 77 0.4 10.6 7.2 Thailand Jul 77 1.0 10.1 7.1 Thailand Jul 77 0.4 8.6 9.4 EXPORT PRICES OFFICIAL RES ERVES US $ Million US $ Latest Month Average 1 Year 3 Months Annual Growth Rate Since End of Million US $ Jun 1970 Earlier Earlier Percent Change _ Latest from Previous 1 Year 3 Months Brazil Feb 77 5,873 1,013 3,667 5,139 Period Period 1970 Earlier Earlier Egypt Apr 77 405 155 375 389 Brazil Mar 77 4.5 16.5 35.4 -34.4 India Jun 77 4,559 1,006 2,449 3,747 India Nov 76 -2.1 9.4 10.5 -4.0 Iran Jul 77 11,592 208 8,426 10,548 Iran Jun 77 0 36.0 18.9 0 South Korea Jul 77 3,656 602 2,128 3,247 South Korea 77 I 1.7 8.8 11.9 6.9 Mexico Mar 76 1,501 695 1,479 1,533 Nigeria May 76 -0.1 33.2 8.2 6.6 Nigeria Jun 77 4,663 148 5,885 4,931 Taiwan May 77 0.4 12.3 9.4 14.7 Taiwan Jun 77 1,411 531 1,394 1,349 Thailand Dec 76 2.0 13.3 13.1 77.7 Thailand Jul 77 2,017 978 1,929 2,006 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Latest 3 Months Percent Change from Jun 77 Exports 190.5 37.3 6,199 4,410 40.6% Jun 77 Imports 47.0 -0.4 5,963 5,938 0.4% Jun 77 Balance 236 - 1,528 1,764 76 IV Exports -9.0 -33.3 NA NA NA 76 IV Imports 76 IV Balance 177.6 15.7 NA NA NA NA NA NA Apr 77 Exports 109.3 13.0 1,890 1,670 13.2% Apr 77 Imports -56.3 5.6 1,456 1,434 1.5% Apr 77 Balance 434 236 198 Iran Jun 77 Exports -4.4 4.2 11,984 10,968 9.3% May 77 Imports 143.6 6.8 5,268 5,050 4.3% May 77 Balance 4,845 3,926 919 South Korea Jun 77 Exports 107.4 23.8 4,518 3,414 32.3% Jun 77 Imports 158.0 31.7 4,692 3,625 29.4% Jun 77 Balance -174 -211 37 Mexico Jun 77 Exports 17.1 25.3 2,162 1,661 30.2% Jun 77 Imports 73.5 -21.5 2,340 2,971 -21.2% Jun 77 Balance -178 -1,310 1,132 Nigeria May 77 Exports 17.1 24.5 1,965 1,570 25.2% Dec 76 Imports Dec 76 Balance 73.5 8.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA Taiwan Jul 77 Exports 207.0 22.1 5,078 4,458 13.9% Jul 77 Imports 92.6 16.8 4,441 3,924 13.2% Jul 77 Balance 637 534 103 Thailand Apr 77 Exports 34.3 22.9 1,221 963 26.8% Mar 77 Imports 30.1 22.7 940 766 22.7% Mar 77 Balance - 22 - 39 17 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 AGRICULTURAL PRICES MONTHLY AVERAGE CASH PRICE WHEAT CORN SUGAR $ PER METRIC TON 75 C PER POUND 1-26 OCT II SOYBEANS 15 $ PER BUSHEL 1-26 OCT $ PER METRIC TON 1-26 OCT I I ^ COFFEE/TEA 400 C PER POUND 2,000 TEA London Auction 17 OCT 100.0 10 OCT 96.9 300 SEP 77 89.6 1,500 OCT 76 76.0 26 OCT 0.4901 19 OCT 0.5027 150 SEP 77 0.4963 500 OCT 76 0.7827 100 1-26 OCT I 26 OCT 1.96 19 OCT 1.88 SEP 77 1.84 OCT 76 2.51 1-26 OCT ii COFFEE Milds Washed, New York Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 37.5 $. PER HUNDRED WEIGHT No. 2 Medium Grain, 4% Brokens, f.o.b. mills, Houston, Tex. 17 OCT 16.50 $ PER METRIC TON 400 26 OCT 142.00 350 19 OCT 135.00 SEP 77 143.50 300 OCT 76 171.48 CPYRGHT 325 C PER POUND Bahia, New York price 225 ' 1.17 OCT I I T Percent UUIK, r.o.D. uecatur 80 1973 1.26 OCT 11 100 1976 1977 SOYBEAN OIL/PALM OIL $ PER METRIC TON $ PER POUND 7,000 0.5 19 AUG 213.50 12 AUG 225.00 AUG 77 222.22 OCT 76 132.54 FOOD INDEX 500 1-19 AUG 1,000 11 1977 SOYBEAN OIL Crude, Tank Cars, f.o.b. Decatur 26 OCT 0.1887 19 OCT 0.1823 SEP 77 0.1917 OCT 76 0.2068 26 OCT 0.200 19 OCT 0.200 SEP 77 0.216 OCT 76 0.194 1-26 OCT I NOTE: The food index is compiled by the Economist for 16 food commodities which enter international trade. Commodities are weighted by 3-year moving averages of imports into industrialized countries. Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 _6,000 0.4 - Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS PRICES MONTHLY AVERAGE CASH PRICE 80 $ PER METRIC TON LEAD C PER POUND 26 OCT 54.2 60 6 . 26 OCT 28.3 31.C 19 OCT 55.2 60.6 19 OCT 27.9 31.1 SEP 77 54.3 60.6 3 OCT 76 73 .2,500 SEP 77 26.3 31.0 ' 800 58.5 .0 35 OCT 76 21.0 25.I 55.0 1-26 OCT i I 1,000 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 10 1-26 OCTI 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 LME US 14,000 1-26 OCT I I ' 0 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 0 150 125 100 24 OCT 50.0 19 OCT 50.3 SEP 77 59.6 OCT 76 64.8 $ PER METRIC TON150 1-26 OCTj 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1-24 OCT I 0 1973 1974 1975 1976 1!977 100 1-26 OCT I.I 1973 1974 1975 1976 - 1977 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 CPYRGHT ALUMINUM Major US Producer d per pound 53.00 51.00 48.00 41.00 US STEEL Composite $ per long ton 359.36 339.27 327.00 303.85 IRON ORE Non-Bessemer Old Range $ per long ton 21.43 21.43 20.51 18.75 CHROME ORE Russian, Metallurgical Grade $ per metric ton 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 CHROME ORE S. Africa, Chemical Grade $ per long ton 58.50 58.50 42.00 44.50 FERROCHROME US Producer, 66 -70 Percent E per pound 41.00 43.00 44.00 53.50 NICKEL Composite US Producer $ per pound 2.16 2.35 2.41 2.20 MANGANESE ORE 48 Percent Mn $ per long ton 72.24 72.00 72.00 67.20 TUNGSTEN ORE 65 Percent W03 $ per short ton 10,112.96 10,628.47 7,640.84 5,101.29 MERCURY NY $ per 76 pound flask 140.00 166.15 132,45 132.00 SILVER LME Cash E per troy ounce 481.92 479.23 421.55 433.80 GOLD London Afternoon Fixing Price $ per troy ounce 160.68 149.17 116.12 142.76 RUBBER 60 C PER POUND LUMBER INDEX6 160 1Approximates world market price frequently used by major world producers and traders, although only small quantities of these metals are actually traded on the LME. 2Producers' price, covers most primary metals sold In the US. 3As of 1 Dec 75, US tin price quoted is "Tin NY lb composite." 4Quoted on New York market. 5S-type styrene, US export price. 6This index is compiled by using the average of 13 types of lumber whose prices are regarded as "bell wethers" of US lumber construction costs. 7Composite price for Chicago, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh. NOTE: The industrial materials index is compiled by the Economist for 19 raw materials which enter International trade. Commodities are weighted by 3-year moving averages of imports into industrialized countries. Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 4 Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8 Next 50 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/02/01 : CIA-RDP79B00457A000300020001-8