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Approved For Release 2000RIRECIA-RDP79-Q1577A000100010018-1
DDS Information Processing Coordinator
SavingA Through the Use of Computers
DD/S 706.0672 (16 February 197))
1. In ze. Gnae to the rerrence1 attached herevith is a series of
Office of C comment reports vhich show how this office
has saved personnel posi ons handled increased workloads, or used
omputers to accomplish work tasks that would otheruise be beyond our
capability to perform.
2. Should questions a . re1ate to the attachments to this memo-
ramdomo contact the undersigned for mo detailed information.
ftecutive Asoietant
Mice of Communications
Attachments: (6)
? OC-A Report
2 OC-CS Report
25X1A 3OC. Report
0C-CCD Report
OC-SCD Report
OC-ST'D Report
Orig & 2 - DDS/IPC w/atts.
1 - OC-RMS w/o atts.
ct)-OC-EXA Chrono w/o atts.
- OC-EXA Studies and Statistics w/atts.
25X1A ORIG:0C-EXAdjd:12 March 1970
Approved For Release 2000/0ZU
. -RDP79-01577A00010
tteloded from adorn*
0 'Wan& Ind
Approved For I,R4,lease 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79-Q,I,577A000100010018-1 Is
Through the Use of Computers
1. The use of computers is best Shove by ability of OC-A to absoeb a
sdbetant in workload in administering Communications personnel
over the east ten yearswithout an increase in the Administration Staff's
Table of Orani ration During this period, 25X9
management has become re sophisticated and coat conscious, resulting in
more reports and reviews. The MmtnistrstiOfl Staff could not have absorbed
the increased workload except through the use of ADP equipuent. Examples of
the assistance computers have given us follow4 We are unable to identify
the manpower used to perform these functions manually prior to the use of
computers. As a result we have estimated the manpoyer savings.
a. Machine runs
!Or month.
b. (1) chine run 144E . Headroom Reporting
entirely from this run - 8 manhoure per month.
(2) Provides SC monthly coMearison of career service on-duty
strength and career service grade authorization. And as a result
the Development Complement silo cation report is no longer necessary
2 manhouTe Per month.
c. Machine run 145A - SC positions by panel by grade - eliminates
tins spent on stroke tallying to determine points - 4 menhours per month.
d. Machine run 184 - Fitness Reports - this run permits monitor-
ing of report submission without maintaining a tickler file - 40 menhours
per month..
Other runs received are the 222C not to exceed roster (people
and on Personnel Rank Assignments), Education Listing, Personnel
Reports and others save time because name' record keeping is
2Strength Reports - 16 mmehours
Personnel Total - 70 menhours per north
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Obligation Status Report - Eliminated manual postings and now
a more time to do a better analysis of unliquidated obligation -
b. Automated Budget Program - Develops budget data in various
arrays at a sub-object class fan account level, vhich is a great im-
provement Leitt2-11-TE.A.M.:.M211.2.
c. A follov-on gives us a monthly trend report, which enables a
quick review of our financial position -
Budget Total - ELpan1_2,5Lur_r_L_areonth
This system today is 50 percent manual and 50 percent automated.
The manual system consists of recording encumbrances and issues to
determine the available balance of PRA. The issues are recorded through
the maehine system and recorded manually in total against the encum-
brances. If the trend continues to convert Type 1 stations to Type 2
systems, the additional vorkload cannot be absorbed with the present
winter of personnel involved in the recording of obligations and property
data. At the present time, the workload of this section is at the maxi-
mum and any additional increase viii necessitate increasing the staff
by one additional employee.
2. In summary, the OC Administration Staff reports an approximate saving
of 114 manhours per month by the use of ADP reports.
Category 13 & C
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Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79-01577A000100010018-1
the Use of Commuters
The CMmmunicationsBecuri.ty Staff is pre?ently n&erteking tio
Continuing projects utt2.tttng computers. These two projects relate
to the pEtEC inventory of electrical office equipment (320 hours)
and to the production of several voice codes (31000 manhours). This
estimated increased workload of 3,320 nhours has been assumed
without an increase in personnel. These projects could be done
manually,. but would require to additional people on full-time
Category & C
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25X1 A
Approved For Relpase 2000MICIA-RDP79-01577A000100010018-1
Actvatjouor -II persdtted a reduction of five togltioni below
to operate a manual torn tape relay facility.
p however, mere shifted to the Facilities Control area where
reased vith the addition of circuitry and installation of ncv
aystems. Additionally, eleven circuits vhich vere previously
In the Project Terminal FUcility and Special Activities
o reterminated in 14414 freeing personnel devoted to these
or other duties. Since these changes mere not full time
r facility (PTF ar sa), no personnel reduction was
the personnel time previously committed to these fUnctions
ther purposes in the message preparation, dissemination,
l fields, thus virtually eliminating both overtime and
an increase in the T/0 to provide adequate coverage in
the re
a snaller personnel conmdement, is
ircults beyond those which were handled
relay feiUtr. Further, the capability exists
increase circuit termination by more than
rease in traffic volumes) but mith signi-
personnel conolements, e.g., probably not more
a.Tfl im of error reports denoting an a circulti.b -circuit
basis the nwzer of messages requiring huxan corrective action due to
errors in pre ration by eonnected stations/terndnals permits tinely
Corrective action to be taken in reducing the percentage of error,
restating in an increase in the operating efficiency of the network.
b. An increase in the security of nessage handling on a need-to-
know basin in that the normal message need not be vieved by anyone
during the relay process.
c. Alnost complete elimination of message backlogs tn the relay
process, thereby significantly reducing the tine lossinmessage handling
fOr the relay process.
d. The poseibility of ntsent euge?has been virtually eliminated.
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Approved For Relpase 2000METIA-RDP79-01577A000100010018-1
ti the effective utilize on of high-speed
ue which was not practicable with manual
economy of operation by reduction of cryptographi equip-
I gear,.
f. Circuit end volume statistics for any given period of tine
Which previously had to be accumulated manually, are now generated
automatically on request.
g. The amount of .per tape th use in the Signal CenteD ii signi-
ficantly reduced, with the attendant reduction in the storage and burn
requirement as well as a poesible fire hazard,
h. Eliminates the costly and time-consuming error taetrr resulting
from the inevitable percentage of mie-handled messages manual torn
tape relay process.
catego A-B-C
Approved For Release 20001ELFIA-RDP79-01577A000100010018-1
Approved For Rase 200SECIET CIA-RDP79-01577A000100010018-1
25X1A Atthiut to OC
Savings Through the Use of Computere
The inst ion of MAX-I at in re-1965 ;emitted the
ndling of a 0$ increase in the traffic work load by 11-1969 without
he need for additional personnel. Usine 7Y-1965 (pre-MAX) productivity
factors per man, the traffic increase represents the equivalent of approx-
imately 28 more personnel. Since no personnel were added, the figure of
28 positions ca e be regarded as savings attritutable to the automation of
the facility. Barinthetti
25X1A from the base t
25v1A authorized in 1966 to currently authorized for FY-1970. The combined
j"r-' traffic increase-0 and the personnel reductions could not have been handled
without the computer. (Cateqory A-B-C)
These c sett, processor-controlled, store-and-forward switch.
ing and relay aistenia perform functions related to inter-station message
communication traffic. MAX-II is located in and serves the, Headquarter('
25X1A comPlex? (See for aaviegs or work benefits. MAX 11 is programmel
and connected for rau ual contingency support. Category A-B-C)
1. MAXIfl is 1acated at the
II i programmed and connected vith MAX-I/ for mutual conttnency support.
On is basis, if NAk./I/ were to experience failure, MAX-1I would take over
MAX-II/ts work and process the traffic.
2. The Computer Message Switching System has increased the capacity of
the Relay Station to operate a greater number of circuits with increased
volume without additional empowers The system:them the capacity to cope
with the xessage relay workload more efficiently with improved service to the
respective tributary stations. the flow of traffic to the tributary is even
and the traffic is transmitted in order of precedence on a first-ia/first-out
beets. Additionally, the tributary station has a limited ability of being
eelfserved, i.e., the tributary operator can directly interrogate the proces-
sor and receive message re-rune automatically; can start/stop flaw of traffic
to himeelf as his individual needs dictate.
3. Although manpower at the relay has not been reduced, the switch per-
mits managenent to assign (1) additional opereting personnel to control
pesitions--thus directly improving service to the customer, and (2) personnel
to training in ney clandestine and staff equipment and techniques.
(gory A-B-C)
Approved For Release 20QW.RM : CIA-RDP79-01577A000100+MArtaric
40111* e,plasofieetion
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Approved For Release 2001110111,CIA-RDP79-01577A000100010018-1
Savings Through the Use of Computers
use of compu re are as roUOV$
a. Saved
and ultimately to the Agency through the
=RAN - (able Traffic Analysis) - A computer-based program
for the treatment of Management-oriented statistics relative to
the operation of the Agency's communications system. /he use of
computers in the management analysis of our world-wide communica
tions activity has resulted in a savings of 1500 mauhours per
year. The saved nanhours are applied within the Staff Communica-
tions Division to other system operation requirements.
b. Assumption of heavier workload without increased number of
Nam (ocs support to OC 's Conmunication Equipment Pro-
graming Activity) - Storage and selective retraval of data
related to the issue, installation, and use of non-expendable
equipment. These programs have made possible our ability to
handle a 150% increase in workload at Headquarters level without
the necessity of re-questing additional ranpoverl and has enabled
as to standardize informational and reporting methods and proce-
dures, thus making the data base more accurate and meaningful.
This, in turn, leads to upgrading the effectiveness of our equip-
ment programming effort.
c. Doing otherwise impossible things:
(a) There are two UNIVAC 9300 ayatans and one
system installed in 0C-DVDA2ACOM. These systems are
data communicationa terminals to:
Transmit and receive data in the form of cards,
tic ta s, paper tapes, and/or page copy to and from
foreign field station,.
(2.) Serve as a small, temporary, store-end-forward
data switch between the DD/S&T network atatione and the
OCS IBM-360 systems.
Serve as a remote job entry to the IB1-360
systema allowing rcisur to upgrade and retrieve data from
resident program.
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Approved For Vase 2000/08
(b) The types of data that the work processes and be
elements, plus the accuracy needed in the integrity of the
uakes it necessary that adata conmunications terminal of
umun 93ont1004 type be utilized. The data could not be
pro eased manually or with conventional communications terrine'
(c) The benefit derived from the uae o the data terrntual
gear include the capability to provide the customer with a fast
and secure transmission in a amchine language that he can further
manipulate in larger data processing syatems. Same MAW pro.
jects require real.time data cosmunications support available
only tbrougb the use of data terminal equipment.
(2) PDP-8
This couter, installed, maintained and Gperate4t ezc1uiveiy
the SCD ewrtronntrnt1 performs digital engineering functions
to hiheeed mathematical calculations as veil am design and
s of components and assetblies. Its use obviates the necessity
procure about 05,000 'worth of complex test and instrumentation
equipment, and enables Ile to simulate equipment interface systems
vhich are othervise very expensive or not readily available.
Category A-B-C
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5a) A-
PO kv.
Cc') PA-
0 P5
D Nowe
C5 A-
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