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Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA Three articles from special issue of "SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN," September 1976, on the world food problem. Through the 1950's and 1960's worldwide food consumption rose somewhat faster than the population growth rate and nutritional levels therefore improved. In contrast to that period, recent evidence suggests that in some parts of the world, especially in South Asia and Africa, population growth rates are down because death rates are up, largely because of food shortages. Furthermore, other areas of the world, including North America, no longer have the vast reserves of grain from which aid was supplied in the years preceding the 1970's. The bumper wheat and corn crops which were expected in the U.S. for 1977 are-now in question because of the severe winter drought, thus diminishing the opportunity to accumulate a substantial food reserve. The first of the attached articles provides considerable back- ground information on the nature of world food shortages and the primary solution to this problem, which is to increase production of basic food crops throughout the world. There follows an analysis of the scope of human hunger, involving an estimated 500 million people who suffer from malnutrition and another one billion who would benefit from a more varied diet. The third article examines the need for poorer countries to modernize their agricultural techniques and to revise their rural economies if they are to raise food production, income and living standards. Although the subject of food aid programs has become controversial, there is little controversy over helping others to grow more food. These articles substantiate the widely held view that self-help is in fact crucial to alleviating food shortages, in spite of the complex problems involved, since the alternative -- continued hunger and in- creasing starvation -- is worse. Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100040001-1 tabiished 1845 AMERICAN September 1976 Volume 235 Number 3 30 FOOD AND AGRICULTURE, by Sterling Wortman An issue on the food problem. The outlook is hopeful, if development stresses agriculture. 40 THE DIMENSIONS OF HUMAN HUNGER, by Jean Mayer The number of poorly nourished or undernourished people is roughly an eighth of mankind. 50 THE REQUIREMENTS OF HUMAN NUTRITION, by Nevin S. Scrimshaw and Vernon R. Young The requirements of individuals and populations are statistical approximations. -- _ _ ~n-?~ -LA t1-'IL VII- 1, 1Nu11t1i1V1N, by Jules Janick, Carl H. Noller and Charles L. Rhy kerd Energy and nutrients are processed by chains of organisms. _ _ _- - -- ? , _, - r,_ 11111 I'V"U.ttlJri MAIN, by Jack R. Harlan Man and the plants and animals he has domesticated in 10,000 years are now mutually dependent.. 98 AGRICULTURAI, SYSTEMS, by Robert S. Loomis What crops are grown where is set by a combination of ecological, economic and cultural factors. 106 THE AGRICULTURE OFTHE U.S., by Earl O. Heady Its productivity is the result of development policies that have been pursued for two centuries. 128 TILE AGRICULTURE OF 'MEXICO, by Edwin J. Wellhausen The country where the "green revolution" was begun is trying to extend it to the poorer farmer. 154 THE AGRICULTURE OF INDIA, by John W. Mellor It does better than one rr,ight think, but development may need more agricultural emphasis. 164 THE RESOURCES AVAILABLE FOR AGRICULTURE, by Roger Revelle The physical resources of earth, air, fire (energy) and water are far from being fully exploited. O AGRICULTU ---- - -- ---- ---?__-.-. RAL PRODUC IONV, by Peter R. Jennings The green revolution rests on the breeding of crops adapted to the needs of intensive agriculture. 196 THE DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, by W. David Hopper ` It needs additional technology and capital from the developed countries. - DEPARTMENTS 8 LETTERS 12 50 AND 100 YEARS AGO 18 THE AUTHORS 66 SCIENCE AND THE CITIZEN 206 MATHEMATICAL GAMES 212 BOOKS 220 BIBLIOGRAPHY BOARD OF EDITORS Gerard Piel (Publisher), Dennis Flanagan (Editor), Francis Bello (Associate Editor), Philip Morrison (Book Editor), Trudy E. Bell, Brian P. Hayes, Jonathan B. Piel, John Purcell, James T. Rogers, Armand Schwab, Jr., Jona- than B. Tucker, Joseph Wisnovsky WART DEPARTMENT Samuel L. Howard (Art Director), Ilil Arbel, Edward Bell =aoD.;CTIoNDEPARTMENT Richard Sasso (Production Manager), Carol Hansen, Michelle Lynn and Leo J. Petruzzi (Assistant Production Managers), Zelda Gilbert, Sandee Gonzalez, Julio E. Xavier COPY DEPARTMENT Sally Porter Jenks (Copy Chief), Judith Friedman, Dorothy Patterson, Kathy Scheinman GEN=_AA. MANAGER Donald H. Miller, Jr. ADVERT SING :);RECTOR C. John Kirby SS's'AN' TO THE PUsL:SHER George S. Conn CIRCULATION MANAGER-William H. Yokel PL3L,SHED MONTHLY BY SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. INC.. 415 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK, H Y 10017. COPYRIGHT (c) 1378 BY SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVE D P R N7ED IN THE U SA NO PART OF THIS ISSUE MAY BE REPRODUCED BY ANY MECHANICAL PHOTOGRAPHIC OR ELECTRONIC PROCESS. OR IN THE FORM OF A PHONOGRAP RE- CORDI.NG. NOR MAY IT BE STORED NPAA RETRIEVAL SgY~STEM. TRANSMITTED PC) HERWISE CCPIEO FFOOgRMPUBLIC 1OR PRIVATE USE WITHOUT WRITTEN PER HIC O } MISSION OP THE PUBLISHER CA ?OJS,CO~S POSTAGE PAID AT NEW YORK. N Y., AND T C~ EFV1 86109 a r9 DI ~I~777V~7lV OFFI 4AP 9-0, +1AV =i11DJP~FN 0 R COL ' qP S EP V4 S O !~ TTA.NA NTRIES Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100040001-1 THE AUTHORS STERLING WORTMAN ("Food and Agriculture") is a vice-president of the Rockefeller Foundation. A plant ge- neticist by training, he holds degrees from Oklahoma State University and the University of Minnesota. Since join- ing the staff of the foundation in 1950 he has worked as a corn breeder in Mexico, a pineapple breeder in Hawaii and a rice breeder in the Philippines. He has been based at the foundation's New York headquarters since 1966, when he be- came director of its agricultural-sciences division: he took up his present job four years later. Wortman currently serves as president of the International Agricul- tural Development Service and as a member of numerous boards and com- mittees, including three for the National Academy of Sciences: the Board on Sci- ence and Technology for International Development, the Committee on Schol- arly Communication with the People's Republic of China and the Steering Committee of the President's Study on Food-and Nutrition. In past years he has been a trustee of the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines, vice-chairman of the board of trustees of the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center in Mexico and a member of the World Bank Advisory Panel on Agriculture and Rural Devel- opment. Among his many honors he was the recipient last year of the Ameri- can Society of Agronomy's award for international service in agronomy. JEAN MAYER ("The Dimensions of Human Hunger") is the new president of Tufts University. Before taking office in July he was professor of nutrition at Harvard University. Born and educated in Paris, Mayer served with distinction in both the French Army and the Free French forces during World War II. Af- ter the war he resumed his studies at Yale University, where in 1948 he re- ceived a Ph.D. in physiological chemis- try. Two years later he was awarded his second doctorate (in physiology) by the Sorbonne. He joined the Harvard facul- ty soon afterward. An expert on the problem of human obesity and the mechanism by which the body regulates its food intake, he has published some 650 papers and several books (the latest of which, A Diet for Living, appeared in 1975). Over the years he has served as a consultant to several United Nations agencies, including the Food and Agri- culture Organization and the World Health Organization; at present he heads the UN Task Force on Child Nu- trition. As chairman of the National Council on Hunger and Malnutrition in the U.S., he played a major role in call- ing the nation's attention to the nutri- tional problems of the poor in America. In 1969, as a special consultant to the President, he directed the First White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health. He has since served as chairman of the nutrition division of the White House Conference on the Aging, and he currently heads the health com- mittee of the President's Consumer Ad- visory Council. W. DAVID HOPPER ("The Devel- opment of Agriculture in Developing Countries") is president of the Interna- tional Development Research Centre in Ottawa. Before returning to his native country of Canada to take up his present job in 1970 he had lived for most of the previous decade in New Delhi. where he served first as the director of evaluation of the Ford Foundation's Intensive Ag- ricultural Districts Program and later as associate field director of the Rocke- feller Foundation's Indian Agricultural Program and as visiting professor of ag- ricultural economics at the Indian Agri- cultural Research Institute. A graduate of McGill University, he first went to India for an extended stay in 1953, when he received a Social Science Research Council fellowship to study the eco- nomic organization of a village on the Gangetic Plain in north-central India. He left India two years later to continue his graduate studies at Cornell Universi- ty, where he obtained a Ph.D. in agricul- tural economics and cultural anthropol- ogy in 1957. After teaching for a time in Canada and the U.S. he went back to India in 1962 under the auspices of the Ford Foundation. During the latter half of the 1960's he was an important figure in the green revolution in Asian food production, working with the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Food and Agriculture Organization, the major bilateral donor agencies and Asian governments to match the needs of programs to expand food production with internal and external sources of in- vestment and assistance. He is currently chairman of the subcommittee of the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research for the establish- ment of an International Centre for Ag- ricultural Research in Dry Areas. Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100040001-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100040001-1 Food and Agriculture Introducing an issue about the world food problem. The situation is hopeful, with one proviso: that the development efforts of agrarian countries be concentrated less on industry and more on agriculture by Sterling Wortman CPYRGHT p1 The world food situation is serious, even precarious. It is also true that the world may have, for the first time in history, the ability to deal effec- tively with the interacting problems of food production, rapid population growth and poverty. What, then, is the moral of this issue of Scientific American dealing with food and agriculture? Certain facts are indisputable. The world population was two billion in 1930, reached three billion in 1960, stands today at four billion and is head- ed for six billion by the end of the centu- ry. On the other hand, the annual rate of increase appears now to be reaching a peak. The worldwide rate of food pro- duction has recently been increasing along with population. The "green revo- lution" of the late 1960's represented a significant improvement in grain-crop productivity, primarily in parts of Asia and Latin America: China now feeds its vast population: India has just reported a bumper crop of grain. Yet year in and year out much of the world cannot feed itself and has been making ends meet with food from diminishing surplus stocks in a ew countries. un re s 01 millions of people in scores of countries live in abject poverty, suffering from chronic malnutrition that reinforces their poverty and subject to calamitous famines when their precarious food sup- plies are reduced by drought or floods or wars [see "The Dimensions of Human Hunger," by Jean Mayer, page 40]. Faced with these facts, there are seri- ous scholars who forecast impending starvation of major international pro- portions. Some, pointing out that more than enough food is being produced in many parts of the world, advocate a rad- ical redistribution of that food from the rich countries to the poor ones. Others propose a different solution: they would abandon the populations of the coun- tries whose prospects for survival they consider virtually nil by withholding from them food and technical and eco- nomic aid, sending selective help instead only to those countries they give a rea- sonable.chance of survival. On the other hand, many students of the problem are optimistic that food supplies will im- prove gradually as scientific knowledge an e improve agricultural productivity, as population growth rates decline under the impact of mass education and fami- ly planning and also as an implicit ac- companiment of economic advances. The evidence assembled in this issue, to my mind, justifies the second of the two broad attitudes I have described, but with an important proviso: The im- provement will come about only if it is actively engendered. by radically new public policies both in the rich nations and in the poor nations themselves. It is important to realize that the mutual re- lations among the problems of low agri- cultural productivity, high population growth rates and poverty offer opportu- nity as well as difficulty. An all-out ef- fort to increase food production in the poor, food-deficit, countries may be the best means of raising incomes and ac- cumulating the capital for economic development, and thus for moving the poor countries through the demograph- ic transition to moderate rates of popu- lation growth. Since 1798, when Thomas Malthus published An Essay on the Principle of Population, there have been repeated warnings that man's numbers, which are subject to exponential increase, could- or at some time surely would-overtake food supplies, which Malthus assumed could only increase arithmetically. Over the years there have been localized fam- ines and some food shortages of wider extent: there were major shortages in the early 1920's following World War I, in the late 1940's and early 1950's after World War II, in the mid-1960's after two years of drought on the Indian sub- continent and most recently in 1972, when world grain roduction fell 35 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100040001p 1 CPYRGHApproved For Release 1 minion tons an ed 0011' heavily on the international market. Yet it was not until less than 15 years ago that people began to appreciate the seri- ous and chronic nature of the world food problem. It was in 1963 that Lester R. Brown, who was then working in the U.S. De- partment of Agriculture, published a paper in which he presented projections to the year 2000 of changes in grain pro- duction and net trade. The projections (not predictions but extrapolations of the trends then current) suggested that even though the developing countries could be tripling their grain output by 2000, exports from developed countries to less developed ones would need to be more than quadrupled to meet the ever rising demand. In a 1965 paper Brown noted that before 1940 the less devel- oped areas of Asia, Africa and Latin America had all been net exporters of wheat, rice, corn and other grains to the more industrial nations. By the end of World War II, however, the less devel- oped countries had lost their surplus and the net flow was reversed. The export of grain from the developed world to the less developed one rose from an average of four million tons a year in 1948 to some 25 million tons in 1964. Brown concluded: "The less developed world is losing the capacity to feed itself." Since then the flow of grain from a few devel- oped countries to the developing regions has continued to rise; indeed, in the re- cently ended crop year it appears that almost all the interregional grain ex- ports came from the U.S., Canada and Australia [see illustration on page 37]. If the grain-production trends of the past 15 years continue, according to the International Food Policy Research In- stitute, the food-grain deficit of develop- ing countries with market economies will be about 100 million tons a year by 1985-1986. If the rather lower rate of increase in production characteristic of the past seven years prevails instead, their annual deficit could reach a stag- gering 200 million tons. Those projections are specifically for the poor countries that cannot produce enough food to feed themselves. There are developing countries (Thailand and Argentina) that export food and a few, such as China, that are virtually self-suf- ficient in food. And there are many de- veloped countries that need to import food and are able to pay for it, there is nothing about a localized food deficit that foreign exchange cannot cure. The problem, then, is centered in the devel- oping countries with food deficits. The complexity of the task of improving the situation of those countries derives from their particular characteristics. Whereas in 1974 the per capita gross national product was $6,720 in Swe- den, S6,640 in the U.S., $2,770 in Italy 999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100040001-1 an =. in e . . . ., some countries had a per capita product be- low S500: about 40 of these had one of less than S200. These are statistical averages: in most market-economy de- veloping countries there are sharp in- come disparities, and income levels among the masses of rural people are far below any average. As a group these countries have inadequate foreign-ex- change reserves: many of them depend on one raw-material export or at most a few; their balance of trade is usually negative and they are heavily in debt. D eveloping countries are agrarian. with from 50 to 80 percent of their people in rural areas, often far from cen- ters of government. For most of them the source of livelihood is the produc- tion of food or fiber crops or the hus- banding of animals that are adapted to local soil and climatic conditions. The productivity of their crops and their ani- mals is in most cases abysmally low. FOOD EXPORTERS FOOD IMPORTERS DEVELOPING COUNTRIES FOOD-DEFICIT, LOW INCOME FOOD-DEFICIT, MIDDLE INCOME FOOD-DEFICIT, HIGH INCOME FOOD EXPORTERS e ra too an to popu a ton is win- dling; in a number of countries the amount of cultivated land per person is less than an acre. Even a few decades ago food production could be increased in most countries by bringing additional land under cultivation or extending grazing areas: now that option is disap- pearing in many regions. Moreover, as land has been divided repeatedly among generations of heirs, most family hold- ings have become extremely small. The rural people have little access to education or health care. Housing is substandard. Life expectancy is low, and large families have traditionally provided a source of labor and of securi- ty for parents in their later years. Often out of sight and out of mind of urban- based governments, these rural popula- tions are the poorest of the poor. Another handicap for many of these countries is their small size: in almost 80 the population is less than five million, and in more than 30 of these it is less IMPACT OF FOOD DEFICITS AND POVERTY is concentrated in the broad band of de- veloping nations, as is shown in this map based on categories established by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). A few developed countries are major exporters of Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100040001-1 CPYRGH~pproved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100040001-1 than a million. Such nations cannot ex- pect to develop for themselves the full range of scientific and other profession- al services required in fields that are im- portant to development; they must rely on external resources. The develop- ing countries' lack of institutions and trained personnel is exacerbated by the fact that many of them are newly inde- pendent. Of the countries listed by the United Nations as being least developed or as being "most seriously affected" by recent economic stresses, 36 have become independent since 1945, 29 of them only since 1960. The departure of the colonial powers left many of them without the skills needed to improve food-crop production, with weak insti- tutions and in many cases without the reliable market outlets or sources of supply that had existed when they were part of a colonial system. Moreover, as colonies their basic food crops and food animals had been neglected. Many developing countries have numerous centers for research on coffee, cacao,.oil palm, rubber and jute and other cash export crops, but until a few years ago there were few such cen- ters for wheat, rice, corn, food legumes, root crops, vegetables and other crops essential for feeding rural and urban populations. Even since independence the attention of governments and indus- try has tended to remain centered on estate and industrial crops that can gen- erate foreign exchange. 'There has been little concern for providing the research and training and for establishing the market systems that characterized for- merly successful efforts in connection with export crops. In many of these es- sentially agrarian countries the people in power are military officers, lawyers, businessmen, engineers or others who know little about agriculture or the sci- ence that underlies it. Now increasing numbers of people, most of them in the countryside, are be- coming restless. With advances in mass communication and in transportation these long-neglected people are becom- ing aware that only a small fraction of the citizenry are enjoying the comforts of life. Seeing no hope for themselves or their children, they are receptive to any ideology that offers them what they hold most important: food, clothing, hous- ing, health care, education, security- and hope. Accordingly government leaders are being made increasingly aware that un- less they take steps to develop their rural areas they may well be faced with con- tinuing unrest and violence and even revolution. A new political will to deal with agriculture is emerging. Trends in world food supplies have contributed to the new sense of emergency. With the dwindling of reserves of grain in the U.S. and some other food-surplus coun- tries, many leaders of developing coun- tries can no longer count on continuing access to the cheap (or even free) sup- plies that have enabled them to keep food; the rest have net food deficits but can pay to import food. At- which to buy food without constraint. The United Nations has Iden- mos all develo i,n untr s have a food deficit and only those in titied 43 "food-priority countries" (black disks) with especially low the [ i ( j l O r e e0S e1t~S9iGgIOsigG1A-RDPa7,9S041 4AQOA1i@0O4OO 1t 1 cereal-grain deficits. CPYRGHT Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100040001-1 food costs low in their urban areas while continuing to neglect their agricultural areas. With the high cost of food on in- ternational markets requiring large out- lays of scarce foreign exchange, some governments are for the first time being compelled, for political reasons, to wor- ry about their farm populations. The re- X 0 200 duction of the surpluses could. ironically be one of the more favorable events of recent times-if it galvanizes govern- ments into action. To understand the kind of action that is required it is helpful to consider the stages through which agricultural systems move and the transformations / , Ile of the current century. For thousands of years men have practiced traditional subsistence agriculture. Ever since hunt- ers and gatherers took up sedentary farming there has been a long and slow. evolution of countless systems of crop and animal production, many of which persist today [see "The Plants and Ani- mals That Nourish Man," by Jack R. Harlan, page 88]. Traditional farming systems involve only man, his animals, his seed and his land, with little need for the involvement of governments or in- dustry or for cooperation with others. The productivity of such systems is largely limited by soil fertility and cli- mate, and family income in cash or in kind depends in part on the size of the farm operation that can be handled with family labor. The great bulk of the world's farmers still practice some form of subsistence farming. A significantly different kind of agri- cultural development has been in- troduced largely within this century. based on science and technology and generated mainly by consumer demand.. This agricultural revolution, in which the Western nations have pioneered and excelled, has been fostered by research and educational institutions, industry and public agencies, and by the efforts of increasingly sophisticated and inno- vative farm populations [see "The Agri- culture of the U.S.," by Earl 0. Heady. page 106]. The past 75 years have seen the introduction of more efficient crop varieties and animal strains; the devel- opment, improvement and widening ap- plication of chemical fertilizers and means for controlling disease and insect pests; the introduction of ever more farm machinery and the trend toward industrialized farming and other "agri- business," all underlain by more exten- sive networks of roads, electric power and communications. What we begin to see now, and what needs to be promoted, is not simply the spread of this scientific-technical way of life to the developing countries but a new stage of deliberate, forced-pace ag- ricultural and rural-development cam- paigns driven by several new forces more insistent than rising consumer de- mand [see "The Development of Agri- culture in Developing Countries," by W. David Hopper, page 196]. Literally scores of countries are looking for WORLDWIDE FOOD PRODUCTION seems likely to keep up with population in the near future. Here world population (black) and food production (color) are plotted as index num- bers, taking the 1961-1965 averages as 100. Actual data are plotted to 1975. Thereafter three population curves are shown: the UN high, medium (solid black) and low projections. Two food-production projections are shown. One (solid color) assumes a linear rate of increase (as Malthus assumed must be the case for food production); it is based on the rate of increase (an average of three index points per year) between 1961 and 1973. Such an increase in food pro- duction lies above the medium population projection. The other food-production curve (bro- ken colored line) illustrates a UN Food and Agriculture Organization projection to 1985 of the ways to raise tooa production, incomes and living standards among the rural masses, not in the 50 or 75 years such changes required in the Western coun- tries but in 10 or 15 years. They have no time to lose. The first objective must be to increase food production, but more food is not enough. After all, people can get food in 1961-1973 rate of increase, assuming an exponential rate of growth. These curves do not im- only three acceptable ways (if one ex- Ply S )ved tl'@`'& 5eolM t0' ldCfAu P79?-O AOM 4ldoT epee). First, people CPYRGAHT Moved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100040001-1 1961 1963 1965 1967 1969 1971 1973 1975 1961 1963 1965 1967 1969 1971 1973 1975 FOOD PRODUCTION has increased in developed (left) and devel- oping (right) countries at similar rates (black curves). As FAO data who have land may be able to grow their own food, or at least some of it for part of the year; ways must be sought to en- able them to increase their output. Sec- ond, people can receive food as a gift, but that only buys important living time and is not a continuing solution to their basic poverty. Third, people can buy food if they have money, but hungry people do not have money-in the devel- oping countries or in the U.S. or wher- ever else people are hungry. Thus there are two components to the solution of the food problem: in- creased production of food, primarily in the developing countries, and wide- spread increases in family incomes, par- ticularly among the poor. The higher in- comes will have to come primarily from the increased productivity and profita- bility of agriculture, from the develop- ment of industry (primarily labor-inten- sive industries and particularly in the ru- ral areas where most people live), from employment in construction and public works and from the generation of the diverse services that will be in demand as rural areas become more prosperous. The bulk of the food supply of most agrarian countries is produced by indi- vidual farmers with tiny family-operat- ed holdings. Improvement of the pro- ductivity and income of these people will require the introduction of new high-yielding, science-based crop and animal production systems tailored to the unique combination of soil, climate, biological and economic conditions of individual localities in every nation [see "Agricultural Systems," by Robert S. Loomis, page 98]. Needed now are concerteA0 9Wdtfl5?Ri WA5e ,show, however, the rise is largely nullified in developing countries, where rapid population growth reduces production per capita (color). countryside not only with knowledge of new techniques and new varieties of crops and animals but also with roads and power systems, with inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides and vaccines for animal diseases and with arrangements for credit and for marketing agricultural products. All of this is aimed at generating the 1 A- main ingredient for rural develop- ment: increased income for large num- bers of farm families. Until their pur- chasing power is increased through on- farm or off-farm employment there can be no solution to the world food prob- lem. Extending science-based, market- oriented production systems to the'rural masses can enable the developing coun- tries to substantially, expand their do- mestic markets for urban industry. As farm families attain larger disposable incomes through increased agricultural profits they can become buyers of goods and services, providing more jobs and higher incomes not only on farms but also in rural trading centers and in the cities. What I am suggesting, in other words, is that the improvement of agri- cultural productivity is the best route to economic advancement for the agrarian developing countries. Let me mention three nonsolutions to the problems of food and hunger that are often proposed. Larger harvests in the few remaining surplus-production countries, notably the U.S., Canada and Australia, are not a solution. Those gency needs for food caused by calami- ties anywhere in the world. To continue to allocate free or low-cost food to gov- ernments that neglect their own rural ar- eas, however, is counterproductive. It simply allows governments to put off the tedious and unglamorous task of helping their own people to help them- selves. The introduction into developing countries of Western-style, large-scale mechanized farming is also not a solu- tion. Such methods may be appropriate for thinly populated areas in some coun- tries and may help governments to get food supplies under national control quickly, but there remains the problem of getting food from large farms even to nearby individual families that have no money to pay for it. Even if the product of such farms were destined solely for urban consumers, it would deprive the smaller farmers of such markets for their own produce. Perhaps more im- portant, most large-scale mechanized agriculture is less productive per unit area than small-scale farming can be. The farmer on a small holding can en- gage in intensive, high-yield "garden- ing" systems such as intercropping (planting more than one crop in the same field, perhaps in alternate rows), multiple cropping (planting several crops in succession, up to four a year in some places), relay planting (sowing a second crop between the rows of an ear- lier, maturing crop) or other techniques that require attention to individual countries do need to improve their pro- plants. The point is that mechanized ag- ductivity to create surpluses for export, riculture is very productive in terms of to maintain their balance of payments output per man-year, but it is not as pro- "top/e%'O ' 4ARDR79eG1119 001Q a 4GOO 1as the highly CPYRGHT intensive systems are. And it is arable land that is scarce for most farmers in many countries. Finally, the advent of synthetic foods, single-cell proteins and so on will not be a solution. These products may prove to be valuable additives, but they have to be bought before they can be eaten. The hungry have no money, and the mane- facture of novel foods does not provide any increase in income for the poor. The only real solution to the world food problem is for poor countries to quickly increase the production of crops and an- imals-and incomes-on millions of small farms, thus stimulating economic activity. T s there any hope that this can be done? 1 The assertion that this is the right time for "a bold new program" is not, after all, new. It was in 1949 that Presi- dent Truman proposed his Point Four technical-aid program, arguing that "for the first time in history, humanity pos- sesses the knowledge and the skill to re- lieve the suffering" of the world's poor. Is it any more reasonable to call for a new initiative today than it was a quar- ter of a century ago? The fact is that since then there have been a number of significant and hopeful developments. First of all, the nature of the problem has become understood only during the past dozen years or so. I remarked above that the first projections of food requirements and deficits to the end of the century appear to have been made by Lester Brown in 1963 and 1965. The first comprehensive appraisal was un- dertaken in 1966 by some 125 American scientists and other specialists under the auspices of the President's Science Ad- visory Committee; their report titled "The World Food Problem" appeared in 1967. There have been many other reviews since then, the most recent ma- jor one being that of the World Food Conference in 1974. In the past 10 years the world has begun to mobilize to deal with technical and organizational re- quirements. The increased production of basic food crops on all farms every- where has at last been accepted as the primary solution to the world food problem. The transfer of technology in agricul- ture is not a simple process, however, and the second hopeful development is that its complexity is now reasonably well understood. Whereas most types of technology are widely applicable, the biological components of agricultural technology are not. They need to be tailored for each locality and developed in it. - For example, when Norman E. Bor- laug of the Rockefeller Foundation be- gan to work on wheat production in Mexico in the 1940's, he first tried to 1960- 1965- 1970- 1961 1966 1971 Approvea or a ease FUTURE FOOD DEFICIT in the developing countries is foreseen by IFPRI. Actual data are given, for cereal production and con- sumption in the market-economy developing nations that have food deficits, up to 1975-1976 (the crop year just ended). The trend of production since 1960-1961 was calculated and the trend line pro- jected to 1985-1986. Future demand was projected from current human consumption on the basis of population growth and alterna- tive assumptions about growth of per capita income (modified by raise the yields of local varieties by means of good management practices and the application of chemical fertiliz- ers. The local plants simply grew very tall and leafy and were heavily attacked by rusts. He then brought in from else- where all the varieties he thought might possibly work in Mexico, but none of them performed under the length-of- day and climatic conditions and in the face of the locally prevalent disease or- ganisms. Borlaug had no alternative to the slow process of breeding new wheat varieties specifically for conditions in Mexico. As he undertook the research he began to train young Mexican techni- cians and scientists in wheat improve- ment and management and to establish reliable sources of quality seed. When he had developed shorter, stiff-strawed wheat varieties resistant to disease strains prevalent in Mexico, it became possible to apply increasing amounts of fertilizers and to harvest more grain in- stead of more straw. The enhanced prof- itability of wheat production in turn in- duced the government and farm organi- zations to improve irrigation systems and the supply of necessary fertilizers and to strengthen agricultural institu- tions [see "The Agriculture of Mexico," by Edwin J. Wellhausen, page 128]. The point is that it was basic biological tech- nology that was holding back advances in Mexico with wheat, as it had held DEF I I I l 1 1975- 1965- 1976 19c,6 "income elasticity" data reflecting the extent to which incremental in- come would he committed to cereal consumption); to this human de- mand, grain consumed as animal feed is added for countries rich enough to convert much grain into meat. Three demand projections are shown (color). One assumes no improvement in per capita con- sumption over the 1969-1971 level (solid line), one assumes low growth of income (broken line) and one assumes high income growth (dotted line). The curves measure economic demand, not actual need. Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100040001-1 CPYRGHT them back in Southeast Asia with rice and as it still is today in many areas of the world with many crops and animals. NORTH AMERICA The great void of food-crop and ani- mal research in tropical and subtropi- WESTERN EUROPE cal areas has now been partly filled by the establishment of 10 agricultural re- U.S.S.R. AND search and training centers in Asia, Afri- EASTERN EUROPE ca and Latin America, six of them since CHINA 1970. Their work is now financed by a consortium of international agencies, JAPAN national governments and a few founda- tions, whose support has grown from $15 million in 1972 to $65 million in OTHER ASIA 1976. Meanwhile several national gov- AUSTRALIA AND ernments, including those of Brazil, In- NEW ZEALAND dia, the Philippines and Pakistan, are AFRICA AND greatly intensifying their own research MIDDLE EAST efforts. For the first time in history the generation of the needed biological LATIN AMERICA components of highly productive tropi- cal agricultural systems is underway. A third hopeful factor is that the po- NORTH AMERICA tential for raising yields is great. As of 1971-1973 there were 135 nations in which corn was produced in significant WESTERN EUROPE amounts. The highest national average U.S.S.R. AND yield in the world was 7.2 metric tons EASTERN EUROPE per hectare in New Zealand; in the U.S. it was about 5.8 tons. Yet there were 112 CHINA countries with national-average yields of less than three tons, 81 of them with JAPAN .`~ less than 1.5 tons! Yields of other basic food crops and animals are similarly OTHER ASIA low, reflecting the impoverishment of soils from decades if not centuries of AUSTRALIA AND continuous use, the failure to control NEWZEALAND diseases and pests, the low production AFRICA AND t,? potentials of native crop varieties and MIDDLE EAST animal strains, the lack of needed nutri- ents in fertilizers or feed supplements LATIN AMERICA and other factors. In many of the poorer countries the 1975-1976 application of chemical fertilizers (a e .,r good indicator of the degree of intensifi- NORTH AMERICA Z " cation of agriculture) is only beginning to spread to the basic food crops. When WESTERN EUROPE fertilization is combined with high- fielding varieties and improved crop- U.S.S.R. AND 3y EASTERN EUROPE ping practices, yields can climb quickly and substantially, as was demonstrated CHINA beginning in the mid-1960's with wheat in India [see "The Agriculture of India," JAPAN by John W. Mellor, page 154]. Of par- ticular importance has been the creation of short, stiff-straw varieties of wheat OTHER ASIA ?R? and rice, called semidwarfs. Such Va- AUSTRALIA AND rieties can utilize higher applications of NEWZEALAND nitrogen and other nutrients for the AFRICA AND production of grain more efficiently MIDDLE EASTs than typical native varieties, which tend to grow excessively tall when they are LATIN AMERICA heavily fertilized and to "lodge," or fall over, well before harvesting, reducing -30 -20 -10 0 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 -i 60 +70 yields. For similar reasons plant height NET GRAIN TRADE (MILLIONS OF METRIC TONS) has been shortened and stalks stiffened WORLD'S INCREASING DEPENDENCE on grain exports of a few countries is shown by in other grains, including corn, sorghum this comparison of the trade pattern before World War II with the situation more recently and barley. When high-yielding varie- and estimated figures for the past year. Data are from Lester R. Brown, the Department of ties are grown as dense populations, Agriculture and~.I(FPfRI~Before ~the war most regions exported pgrain g(gray bars); Western Eu- t'IthtobVu `e rurl'rtelease `194~/V?/Vr a i\,r~(/'~rl'[UI"/ ? 1 j ~VVV~~VVV Vo I n o make up deficits. CPYR'Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100040001-1 nd moisture, expenditures to control puts. Once limited to the production of ed to their particular needs. Such efforts liseases and insect pests often pay off luxury, high-value cash crops, the appli- did not begin on a substantial scale until landsomely, whereas at the lower-yield cation of fertilizers was extended first to the late 1960's. evels of traditional agriculture they grain crops in the U.S. and Europe. We Sixth, there is now in operation a ould not. These new varieties have now understand that the green revolu- functioning network of financial institu- een the catalysts of the agricultural tion was simply a significant extension Lions, including the World Bank, the In- evolution [see "The Amplification of of the agricultural revolution that had ter-American Development Bank. the Agricultural Production," by Peter R. begun in the industrialized countries. Asian Development Bank, the African Jennings, page 180]. Higher yields re- Fifth, it has been demonstrated that Development Bank and a number of sult, however, when such varieties are governments can take effective action if Common Market banks, as well as na- grown in combination with fertilization, the will exists, and that many farmers tional agricultural banks in many of the disease and pest control, higher-density will adopt new technology given reason- poorer countries. During the past three planting and other measures. able opportunities to do so. When India or four years most major financial in- A fourth new element is the availabili- in the 1960's successfully introduced stitutions have substantially increased ty for the first time of chemical fertiliz- high-yielding crop varieties, fertilizers their emphasis on agricultural and rural ers in sufficient quantity for widespread and management practices on some 13 development. The world now has in op- basic food-crop production in the devel- million hectares in five years, it demon- eration most of the institutions needed oping countries. At the turn of the cen- strated that given the availability of to finance major agricultural efforts. tury the total world output of chemical technology a government can increase Most of these institutions did not exist in nutrients was only about two million agricultural productivity rapidly if it President Truman's time; the few that tons per year. It crept up to about 7.5 wants to, and that farmers will accept were established then had limited funds million tons by the end of World War II. more productive and profitable systems and their early emphasis generally was Then, from 1945 to 1955, production if they can. There have been subsequent, on industrial development rather than tripled to 22 million tons. In the next less dramatic successes in Pakistan. agricultural. decade it doubled again, and now it is Algeria, the Philippines, Malaysia and appoaching 80 million tons per year. elsewhere. It is only in recent years that Seventh, an impressive (but still in- Chemical fertilizers generally can be there has been evidence that small farm- J adequate) array of institutions has utilized only in market-oriented systems ers as well as those with larger landhold- emerged to assist developing countries in which a portion of the harvest is sold ings can be benefited if scientific and or- with the technical and managerial devel- to cover the cost of the purchased in- ganizational efforts are genuinely direct- opment of national programs, in some cases also offering financial aid for worthy projects and programs. Among 3.0 them, in addition to the UN Food and are agencies ization O , rgan Agriculture INDONESIA for bilateral aid in 16 or more industrial- ized nations and the staffs of the World Bank and regional banks. The Ford. Kellogg and Rockefeller foundations 2.5--~ have active programs. Canada's Inter- national Development Research Centre has become a leading force. A new, pri- PAKISTAN vate professional-assistance organiza- the International Agricultural De- tion , ,,; velopment Service, began operations in cc 2-0 1975 Additional sources of assistance . PHILIPPINES are su orted by industry. pp 0 Of particular importance is the free- ~~_ J.~ INDIA dom, only recently gained, of some na- a tional agencies to support work aimed - -1 - directly at increasing the production of 0 1.5 INDIA basic food crops. The U.S. Agency for a --PAKISTAN International Development, for exam- 0: was constrained politically until 1969 (as was Canada's comparable r r--' agency) by reluctance to become in- crops, particularly the cereal grains. There was a general belief both in and out of government that other nations _ should not be encouraged to increase 0.5 -- - production of those crops for fear of competition with U.S. efforts to sell its surplus stocks or even give them away! For example, it was not until the last week of President Johnson's administra- 0 1 1 tion that the AID undertook to provide 1960 1965 1970 1975 financial support for the International UPWARD TREND of yields of rice (black) and wheat (color) in several Asian "green revolu- Rice Research Institute in the Philip- j1y o introduction of hi h-yielding varieties, more fertiliza- pines and the International Maize and #'son" is du imaxLLY P,a.e98di1~F?fFe:~k/4~Rf"3~9i9`94A~~1~'~Inter in Mexico. tion a Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100040001-1 CPYRGHT By that time it had become apparent that mounting deficits in the developing countries would soon exceed the pro- duction capacity of the U.S. and the few remaining surplus producers, and it was becoming clear that much of the hope for expanding international markets of all types rested on improving the eco- nomic position of many agrarian coun- tries. That the U.S. and Canadian agen- cies were not able directly and openly to help other nations increase their basic food-crop production gave them a late start on the problem-a mere seven years ago. The handicap has since been overcome, and the agencies have re- sponded with improved effectiveness. Another important handicap remains. Most European and North American institutions and individuals have had lit- tle opportunity to gain experience in or- ganizing deliberate campaigns for agri- cultural development. That is under- standable. For many of the past 20 or 30 years the U.S. and Canada have had problems of surplus production; there has been no need for public agencies or universities to become involved in cam- paigns at home to raise agricultural pro- duction. Moreover, these countries have an abundance of farm entrepreneurs who are researchers and innovators in their own right. who seek out the prod- ucts of research laboratories and experi- ment stations and put them together into highly productive systems at the indi- vidual farm level. Such well-educated and exceptionally skilled farm entrepre- neurs are scarce in most of the develop- ing countries. Those who provide tech- nical assistance will need to devise agri- cultural and rural-development systems for large numbers of people who are in- telligent but uneducated, and who are therefore unable to undertake on their own the innovation required at the farm level. Eighth, some governments of low-in- come countries are showing a new deter- mination to develop their rural areas, with emphasis on the increased produc- tion of basic food commodities, the pro- motion of labor-intensive industry in ru- ral areas and the extension of input sup- plies and marketing channels into areas where none have existed before. Finally, there still remain considera- ble amounts of arable but currently un- cultivated land that can be brought into production. except perhaps in Europe and parts of Asia [see "The Resources Available for Agriculture," by Roger Revelle, page 164]. Well-organized campaigns are need- ed now to force the pace of agri- cultural development at a rate with which few nations anywhere have had any experience. The key elements in such campaigns are inputs of biological technology and of capital for building the infrastructure to support rural de- velopment. I have emphasized that the poor countries must do much for them- selves, but they need massive help from the affluent world. For us in the U.S. that calls for a much more serious effort to direct scientific knowledge and tech- nical skills, as well as money, specifical- ly toward foreign rural-assistance pro- grams. Clearly more is at stake than the al- leviation of world hunger, crucial as that is. Improving productivity in devel- oping countries can provide millions of people not only with food but also with housing, clothing, health care, educa- tion-and hope. Enhanced agricultural productivity is the best lever for eco- nomic development and social progress in the developing world, and it is clear enough that without such development and progress there can be no long-term assurance of increased well-being or of peace anywhere in the world. The exis- tence of new technological, financial and organizational capabilities offers a magnificent opportunity, although per- haps a fleeting one, to take effective ac- tion. The crucial question is whether or not governments will have the wisdom to act. Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100040001-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100040001-1 The Dimensions of Human Hunger The number of people who are poorly nourished or undernourished can only be roughly estimated, but they probably represent an eighth of the human population. Most of them are found in Asia and Africa by Jean Mayer CPYRGHT F amine, fearsome and devastating though it is, can at least be at- tacked straightforwardly. A fam- ine occurs in a definable area and has a finite duration: as long as food is avail- able somewhere, relief agencies can un- dertake to deal with the crisis. Malnutri- tion, on the other hand, afflicts a far larger proportion of mankind than any famine but is harder to define and at- tack. Only someone professionally fa- miliar with nutritional disease can accu- rately diagnose malnutrition and assess its severity. Malnutrition is a chronic condition that seems to many observers to be getting worse in certain areas. In one form or another it affects human populations all over the world, and its treatment involves not mobilization to combat a crisis but long-term actions taken to prevent a crisis-actions that affect economic and social policies as well as nutritional and agricultural ones. In the background always is the concern that too rapid an increase in population, combined with failure to keep pace in food production, will give rise to massive famines that cannot be combated. The statistics with which the public is bombarded are of little help. What is the layman to make of statements that a bil- lion people suffered from hunger and malnutrition last year, that 10 million children the world over are so seriously malnourished that their lives are at risk, that 400 million people live on the edge of starvation, that 12,000 people die of hunger each day and that in India alone one million children die each year from malnutrition? If the world's food prob- lem is to be brought under control, and I believe it can be, we must first draw con- ceptual boundaries around it and place it in a time frame as we would a famine. Malnutrition may come about in one of four ways. A person may simply not get enough food, which is undernutri- tion. His diet may lack one essential nu- trient or more, which gives rise to defi- ciency diseases such as pellagra, scurvy, rickets and the anemia of pregnancy due to a deficiency of folic acid. He may have a condition or an illness, either ge- netic or environmental in origin, that prevents him from digesting his food properly or from absorbing some of its constituents, which is secondary malnu- trition. Finally, he may be taking in too many calories or consuming an excess of one component or more of a reason- able diet; this condition is overnutrition. Malnutrition in this sense is a disease of affluent people in both the rich and the poor nations. In countries such as the U.S. diets high in calories, saturated fats, salt and sugar, low in fruits and vegetables and distorted toward heavily processed foods contribute to the~high incidence of obesity, diabetes, hyperten- sion and atherosclerotic disease and'to marginal deficiencies of certain miner- als and B vitamins. Bizarre reducing diets, which exclude entire categories of useful foods, are self-inflicted examples of the first two causes of malnutrition. The nutritional diseases of the affluent are not, however, the subject of this arti- cle. In areas where the food supply is limited the first three causes of malnutri- tion are often found in some combi- nation. In children a chronic deficiency of cal- ories causes listlessness, muscle wastage and failure to grow. In adults it leads to a loss of weight and a reduced inclina- tion toward and capacity for activity. Undernourished people of all ages are more vulnerable to infection and other illness and recover more slowly and with much greater difficulty. Children with a chronic protein deficiency grow more slowly and are small for their age; in severe deficiency growth stops alto- gether and the child shows characteris- tic symptoms: a skin rash and discolora- tion, edema and a change in hair color to an orange-reddish tinge that is particu- larly striking in children whose hair would normally be dark. The spectrum of protein-calorie malnutrition (PCM, as it is known to workers in the field) varies from a diet that is relatively high in calories and deficient in protein (manifested in the syndrome known as kwashiorkor) to one that is low in both calories and protein (manifested in marasmus): Although protein-calorie malnutri- tion is the most prevalent form of under- nourishment, diseases caused by defi- ciencies of specific vitamins or minerals are also widespread. It is true that the prevalence of certain classic deficiency diseases has decreased drastically since World War II. Beriberi is now rare and pellagra has been essentially eradicated, at least in its acute form; rickets is seen mostly in its adult form (osteomalacia) in Moslem women whose secluded way of life keeps them out of the sun, and scurvy is unlikely to be seen except in prisoners who are not provided with enough vitamin C. In contrast, blindness caused by the lack of vitamin A occurs with particular frequency in India, Indo- nesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, the Philip- pines, Central America, the northeast of Brazil and parts of Africa. In remote inland areas (central Africa, the moun- tainous regions of South America and First, then, just what is the chronic hunger of malnutrition and how widespread is it? The first part of the question can be answered with assur- ance: the second, in spite of the statistics cited in the preceding paragraph, is real- ly a matter of informed guesswork. Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100040001-1 CPYRGHT Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100040001-1 ARGENTINA LEVEL OF ENERGY obtained from food is portrayed on a map ulation, whereas Japan has a large population in a relatively small where the area of each nation is proportional to its population. Can- area. The level of energy intake is indicated by the presence or ab- ada, for example, occupies a large area but has a relatively small pop- sence of color. In the countries shown in dark color the average calo- Approved For RPIPagp 1999/09/02 - CIA-RDP79-011 g4A0001 QQQ4QQ01-1 Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100040001-1 CPYRGHT iNDONESI He intake is less than adequate. (An adequate intake is defined by color the average calorie intake is adequate or as much as 10 percent United Nations agencies as being about 3,000 calories per day for a above adequate, and in the countries represented in white the av- man and 2,200 for a woman.) In the countries indicated by the light erage calorie level is higher than adequate by at least 10 percent. Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100040001-1 CPYRGHT Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194AO00100040001-1 the Himalayas) goiter, the enlargement of the thyroid resulting from a deficien- cy of iodine, is common. The World Health Organization estimates that up to 5 percent of such populations are af- flicted with cretinism, the irreversible condition caused by iodine deficiency in the mother before or during pregnancy. From 5 to 17 percent of the men and from 10 to 50 percent of the women in countries of South America, Africa and Asia have been estimated to have iron- deficiency anemia. The human beings most vulnerable to the ravages of malnutrition are infants, children up to the age of five or six and pregnant and lactating women. For the infant protein in particular is necessary during fetal development for the gener- ation and growth of bones, muscles and organs. The child of a malnourished mother is more likely to be born prema- turely or small and is at greater risk of death or of permanent neurological and mental dysfunction. Brain development begins in utero and is complete at an early age (under two).. Malnutrition dur- ing this period when neurons and neu- ronal connections are being formed may be the cause of mental retardation that cannot be remedied by later corrective measures. The long-term consequences, not only for the individual but also for the society and the economy, need no elaboration. Growing children, pound for pound, require more nutrients than adults do. A malnourished child is more susceptible to the common childhood diseases, and illness in turn makes extra demands on nutritional reserves. In addition many societies, still believing the old adage about starving a fever, withdraw nour- ishing foods from the child just when he needs them most, thus often pushing him over the borderline into severe mal- nutrition. So common is the cycle of malnutrition, infection, severe malnu- trition, recurrent infection and eventual death at an early age that the death rate for children up to four, years old in gen- eral, and the infant mortality rate in par- ticular, serve as one index of the nutri- tional status of a population as a whole. For infants less than a year old the death rate is about 250 per 1,000 births in Zambia and Bolivia, 140 in India and Pakistan and 95 in Brazil (for all its soaring gross national product). The rate in Sweden is 12 per 1,000 births; in the U.S. the average is 19, but in the country's affluent suburbs the rate equals Sweden's, whereas it rises to about 25 in the poor areas of the inner cities and as high as 60 for the most poverty-stricken and neglected mem- bers of the society: the migrant farm H ow reliable the figures for the devel- oping nations are, however, is an- other matter. In most instances statis- tical reporting is as underdeveloped as the rest of the economy. Deaths, partic- ularly of one-day-old infants, often go unreported. In all probability the rates are higher than the ones I have cited. More precise nutritional assessments are attempted in two ways. One is to construct a "food balance sheet," which puts agricultural output, stocks and purchases on the supply side and balances them against the food used for seed for the next year's crop, animal feed and wastage and hence derives an estimate of the food that is left for hu- man consumption. That amount can then be matched against the United Na- tions Food and Agriculture Organiza- tion's tables of nutritional requirements to obtain an estimate of the adequacy of the national diet. This method has a number of draw- backs. For several reasons it tends to result in underestimates. One is that it is difficult to estimate the agricultural pro- duction in developing countries with any degree of accuracy. Farmers have every incentive to underestimate their crop: they may be able to reduce taxes and the obligatory payment of crops (of- ten as much as 60 percent of the harvest) in rent to the landlord. Second, the foods included in the balance sheet tend to be the items that figure prominently in channels of trade: grain, soybeans and large livestock. Other farm products- eggs, small animttls, fruits and vegeta- bles-vital to a good diet but grown for family consumption or sold locally are almost impossible to count and so are ignored. On the other hand, the balance-sheet method has certain tendencies toward overestimates. For example, it is ex- tremely difficult to estimate the posthar- vest loss of crops to insects, rodents and microorganisms. The loss is known to be close to 10 percent for the U.S. wheat crop and is probably higher for other crops, even with the advanced technolo- gy available. In some tropical countries the loss can run as high as 40 percent. For all these reasons figures on food production do not provide a particularly accurate index of the amount of food actually available for consumption or the types of food actually consumed, and they make no attempt to differenti- ate patterns of consumption within a population. They do, however, provide rough estimates of the state of nutrition by regions [see illustration on preceding two pages]. The second way of estimating the de- gree of malnutrition within an area is to extrapolate from data compiled from hospital records and cross-sectional sur- veys. Statistics on illness, however, tend to be as unreliable as mortality statistics. The criteria for admission to a hospital on the basis of malnutrition vary from country to country; the records from rural areas may be sparse; the poor, among whom malnutrition and its relat- ed conditions are most likely to be found, are the least likely segment of the population to seek medical help, and if they do seek such help, the condition may then be so far advanced that the diseases associated with malnutrition, such as infantile diarrhea and pneumo- nia, may claim all the physician's atten- tion, so that he misses or ignores the underlying cause. Projections based-on the results of 77 studies of nutritional status made among more than 200,000 preschool children in 45 countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America place the total num- ber of children suffering from some de- gree of protein-calorie malnutrition at 98.4 million. Percentages ranged from 5 to 37 in Latin America, from 7 to 73 in Africa and from 15 to 80 in Asia (ex- chiding China). These surveys, howev- er, did not employ standardized proce- dures. In some of them clinical as- sessments were made and in others the children were measured against inter- national weight tables. Thus, although the general indications of such studies are useful, figures derived from them are rough at best. In order to assign reliable figures to the degree of hunger and malnutrition in the world today we would need large-scale surveys that in- cluded both clinical examinations based on an established definition of malnutri- tion and individual consumption sur- veys that determine the amount and types of food eaten and the distribution of food within each family unit. E ven if the figures derived by these methods are doubtful, the situation they reflect is clear. In my judgment it would seem reasonable to set the num- ber of people suffering from malnutri- tion at 500 million and to add to that another billion who would benefit from a more varied diet. The largest concen- tration of such people is in Asia, South- east Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Clini- cal surveys and hospital records indicate that malnutrition wherever it exists is severest among infants, preschool chil- dren and pregnant and lactating women; that it is most prevalent in depressed ru- ral areas and the slums of great cities; workers. Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194AO00100040001-1 CPYRGXX proved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100040001-1 DEVELOPING REGIONS DEVELOPED REGIONS ASIA LATIN AMERICA AFRICA I 0 .8 1.6 2.4 3.2 0 DAILY CALORIE INTAKE (THOUSANDS) 25 50 75 DAILY INTAKE (GRAMS) J I I I I I I 100 0 25 50 75 100 125 PERCENT AVAILABILITY OF CALORIES AND PROTEIN is portrayed son in the various regions and are based on data assembled by the In- for the developed and developing regions and for several specific de- ternational Task Force on Child Nutrition for the UN Children's veloping regions. The figures reflect the average daily diet per per- Fund. The figures for Asia refer to the centrally planned economies. that the problem is lack of calories as much as lack of protein; that (except in areas where the people subsist largely on manioc or bananas) where calories are adequate protein tends to be ade- quate too, and that although a lack of food is the ultimate factor in malnutri- tion, that lack results from a number of causes, operating alone or in combina- tion. A nation may lack both self-suffi- ciency in food production and the mon- ey to buy food or to provide the farm inputs necessary to increase production; the poorer members of the population m y lack income to buy the food that is available, and regional factors, such as customs in child-feeding and restric- tions on the movement of supplies, may prevent the food from getting to the peo- ple who need it most. On the basis of these findings one can divide the nations of the world into five groups. The first group consists of the industrialized nations, where food is plentiful but pockets of poverty persist. Here governments are able to deal with problems of malnutrition through food assistance to the poor, nutrition and health programs and nutrition-educa- tion programs. The chief members of the group are the U.S., Canada, the nations of Western Europe, Japan, Aus- tralia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore. The second group consists of the na- tions with centrally planned economies, where whatever the economic philoso- phy the egalitarian pattern of income distribution together with government control of food supplies and distribution have seemed in the past few years to insure the populations against malnutri- tion due to hunger. In this category are mainland China, Taiwan, North Korea, South Korea, North Vietnam and South Vietnam. In the third group are the na- tions of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), whose overall wealth is undeniable but whose pattern of income distribution does not ensure that this wealth will benefit the poor. Fourth is a group of Asia, the Near East, Central America and South America that are already self - suficient or almost self-sufficient in food production at their present level of demand. The demand, however, is im- peded by an uneven distribution of in- come that is reflected in malnutrition in large segments of the population. Brazil, for example, has the highest economic growth rate in the world, but malnutri- tion is rampant in the northeast and widespread in the shantytowns sur- rounding the large cities. The fifth group includes the nations the UN designates as "least developed." They have too few economic resources to provide for the people in the lowest income groups. Many of the countries are exposed to recurring droughts, floods or cyclones; some are ravaged by war. All 25 of the least developed na- tions are poor in natural resources and investment capital. Loking back today, it seems incredible that in 1972 it appeared the world might soon, for the first time. be assured of an abundant food supply. The new wheat varieties of the "green revolu- tion" had taken hold in Mexico and northwestern India, and the new varie- ties of rice developed in the Philippines promised a high-yield staple crop for the peoples of Southeast Asia. The harvest from the seas was still rising spectacu- larly (from 21 million metric tons in 1950 to 70 million in 1970-a steady in- ENERGY AS PERCENT OF REQUIREMENT crease of about 5 percent per year, out- stripping the world's annual population increase of 2 percent). The worldwide production of grain was rising by an av- erage of 2.8 percent per year, and there were substantial reserves in the form of carry-over stocks held by the principal exporting countries and of cropland held idle in the U.S. under the soil-batik program. The prospect was so rosy that the FAO suggested in 1969 that the food problems of the future might he those of surplus rather than shortage. Although two sudden and short-term simultaneous crop failures in a number of areas and the sharp rise in oil prices were the immediate cause of the food crisis of 1972-1974, it has since become clear that four long-term factors that had been building up quietly for a long time were in any case about to alter the hopeful situation permanently. (The first short-term reversal, a reduction of crops in several parts of the world be- cause of unfavorable weather in 1972, gave rise to a second: the massive purchases of grain by the U.S.S.R. that eliminated American reserves and caused the international prices of wheat, corn and rice to rise sharply. Moreover, the increase in oil prices effectively put the green revolution out of the reach of such countries as India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, which are poor in petro- leum and other resources and have gone about as far as they can in increasing yields with traditional methods of farm- ing. The increase in oil prices also dis- located the economies of the wealthy nations, reducing their contributions to international aid.) Even though the situation is less seri- ous now than it was in 1974, it is more Approved For Release 1999/09/02 : CIA-RDP79-01194A000100040001-1 CPYRGHT Approvea or a ease PRODUCTION FAILED TO EQUAL POPULATION GROWTH r9Xy C, s 1, AS/ y~ G,9~ ~GqG q y O qq_ 6O 9Fo t''G ii g9q ~g9l~AA ~' 9i9 q~ cc 7~ G YqQ~~,~?ii5'~~T~GS,y~c~y C'~q.~'I09 0 0'~cp~q~Q~gyi