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January 15, 1976
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SENSING JL"?l"Cfelease 2002/05/07: CIA-RDP79M67A0027rQ0 Newspaper Column . . Os For Release: January 15, 1976 No. 664 U.S. SECURITY THREATENED 4001 J-7-4? - 6. Ant on ._Har-rig'an United States Industrial Council 918 STAHLMAN BLDG., NASHVILLE, TENN. 37201 X/' - j /,;,(o The United States lost the war in Vietnam in part because of the aura of defeat created by hostile network and Washington media. The U.S. today is suffering and experiencing reverses on a global scale because of the actions of the anti-security elements in Congress. Day by day, the headlines tell of fresh Soviet gains, including USSR's extraordinary success in supporting a.proxy.regime in Angola. Cuban troops are airlifted from the Caribbean to Angola and,. using Soviet battlefield equipment, including rockets and tanks, establish a bastion in that former Portuguese province from which the Soviet Union will be able to dominate the oil route to Europe and North America. Soviet naval vessels move into Angolan waters, and no one in authority mentions the possibility of a.counter- deployment by the U.S. Navy. Wherever one looks, the United States and the Western cause generally is in retreat. The NATO alliance is in almost total disarray. Portugal is on the brink of a communist takeover. Greece and Turkey are openly hostile to the United States. Many former allies are aware of the changed balance of power and the lack of will on the part of the American government and people. The American people apparently do not realize that the world sees the United States as a "paper tiger." American military power. is immense, but the will to use it in defense of vital American interests is not evidenced. Moreover, the anti-security elements in the Congress have tied the hands of ,the President. Every U.S. security organization is under ceaseless attack from the anti-security bloc in Congress. Believers in freedom elsewhere in the world are shocked and alarmed at the attempts to undermine and dismantle U.S. security institutions such as the Central Intelligence Agency. The Times of London recently had this to say about the attacks on the "Americans'who would abolish or cripple the CIA are either motivated by .a rival ideology or are suffering from that touching but dangerous form of American innocence which can do as much damage as the CIA itself." The Times pointed out that "information is necessary and espionage is unavoidable" in a "very imperfect world." Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP79M00467AO02700040011-7 MORE USIC/2 Approved Release 2002/05/07: CIA-RDP79M%7AO02700040011-7 'fie way things.now stand, the U.S. government is prevented from acting against Soviet aggression either in an overt or covert manner. Members of Congress such as Sen. Dick Clark of Iowa seem more exercised about the possi- biliey of U.S. involvement in Angola than about the reality of Soviet inter- vention. His colleague from Iowa, Sen. John C. Culver, is the leader of the congressional effort to prevent construction of an essential naval supply facility in the Indian Ocean where the Soviets maintain a large naval squad- ron. Sen. Frank Church of Idaho directs the witch-hunt against the Central Intelligence Agency. Such activities expose the American people to the greatest peril. While the continental United States has great resources, the American people de- pend on certain raw materials and energy from remote regions. The security of the sea lanes around Africa, for example, are vital to the American' people, for they depend on oil from the Persian Gulf. Interruption of the oil-supply would have a devastating impact on the U.S. economy, as Americans know from their brief experience with the oil embargo. Furthermore, if the Soviets dominate' Africa, as they very clearly intend to do, they certainly:will not ignore the oil-rich countries of the Persian Gulf. These countries will be unable to.resist Soviet domination without strong American backing. The communist design for the world was revealed more than a half century ago. It involves step-by-step control of the world countryside, so to speak, until the capitalist heartland--the United States and a handful of Northern European countries, Australia and Japan--are isolated and surrounded. In short, the Soviets intend to be the arbiters of the destiny of Americans and other free people. Unless Americans demonstrate anew their determination to oppose aggression and their will to win and maintain their liberty, their freedom and independence will not endure. But the American people cannot make a con- vincing demonstration of their love of liberty and independence so-long as Congress is dominated by defeatists, appeasers and know-nothings bent on destroying U.S. security organizations. Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP79M00467AO02700040011-7 Approved Fo0lease 2002/05/07.: CIA-RDP79M004if002700040011-7 SENDER. WILL CHECK CLASSIFICATION TOP AND BOTTOM ;ASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP i 5 jA /~!7cI .. get yourself an agento as I mind this point: over the style xx of the FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME. DR NO PHONE NO. DATE UNCLASSIFIED CONFI . ENTIAL SECRET MO. 237 Use prev+ous editions FORM 1-67 J! 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