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~ ?/05/07: CIA-RDP7~0467A002700040009-0 MEMORANDUM to: Ambassador George Bush from: Tully Plessey subj: Poll Data Re ardin the C.I.A. date: Janua ry 27, 197 1. The attached Harris Survey for December 1975 suggests a significant shift in public opinion and attitudes toward the C.I.A. over the past year. Specifically, the momentum and direction of that shift appears to be out of "undecided/ not sure" and into "negative." 2. In fact, this December Survey report is an excellent and typical example of biased analysis that we have come to expect from some research firms with media constituencies to support. The wording of many of the questions ~n Further- suFVey begs for negative reactions from the public. more, tie similarly negative reactions to the activities of i nvesti gati ng committees i nvolved contradi cts the overvi ew and tone of the report, as do the findings regarding tighter controls on the C.I.A. in the future. 3. Briefly stated, the attached report takes the views of an uninformed and confused public, currently in the process of emotional "mi 1 l i ng" and searching, and attempts to engineer its data into a conclusion that the prevailing national attitude toward the C.I.A. is overwhelmingly negative. Our point of view centers around the possibility that public thinking on this volatile subject is extremely mercurial, and that events and managed communication can have a dramatic effect on public perception of our nation's intelligence efforts in the immediate future and over the long term. 1 will be in touch with you next week and hope tha ~ we can explore this subject further at that time. TP/pzm Approved For Rel ~a~~~ ~9 ~ ~~~~~ ~ (~?~~~~~9 ~~~a 046 00040009-0 ~ ~~s~y '' A d For R~se 2002/05/07: CIA- P79M00467 70004 O~~n?e R?gistxy INVESTIGATIONS HURT CIA AND FRt By Louis Ilarris Public confidence in both the FBI snd tl:e CIA has been severely shaken as a result of the revelations Over the past ye1r, according to a recent Harris Survey of 1,394 adults nationwide, the public's ratio of the job the CIA has been clring has fallen from 39-31 percent negative to 49-32 percent negative. In partic:~la=, by more than three to one, the public condemns the CIA activity of spying on prominent kznericans here at ho:~. A 74-9 percent majority of the public also feels that "it was c.?roxig for the CIA to work out a deal s.~th .z=ia characters to try to assassinate Castro." The FBI still has a positive rating of 49-39 percent fron the American people, but a real question re;airs in the public's mind as to wliethrr the chief domestic intelligence axxt of govern;sent can do an effective jcb c:zea less than half the public expresses confidence in it. A 62-18 percent majority of the public is critical of the FBI for its domestic surveillance of prominent citizens. A thumping SO-7 percent feel "it was xroag for tse FBI to send a note to tiartin Luther King suggesting that he commit suicide." The Congressional committees that have been the main sources of the spectacular revelations 2bout the CIS. and the FBI have rot covered themselves with glory in the eyes of the p~nerican people. The Church Committee in the Senate is given a 40-38 percent negative rating. For its part, the Haase Cos2mittee, headed by Rep. Otis Pike (D.-N.Y.) emerges with a slightly worse, 40-3G percent negative assessment from the public. The barrage of charges and insinuations about the FBI and the CIA have left much doubt and confusi.on.2ra^-b the American people. t?Ihen asked if "both the CIA and FBI have learned their lessons and now will run things properly," a 41-30 percent plurality of the public doubts that this is so, with a substantial 29 percent art sure. This~is a highly significant fitiding, for it means that the American people simply do not think that the CLi ax:c ~ FBI can be trusted to oversee .their own affairs. The Harris Survey recently asked a cross sectior. of 1,394 adults nationwide: "How would yac rate Le job being done by (REP.D LIST)--excellent, pretty good, only fair or poor?" P.ATINGS OF KEY GROUPS IN FBI AND CIA CO\GRESSIONAL INVESTIGATIONS Positive negative L'ot Sure X X X The FBI Dec. '75 The CIA Dec. '75 49 32 39 49 12 19 Nov. 31 51 18 pug. 36 45 19 Jan. 34 39 27 Dec. '74 31 39 30 The Senate CIA Investigating Committee Dec. '75 38 ~ 40 22 The House CIA Investigating Committee Dec. '75 36 40 24 Approved For Release 2002/05/07: CIA-RDP79M00467A002700040009-0 Approved ~elease 2002/Oz/07 : CIA-RDP79MOl~TA002700040009-0 The Harris Survey then asked: "Let me read you sore statements some people have made about the recent investll;ations of the CIA and FBI by.the Senate and louse investigating committees. For each, tell r:e if you tend to agree or disagree. (P.EGD-STATI?~fL?\TS)." ? Apree Disagree hot Sure Pro-CIA and FBI X .G X So much of tine secret work of the CIA and FBI has been made public that soon they won't bQ able to do their jobs, 52 It would be a mistake to put tighter. controls on the CIA and FBI because sometimes they know better than any outsider what ins involved in an investigation. 48 Both the CIA and FBI 'have learned their lessons and now will run things proverly, ~ 30 Anti-CIA and FBI It was wrong for the FBI to send a note to Martin Luther King suggesting that lie commit suicide, 80 It was wrong for the CIA to ~.rork out a deal with Mafia characters to try to assassinate Castro. 74 IC was a violation of basic rights for the CIA and FBI to .conduct spying on prominent Americans here at home. 61 Copyright 1976 by the Chicago Tribune. Norld Rights Reserved, 76: 1 33 15 31 ~1 41 ~9 7 ~ 9 13 17 18 21 Approvec~~o~'~~e ~e 2Q~ g3~ 07 : CIA-RDP79M00467A002700040009-0 Approved Fo~elease 2002/05/07 :CIA-RDP79M004~0027000 CENTRAL )NTELL(GENCE AGENCY 1 ~~? LVASH}NGTON, D.C. 20505 22 January 1976 .~Y.@4L'~.1V0 'rr3eAias~cf 'i - - .-- =~ 7.5 =/aG ~6 ~', Many thanks for your hind and thoughtful corr~nents about the radio interview on Station KDI~A mentioned in your letter of 21 December. ~Ve here at the Central Intelligence Agency strongly believe that it is only with the continuinJ support of our fellow Americans like yourself that we are able to do the work iv~ich i~~e must to defend and protect America now and in the future. Faithfully, Vernon A. Walters Lieuten~.nt General, USA Deputy Director'of Central Intelligence For VASV:me/22Jan76 Distribution: Original -Addressee ~ ~ - DDCI files 1-ER Approved For Release 2002/05/07 :CIA-RDP79~VI00467A002700040009-0 Approved Fc~elease 2002/05/07: CIA-RDP79M004~002700040009- dear Gen. V~alters; I heard you on radio K~K'A, 20 ~ecer~ber 1975. I am grateful the CIA has a rsan?of your caliber, intellegence, and background to i~tf'orm President Ford. your answers to questians were very clear and infornativ~. Na,tur- wlly its understandable all questions could. not be fully a~s~ered. Too many people, at present, find. fault. with both the Ft3I arld CIA and claim they are destroying ir~dividuala civil liberties, but I believe that the exact opposite is taxing place. There still are many persons vrho believe iz~ the CIA and what it tries to accomplish, 'out not enough of these bother to voice them opinions.. STATI NTL We need the CIA and FBI and men liYe ho will taYe a strong stand against Conmuuism at every opportunity available, i~eep up the good work. .Approved For Release 200/05/07 :.CIA-RDP79M00467A002700040009-0 Approved For F~se 2002/05/Oi~t ~DP79M004671~ Y~ARADE ARTHUR H. MOTLEY Chair~rsan of the Board P?rade Pubtications,~I'nc. a 212-953-7500 733 Third Avenue, Ne'w York, New York 10017 Writer's Direct Dial No. 212-953-7506 roved For Release 2005/07 :CIA-RDP79M00467A002700 S ~ ~; a2 ~~ aM~ ~x pproved For Release 2002/05/07 :CIA-RDP79M00467A0027 Approved For lease 2002/05/07 :CIA-RDP79M004 20 January 19T~i 3ivvir. Charles ~'. Gaeene, J'r. Thf New York Daily News 1~T2 National Press Building 1~as~iagtoa, ~. G. 2004 ]3ear Mr. Gree:aes '1'haak you, for your very load invitation to the Gridiron Club dinner oa April 3rd. Jim Weighart m+~ationed ,this earlier, and I am indeed pieasad to accept. Sincerely, /s/ W. E. Colby i7i rector Distribution: Original -Addressee 1 - DCi w/basic 1 -Assistant to the Director/w/cy basic I ' ~ /~ Approved For Release 2002/05/07 :CIA-RDP79M00467A002700040009-0 :TRA~ia~MITTAL SLIP ~'/Z ROOM NO. I BUILDING EXTENSION ed FF~E"I~~e 20~~~?~ W~IA-RDP79M00467A00~9~00 u~~v~ssi~it-v I I ctlR~~oc-~vY~a~, I I s~c~~ EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT Routing Lip . : , .: "; , . 13 comet 14 L~/ Pers - Approve St7SPENSE App.raved ForyRelease 2002/05/O~IA-RDP79M00467A002700040009- January 16th TO: FROM: Mr. Bush would :Like to get some advice on the attached. He says he is inclined to do it and wants to get CIA's views. Approved For Release 2002/05/07 :CIA-RDP79M00467A002700040009-0 Aproved For~ease 2002/05/0,7, ,CIA-RDP79M0046~02700040009-0 January 7, 1976 Honorable George Bush CIA Director-Designate U. S. Department of State Washington, D. C. 20520 ~v~ tlegv~T The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States has scheduled its annual Washington Conference for the period 5-9 March, 1976. The Conference. site will be the Sheraton-Park Hotel. While I know this date is considerably "down, the road" and consequently_ a firm commitment may be difficult to extend, you are cordially invited to address our National Security Committee at,_LL:p,Q?A.M.,?on Sunday, 7i ch, in the Virginia Suite of the Sheraton-Park Hotel. ~"'?' The National Security Committee is composed of 40-45 highly qualified and motivated individuals responsible to our 1.8 million members for the positions we advance in the areas of national security and foreign affairs. I_would expect this core group to be joined by the great majority of our National and State leaders for such remarks as you choose to deliver. I would hope that you and Senator John Tower would jointly appear before this audience, with your topic being "The Future Role of the CIA." I would suggest that you plan on 20 minutes of "set piece" remarks with Senator Tower speaking for a comparable period. This would permit some time for floor questions at the end of the. two presentations.. ? For 1974 and 1975, speakers on this occasion included Admiral T. H. Moores, Secretary "Bo" Callaway, Congressman Dan Flood, General Brent Scowcroft, and Admiral Elmo R. Zumwalt. Besides yourself and Senator Tower, this year's invitees will be Congressman G. V. Montgomery and UN Ambassador Daniel P. Moynihan. ' FThen your plans are set, please have your office contact our Director of National Security and Foreign Affairs, Colonel Phelps Jones, USA (Ret.), at our Washington Office, telephone number -- 543-2239. Col. Jones will be my point of contact for your appearance. All best wishes to you. Most cordially, ~~THOMA~Si C . "PETE" WALKER ~N?a~3onal Commander-in-Chief ... ~~ Approved For Release 2002/05/07: CIA-RDP79M00467A002700040009-0 V.F.W. MEMORIAL BUILDING ? 200 MARYLAND AVENUE, N.E. e WASHINGTON, D.C. 20002 Approveq' Thomas C Walk r Veterans of Foreign ars of the United States none sus: Ltr: Inviting Bush to address a National Security :ommitteE: on Sunday 7 March at the Sheraton-Park Hotel 20 Jan ?6: Orig w/1 to DDCI f/action fm ES: 1 cy w/ ` cy of /1 to Asst/DCI f/action fm ES: 1 cy w/1 to ER .~a.a ~-B-. INTERNAL SUSPENSE 26 Jan 1976. L TINTL Bush/ DCI :IA-R.DP791~I1004~A002700040009-0 ER NO. 76-312 DATE 7 fan 76 c u-ss. - m assador Bush Ben Evans ER NO. 6-?312/1 16 Jan ?6 c u-ss. none ~B' Note: Stating Mr. Bush would like to get some a?ivise on the attached, referring to the letter Bush received from the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States inviting him to address theri National Security Commi.tte on ?Mar. 197b ~ - Att: as stated above ~~ . 20 Jan ?6: Orig w/att to DDCI fm ES: 1 cy w/att to Asst/ DCI: 1 cy w/att ER via RB. INTERNAL SUSPENSE 2 Approved For Release 200/05/07 :CIA-RDP79M00467A002700040009-0 A~~'~? FOES CO~r911-]UidICATIONS AND~E ECTRO~IICSVASSOCIA Publishers of SIGNAt,-Official Journal of the AFCEA Skyline Center 5205 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, Virginia 22041 Area Code (703) 820-5028 January 15, 1976 i:~ir. William H. Colby Director Central Intellegence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 Dear tir. Colby: This year we celebrate our nation's Bicentennial and the 30th Anniversary of the Armed Forces Communications and Elec- tronics Association. We plan to highlight these events by publishing short statements from military and government leaders in the May/June Annual Convention Issue of SIGNAL 1'~-agazine. Since we believe our readers would benefit from sharing your thoughts, we invite you to submit a short statement suitable for the occasion of this. anniversary. One possible theme might be the recognition of new directions, trends, requirernents and technology that are emerging in the areas of communications, electronics, command & control, computers, audio visual and related technologies. . A statement of 300 words or less accompanied by your photograph would be a valued addition to this special issue Our deadline for receiving the copy and your photograph is March 8, 1976. I believe your comments will make a major contribution to this .special ~.ssue, and I would appreciate your participation.. Sincerely, Z. ei5rge E~ Pickett Lt. General, USA (Ret.) Executive Vice President Approved For Release 200,'?2/05/07: CIA-RDP79M00467A002700040009-0 Communications-Electronics-photography SIGNAL MAGAZINE SERVES THE INDUSTRY MILITARY TEAM TRANSMITTAL SLIP Executive""Secretary / EOMi 2 I BUILDING c~ S . ROOM NO. BUILDING EXTENSION For Releas 2002/05/07 :CIA-RDP~9M00467A0 I FEB 55 24 ~ REPLACES FORM 36-8 WHICH MAY BE USED. I L' 1 aJNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET J 1~ ~' OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS I Assistant to the Directo Rm. 1F- 04 Hqs . 2 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPAR? REPLY APPROYAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION , CObSMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMAZION SIGNATURE Att: D D A 76-0275 ; Remarks Angus: I feel this appropriately falls within your bailiwick. Would you please take whatever action you feel necessary and forward us a drop copy of your response. cc: Executive Secretary (Ref : ER 76.- 276) D HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER ME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE ~;; a e, DDA 7D-26 Hqs. 1/22/76 UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET 1 Mo. 2 3 7 Use previous editions 67 proved For Release 2002/05/07 :CIA-RDP79M00467A002700040009-0 ~IFI~~P7~MOp4 Remarks: - Executive 5 ory Approved. For Release 2002ffl5107 : CII~-F~,DP79M004 ~. -.av pae)