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Approved For Rele,ape 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79M00467.4 Tri4OSIC .'1 . nepi.oas Yumoskiv.in's Ar14.c.oiki-ad !filo U elf liOnSOJ (' (ci os ' WASHINGTON (WI)?Yugoslav ofticials reportedly let Carlos, the no- toxious international terrorist ,be- lieved to have masterminded the a975 Vienna kidnaping of several oil ? 6rninisters, slip through their fingers ? last 'week and the United States is pngry about the fumble. ? State Departrri'ent Officials said Wednesday they gave the Yugoslav' ? .. government full details about Carlos' . whereabouts last week and asked that he be apprehended. When the Yugoslays failed to do so, the United States lodged a formal protest. State DepaTtment spokesman Fre- derick Z. Brown disclosed the letter of protest. to Belgrade and said the department had supplied enough de- tails of Carlos' whereabouts that Yu- goslav officials could have appre- hended him had they wished. Meanwhile, a Cairo newspaper, Al Akhbar, reported Wednesday that ? Carlos?a -27-year-o1.1 Veneztielait whose real name is. Illicit- Ramirez Sane141,--is loose in Ettrepe with a ?Small, nuclear bomb that he ap- Parently intends to .use in a terrorist opaation. ? Carlos is.zought for the murder of two French counterintolligence ; agents when they aopared unarmed at hi: apartment in to tal.e him - 1' re:;cr. e of he: :; by herteli corm; Mandos from the airport at Entebbe, Ugitukt. . At the earrie time, the United Statr3 gave YugOslavia information on Carlol. State Department officials said, -WeA Germany also supplied Beliyade.? with details of his where- about,:. ? 1 - - ?? The report in Al Akhbar said Car- los is hidin3 in an Arab embassy in .Western Europe with a small nuclear ? 1,..vr.1pon. The dispatch came from its col respondent in London,. Zaghltil al, , ? Carlos firet came to international ? pul,lic attention with the murder of French agents and the informmt. hen they knocked on his apHt- merit door, they were greeted by a m tan about 5-feet-10, apparcntly tc- ? 25 and welder,. stie7le ?-,;. Carlo. accorcline; to rt,ixet,-:, or- paretitly turncd I")a ro!c but. skyur1,-; ith a pi- rzTelly. Two Pn.! tr. iCt MCI 'WIN', 1,:ft thr:rii trLv wr:ri; e.1,1 a thiri Oleo, he,:n linttra v.-ith IW'ifllV i'01,2 tha maKe..:re at (.1';; 1---, ir: ert. ? Carlos .AP into custody. A LI-?!!:iirs;') informant eLo was kilkti. ? Carlos orf...._:eiked the hif.Tirnieg of Arab oil roinl'..,!crs nic,.tiir in Vi-nna in 1975. A Sr..te Dcpxtmelit -said Cart:-.1 c?ins V -the hij in Jo!' of v,-11 hat .0.i:ct iit!'! ? ???????????? TERRORISTS: Exit Carlos The international terrorist known as "Carlos" is wanted by a dozen Western nations, but so far one of the biggest man- hunts in history has come up emptyhand- ed. During the past year, Carlos has kid- napped a group ?foil ministers in Vienna and he may have masterminded the hi- jacking that ended at Entebbe. Recently, Carlos was nearly caught in Belgrade, but he slipped through the net?apparently with help from Communist friends. In Algiers early this month, West Ger- man intelligence agents identified Car- los (a 27-year-old Venezuelan whose real name is hitch Ramirez Stinchez) as he boarded a plane for Yugoslavia. Both Bonn and Washington alerted the Yugo- slays. Security police in Belgrajle qui4 ly pat Carlos under ?urvaillanceAlon with his fella*, teavelbrs, German terror- ist Hans-JoacIlim Klein and three men who appeared to be bodyguards. Approved ForriRditarcSO 200,2TOVier:IlepP the terrorists had gone to rilgos via in order to sneak into Western Europe. Ac- cording to the same sources, Yugoslav officials initially confirmed the identifi- cation o f Carlos. Both France and Ausuia informed Belgrade that they wanted the suspect arrested. R. four days later the Yugoslays put Car os1"..i.thi;-tithers on 3 jht tor 15aglidarrOliFre they cle7tiry:Vrirer.- 9'Ugoslav authorities allowed him to slip through their grasp." complain. II one U.S. official. Western diplom.t:i spec t dated that Belgrade chose to de, Carlos in order to em ty favor will, 0.9 Third World nations that suppo, t the,- ter team isrs acti? itie.;. Th. inst.:tell that tla? whole viiisotli? was at.,:t! II mistaken identity: the suspect. ti claimed. was merely an Algerian tell e shm technician. No one in the West IR'1,;nadctl by that story, and silo' tly after Carlos made his exit, Yup,slax la hintedat another motive for its action. Ilelyrade relcioed a su ong statement coil CII the U.S. for harboring the Ca oatians ho hijacked a TWA jet two ?i eeks ago to publicize their anti-lngosla? view s. NeWSWeek, SIT el1111ki?Ir 27, 1976 Approved For Release 2002/09/9V: CIA-RDP79M00467A002500090011-4 -I UNCLASSIFIED I CONFIDENTIAL I I SECRET 1 TO: EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT Routing Slip ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DCI 2 DDI 3 D/DCl/IC 4 S/MC 5 DDS&T 6 DDI 7 DDA 8 DDO 9 D/DCl/N19 10 GC 11 LC 12 10 13 Compt 14 D/Pers 15 D/S 16 DTR 17 Asst/Da AO/DCI ,18 19 Clips - 20 21 r 22 SUSPENSE Dale Remade:: 3631 (5-7 ) 7TIVE REGISTIY rr2 yExeculive Secretary ? L* Date Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79M00467A002500090011-4