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77 T' Approved For Release 2002/ ': `~'Rb~~7M00467AQ02500090007- 68 19 October 1976 MEMORANDUM FOR: Special Assistant to the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence VIA John F. Blake Deputy Director for Administration FROM SUBJECT REFERENCE M. D. Director of Medical Services t 41 Office of Medical Services Research Efforts on International Terrorism 25X1 SA/DDCI Memo dtd 5 Oct 76, Subject: Coordination of Research Effort Against International Terrorism 1. The Office of Medical Services has been conducting research on international terrorism on three general areas: a. Studies of terrorist behavior 25X1 Additionally, in-depth studies are being con uc ed the psychology of violent behavior, including environmental and cultural factors. b. The victims of terrorism Research is conducted in the psychological reactions and adaptations of individuals directly and indirectly victimized by terrorism. This effort has included studies of former hostages (including kidnap victims and prisoners of war) with a view toward developing techniques of hostage survival. 0 -/3 Approved For Release 2002/09/x, 0467AO02500090007-9 73 ft 4, ~kh -~nl~llR'~ f~Rg n Approved For RVease 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79M00467*4002500090007-9 SUBJECT: Office of Medical Services Research Efforts on International Terrorism c. Crisis management Research and development in the area of management techniques for the handling of terrorist incidents include the study of negotiating tactics as well as the behavioral characteristics of the negotiating situation. 2. Expansion of our research effort in the above areas is contemplated, but is currently limited by our resources. 25X1A cc: DDA (w/ref) Approved For Release 2002/0"y~100467A002500090007-9 d 1 9~~LJ~v~ ~y'1 WY A H AL Approved For Release 2002/09/04 :CIA-RDP79M00467A0 500090007-9 5 October 1976 MEMORANDUM .FOR: Director of Medical Services Director of Scientific Intelligence Director of Political Research Director of Technical Service Acting Director of Research and Development SA/DDCI SUBJECT : Coordination of Research Effort Against International Terrorism REFERENCES : a. 23 August 1976 b. NFIB-D-9, 9/1, 23 September 1976 1. In line with my responsibility for coordinating the Agency effort on the terrorism target per references a and b, I am making an effort to ensure that research projects in this field avoid duplication and are fully relevant to the needs of the consumers. Therefore, I would very much appreciate'it if your office could let me have a brief report covering the following points: a. Description of existing research projects, if any. b. Description of research projects that are planned and for which funds have been committed. 2. In addition, I would suggest that in the future before firm commitments are made to research efforts in this field that coordina- tion be undertaken with me prior to the actual commitment of funds. 3. Finally, there are a growing number of seminars and conferences on the subject of terrorism being convened outside the E 2 IMPDET Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79M00467A002500090007-9 25X1A. 25X1A. 25X1 Approved For Relase 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79M0046712500090007-9 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L This Notice Expires 1 September 1977 LIAISON 23 August 1976 AGENCY LIAISON WITH DEPART?1F OF STATE ON INTERNATIONAL TERRORIS"N1 25X1A Effective immediately, Special Assistant to DDCI, is designated the Agency's principal official through whom liaison will be conducted with the Department of State on matters concerning the combat of international terrorism. 25X1A will 25X1A work closely with Ambassador L. Douglas Heck, director of a new office in the Department of State for counterterrorism and Coordinator of the Cabinet Committee Working Group on terrorism. All Agency liaison with Ambassador Heck concerning international terrorism will be conducted through 25X1A . oc e Deputy Director of Central Intelligence 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79M00467AO02500090007-9 the 25X1 A r' r Approved FprA*Mg WMeIG Phil * 07-9 Attachment NFIB-D-9.9/1 21 September 1976 MEMORANDUM FOR NATIONAL FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE BOARD PRINCIPALS FROM George Bush Chairman SUBJECT: Intelligence Needed to Combat International Terrorism 1. The Secretary of State has advised me of his belief that the urgency and magnitude of the international terrorism problem require a strengthening of inter-departmental machinery designed to deal. with this threat. He has appointed Ambassador. L. Douglas Heck as Director of a newly structured State Depart- ment office to combat terrorism and designated Ambassador Heck to serve as the Coordinator of the Cabinet Committee Working Group on Terrorism. The Secretary has requested that I par- ticipate with his representatives in exploring ways in which the management and coordination of our overall effort to deal with acts of international terrorism can be improved. 2. As an essential element of this program there must be a continuing focus by organizations of the Intelligence Community. on the acquisition and prompt dissemination of the intelligence needed to counter trrorist activity. 3. All NFIB organizations that have a capability to collect information on the plans, intentions and capabilities of groups or individuals engaging in international terrorist activities are requested to assure the currency of the require- ments against which they are operating. Those organizations involved in the analysis and interpretation of such information are requested to pay particular attention to its expeditious dissemination, Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79M00467A002500090007-9 Approved For FIease 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79M00467`A02500090007-9 4. I have designated I las my representative 25X1A in dealing with the international terrorism problem, and have requested that he work with E__ I USAF 25X1A (Retired), of my Intelligence Community Staff, on Community aspects of the problem. I invite you to provide comments and suggestions to 25X1A I I as to how we might improve our management and coord- ination arrangements sous to enhance responsiveness of the Intelligence Community to needs of the U.S. Government in this problem area. I will ask to keep the NFIB posted on developments. 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79M00467AO02500090007-9 Approved Forlease 2002/09/04: tq,.F(DP,7Q0461iR00250009000 73-74 ORD-2313-76 1 e U61 1976 25X1A MEMORANDUM FOR: SA/DDCI SUBJECT Office of Research and Development REFERENCE . Memorandum fromi dated 25X1A 5 October 1976; subject: Coordination of Research Effort Against International Terrorism; Executive Registry Number 76-3626 1. This memorandum outlines the planned terrorism research programs of the Office of Research and Development. At present we have no terrorism projects under way. As requested in the referent, we will keep you advised of any future involvements we may have with terrorist research or related activities. 2. Current plans call for ORD to initiate work during FY-77 on two research programs related to terrorism.. The Life Sciences Research Division is planning a program to study Terrorist Negotiating Strategies ($60,000). This program and its background are described below: a. Data describing terrorist activities have been collected throughout the course of history. These data have been subjected to active analysis during the preceding decade and are currently being meticulously analyzed to serve various purposes. These analytic efforts have addressed a number of activities which can be listed under the general heading of terrorism. For example, numerous authors have addressed the violent anti-war activities occuring in the U.S. as a direct outgrowth of the war in Vietnam Others have examined international incidents growing out of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the civil strife in Ireland. Still others have dissected isolated terrorist acts undertaken by ill-defined groups of self-styled "terrorists." Approved For Release 2002 1 ?.:kIt4pDP79 46 W00090007-9 25X1 Approved For-Qolease 2002/09/0 : ~IA- 7cM00467 D02500090007-9 SUBJECT: Office of Research and Development b. The burgeoning interest in terrorism is, to a extent, an outgrowth of a recognized need (by various nations of the world) to protect the lives of innocent "bystanders" who become the unwilling targets of terrorist groups. In general, the above-mentioned analyses of terrorist activities have been directed toward gaining an accurate understanding of the character and composition of terrorist groups as well as the underlying causes which lead such groups to resort to violence. Insofar as possible, this general information has been used to make educated guesses about the possible behavior of terrorist groups engaged in hostile operations. In addition, such information has often been utilized to assist in the conduct of negotiations with terrorist groups for the cessation of hostilities or the release of hostages. c. In several instances psychiatric and psycho- biographic profiles have been developed on leaders of large terrorist organizations to provide high-level U.S. officials with insight into the personalities and suspected motivations of such leaders. Efforts like these and others which attempt to improve the process of terrorist behavior prediction appear to merit additional investigation and need to be extended to a greater number of what might be termed "partici- pating terrorists." It is this problem which LSR research on terrorism intends to address. In effect, a study will be designed to develop predictive data on as large a population of known terrorists as possible. The data to be collected will characterize individual terrorists and hopefully will provide a semi-objective means for predicting the behavior of individual terrorists. Such knowledge should transcend the boundaries of terrorist group membership and be useful if the individual shifts his loyalties from one group to another. In effect, we would hope to move the state-of-the-art away from the realm of educated guesses by developing methodologies which can be employed to predict behavior. d. Our approach will consist of employin presently-used predictive iques such as: 25X1A to gather information on known terrorists who have been jailed for partici- pation in known terrorist activities. Where possible, we will avail ourselves of data made available by our clandestine services. A contractor with access to Approved For Release 2002/09/04 2CIA-RDP79M00467A002500090007-9 Approved Forvjelease 2002/09/0$ EICIR9 7TM0046 002500090007-9 -SUBJECT: Office of Research and Development jailed terrorists will be retained if the clandestine services cannot support the effort. Our intent and hope are to use in-house resources to collect the data and to employ an existing contractor familiar with the tests in question to analyze them. e. Once the data have been collected and analyzed, experts will use the information evolved to predict terrorist behavior in known scenarios. These predictions will then be compared with the behavior that actually occurred. 3. The second program involving terrorism is one planned by the Problems Analysis Staff. It will include an exploratory effort to examine the nature of terrorism in the next decade. This program, Future Global Perspectives ($75,000), will focus on the development of useful approaches for generating plausible long-range scenarios on a global basis. The results will be used as an input for long-range intelligence planning activities. The terrorism aspect will derive from examination of the scenarios to identify alternative patterns of regional change over the next decade in order to assess terrorist threats which might emerge. The reason for identifying potential future terrorist threats is to provide some degree of early warning so that planning decisions can be made about counter-terrorism activities. 25X1 ---IFrank A. Brig Acting Director of Research and Development Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79M00467AO02500090007-9 SECRET L1 \UNCLASSI FI provedCF~r Rel 2002/09/04: CIA-RDF 7jMt. 7A0th < b90007-9 [xi SIMI ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) Office of Research and Development FROM: EXTENSION No.~ ORJ7--2313- I6 AD/ORD DATE TO: (Officer designation, room number, and DATE building) - ~_ OFFICER'S COMMENIS (Number each comment to show fror., who.-. INITIALS to whom. Dfrw. o line across column oftG1 eocti cc.rr me I,) RECEIVED FORWARDED 2. 3. 4. 6. 10. 12. 13. i4. 15. Approved For Rele ase 2002 09/04: 41A-RDP7 M00467A0025000900b7-9 5X1 FORM 610 USE PREVIOUS (-l SECRET (-1 CONFIDENTIAL LI INTERNAL LI UNCLASSIFIED g.-A7 EDITIONS 115 hall Y NDER WILL CHECK GLASS; _ATtOIV TOP AND HOTTOM UNCLASSIFIED FIDENTIAL SECRET OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS Special Assistant/DDCI Room 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT F1 LE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks: FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE AD/ST UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET ro.o> NaAp 1,67 veld.F~orldRed6 a 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79M00467AO 2500090007-9 Approved For$elease 2002/09/04 CIA-RDP79M0046A0025000 ali MEMORANDUM FOR: Special Assistant/DDCI SUBJECT: Coordination of Research Effort Against International Terrorism REFERENCE: ER 76-3626, Same Subject, 5 October 1976 The Office of Scientific Intelligence has neither existing research projects nor research projects planned at this time on international terrorism. You may be interested, however, in several studies which we recently published on decisionmaking in the Palestine Liberation Organization. While the studies were not primarily concerned with the terrorist activities of the Fatah/PLO, their conclusions concerning the dynamics of decisionmaking are applicable to decisions concerning terrorism. Let us know if you wish copies of these studies. Acting Director Scientific Intelligence 0 25X114 Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79M00467A002500090007-9 dEJ BUILDING, FROM: ^ k- R oIq F~r"I e~ea02/09/04 ba} DP79MOO467AO02500090007-9 FORM NO .~lA I REPLACES FORM 36-8 (47) 1 FEB 55 24 WHICH MAY BE USED. 25X1 Eaeouflve Reglshp Approved F~Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP79M007A002500090 _ ~ .~,~ ~ 3 13 October 2976 SA/DDCI FROM Lewis J. Lapham Director of Political Research SUBJECT Scope of OPR's Current and Projected ~tesearch Effort Against International Terrorism REFERI~'+1CE SA/DDCT Memorandum of 5 October 2976, Subject: Coordination of Research Effort . Against International Terrorism. 1. Recognizing that international terrorism is a relatively sigru.ficant factor in world politics, OPR has completed "Inter- national and Transnational Terrorism Diagnosis and Prognosis,"' PR 76 10030, April 2976, and has built and made available to others a data bank of terrorist incidents, Ho*,vever, 25X1 A OPR does not cover the subject on a continuing basis. The Office's current effort in this field is limited to~preparing an updated sizmma.ry of PR 76 20D30 fox inclusion in the overview of key global issues that is scheduled for publication in January 1977.. Bibli- ographies of classified and unclassified research an terrorism. are also in preparation. 2. OPR does, however, have a follow-on study to PR 20030 "in reserve." Tentatively titled "Contemporary Transnat-ion21 Terrorism: The Problem of Cross-Border Coordinattion and Support," it was deve2o ed as far as the prospectus stage by 25X1A with assistance--last spring. Since vn, o~ er priori ies ave intervened. 3. A copy of the draft prospectus is attached for your information. OPR hopes to revive the project at a future date. 25X1 Attachment: Draft Prospectus 25X1 to Approved For Release 2[002/09/04 : CIA-RDP79M00467A002500090007-9 Approved~g,r Release 2002/09/04 :CIA-RDP79MO~f7A002500090007-9 j~,aV~ ~~~~, 3~ - ~~~ ~ 5 October 1976 k'~? 7~ -.S~ 7l MEMORANDUM-FOR: SA/ DDCI SUBJECT Coordination of Research Effort Against International Terrorism Director of Medical Services Director of Scientific Intelligence Director of Political Research Director of Technical Service Acting Director of Research and Development 23 August 1976 b. NFIB-D-9