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Approved For Release 2002/07/02 : CIA-RDP79B01709A002700030023-6 T-O-P S-E-C-R-E-T Handle via TALENT/ KEYHOLE Channels CWG-D-9/6 Only 21 May 1964 MEMORANDUM FOR: COMOR Photo Working Group SUBJECT: COMOR Photo Working Group Policies and Procedures The terms of reference for the COMOR Photo Working Group (COMOR-D-56/ 29, CWG-D-9/5) specify in paragraph that the PWG shall establish a manual of standard operating procedures. Attached is the most recent draft of this manual, which will be discussed at the Working Group meeting on 26 May. 25X1A Attachment: As stated above Copies 1, 2 DIA 3,4 NSA 5 OACSI 6,7 ONI 8,9 USAF 10, 11 NPIC 12 NRO Chairman COMOR Photo Working Group 'rCS-3334/ 64-KH Copy Group 1 Excluded from automatic down- handle via TALENT/ grading and declassification. KEYHOLE Channels Only Approved For Release 20'216)N :%IA~~DPft1 f1'f09A002700030023-6 Approved For Release 200j4LQJL012 : F,,,.1 B@P 1 09A002700030023-6 Handle via TALENT/ KEYHOLE Channels Only Attachment to CWG-D-9/6 COMOR PHOTO WORKING GROUP POLICIES AND PROCEDURES I. Membership and Responsibilities A. Member s The membership of the COMOR Photo Working Group (PWG) is parallel to that of the Committee on Overhead Reconnaissance (COMOR), except that the Deputy Chairman is furnished by the CIA as are the Chairman and the Staff. The State Department is usually not represented at meetings on targeting. Clearances for the Working Group members should parallel those of their COMOR principals so that the Working Gro1.p may properly consider all matters placed before it. B. Consultants The National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC) is represented by two or more consultants at each meeting. Other agencies are frequently requested to send special consultants to advise on substantive or technical matters. C. Responsibilities The Photo Working Group is responsible for: 1. Developing coordinated, validated, and selective lists TCS-3334/ 64-KH Group 1 Excluded from automatic down- Handle via TALENT/ grading and declassification. KEYHOLE Channels Only T-O-P S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2002/07/02 : CIA-RDP79B01709A002700030023-6 Approved For Release 201 2/E7/F :SC -F DPi[9Fi01~09A002700030023-6 Handle via TALENT/ KEYHOLE Channels Attachment to Only CWG-D-9/6 of targets of national importance within geographic areas, and by reconnaissance system as determined by the COMDR. 2. Reviewing and updating these lists to insure currency in the light of all available intelligence; in particular, updating the lists on the basis of recent photographic missions. 3. Furnishing to the COMOR any necessary substantive or t_eemnical support as directed by the Chairman, COMOR. D. Relationship to COMOR members It is the responsibility of the COMOR Working Group to insure that the policies of all member agencies are given consideration in targeting, consistent with the broader policies established by the USIB and the COMDR. It is essential, therefore, that the Photo Working Group members maintain close working relationships with their respective COMOR members, not only to advise them on Photo Working Group work in progress but also to be advised regarding the policies of the COMOR and of their own agencies. II. Definition of a COMOR target A COMOR target provides guidance fo':C? both the collection of intelligence through overhead photography and for photo TCS-3334/ 64-KH -2- Handle via TALENT/ KEYHOLE Channels Only Approved For Release 2002/07/02 : CIA-RDP79BO1709AO02700030023-6 Approved For Release 201210)7402 :ALA-R PISWt O9AO02700030023-6 Handle via TALENT/ KEYHOLE Channels Attachment to Only CWG-D-9/6 interpretation. A target is approved as a COMOR target only if it is of national significance, and only if it has been clearly determined that the requirement has not been and cannot be satisfied by assets other than those controlled by the NRP. A target is retained in the active file if continuing review and evaluation establish its current validity; otherwise it is inactivated. Targeting actions which cannot be resolved by the PWG will be forwarded to COMOR for resolution. These targets are selected and assigned priorities in accordance with the current PNIO's, and the needs of the various member agencies of the intelligence community, taking into consideration the capabilities of the collection system known to COMOR, and all other sources of intelligence. III. Target Information A. ale ading 1. Target name The name of confirmed targets in categories IA and lB will be taken from the latest revision of the GMAIC publication, Evaluations of Soviet Surface -to -Surface Missile Deployment, which should agree with the TDI. Other target TCS-3334/64-KH -3- Handle via TALENT/ KEYHOLE Channels Only T-O-P S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2002/07/02 : CIA-RDP79BO1709AO02700030023-6 Approved For Release 20f21&19 :SC _FLDP7P9FI01~09AO02700030023-6 Handle via TALENT / KEYHOLE Channels Attachment to Only CWG-D-9/6 names will be obtained from the Target Data Inventory (TDI) or the Bombing Encyclopedia (BE). For targets not appearing in the above publications, the NIS Gazetteer will be consulted provided spelling is altered to conform to the system used in the preferred publication. If there is no large city in the immediate vicinity of the target, the nearest town, place, or feature listed in the NIS Gazetteer will be used to identify the location. Names of new targets acquired by readout will be those assigned originally by NPIC. 2. Coordinates NPIC coordinates for newly identified targets as reported in immediate PI reports will be used. These, of course, will be refined whenever new evidence or computation justifies such refinement, and in such instances NPIC will be notified. When. coordinates are based on non-photographic sources, they will be confirmed or made more precise by NPIC on the basis of readout. Accuracy to the nearest 20 seconds will be considered adequate for reconnaissance purposes, except when it is necessary to pinpoint targets within larger complexes or TCS-3334/64-KH Handle via TALENT/ KEYHOLE Channels Only Approved For Release 262/7/V2 SCI (--I!~b*gElYl709AO02700030023-6 Approved For Release 20Q1,/0j0 ,: ~IAg-Rf1CP7RgB(17g9AO02700030023-6 Handle via TALENT/ KEYHOLE Channels Attachment to Only CWG-D-9/6 furnish precise guidance for low-altitude missions. 3. Other Header Information a. Classification will be held to the lowest adequate a level, santized and secondary sources used whenever w possible to eliminate restrictive controls. b. COMOR numbers are assigned by the staff of the COMOR Working Group, but target proposals will recommend target categories in accordance with the standard "Target Category Listing". c. The country is indicated by a two-letter code. d. The numbers of the Jet Navigation (JN) chart and AMS map are entered by the staff of the COMOR Working Group. B. Target Descriptions 1. Size of Target The physical size of a target is limited by the characteristics of the collection system: a target may be too small to be photographed successfully by the KT-4 or too large to be encompassed as a single unit by manned vehicles. TCS-3334/ 64-KH -5- Handle via TALENT/ KEYHOLE Channels Only T-O-P S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2002/07/02 : CIA-RDP79BO1709AO02700030023-6 Approved For Release 2002/07/02 : CIA-RDP79B01709A002700030023-6 T-O-P S-E-C-R-E-T Handle via TALENT/ KEYHOLE Channels Attachment to Only CWG-D-9/6 Within this broad range, the size of the target is often limited by feasibility of interpretation. 2. Content The physical description of the target should be a brief but complete listing of the major fixed facilities of an installation, together (if necessary) with a sufficient sampling of equipment to suggest the character of the installation. (A target listing is not the proper vehicle for order of battle information.) The target discription should include a statement of the intelligence significance of the target, and should specify what intelligence questions can be answered. C. Readout Requirements The readout requirements provide guidance to photo interpreters in preparation of immediate reports; i. e. , - OAK, IPIR. Some are standard requirements, developed by NPIC and the Working Group, which apply generally to broad classes of targets. Others are related to specific targets. These two types can be used singly or in combination, dependirgon the target in question. It is important that requirements are appropriate to the expected quality of photography and feasible for immediate photographic interpretation. TCS-3334/64 Handle via TALENT/ -6- KEYHOLE Channels Only Approved For Release 20q21U/ :SCI fjDPk9E 01 JDM002700030023-6 Approved For Release 20gUQJLQ2 : c1&-MPy9.B 1T09A002700030023-6 Handle via TALENT/ KEYHOLE Channels Attachment to Only CWG-D-9/6 A request for coverage is not an adequate or acceptable readout requirement. D. Documentation and History New targets should be documented with references to the collateral or photographic information on which the requirements are based. This section of the target listing is kept current as new information becomes available. The target history will also include the dates of initial targeting and subsequent revisions. E. Target Forms: A form for original target preparations and updating is attached for approval. IV. Review of Target Listings A. Timing Meetings of the Working Group will be held (1) when the results of a mission or group of missions become available, (2) when the Working Group is directed by the Chairman COMOR to convene on any designated subject, or (3) when the Chairman of the Working Group judges that updating of a list is necessary. Normally, at least one meeting each week will be. necessary; in time of unusual activity, more meetings may be required. TCS-3334/64-KH Handle via TALENT/ KEYHOLE Channels. Only T-O-P S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2002/07/02 : CIA-RDP79BO1709AO02700030023-6 Approved For Release 206j2LQ5l : ,1E@P89109A002700030023-6 Handle via TALENT/ KEYHOLE Channels Attachment to Only CWG-D-9/6 B. Prior Research A target listing is valid only to the extent that it reflect the real intelligence needs of the community. Because these needs change, it is essential that all current research and reporting be reflected in the decisions of the Working Group. Before each meeting the Working Group members should meet with the analysts and estimators of their own agencies and discuss in detail the listings to be reviewed at the meeting and on the basis of these discussions determine precisely what changes in the listing are necessary. The target list should be reviewed with. particular attention to targets which may no longer be of current interest. If deletion is indicated, the reasons should be made clear. If updating is indicated, the revisions should be prepared in advance. C. Objectives of the Review Continuing review of target listings is imperative if the overhead reconnaissance program is to be responsive to the needs of the intelligence community. The objectives of this review are to insure that (1) all elements of the target listing are corree.t in detail according to the most recent information. TCS-3334/ 64-KH Handle via TALENT/ -8- KEYHOLE Channels Only T o ~? g~ T Approved For Release 2002107/025 &A-RDF7 O'1709A002700030023-6 Approved For Release 2OGVJO O2S- BAA fit?SM709A002700030023-6 Handle via TALENT/ KEYHOLE Channels Attachment to Only CWG-D-9/6 (2) each target is currently a valid reconnaissance objective (3) the stated. requirements are based on the questions that are currently important in the intelligence community (4) the listings are complete and comprehensive but without duplications (5) the policies of the COMOR and the USIB are properly implemented in the targeting (6) the best capabilities of every agency are being brought to bear on targeting problems. V. Definitions Update: Change target data on the basis of new information. Inactivate: Place an existing COMOR target in the inactive status for operational collection planning purposes. The target is retained on the COMOR target lists. Reactivate: Transfer an existing target from an inactive to an active list. Delete: Remove a target completely from a COMOR list so that the number carries the designation "No Target". TCS-3334/64-KH Handle via TALENT/ KEYHOLE Channels Only Approved For Release 2WO D23 DR7-9 'i709A002700030023-6 Approved For Release 20O2LQ7LQ2 : ?I*E@E? 9B .bJ 09A002700030023-6 Handle via TALENT/ KEYHOLE Channels Attachment to Only ?CWG-D-9/ 6 Enter: Place a new target on the COMOR list in either active or inactive status. Add Mission: Indicate in the target history that the target was covered on a particular mission. No other action required. Pass: No targeting action taken. Surveillance Target: A target for which only periodic readout reports are required, no matter how often the target is covered. TCS-3334/64-KH -10- Handle via TALENT/ KEYHOLE Channels Only Approved For Release 2002/07/02 : CIA-RDP79B01709A002700030023-6 01~ TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2002/07/02 .CIA-RDP79B01709A002700030023-6 .10 V i, 0, $1 Approved For Release 2002/07/02 : CIA-RDP79BO1709AO02700030023-66 // TOD