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Approved For Release. 200-0/08/29 CIA-RDP79RO1012A000400? 0t@ ? 2 4. 9 NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATE RESISTANCE OF THAILAND, BURMA, AND MALAYA TO COMMUNIST PRESSURES CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY IN THE EVENT OF A COMMUNIST VICTORY IN INDOCHINA IN 1951 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO1012A000400050005-6 This document contains information affecting the na- tional defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Act, 50 U.S.C., 31 and 32, as amended. Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO1012A000400050005-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/29: CIA- i' 2A000400050005-6 1. This copy of this publication is for the information and use of the recipient designated on the front cover and of individuals under the jurisdiction of the recipient's office who require the information for the performance of their official duties. Further dissemination elsewhere in the department to other offices which require the informa- tion for the performance of official duties may be authorized by the following: a. Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Intelligence, for the Depart- ment of State b. Assistant Chief of Staff, 0-2, for the Department of the Army c. Director of Naval Intelligence, for the Department of the Navy d. Director of Intelligence, USAF, for the Department of the Air Force e. Director of Intelligence, AEC, for the Atomic Energy Commission f. Deputy Director for Intelligence, Joint Staff, for the Joint Staff g. Assistant Director for Collection and Dissemination, CIA, for any other Department or Agency 2. This copy may be either retained or destroyed by burning in accordance with applicable security regulations, or returned to the Central Intelligence Agency by ar- rangement with the Office of Collection and Dissemination, CIA. DISTRIBUTION (NIE Series) : Office of the President National Security Council National Security Resources Board Department of State Office of Secretary of Defense Department of the Army Department of the Navy Department of the Air Force Atomic Energy Commission Joint Chiefs of Staff Federal Bureau of Investigation Research and Development Board Munitions Board T Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79R01 12A000400050005-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/29: CIA.WjWP"2A000400050005-6 NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATE RESISTANCE OF THAILAND, BURMA, AND MALAYA TO COMMUNIST PRESSURES IN THE EVENT OF A COMMUNIST VICTORY IN INDOCHINA IN 1951 The intelligence organizations of the Departments of State, the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and the Joint Staff par- ticipated in the preparation of this estimate. All members of the Intelligence Advisory Committee have given their concurrence to the estimate. This paper is based on infor- mation available on 15 March 1951. Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO1012A000400050005-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA- 12A000400050005-6 RESISTANCE OF THAILAND, BURMA, AND MALAYA TO COMMUNIST PRESSURES IN THE EVENT OF A COMMUNIST VICTORY IN INDOCHINA IN 1951 THE PROBLEM To assess the will and ability of Thailand, Burma, and Malaya to resist Communist political and military pressures or outright invasion in the event of a Communist victory in Indochina in 1951. CONCLUSIONS 1. A Viet Minh victory in Indochina in 1951, if accomplished without the inter- vention of Chinese Communist forces, would result in increased intimidation and subversive activity directed against Thailand and Burma, but it would not necessarily lead to the early establish- ment of Communist or Communist-domi- nated governments in these two countries. 2. A Viet Minh victory in Indochina in 1951, if accomplished through Chinese Communist military intervention, would increase the susceptibility of Thailand and Burma to Communist pressures and we believe that, in the absence of effective internal countermeasures and outside support, these two countries would be obliged to seek an accommodation with the Communist powers. 3. Communist domination of Thailand and Burma, as well as Indochina, would greatly increase British security problems in Malaya. We believe that the British under these circumstances would not be able to maintain even their present de- gree of control in Malaya without a very considerable increase in their military and economic commitments. 4. It is most unlikely that the Viet Minh, without Chinese Communist participa- tion, would attempt to conquer Thailand and Burma in 1951. 5. If the Chinese Communists, after es- tablishing control over Indochina, con- tinued their military advance into Burma and Thailand, we believe that both those countries would rapidly fall to the Com- munists, unless the UN or the Western Powers interposed their own forces. A Chinese Communist invasion of Malaya would be more difficult, but would prob- ably succeed unless Malaya were greatly reinforced. 6. It is most improbable that a regional defense of Southeast Asia could be organ- ized in time to stop the Chinese Commu- nists if they followed up the conquest of Indochina in 1951 with a military advance into other countries of the area. t 1 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO1012A000400050005-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-J@ff:g"12A000400050005-6 DISCUSSION 7. In the event that the Viet Minh should suc- ceed in conquering Indochina during 1951 without large-scale intervention by Chinese Communist forces, the prestige of Ho Chi Minh would be greatly enhanced throughout Southeast Asia. Furthermore, the defeat of the French Union forces despite US support would intensify the feeling of insecurity in the neighboring countries and facilitate the spread of Communism in the area. a. Initially, if the Viet Minh did not demon- strate the intention, either alone or in collu- sion with the Chinese Communists, to embark on further military aggression, the govern- ments of Burma and Thailand would continue to oppose Communism internally and would not align themselves with the Communist powers. Burma would probably recognize the Viet Minh Government and attempt to cultivate friendly relations with it. The Gov- ernment of Thailand, although it also might recognize the Viet Minh Government, would attempt to build up its own defenses against Communist forces and undoubtedly would re- quest increased US aid. b. A Viet Minh victory, nevertheless, would expose Burma and Thailand to increased sub- version and intimidation which, in the absence of effective internal countermeasures (which they might not be capable of taking) and outside aid, might well lead to the eventual overthrow of the present non-Communist gov- ernments. Under such circumstances, the British security problem in Malaya would be greatly magnified. 8. Large-scale participation of Chinese Com- munist military forces in a Viet Minh victory would cause far greater repercussions in Southeast Asia than a victory by the Viet Minh alone. It would be interpreted as a success for Chinese arms rather than a victory for Indochinese nationalism. Throughout South- east Asia, where there is already a strong anti- pathy for the Chinese, it would intensify fears of Chinese invasion and domination. In view of the general weakness of the countries in the area, however, Chinese Communist military intervention in Indochina would undermine the will of Thailand and Burma to resist and would increase the probability that they would accommodate with the Communist powers. a. Thailand would probably conclude from the failure of the US-backed French military effort that the present type of US aid would not be sufficient to provide protection. In these circumstances, the Thai would be likely to yield to military and political pressure com- bined with Communist offers of apparently reasonable political terms in exchange for a "friendly" government. Initially, the Phibul regime would probably attempt to counter Communist pressure by calling for full UN or US military protection. Should it fail to ob- tain such protection, the present Thai Gov- ernment would probably be superseded by one acceptable to the Communists. b. Burma would not be likely to yield to ex- ternal military threats or political pressures. Within Burma itself, however, there remain rebel forces potentially capable of overthrow- ing the government. If the Communists should secure control of Thailand, with conse- quent access to the Thai-Burma border, they would be in a better position to reinforce those dissident elements. Sufficient outside sup- port for the dissidents, combined with external pressures, would make it unlikely that Burma could retain an anti-Communist government. 9. In Malaya, the British, with some 39,000 regular troops and 100,000 regular and aux- iliary police, have not succeeded in suppressing about 5,000 local Communist guerrillas. The Malays, although forming the bulk of the present police force and generally supporting the British out of fear of the Chinese, would continue to contribute little to the British military effort if opposition were increased. The aggressive and economically powerful Chinese element has generally failed to co- operate with the British in suppressing the guerrillas, and a considerable number of them could be expected to turn against the British if Malaya were seriously threatened by Com- munist China. Furthermore, Communist control over Indochina, Thailand, and Burma would facilitate transborder aid to the Ma- layan rebels and deprice Malaya of its essen- tial rice supply. In these circumstances, the 2 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 :CIA-RP79R01012A000400050005-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-iA'1,g12A000400050005-6 opposition to the British would become in- creasingly unmanageable, and the British would not be able to maintain even their pres- ent degree of control in Malaya without a very considerable increase in their military and economic commitment. 10. We believe that an attempt to conquer Thailand or Burma by the Viet Minh without Chinese Communist participation is most im- probable in 1951, although border incursions of northeast Thailand cannot be excluded. 11. If the Chinese Communists, after a victory in Indochina, continued a military advance into Burma and Thailand and if the UN or the Western Powers did not interpose their own forces, we believe that both these countries would rapidly fall to the Communists because they do not possess the military strength to resist such an invasion. Thailand, perhaps after a token resistance, would soon install a government acceptable to the Communists in the hope of retaining at least a semblance of autonomy. Burma, if directly attacked, would probably fight but would soon be de- feated. A Chinese Communist invasion of Malaya would be more difficult because of the terrain and the presence of British military forces, but it would probably succeed unless Malaya were greatly reinforced. 12. Present or planned outside military aid to Burma and Thailand, although it will even- tually strengthen these countries, will not in the predictable future enable either of them to defend itself successfully against a Chinese Communist attack. Military aid to Burma- which has been chiefly British-has been of limited effectiveness owing to lack of Burmese cooperation, and because it has been largely expended in the Burmese internal conflict. The US aid planned for Thailand, when com- pleted, would help Thailand to maintain in- ternal security, but would not enable it to do more than fight a delaying action. against a Chinese Communist invasion. The Thai, however, would probably not fight even a de- laying action unless previously assured of support by outside military forces. 13. In view of the limited capabilities of the countries of Southeast Asia and their wide di- vergencies of interest, it is most improbable that a regional defense of Southeast Asia could be organized in time to stop the Chinese Com- munists, if they followed up the conquest of Indochina in 1951 with a military advance into other countries of the area. S 'JiwT 3 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO1012A000400050005-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO1012A000400050005-6 GBO-S80.-6427 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO1012A000400050005-6