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January 25, 1956
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Approv oMUMV 000/05/23: CI 443M0GT4W02W56 SOUTH VIETNAM .I. President Diem,'whose regime has faced no major crises since the Binh Xuyen gangsters were driven out of Saigon last spring, has finally announced date (4 March) for long- promised assembly elections. A. First job for 123 assembly members will be approval of government-drafted constitution. B. Delay in setting date for election (first scheduled for Dec '55) has been caused by government's careful prepara- tions, aimed at keeping everything under control. 1. Control efforts have alienated num- ber of former pro-government elements, brought charges of dictatorship against Diem. Approved For Release 2000/05/23 : CIA-RDP80RO1443R000400260002-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/23 : CIRMOPIM43R000400260002-9 2. However, Diem justifies tight con- trols on grounds his government still at war with Viet Minh. C. Actual setting of election date is reflection government's confidence. II. Security situation, although vastly improved since last spring, still far from satisfac(tcry A. Although Binh Xuyen destroyed (and its boss now refugee in France), combat- effectiveness of remaining Hoa Hao rebels (in southwest) has been bucked-up by Viet Minh aid, guidance. B. In clash with Hoa Hao on 13 Jan, Viet- namese army suffered heaviest casualties in any single action since end of war (61 killed and missing, c.noluding Bat- talion commander). C. Army how has 1- about 3 5, 000 ti troops deployed against some 4,000 Hoa Hao. 2 - Approved For Release 2000/05/23 : CIA-RDP80RO1443R000400260002-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/23 : CI 000400260002-9 D. By alliance with Hoa Hao rebels, Viet Minh manages to fight Diem and at same time avoid open violation Geneva terms. III. Viet Minh link with Hoa Hao is only one of many angles its anti-Diem effort. Recent 25X1X7 report provides new details on Viet Minh maneuvers. A. Report states that, after regroupment last May, Viet Minh reorganized, gave special training to wartime sabotage, subversion units. B. Moving by sea, large numbers of cadres from these units now reportedly entering South Vietnam, equipped with arms and radio transmitters. 1. One technique--designed to impress population with omniscience, omni- presence of Viet Minh--is for cadres in South to report minor incidents, suoh',as automobile accidents, by radio. Then, Radio Hanoi, within Approved For Release 200a 'Cl r t1 4~1 ,, 4Z9 e ails nro ye known oc Y. - L1 Approved For Release 2000/05/23 : CT 00400260002-9 C. Large Viet Minh center for political indoctrination reportedly in mountains northwest of Dalat. 25X1X7 D. Viet Minh have given name ("Mobilization of Silence") to campaign to win over population, make alliances with anti- Diem groups. E. Finally, report claims positive evidence of Viet Minh infiltration of all politiaA parties and newspapers in the south. IV. Viet Minh effort apparently not tied to any timetable: Directives to its agents re- peatedly cite "long-term" nature of struggle, A. Hanoi violently denounced Diem's March elections plans as US-inspried plot to sabotage unification effort. Calls for Approved For ReleaseQMN/ /23 : CIA-RDP80RO1443R000400260002-9 4 - Approved For Release 2000/05/23: CI %NR000400260002-9 1. Viet Minh similarly denounced last October's referendum on Bao Dai, but turnout was good and Diem got 98% of vote. B. Absence VM interference last Oct is indication of Viet Minh's unwillingness show hand before time ripe. C. But gradual improvement of Diem's security services also an important factor. Even after March elections, Diem will still face problem of his "inheritance" from Geneva. --all-Vietnam elections for unification, called for in July '56. A. He adamantly refuses to accept commit- ments made by France at '56 Geneva conference. B. French have neither intention nor capa- bility of meeting these commitments: Expeditionary Corps down to about 20,000 men. Approved For Release 2000/05/23 : CIA-RDP89R01443R000400260002-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/23: C - R000400260002-9 11 Diem has asked for complete with- drawal of Corps, anticipating that his relations with French government. will be more difficult if Republican Front is installed. 2. Such a government in Paris might complicate matters by new emphasis on Sainteny mission, diplomatic pressure for strict adherence to Geneva terms. C. But, although future of ICC is cloudly, even Indians--who chair it--appear to recognize all-Vietnam elections now virtually out of question. Approved For Release 2000/05/23 : CIA-RD158GRO1443R000400260002-9 ApproveZ1$Qr R$1 1AA 600/05/23: CI 1449k0 UM01 6 INDONESIA I. Coalition cabinet in Indonesia., led by moderate Masjumi Premier Haraha.p, is presently putting on brave front but its life-expectancy is poor. A. President Suka.rno is reportedly intent on its downfall. B. Vote of confidence could be called for at any time. II. Cabinet's brave front followed withdra.wa.l of two Moslem parties from coalition (19 Jan)--action which reduced Government's nominal majority in parliament to 23 seats. A. Cabinet nonetheless refused to resign. B. Filled from own ranks those cabinet vacancies caused by withdrawal of Nahdla.tul Ulama (NU) and Islamic League (PSII). Approved For Release 2000/05/23 : CIA-RDP80RO1443R000400260002-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/23: CI 43R000400260002-9 C. Despite earlier reports that negotia.- tions with Dutch--issue which sparked present crisis--would be broken off, announced that talks will be continued. III. Masjumi success in staving off immediate collapse is minor victory, however, A. Ma.sjumi now well on way to being isolated from NU, Indonesia's only other major Moslem party. B. In consequence, efforts to effect Masjumi-NU collaboration in new govern- ment will be considerably more difficult, C. Masjurni might even find itself excluded from next cabinet (to be formed after sea.ting of new parliament, probably in April). D. Meanwhile, cabinet's survival depends on loyalty of numerous small parties in government coalition, several of which are unreliable. E. Moreover, Ma.sjumi itself showing signs Approved For Release 2000/05/23 : CIA-RDP80RO1443R000400260002-9 of rupture. Approved For Release 2000/05/23: CI 43R000400260002-9 IV. Newest evidence of disunity within Ma.sjumi --more of a. loose federation tha.n unified, disciplined political party--came on 24 Ja.n when Ma.s jumi deputy chairman and leader of conservative wing, Sukima.n,took issue with party chairman Natsir and told press he re- garded negotiations with Dutch a. "national tragedy," opposed their continuation. A. Such public declaration by Sukiman lends weight to reports he exploring prospects for withdrawal from Masjumi, forming new Moslem federation with NU, PSII. Whatever the immediate outco me chances of eventual Communist pa.rticipa.tion in Indo- nesian government may be improving. A. Executive Committee of National Party (PNI - leader of opposition and plurality winner in '55 elections) has reportedly voted for coalition in future cabinet including NU, PSII and Approved For Release 2000/05/23: CIA-RDP80RO1443R000400260002-9 Approved For Release 2000/05/23: CI - 3R000400260002-9 B. Possible stumbling-block for leftists is still unsettled position of NU. Should this newly important Moslem group (third in '55 voting) reach some arrangement with Masjumi, conservative forces would be strengthened. 1. NU leaders claim they still want to work with Ma.sjumi; younger elements in NU reportedly are concerned over split in Moslem unity and consequent Communist gains C. Unless working agreement can be arranged between NU and Masjumi, however, we can, expect to see further trend to left in Indonesia. Approved For Release 2000/05/23 : CIA-RDP80RO1443R000400260002-9 -4-