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rnt or Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Assessment Center USSR: Development of the Gas Industry ER 78-10393 July 1978 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 This publication is prepared for the use of U.S. Government officials. The format, coverage and contents of the publication are designed to meet the specific requirements of those users. U.S. Government officials may obtain additional copies of this document directly or through liaison channels from the Central Intelligence Agency. Non-U.S. Government users may obtain this along with similar CIA publications on a subscription basis by addressing inquiries to: Document Expediting (DOCEX) Project Exchange and Gift Division Library of Congress Washington, D.C. 20540 Non-U.S. Government users not interested in the DOCEX Project subscription service may purchase reproductions of specific publications on an individual basis from: Photoduplication Service Library of Congress Washington, D.C. 20540 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 USSR: Development of the Gas Industry Central Intelligence Agency National Foreign Assessment Center Key Judgments Soviet natural gas production will continue to grow rapidly and to provide the USSR with a growing source of energy for domestic use or export through the 1980s. ? Soviet natural gas reserves of 28 trillion cubic meters (cu m) are possibly the world's largest and would provide more than 80 years output at the 1977 production level of 346 billion cu m per year. ? Gas extraction grew from 12 billion cu m in 1956 to 346 billion cu m in 1977, an impressive average annual rate of 17 percent, and should continue to grow at about 6 percent a year into the 1980s, reaching 415 billion to 420 billion cu m in 1980, 560 billion to 600 billion cu.m in 1985, and possibly more than 700 billion cu m by 1990. ? The Soviet gas trunkline system now extends well over 100,000 kilometers (km), linking major gasfields in West Siberia and Central Asia with Soviet and European consumers. Although the Soviets do not yet possess a gas distribution system capable of satisfying all consumer needs year-round, they have made some progess in that direction. ? Natural gas will become an increasingly important hard currency earner for the Soviets in trade with the West. It already is a major factor in the Soviets' position as chief energy supplier to Eastern Europe. ? Gas will contribute more than any other fuel to increments in total Soviet energy production between now and 1990. By 1990 it could constitute the largest.single source of domestically produced energy. Development of the Soviet gas industry through the 1980s will focus on West Siberia. ? Gas production at older fields in the European USSR has begun to decline fairly steeply and growth in Central Asia has slowed. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 ? West Siberia's northern Tyumen' Oblast holds over two-thirds of Soviet gas reserves, and new discoveries are continuing to add to the region's reserves. ? Present Soviet plans call for West Siberian gas production to increase from 68 billion cu m in 1977 to more than 150 billion cu m in 1980. ? The region will account for up to 80 percent of all additions to Soviet gas production during 1976-80 and will provide virtually all increases in output in the 1980s. Several persistent problems will confront the Soviet gas industry in the next decade, restraining growth in output and raising costs of gas extraction and transport. ? Pipeline capacity has continually lagged behind drilling and has caused the gas industry to fail to fulfill annual and five-year plans. It probably will be responsible for below-plan production in 1980. ? Inadequate compressor power is a principal bottleneck in expansion of pipeline capacity and will remain so at least through 1980. Construct- ing pipelines in permafrost has also required increased time plus greater investment-particularly in Western large-diameter pipe- and the costs of gas transport are rising substantially. ? Gas extraction costs, already rising faster than those of any other Soviet energy industry, will continue to grow markedly. Increasing well depths-particularly in older producing regions-are a major cause, as are the high costs of gasfield development in the Siberian arctic. ? West Siberia's northern Tyumen' Oblast will become the source of most of the gas industry's future problems as well as the base for production growth. Inadequate infrastructure and technical difficulties posed by drilling, pipe-laying, and pipeline operation in the severe climate probably will limit the development pace. ? The older fields in the European USSR and Central Asia will become an increasing drag on national gas production, absorbing a continued high level of investment while output stagnates or declines. ? Soviet shortcomings in production of large-diameter gas pipe, com- pressor stations, and exploration, drilling, gas processing, and other equipment will lead to continued Soviet dependence on imports from the West. Natural gas will not prove a panacea for Soviet energy problems caused by a future decline in oil production. ? Gas will prove difficult to substitute for oil in several sectors of the Soviet economy, particularly agriculture and transportation. Gas con- Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 sumption will continue to grow in industry, where its use is already substantial. Electric power generation will also provide a significant area of gas-for-oil substitution in the early 1980s. ? Gas will not match oil as a hard currency earner by 1980, although it probably will become the leading Soviet trade commodity well before 1985, earning several billion dollars a year. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Key Judgments ........................................................................................ i Introduction ................................................................................................ 1 1. Postwar Development ............................................................................ 1 A. Early Development ........................................................................ 2 B. Take-Off in Growth ........................................................................ 2 C. Investment ...................................................................................... 3 D. Trends in Use ................................................................................ 5 II. Reserves ................................................................................................ 6 A. Growth of Reserves ........................................................................ 6 B. Geographic Shift .............................................................................. 7 C. Reserve Characteristics .................................................................. 8 D. Emerging Problems in Expanding Reserves .................................. 9 E. New Regions .................................................................................. 10 III. Production .......................................................................................... 12 A. Growth in the East; Decline in the West ....................................... 12 1. Recent Trends ............................................................................ 12 2. Future Growth ............................................................................ 12 B. Increased Costs ................................................................................ 14 IV. The Gas Distribution System ............................................................ 17 A. Current Status ................................................................................ 17 B. Pipeline Construction Problems .................................................... 19 V. Trade .................................................................................................... 20 A. Exports .............................................................................................. 21 B. Imports .............................................................................................. 23 VI. The Need for Western Assistance ..................................................... 23 A. Pipelines ............................................................................................ 23 B. Compressor Stations ......................................................................... 24 C. Gas Processing ................................................................................ 24 D. Well Drilling and Completion ........................................................ 24 E. Exploration ........................................................................................ 24 F. Offshore ............................................................................................ 24 VII. Prospects ............................................................................................ 25 A. The Tenth Five-Year Plan (1976-80) ............................................ 25 B. The 1980s ......................................................................................... 26 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 C. Continuation of Rising Costs .......................................................... 27 D. Reliance on the West ...................................................................... 27 E. Stepped-Up Campaign .................................................................... 28 F. Not a Panacea .................................................................................. 28 Appendixes A. The Older Fields .................................................................................. 31 B. Central Asia ........................................................................................ 35 C. West Siberia ...................................................................................... 39 D. Gas Processing and Refining .............................................................. 47 E. Gas Storage .......................................................................................... 51 F. The Orenburg Project ........................................................................ 53 G. The Trilateral Trade Agreement ........................................................ 55 H. Liquefied Natural Gas ........................................................................ 57 I. USSR: Major Natural Gas Pipelines .............................................. 59 J. Statistical Tables ................................................................................ 63 K. Source References ..... ................................ ......................................... 81 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 USSR: Development of the Gas Industry Introduction Soviet natural gas production until recently has drawn much less attention than Soviet pro- duction of oil, which currently constitutes 45 percent of domestic fuel output versus 24 percent for gas and 28 percent for coal. Natural gas, however, is the most dynamic sector of Soviet fuel production. Oil production faces serious problems stemming primarily from (a) declining output in the once-prolific Urals-Volga region in the European USSR and (b) peaking production at the largest oilfields in West Siberia. No other large Soviet oil deposits have been discovered in several years, and recent CIA studies have pro- jected a decline in oil production sometime in the next few years. The Soviet gas industry, on the other hand, has grown rapidly-despite its re- peated failure to meet plan goals-to become second only to that of the United States. Its impressive capacity for continued expansion sug- gests that its importance to both, foreign and domestic consumers will eventually approach that of oil. This paper is intended to provide a comprehen- sive reference work to facilitate evaluation of the gas industry's current performance and its pros- pects for growth during the next few years. Section I provides an overview of the gas indus- try's postwar development, discussing investment trends in the industry and utilization of gas by other economic sectors. Section II discusses the current status of Soviet gas reserves and the prospects for future additions. The rising impor- tance of West Siberia to future increases in gas output is the focus of Section III. The progress and problems of the Soviets' massive gas pipeline system are discussed in Section IV. Section V covers the growth of Soviet gas exports to East- ern and Western Europe and imports from the Middle East. Section VI surveys the Soviet gas industry's current and future needs for Western equipment. Section VII evaluates the gas indus- try's prospects through the 1980s, focusing on obstacles to rapid growth in production, rising industry costs, and the likely role of gas in Soviet domestic energy consumption and foreign energy trade. This paper is the third in a series of studies on the Soviet energy industry. It follows Prospects for Soviet Oil Production, ER 77-10270 (April 1977), and Prospects for Soviet Oil Production: A Supplemental Analysis, ER 77-10425 (July 1977). The term "gas industry" will refer to the activities of the several ministries involved in the different phases of gas exploration, extraction, and transport. Although the Ministry of the Gas Industry is the principal government agency involved in Soviet gas production, the Ministry of the Petroleum Industry is responsible for a large portion of annual gas extraction-18 percent in 1977. The Ministry of Geology and the Ministry of Construction of Petroleum and Gas Industry Enterprises also have considerable responsibility for gas industry operations. 1. Postwar Development The Soviet gas industry was largely neglected until the mid-1950s. Before World War II, gas played only a small role in energy supplies- mainly as a local fuel in the oil producing regions. After the war, the USSR concentrated on restoring coal and oil production and infra- structure in European Russia. Spurred by the discovery of large gas deposits in the early 1950s, however, gas output grew very rapidly after 1955, growing as a share in total supplies from 2 percent in 1955 to 24 percent in 1977 (see figure 1 and table J-5). Soviet planners reason- ably expect the industry to achieve an increasing share by maintaining a substantial growth rate Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 during the balance of the Tenth Five-Year Plan (1976-80) and beyond.' A. Early Development As in the case of other major world producers, the USSR was slow to expand its gas industry. The Soviets were unaware of their vast natural gas resources until after World War 11.[11 Ini- tially, production was limited primarily to associ- ated gas recovered in conjunction with oil production in the Trans-Caucasus oilfields. Only toward the late thirties did the industry open its first Ukrainian natural gasfields and construct its first long-distance trunklines. Output re- mained small-hampered by German occupation during the war (see table J-1 Z)-and not until the midfifties did nonassociated natural gas con- stitute the bulk of Soviet gas production. The Soviets were reluctant to risk much capital exploring for a fuel which included uncertain reserves and which at that time was more dan- gerous and expensive to exploit than oil. Gas discoveries were usually the unexpected result of oil exploration; they generally proved small and, therefore, were often not developed. However, when, together with improved extraction and transport technologies, major Ukrainian natural gas discoveries were made in the early fifties, such obstacles were reduced. B. Take-Off in Growth Following the large Ukrainian gasfield discov- eries, the jump in gas output and reserves proved dramatic (see figure 2 and tables J-2 and J-9). Average annual growth in production during 1956-77 was 18 percent, compared with 12 per- cent-computed from a smaller base-in the previous 25 years. Growth in gas extraction proceeded at a rate higher than that for crude oil production in all five-year periods after 1955 (see table 1). By the early seventies, USSR output was surpassed only by the United States. [2] As a ' Because CIA anticipates an absolute decline in oil output, its projections for production of oil and alternative fuels for 1978-85 show gas exceeding oil by a wide margin by 1985. For a detailed discussion of Soviet oil production problems, see CIA publication Prospects for Soviet Oil Production, ER: 77-10270 (April 1977), and Prospects for Soviet Oil Production: A Supplemental Analysis, ER 77-10425 (July 1977). 2 Appendix J consists of 27 statistical tables. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 USSR: Share of Major Fuels in Total Fuel Production Percent 65 Table 1 GAS 1951-75 ...................................... 16.9 10.8 1951-55 .................................. 9.2 13.3 1956-60 ......................... ........ 38.2 15.9 1961-65 .................................. 23.0 10.4 1966-70 ... .............................. 9.2 7.7 1971-75 .................................. 7.9 6.8 1976-80 Plan ............................ 8.5 5.5 1976 ........................................ 10.8 5.9 1977 ........................................ 7.8 5.1 'Average annual rates of growth 28 trillion cu m. Pipeline transport capacity has similarly expanded at a steady-although below- plan-pace. Growth in both reserves and production has relied principally on a few fields.[3] Discovery and fairly rapid development of the North Stavropol' (North Caucasus) and Shebelinka (Ukraine) fields in the midfifties sparked and maintained early output increases; addition of a number of other large fields-especially Uzbek's Gazli-supported further expansion into the midsixties (see table 2)?. Thirteen fields during 1956-65 accounted for 56 percent of national production and approximately 40 percent of re- serves. Shebelinka and North Stavropol' alone provided 30 percent of total output. Athough the Soviets currently are producing gas from more than 300 fields[4]-with more than 5,000 exploi- tation wells[5]- they are still relying on a few major fields, particularly in West Siberia, to provide most growth in output in the eighties. [6] oLiiI II:iii fill II I II Iii 1955 60 65 70 75 77 576394 7.78 Investment in the gas industry grew slowly from 1946 through the early sixties but increased rapidly thereafter (see table 3), outpacing invest- ment in other energy sectors during 1966-76 (see table 4). As a result, while the oil sector still consumes the largest portion of total annual result of increased exploration, gas reserves investment in Soviet energy industries (roughly (proved and probable) increased more than 40 35 percent in 1976), the share of gas has risen times during the 1956-76 period, averaging an from 10 percent in 1965 to 17 percent in 1976. estimated yearly growth of 19 percent to reach The value of the stock of plant and equipment in Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 First Year of Production Shebelinskoye .................................. 1956 North Stavropol'skoye .................... 1956 IGazli ................................................ 1961 Ugerskoye ........................................ 1946 Karadag .......................................... 1956 iStepnovskoye .................................. 1958 Leningradskoye ............................. 1958 Bilche-Volitskoye ............................ 1949 Rudkovskoye .................................. 1957 jKorobkovskoye ................................ 1961 Maikopskoye .................................... 1960 iBerezanskoye .................................. 1963 Staro-Minskoye ................................ 1961 Initial Reserves (A + B + C1) 2 Cumulative Production 402.3 104.1 223.4 70.9 480.0 25.7 36.8 25.0 34.1 23.9 27.6 17.6 57.6 14.9 41.0 14.8 32.1 13.5 89.7 11.6 94.9 10.7 61.0 9.6 33.6 8.6 Source: fain F. Elliot, The Soviet Energy Balance, New York (1974), p. 18. 2 Including: Category A: reserves of those deposits on which detailed information is available from a network of wells completely covering each area. Category B: reserves of those deposits on which information is available from a minimum of three ells yielding "commercial" flows of gas. Category C : (a) reserves of newly discovered deposits on which information is available from two or more wells yielding commercial flows of gas and (b) reserves presumed to exist in parts of structures directly djacent to those with higher category (A + B) reserves. The A + B + C, figures refer only to natural gas reserves and do not include reserves of associated gas gas extracted along with oil). It is uncertain whether published data for A + B + C, reserves include only hose that are economically exploitable with current technology ("balansoviye" reserves), but available vidence suggests that generally they do. Soviet and Western reserve concepts differ. Soviet A reserves plus some portion of adjacent B reserves orrespond to the US "proved reserves" category. The remainder of B reserves and some fraction of the C, eserves fall into the US "probable" classification. Most of the remainder of the C, reserves fall into the US `possible" category. Capital Investment in the Ministry of the Gas Industry Billion 1955 Rubles 1946-50 ........... :........... ................... 1951-55 ......................................... 1956-60 ........................................... 1961-65 ........... :.............................. 1966-70 ........... .............................. 1971-75 ........................................... 1976-80 2 ..................................... 0.1 0.4 1.5 3.2 4.0 10.9 19.0 ' Including i 4vestment for pipeline construction. Sources: Review of Sino-Soviet 4it (March 1969), P. 10; Gazovaya promyshlennost' no. 11, (1976), . 12. 2 Plan. Table 4 Capital Investment' in Energy Industries Index: 1965=100 Industry 1965 1970 1975 1976 Electricity 2 .................... 100 1.23 149 153 Coal ................................ 100 1.28 124 129 Oil 2 ................................ 100 1.22 186 202 293 306 ' Investment flows of reproducible fixed assets expressed in constant 1973 prices. Source: Narodnoye khozyaystvo (1975), p. 508; (1976), p. 438. 2 Including investment in all forms of electric power generation. Does not include investment in pipeline transport. Inclusion of such investment would have boosted the index shown above. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Growth of Fixed Capital ' in the Fuel Sector Percent' Total fuels' ............................. 7.3 73 7.4 Gas industry' 25.0 15.1 21.0 ' In constant 1973 prices gross of depreciation. Source: Narodnoye khozyaystvo, various issues. ' Average annual rates of growth. Excluding electric power and oil and gas pipelines. ' Ministry of the Gas Industry. Excluding gas pipelines. the Ministry of the Gas Industry (which ac- counts for most of the fixed capital stock of the gas industry) similarly has climbed steadily (see tables 5 and J-4). By 1976, the Ministry's stock of reproducible fixed assets had reached 14 billion rubles[7]-only 30 percent less than that for the oil industry.[8] As expected, because of very long transmission distances to consumers, pipeline construction has taken the bulk of in- vestment allocations (see tables J-3 and J-4). D. Trends in Use Reflecting the rising share of gas diverted to exports, national consumption of gas has climbed more slowly than production (see table J-6). Although the earlier exceptionally high growth rates of domestic gas use have declined (see table 6), the absolute volume has increased by 1,000 percent over that of the late fifties. Meanwhile, the trends of regional and sector consumption have been generally upward (see tables J-7 and J-8). Industry has received more than one-half of the annual output of gas, with consumption concentrated in the traditional in- dustrial centers of the European USSR. The more remote eastern areas are now using a larger share of the gas they produce, which reduces the proportion of their output available for transmis- sion elsewhere. The growth in use of gas as industrial boiler and furnace fuels in West Sibe- ria, Central Asia, and the Urals reflects this trend (see table J-9). The major sectoral development has involved a decline in the shares of gas consumed by electric Table 6 Natural Gas Consumption' 1961-75 ......... ......._........................_....,.._,....,.._............... 13.0 1961-65 ........................................................................... 23.1 1966-70 ........................................................................... 9.3 1971-75 ............................................................................ 7.3 1976 ................................_....................................._ ....,...... 8.6 1977 .................................................................................... 6.4 ' Apparent consumption. Sources: Narodnoye khozyaystvo SSSR and Vneshnyaya torgovlya SSSR, various issues. CIA estimates for 1976-77. ' Average annual rates of growth. power plants 3 and the oil and gas industry, 4 and a substantial rise in the share of gas absorbed by the metallurgical and chemical industries. [9] That shift reflects both a Soviet effort to increase the use of gas as a raw material rather than as a fuel and the development of new production technologies. Although lagging greatly behind the developed West in adapting the use of gas for heavy industrial purposes, the USSR in the past decade has considerably increased the use of gas in such areas as the petrochemicals industry (for example, in ammonia production) and in gas converters for steel production. S Gas use by electric power plants may also have grown more slowly because of reduced need for buffer sup- plies of gas for handling peak demand periods in winter. The share of gas supplies devoted to household consumption has increased only slightly. 6 With installation of extensive urban distribution sys- tems both technically difficult and expensive, the Soviets have given priority to large-diameter transmission pipelines leading to large industrial ' The actual amount of gas consumed by electric power genera- tion has, nonetheless, grown substantially. ' Recent evidence does indicate, however, that gas use by the gas industry itself, notably for operating gas turbine compressor units on major gas pipelines, is climbing and perhaps reached 30 billion cu m by 1977-9 percent of total production. (Gazovaya promysh- lennost', no. 4 (1977), p. 6). ' Although use of gas in electric power generation grew by 600 percent during 1958-75, its share of national consumption has fallen by 11 percent. Reflecting the very rapid expansion of gas as a raw material, use in the chemical industry-notably for ammonia production-has increased 75 times, and use of gas in metallurgy has risen 23 times. 6 Precise determination of household consumption is difficult, because of extensive use by urban apartments of byproduct heat from gas-burning heat-electricity plants. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 consumers arjd electric power plants that produce both space heat and electricity. II. Reserves USSR: Gas Reserves* T ll ion ri Soviet gas production's postwar growth has Cubic Meters been based on (a) the large size of the country's 30 r-' gas reserves and their fairly rapid development and (b) the shift in exploitation from the dwin- dling reserves of the European USSR to the more recently discovered reserves of Central Asia and West Siberia. Discovered gas reserves have increased dra- matically sine the midsixties. In 1961, only 239 gas or gas condensate deposits were known to exist; by 197 there were 650. [10] Growing at an average annual rate of 20 percent, reserves in Soviet catego ies A + B + C,' climbed from 3.6 trillion cu m in 1965 to 28 trillion cu m in 1976 [ 11 ] (see fig ire 3 and table J-10), giving the Soviets, by th jr own account, the world's largest gas reserves. Additions to proved and probable reserves rose most sharply-by 35 percent per year-during the last half of the sixties, when many of the largest fields in Central Asia and West Siberia were discovered. During 1971-76 the average a nual growth slowed to 10 percent. Nevertheless, the ratio of reserves to production for natural gas has improved dramatically. After declining throughout the early sixties, the ratio rose from a low of 28 in 1965 to a peak of 95 in 1973 (see table J-10). For a descriptidn of coverage by reserve category see footnote 2 for table 2. It is possible t~}at the Soviets have recently revised downward their gas reserve estimate. Although Soviet data released in 1976 and 1977 indicate that reserves of 28 trillion cu m had been reached, recent Soviet statements have failed to give a current reserves estimate and suggest that the figure may be lower, perhaps around 23 trillion u m. See Journal of Commerce, 5 June 1978, p. 4. This paper wi use the estimate of 28 trillion cubic meters. As noted above-foot ote to table 2-differences between Soviet and Western concepts o reserves, moreover, complicate global compari- sons; Persian Gulf reserves estimated under Soviet criteria would probably prove mu h larger than the USSR's. In addition, Soviet reserve estimates s ould be used with some caution, since unrealis- tically high figures, have been noted in the past. 0 I A j 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1( 1- 1955 60 65 70 " Corresponds very roughly to the Western reserve categories of proved, probable, and possible. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 B. Geographic Shift West Siberia has clearly emerged since the late sixties as the leading source of future Soviet gas production. [12] Paralleling developments in crude oil, the share of total reserves of the old European USSR gasfields-principally in the North Caucasus (Stavropol' and Krasnodar' Krays) and the Ukraine-has diminished rapidly as a result of intensified extraction and the lack Natural Gas Reserves (A + B + C,) of Selected Regions as a Share of Total Soviet Reserves' Ukraine SSR Krasnodar' Kray Stavropol' Kray Three- Region Total 40.6 0 15.4 56.1 21.5 10.9 32.6 64.9 24.7 16.3 11.3 52.3 18.4 13.0 6.6 38.0 5.1 0.6 1.3 7.0 3.9 1.1 0.8 5.7 ' Percents are calculated from beginning of year data on reserves. Because of rounding, components may not add to the totals shown. Source: A.D. Brentz, et. al., Ekonomika gazodobyvayushchey promyshlennosti, Moscow (1975), p. 25. Urals region ........................................ North Caucasus .................................. West Siberia ........................................ East Siberia ........................................ Far East ............................................. Ukraine SSR ..... .. _ ................................. Transcaucasus .......................................... Central Asia ............................................ Volga region RSFSR Northwest region ............................... of major new discoveries (see tables 7 and 8). Meanwhile additions to reserves in West Sibe- ria's Tyumen' Oblast and-to a lesser extent-in Central Asia's Turkmen SSR and in the South- ern Urals' Orenburg Oblast have been substan- tial (see table J-11).9 The older fields held about 65 percent of proved plus probable reserves in 1956 but constituted a little less than 6 percent .9 See appendixes A, B, and C for further details on the European USSR, Central Asian, and West Siberian fields. Percent of Planned Actual Plan Fulfilled Turkmen Tyumen' Orenburg Three- Region SSR Oblast Oblast Total 0 0 2.4 2.4 5.1 0.5 0.7 6.4 0.6 2.3 0.8 3.6 10.6 11.2 0.7 22.5 9.7 58.7 7.1 75.6 9.6 61.3 9.4 80.4 USSR .......................................................... 2,221 European section ............. ...................... 347 Asian section .......................................... 1,874 2,230.7 100.4 192.7 55.5 2,038.0 108.8 84 22.0 26.2 10 6.2 62.0 163 83.0 50.9 22 12.5 56.8 1,410 1,616.5 114.6 35 0 0 153 149.0 97.4 68 69.0 101.5 13 13.0 100.0 263 259.5 98.7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 by 1974. Res rves of the newer regions converse- ly have grow from 2.4 percent of the national total in 1951 o more than 80 percent in the mid- 1970s. The diverging trends in growth of reserves in old and new producing regions are reflected in widely differ nt ratios for reserves to production (see table 9). As in the midsixties, when six fields in the European USSR 10 accounted for 48 percent of national output, [13] growth in gas production through the early eighties will rely primarily on a handful of d posits. Northern Tyumen' Oblast has provided most of the growth in the USSR's reserves in the During 1966 additions to t. 1977 held mi serves. Eight 1 Yamburg, Za Bovanenko, c hold more tha Combined wit Orenburg fiel 60 percent c Shatlyk, Med tially develop, initial prepar Most reserve probably will Tyumen' OblE ration current past decade (see appendix Q. [ 14] -77 it contributed 70 percent of to A + B + CI categories and by re than 60 percent of Soviet re- lorthern Tyumen' fields-Urengoy, polyarny, Medvezh'ye, Kharsavey, emakov, and Neitinsk-together n 80 percent of the region's reserves. h the Shatlyk (Turkmen SSR) and Is, they account for approximately f Soviet reserves. Of these only vezh'ye, and Orenburg are substan- A. The remainder are undergoing ation or are still being explored. dditions through the early eighties come from further discoveries on M's Yamal Peninsula, where explo- ly is under way. 10 Shebelinka, orth Stavropol', Gazli, Karadag, Ugersk, and Ber I ezan. Gas Reserves/ Production Ratios for Selected Regions' Soviet natural gas is of generally good quality, with a high methane content. [15] Handling gas in some areas in the future, however, will not prove to be easy. Much of the gas in Central Asia, Orenburg, and the European USSR con- tains significant amounts of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide, which must be removed. [16] Condensate is a problem 11 both in these regions and in West Siberia and in the Komi ASSR, where hydrate 12 formation will complicate ex- traction. Moreover, as exploitation enters lower depths of such multistrata fields as Urengoy, large condensate reserves could pose a greater extraction problem than at the outset of produc- tion. Formation pressure also will create difficul- ties in some regions. Much of the gas in Turkmen is under extremely high heat and pressure, re- quiring special wellhead and collection equip- ment able to withstand such conditions. On the other hand, some Tyumen' fields-possessing low pressure even before production-could ex- perience serious pressure drops a few years after extraction begins, [17] which would leave much valuable condensate in the ground. Soviet gas production through the 1980s will, accordingly, require substantial improvement of gas extrac- tion and processing capabilities (see appendix D). Increased compressor power to maintain adequate pressure in major Siberian pipelines, because of falling gas pressure at the fields themselves, will be required. Protection of trunk- lines from corrosion and the expansion of use of gas as feedstock in petrochemical industries will " Condensate consists of gas liquids in the deposit that have been separated from the dry gas by high heat and kept in liquid form by high pressure. When extracted, condensate begins to vaporize under the lower surface pressure. Cooler temperatures at the surface, however, return part of the vaporized condensate to liquid form. Processing plants at the field complete the recompression, after which the condensate is separated into butane, propane, ethane, and methane. Condensate must be removed from the gas before the latter is transmitted through the pipeline. if it is not, the condensate can vaporize in the line, damaging the pipe and causing other transmission problems. At many fields in Siberia where processing facilities do not yet exist to refine the condensate into usable products, the condensate is wastefully discarded. 13 Hydrates result from the cooling of warm gas as it flows to the surface. The condensation causes water vapors to collect at the top of the well and down hole near perforations in the well casing. The hydrates tend to plug the flow apertures in both areas, and at low surface temperatures may freeze, causing valves to stick or split. Older regions ....... .................. 41.9 17.4 14.0 Ukraine SSR ...! ................... 38.2 16.3 12.4 Krasnodar' Kra,. ........ 70.3 19.9 21.8 Stavropol' Kray ............... 30.6 16.4 12.7 Newer regions 113.0 358.0 320.4 Turkmen SSR .. ................... 57.0 245.4 68.5 Orenburg Oblas .............. 35.2 47.5 236.8 Tyumen' Oblast x z 746.2 Source: Brentz, Ekonomika gazodobyvayushchey promyshlen- nosti, pp. 25, 39. Although reser es were large, production was negligible. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 require effective removal of gas impurities and byproducts. D. Emerging Problems in Expanding Reserves The Soviets face growing difficulties in adding to their gas reserves. Major increments will prove harder and more costly to obtain. Substantial new discoveries are likely, but overall growth in reserves will slow considerably, despite the planned step-up in capital in exploration outlays. The increasing depth and complexity of promis- ing formations and their location in inhospitable, distant regions will pose new obstacles to Soviet exploration capabilities, including rapidly rising exploration costs. Prospecting 13 represents a growing, though small, percentage of Soviet gas industry invest- ment. It jumped 600 percent during 1971-75 alone. Exploration may account for almost two- thirds of total drilling for gas, as shown in the tabulation below. [ 18] Percent 1961-65 ................................ 43 1966-70 ................................ 57 1971-75 ................................ 63 " Published ruble expenditure figures for this sector of the industry apply to both prospecting (for example, seismic mapping) and actual exploratory drilling. Table 11 Distribution of Gas Reserves,' January 1971 The average depth for exploratory drilling increased only 33 percent during 1962-75, but the Soviets expect it to grow by another 30 percent in 1976-80, and recent drilling results suggest that it may increase even more than that. [ 19] Reserves currently being exploited in West Siberia mainly are at depths of 1,000-2,000 meters, thereby contributing to a relatively low national average (see tables 10 and 11). How- ever, in some important producing areas-nota- bly Turkmen, Komi ASSR, and the Ukraine- most proved and probable reserves are located at depths greater than 2,000 meters. Further West Siberian exploration will similarly have to search to greater depths. Technology will pose considerable problems. Soviet drilling practices, predominantly based on the turbodrill, become much less efficient at Average Gas Well Depth ' 1961 ...................................................................................... 1,580 1965 ...................................................................................... 1,775 1970 ...................................................................................... 1,857 1975 ...................................................................................... 2,100 1980 ...................................................................................... 2,700 ' Source: V. A. Smirnov, "Gazovaya promyshlennost'," Ekono- mika organizatsiya promyshlennogo proizvodstva, no. 5 (1975), p. 58. Less Than 1,000 Meters 1,000-1,999 Meters 2,000-3,000 Meters More Than 3,000 Meters USSR .................................... 9.7 67.4 14.4 8.5 RSFSR .............................. 9.2 79.8 9.9 1.1 Komi ASSR ................ 2.8 1.7 90.9 4.6 Orenburg Oblast ........ 1.5 98.5 0 0 Tyumen' Oblast .......... 9.6 89.9 0.5 0 Ukraine SSR .................. 5.1 13.8 53.8 27.2 Kazakh SSR .................... 20.0 42.5 37.5 0 Uzbek SSR ...................... 33.0 34.1 32.1 .8 Turkmen SSR .................. 4.1 19.7 17.3 58.9 Tadzhik SSR .................... 0 31.8 57.4 10.8 Kirgiz SSR ...................... 11.5 60.9 27.6 0 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 depths of more than 2,000 meters. '^ This fact, compounded by limited use of quality seismic surveying equipment, has restricted the success of explorat ry drilling. 15 As a result of inad- equate seismic surveying, only minimal expan- sion of reserves has been achieved in older producing regions, where potential gas-bearing formations Ore very deep. [20] The technological difficulty of locating new reserves has prompted exploration ~,rews to spend the bulk of their time on step-out drilling 16 in known producing zones rather than risking failure in promising but unexplored reas. [21 ] After rising sharply in the late 1960s, reserve additions per meter drilled dropped steadily in the early 1970s (see figure 4 and tables 2 and J-12). Because of the con- tinuance of these difficulties and because most major gas deposits in Central Asia and northern Tyumen' Oblast may have been discovered, an- nual discoveries probably will level off or decline during 1976-80, although they will remain far higher than before 1965. E. New Re, lions Significant expansion of gas reserves beyond the mid-1980s will rely in great part on explora- tion in East Siberia, in the Soviet Far East, and offshore. M scow may be planning a major exploration 1rive in East Siberia and Yakutsk ASSR during the remainder of the decade. [22] Although the Soviets estimate large reserves in the eastern regions-13 trillion cu m in Yakutia alone-exploration in West Siberia, the Urals- Volga, and !other regions has received higher priority during the past 15 years. Only 0.5 meters have ;been drilled per square kilometer in East Siberia) compared with 20 meters in the "The turbodri 1, which constitutes almost 80 percent of all Soviet drilling rig for oil and gas, employs drilling fluid under high pressure to driv the drill bit. The rotary drill, which is the predominant drill ng rig type used in the West, employs a drill bit attached to high- uality drill pipe. The mechanized turning of the pipe by the drillin rig-plus the weight of the pipe-drives the bit. Turbodrill down- ole components generally wear out faster than those for rotary rills. " Most Soviet seismic recording is still done on analog tape employing techno ogy used in the United States in the 1950s. This leads to poor rec rding of important geological data. 16 Step-out drill- Fig is the sinking of wells to further define the size and increase the r do of reserves to production of a known oil or gas deposit. USSR: Addition to Natural Gas Reserves* Per Meter of Exploratory Drilling Million Cubic Meters * Corresponds very roughly to the Western reserve categories of proved, probable, and possible. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Exploration for Natural Gas in Selected Gas Production Associations,' 1971-75 Production Exploratory Reserves Added Association Drilling A + B + C, (Thousand Meters) (Billion Cubic Meters) Tyumengazprom .................................... T k 120.0 8,655.1 ur mengazprom .................................... U b k 298.9 704.8 z e gazprom .......................................... 45.2 5 4 Kubangazprom . (Krasnodar' Kray) ............................. S 499.6 16.5 tavropolgazprom .................................... 107.0 3.0 Sources: Geologiya nefti i gaza, no. 6 (1976), pp. 16-18; A. D. Belorusov, et at., Problems razvitiya i razmeshcheniya proizvodstvennikh sil zapadnoy sibierii, Moscow (1976), p. 19; Geologiya bureniye, no. 4 (1977), P, 3 Urals-Volga region. Drilling coverage for Ya- seismic surveying is not widely adopted. The kutsk is similarly light. Proved and probable risk-avoiding emphasis on step-out rather than reserves in East Siberia and Yakutsk are low as a exploration drilling will also hamper effec- result, but Moscow may eventually expand the tiveness. area covered and intensify drilling efforts in promising locations. Even if East Siberia and the Far East have extensive reserves, many of their potential gas- bearing structures are much deeper than gas- bearing structures in West Siberia. More than 60 percent of Yakutia's discovered reserves are lo- cated at or below 3,000 meters. [23] Moreover, many formations will prove complex for survey- ing. These problems will be aggravated by the great distances from supply bases and current transport lines and by difficulties with perma- frost possibly exceeding those in northern Tyumen'. Completion by the early 1980s of the Baikal-Amur Railway parallel to but north of the Trans-Siberian line will help, but huge capi- tal investments in additional infrastructure will still be needed." Exploration, therefore, will probably move slowly during 1976-80, and reserve additions will increase only gradually, particularly if harsh climatic conditions bring continued drilling prob- lems in both East Siberia and Yakutsk and if " In Irkutsk, the focusing of most exploratory drilling near the Trans-Siberian railway in the past-while logistically practical-in fact reduced aggregate results since the most promising exploration sites known at that time were f *I- L ur Offshore formations may hold several trillion cubic meters of gas, but they have received even less attention than the East Siberian and Far Eastern economic regions. '8 Structures in the Kara and Barents Seas-adjacent to northern Tyumen'-are estimated to have the largest un- dersea Soviet reserves, but no major prospecting has been done. Offshore Sakhalin reserves, once estimated to be quite large, have been appraised downward as a joint US-Japanese-Soviet explo- ration effort continues. Proved reserves in the Caspian Sea and off the Crimea are not large but represent the best explored of Soviet offshore formations, and drilling there could be substan- tially increased. Soviet offshore capabilities lag substantially behind the West. With many undersea structures located well below 3,000 meters (and under at least 100 meters of water), poor technology has clearly held up progress. The Soviets -do not have the sophisticated offshore rigs, drilling and sub- sea well completion equipment, and offshore pipeline technology required for large-scale ex- ploration and exploitation of offshore gas depos- its, particularly those under arctic waters. Until er nort , away from all-weather " For a general discussion of Soviet offshore as transport routes. Review of Sino-Soviet Oil (June 1975), p. 15. Offshore Magazine (April 1976), g potential, see pp. 63-67. Reserves Added per Meter Drilled (Thousand Cubic Meters) 72,126 2,358 119 33 28 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Western-type more widely t zones probabl and untappec Ill. Product Soviet gas cu m, exceedi tion thus act growth duri percent aver, by 1980-th year plan. ( increase to 3 billion cu m equipment is purchased and used iy the Soviets, most USSR offshore y will remain relatively unexplored on production in 1977 was 346 billion ,rig 1975 by 57 billion cu m. Produc- ieved a 9.4-percent average annual rig 1976-77, well above the 8.5- Lge needed to reach 435 billion cu m e upper limit of the 1976-80 five- ras output currently is planned to 70 billion cu m in 1978 and to 401 in 1979.[24] USSR: Selected Regional Natural Gas Production Percent of Total A. Growth 'in the East; Decline in the West 1. Recent Trends. The discoveries in West 30 Siberia and entral Asia of the USSR's largest gas reserves Lave been reflected in the steady rise in productio in these newer regions and in the equally stea y decline of production from the USSR's older fields. [25] The output of Stavro- pol' and K asnodar' Krays and the Ukraine constituted 1 percent of Soviet gas production in 1965, but fell to 30 percent by 1975 (see tables J-13, J-14, and J-15). North Caucasus produc- tion droppe 43 percent during 1971-75. Ukrai- nian output increased only 13 percent in the same period and began to decline in 1977. By 1972 combined Central Asian and West Siberian pr duction had surpassed that of the Ukraine (s a figure 5). The former two regions provided only 14 percent (18 billion cu m) of Soviet gas supplies in 1965, but their combined output gre at an average annual rate of 21 percent du ing 1966-76, a sevenfold increase. Central Asa contributed most of the increase, rowing fr m 17.9 billion cu m to 104 billion cu g m-an ave age annual rate of 17.4 percent. West Siberian output increased from 0.6 billion cu m in 1966 to 8 billion in 1977-an average annual rate of mo e than 50 percent. Central Asia in 1977 provided almost one-third of Soviet gas production and West Siberia supplied 20 percent. 2. Future Growth. Most of the production growth in 978-80-and virtually all output in- creases thr ugh 1990-will come from areas east of the Ura s (see figure 6). Moscow expects the 1960 65 576398 7.78 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 USSR: Regional Production of Natural Gas Billion Cubic Meters Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Ukraine's production to fall by approximately 12 percent during 1978-80, [26] but it will probably decline more rapidly. The drop in European USSR gas production during 1971-77 was offset primarily b' Central Asian production. During the next decade, however, West Siberia's north- ern Tyumen' Oblast will have to make up for the Ukraine's sharp decline and provide most of the increase in total Soviet gas output. West Siberia is scheduled to become the leading producer by 1980, contributing one-third of Soviet output (see appendix C).[27] Central Asian production will grow more slowly, and its share of national production F is targeted to fall to roughly 26 percent. As previously, the industry's growth through the 1980s will in fact depend on the continued developnleot of only a few large fields. During 1971-77, more than 95 percent of the additions to national production came from six fields: Medvezh'ye (Tyumen' Oblast); Vuktyl (Komi ASSR); Qrenburg (Orenburg Oblast); and Shatlyk, Achak, and Naip (Turkmen SSR). During 1978-80 Turkmen [28] and Orenburg [29] will ', add some capacity, but the main growth will :come from Vyngapur and Urengoy in Tyumen'. Urengoy, the USSR's largest known gas; deposit, is expected by Moscow to produce 58 billion to 60 billion cu in within three yeai?s after coming on-stream in 1978. Beyond 1980, Urengoy and other Tyumen' fields-Zapolyarny, Yamburg, Yubilenoy, Kharsavey, and Bovanenko-will constitute the main sources of additional production. Soviet gas output will also increase through greater use of associated gas from oil wells. Lack of equipment for handling such gas has forced a high rate 'of wasteful flaring for decades (see appendix D). The processing of associated gas has grown slowly, rising from 8 billion cu in in 1960 to 29 billion cu in in 1975 (see table J-2), or 10 percent of total gas output. Increased invest- ment in processing facilities, however, should raise output substantially by 1980. B. Increased Costs Although costs of gas extraction are lower than those for oil or coal production, they are rising faster than production costs of any of the other Soviet energy industries. The drop in out- put from older fields and the difficulty of devel- oping Siberian and Central Asian deposits have pushed costs up substantially. The cost in con- stant 1970 prices of extracting 1,000 cu in and Change in Production Costs in Constant Prices' Percent' 1970 Over 1975 Over 1965 1970 Oil extraction -3.0 12.6 Gas production 8.5 45.9 Coal production 5.6 6.8 Electric power 0.1 2.4 ' Expressed in "prices of the previous year." The official link relatives given in the annual statistical abstracts (for example, Narodnoye khozyaystvo 1974, p. 209) apparently are expressed in the form of a "link cost" index of the following form: F-P, Q2 ccEP2 Q3 C2 F-P, Q, ' Cs L~P2 Q2 . . . 2 The percent changes are based on absolute cost figures for the four industries. Those figures were derived by (a) extrapolating a benchmark cost figure for each industry by the official Soviet cost index for that industry to obtain a series of production costs (sebestotmost') in constant prices and (b) adding to the derived sebestoimost' series (expressed in rubles/kopecks per unit of output) an interest charge on each industry's reproducible fixed assets. Benchmark cost figures for each industry were for 1970 or 1972. They were derived indirectly from official coefficients for amortiza- tion charges. For example, the 1970 cost (sebestoimost') for oil was derived by (a) taking the 1970 amortization charge on fixed capital in the oil industry (Narodnoye khozyaystvo 1970, p. 1971); (b) dividing the total charge (in million rubles) by total 1970 oil production to derive an amortization charge per metric ton of oil produced; then (c) dividing that charge by its percentage of oil production's sebestoimost' for 1970 (p. 174), to produce an approxi- mate sebestotmost' (in rubles) for 1 ton of oil. This benchmark figure was then extrapolated by use of the official cost index. Capital stock in constant prices for 1965 and 1970-75 was derivd by extrapolating 1972 capital stock figures for each industry (Narkhoz 1974, p. 62) through the official index for growth in capital stock (for example, Narkohz 1974, p. 196). The resulting series represents reproducible fixed assets in constant 1 July 1967 wholesale prices. The capital charge for the industries was added by taking the 12- percent interest of the derived stock figure for each year, dividing it by the total physical units produced that year, and adding the result to the base sebestoimost'. Because the only charge for capital in official Soviet cost figures is an amortization (depreciation) allowance, a synthetic interest charge is incorporated. These cost figures embody-in the 12-percent interest charge-the "convention" used by Western scholars to derive an appropriate measure of capital's contribution. ' Does not include pipeline transport or storage. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Figure 7 USSR: Output-Capital Ratio for Gas Extraction 1,000 Cubic Meters/ 1,000 Rubles 300 processing it for transport declined steadily from 1955 to 1965, but then rose sharply from a low of 2.71 rubles in 1965 to 4.29 rubles in 1975.[30] Most of this increase occurred in the first half of the 1970s when unit costs rose by 46 percent. Costs for oil extraction, coal production, and electric power generation grew much more slowly (see table 13). Total new fixed investment in gas extraction rose from 1.0 billion rubles in 1966-70 to 3.1 billion rubles in 1971-75.[31] At the same time, according to Soviet data, the ratio of output to capital stock dropped from 294 cu m per ruble in 1965 to 96 cu m per ruble in 1975 (see figure 7 and table J-16).[32] Large investments in older gasfields will remain a drag on the industry's economic perfor- mance. The need to satisfy growing domestic consumption and export requirements will prompt continued efforts to slow the production decline from deposits in the European USSR. Losses in capacity at older fields have increased substantially. As a result, new investment in 1971-75 designed to compensate for output losses-by drilling new wells in aging fields or by developing new deposits both in older regions and in West Siberia and Central Asia-exceeded investment intended for major additions to na- tional capacity.[33] During that period output/ capital stock ratios for the older fields declined sharply (see tables J-16 and J-17). A leading reason for the decline is higher drilling costs. Squeezed by rapidly increasing depths and steadily falling output, production wells in older producing areas have grown in- creasingly expensive to put into operation. The average depth of overall development drilling rose during 1971-75 from 1,745 to 2,100 meters. New gas deposits in many of the long-exploited areas-including most of Central Asia-are lo- cated even deeper. Wells sunk in those regions through 1980 will probably average between 3,000 and 4,000 meters, [34] depths that forced well costs in those regions to climb more rapidly than the national average of 14 percent during 1966-72 (see table 14). [35] Costs will continue to rise sharply if Soviet deep-drilling technology does not improve substantially, and they will be covered to a decreasing extent by growth in output per well. As more wells have been drilled in regions of declining capacity, production per well has nose-dived (see table J-18). [36] 19 Use of certain types of drilling rigs in prospective zones for which those rigs are not effective has also contributed to higher costs. [37] " The average output per well for the USSR as a whole has not fallen steeply since peaking in 1965. A relatively high well average for West Siberia has partially offset a decline per well for the Ukraine and North Caucasus. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Cost' of Development Wells Cost Cost Cost Cost Average Annual of Wells per Well of Wells per Well Increase (1966-72) (Thousand Number (Thousand (Thousand Number (Thousand in Cost per Well Rubles) of Wells Rubles) Rubles) of Wells Rubles) (Percent) 239,792 3,314 72.4 941,161 5,058 186.0 14.4 Ukraine ............................ 75,901 755 100.5 281,295 1,291 217.9 11.7 Uzbek .............................. 28,724 345 83.3 86 198 462 186 6 12 2 Krasnodar'' Kray ' ............ 37,740 468 80.6 , 122,760 735 . 167.0 . 11.0 Stavropol Kay ' .............. 15,000 389 38.6 68,520 787 87.0 12.3 Tyumen Oblast .............. NA NA NA NA NA 450.02 NA "Balance'?sheet" costs ("balansovaya stoimost"'), expressed in current factor prices. Unlike costs in the data underlying table 13, interest charges on c pital are not included. Sources: G. Z. Khaskin, et al., Osnovnyye fondy gazovoy promyshlennosti, Moscow (1975), p. 41; Ekonomika g azovoy promyshlennosti, no. 2 (1975), p. 12. 2 Represents lower end of a range of 450,000 to 600,000 rubles given for Tyumen' gas well drilling (1,000 to 1,200 meters) in 1975. The state of applied Soviet well drilling and completion technology has also contributed to greater well expense. Drill bits, drilling fluids, drill pipe, and casing are generally of poor quality by Western standards, and have caused up to 50 percent of total emergency downtime in recent years. [38] Improvement is essential for drilling deep wells in Central Asia, the Ukraine, and particularly in northern Tyumen'- where large high-capacity wells (144 to 166 mm in diameter aid later possibly up to 273 mm) are being drilled in an arctic environment [39] in which the ground's freezing and thawing and the widespread presence of hydrates can place metals and other materials under tremendous stress. [40] Serious blowouts or well cave-ins could occur as a result. Wellhead equipment often cannot handle high-pressure, high-tem- perature gas, and serious production losses have resulted over the years at many major fields. Packer technology needed for extracting gas from two or more strata through one well is still primitive aT most fields and as a result gas losses are large. [i41 ] 20 Soviet interest in dual comple- 20 A packer i a rubber annulus, attached to a length of pipe, which can be in erted into a well and expanded to seal off the upper part of the well from the lower. It can be used to permit the extraction of oil; or gas from two or more productive strata through separate tubingi in the same well (multiple completion). In the case of multiple completion of several gas-bearing strata, packers serve to maintain the, integrity of the production zones, each of which may be under different pressure or contain gas of different quality. tion methods nonetheless is substantial, and it was attempted on more than 100 wells during 1971-75, [42] primarily at two of Turkmen's larger fields-Achak and Naip. [43] Gas losses at the latter two fields, resulting from faulty packers and wellhead units, contributed to pre- mature pressure losses which will reduce the fields' productive lives. The main cause of higher gas production costs in the future will be West Siberian conditions. During 1971-75 the nationwide cost of 1 meter of production drilling rose from 140 to 210 rubles. Of that increase, 56 percent resulted from mov- ing equipment to new regions, while greater well depths accounted for only 10 percent.[44] With most proved north Tyumen' gas reserves at shallower depths than in older regions, West Siberia's major costs stem from harsh climatic conditions. The desert production environment in Central Asia has also hampered gasfield develop- ment, but not to the same extent. West Siberia lacks basic infrastructure required for direct and indirect production support. Roads and railroads are few and, along with other infrastructure, their construction can constitute up to 60 percent of investment in field development. [45] Drilling and production equipment are frequently deliv- ered either slowly by surface or by air, both at Separation of the gas from different zones, in this manner, facilitates processing of the gas at the surface. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 very high costs. West Siberia's permafrost and tundra place tremendous stress on equipment, labor, and living facilities, reducing productivity and necessitating additional large outlays for infrastructure. Handling extracted gas in these areas will be another economic burden. Moscow must expand substantially its investment in facilities through- out the USSR for processing of sour gas, gas condensate, and associated gas. 21 Tyumen' Ob- last's large reserves of condensate and associated gas will require huge investments in plant capac- ity. Investment in other equipment for collecting and preparing gas for pipeline transport-such as intrafield pipe networks-will grow substantially as new fields come on stream. The length of pipeline networks for intrafield collection in- creased by 30 percent during 1970-73 (see table J- 19). The Soviets are prepared to expand the stock of plant and equipment needed to improve their gas production base. They are unlikely, however, to attain targeted returns. The extraction end of the industry has often underfulfilled plans since 1960, in great part because of lags in both technological innovation and field equipment in- stallation. Even where infrastructure has been sufficient, poor management and chronic short- ages have repeatedly created supply bottlenecks. The industry will face the same or greater prob- lems in the new producing regions in East Sibe- ria, the Far East, and offshore. Moreover, unless pipeline construction in remote northern areas is hastened, the gap between planned production of gas and actual deliveries to consumers will re- main-regardless of the pace of field develop- ment. IV. The Gas Distribution System The costliest and most trouble-plagued sector of the Soviet gas industry is pipeline transport. Moscow has made great efforts to install a massive network of trunklines 22 and gas storage 21 Further details on gas processing and refining are given in appendix D. 22 This paper will discuss only cross-country transmission pipe- lines, not distribution lines within urban and industrial areas, which by 1978 exceeded 108,000 km (Ekonomika gazovoy promyshlen- nosti, no. 2 (1978), p. 3). sites, linking its remote fields with domestic and foreign consumers. Yet, the transport effort has suffered from simultaneous lags in new pipeline construction and chronic underutilization of ex- isting trunkline capacity. As with gas extraction, transport's problems show no signs of easing before the early 1980s. A. Current Status The Soviets have already built the second largest gas supply network in the world (see map). Its length is roughly one-fourth of the US system (see table 15), but its construction is nonetheless a major achievement. Since the mid- 1950s gas pipeline installation has moved at a fairly rapid pace to exceed 110,000 km of pipe by 1978. The network's length grew by 16 percent per year in 1956-76, but the growth rate was only 8 percent a year during 1971-75, in part because construction increasingly had to contend with arctic and desert conditions (see table J-20). Despite such obstacles, several large gas delivery systems have been built from Tyumen' and the Karakum Desert since the late 1960s (see appen- dix I). Average length of transport has grown substan- tially especially since the late 1960s, reflecting Length of Gas Transmission Pipelines in the USSR and the United States' USSR United States USSR as a Percent of United States 1950 ............. 2.3 182.1 1 1955 ............. 4.9 234.9 2 1960 .............. 21.0 295.8 7 1965 .............. 42.0 340.3 12 1970 .............. 67.5 406.8 17 1975 .............. 99.2 434.91 23 1976 .............. 103.5 416.511 25 'Sources: Narodnoye khozyaystvo SSSR, Moscow, various issues; Basic Petroleum Data Book. Section XII, Table 2, American Petroleum Institute (April 1977); Gas Facts, American Gas Institute (1977.), p. 53. 2 Estimate. The decline in length of US trunklines is generally due to retiring of some lines where declining gas production has made their further use uneconomical. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 the emerging production roles of Central Asia and West Siberia. [46] The distance of new gasfields from consuming centers now requires lines up to twice the length of major trunk systems built 10 years ago, and Moscow expects the average distance of transport to increase from 1,294 km in 1975 to 1,900 km by 1980.[47] Centralizing control of such long-distance pipeline operations has received high priority. In 1976, 6,300 km of trunkline were automated (6 percent of the trunkline network),j48] and several thousand more kilometers were automated in the early 1970s including telemechanization of compressor station and 'valve operations. The increasing costs of transport, due to a doubling of average length of transmission be- tween the early 1960s and 1975, have been partially offset by a greatly expanded use of more economical, large-diameter lines, 23 (see tables 16 and J-21). Large-diameter trunklines accounted for 40 percent of total gas pipeline length in 1975, compared with only 18 percent in 1965. As aresult the average pipeline diameter has increased 83 percent during 1961-75 from 553 mm to 1,012 mm,[49] which is roughly twice as large as that of the United States. Pipeline transport is the gas industry's most expensive sector. It embraces three-fourths of the industry's fixed capital, receives about 60 percent of the industry's annual investment and employs 20 percent of its 200,000-man labor force. [50] Although its share of investment has dropped 13 Pipe of 1,020; mm or larger. The USSR has become the first country to adopt the widespread use of 1,420-mm pipe, the world's largest diameter. Distribution of Gas Pipeline Sizes Diameter (Millimeters) 1960 1965 1970 1975 19801 1,420 .............. 0 0 0 3.6 11.1 1,220 .............' 0 0 5.6 15.2 13.5 1,020 .............. 3.2 17.8 23.5 20.8 19.3 820._ .......... 10.8 9.5 7.4 7.1 5.3 720 .............. 29.4 24.7 19.1 15.2 10.6 Other ............ 56.6 48.0 44.3 38.1 40.2 slightly since the late 1960s-the result pri- marily of a jump in allocations to extraction- transport will continue to consume the bulk of gas industry resources. New and larger logistical problems of pipelaying and heavy imports of large-diameter pipe and related equipment have required continual and large increases in invest- ment. Fixed capital in trunkl:ine transport more than doubled in absolute terms during 1971-75 while gas production increased by 46 per- cent.[51] New investment allocations per 1,000- cu m increment of transported gas similarly increased from 36 to 70 rubles in that period. [52] As a result of these trends average costs for piping gas declined steadily through 1966, and rose sharply in 1971-75.[53][54] 24 Inefficient use of pipeline capacity due to lagging comple- tion of new compressor stations (see section B, below) and production declines at older fields are also pushing costs up, as the latter has in the United States. The prospect of continued under- use of capacity is probably a major reason for little Soviet discussion in recent years of building lines of even larger diameter-such as 1,520 mm. The difficulty of manufacturing pipe and equipment for such lines domestically, and the expense of ordering them from the West, is certainly another reason. Still, Soviet claims of a unified natural gas delivery system capable of maintaining adequate year-round supplies to all major consuming cen- ters are not yet justified. Repeated reports of gas shortages-some of them "serious"-reflect the pipeline-storage network's insufficient capacity and flexibility to handle large demand fluctu- ations. Substantial increases in storage capacity during the current five-year plan (1976-80) are slated to improve supply reliability for many cities. As the distance from gasfield to Soviet con- suming centers has increased, underground stor- age facilities for use during winter's peak demand periods have become much more impor- tant. And, indeed, gas storage capacity has grown rapidly over the past few years. Storage Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 sites grew from only four in 1960 to 25 in 1975, raising total storage capacity from 0.7 billion cu m to 39.5 billion. Ten facilities were built during 1971-75 alone (see appendix E).[55] Almost all of them are near the largest cities in the Euro- pean USSR. The primary improvements in dis- tribution, however, must still come in the pipeline network itself, where expansion efforts thus far have run into several serious problems. B. Pipeline Construction Problems The Soviet gas industry has consistently failed to meet production goals, primarily because trunklines to newly opened fields either were not completed on schedule or were operating at below capacity. Such failures stem from several basic problems: (1) The increasing length of pipelines and the need to construct them under adverse climatic conditions. Conditions surrounding trunkline construction are unlikely to improve. Along with greater length will come an increase in the number and severity of natural obstacles. West Siberia's bur- geoning pipeline network is being installed in regions of tundra, permafrost, and swamps, where adverse weather and ground conditions limit pipelaying to only a few months of the year. The large Central Asia-Center system covers thousands of kilometers of desert. The Orenburg pipeline will cross more natural and manmade obstacles than have most Soviet lines in the past. Lack of roads, housing, and established supply and repair bases-particularly in Tyumen'- Use of Gas Trunkline Capacity' Percent Use of Capacity Use Capacity (2) Inadequate capacity to produce and install 1967 1968 .......... .... ? . 150.7 182.8 143.3 155.1 95 85 rapidly large diameter pipe and powerful 1969 .......... 185.8 166.0 89 compressors. 1970 .......... 235.7 181.5 77 1 244 8 209 86 1971 .......... . . (3) Shortages of skilled manpower, machin- 1972 .......... 244.1 219.9 90 ery, and materials for pipeline projects and poor 1973 .......... 261.1 ? 231.1 89 management of available resources. The pace of trunkline construction has held close to plan during the 1970s. Over 30,000 km of pipe were laid during 1971-75, meeting the five-year plan.[56] Compressor station comple- tions in that period increased by 156, against 85 new stations built during 1966-70.[57] Although total compressor station power increased sharply in 1973-75 (see table J-23), 25 use of aggregate trunkline capacity has rarely risen above 90 percent of the maximum potential (see table 17). 26 On several major lines in 1975, use was only 66 percent of capacity (see table 18). ZS By 1977, more than 70 percent of on-line compressor capacity was generated by gas turbine drive-as opposed to piston drive- and electric power sources. Turbine units are more efficient and have larger capacities than other forms of gas line compressors. Robert Campbell, Recent Trends in the Soviet Oil and Gas Industry,. Baltimore (1976), pp. 56-57. a This performance is similar, however, to that in the United States. Source: Khaskin, Osnovnyye fondy, p. 47. Table 18 Use of Capacity of Selected Gas Trunklines, 1975 Maximum Percent Use Trunkline Capacity Use of Capacity Total .............................. 237.8 158.0 66 Medvezh'ye-Nadym .. 60.0 31.0 52 Nadym-Punga ........... 56.0 40.0 71 Punga-Northern Lights ...................... 42.0 30.0 71 Urals system 20.0 15.5 78 Nadym-Punga- Gor'kiy-Center ...... 17.3 14.5 84 Central Asia-Center Nos. 3 & 4 42.5 27.0 64 ' These lines were cited by the Soviets as examples of underutili- zation due to lagging installation of compressor capacity. Source: R. D. Margulov, et al., Razvltiye gazovoy promyshlennosti i analiz techniko-ekonomicheskikh pokazateley, Moscow (1976), p. 46. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 slow construction considerably. Efficiency of So- viet logistical organization, perennially low in good conditions, deteriorates further in remote areas and. :can delay some projects for months. Several trunklines, including the Northern Lights and Messoyakha-Noril'sk systems, have suffered breaks from stress caused by cold and the buckling of the ground from repeated freez- ing and tl awing.[58] Installing some. pipe sec- tions aboveground on berms and trestles has reduced the problem but has not eliminated it. High winds, for example, have continued to shake the lines, chafing insulation and in some cases toppling pipe from the supports, causing it to break. Poor-quality pipe insulation has led to breaks in swampy and desert regions as well as in permafrost. Inadequate technology and capacity in support industries have particularly hindered the delivery system's development. A major problem for the rest of the decade is a shortage of domestically manufactured large-diameter pipes and valves of high metallurgical quality needed to withstand Siberian cold and internal corrosion. Pipe and valve imports have solved part of the problem, but Moscow wants a larger domestic production capability,[59] particularly to reduce hard cur- rency outlays on imports of large-diameter pipe. The Soviets must, in addition, improve gas processing capacity in both Central Asia and northern Tyumen' to reduce the amount of corro- sive gas entering trunklines. This problem has particularly plagued Central Asia's large pipe- line systems. [60] Welding technology on most lines under construction also lags behind the developed West, causing both delay in pipelaying and pipeline breaks during operation. Soviet inability to produce compressor station compo- nents in adequate. number and quality is another major weak spot. Moscow has made substantial imports of compressor equipment, but the total supply of units for large-diameter lines is still short. Faced with these natural and technical obsta- cles, the Soviets have tried to accomplish more than their ;limited resources allow. Trunkline capacity has:frequently fallen short of plan, in great part because manpower, machinery, and materials have been spread thinly among many projects. Both oil and gas lines compete for the same labor force, and only a few projects receive adequate allocations. Emphasis on putting north- ern Tyumen' gasfields onstream clearly has given priority to expanding the region's major pipeline systems-Northern Lights., Urengoy-Chelya- binsk-Center, Urengoy-Nizhnaya Tura-Center. Even so, Moscow has not had enough skilled manpower or advanced equipment in recent years to finish on time all the routes and com- pressor stations that it has planned for those areas. V. Trade Rapid growth in natural gas production is paralleled by the increasing importance of gas to Soviet foreign commerce. Soviet net exports of gas will rise from 7 billion cu m in 1975 to approximately 40 billion cu nn in 1980, and hard currency earnings in 1977 prices will jump from $200 million to well over $1 billion. But Soviet imports of gas will also increase beyond 1980, limiting growth in 1981-85 of net gas exports. Natural gas has only recently become an important Soviet export. During the early 1960s, USSR gas trade-while composed entirely of exports-was inconsequential[ (see figure 8 and table J-24). [61] The export volume did increase in the latter half of the 1960s, and in 1970 was more than eight times the level of 1965. It was still fairly small, although larger than the volume of imports from Afghanistan, which began in 1967. With the addition of imports from Iran, the Soviets became net importers in 1970-73. Z' Not until 1974 did the USSR finally emerge as a substantial international gas supplier. Total exports to Eastern and Western Europe almost tripled in 1974-75, giving the Soviets net exports of 2.1 billion cumin 1974 and 6.9 billion cumin 1975. Deliveries to Western Europe were made mostly through gas-for-pipe compensatory ar- rangements. The export volume in 1976 was 25.8 billion cu m, 66 times larger than that of 1965, 2' Imports were made via a pipeline built from Iran to the Soviet border. See section B, below. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Figure 8 USSR: Natural Gas Trade Billion Cubic Meters and the value of exports also climbed from 2.7 million rubles in 1965 to 733.4 million rubles in 1976. 28 Of those receipts, hard currency earnings from Western Europe constituted an increasing share beginning in 1974-75, jumping from nearly $30 million in 1973 to $346 million in 1976. Despite the USSR's brief stint as a net importer 28 At the respective official ruble-dollar exchange rates for those years, the dollar values would be $3 million (1965) and $972 million (1976). in physical terms, it never experienced a deficit in net earnings. The ruble value of imports grew from 14 million in 1970 to 176 million in 1976. A. Exports Eastern Europe has received the bulk of Soviet gas exports thus far and will continue to do so. [62] Until 1968, European members of CEMA 29 were the sole recipients of the USSR's exports and during 1960-75 took 67 percent of the gas shipped beyond the Soviet border. That percentage is likely to drop to about 55 percent during the last half of the 1970s, and will probably hold to at least that level through 1985. Substantial exports to Eastern Europe began in the early 1970s.[63] The USSR had exported small amounts of gas to Poland since the late 1950s, but it was only after completion of the first Bratsvo (Brotherhood) trunkline to Czecho- slovakia in 1967 and full development of Ukrai- nian gas production that exports to Eastern Europe began to expand substantially (see table J-25). In 1973-75, Bulgaria, East Germany, and Hungary became importers, and exports to Czechoslovakia and Poland increased as the Bratsvo line's capacity was raised and its length extended to other East and West European coun- tries and as new lines were built. The substantial growth in exports to both East and West began at that point. By the early 1980s, Soviet gas supplies to Eastern Europe will have doubled over current levels (see table J-26). Additional East European demand will be met partly by further expansion of the Bratsvo trunkline, which will handle gas from the Ukraine, Central Asia, and West Sibe- ria. Most of the increase, however, will come from the Orenburg pipeline, scheduled for com- pletion in late 1978 (see appendix F). Stretching 2,750 km from the newly developed Orenburg field to the Czechoslovak border, the line is to deliver 15.5 billion cu m to the five current CEMA customers plus Romania. Although the line, being partly constructed and financed by "The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. Its European members are Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 the six importers, probably will not reach full capacity until well after 1980, it still should permit a doubling of total Soviet exports to those countries by 1981. Yugoslavia will also begin receiving up to 3 billion cu m of Soviet gas in the early 1980s via Czechoslovak and Austrian lines. [64] As a result, the Soviet-supplied share of total East European imports will rise from 96 percent in 1975 to almost 100 percent by 1980, when it could be satisfying almost 40 percent of all East Eu- ropean gas: requirements. Bulgaria and Czechoslo- vakia are (see table 19 and table J-27), and will continue to be, almost totally dependent on the USSR for gas supplies. Western Europe is a newer but far more important market for Soviet gas. Increases in both demand and price in Western Europe will make gas a substantial hard currency earner in the late 1970s. By 1980 Soviet annual gas earn- ings could exceed one-half of the hard currency earnings anticipated from the export of crude oil and oil products in that year. The increase in hard currency receipts during 1974-76 reflected both a doubling of prices (from $15 per 1,000 cu m in 1973 to $30 per 1,000 cu m in 1976) and a quintupling of the volume of gas exports to West European customers (see table 20). Austria, benefiting from a branching of the Bratsvo line; became the first Western importer in 1968. As : growth of Soviet gas production in the late 1960s raised both Soviet export capacity and the need for gas-related equipment and pipe Million Metric Tons Million b/d Hard Currency Earnings (Million US $) 93 1.9 405 123 2.5 3,180 148 3.0 4,500 1970 ............... 1975 1976 ............... Source: Vne8hnyaya torgovlya SSSR (1970, 1975, and 1976). z Including oil products. One billion cubic meters of gas equals 16,800 b/d oil. Natural Gas Exports to Eastern Europe as a Share of East European Gas Consumption Percent 1965 1970 1975 Total ...................................... 2 6 18 Bulgaria .............................. 0 0 100 Czechoslovakia ................. 0 64 83 East Germany .................... 0 0 29 Hungary ............................ 0 0 10 Poland ................................ 23 17 31 Romania .............................. 0 0 0 imports from the West, Moscow began a more substantial penetration of the. West European gas market. During 1969-76 the Soviets concluded several trade agreements, most of them involving exchanges of gas for large-diameter pipe and ancillary equipment on credit. The majority of these agreements provide for continued deliveries of Soviet gas beyond 1990.[65] During 1973-74 West Germany, Italy, and Finland began receiv- ing gas deliveries; France became an importer in 1976. Under contracts signed before 1977, Soviet exports to Western Europe will triple in the last half of the 1970s, reaching 25 billion cu m by 1980. That amount will represent an estimated 19 percent of all gas supplies of those West European nations receiving Soviet gas. In caloric terms, Soviet gas exports to Western Europe in 1980 will equal more than 50 percent of probable Soviet oil imported by that region. Exports Billion Million b/d Hard Currency Earnings Cubic Meters Oil Equivalent (Million US $) - 0.3 Negl. 13 6.9 0.1 223 14.0 0.2 346 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 through 1985 will increase by at least another 40 percent under an arrangement concluded with West Germany, Austria, France, and Iran in early 1976 (see appendix G). 30 Up to 23 percent of total gas supplies of countries importing Soviet gas would be furnished by those Soviet exports. Further deliveries during 1981-85 under addi- tional contracts are possible, although the amounts are difficult to determine. If USSR gas supplies cannot meet demand in both Eastern and Western Europe, for example, the Soviets probably will give priority to East European customers to forestall political and economic disruptions among the East European partners. Expansion of exports to Western Europe much beyond current contract levels then will be less likely. Joint ventures in liquid natural gas (LNG) exports with Western Europe, Japan, and the United States would also expand Soviet export revenues. However, LNG deliveries will not begin until the late 1980s or early 1990s at the earliest, even if contracts are consummated within the next year, which is unlikely (see appendix H). B. Imports Soviet gas imports will remain fairly stable through 1980, with Afghanistan and Iran re- maining the USSR's sole suppliers. Imports rose sharply in 1970-72 from initial deliveries through the 1,200-km Iranian-Soviet trunkline, stretch- ing from the Ahwaz gasfield to the Soviet border town of Astara in the Transcaucasus. Imports from that line-currently about 10 billion cu in a year-so far have been made on a barter basis. During the current Five-Year Plan (1976-80) they should increase by only 18 percent. Afghanistan, which became the first gas ex- porter to the Soviet Union in 1967, pipes almost all of its production to Central Asia for local Soviet consumption. The Soviets have assisted Afghanistan in expanding its production and transport capacities and will continue to do so J0 By 1980 Soviet gas exports' share of total gas supplies of all Western Europe could reach 9 percent and by 1985, 11 percent. On the other hand, Soviet gas deliveries will constitute only 2 percent of total Western European energy supplies in 1980 and 3 percent in 1985. during 1978-80. [66] Consequently, Afghan ex- ports to the USSR will probably increase moder- ately in the early 1980s. Iran has provided the bulk of Soviet gas imports since 1971 and will do so for the next decade. Almost 10 billion cu in of Iranian gas is delivered annually through the 1,200-km trunk- line entering the USSR at Astara in the southern Caucasus, [67] and this level may rise slightly during the next four years. Soviet imports from Iran will double by 1985, however, under a trilateral switch deal. The Soviet Union will import an added 17 billion cu in annually from Iran for use in gas-poor Soviet regions and will pipe a slightly smaller amount of Soviet gas to the three West European consortium members and to Czechoslovakia. [68] The increase will negate much of the expected volume gain in USSR exports during that period, but the reex- port .to Western Europe may provide consider- able net hard currency earnings for Moscow (see appendix G). VI. The Need for Western Assistance Gas production-like output . in most other sectors of the Soviet economy-is to grow during the Tenth Five-Year Plan primarily through increased productivity of labor and capital. [69] 3' How much productivity does increase, however, will depend greatly on technological improvements. Repeated calls for a "technical reequipping" [70] of the industry reflect serious Soviet weaknesses in several areas, many of which have been or could be partly alleviated by purchases of Western equipment and technical assistance. A. Pipelines The USSR cannot produce all the high-qual- ity, large-diameter pipe and valves needed for expansion of the pipeline systems linking Tyumen' with the Western USSR. [71] Poor- quality equipment for welding and weld-testing is a related shortcoming. [72] "The Gas Ministry expects labor productivity increases in gas extraction (33 percent), gas processing (47 to 48 percent), and pipeline transport (9 percent). See Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 11 (1976), p. 4. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Consequently an increasing share of Soviet imports involves pipeline-related items. Much of the large-diameter, high-quality steel pipe used in gas lines constructed since the late 1960s has come from Western Europe-Austria, West Germany, Italy, and France in gas-for-pipe deals-and; from Japan. During 1971-75 the USSR spent more than $4 billion on 6 million tons of large-diameter pipe, [73] at least 5 million tons of which probably went for gas lines. 32 I 'ports of gas-related equipment reached roghly $1 billion in 1975-about 7 percent oftotal Soviet hard currency imports. [74] Pipe again constituted most of the bill. Imports of large-diameter gas pipe, mostly 1,420 mm, may reach 8 million to 10 million tons in 1976-80, the current five-year plan period. [75] B. Compressor Stations The Soviets through the early 1980s will not be. able to: manufacture enough turbines and high-capacity compressor units (for example, 25 megawatts) [76] to provide required pressure in the West Siberian pipeline system. Lack of unit standardization [77] permitting rapid repair or replacement is a major problem. Gas turbine and compressor purchases have risen in recent years, with more than $1 billion spent during 1972-76 for 3,000 MW of capacity [78]-the equivalent of almost 40 percent of total Soviet compressor capacity in 1975. 33 Mos- cow may order up to 10,000 MW of additional compressor power by 1980, most of which would be placed on the northern Tyumen' pipeline systems. [79] In 1976 the Soviets signed two contracts calling for delivery in 1977-78 of equipment' having a total capacity of almost 2,000 MW: ? A 158-unit deal for 22 compressor stations on the Orenburg pipeline-to be built by AEG Kanis (Mannesmann) of West Ger- many and Italy's Nuovo Pignone (ENI) for approximately $1 billion. [80] 32 Soviet trade figures for large-diameter pipe imports include pipe of sizes ranging from 530 mm to 1,420 mm. 33 Most of the units purchased during 1972-76 were not installed by the latter date. ? An agreement providing 42 units for six compressor stations on the Urengoy-Chelya- binsk line-delivery by a US-UK consor- tium for $166 million. [811 C. Gas Processing Many gasfields lack sufficient capacity to collect gas of high temperature or under extreme pressure; to process associated gas or gas with sulfur, condensate, or other properties; or to provide initial compression for transport of high- volume output. [82] To boost Soviet gas process- ing capability Moscow has ordered at least three processing plants for West Siberia. [83] D. Well Drilling and Completion The Soviets will remain interested in purchas- ing Western drilling equipment such as rigs, drill pipe, and well casing material, plus wellhead assemblies and equipment for completing wells that exploit several gas-bearing strata simul- taneously. E. Exploration Effective seismic equipment and digital field computers are not widely available to Soviet exploration teams.[84] Soviet technology in this area is well behind that in the West and usually is not adequate for accurate mapping at 5,000- 6,000 meters in Turkmen, the Ukraine, and Komi ASSR or in the permafrost of Siberia and the Far East. The Soviets in the past few years have shown increased interest in obtaining West- ern seismic mapping equipment. F. Offshore Soviet experience in all phases of offshore petroleum production has been limited mainly to the shallow portions of the Caspian and Black Seas, where expansive networks of piers, trestles, and manmade islands have been used instead of floating drilling platforms.[85] Floating plat- forms, subsea completion equipment, and related technology needed for exploration and develop- ment operations in deeper waters of the Kara Sea and elsewhere pose requirements that exceed current Soviet production capability. Even West- Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 ern firms have not yet manufactured offshore rigs capable of working in the hazardous waters off northern Siberia. A few Western-designed offshore drilling rigs have been purchased for use in the Caspian Sea, but major imports of off- shore technology needed for operations in arctic waters probably will not occur for several years. VII. Prospects The outlook for Soviet gas production is rela- tively bright compared with that for oil output, which is expected to peak in the early 1980s. Proved-plus-probable reserves of 28 trillion cu in would provide 80 years of output at the 1977 rate of 346 billion cu m. In contrast, US reserves of 6.2 trillion cu in would supply only 11 years of output at the 1976 US rate of 565 billion cu in. Moreover, Soviet reserves are likely to expand by several trillion cu in over the next decade. Al- though there remains substantial uncertainty, annual growth in gas production can reasonably be expected to average about 6 percent during the Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Five-Year Plans which cover the 1976-90 period (see table 21). That the gas industry may fail to meet a particular annual or five-year plan goal-as is likely in 1976-80-is not of central importance to longer term Soviet energy planning. Of greater importance is the fairly steady rate of growth that can be expected over at least the next 10 years. Natural gas will not, however, solve Soviet energy problems. Gas export earnings by the mid-1980s may make gas the Soviets' leading hard-currency export, but technical problems Projected ' Gas Production will prevent gas from soon being substituted widely for oil in the domestic economy. More important, if difficulties facing the gas industry are not overcome within the next few years, not even West Siberia's large gas reserves will be able to guarantee continuous production growth beyond 1985. Two basic problems will affect development of the gas industry during the Tenth Five-Year Plan and beyond: (a) rapidly falling production at older fields and (b) persis- tent bottlenecks hindering expansion of Siberian output. A. The Tenth Five-Year Plan (1976-80) Gas production during 1976-80 is planned to rise by 50 percent-or at an average annual rate of 8.5 percent-reaching 435 billion cu m in 1980. To do so, the gas industry will have to improve its performance in several areas (see table 22). Of primary importance is the addition Planned Growth of the Gas Industry During the Tenth Five-Year Plan 1976-80 1975 1980 Plan Billion Cubic Meters Production .................................... 289 435 Gas storage 3 .................................. 18 45 Natural gas processing ................ 22 32 Associated gas processing ............ 29 40-45 Exports .......................................... 19 593 Imports .......................................... 12 15, Apparent consumption ................ 282 391, 1975 ............ Billion Cubic Meters 289 Average Annual Percent Growth 1980 ............ 415-420 7.5-7.8 1985 ............ 560-600 5.9-7.71 1990 ............ 700-730 3.1-5.4 2 ' CIA projections. ' Five-year period. ' Sources: Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 3 (1976), pp. 1-3; no. 11 (1976), p. 12; and no. 8 (1977), pp. 2-6; Ekonomicheskaya gazeta, no. 6 (1977), p. 2. Volume of recoverable gas in storage. 3 Estimated. Including pipeline transmission systems; total investment for 1971-75 and 1976-80. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 of 35,400 km of the trunk pipeline system- much of it to be 1,420-mm pipe.34 Successful completion of a massive compressor station con- struction program will prove equally important, since below-plan installation of compressor ca- pacity would prevent the trunkline system from handling the high level of gas output planned for 1980. Pipelines and compressors accordingly will consume nh, ost of the record 19 billion rubles of investment- allocated to the the industry in the Tenth Five-Year Plan. None of these goals is easily achievable, how- ever, and nationwide gas production probably will not reach the upper limit of the 1980 plan- 435 billion cu m-primarily because installation of pipeline compressor stations will continue to lag. Supply of large-diameter linepipe probably will not pose a major problem, with substantial imports of pipe already contracted for making up most or all shortfalls in domestic manufacture. The principal bottleneck will be inadequate ca- pacity on the three lines scheduled to move gas from northern Tyumen' to the European USSR. Under apparently intensive development, Uren- goy, Medvezh'ye, and smaller neighboring fields probably will reach their planned aggregate ca- pacity of 1.39 billion cu m by 1980. 35 Construc- tion of the first Urengoy-Chelyabinsk line will have been completed before that time, but full completion of additional lines on the Northern Lights and Urengoy-Center systems-the other two lines to serve Tyumen'-is less likely. More- over, Soviet delays in negotiating imports of Western compressors, long leadtimes for the manufacture and delivery of imported units, and lagging Soviet installation of the units will allow perhaps only 120 billion to 125 billion cu m to be moved-15 billion to 20 billion cu m below plan. The Soviets themselves have indicated concern "This can be compared with 31,700 km of pipeline laid in 1971- 75 and equals the total length of gas trunkline laid in the United States between 1968 and 1976. Pipe of 1,420-mm diameter is the largest pipe in substantial use in the world. At proper pressures it allows large volumes of gas to be transported at costs lower than those for transport of similar volumes in smaller pipes. 95 The remainder of the 155 billion cu m planned for Tyumen' Oblast in 1980 will come primarily from associated gas production at the region's major oilfields. That output will move southward via the Nizhnevatovsk-Kuzbass line, essentially completed in late 1977, which should reach full capacity by 1979. Gazovaya prom- yshlennost', no. 3 (1977), p. 6. with these problems by having long retained the range of 400 billion to 435 billion cu m in the 1980 plan. One Soviet publication in early 1977 cited the plan as 435 billion cu m [86] but the Gas Ministry reintroduced the range later in the year. [87] Moreover, as indicated above, Moscow has planned for a certain loss in output from the older fields of the European USSR and Central Asia during the last half of the 1970s, while investing heavily since 1970 to minimize the amount of that loss. A precise projection of the reduction in output is difficult. An aggregate Ukrainian gas production plan for the current Five-Year Plan of 1976-80, however, indirectly indicated that output there could drop from 69 billion cu m in 1976 to roughly 50 billion cu m by 1980 rather than the 59 billion cu m planned earlier (see appendix A). How fast gas output increases will depend heavily on the priority it receives. If a decline in oil production and continued sluggish growth in coal extraction prompts greater Soviet demand for gas for domestic use and export, Moscow may expand 1981-85 investment well beyond the 19 billion rubles planned for 1.976-80. Most new investment will probably go to northern Tyumen'. Given resources sufficiently greater than the estimated 15 billion rubles allocated to Tyumen' field and pipeline development in the last half of the 1970s, [88] several major deposits-notably Yamburg, Zapolyarny, and possibly Kharsavei on the Yamal Peninsula-could be developed simul- taneously. Equally important, major new pipe- lines could be constructed to link the fields with existing Northern Lights and Urengoy-Center systems. Such an effort, combined with Urengoy's attainment of a possible peak capacity of 100 billion cu m in the early 1980s, [89] could result in 1985 production levels at the upper range of the 560 billion to 600 billion cu m projected in this paper. Output much beyond that. range, however, is unlikely. Infrastructure shortcomings and per- mafrost conditions will prove worse at the new fields than at Urengoy and Medvezh'ye. These Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 two factors will plague field development and pipelaying and may limit additions to production capacity regardless of the amount of resources expended. Only if intensive development of the remaining large deposits begins before 1980- which is unlikely-would any crash effort bring more than one of the fields and its pipelines up to full capacity by 1985. More likely, Yamburg and Zapolyarny will both begin production by that year at partial capacity. Kharsavei and other fields probably will not contribute to output until the late 1980s. Production growth throughout the 1980s prob- ably will be constrained by West Siberian bottle- necks and by declining extraction at aging fields elsewhere in the USSR. Currently at least 100 of the USSR's 300 producing gasfields have passed peak production, [90] and this proportion will rise substantially in the 1980s. Intensive extrac- tion efforts may slow the rate of decline in production through 1980. By the early 1980s, however, the Ukraine, all of Central Asia, and some Tyumen' fields will experience major drops in output, forcing new Siberian fields to cover growing losses of capacity before contributing to net increases in national production. Yet con- straints on Tyumen' gas production will limit that region's ability to fulfill both those tasks. As a result, Soviet gas output may rise to only around 700 billion cu m in the late 1980s. A virtual leveling off of production at that point is possible, although a decline is unlikely. C. Continuation of Rising Costs Development of the Tyumen' gas industry will substantially raise the cost of Soviet natural gas extraction and transport during the 1980s. A massive investment campaign to develop several giant Tyumen' deposits will increase the pace of production but will lower the ratio of output to capital even further. Continued heavy investment in infrastructure will contribute to rising gas production costs. A major acceleration in pipe- line and compressor station construction would lead to even higher costs per unit and result in low returns. During the 1980s the Soviets' ability to solve pipeline-related problems, particularly compressor manufacture and installation, could improve considerably. Increased purchases of Western equipment and assistance (see the next paragraph) or improved and expanded produc- tion of Soviet compressor models would facilitate enlargement of pipeline capacity. How far the Soviets will move in this direction in the 1980s, however, remains unclear. Outside Tyumen', continued heavy investment to maintain output in fields with declining extraction rates similarly will raise industry costs. The Ukraine will prove a particular drain through the early 1980s, as may Uzbek and Turkmen. Western assistance possibly could bolster the effectiveness of gas industry investment. US, European, and Japanese aid in pipeline installa- tion, drilling, and gas processing-as well as exports of related materials and equipment- might permit more rapid and efficient utilization of investment in a stepped-up Tyumen' develop- ment drive. D. Reliance on the West The Soviet gas industry indeed will remain dependent on imports of Western equipment into the 1980s. If the remaining large gas deposits at Tyumen' are developed roughly one at a time, gas-related import requirements may not greatly exceed those for the Tenth Five-Year Plan (1976-80). If the pace is substantially increased, the Soviets will probably expand equipment imports. In this case direct Western technical assistance in field development and pipeline con- struction would be helpful, but past Soviet reluc- tance to allow on-site Western participation makes this unlikely. If Moscow launches a major effort to find and develop reserves in the arctic seas north of West Siberia, Western equipment will almost certainly be required. Most addi- tional imports of pipe will probably be made through gas-for-pipe compensation agreements with West European firms. Gas deliveries over several years will be required to pay for the pipe and other equipment obtained, but increases in the price of exported gas could reduce the timespan. Soviet ability to purchase all the needed West- ern gas-related imports and assistance, however, may well be constrained, particularly if, as is Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 likely, oil export earnings fall sharply in the early 1980s. Moreover, even Western help may prove unable to solve substantially or rapidly the mas- sive problems facing large-scale development of a wilderness region until the infrastructure-par- ticularly transportation-is vastly improved. A stronger Soviet ability to assimilate advanced technology-whether Western or domestic-is also essential for significant improvement in re- turns on capital. E. Stepped-Up Campaign Moscow's concern over the pace of Tyumen' gas development does appear to have grown during the past year. Correspondingly, the So- viets have shown signs of stepping up their campaign to open the region's giant gas de- posits. 36 Since mid-1977, Soviet press articles criticizing slow or sloppy handling of pipeline and field construction projects have increased in number and frankness. Major stories in Pravda, Izvestiya, and other major papers have aired complaints regarding those problems as well as the basic lack of infrastructure needed for indus- try support.;[91 ] The December 1977 plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party apparently launched a drive to improve the situation. [92] Budgetary allocations to the Gas Ministry re- portedly have been increased-along with those to the Oil Ministry-beyond the amount origin- ally provided 'for in the 1976-80 plan.[93] Addi- tional men and equipment have already been transferred to Tyumen'. [94] In effect, Moscow appears to be shifting resources from older gas- producing areas to West Siberia, where it calcu- lates that returns on investment will prove higher. It is unclear whether the new program repre- sents an effort of sufficient magnitude to be termed a crash campaign. Some objectives of the current Five-Year Plan, such as the Urengoy- Chelyabinsk pipeline, have been rescheduled for rapid completion.[95] Yet the commitment to the massive and sustained effort required to 36 The campaign also applies to the Tyumen' oil region. See Sotsialisticheskaya industriya' (22 January 1978). develop several giant fields and related pipeline systems simultaneously in the early and mid- 1980s-instead of one at a time-is not yet evident. Unless the new emphasis on Tyumen' development results in the widespread resolution of infrastructural, technical, and organizational problems, the extra resources will probably not produce much more gas over the next several years than would be produced without them. Indeed, if the Tyumen' campaign induces in- creased competition for budgetary resources be- tween the Oil and Gas Ministries, the latter's Tymuen' program may be curtailed. Moreover, transfer of resources from older gasfields, espe- cially those in the Ukraine, will ultimately force output there to drop even faster, undercutting part of the additional increment in Tyumen' output that the stepped-up campaign will induce. F. Not a Panacea Because of the likely outcome of developments discussed above, natural gas will ease but not solve expected Soviet energy problems in the 1980s. It will provide the Soviet energy balance with a relatively fast-growing source of fuel and raw materials, in fact approaching or exceeding crude oil production in caloric terms by 1985. 3' Gas will only be able to substitute for oil in some of its uses, however. Most opportunities for easy substitution of gas for oil have already been exploited. Some additional gas production will go for use in industrial boilers and to industrial sectors which are already large gas consumers and in which gas is being substituted for fuels other than oil. Gas consumption will continue to increase substantially in the chemical and metal- lurgical industries, where it has been replacing coal and coke. Household use will also increase, but will not involve gas-for-oil substitution, since oil has not generally been used directly for heating purposes. Although substantial conversion could occur in electric power generation, where oil-burning thermal power plants can switch more readily to " Oil production in 1985 probably will bd between 8 million and 10 million barrels per day. Output of natural gas probably will fall within the range of 560 billion to 600 billion cu m, equivalent to about 9.4 million to 10.1 million b/d of oil. See Prospects for Soviet Oil Production, op. cit. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 gas than to coal, no such shift is apparently intended for the plan period ending in 1980. Indeed, planners actually intend to reduce the share of gas in total fuel consumed by thermal power plants during this period. [96] 38 Additional industrial sectors can also switch to greater gas consumption in the 1980s. Given declining oil output and an official intent to minimize reliance on foreign energy sources, Moscow undoubtedly will attempt to use gas more widely. The Soviets currently show no signs of initiat- ing the large-scale substitution campaign that would be required. The nature of significant substitution within individual industrial sectors is not clear, and further research is needed to determine the amount of oil-for-gas substitution possible for each industry within a period of five or 10 years. If historically long Soviet leadtimes characterize such an effort, a widespread shift to gas could be delayed until the late 1980s. Also unknown is the resource allocational priorities that the Soviets would be willing to assign to a major substitution effort and the extent of the technical difficulties they would face. Internationally, hard currency earnings from natural gas exports to Western Europe will grow 7e Several oil-burning plants in the European USSR could make the switch in the 1980s if a domestic oil shortage required it. However, gas storage capacity near these plants would have to undergo substantial expansion to avoid winter gas supply shortages due to the seasonal peak in demand. substantially. Western Europe is increasing gas consumption and diversifying its import sources, assuring an expanding market. [97] Demand for Soviet gas could be moderated through the early 1980s by new European gas sources-primarily North Sea supplies-and by trade agreements with Algeria and other gas-producing countries. Supply of Soviet gas for export could be con- strained occasionally by lagging development of Soviet field and pipeline capacities and possibly by additional gas export commitments to Eastern Europe. Nevertheless, gas export earnings ultimately should equal the hard currency receipts attained by export of oil. Earnings of $1 billion (in 1977 prices) by export of gas in 1980 will surpass neither the $4.5 billion obtained in 1976 from exports of oil nor the potential earnings of $2.7 billion from oil exports in 1980. By 1985, how- ever, gas will have emerged as a leading foreign exchange winner, with gross hard currency re- ceipts of $2 billion (in 1977 prices) likely. The Soviets meanwhile could be making hard cur- rency outlays for net imports of oil unless, as is unlikely, a successful gas-for-oil substitution campaign at home frees oil for continued export. The importance of gas to future Soviet trade is, therefore, substantial. At the very least gas will provide a large portion of the USSR's purchasing power to cover the rising costs of Western tech- nology and equipment that its gas industry's expansion in the 1980s will require. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 How much the older gas-producing regions in the North Caucasus, the Ukraine, and the Urals- Volga region '9 support future growth of Soviet gas output will depend on how rapidly their contribution declines. After 20 years of extensive exploitation these areas are suffering from prob- lems typical of aging gasfields: ? Steadily diminishing reserves. ? An absolute drop in production. ? Rising production costs. The reserves situation in the Ukraine and the Caucasus, already poor in the early 1970s, will grow much worse. With the principal deposits developed, exploration teams are faced with the need to locate potentially much smaller ones at great depths (4,000-6,000 meters) in complex geological structures. [98] The results so far in the 1970s have not been good (see tables 8 and 12). Exploratory drilling in the most promising areas-such as the Ukraine's Dnepr-Donetsk and Carpathian basins and the Chernolesskiy region in the Northern Caucasus-has borne little fruit.[99] Inaccurate seismic mapping of deep structures has led to drilling a large number of dry holes. [ 100] Exploratory drilling itself has lagged because of the lengthy downtimes of drilling rigs. Gas exploration rigs in the Ukraine were idle more than 70 percent of the time as a result of technical problems in drilling and a lack of supplies. [ 101 ] The few fields that have been opened since the late 1960s for the most part do not have more than 10 billion cu in of reserves (A + B + Q. However, offshore exploration in the "Because Urals-Volga and Azerbaijan gasfields-the other "older fields"-have been of minor importance to gas production, the appendix discussion will deal only with fields in the Ukraine and the North Caucasus. Caspian and Azov Seas may increase reserves slightly in the 1980s. With expensive exploration efforts showing little return, gas production associations will attempt to maintain current output levels at existing fields. By drilling new production wells to deeper gas-bearing strata and increasing ex- traction from currently exploited zones, the So- viets probably hope to stabilize output at least through 1980. Thus, even if reserves by that time are near exhaustion, the old fields may avoid a drastic shortfall that would hold national produc- tion below the 1980 goal. The Soviets are par- ticularly counting on minimizing the Ukraine's decline. Although the republic's output did not peak until 1975, it grew at only 2.4 percent a year during 1971-75. Following the region's success in averting a production decline forecast by Mos- cow for 1976, the Ukraine's projected 1980 production was raised to 59 billion cu m [102] from 53 billion cu m.[103] At the higher level, it would fall 14 percent below 1975-not low enough to detract substantially from West Sibe- ria's growth. A sharp drop in Ukrainian production might be averted for the next year or two. By the early 1980s, however, the older regions as a whole will have experienced a substantial decline (see figure A-1). Gas from the Caucasus, even with some offshore production, will constitute less than 5 percent of national production by 1980. The Soviets will continue intensive development drilling at existing fields, which already possess 60 percent of USSR production wells, [104] but the returns will prove small. Production in Kras- nodar' and Stavropol' Krays will continue to Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 USSR: Production of Older Gas-Producing Regions Billion Cubic Meters J-17).[107] Ukrainian extraction, still one of the most important factors in Soviet gas supply, will begin to diminish substantially in 1978-80. If Soviet plans for 1980 in the Ukraine are to be met-which is unlikely-major investment will be required. In fact, up to 350 new pro- duction wells are planned for the 1976-80 period. [ 108] With extraction in the Shebelinka field falling rapidly (see figure A-2), however, the newer but smaller fields will not nearly cover the republic's output losses. The Krestishchensk field is now the leading Ukrainian field, but its output probably will peak by 1980. Return on investment, already declining (see table A-2), will continue, and 1980 production in the Ukraine could fall below 50 billion cu m. 40 Offshore production in the Black and Azov Seas will aid Ukrainian output in the mid-1980s, but will not stop an accelerated production decline. Dwindling output from the older producing regions in the next decade will clearly act as an increasing drag on the gas industry's perfor- mance. The Ukraine's role in supplying gas for export will seriously diminish. It is probable that the USSR will fail to reach the 1980 plan's upper range of 435 billion cu m. Such failure will be due in no small part to the lack of production capacity in the old fields, which will continue to tie up much of the industry's annual investment and fixed capital at least through 1980, while their share in national extraction will drop to roughly 18 percentage points. Yet because the old fields are now producing more than one- fourth of total gas output, Moscow may not feel that it can afford to reduce investment in them sharply. nosedive because additional reserves are not there.[ 105] More than 30 percent of Krasnodar' wells and 13 percent of Stavropol' wells were inactive in 1975. [ 106] Outlays for capital and labor have continued at high rates, however, while returns have plummeted. Stavropol' ex- traction costs in 1971-75 rose 250 percent; those for Krasnodar', 600 percent (see tables A-1 and ' A 1976-80 aggregate production goal for the Ukraine of 265 billion cu m (Neftyanaya i gazovaya pro myshlennost' no. 1 (Janu- ary-March 1977, p. 2) suggests an annual average output of 53 billion cu m for the period. Since Ukrainian production in 1976, 1977, and perhaps 1978 and 1979 is scheduled to be higher than that, 1980 output apparently is planned to be considerably lower than 53 billion. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Gas Production in Krasnodar' Kray C) C CD , o (D Output per Well Output/Capital Production Cost Production' Total Producing (Million Cubic Ratio (Rubles/Thousand (Billion Cubic Meters) Wells 2 Wells 2 Meters/Year) (Cubic Meters/Ruble) Cubic Meters) 1961 5.7 88 62 92 310 0.45 1964 16.4 206 178 92 370 0.38 83 335 0.46 1968 ... ... . . -. 23.3 319 282 1 24.5 367 357 69 265 0.54 1970 .......... 21.3 394 384 55 195 0.77 1972 110 1.35 13.3 389 365 36 1975 5.8 818 587 10 NA 5.47 .......... ' Does not equal total production for kraY because the data represent output from 10 major fields only. Sources: Brentz, Ekonomika gazodobyvayushchey promyshlennosti, pp. 49-51; Margulov, Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti, p. 29; S. A. Orduzhev, Gazovaya promyshlennosti po puti progressa, Moscow (1976), p. 30. 2 Estimate. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07.: CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Selected Ukrainian Gas Field Production ' Eastern Ukraine Shebelinka Production (Billion Cubic Meters) Total Active Output per Well (Million Cubic Meters/Year) Output/Capital Ratio (Cubic Meters/Ruble) Production Costs (Rubles/Thousand Cubic Meters) 1957 ............................... 1960 ............................... . 1.9 . 8 9 24 80 23 129 160 0.33 1965 ....... . 26 9 70 159 417 0 28 ........................ 1970 ............................... . . . 31.0 238 393 227 133 455 . 0.26 1971 ...... 31 388 82 294 0 36 ......................... 1972 ............................... . .3 . 30 1 423 454 419 77 260 . 0.40 1973 ..... . 27 5 423 72 225 0.48 ....................... 1974 ................................ . . 25.0 482 511 474 502 62 183 0.54 1975 ......... .................. 22 7 535 51 157 0.64 1976 .... . 19 5. 44 4 128 0 99 ............................ .8 556 543 37 108 . 1.18 Krestishehensk 1970 ................................ 1971 ................................ 0.3 2.6 3 12 3 100 52 1.48 1972 ...... 6 1 8 175 170 1 37 .......................... 1973 ................................ . 9.5 20 30 18 475 250 . 0.29 1974 ... 14 26 430 236 0 28 ............................ 1975 ................................ .1 18 6 48 41 345 292 . 0.40 1976 ................................ . 21.4 63 84 61 83 305 300 260 0.42 Western Ukraine 233 0.56 1961 ................................ 5.0 90 75 67 400 1965 ................................ 7.1 94 88 0.26 81 380 0.25 1970- ................. ............. 6.0 147 144 42 1972 ............................... 235 0.35 . 4.4 133 125 34 175 0.45 'Sources: Brentz, Ekonomika gazodobyvayushchey promyshlennosti (1975), pp. 61-64; Geologlya, bureniye i raxrabotka 2azovukh mestorozhd siy no 17 (1977 n. a~~17 (1977 ). D. 15. Data from four fields: Ugersko, Bilche-Volitza, Rudki, and Khodnovichi. Data for years other than those shown were not available. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007,-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 CENTRAL ASIA Soviet Central Asia" is playing a short-run but crucial role as the USSR's leading gas producer. In that capacity the region has: (1) Increased its gas output from 40 billion cu m in 1969 to 105 billion cu m in 1976, thereby contributing almost 50 percent of the annual increase in total Soviet production during that period. (2) Supplied nearly one-third of the national output in 1975-77. (3) Surpassed Ukrainian production begin- ning in 1973. In effect, Central Asia during the late 1960s and early 1970s served as a swing producer-making up for declining output in the European USSR while West Siberia's reserves were being developed-and became an important gas supplier for both Soviet and European consumers. Central Asia's emergence as a gas producer was dramatic, although it will soon be oversha- dowed by West Siberia's performance. Central Asia's output in 1976 was nearly 134 times that of 1960. During 1961-76, output grew at an average annual rate of 36 percent. Most impres- sive was the region's ability to maintain a 14- percent annual growth rate during 1971-75, nearly doubling the already substantial produc- tion level of 1970. Thus, within 15 years Central Asia's contribution to Soviet gas supplies rose from 2 percent to almost one-third. The region's output maintained this pace by developing in two stages. Following the opening of the large Gazli field in 1961, Uzbek was " As defined here, the southernmost region of the USSR east of the Urals composed of the Socialist Republics of Turkmen, Uzbek, Kirgiz, Tadzhik, and Kazakhstan. responsible for the rapid rise in Central Asian gas output (see table B-1), providing 78 percent of the region's production increase during 1961- 69. As Uzbek's growth slowed in the 1970s, Turkmen's output skyrocketed. [109] Production rose at an annual rate of 35 percent during 1970- 76, jumping from 7.5 billion cu m to 63 billion cu m. Turkmen's output accordingly climbed to 60 percent of Central Asian production and pro- vided about 85 percent of regional growth in that period. Central Asia's gas consumption is relatively low, and the bulk of its production, from roughly 600 wells, 12 is piped elsewhere. [ 110] Uzbek has supplied the Urals and the Moscow region since the mid-1960s via several large trunklines (see appendix I and the map). Turkmen's production boom has been handled by completion-although tardily-of the Central Asia-Center pipeline sys- tem, which can transport yearly up to 90 billion cu m of Uzbek-Turkmen gas. Although much of the Turkmen gas is going to European USSR consumers, much is also going to European importers via linkups with trunklines in the Ukraine. Barring extremely sharp drops in Ukrainian extraction, Central Asia should pro- vide enough gas to maintain Soviet export capac- ity until Orenburg and West Siberia's fields can take over. Nonetheless, Central Asia's role as the leading gas supplier will end soon. Not only will West Siberian production exceed the desert region's output, Central Asia's growth will slow consider- ably. The region's reserves-roughly 3 billion cu m [111 ]-are much smaller than those of north- ern Tyumen' Oblast, and Uzbek's output is Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Soviet CentA$,A F aRJigs2 ore>s : ftpe60T00702A000100060007-7 I W_ Astrakhan; 5hevchanko declining, leaving Turkmen alone to provide further increases. Turkmen's current high growth rate will also slow during 1978-80. Production from the Uzbek SSR peaked in 1973 and has declined slowly since then. Extrac- tion in 1976 was 3 percent below 1973 and probably will fall at a similar or higher rate through 190. New additions to reserves are small (see table 12), and Uzbek's principal fields have all pa4sed their prime. The largest field, Gazli, still 'accounts for most of Uzbek's gas extraction. Its production rose meteorically, in the mid-19610s, providing, one-seventh of Soviet output in 1966-68, and peaked in 1971 at 26.4 billion cu in (see table B-2). Production by 1976 was approximately 20 billion cu m-a drop of about 25 percent. Gazli's production costs in 1976 were still fairly low compared with those of fields in Turkmen and Tyumen', but its costs will rise markedly as output continues to fall. Uzbek's supply to major Soviet consuming cen- ters will also shrink substantially as the republic increasingly diverts its output to Central Asia's own growing gas consumption. Future growth of Central Asian gas produc- tion will come from Turkmen, although all the major fields that boosted the republic's output in the early 1970s are at or near their peaks. The Achak field is fully developed and Naip has almost reached full production.. Most important, the massive Shatlyk field's output, planned to reach 35 billion cu m in 1977, [112] has appar- ently peaked. No similar field is in sight. Most Turkmen deposits-known and potential-are ? Gas deposit Gas pipeline CAC Central Asia-Center System Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 below 3,000 meters and will probably prove much smaller than Shatlyk's. Thus, even if Shatlyk sustains its peak output for a decade- which is unlikely-Turkmen's ratio of reserves to production will fall, hampering production growth in the 1980s. The Turkmen gas produc- tion association was scheduled to produce only 57 billion cu m in 1977, [113] against 55 billion cu m in 1976. Declining extraction rates at sections of the Achak and North Achak fields in fact have already occurred. [114] Smaller fields like Okarem, Tedzhen, Bayram Ali, Kirpichli, and Sakar could add more than 20 billion cu m to Turkmen output by the early 1980s. [ 115] They may not reach peak capacity soon enough, how- ever, to enable the republic to meet its plan of 75 billion to 80 billion cu m for 1980. These and other small fields will expand production only slightly before it peaks in the early 1980s, and Central Asia will fall behind West Siberia as the nation's leading source of natural gas. Production (Million Cubic Meters) Percent of USSR Output Uzbek Output as Percent of Central Asia Turkmen Output as Percent of Central Asia 1960 ....... 781 1.7 57.2 30.0 1961 ........ 1,451 2.5 69.9 16.7 1962 ........ 2,488 3.4 81.7 10.2 1963 ....... 3,410 3.8 87.7 7.5 1964 ........ 10,197 9.4 91.4 6.8 1965 ........ 17,867 14.0 92.2 6.5 1966 ........ 24,130 16.9 93.5 5.2 1967 ........ 29,448 18.7 90.5 7.6 1968 ........ 34,809 20.6 83.3 13.9 1969 ....... 39,763 22.0 77.4 18.9 1970 ........ 48,048 24.3 66.8 27.3 1971 ........ 54,129 25.4 62.2 31.2 1972 ........ 59,469 26.9 56.7 35.8 1973 ........ 71,512 30.3 51.9 40.1 1974 ........ 82,527 31.7 44.9 47.6 1975 ........ 94,011 32.5 38.8 55.1 1976 ........ 104,530 32.6 34.4 59.9 ' Source: Narodnoye khozyaystvo SSSR, various issues. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80TOO702AO00100060007-7 Production (Billion Cubic Meters) Output per Well (Million Cubic Meters/Year) Output/Capital Ratio (Cubic Meters/Ruble) Cost of Extraction (Ruble/Thousand Cubic Meters) 1962 ....... 0.7 175 455 0.67 1963 ........ 1.8 95 192 0.59 1964 ........ 8.4 180 505 0.28 1965 ........ 15.4 220 635 0.16 1966 ........ 21.4 205 700 0.15 1967 ........ 23.9 150 655 0.15 1968 ........ 24.9 140 640 0.15 1969 ........ 25.3 140 650 0.15 1970 ........ 26.1 140 670 0.16 1971 ........ 26.4 135 675 0.16 1972 ........ 23.0 115 575 0.16 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80TOO702AO00100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 APPENDIX C WEST SIBERIA West Siberia is the Soviet gas industry's great frontier in terms of the region's distance from major consuming centers, its production poten- tial, and its expected costs. East Siberia and the Soviet Far East may eventually attain similar status, but only West Siberia has proved-plus- probable reserves massive enough to make it the focal point of the gas industry's planning through the 1980s. Moscow expects the region during 1976-80 to: (a) Increase its share of gas reserves (A + B + C,) to more than 70 percent of the national total. (b) Account for more than 80 percent of all increases in Soviet gas output. (c) Become one of the principal suppliers for European gas consumers. West Siberia's promise for the gas industry, however, is matched by the problems it presents. The Soviets have been allocating increasingly large sums to projects related to the region's development (see table C-1). During 1976-80, Moscow may devote almost 80 percent of the 19 billion rubles in gas industry investment to West Siberian-related projects. [116] However, the region's gas production in the next few years probably will not match publicized Soviet expec- tations. Well into the next decade, West Siberian gas output will suffer from a serious lack of infrastructure, slow development of giant fields, continuing problems with pipeline construction, and unprecedented costs. Production Potential West Siberia shares with the Persian Gulf the potential to become the world's leading gas- producing region. [117] By early 1976 its ex- plored reserves constituted roughly 20 percent of estimated world supplies." Until the Persian Gulf's potential is more fully explored, West Siberia-mostly in northern Tyumen' Oblast- will thus account for the largest gas reserves located in any one area (see the map). [118] Since 1960 the oblast's reserves have grown at an average rate of 44 percent a year (see table C-2), and by 1977 they accounted for 61 percent of total Soviet reserves. More than 80 percent of the reserves in Tyumen', moreover, are in a handful of large fields (see table C-3). [119] Indeed the Urengoy field, with reserves of more than 5 trillion cu m, may be the world's largest. [120] Exploratory drilling in northern Tyumen' has been very effective. Total exploratory drilling for gas in the region has .not been as extensive as in Turkmen, Orenburg, and some older producing regions; nor has it equaled exploratory drilling for oil in southern Tyumen' (0.6 meters drilled per square kilometer for northern Tyumen' to 10.4 meters per square kilometer in southern Tyumen'). [121] Additions to reserves per meter drilled in northern Tyumen', however, were 20 million cu m in 1966-70 and 72 million cu m in 1971-75-both unprecedented results. [122] Similarly, with Tyumen' gas production still relatively low, the oblast's ratio of reserves to production is far higher than the Soviet average. These indicators will drop as new reserves be- come harder to find and as production rises. Nonetheless, the Soviets expect Tyumen' re- serves to increase by several trillion cu m by 1980-an attainable goal that will provide most of the increase in total USSR reserve capacity during the balance of the 1970s. [123] Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 _ _ Vndk ?nna~.~ '4t _ Nizhnevartovsk West Siberian Gas Fields and Gas Pipelines ? Natural gas field Pipeline in operation - - Pipeline planned or ,under construction Magnitogorsk Orenburg Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Kh Kharsavey` it r 7 ~. o sxa I .w J Bovanenk0 r N9r'rl'sk 1 Neiti sk Solinensk Semakov Yernpuri Novy essoyakhe Port Ic Pt;tgove ~ ; Me zh~ e /ZepolyImy Urengoy e.~ ^ u r i noy i _h = :a f Ku,k 1 r Yul" Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Soviet planners expect gas production in northern Tyumen' Oblast to skyrocket. Since the Medvezh'ye gasfield began production in 1972, the region's output has climbed substantially. Gas extraction reached 68 billion cu in in 1977- 20 percent of the Soviet total. [124] With the Urengoy field having come onstream in 1978, the Soviets expect the gasfields of northern Tyumen' Oblast to produce 139 billion cu in in 1980. [125] The remainder of the 155-billion-cu m plan target for Tyumen' as a whole will be filled by increased production of associated gas at the oblast's oilfields-notably Samotlor. The planned increase in Tyumen' gas production would provide more than 80 percent of the increase in national output and would raise the share of Tyumen' in that output to 35 percent. However, regional production of only 120 billion cu rn to 130 billion cu m seems a more likely prospect. Medvezh'ye provided most of the growth until it peaked at approximately 65 bil- lion cu in in 1977. [126] Urengoy subsequently will account for most of the increases in Soviet output until the mid-1980s. By then other large Tyumen' fields may have been developed, mak- ing the region responsible for well over half of Soviet gas production. Pipeline construction will play a crucial role in the Tyumen' gas industry's success or failure in meeting the 1980 plan. To satisfy Moscow's commitments to domestic consumption and for- eign trade, the Soviets are installing some of the world's largest gas trunkline systems. Three ma- jor systems-Northern Lights, Urengoy-Center, and Urengoy- Chelyabinsk (see appendix I)- lead from the Urengoy, Vyngapur, and Medvez- h'ye fields and are planned to exceed 150 billion cu m in combined capacity by 1980. The North- ern Lights and Urengoy-Center systems are partly complete and are supplying gas to the European USSR. By the early 1980s, the ex- panded network could also handle much of Soviet exports to Eastern and Western Europe. Problems of Development Realizing the gas potential of northern Tyumen' will prove time-consuming and costly. [ 127] The 1980 production goal probably will not be met, even though total allocations to the Tyumen' gas industry will almost certainly exceed the approximately 15 billion rubles ap- parently planned for 1976-80. The Soviets clear- ly expect delivered costs of Tyumen' gas to soar above those for other new fields, as development time increases and investment follows suit, as indicated by data in table C-4. The 1975 ratio of output to capital for the Nadym Gas Production Association (operating the Medvezh'ye field) was below the USSR average (see table J-16). The cost of drilling a gas well in Tyumen' ranges from four to six times higher than in the Europe- an USSR. [ 128] Leading causes of slow and expensive develop- ment of West Siberia's gas industry are dis- cussed in the following two sections. Lack of Infrastructure. An efficient network of roads and railways in northern Tyumen' has yet to be built. The Surgut-Urengoy, Nadym- Urengoy, and Yamal railways are lagging in construction and need to be supplemented by all- weather roads. Installation of such roads would require 1.2 million to 1.6 million rubles per kilometer, [ 129] compared with 0.12 million rubles in the European USSR. [ 130] Production support facilities-such as intrafield roads, sup- ply depots, repair facilities, and power supply- remain inadequate. Entire towns-notably Nadym and Urengoy-are being erected for the labor force which, because of the rugged living conditions, is paid wages more than twice those for workers at older fields. [ 131 ] Infrastructure development consequently con- sumes a large portion of investment, as indicated by the Medvezh'ye field's experience (see tables C-5 and C-6).[132] Not only have infrastructure expenditures constituted a relatively large por- tion of Medvezh'ye's capital allocations (they will easily exceed 1 billion rubles by 1980), [ 133] but they have also been principally responsible for raising the cost 4' of Medvezh'ye's stock of fixed reproducible assets to eight times that for the next largest Soviet field currently in produc- tion. [134] The number of nonproduction support personnel required to maintain infrastructural ., Does not include a capital charge. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 and social services has been larger and faster growing than the ranks of production workers themselves. [ 135] Until huge sums are spent on improving the Tyumen' road, river, and rail systems, airfield facilities, and local production base, large expen- ditures will go toward a makeshift form of supply. [ 136] Most materials and equipment are now brought part way by ship and rail. In winter, supplies can be further transported overland by truck or tractor. During much of the year, however, the tundra, permafrost, and swamp conditions inake ground transport difficult, and air shipments are essential. The high cost of either mode of transport is compounded by the inability of Tyumen' to supply more than a small portion of its own construction materials. 45 Heavy cargoes, therefore, must be moved over long distances, often with many reloadings and delays that, according to Soviet statements, ren- der useless 20 percent of delivered materials through accidents, rust, and other problems of long exposure to weather. [137] Poor coordina- tion among the 20 agencies involved in West Siberian oil and gas production is a major factor in this regard. As a result, aggregate freight costs are enormous. An article in one Soviet journal indicates that the recent average of 80 rubles per ton is expected to rise at least five times by 1980. [138] Air transport alone has already accounted for 30 percent of Medvezh'ye's costs. [139] Technology. West Siberia's inhospitable cli- mate and terrain continue to test the gas indus- try's technical capabilities. Pipeline construction and maintenance in permafrost and swamp is the greatest problem. [140] Pipeline stress and cor- rosion would be alleviated by improved pipe metals and by gas cooling facilities, but these probably will not be widely available in the region for several years. High-capacity, automat- ed collection stations will also prove slow in arriving, causing field development bottlenecks. Drilling of large-diameter wells will permit un- precedented flow rates (up to 1 million cu in per 45 Northern Tyumen' plants supply only 50 percent of reinforced concrete, 15''percent of crushed rock, 25 percent of gravel, and 20 percent of woodworking products needed for gas industry installa- tions. Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 3 (1976), p. 14. day) [1411 but may also increase problems of well completion. Melting of permafrost around wells producing high-pressure gas can cause se- vere wellhead subsidence and casing collapse, halting production. Natural thawing and refreez- ing of permafrost produces similar results. Im- proved casing materials and well refrigeration are needed, [142] but will not be introduced quickly. Improved ground transportation-such as air-cushion vehicles for movement of men and equipment over marshy tundra [143]-is another urgent need that will not be widely filled until after 1980, when large-scale manufacture of vehicles currently being tested may become possible. Toward 1980 and Beyond Inadequate pipeline capacity will be the most likely constraint on northern Tyumen' gas output during 1978-80. The Soviets apparently are in- tensifying development of the Urengoy field to enable it to produce an estimated 58 billion to 60 billion cu m by 1980. [144] If the required gas collection lines and processing equipment are installed within the next three years, Urengoy should reach or come close to that target. Development has also begun at the neighboring small field of Vyngapur (scheduled to produce 5 billion cu m in 1978 and perhaps up to 18 billion cu m in 1980 [145]), whose output by 1980 can probably fill the rest of the 139-billion-cu m goal not covered by Urengoy, Medvezh'ye (65 billion cu m), and older northern Tyumen' fields. The relatively small fields of Gubkin, Yubilenoy, and Komsomol'sk may also be undergoing initial development. However, the capacity of the region's pipeline system-estimated at 70 billion cu in in early 1978-probably will not expand quickly enough to reach the 139 billion cu m required by early 1980. The additions of new lines-several of them 1,400-mm pipe-to the Northern Lights and Urengoy-Center systems and laying of at least the first line of the Urengoy-Chelyabinsk system may be completed by the late 1970s. Installation of compressor capacity, on the other hand, probably will lag considerably. More than 60 compressor stations-each with several corn- Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 pressor units-will be required on the three systems, [146] with many units coming from Western companies. The long leadtimes required for Western manufacture and for shipment to the compressor station sites are likely to delay the installation of many units until 1980 or 1981. The Soviets may raise the capacity of the first Urengoy-Vyngapur-Chelyabinsk line to its pro- jected 33 billion cu m/year by 1980 through a crash program, although this is not likely. [147] Capacity on the other two systems is unlikely to carry the remainder of the 139 billion cu m. In fact, the three systems may move only 115 billion to 120 billion cu m, causing most of the predicted Soviet gas production short-fall in 1980. Beyond 1980, the Tyumen' gas industry's de- velopment will start to concentrate on deposits further north. Urengoy and the smaller fields now undergoing initial development will receive additional drilling during 1981-85. Zapolyarny and Yamburg, however, are the most likely targets for new, intensive development in that period. [ 148 ] Because permafrost conditions are worse at those fields than at Medvezh'ye and Urengoy and because lack of infrastructure will again constitute a serious problem, investment in Tyumen' gas in 1981-85 will increase sharply over that for 1976-80. At least 2 billion rubles will go into infrastructure alone. Yet heavier investment probably will bring neither Yamburg nor Zapolyarny production near full capacity. Soviet technology may prove unable to deal rapidly with harsher permafrost conditions, in both field development and pipeline construction. The latter may again become the leading bottle- neck, since existing Tyumen' pipeline systems will require substantial expansion to handle Yamburg and Zapolyarny gas. Improvement of Soviet ability to manufacture and install large- diameter pipe and compressors is possible beyond 1980, but such progress probably will be slow. Infrastructure, drilling, and pipelaying problems could prove even worse at the Kharsavey and Bovanenko fields on the forbidding Yamal Pen- insula, where development is unlikely to produce significant additions to the Soviet gas supply until the late 1980s. Annual Capital Investment in Northern Region Gas Projects as Percent of Total Gas Industry Investment ' Not all projects accounted for here strictly involved Tyumen' Oblast gas. However, most investment, particularly in the later years shown, was most likely tied to that region's gas industry. Source: Ekonomika gazovoy promyshlennosti, no. 8 (1977), p. 36. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Tyumen' Oblast Gas Industry' Reserves (A + B + C,) Production Reserves/ Billion Cubic Meters Percent of USSR Reserves (Billion Cubic Meters) Percent of USSR Output Production Ratio 1960 50.2 2.2 0 0 1961 50.2 2.0 0 0 1962 70.1 2.5 0 0 1963 130.1 4.2 0 0 1:964 200.3 6.2 0 0 1965 300.3 8.4 0 0 1966 400.8 11.2 0.6 0.4 668 1967 895.8 20.4 5.2 3.3 172 1968 4,030.6 42.8 8.2 4.8 492 1969 4,914.3 40.7 9.1 5.0 540 1970 6,834.9 56.5 9.2 4.6 743 1971 9,252.3 58.7 9.3 4.4 995 1972 10,608.7 58.9 11.4 5.1 931 1;973 11,797.4 60.4 15.8 6.7 747 1974 13,749.5 61.3 21.8 8.4 631 1975 15,490.0 63.0 36.8 12.7 421 1976 17,000.0 61.0 44.0 13.7 386 1977 NA NA 67.9 19.6 NA 'Sources: Brentz, Ekonomika gazodobyvayushchey promyshlennosti, p. 28; Geologiya, bureniye i razrabotka gazovykh mestorozhdenii, no. 4 (1977), p. 3; Ekonomicheskaya gazeta, no. 24 (1978), p. 1. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7, Major Gasfields of Tyumen' Oblast 1 Surface Thickness (Meters) Year covered Reserves' (Billion Cubic Meters) Depth of Producing Zones (Meters) Temperature (Degrees Centigrade) Pressure' (Kilograms per Square Meter) Porosity ' (P Permeabili ty ? Methane Content Well Yields (Thousand Cubi Output in 1977 Urengoy Yambur 350-500 1966 5,000 1,1003,100 32-88 ercent) (Millidarcies) (percent) c Meters Per Day) Production Wells Drilled (Billion Cubic Meters) g .................. Zapolyarnyy Medvezh'ye .............. Kharsavei .................. 350-400 400-450 350-600 Thickness k 1969 1965 1967 1974 3,000 2,000 1,548 1,000 1,000-1,200 1,100-1,300 1,0601,210 1,500-1,600 70-78 27 28-35 48-52 119 114 128 114 155 1 2530 Up to 37 2437 24-35 950-1,750 Up to 3,632 10-7,654 400-800 84-98 NA 98 99 1,000 200-700 150-250 1 000 45 NA NA 1 Bova k un nown - 63 NA NA NA , U t 1 000 00 nen o Thickness 1971 1 000 p o , NA Semakov Komsomol'sk ........ unknown Thickness unknown Thickness unknown 200-250 1971 1974 1966 , 541 498 457 570-1,500 NA NA 85 NA 20 NA NA 89 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Gubkin Pestsov 120-200 Th 1965 353 0-1,000 665-780 30 21 99 77 25-30 Up to 6,000 97 43-1 195 Vyngapur .................. ickness unknown 200-250 1974 1968 300 292 NA 920-1 040 NA NA 2535 NA Up to 7,000 NA 96 NA , 270-867 NA Yubilenoye ................ Solineask .................. Novyy Port Mesoyaklta .............. 350-4L5 360450 350-450 360450 1969 1970 1965 1967 221 161 100 44 , 1,025-1,180 2,250-2,450 900-2,100 790900 50 24-49 13 103 112 240 87-182 78 NA NA NA 10-20 NA NA NA 65-150 NA NA NA 79-92 450-686 Up to 5,200 300-500 45-1,100 NA NA NA NA 0 0 NA ' Fields included were selected because th , 20-32 1-500 92-98 150 55 0 ey poste large reserves and/or because significant data were available. 'Thickness of tundra and permafrost in meters -A + B + C,. Most reserve figures for West Siberian fields include B + C, only. 'Pressure exerted on the gas within the reservoir. ? The Proportion of a reservoir rock's total volume which is occupied by the space between the mineral grains. The degree to which a rock will permit the gas to pas through it. 3.0 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Comparison of Delivered Costs Rubles per Producing Thousand Cubic Area Pipeline Used Meters Tyumen' Oblast ...... Nadym-Moscow 16-18 Shatlyk Field .......... Central Asia-Center 12-13 Komi ASSR .............. Ukhta-Center 8 ' Soviet calculations. Does not include capital charge. Source: Ekonomika gazovoy promyshlennosti, no. 2 (1975), p. 12. Allocation of Capital Investment at Selected Gasfields' Area of Investment Gazli (Uzbek SSR) North Stavropol' Medvezh'ye (Tyumen' Oblast) Total ............................................................ 100.0 100.0 100.0 Wells ........................................................ 48.5 38.4 15 Collection lines ...................................... 26.5 43.6 18 Collection stations .................................. 9.5 2.4 14 Roads ......................................................... 4.9 5.4 14 Other ........................................................ 10.6 10.2 9 General regional improvement 8 ......... 0 0 30 ' Source: Ekonomika gazovoy promyshlennosti, no. 2 (1975), D. 13. Q Including housing and other living facilities. Average Fixed Capital/ Initial Output Depth Production Production Production Reserves per Well of Producing Ratio Cost, (Billion Cubic (Billion Cubic (Thousand Cubic Zones (Rubles/Thousand (Rubles/Thousand Field Meters) Meters) Meters/Day) (Meters) Cubic Meters) Cubic Meters) Shebelinka ........................ 30 550 500 2,000 2.8 0.31 Gazli ................................ 26 460 700 850-1,150 1.9 0.28 North Stavropol' .............. 15 229 360 825 2.4 0.32 Medvezh'ye ...................... 65 1,548 1,500 1,200 22.8 1.60 ' Data for the,first three fields represent the period when each was at peak production. Medvezh've data are Soviet projections for peak performance expected to begin in 1974. Source: Ekonomika gazoooy promyshlennosti, no. 2 (1975), p. 13. ' Sebestoimosi', without a capital charge. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 GAS PROCESSING AND REFINING Treatment of extracted gas before its transport by pipeline is becoming increasingly important to the Soviet gas industry. Several problems are developing in routine gas processing-the collec- tion and preparation of natural gas for trans- port-in Central Asia and West Siberia. At a growing number of fields in those two leading gas-producing regions, improved equipment is required (a) to collect gas under extremely high temperatures and, in the case of Central Asia, high pressure and (b) to remove impurities such as hydrates and carbon dioxide. Significantly expanded automation of that equipment is also needed in desert and permafrost areas where there is a shortage of skilled labor. Of particular importance to the gas industry, however, are processing of associated gas and natural gas refining. Moscow wants to reduce the waste of associated gas by enlarging the oil industry's capacity to separate the gas extracted with oil and to prepare it for pipeline transport. It also wants to increase through expanded refining capacity the natural gas byproducts-such as propane, butane, sulfur, carbon black, and stable condensate-available for use in chemical pro- duction and in other industries. Associated Gas One of the weakest facets of Soviet gas pro- duction is recovery of associated gas, which has grown only slowly (see table J-2). As extraction of associated gas increased along with the rapid expansion of oil production the share of the total processed fell from 70 percent in 1965 to 59 percent in 1975, when 20 billion cu in was flared (table D-1). In contrast, about 87 percent of all gas extracted outside the USSR in 1974 was processed or reinjected. Although processed associated gas contributed only 10 percent of national gas output, an accelerated expansion of processing capacity over the past decade could have brought the Soviets much closer to fulfilling production plans. Moscow has attached considerable importance to expanding the use of associated gas during the current five-year plan. Processing is expected to increase by more than 40 percent to reach 40 billion to 45 billion cu in by 1980. [ 149] Key sites for additional plants are the Tyumen' oil region and the Kazakh and Turkmen oilfields along the east Caspian coast. Processing capacity is al- ready considerable in older oil-producing regions such as the Tatar ASSR, the Ukraine, the Caucasus, and the Kuybyshev district (see table D-2). The Soviets will not easily reach the 1980 goal for processing associated gas. Moreover, even if they could, it would not end flaring of substantial amounts of gas. The Ministry of the Petroleum Industry, which is responsible for almost all production of associated gas, has consistently moved slowly in constructing associated gas pro- cessing facilities. With minimal cooperation be- tween the oil and gas ministries, investment in plants has been undercut by lags in equipment supply, in construction, and in use of the latest technology. An average of seven to eight years passes between an oilfield's first output and the installation of an associated gas processing unit.1150] This slow pace is likely to continue despite apparent Soviet interest in accelerating installation. A call for rapid growth of processing capacity in the 1971-75 plan [151] was followed by only 47-percent fulfillment. None of the three Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 West Siberian plants scheduled for that period were completed. The region's first such unit, a 4-billion-cu m-per-year facility at Nizhnevar- tovsk, was not finished until early 1976. [152] Five plants are scheduled to be completed in West Siberia by 1980-two of them additional plants at Nizhnevartovsk to handle gas from the large Samo,tlor oilfield. [153] However, con- struction is falling behind schedule, possibly be- cause of a :'lack of intetministry coordination. Completing; the West Siberian plants will be important, Since roughly 10 percent of the re- gion's plan arget of 155 billion cu m for 1980 is to come fro associated gas output. Even if West Siberia's 1 80 goal for ' recovery of 16 billion cu m of associated gas [154] is reached, capacity will fall far Short of that required to recover all of the associated gas being extracted in the area by that time. Ilfthe plan is seriously underfulfilled, West Siberia's recent annual flaring rate of 7 billion to 8I billion cu m [155] probably will not decline. Natural as Refining Natural ;gas refining by the Ministry of the Gas Industry has grown substantially since 1970 (see table D-3). By early 1976, refining was done by six Gas Ministry plants: facilities in Moscow, Ukhta, and Azerbaijan refine natural gas and condensate; a Shebelinka plant handles conden- sate; and a plant in Mubarek (Uzbek) and one at the Orenburg field both conduct sulfur removal. [156] Once the Orenburg plant reaches full capacity-in 1978-79 according to plans for the Orenburg-East Europe pipeline project (see ap- pendix F)-refining should easily meet the 1980 plan of 31.5 billion cu m. However, total refining capacity probably is not expanding as rapidly as it should to keep pace with needs. Large plants for handling condensate in northern Tyumen' Oblast probably will not be available until the early 1980s. Production asso- ciations in Central Asia, where the bulk of reserves may prove highly sulfurous, have not increased refinery capacity quickly enough, and one Turkmen newspaper has even recommended discovery of new, low-sulfur deposits rather than investing further in new refining facilities, [157] Flaring of Associated Gas ' Billion Cubic Meters 1965 ................................................ 7.1 1966 ................................................ 7.8 1967 ................................................ 9.0 1968 ................................................ 10.9 1969 ................................................ 12.4 1970 ................................................ 14.6 1971 ................................................ 15.9 1974 ................................................ 19.0 1975 ................................................ 20.0 ' Sources: Review of Sono-Soviet Oil (September 1970), p. 7; (March 1972), p. 4; (May 1975), p. 22; Ekonomika gazovoy promyshlennosti, (February 1976), p. 7. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Output of Associated Gas by Oil Production Associations' Million Cubic Meters USSR .............................. 22,958 Ministry of Petro- leum Industry .. 22,911 24,915 25,685 26,430 27,590 28,566 Tyumen ................. 105 142 270 646 877 1,663 Tatar ...................... 3,882 4,125 4,236 4,243 4,323 4,398 Bashkir ................ 1,364 1,333 1,371 1,408 1,446 1,469 Kuybyshev .......... 2,167 2,131 2,119 2,024 1,974 2,022 Perm' .................... 936 1,011 1,064 1,064 1,103 1,127 Mangyshlak .......... 125 123 144 497 780 1,247 Turkmen .............. 1,344 1,356 1,431 1,443 1,729 1,922 Ukraine ................ 2,157 2,496 2,543 2,689 2,766 2,883 Grozny .................. 4,252 4,768 4,509 4,084 3,954 3,058 Caspian .................. 1,536 1,972 2,263 2,690 3,036 3,381 Orenburg .............. 60 74 78 90 101 218 Komi ...................... 413 473 496 490 502 469 Belorussia ........... 178 295 401 413 511 568 Stavropol' ............ 692 760 805 827 835 836 Lower Volga ........ 873 1,088 1,351 1,299 1,114 1,021 Azerbaijan ............ 1,003 984 956 932 918 803 Krasnodar' ............ 653 670 668 674 666 666 Udmurt ................. 7 4 4 4 22 8 Sakhalin ................ 388 308 216 201 227 198 Dagestan ................ 490 484 451 382 386 275 Saratov .................. 203 230 224 253 244 266 Uzbek .................. 75 80 77 70 66 59 Kirgiz .................... 6 4 4 2 0 0 Tadzhik ................ 4 5 5 6 9 9 Ministry of the Gas Industry ............ 47 52 62 52 31 7 Condensate ................................. 2,236 3,259 4,410 4,951 5,442 Resulting products Liquid products # ....................... 449 627 858 997 1,052 Stable condensate ...................... 1,539 2,298 3,147 3,631 3,863 Carbon black ............................. 54.9 55.8 56.6 58.1 59.0 Sulfur .......................................... Negl Negl Negl 0.7 270 ' Ministry of the Gas Industry. Source: Ekonomika gazovoy promyshlennosti, no. 8 (1975), pp. 26-27. 2 Including propane and some butane. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Development of underground gas storage sites has increased substantially in the past decade, but gas in storage is still inadequate to prevent seasonal shortages in many consuming centers or to improve overall pipeline use. In the USSR, most stored gas is kept underground in depleted gasfields and in water-bearing strata- aquifers-located in the European USSR and in the Caucasus regions. The number of active storage sites increased from 10 to 25 during 1965-75 [158] (and to 26 by early 1977 [159]), with total storage capacity rising from 0.7 billion cu m in 1960 to 39.5 billion cu m in 1975. However, the volume of recoverable gas in stor- age increased only from 5 percent of consump- tion (2.5 billion cu m) in 1960 to 6 percent of consumption (18.3 billion cu m) in 1975 (see table J-22). The sizable fluctuations in demand between summer and winter require a much larger reser- voir capacity than exists now in the European USSR. Gas is usually in short supply in De- cember-March and in surplus during May- August. During the winter of 1975-76, for exam- ple, 13 billion cu m were withdrawn from stocks to meet increased seasonal demand.[160] A larger storage capability would make possible storage of surplus gas in the summer and thus ensure greater wintertime reliability of gas sup- plies for household and industrial users. It would also permit pipelines to operate at optimal average pressures-requiring less compressor power-rather than being geared to peak demand. Industry planners are calling for an increase in the volume of stored recoverable gas to 45 billion cu m (10-12 percent of demand) by 1980.[161] However, finding additional aquifers, exhausted gas deposits, or salt cavities near major trunk- lines or distribution networks is difficult. A large percentage-in some cases about one-half-of the gas pumped into underground reservoirs may be lost because of the Soviet use of flat (rather than domed) structures which lack structural closure for containment of the gas.[ 162] Because storage is made more economical by using reser- voirs of more than 1 billion cu m, the need to find large sites has become more urgent. The immi- nent exhaustion of several gas and oil fields in the Ukraine and Caucasus, however, will ease this shortage somewhat in the near future. Numerous additional problems persist. Re- sources have been overextended because too many projects have been started at the same time, with few of them receiving adequate alloca- tions of manpower and materials. Delivery of supplies to some sites has been delayed for up to a year. [ 163] Moreover, many new projects have been particularly hard hit by mismanagement and poor construction, with equipment or pipe- line breakdowns dragging out construction and the beginning of operations. [ 164] Capacity expansion at existing storage facili- ties also has lagged seriously. Of the 1,600 gas- injection wells at depleted fields available for storage use in 1975, only 700 (44 percent) had been put into operation.[165] In addition, gas processing units at several reservoirs have not been completed. Despite these problems, gas storage will con- tinue to grow through 1980. New facilities under construction in the Ukraine, Caucasus, Uzbek, and Moscow regions will raise total storage Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 capacity by several billion cu m. Storage in the national goal of an increase of 27 billion cu m in Ukraine alone-where production is starting to recoverable capacity by 1980 will not be reached. decline-is planned to increase 8 billion cu m, up Even if it is, the Soviets will still not possess an from 2.9 billion cu m in 1975. [ 166] If the adequate national storage system until sometime obstacles described above persist, however, the in the 1980s. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 The most ambitious joint CEMA operation ever undertaken is the construction of a 2,750- km pipeline that will bring gas from the Oren- burg field in the Urals to Eastern and Western Europe.[167] Begun in mid-1975, the project involves cooperation by six East European na- tions and the Soviet Union in laying a 1,420-mm line from the Orenburg gasfield, in the Urals, to the Soviet-Czechoslovak border. In return for their assistance, the six CEMA participants for 12 years will receive annually a total of 15.5 billion cu m of Orenburg gas. The pipeline, now called "Soyuz," is scheduled for completion in late 1978. Once the line reaches its full capacity of 28 billion cu in in 1980 or 1981, it may also be used to fulfill supply commitments to Western Europe. The project as initiated in 1974 was estimated to cost $4 billion to $5 billion and to entail extensive participation by the six CEMA co- signers. Five of them (Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, and Poland) were to construct parts of the pipeline, each financing and laying approximately 500 km of pipe and constructing related compressor stations. The trunkline as a whole is to be equipped with 22 compressor stations. Romania was to finance French construction of the third sulfur-removal unit at Orenburg itself, enabling the field to reach its peak capacity of nearly 45 billion cu m. Beginning in 1980, the five pipelaying countries are each to receive annually 2.8 billion cu m of gas; Romania is to receive 1.5 billion cu m. The Orenburg project has relied heavily on Western imports. In addition to French installa- tion of the Orenburg field equipment, [168] Moscow has probably obtained most of the ap- proximately 1.7 million tons of required large- diameter pipe from Western companies. Equip- ment related to pipeline construction and operation has also been purchased from the West. [ 169] In the project's single largest pur- chase, the Soviets after year-long negotiations contracted with West Germany and Italy for the 158 turbine units needed in the line's compressor stations. [ 170] A serious problem facing pipelaying progress is the CEMA participants' failure to send the required numbers of skilled laborers. By 1977, the five pipe-building nations had sent an esti- mated 12,000 to 14,000 workers, [ 171 ] less than one-half their original quota of 30,000 work- ers. [ 172] Only Poland was still scheduled to complete its entire pipeline section and compres- sor stations.[173] The others have arranged for lesser construction responsibilities, with compen- sating increases in their financial support of the project. [ 174] Romania, which had no labor com- mitment, is fulfilling its initial pledge of invest- ment in the Orenburg field. To fill the labor gap, Soviet crews apparently have been taken off other pipelaying jobs and transferred to the Orenburg line. The more experienced Soviet workers may increase the pace of the line's construction, but their transfer may leave crews on other important pipelaying projects short- handed. Construction of the pipeline itself may be finished by the late-1978 deadline, although completion in early 1979 is more likely. The buildup of the line's compressor power may take longer than planned to reach full capacity. Lengthy negotiation for the compressor units has delayed complete Western delivery of the units Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 until late 1978. This probably will not give the line will be able to satisfy the commitment to Soviets time to transport and install all of them supply 15.5 billion cu m annually to Eastern by January 1980. However, the Soviets should be Europe by 1981 and perhaps to fulfill some of able to complete enough stations by late 1978 or Moscow's gas export contracts with Western early 1979 to bring a little gas into Eastern Europe. Europe for ceremonial purposes. The Orenburg Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Under a contract signed in late 1975, the Soviet Union will serve as a middleman in Iranian sale of gas to Europe. The 20-year agreement, [175] which will take full effect in 1984, stipulates that the USSR will: (1) Import 17 billion cu m of Iranian gas annually. (2) Use that gas for its own consumption, (3) primarily in the increasingly gas-poor Caucasus. Export 15 billion cu m of its own gas to Western Europe and Czechoslovakia, probably via the Orenburg line (see ap- pendix F) and the Central Asia-Center and Urengoy-Center trunkline systems. Moscow will benefit considerably from the deal. The difference of 2 billion cu m between Soviet imports from Iran and exports to Europe will be considered a transit fee. The Soviets apparently will also receive an undisclosed amount of hard currency per each 1,000 cu m of gas delivered to the West European importers. [176] This latter fee could earn Moscow several billion dollars over the agreement's 20-year run. Initial deliveries will begin in 1981. The gas will come from Iran's Kangan field and be piped 1,400 km along the second Iranian Gas Trunk- line (IGAT-II) to the Soviet border at Astara. Western firms and the Soviets will aid Iran in the line's construction, [177] which was sched- uled to begin in late 1977. Consisting of 1,220-mm and 1,420-mm pipe, IGAT-II in Janu- ary 1981 is to begin operations considerably below capacity. Only a few billion cu m will be delivered to Western Europe in that year. As the trunkline reaches its capacity of 27 billion cu m, Czechoslovakia will begin receiving its share (3.6 billion cu m) in 1983 and the West European countries their full amount in 1984: West Ger- many (5.7 billion cu m), France (3.8 billion cu m); and Austria (1.86 billion cu m). Czechoslo- vakia, included in the agreement only in De- cember 1976, [178] is being repaid in gas for building a new trunkline across its territory that will bring West Europe's share to the Austrian border. Iran itself intends to consume domesti- cally 10 billion cu m of the gas annually trans- mitted by IGAT-II. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS LNG exports could eventually add $2 billion to $3 billion annually to Soviet hard currency earnings under two proposed East-West ven- tures. However, LNG is unlikely to play a significant role in Soviet gas exports for at least another decade. Progress has been slow in negoti- ations for Western participation in developing liquefaction systems for export of gas from West Siberia and from the Soviet Far East. Talks, under way intermittently since 1973, have been hung up over LNG pricing, constraints on US Export-Import Bank financing of LNG facilities, and possible US Government limits on LNG imports. Given the long leadtimes required for installing the proposed LNG facilities, signifi- cant Soviet LNG exports probably could not begin until the late 1980s even if agreement on either proposal was reached within the next year. Yakutsk The most active of the two ventures proposed is one formally agreed upon in December 1974, whereby the United States, Japan, and the USSR would develop an LNG system using gas from deposits near Yakutsk in the Soviet Far East. US and Japanese backing of Soviet invest- ment-originally estimated at $4 billion to $5 billion-would go toward (a) exploration and development of the Vilyuy field, (b) construction of a 4,350-km pipeline of 1,200- or 1,420-mm pipe, and (c) installation of a liquefaction plant near Ol'ga. [179] In return the Soviets over a 20- year period would ship 10 billion cu m of LNG to both Japan and the United States annually. [ 180] The arrangement would make the best use of Yakutsk gas, which is too far from major Soviet consuming centers to make pipeline trans- port economical. Negotiations on the project have been moving at a low level, but progress has been made. In March 1976 Japan and a US consortium made loans of $25 million each for the exploration phase of the project. [181] Talks on initiation of the costly development phase, however, have been slowed by Export-Import Bank financing limitations and by the thus far indequate results from Soviet exploration of the Yakutsk depos- its-reserves of only 800 billion cu m had been proved by mid-1978. [182] Until Yakutsk gas reserves reach a level deemed sufficient to justify a 20-year export agreement-reportedly 1 tril- lion cu m [183]-the Western concerns are unwilling to commit themselves to loaning addi- tional sums for the project. [184] The venture's total cost is currently estimated at about $7 billion. [185] North Star Talks are in limbo on the North Star venture involving liquefaction of gas from the large Urengoy field in West Siberia. Originally pro- posed by a US consortium, North Star was to provide for annual delivery of 21 billion cu m of gas to the US east coast over a period of 25 years. [186] US credits were to provide for (a) gathering lines at Urengoy; (b) a 1,220-mm, 2,460-km pipeline bringing the gas to an ice-free port on the Kola Peninsula; (c) a liquefaction plant and auxiliary facilities at the port; and (d) Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 a fleet of 20 L LNG tankers. [187] The total cost was estimated at $7 billion to $8 billion in mid- 1970s' prices. [188] No real move toward an agreement has been made. After: 1975, when Congressional limita- tions on US Export-Import Bank credits to Mos- cow forced the US consortium to drop discussion of the project, a West European group picked up the negotiations in January 1976.[1891 Under a revised proposal France, West Germany, and possibly the United Kingdom would provide the pipe, equipment, and financing. [190] If the plan were agreed upon, the European and US consor- tiums would divide the annual LNG deliveries of 21 billion cu m. However, the European group and Moscow have not yet hammered out a price. Exports of gas from Urengoy for the North Star project do not appear likely until the late 1980s and then only if agreement on the venture is reached within the next few years. In the absence of a guaranteed US market for Soviet LNG it is doubtful that the USSR would invest in liquefac- tion facilities because the Urengoy gas could be exported to Europe more expeditiously and at lower cost by pipeline, without liquefaction. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 -Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Major Natural Gas Pipelines' West Siberian systems Urengoy-Medvezh'ye-Punga- V uktyl- Torzhok-Ivatsevichy-Uzhgorod Urengoy-Medvezh'ye-Punga-Nizhnaya Tura-Izhevsk-Moscow Nizhnevartovsk-Parabel'-Tomsk- Kemerovo-Novokuznetsk Balyk-Nizhnevartovsk Soleninskoye-Messoyakha-Noril'sk Central Asian systems Bukhara-Chelyabinsk 200 300 Diameter (Millimeters) NA 720-1,020 Maximum Capacity (Billion Number of Cubic Meters Lines per Year) NA 11 The "Northern Lights" system, built originally in the 1960s to transport gas from the Vuktyl Field, will link up with the Tyumen' Fields via two 1,420-mm Punga-Vuktyl lines. Four lines are planned between Vuktyl-Torzhok by 1980, with a potential capacity of 70 bem, approximately 50 bem of which is to be available for Tyumen' gas, 20 for Komi ASSR gas. Most of current capacity goes to Moscow and Leningrad regions. The "Urengoy-Center" system, which until 1977 had carried all northern Tyumen' gas to the Urals and Moscow. Additions of 1,420-mm and 1,220-mm lines along the Punga-Nizhnaya Tura and Nizhnaya Tura Center sections will probably increase capacity to 75 bem. The "Urengoy-Chelyabinsk" system, which began contruction in late 1976. It will form the initial section of a multiline system extending through the central European USSR to the Czecho- slovak border. Completion of the first line is sched uled for 1978-79 but capacity by 1980 probably will not reach project- ed maximum. Construction began in 1976 and is behind schedule but the line should reach full capacity by 1980. It will transport associated gas from the Samotlor Field to the Kuzbass region. A branch to Novosibirsk is also under construction. Operational in 1976. Northernmost gas pipeline in the world. Current capacity is 6.4 bem; construction of third line began in 1976. Branch of Northern Lights system; Vologda-Cherepovets section completed in 1975. Bukhara-Nizhniy Tagil 2,300 1,020 1 10 Bukhara-Moscow-Leningrad 3,200 1,020 1 10 Bukhara-Moscow 2,400 1,220 1 15 Okarem-Beynev-Ostrogozhsk 2,550 1,020-1,220 1 20 is "C Footnote at end of Table. The "Central Asia-Urals #1" system, completed in 1964. Short section will be expanded to 1,220-mm in 1978. The "Central Asia-Urals #2" system, completed in 1966. "Central Asia-Center #1," completed in 1967. "Central Asia-Center #2," finished in 1970. "Central Asia-Center #3"; to reach full capacity of 20 bern in 1977. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Major Natural Gas Pipelines' (Continued) "Central Asia-Center #4," completed in 1975. Two lines run from Shatlyk to Khiva where they are joined by Central Asia-Center lines #s 1 and 2. Mubarek-Alma Ata Bukhara-Tashkent-Chimkent Mayskoye-Bayram Ali-Ashkhabad- Bezmein Mubarek-Kelif-Afghanistan Kelif-Dushanbe Uzen-Shevchenko Samarkand-Leninabad-Kokand,- Fergana-Kuvasai Palvantash-Changyrtash-Andizhan Khodziabad-Fergana-Andizhan- Namangan-Kokand 1,325 770 500 275 300 150 529-1,020 529- 720 529 820 NA 520 17 2 2 4 NA 2 2 NA NA First line completed in 1970; second in 1975. Completed in 1959. Completed in 1970. Completed in 1967. First line completed in 1967; second in 1974. Completed in 1967. First section, Kuvasai-Fergana, completed in 1959;. Fergana- Leninabad completed in 1963; the Samarkand-Leninabad sec- tion became operational in 1964. Probably operational by mid-1960s. Various sections completed during late 1950s and early 1960s; a branch also runs from Andizhan to Mailisu via Osh. Urals systems Orenburg-Kremenchug-Uzhgorod 28 The "Orenburg Project," to be completed in late 1978 or early 1979; full capacity likely by early 1980s; a joint CEMA construction project which will bring gas from the Urals to the Orenburg-Novopskov 1,200 1,220 12 Czech border for export to Eastern and Western Europe. Completed in 1976. Dombarovsk-Orenburg 400 1,220 15 To link Central-Asia-Urals lines with Orenburg lines; construction Tuymazy-Shkapovo-lshimbay- Magnitogorsk 3 began in 1976; began operation in 1977. First line completed from Shkapovo in 1958; second line finished in 1966. 9 Completed in 1966; construction of a second line of 1,220-mm diameter extending to Kazan' and Gor'kiy is planned during 1976-80. Minnebayevo-Kazan' 280 305-529 1.5 First line completed in 1954; second in 1963. Kazan-Gor'kiy 375 305 0.5 Line completed in 1957. Minnebayevo-Tuymazy-Ufa 260 250-355 0.5 Completed in 1953. A second Minnebayevo-Tuymazy line was Saratov-Moscow 790 305 0.5 completed in 1960. Completed in 1946. A second line was built during 1965-70. Buguruslan-Kuybyshev-Pukhvintsnevo 300 305 0.5 Completed in 1943. Orenburg-Zainsk 500 1,020 8.5 Completed in 1972. Orenburg-Kuybyshev 400 1,000 NA Completed in 1974. Mokrous-Kuybyshev-Tol'yatti-Ulyanovsk 600 529-820 3.5 Completed in 1970. Saushinskaya-Log-Volgograd 125 529 1.5 Completed in 1957. Kotlas-Kirov 360 720 3 Branch of Northern Lights line. Chusavoy-Berezniki-Solikamsk 180 529 1.5 Operational in 1967. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007.7 Major Natural Gas Pipelines' (Continued) Ukraine systems Dashava-Bratislava (Czechoslovakia) 4 Known as the " Bratsvo" (brotherhood) line; completed in 1967 to 29 allow expansion of gas exports in Eastern Europe. Second Bratsvo line completed in 1975. A third line is under Dashava-Minsk-Ivatsevichi- V ilnyus-Riga 1,385 529-720-820 6.8 construction. Completed in 1962. Shebelinka-Bryansk 875 720 10 Completed in 1960. Shebelinka-Dnepropetrovsk-Odessa 700 720 10 First line completed in 1966; second line opened in 1976. Dashava-Kiev-Bryansk-Moscow 1,300 529 1.5 Completed in 1949. Second Dashava-Kiev line completed in 1959. Kiev-Western Ukraine 550 1,020 16 First line built in 1970 to Kamenka-Bugskaya; second line to Belsk-Sumy-Shchors-Gomel-Minsk 725 425 NA Dolina in 1975. Completed in 1962. Shebelinka-Kiev 500 1,020-1,420 23 First line completed in 1964; second in 1970; third in 1975. Valday-Pskov-Riga 600 1,020 7 Completed in 1972. L'vov-Ivano-Frankovsk-Chernovotsy 300 NA 2 Operational in 1961. Odessa-Kishinev 180 NA 1 Operational 1967. Razdel'naya-Izmail (to Bulgaria via Romania) 355 1,020 8.5 Operational in 1976. Shebelinka-Slavyansk-Lisichansk-Lugansk 260 720 3.7 Operational in 1969. Nikolayev-Kherson 75 720 4 Built in early 1960s. Strelkovskoye-Dzhankoy-Simferopol 160 NA NA Operational in 1976. Krasnodar'-Kerch-Simferopol-Sevastopol 575 820 NA Built in early 1960s. Poltava-Kremenchug-Krivoy Rog 275 720-1,020 8.5 Completed in 1967. Shebelinka-Dnepropetrovsk 200 720-820 8 First line completed in 1957; second line in 1961. Central systems Moscow Ring 420 820-1,020 20 First ring completed in 1963; second ring finished in 1976. Saratov-Gor'kiy-Cherepovets 1,200 529-720-820 6 Completed in 1961. Stavropol'-Moscow 1,275 720-1,020 10 First line completed in 1956; second in 1960. Tallinn-Leningrad 350 229-529 3 Shale gas lines; first completed in 1948; second in 1963. Serphukov-Leningrad 800 720-1,020 17 First line completed in 1959; second in 1968. Moscow-Tula 180 529 1.5 Completed in 1954. Shebelinka-Ostrogozhzk 250 1,020 8.5 Operational in 1961. Ostrogozhsk-Gubkin 150 NA NA Line #1 completed in 1975; second line in 1976. Rostov-Taganrog 80 720 8 First line finished in 1956; second completed in 1958. Taganrog-Zhdanov 100 520-720 8 Completed in 1959. Taganrog-Donetsk-Slavyansk 230 520-720 4 Completed in 1960. Leningrad-Vyborg-Imatra-Finland 180 1,420 20 Operational in 1974. Riga-Liepaja 180 NA NA Operational. Panevezys-Klaipeda 200 NA NA Operational in 1968. Roslavl-Smolensk-Dorogobuzh 320 NA NA Operational in 1966. Gor'kiy- V ladim ir-Moscow 350 820 6 Operational in 1967. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Caucasus and Trans-Caucasus systems Ahwaz (Iran.)-Astara (USSR)-Kazi Magomed 12 Known as the Iranian Gas Trunkline (IGAT I) system, it opened 8 in late 1970 to allow importation of Iranian natural gas; 200 km of the line lies within the USSR. A second line, IGAT II, is under construction; it will use 1,220 and 1,420 pipe; initial operation is planned for 1981, reaching full capacity (27 bem) by 1984. First and second lines built in 1963-64; a third line was under 10 construction in 1975. First line completed in 1960, second in 1970, third line was under Krasnodar'-Rostov-Lugansk-Serpukhov 1,200 820-1,020 30 construction in 1975. Completed in 1962. A second line was built in the mid-1960s. Stavropol'-Groznyy 425 529-720 4.8 Completed in 1959. Karadag-Baku 50 529 1.5 Completed in 1956. Karadag-Sumgait-Siazan 115 500-720 1.8 Completed in 1964. A second line runs from Sumgait to Siazan. Far East systems Mastakh-Tas Tumus-Yakutsk-Pokrovsk- Bestyakh 1.5 Tas Tumus-Yakutsk completed in 1967; branches to Pokrovsk and Mastakh added in 1969 and 1972, respectively. 'Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 STATISTICAL TABLES Million Cubic Meters 1928 .................................. 304 1929 .................................. 330 1950 5 8 4 0 1 8 1930 ................................. 520 - .............. . . . 1951 6 3 1 4 2 2 1931 .................................. 845 ................ . . . 1952 6 4 4 1 2 3 1932 .................................. 1,049 ................ . . . 1953 6 9 4 5 2 4 1933 .................................. 1,063 ................ . . . 1954 7 5 4 9 2 6 1934 .................................. 1,531 ................ . . . 1935 .................................. 1,806 1955 ................ 9.0 5.9 3.1 1936 .................................. 2,050 1956 ................ 12.1 8.4 3.7 1937 .................................. 2,179 1957 ................ 17.6 14.3 3.3 1938 .................................. 2,208 1958 ................ 28.0 22.6 5.4 1959 35 3 28 8 6 5 1939 .................................. 2,531 ................ . . . 1960 45 3 37 6 7 7 1940 .................................. 3 219 ................ . . . , 1961 59 0 50 4 8 6 1941 .................................. 3,463 ................ . . . 1962 73 5 63 5 10 0 1942 .................................. 2,045 .. .............. . . . 1963 89 8 77 7 12 1 1943 .................................. 1,852 ................ . . . 1944 .................................. 2,405 1964 ................ 108.6 94.4 14.2 1945 .................................. 3,278 1965 ................ 127.7 111.2 16.5 1966 143 0 125 2 17 8 1946 .................................. 3,902 ................ . . . 1967 157 4 138 6 18 8 1947 .................................. 4,830 ................ . . . 1948. ................................. 5,219 1968 ................ 169.1 149.5 19.6 1949 .................................. 5,396 1969 ................ 181.1 159.5 21.6 1950 .................................. 5,761 1970 ................ 197.9 174.9 23.0 1971 ................ 212.4 187.4 25.0 ' Including associated gas. Source: Elliot, Soviet Energy 1972 ................ 221.4 195.6 25.7 Balance, p. 38. 1973 ................ 236.3 209.8 26.5 1974 ................ 260.6 233.0 27.6 1975 ................ 289.3 260.7 28.6 1976 ................ 320.6 NA NA 1977 ................ 346.0 NA NA 1980E ............ 435.0 390-395 40-45 ' Gas extracted along with oil and then separated. Sources: A. K. Kortunov, Gazovaya promyshlennost' SSSR, Moscow (1967), p. 62; Brentz, Ekonomika gazodobyvayushchey promyshlennosti, pp. 33- 34. 2 Plan. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Allocation of Capital Investment by the Ministry of the Gas Industry 1966-70 1971-75 1970 1975 Million Million Million Million Rubles' Percent Rubles' Percent Rubles' Percent Rubles' Percent Total .......................................................... 4,049.0 100.0 10,903.5 100.0 1,189.6 100.0 2,966.9 100.0 Geological exploration ......... 63.3 1.6 335.0 3.1 10.9 0.9 78.0 2.6 Extraction .............................................. 1,019.1 25.2 3,139.4 28.8 332.7 28.0 878.5 29.6 Development drilling ........................ 330.0 8.2 701.9 6.4 114.9 9.7 170.6 5.8 Field preparation ............................ 689.1 17.0 2,437.5 22.4 217.8 18.3 707.9 23.9 Pipeline transport .................................. 2,597.2 64.1 6,445.8 59.1 695.8 58.5 1,718.5 57.9 Natural gas processing .......................... 59.4 1.5 478.0 4.4 36.7 3.1 102.8 3.5 Underground storage .......................... 44.6 1.1 116.9 1.1 7.2 0.6 62.0 2.1 Machine building ................................ 61.5 1.5 131.4 1.2 22.7 1.9 57.2 1.9 ' In current prices, as opposed to "comparable" prices, the Soviet pricing concept analogous to constant prices in the West. "Comparable" prices are deflated with an index based on a given year (until recently, 1967, and now 1975). They do include, however, some current factor prices (for example, for new types of machinery introduced after the base year). Source: Margulov, Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti, p. 17. Value of Fixed Capital, Ministry of the Gas Industry Average Annual 1975 Increase Increase, 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 Over 1970 1971-75 Million Rubles' Percent Million Rubles' Percent Million Rubles' Percent Million Rubles' Percent Million Rubles' Percent Million Rubles' Percent (Percent) (Percent) Total ........................ ._.......... 6,207.1 100.0 7,084.4 100.0 8,121.9 100.0 9,457.3 100.0 11,090.4 100.0 13,720.0 100.0 121.0 17.2 Drilling ................................ 81.0 1.3 92.0 1.3 118.0 1.5 122.0 1.3 134.0 1.3 141.0 1.0 74.1 11.7 Extraction .__._..._...__._..... 903.6 14.6 1,116.2 15.8 1,295.4 15.9 1,537.1 16.3 1,952.6 17.6 2,441.0 17.8 170.1 22.0 Pipeline transport ................ 4,824.0 77.7 5,423.0 76.7 6,209.0 76.4 7,219.1 76.3 8,290.0 74.7 10,213.0 74.4 111.7 16.2 Natural gas processing ........ 56.4 0.9 79.4 1.1 91.4 1.1 103.7 1.1 154.8 1.4 280.0 2.0 396.5 37.8 Machine building .............. 112.8 1.8 111.6 1.6 123.3 1.5 129.7 1.4 137.6 1.2 152.0 1.1 34.8 6.1 7 aoz9 z~.,0 ~ Other .. .. .. 229.3 3 3 a.i 262.z ^ 3.7 204.8 3.5 345 ~ .7 3.7 =42,.~~ 3.8 493.~ 3.6 115.0 16.5 ' In current prices. Although the lack of data in constant prices prevents accurate comparisons, the table is useful for inferring trends because of (a) the relatively short time period involved and (b) the magnitude of the increase in value of fixed capital stock. These two considerations suggest that price inflation did not account for most of the increased value. Source: Margulov, Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti, pp. 17-18. 'Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80TOO702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Share of Major Fuels in Total Fuels Production' Percent 1955 ........................ 2.4 1956 ........................ 3.0 1957 ........................ 4.0 1958 ........................ 5.5 1959 ........................ 6.4 1960 ........................ 7.9 1961 ........................ 9.7 1962 ........................ 10.9 1963.. ..................... 12.4 1964 ........................ 13.9 1965 ........................ 15.5 1966., .... - - .............. 16.5 1967 ........................ 17.2 1968 ........................ 17.9 1969 ........................ 18.3 1970 ........................ 19.1 1971 ........................ 19.5 1972 ........................ 19.5 1973 ........................ 19.9 1974 ........................ 20.8 1975 ........................ 21.8 1976 ........................ 23.1 1977' ...................... 24.0 21.1 64.8 23.3 63.2 24.5 61.2 26.3 58.8 28.1 56.1 30.5 53.9 32.4 50.5 34.2 48.8 34.8 45.9 35.1 44.2 35.8 42.7 36.7 40.7 37.8 39.4 39.2 38.0 39.9 37.3 41.1 35.4 41.8 34.6 42.3 34.0 43.2 33.0 43.8 32.1 44.1 30.8 45.0 29.0 45.0 28.0 Sources: Narodnoye khozyaystvo SSSR, various issues. ' Natural and associated. 'Including gas condensate. CIA estimate. Natural Gas Production, Trade, and Apparent Consumption' Billion Cubic Meters Net Apparent Production Exports' Consumption 1958 ............... 28.0 1960 ................ 45.3 1961 ................ 59.0 1962 ................ 73.5 1963 .............. 89.8 1964 ................ 108.6 1965 ................ 127.7 1966 ................ 143.0 196T. .............. 157.4 1968.... ........... 169.1 1969 ................ 181.1 1970 ................ 197.9 1971... ............. 212.4 1972 ................ 221.4 1973 ................ 236.3 1974 ................ 260.6 1975 ................ 289.3 1976.... ........... 320.6 1980 ................ 435.0' 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.8 1.1 0.2 0.6 -0.3 -3.6 -6.0 -4.6 2.1 6.9 14.0 40.9 27.8 45.1 58.7 73.2 89.5 108.3 127.3 142.2 156.3 168.9 180.4 198.2 215.9 227.3 240.9 258.5 282.4 306.6 394.1 ' Sources: Vneshnyaya torgovlya and Narodnoye khozyaystvo SSSR, various issues. 2 A minus indicates net imports. ' Soviet plan. Gas Consumption by Region Billion Cubic Meters Region 1960 1965 1970 1975 USSR' .......................... 44.4 120.3 179.1 239.5 RSFSR 23.9 75.6 117.3 160.5 ........ Of which; - - Northwest ........ 1.8 6.6 9.5 13.4 Central............ 6.5 22.5 32.0 38.5 Central-Black Earth ......... 0.9 2.7 4.6 5.6 Volga 8.8 18.0 22.9 36.5 North Caucasus 4.4 11.2 15.3 18.2 Urals ............... 0.5 10.2 26.2 38.7 Ukrainian SSR ...... 14.6 34.6 49.6 58.3 Belorussian SSA ...... 0 2.3 2.9 4.0 Transcaucasus ...,.... 5.9 7.8 9.3 16.7 ' Excluding Georgian SSA, Azerbaijan SSR, Armenian SSR. The USSR total would still be smaller than the "apparent consumption" totals presented in table J-6, because the data presented here do not include losses and use by the gas industry itself. The exclusion of these latter two categories distinguishes "actual consumption"-presented here-from "apparent." Source: Margulov, Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti, p. 8. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Gas Consumption, by Economic Sector ' Percent of Total Percent of Total Sector 1958 1960 1965 1968 1970 1975 Consumption in 1958 Consumption in 1975 USSR ............................ 27.8 45.1 127.3 168.9 198.2 282.4 100 100 Household- municipal............ 2.9 5.7 14.9 21.1 25.3 34.0 10 12 Industry .................... 14.3 25.4 73.5 96.8 109.1 156.1 51 55 Chemicals ............ 0.3 1.9 6.2 10.7 12.9 22.8 1 8 Metallurgy ............ 1.7 5.1 18.4 27.4 30.3 41.1 6 15 Machinery and metalworking 1.8 3.4 12.8 16.2 19.1 24.2 6 9 Construction materials and construction ...... 2.4 4.5 14.0 17.5 19.3 26.5 9 9 Oil and gas x ...... 5.6 6.0 12.4 13.6 10.6 20.5 20 7 Light industry .... 0.2 0.6 2.0 2.2 2.5 3.8 1 1 Food industry ...... 0.6 1.2 4.2 5.7 6.1 8.2 2 3 Other .................. 1.7 2.7 3.5 3.5 8.3 9.0 6 3 Electric power plants ...... 9.6 12.2 35.7 44.1 52.7 67.8 35 24 Transport .................. 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.7 1.3 Negl Negl Agriculture .............. Negl 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.7 1.9 Negl 1 Other', ..................... 0.9 1.5 2.6 5.9 9.2 21.3 3 8 'Sources: Robert W. Campbell, The Economics of Soviet Oil and Gas, Baltimore (1968), p. 214; Review of Sino-Soviet Oil (May 1970), p.18; Margulova Bazvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti, p. 14. 2 Including gas, used for production of carbon black. 8 Represents primarily losses and use by the gas industry (e.g., for the operation of compressor stations on gas trunklines). Total for USSR therefore equals the "apparent consumption" data presented in table J-6. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Share of Natural Gas in Boiler and Furnace Fuel, by Region' USSR ........................................ 14.9 21.3 27.9 European regions .............. 22.0 26.4 32.2 North-West .................... 9.2 16.9 20.9 Baltic .............................. 3.4 11.0 10.7 Belorussia ........................ 15.8 16.6 18.2 Central Region .............. 25.7 32.3 37.2 Central Chernozem ... 14.1 19.1 24.3 Volga-Viatka .................... 15.5 21.8 22.2 North Caucasus .............. 33.0 47.0 46.5 Volga Region .................. 26.9 33.9 29.8 Transcaucasus ................ 46.6 41.3 38.6 Ukraine .......................... 21.3 29.2 35.0 Urals ................................ 1.7 15.6 37.8 Eastern regions .................... 2.6 5.5 12.1 West Siberia .................. 0 0 0.7 East Siberia ...................... 0 0 1.4 Far East .......................... 2.1 2.4 4.7 Kazakhstan ...................... 2.3 2.8 12.6 Central Asia .................... 18.0 37.7 57.0 ' Source: A. E. Probst and Ya. A. Mazover, eds., Razvitive i razmeshchenive toplivnoy promyshlennosti (1975). Growth of Gas Reserves (A + B + C,) and Reserves/ Production Ratio' Reserves Reserves/ (End of Year) Production Production 1955............ 692.4 9.0 76.9 1956 ............ 862.3 12.1 71.3 1957 ............ 1,095.6 17.6 62.2 1958............ 1,584.8 28.0 56.6 1959............ 2,202.4 35.3 62.4 1960............ 2,336.1 45.3 51.6 1961............ 2,547.4 59.0 43.2 1962............ 2,786.5 73.5 37.9 1963............ 3,061.6 89.8 34.1 1964 ............ 3,219.7 108.6 29.6 1965 ............ 3,563.9 127.7 27.9 1966 .......... 4,381.5 143.0 30.6 1967 ........... 7,753.0 157.4 49.3 1968 ............ 9,422.5 169.1 55.7 1969 ............ 12,085.9 181.1 66.7 1970 ............ 15, 750.1 197.9 79.6 1971............ 17,992.9 212.4 84.7 1972............ 19,530.9 221.4 88.2 1973............ 22,413.6 236.3 94.9 1974............ 24,579.0 260.6 94.3 1975............ 25,800.0 289.3 89.2 1976............ 28,000.0 320.6 87.3 ' For an explanation of what is included in the reserves categories (A + B + C,), see notes to table 2, above. Sources (reserves data): for 1957-66, Kortunov, Gazovaya promyshlennost' SSSR, p. 35; for 1967, Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 1 (1968), pp. 13-18; for 1970, Oil and Gas journal (7 September 1970), p. 51; for 1972, Oil and Gas journal (22 January 1973), p. 64; for 1955-56, 1971, and 1973, Brentz, Ekonomika gazodobyvayushey promyshlennosti, p. 25; for 1974, Oil and Gas Journal (19 July 1976), p. 42; for 1975, Margulov, Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti, p. 5; for 1976, Geologiya bureniye i razrabotka gazovykh mestorozhdenii, no. 4 (1977), p. 3. Source (production data): Narodnoye khozyaystvo SSSR, various issues. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Natural Gas Reserves (A + B + C,) of Producing Regions I Region 1951 1956 1960 1965 1966 1967 1968 1971 1073 1974 USSR .................................... 173.0 692.4 2,202.4 3,219.7 3,563.9 4,381.5 7,753.0 15,750.1 19,530.9 22,413.6 RSFSR .............................. 89.2 450.8 972.3 1,472.8 1,693.3 2,380.6 5,525.2 12,316.1 15,796.9 18,102.2 Komi ASSR .................. 20.8 21.2 18,1 18.4 38.3 73.7 136.2 405.6 439.4 367.1 Bashkir ASSR .............. 0 0.4 23.1 18.4 30.3 44.1 46.2 54.5 50.5 58.2 Perm' Oblast ................ 0 0 0 11.1 24.2 34.2 39.2 40.8 56.5 61.5 Kuybyshev Oblast ........ 3.1 6.7 4.6 9.0 11.1 8.1 8.0 4.1 3.9 3.4 Orenburg Oblast .......... 4.3 5.1 16.9 26.1 25.3 30.0 29.4 1,124.9 1,657.3 2,108.0 Saratov Oblast .............. 21.3 53.1 66.9 74.0 70.8 68.1 72.1 59.4 57.1 62.2 Volgograd Oblast ........ 6.4 47.5 141.6 110.4 89.5 92.7 91.0 85.7 79.3 77.3 Astrakhan Oblast and Kalmytskaya ASSR 0 3.9 11.6 48.6 46.9 17.3 18.7 20.4 17.6 16.4 Rostov Oblast .............. 0 0 0 5.2 4.0 4.0 4.0 8.9 7.9 9.3 Krasnodar' Kray .......... 0 75.6 359.4 458.9 465.3 427.6 419.4 89.7 255.8 256.0 Stavropol' Kray ............ 26.8 225.7 249.6 251.2 234.4 228.9 222.1 198.6 180.9 171.3 Dagestan ASSR ............ 0.5 0.1 0.1 26.4 42.7 53.4 63.1 35.0 28.7 31.2 Checheno-Ingush ASSR 4.9 2.7 2.0 8.6 8.6 8.5 8.5 8.3 5.8 8.2 Sakhalin Oblast ............ 1.1 4.7 7.4 44.4 48.8 57.4 70.1 57.5 59.6 68.2 Tyumen' Oblast .......... 0 4.1 50.2 300.3 400.8 895.8 3,850.4 9,252.3 11,797.4 13,749.5 Krasnoyarsk Kray ........ 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.0 149.8 280.1 302.9 Tomsk/Novosibirsk Oblast ........................ 0 0 0 15.1 54.3 107.7 182.7 231.2 247.2 256.3 Irkutsk Oblast .............. 0 0 0 20.5 20.5 20.5 20.5 12.9 12.9 12.9 Yakutsk ASSR .............. 0 0 20.8 26.1 77.5 208.6 238.6 259.5 234.5 316.2 Ukraine SSR .................... 70.3 148.7 544.8 643.5 655.2 636.5 663.2 810.0 848.4 868.7 Azerbaijan SSR .................. 9.1 52.2 115.7 60.5 53.9 46.2 45.2 80.3 97.0 122.6 Kazakh SSR ...................... 0 0 1.2 41.8 91.7 131.8 173.8 177.3 165.9 167.6 Uzbek SSR ........................ 4.4 4.8 544.2 697.6 666.7 663.6 690.1 796.8 913.7 949.6 Turkmen SSR .................. 0 35.5 13.1 282.2 376.4 486.5 605.6 1,522.3 1,963.7 2,158.6 Tadzhik SSR ........................ 0 0.3 3.4 9.2 12.8 20.3 32.1 31.7 29.5 29.0 Kirgiz SSR ............................ 0 0.1 7.7 12.1 13.9 16.0 17.8 15.6 15.8 15.3 'Sources: Brentz, Ekonomika gazodobyvayushchey promyshlennosti, p. 24; Kortunov, Gazovaya promyshlennost' SSSR (1967), p. 35; and Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 1 (1968). Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Results of Exploratory Drilling Exploratory Drilling' (Thousand Meters) Additions to Reserves (A + B + C,) (Billion Cubic Meters) Reserves of Gas Added per Meter Drilled (Thousand Cubic Meters) 1956 ............ 315 182 577.8 1957 ............ 602 251 416.9 1958 ............ 746 517 693.0 1959 ............ 918 653 711.3 1960 ........... 1,032 179 173.5 1961 ............ 1,500 270 180.0 1962 ............ 1,618 313 193.5 1963 ............ 1,734 365 210.5 1964 ............ 1,804 267 148.0 1965 ............ 1,942 474 244.1 1966 ............ 2,260 959 424.3 1967 ............ 2,514 3,529 1,403.7 1968 ............ 1,392 1,839 1,321.1 1969 ............ 2,606 2,844 1,091.3 1970 ............ 1,853 3,862 2,084.2 1971 ........... 2,826 2,455 868.7 1972 ............ 2,763 1,759 636.6 1973 ........... 2,839 3,119 1,098.6 1974 ............ 2,851 2,426 850.9 1975 2 .......... 2,944 1,510 512.9 ' Drilling done by the Ministry of the Gas Industry and the Ministry of Geology. The latter ministry does exploratory drilling for both oil and gas. 8 Estimated. Natural Gas Production, by Region 1960.......... USSR 45.3 West Siberia 0 Orenburg Oblast 0.5 Komi ASSR 0 Central Asia 0.8 Ukraine 14.3 Caucasus 18.4 Other 11.3 1961.......... 59.0 0 NA 0 1.5 20.6 22.0 14.9 1962.......... 73.5 0 NA 0 2.5 26.2 28.1 16.7 1963.......... 89.8 0 NA 0 3.4 31.6 32.7 22.1 1964.......... 108.6 0 NA 0 10.2 35.6 37.8 25.0 1965.......... 127.7 0 0.6 0 17.9 39.4 43.6 26.2 1966.......... 143.0 0.6 NA 0.6 24.1 43.6 45.0 29.1 1967.......... 157.4 5.2 NA 0.6 29.4 47.4 45.5 29.2 1968.......... 169.1 8.2 NA 0.6 34.8 50.9 45.0 29.6 1969.......... 181.1 9.1 NA 1.9 39.8 55.4 42.9 32.0 1970.......... 197.9 9.2 0.8 6.5 48.0 60.9 45.2 27.2 1971.......... 212.4 9.3 3.0 10.0 54.1 64.7 41.1 30.2 1972.......... 221.4 11.4 5.0 13.0 59.5 67.2 35.9 29.4 1973.......... 236.3 15.8 7.0 16.0 71.5 68.2 32.4 25.4 1974.......... 260.6 21.8 10.5 17.0 82.5 68.3 28.5 32.0 1975.......... 289.3 36.8 19.6 20.0 94.0 68.7 25.8 24.4 1976.......... 320.6 44.0 31.4 21.0 104.5 68.7 24.2 26.8 1980' ...... 420.0 140.0 45.0 22.0 112.0 50.0 21.0 30.0 1985' ...... 560.0 300.0 45.0 20.0 100.0 30.0 15.0 50.0 ' CIA projections. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Major Gas-Producing Regions' and Their Share of Total Soviet Gas Production Billion Billion Billion Billion Region Cubic Meters Percent Cubic Meters Percent Cubic Meters Percent Cubic Meters Percent USSR 8 ..................... 45.3 100.0 127.7 100.0 197.9 100.0 289.3 100.0 Ukraine SSR ........ 14.3 31.5 39.4 31.0 60.9 31.0 68.2 23.6 Turkmen SSR ...... 0.2 0.9 1.2 0.9 13.1 6.6 52.3 18.1 Uzbek SSR ............ 0.4 1.0 16.5 13.0 32.1 16.2 37.1 13.0 Tyumen' Oblast NegI Negl Negl Negl 9.2 4.7 35.5 12.3 Orenburg Oblast 0.5 1.0 0.6 0.4 1.3 0.7 20.1 7.0 Komi ASSR ......... 1.0 2.2 0.8 0.7 6.8 3.4 18.5 6.4 Stavropol' Kray .... 8.2 18.0 15.3 12.0 16.4 8.3 11.4 4.0 Azerbaijan SSR...... 5.8 13.0 6.2 4.8 5.5 3.0 9.3 3.2 Krasnodar' Kray 5.1 11.2 23.1 18.1 24.7 12.5 7.9 2.7 Volgograd Oblast 2.6 5.6 7.1 5.5 4.0 2.0 2.9 1.0 Saratov Oblast ...... 2.5 5.6 6.4 5.0 3.4 1.7 1.0 0.3 ' Regional data do not include natural and associated gas produced by the Ministry of the Oil Industry. Source: Margulov, Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti, pp. 28-39. 'Sum of regional production is less than USSR total. Natural Gas Production, by Union Republic' 1960 ................ USSR 45,303 RSFSR 24,412 Ukraine 14,286 Azerbaijan 5,841 Uzbek 447 Turkmen 234 Kazakhstan 39 Tadzhik NA Kirgiz 41 1961 ................ 58,981 30,641 20,585 6,304 1,014 243 46 NA 148 1962 ................ 73,525 38,274 26,158 6,605 2,033 254 46 NA 155 1963- .............. 89,832 48,232 31,564 6,627 2,989 255 40 NA 126 1964 ................ 108,566 56,579 35,645 6,122 9,321 693 37 NA 146 1965 ................ 127,666 64,257 39,362 6,180 16,474 1,157 29 52 155 1966 ................ 142,962 69,042 43,617 6,173 22,566 1,265 46 90 163 1967 ................ 157,445 74,781 47,443 5,771 26,638 2,226 83 245 256 1968 ................ 169,101 78,347 50,942 4,993 28,988 4,843 321 366 291 1969................ 181,121 80,993 55,403 4,938 30,769 7,535 680 438 341 1970 ................ 197,945 83,321 60,877 5,521 32,094 13,107 2,092 388 367 1971 ................ 212,398 87,483 64,669 5,822 33,653 16,899 2,747 447 383 1972 ................ 221,386 87,400 67,236 6,880 33,739 21,312 3,525 498 395 1973 ................ 236,326 87,841 68,161 8,399 37,104 28,645 4,847 520 396 1974 ................ 260,553 100,046 68,318 9,151 37,064 39,272 5,372 496 323 1975. - - . ......... 289,268 116,667 68,700 9,890 36,500 51,776 5,000 410 325 1976 ................ 320,600 136,000 68,700 10,989 36,000 62,600 5,200 400 330 ' USSR total is sometimes greater than sum of Republic production because of a residual not identified in Soviet statistics. Source: Narodnoye khoayaystvo SSSR, various issues. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Output/Capital Ratios for Gas Extraction in the Ministry of the Gas Industry' Gas Production Association 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 Gas Ministry .................... 163 134 121 106 96 Turkmen ...................... 345 295 267 232 174 Uzbek ............................ 381 228 223 183 163 Ukraine ........................ 187 154 149 130 113 Orenburg ........................ 123 75 40 91 94 Nadym 8 ........................ 0 66 104 97 90 Stavropol' ...................... 199 151 124 98 77 Komi .............................. 167 110 91 74 67 Yakutsk .......................... 54 17 25 30 24 Noril'sk .......................... 35 32 30 22 20 ' Source: Ekonomika gazovoy promyshlennosti, no. 1 (1977), p. 5. In current prices, excluding a capital charge. Data refer primarily to Medvezh'ye field. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Average Cost Gas Production Share of USSR Midyear Value of Extraction Production (Billion Cubic Production Total Gas Active of Capital Stock Output/Capital (Rubles/Thousand Association Meters Q) (Percent) Wells Wells (Million Rubles) Ratio 9 Cubic Meters) Ukraine 1970 .................... 55.0 1975 ................... 58.5 Turkmen 1970 .................... 11.8 1975 .................... 47.0 Uzbek 1970 .................... 31.5 1975 .................... 36.6 Tyumen' 1970 .................... 9.2 1975 ..................... 33.5 Orenburg 1970 .................... 1975 .................... Kuban (Krasnodar') 28 1,142 960 308.8 20 1,438 1,257 515.8 6 84 55 34.0 16 299 260 269.2 16 393 276 97.0 13 533 412 219.4 5 84 53 84.7 12 181 153 407.0 0.8 Negl 20 6 8.1 18.3 6 174 136 192.4 1970 .................... 22.5 1975 .................... 5.8 Komi 1970 .................... 6.2 1975 .................... 17.8 Stavropol' 1970 .................... 15.7 1975 .................... 10.5 11 580 426 179.3 2 818 587 201.5 3 33 22 34.6 6 102 78 283.5 8 757 574 83.4 4 1,089 935 139.8 ' Source: Margulov, Razvttiye gazovoy promyshlennosti, pp. 29-38. s The actual total for a region may exceed that for the association itself. Rubles of gas; per ruble of fixed reproducible assets in current prices (excluding transmission lines). In current prices. Does not include a capital charge. Average Annual Output per Gas Well ' 1.08 0.48 0.170 1.07 2.09 0.35 1.05 0.73 2.04 0.23 1.00 1.08 0.65 0.95 0.151 1.46 0.64 1.29 0.59 1.59 0.119 0.91 0.18 5.47 115 1.17 0.41 1.70 1.14 0.44 0.46 1.54 USSR Turkmen SSR ' Tyumen' Oblast Komi ASSR Uzbek SSR Khar'kov Oblast (Ukraine) Stavropol' Kray Krasnodar' Kray 1960.......... 42.7 0 0 6.5 55.3 159.0 106.0 56.7 1965.......... 58.7 0 0 3.7 133.0 133.2 77'.8 74.3 1967.......... 55:2 107.7 179.6 4.0 115.0 105.0 63.5 63.7 1968.......... 52:6 145.0 235.1 4.5 103.0 95.6 50.4 59.0 1969.......... 47.8 166.1 202.0 15.2 97.4 83.2 33.2 52.5 1970.......... 47.8 213.9 169.3 53.9 99.4 83.2 27.4 44.5 1971.......... 45:4 204.5 152.1 83.5 93.2 77.1 22,5 32.8 1972.......... 44,.2 176.0 143.8 101.4 83.2 72.5 19.9 23.5 1973.......... 41.6 188.1 158.1 136.2 85.0 69.3 16.6 16.3 ' Brentz, Ekonbmlka, p. 110. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Length of Gas Collection Pipeline Networks, End of Year 1960 .............................................. 2,528 1961 ............................................... 2,544 1962 ............................................... 2,982 1963 ............................................... 3,082 1964 ............................................. 3,898 1965 ......................................... 4,427 1966 ............................................... 4,459 1967 ................................................ 5,673 1968 ............................................... 8,219 1969 ......................................... 9,692 1970 .............................................. 10,964 1971 .............................................. 11,232 1972 ................................................ 11,455 1973 ......................................... 12,587 ' Pipelines used for intrafield collection of gas in preparation for transport via main trunklines to consuming centers. Source: Brentz, Ekonomika gazodobyvayushchey promyshlennosti, p. 112. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Development of Soviet Trunkline System Commercial Gas Commercial Output/ 1958............ Total Length (Thousand Kilometers) 12.2 Average Length of Transports (Kilometers) 543 Transported by Trunkline 8 (Billion Cubic Meters) 13.4 Gas Transported as a Share of Gas Output (Percent) 48 Cost of Transport via Trunkline I (Rubles/Thousand Cubic Meters) 226 Capital Ratio for Trunkline Transport 5 (Cubic Meters/Ruble) 9 NA 1959............ 16.5 570 21.0 59 223 NA 1960............ 21.0 589 32.8 72 221 35.4 1961............ 25.3 601 41.9 71 207 37.9 1962............ 28.5 611 53.6 73 194 41.0 1963............ 33.0 616 68.6 76 159 46.4 1964 ............ 37.1 644 87.7 81 160 47.3 1965............ 42.0 656 112.1 88 168 46.2 1966........... 47.4 678 128.8 90 164 44.6 1967............ 52.6 744 143.3 91 167 41.1 1968 ............ 56.1 864 155.1 92 188 38.2 1969............ 63.2 909 166.0 92 190 38.7 1970............ 67.5 917 181.5 92 201 37.1 1971............ 71.5 964 209.8 99 NA 36.0 1972............ 77.7 1,004 219.9 99 NA 33.1 1973 ............ 83.5 1,051 231.1 98 NA 30.2 1974............ 92.1 NA 245.7 94 NA 29.6 1975............ 99.2 1,285 279.2 96 304 26.5 Sources: for 1958-66, Kortunov, Gazovaya promyshlennost' SSSR, pp. 94, 100; for 1967-75, Narodnoye khozyaystvo SSSR, various issues. Sources: for 1958-59, Kortunov, p. 94; for 1960-73, Khaskin, Osnovnyye fondy gazovoy promyshlennosti, p. 45; for 1975, Margulov, Razvitlye gazovoy promyshlennosti, p. 45. Sources: for 1958-74, Narodnoye khozyaystvo SSSR, various issues; for 1975, Margulov, p. 40. Sources: for 1958-68, Kortunov, p. 103; for 1969, Review of Sino-Soviet Oil (September 1970), p. 11; for 1970 and 1975, Margulov, p. 49. ? Sources: for 1960-69, Khaskin, p. 45; for 1970-75, Margulov, p. 15. In constant factor prices. Costs exclude, in part, full charge for use of capital. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Distribution of Major Gas Trunklines, by Size' Average Total Length Diameter (Kilometers) (Millimeters) 1,420 mm 1,220 mm 1,020 mm 820 mm 720 mm 630 mm 529 mm Other Kilometers 1960.......... 20,983.2 553 0 0 670.5 2,263.6 6,164.4 64.3 4,091.7 7,728.7 1961.......... 25,328.9 574 0 0 1,276.6 3,130.6 7,413.4 64.3 5,099.6 8,344.4 1962.......... 28,492.1 581 0 0 2,020.0 3,155.8 8,267.1 64.0 5,763.1 9,221.1 1963.......... 33,032.7 605 0 0 3,703.0 3,382.0 9,301.1 73.0 7,195.0 9,378.6 1964' ...... 36,908.5 614 0 0 5,104.0 3,728.0 9,764.0 73.0 7,820.0 10,419.5 1965' ...... 42,279.2 628 0 0 7,528.0 4,014.0 10,460.0 120.0 8,268.0 11,889.2 1966' ...... 47,550.1 642 0 0 10,111.9 4,380.9 10,739.1 120.0 9,456.0 12,742.2 1968.......... 56,100.0 654 0 521.4 13,532.4 4,746.7 11,749.7 106.1 10,627.4 14,815.5 1970.......... 67,500.0 815 0 3,811.0 15,884.2 5,023.4 12,911.4 105.4 12,644.5 17,120.1 1971.......... 71,500.0 817 0 4,393.0 16,926.3 5,537.3 13,184.5 219.4 13,582.6 17,656.9 1972.......... 77,700.0 823 908.2 6,448.7 17,995.2 5,565.9 13,865.9 219.4 14,413.3 18,283.4 1973......... 83,500.0 914 1,570.7 8,874.5 18,500.0 5,977.7 14.176.0 209.4 15,075.0 19,116.7 1975.......... 99,200.0 1,012 3,552.0 15,086.0 20,647.0 7,016.0 15,074.0 142.0 16,225.0 21,458.0 19802 ...... 134,600.0 1,082 15,000.0 18,230.0 26,050.0 7,155.0 14,265.0 NA NA 53.900.0 ? ' The sum of Soviet published data for pipelines of various sizes does not agree precisely with Soviet published data for national totals in the years 1964-66. Hence the discrepancy between data shown above and in table J-20. Sources: for 1960-66, Gal'perin, Razvitiye i perspektivy transporta gaza, p. 33; for 1968, Review of Sino-Soviet Oil (June 1970), p. 18; for 1971-73, Khaskin Osnovnyye fondy gazovoy promyshlennosti, p. 59; for 1970 and 1975, Margulov, Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti, p. 13; for 1980, Ekonomika gazovoy promyshlennosti, no. 7 (1976), p. 30, and Ekonomieheskaya gazeta, no. 6 (1977), p. 2. ? Plan total; lengths by size are estimated. ? Including 630 mm and 529 mm. Gas Storage Capacities' Plan 1960 1965 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1980 Number of underground storage sites .......................... 4 10 15 15 16 18 25 25 35 Total storage capacity ......... 0.7 5.2 12.3 14.1 16.0 19.9 30.8 39.5 68.6 Volume of gas in storage ...... 0.4 3.6 10.1 12.0 13.7 18.3 30.8 39.5 68.6 Amount recoverable ................ 0.3 2.4 6.0 6.2 7.2 8.0 11.0 18.3 45.0 Amount injected ...................... 0.2 1.8 5.5 5.6 5.8 7.8 10.4 14.3 30.7 Amount withdrawn ............... 0.1 1.0 3.6 5.0 4.7 6.4 NA 8.6 NA Net additions .......................... 0.1 0.8 1.9 0.6 1.1 1.4 NA 5.7 NA ' The relationships among the line entries in this table are in some cases inscrutable. Except for "Net additions," data are taken from the Soviet literature lacking explanatory notes. "Total storage capacity" is the maximum volumetric size of the storage reservoirs. "Volume of gas in storage" is apparently a function of the number and types of storage sites in the inventory and not a function of new additions as one might expect. As depleted fields are converted and added to the inventory of storage reservoirs, gas previously left behind in these fields as unrecoverable is apparently added to the "Volume of gas in storage." An unknown percentage of these additions becomes recoverable-and is reflected in "Amount recoverable"-as reservoirs pressures are increased during the injection of gas into storage. "Net additions" is the excess of gas stored (injected) over gas withdrawn. Source: Orudzhev, Gazovaya promyshlennost', pp. 70-71. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Capacity of Gas Compressor Stations ' Number of Compressor Stations Aggregate Capacity (Thousand Kilowatts) Compressor Station Power per 100 km of Pipeline (Thousand Kilowatts) 1959 ............ 18 130.2 0.79 1960 ............ 21 256.7 1.22 1961 ............ 28 564.7 2.23 1962 ............ 37 910.2 3.20 1963 ............ 52 1,190.0 3.60 1964 ............ 71 1,638.8 4.17 1965 ............ 81 1,868.8 4.42 1966 ............ 85 2,069.0 4.35 1967 ............ 96 2,460.0 4.66 1968 ............ 119 2,990.7 5.38 1969 ............ 124 3,077.3 4.97 1970 ............ 130 3,400.7 5.15 1971 ............ 136 3,873.7 5.48 1972 ............ 154 4,348.3 5.64 1973 ............ 180 5,309.8 6.49 1974 ............ 222 7,000.0 7.60 1975 ............ 286 8,000.0 8 13 1976E .......... 328 9,800.0 . 9.42 ' Sources for 19.60-73, Khaskin, Osnovnyye fonds gazovoy promyshlennosti, p. 17; for 1974, JPRS, no. 66236 (28 November 1975); for 1976, Margulov, Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti, p. 9; for 1976, Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 3 (1976), pp. 1-3. E Plan. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-,7 Aggregate Trade in Natural Gas' 1960.......... 1961.......... 1962.......... 1963.......... 1964.......... 1965.......... 1966.......... 1967.......... 1968.......... 1969.......... 1970.......... 1971.......... 1972.......... 1973.......... 1974.......... 1975.......... 1976.......... Million Cubic Meters Percent of Production Million Rubles Million Cubic Meters Million Rubles Million Cubic Meters million Rubles million US$ Million Cubic Meters Percent of Apparent Consumption Million Rubles Million Cubic Meters 242 0.5 1.7 242 1.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 242 272 0.5 1.9 272 1.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 272 300 0.4 2.1 300 2.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 301 0.3 2.1 301 2.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 301 295 0.3 2.0 295 2.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 295 392 0.3 2.7 392 2.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 392 828 0.6 5.7 828 5.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 828 1,291 0.8 18.1 1,291 18.1 0 0 0 207 0.1 1.1 1,084 1,729 1.0 24.3 1,587 22.5 142 1.8 2.0 1,500 0.9 8.0 229 2,664 1.5 36.8 1,882 26.9 782 9.9 11.0 2,030 1.1 10.9 634 3,300 1.7 45.8 2,344 33.7 956 12.1 13.4 3,556 1.8 13.9 - 256 4,555 2.1 61.2 3,127 43.1 1,428 18.1 20.1 8,136 3.8 48.4 -3,581 5,070 2.3 69.3 3,437 49.3 1,633 20.0 24.2 11,046 4.9 65.8 -5,976 6,837 2.9 92.0 4,862 69.9 1,975 22.1 29.8 11,414 4.7 84.5 -4,577 14,038 5.4 213.5 8,555 127.2 5,483 86.3 104.83 11,941 4.6 152.1 2,097 19,332 6.7 451.3 11,291 267.0 8,041 184.3 233.19 12,412 4.4 182.1 6,920 25,780 8.0 733.4 13,436 431.3 12,344 302.2 346.23 11,785 3.8 176.2 13,995 Source: Vneshnyaya torgovlya SSSR, various issues. The USSR has been a net exporter of natural gas except in 1970-73 when imports from Iran and Afghanistan exceeded exports. Thereafter, deliveries under gas-for-pipe barter transactions with several West European countries and increased capacity of export pipelines restored the USSR to its position as a net exporter. 9 Excluding Finland. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Exports .......................................... 0.24 0.39 1.30 3.30 4.56 5.07 6.84 14.04 19.33 53.14 Eastern Europe ........................ 0.24 0.39 1.30 2.34 3.13 3.44 4.86 8.56 11.29 33.62 Bulgaria .................................. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.31 1.19 1.50 Czechoslovakia .................... 0 0 0.27 1.34 1.64 1.94 2.36 3.23 3.69 14.20 East Germany ........................ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.79 2.90 3.30 6.99 Hungary ................................ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.60 0.60 Poland .................................. 0.24 0.39 1.03 1.00 1.49 1.50 1.71 2.12 2.51 10.33 Western Europe ...................... 0 0 0 0.96 1.43 1.63 1.98 5.49 8.04 19.52 Austria .................................... 0 0 0 0.96 1.43 1.63 1.62 2.11 1.88 9.63 Finland ................................ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.44 0.72 1.16 Italy ........ .............................. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.79 2.34 3.13 West Germany .................... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.35 2.15 3.10 5.60 Imports .......................................... 0 0 0.21 3.56 8.13 11.05 11.41 11.94 12.41 57.54 Afghanistan ............................ 0 0 0.21 2.59 2.51 2.85 2.74 2.85 2.85 16.39 Iran ........................................ 0 0 0 0.97 5.62 8.20 8.68 9.09 9.56 41.15 Net Trade ....................................... 0.24 0.39 1.08 -0.26 -3.58 -5.98 -4.58 2.10 6.92 -4.40 ' Source: Vneshnyaya torgovlya, various issues. USSR: Projected Trade in Natural Gas, by Country' Exports ...................................... 25.8 Eastern Europe ...................... 13.4 Bulgaria .............................. 2.2 Czechoslovakia .................. 4.3 East Germany .................... 3.4 Hungary.., ... ......... ....... .1.0 Poland ................................ 2.5 Romania .............................. 0 Yugoslavia .......................... 0 Western Europe .................... 12.4 Austria .................................. 2.8 Finland .............................. 0.9 France ................................ 1.0 Italy .................................... 3.7 West Germany .................. 4.0 Imports .................................... 11.8 Afghanistan ........................ 2.5 Iran ...................................... 9.3 Net Trade ................................ 14.0 32.7 37.3 45.3 55.5 196.6 77.8 16.0 17.5 24.0 30.6 101.5 43.1 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.3 21.0 8.5 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.3 25.6 10.0 4.0 4.0 5.5 6.5 23.4 7.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 4.0 9.5 5.4 3.0 3.5 4.5 6.0 19.5 8.1 0 0 1.0 1.5 2.5 2.1 0 0 0 0 0 2.0 16.7 19.8 21.3 24.9 95.1 34.7 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 14.0 4.0 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.4 5.2 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.0 4.7 11.2 7.7 6.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 31.2 7.0 5.0 7.0 8.5 9.0 33.5 15.0 12.9 12.9 13.0 14.6 65.2 31.0 2.9 2.9 3.0 4.0 15.3 4.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.6 49.9 27.0 19.8 24.4 32.3 40.9 131.4 46.8 ' Actual for 1976. Source: Vneshnyapa torgovlya SSSR 1976, Moscow (1977). Trade estimates for the years 1977-80 and 1985 are based on (a) known Soviet-West Europe trade agreements; (b) for Eastern Europe, the trade arrangement under Orenburg pipeline agreement and assumed annual increments in gas deliveries to certain CEMA customers; (c) scheduled increases in imports from Iran under the "trilateral switch deal (see appendix G) and assumed slight increases in imports from Afghanistan. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Soviet Natural Gas Exports as a Percent of East European Gas Consumption Billion Cubic Meters Imports From the Soviet Imports as a USSR Percent of Consumption Bulgaria 1965 ................................ 0.07 0 0 1970 ................................ 0.47 0 0 1975 ................................ 1.19 1.19 100 Czechoslovakia 1965 ................................ 0.75 0 0 1970 ................................ 2.08 1.34 64 1975 ................................ 4.42 3.69 83 East Germany 1965 ............................... 0.15 0 0 1970 ................................ 1.30 0 0 1975 ................................ 11.30 3.30 29 Hungary 1965 ................................ 1.31 0 0 1970 ................................ 3.67 0 0 1975 ................................ 5.98 0.60 10 Poland 1965 ................................ 1.69 0.39 23 1970 ................................ 5.98 1.00 17 1975 ................................ 8.11 2.51 31 Romania 1965 ................................ 17.25 1970 ................................ 24.83 1975 ................................ 31.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 1965 ................................ 21.22 0.39 1970 ................................ 38.33 2.34 1975 ................................ 62.00 11.29 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 SOURCE REFERENCES 1. The following section is based on lain F. Elliot, The Soviet Energy Balance, New York (1974), pp. 14-18, and Jeremy Russell, Energy as a Factor in Soviet Foreign Policy, Lexington, Mass. (1976), p. 59. 2. See the American Gas Association, Gas Facts, 1976 (1977), p. 23 for recent US gas production data. 3. Most of the information in this paragraph is from Elliot, Soviet Energy Balance, pp. 14-18. 4. Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 8 (1977), p. 2. 5. R. D. Margulov et al., Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti i analiz techniko-ekonomicheskikh pokazateley, VNIIZ Gazprom, Moscow (1976), p. 4. 6. S. A. Orudzhev, Gazovaya promyshlennost' po puti progressa, Moscow (1976), pp. 33-35. 7. Margulov, Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti, p. 17. 8. Agitator, no. 15 (1976). 9. The following paragraph is based on Robert W. Campbell, The Economics of Soviet Oil and Gas, Baltimore (1968), p. 214, and Margulov, Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti, p. 14. 10. Margulov, Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti, p. 4. 11. Ibid., p. 5, Geologiya, bureniye i razrabotka gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, no. 4 (1977), p. 3, and Orudzhev, Gazovaya promyshlennost' p. 13. 12. For an overview of this development, see A.D. Brentz et al., Ekonomika gazodobyvayushchey promyshlennosti, Moscow (1975), pp. 31-73; Margulov, Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti, pp. 18-39; and Orudz- hev, Gazovaya promyshlennost', pp. 26-36. 13. Elliot, Soviet Energy Balance, p. 18. 14. Brentz, Ekonomika, p. 28, and Orudzhev, Gazovaya promyshlennost', p. 12. 15. M. B. Ravich, Gaz i ego primeneniye v narodnom khozyaistvye, Moscow (1974), pp. 136-145. 16. Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 3 (1969), p. 5. 17. Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 11 (1976), p. 6; and Pravda, (26 February 1977), p. 2. 18. Geologiya nefti i gaza, no. 5 (1975), p. 8. 19. Geologiya, bureniye i razrabotka gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, no. 14 (1977), p. 17. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 20. For an important, recent statement on exploration for oil and gas, see Pravda (10 August 1977), p. 2. 21. Ekonomicheskaya gazeta, no. 28 (1977), p. 17. 22. The following paragraph is based on Review of Sino-Soviet Oil (June 1975), p. 17; Joint Publications Research Service (JPRS) no. 63298, Translations on USSR Resources, no. 549 (29 October 1974), pp. 6-7; and Orudzhev, Gazovaya promyshlennost', pp. 21-22. 23. Review of Sino-Soviet Oil (December 1970), p. 10. 24. Ekonomicheskaya gazeta, no. 6 (1977), p. 1. 25. See Brentz, Ekonomika, p. 28; Margulov, Razvitiye gazovoy promysh- lennosti, pp. 29-32; and Orudzhev, Gazovaya promyshlennost', p. 34. 26. Pravda (13 December 1976), p. 1. 27. Ekonomicheskaya gazeta, no. 6 (1977), p. 2. 28. Turkmenskaya iskra (19 February 1977), p.2. 29. Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 11 (1976), p.36. The Orenburg field produced 34.6 billion cu m in 1977 (Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 3 (1978), p. 2). 30. See the explanatory note on table 13 for the methodology used in deriving these cost figures. 31. Margulov, Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti, p. 17. 32. Brentz, Ekonomika, p. 108. 33. Margulov, Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti, pp. 23-25. 34. Orudzhev, Gazovaya promyshlennost', p. 39; and JPRS no. 69777 (13 September 1977), p. 13. 35. G. Z. Khaskin et al., Osnovnyye fondy gazovoy promyshlennosti, Moscow (1975), p. 41. 36. Brentz, Ekonomika, p. 110. 37. Ekonomika gazovoy promyshlennosti, no. 8 (1977), p. 5. 38. Ibid., p. 4. 39. Ekonomika gazovoy promyshlennosti, no. 7 (1976), p. 9. 40. Vyshka (September 1970), p. 2. 41. JPRS, no. 59271 (13 June 1973), p. 3. 42. Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 11 (1976), p. 9. 43. Ekonomika_ gazovoy promyshlennosti, no. 1 (1977), p. 13 and no. 7 (1976), p. 13. 44. Margulov, Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti, p. 22. 45. Ibid., p. 21. 46. Ibid., p. 40. 47. Ekonomika gazovoy promyshlennosti, no. 8, (1977), p. 36. 48. Ekonomicheskaya gazeta, no. 6 (1977), p. 2. 49. Margulov, Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti, p. 11. 50. Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 6 (1975), p. 1, and no. 11 (1976),, p. 8, and Margulov, Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti, p. 18. 51. Margulov, Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti, p. 18. 52. Ibid., p. 40. 53. Ibid., pp. 15 and 40. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 54. Khaskin, Osnovnyye fondy, p. 45, and Margulov, Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti, p. 15, 55. Orudzhev, Ekonomika, pp. 70-71. 56. Review of Sino-Soviet Oil (January 1972), p. 9, and Gazovaya pro- myshlennost', no. 1 (1976), p. 2. 57. Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 1 (1976), p. 2, and Stroitel'stvo trubo- provodov, no. 3 (1971), p. 1. 58. Oil and Gas Journal (10 October 1977), p. 110. 59. Izvestia (12 December 1976), p. 2. 60. Pravda (4-5 May 1973) and Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 6 (1977), p. 32. 61. The data in this section are taken from Vneshnyaya torgovlya SSSR, Moscow, various issues. 62. Ibid., for this section. 63. Ibid. 64. Survey of World Broadcasts (SWB), EE/W925/A/11 (14 April 1977). 65. See, for example, SWB, SU/W901/A/12 (22 October 1976) and EE/W809/A/19 (9 January 1975); Journal of Commerce (16 January 1976), (4 September 1975), and (19 May 1976); Izvestia (10 June 1974); and Vyshka, (3 December 1975). 66. SWB, SU/W879/A/1 (21 May 1976), and The Jamoriat, Kabul (3 December 1975). 67. Vneshnyaya torgovlya SSSR, 1976 (1977), p. 230. 68. Ekonomicheskaya gazeta (6 February 1976), p. 8. 69. Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 11 (1976), p. 4. 70. See, for example, Gazovaya promyshlennost' no. 6 (1975), pp. 2-5, and no. 1 (1976), p. 3, and Ekonomika gazovoy promyshlennosti, no. 7 (1976), p. 7. 71. Pipe Line Industry (November 1976), p. 98; JPRS, no. 48652 (20 August 1969), pp. 31-32; and Izvestia (12 December 1976). 72. Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov, no. 10 (1975), pp. 2, 4, and 6. 73. Oil and Gas Journal (10 October 1977), p. 110. 74. Vneshnyaya torgovlya SSR 1975, Moscow (1976). 75. For a general Soviet statement on USSR need for imported pipe, see Ecotass, European Edition, no. 42 (17 October 1977), pp. 3-4. 76. Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 6 (1975), p. 3. 77. Ekonomika gazovoy promyshlennosti, no. 8 (1977), p 38. 78. Gas Turbine World (July 1976), p. 18. 79. Ibid. and Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 8 (1977), p. 8. 80. Journal of Commerce (19 May 1976); Gas Turbine World (July 1976), p. 21; and European Chemical News (21-27 August 1976), p. 14. 81. Oil and Gas Journal (20 December 1976), p. 23. 82. See, for example, Izvestia (22 September 1974), p. 3. 83. Ecotass, 32/1972 (9 August 1976), pp. 14-15. 84. Ekonomicheskaya gazeta, no. 28 (1977), p. 17. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 85. Oil and Gas Journal (29 November 1976), p. 36; (2 August 1976), pp. 74-75; and (12 July 1976), p. 38. 86. Ekonomicheskaya gazeta, no. 6 (1977), pp. 1-2. 87. Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 8 (1977), p. 3. 88. Based on Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 11 (1976), p. 12, and Ekono- mika gazovoy promyshlennosti, no. 8 (1977), p. 36. 89. Pravda (7 March 1977). The Soviets have recently suggested that Urengoy might ultimately produce up to 200 billion to 250 billion cu m per year, but have not specified whether they truly intend to achieve this. See Ekonomicheskaya gazeta, no. 24 (June 1978), p. 2, for a discussion of Urengoy. 90. Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 7 (1977), p. 3. 91. See, for example, Pravda (10 and 24 August 1977); Izvestia (24 February 1978); and Pravda (5 June 1978). 92. Indications that the plenum did launch the drive can be found in Sotsialisticheskaya industria (31 December 1977) and Literaturnaya gazeta (11 and 18 January 1978). 93. A suggestion of this can be found in the Pravda editorial of 18 December 1977. 94. Sotsialisticheskaya industria (22 January 1978). 95. Sotsialisticheskaya industria (8 February and 3 March 1978). The Soviets are also discussing the start-up of construction of the second line before 1980. See Pravda (15 February 1978), pp. 1-2, for coverage of the problems facing the first pipeline's construction. 96. Yoprosy ekonomiki, no. 11 (1976), p. 52, and Planovoye khozyaystvo, no. 12 (December 1976), p. 26. 97. See, for example, Petroleum Economist (April 1977), pp. 133-136. 98. Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 8 (1975), p. 5; Orudzhev, Gazovaya promyshlennost', p. 39; and V. N. Kal'chenko, Ekonomika gazovoy promyshlennosti, Kiev (1974), p. 68. 99. Neftyanaya i gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 4 (1975), p. 2. 100. Ibid., p. 4. 101. Margulov, Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti, p. 31. 102. Pravda (13 December 1976), p. 1. 103. Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS), "Soviet Union" (19 November 1976), p. R-8. 104. Margulov, Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti, pp. 29-30, 32. 105. Ekonomika gazovoy promyshlennosti,' no. 5 (1976), pp. 15-21. 106. Margulov, Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti, pp. 29-30, 32. 107. Ibid., pp. 29-30. 108. Neftyanaya i gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 1 (1977), p. 2. 109. For background on the Turkmen gas industry's development, see Pravda (4-5 May 1973) and (25 April 1975); Stroitel'stvo truboprovo- dov, no. 8 (August 1974), pp. 12-13; and Geologiya, bureniye i razrabotka gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, no. 8 (April 1977), pp. 7-11. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 110. SWB, SU/W905/A/13 (19 November 1976). 111. Brentz, Ekonomika, p. 25. 112. SWB, SU/W922/A/10 (25 November 1977). 113. SWB, SU/ W921 /A/ 14 (18 March 1977). 114. Turkmenskaya iskra (19 February 1977), p. 2. 115. Based on SWB, SU/W9]7/A/7 (18 February 1977); SU/W911/A/7 (7 January 1977); and SU/W912/A/19 (14 January 1977); and JPRS, no. 68685 (25 February 1977), p. 6. 116. Ekonomika gazovoy promyshlennosti, no. 8 (1977), p. 36. 117. For a recent Western overview of Tyumen' Oblast's gas industry, see Oil and Gas Journal (22 May 1978), pp. 31-33. 118. Brentz, Ekonomika, p. 28. 119. Orudzhev, Gazovaya promyshlennost', p. 12. 120. Ekonomicheskaya gazeta, no. 24 (June 1978), p. 1. 121. Review of Sino-Soviet Oil (August 1975), p. 13. 122. Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 2 (1975), p. 11. 123. Orudzhev, Gazovaya promyshlennost', pp. 14-21. 124. Ekonomicheskaya gazeta, no. 24 (June 1978), p. 1. 125. Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 4 (1977), p. 7. 126. Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 8 (1977), p. 6, and Geologiya nefti i gaza, no. 1 (1976), pp. 1-2. 127. For an overview of costs and capital investment in West. Siberian gas development, see Izvestia sibirskogo otdeleniya akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya obshchestvennykh nauk, no. 11 (September 1977), pp. 116-119. 128. Ekonomika gazovoy promyshlennosti, no. 2 (1975), p. 12. 129. Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 3 (1976), p. 14. 130. Ekonomika gazovoy promyshlennosti, no. 2 (1975), p. 12. 131. Khaskin, Osnovnyye fondy, p. 54. 132. Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 3 (1976), pp. 12-13. 133. Margulov, Razvitiye gazovoy promyshlennosti, p. 21. 134. Ekonomika gazovoy promyshlennosti, no. 1 (1977), p. 6. 135. Ibid., p. 7. 136. Pravda (27 February 1977), p. 3. 137. Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 3 (1976), p. 14. 138. Ibid., p. 12. 139. Ekonomika gazovoy promyshlennosti, no. 2 (1975), p. 12. 140. Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov, no. 1 (1976), pp. 10-13. 141. Khaskin, Osnovnyye fondy, p. 55. 142. Orudzhev, Gazovaya promyshlennost', p. 41. 143. Sovetskaya rossiya (4 December 1976), p. 2. 144. Ekonomicheskaya gazeta, no. 9 (February 1978), p. 2. 145. Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 4 (1977), p. 6. 146. Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 3 (1977), p. 6. 147. Ekonomicheskaya gazeta, no. 9 (February 1978), p. 2. 148. Orudzhev, Gazovaya promyshlennost', p. 21. Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 149. Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov, no. 8 (1976), p. 20. 150. Review of Sino-Soviet Oil (May 1975), p. 23. 151. Review of Sino-Soviet Oil (February 1975), p. 17. 152. Review of Sino-Soviet Oil (January 1976), p. 31. 153. Pravda (23 February 1977), p. 22. 154. SWB, SU/W915/A/6 (4 February 1975). 155. Oil and Gas Journal (6 June 1977), p. 71. 156. Ekonomika gazovoy promyshlennosti, no. 8 (1975), p. 26. 157. Turkmenskaya iskra (28 December 1976), p. 2. 158. Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 5 (1976), p. 33. 159. Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 4 (1977), p. 5. 160. Ibid. 161. Orudzhev, Gazovaya promyshlennost', pp. 70-71. 162. Mention of this Soviet practice is made in Pipeline and Gas Journal (November 1976), p 36. 163. Izvestia (28 September 1976), p. 5. 164. Ibid. 165. Gazovaya promyshlennost', no. 7 (1976), p. 13. 166. Pravda Ukrainy (19 November 1976), p. 2. 167. For general details on the project, noted in the following paragraphs, see Ekonomicheskaya gazeta, no. 39 (1975), p. 24; Pravda (1 November 1975), p. 4; Izvestia (24 February 1976), p. 4; JPRS, no. 68085 (19 October 1976), pp. 12-20; and Ekonomika stroitel'stva, no. 1.1 (Novem- ber 1977), pp. 33-38. 168. Ekonomicheskaya gazeta, no. 39 (1975), p. 21. 169. See, for example, Oil and Gas Journal (3 February 1975), p. 60. 170. European Chemical News (20-27 August 1976), p. 14. 171. JPRS, no. 68085 (19 October 1976), p. 18. 172. FBIS, "Soviet Union" (7 July 1975), p. D-5.. 173. JPRS, no. 68085 (19 October 1975), p. 20. 174. Ibid.; FBIS, "Soviet Union" (19 September 1975), p. D-1; and JPRS, no. 65453 (13 August 1975), pp. 1-2. 175. For basic data see New York Times (1 December 1975); Literaturnaya gazeta (17 December 1975), p. 9; Petroleum Intelligence Weekly (22 November 1976), p. 4; and Ekonomicheskaya gazeta (6 February 1976), p. 8. 176. Literaturnaya gazeta (17 December 1975), p. 9. 177. Journal of Commerce (4 June 1976). 178. Oil and Gas Journal (6 December 1976), p. 58. 179. East-West Trade (25 July 1977), p. 3. 180. Ibid. 181. Ibid. 182. East-West Trade News (31 May 1978) p. 2. 183. Reuter (27 March 1977). Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 184. At a meeting in Tokyo in May 1978, the three countries did sign an agreement continuing the initial exploratory phase and tentatively agreeing to begin the development phase if sufficient reserves are proved. See Journal of Commerce (30 May 1978), p. 32. 185. East-West Trade (25 July 1977), p. 3. 186. New York Times (30 June 1973), p. 43. 187. Oil and Gas Journal, "Newsletter" (30 May 1977). 188. Financial Times (28 April 1976). 189. Moscow Narodnyy Bank, Press Bulletin (28 April 1976), p. 6. 190. Oil and Gas Journal, "Newsletter" (30 May 1977). Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/07 : CIA-RDP80T00702A000100060007-7 KRASKOOAR KIY Krasnodar KRAY *~ Maikop Stavropol' Minsk Aorrh6rn Volog a KONI ASSR Central Ukhta Nory ?Semakov * scow Asia Kotlas enter Solinensk Port e k Norilsk C Yamburg No.1 Vuktyl Pestsov Medvezhye ? Messoyakha L Kirov Urats fZapolyarny Leo ; goy Punga . 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