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Approved For Release 2 P79 R0101122A002100040006-7. 75145-y CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY c F E OF NLTI?IZAL ESTIMATES 26 1952 SUBJECT s MAI& (Part I) S a SOVIET BLOC CAPA BTLITIES, TB'RO KID-1 (For ccideratiom by the Board) TEE FROBI ( To estitaate Soviet B capabilities for political and military warfare through mad-1954. CCCLBSIDBS 1. The Bloc caotiu es to possess a significant quanti- tative txperlorityr ovair the Western Pam" in forces In being and In conventional mound said air arammt. The x.sions in the baslio text of NI. (Part I) are indicated by the u declined text of this Suppl t. The Soviet Bloc exists of the M M3, the Enzpean Satel-- l.itets Commaist C,bina t s a , Ncsrth Korea and Viet Ebb. The Kz ].in also controls the iat tic a1 Communist manment outside the Bloc countries. ft^ k i flDQ ITI A i DOC'UMENTNo. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. i q, ~e?s CI DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS SO NEXT REVIEW DATE: AUTH: H 70 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 CIA-RDP79R01 Approved For Relew 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO10 2AO02100040006-7 C& NTIAL i%w 2. T1 Soviet ecanamoy is much better prepared now to sup- port a major war ofe rt than it was in 190. 3. The por1ncipal emphasis of the recent Bloc military pro- m bas apparently been upon enlarging the atomic stockpile and upon Improving Moo defenses, particularly against air attack. We believe that this emphasis will. continue throughout the period of this estimate. We also believe that the Bloc military farces viii not Increase greatly in sine, alb they will impraue in combat effectiveness. 4. We eat to that the USSR will ba ?. of 140 -atomic w apoi a (3400 kllotai M In &a h= ig WAL-W am St a It i =11kely that the USSR viii be able to develop and produce a thermonuclear weapimt _bZ m .d-1 ffqWMj, we be- lieve tha the USSR MM.Sontirme to mak toaa+sd th wea aced that Meld Wit- .1 n eanoea_n ed g a clear reach >a talaece In 5. The Soviet forces now stationed in Easter Europe are in an a4vanced state of readiness for war and an attack with little or no vsraireg. 6. We estimate that the Moo has the capability to under- take ? t large--scale oparatia in continental Europee Approved For Release 200 1 ONOM 1fee~~ Rw9~E~1012AO02100040006-7 Approved For Releup 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO10 22AO02100040006-7 TOP SEW T the Middle East, and ma's n1 and Asia The Bloc could rapidly reinforce with Chinese Communist and Soviet forces the 0cm- =unlot forces now in Korea, and at the s- time undertake an Invasion of Japan by Soviet foams. ?. The 1 bas the capability of wderttaking sustained air offensives against the UK9 most of continental Europe, moat of the Middle East, and Japan, with the intensity of Individual offensive verging according to the aber of offensives under- taken a3mn1taneousa]y. It is also capable of undertaking the delivery of its full stockpile of atomic weapons against targets In theca areas and against targets in the US and ite overseas bases. 8. The Bloo air defense organisation ban the capability for vigorous opposition to an air offensive against the prin- oipal Soviet centers. gammr, despite marls 3ffipro!v"Mente in the Bloc air defense system (especially in the USSR, Eastern, and Manch n ia) , deficiencies win ream throu*wut the period of this estimate. 9. The USSR has the capability to undertake offensive 'tuarinn patrols and mining operations along most of the worlds s strategically vital sea laws. The M SR has the capability to TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02100040006-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02100040006-7 1001 TOP SECRET ` w undertake abort?-haul a ibiaus operations in the saw ad- jacent to Its own Comte* 10. The Ca nuniate almost oertalniy will not be capable Of avert roving any non*Caaaiat government either by conati? tutional pvooeec or by r+erpolatian, e*ept possibly in Mm u. 10%. t e e t to 9M Of 92 1 719 e t t@ that the will ~nft.Pe Use of the biliti, bob t O .. to mo Of 29 15M i t A" jall. amah- not t1eCQ Of tl . 10b. Vo at ediuaate set t 99MM O?a XUIL12L a temination of the Korean war ar an ion. of I~ettlit3j. it. Bloc capabilities for political warfare will continue to constitute a serious danger for the non-Communist world -4- TOP S'T Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02100040006-7 Approved For Relew 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO1012A002100040006-7 TOP 3EDRE'T throughout the period of this estimate. The Com r+ist Partite in the moist world with an eet3aeated membership of 3,750,000 -w? ere tightly argenized for action and form a world- We network tmdear Kremlin direction. Tbrough this organization, the Krsaal3n is able to conduct vmdeing attacks an established regime, to *Vlc it r tion&t rivalries, to utilize minority groups and palitiael f6atians, and to eapdt Ilse on econaai1e, political., and uilitery difficulties. The organizational eftea. ti ers of the Parties makes tbam far more formidable than their ni rival size alone indimtes. FAQ A T3Na HLOC CAPA3ILITfl 12. The Soviet regiae is rte sly entrenched in pager, and them is no apparent pa4ospect of its ct ntrol being threetemed or tea. 13. Soviet control over the Satellites will almost certainly remain virtually omp1cte. It ensarss the subservience and re- liability of the gwerrnmaenta, and continued econamie and milituq o mtributions to the USSR from the Satellite area. TOP SP~GRET Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02100040006-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002100040006-7 ,of TOP SECRET U. The Chinese Coomvaiet regime bas firm control over mainland CMr*,and there is little likelihood of its coertroj being t z'eateaed or shaken by dawstie forces within the period of this estimate. We believe that Co mmiet China aaepts Ykxwow l derst~,ip in the inter tiona1 Cammtw.let movement but retains a caiabilita- for fandependent action and a capability to exert intltsnoe upon the shaping of Communist policy in the Per Fit. The character of the current Sino-Soviet relatic i hips will prob. WAY reosia relatively oonetant throughout the period of this estimte. 15. The CSR is engaged in a large-ara1e re h and de- vel op at program. This Includes both pqre end applied resrsrah, with an emphasis upon applied reseerch in fields of military ap- pticaticn, especially atomio energy, e166tronics, jet airaraf'ti, guided missi]res, a s. Ya all of theca fields, Soviet scientists WA technicziaue have demonstrated a high level of zofiaicn y. We a time t Jdwl tlSSR b1e uce most of the s of net be~bYa iu aisu~titr. TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002100040006-7 Approved For Release 2000 gP/29 CfIA-RDP79RO10, A002100040006-7 15a. The MM has devlwooed a very his ca~abilit3r for amoral radio transmissions to and fnr~l BF.baIIds. Soviet as bilities in related eleetrronic fields indicate that ere now capable of oLIM t for VHF and UBF bands. now oa bitities constitute a serious threat to Western Mg:r~ange and ehcrt-raage military radio Qu M. oatione and navigation systems. 16. The gases national prod wt- of the Bloc has been 1n.? creasing In the past two Ursa Any cation of its mamma tulle Is newsaas!ily subject to considerable error, and no mmn. dal ac mparison can be made with pn'ewur gars for the Bloc an a whole. Have?er, we estimate that the Bloocs national product in 1951 vas roughly ?__,_ percent higher than in 1949. a. The econcn of the USSR had recovered. Its Baer 1eve1 of total production by 194 and had sar! esed that lvicel by an estimated percent in 1951. We estimate that the Soviet national. product is increasing at an nnvq 1 rata of 1 percent. nd ap rs takhII ace .6~1,, (Part I) A_ppeMjo"t pP ~ ~ ~ P The estimates in paragraphs 16 and 1? are based on a re~- e-tion of econcnit, infox ticn by CM. -7- Approved For Release 200IRf$ . IA-RDP79RO1012A002100040006-7 Approved For Relea, 2000/ ,2&"-RDP79R0103A0021 00040006-7 be The ocnbined production of the Satellites oonsti- t app9.mamte q of the Bloc' a national gradual. a. The national product of Camiuist China is am- tramely difficult to estijuate. the ffi total. ..M9MUM k k2 IM U904" a 29 1?. The output of the Soviet ecanazr does not approach that of the US econonw, nor does the output of the Moo eoonce pr as a whole Qompare with that of the NATO states. national prat in 1951 was about that of the US, and the cembdned grows national product of the entire Moo vas about percent that of the NATO ao mtriee. However, these disparities are being steadily reduced. 18. Traver, comparisons in term of total output of all types of goods and services are misleading as indicatio s of relative capacity to produce military equipment in peaoetime. The traditional living standards and the eontmIs prevailing within the Moo enable the Bloc alaten to assign a much smaller proper ticn of total output to civilian c on, particularly of scarce materials and goods, than in feasible in Western ooantries. ?eovear, these living standards and controls also enable the Bloc to assign a higher proportion of "its military outlay to production of actual, military and-its s than in feasible in the Went, Approved For Release 2000/= aaW-RDP79R01012A002100040006-7 Approved For Releaje 2000/08/29: CIA-RDP79R010,3A002100040006-7 TOP SECRET 19. Since the end of World War II, the Moo an a whole leas devoted a agx& larger proportion of its gross national product to Military purposes than the West. We believe that the USSR nav devotes at jq% e rase-fifth of its national product to military eipendituree. We estimate that the quantity of re- sources which the USSR will devote to military production in 1952 wilt equal the amount assigned in 1.944, and that a cp a i d e r a b l v n e a t e r ____t w M l be anenntad to mintm-v - ? - 20. The Soviet eCo' is much better prepared now to support a moor war effort than it was in 1940 Under continued cold war conditions., the Bloc clearly has the capability of wo- panding its industrial base and of increasing military parodue.. tion. The Soviet econow is organized with a view to possible hoatitities in the near future as well as in the more rote s'utnree These two ob3eottvss cote to some extent in the al- l of atton of reaowces a 21. The Kremlin places a high priority upon stockpiling reserves, not only of military end-its= but of food, capital equi te, and msterials needed, for maintaining the econoo under wartise conditions or other emergencies TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02100040006-7 Approved For Relea,e 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79R010JA002100040006-7 TOP S MOM 22. The Moo could increase its wqartis to the non- Comm mtet world within the period of this estimate. 11. eatimmate that ovea a slight increase of trade with the non-Cmunist world would constitute an important political warfare weapon. HYAC MxLITARY STREN H 23. The Bloc continues to possess a significant quanti- tative Superiority over the Western Pourers in forties in being and in conventional ground and sir armament. We estimate that the Eloc armed forces, now have: a. Approttmately 8,750,000 men, of which about 4,450,000 are Soviet; 1,550,000 Satellite; 2,350,000 Chinese Ccwunist; 290,000 Boorth Kmean; and 130,000 Viet Minh. b. An actual strength of approately 21,000 air- craft, including about 6,700 Jett fighters and 900 piston medium bombers; an authorized strength of about 25,000 For comaent on the nature of the evidence available for estimates of Bloc armed force strength, see note at the end of this estimate. Not included in this draft but same as page 8 in P~ (I).a Approved For Release 2000/Oft .RDP79R01012A002100040006-7 Approved For Releae 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79R010A002100040006-7 TOP SST + roraf, Imlvding about 8,400 jet fighters and 1,150 piste meditm- bombers. a. A total of at least 164 ca, surface vessels and 361 submarines, Including 103 long-cam tnes. d. A staokpile of 50 ataiaic weapons (30-200 kiloton yieda). (This estimate applies to mid-1952, not the date of pabliastlan for this report. The actual figure me`y be from half to twice as mater as this estate.) ea Lerga stocks of cmvemtional weapons and fit. 26. We estimate that the Bloc arm ford by mid-1953 will probably bavo:' as A 1017 2,1? .WO min, of which about a lLD.,0 vill be Soviet; IM, Satellite; Z Chinese Comraist; North Korean; and IN-000 Piet 1/ b. An authorized strength of r 26.000 a3 ra.ft, inc~lud ling about 10.350 jet fighters, 1,200 piston medium bin, and possib13r a few jet medium bombersy These estimtc , taken from W1944 (RAW? I),, Jg3jA Mt.22 g*2= 3~; A nc ? to B-1I, are based cs information received after the figures in (Part I), (12 Nmember 1952) t to press. The estimate on jet medium bomber production Is based upon the Soviet technical capability to develop and produce such aircraft. There is no intelligence available to indicate that such air- craft are now in production. TOP :EGRET Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02100040006-7 Approved For Rele e,2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO104 A002100040006-7 TOP STET o. A total of apote y 205 major auri'ace vessels and 408 sul> wines, of which 122 will be loag- rance tom. d. A stockpile of 100 ato?ic weapon (30-100 kiloton yield). (The actual figure may be roan half to twice as M4' as this eatlmts. ) 21a. We eetlmete that the Bloc armed farces by mtd-1954 will probably haves a. Approxli~Btt 9X00. , of which about 4520,000 will be Soviet; 2.000.000 Sate; Q Chinese Coe ,ast; 300?000 North Korean; and 130,000 Viet Minh. b. An authorized strength of about ZkM alra of t, including about 13, Set fighters, ; Q piston medium bombers, and possibyr a few jet medium bombers. "See page 11, footnote 2.? c. A total of approximately . major surface vessels and eubm rines, Including 153 1o e s tapes. d. A stockpile of stoic weapons (30-100 kiloton yield). (The actual figure may be from half to twice as maxV as this estimte.) TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02100040006-7 Approved For Releae 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79R01 QA002100040006-7 TOP SEMW 25. It is valikely that the USSR will be able to develop and produce a tiermo~ucleer weapon by mtd- g k. BMW=, we bb lie UZI tom Mari?? M go M- .. Z t I 4 m m 1 I = , ea that .. .~ ?-? c with 26. The over-all effectiveness of Bloc grounds naval, and air farces will increase by Mjd-.M1 became of progreeeive modernization and standardization of weapons and equipment, the intensive training program,, the growth of the Soviet at .c retcckpile, and the increased combat efficiency of the Satellite a mieso 27. The armed fames of the USSR a t China, have remained relatively conntaxit in size tlaroughoaat the past two yew, while those of the Satellites have gran rapMy. Recent Bloc military effort has apparently placed principal eMhasiz upon enlarging the atotdc stockpile and upon improving Bloc do - feneees, particularly againut air attack. The Bloc has also ampha- sized improvement of the quality of misting units and developing and mars hel4ng the military strength of the Satellites. 28. The USSR maintalm a. large air defense ayetsm which not only includes the forces assigned to the Soviet air defense 13 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02100040006-7 Approved For ReleW 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79R0104A002100040006-7 ciarganizatian (P Strang) but also has available to it the active air defense resources of the Angp to .ce1 air foorcesag and. Naray not otherwise eommitted, as wen as the passive de- fame reaooresea of the police and civilian organizations, The Bmwean Satellite and CCem nuns st Chinese air defensesg add to and are integrated faith the Soviet eyatem, Despite signifi- cant tss in the air defense system, there wall probably contimie to be insufficient numbers of trained and ezpesrienced pilots and cpwratorss, modern radar, heavy AA gzms, and fighters designed espoci t1cal iy far an-weather interception to provide defense for all important arenas We estimate that by mid-1954 the numrical strength of the air defense forces will not U- s, although the effectiveness of the air de~- fensess will improve tlwough re-equipment and toning, BLOC Ng-IA~tY CAPABILITIES I~vIM-1 I 29. We estimte that the Bloc has the capability to undertake coneurrentc large-scale operations in continental Europe, the Middle Hasty and mainland Asia. The Bloc c d rapid31r reinforce with Chinese Caarammist and Soviet forces the Cyst forces not in Earnas, and at the same time undertake an invasion of Japan by Soviet forces -24- TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02100040006-7 I Approved For Releae 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO10,j A002100040006-7 TW B ' 30. The Soviet farces now stationed in FAstem ape are in an advanced state of readlaw for war and can attack with little or no warning. However, the Bloc forces in Eastern Ecurape would almost certainly rewire subcts tial reinforce- ments in Soviet ground and air forccee before they could sustain major offensive Operations. 31. The USSR has the capability of tmdmftjcjng, euatained air offensives against the UK, meet of continental Europe, most of the Wfidle East, and Japan, with the intensity of individual offenei varying according to the nwber of -offe 1sivas under- taken nizmilta iyo It is also capable of undertaing the del ivary of its i'cbll stockpile of atop 1c weals against targets in these areas and against targets in the US a its oversew basses. 32. The Bloc air defense organization has the capability for vigorous opposition to an air offensive against the prin- cipal Soviet centers. However, despite marked Impra uts in the oa air defame system (especially in the USSR, AWM Pitmo and Manchuria), deficiencies win remain twvugbaut the Period of this estimte0 33. The Moo has the capability to lmzwh short-haul anphibiouss and airborne operations in the Baltic and Black - 15 - Approved For Release 20009/$)A-RDP79R01012A002100040006-7 Approved For Releae 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79R010;,A002100040006-7 Sam , along the -nrthern coast of Norway, and in the ncarthern Japan Sea, and to launch l4M ed amphibious and airborne aperati a agataut Western Masks, 34. The Soviet mtmmrlm force has the capability to vndertake offensive ps ols and mivng operations slang mast of the world's strategically vital sea lanes and, possibly, simt~l tanaously to launch guided missile attacks against targets on both the Atlantic and Pacific seaboards of the US. The Soviet Navy, including its air arm, has the capability to lay artewive mine fields to protect Soviet Satellite, and Chinese Conmrajst harbors and sea routes, to mine the waters and harbors of the Baltic, Mack, Narth, and Japan Seas, and to harass sea routed in these areas. 35. The Chinese Caunnist and North Kamen capabilities in Korea have in sed substantially since the beg nnim of the am stice negotiations. If the present scale of operations cones, we believe that these capabilities will gradually AMrove during the period of this eeti ate. C t ground forces in Kama have a high offensive pots and are capable of launching a major attack with tittle warnlmg / Per a camaete information on this subleet, see N -55/$a C IMM 30 July 1952). 16_ Approved For Release 2000/~%?/2 I -RDP79R01012A002100040006-7 Approved For Relee 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79R01WA002100040006-7 UP s 36. Sire the beginning of the Korean war, the Cawamiet Air Force in China., which is believed to be made up of Chinese Cammn1mist, Rarth Korean, and Soviet elemental, has been built up to an iap oacive size. The jet fighter units in the Korean Mbnchuria Rcrth China area are believed to be prog~ressive7,y imp roving. The capabilities of the CAS` in China are, and vii]. remain daring the period through mid-1953, largely limited to the air defense of Borth China, Manohm ia, and North Koz-ea, undw conditions of good visibility and to limited attacks against the OW forces in Korea and adjacent water. Is! l.i. bamNn.' W e believe the CAF in China will continne to expand gradually during the period of this estimate but will remain entireiy dependent upon the USSR for aircraft and equipment, spare parts, and technical supervisions, and almost entirely dependent upon the USSR for aviation fuel and lubri- cants. 37. Daring the pu icd of this estimate, Soviet and/or Chinwe Comenniat feces in Asia will a3met certain]y contimm to have the capability of conducting the following operations TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002100040006-7 Approved For Releae 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79R010,1. A002100040006-7 TOP S ' "T a. meting Kong Kong, Macao, Indochlm, Burial and Thailand if opposed only by the fames ummat1 in these area. b. RapMy reiufarefng with Chinese Ccmiit and Soviet faroes the Cammmtst faoccea nor in Korea, and at the saw time of vendee taking an invasion of Japan by Soviet fbroes. a. Attacking Western shipping in the Pacific by submarines and mines and by conducting air attacks and surface raids against Western bases and chipping in the western: and nm-thern Paaifio. EUMTS oil BLOC PO CAL WAS' 38. Political warfare plW an untomaly important role for Communists, who aonaides milftar7 warfare only an acsten icn of political warfare in their pcreistent campaign to mdm e the strength of the non-Cc?mmniet waarld. moo political war.. fare techniques include political and econceie preemie, diplo- Mtie action is the UN and elaewhwe, propaganda and front ae-- tivities, the action of Communist Puttee and Camun st Part 7AA Chinese Ca?ma:mist invasion of Taiwan would almost aertaixtty fail if US naval asxi air forces remain available to defend Taiwan. -18- TOP SF tET Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02100040006-7 Approved For Rele,e 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79R010,1,?,A002100040006-7 TOP SZ= co 'a led trade unims outside the Bloc, sabotage, aaqploitation- of s live and remlutdmarp mavements and of civil me". and pMehologlcal warfare. 39. The principal ac ass of strength upon which Bloc po- 1itioe1 warfare capabil ties based consist of the Moc's mill tart' capabilities; the size, power, and aaatsaUZe6 le ip of the Moo; Commp niat doctrine; and the Com imni st international wet. 40. We estimate that there are now 20,000,000 Comemmist Party mmbm in the world, organized into 72 national parties. ! et Plsrtyr memb" live within the Bloc, but about 3,750,000 are scattered throughout the non-Camamtmiat world. fife figures do not include the --p of the Mont omganizations, trade un3ons, etc., which the national Cyst Parties influence or control. The disciplines and fervaar of the Parties make them far mare effective than their size alone indicates. 41. To servo the interests of the Bloc, the national Cam- mwcaiae Parties in um-C 1,et countries seek to e3ploit eeo- nomrio, social, and nationalist grie+venoea, to infiltrate gov- ernment agencies and Institutions.. to provide espionage agents and saboteurs, to disaemw1nnte Bloc propasga da, to mobilize mass -19- TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79R01012A002100040006-7 Approved For Relea a 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79R01 Qi4002100040006-7 S' W support for Bloc policies, to create preseewe groups to In- fluenoe leaa policy to the advantages of the Bloc, mad to ID- filtrate and contra trade uniam and nation . labor - zatiaaie. Mwy ,.have ehovn pearticnlar eklli in creating and eant~roll,leg front cr zati o DI X PO 7 XC L ffan R CAPABU ZT 422. Moo political warfare c pabiliti ee will contIme to constitute a serrioue danger ttxraUgi cut the p rriod of this est. .- mate. The Communists and their all,le a viii ratan the aepa- bility to c3mch t. and ng attacks on established regimae, to eaploit national rivairSem, to utilize m9 ty Vvups and splinter political parties, and to capitalize upon econcnio, politleai, and ardlitary di esul tie s. 43. We estimate that dmring the period of this estimate the loo viii not have the capability of eatebliak g a Caamuniat t # ragh conustf tational proses or by revolution, ex, oeept possibly in Iran. 43s. Wg esananot estimates the eCeets on mmmist c p- b st 7 t . Approved For Release 2000/0 @9s-RDP79R01012A002100040006-7 Approved For Rele sp 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79R010 A002100040006-7 44. Throughout Western Ehraps, the mist Parties since 1946 have suffered severe losses both in nbership and Prestige. Aowerver, the bard acre of the Party has been pre- served everywhere, and in most countries the Par cant1naec to influence large numbers of non mints. 45. The capab1lity of Fwtern European Cc un stn to conduct strikes for political purposes has been sharply re- duced. Nevertheless, the Commsists retain llmite d osspebil- itiea to Interfere with defense production. 46. In the event of general war, the Comanist Parties would constitute a threat in Western Barope, espealally in Igoe and Italy, where large Ccs raamist Parties and Cc* nist t-ade union strength are reinfar?ced by won-trained Ommunist, caul .- .itary organizations. Comunist capabilities for espionage, industrial sabotage, terrorism, and attacks against tsa Lion and communications facilities and unitary in- stallations would be substantial. 47. We believe that Bloc political warfare capabilities in the diddle East and erica win remain low throughout the perkd of this eatlanate, e>cept in Iran. The Moo has taken little positive action in this area, and most of the em isating TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02100040006-7 Approved For Relea p 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO10UA002100040006-7 TOP SEGM Ciam uniat PWrtiee, vhidh afn x1 , have been towed undergro wd. ?M i~nie d a rsria d_aFi1 ~~ the and gMKiSX Of ib~e ~eden$ aotiong 48. The Bloe aamL In ken_ the_ 15u7ah,}';g~,X,, mew 1.t~.em to the nt o on the ocaati~ra. tae ba~.ieve that T~deh wf.~.a. not be ~a62? the Deriod of 11 tin giu_090=1 IM MU zraraeorL to se3e coat of th Tom' cSEMW Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02100040006-7 I Af' t Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO10 22AO02100040006-7 V4W TOP SECRET i ,w , .. ,,_ 3 T i i p w amok . ana eea~i. oroo t 8a 48a. If arepent tremds i I,?,a~= n noa~f_irn~ea o .aotrnrl b2Wd 49. It s 4onrla,ws~not=amtisaur mediate jbM t I n arff gem Anjum eo m . We e3tJ to t bst the ~'-' 1 U AU ate-iii. m.i0t ue t ' a+r a9 . If the Cwt Party of India should again empbasize the role of v olence, its popular -apport would prob- ab diminish and the go t would almost certainly revive its earlier repressive measures. anAb{ iU s are _ test in the northern arm bo d rin the B1-rin - -23- TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02100040006-7 Approved For Relesp 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79R0102A002100040006-7 TOP StET 49a. It_,,n ar X17 ma'ta~l ad 3autb-, ?~ As aji; 4 12+?e-aal'l ,.v i UL. 25X6A 51. Moo political warfare capabilities vary throughout ? t t Asia. They are greatest in Indochina. The Viet Minh is a powerful insert of tray and cc'thol, and it retains considerable nationalist appeal. o The Viet i+ farces, with C st Chinese advice and military assi? t e, maintain heavy TOP SECRE ' Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79RO1012AO02100040006-7 Approved For Relea a 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79R01 QJA002100040006-7 military pressure upon the Xreneh and the Associated States. We believe that the Viet Minh will retain these capabilities ttwoughout the period of this estimate. 51a. Z hamo-Ye i4tars a?~~i~+?.. t. 'n.nft B9LB~1SRhlna 8 C~mSeE eoVm'~E SH IndCCflfpR lLII'fLQ Li1w ki-I'Aw are subetantiali I MKk aed.. the t at a 4idt sot necesaet i'!v W MA the p iod. oX-=j.r MVLt&? 52. We eetimate that during the period of this estimate the Coaenuniet8 will not be able to establish a Cammtmist govern.- =Mt at gwhere in Latin America either by constitutional process or by revolut1 ano ' In G teti 1a, the only eowtry in Latin Amiica where Communists have power within the goveac ant, they are likely to maintain and may even increeie their influenos. I n all V C T Latin American countries, the Commmists will retain a substantial capability for saborsge, for spreading Bloc pacops- g , and for atiaeplating anti-American sentiment in natiawlist, intellectual, and organized labor groups. - 25 Approved For Release 20e WN&*j$k01012A002100040006-7