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Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 nr-^nrr CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY RESEARCH AID N? 434 ORR CLASSIFICATION OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES AND FACTORS CIA/RR RA 11-R1 24 October 1958 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND REPORTS CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 WARNING This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, Title 18, USC, Secs. 793 and 794, the trans- mission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY RESEARCH AID ORR CLASSIFICATION OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES AND FACTORS CIA/RR RA-11-Rl (ORR Project 00.2413) CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Office of Research and Reports CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 CIA/RR RA-11-R1, ORR Classification of Economic Activities and Factors, supersedes the previous edition of this research aid. Sug- gestions for revisions to meet needs of consumers are requested. - iii - Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 CONTENTS Page I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 II. Organization of the Economic Research Area of ORR . . . 2 A. Staffs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 B. Analysis Division (D/A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 C. Materials Division (D/M) ? . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 D. Industrial Division (D/I) . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 E. Services Division (D/S) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 III. Classification of Economic Activities . . . . . . . . . 7 0 Agriculture, Forestry, Hunting, and Fishing 7 1 Mining and Quarrying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2 Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3 Other Manufacturing . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 13 4 Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 5 Electricity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 6 Trade and Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 7 Transport, Storage, and Communications 31 8 Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 9 Military. End Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 IV. Classification of Economic Factors and Aggregates . . 41 Al Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 A2 Labor Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 A3 Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 A4 National Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 A5 Prices, Price Indexes, and Indexes of Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 A6 Economic Theory and Policy . . . . . . . . . 44 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Following Page Organization of the Economic Research Area of ORR . . . . . 2 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 RA-11-R1 S-E-C-R-E-T (Project 00.21+13) ORR CLASSIFICATION OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES AND FACTORS This research aid is designed to serve several purposes. By pro- viding detailed breakdowns of responsibilities in economic intelli- gence and by indicating assignments of these responsibilities among components of the Economic Research Area (ERA), this research aid supplements the standard statements of missions and functions, which necessarily must be general in nature. This research aid serves to acquaint new employees with the detailed organization and activities of the ERA and provides a source of ready reference to detailed assignments of intelligence maintenance and research responsibilities among Branches in the ERA. Finally, the classification set forth in this research aid is the basis for the filing system used in the Cen- tral Economic Estimates File of the Office of Research and Reports (ORR). The Central Economic Estimates File, maintained by the Economic Accounts Section of the Publications Staff (St/PB/A), is the file for the quantitative economic estimates concerning the Sino-Soviet Bloc which are made by the various Branches of the ERA. The File includes historical time series and current estimates in the forms of annual national totals for the following categories: production and indexes of production, inventory, capacity, population and labor, economic plans, national accounts, and international trade. More de- tailed estimates, which are maintained in the Economic Estimates Files of the individual Branches, may be filed in accordance with the filing code used in the Central Economic Estimates File and outlined in this research aid. Procedures for servicing and maintaining the various Estimates Files are set forth in ERA Procedures No. 3, The Economic Estimates Files of the Economic Research Area of the Office of Re- search and Reports, 15 September 195b, SECRET CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY. The classification is divided into two parts, given in sections III and IV of this research aid. Section III is a list of commodities and economic activities, patterned after UN, Economic and Social Council, International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, UNCLASSIFIED, and Executive Office of the Presi- dent, Bureau of the Budget, Standard Industrial Classification Manual, UNCLASSIFIED. Section IV is a list of general economic factors (for example, population), national economic aggregates (for example, na- tional accounts), and various economic subjects (for example, economic theory and policy). The classification is revised periodically to re- flect the addition or deletion of filing categories and changes in or- ganization and responsibilities of components of the ERA. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T II. Organization of the Economic Research Area of ORR.* The ERA under the Chief, Economic Research (Ch/E), has the mis- sions of producing economic intelligence on the Sino-Soviet Bloc and on Bloc activities in non-Bloc countries and of furnishing, on re- quest, economic data on non-Bloc areas, obtainable from other agencies. A. Staffs 1. Current Support Staff (St/CS). St/CS produces and coordinates all-source current economic intelligence on the Sino-Soviet Bloc and on Bloc relations with non-Bloc areas. 2. Planning and Review Staff St/PR serves as an executive (St/PR). staff to the Ch/E, with con- tinuing responsibilities that include. planning, coordination, surveillance, and review of the program of economic intelli- gence research; recommendations on recruitment and assignment of personnel and on other staff- ing problems; and the integration of new employees. 3. Publications Staff (St/PB). St/PB provides assistance through- out the ERA in the preparation of material for manuscripts, reviews and edits approved manuscripts, arranges publication of ERA intel- ligence reports, edits and pub- lishes other reports-and papers as directed by the AD/RR, and provides statistical review and assistance for all ERA projects. B. Analysi-s Division (D/A) D/A is responsible for producing, in collaboration with other Divisions of ORR, aggregative all-source economic intelligence on the Sino-Soviet Bloc. Aggregative intelligence is defined to include (1) estimates of capabilities and vulnerabilities; (2) national economic * See the accompanying chart, following p. 2. - 2 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 O (n LO m CU 4 a) 0 N a C 0 O C a) O (p z UT L'L- C U m C U) (O O_ Q) m U) V) C W 2E 'O U m O - a U L O C7 Cn W a) U p f + C C a) co m m C C O a) a) C ~ EL O. O U C W 7 V C C a c: C - m UL 00- CL C_) CD O C U E C ` C O U m E pp C E Q w i C U L U O C 0 C i O m a m pproved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 A Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 accounts; (3) economic organization and planning; (4) budgetary and fiscal studies; (5) regional surveys; and (6) studies on population, manpower, and consumer welfare. 1. USSR Branch (ALU). A/U produces aggregative regional economic intelligence on the USSR. 2. European Satellites Branch A/E produces aggregative regional A E . economic intelligence on the European Satellites. Far East Branch (A/F). A/F produces aggregative regional economic intelligence on Com- munist China, North Korea, and North Vietnam. 4. Population and Consumer A/PC produces aggregative eco- Welfare A PC nomic intelligence on popula- tion, manpower and labor force, wages, consumption, consumer welfare, consumer prices, and domestic trade. C. Materials Division (D/M) D/M is responsible for producing all-source economic intelligence on production and processing in the Sino-Soviet Bloc of strategic raw materials and semifinished and finished commodities derived from these raw materials. These materials, commodities, and processes include (1) solid fuels, (2) petroleum and petroleum products, (3) nuclear energy, (4) electric power, (5) chemicals, (6) metals and minerals, (7) agricultural products and food processing, (8) fish and fish prod- ucts, and (9) industrial crops. 1. Food and Agriculture Branch M/AG produces economic intelli- M AG . gence on production and process- ing of food products; distribu- tion and consumption of farm, fish, and forestry products; and policies in regard to agriculture and food. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 2. Chemicals Branch (M/CH). M/CH produces economic intelli- gence on the chemical and chemi- cal processing industries. 3. Ferrous Metals Branch (M/FM). M/FM produces economic intelli- gence on the ferrous metallurgi- cal,ferroalloy, andrelated mining industries. 4+. Nonferrous Metals and Minerals M/NF produces economic intelli- gence. on the nonferrous metal- M NF lurgical and mining industries. Fuels and Power Branch (M/FP). M/FP produces economic intelli- gence on the solid fuels, petro- leum, and electric power in- dustries and on programs for nuclear energy. D. Industrial Division (D/I) D/I is responsible for producing all-source economic intelligence on the nonfood consumer goods industries in the Sino-Soviet Bloc, on -Bloc machine building and electronics industries, and on Bloc military programs and industries. Theseindustries include (1) land armaments and ammunition, (2) aircraft, (3) shipbuilding, (4) guided missiles, (5) transport equipment, (6) electrical and electronic equipment, (7) machine building, (8) engineering equipment and equipment made of metal, and (9) consumer goods, excluding food. In. addition, D/I is - responsible foreconomic intelligence on the military programs in the Sino-Soviet Bloc. 1. Producers Equipment Branch - I/PE produces economic intelli- I PE . gence on the producers equip- ment industries, including (a) metalworking equipment, (b) land transport equipment, (c) electrical equipment, (d) chemical and petroleum equipment., (e) construction and mining equipment, and (f) agricultural equipment. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T 2. Aircraft Branch (I/AR). I/AR produces economic intelli- gence on the aircraft industries. 3. Manufacturing Sectors Branch I/MS produces economic intelli- I MS . gence on the aggregative per- formance of the machine build- ing industries and on all as- pects, except analysis of con- sumer welfare, of the nonfood consumer goods industries. 4. Shipbuilding Branch (I/SH). I/SH produces economic intelli- gence on the shipbuilding in- dustries. 5. Electronic Equipment Branch I/EE produces economic intelli- gence on the electronic equip- ment industries, including pro- duction of electronic and pre- cision electrical equipment for industry, communications, radar, navigation, and special military devices and of elec- tric wire, cable, and batteries. 6. Guided Missiles Branch (I/GM). I/GM produces economic intelli- gence on programs for produc- tion of guided missiles and space vehicles. 7. Military Economics Branch I/ME produces economic intelli- I ME? gence on allocation of re- sources and costs of actual or potential military programs and on all aspects of the land arma- ment industries. E. Services Division (D/S) D/S is responsible for producing all-source economic intelligence on the service sector of the Sino-Soviet Bloc and other areas as re- quired. The service sector includes (1) international trade, includ- ing economic activities of the Sino-Soviet Bloc in non-Bloc countries and including export controls; (2) transportation (3) communications; (4) construction of fixed installations and production of construction materials; and (5) civil defense activities. -5- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T 1. International Trade Branch S/TF produces economic intelli- S TF . gence on international trade and finance, including the eco- nomic relations of the Sino- Soviet Bloc with non-Bloc coun- tries. 2. Transportation Branch (S/TR). S/TR produces economic intelli- gence on transportation activi- ties and facilities. 3. Communications Branch (S/COM). S/COM produces economic intelli- gence on facilities and activi- ties of organized systems of communications (post and tele- communications). 4. Construction Branch (-S/CST). S/CST produces economic intelli- gence on construction of fixed installations, production of construction materials, and civil defense activities. Trade Controls Branch (STD). STD provides departments, agen- cies, and interagency committee structures of the US Government with intelligence to support the development, application, and enforcement of policies, plans, and programs concerning inter- national and US security export controls and other economic de- fense measures against the -Sino- Soviet Bloc. -6- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T III. Classification of Economic Activities. 0 AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, HUNTING, AND FISHING M/AG 01 Agricultural Crops and Livestock M/AG Oll Grain Crops M/AG 0111 Breadgrains M/AG 01111 Wheat M/AG 01112 Rye M/AG 0112 Coarse Grains M/AG 01121 Barley M/AG 01122 Oats M/AG 01123 Corn M/AG 0113 Rice M/AG 011+ Miscellaneous Grains M/AG 012 Industrial Crops M/AG 0121 Sugar Crops M/AG 01211 Sugar Cane M/AG 01212 Sugar Beets M/AG 0122 Cotton M/AG 01221 Cotton Seed M/AG 01222 Cotton Fiber M/AG 0123 Wool M/AG 0124 Bast Fibers M/AG 01241 Flax M/AG 012.2 Hemp M/AG 01243 Jute M/AG 0125 Silk M/AG 0126 Tobacco M/AG 0127 Oil Bearing Vegetables -7- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T M/AG 01271 Peanuts M/AG 01272 Soybeans M/AG 01273 Sunflower Seed M/AG 01274 Rapeseed M/AG 01275 Sesame Seed M/AG 013 Fruit and Vegetable Crops M/AG 0131 Fruits M/AG 0132 Vegetables (other than Oil-Bearing) M/AG 01321 Pulses M/AG 0133 Potatoes M/AG 014 Hay and Legume Crops M/AG 0141 Hay M/AG 0142 Legumes M/AG-M/CH 015 Rubber (Natural) M/AG 016 Livestock M/AG .0161 Horses M/AG 0162 Cattle M/AG 0163 Hogs M/AG 0164 Sheep M/AG 0165 Goats M/AG 0166 Poultry M/AG 019 Other Agricultural Crops M/AG 0191 Tea M/AG 02 Fore stry and Logging M/AG 021 Forestry M/AG 022 Logging M/AG M/AG 03 Hunt 04 Fish ing, Tr ing apping, and Game Propagation 8 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T 1 MIN ING A ND QUARRYING M/FP 11 Coal and Other Solid Fuels M/FP M/FP M/FP MIFF M/FP M/FP M/FP 111 112 113 Coal (Hard and Brown Coal Combined) 1111 Hard Coal 11111 Anthracite 11112 Bituminous Coal 1112 Brown Coal and Lignite Peat Oil Shale M/FM-M/NF 12 Metallic Ores and Concentrates M/FM 121 Iron Ores M/FM 122 Ferroalloying Metallic Ores M/FM 1221 Manganese M/FM 1222 Nickel M/FM 1223 Molybdenum (Molybdenite) M/FM 1224 Tungsten (Wolfram or Scheelite) M/FM 1225 Vanadium M/FM 1226 Cobalt M/FM 1227 Chromium (Chromite) M/NF 123 Copper Ores M/NF 124 Lead and Zinc Ores M/NF 1241 Lead M/NF 1242 Zinc M/NF 125 Bauxite and Other Aluminum Ores M/NF 1251 Bauxite M/NF 1252 Aluminum Ores, n.e.c.* M/NF 126 Magnesium Ore M/NF 127 Precious Metallic Ores MINF 1271 Gold M/NF 1272 Silver classified. -9- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046AO00400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T M/FP M/NF M/NF M/NF M/NF M/NF M/NF M/FP M/FP M/FP M/FP M/FP M/FP S/CST M/FM M/NF-M/FM M/NF M/NF M/NF M/NF M/NF MINF M/NF-M/CH M/NF M/NF M/NF M/NF M/NF M/NF 1951 Sheet Mica 1952, Scrap Mica - 10 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046AO00400130001-3 128 Nuclear Fissionable Ores 129 Other Metallic Ores and Concentrates 1291 Antimoly. 1292 Tin 1293 Cadmium 1294 Mercury 1295 Polymetallic Ores 13 Petroleum 131 Crude Petroleum 1311 Natural Crude Petroleum 1312 Synthetic Crude Oil (Petroleum) 132 Natural Gas 133 Natural Gas Liquids 14 Crushed and Broken Stone 141 Limestone (for Metallurgical Fluxe-s) 142 Dolomite (for Metallurgical Fluxes) Industrial Gems 151 Industrial Diamonds 19 Other Nonmetallic Minerals 191 192 Natural Abrasives (except Sand) Chemical Fertilizer Minerals 1921 Phosphate Rock 1922 Apatite 1923 Potash Ores 1924 Potassium Salts 193 Asbestos 194 Quartz Crystals 195 Mica Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T M/NF M/NF M/NF M/NF M/NF-M/FM-M/CH S/CST-M/NF M/NF S/CST-M/NF M/AG M/AG M/AG M/AG M/AG M/AG M/AG M/AG M/AG M/AG M/AG M/AG M/AG M/AG M/AG M/AG M/AG M/AG MINF M/AG M/AG M/AG M/AG M/AG 196 Pyrites 197 Natural Graphite 198 Borax 199 Nonmetallic Minerals, n.e.c. 1991 Fluorspar 1992 Gypsum 1993 Sulfur 1994 Lime 2 MANUFACTURING 20 Food (except Beverages) 201 Meat 202 Dairy Products and Eggs 2021 Milk 2022 Butter 2023 Cheese 2024 Eggs 203" Canned Goods 201+ Fats and Oils 201 Vegetable Oils 2042 Animal Fats and Oils 2043 Soap 206 Bakery Products 207 Sugar 208 Cocoa, Chocolate, and Sugar Confections 209 Other Food Products 2091 Salt 2092 Margarine 21 Beverages 211 Distilled, Rectified, and Blended Spirits 212 Wine 213 Brewed and Malt Beverages - 11 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T M/AG I/MS I/MS I/MS I/MS I/MS I/MS I/Ms I/MS I/MS I/MS I/MS I/MS I/MS I/MS IMB II/MS I/MS 22 Tobacco Products 23 Textiles 231 Yarns and Threads 2311 Cotton 2312 Wool 2313 Linen 2314 Silk 2315 Synthetics (such as Rayon and Nylon) 232 Fabrics 2321 Cotton 2322 Wool 2323 Linen 2324 Silk 2325 Synthetics 233 Knitted Products and Hosiery 2331 Outerwear` 2332 Underwear 2333 Hosiery I/MS 24 Footwear, Wearing Apparel (except Knitted Products and Hosiery), and Other Finished Textile Goods I/MS I/MS I/MS 241 Footwear (except Rubber) 2411 Leather 242 Wearing Apparel (except Knitted Products and. Hosiery) M/AG-M/FP 25 Wood Products (except Furniture) M/AG-M/FP 251 Fuelvood M/FP 2511 Charcoal M/AG 252 Industrial Wood M/AG 2521 Construction Wood - 12 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 M/AG 25211 Lumber M/AG 25212 Plywood M/AG 2522 Wooden Packaging M/AG 2523 Crossties M/AG 252+ Pitprops M/AG 2525 Pulpwood M/AG 2526 Piling I/MS 26 Furniture I/MS 27 Paper and Paper Products I/MS 271 Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard I/MS 2711 Paper I/MS 27111 Newsprint I/MS 2712 Paperboard I/MS 272 Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard Products I/MS 28 Leather and Furs I/MS 281 Leather I/MS 282 Furs M/CH M/CH 301 Motor Vehicle Tires M/CH 302 Rubber Technical Articles M/CH-I/MS 303 Rubber Footwear M/CH 31 Chemicals and Chemical Products M/CH 311 Industrial Inorganic Chemicals M/CH 3111 Acids M/CH 31111 Sulfuric Acid M/CH 31112 Nitric Acid M/CH 31113 Hydrochloric Acid M/CH 31114 Hydrofluoric Acid M/CH 31115 Phosphoric Acid S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T M/CH 3112 Alkalies M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH _31121 Ammonia, Synthetic 31122 Caustic Soda (Sodium Hydroxide) 31123 Soda Ash (Sodium Carbonate) 31124 Ammonium Hydroxide 31125 Calcium Carbonate 31126 Potassium Hydroxide .31127 Lithium Compounds 31129 Alkalies, n.e.c. 3113 Halogens and Electrochemical Products 31131 Chlorine 31132 Fluorine 31133 Iodine 31134 Phosphorus 31135 Hydrogen Peroxide 31136 Calcium Carbide 31137 Sodium Metal 31138 Calcium Metal 31139 Halogens and Electrochemical Products, n.e.c. 3114 Gases M/CH 31141 Hydrogen M/CH 31142 Oxygen M/CH 31143 Nitrogen M/CH-M/FP 31144 Helium M/CH 31145 Carbon Dioxide M/CH 31-15 Fluorine Compounds, including Cryolite M/CH 312 Industrial Organic Chemicals M/CH 3121 Primary Cyclic Organics M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH 31211 Benzol (Benzene), Refined 31212 Toluol (Toluene) 31213 Phenol, Refined 31214 Naphthalene 31215 Cresol 31216 Xylol (Xylene) M/CH 3122 Intermediates and Dyes - 14 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 M/CH M,/CH 31221 Dyes, Synthetic 31222 Aniline M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH-M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH .M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH 3123 Plastic Materials and Elastomers (except Synthetic Rubber) 31231 Cellulose Plastic Materials 31232 Synthetic Resins 312321 Phenolic Resins 312322 Urea and Melamine Resins 312323 Vinyl Resins 312324 Polystyrene 312+ Rubber (except Natural Rubber) 31241 Synthetic Rubber 31242 Reclaimed Rubber (Synthetic and Natural) 3125 Synthetic Fiber Materials 3126 Solvents 31261 Ethyl Alcohol (Ethanol) 31262 Butyl Alcohol (Butanol) 31263 Methyl Alcohol (Methanol) 3126+ Furfural Alcohol 31265 Acetone 31266 Ether 31267 Tributylphosphate 31269 Solvents, n.e.c. 3127 Other Noncyclic Organics 31271 Acetic Acid 31272 Oxalic Acid 31273 Formaldehyde 3129 Industrial Organic Chemicals, n.e.c. 313 Mineral Fertilizers 3131 Nitrogen Fertilizers - 15 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T M/CH 31311 Ammonium Nitrate M/CH 31312 Ammonium Sulfate M/CH 31313 Calcium Cyanamide M/CH 31314 Urea M/CH 3132 Phosphorous Fertilizers M/CH 31321 Superphosphate M/CH 31322 Phosphorite Meal M/CH 31323 Concentrated Phosphorous Fertilizers M/CH 31324 Thomas -Slag M/CH 3133 Potassium Fertilizers M/CH 31331 Potassium Chloride (Muriate) M/CH 31332 Potassium Sulfate M/CH 3134 Mixed Fertilizers M/CH 314 Explosives M/CH 3141 High Explosives M/CH 31411 TNT (Trinitrotoluol) M/CH 31412 RDX (Hexogen or Cyclonite) M/CH 31413 PETN (Pentaerythritol Tetrani trate ) M/CH 31414 Picric Acid andPicrates M/CH 31415 Tetryl M/CH 31416 Dynamite M/CH 31417 Ammonite M/CH 31418 Amatol M/CH 31419 High Explosives, n.e.c. M/CH 3142 Propellants (Ammunition and Guided Missiles) M/CH 31421 Black Powder M/CH 31422 Nitroglycerine and Glycols M/CH 31423 Nitrocellulose M/CH 31424 Ammonium Perchlorate M/CH 31425 Boron Compounds M/CH 31426 Hydrazines M/CH 31427 Amines M/CH 31429 Propellants, n.e.c. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 9 R PE79S01046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH M/CH 311+3 Initiators 31431 Mercury Fulminate 311+32 Lead Azide 315 Pharmaceuticals 3151 Antibiotics 31511 Penicillin 31512 Streptomycin 31513 Dihydrostreptomycin 31514 Aureomycin 31515 Terramycin 31516 Chloromycetin 3152 Sulfa Drugs 3153 Sera and Vaccines 316 Insecticides, Fungicides, and Herbicides 3161 Arsenic compounds 3162 Copper Compounds 3163 Lime-Sulfur Compounds 3164 Synthetic Organic Compounds 31641 DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloro- ethane) 31642 Benzene Hexachloride (Hexa- chloran) 31643 Parathion (Thiophos) 31644 TEPP (Tetraethyl Pyrophos- phate) 31645 2,4-D 31646 Ethyl Mercuric Chloride (Granozan) M/CH 317 Chemical Warfare Agents M/CH 318 Biological Warfare Agents M/CH 319 Chemicals and Chemical Products, n.e.c. M/FP 32 Petroleum, Oil Shale, and Coal Products M/FP 321 Petroleum Products (POL) M/FP 3211 Total Nongas Petroleum Products M/FP 3212 Gasoline Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 M/FP M/FP M/FP M/FP M/FP M/FP M/FP M/FP M/FP M/FP M/FP M/FP M/FP 32121 Aviation Gasoline 32122 Motor Gasoline 3213 Light Distillate Oils 32131 Jet Fuel 32132 Ligroine 32133 Kerosine 321331 Lamp Kerosine 321332 Tractor Kerosine 321333 Heating Kerosine 321+ Heavy Distillate Oils 321+1 Diesel Fuel (including Light Diesel Fuel) 321+2 Motor Fuel (Heavy Diesel Fuel) 321+3 -Distillate Fuel Oils 32144 Gas Oils (including Solar Oil) M/FP 3215 Lubricants M/FP .3216 Residuals M/FP 32161 Residual Fuel Oil (includ- ing Mazut) M/FP 32162 Asphalts and Bitumens M/FP 32163 Petroleum Coke M/FP 3216+ Waxes M/FP 32165 Road Oils and Tars M/FP 3217 Refinery Gas M/FP 3218 Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) M/FP 3219 Petroleum Products, n.e.c. M/FP 32191 Synthetic Petroleum Products M/FP 322 Shale Oil and Gas M/FP 323 Coal Products (except Chemicals and Synthetic Liquid Fuels and Lubricants) M/FP M/FM 3231 Coke (all types) 32311 Metallurgical Coke S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA=RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 M/FP 3232 Fuel Briquettes (Coal, Coke, Peat, and Charcoal) M/FP 3233 Manufactured Gas (Coal, Coke, and Peat) 33 Nonmetallic Mineral Products (except Petroleum and Coal Products) S/CST 331 Structural Clay Products S/CST 3311 Bricks, Common S/CST 3312 Refractory Materials S/CST 3313 Silica Bricks and Shapes S/CST 332 Glass and Glass Products S/CST. 3321 Flat Glass S/CST 3322 Technical Glass S/CST 333 Cement I/PE 334 Abrasives I/PE 3341 Aluminum Oxide I/PE 33+11 Crude I/PE 33412 Grain I/PE 33+2 Silicon Carbide I/PE 33+21 Crude I/PE 33422 Grain M/FM 335 Refractory Bricks and Shapes (for metal- lurgical purposes) S/CST .336 Precast Concrete Products S/CST 3361 Prestressed Concrete Products S/CST 337 Stone, Sand, and Gravel S/CST 3371 Dimension Stone S/CST .3372 Crushed Stone, Sand, and Gravel M/FM-M/NF 34+ Basic Metal Products M/FM 34+1 Iron and Steel S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T M/FM 3411 Pig Iron (including Blast Furnace Ferroalloys) M/FM 3412 Crude Steel (Ingots and Castings) M/FM 34121 Raw Steel Ingots M/FM 34122 Gray Iron Castings M/FM 34123 Malleable Iron Castings M/FM 34124 Steel Castings M/FM 3413 Finished (Rolled) Steel Products M/FM 34131 Rails M/FM 34132 Plates M/FM 34133 Sheets M/FM 34134 Pipes and Tubes M/FM 34135 Wire M/FM 34136 Structural Shapes M/FM 34137 Strip M/FM 34138 Tin Plate M/FM 34139 Bars M/FM 3414 Iron and Steel Scrap M/FM 3415 Iron and Steel Forgings and Pressings M/FM 3416 Semifinished Steel M/FM 34161 Blooms M/FM 34162 Billets (Forgings and the like) M/FM 34163 Slabs M/FM 34164 Sheet Bars M/FM 34165 Skelp M/FM 34166 Tube Rounds M/FM 342 Ferroalloys (Electric Furnace) M/FM 3421 Manganese M/FM 3422 Nickel M/FM 3423 Molybdenum M/FM 3424 Tungsten M/FM 3425 Vanadium M/FM 3426 Cobalt M/FM 3427 Chromium M/FM 3429 Ferroalloys, n.e.c. M/NF 343 Refined Copper M/NF 344 Aluminum M/NF 3441 Alumina Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T M/NF M/NF M/NF M/NF M/NF M/NF M/NF M/NF M/NF M/NF M/NF M/NF M/NF 345 Lead 346 Zinc 34+7 Magnesium 34+9 Other Nonferrous Metals 3+91 Mercury 3+92 Tin 3+93 Cadmium 3494 Gold 3495 Antimony 3+96 Platinum 3+97 Titanium 3+98 Columbium, Tantalum, Germanium, Silicon, and Zirconium 3+99 Nonferrous Metals, n.e.c. 35 Metal Products (except Machinery and Transport Equipment),, n.e.c. 36 Machinery (except Electrical and Electronic) I/PE 361 Engines and Turbines I/PE 3611 Engines I/PE 36111 Steam Engines I/PE 36112 Diesel Engines I/PE 3612 I/PE 36121 Steam Turbines I/PE 36122 Hydraulic Turbines I/PE 36123 Gas Turbines I/PE I/PE IPE I,/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE 362 Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 3621 Tractors 3622 Plows and-Listers 3623 Harrows, Rollers, Pulverizers,' and Mowers 362+ Planting, Seeding, and Fertilizing Machinery 3625 Cultivators and Weeders 3626 Harvesting Machinery 36261 Combines 21 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE 3627 Haying Machinery 3628 Machines for Preparing Crops . for Market or for Use 3629 Agricultural Machinery, n.e.c. 363 Construction and Mining Machinery 3631 Construction Machinery 36311 Excavators and Trench Diggers 36312 Graders, Scrapers, and Bull- dozers 36313 Spreaders and Mixers 36314 Hoists, Loaders, and Winches 36315 Compaction Equipment 363151 Rollers 36316 Dredges 36317 Pneumatic Tools 3632 Coal-Mining Machinery 36321 Coal Cutters 36322 Coal Combines 36323. Coal Loaders 3633 Coal-Processing Machinery 3634 Oilfield Machinery and Exploratory Equipment 364 Metalworking Machinery 3641 Machine Tools (Metal-Cutting) 36411 Boring Machines 36412 Broaching Machines 36413 Drilling Machines 36414 Gear-Cutting and Finishing Machines 36415 Grinding Machines 36416 Lathes 36417 Milling Machines .36418 Planers 36419 Machine Tools, n.e.c. 3642 Metallurgical Machinery - 22 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T I/PE 36421 Smelting Equipment I/PE 36422 Rolling Mills I/PE 3643 Foundry Machinery I/PE 3644 Metalforming Machinery I/PE 36441 Forging machinery I/PE 36442 Bending and Forming Machinery I/PE 36443 Mechanical and Hydraulic Presses I/PE 36444 Punching and Shearing Machinery I/PE 365 Specia l Industrial Machinery I/PE 3651 Food Products Machinery I/PE 3652 Textile Machinery I/PE 3653 Woodworking Machinery I/PE 3654 Paper Industries Machinery I/PE 3655 Printing Trades Machinery I/PE-M/CH 3656. Chemical Equipment I/PE-M/CH 36561 Tire-Manufacturing Machinery I/PE-M/FP 3657 Natural and Synthetic Petroleum Refining and Processing Machinery I/PE-M/CH 3658 Plastic-Molding Machinery I/PE 3659 Special Industrial Machinery, n.e.c. I/PE 366 Genera l Industrial Machinery I/PE-M/CH 3661 Pumps and Compressors I/PE 3662 Fans and Blowers I/PE 3663 Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Equipment I/PE-M/CH 3664 Industrial Furnaces and Ovens I/PE 3665 Materials Handling Equipment I/PE 36651 Elevators and Escalators I/PE-M/CH 36652 Conveyors and Conveying Equipment I/PE 36653 Mechanical Stokers and Chain Grates I/PE 36654 Cranes (except Railroad Mounted Cranes) I/PE 36655 Industrial Trucks, Tractors, Trailers, and Stokers S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T I/PE I/PE I/PE I/MS .I/MS I/MS I/MS I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE M/FP I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE-I/EE I/PE I/PE I/PE I/PE 3666 Mechanical Power Transmission Equipment 3667 Welding Apparatus 3669 General Industrial Machinery, n.e.c. 367 Household Appliances 3671 Refrigerators 3672 Washing Machines 3673 Sewing Machines 368 Machinery Parts 3681 Bearings 36811. Antifriction Bearings 36812 Plain Bearings 3682 Industrial Carbon and Graphite Products 36821 Nuclear-Grade Graphite 369 Machinery (except Electrical and Elec- tronic Machinery), n.e.c. 37 Electrical and Electronic Apparatus, Appliances, and Supplies 371 Electrical Machinery 3711 Motors, Generators, Motor-Generator Sets, and Other Rotating Machines 37111 Motors 37112 Generators 37113 Precision Rotary Equipment 3712 Power-and Distribution Equipment 37121 Power Transformers 37122 Distribution Transformers 37123 Switchgear, Switchboard Apparatus, and Industrial Controls -24- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T I/EE 372 Electric Wire, Cable, and Supplies I/EE 3721 Bare Wire I/EE 3722 Insulated Wire I/EE 3723 Cable I/EE ' 373 Electric Lamps and Lighting Equipment I/EE 374 Electronic Component Parts I/EE 3741 Electronic Tubes I/EE .37411 Receiving Tubes I/EE 37412 Transmitter Tubes ?I/EE 37413 Cathode-Ray Tubes I/EE 37414 Special Tubes I/EE 37415 Microwave Tubes I/EE 3742 Semiconductors I/EE 37421 Dry Rectifiers I/EE 37422 Crystal Diodes I/EE 37423 Transistors I/EE 37424 Photosensitive Elements I/EE 3743 Resistors I/EE 3744 Capacitors I/EE 3745 Transformers (Specialty), Coils, and Magnetic Components I/EE 3746 Transducers I/EE 3747 Antennas, Wave Guides, and Resonators I/EE 3748 Electronic Hardware and Plastic Parts I/EE 3749 Electronic Component Parts, n.e.c. I/EE I/EE I/EE I/EE I/EE 375 Electronic Equipment for Communications, Radar, Navigation, and Special Military Devices (Production) I/EE 3751 Wire Communications Equipment 37511 Telegraph Equipment 37512 Telephone Equipment 37513 Telephone and Telegraphic Terminal Equipment 3752 Radio Communications Equipment - 25 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T I/EE I/EE I/EE I/EE I/EE I/EE I/EE I/EE 37521 Broadcast Transmitters 37522 Communications Receivers and Related Products 37523 Point-to-Point Transmitters and Receivers 37524 Directional Microwave Equip- ment 37525 Jamming Equipment 3753 Television Communications Equipment 37531 Transmitters 37532 Receivers I/EE 3754 Radio and Television Receivers and Related Products I/EE I/EE I/EE I/EE 37541 Radio Receivers 37542 Television Receivers 37543 Loudspeakers 37544 Phonographs I/EE 3755 Radar Equipment I /EE 3756 Electronic Navigation Equipment I/EE 3757 Special Military Electronic Devices I/EE 37571 Guided Missile Electronic I/EE I/EE I/EE I/EE Devices 37572 Proximity Fuses 376 Electronic Equipment, Machinery,-and Materials for Industry 3761 Industrial Electronic Equipment 37611 Railroad Communications Equipment I/EE 37612 Electronic Heating Equipment I/EE 37613 Electron Microscopes I/EE 37614 X-Ray Equipment I/EE 37615 Therapeutic Equipment I/EE 3762 Electronic Computers I/EE 3763 Tape, Wire, and Magnetic Recorders I/EE 3764 Electrical and Electronic Test Equipment - 26 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T I/EE 376+1 Meters I/EE 3765 Electronic Production Machinery I/EE 37651 Special Tube Machinery I/EE 3766 Power Rectifiers and Power Supplies I/EE 3767 Specialized Electronic Production Materials I/EE 37671 Ceramic Insulation I/EE 37672 Tube Fabricated Parts I/EE 37673 Refractory Wire I/EE 3767- Ferrites I/EE 377 Batteries I/EE 3771 Storage Batteries I/EE 3772 Primary Batteries I/EE 3773 Special Batteries I/PE 38 Land Transportation Equipment I/PE, S/TR* 381 Motor Vehicles I/PE 3811 Trucks I/PE 3812 Automobiles I/PE 3813 Omnibuses (including Trolley Omnibuses) I/PE 3814 Motorcycles I/PE 3815 Motor Scooters I/MS 382 Bicycles I/PE, S/TR* 383 Locomotives I/PE 3831 Steam Locomotives I/PE 3832 Electric Locomotives I/PE 3833 Diesel Locomotives I/PE 383+ Gas Turbine Locomotives I/PE 3835 Mining Locomotives I/PE 3836 Industrial and Plant Locomotives I/PE, S/TR* 384 Freight Cars * The first Branch cited is responsible for estimates of production and the second for estimates of inventory. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T I/PE 3841 Boxcars I/PE 3842 Flatcars I/PE 3843 Tank Cars I/PE 3844 Hopper Cars I/PE 3845 Refrigerator Cars I/PE' 3846 Mine Cars I/PE 3847 Industrial and Plant Cars I/PE 3849 Freight Cars, n.e.c. I/PE, 'S/TRH' 385 Railroad Passenger Cars I/PE 39 Nonelectronic Measuring and Controlling Instru- ments and Optical Instruments I/PE 391 Measuring and Controlling Instruments I/MS 3911 Watches and Clocks I/PE 3912 Gyroscopes I/PE 3913 Calipers and Gauges I/PE-I/MS 392 Optical Instruments I/MS 3921 Cameras and Photographic Equipment 4 CONSTRUCTION S/CST 41 Industrial Construction S/CST 411 Buildings, Mines, Oil Wells, Petroleum Refineries, Synthetic Liquid Fuel Plants, and Other Fixed Facilities S/CST 412 Equipment Installations S/CST 413 Auxiliary Facilities S/CST 42 Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribu- tion Construction S/CST 421 Steam Generation Plants S/CST 422 Hydroelectric Generating Facilities S/CST 423, Electric Power Transmission and Distribu-, tion Networks S/CST 43 Transportation and Communication Construction * The first Branch cited is responsible for estimates of production and the second for estimates of inventory. - 28 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 S/C ST 431 Railroad Lines and Terminal Facilities S/CST 432 Canals and Other Improvements of Internal Water Navigation S/CST 433 Harbor and Port Facilities S/CST 434 Airports and Airway Installations S/CST 435 Highways and Highway Traffic Facilities S/CST 436 Pipelines S/CST 437 Telephone and Telegraph.Lines and Facilities S/CST 438 Radio Transmission and Receiving Facilities S/CST 44 Housing Construction S/CST 441 Urban Housing Construction S/CST 442 Rural Housing Construction S/CST 443 Industrial Enterprise Housing Construction S/CST 45 Agricultural Construction S/CST 451 Farm Buildings and Improvements S/CST 452 Irrigation and Drainage Projects S/CST 453 Agricultural Conservation Improvements S/CST-I/ME 46 Military Construction S/CST-I/ME 461 Fortifications S/CST-I/ME 462 Camps, Barracks, and Training Areas S/CST-I/ME 463 Military Storage Facilities S/CST-I/ME 464 Naval Port and Base Facilities S/CST 47 Civil Defense Construction S/CST 471 Public Shelters S/CST 472 Industry Shelters and Special Installations S/CST 473 Government Shelters and Special Installa- tions S/CST 49 Construction, n.e.c. S/CST 491 Governmental Administrative Structures S/CST 492 Schools and Other Cultural Establishments S/CST 493 Scientific Research Installations S/CST 494 Water Supply, Sanitary Services, Gas, and Other Utilities S/C ST 495 Hospitals and Other Health and Welfare Institutions S/CST 496 Offices, Stores, and Other Commercial Establishments S/CST 497 Sanitary-Technical Materials - 29 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A0004001.30001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T S/CST 4971 Heaters S/CST 4972 Boilers S/CST 4973 Sewer Pipe and Fittings S/CST 4974 Sanitary Porcelain S/CST 4975 Asbestos-Cement Pipe S/CST 499 Building Materials S/CST 4991 Roofing Materials S/CST s/CST S/CST S/CST S/CST S/CST M/FP 49911 Soft Roofing 49912 Ceramic Roof Tile 49913 Asbestos-Cement Roof Tile 49914 Cement Roof Tile 49915 Galvanized Iron Roofing 4992 Other Building Materials 5 ELECTRICITY 51 Electric Power Generation M/FP 511 Hydroelectric Power M/FP 512 Thermal Electric Power M/FP 513 Nuclear Electric Power M/FP M/FP 52 Electric Power Transmission 53 Electric Power Distribution 6 TRADE AND FINANCE A/PC 61 Domestic Trade D/A 62 Domestic Finance S/TF 63 International Trade S/TF 631 Value and Direction of Trade Within the Sino-Soviet Bloc (Aggregate) S/TF 6311 Exports S/TF 6312 Imports S/TF 632 Value and Direction of Trade of the Sino- Soviet Bloc with Non-Bloc Countties (Aggregate) S/TF 6321 Exports S/TF 6322 Imports S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T S/TF S/TF S/TF S/TF S/TF S/TF S/TF S/TF S/TF S/TD S/TD S/TD S/TD S/TD S/TD S/TD S/TD S/TD S/TR S/TR S/TR S/TR S/TR S/TR S/TR S/TR S/TR S/TR S/TR 64 International Finance 641 Economic and Technical Assistance 6411 Assistance to Countries of the Sino-Soviet Bloc 6412 Assistance to Countries Outside the Sino-Soviet Bloc 642 Military Assistance 6421 Assistance to Countries of the Sino-Soviet Bloc 6422 Assistance to Countries Outside the Sino-Soviet Bloc 643 Gold Sales 644 Foreign Exchange Holdings 65 Illicit International Trade Activities 651 Security Trade Controls 6511 Regulations 6512 Impact 6513 Application 6514 Enforcement 6515 Evasion 652 Agencies and Firms 653 Traders and Trading Organizations 7 TRANSPORT, STORAGE, AND COMMUNICATIONS 71 Transport Railroad Transport 7111 Passenger 71111 Passengers Carried 71112 Passenger-Kilometers 71113 Operating Statistics 7112 Freight 71121 Tons Originated 71122 Ton-Kilometers 71123 Operating Statistics 7113 Railroad Transport Network - 31 - S-E-C-R-E-T' Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T S/TR SITE S/TR S/TR SITE SITE S/TR SITE SITE SITE S/TR SITE SITE S/TR SITE SITE SITE SITE SITE SITE SITE SITE SITE SITE SITE SITE SITE SITE SITE SITE SITE S/TR S/TD. S/TD SITE 712 Road Transport 7121 Passenger 71211 Passengers Carried---- 71212 Passenger-Kilometers 71213 Operating Statistics 7122 Freight 71221 Tons Originated 71222 Ton-Kilometers 71223 Operating Statistics 7123 Road Transport Network 713 Maritime Transport 7131 International 71311 Passenger 713111 Passengers Carried 713112 Passenger-Kilometers 713113 Operating. Statistics 71312 Freight 713121 Tons Originated 713122 Ton-Kilometers 713123 Operating Statistics 71321 Passenger 713211 Passengers Carried 713212 Passenger-Kilometers 713213 Operating Statistics 71322 Freight 713221 Tons Originated 713222 Ton-Kilometers 713223 Operating Statistics 7133 Maritime Transport Network 71331 International 71332 Coastal 7134, Chartering . 7135 Suspect Vessels 714 Inland Water Transport - 32 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 S/TR S/TR S/TR S/TR S/TR S/TR S/TR S/TR S/TR S/TR S/TR S/TR S/TR S/TR S/TR S/TR S/TR S/TR S/TR S/TR-M/FP S/TR-M/FP S/TR-M/FP S/TR-M/FP S/TR-M/FP M/FP M/FP M/AG I/ME A/PC S/COM S/COM S/COM 7141 Passenger 71411 Passengers Carried 71412 Passenger-Kilometers 71413 Operating Statistics 7142 Freight 71421 Tons Originated 71,422 Ton-Kilometers 71423 Operating Statistics 7143 Inland Water Transport Network 715 Air Transport 7151 Passenger 71511 Passengers Carried 71512 Passenger-Kilometers 71513 Operating Statistics 7152 Freight 71521 Tons Originated 71522 Ton-Kilometers 71523 Operating Statistics 7153 Air Transport Network 716 Pipeline Transport 7161 Crude Petroleum 7162 Natural, Shale, and Manufactured Gas 7163 Petroleum Products 7164 Pipeline Transport Network 72 Storage and Warehousing 721 Industrial Product and Material Ware- housing and Storage 7211 Petroleum and Petroleum Product Storage 7212 Natural Gas Storage 722 Agricultural Product Storage and Warehousing 723 Military End-Item Storage and Warehousing 724 Consumer Goods Storage and Warehousing 73 Communications Services and Facilities 731 Telephone 7311 Telephone Calls 33 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 :"CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T S/COM 73111 Local S/COM 73112 Long Distance S/COM 7312 Telephone Subscribers S/COM 7313 Inventory of Telephone Plants and Facilities S/COM 73131 Telephone Offices and Exchanges S/COM 73132 Telephone Sets S/COM 73133 Telephone Booths S/COM 732 Telegraph S/COM 7321 Telegrams Sent S/COM 7322 Inventory of Telegraph Plants and Facilities S/COM 73221 Telegraph Offices S/COI 73222 Telegraph Apparatus S/Com 7323 Facsimile (Pictures, Drawings, and the like, sent by electricalmeans) S/COM 7324 Subscriber Telegraph Services (Telex) S/COM 733. Postal S/COM 7331 Postal Volume S/COM 7332 Inventory of Postal Facilities S/COM 7333 Postal Routes S/COM 734 Courier S/CON 735 Inventory of Broadcasting Facilities S/CoM 7351 Radiobroadcasting S/CoM 73511 Radiobroadcasting Transmitters S/CoM 73512 Radiobroadcasting Stations S/COM 73513 Radiobroadcasting Receivers in Use S/CON 7352 Wire Diffusion S/COM 73521 Wire Diffusion Centers S/Com 73522 Wired Loudspeakers in Use S/COM 7353. Television S/CoM 73531 Television Transmitters S/CoM 73532 Television -Stations S/CON 73533 Television Receivers in Use S/CoM . 736 Inventory of Joint (Common) Facilities S/CoM 7361 Wirelines and Cable S/Com 7362 Minrowave.Radio Relay S/COM 7363 PoInt-to-Point Radio - 34 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 S/COM S/COM S/COM S/COM s/COM S/COM S/COM S/COM S/COM S/COM S/COM S/COM s/COM s/COM S/COM S/COM s/COM D/A A/PC A/PC A/PC A/PC A/PC A/PC A/PC A/PC A/PC A/PC A/PC- A/PC A/PC A/PC A./PC A/PC A/PC. A/PC A/PC 737 Functional Communications Systems 7371 Aeronautical 7372 Meteorological 7373 Railroad 7374 Radio Location and Radio Control Systems 7375 Maritime 738 Military Communications 7381 Air Defense 7382 Guided Missiles 73.83 Army 738+ Navy 7385 Air 7391 Telephone. 7392 Telegraph 7393 Postal 739+ Broadcasting 8 SERVICES 81 Economic Administration and Control 82 Community and Business Services 821 Educational Institutions and Systems 8211 Primary Schools 8212 Secondary Schools 8213 Institutions of Higher Education 821+ Technical and Specialized Schools 8215 Libraries 822 Medical and Other Health Services (includ- ing Sanatoriums and Rest Homes) 823 Religious Services 824 Welfare Services 825 Legal Services 826. Business Services 827 Industrial Services 828 Cooperative and Labor Organizations 8281 Labor Organizations 829 Community Services, n.e.c. 83 Recreational Services 831 Motion Picture Distribution and Projection 832 Theaters and Related Services - 35 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 A/PC 84 Perso S-E-C nal Se -R-E-T rvices 9 MILITARY END ITEMS I/AR 91 Aircr aft I/AR 911 Bomber Aircraft I/AR. 9111 Light I/AR 9112 Medium I/AR 9113 -Heavy I/AR 9114 Reconnaissance I/AR 9115 Ground Attack I/AR 9116 Amphibious I/AR 912 Fighter Aircraft I/AR 92121 Day Fighters I/AR 92122 Night and All-Weather Fighters I/AR 92123 Interceptors I/AR 92124 Fighter Bombers I/AR 92125 Reconnaissance I/AR 92126 Amphibious I/AR, S/TR* 913 Transport Aircraft I/AR 9131 Light I/AR 9132 Medium I/AR 9133 Heavy I/AR 9134 Amphibious I/AR 914 Utility and Other Aircraft I/AR 9141 Trainers I/AR 9142 -Liaison I/AR 9143 -Helicopters I/AR 9144 Autogiros I/AR 9145 Gliders I/AR 9146 Lighter-than-Air I/AR 9147 Drones I/AR 91+8 Amphibious I/AR 9149 Aircraft, n.e.c. I/AR 915 Aircraft Engines * The first Branch cited is responsible for estimates and the second for estimates of inventory. - 36 - of production Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T I/AR 9151 Reciprocating (Piston) I/AR 9152 Turbojet I/AR 9153 Pulse-Jet I/AR 9154 Ram-Jet I/AR 9155 Rocket I/AR 9156 Turboprop I/AR 9157 Jato I/AR 9159 Aircraft Engines, n.e.c. I/AR 916 Aircraft Propellers I/AR 9161 Fixed Pitch I/AR 9162 Hydromatic I/AR 9163 Electric .I/AR 9164 Supersonic .I/AR 9165 Rotors I/AR' 917 Aircraft Assemblies* and Components** I/AR I/AR I/AR I/AR I/AR I/AR I/AR I/AR I/AR I/AR 9171 Airframe Assemblies 9172 Airframe Components 9173 Engine Assemblies 9174 Engine Components 9175 Propeller Assemblies 9176 Propeller Components 918 Aircraft Equipment*** 9181 Airframe Equipment 9182 Engine Equipment 9183 Maintenance and Servicing Equipment I/SH 92 Vessels I/SH 921 Naval Vessels * The term assemblies refers to major assemblies of airframes, engines, and propellers, such as wings, engine nacelles, fuselage sections, control surfaces, and propeller engine compressors. , ** The term components refers to individual parts and systems of the airframe, engine, or propellers, such as wheels, brakes, struts, controls, tanks, compressor blades, and propeller blades. *** The term equipment refers to individual equipment installed in the aircraft engine or propeller, such as instruments, seats, belts, engine pumps, carburetors, and anti-icer and de-icer equipment. S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T I/SH 9211 Principal-Combat Types (Surface) I/SH 9212 Minor Combat Types (Surface) I/SH 9213 Submarines I/SH 9214 Naval Auxiliaries I/SH 922 Naval Ordnance I/SH 9221 Surface Ordnance I/SH 9222 Underwater Ordnance I/SH, S/TR* 923 Merchant Vessels I/SH 9231 Maritime Vessels, Oceangoing 1/SH 92311 Self-Propelled I/SH 92312 Non-Self-Propelled I/S11 9232 Inland Vessels I/SH 92321 Self-Propelled I/SH 92322 Non-Self-Propelled I/SH 9233 Fishing Vessels I/SH 92331 Oceangoing I/SH 92332 Inland I/SH 924 Vessel Repairs, Conversion, and Salvage I/SH 9241 Naval I/SH 9242 Maritime I/SH 9243 Inland I/SH 9244 Fishing I/SH 925 Vessel Components I/SH 9251 Main Propulsion Machinery I/SH 9252 Auxiliaryand Deck Machinery I/SH 9253 Hull Components I/SH 9254 Equipment and Outfit I/SH 926 Shipyards I/ME 93 Military Weapons and Equipment (including Air- borne Guns but excluding Waterborne Guns, Underwater Ordnance, and Nuclear Weapons) I/ME 931 Artillery * The first Branch cited is responsible for estimates of production and the second for estimates of inventory. - 38 - Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T I/ME 9311 Heavy I/ME 9312 Medium I/ME 9313 Light I/ME 931- Antiaircraft I/ME 932 Small Arms I/ME 9321 Heavy Machineguns I/ME 9322 Light.Machineguns I/ME 9323 Submachineguns I/ME 932+ Rifles and Carbines I/ME 9325 Pistols I/ME 933 Special Weapons I/ME 9331 Mortars I/ME 9332 Infantry Antitank Weapons I/ME 9333 Rocket Launchers other than Anti- tank Rocket Launchers I/ME 931l Armored Combat Vehicles I/ME 9341 Tanks I/ME 9342 Assault and Self-Propelled Guns I/ME 9343 Armored Personnel Carriers and Prime Movers I/ME 935 Military Vehicles I/ME 9351 Unarmored Prime Movers I/ME 9352 Repair Vehicles I/ME 9353 Unarmored Carriers I/GM 936 Guided Missiles (all types) .I/ME .937 Military Engineering Equipment (excluding Mines) I/ME 9371 Bridging and Amphibious Equipment I/ME 9372 Construction Equipment I/ME 937 Ordnance Equipment, n.e.c. I/ME 938 Military Weapons and Equipment, n.e.c. I/ME 94 Ammunition (including Naval Ammunition, but not Underwater,Ordnance, and including Components for Ammunition) - 39 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T I/ME 941 Artillery Ammunition I/ME 942 Small Arms Ammunition I/ME 943 Ammunition for Special Weapons I/ME 9431 Rockets I/ME 944 Explosive Devices I/ME 9441 Rifle Grenades I/ME 9442 Land Mines I/ME 9443 Hand Grenades M/FP 95 Nuclear Energy Program M/FP 96 Total Energy 40 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T IV. Classification of Economic Factors and Aggregates. Al POPULATION A./PC All Size A/PC A12 Birt A/PC A13 Comp A/PC A14+ Move A/PC A21 Empl , Changes h, Death, osition, ments oyment an , and Trends and Vital Rates Distribution, and Characteristics d Unemployment I/ME-A/PC A211 Military Personnel I/ME A2111 Army I/ME A2112 Navy I/ME A2113 Air Force I/ME A2114 Militarized Security Force A/PC A212 Civilian Labor Force A/PC A2121 Civilian Labor Force, by Age Group and Sex A/PC A2122 Civilian Labor Force, by Sector of Economy A/PC A21221 State A/PC A21222 Collective A/PC A21223 Private A/PC A2123 Civilian Labor Force, by Branch of the Economy A/PC A21231 Agriculture A/PC A21232 Industry A/PC A21233 Services A/PC A213 Other Special Groups A/PC A2131 Women A/PC A2132 Children and Youths A/PC A2133 Migratory A/PC A2134 Immigrants and Aliens A/PC A2135 Forced Labor - 41 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T A/PC A214 Labor Conditions A/PC A2141 Hours and Wages A/PC A2142 Conditions of Work A/PC A2143 Productivity A/PC A2144 Turnover and Migration A/PC A215 Labor Control A31 A32 A33 Location Size Use A4 NATIO NAL AC COUNTS D/A A41 Gross and Net National Product and National Income and Components D/A All Receipts and Expenditures Breakdown D/A A412 Sector of Origin D/A A413 Growth D/A A414 Capital Consumption (Depreciation) D/A A4141 Magnitude D/A A4142 Method for Measurement D/A A415 Consumer Expenditure D/A A416 Gross and Net Investment D/A A4161 Magnitude D/A A4162 Allocation, by Sector D/A A4163 Rate of Change D/A A4164 Financing D/A A4165 Form and Mechanism of Savings I/ME-D/A A417 Military Expenditures I/ME-D/A A4171 Definition I/ME-D/A A4172 Magnitude I/ME-D/A A4173 Rate of Change D/A A418 Subsidies D/A A4181 Magnitude D/A A4182 Allocation, by Sector D/A A4183 Changes - 42 -- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T D/A A419 National Aggregates in Real Terms D/A A42 Budget D/A A421 Expenditures (Current and Capital Accounts) D/A A4211 Investment D/A-I/ME A4212 Military D/A A4213 Other D/A A422 Receipts D/A A4221 Turnover Tax D/A A423 Relation to GNP and Components D/A A43 Economic Planning D/A A431 Financial Plan D/A A432 Monetary Policy D/A A4321 Credit Policies D/A A4322 Currency Controls D/A A4323 Foreign Exchange D/A A433 Economic Plan .D/A A434 Material Balances D/A A44 Capital D/A A441 Amount D/A A442 Age D/A A443 Kind D/A A444 Productivity Measures D/A A45 National Wealth D/A A451 Reserves D/A A4511 Quantity D/A A4512 Kind D/A A452 Location of Natural Resources D/A A4521 Changes in Sites of Exploitation -43 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T D/A A453 Location of Economic Activity D/A A4531 Changes in Location D/A A454 Agglomeration D/A A4541 Trends PRICES, PRICE INDEXES, AND INDEXES OF PRODUCTION D/A A51 -Prices D/A A511 Role of Price System D/A A512 Relation of Prices to Real Costs D/A A513 Methods of Pricing D/A A514 Foreign Trade Pricing D/A A515 Price Quotations D/A A516 Prices of Consumer Goods and Services .I/MS A5161 ,Prices of Nonfood Consumer Goods D/A A52 Index Numbers D/A A521 Price Indexes, Over-All and by Sector ?D/A A5211 Trends D/A A5212 Weighting D/A. A522 Indexes of Production, Over-All and by Sector D/A A5221 Weighting Systems D/A A5222 Growth, by Sector I/MS A5223 Machine Building Industry I/MS A5224 Nonfood Consumer Goods A6 ECON OMIC THEORY AND POLICY D/A A61 Economic Theory and Thought D/A A611 Trends in Economic Thinking D/A A62 Methodological Studies D/A A63 Economic Statistics D/A A631 Quantity D/A A632 Trends D/A A633 Validity Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 D/A A64 S-E-C-R-E-T Economic Policy D/A A641 Market and Enterprise Organization D/A-I/MS A642 Consumer Goods' Policy D/A A643 Agricultural Policy D/A A644 Changes in Policy and Their Implication S./TD-D/A A645 Economic Defense Policy D/A A65 Economic Integration of the Soviet Bloc - 45 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 MISSING PAGE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT MISSING PAGE(S): Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 The numbers given in this index are the classification numbers listed in III and IV, above. Abrasives, 334; Natural, 191 Accounts, National, A4 Acetic Acid, 31271 Acetone, 31265 Acids, 3111 Administration and Control, Economic, 81 Administrative Structures, Construction, 491 Aeronautical Communications Systems, 7371 Agriculture, 0; Construction, 45; Machinery, 362;. Product Storage and Warehousing, 722 Air-Conditioning Equipment, 3663 Aircraft, 911-914; Assemblies and Components, 917; Engines, 915; Equipment,;918; Propellers, 916 Air Defense Communications, 7381; Military Communications, 7385; Transport, 715 Airframe Assemblies, 9171; Components, 9172; Equipment, 9181 Airport Construction, 434 Alcohol, Beverage, 21; Butyl, 31262; Ethyl, 31261; Furfural, 31261+; ,Methyl, 31263 Alkalies-, 3112 Alumina, 341+1 Aluminum, Metal, 344; Ores, 125; Oxide, 3341 Amatol, 31418 Amines, 31427 Ammonia, Synthetic, 31121 Ammonite, 31417 Ammonium Hydroxide, 31124; Nitrate, 31311; Perchlorate, 31424; Sulfate, 31312 Ammunition, 94 Aniline, 31222 Animal Fats and Oils, 2042 Antennas, 3747 Anthracite, 11111 Antibiotics, 3151 Antifriction Bearings, 36811 Antimony, Metal, 3495; Ore, 1291 Antitank Weapons, 9332 - 47 - Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Apatite, 1922 Appliances, Household, 367 Area, A3 Armored Combat Vehicles, 934; Personnel Carriers, 9343 Arms, Military, 93 Army Communications, 7383 Arsenic Compounds, 3161 Artillery, 931; Ammunition, 941 Asbestos, 193 Asbestos-Cement Pipe, 4975; Roof Tile, 49913 Asphalts, 32162 Assault and Self-Propelled Guns, 9342 Assemblies and Components, Aircraft, 917 Assistance, Economic and Technical, 641; Military, 642 Aureomycin, 31514 Autogiros, 9144 Automobiles, 3812 Aviation End Items, 91; Gasoline, 32121 Bakery Products, 206 Bare Wire (Electric), 3721 Barley, 01121 Bars, Sheet, 34164 Bast Fibers, 0124 Batteries, 377- Bauxite, 1251 Bearings, 3681; Antifriction, 36811; Plain, 36812 Beer, 213 Bending Machinery, 36442 Benzene Hexachloride (Hexachloran), 31642; Refined, 31211 Benzol, Refined, 31211 Beverages, 21; Brewed and Malt, 213; Distilled, Rectified, and Blended Spirits, 211 Bicycles, 382 Billets, Steel, 34162 Biological Warfare Agents, 318 Bitumens, 32162 Bituminous Coal, 11112 Black Powder, 31421 -Blooms, Steel, 34161 Blowers, 3662 Boilers (Construction Materials), 4972 Bombers, 911 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Borax, 198 Boring Machines, 36411 Boron Compounds, 31425 Boxcars, 3841 Breadgrains, 0111 Brewed and Malt Beverages, 213 Bricks,.3311; Refractory, 355; Silica, 3313 Bridging and Amphibious Equipment, Military, 9371 Briquettes, Fuel, 3232 Broaching Machines, 36412 Broadcasting Equipment (Production), Radio and Television, 3754; Radio Communications, 3752; Television Communications, 3753 Broadcasting Facilities (Inventory), 735; International, 7394; Radio, 7351; Television, 7353; Wire Diffusion, 7352 Broken Stone, Metallurgical, 14 Brown Coal, 1112 Budget, A42 Building Materials, 499 Bulldozers, 36312 Buses, 3813 Business Services, 826 Butanol, 31262 Butter, 2022 Butyl Alcohol, 31262 Cable, Inventory, 7361; Production, 3723 Cadmium, Metal, 3493; Ore, 1293 Calcium Carbide, 31136; Carbonate, 31125; Cyanamide, 31313; Metal, 31138 Calipers, 3913 Calls, Telephone, 7311; International, 7391; Local, 73111; Long Distance, 73112 Cameras, 3921 Camps and Barracks, Military Construction, 462 Canal Construction, 432 Canned Goods, 203 Capital, A44; National Capital Consumption, A414 Carbon Dioxide, 31145 Carbon, Industrial, 3682 Cars, Automotive, 3812; Railroad, 384-385 Capacitors, 3744 Carbines, 9324 Castings, 3412; Gray Iron, 34122; Malleable Iron, 34123; Steel, 34124 Cathode-Ray Tubes, 37413 Cattle, 0162 - 49 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Caustic Soda, 31122 Cellulose, Plastic Materials, 31231 Cement, 333; Roof Tile, 49914 Ceramic Insulation, 37671; Roof Tile, 49912 Chain Grates, 36653 Charcoal, 2511; Briquettes, 3232 Chartering, Maritime Transport, 7134 Cheese, 2023 Chemical Equipment, 3656; Fertilizer Minerals, 192; Warfare Agents, 317 Chemicals and Chemical Products, 31 Chlorine, 31131 Chloromycetin, 31516 Chocolate, 208 Chromite, 1227 Chromium, Metal, 3427; Ore, 1227 Civil Defense Construction, 47 Civilian Labor Force, A212 Clay, Structural-Products, 331 Clocks and Watches, 3911 Coal, 111; Mining Machinery, 3632; Processing Machinery, 3633; Products, 323 Coar-se Grains, 0112 Coastal Maritime Transport, 7132 Cobalt, Metal, 3426; Ore, 1226 Cocoa, 208 Coils, Electronic, 3745 Coke, 3231; Briquettes, 3232; Manufactured Gas, 3233; Met-allurgical, 32311; Petroleum, 32163 Colleges, 8213 Columbium, 3498 Combines, Agricultural, 36261; Coal, 36322 Commercial Facilities Construction, 496; Services, 82 Communications, Construction, 43; Equipment (Production), 375; Services and Facilities (Inventory), 73 Community Services, 82 Compaction Equipment, 36315 Components, Aircraft, 917; Electronic, 374; Magnetic, 3745 Compressors, 3661 Computers, Electronic, 3762 Concrete Products, Precast, 336; Prestressed, 3361 Conservation, Agricultural Projects; 453 Construction, 4; Machinery, 3631; Military Equipment, 9372; Wood, 2521 Consumer Expenditures, A415 Oonsumer Goods Storage and Warehousing, 724 Controls, Electrical, 37123; Trade, 651 Conveyors and Conveying Equipment, 36652 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Cooperatives, 828 Copper, Compounds, 3162; Ores, 123; Refined Metal, 343 Corn, 01123 Cotton, 0122; Fabrics, 2321; Fiber, 01222; Seed, 01221; Yarns and Threads, 2311 Courier Communications, 734 Cranes, 36654 Cresol, 31215 Crops, Agricultural, 01 Crossties, 2523 Crude Oil (Petroleum), 131 Crude Steel, 3412 Crushed Stone, 3372; Metallurgical, 14 Cryolite, 3115 Crystal Diodes, 37422 Cultivators, 3625 Cultural Establishments, Construction, 492 Cutters, Coal, 36321 Cyclic Organic Chemicals, 3121 Cyclonite (RDX), 31412 Dairy Products, 202 DDT, 31641 Diamonds, Industrial, 151 Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, 31641 Diesel Engines, 36112; Fuel, 32141; Locomotives, 3833 Diggers, Trench, 36311 Dihydrostreptomycin, 31513 Dimension Stone, 3371 Diodes, Crystal, 37422 Directional Microwave Equipment (Production), 3752+ Distillate Oils, Heavy, 3214; Light, 3213 Distilled Beverages, 211 Distribution Transformers, 37122 Dolomite, 142 Domestic Finance, 62; Trade, 61 Dredges, 36316 Drilling Machines, 36413 Drones, 9147 Drugs, 315; Sulfa, 3152 Dyes, 3122; Synthetic, 31221 Dynamite, 31416 - 51 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Economic Activity (Location), A.453; Administration and Control, 81; Planning, A43; Theory and Policy, A6 Economic and Technical Assistance, 641 Education, Facilities Construction, 492; Institutions and Systems, 821 Eggs, 2024 Elastomers, 3123 Electricity, 5 Electric Lamps and Lighting Equipment, 373; Locomotives, 3832; Machinery, 371; Wire, Cable, and Supplies, 372 Electric Power, Distribution, 53; Facilities Construction, 422-423; Generation, 51; Transmission, 52 Electrochemical Products, 3113 Electronics Equipment, 374-377 Electron Microscopes, 37613 Elevators, 36651 Employment, A21 Energy, Electric, 5; Nuclear, 95; Total; 96 Engineering Equipment, Military, 937 Engines, 3611; Aircraft, 915; Diesel, 36112; Steam, 36111 Escalators, 36651 Ethanol, 31261 Ether, 31266 Ethyl Alcohol, 31261; Mercuric Chloride (Granozan), 31646 Excavators, 36311 Expenditures, Budget, A421; Consumer, A415; Military, A417; National Accounts, A411 Explosives, 314; Devices, 944 Fabrics, 232 Facsimile Telegrams, 7323 Fans, 3662 Fats and Oils, 204; Animal, 2042; Vegetable, 2041 Ferrites, 37674 Ferroalloyin.g Metallic Ores, 122 Ferroalloys,, Blast-Furnace, 3411; Electric Furnace, 342 Fertilizer Minerals, 192 Fertilizers, Mineral, 313; Mixed, 3134; Nitrogen, 3131; Phosphorous, 3132; Potassium, 3133 Fertilizing Machinery, 3624 Fibers, Bast, 0124; Cotton, 01222; Pulp, 271; Silk, 0125; Wool, 0123 - 52- Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Fighters, 912 Finance, 6; Domestic, 62; International, 64 Finished Steel Products, 3413 Finishing Machines, 36414 Fishing, 04; Repairs, Conversion, and Salvage, 9244; Vessels, 9233 Flatcars,,3842 Flat Glass, 3321 Flax, 01241 Flour, 2051 Fluorine, 31132;. Compounds, 3115 Fluorspar, 1991 Food Products, 20; Machinery, 3651 Footwear, 241; Leather, 2411; Rubber, 303 Foreign Exchange Holdings, 644 Forestry, 021 Forging Machinery, 36441 Forgings, Iron and Steel, 3415 Formaldehyde, 31273 Forming Machinery, 36442 Fortifications, Military Construction, 461 Foundry Machinery, 3643 Freight Cars, 384 Freight Transport, Air, 7152; Coastal Maritime, 71322; Inland Water, 7142; International Maritime, 71312; Railroad, 7112; Road, 7122 Fruits, 0131 Fuel, Briquettes, 3232; Diesel, 32141; Jet, 32131; Motor (Heavy Diesel), 32142 Fuelwood, 251 Fungicides, 316 Furfural Alcohol, 31264 Furnaces, Industrial, 3664 Furniture, 26 Furs, 282 Fuses, Proximity, 37572 Game Propagation, 03 Gases, Chemical, 3114 Gas,. Natural, 132; Natural Liquids, 133; Products, 32; Storage, 7212; Transport, 716; Turbines, 36123; Utilities Construction, 494 Gasoline, 3212; Aviation, 32121; Motor,,32122 Gas Turbine Locomotives, 3834 Gauges, 3913 Gear-Cutting Machines, 36414 - 53 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Gems,. Industrial, 15 Generators, 37112 Germanium, 3498 Glass, Flat, 3321; Products, 332; Technical, 3322 Gliders, 9145 Glycols, 31422 Goats, 0165 Gold, Metal, 3494; Ore, 1271; Sales, 643 Governmental Administrative Structures, Construction, 491 Graders, 36312 Grains, 011; Bread, 0111; Coarse, 0112; Mill Products, 205 Granozan, 31646 Graphite, Natural, 197; Nuclear-Grade, 36821; Products, 3682 Grates, Chain, 36653 Gravel, 3372 Grenades, Hand, 9443; Rifle, 9441 Grinding Machines, 36415 Gross National Product, Income and Components, A41 Guided Missiles, 936; Communications (Inventory), 7382; Electronic Equipment (Production), 37571 Guns, Assault and Self-Propelled, 9342; Small Arms, 932 Gypsum, 1992 Gyroscopes, 3912 Halogens, 3113 Harbor and Port Facilities, 433 Hard Coal, 1111 Hardware, Electronic, 3748 Harrows, 3623 Harvesting Machinery, 3626 Hay, 0141 Haying Machinery, 3627 Health, Facilities Construction, 495; Services, 822 Heaters (Construction Materials), 4971 Heating Equipment, Electronic, 37612 Helicopters, 9143 Helium, 31144 Hemp, 01242 Herbicides, 316 Hexogen (R]), 31412 Higher Education, Schools, 8213 High Explosives, 3141 Highway Construction, 435 54 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Hogs, 0163 Hoists, 36314 Hopper Cars, 3844 Horses, 0161 Hosiery, 2333 Hospital Construction, 495 Household Appliances, 367 Housing, Construction, 44 Hunting, 03 Hydraulic Presses, 36443; Turbines, 36122 Hydrazines, 31426 Hydrochloric Acid, 31113 Hydroelectric Power, 511 Hydrofluoric Acid, 31114 Hydrogen, 31141 Hydrogen Peroxide, 31135 Illicit Trade Activities, 65 Indexes, Price, A521; Production, A522 Industrial Construction, 41; Freight Cars, 3847; Gems, 15; Locomotives, 3836; Products Storage and Warehousing, 721; Services, 827; Wood, 252 Ingots, 3412; Raw Steel, 34121 Initiators, 31+3 Inland Water, Facilities Construction, 432; Repairs, Conversion, and Salvage, 9243; Transport, 714; Vessels, 9232 Inorganic Chemicals, 311 Insecticides, 316 Insulated Wire (Electric), 3722 Intermediate Chemicals and Dyes, 3122 International Communications, 739; Finance, 64;.Maritime Trans- port, 7131; Trade, 63 Intra-Bloc Trade, 631 Investment, Gross and Net, A416 Iodine, 31133 Iron, Galvanized Roofing, 49915; Ore, 121; Products, 341 Irrigation and Drainage Projects, 452 Jamming Equipment, 37525 Jet Fuel, 32131 Jute, 01243 - 55 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Kerosine, 32133; Heating, 321333; Lamp, 321331; Tractor, 321332 Knitted Products, 233; Outerwear, 2331; Underwear, 2332 Labor Force, A2; Civilian, A212; Conditions, A214; Control, A215; Military, A211; Other Special Groups, A213 -Lamps, Electric, 373 Land Mines, 9442 Land Transportation Equipment, 38 Lathes, 36416 Load, Azide, 31432; Metal, 345; Ore, 1241 Leather, 281 Legal Services, 825 Legumes, 014? Liaison Aircraft, 9142 Libraries, 8215 Lighter-than--Air Aircraft, 9146 Lighting Equipment (Electric), 373 Lignite, 1112 Ligroine, 32132 Lime, 1994; Lime-Sulfur Compounds, 3163 Limestone, 141 Linen Fabrics, 2323; Yarns and Threads, 2313 Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), 3218 Listers, 3622 Lithium Compounds, 31127 Livestock, 016 Loaders, Coal, 36323; Construction, 36314 Locomotives, 383 Logging, 022 Loudspeakers, Inventory, 73522; Production, 3751+3 LPG, 3218 Lubricants, 3215 Lumber,25211 Machineguns, Heavy, 9321; Light, 9322 Machinery, 36; Electrical and Electronic, 37 Machine Tools, 3641 - 56 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Magnesium, Metal, 347; Ore, 126 Magnetic Components, 3745; Recorders, 3763 Malt Beverages, 213 Manganese, Metal, 3421; Ore, 1221 Manufactured Gas, 3233 Manufacturing, 2-3 Margarine, 2092 Maritime Communications Systems, 7375; Repairs, Conversion, and Salvage, 9242; Transport, 713; Vessels, Oceangoing, 9231 Materials Handling Equipment, 3665 Mazut, 32161 Measuring and Controlling Instruments, Nonelectronic, 391; Test Equipment, Electrical and Electronic, 3764 Meat, 201 Medical Services, 822 Melamine Resins, 312322 Merchant Vessels, 923 Mercury, Fulminate, 31431; Metal, 3491; Ore, 1294 Metalforming Machinery, 3644 Metallic Ores and Concentrates, 12 Metallurgical Coke, 32311; Machinery, 3642 Metal Products, 34-35 Metalworking Machinery, 364 Meteorological Communications Systems (Inventory), 7372 Meters, 37641 Methanol, 31263 Methyl Alcohol, 31263 Mica, 195; Scrap, 1952; .Sheet, 1951 Microscopes, Electron, 37613 Microwave Radio Relay Equipment (Production), 37524; Facilities (Inventory), 7362; Tubes, 37415 Military, Communications (Inventory), 738; Construction, 46; Elec- tronic Devices (Production), 37571; End Items, 9; End-Item Storage and Warehousing, 723; Expenditures, A417; Personnel, A211; Vehicles, 935; Weapons and Equipment, 93 Milk, 2021 Milling Machines, 36417 Minerals, 1; Products, 3 Mines, Land, 9442 Mining, 1; Construction, 411; Freight Cars, 3846; Locomotives, 3835; Machinery, 3632 Mixers, 36313 Molybdenite, 1223 Molybdenum, Metal, 3423; Ore, 1223 Mortars, 9331 Motion Pictures, Distribution and Projection, 831; Theaters, 832 Motorcycles, 3814 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Motor Fuel, 32142; Gasoline, 32122; Scooters, 3815; Vehicles, 381; Vehicle Tires, 301 Motors, Electric, 37111 Mowers, 3623 Muriate, 31331 Naphthalene, 31214 National Accounts, A4; Product and Income, A41; Wealth, A45 Natural Gas, 132; Liquids, 133; -Resources (Location), A452 Naval Communications, 7384; Construction, 464; Ordnance, 922; Repairs, Conversion, and Salvage, 9241; Vessels, 921 Navigation, Electronic Equipment, 3756; Facilities Construction, 432; Transport, 713-714; Transport Equipment, 92 Newsprint, 27111 Nickel, Metal, 3422; Ore, 1222 Nitric Acid, 31112 Nitrocellulose, 31423 Nitrogen, 31143 Nitrogen Fertilizers, 3131 Nitroglycerine, 31422 Nonmetallic Minerals, 19 Nuclear Electric Power, 513; Energy Program, 95; Fissionable Ores, 128 Nuclear-Grade Graphite, 36821 Oats, 01122 Office, Store, and Commercial Facilities Construction, 496 Offices and Exchanges, Telegraph, 73221; Telephone, 73131 Oil, Animal, 2042; Crude, 131; Facilities Construction, 411; Oil- field Machinery and Exploratory Equipment, 3634; Products, 32; Refining and Processing Machinery, 3657; Storage, 7211; Transport, 716; Vegetable, 2041 Oil Bearing Vegetables, 0127 Oil Shale, 113 Omnibuses, 3813 Optical Instruments, Nonelectronic, 392 Ordnance, Military, 938; Naval, 922 Ores, Metallic, 12 Organic Chemicals, 312; Synthetic Compounds, 3164 Outerwear, Knitted, 2331 - 58 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Oxalic Acid, 31272 Oxygen, 31142 Packaging, Wooden, 2522 Paper, 2711; Industries Machinery, 3654; Products, 272 Paperboard, 2712; Products, 272 Parathion (Thiophos), 31643 Passenger Cars, Automotive, 3812; Railroad, 385 Passenger Transport, Air, 7151; Coastal Maritime., 71321; Inland Water, 7141; International Maritime, 71311; Railroad, 7111; Road, 7121 Peanuts, 01271 Peat, 112; Briquettes, 3232; Manufactured Gas, 3233 Penicillin, 31511 Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate (PETN), 31413 Peroxide, Hydrogen, 31135 Personal Services, 84 PETN, 31413 Petroleum, 13; Crude, 131; Facilities Construction, 411; Oilfield Machinery, 3634; Products, 321; Refining and Processing Machinery, 3657; Services, 8271; Storage, 7211; Transport, 716 Petroleum Coke, 32163 Pharmaceuticals, 315 Phenol, Refined, 31213 Phenolic Resins, 312321 Phonographs, 37544 Phosphate Rock, 1921 Phosphoric Acid, 31115 Phosphorite Meal, 31322 Phosphorous Fertilizers, 3132; Concentrated, 31323 Phosphorus, 31134 Photographic Equipment, 3921 Photosensitive Elements, 37424 Picrates, 31414 Picric Acid, 31414 Pig Iron, 3411 Piling, 2526 Pipeline Construction, 436; Transport, 716 Pipes, Asbestos-Cement, 4975; Sewer, 4973; Steel, 34134 Pistols, 9325 Pitprops, 2524 Planers, 36418 Planning, Economic, A43 Planting Machinery, 3624 - 59 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Plastic Materials, 3123; Molding Machinery, 3658; Electronic Parts, 3748 Plates, Steel, 34132; Tin, 34138 Platinum, 3496 Plows, 3622 Plywood, 25212 Pneumatic Tools, 36317 Point-to-Point Radio Facilities (Inventory), 7363 POL, 321 Polymetallic Ores, 1295 Polystyrene, 312324 Population, Al Postal Facilities, 7332; International Communications, 7393; Routes, 7333; Volume, 7331 Potash Ores, 1923 Potassium, Chloride, 31331; Fertilizers, 3133; Hydroxide, 31126; Salts, 1924; Sulfate, 31332 Potatoes, 0133 Poultry, 0166 Powder, Black, 31421 Power, Construction, 42; Rectifiers and Supplies, 3766; Transformers, 37121; Transmission Equipment, Mechanical, 3666 Precious Metallic Ores, 127 Presses, Mechanical and Hydraulic, 36443 Pressings, Iron and Steel, 3415 Prices, A51; Price Indexes, A521 Primary Batteries, 3772 Primary Schools, 8211 Prime Movers, Armored, 9343; Unarmored, 9351 Printing Machinery, 3655 Production Indexes, A522 Propellants, 3142 Propellers, Aircraft, 916; Aircraft Assemblies, 9175; Aircraft Components, 9176 Proximity Fuses, 37572 Public Shelters, Civil -Defense Construction, 471 Pulp, 271; Products, 272 Pulpwood, 2525 Pulses, 01321 Pulverizers, Agricultural, 3623 Pumps, 3661 Punching Machinery, 36444 Pyrites, 196 -60- S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Quarrying, 1 Quartz Crystals, 194 Radar Equipment, 3755 Radiobroadcasting Equipment (Production), 3752; Facilities (Inven- tory), 7351; Facilities Construction, 438 Radio, Jamming Equipment, 37525; Location and Control Systems, 7374; Microwave (Inventory), 7362; Microwave (Production), 37524; Point- to-Point or Fixed (Inventory), 7363; Point-to-Point (Production), 37523 Railroad, Communications Equipment (Production), 37611; Communica- tions Systems (Inventory), 7373; Construction, 431; Crossties, 2523; Transport (Inventory), 711; Transport Equipment (Production), 383-385 Rails, Steel, 34131 Rapeseed, 01274 Rayon Fabric 2325; Yarns and Threads, 2315 RDX, 31412 Receipts, Budget, A422; National Accounts, A411 Receivers (Inventory), Point-to-Point, 7363; Radiobroadcast, 73513; Television, 73533 Receivers (Production), Point-to-Point, 37523; Radio, 37541; Radio Communications, 37522; Television, 37542; Television Communica- tions, 37532 Receiving Tubes, Electronic, 37411 Recreational Services, 83 Rectifiers, Dry, 37421; Power, 3766 Refinery Gas, 3217 Refractory Bricks and Shapes (for metallurgical purposes), 335; Materials, 3312; Wire, 37673 Refrigeration Equipment, 3663 Refrigerator Cars, 3845 Refrigerators, 3671 Regulations, Trade, 6511 Religious Services, 823 Repair Vehicles, Military, 9352 Research Installations, Scientific, 493 Reserves, National, A451 Residual Fuel Oil, 32161 Residuals, 3216 Resins, Synthetic, 31232 - 61 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Resistors, 371+3 Resonators, 371+7 Resources, Natural, Location of, A452 Rest Homes, 822 Rice, 0113 Rifle Grenades, 91141 Rifles, 9324 Road, Construction, 1-35; Oils, 32165; Transport, 712 Rocket Launchers, 9333 Rockets, 91+31 Rolled Steel Products, 3413 Rollers, Agricultural, 3623; Construction, 363151 Rolling Mills, 361+22 Roofing Materials, 4991 Rotary Equipment,_37113 Rounds, Steel Tube, 31+166 Rubber, Footwear, 303; Natural, 015; Products, 30; Reclaimed, 3121+2; Synthetic, 31241; Technical Articles, 302; Tires, 301 Rural Housing Construction, 1+1+2 Rye, 01112 Salt, 2091 Sand, 3372 Sanitary Facilities Construction, 1+91+; Porcelain, 4971+; Technical Materials Construction, 497 -Sanatoriums, 822 Scheelite, 1224 Schools, 821; Construction, 492 Scientific Research Facilities Construction, 493 Scrapers, 36312 Scrap, Iron and Steel, 3414 Secondary Schools, 8212 Seeding Machinery, 3624 Semiconductors, 3742. -Semifinished Steel, 3416 Sera, 3153 Services, 8 Sesame Seed,. 01275 Sewer Pipe and Fittings, 4973 Sewing Machines, 3673 Shale Oil and Gas, 322 Shearing Machinery, 36444 Sheep, 0164 - 62 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Sheet Bars, 34161 Sheets, Steel, 34133 Shelters, Civil Defense Construction, 47 Ship Components, 925; Repairs, Conversion, and Salvage, 924 Ships, 92; Merchant, 923; Naval, 921 Shipyards, 926 Shoes, 241; Rubber, 303 Silica Bricks and Shapes, 3313 Silicon, 3498; Carbide, 3342 Silk, 0125; Fabric, 2324; Yarns and Threads, 2314 Silver Ore, 1272 Skelp, Steel, 34165 Slabs, Steel, 34163 Slag, Thomas, 31324 Small Arms, 932; Ammunition, 942 Smelting Equipment, 36421 Soap, 2043 Soda Ash, 31123 Sodium Carbonate, 31123; Hydroxide, 31122; Metal, 31137 Soft Roofing, 49911 Solar Oil, 32144 Solvents, 3126 Soybeans, 01272 Special Batteries, 3773 Specialized Schools, 8214 Spirits, Distilled, Rectified, and Blended, 211 Spreaders, 36313 Stations, Radiobroadcast, 73512; Television, 73532 Steam, Engines, 36111; Generation Construction, 421; Locomotives, 3831; Turbines, 36121 Steel, Crude, 3412; Finished (Rolled) Products, 3413; Other Products, 3414-3416 Stokers, Industrial, 36655; Mechanical, 36653 Stone, Crushed, 3372; Crushed and Broken, Metallurgical, 14; Dimension, 3371 Storage and Warehousing, 72; Facilities Construction, Military, 463 Storage Batteries, 3371 Streptomycin, 31512 Strip, Steel, 34137 Structural Clay Products, 331; Steel Shapes, 34136 Submachineguns, 9323 Submarines, 9213 Subscriber Services, Telegraph, 7342 Subscribers, Telephone, 7312 Subsidies, A418 Sugar, 207; Beets, 01212; Cane, 01211; Confections, 208 Sulfa Drugs, 3152 - 63 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Sulfur, 1993 Sulfuric Acid, 31111 Sunflower Seed, 01273 Superphosphate, 31321 Surface Vessels, Combat, 9211-9212 Suspect Vessels, Transport, 7135 Switchboard Apparatus,-37123 Switchgear, 37123 Synthetic Fiber Materials, 3125; Organic Compounds, 3164; Petroleum Products, 32191; Resins, 31232; Rubber, 31241 Synthetics, Fabrics, 2325; Yarns and Threads, 2315 Tank Cars, 3843 Tanks, 9341 Tantalum, 3498 Tape Recorders, 3763 Tars, 32165 Tea, 0191 Technical Assistance, 641; Glass, 3322; Schools, 8214 Telegrams Sent, 7321 Telegraph, Equipment (Production), 37511; Facilities Constructi m, 437; Facsimile, 7323; International Communications, 7392; Plants and Facilities (Inventory), 7322; Subscriber Services, 7324; Terminal Equipment (Production), 37513 Telephone, Calls, 7311; Equipment (Production), 37512; Facilities Construction, 437; International Communications, 7391; Plants and Facilities, 7313; Subscribers, 7312; Terminal Equipment (Produc- tion), 37513 Television, Equipment (Production), 3753; Facilities (Inventory), 7353 Telex, 7324 TEPP, 31644 Terramycin, 31515 Test Equipment, Electrical and Electronic, 3764; Measuring and Controlling (Nonelectronic), 391 Tetraethyl Pyrophosphate, 31644 Tetryl, 31415 Textiles, 23; Finished Goods, 24; Machinery, 3652 Theaters, 832 Therapeutic Equipment, 37615 Thermal Electric Power, 512 Thiophos (Parathion), 31643 Thomas Slag, 31324 - 64 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Threads, 231 Tile, Roof, 49912-49914 Tin, Metal, 3492; Ore, 1292; Plate, 34138 Tires, Rubber, 301; Manufacturing Machinery, 36561 Titanium, 3497 TNT, 31411 Tobacco, 0126; Products, 22 Toluol (Toluene), 31212 Tractors, Agricultural, 3621; Industrial, 36655 Trade, 6; Controls, 651; Domestic, 61; Illicit Activities, 65; International, 63; Within the Sino-Soviet Bloc, 631 Traders and Trading Organizations, 653; Agencies and Firms, 652 Trailers, Industrial, 36655 Trainer Aircraft, 9141 Transducers, 3746 Transformers, Distribution, 37122; Power, 37121; Specialty, 3745 Transistors, 37423 Transmission Equipment, Power, 3666 Transmitters (Inventory), Point-to-Point, 7363; Radiobroadcast, 73511; Television, 73531 Transmitters (Production), Point-to-Point, 37523; Radiobroadcast, 37521; Television, 37531 Transmitter Tubes, Electronic, 37412 Transport, 71; Air, 715; Aircraft, 913; Facilities Construction, 43; Inland Water, 714; Land Equipment, 38; Maritime, 713; Pipeline, 716; Railroad, 711; Road, 712; Vessels, 92 Trapping, 03 Trench Diggers, 36311 Tributylphosphate, 31267 Trinitrotoluol, 31411 Trolley Omnibuses, 3813 Trucks, 3811; Industrial, 36655 Tube Fabricated Parts, 37672; Rounds, Steel, 34166 Tubes, Electronic, 3741; Production Machinery, 37651; Steel, 34134 Tungsten, Metal, 3424; Ore, 1224 Turbines, 3612 Unarmored Military Carriers, 9353; Prime Movers, 9351 Underwear, Knitted, 2332 Unemployment, A21 Universities, 8213 Urban Housing Construction, 441 Urea, Fertilizer, 31314; Resins, 312322 - 65 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T Utilities Construction, 494 Utility Aircraft, 914 Vaccines, 3153 Vanadium, Metal, 3425; Ore, 1225 Vegetable Oils, 2041 Vegetables, 0132; Canned, 203; Oil Bearing, 0127 Vehicles, Armored Combat, 934; Military, 935; Motor, 381 Vessel Components, 925; Repairs, Conversion, and Salvage, 924 Vessels, 92; Merchant, 923; Naval, 921 Vinyl Resins, _312323 Warehousing, 72 Warfare Agents, Biological, 318; Chemical, 317 Washing Machines, 3672 Watches and Clocks, 3911 Wave Guides, 3747 Waxes, 32164 Weapons and Equipment, Military, 93 Wearing Apparel, 242 Weeders, 3625 Welding Apparatus, 3667 Welfare, Facilities Construction, 495; Services, 824 Wheat, 01111 Winches, 36314 Wine, 212 Wire, Bare (Electric), 3721; Communications Equipment (Production), 3751; Diffusion Centers, 73521; Facilities (Inventory), 731-732; Insulated (Electric), 3722; Recorders, 3763; Refractory, 37673; Steel, 34135 Wired Loudspeakers (Inventory), 73522 Wirelines (inventory), 7361 Wolfram, 1224 Wooden Packaging, 2522 Wood Products, 25; Furniture, 26 Woodworking Machinery, 3653 Wool, 0123; Fabric; 2322; Yarns and Threads, 2312 - 66 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 S-E-C-R-E-T X-Ray Equipment, 37614 Xylol (Xylene), 31216 Yarns, 231 Zinc, Metal, 346; Ore, 1242 Zirconium, 3498 - 67 - S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1046A000400130001-3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3 [`C/''11CT CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 1999/09/08: CIA-RDP79S01046A000400130001-3