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Publication Date: 
August 14, 1953
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Approved For Release.00/08/29 : CIA-RDP79SO1011 AW1 100040024 MaGerm" SECURITY INFORMATION 14 August 1953 SUBJECT-s TERMS OF REFERENCES NIE-774 THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NEW INDONESIAN GOOVERNWM To estimate the significance of the newly established govern. ment in Indonesia with particular reference to indications of probable future trends, Ao Nosy did the present goverriment cane to power? 1, Why was the present government accepted? Does it represent a significant change in the political trend in Indonesia? 20 What role did President, Sukarno play? Does his acceptance of this leftist government indicate a change in his political orien- tation? Have his actions affected his position in Indonesia? 3a What has been the role of Vice-President Hatta? D Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79SO1 011 A001 100040024-8 Approved For Release*?000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79SO1011 1100040024-8 SEC1d.ET What is the political cc osition and stren h of th new rxm-en ? ~~ 1. What is composition of the new goverment? Whe..t are the relationships of the Cabinet with one another and what are their Individual relationships with Sukarno and Satt&? 2 a What is the. extent of the support for the new government in then as Parliament bo Civil service Armed forces and national police da General public* 3 To what extent does the new government enhance the ability of the Communists to influence policy? What is the.Communist stre gth. or ability to influence policy armi action in the following: ba Parliament the Cabinet the leadership of the armed forces and the national police force da the permanent staffs in the ministries and governmental departments Approved For Release 200 9 : CIA-RDP79S01011AO01100040024-8 Approved For ReleaseG00/08/29 : CIA-RDP79SO1011A1 100040024-8 eo the Nationalist Party; other parties fO the labor movement? 'That is-the potential for Communists to increase their influence in these various governmental organs and political groups? Why lidies will probab3,y be. adopted the new vge ment? to With respect to domestic ji.s es and problems* ao Suppression of dissident groups., principally the l ru i. Islam and the insurgents In the South Celebeso by The holding of national electionso co Estate police particularly with respect to resettle- merit of squatters in North Sumatra and to possibility of nationalization of estates? d. Other economic policies. 20 With respect to issues and problems :involving Indonesian external relations. ao continued acceptance of US assistance; Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79SO1 011 A001 100040024-8 I Approved For Release 0/08/29: CIA-RDP79SO1011A1 100040024-8 bo ratification of the Japanese peace treaty- ca position with respect to Communist Chinese UN meanbership j continuation of the Netherlands-Indonesian Union and the Round Table Agreements; ?o political and economic relations with Soviet Bloc countries; position with respect to existing and possible new foreign investment; go otherso D. What would be the probable course of develo, cents in Indonesia over t He next sixes ants I n errmz to adopt a radical,$ leftist program and seek its rapid implementation; ba adopt a radicals leftist program but seek its implementam tion.gradually over a six months period or longer,, meanwhile seeking to replace leaders in the armed forces and key personnel in the ministries with persons loyal to the new governments SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP79SO1 011 A001 100040024-8 Approved For Releasee00/08/29 : CIA-RDP79SO1011A'dd1100040024-8 SECRET co continue along the general lires follow br the preceding government without attempting ar{~rr radical changes? 'What is the, likely duration of the new overnment? [What would 'Be the t~robable aRosition o a successor goverment? Approved For Release 2000/08/249A-RDP79SO1041A001100040024-8