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Approved For Release 2004'08102 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R00030003O - 2 9 AIN 1~/t MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Comptroller Meeting - 27 June 1978 (U) ^1.(U) The Comptroller met with the Deputy Directors at 4.00 p.m. 2.(U) Mr. Yale reported on the Status of Advances from Other Government Agencies and Other Governments through two-thirds of the year, noting no significant abnormalities. 3. (S) Delivery of 40 KY-70 Secure Voice Terminals ordered late last year will begin about this time next year. The Dir-qctpr of Cpinmunic ions Will be in touch with the Directorates to validate requirements _and establish the priority attached to each for use in determining how the terminals should be allocated on delivery. 4.(S) Funding actions taken during the first six months of 1978 were reviewed. About 45 requirements were funded totalling about $6.4M using funds available from advance funding actions taken late in 1977, personal services surpluses in the Operations Directorate in 1978, and some surpluses in the Office of Communications. 5.(C) Through two-thirds of the year the Agency program overall is obligated or committed at almost exactly the two-thirds rate. Personal services are obligated at slightly less than two-thirds and non-personal services at slightly more. 6. (S) On-du ..strength of the Agency continues to decline, with on duty as of 17 June 1978, 128 `below the 1978 ceilincx '-- The Office of Personnel projects that Agency strength by the end of September will. have dropped to about about 100 below the positions requested in_ thQ:F1979 Congressional Budget. Even if the worst case were realized, and 90 po 1tions were cut as proposed by Congressional committees without any Approved For Release 2091108/02: CIA-RDP81-00261R000300034Q96-4 offset for the increase of 15 positions, directed by the Senate Select Committee to be added to CI Staff, the on-duty strength projected by the Office of Personnel would still be below the 1979 authorization. Directorate projections of year-end strength are considerably more optimistic than those of the Office of Personnel, but there is some doubt that the Directorates can meet their objectives. There was some discussion of actions that might. be taken to ensure that 1978 year-end strength does not drop below the 1979 ceiling. Mr. Malanick reported that he has directed the Offices of Medical Services, Security, and Personnel to expedite applicant processing.. Directorates were encouraged to accelerate recruitment efforts to bring as many people as possible into the Agency against 1979 requirements. The roblpm will be reviewed again next month, which time some specific proposals for actions to be taken-Will-be 7.(S) Personal services savings through the end of the year are estimated to be about $2.8M, assuring appropriation of the full amount requested for the Pay Act. Congress rarely appropriates the full amount requested, however, and we might have to absorb as much as 10 percent. Until the Pay Act appropriation is settled, personal services savings are not available for reprogramming. 8.(S) The status of some selected major activities was reviewed by group chiefs with explanations offered for lagging or advanced obligation and commitment rates. Mr . presented a detailed analysis of the status of Project SAFE fu S. 9.(S) Last January there was some concern that external training requirements might exceed funds available within the Congressional limitation imposed by the Agency response to a Congressional reduction of $1M in training funds. Overall, obligations for external training are now behind the straight-line rate, even though three of the five major components are ahead of the curve. Some components may have curtailed external training to guard against exceeding the Congressional mark, and it was suggested that Directorates review again their external training require- ments through the remainder of the year and present to the Comptroller by 14 July their best estimates of the remaining requirements. These estimates will be reviewed at the July Comptroller Meeting, with a view toward reallocating authorization for external training to satisfy the most urgent requirements. 25X1Cer^ 10.(S) The status of funds budgeted for reimbursements to the was reviewed, showing an estimated potential increase of about $1.4M. Only two of nine agreements have been finally negotiated for 1978. In both of these cases a slight surplus in budgeted funds has occurred. Other agreements will not be negotiated until later in the year, 25X1Cer^ ^but an overall increase is anticipated because of a difference between the actual number of and the number budgeted. Rising Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-002r61R000300030006-4 Approved For Release 201#08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R00030003QM6-4 costs are also a contributing factor. Because reimbursements to the 25X1Cyyyy are a matter of Congressional interest, and because the Congress made a token reduction of about $230,000 in funds budgeted for this item in 19,78, it is anticipated that a report to the Congress will be required describing the final negotiated figure and the reasons for any increase that may finally be determined to exist.. 12.(S) Last fall we allotted all of the appropriated personal services money and 85 percent of the non-personal services appropriation. The intent of the partial allotment was to cause managers to think ahead about how they run their programs; encourage them to obligate at an even, or planned, rate throughout the year; encourage them to validate obligations as they go through the year; and improve the basis for estimating the availability of surpluses during the last part of the year. At that time we said the unallotted 15 percent balance would be allotted early in the fourth quarter on the basis of need, including the need to fund unfunded requirements, and we presented a formula in terms of percentages for computing the amounts to be allotted/withheld. Using dollar amounts, rather than percentages, a chart was displayed showing the method of computation for fourth-quarter allotments. The formula applied and the 3 Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CtA-RQP81-10261R000300030006-4 ~ ri 9 3LUI\L i Approved For Release 2004108/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261R000300030 -4 amounts. to be allotted were accepted by those present. Estimated surpluses totalling about.$3M continue to be withheld to satisfy requirements that may occur during the last quarter of the.. year or to fund items taken out of the 1980 Program, for funding in 1978 .o_r1.97..9 Chief, Budget Management Group Office of the Comptroller Distribution: Orig - Compt. Subject 1 - DDCI 1 - ER 1 - AO/DCI - DDA 1 - DDO 1 - DDS&T 1 - A/D, Mgmt., NFAC 1 - Compt. 1 - D/Compt. 1 - Compt. G. Chiefs (DDA; DDO; DDS&T; DCI/NFAC; AnG) 1 - Compt. Reading 1 - F3MG Chrono O/Compt./BMG ~Amlp (7365) 28 June 1978 Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA4RE)P: Q0461R000300030006-4 Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300030006-4 LAST YEAR WE FUNDED 40 KY-70 SECURE VOICE TZIRMINALS. 0 DELIVERY WILL BEGIN APRIL/MM 1979. o RE` JIR.E_MENTS WILL HAVE CHANGED, NEW ONES WILL HAVE DEVELOPED; AND, IN ANY CASE, THEY WILL EXCEED AVAILABILITY. W, E NEED TO PLAN NOW FOR THE ALLOCATION AND INSTALLNTION OF THE 40 TERMIL'LALS o o THE DIRECTOR OF CDEKUNICATIONS WILL BE IN TOUCH WITH YOU SOON FOR A VALIDATION OF REQUI E 4ENTS AND THE PRIORITY ATTACHED TO EACH TO BE USED AS THE BASIS FOR DETERMINING M1 THE TMAM,1ALS SHOULD BE ALLOCATED ON DELIVERY. 0 TODAY WE WILL: ... REVIEW FUNDING ACTIONS TAKEN DURING THE FIRST SIX MONTHS .REV-7---1,\T THE STATUS OF PERSONAL AND PEON-PERSON'A'L SERVICES OBLIGATIONS THROUGH 31 MAY, TWO-THIi S OF THE YEAR. 25X1A ...LOOK AT EXTERNAL TRAINING ...CONSIDER UNFUNDED REQUIREMENTS IN RELATION TO. ESTIMATED SURPLUSES AND PROPOSE SOME TU DING ACTIONS. ... DISCUSS FOURTH QUARTER ALLOTi,4:ENTS. Approved For Release 200'y) /Q q'-C)A-RDP81-00261 R000300030006-4 Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300030006-4 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300030006-4 Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300030006-4 SEC ET DISCUSSION Personal Services Savings Estimated: by Directorates $1.000 by Comptroller $2.800 Difference due to differing methods of computation. Interested parties agree th t at Comp roller method probably is more accurate ? a Estimates assume appropriation of full amount requested for the Pay Act. a Congress rarely appropriates the full amount requested. we may have to absorb as much as 10 percent. o A 10 percent cut will use up more than $2 million. o Personal Services savings not available, therefore., to fund unfunded requirements. Approved For Release 2001/081 2 ;,41A-J DP81-00261 R000300030006-4 Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300030006-4 Next 9 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300030006-4 Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300030006-4 SEC R LET FOUR= QUARTER ALLOTMENTS LAST FALL WE AL LOTTED 85% OF THE FULL APPROPRIATION. WE SAID AT THE TIME THAT CUR PROBLEM IN PREVIOUS YEARS HAD BEEN OUR INABILITY TO ESTIMATE WITH REASONABLE ACCU_tACY ND RELIABILITY AT ANY TIME DURING THE .YEAR, BUT ESPECIALLY DURING THE LAST W (`T"'O--Fo MONTHS OF THE FISCAL YEAR, HOW MUCH MONEY IS, OR WILL BECOME, AVAIL ABLE AS UCNOBLIGATED BALANCES TO FUND UNBUDGETED REQUIREMENTS. T_HE IN 'EN'T OF THE PARTIAL ALLOTMENT WAS TO: ...CAUSE MANAGERS TO THINK AHEAD ABOUT-HOW THEY RUN THEIR PROGRAMS. ... ENCOUP AGE THEM TO OBLIGATE AT AN EVEN, OR PLANNED, RATE THROUGHOUT THE YEAR, ... ENCOUPAGE THEM TO VALIDATE OBLIGATIONS AS THEY GO THROUGH THE, YEAR. ...I PROVE THE BASIS FOR ESTIMATING AVAILABILITY OF SURPLUSES. FUrER, HE SAID THE UNALLO'TTED BALANCE (15%) WILL BE ALLOTTED EARLY IN THE FOURTH QUARER ON TIE BASIS OF NEED, INCLUDING THE-NEED TO FUND UNFUNDED REQUIREMENTS, AS AGREED AT A CO 1PTROLLER' S :FETING. THE HARD UNFUNDED REQUIREMENTS IDENTIFIED BY A PARTICULAR COMPCNEN'I' WILL BE A FACTOR IN DETERMINING THE AMOUNT TO BE ALTAIi'ED FROM THE I5% t' ITHH ;LD; AT THE TIME, WE PRESENTED A F ORMULA IN TERMS OF PERCENTAGES FOR COMPUTING THE AMOUNTS TO BE ATLO'ITED. IT NOW APPEARS MORE .MEANINGFUL TO PRESENT DOLLAR AMOUNS IN _'RL1-'=ON TO THE FUNDING ACTIONS WE RECOMM'u'MLND, IF WE TAKE THOSE ACTIONS, IT WILL MEAN Approved For Release 2001/08/02 CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300030006-4 4 Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300030006-4 Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300030006-4