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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
August 18, 1978
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Approved For Release 2il 4/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261R0003000 02-8 18 August 19 78 MEMORANDUM FOR: Michael J. Malanick Associate Deputy Director for Administration SUBJECT: Request for Full-Time Academic Training - 1. I request approval for Agency--sponsored academic train- ing at the George Mason University. I have been employed with the Agency for almost 15 years and throughout my career my fit- ness reports have been Strong to Outstanding and, more recently, consistently Outstanding. I am interested in this training to further enhance my value to the Agency and to expand my chances for further advancement. My hope is to continue my advancement. within the Finance career field. 2. The following detailed. information is provided: a. Estimated cost of tuition is $1409. This estimate includes $1184 for 16 courses (4,8 semester hours) of tuition and $225 for books. b. I would attend the following classes at George Mason University. This plan has been coor- dinated with Ms. Donna Bafundo, academic advisor at George Mason: Intermediate Accounting I Introduction to Data Processing Principles of Management Business Communications Business Law I Intermediate Accounting II Cost Accounting Business Law II Principles of Marketing Computer Languages and Data Structures Auditing Institutional and Governmental Accounting Labor-Management Relations Advanced Accounting Personnel Administration Mathematics of Management These courses are tentative since their availability and scheduling are not yet known. It is noted. that I~aam choosing courses that are all business and finance Approved Forte ease 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300030002-8 Approved For Release 208008/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R00030003Q p2-8 c. To date, I have completed 72 hours of work., 9 of which have been sponsored by the Agency. d. Attendance would be at the George Mason. University campus for the academic year beginning 30 August 1978 and ending January 1980. 3. My career objectives with the Agency are to become an effective and valuable Finance officer. I believer that my past and present performance attest to my career declicati:on,, an( I I believe I will be better able to contribute to the Agency through my attainment of a balanced academic education in the Distribution: Orig - ADDA 1 - D/OF 1 - D/OTR 1 - DDA/CMO 1 DDA/BS -?- - OTR-SS/TSD DDA Subject 1 - DDA Chrono 1 - MJM Chrono Approved For Release 2001/08/02 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000300030002-8 chae j' r, Ma) anick Associate Deputy J) .rector, for Administration 2 1 AUG y97 25X1A 25X1A USEDITIONSUS L___ SECRET INTERNAL E] CONFIDENTIAL L. USE ONLY 0 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED ? INTERNAL ' n,JI Y Approved For Release 200 W-F P81-k DDA/ CMO 7 DIDi /BS ""OTR' SS/TSD Request RECEIVED '-~ U 1 1 1W15 . 326 ChamhA of-- ~u1 [J CONFIrENTIAL [:] SECRET OFFICER'S INITIALS QWA COMMENTS (Number ooch cornrr,ent to show from va',7m, -ks whom. Draw a line ocrois column a4ts.^^. e. gat con.,r:Lnt.)