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"First" cut of the Director's Conference.
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A. Although no business session was scheduled for Friday evening it
was decided that the Defensive Driving Film would be shown after
dinner. The reaction from all present was highly laudatory. The
Director was interested to know of non-Agency exposure of the film
and we elaborated to this point somewhat. We indicated in summary
referring really to the broad subject of security protection of our
people that money should be no object in an issue of this nature.
(General Walters commented later in the evening that no mention had
been made of the importance of locking car doors noting that locked
doors saved then Vice President Nixon in South America many years
ago. )
B. There were three conference working sessions. On Saturday morning
the Intelligence Community and FY 74 Program items were covered.
Saturday afternoon was devoted to Personnel plus two short non-agenda
items and closing remarks by the Director.
C. In opening the conference the Director noted Budget and Community
as specifically needing attention. The budget item was to be considered
in light of what influence it has on the capacities of the Agency. He
noted that with people cost rising less funds are available for operational
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purposes. Regarding the Community the Director stated he needed
views on organizational ideas and work designs.
A. Mr. Tweedy opened this item with a statement which included the
1. The IC Staff is built upon the former NIPE Staff. It has
representation from all Directorates and its personnel are
generally in senior grades. He stated the view that Agency
personnel should be assigned on a temporary/tour basis of
2 to 3 years. He also made the complementing statement
that Community work should not be a career assignment after
which assignees should return to their home base with no
loss in seniority and standing.
2. CIA is bound to be heavily involved. IC recognizes that
success is in fact dependent on help from outside IC even
though this outside help might result in temporary delays in
other activities.
3. The outline of the National Intelligence Program Memorandum
is now being drafted - it covers costs, gaps, issues, and
functional breakouts.
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4. The Director indicated that the National Intelligence Program
must be looked at as a whole including the CIA portion. The
CIA program will be more a part of the whole than it has
been in the past years. An example of this is the idea that
it proposed the new NPIC Building be thought of in terms of
the Community budget.
There must be close ties between PPB and IC. Mr. Tweedy believes
that more involvement rather than less is predictable - "evaluation",
"better products", "open minds" and "healthy experimentation" are
B. In the succeeding discussion a number of points were made:
1. It was noted that there may well be people and positions who
are not top caliber and that an effort should be made to identify
both and to match them up.
2. Evaluation must take place along command lines only.
3. The Director asked that the Community budget presentation
be looked at to see if there were better ways to put it together.
He also specified that Agency components support the IC set
up in the simplest and easiest way possible.
C. Not directly related were the following:
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1. The DD/I commented on his discomfort with the feeling
of more and more frequently being investigated, evaluated,
etc., efforts which consume more and more time which
must therefore be taken from normal job activities. This
was strongly supported by DD/P and acknowledged by D/IC.
2. The new Director of the Budget was indicated as being very
interested in numbers but clearly not to be sold short.
3. Finally the DCI indicated that each Agency element must
share responsibility for Community support and that
improving the product is the ultimate object.
A. Mr. Colby made a broad brush presentation using a series of charts
some of which are reproduced in the Conference Book under sub-Tab
3a. He started with the FY 74 30. 4 requested increase. He showed
the various ways in which budget had been racked up and then turned
to the Personnel "issues. " (Tab 3i) The Executive Director-Comptroller
indicated his preference for Alternative 4, Absorption of the Increase
Request and a further cut. Supporting his view he noted that although
OMB has not demanded a further reduction OMB expects the Government
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deficit to be much larger than earlier anticipated and OMB officers
belief that CIA was not hurt by the 5 percent exercise and can
therefore take further reduction. Although there was no agreement
with this position there was not a final decision. On the equivalent
issue regarding contract personnel the Director indicated his desire
to avoid volunteering cuts or additionalarntrols. The question was
posed as to how to put contract personnel into some operational
category and avoid contaminating staff personnel figures.
B. Mr. Colby talked about the Priorities and Performance figures
which were incorporated this time in the program submission. He
believes that although these first results were not particularly good
the tools can be useful.
C. Returning to the Personnel situation, Mr. Colby presented some
charts which showed the dramatic increase in the numbers reflecting
personnel costs - 36 percent of Agency budget in FY 1967 and 55
percent of a smaller budget in FY 1973. (Chart at Tab 3k.) He pointed
to the prospect that with people costs rising and the number of people
decreasing prospectively in the future the entire budget will be
required for people payments. Mr. Colby expressed his view that
the only answer for this problem is to cut people.
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D. Evaluation and Productivity. Mr. Colby referred to the inquiry
into Government productivity measurements initiated some time
ago by Senator Proxmire. He listed initial results of the OMB-
CSC-GAO study:
1. Government services are measurable to a high degree.
2. That effectiveness of Government operations can be
determined in part by measuring results of productivity.
Mr. Colby indicated that although the directives which
will be published are not literally applicable to CIA there
will be much information broadly useable within the Agency.
E. On evaluation he referred to the IG paper (Tab 3f) as indicating the
Agency's attention on this subject was somewhat hit or miss. He
pointed to the need for facing the problem which the charts posed
and to the IG recommendation that an inter-Directorate task force
should be organized chaired by an IG official with O/PPB providing
the vice-chairman. The succeeding discussion did not produce
agreement on the recommended task force as proposed by the IG.
F. Mr. Colby returned to the need for qualitative review. This he
identified as a requirement for both the successors of the present
management and for subordinate officers. He further said that
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although judgments are made by the Director - on program and
budget - each year our objective should be to be more methodical
about facilitating these judgments and also to use history for
perspective. Goal setting and after action checkup would be
G. The Director reflected discussions he had had with industry
representatives and their productivity measurement efforts.
He indicated that industrial productivity is down, that employees
are evidencing laziness at least partially as a result of labor
practices. He then said that in CIA there is no standard way to
measure individual output. Supervisors have this responsibility
particularly with reduced resources. We must check production
and measure motivation - we must know whether the employee does
or does not "put out". We must know how many subordinates are
actually analyzing critically what is in fact being done and how well.
In turn are their subordinates looking critically all the way down
the line - is each individual doing a job and if not how can we take
corrective action. We also need a post-mortem check as to whether
we are really doing what we claim to be doing in this process of
checking up and analyzing. The Deputies are to look at their own
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Directorates in the above terms and to be prepared to discuss
this subject at a future Deputies Meeting. They are to note what
in fact is being done preferably on paper (D/NE was requested
specifically to look at 5-year old estimates). (DD/S&T remarked
that he already conducts a quarterly technical review of all
activities in his Directorate. )
H. Program Procedures (Tab 3m). Mr. Colby initiated this item
by a general review of the paper. He identified two major proposed
1. Instead of holding back a portion of the approved budget
the full approved budget amount is to be allocated.
Monthly reports will indicate obligation levels and identify
possible sources of funds for shifting to unanticipated
requirements or higher priority requirements. Funds
allocated for items subsequently not implemented would
revert to the Executive Director's jurisdiction.
2. The program review procedure will also constitute the
mechanic for project approval except where a particular
project has unusual sensitivity including political sensitivity.
All present agreed with these changes.
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1. Construction (Tab 1). Mr. Colby again provided the background
opening statement.
1. The Director identified EOI as the major upcoming
problem. He went on to say that he could not foresee any
possibility of proposing major construction in the
Headquarters area (to get out of high rents in Rosslyn) -
he noted opposition and difficult points all around.
2. The subject of a replacement for
and DD/I stated that he did not visualize any possibility
of a replacement building before 1978 or 1979 - he put
the price figure of $100 million on the structure but noted
that it would be much more than a replacement for the
present installation which itself was constructed within the
walls of an existing building. I noted the need for emergency
power if we contemplated a long delay. The DD/I countered
to indicate his disagreement with expending he estimated
$1 million for a fixed plant emergency power installation even
assuming that environmental considerations would permit its
being established in that area. On the longer term matter
it was indicated that- is essentially fixed and approved
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3. Other construction and real estate matters were raised:
a. The Headquarters Garage. The Director asked the
status and was discouraged to learn that no contract
had been let or would be let for some months with
construction likely to be completed no earlier than
a year from now.
b. Headquarters Engineering Modifications. The
Director wanted to know specifically what further
would be done considering all the expenditures in
recent years for modifications, emergency power,
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etc. I responded that I could not give a list of
individual projects and that this in fact was one
of the things which we expected to get from the
survey by the outside contractor which we have
already funded.
c. Printing Services Division. The Director asked
the purpose of this addition and I explained it as
an effort to get space into which to move part of
the off-campus employees. The DD/I asked if
that additional space could be converted into a
Computer Center thus freeing up some Headquarters
Building space. I replied in the negative on the basis
of floor loading.
d. Mr. Colby answered the Director's initial
question and described briefly the 5-year plan but
reflected serious reservations about it. The Director
confirmed that para -military requirements would be
down. Mr. Colby the noted that the matter of future
requirements was already under review and the
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construction program would be considered further
upon completion of the review. (It would appear
that further construction is not likely to be approved. )
e. _ This was identified as a part of a 5-year plan.
I made a particular plea for approval to go ahead with
the construction of the one new barracks building at
but I also described the worries we had at
I noted the large numbers of people who
are staying or who are accommodated in very old
buildings where we have some safety
worries, for example, antiquated wiring. Mr. Colby
observed that we had much real estate and were likely
to be under pressure to release various parcels. He
noted for example we might release and
handle all training at _ I noted that this in fact
had been looked at and that a case could be made on a
longer term basis that _ operation would be more
economical. The Director asked why the reverse move
should not be made, i. e. , transfer _activities to
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This we answered as being very
expensive. The Director commented that he was
not aware of anything at-which would be so
difficult to relocate at I noted that
we could move- activities or a combination
of but would assume that we
would keep in its present location.
The Director instructed us to study again the move
of . The Director's
last thought was whether we are using
4. The Director then stated as policy position that we should not
give up anything without being forced to do so. He indicated
that no credit was received for giving up anything. He said
that we should not volunteer but that we should make sure
that if and when any cut is imposed we know where we want it
to be made. He elaborated as to dealings with OMB: honesty
is the best policy. He does not wish confidential relationships
to be established or postures other than those of economy
mindedness, pressure workload, etc. Finally he again
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instructed that all concerned should stay strictly and
exclusively to the script in dealing with OMB.
5. Although not on the Tab 1 list DD/S&T mentioned that he
had had a review made of
This showed that no major expenditures would be required
until 1977 or 1978.
6. In closing the discussion on item 3 the following points were
a. The Agency would ask for the increases identified
with DD/I'and DD/S&T products since we had been
told specifically to do so.
b. As a general guideline, however, the Agency
strength should stay flat.
c. DD/P expressed concern about Agency absorption of
the proposed increase of 123 positions - worrying that
it would wind up as a charge against Clandestine
d. The Director concluded that we should have a hard
look at what size we want to be - that perhaps we
might wish to pull out of a few posts in Africa. He also
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noted that the climate for covert operations is
very different now from what it used to be. He
also asked me what the OC personnel picture is
and I responded that OC strength is going down as
OC takes its portion of the various ceiling and
personnel cuts.
A. This item was essentially a presentation by DD/S&T. It followed
generally the topical outline inserted at 4 in the book. He started
with the R&D policy paper which reassigned to the Deputies the
budgetary responsibilities other than the DD/S&T separate
responsibility for exploratory R&D. He described the formation and
functions of the new R&D Board and the Technical Coordinating
Committee and its panels. He described in detail the first effort of
one of the panels, the Long Range Covert Communications Panel,
using its initial report as an example. The Director applauded this
new effort and indicated that it should prevent some of the difficulties
the Agency has had in the past. DD/S&T advised that the Director of
the Office of Research and Development would be retiring and that he
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expected that the management of that Office would be improved
considerably under a new director.
B. The Director then asked Mr. Duckett to go into more specifics in
the R&D field. Mr. Duckett mentioned the following:
2. NRO. The DD/S&T does not see an end to NRO programs.
Additional improvements in the proposed EOI system are
now reachable. On the other hand he does not see major
follow-on in the parallel arena. He described several Navy
programs which are underway.
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summary point on this discussion was to be sensible but
not to be left behind.
5. Behavioral Sciences. Mr. Colby asked about behavioral
sciences. DD/S&T responded that this area needed attention
but due to an internal organizational problem the proposed
panel had not yet got started. In response to a question from
the Director DD/S&T noted that many difficult elements were
involved with the Agency activities presently quite limited.
6. Processing. In response to Mr. Briggs' question DD/S&T
noted that DD/I's going into the area of information processing
and list aids.
7. Clandestine Tools and Techniques. The Executive Director
expressed the belief that the agent side of the business needs
a major jump up perhaps requiring a multi-year approach
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A. Mr. Colby opened this item with a recital of a number of points,
one was the question of a CIA budget hearing as a line item in the
B. Another item was the matter of leaks and our worries in that
regard. He then moved to public relations noting the press;
Brookings, which he identified favorably and wondered at
expanding; academia, should we have additional panels; unclassified
publications, on the last point one's that have knowledge of the
existence of CIA and its role, he noted the historical program and
our current unclassified publications including- China Atlas
and maps. Mr. Proctor picked up academia and described present
relationships including:
1. Publications and learned journals with writers identified
as CIA as normal for the publication - 20 in 1970, 16 in
2. Appearance at universities and at professional society
meetings - approximately 70 per year.
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3. Attendance at professional meetings - over 170
per year.
4. Teaching courses (AU, GWU, GU) - 1970 - 31,
1971 - 22.
6. Maps.
7. Research aids, for example, CRS lists of
personalities in foreign countries available through
the Library of Congress.
8. Mr. Proctor also noted the Co-op Program (on which
I elaborated with additional statistics indicating its
He further described seminars which are conducted in various parts
of the country on discreet subjects. He noted the Hugh Cunningham
Princeton appearance as another example of an activity which could
be expanded. Finally he noted his view that we should produce and
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make available additional publications bearing the Agency seal.
The Director reacted to the Hugh Cunningham Princeton
idea with considerable interest and desire to exapnd this type
thing. He would want it organized quietly and asked who should
steer it. Mr. Colby suggested that he might best take it on. DD/I
indicated his willingness to have Hugh Cunningham be the center
point. The Director also confirmed that the stance of the present
Administration is clearly in favor of making more rather than less
information available publicly. He also noted, however, that the
Administration wants to be sure that what needs protection is indeed
protected. The Director went on to rule out any CIA line item on
the general budget until he is forced to agree. He acknowledged that
the Maury paper (Tab 5 in the book) was thoughtful but that no one
can predict Congress or other elements on the U. S. scene. - "Let's
be driven not drive ourselves. " He desires no change in relationships
with the press. As to leaks the Director believes few if any originate
in the Intelligence Community. He does not know what can be done
to counter the leaks. The Executive Director noted the successful
CS actions in cutting dissemination of reports. On publications with
the Agency seal the Director's instincts are negative but he agreed
after listening to the arguments of DD/I and D/NE to think further
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before reaching a final decision.
C. The DD/I then introduced the major problems which the new
classification Executive Order and implementing instructions
involve. He used as an example a PDB prepared per the new
instructions and extended the example to indicate that taken
literally Mr. Lehman would be required to sign some 1800
documents each day. This item lead to some further discussion
with DD/S and the Executive Director contributing. I also asked
for a decision on OSS records. The Director clearly desires that
these not be declassified or released.
A. Mr. Colby set the stage on this portion of the conference beginning
with leadership development. He noted this as a problem of concern
to the entire Government and referred to a Civil Service Commission
paper with its 5 steps (Tab 6a, page 3). He confirmed the continued
existence in CIA of a decentralized personnel system but indicated
need for a reporting system to in a sense look over the Deputies
shoulders. The first report has been sent to Civil Service Commission
as required by the overall Federal plan and the second report will
be due in September - reports will subsequently be required
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semi-annually. Mr. Colby elaborated his view that within each
major component a leadership development responsibility must
be given to a senior officer on a full time basis. He also specified
that rotation to a different type of job is a most important element
of the leadership planning since it both tests the individual and
provides training. However, such moves should preferably be made
at an early age (30-40) since it is then much easier to reassign
if developmental transfers are not successful. He contrasted an age
45 officer in a similar circumstance. He noted that earlier executive
development planning had not been successful and that what is
needed is a component plan rather than an individual plan.
B. Equal Employment Opportunity - EEO (Tab 6h). Mr. Colby reviewed
the current situation with regard to women and black employees.
He said that an "affirmative" position is necessary, that we must do
more than be "fair. " There was some discussion following the
Director's question as to whether in fact we had been "fair'" with
qualified women. D/NE stated that his women professionals are more
productive and DD/P agreed. DD/I opined that the problem is that we
tend to forget women when we have senior positions to fill. DD/P
reported that his women's panel has been effective and noted that every
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CS component must have a woman on its personnel management
committee. DD/S&T recommended that we should consider all
minorities and not merely women and blacks. The Director
quered as to the extent of outside pressure on the Agency with
regard to EEO and the Executive Director responded that this
was not a major issue but that we should do more. There appeared
to be general agreement on this matter.
C. Mr. Colby then talked about associated matters:
1. Young Professionals (Tab 6c). Older officers who have
hit their peak. This included the mention of the proposed
Federal Executive Service which does not have bright
prospects and our PRA situation (Tab 6b). Under 37 statistics
include 84 from DD/S&T, 47 from DD/I in addition to 13
from DD/S. In the discussion of this point DD/P commented
on the difficulty of getting reclassification action approved in
order to eliminate PRA situation. DD/S&T mentioned that his
problems were at GS-14 and 15 and not at supergrade. DD/I
reflected the same situation. DD/P after describing the CS
Panel system (33 have left of their own volition) noted that in
a few cases individuals had accepted downgrading with salary
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retention when asked by the Career Service which needed
to gain back by this means extra promotion points. Note
was further made of the legend which was formerly on
Personnel actions warning the supergrade promotee of
the temporary character of his promotion. The consensus
was clearly contrary to adoption of the annual supergrade
review and reporting system described in the Tab 6b paperwork.
DD/I and DD/S&T were laudatory of the action of the Office
of Personnel in helping them and in dealing with adverse
action cases.
2. College Graduates and Technical Functions (Tab 6d).
Mr. Colby referred to the O/P paper and stated that in
addition to the matter of recruitment we must also take
action to ensure that there are positive outlets from their
original jobs for these highly qualified young professionals.
There was general agreement in principle with the thrust of
the O/P paper although DD/I did not agree if the intent was
to imply broadly that PI's need not be professionals.
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3. Mobility and Rotation (Tab 6e). This agenda item drew more
discussion than any other during the weekend. Mr. Colby
noted mobility is more related to employee initiative and
rotation to leadership development. He stated that mobility
is the single most talked about subject in the cafeteria chats
he has had. He referred to the O/P paper which he received
in connection with the briefing sheet inserted in the book and
stated that he had not agreed with everything which was listed
on page 4 of the paper itself.
DD/S&T took the position that our career service set up
was wrong in being compartmented by organizational lines.
Instead he urged that the career services be established by
qualifications. DD/I stated that the Intelligence and S&T
Directorates do not really have career services apart from
organizational lines and that this condition is limited to the
Support and Plans Directorates.
A further point was made that success in accomplishing
mobility is dependent almost completely on the tone set by
the Deputies to and through their office heads. There must
be no blackballing and employees must believe that they are
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not forever locked if they move away from their initial
parent service. We must be honest with employees and
prospective new bosses. We must also be conscious that
circumstances are different for young officers and those
at mid-career as to mobility considerations. Mr. Colby
identified as action that we should (a) experiment; (b)
ensure a positive attitude, and (c) set up a post-audit.
4. Vacancy Notices (Tab 6f). This idea in general was blessed
by the Director. It was not the subject of any discussion.
5. In additional discussions mention was made of the problem
of the individual who has topped out but has performed
adequately. This led to consideration of positions which
perhaps were less significant and could be well filled by
those who had peaked.
6. Fitness Reports. There was discussion of the accuracy/
honesty of fitness report reporting when reports are to be
shown to and discussed with the individual being rated.
The consensus seemed to exist that reports in fact were
less open and frank when shown then when not shown. DD/P
in responding to a question as to the experience of panel
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members with fitness reports stated that they were indeed
deficient. DD/S&T noted that he does not believe it valid
to require fitness reports on senior officials to be shown
to them - that counselling is and should be done on a day to
day basis. The Director instructed that we (O/P) re-review
this subject looking back at earlier studies and talking with
the participants and other officials.
7. Collective Bargaining. The Director noted that he had been
asked a question on this subject at his meeting with the O/P
Conference. STATSPEC
Mr. Colby noted with approval the-arrangement for STATSPEC
hiring women to work half days. =xperience has been
that women are very stable and generally produce better than
a half day's work. Mr. Colby also noted that handicapped
persons are a very stable work force element.
8. Training Pattern and Content (Tab 6g). The Executive
Director gave the background of earlier Deputies Meeting
discussions on this matter. He said that the earlier thought
of having a parasis of each course passed on by a Deputy was
not valid due to the time required to get agreement. Instead
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he suggested an alternative idea - the Board of Review
to go through the program annually to ensure that doctrine
is what the Directorates believe and to deal with other
problems including conflicting statements by speakers.
All Deputies agreed with this alternative concept. The
Executive Director then referred to the 4 course diagram
and description inserted in the book at Tab 6g. This
concept for professional development is being worked on and
may require some expansion.
9. Prospects for the Summit. The Director asked Mr. Huizenga
to give an appraisal and viewpoint on the Summit. Mr. Huizenga
spent some minutes describing these prospects for the meeting
in Moscow.
10. Annual Review of Intelligence Sources. The DD/I presented
the statistics for calendar year 1971. He noted that they
comprised a frequency count only and did not reflect in
any way the importance of individual items.
The Director closed the conference with appreciation to Support and the
participants. His final thought was to be sensitive to the fact that this is
an election year and to guide our attitudes and actions accordingly.
Approved For Release 2000/06/1 P 2 100010004-0