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GnLAS& ICAh 1011 w `"'_ Approved For ReleffNf?~t/qWWj_l pF ,qPA~,Mdg7R00270 991FORDWATION REPORT &W-a0" COUNTRY SUBJECT , .opia/S"tzerland Econcmic Negotiations in Ethiopia by Ea-1. Buehrlo NO. OF PAGES 2!5(1A2g PLACE 25X1A6a NO. OF ENCLS. ACQUIRED (LISTED BELOW) DATE OF !NF 25X1X6 2? 2I C'CTkV gone to arrange for Buehrle's visit (i3m1)o AO' CD NO. 25X1A2g DATE DISTR. 16 MAY 1949 SUPPLEMENT REPORT NO. Emil T3uebr .e* arrived in Addi is Ababa on 21 March 1949,, He .s acco n ed by his Yiifo and by Dro Carlo Flea. cb nn9 a business associate who is interested in grain and insurance. Txafornaat-states that F3uehrlo cane to Et lops a. at the behest of David Halle., who has been att+ ting to introduce 3 s Go n development investments into that countryo Valle returned to Addis Ababa on 17 March 1949 from S tzerlanda wore Howe erg upon his arrival,, Buehrle refused to take up the option0 Infoi not believes it probable that tl refusal was the result of reports sent in by three investigators whoa Puehrie sent to Addis Ababa ezirly in lc49o" Two of those investigators, Essa (fm) and Furl. S'Iaa arc brt soh : tur d to Switzerland a few days after Buehrl c & s 2'71: " in Ethiopia, 30 Buehrle preserved a second proposal to the Ethiopian Oovarnle r which 6ii bodiod the follovring terns% the option for a cotton mamifacturing and Ong con.cocsion,j granted to Buehrie in Avg wt 1948, was extended by the Ethiopian Government to the date of his arrival in Addis llbaba? w ao A monopoly on cotton r iufacture for twenty years, No import duties or taxes on cotton for ten years. A"f NO CH N. C ...r II ._.. _ im~~ry ? ? i r C L t4si STATE ~~..~, NAVY PJSt?B?i LiTfoiV c a IIo r quixemaent to grow cottons, This proposal was rejected by the Ethiopian LLinistry of Con raerce llovrevory i or It states that on 3 April 1949 Experor Ilaile Selassie ordered the Ethiop: Min ter of Commerce to draw up an agreement that would be acceptable to Buehrle, and that this. agreement was in the process - of being drafted0 Buehrle departed frcm Addis !baba on P April 1949. NeAl fiackFaaw. F gbgase Co - TIAL in accordance with the letter of tober 1978 from the Director of Cen elligence to the Archivist of the Unite s. document is hereby regraded to Approved For Release 199 ~~QQ 457R002700590008-4 Ck f2 IL fl N ,1( ICE AM MY Buehrle v s first trip to Ethiopiag acaordizv t._? ,.., ;?o at$ was in 1932 for the pia-pose of se-1 to that couitry. informant' state +!-", , ;juef-wle did ship some Qe,rlikon gwia to Et i p ,a In 93S vda.a ch never were pad for, and that this debt is a consideration in the present negotiationao, 5c Infor;: nt states that Buchrle, while recently in. Addis Ababa.9 held a etin ; with Ban= (fan) and SDesohe i (f w) of the Ethiopian W. nlstry of Postsp Telegraphs,, and Telephones IP,To)n The subject discussed was the possibility of Siemens and Ila1s tti ; the contract to extend Etbiapia v a teleco dc ti one faci 1 t .a r.4' 25X1A6a Comm, EaD. Bueh9lo is the Honorary T.~'th,?~x~p o ily : Go a." ,tzerland, rand thh pri, ipal owner of she ~xdeimeug2a 'scbi RLt in g It ,i SprbY.[tzer25X1 A 2 g 25X1A6a itr os' to the ~p 25X1A2g Ova "CIRL-9r, ara op Nora 1~ith BuehrlQ acacia on 14 August i918 The tern of the option were to give Emil, Buehrle Associates the rift to produce and rufactvre cotton and cotton products in Ethiopia1, if a contract of concession was signed within six swaths 25X1A6a of the date of the signature of the option,, Com nt_ 0 Soharrerh- .eueh Is a former Gejymn 0m pis a reported to be wry for the Nazi govormw. xt of Germarkr during World War 11 in an intef i ce capacity., but who was stilt able to convince the Russians that- he a- good Comfmuaist solace captured in Bucharest, Rumania, in 19W,, Subject has made Z lch, Switzerland, the center of his activities since 19pt?6, although ho travels a great doala lie is reportedly an agricmitura3. mcpert, Reports received since 1946 have stated, that subject was s'crlclnt for the Soviet Union and satellite 00 untriW0 25X1 A2g 4 ? g Co .enter Buehrle r?ecor needed .Oess iexa to Halle, who was rosporisible for their being employed by the Uiniotry of Posts, Telegraphs, and Telephones on t e year contractts? Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002700590008-4