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Document Release Date: 
February 26, 1999
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Publication Date: 
April 28, 1949
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w'LASSIFIGA ON ({b#WPt-) .1ST.7AL7CUYJTRUL - U~ S GFi' CII~L.S ONLY `FN It Approved For ReIease 199T09/: 6=&9Y-960260061-5 14 O rnnf() 'SUBJECT New ur icipal Council of Batavia PLACE ACQUIRED 25X1X DATE DISTR. 28. Apr 11949 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. ?lie members of the new !lun .ciapal Council of Batavia with their political -)arty affiliations includethe followings Indonesians: Radon S, Brata, journalist, Sundanese Federalist Haden Pandji Prawira Din-it.a, inspector of native schools, Javanese Federal- ist, member, Partai hakj:t Indonesia Serikat (PRIS)' 1 ohamrned Sukri Husin, ch.-if clerk of the Department of Education, Batavia- born Federalist, member of the Perkumnpulan Orang Betawi (Batavia Peoples' Association) (POB) amad bin '. sans headmaste:, of a school, Batavia-born Federalist, member, PRIS R. Joostanz (Justenz), =~.asian, principal of a school, Socialist, employed by the ')epartment of Zdu. ition, member Partai Demokratis Associatief Federani Indonesia (Indoresian Federal Democrat Party - PARDAFI) a fader, Urip Kartodird jo, L .]?`,C , , judge, Supreme Court, Batavia; Javanese Federalist leader, memb,r' , PRIS - , RaL,~en Mae Kusmuljono, A.3istant Managing Director, Bank Perniagaan Indonesia (:Indonesian Nationalist Commercial Bank); Javanese nationalist, member PRIS +aachmud (fnu),: merehan{, . Batavia-born Federalist, member PARLIAFI hdul. Baki Musin, younsrar brother of Dasaad A. Musin of the Dasaad Mtusin Concern, Batavia; a na lonalist Laden Achmad Natakusu;i.h,, official of the Department of Social Affairs; Sundanese Federalist, Member, PRIS itajderL.Mae Notosutarso, chief accountant of the Netherlands Trading Society,, Javanese, member, PAf ,AFI Mulia Pangabean, Mana.,,ing- director of the Purada Company, Batak nationalist, member PAR DAFI ARCS CLASSIFICATION D /CONTROL U, S,, OFFICIALS ONLY M 71 This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the United State Next Review ft fee: 2008 For 2elease Cia L Auth. 999/09/09: CIA-RDP82-00457 Approved For R$WSl9 FICIALS ONLY 25X1A CENTRAL T MI.IGMi+IAG ;NCY 2- CONFIDE Sanusi (fnu), local-born Federalist NTIAL Haden Achmadsjah 3astrawinangun, official of the contact movement of the Department of Social Affairs; Sundanese Federalist, member, FOB Haden Sastromuljono, LL.M0, senior official, office of the Crown High Commiss- ioner; Javanese Federalist, member, FRIS Dr, Hendarmin Sastrosupono, ear, nose and throat specialist; aadress: Salemba, Batavia--C; Javanese nationalist Sutan Mohammed Sjah, LL. M,, advocate and solicitor, Batavia; in 1946 a councillor of Mohammed Jusuph?s Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI), later leader in West Java for Tan la?aka; now a Federalist, member PARDAFI Hac1en Sukanto, LL, D,,, senior official, Department of Education, Javanese Federalist Mas Yasmuin Surohamiprodjo (Surohamidjo), official at the disposal of the State Secretary for Justice, Javanese Federalist, member, PUIS P. F, W, J. Wakkery, .i ast Indonesian Federalist; an official in the off +_ce of the hesident-Commissioner of Batavia, member, PARI)AFI W. F. B. BEangert , civil engineer, member of the local Building Requisition Commission J. BesS-n, partner in Messrs Jacobson, Vandenberg & Co. Ltd., Jewish Pa A, Blasuw, LL,. M,, rurasian; before the war a member of the Peoples? Council for the ~urasiansl League; now a senior official at the disposal of the State Secretary for Social Affairs F. N, itazoux Schultz, Lurasian, Chief Lngineer of the Public Health Department L. Sippel, construction engineer J?, Verbun, honorary secret..; of the local Rehabilitation Committee Chinese NIO Tjien Hoa, construction engineer, graduate of the Polytechnic Mu;:;chen (Munich) Germany; managing director NIO Peng Long Construction workshop, Batavia; repre- sentative of the Hua Chiao Tsing Nien Hui, local Chinese Youths' Association TAN In Hok, manager of an insurance company, Batavia THUNG Liang Hoat, an official in the Department of Finance THUNG Sin Nio, M6D,,, female physician, Kramat YO Heng Kam, member, PARDAFI Arab Ismail Alatas? Arab merchant Sech All bin Mohammed bin All Badjened, managing proprietor, Marba Concern The members listed above are not elected but are appointed on advice of the govc- ornor of the Federal District of Batavia, Hilman Djajadiningrat, after consult- ation with advisors of the population groups concerned. Those members not affiliated with PHIS, PARDAFI or POB are under the direct con- trol of Djajadiningrat, CONFIDENTIAL - ,ICIAIS ONLY Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002600620004-5