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Document Release Date: 
July 12, 2000
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Publication Date: 
November 13, 1951
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PDF icon CIA-RDP81-00755R000100080016-9.pdf73.64 KB
TO FROM SUBJECT: ce 1V1morAn Appr a For Reese 140 IQ 00R0001 0008001 urn ? UNITED STAKES GOVERNMENT Chief - Finance Division Deputy Comptroller Entertainment of United States Officials DATE: 13 November 1951 REF: Memorandum from Acting Chief, Finance Division, to Deputy Comptroller, dtd 22 October 1951; Subject: "Entertainment of United States Officials" 1. The problem presented in referenced memorandum has been discussed with the Comptroller and the Deputy Director (Administra- tion). In so doing, the historical development and intent in Sec- tions 6.3 and 7.2 of the Confidential Funds Regulations were re- viewed. The conclusions derived from this review to be applied referenced memo are as follows: a. The Finance Division is correct in disallowing enter- tainment of US government officials which may be claimed under Section 6.3 of the Confidential Funds Regulations which permits expenditures for representation purposes, This is based on the philosophy that there is no need nor logic to representational entertainment by one government official of another government official. b. This disallowed entertainment of government officials, however, could be allowed under Section 7.2 of the Confidential Funds Regulations if approved by the Assistant Director con- cerned as being operationally essential. 2. The interpretation of Section 7.2 hinges upon the signifi- cance of the word "normal" which qualifies the general prohibition against entertainment of US Government officials. Historically, this minor qualification was provided in recognition of the fact that in rare instances, the entertainment of US Government officials may be vitally essential in furtherance of the mission of CIA. In view of the sensitivity of such entertainment, the Deputy Director (Administra- tion) expressed the opinion that it should be allowed only as approved by the Assistant Director himself. 3. The item of entertainment disallowed from the travel voucher of may therefore be certified if approved by the Assistant Director. Aside from this specific case, the principles set forth above should generally be applied in the administration of Section 7.2 of the Confidential Funds Regulations. Please advise all certifying officers and other personnel of the Finance Division accord- ingly. EDE:mes $;ECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA=