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Approved For Release 1999/0 RDP79S01091A000100050004-2 NO FOREIGN DISSEM Economic Intelligence Statistical Handbook 1969 This handbook was produced solely by CIA. It was prepared by the Office of Economic Research. Data on military expenditures and equipment and on the construction of mari- time vessels were supplied by the Office of Strategic Research. Approved For Release 1 6 Nd1&s P79S01091A000100050004-2 Amu For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79S01091A000100050004-2 ECONOMIC PROFILE, 1968 CANADA' LAND MASS: 9,976,000 square kilometers INHABITANTS: 20.8 million GNP: US $ 60 billion us LAND MASS: 9,363,000 square kilometers INHABITANTS: 201.2 million GNP: US $ 829 billion CUBA' LAND MASS: 115,000 square kilometers INHABITANTS: 7.6 million GNP: US $ 3.3 billion (1957 prices EUROPEAN NATO LAND MASS: 2,878,000 square kilometers INHABITANTS- 302.2 million GNP: US $ 590 billion NOTE: The data for gross notional product (GNP) are for 1968 in 1967 prices; converted to US purchasing power equivalents, except for Canada, India, Cuba, Communist China, North Vietnam, and North Korea. Data for Canada (in 1967 prices) are GNP converted of the parvalue exchange role of 1.081 Canadian dollars to US $1. Data for India (in 1967 prices) are GNP converted at the par value exchange rote of 7.5 rupees to US $1. Data for Cuba (in 1957 prices) are GNP for 1967 converted to US dollars using prevailing exchange rates. Data for Cuba are given in 1957 prices to minimize the inflationary effects during the last several years. Data for GNP For Communist China are for 1966, for North Vietnam (in 1964 prices) are for 1964, and For North Korea are for 1966. All data on inhabitants are for midyear 1968 and data on land moss are for the latest year available. 76011 4-69 CIA Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050004-2 P Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050004-2 EASTERN EUROPEAN COMMUNIST COUNTRIES LAND MASS: 990,000 square kilometers INHABITANTS: 102.0 million GNP:,US $137 billion INDIAt LAND MASS: 3,268,000 square kilometers INHABITANTS: 524 million GNP: US $ 40 billion JAPAN LAND MASS: 370,000 square kilometers INHABITANTS: 101 million GNP: US $ 161 billion NORTH VIETNAMt LAND MASS: 159,000 square kilometers INHABITANTS; 19.3 million GNP: US $ 1.6 billion (1964 prices COMMUNIST CHINAt LAND MASS. 9,561,000 square kilometers INHABITANTS: 806 million GNP: US $ 82 billion Approved For Release 1999/09/08: CIA-RDP79S0AJ1AR'100050004-2 USSR LAND MASS: 22,272,000 square kilometers INHABITANTS: 237.8 million GNP: US $ 412 billion NORTH KOREA! LAND MASS: 122,000 square kilometers INHABITANTS: 13.4 million GNP: US$ 3.0 billion Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : Cl%- 79S01091A000100050004-2 FOREWORD 1. Purpose and Scope The Economic Intelligence Statistical Handbook, 1969 provides statistics on the economies of the Communist countries and the countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) -including France. The content and format have been revised to make possible more explicit comparisons and new tables and graphics have been added. In general, the data in the Handbook are for 1955, 1960, and 1963-68. A summary table is presented for European NATO, Eastern Europe, each of the Communist countries, selected NATO countries, India, and Japan. The data for Mongolia, because of their scarcity, are presented in a summary table but are not included in the individual commodity or aggregative tables. The graphics are designed for use as visual aids. Footnotes have been used liberally to give definitions, exceptions, and meth- odology. Footnotes to the commodity tables give more detailed definitions of the data than those ap- pearing for the commodities on the summary table for each country. Therefore, the footnotes to the commodity tables should be referred to when a complete description of the data shown is required. 2. Rounding of the Totals In each table the data for the individual countries have been rounded consistently. Because of the limitations in the cumulative data, the totals have been rounded, with some exceptions, to three sig- nificant digits. In general, zeros appearing after the last nonzero number following the decimal point are not significant but are used merely for consistency in presentation. Totals are not presented if missing data are be- lieved to represent a significant part of the total. In general, data are not given for countries for which a significant amount of data is not available. Because of rounding, components may not add to the totals shown. 3. Symbols The abbreviation N.A. (not available) is used when information about the existence of the data or the magnitude of the data is not available, and the abbreviation Negl. (negligible) is used when the magnitude of the data is less than half of the final unit employed for each table. The metric system is used throughout. 4. Classification of Data The overall classification of the Handbook is SECRET/NO FOREIGN DISSEM. The unclassi- fied data, indicated by an asterisk (*), may be official data of the country cited or may be un- classified estimates of this Office. Tables in which all of the data are unclassified have been identified accordingly. Classified data, however, frequently occur on the reverse of the page, and, therefore, caution should be exercised if pages are removed from this publication. 5. Sources The data given for the most recent years are frequently preliminary and subject to revision. The data for the Communist countries are estimates of this Office, official data from the country cited, or estimates made by other organizations. The data for the NATO and other Free World countries are from publications of the United Nations and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and De- velopment (OECD), are from unclassified publica- tions of other international organizations or individ- ual countries of the Free World, or are estimates of this Office. Unless otherwise indicated, the term Communist Countries includes the USSR, the countries of Eastern Europe, Communist China, North Korea, North Vietnam, Albania, Cuba, and Yugoslavia; the Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : Cik- bP79S01091A000100050004-2 Approved For Release 19~?~M/08 : CIA-RDP79S01091A000100050004-2 term Eastern Europe includes Bulgaria, Czechoslo- vakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Ru- mania. The term NATO includes the United States, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Greece, Ice- land, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and West Germany. The term developed countries includes Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Ice- land, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, West Germany, Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States. The term less developed countries of the Free World includes (1) all countries of Africa except the Republic of South Africa, (2) all coun- tries of the Far East except Japan, (3) Portugal and Spain in Europe, (4) all countries in Latin America except Cuba, and (5) all countries in the Near East and South Asia. As far as possible, production data for the Saar have been included in the data for West Germany for all years, unless otherwise indicated. Data for Alaska and Hawaii, when available, have been in- cluded in the total for the US. Data for any of the above country groupings may or may not include all of the countries listed above, depending on the commodity or services listed. Approved For Release 19998 : CIA-RDP79S01091A000100050004-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/085Ecf4-RDP79S01091A000100050004-2 CONTENTS Economic Profile, 1968 Frontispiece Table Page 1. ECONOMIC AND MILITARY INDICATORS Comparative Data on Gross National Product in the US and the USSR (Figure 1) ....................... following page xiv A. GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT 1 Gross National Product ........................................ 1 2 Gross National Product, by End Use, in the US and the USSR ........ 2 Per Capita Gross National Product in Selected Countries (Figure 2) .....................................following page 2 3 Percentage Distribution of Soviet Gross National Product, by End Use 3 4 Gross National Product in Selected NATO Countries .............. 3 B. INDUSTRIAL AND AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION 5 Indexes of Industrial Production ................................ 4 Indexes of Industrial and Agricultural Production in the US and the USSR (Figure 3) ...................... following page 4 6 Indexes of Industrial and Agricultural Production in the Eastern European Communist Countries ............................... 5 7 Indexes of Gross Industrial Production in the Communist Countries 8 8 Average Annual Rates of Growth of Industrial Production, by Branch of Industry, in the USSR .............................. 7 C. SOVIET INVESTMENT AND FINANCE DATA 9 Soviet State Budget ............................................ 8 10 Soviet Gross Fixed Investment, by Function and by Sector .......... 9 11 Drawings and Scheduled Repayments on Western Credits to the USSR ................................................. 10 Soviet Hard Currency Payments Deficit (Figure 4) .. following page 10 Production, Disposition, and Reserves of Gold in the USSR (Figure 5) .................................... following page 10 D. COMPARATIVE PERFORMANCE AND PLAN DATA 12 Selected Economic Data for the US and the USSR ................ 11 13 Factors of Consumption for the US and the USSR ................ 12 14 Soviet Economic Plan for 1970 .................................. 13 E. MILITARY EXPENDITURES, EQUIPMENT, AND PORT CAPACITIES 15 Defense Expenditures, by Major Mission, in the US and the USSR .... 14 Soviet Expenditures for Defense and Space (Figure 6) .................................... following page 14 16 Soviet Expenditures for Defense and Space, by Major Mission ...... 15 17 Soviet Expenditures for Defense and Space, by Category of Expenditures ................................................ 16 18 Construction of Naval Ships, by Type, in the Communist Countries .. 17 Approved For Release 1999/09/08sEOIA-RDP79S01091A000100050004-2 ~ti Approved For Release 1999/09i&CIA-RDP79S01091A000100050004-2 Table Page 19 Production of Military Aircraft, by Type, in the US and the Communist Countries ................................. 18 Military Capacities of Selected Ports (Figure 7) .................................... following page 18 II. POPULATION AND COUNTRY TABLES 25X6 25X6 20 Population .................................................... 19 21 Labor Force .................................................... 20 22 Nonagricultural Labor Force .................................... 20 23 Agricultural Labor Force ...................................... 21 24 United States ................................................. 22 25 European NATO .............................................. 23 26 France ........................................................ 24 27 Italv .......................................................... 25 32 USSR ........................................................ 30 33 Eastern Europe ................................................ 31 34 Bulgaria ...................................................... 32 35 Czechoslovakia ................................................ 33 36 East Germany ................................................. 34 37 Hungary ..................................................... 35 38 Poland ....................................................... 36 39 Rumania ...................................................... 37 40 Communist China .............................................. 38 41 North Korea .................................................. 39 42 North Vietnam ................................................ 40 43 Albania ....................................................... 41 44 Cuba ......................................................... 42 45 Mongolia ..................................................... 43 46 Yugoslavia .................................................... 44 Ill. FOREIGN TRADE Direction of Foreign Trade of the Communist Countries (Figure 8) ................................... following page 44 47 World Exports, by Selected Country and Region .................. 45 48 Trade of the US with the USSR and Eastern European Communist Countries ................................................... 45 49 Trade of the US with the USSR, by Commodity .................. 46 viii Approved For Release 1999/09SO6 TCIA-RDP79S01091A000100050004-2 I Approved For Release 1999/09/006RglA-RDP79S01091A000100050004-2 Table Page 50 Trade Turnover of the Communist Countries ...................... 47 51 Trade Among the Communist Countries ........................... 48 52 Trade of the Communist Countries with the Free World .......... 49 53 Soviet Foreign Trade .......................................... 50 54 Soviet Exports ................................................. 51 55 Soviet Imports ................................................ 52 56 Soviet Exports of Petroleum .................................... 53 57 Soviet Imports of Chemical Equipment .......................... 53 58 Chinese Communist Foreign Trade .............................. 54 IV. AID US and Communist Economic Aid Extended to Less Developed Countries of the Free World (Figure 9) .......... following page 54 Soviet Economic Aid Extended to Less Developed Countries of the Free World and Communist Countries (Figure 10) following page 54 A. COMMUNIST AID DELIVERED TO NORTH VIETNAM Economic and Military (Figure 11) ................ following page 54 59 Soviet Military ................................................ 55 60 Chinese Communist Military .................................... 56 B. COMMUNIST AID TO LESS DEVELOPED COUNTRIES OF THE FREE WORLD 1. EXTENSIONS AND DRAWINGS Economic and Military, by Area (Figure 12) ........ following page 56 Soviet Economic and Military, by Area (Figure 13) .. following page 56 Chinese Communist Economic and Military, by Area (Figure 14) ................................... following page 56 61 Economic and Military ........................................ 57 62 Economic ..................................................... 58 63 Military ...................................................... 59 2. RECIPIENT AND DONOR 64 Economic and Military ........................................ 60 65 Economic ..................................................... 62 66 Military ...................................................... 64 3. MAJOR DELIVERIES OF MILITARY EQUIPMENT 67 Land Armaments and Naval Ships, by Recipient .................. 65 68 Aircraft and Guided Missile Systems, by Recipient ................ 66 69 Recipients in 1968 ............................................ 67 4. TRAINEES 70 Academic, Technical, and Military Departures for Training in Communist Countries ...................................... 68 71 Military Personnel Trained in Communist Countries ................ 69 Approved For Release 1999/09/0@cPCIA-RDP79S01091A000100050004-2 ix Approved For Release 1999/09/0%ic A-RDP79S01091A000100050004-2 Table Page 72 Communist Nonmilitary and Military Technicians in Less Developed Countries of the Free World, by Country ............ 70 V. INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS AND RAW MATERIALS 73 Sulfuric Acid .................................................. 71 74 Synthetic Ammonia ............................................ 72 75 Caustic Soda .................................................. 73 76 Mineral Fertilizer, Nutrient Content ............................ 74 77 Mineral Fertilizer ............................................. 75 78 Plastics ....................................................... 75 79 Natural Rubber ............................................... 76 80 Synthetic Rubber .............................................. 76 81 Rubber Tires .................................................. 77 82 Primary Energy ............................................... 78 83 hard Coal .................................................... 79 84 Brown Coal and Lignite ...................................... 80 85 Metallurgical Coke ............................................ 81 86 Crude Oil .................................................... 82 87 Petroleum Products ............................................ 83 88 Natural Gas .................................................. 84 89 Electric Power ................................................ 85 90 Installed Electric Generating Capacity .......................... 86 91 Crude Steel ................................................... 87 92 Rolled Steel .................................................. 88 93 Pig Iron ...................................................... 89 94 Iron Ore ..................................................... 90 95 Manganese Ore ................................................ 91 96 Refined Nickel ................................................ 92 97 Chromite ..................................................... 93 98 Molybdenum .................................................. 94 99 Cobalt ....................................................... 94 100 Tungsten Ore .................................................. 95 101 Cold ......................................................... 96 102 Refined Copper ................................................ 97 103 Primary Aluminum ............................................ 98 104 Bauxite ....................................................... 99 Approved For Release 1999/09/0$Er-O A-RDP79SO1091A000100050004-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 :5 J -RDP79S01091A000100050004-2 Table Page 105 Smelter Lead .................................................. 100 106 Refined Zinc .................................................. 101 107 Primary Tin Metal ............................................ 102 108 Primary Magnesium ........................................... 103 109 Titanium Sponge Metal ........................................ 103 VI. CONSUMER GOODS, PRODUCERS' GOODS, AND CONSTRUCTION A. CONSUMER GOODS 110 Footwear ..................................................... 104 111 Woven Cotton Fabrics .......................................... 104 112 Woven Woolen Fabrics ....................................... 105 113 Woven Rayon and Acetate Fabrics .............................. 106 114 Synthetic Fibers .............................................. 106 B. PRODUCERS' GOODS 115 Metalcutting Machine Tools .................................... 107 116 Metalforming Machine Tools .................................. 107 117 Metallurgical Equipment ...................................... 108 118 Electric Motors ............................................... 108 119 Electric Generators ............................................ 109 120 Turbines ...................................................... 109 121 Digital Computers ............................................. 110 C. CONSTRUCTION 122 Total Housing Construction .................................... 111 123 Production of Cement .......................................... 112 VII. AGRICULTURE Selected Agricultural Inputs and Output in the US and the USSR (Figure 15) .................................. following page 112 A. PRODUCTION OF FOOD CROPS 124 Grain ......................................................... 113 125 Breadgrain ................................................... 114 126 Coarse Grain .................................................. 115 127 Rice .......................................................... 116 128 Potatoes ............... :...................................... 117 B. PRODUCTION OF PROCESSED FOODS AND FISH CATCH 129 Meat ......................................................... 118 130 Milk ......................................................... 119 Approved For Release 1999/09/08ECGtA-RDP79S01091A000100050004-2 Approved For Release 1999/09QE7CIA-RDP79S01091A000100050004-2 Table Page 131 Sugar ........................................................ 120 132 Fish Catch .................................................... 121 C. INVENTORY OF LIVESTOCK 133 Cattle ........................................................ 122 134 Hogs ......................................................... 123 D. PRODUCTION OF SELECTED FIBERS 135 Ginned Cotton ................................................ 124 136 Wool ......................................................... 125 E. PRODUCTION OF EQUIPMENT 137 Grain Combines ............................................... 126 138 Tractors ...................................................... 126 VIII. TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS Domestic Transport Performance in the US and the USSR (Figure 16) ...................................following page 126 A. TRANSPORTATION PERFORMANCE 139 Railroad Freight, in Ton-Kilometers ............... . . . . . . ....... . . 127 140 Railroad Freight, in Tons Carried ................................ 128 141 Motor Vehicle Freight, in Ton-Kilometers ........................ 129 142 Motor Vehicle Freight, in Tons Carried .......................... 130 143 Inland Water Freight, in Ton-Kilometers ........................ 131 144 in Tons Carried .......................... Inland Water Freight 132 , 145 Ocean Freight, in Ton-Kilometers ...............................133 146 Air Passenger Traffic, in Passenger-Kilometers .................... 134 147 Airfreight Traffic, in Ton-Kilometers ............................ 134 148 Petroleum Pipeline Transportation, in Ton-Kilometers .............. 135 149 Petroleum Pipeline Transportation, in Tons Carried ................ 135 B. PRODUCTION OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT 150 Maritime Cargo Ships ......................................... 136 151 Maritime Tankers ............................................. 137 152 Fishing Ships .................................................. 137 153 Locomotives .................................................. 138 154 Diesel Locomotives ............................................ 139 155 Electric Locomotives .......................................... 139 156 Railroad Freight Cars ........................................ 140 157 Passenger Automobiles ........................................ 141 158 Trucks and Buses .............................................. 142 A Approved For Release 1999/09/0$ CIA-RDP79S01091A000100050004-2 Approved For Release 1999/09=ETCIA-RDP79S01091A000100050004-2 Table C. INVENTORY OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT Page 159 Civil Aircraft .................................................. 143 160 Locomotives .................................................. 144 161 Railroad Freight Cars .......................................... 145 162 Civilian Trucks ................................................ 146 163 Merchant Fleet ................................................ 147 164 Tanker Fleet .................................................. 148 165 Telephones in Use ............................................ 149 166 Long-Distance Telephone Calls ................................. 150 167 Telegrams Sent over the Domestic System ........................ 151 168 Electron Tubes ................................................ 152 169 Radio Receivers ............................................... 152 170 Television Receivers ........................................... 153 171 Radio Receivers in Public Use .................................. 154 172 Television Receivers in Public Use .............................. 155 IX. CONVERSION FACTORS AND RATES OF EXCHANGE 173 Selected Conversion Factors .................................... 156 174 Rates of Exchange for Currencies of Selected Communist Countries .. 157 175 Cross Rates of Exchange for Currencies of the NATO Countries ...... 158 Approved For Release 1999/O9RT: CIA-RDP79S01091A000100050004-2 "i" Approved For Release 1999/09108 : CIA-RDP79S04091A000100050 4- SECRET COMPARATIVE DATA ON GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT IN THE US AND THE USSR, 1955, 1960, AIVD 1903- $ 1955 1960 1919633 964 1965 1966 1967 1968 GNP (Billion 1967 US $) US 513.6 572.0 646.1 681.8 724.4 770.5 789.7 828.8 USSRtt 195.2 261.4 301.7 323.9 344.8 368.3 390.1 411.5 Difference 318.4 310.6 344.4 357.9 379.6 402.2 399.6 417.3 GNP (USSR as a Percent of US) 38 46 47 48 48 48 49 50 GNP Per Capita (1967 US $) US 3,100 3,170 3,410 3,550 3,720 3,910 3,970 4,120 USSRtt 1,000 1,220 1,340 1,420 1,500 1,580 1,660 1 730 , GNP Per Capita (USSR as a Percent of US) 32 38 39 40 40 40 42 42 GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT Billion 1967 US $ USSRtt 1955 1960 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT PER CAPITA 1967 US $ t At market prices. )'t Converted at US purchasing power equivalents. Approved For Release 1999/09108 : CIA-RDP79S01091A00Q100050004- Approved For Release 1999/09/08SE& -RDP79S01091A0001000kQNTIVE DATA Estimated Gross National Product at Market Prices 1955, 1960, and 1963-68 NATO COUNTRIES......... . US .................... Canada ................ European NATO ......... Of which: 880* 1,030* 1,170* 1,240* 1,310* 1,380* 1,410* 1,480* 3.2* 4.8* 513.6* 572.0* 646.1* 681.8* 724.4* 770.5* 789.7* 828.8* 2.2* 5.1* 33.9* 40.1* 46.1* 49.0* 52.4* 55.5* 57.3* 60.0* 3.4* 5.4* 330* 420* 480* 510* 530* 550* 560* 590* 4.9* 4.2* Belgium ............. 15.3* Denmark ............ 7.1* France .............. 69.1 Italy ................ 10.6? Netherlands .......... 15.6* Norway ............. 5.4* UK ................. 87.3* West Germany d...... 73.1* COMMUNIST COUNTRIES USSR and Eastern Europe. 271 USSR ............... 195.2 Eastern Europe......... 76.2* Bulgaria ............. 3.7* Czechoslovakia ....... 15.9* East Germany........ 19.0* Hungary ............. 7.7* Poland .............. 19.9* Rumania ............ 10.0* Far East N.A. N.A. N.A. 82 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 2.6 2.8 2.9 3.0 N.A. N.A. 17.1 4.9f For the individual European NATO countries, the ratios for converting gross national product (GNP) in national currencies at 1967 prices into 1967 US dollars on the basis of US purchasing power equivalents are derived from the 1950 ratios in Milton Gilbert and Associates, Comparative National Products and Price Levels, OEEC, Paris, 1958, using the geometric mean of European and US weighted ratios. These 1950 ratios were moved to 1967 by applying the following factor: the derived price indexes for each European country for 1950-67 divided by a derived price index for the US for 1950-67. These price indexes were derived for each country by dividing the growth of GNP in current prices by the growth of GNP in constant prices. The ratios thus obtained were applied to the GNP values, given in the national currencies in 1967 prices. The total GNP for the European NATO countries is based on the esti- mate that the total GNP of the individual countries shown represents 95 percent of the total European NATO GNP, which is the approximate relationship derived from other sources. The values shown for the Communist countries, except for North Korea, have been calculated in a manner which makes them reasonably comparable with the values shown for the NATO countries. b The base years are 1955 and 1963, respectively. Rates of growth are derived from unrounded data. Converted at the exchange rate of 1.081 Canadian dollars to US $1. d Including data for West Berlin. e Converted at the exchange rate of 1.2 won to US $1. f Rate of growth for 1964-66. Billion 1967 US S (Converted at US Purchasing Power Equivalents 17.3* 20.1* 21.5* 22.3* 22.9* 23.7* 8.9* 10.0* 11.0* 11.4* 11.7* 12.1* 8i.3* 101.01' 107.5* 112.7* 118.S* 124.3* .5;).2* 61.2* 06.0`Y" 68.3? 72..1* 76.4* 19.0* 21.2* 23.2* 24.4* 24.9* 26.3* 6.3* 7.3* 7.7* 8.0* 8.3* 8.8* 100.1* 109.7* 116.0* 119.1* 121.3* 123.2* 105.4* 119.7* 127.6* 134.8* 138.0* 137.9* Average Annual Rate of Growth b (Percent) 24.7* 2.5* 4.2* 12.3* 4.7* 4.1* 1'29.5* 4.8* 5.1* 80.3* 5.5* 4.6* 27.7* 4.1* 5.5* 9.1* 3.2* 4.7* 127.4* 2.8* 3.0* 147.5* 7.6* 4.3* 359 410 438 464 494 521 548 5.8 6.0 261.4 301.7 323.9 344.8 368.3 390.1 411.5 6.0 6.4 97.9* 109* 114* 119* 125* 131* 137* 5.1* 4.7* 5.3* 6.5* 6.9* 7.2* 7.8* 8.3* 8.6* 7.5* 5.8* 21.9* 22.8* 23.0* 23.4* 24.5* 25.6* 26.4* 6.6* 3.0* 24.0* 26.1* 27.1* 28.1* 29.2* 30.5* 31.7* 4.8* 4.0* 9.5* 11.0* 11.8* 11.8* 12.4* 12.9* 13.2* 4.3* 3.7* 25.3* 28.9* 30.5* 32.6* 34.2* 35.6* 37.8* 4.9* 5.5* 11.9* 13.3* 14.5* 15.7* 17.1* 18.1* 19.1* 3.5* 7.5* Communist China .... 62 N.A. North Korea I........ 1.0 2.2 * An asterisk indicates that the data are unclassified. Approved For Release 1999/09/08~EG1 -RDP79S01091A000100050004-2 AGGREGATIV pWpved For Release 1999/09 iTCIA-RDP79SO1O91AOOO1OOO5OOO4-2 Gross National Product, by End Use, in the US and the USSR 1967 Billion 1967 US $ USSR as P - a ercent US USSR of US Consumption .......................................... 532.8* 200.9 38 Investment ............................................ 136.6* 117.6 86 Defense ............................................ 76.5* 57.8 75 Other ................................................. 43.8* 40.7 93 GNP ............................................... 789.7* 390.1 h 49 * An asterisk indicates that the data are unclassified. US market prices. Total Soviet gross national product (GNP) and the various end uses were converted to dollars not by the official rate of exchange but by the average purchasing power ratio of the dollar and the ruble calculated from actual or estimated prices paid for various goods and services in (lie two economics. For GNP as a whole and for each end use component of GNP, these average ratios (ruble-dollar ratios) were estimated by weighting individual price ratios by both US and Soviet expenditure weights. The geometric mean of the US weighted and Soviet weighted ratios was then used for the conversion of Soviet values into dollars. The magnitudes for the Soviet end use components were calculated to measure quantity of output com- pared with the US but not the cost in resources. The share of total economic resources devoted to a particular end use or the share of total output originating in an individual sector (for example, agriculture or industry) in the USSR should be measured in internal ruble prices and costs. Agriculture alone, for example, uses 35 percent of the civilian labor force, or 43 million people, as a result of the inefficiency of that sector in the USSR. The adjusted end uses of GNP are defined as follows: (1) Consumption comprises personal expenditures for goods and services for all purposes and noninvest- ment outlays by government for goods and services for health and education. (The personal consumption expenditures for the US are $492.2 billion.) (2) Investment is defined (a) for both the US and the USSR as the sum of expenditures for gross private domestic investment net of inventories; for public construction other than that for defense facilities; for equip- ment purchased by the government except that for defense; and for defense stockpiling and defense-production expansion; and (b) for the US, as also including expenditures by state and local government for development of atomic energy. (The gross private domestic investment for the US is-$111.3 billion.) (3) Defense as a component of GNP comprises government purchases of goods and services for the military services, federal government expenditures on atomic energy development, and outlays on space research and technology. Defense excludes stockpiling activities and net military grants for foreign military assistance. (The federal government purchases of goods and services for national defense, excluding purchases by NASA, for the US are $72.4 billion.) (4) Other includes inventory change, administration, net exports, and statistical discrepancy. Adminis- tration as a component of GNP is the residual left after all current expenditures for national defense, health, and education and all capital expenditures are subtracted from government purchases of goods and services. (There is no equivalent category for the unadjusted data for the US.) b The sum of the end use components of Soviet GNP, valued in dollars, does not equal the dollar value of aggregate GNP, because of the use of average ruble-dollar ratios in converting from ruble values to dollar values. Nevertheless, the individual end use components were not adjusted to agree with tiie total, since the US-USSR comparisons shown are believed to give the best available description of relative size. 2 Approved For Release 1999/09CIA-RDP79SO1091AO00100050004-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/08: CIA-RDP79SO1091A00010O050004 SECRET 1967 US 4,500 PER CAPITA GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT IN SELECTED COUNTRIES, 1968 Free World Countries =Communist Countries 1967 US us 4,120 Canada t 2,890 Belgium 2,580 France 2,570 Denmark 2,510 West Germany it 2,450 Norway 2,400 UK 2,300 Netherlands 2,180 East Germany 1,850 Czechoslovakia 1,830 USSR 1,730 Japan 1,590 Italy 1,520 Hungary 1,280 Poland 1,170 Bulgaria 1,020 Rumania 970 North Korea ttt 240 Communist China ttt 110 India t 80 Figure 2 US purchasing power equivalents, unless otherwise indicated. I 'Gross national product per capita converted at the par value exchange rate of 1.081 Canadian dollars to US $1 . Including West Berlin. Data ore for 1966 . Gross national product per Capita converted at the par value exchange rate af_7,5 rupees to US. $1. Approved For Release 1999/09/08: CIA-RDP79S01091AO0OfOO & T Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050004-2 SECRET AGGREGATIVE DATA Percentage Distribution of Soviet Gross National Product, by End Use (Adjusted Factor Cost ?) 1955, 1960, and 1963-68 Consumption ......................... 61 59 58 56 56 56 56 56 Investment .......................... 21 28 29 29 30 31 32 33 New fixed .......................... 16 23 23 23 24 24 25 26 Others ............................ 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 Defense .............................. 13 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 Administration ....................... 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 Inventory change, net exports, and sta- tistical discrepancy .................. 1 2 1 4 3 3 2 1 Total ............................ 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ? Because of the well-known difficulties in using Soviet prices as a measure of resource burden, the shares of gross national product (GNP) in this table are based on GNP at factor cost. In calculating GNP at factor cost, 1960 end use weights have been revised from an established price basis to a factor cost basis by subtracting turnover taxes and profits and adding amortization charges, im- plicit interest costs, agricultural land rent, and subsidies. These revised weights are then moved over time by indexes of the value of the various end uses in constant market prices. Preliminary. Civilian research and development and expenditures on capital repair. Gross National Product ? in Selected NATO Countries 1955, 1960, and 1963-68 Average Annual Rate of Growth b (Percent) NATO Countries 1955 1960 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1956-60 1964-68 Belgium ......... 12.7* 14.3* 16.6* 17.7* 18.4* 18.9* 19.5* 20.4* 2.5* 4.2* Canada.......... 33.9* 40.1* 46.1* 49.0* 52.4* 55.5* 57.3* 60.0* 3.4* 5.4* Denmark ........ 6.56* 8.25* 9.32* 10.2* 10.6* 10.8* 11.2* 11.4* 4.7* 4.1* France .......... 64.5* 81.4* 94.2* 100* 105* 111* 116* 121* 4.8* 5.1* Greece........... 3.28* 4.23* 5.31* 5.79* 6.23* 6.71* 7.03* 7.47* 5.2* 7.1* Italy............ 35.6* 46.6* 56.3* 57.9* 59.9* 63.2* 67.0* 70.4* 5.5* 4.6* Luxembourg ..... 0.501* 0.595* 0.638* 0.684* 0.698* 0.708* 0.722* 0.751* 3.5* 3.3* Netherlands...... 13.5* 16.5* 18.4* 20.1* 21.1* 21.5* 22.7* 24.0* 4.1* 5.5* Norway ......... 5.08* 5.96* 6.88* 7.26* 7.63* 7.92* 8.32* 8.64* 3.2* 4.7* Portugal......... 2.45* 3.04* 3.62* 3.87* 4.15* 4.29* 4.62* 4.85* 4.5* 6.0* Turkey.......... 5.70* 7.34* 8.25* 8.65* 9.04* 9.94* 10.6* 11.3* 5.2* 6.5* UK ............. 67.3* 77.2* 84.7* 89.5* 91.9* 93.6* 95.1* 98.3* 2.8* 3.0* West Germany ?.. 64.2* 92.5* 105* 112* 118* 121* 121* 129* 7.6* 4.3* * An asterisk indicates that the data are unclassified. The individual series for gross national product (GNP) for the various countries are acceptable when the data are not to be used for international comparisons. The series are inadequate for international comparisons because they are based on the conversion of GNP into a single currency using rates of exchange at par value. Such international comparisons are of doubtful value because the rates do not adequately indicate relative purchasing power. The more correct data for the majority of the countries for comparison of GNP are to be found in Table 1, p. 1. b The base years are 1955 and 1963, respectively. Rates of growth are derived from unrounded data. o Including data for West Berlin. SECRET 3 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050004-2 Approved For Release 1999/09&Ei CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050004-2 AGGREGATIVE DATA Indexes of Industrial Production & in Selected NATO and Communist Countries 1955, 1960, and 1963 68 Average Annual Rate of Growth b (Percent) 1955 1060 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1956-60 1964-68 NATO COUNTRIES US .................... 80* 100* 114* 122* 132* 144* 145* 152* 2.4* 5.9 Belgium ............... 88* 100* 121* 129* 132* 134* 137* 144* 2.6* 3.5* France ................ 74* 100* 117* 126* 128* 137* 140* 146* 6.2* 4.5* 65* 100* 132* 133* 140* 156* 169* 180* 9.0* 6.4* I ...?...? .... 84* I00* 100* 109* ll0* 106* 106* 112* 3.5* 2.3* Luuxemxembo bourg........ .... Netherlands . . . . . . . . . . . . 73* 100* 116* 128* 135* 143* 150* 166* 6.5* 7.4* UK .. . . . . ............. 88* 100* 105* 112* lIG* 118* 117* 122* 2.6* 3.0* West Germany. ........ 71* 100* 113* 124* 131* 133* 131* 146* 7.1* 4.9* COMMUNIST COUNTRIES USSR and Eastern Europe USSR d ................ 66 100 122 129 137 147 158 167 8.8 6.4 Eastern Europe........... 67* 100* 119* 128* 136* 145* 136* 167* 14.0* 10.6* Bulgaria ............... 52* 100* 133* 145* 16.. 179* Czechoslovakia......... 64* 100* 108* 110* Ila* 122* 129* 135* 9.3* 4.6* East Germany .......... 71* 100* 113* 117* 122* 126* 134* 141* 7.1* 4.5* H un ar 77* 100* 1277* 138* 144* 15'2* 163* 169* 5.4* 5.9* g y ............... Poland ................ 68* 100* 1'13* 137* 151* 161* ~14* 236* 9.3* 11.7* Rumania .............. 64* 100* 136* 156* 171* 190* i Far East Communist China e .....44-47 100 70-73 80-84 93-99 105-112 89-96 N.A. 16.5' 6.6 Other Yugoslavia... ......... 55* 100* 133* 154* 166* 173* 172* 183* 12.7* 6.6 * An asterisk indicates that the data are unclassified. ? Indexes for the NATO countries are value-added weighted indexes of intermediate and final products of industry. Industry includes manufacturing and mining and, in most countries, public utilities. Data for Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the UK, and West Germany exclude the manufacture of food, beverages, and tobacco. The indexes for the Communist countries are estimates of this Office- constructed as nearly as 1=ossible on the same basis as the indexes for \Vestern countries-or other calculations accepted by this Office. The indexes for the Communist countries include manufacturing, mining, and public utilities. b The base years are 1955 and 1963, respectively. Preliminary. d Index of gross values for individual commodities and branches aggregated by 1960 value-added weights. The three sectors cov- ered-materials, machinery, and nondurable consumer goods-conslitute 47.0 percent, 30.1 percent, and 22.9 percent, respectively, of the value-added weights for industrial production. This index is as comparable as data will permit with the index of US industrial production of the US Federal Reserve Board. Estimates of this Office computed by applying value-added weights to data for commodity production. The data are fragmentary and uncertain; therefore, the index should be regarded as providing only a tentative indication of the general level and trend in pro- duction. r Based on the midpoint of the range. Rate of growth for 1964-67. 4 Approved For Release 1999/09/06Ec5TA-RDP79S01091A000100050004-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/08: CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050004 SECRET Figure 3 INDEXES OF INDUSTRIAL AND AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION IN THE US AND THE USSR, 1955-68 INDEXES OF PER CAPITA INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 US (1960- 100) 89 92 93 86 97 100 101 109 114 122 132 144 145 152 USSR (1960= 100) 66 72 77 85 93 100 107 116 122 129 137 147 158 167 US (1960=100) 97 99 98 89 99 100 99 106 109 115 122 132 132 137 USSR (1960=100) 72 77 81 88 95 100 105 113 116 122 127 135 144 150 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 US (1960=100) 91 92 90 96 97 100 101 102 106 105 108 107 111 113 USSR (1960=100) 83 94 94 102 100 100 107 105 102 116 118 128 130 135 US (196 USSR (196 0=100) 0=100) 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 99 99 95 99 90 101 99 105 99 102 100 100 99 105 99 102 101 97 1964 1965 1966 1967 99 100 98 101 102 109 109 117 118 122 76014 4-69 CI SECRET Approved For Release 1999/09/08: CIA-RDP79SO1091A 000100050004-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050004-2 SECRET AGGREGATIVE DATA Indexes of Industrial and Agricultural Production 9 in the Eastern European Communist Countries 1955, 1960, and 1963-68 Average Annual Rate of Growth b (Percent) 1955 1960 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1956-60 1964-68 Eastern European Industry ............... 67* 100* 119* 128* 136* 145* 156* 167* 8.3* 7.0* Agriculture ............. 89 100 99 104 106 116 118 118 2.4 3.6 Bulgaria Industry ............... 52* 100* 133* 145* 162* 179* 200* 220* 14.0* 10.6* Agriculture ............. 80 100 104 118 119 138 138 126 4.6 3.9 Czechoslovakia Industry ............... 64* 100* 108* 110* 116* 122* 129* 135* 9.3* 4.6* Agriculture ............. 92 100 95 99 96 108 112 113 1.7 3.5 East Germany Industry ............... 71* 100* 113* 117* 122* 126* 134* 141* 7.1* 4.5* Agriculture............. 91 100 93 94 104 106 112 111 1.9 3.6 Hungary Industry ............... 77* 100* 127* 138* 144* 152* 163* 169* 5.4* 5.9* Agriculture ............. 93 100 107 104 97 109 109 110 1.5 0.6 Poland Industry ............... 68* 100* 125* 137* 151* 161* 173* 189* 8.0* 8.6* Agriculture ............. 84 100 99 105 107 114 113 119 3.5 3.7 Rumania Industry ............... 64* 100* 136* 156* 171* 190* 214* 236* 9.3* 11.7* Agriculture ............. 96 100 102 109 117 131 132 126 0.8 4.3 * An asterisk indicates that the data are unclassified. The indexes of industrial production are estimates of this Office-constructed as nearly as possible on the same basis as indexes for Western countries-or other calculations accepted by this Office. The indexes include manufacturing, mining, and public utilities. The indexes for agricultural production are estimates of this Office-based on the gross production of crops minus seed, waste, and feed (including imported grain), and livestock products (including changes in livestock numbers) using FAO/OECD Western European regional price weights (1952-56 average). .b The base years are 1955 and 1963, respectively. Approved For Release 1999/09/08SE(GIA-RDP79S01091A000100050004-2 5 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050004-2 AGGREGATIVE DATA ALL DATA IN THIS TABLE ARE UNCLASSIFIED Official Communist Indexes of Gross Industrial Production 1955, 1960, and 1963-GS e Average Annual Rate of Growth b (Percent) COMMUNIST COUNTRIES USSR and Eastern Europe USSR ............... 61 100 129 139 131 164 180 195 10.4 8.6 Eastern Europe Ilulgaria ............. 48 100 138 152 174 105 221 247 15.8 12.3 Czechoslovakia....... 60 100 115 120 129 138 1491 156 10.8 6.3 Last Germany........ 65 100 117 125 133 142 150 159 9.0 6.3 Hungary ............. 70 100 127 138 145 155 169 177 7.4 6.9 Poland .............. 63 100 126 138 150 161 174 190 9.7 8.6 Rumania............ 60 100 148 169 191 213 241 269 a 10.8 12.7 Far East North Korea......... 22 100 148 173 198 N.A. N.A. N. A. 35.4 15.7 d North Vietnam....... 21 100 154 170 184 N.A. N.A. A'. A. 36.6 9.3 d Other Albania ?............ 46 100 121 130 135 156 176 209, 16.9 11.6 = These indexes are measures of the "gross" value of production of industry at constant prices. The gross value of production is, in general, the sum of the value of output of all industrial enterprises. The definition of industry in Communist countries includes not only manufacturing, mining, and public utilities, as in most Western definitions of industry, but also certain other activities (varying from country to country). b The base years are 1955 and 1963, respectively. c Estimated. d Bate of growth for 1064-65. Socialized industry only. t ALL DATA IN THIS TABLE ARE UNCLASSIFIED 6 Approved For Releasss11989MIML: AMOR 01091 A000100050004-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/08ECREIA-RDP79SO1091A0001000A OC~PG4A~VE DATA Average Annual Rates of Growth s of Industrial Production, by Branch of Industry, in the USSR Selected Years, 1956-68 1956-60 1964-68 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968b Industrial materials ................... 9.2 6.6 6.6 7.2 7.5 6.5 7.0 4.9 Electric power ...................... 11.4 9.0 11.2 11.2 10.0 7.6 7.7 8.6 Coal .............................. 5.9 2.4 3.0 4.0 4.4 1.9 2.2 -0.2 Petroleum products and natural gas... 16.0 8.6 11.4 8.8 9.0 9.0 9.0 7.3 Ferrous metals ..................... 8.1 6.9 6.8 8.0 7.3 7.6 6.6 5.0 Nonferrous metals .................. 7.3 8.1 8.0 7.7 8.6 8.8 9.6 6.0 Forest products ..................... 6.6 3.7 5.7 4.7 1.7 1.9 5.9 4.3 Paper and paperboard products ....... 6.5 8.6 5.6 7.5 12.8 10.5 8.2 4.0 Construction materials .............. 17.8 7.3 5.3 6.4 9.4 9.4 7.6 3.6 Chemicals .......................... 12.5 11.2 7.8 1.2.0 14.5 10.0 11.2 8.7 Machinery ........................... 9.6 6.5 5.8 3.5 3.7 9.4 8.8 7.1 Civilian ............................ 14.5 7.9 9.2 7.3 6.5 9.2 8.0 8.8 Military ........................... 4.1 4.0 1.0 -2.4 -0.9 9.9 10.2 4.1 Nondurable consumer goods............ 7.0 5.9 1.4 4.6 8.1 5.0 6.8 5.2 Soft goods ......................... 6.8 5.3 2.2 4.2 2.3 7.4 7.0 5.7 Processed foods ..................... 7.2 6.7 0.4 5.0 15.2 2.4 6.5 4.6 Total industrial production ............. 8.8 6.4 5.2 5.5 6.4 7.1 7.5 5.7 e The base year is the year before the first year of the stated period. Rates of growth are derived from unrounded data. b Preliminary. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 UFA-RDP79S01091A000100050004-2 7 SOVIET INVE &i9'Rg For Re IRL?%T1A9A9fRR/YAiECAIA- ~l?& 1O91AOOO1OOO5OOO4-2 FINANCE cVDOO cD M W O V' M N Nr a a MNNCD lf~ Osm N VO Cl! Cl! 00 eM . t . . 0 ~ OC tfi 10, . N . . . Cl! . 00 0 .I t~ CO ti '-i CC ti 00 O O CO e 4 CO O 1C CO 10 9 d' 11 N N C~ CO 1` N Cl! 00 N CO M 10 CO 00 tf0 CO > O N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . coo 1C CO t` 114 10 CC N 00 O C1 O ~000 C- N .r .-i di CO t- CC t- CO CO W CO CO O Co t- 00 t- 00 CO .-i -.11 10 d' N CO 10 O-- CO - N- CO ..+ - 00' .J. N N 0 . . O O N dt d? N N O N CO O0 d~ CO CO N i 00 10 -. . . . . . . . 00 0O N CC C~ C~ oO OO 10 Cl! . . . . . . . . . . 1C 10 CO 00 10 d? 0 O CO 00 O 00 O O 0 OO 00 .~ C7) O CO N N CC C- CO t` I` d~ -y 00 di 1C .~ CO O N V CO - d+ 10 CO 10 00 CO N .-i o CO O ai a bo C, p p m m .~ ~' k F~aa~Aw~~ F O G : 0 zzwH~ PaL~wWa w C 41 : . . ~ ~ ~ bA q N r 0 0 : .C .C q bA O ALL Approved For Release?~ J dg)bi, B'61 RFR~ 6 091 A000100050004-2 19 PoPULATIODApproved For ReI,,oaf, ,90p40@YL08 4 PP7L S i 91 A000100050004-2 Labor Force ? in the US and Selected Communist Countries 1955, 1960, and 1963-68 USb ........................ 68.1 72.1 74.6 75.8 77.2 78.9 80.8 82.3 COMMUNIST COUNTRIES USSR and Eastern Europe... 153 158 164 166 171 173 176 178 USSR . ................ 105.2 108.6 113.6 115.7 110.9 121.4 123.2 125.1 Eastern Europe........... 47.9 49.0 50.0 50.5 51.1 51.7 52.3 52.8 Bulgaria. .............. 4.14 4.20 4.24 4.26 4.26 4.28 4.32 4.35 Czechoslovakia ......... 6.32 6.40 G. G3 G.69 6.79 6.92 6.96 7.01 East Germany .......... 8.75 8.53 8.34 8.34 8.37 8.38 8.41 8.44 Hungary ............... 4.68 4.87 4.90 4.94 4.99 5.05 5.09 5.12 Poland ................ 13.60 14.13 14.77 15.10 15.40 15.69 16.02 16.28 Rumania .............. 10.38 10.86 11.08 11.18 11.31 11.41 11.51 11.61 Far East Communist China d..... 273 307 314 321 328 335 N, A. N.A. North Korea d.......... 3.5 4.1 4.6 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 North Vietnam d........ 7.4 8.2 8.9 9.2 9.4 9.6 9.6 9.7 Other Albania ................ 0.68 0.73 0.78 0.80 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.89 Yugoslavia ............. 8.01 R.32 3.62 9.75 8.88 8.99 9.09 9.20 Unless otherwise indicated, data include the armed forces and the unemployed. b Annual averages of monthly data. c Excluding militarized security forces. d Excluding the armed forces. Nonagricultural Labor Force ? in the US and Selected Communist Countries 1955, 1060, and 1903-68 USb ........................ 55.7 60.3 63.1 64.8 66.7 68.9 70.5 72.1 COMMUNIST COUNTRIES USSR and Eastern Europe... 80.5 91.6 101 104 108 111 114 117 USSR ~ ................ 55.3 63.7 70.7 73.2 76.4 78.3 80.6 83.0 Eastern Europe........... 25.2 27.9 30.4 31.0 31.9 32.7 33.6 34.3 Bulgaria ............... 1.41 1.96 2.17 2.22 2.34 2.42 2.47 2.52 Czechoslovakia ......... 4.15 4.70 .5.11 5.20 5.33 5.47 5.55 5.63 East Germany .......... 6.88 6.93 6.90 6.94 7.02 7.06 7.12 7.18 Hungary ............... 2.73 3.04 3.31 3.42 3.49 3.55 3.61 3.66 Poland ................ 6.80 7.61 8.60 8.77 9.14 9.48 9.85 10.16 Rumania .............. 3.13 3.03 4.28 4.41 4.57 4.76 4.96 5.16 Far East Communist China d... 39 53 4.5 46 47 48 N.A. N.A. North Korea d ... ...... 1.2 1.9 2.3 2.5 2.5 2.6 2,7 2.7 North Vietnam d........ 1.2 1.8 2.2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.6 2.7 Other Albania ................ 0.17 0.22 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.31 0.32 Yugoslavia ............. 2.97 3.59 4.00 4.16 4.32 4.45 4.58 4.72 Unless otherwise indicated, data include the armed forces. b Civilian employment.. The data are anneal averages of monthly data that exclude the armed forces. Excluding militarized security forces. d Excluding the armed forces. 20 Approved For ReAeaseT191 9TMV106r: L) '6g6 9lA000100050004-2 Approved For Rele p%A1 ffl?/QROPABLqI EF FL7 P b091A00010005000 uLATION Agricultural Labor Force a in the US and Selected Communist Countries 1955, 1960, and 1963-68 US b ........................ COMMUNIST COUNTRIES 1955 1960 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 6.45 5.46 4.69 4.52 4.36 3.98 3.84 3.82 USSR and Eastern Europe... 72.6 66.0 62.5 62.1 62.7 62.1 61.4 60.6 USSR ................. 49.9 44.9 42.9 42.5 43.5 43.1 42.6 42.1 Eastern Europe........... 22.7 21.1 19.6 19.6 19.2 19.0 18.8 18.5 Bulgaria ............... 2.73 2.24 2.08 2.03 1.93 1.87 1.85 1.83 Czechoslovakia ......... 2.17 1.70 1.52 1.49 1.46 1.45 1.42 1.38 East Germany.......... 1.86 1.60 1.44 1.40 1.35 1.32 1.29 1.26 Hungary ............... 1.94 1.83 1.59 1.53 1.50 1.50 1.48 1.46 Poland ................ 6.73 6.52 6.17 6.34 6.26 6.21 6.16 6.12 Rumania .............. 7.24 7.23 6.80 6.78 6.74 6.65 6.55 6.45 Far East Communist China ...... 234 254 269 275 281 287 N.A. N.A. North Korea........... 2.3 2.2 2.3 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.7 North Vietnam......... 6.2 6.4 6.7 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Other Albania ................ 0.51 0.51 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.55 0.56 0.56 Yugoslavia ............. 5.04 4.73 4.61 4.59 4.57 4.54 4.51 4.48 a Excluding the armed forces. b Annual averages of monthly data. Data are for civilian employment and differ from those presented in Figure 15. Data in Figure 15 are for farm employment and include farm operators doing one or more. hours of farm work and members of their families working 15 hours or more during the survey week without cash wages. Data in Figure 15 are based on a survey of farm payrolls conducted by the US Department of Agriculture. Data for the agricultural labor force are based on a household survey of the entire population conducted by the US Bureau of the Census. Data in Figure 15 are a more comprehensive count of agricultural employment and are considered to be more comparable to data presented for the USSR, whereas data in this table are considered to be more comparable to data presented for the Communist countries as a whole. C Excluding militarized security forces. Approved For Rele A e I 0 6 % W 6 TA iAIhb ?tu'f891A000100050004-2 21 COUNTRY TR9t'H3r-9Y#gDF59XTPSelWSAI~gRlRtOA8LPJi E-F RLPu7 Ra091AO00100050004-2 N . O 00 00 ~+ 00 lA d~ a+ m u?) C) 'a 00 00 -.N O - 1- ^ ? --~ ,. .- N O d& t- 00 -. I- eN ) cq C4 >n I- N c C) t- 0 .?. t0 --+W NONN MV C N C) 00 N M a0 O L- Cl - W -+O C) 0 - N M V CC C) 00 -K M .+ 00 e0 ~-~ -+ 0ti M -~ --~ L- ~: -+ 00 N C) N N Cy c0 ..a7 O -C?)GN O -r -. N C) -W -+ N tD ,.. M 0 t M (7) M 'w V -* 00 -1 . 1O CO NO N -. OOD O c) .?a-+ I- 0 -1- M Oro .cc a st c a c O S O O O O O I- "t, C4 -K M (0 9 .~ uI N 00 O C -w O M 0 00 .ti -?. N. C4 t-006CChaC') u~m Mh a a~CO--~000W ttpp -a MVO N -+ 1- 5.0 CCV MM M 00 -+amv~0 wIT NCt C)LD BI N M GO Mi 1 00 )00 1 C N A N CO M -+ O O GO N -+ u) 1- N CO M )-? M G0 -* O h cc -? a N N -+ 00 90 N 10 u': C N M h N u2av~ OO.~M5r~p 1- O er u; N.-. M... CO 0.00 ) CO C'~ N N 00 O M ()0 h d' L,. 1' 9 h O 0000 00 wt- C c 00 I'D N u^t0 I- c'4 N cl~ C) O V f0 i0 1-00 00 C' 1- ^ 1 00 N Z,'7; Ooo -+N (Ot-00 -+N t0(ON06U~ Cc 10 ~0 0 1- 0) C') 40 Cl 900 a G a s c. C.' . a L^S C -+ N m C0 0 0 0 0 . o .??? .. .s .~ ., E E .. . . . . ~0 O y- G V G " y V :! 4 L ... ... m CWi C u ;~ ;~ 09 Yd ?,)o as E E E E a" E 8$ E E G 8 o a a r .r. r.0 a a a a c a s 91 a a a a c II o o c o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o E o 3 0 0 0 0 o c c 10 LR ~'Fi/-a Pa H~ lT--. F. r. l /-. l..C+,."'^?cE+r4~-+ O G w Approved For Release?' 0 91U8V-HS RLEARh I DP79 M691A000100050004-2 23 1 99 : CS COUNTRY T p pta eldEFor Release+x,1,099/O Q&Btl_Cd l Pds%SOd 091 A000100050004-2 tD 0 :?+? f_ cOJ? ~', ^f CO C M L, M M ~; V~ CC' C' h M V LC^. cc c7 C V~(0 N > :I =.7 c-i0 M C) o (D^ %G ct c7 q U 'Q 0 b0 U ?! Q w ? G O UA W. 3 * ? C07 o O v 30 Approved For Release 1999/09/b'U.EbIA-RDP79S01091A000100050004-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/0~cRgA-RDP79SO10R8&?QplPkgQQ94RA EUROPE .0 F O E4 O ~J ~ O 10 CU ~ 00 O 01 y 01 t*-? c1 ON 00 1.0 M O ~M .???i CO .--i .--i .--i .--~ M 01 ry ~H ci IJoco ICO M o co O C0 0 ,-?. ,--i M C1 ,- 4 M CO )n dC CV d~ )n 01o moo c0 C> 0) 0 6) O O M )O ', o c1 N C0 O -+ C'Z CC) co N 00 000 - CV LO 0 O *-?~ * CO CV M idC . )0 C) rI M ti M 10 n4 ~0 M N .--i rH Co CI 00 * * CO CO OV 4) M -,t 00 CV CO N CCO - 10 ti Cl C) M C] ti t - co * * * MOO N Co O Cl O C) M GV O * * * CO - O O C) M O t NC)o 00 N CV CO cl Mc CV Ii C,p lO in # O N N O to O W O N ti .?-~ co CV CO * * * M W W )f7 .-i CI CO C11 C11 0~ * * *4 0] d M Cl M C) N M () CO * * to t0 CC) 0 ) CO 00 CO 00 - CO O ti b C) m C) y Q W frz 0 an 1C 0 b) b o 7 q O q a 'O c~...C'i c) c) O cd 0 Cd F. P O N 0 yC . ,O, O 'b ~ C7 Ei ~ P-i W ~"i 0.1 U .~ e~ ??i H f-~ P?i bA C7 P~ ** O* - M M CCI O to O CO oar c01 ~m co 01 m - v. 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I '4 Ar [ f 01091A000100050004-2 Approved For Release ALL DATA 99/09~O A$LCl %- 7AQ~ PE'D091A000100050004-2 TRADE O u~ CO CO W N C+ .-~ N CO CO ~N O N -O cc cJ CV cc C7 CO CO .y p cc O M M d'~ C t . ' d N N CO ~^ N r+ CO dC .-~ O .?~ N .-?~ O O Cfl N .,oo aoo~Cl - ~CnCV coo p ClNoN~ r Cl CO 0, M W N ~' O O d+ d+ CO CO cr,- y N N C CO CO M 00 CO ~O O N 0 00 O M d M NM O O M .--~ "~ N tO M d~ CO O N N N M N 00 - - .+ 4 Cc) CC CO CO ~w01(O Cl O CO O N Cl CC CO OO CO OC m .??'. GOO M [~ N. . . COO . . 0 CO M 1i 1O O d~ "O O CO . . . . . . . . . 00 OO O m .-i c-1 ~0 r+ O CO C p, di m N .--~ CO -7 ~ O d+ o t rM m N N In ~O N CO CO N d" CO N N N 00 O N ~C. CO n N CO O CD C N ~0 M- m Cl CO CC CO M ?--~ "~ M CO Cl di co m O d~ N m N Oi Cl ti - .-?i 1 ti -1 O M iO M M O O N I" CO M eM .r_ cp d+ 00 O O CC N_ CC - -. CCO CO M m CC M CV M O CO M 00 .- .-i CO CC Cl! 00 M N .11, d~ 'JJ M m w .y O CO .-?~ di .?~ CO CO O c d~ CC m .+ CC M O N C'+M (n CA N N di I" N M N CO N m 1-7 1O CO CO O 1O CC o p CO CO d, y N CC N M M M N M M M N CO M -IV M 00 CO N N Cl m W .-co Cl M C) CO CCl - CC N CC d N 117 O0 00 1N CO C i d~ cc ~M - rM ei cc c: DD .-i .--! 1-7 1C 1~ CO CO Cl N CO 00 - I- CO N 00 00 CC O CO d+ c .+ N N m N rA (O N N N C CC 00 - Lr.*, C11, -It' O m C O N N O N N N u' 00 - O CC O t-7 -7 00 CC N CO -1 '?+ 00 CO N CC cc O N O C) CO cc - N N N tO N N CO d+ W O O N 0O 00 00 M N O CC CC: m to rM COO d+ (0 d' N m d+ N CC d, N ~O 00 O oc CC CC COO O Le .+ iO CC N Co N .--~ M CO rM .-?i .-+ M ti M N 00 O d+ N N CO O ~O .?+ CO CC N d~ d+ O d' d N 00 N .-i m- N N M M d~ N N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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C" c~ V, N Q, 00 N w. L, M M N a [- w? V Oc V 1- 40 , tD i^- d' .M VI M r7AD tP wN VO>OONpQ~fOi~ uN's-~+I~~SNtt--' 00C OOpyf00t- -t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a~ r, y x m r r ~ v. ?r r ?r. ~ r ~ r. r r ?r ?i ~ ~ r i .~S 3 3 .3 l 3 . 3 .3 3 .1 .3 .S .a .~ y L L L L L L i" L ["' L ~" L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 O Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0. 0. 0.0. y?.y~ yayacac x x a x x x x x c x x K st r x r. x W ,-t W n a W .. W ~+ W -~+ W ., W -: W -; W t-. W .. W .=t W .: W ., W r: to t- rt a. O ^i " V' ^ tD [- CC L, L, L^ to tD eD tD tD tD t0 tD O T a a a a a w a> a a o> a a ALL DATA IN THIS TABLE ARE UNCLASSIFIED 54 Approved For Relea e~ JIAIA ~ T/ `. 8IATlkdpvf9S01091A000100050004-2 e a < cn Approved For Release 1999/09/08: CIA-RDP79S01091AOOO190050004-2 Ap roved For Release 1999/09/08: CIA-RDP79SO10:91A0 01.00050004-2 of c Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050004-2 SECRET EXTENSIONS DURING 1954-68 t Million US $ Figure 9 (Continued) COMMUNIST AID ttt 1954-68 1968 1967 1966 1954-68 1968 1967 1966 Africa 2,672.8 199.0 273.2 266.4 1,668.8 60.1 95 5 122 6 Algeria 191.6 -0.2$ 21.6 19.2 307.0 . . 1 1 Cameroon 28.8 0.6 1-4 2.1 7.8 . Central African Republic 4.4 0.2 0.9 0.6 4 0 Chad 8.4 1.0 1.9 1.2 . 2.2 2 2 Congo (Brazzaville) 2.1 0.2 $ 0.2 $ 38 0 . Ethiopia 222.7 8.8 18.2 52.1 . 118 8 Ghana 240.2 28.8 36.7 9.3 . 239.1 Guinea 73.5 4.2 0.5 $ 6.2 195.9 3.5 16.7 34 9 Kenya 62.3 4.4 4.0 19.3 66.6 . Mali 18.5 0.2 2.7 2.2 138.5 6 2 Mauritania 3.3 0.3 0.2 8.0 8 0 . Morocco 651.6 78.0 42.7 57.9 78.8 . 43 6 Nigeria 229.1 22.3 18.2 29-3 14 0 . Senegal 31.5 3.6 6.8 5.7 . 6.7 Sierra Leone 39.3 3.9 3.6 5.2 28 0 Somalia 73.2 5.1 16.1 5.0 . 89.9 7 8 Sudan 106.5 19.3 $ 20.4 18.2 79.8 46 8 . Tanzania 62.4 5.7 6.4 6.3 81.1 . 28 1 Tunisia 563.6 46.7 53.8 20.5 108.4 51.2 1 6 . Uganda 30.7 2.5 7.0 3.8 30.6 . Upper Volta 10.9 1.4 2-9 1.3 3.2 3 2 Zambia 18.2 1.1 8.3 1.0 22.4 . 22.4 Far East 1,436.3 166.1 114.1 74.6 1,008.2 1.0 62 5 Burma 71.7 0.3 0.5 0.5 126.3 1.0 . 16 1 Cambodia 254.2 0.3$ - 0.3$ -0.4$ 122.6 . 46 4 Indonesia 519.3 103.4 59.0 19.7 747.7 . Laos U 591.1 62.7 54.9 54.8 11.6 Latin America 6,079.9 627.8 704.3 608.0 515.6 17.5 116 8 137 1 Argentina 598.0 32.1 1,3 27.7 97.7 5.0 . 30 0 . Brazil 2,843.0 329.9 270.1 345.0 335.6 . 17 0 137 1 Chile 1,344.3 107.3 284.6 104.4 59.8 5.0 . 54 8 . Colombia 947.5 107.6 140.2 96.2 7.5 7 5 . Ecuador 231.4 13.6 4.9 28.0 5.0 . 5 0 Uruguay 115.7 37.3 3.2 6-7 10.0 . 10.0 Near East-South Asia 16,531.3 1,132.2 1,122.6 1,359.5 6,951.4 664.2 309 0 1 279 9 Afghanistan 358.3 15.1 32.0 33.7 736.4 126.7 . 5 0 , . 5 6 Ceylon 136.2 27.4 10.4 14.0 121.6 . . Greece 543.2 0.5 1.7 -07$ 84.0 India 7,472.4 615.9 586.8 901.4 1,966.5 25.0 626 7 Iran 923.7 42.0 107.0 20.6 955.9 452.8 10.0 . 305 5 Iraq 52.8 3.3 5.1 222.3 18 4 . Nepal 125.0 11.1 7.1 21.1 85.8 2.0 . 19 6 Pakistan South Yemen 3,509.9 353.6 232.5 141.5 348.1 45.7 7.0 . 113.2 12.0 12.0 Syria 62.6 - 0.7 t -- 8.7 $ 0.4 415.1 25.0 191 8 Turkey 2,314.4 70.6 151.9 162.0 218.9 200 0 . UAR 990.0 -2.1 $ 3.5 $ 57-7 1,617.6 . 43 6 Yemen 42-8 -1.2 $ 2.1 2-7 167 2 . Total 2 . 17.5 6,720.3 2,125.1 2,214.2 2,308.5 10,144.0 742.8 521.3 1,602.1 t Except for South Yemen, these data Include only those less de- veloped countries to which both US aid and Communist aid were extended during 1954-68 (all those to which Communist aid was extended but not all to which US aid was extended). US data are for 1 July 1954 to I July 1988. ttoblIncluding econoic and igations under the Foreign hAssistance tActeanddandefense tecedent ulegis- lation, authorized Inter-American Development Bank loans, PL 480 funds earmarked for shipments of surplus agricultural products, authorized long-term Export-Import Bank loans, and US contribu- tions to international organizations. ttt Data are for extensions, not actual drawings, and Include credits and grants. $ A minus sign Indicates deobligatlons In excess of new obligations. $$ Creditsextended after theformation of the Laos Coalition Govern- ment under the Geneva Accord of July 1062. SECRET Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050904-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/08: CIA-RDP79S01091A000100060004-2 SECRET Figure 10 SOVIET ECONOMIC AID EXTENDED TO LESS DEVELOPED COUNTRIES OF THE FREE WORLD AND COMMUNIST COUNTRIES Total for 1954-60 and 1961-68 Total for 1954-60 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 Total Less Developed Countries 2,379 551 76 261 716 447 1,277 290 316 6,313 Communist Countries 3,109t 936 296 519 794 1,085 689 657 1,013 9,099 Total for 1954-60 Million US $ 1,000 2,0100 3,000 Less Developed Countries Communist Countries tExcluding data for Eastern Europe during 1954-55 because war reparations and other assets and privileged arrangements obtained by the USSR from these countries created a heavy net flow of capital toward the USSR during these years. SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSRM Approved For Release 1999/09/08: CIA-RDP79SOI091A000100 ?50004-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/08: CIA-RDP79S01091A000100050004-2 COMMUNIST ECONOMIC AND MILITARY AID DELIVERED TO NORTH VIETNAM; 1954-68 ECONOMIC DELIVERIES 950 150 275 380 480 2,235 USSR 365 85 150 200 240 1,040 COMMUNIST CHINA 455 50 75 80 100 760 EASTERN EUROPE 130 15 50 100 140 435 Million US $ 3,000 USSR MILITARY DELIVERIEStt USSR COMMUNIST CHINA EASTERN EUROPE NORTH KOREA Million US $ 2,000 - 1954-64 1965 1966 1967 1968 1954-68 140 270 455 650 395 1,910 70 210 360 505 290 1,435 70 60 95 145 100 470 Negl. Negl. Negl. Negl. Negl. Negi. 5 Negl. 5 Negl. MILITARY DELIVERIES-tt USSR t Data-are expressed in Soviet foreign trade prices. t Data- refer excl iveiy to combat materiel; excluding a id designed for war-support purposes. Approved -For-Release 1999/09/08: CIA-RDP79S01091A0001000 00 4-,2 Approved For Release 19991P /[ ? CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050004-2 NO FOREIGN DISSEM 0 A O 00 d+ Co rN ? - . -jq ~ c. V+ M N CV ? O h ? M M N N NV ccq ~O C i oN ? o 7a N y ;c t~ It CID V C14 O 000 ~ ~ ~ CO ~ M O W N 0 O ~O O O 6) M N M H - er ? O ? O ? O ci 000I o dm 10 00 - M 04 ? O Co O C V . 00 ti 0 0 0 ? c ~M -I O ? 6 ti eM O 00 10 C-1 I-- N LC ? O O a . 0 0 O LCI O O O CA M O 00 10 M 10 eM ti W " CV . v. . CU . . . . . . ? p U C3 cq, !71 : cm. : m vi o n bn : m q q ~ ai ~ ~ ,= 'Q V1 ) O0 . + . C7 .4 S~-i '?O . CB F-i F F F i-i CU ,s? ~ Li, ? m rn 47 N N .N cd cd cB - ~J f~ " ~' m 4 +F' G : . q t~ O. R. v . : w w w I O O 'cd .ti c. C: ! _C CO CO m m cd. G q G cd ?n O w -~ .? a w m ._, ; O V C.0 q w C~ O d+ ~--i N 0 ~.. 'ti chi cam. I H ti ~-~. H- r I ? I ~-' c`f+0 cd Gc?i '~' H r j -r~,..,7 ?' ir-ai P, I -i E-~ tiEiEiwFGaaN~rd'- - ootM v E1 GY E U, u7 M 0 u~ L- CA Approved For Release 19,66'F-Ok'-WOMS01091A000100050004-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : Cl DP79S01091A000100050004-2 SECRET/ NO FOREIGN DI S d v fr C cL: ^008 :s ?OQM dW cc v;4 O L'~ 00 00 qr : Z; G 10 4f ? 00 V ...MN.r Nm O ~: N O r N M N . ed a 4 s: w O O y G nj. w .> h O . ,. '.a Law 95 L f1 C1 r L r 43 .a a C fs a E ... .O ?r. O 45 u: Lj w 3 S >, E E ?a as c Is E 46 f.r xLE?"~ M 05 E Approved For Release sf9 lO9/f $R!ttffiP1 79S01091A000100050004-2 ''roved For Release 1999/09/08 CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050004-2 RET COMMUNIST ECONOMIC Figure 12 AND MILITARY AID TO LESS DEVELOPED COUNTRIES OF THE FREE WORLD EXTENSIONS AND DRAWINGS, BY AREA Total for 1954-60 and 1961-68 MILLION US $ TOTAL FOR 1954-60 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 ECONOMIC EXTENSIONS AFRICA 27 2 FAR EAST LATIN AMERICA . 526.9 34.2 355.7 237.1 110 0 34.7 16.9 70 0 184.9 20.4 375.1 61.1 163.0 82.3 122.6 62.5 95.5 60.1 1.0 NEAR EAST AND . . 30.0 137.1 116.8 17.5 SOUTH ASIA 532.6 237.7 356.5 427.8 556.5 526.1 502.3 492.2 433.0 Million US $ 2,000 r- ECONOMIC EXTENSIONS Africa Far East Latin America Near East and South Asia Total. for 1954-60 MILITARY EXTENSIONS AFRICA FAR EAST NEAR EAST AND SOUTH ASIA TOTAL AID DRAWN Million US $ 2,000 r- 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 TOTAL FOR 1954-60 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 19 67 19 68 1,717 24 847 371 389 1,003 382 344 6 11 2 03 488 3 17 142 3 154 11 21 70 1 205 459 93 52 226 30 2 6 . , 385 261 195 774 198 331 5 90 1 27 1,143 336 848 576 294 339 541 3 93 4 01 Africa -1 Far East Near East and South Asia Total for 1954-60 MILITARY EXTENSIONS U~ i '?I f f 1 _i 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM-Approved For Release 1999/09/08 CIA-RDP79S01091A000100050004 2 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 :CIA-RDP79S01091A000100050004-2 SECRET SOVIET ECONOMIC AND MILITARY AID Figurer TO LESS DEVELOPED COUNTRIES OF THE FREE WORLD EXTENSIONS AND DRAWINGS, BY AREA Total for 1954-60 and 1961-68 ECONOMIC EXTENSIONS AFRICA FAR EAST LATIN AMERICA NEAR EAST AND Million US $ 2,000 r--- Near East and South Asia t-.i R ;i L:] L i L... f LII Total for 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1954-60 TOTAL FOR 1954-60 196 1 196 2 1963 196 4 196 5 1966 1967 1968 MILITARY EXTENSIONS 1,222 83 2 37 1 384 98 4 28 3 322 535 153 AFRICA 11 2 1 7 142 3 15 2 4 60 FAR EAST 296 44 5 9 3 52 20 8 2 6 2 6 NEAR EAST AND SOUTH ASIA 915 38 5 26 1 190 77 3 10 5 316 535 87 Million US $ 2,000 r--- Africa Far East Near East and South Asia Ei Total for 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1954-60 1 961 1962 19 63 19 64 19 65 1 966 1967 1 968 2 ,379.4 5 51.1 76,3 261 .4 71 5.9 44 7.2 1,2 76.6 290.4 3 16.1 207.7 1 97.1 24.7 111 .8 21 0.6 5 3.6 79.0 26.2 5.4 342.3 3.0 11.5 14 .8 3.3 3.5 29.0 1 5.0 95.0 54.8 2.5 SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSFM Approved For Release 1 9 9 910 910 8: CIA-RDP79ST1-091A00010000004-2 Approved For Release 9999/09/08 :CIA-RDR79S0'1 91A 00 0090004- -10 SECRET Figure 14 CHINESE COMMUNIST ECONOMIC AND MILITARY AID TO.ESS DEVELOPED COUNTRIES OF THE FRED WORLD EXTENSIONS AND DRAWINGS, BY AREA 11 -1 Total for 1956-60 and 1961-68 TOTAL FOR 1956-60 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 ECONOMIC EXTENSIONS 181.3 163.0 16.3 88.1 310.9 118.7 120.0 49.5 56.0 AFRICA 26.5 39.2 1.8 71.6 138.2 24.7 43.5 21.5 FAR EAST 76.8 114.0 4.0 66.0 42.9 NEAR EAST AND SOUTH ASIA 78.0 9.8 10.5 16.5 172.7 28.0 33.6 28.0 56.0 Million US $ 500 I--- Africa Far East ECONOMIC EXTENSIONS 4 4 50 Total for 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1956-60 TOTAL FOR 7956-60 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 MILITARY EXTENSIONS -33 AFRICA 12 FAR EAST 21 NEAR EAST AND SOUTH ASIA TOTAL AID DRAWN 30 3 Africa Far East n MILITARY EXTENSIONS Total for 1961 195&60 P. N a171 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 760254.89 CIA SECRET NO FOREIGN DISSEM Approved-For Release 9999/09/08 ; CIA-RDP79S09091AO00900O50004- Approved For Release 199,4W%: 4WjgP501091A000100050004-2 Communist Economic and Military Aid to Less Developed Countries of the Free World, Extensions and Drawings 1954-68 1954 ............ 1955 ............ 1956 ............ 1957............ 1958 ............ 1959 ............ 1960 ............ 1961 ............ 1962............ 1963............ 1964 ............ 1.965............ 1966 ............ 1967 ............ Million US Eastern Europe Communist China Extended Drawn Extended Drawn Extended Drawn Extended Drawn 10.8 265.7 631.3 532.2 955.6 975.1 1,319.1 1,945.1 650.1 756.8 2,360.7 1,584.3 1,946.1 1,132.3 1968 ............ 945.8 Total.......... 16,011.0 1.0 5.8 1.0 5.0 0 0 0 55.7 118.4 2.7 147.3 53.0 0 0 283.2 369.3 23.8 205.6 238.5 56.4 20.9 197.9 493.1 171.9 23.3 18.9 15.8 7.1 505.4 618.0 291.9 282.2 197.4 55.4 16.1 261.1 886.8 204.7 82.1 18.3 6.2 38.1 371.3 1,110.0 323.3 128.6 32.4 80.5 15.6 573.7 1,383.1 506.4 399.0 55.6 163.0 11.7 1,204.5 447.3 1,092.9 186.5 99.0 16.3 12.6 1,003.8 645.4 922.6 23.3 59.6 88.1 21.6 850.5 1,699.9 660.8 345.9 122.3 314.9 67.4 865.1 730.2 682.3 681.4 100.7 172.7 82.1 1,043.3 1,598.6 768.8 220.5 129.4 127.0 145.1 885.2 825.4 654.8 256.4 136.0 50.5 94.4 834.0 469.1 644.9 415.7 146.8 61.0 42.3 8,935.7 11,400.4 6,952.8 3,402.8 1,407.9 1,207.8 575.0 IZFI IW2 S01091A000100050004-2 57 Approved For Release 146 6N8'::'U Approved For Releas@ElkQ4QO$EibQII5RUP79S01091 A000100050004-2 Communist Economic Aid to Less Developed Countries of the Free World, Extensions and Drawings 1954-GS Total USSR Eastern Europe Communist China 1954 ................ 10.8 1955 ................ 150.7 1956 ................ 345.3 1957 ................ 294.2 1958 ................ 482.6 1959 ................ 939.1 1960 ................ 750.1 1961 ................ 1,098.1 1962 ................ 279.1 1963 ................ 367.8 1964 ................ 1,357.7 1965 ................ 1,202.3 1966 ................ 1,602.1 1967 ................ 521.3 1968 ................ 742.8 Total .............. 10,144.0 Drawn Extended Drawn Extended Drawn Extended Drawn 1.0 5.8 1.0 5.0 0 0 2.7 118.4 2.7 32.3 0 0 37.2 252.3 8.8 36.6 7.5 56.4 61.9 255.1 35.9 23.3 18.9 15.8 128.4 337.0 96.9 111.2 26.4 34.4 152.1 856.8 109.7 81.1 17.3 1.2 149.3 554.0 107.3 122.6 32.4 73.5 237.7 551.1 184.4 384.0 44.6 163.0 356.5 76.3 254.9 186.5 89.0 16.3 427.8 261.4 346.0 18.3 59.6 88.1 556.5 715.9 374.8 330.9 116.3 310.9 520.1 447.2 355.3 636.4 91.7 118.7 502.3 1,276.6 320.8 205.5 86.4 120.0 492.2 290.4 282.8 181.4 115.0 49.5 433.0 316.1 200.9 370.7 100.8 56.0 4,064.7 6,314.4 2,778.8 2,725.8 805.9 1,103.8 0 0 20.9 7.1 5.1 25.1 9.6 8.7 12.6 21.6 65.4 79.1 89.1 94.4 41.3 480.0 58 Approved For Release fg j ?09'? b W79501091A000100050004-2 Approved For Release 19 QPW F(Qpp71 S01091A000100050004-2 Communist Military Aid to Less Developed Countries of the Free World, Extensions and Drawings 1955-68 1955 ................ 1956 ................ 1957 ................ 1958 ................ 1959 ................ 1960 ................ 1961 ................ 1962 ................ 1963 ................ 1964 ................ 1965 ................ 1966 ................ 1967 ................ 1968 ................ Total .............. Total USSR Eastern Europe Communist China - - - - - - - - - - - - - Extended Drawn Extended Drawn Extended Drawn Extended Drawn 115 53 .......... .......... 115 53 ........... 286 246 117 15 169 231 .......... ........... 238 136 238 136 473 377 281 195 171 171 21 11 36 109 30 95 1 1 5 13 569 222 556 216 6 .......... 7 6 847 336 832 322 15 11 3 371 848 371 838 .......... 10 389 576 384 576 5 1,003 294 984 286 15 6 4 2 382 339 283 327 45 9 54 3 344 541 322 442 15 43 7 56 611 393 535 372 75 21 1 203 401 153 354 45 46 5 1 5,867 4,871 5,086 4,174 677 602 104 95 Approved For Release 16 `4YM8d9b'i ~b'F?P9S01091A000100050004-2 59 wC .J C3 W. CF u 0 Approved For Releases @a9jQ9/@8REI 79S01091A000100050004-2 N ~??~ V~ :'!)M O W toM O to .~ -000 w.' a~ r~ o .-.0 00 00 O 00 00 .r 4 C. GO O O -+ O N t- ~- O OO 10 M to O N -Mr O m O 1w V. ^. 00 P M M {gy{pp N N ~h0 O 1000 Vol MN se -. t- C'1 N O N ^1 to -: L7 M " . N M MM 00O to ~-SD N O N N ? O N O O W O M y.a -r M M -+ N N NOD O O ..~ +?^ N O .. -K -a -.t 1. 00 .. tD o O -i o : o V? 2 - M N of o0 N O O M N N ? O 06 p ;N-~ +00+ a a ' O -. o 0 N o co M ? ~ ca M N ? N ??O M~^-Mto C10 M V< -r 00 M O C1 'N V" M 00 M c' N 1-r to O t0 to -. : rj : : : P? : it ? 00 O 00 : t0 I- Q~ N - M O O ? O ? O O N co M eo 00 op M V~ N ~o c1 c^ O M ? ~O O O G >n ? [+ eN O ti O t- o to o N ? N ? -: ~, o -! o SO ~? N .t M ? Os -. CO O 00 to u? ? 171 OD -~i O le O O+ . -.1 o O O O O O a a a 45 a a ` a a` a c. a c`. c 7 C: ^1 90 3 cc st 7 d a E ~ E ~ E w$ gym: ?~ t! E 46 {f. E L J7 E J~ G C cr f c r! o C M O a 0 0 C -4 J C 4 c`'i c e~ a y, a ~ a~ v W W W W: W W C C C C C C C C v C C 7 - E ^' $ C ~ $ .~. -~ cr. O J. o C :L o Zr a. LO U 0 W 0 W - bfl SECRET/NO FOREIGN DISSEM Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050004-2 Approved For Release 1999!@ Rj QJA p? 501091 A000100050004-2 00 eM ti GV o O'I t` to to I- m ; r 't cq CA O cc c d+ O o00 N co 67 to Oo .~ C+J O O O 10 O O O Oa t` - l 00 0~ N N - O~ O L~ cp ~n O O d+ CO : C) O O,-+o ti N O - O co M O ' O 0 co c D ti to Cq ~-?~ N ~ M t[5 [~ O N N. O Chi 000 co M c.0 ti CO 1~- M 11 en o ? C N o r~ CO in M M o?o M ol`o : 6~ w M C 47b CII n4 - to m I-- cli 1- C7 .? 00 - u~ o ... r o 0 0 00 o - C c I -! O IzfI ~D 00 O O o. GOO O N OC. ct.-oo 00 - Go c7 to N H - 7 r-i N N GO M 1` - - p 00N O 1-7 O O ? .~ rr C O aD 00 to M wN O L- ~ O C 0 O N CO W t[~ 'r M coo ,jq M in O O cD .y C9 M ?W ti ~ O CO N c 00 - ? O O M O co t` 0 0 0 00 N : to .o to zfI 00 W ,~-i N ' 1f> d~ ti N O O ~t'~ . N 10 N o0 O VOVD coo 00 N co ' M O M oM ON 00 0 CID ~ '+00 M N O c'~ c0 O7 N M coo co : M t- M X O O M ti .r M N Y Y n n a a o. : r. g ? W : W W. W W F o ' W ate., U] O cd M U1 O ., U? U O .ti CO U O ,x+ U2 U1 O 61 y H H H u Q Ey U 0 s. _ Mc,N.- M 00 t~ CO lM N tL C. ~, v c) CJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 s. c. c. c. F., SECRET/NO FO N Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : e+w-FS01091A000100050004-2 y+ C tip q t09 O u~ E ~ F 0. w i U) a O 0 0 V .42 CO U Approved For Releas@El (BWWREIbPI RQP79S01091A000100050004-2 - c as . l N 01 66 O O tU C N O .~ O .r Qt tD - tYJ 0 0 .?+ O N t- L, O O M V~ M O M M t- tT Lt d' M N C to lfl~ - w 00 O tD 8 N tD ~ uc M C+ + 40 N co t- N N N co O N d' t N O N to N L h r5 ci t- t0 14 w tD OCR N to - r N LY - N Oq O O O O 00 ci .. O - c n . . ... to y M to R U O A w O OS 3 ~ C O . O O _ w . w ? a ? cis Co of itt .~ c6 ,;Z ad FOREIGN DISSEM Approved For Release f906-9108 : CIA-RDP79SO1091A000100050004-2 00 M