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Approved For Release 00/05/16 : CIA-RDP84-60261 R W600050008-7 TOPICS CONSIDERED BY ADVISORY GROUP M TING/DATE DI?M&S Overseas Slots - later de- 2, 19 Jul 73 veloped to all M&S slots & 3, 31 Jul 73 people 6, 1 Oct 73 7, 10 Oct 73 9, 13 Nov 73 AG ACTION Memo submitted 15 Oct 73 recommending DDM&S control all slots & people in all Directorates MANAGEMENT ACTIC Dropped due to negative respons from directorate 11, 20 Dec 73 Assignments Across Directorate 2, 19 Jul 73 lines 8, 5 Nov 73 Mate hind; Employee Qualifications with J,,.bs 2, 19 Jul 73. 2, 19 Jul 73 2, 19 Jul 73 Flexible Hours for Car Pool Eas e External Training 2, 19 Jul 73 Jul 1 (see also page 6) 12, 74 8 J 13, 21 Jan 711. Summer Dress Code 2, 19 Jul 73 Property Requisition Priorities 2, 19 Jul 73 feggu.latory System (DDO Publi- 2, 19 Jul 73 cations Group bottleneck) 3i 31 Jul 73 8, 5 Nov 73 9, 13 Nov 73 ryI: Program Review 2, 19 Jul 73 3, 31 Jul 73 8, 5 Nov 73 9+ 13 Nov 73 Profit & Loss Criteria for moti- va.ti_on & performance evaluation 2, 19 Jul 73 Clerical Career Development 3, 31 Jul 73 8, 5 Nov 73 9, 13 Nov 73 Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped in 73 Dropped Dropped Memo submitted 19 Sep 73 recommending study of problem & assignment of DDO, DDI & DDS&i' members to task force DDM&S was to brir problem to Mgmt Committee. Recon mendation NOT adopted. Memo submitted 111 DDM&S disagreed wi Sep 73 recommending MSAG recommendatic clarification of & NO FURTHER ACTION. standardization of Mtg 9: Maintain guidelines status quo. Dropped Memo submitted 9 Nov 73 recommending establishment of Clerical Career Approved For Release 2000/05/16 : CIA-RDP81 618000600050008-7 Approved For Release 000/05/16 : CIA-RD-P8I --00261-F 06G 050008-7 TOPICS CONSIDERED BY ADVISORY GROUP MEETING r#/DATE Space Problem 3, 31 Jul 73 7, 10 Oct 73 8, 5 Nov 73 Mailing of Salary Checks 5, 17 Sep 73 (Reaction question - no paper) 5, 17 Sep 73 7, 10 Oct 73 Office Designations 7, 10 Oct 73 8, 5 Nov 73 9, 13 Nov 73 18, 23 Apr 74 SPS Fitness Reports 5, 17 Sep 73 8, 5 Nov 73 10, 3 Dec 73 Morale and Incentive System 8, 5 Nov 73 (retitled Honor & Merit Awards 10, 3 Dec 73 Program - page 4) 11,20 Dec 73 Attitudinal Survey 8, 5 Nov 73 10, 3 Dec 73 Exp..nded Shuttle System 8, 5 Nov 73 Interoffice Envelopes 8, 5 Nov 73 9, 13 Nov 73 P xp .nded Agency Exhibits 8, 5 Nov 73 9, 13 Nov 73 18, 23 Apr 74 AG ACTION MANAGEMENT ACTIO] Memo submitted Recommendation c( 7 Nov 73 (Brief sidered not feas. ##1) recommending ible - not adopt( several actions to solve space problem. Recommended all salary checks be mailed Dropped Brief #7 submit- Meeting #18: OP ted 7 Nov 73 re- is working +qn it. commending cen- tralized point for designating office names, initials, etc. Dropped dropped thru AG inaction Brief #]+ submit- OL was to pursue ted 7 Nov 73 re- commending use of xttimbered spaces on envelope with removable address stickers Brief MI6 submit- ted 7 Nov 73 re- commending certain Agency displays be shown outside the Agency 22 Jul 74:" Dis- plays of Agency activities-not feasible due to climate. Employe displays under Approved For Release 2000/05/16 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600050008'- hsideration A Approved For Releasew2000/05/16 3 CIA-RDR8.4.OA261 0.6-000500Q8-7_ TOPICS CONSIDERED BY ADVISORY GROUP MEETING /DATE 8, 5 Nov 73 AG ACTION MANAGEMENT ACTIOP ;tale of Directorate Meetings brut; problems of possible over- Seas assignees System Use Fire Drills Coriunuter Service Office-Wide Meetings 8, 5 Nov 73 11, 20 Dec 73 12, 8 Jan 74 8, 5 Nov 73 9, 13 Nov 73 9, 13 Nov 73 9, 13 Nov 73 9, 13 Nov 73 ] uabliczation of information for 10, 3 Dec 73. e i i p:l.oyees on sterile letterhead 1.1, 20 Dec 73 10, 3 Dec 73 11, 20 Dec 73 Verbal recom to DDM&S Agency issuances covered subject Brief f# 2 sub- mitted 7 Nov 73 rec ommaending circulation of Agency-wide not- ice on subject Brief 1# 3 submit- ted 7 Nov 13 re- commending drill dates be kept secret Brief ## 5 submit- ted 7 Nov 73 re- comnending several suggestions to ease use of pools, etc. Brief f#8 submit- ted 7 Nov 73 re- conunending semi- annual or annual sessions Brief i9 submit- ted 20 Disc 73 roeornrnendJ.n? pub- lication of 1m.11- clanslfied general info on Agency- sterile paher Brief J/sO submit- ted 20 ec 73 recosmnendin/ post- ing of unit price on bulletin boards None since fire drill dates are leaked, not pub- lished. None. Energy c rJ sis-generated pat ing reallocation: solved the proble M&S was to encout age. OF format suggested in Jul Was to be onl,aget for Office II ad meeting Sep 74 Unclassified infc of general intere is being publish( on Agency-Sterile paper Unit price is be posted. Approved For Release 2000/05/16 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600050008-7