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fie?- 72 J' EYES ONLY Approved For R se 2002/05,J, W4-RDP81-00261 ROQD60004 ()Q(11 -5 CONFIDENTIAL RANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: CIA Supergrade Structure 2 6 JUL 1957 1. This memorandum contains recommendations for approval of the Director of Central Intelligence. Such recommendations are contained in paragraph 7. 2. During the past 18 months, the Supergrade Review Board and the Office of Personnel have taken actions as summarized in Tab A to complete a job-by-job analysis of all Agency positions considered to warrant supergrade status. Tab B presents a statistical summary of the recommended Agency supergrade structure based on the completed analysis. Tab C consists of the Job Evaluation Study which comprises: a. Explanation of the formal system of Executive Job Evaluation used for the study and recommended for adoption; b. Position descriptions for all positions in the three directorates agreed upon by Deputy Directors and the Office of Personnel for supergrade status. 3. The results of the study indicate that I warrant wa that supergrade status. Current supergrade staffing as compar recommended for the Agency follows: Personnel on Duty GS 18 and Public Law GS-17 GS-16 4. The recommended total ofOsupergrade positions will result in the Agency's having 1-4% of its personnel in the supergrade class compared with the following percentages for similar agencies: 25X9 pet l_. TY"t Approved For Release 2002/05E1ES1 L 81- 1 ' 0001-5 TIAL Recommended Approved For Relowe 2002/05/0 1IP81-00261R00 0040001-5 CABELL Lieutenant General, USAF Chairman, Supergrade Review Board EYES= LY CONFIDENTIAL SUBJECT: CIA Supergrade Structure 5. Currently 23 employees of supergrade status are assigned to positions of lower grade and hold their supergrades on a personal rank basis. The recommendations of this study will eliminate three personal rank assignments due to upward changes of positions and establish four new personal rank assignments if supergrade personnel in the positions concerned are not reassigned. The net result would be 24 employees who hold their supergrades on a personal rank basis. 6. The Study as presented is up to date as of 30 June 1957? On 1 July, the Office of the Deputy Director (Coordination) was created and it is to be expected that there will be further organi- zational and program changes which will require amendment of this study. These revisions will be undertaken annually. 7. It has been recommended by the Supergrade Review Board that this Suipgr&Mk Job Analvels Stu be approved as a planning paper. It is further recommended that ency supergrade positions be approved at this time. This total is based on thetas listed in the study, less one which will be vacated plus two which have been newly established for office, Pending further consultation with the Bureau of the Budget, the official coiling will remain= and this ceiling will be used in statistical reports. Attachments Tab A Summary of Review of Supergrade Structure Tab B - Statistical Summary of Supergrade Recommendations Tab C - Job Evaluation Study Director of Central Intelligence fa Approved For Release 2002/0 ., are approved: P 81-00261R000600040001-5 A 25X9 25X9 C n [ Approved For Release 2'U82IO iQ3f/ 1AREP81-00261 R000600040001-5 Approved For Re "A2~ff~?ffl, IA4RD8'1-00 61?R000600040001-5 its Approved For Release ?002LO6101 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600040001-5