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DD/ x; ~T 1 Approved For Release 2001/04/05 :>(1~ 1-00261 80006000 0043-0 ILE.-v~lw P_ DD/S 68-4325 26 AUG 1968 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Director-Comptroller SUBJECT Administrative Authorities --Travel and Transportation Expenses At the time you approved the extension of authorities for travel and transportation of effects for retirees and dependents to a selected place of residence we had limited the application of this to employees in the CIA Retire- ment and Disability System. You Informally queried whether or not this could be properly extended to other employees engaged in overseas service but who are not members of the CIA Retirement System. We have given this full con- sideration but there does not appear to be any practical system by which we could sort out and make applicable these authorities to other employees. I am afraid we would be opening a Pandora's box without devising any effective controls. We can always consider on an exception basis any deserving case and unless you have other views I propose to go this route. SIGNED R. L. Bannerman R. L. Bannerman Deputy Director for Support DD/S:RLB:ksd (26 Aug 68) Distribution: Orig - Adse 1 - ER A - DD/S Subject w/O DD/S 68-4088 1 - DD/S Chrono DD/S 68-4088: Memo dtd 9 Aug 68 for DD/S fr D/Pers, same subj SECRET Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP81-0 030043-0 Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RD 81-00261 R00 , 03043-W 9 AUG 1968 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Support SUBJECT . Administrative Authorities--Travel and, Transportation Expenses REFERENCES . a. b. Memo for ExDir-Comp fr DDS dtd Apr 68, same subject Memo for ExDir-Comp fr DDS dtd 21 may 68., same subject 1. This memorandum is for your information and recommends a position to be taken by you in response to an informal query by the Executive Director-Comptroller. 2. In paragraph 3.b. of DDS 68-2844, dated 26 June 1968, you asked. the Director of Finance to consider the extension of the authorities approved by the Executive Director-Comptroller in referent memoranda, for employees in the CIA Retirement and. Disability System, to groups or cate- gories of Agency personnel outside the CIA System. The Director of Finance deferred to me for the development of this policy position. 3. I have reviewed, the subject in great depth and have reached the conclusion that this benefit should be restricted to members of the CIARDS as the identifiable Foreign Service Group in the Agency, comparable to the Foreign Service Corps of the Department of State from which source the statutory authority is derived.. Only by so restricting this benefit will the Agency have a completely logical, defensible program, simple to operate on a continuing basis. This conclusion was reached, after considering the advantages and disadvantages in each of the several options available, ranging from the payment of travel benefits to all employees subject to overseas service to retention of the present policy. 4. The Administrative Authorities Committee which originated, the recommendation leading to our adoption of this benefit considered. the ex- tension to personnel retiring under the Civil Service System. I believe the Committee was on sound ground when it asserted that it was necessary to confine this benefit to employees who have actually performed the qualifying service which earned, for them participation in the CIARDS in order to justify adoption of this Department of State authority which is not available to the Department's Civil Service retirees. Extension of the travel payment to designated, Civil Service retirees within the Agency would create a preferential benefit, unique in the Federal Service. txoluC J ~ir^ Approved For Release 2001/04/QfL. *j DP81-00261 R00060003004 =0 rt 'g Approved For Release 2001/04/05 :`i- P81-002618000600030043-0 5. Even if the Agency were prepared to provide this benefit for Civil Service retirees, we would still have the problem of administering a program based on arbitrary qualifications standards. To extend, the benefit to those who served PCS tours of 24 or 36 months overseas would, leave us with large groups who had, slightly less overseas duty or had. TDY service for which they would, want credit. Extending eligibility to those "subject to rotational assignment" would not only appear to be contrary to the intent of the authority we have adopted but could, encom- pass the great majority of Agency employees and would require case-by- case decisions by the determining authority. 6. If there are truly individuals or groups of individuals outside of the CIARDS who are deserving of this travel benefit, it would, appear logical that the very nature of the duty which makes them deserving would also qualify them for participation in the CIARDS. The course we should, follow, therefore, is to restrict the benefit to members of the CIARDS but encourage the transfer into CIARDS of all personnel whose duties are markedly different from normal Civil Service employment. 25X1A d.obert` S . Wattles Director of Personnel S L~ 'U Approved For Release 2001/04/05 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600030043-0 Approved For Release 2001/04/0 P81-00261 R00060003 ' ? DD/S 68-4325 2 6 A UG 1968 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Director -Comptroller SUBJECT : Administrative Authorities --Travel and Transportation Expenses At the time you approved the extension of authorities for travel and transportation of effects for retirees and dependents to a selected place of residence we had limited the application of this to employees in the CIA Retire- ment and Disability System. You informally queried whether or not this could be properly extended to other employees engaged in overseas service but who are not members of the CIA Retirement System. We have given this full con- sideration but there does not appear to be any practical system by which we could sort out and make applicable these authorities to other employees. I am afraid we would be opening a Pandora's box without devising any effective controls. We can always consider on an exception basis any deserving case and unless you have other views I propose to go this route. 25X1A Bannerman Deputy Director for Support lit--~-- 25X1A SECRET LrH&P t Excluded from automatic downgrading and ti declassification Approved For Release 2001/04/05: CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600030043-0 ~~Ih~~91+fD ~sr l?I D-DP81-00261 R00 TO: D ROOM NO. BUILDING REMARKS: fah " ky FROM: ER ROOM N I ase 2001/ BUILDING d4/05 : CIA-RDP81- EXTENSION 0261 R000 25X1 A 00030043-0 00030043-0 FORM NO .O A I REPLACES FORM 36-8 (47) 1 FEB 55 24 WHICH MAY BE USED.