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May 8, 2000
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Publication Date:
March 18, 1982
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07::,.,CIA RD :96-00788R000601000001-5
05163OZ JUL78
REVIEW ON: '' ,- et e;Z,
Approved For Release 2000/ 14 U~wRDP96-00788ROO0601000001-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/f,. 96-00788R000601000001-5
1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session
conducted in compliance with a request for information.
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target
are provided as raw intelligence data, and as such, have not
been subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or
collation. Interpretation and use of the information provided
is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed
in the document GRILL FLAME Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote
Viewing Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's
impressions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are
drawings and narrative provided by the remote viewer. At
TAB B is target cuing information furnished the remote viewer.
Approved For Release 200QOI ILH - DP96-00788R000601000001-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/096-00788R000601000001-5
#66: This will be a remote viewing session for 0900
hours, 18 March 1982.
Following is a pre-session briefing to the remote
viewer. At this time I show you a masked piece of
paper which shows through it only two. photographs.
Now, these are not personal portraits. These are
photographs of police composites. You understand
the difference?
These are photographs of police composites.. Your
job today will be to tell me about the activity of
these individuals. Tell me what these individuals
are doing. What's their. activity and a certain time
window which we will focus on during the session.
And, to show you these photographs now, before the is these individuals...I want you to
report their activity during a specific time window.
Do you have any questions.
#32: No.
#66: All right. We'll begin the session at 9 o'clock.
#66: Relax now, relax and concentrate, relax, relax, relax
and focus your attention solely and-completely on the
individuals in the photographs I have shown you. Move
your perceptions now through time to the period 3...
to :8.... September 1981, 3 to 8 September 1981 to
the location of the individuals in the photograph at
that time. Focus now and describe their activity to
#32: He..young man... There's.... he's wearing grayish type
coveralls, work coveralls (mumble) between the
(mumble) a utility truck.
#66: Describe the truck.
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The truck-starts off as being
a..a little
green, white utility truck
which the parts
are supposed to be stored,
they're not.
There's also an indication
a small ladder on
top of the truck. That changes into a...a newer
gray truck. This truck is parked next to a sidewalk.
The man..has a partner. He's supposed to be there,
but he's not there. The man has (mumble) of
legitimate access.
Describe., he has work
appears to be a
I s
With- eTtnerspmetning
has. something to do
cause from t
.and in front of what
`box of some Tird., a~ ndl.
Tell me about this vehicle that you associate with
the man.
Tell me the characteristic markings on the vehicle. has an emblem on the door that
identifies it as a..a small..(mumble) type
utility van. It's got..4 or 5 of the small black
letters, and underneath that is a circle of sorts.
..some kind of's faint...while the small
black letters separate and very apparent, as if the
black letters replace the emblem.
That's fine. You can draw this for me later. Look
now at the license plate on the car and'describe it
to me...the license plate on the vehicle. You described
this vehicle as being a light truck.
Describe the license plate to me.
It initially had small...well, not that small...
l-ar e._lon a German (mumble) and
n that is superimpose= a -sera square type
...license plate with faded yellow numbers
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#66: All right.. Now, there is a very, very specific
incident, very specific incident that I'm. interested
in between the period of 3 to 8 September 1981.
When I say the word change, I want you then to
focus on an alternate activity in.this time window
you can examine. There is an activity that specifically
involves two individuals the two individuals in the
photograph. Focus now, focus and let us move to an
alternate activity in the time window you have available.
#32: As you said change..(mumble) man dressed in black
with a ski cap with three (mumble) three associates
and coming out of.a building with a glass front with
automatic weapons. I don't see any shots having been
fired. I don't. see any explosion. I just see four
people backing out of the building with this-male
that you're interested in just happens to be ....
dominant figure. He appears to be physically tall..
than the other people.
#66: All right. Describe the building briefly, and tell
me where thye go when they leave the building.
Follow them.
#32: The building is a multi-story building... close...
or immediately adjacent to the sidewalk in a urban
area...big impression of glass..front and glass
doors and all glass front with some gold lettering
identifying it as some kind of institution.
#66: Okay. Go with them. Describe where they go.
#32: The activity is such that they frantically trying to
..get rid of..take off the..the black
they are driving off..I got two's dark
blue faded vehicle, and I also get a very shinny
black vehicle for the same car. It's left on the
street parked along a line with other vehicles.
They use a.second vehicle. The clothes are stuffed
into a canvas bag and carried into the second vehicle.
#66: The license on the second vehicle.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 4 " z T'-00788R000601000001-5
#32: White with black lettering, numbers..There's .
something about a symbol colored in..emblem that's
green, red or something. It's representative
of district.
#66: All right. Let us move now to an alternate event
in the time window. When I say "change" it will be
time to move to an-alternate event in the time window
at which both individuals in the photograph contribute
to this event. CHANGE.
#32: The impression is constant. There is a gray haired
balding man in mid-60s..tied by ropes in a chair.
Evidently, it's some kind of..kidnapping him..I an apartment. I got an impression that
the victim is some kind of financier or something.
#66: Okay. I'd like to run a time check. Find something
in the target area that tells you the date.
#32: As soon as you said that I went looking for a paper,
and I was looking at the small line of the paper..
because it's in the front ..and number 17 came up..
Quite honestly, I'm. lost in time here. Something
like Thursday Friday the 17th. I don't know.
That's the bes I can do.
#66: Read the date line in the paper to me. If it's, in a
foreign language, read it to me in a foreign language.
I can't because it sounds silly.
All right. I have no further questions to add.
Do you have any further statements about the target
before we focus you back here again to draw?
#32: No.
#66: Okay. Let's then prepare to draw those perceptions
which you have had.
#32: Okay.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 JP6-00788R000601000001-5
#32: Pm. a little lost in time frames, but the first
thing that I picked up was the utility truck..
and the distinctive thing about the utility truck
is that it seemed to be a public company owned
utility type truck having to do with either
communications or electricity-and it had a little
ladder on top of the truck. There was a..trying
to identify the company or the utility in question
my attention was focused to the door on the dri.ver's
side and there was a circle ..little emblem that
seemed to be fading that reminded me of the old
military. emblems for radiation type thing: It had
a circle..was made like a circle with four circular
sections through the circle.
#66: On page 2 then you carved your (overlap in speaking)
(not audible)
#32 (Not audible)-that I had and what I saw was a series
of four or five bold print,.black lettering that
could identify the company-the ones that I've put
on the paper..N.C.O.A.T are not necessarily accurate.
Difficult to read the actual lettering, but it could
be meaningful.
#32 Okay. In reference to the.license plates it was a
dual impression. One of ......
#66: The license plates that went on the vehicle. depicted
number one. Number three then you've drawn......
#32: It changed on me. This is what I've sketched in.
number three. It was a rectangular shaped plate..
much longer than it was wide. It was black lettering
on white background, and this changed to a somewhat
almost square type-almost a perfect square type..
registration tag with yellow buff background with black
lettering- Impressions of both the people involved in
the first van in sketch number one, I got the impression
that this man was supposed to be working with another
individual whom I couldn't identify. He-was supposed
to be there, but wasn't there..and it gave the appearance
of legitimacy.
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#66: What was he up to at this point?
#32: I found him in an apartment looking at the circuitry
or tampering or working on a circuitry board......
and, that's where I kept finding him.
#66: Okay. Now, this constitutes the first incidence
that you reported of the individuals in the
photograph that I showed you, and then I asked you
to change and find another incidence. What happened
then? You haven't drawn pictures, I mean you can
reiterate for me.
#32: Yeah. Then, I fell into the scene of four people..
in black ski masks and black wearing a pearl..three
males and one female backing off of what appeared to
be a Credit Union type building or....a bank type.
building... identified by preponderance;ofiglass......
and glass doors and gold lettering that I described
on the tape and they were..backing off carrying..
automatic weapons.- But, there was no firing.. There
was...that I explosions, no firings..
They got into a car...the male individual that you were
particularly interested in, and was driving-one of
the females was in the back. seat on the passenger
side and there were two other males, I believe.
The tension in that automobile was this.frantic feeling
of having to get rid of-black clothing and masks which
were stuffed into a canvas tote bag. The car was
driven several blocks away from the place of the
incident, parked very conspiciously on the street along
with other automobiles. They changed automobiles,
carried the tote bag into what appeared to Z"'= 1
rabbit type car if you wish, and took And'
r only concern at that time was a tote bag contain-
ing their clothes because they felt they were pretty
well clean on (mumble).
#66: Okay. What was the license plate on this second
background was black letterinq.'qw
1 inc ve ? e emblem ...
regiona signi 'icance. Like I you wouTc say_._. had a little-emblem of Bavaria. This
automobile had such an emblem next to the tag back
side of the car
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#66: Okay. And, then the third incident when I said
change again, and we focused on the third incident,
what was that all about?
#32: That was very constant too. What I saw there was
balding somewhat aging man in his middle-late 60s.
Gray hair and conspiciously balding. ...some type
of financier-or-banker who was literally tied to
a chair...several strands of rope on both his
body and legs and behind his back. That's where
I found those two individuals... just meandering
around the apartment at that time. That was the
results of the impression of when you said change
that's where I found it.
#66: Okay. I asked you to try to locate in time when
this incident was taking place and you said you
looked for a newspaper.
#32: Yeah. I immediately went out and went to the
ground floor to find out where I could find the
nearest newspaper. At that time I was looking for
the date which appeared to me to be the 17th and
then I tried to read further but it was in foreign
language, and I.couldn't. make it out. But, it
appeared to me as if it was Thursday or Friday the
17th wherever I was.
#66: What language was it?
#32: Appeared to be
#66: And you didn't. feel you could pronounce these German
#32: No. I know I don't know German.
#66: Okay. Is there anything else you would like to add
then about the session, your perceptions.
#32: No.
#66: Okay. Fine.
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