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Document Creation Date:
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date:
March 28, 2000
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Publication Date:
February 12, 1981
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000501020001-4
DATED: 051630ZJUL78
)00 8 O ~A P96-007 U(~f0,2V~'1:-g'N/rt
Approved For Release ?iQk0 QL /7;..gLA;EQP96-00788R000501020001-4
1. '(S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted
in compliance with a request for information.
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided
as raw intelligence data, and, as such, have not been subjected to any
intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of
the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S),
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote
viewer reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target
cuing information provided the remote viewer.
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#14: This will be a remote viewing session for 12 February 1981.
Mission time is 0900 hours.
All right #08, it's 0900 hours. Your mission for today is
to find the man in the photograph. I want you to focus,
concentrate and focus on the man in the photograph. Project
yourself to his location and describe your surroundings at
this time.
+03 #08: There's a...there's an overview of...of a map of Europe, and
he's in a ....a Warsaw Pact country... which is located...if
you had a, a point right smack in the middle.of Europe...
you would be...just barely south, southeast
of that point in a country that is, uh, runs from northwest
to southeast, and I think that's a Warsaw Pact country.
That's the overview.
I got two...impressions of a...densely populated, Slavic type
city, even with, uh, trolley cars...... Everything's supposed
to be wanting there.
#14: Do you recognize the country or the city?
#08: It comes back to the overview of...again to a point......
south, southeast of.....I'll say Czeckoslavakia. There are no
meanings. It's just.......
#14: Okay. I want you now to move forward in time. Move forward
in time to 19 February 1981, 19 February. I want you again
on 19 February to focus on the individual in the photograph
and describe to me his location at that time.
#08: As you said that I got a very quick impression of traveling
to Germany..... near....
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#08; I wanner say..... I wanna say Bonn and Berlin 'cause these
two names keep... straying in. But there's a...there's a
physical feature that...-,someone would be able to recog-
nize... There's a...there's overhanging sign...
made of, uh, white glass...looks like two or three inches
thick, and goes into (mumble) sort of. And its got a blue
border. And this is overhanging on the sidewalk, and it
has to do with the establishment. Also a picture of a, in
the same area...of almost a, a column or a post with a,
with a clock in it.... In fact...and the clock is in the...
is embedded-in the metal that looks very black and kinda
moldy green....
#14: Are you there with the individual now?
#08: Well...I have a feeling he's at a...this guy, uh, left
+10 where he was undertake some kind of transaction at
this place, I'm describing that area, okay, and I got the
distinct feeling he's in Germany...
#14: Okay, I want you to focus very hard on this individual, and
ask him what his name is.
#08: Give me a little time on that, he's put himself on the
defensive...... He's not going by his real name.....he not
going by his Slavic name, which I can't pronounce. It's
a German name he's going by his first or second name sounds
like...Glauter, Lauter, Glauter..... That's the first
name... Second name sounds like Otenburg, Rotenburg, some-
thing like that........ I may be getting off the track,
I think this is about..... Warsaw Pact Intelligence....
#14: Okay.
#08: I may be (mumbling)...
+20 #14: Okay, ask yourself the question what name is associated with
that photograph. What name is associated with that photo-
#08: He doesn't know, because he doesn't know when the damn
photograph was taken, but..... That's not coming through
clearly at all, but I think it'd be the German name.....
#14: All right, #08, I only. have one last question, and I still
want you to focus on. this individual on the 19th of
February, 19th of February. I want you to try to get the
name of this man's location, the name of the location asso-
ciated with this man on that date.....
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Approved For Release 2000/08/ 88 R000501020001-4
#08: Okay, well .................ah, well, I'll give you what
I can... Something that sounds like Bladensburg, then a
slash, then a Hamburg, then I was trying to find some char-
acteristics, phypical characteristics, something associated
with a lot of statues and a:monument with a horse which is
prominent in the middle of the city someplace. And that's
just about the best I can do.
#14: All right #08. I want you now to come back to the present,
but maintain your relaxation and concentration. I want you
slowly to come back to this room, to this time, to this
We're ready for debrief......
#08: I'm ready to go. Okay. In sketch number one I'll show you
what I had for an overview. And to pinpoint my point of
reference I'll put an "X" which would be right in the center
of the geographical area to which I was looking at.
#08: Okay. If I went south-southeast of that point of reference
to a country that went something like this. And I, maybe
I should remember Europe, I don't, I don't remember the
disposition of the countries. But this cat was in this
country here someplace, which I'll put a dot here. And I
got the impression, and I'll put a dotted line, that this
was a division of the, of a western sector....of that geo-
graphical area.
Okay. Then I tried to work with this overview and try and
pinpoint what it was. But I got the distinct impression it
was Warsaw Pact. I couldn't tell whether it was Czechosla-
vakia or Rumania or Bulgaria or anything else. So I just
relied purely on imagery in trying to come up with a picture
of where it might be.
Uh, then I got the, well, I won't go over the entire, entire
viewing session, but I got the distinct impression that he
left this place and that, uh, he did go westward. I saw, at
first might be Bonn or Berlinor something. But then the
names as you saw when I really waited for some type of, uh,
imagery or words or names at the end of the session that
changed. So I don't know.
#14: Well, we were also in a different time frame.
#08: Yeah, yeah. Uh...but I can tell just, you know, I can tell
from impressions as to about where the location might be.
It's not like reading a map, there are no names on the
geographical area concerned. And I could only, uh, like
having a piece of acetate and focusing with an "X" and start-
ing from there, uh, indicate where I, where I saw things as
they were occurring. Anything else you want?
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#14: And, just go over his- the only name you could. come up
with was, uh, his German type name or whatever-
#08: Yeah, yeah, I couldn't, uh, his, his, what I could consider
his Czech name or Slavic name was very involved, both first
and second name, and, uh...I couldn't, it would have been
a muttering with a "ski" or something. I couldn't pronounce
it, there was no way it could come close. But I tried to
give a phonetic approximation of evidently what he, what I
thought was a German name that he might be using.;
#14: And that was?
#08: Whatever I said.
#14: Lauter-
#08: Yeah.
#14: You said Lauter or Glauter-
#08: Yeah, Glauden, Glauter, I think that was the name that came
as a first name.
#14: Then the second name was a Oten or Rotenburg?
#08: Yeah, With a double T or TH and then a BRG or BR, BURG or
something like that.
#14: Okay, no further questions. End of session..
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000501020001-4
Approved For Release 20 0 ,8e RE1mJ96OO788ROOO5OlO2OOOl4
1. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer was shown the attached photograph prior
to the start of this session.
2. (S/NOFORN) During the session the remote viewer was asked to focus
on the individual in the photograph. The viewer was asked to identify
the individual's present location, his location on 19 February 1981, and
to try and determine the individual's name.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000501020001-4
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000501020001-4
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000501020001-4