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March 28, 2000
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Publication Date:
January 28, 1981
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500980001-0
DATED: 051630ZJUL78
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-Z19Y6-00788R000500980001-0
t_Thi 0-6
Approved For Release
2000/ ? CIA-RDP96-
1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in
compliance with a request for information concerning an individual suspected
of hostile intelligence activities.
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided
as raw intelligence data, and, as such, have not been subjected to any
intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of
the information provided is the responsibility of the requester.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (5), undated.
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target individuals. At TAB B is target
cuing information provided the remote viewer.
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8 000500980001-0
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#66: This will be a remote viewing session for 1100 hours,
28 January 1981.
Okay, this is a pre-mission briefing to the remote viewer.
At the start of the session I will be asking you to go to
SG1A on the time frame We will be
SG1A locating an individual in
SG1A You will be able to find this one individual in which we
have interest because he went to a bank and withdrew all the
money from the account in the bank on that day. The way
you'll be able to identify him is he is the only one to .
SG1A whom this bank account was listed. The bank account number
SG1A Now I will be reading you that bank account number and
asking you to go to
at which time this individual physically
and withdrew the money from this account. We want you to
describe for us this individual.
We will then be moving in time, after we have good description
of the individual so that you can identify him and find him
again, we will then be moving in time to the future and
having you at that time describing his location, his loca-
tion. Do you have any questions?
#07: No, I don't think so.
#66: Okay.
#66: Relax and concentrate now. Relax. Relax and focus your
attention on the time period
As you focus on
locate the one and only individual,
the one and only individual identified by the bank number
Focus on him completely and describe him to
+05 #07: I got two people...(mumble)
My friend here,bersslim, small boned...160 pounds, thin
face...dark hair...some kind of little beard. I have
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#07: difficulty focusing on beard. Something unusual about the
eyes...very intent eyes, not brown, not dark or
green eyes, very blue, I think... Beard and a small mustache,
beard not...not heavy. Sometime wears a straw hat, straw
like hat... It's hard to guess it, but...age is...he's in
the 30's...
#66: You said there were two individuals?
#07: Yeah. The guy over there, older person...ol' stoneface over
there...sunglasses on. I can only see his face, but I have
a feeling he's seated...watching, watching my friend here.
Something about not too far from the bank. Narrow cobble-
stone alleyway. Seem to be irregular waving like...I feel
it goes uphill.
See a woman's spike heel foot, uh...on the steps there.
I don't know how the hell I got under these steps but I s-...
I lost it.
#66: Okay, I'm interested in the individual who withdraws all the
money from the account.
#07: That's the guy with the beard.
#66: Okay.
#07: Blue eyes.
#66: And tell me about the one watching him. Describe him to me
a little more
#07: Oh, reminds me of some old stone faces I've seen at
the...horsetrack. Clean face, I mean no beard, dark sun-
glasses... I don't know, I guess he's in his 40's maybe...
+14 hard to say, could be older... But he appears to be cautious,
watching...seem to be staying in place.
The slim guy with the beard...I caught outside on the street,
felt he had just come from the bank. Seemed kind of jubilant,
hyper...riding a high of some kind.
#66: Okay, I want you to pick one of the scenes that you've seen
here with this man you feel withdraws the money from the
bank, and freeze time and tell me when you're ready.
#07: Got him.
#66: Okay, now tell a little bit about the scene in which you
froze time....the setting here.
#07: Seems to be, uh...walking, moving up a, I say up, I think
+16 it's up a narrow alleyway, cobblestone, undulating surface,
not smooth, flat... There's entryways, some tile roofs up
there on my left.
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#66: Okay.
#07: Top of hill I see trees, uh smaller buildings at top
of hill. type down here where the ay,ey, is.
#66: Okay, are we still in
#07: Oh, hell,
then on the
I don't know. I just,st&p,
#66: Okay, he visited the bank on th
So if I understand wha is is
immediately after he comes out of the bank. Is that correct?
#07: Oh, I put the thing in order, I...thought I had him right
outside of the bank, then I was distracted by an individual
watching him.
#66: Okay.
#07: And, funny thing, .it...for.a moment I thought the older
person watching was Arabic. I couldn't justify that feel-
ing. I...backed off of .it. I don't know if it was appear,.
ance or what. And I realized I had lost...the bearded one.
I...I looked for him. and I felt I was running up an alleyway
to catch up with him. And...I was.suddenly under or behind
stairs or steps that come from an upstairs room or apartment
on the right, and I saw...very high spike woman's shoe with
nice calves and feet coming down the steps. And I looked
around to see if the bearded one was involved. I didn't see
him, but I felt he was.
#66: Okay.
#07: I don't know where it is.
#66: Okay, let's-
#07: Some elms up there too.
#66: Let's return to the bank situation and the bearded one here.
And get a good look at his face here and tell me when you are
looking right at his face
#07: Mm...I'll be damned... Yeah, I got him.
#66: Okay.
#07: Looks a little like a skinny Erroll Flynn,
#66: Okay. Now taking the whole of his features, I wanna ask you
a very specific question, and listen carefully to the ques-
tion. As you're looking at his face, not him in particular,
okay, I'm not asking you to talk to him or ask him, but I
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#66: want you to tell me, looking at him what area of the world
do others reside in that look like him? What area of the
world are others who look like him?
#07: I don't think I understand the question. What, are you
trying to clone him?
#66: What is his stereotype? What is, what area of the world
has other people that look like him?
#07: I don't. know. have to think about that
The eyes are the thing that's distracting...... It makes
logic difficult.
#66: Okay.
+22 #07: The eyes, the eyes, say probably is not Mediterranean...
His features says really...Portugese, Spanish, but the eyes
seem Norwegian type...English, Norwegian, maybe German.
#66: Okay.
#07: Pale blue eyes...I can't... I guess we're trying to deter-
mine his origin, and I am not sure I can.
#66: Okay. I'm, I'm interested in .a general appearance. If, if
you look at someone and you say oh, he looks like an
Eskimo, because you've.seen Eskimos and that's what they
look like. What is your impression when you look at him?
He looks like-
#07: Physical features reminds me Portugese, Spanish... But the
eyes are, don't seem right.
#66: Okay.
#07: I'm talkin' about color, color of eyes.
#66: Okay. Let's turn your-
#07: He, he, he was a, when I saw him seemed casually dressed...
not a suit, casual, loose, uh, relaxed personality...
#66: Okay.... . Let's focus attention .on him now in particular.
Specifically directed towards him. Spend some time now with
him and tell me, is this man multi-lingual?...
#07: So what?... Yes, I feel he...not sure about French though.
#66: When he does his business at the bank, when he makes the
withdrawal, what language does he use?
#07: That's what I was tryin' to do. I...I felt he was having
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#07: some trouble... He's got some kind of note
There's somebody else involved here...
+27 #66: Feel free to explore this and report when you're ready
#07: Oh, I was seeing someone about, uh...5' 10", dark, rumpled,
old-fashioned, wool type suit... Some reasorLit.looks out
of place... Dark hair, shaven.... This individual is...
more introverted...secretive, uh, I can't, he's almost like
a mannequin
The bearded one seemed less more relaxed, uh....less sinister.
Dark suit is a...older, short, older generation haircut...
dark, dull colored eyes, maybe brown...rumpled white shirt
seemed strange... What seems strange to me is I...keep
seeing the left cheek of the bearded one as though he's going
across and in front of me to my left. Dark suit is always
facing to my right. And the way I....the bearded one is
+32 facing west and the dark suit is facing east... I don't know
why the hell I said that.
It stinks around here. I had the I was in
Athens...certain part of town stunk like this...
a ? ? ?a
#66: Okay... I have, so far I understand you have three indivi-
duals. We have a man who sits and looks in-
#07: I forgot him, yeah.
#66: -in his forties. We have a bearded one, and we have another
1/07: I have difficulty on the dark suited individual. The bearded
person seems like a rather likeable, unsinister type indiv-
idual, who, uh-
#66: Does he keep the money?
+35 #07: I don't know, I haven't thought about that... I was...
I got him up that alleyway near that apartment with the
girl...I was working the dark suit and I came out with this
god awful stinky part of...some city or town. I just now
remembered what the smell was. It's a produce, uh, uh, food
market part of town...hanging meat, I think, gives the smell.
Somehow or other I keep seeing, uh, what I perceive to be
grease. It may have been triggered by that god awful stench,
I don't know.
#66: Okay. Let's, uh, move in time now. So let the images that
you've had fadeaway. Okay, we are going to move to Sunday,
15 February 1981, Sunday, 15 February 1981...Sunday, 15
February 1981. Move now to the location of the individual
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#66: with the money from the bank on Sunday, 15 February 1981...
+38 and describe this location to me.
#07: I hate to put labels, but...sure as hell looks like...New
York City or Chicago type.... See tall, tall buildings
way over there. I see a individual in a....tan camel's hair
type top coat...sitting on a bench. I think it's a...
wooden bench, park like, uh, atmosphere.
#66: Describe this individual to me.
#07: Looks heavier than the skinny one, but it could be a coat.
I don't know why...I'm having trouble seeing his face...
+41 I have a feeling it's either dark suit or bearded one
#66: Okay.
#07: I get an awful strong feeling it's dark suited one... He
just seems too broad and husky for the...bearded one.
#66: Okay. I have no further questions about this scenario here.
I'd like you to comment though, as you see fit at this time.
#07: Well, while I was tryin' to watch this guy on a bench and
identify him... I kept seeing a couple of porpoises and seals
cavorting. I think they must be nearby... That's about it...
#66: Okay. Anything else to add?...
#07: I don't think so.
#66: Okay. Focus your attention on me here in the room now.
Remember everything that you've seen clearly, perfectly.
Move your arms, move your legs. Prepare to draw.
#07: Okay, are we on?
#66: Mm-hmm.
#07: New tape?
#66: Well, we still got a couple minutes on this bide.
#07: Uh, okay, I guess the cleanest, sharpest, crispest picture
was of this smiling, bearded individual, who seemed very
relaxed and casual as though his lifestyle was the only im-
portant thing to him. Nothing sinister about him. I think
maybe I said that before.
#66: Okay.
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#07: Uh, I think I mentioned that he looked like a skinny Erroll
Flynn type individual... It was sharp and crisp but I still
can't draw a portrait, picture of him, or any other
duals. Uh, I, I was aware of him moving in casual clothes
in a, some kind of funny straw hat, smiling, he's very
happy with himself for some reason. He seemed a little high,
some kind of excitement.
All of a sudden I lost him just like a flash, and there was
an individual nearby looking up. The angle of his face was
looking up. And this-
Okay, we got it gain' again?
#66: Uh, yeah. It's fine.
#07: Okay. It's strange that that thing should click off just as
I said in a flash I lost the face of this individual. But,
uh, he just disappeared, and I was aware of this individual
I think sitting down or either watching the bank or watch-
ing the bearded individual. No expression, dark sunglasses,
and- this could be overlay, but while I was watching him and
trying to get some identification of him or what he was doing
or how he related to the bank, uh, a turban appeared on his
head and a Arabic type beard. And I think that's probably
what prompted me to say I had that feeling he- something about
Arabic, relative to him.
#66: Physically describe this person for me, the guy you call
stone face, physically describe him to me.
#07: Well, .I don't think I ever visually saw his body, though I
was aware of it. It was a, more of a heavy, stocky type
big-boned individual. And I had the feeling he was probably
sitting at a bench or an outdoor cafe or something, and he
was leaning back and his feet were shoved out in front of him
and just like he was staring into space. You couldn't tell
with the- they looked like black sunglasses, not, not red
or blue or some other color.
Uh, the turban and beard shook off and he was again clean
shaven, but very expressionless, no expression whatsoever.
I think at about that time I realized I had lost the bearded
one and I felt because the image of him was so crisp that he
had more to do with the bank.
And I started looking for him and I found him in an alleyway,
uh, that you could probably get a small Fiat, a small car
up if you tried. I had the feeling it was steep, and it,
at one point it looked like I was looking down, and at
another time it looked like the, the thing sloped up in
front of me. I, I, I had trouble pinning that down.
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#66: Okay.
#07: A cobblestone, a brick, uh, that looked like it had frost
heaves in it. It had smooth, rounded humps and, uh, you
know, undulating. If you were walking on it in the dark you'd
probably fall, 'cause the ground would rise and fall in
front of you.
Uh, there was masonry type stucco on each side, at least
one building on the left had, urn, tiled roof. There was
entryways. I could see the top of the hill and oaks and
elms and more expensive type smaller buildings. Like they
might be private rather than commercial. On the right, all
of a sudden I was, when I was tryin' to focus on him, tryin'
to figure out where he was gain', 'cause I thought he must
be going in this neighborhood somewhere-
#66: This is the bearded one?
#07: The bearded one. He wouldn't have turned into a place like
that I felt unless...unless he was going somewhere there.
The way he acted just did not indicate to me that he was
being Secretive and trying to evade someone who might be
following him.
Uh, I saw a pair of spike heels coming down a steps, and I
was seeing from behind the steps. And, uh, a young, young
woman, judging from the calf down. Uh, all of a sudden I,
I almost chuckled, I said uh-oh, they're gonna accuse me of
playing on target. And I turned to look for the bearded
one, and for some reason, maybe psychological or something,
I lost him, and I almost panicked. My god, you know, you're
not here to chase spike heels, you're here to watch the
bearded one. Uh, so I tried to backtrack and find him and I
found him back down the commercial district again, same
scene over again.
I can't quite remember what happened along here. I tried
looking back in the bank a couple times to get the individual
actually receiving the money. I don't know what we did
there but I vaguely remember going back and looking at the
bank and trying to see what language he was speaking, I
believe. And I had the distinct feeling he did not speak
French very fluently. And he had a piece of, little white,
piece of white paper in his hand.
I, for some reason had time to figure out exactly what he was
doing with that, but it had something to do with the trans-
action. I felt he spoke more than one language, but I
didn't feel that French was one that he spoke fluent. I
believe that's the way that it came out. I don't think I
talked about anyone else's speaking ability.
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#66: No.
#07: Soon after that I, I came across the stocky, older indivi-
dual in a dark, rumpled suit. The hang of the tie and the
rumpled white shirt, just the way he carried himself in the
suit, I felt he wasn't, uh, he had never grown up wearing
suits. It was a uniform that he had picked up in his pro-
fession, whatever it might be, later in life and never achieved
comfort in maintaining proper dress with a suit. Uh, short
hair, the guy could be in his forties, fifties, shaven.
And I thought, for some reason I thought he might be Polish.
Uh, I can't remember if I piCked up the bearded one anymore.
#66: No, I asked you then to move in time-
#07: Oh, yeah, yeah.
#66: -to, uh, February of '81, 15 February '81.
#07: Okay, that, that was rather startling because I thought
oh my god, here we go lookin' at the whole damn world,
tryin' to find this individual, and before I could worry
about it I'm looking at a skyline that looks something like,
I'm not saying it is, I'm saying it looked like a skyline of
New York or Chicago, with tall buildings, uh, like you would
expect in New York or Chicago. And I thought, okay, you've
got the place now, where's, where's the individual? And I
looked around, and the only person I saw was someone sitting
on a bench with trees around in the open. I thought it
might be some kind of park. Had his back to me and a tan
camel hair type coat, collar turned up, kinds slumped down
in the seat and I went around tried to look in his face,
see which one it was and I felt it was either the person in
the suit or it was the person with the beard. I didn't feel
it was stoneface.
#66: Okay.
#07: Had something in his hand, he was slumped down, and I, I
never did get the, uh, I felt that my mind was tryin' to play
a game with me to stir some excitement into this 'cause it
was rather mundane and boring and okay, now we guess, we
guess who it is. And I refused to do that. So I lost it
there, I don't know.
#66: There were, you're saying that you were really not able to
focus on this person thatyou found on the bench?
#07: No. I, I felt that my mind or something was playing tricks
with me: in trying to get me to play guessing games.
#66: Okay.
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#07: !Cause I got right down, you know, with my head almost
upside down tryin' to look up into his face. And, aw hell,
come off of it, you know, you're playing games with yourself.
You know, who is it? And, I felt it guess, take a guess.
I thought now, I don't know what it is, but somehow or another
this games going on and I'm not going to play it.
#66: Okay.
#07: And I don't know what happened then. I guess- did we call
it off?
#66: Okay, I had no further questions at that time. But you did
say that you thought that itwas most likely the gentleman in
the dark suit.
#07: Then I did guess. And I would say that's all it was.
#66: Okay.
#07: Because I never did- the huskiness, okay, the broadness,
but then I, I tcyed with whether a heavy winter wear would
make your skinny bearded one look like that.
#661 Sure.
#07: But the bulk was more like the suited person.
#66: Okay.
#07: T don't know if there's any scenes in there. That picture
of New York City is not gonna help a hell of a lot.
#66: Well that's fine, I can understand that. We won't include
any pictures here. The scenario of what went on.:really wasn't
conducive to pictures. Okay, fine. Any other comments you
#07: No, except the imagery of the bearded, blue eyed one was very
crisp. The, uh, oh, I don't think we discussed the stench
of the area I thought might be grease, but, uh, I don't think
it's important.
#66: Okay, fine.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CWRD,p96,700.,81RQ,00500980001-0
? i I KLi
1. (S/NOFORN) Information provided the remote viewer prior to the session
is documented as a pre-session briefing included as part of the transcript.
2. (S/NOFORN) At the start of the session the viewer was told to focus his
attention on
ate the individual with
the following bank account
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CISIMPUMUFB8R000500980001-0
Target 8104 (Bank Account Number). Three Reports.
The three physical descriptions from the three reports
conflicted seriously with one another. None of these -matched
the age of the target. Generally, the reports were vague
and did not provide information which was of value to us.
, 056932
,x 10Aug01
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-R6P96-00788R000560980001-0